* Geographic Distribution of Federal Funds, FY 1982 (PB84-101229/XDD) (See NTIS)
The Geographic Distribution of Federal Funds data for fiscal year 1982 (October 1, 1981 -September 30, 1982) details the distribution of federal funds of the Executive Branch of the Federal Government by Agency, Program, and inference spending for every county of the United States and for each city, where the population exceeds 25,000. The Geographic Distribution of Federal Funds tables contain the program, appropriation, function, agency and geographic codes used to describe the raw data as reported by the federal agencies to the Committee on House Administration.
Copyright Royalty Tribunal
* Copyright Royalty Tribunal
Copyright Royalty Tribunal
1111 Twentieth St., NW, Suite 450
Washington, DC 20543 (202) 653-5175
This office under the Legislative Branch maintains floppy disk files of companies and individuals funded under the copyright law in the areas of cable TV, radio, juke box, and songwriting. Files begin at office's inception in 1978, including information on the companies and individuals funded and the amount given. For more information contact the office above.
Copyright Royalty Tribunal
General Accounting Office
* General Accounting Office Bibliographic Data Base (GAO)
PO Box 6015
Gaithersburg, MD 20877 (202) 275-6241
GAO Bibliographic Data Base contains citations for every GAO document produced since 1976, and references for some GAO reports produced in the preceding four years. GAO studies cover a vast array of subjects, as the agency must produce a report on any topic Congress assigns. Reports have ranged from financial audits of government agencies to policy studies of health-related programs. Other topics have included environmental issues, social security, foreign relations, commerce, quotas for imported tuna and organized crime. Searches are generally conducted by subject area and specific time period. The system currently holds citations for 40,000 documents, some dating back to 1972. It is updated daily. Searches and printouts are available free of charge. GAO will also mail you up to five copies of any report listed; this service is also free.
General Accounting Office
* Information Resource Management Electronic Bulletin Board
Information Resources Management Office
General Accounting Office Data: 202-275-1050
Washington, DC Voice: 202-275-5327
This is a newsletter and message center bulletin board directed toward users of various information management programs, including word processing, spreadsheets, data bases and communications. 24 hours/day, 7 days/week. Sysop: Sheryl Gee.
General Accounting Office
* Study of the Well-Being of Older People in Cleveland, Ohio, 1975-1976 (ICPSR 7773)
Inter-University Consortium for Political and Social Research
Institute for Social Research
PO Box 1248
Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (313) 763-5010
Between June and November of 1975, 1,834 non-institutionalized persons over 65 and residing in Cleveland, Ohio were interviewed by personnel from Case Western Reserve University for the US General Accounting Office. Of these, 1,519 were reinterviewed one year later. A questionnaire developed by the Duke University Center for the Study of Aging and Human Development in collaboration with the US Department of Health, Education and Welfare gathered information on the well-being of older persons and their use of services. The study sought to assess the social, economic, mental, and physical well-being reported by respondents. It also concentrated on daily activities and on the use and quality of services and characteristics of service providers.
General Accounting Office
General Accounting Office Data Files from NTIS
National Technical Information Service
US Department of Commerce
Springfield, VA 22161
(703) 487-4807
FAX (703) 321-8547
Listed below are data files available from the National Technical Information Service. Call the office above for ordering and cost information.
General Accounting Office
* Congressional Sourcebook Series (CSS) Data Base Source and Systems File (PB81-132730/XDD) (See NTIS)
The Congressional Sourcebook Series (CSS) Data Base is produced by the General Accounting Office (GAO). There are two files in the CSS data base. Each file is reissued once a year with no updates. The files are as follows: Requirements for Recurring Reports File - Describes the various requirements for recurring reports to the Congress from the Executive, Legislative, and Judicial Branches of the Federal Government. There are approximately 2,000 citations in this file. Federal Information Sources and Systems File - Describes approximately 1,500 Federal sources and systems maintained by executive agencies, which contain fiscal, budgeting, and program related information. Congressional Sourcebook Series (CSS) Data Base Reports File (PB81-132748/XDD)
General Accounting Office
Government Printing Office
* GPO Publications
Superintendent of Documents
US Government Printing Office
PO Box 37082
Washington, DC 20013-7082 (202) 275-3328
Publication tapes may be purchased on an individual tape basis or as a subscription service. Included among the individual publication tapes available are: the Budget of the United States; the Congressional Directory; the Statistical Abstract; the Government Manual; the Congressional Record; and the Federal Register. Prices for individual tapes are $125 per tape except for the Federal Register and the Congressional Record which are $175 per tape. (Prices are per tape not per title. A title may consist of multiple tapes.) Magnetic tapes are standard 1600 bpi, 9-track, ASCII, IBM-compatible. They will include the printing instructions or codes as well as text. However, they do not include illustrations, graphic designs, and documents that were photographed in order to be printed. For more information contact the office above.
Government Printing Office
Library of Congress
* LC (Library of Congress) MARC
DIALOG Information Services, Inc.
3460 Hillview Avenue
Palo Alto, CA 94304 (800) 334-2564
This contains a listing of monographic works of the Library of Congress. Date of coverage: 1968-. For more information contact the office above.
Library of Congress
* National Library Service for the Blind and Physically Handicapped
Your regional or local public library
F. Kurt Cylke
National Library Service for the Blind and Physically Handicapped
Reference Section
National Library of Congress
Washington, DC 20542 (202) 707-5100
Data bases include BLND, which is a limited access data base on BRS and the Scorpio File on BHP. Both are catalogues of reading materials and recordings for the blind and the physically handicapped, as well as selected holdings at regional libraries. The records number 129,000 and are accessible by members of the Library Service network. For more information contact the office above.
Library of Congress
* National Referral Center
Resources Analysis Section
General Reading Rooms Division
Library of Congress
Washington, DC 20540 (202) 707-5522
The data base of the now defunct Library of Congress; National Referral Center still exists. This data bank consists of a directory listing more than 12,000 organizations or individuals qualified and willing to provide information on topics primarily in science, technology and social sciences to the general public. A typical citation contains the name of the resource, mailing address, telephone number, areas of interest, special collections, data bases, publications and special services. Organizations can be located by name or subject. To obtain a listing of sources for your area of interest or a particular industry contact the General Reading Room and if you have difficulties contact your US Representative or Senator.
Library of Congress
* Online Computer Access
Suzanne Thorin
Acting Chief
General Reading Rooms Division
National Library of Congress
Washington, DC 20540 (202) 707-5530
In September, 1989 the Library of Congress went "online" with 14 libraries around the country. In a pilot project to test dial-up access to the Library's computer data bases, patrons in these 14 libraries can now get direct access to automated bibliographic, Congressional bill-status, copyright, and referral information from the Library of Congress. The sites for "Project Rollup" include two federal libraries--at the Los Alamos National Laboratory and the United States Information Agency--and 12 public and university libraries. They are: Boston Public Library; District of Columbia Public Library; the state libraries of California, Oregon, and New York; Lehigh University; University of Southern California; University of Kentucky/Kentucky State Library; University of Maryland; University of Michigan; Duke University; and Florida State University School of Library and Information Studies. All of these institutions have long experience with online data base access, and the necessary equipment to connect with the LC systems; they have made a commitment to pay for telecommunications costs. For more information, contact the pilot coordinator listed above.
Library of Congress
* Science, Technology, and Social Science Data Base
General Reading Room
Library of Congress
Washington, DC 20540 (202) 707-5522
The Science, Technology, and Social Science Data Base is a computerized directory of more than 14,000 organizations or individuals who will provide information to the general public on topics primarily in science, technology, and the social sciences. Citations generally contain the name of the organization or person, mailing address, telephone number, areas of interest, special collections, publications, and special services.
Library of Congress
nt to pay for telecommunications costs. For more information, contact the pilot coordinator listed above.
Library of Congress
* Fiscal Year 1985 Budget and Budget Title Files (PB84-151737/XDD) (See NTIS)
Office of Management and Budget
* Fiscal Year 1978 Budget and Budget Title Files (PB-279 022/8/XDD) (See NTIS)
The Master Account Title (MAT) File contains the titles of agencies, bureaus and accounts that appear in the budget. The purpose of the MAT file is to provide titles for agencies, bureaus, and appropriation accounts as well as to maintain the integrity of the budget preparation system by ensuring that data applicable to a specific agency or bureau or data applicable to the appropriation accounts are properly processed and maintained. The Receipt Account Title File contains titles for each receipt account in the Budget (see OMB Circular A-11 for discussion of Budget Accounts, Section 22.4). The Budget Preparation System Master File contains approximately 32,000 records and consists of the following basic record types: (1) Program and Finance Data (P & F) Schedule Data (2) Object Classification Schedule Data (3) Federal Credit Data (4) Supplementary Source Document (SSD) Data (5) Receipt Data. The information contained in these data provide all or a major portion of the data required to produce some of the several tables and analyses appearing in the Budget of the United States.
Office of Management and Budget
* Fiscal Year 1974 Budget Preparation System Master File - Final Report (PB-219 968/5/XDD) (See NTIS)
Office of Management and Budget
* Fiscal Year 1975 Budget Preparation System Master File (PB-229 487/4/XDD) (See NTIS)
Office of Management and Budget
* Fiscal Year 1973 Budget Preparation System Master File - Final Report (PB-206 854/2/XDD) (See NTIS)
The file consists of finance and object classification data as appearing in the appendix to the Budget of the United States and as described in OMB Circular A-11 entitled, "Preparation and submission of annual budget estimates". It also contains supplementary source document data, federal credit data, and receipts data which are described in OMB Circular A-11.
Office of Management and Budget
* Fiscal Year 1974 Master Account Title File - Final Report (PB-219 966/9/XDD) (See NTIS)
Office of Management and Budget
* Fiscal Year 1975 Master Account Title File (PB-229 486/6/XDD) (See NTIS)
Office of Management and Budget
* Fiscal Year 1973 Master Account Title File - Final Reports (PB-206 855/9/XDD) (See NTIS)
The file consists of the 13 digit appropriation account identification number as described in OMB Circular A-11 and appearing in the appendix to the Budget of the United States, associated control data requisite for internal processing and the title or titles of the identification number.
Office of Management and Budget
* Household Pension Survey (PB81-245557/XDD) (See NTIS)
The President's Commission on Pension Policy contracted for a household pension survey primarily to determine the effect of social security and pensions on savings behavior. Due to the complexity of determining savings rates, the analysis required demographic, employment, pension, social security, asset, and income data of family units. Thus, the resulting data base is rich, and could be used for other analysis as well. The bulk of the data base comes from two interviews, one year apart. The Wave I interview was conducted in September, 1979, and the Wave II interview was conducted in September, 1980.c
Office of Management and Budget
* President's Budget, Fiscal Year 1977 (PB-259 320/0/XDD) (See NTIS)
The master account title (MAT) file contains the titles of functions, agencies, bureaus and accounts that appear in the budget. The purpose of the MAT file is to provide titles for agencies, bureaus, and appropriation accounts as well as to maintain the integrity of the budget preparation system by ensuring that data applicable to a specific agency or bureau or data applicable to the appropriation accounts are properly processed and maintained. The MAT file is maintained in both batch and interactive modes. All subsystems of the budget preparation system (EPS) are dependent on the MAT file except that of the Treasury combined statement.
Office of Management and Budget
* Single Employer Pension Plans (Schedule B, 1979) (PB81-211096/XDD) (See NTIS)
The President's Commission on Pension Policy, expired as of May 24, 1981, obtained actuarial data and assumptions on 1,539 single employer defined benefit pension plans from the Schedule B of the 1979 Form 5500. These data were obtained from a number of actuarial and benefit consulting firms. Pre-tax profit, net worth, and long-term debt data on these 493 plans, which were sponsored by 215 firms, were taken primarily from Standard & Poor's Standard Corporate Descriptions, 1979.
Office of Management and Budget
Architect of the Capitol
* Curator Information Systems
Executive Officer
Data Processing Division
Architect of the Capitol
United States Capitol
Washington, DC 20515-8000 (202) 225-1200
Since the United States Capitol is both an office building and a museum in the sense that the Capitol and surrounding buildings are of historic importance the Architect ensures that Art work in the Capitol is maintained with museum care. To that end items such as: Artist, title, medium, acquisition date, subject, location, etc. are automated. For more information contact the office above.
Architect of the CapitolG
* Inventory
Executive Officer
Data Processing Division
Architect of the Capitol
United States Capitol
Washington, DC 20515-8000 (202) 225-1200
The inventory system serves as a control mechanism for the management of the materials required for the proper maintenance of the buildings and grounds of Capitol Hill. Currently inventory is stored in one-hundred-seventy-seven (177) major locations to ensure proper response to Senators and Representatives. The catalog of parts consists of 77,789 different items ranging from electrical supplies, plumbing supplies up to large elevator replacement parts. Items are tracked for usage and availability with the goal of always having required items on-hand and minimizing costs. For more information contact the office above.
Architect of the Capitol
* Records Management
Executive Officer
Data Processing Division
Architect of the Capitol
United States Capitol
Washington, DC 20515-8000 (202) 225-1200
The primary function of these systems is to catalog and make available the history and working photographic and drafting records of the construction and maintenance of Capitol Hill. Slides: Historic and current photographs that have been made into slides. Items such as before, during and after photographs of construction work. Drawings: Working and historical architectural and engineering drawings for construction and maintenance. Aperture Cards: Reproduction on microfiche of drawings for preservation and reference. The fiche is mounted on cards for ease of use in reference and reproduction. Photos: Items such as before, during and after construction and any other photographs that the Senate or House might require of the Architect of the Capitol. For more information contact the office above.
Architect of the Capitol
* LEGIS (Legislative Information System)
Ann Vartlett
Office of Legislative Information
US Congress
2nd and 3rd Sts., SW, Room 696
Washington, DC 20515 (202) 225-1772
LEGIS provides up-to-date information about all House and Senate Bills and resolutions introduced in Congress since 1975. Citations for each piece of legislation contain its date of introduction, sponsor and cosponsors, committee and subcommittee of referral, and a summary of the bill's purpose and content. Legislative status includes information about hearings, committee markups, amendments added, floor action and vote tallies. LEGIS can be searched by subject, bill number or name, sponsoring member of Congress, committee of referral and public law number. It is best to call LEGIS to request a search. While you are on the phone, staff will search the data base for you and immediately supply you with needed information over the phone. Printouts cost 20 cents (minimum $5.00) per page and, since LEGIS does not have mailing privileges, you must arrange to have the printout picked up or send LEGIS a return envelope with sufficient postage. However, another option is to ask your Senator or Representative to make the request for a printout saving you money and hassle.
Congress Data Files Available from NTIS
National Technical Information Service
US Department of Commerce
Springfield, VA 22161
(703) 487-4807
FAX (703) 321-8547
Listed below are data files available from the National Technical Information Service. Call the office above for ordering and cost information.
Congress Data Files Available from NTIS
National Technical Information Service
US Department of Commerce
Springfield, VA 22161
(703) 487-4807
FAX (703) 321-8547
Listed beIO SYS'
* Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance, 1977, Update (PB-274 480/3/XDD) (See NTIS)
Office of Management and Budget
* Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance, 1978, Update (PB-290 476/1/XDD) (See NTIS)
Office of Management and Budget
* Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance, 1979 (PB-296 329/6/XDD) (See NTIS)
Office of Management and Budget
* Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance, 1979 (First Update) (PB80-117096/XDD) (See NTIS)
Office of Management and Budget
* Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance, 1979 (Second Update) (PB80-131733/XDD) (See NTIS)
Office of Management and Budget
* Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance, 1980 (PB80-185820/XDD) (See NTIS)
Office of Management and Budget
* Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance, 1980 (First Update) (PB81-104143/XDD) (See NTIS)
Office of Management and Budget
* Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance, 1980 (Second Update) (PB81-146672/XDD) (See NTIS)
Office of Management and Budget
* Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance, 1981 (PB81-231052/XDD) (See NTIS)
Office of Management and Budget
* Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance, 1981 (First Update) (PB82-140492/XDD) (See NTIS)
Office of Management and Budget
* Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance, 1982 (PB82-191826/XDD) (See NTIS)
Office of Management and Budget
* Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance, 1983 (PB83-220848/XDD) (See NTIS)
Office of Management and Budget
* Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance, 1983 (First Update) (PB84-136167/XDD) (See NTIS)
Office of Management and Budget
* Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance, 1984 (PB84-212760/XDD) (See NTIS)
Office of Management and Budget
* Federal Domestic Assistance, 1975 (Update) (PB-250 759/8/XDD) (See NTIS)
The Federal Domestic Assistance file reflects all the textual material published in the program description section of the 1975 catalog. There are 1,030 programs. In addition, a characteristics record is included for each program. These contain information extracted and coded from the textual material, for use with the accompanying documentation.
Office of Management and Budget
* Fiscal Year 1979 Budget and Budget Title Files (PB-285 306/7/XDD) (See NTIS)
Office of Management and Budget
he textual material, for use with the accompanying documentation.
Office of Management and Budget
* Fiscal Year 1979 Budget and Budget Tit
* Budget and Budget Title Files (FY 83) (PB82-162942/XDD) (See NTIS)
Office of Management and Budget
* Budget and Budget Title Files (FY 84) (PB83-155028/XDD) (See NTIS)
Office of Management and Budget
* Budget and Budget Title Files, FY 87 (US Government) (PB86-165420/XDD) (See NTIS)
Office of Management and Budget
* Budget and Budget Title Files, FY 88 (US Government) (PB87-157848/XDD) (See NTIS)
Office of Management and Budget
* Budget and Budget Title Files, FY 89 (US Government) (PB88-184932/XDD) (See NTIS)
Office of Management and Budget
* Budget Data and Title Files (US Government), 1940-1990 (PB86-100617/XDD) (See NTIS)
Fiscal Year 1986 budget data files used to produce the published budget document, Historical Tables, Budget of the United States Government, 1986. The data covers budget authority, budget receipts, outlays, surpluses or deficits, and Federal debt covering extended time periods - in many cases from 1940-1990. The file includes, for example, data on receipts by major source from 1940-1990, and Federal debt from 1940 to 1990. The data for the years prior to 1986 have, where necessary, been restructured to be consistent with the concepts and presentation used in the 1986 Budget to ensure that these data series are comparable over time.
Office of Management and Budget
* Budget of the United States Government for Fiscal Year 1967. Part 1. Financing and Object Classification Schedule Master Data Tape (PB-174 434/1/XDD) (See NTIS)
Office of Management and Budget
* Budget of the United States Government for Fiscal Year 1968. Part 1. Financing and Object Classification Schedule Master Data Tape (PB-174 436/6/XDD) (See NTIS)
Office of Management and Budget
* Budget of the United States Government for Fiscal Year 1969. Part 1. Financing and Object Classification Schedule Master Data Tape (PB-177 738/2/XDD) (See NTIS)
Office of Management and Budget
* Budget of the United States Government for Fiscal Year 1966. Part 1. Financing and Object Classification Schedule Master Data Tape (PB-174 432/5/XDD) (See NTIS)
The financing and object schedule master file contains more than 20k data records which comprise all the detail in the financing portion of the program and financing schedules and the object classification schedules in the budget appendix (except for annexed budgets and foreign currency schedules). Certain modifications have been made to assist in machine processing. These variances are designed to take account of legislation proposing changes in funding patterns, and to allow for proper consolidation of limitation accounts. The file also includes financing and object schedule information for the House of Representatives, Senate, and joint items not printed in the budget appendix; this information is included to allow for preparation of summary tables that are all inclusive.
Office of Management and Budget
* Budget of the United States Government for Fiscal Year 1967. Part II. Special Analysis Master Data Tape (PB-174 435/8/XDD) (See NTIS)
Office of Management and Budget
* Budget of the United States Government for Fiscal Year 1968. Part II. Special Analysis Master Data Tape (PB-174 437/4/XDD) (See NTIS)
Office of Management and Budget
* Budget of the United States Government for Fiscal Year 1966. Part II. Special Analysis Master Data Tape (PB-174 433/3/XDD) (See NTIS)
The special analysis master file contains approximately 4000 data records which classify new obligational authority and expenditure amounts for accounts in the budget appendix (except for annexed budget and foreign currency schedules) into character classifications for special analysis purposes. The information is a major source for budget special analysis D "Investment, operating, and other expenditures", F "Federal Activities in Public Works", I "Federal Research, Development, and Related Programs", and J "Federal Aid to State and Local Governments". Items proposed for later transmittal are not separately identified. If amounts are under existing legislation, they are included with existing legislation totals. Amounts for obligational authority are separately identified only if they involve public works and research and development classifications, otherwise the new obligational authority amounts are summarized in total from the account.
Office of Management and Budget
* Budget Preparation System Master Account Title File - 1971 (PB-191 146/0/XDD) (See NTIS)
The Master Account Title File contains the titles of functions, agencies, bureaus, and accounts that appear in the budget of the United States for 1971.
Office of Management and Budget
* Budget Preparation System Master File Data Tape - 1971 (PB-191 147/8/XDD) (See NTIS)
The Budget Preparation System Master File data tape contains approximately 31k records and consists of the following (validated for Bureau of the Budget appropriation accounts): Program and finance schedule data, Object classification schedule data, Credit analysis data, Supplement source document data, Receipt data, and Allowance or contingency data. The information contained in these files has provided all or a portion of the data required to produce several tables and analyses appearing in the budget of the United States.
Office of Management and Budget
* Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance, 1976, Update (PB-260 563/2/XDD) (See NTIS)
Office of Management and Budget
tables and analyses appearing in the budget of the United States.
Office of Management and Budget
* USIA World Wide Surveys: Attitude--International Political Issues, 1975-1976
US Information Agency
* USIA World Wide Surveys: Attitude--National Concerns/Problems, 1984, 1985
US Information Agency
* USIA World Wide Surveys: Attitude--US Domestic Image
US Information Agency
* USIA World Wide Surveys: Field Program Operations, 1975
US Information Agency
* USIA World Wide Surveys: Film/VTR, 1975
US Information Agency
* USIA World Wide Surveys: Foreign Information, 1979, 1980
US Information Agency
* USIA World Wide Surveys: Media Habit/Media Content
US Information Agency
* USIA World Wide Surveys: Publications, 1972, 1975
US Information Agency
* USIA World Wide Surveys: Radio
US Information Agency
Federal Judicial Center
* Federal Court Cases, 1970-1987: Integrated Data Base (ICPSR 8429)
Inter-University Consortium for Political and Social Research
Institute for Social Research
PO Box 1248
Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (313) 763-5010
This data collection provides an official public record of the functioning of the Federal courts. Gathered from 100 court offices throughout the United States, these data focus on two points in the life of a case, filing and termination, and are grouped into three categories: criminal termination, appellate terminations, and appellate pending data. The termination data contain information on both filing and termination, while the pending data contain only filing information. For the appellate data, the unit of analysis is a single case. The unit of analysis for criminal data is a single defendant. Extent of Collection: 56 data files.
Federal Judicial Center
* Judicial District Data Book, 1983: [United States] (ICPSR 8439)
Inter-University Consortium for Political and Social Research
Institute for Social Research
PO Box 1248
Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (313) 763-5010
The Federal Judicial Center contracted with Claritas Corporation to produce this collection from the Census Bureau's 1983 County and City Data Book. The data, which are summarized by judicial units, were compiled from a county-level file; they include information on area and population, households, vital statistics, health, income, crimes, housing, education, labor force, government finances, manufacturers, wholesale and retail trade, service industries, and agriculture. The data are in three files. The first file, which provides data for Federal judicial districts, has 92 cases; the second file, Federal administrative divisions, has 204 cases; and the third file, Federal jury divisions, has 320 cases. The logical record length of each file is 2,751 characters.
Federal Judicial Center
Supreme Court of the United Stat
* Hermes
Supreme Court of the United States
One First St., NE
Washington, DC 20543 (202) 479-3211
The Court is in the process of developing a two-year pilot project to make its opinions available in electronic form to a limited number of subscribers. It expects those subscribers to then make the information available to a broad spectrum of users. The Court plans a wide distribution of access and subscription information as soon as the system is operating, probably mid-May, 1990. The system, called Hermes, will operate on a strictly dial out basis and will not be archival.
Supreme Court of the United Statesq
Office of Management and Budget
* Federal Information Locator System
Joseph F. Lackey
Office of Regulatory Affairs
Office of Management and Budget
New Executive Office Bldg., Room 3002
Washington, DC 20503 (202) 395-7316
The Paperwork Reduction Act requires the establishment and operation of FILS to serve as an authoritative register of all collections of information sponsored by Federal agencies. One of the purposes of FILS is to assist the public, as well as individual Federal agencies, in locating existing government sources of information. OMB Circular No. A-130, Management of Federal Information Resources requires that agencies provide adequate public notice when initiating significant information products. For more information on FILS and how to access it contact the office above.
Office of Management and Budget
Office of Management and Budget Data Files from NTIS
National Technical Information Service
US Department of Commerce
Springfield, VA 22161
(703) 487-4807
FAX (703) 321-8547
Listed below are data files available from the National Technical Information Service. Call the office above for ordering and cost information.
Office of Management and Budget
* Account Title File - 1970 (PB-182 793/0/XDD) (See NTIS)
The Master Account Title File contains the titles of functions, agencies, bureaus, and accounts that appear in the budget of the United States for 1970.
Office of Management and Budget
* Budget and Budget Title Files (FY 80) (PB-293 111/1/XDD) (See NTIS)
Office of Management and Budget
and accounts that appear in the budget of the United States for 1970.
Office of Management and Budget
phone number, areas of interest, special collections, publications, and special services.
* Economic and Social Indicators for Eighteen Latin American Nations, 1960- 1971 (ICPSR 5030)
Inter-University Consortium for Political and Social Research
Institute for Social Research
PO Box 1248
Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (313) 763-5010
This study consists of 78 variables for 18 Central and South American countries by year, 1960-1971. Variables include government expenditures in various areas, food production, education, membership cooperatives, transportation, and health.
US Agency for International Development
US Arms Control and Disarmament
* World Military Expenditure Time Series, 1961-1970 (ICPSR 5031)
Inter-University Consortium for Political and Social Research
Institute for Social Research
PO Box 1248
Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (313) 763-5010
This study includes data for 8 variables--military expenditure, population, GNP, armed forces, military expenditure/GNP, foreign aid given and received, and public health expenditure--by year, 1961-1970 for some 120 nations.
US Arms Control and Disarmament Agency
* World Military Expenditures and Arms Trade, 1963-1973, and Cumulative Arms Trade, 1964-1973 (ICPSR 7454)
Inter-University Consortium for Political and Social Research
Institute for Social Research
PO Box 1248
Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (313) 763-5010
There are two data files in this study. The first contains an extension of World Military Expenditure Time Series for years 1963-1973, including financial data in both current and constant (1972) dollars. In addition, data on arms imports and arms exports are given in both current and constant dollars. The second file has data for 136 countries on the total current-dollar value of arms imported between 1964 and 1973. It also includes a breakdown of the total value by each of the nine largest nations supplying arms.
US Arms Control and Disarmament Agency
* World Military Expenditures and Arms Transfers, 1966-1975 (ICPSR 7553)
Inter-University Consortium for Political and Social Research
Institute for Social Research
PO Box 1248
Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (313) 763-5010
This study consists of two data sets. One is a time series of data containing 17 variables including military expenditures and GNP (in both current and constant US dollars), population, and the current and constant US dollar value of arms transfer between nations, collected year by year from 1966-1975. The country and the year form one unit, so that each country appears ten times. The second data set gives information about the transfer of armaments in the form of twelve variables indicating the current values of the total arms exported by each major supplier, from 1964-1974, with the recipient countries as the cases.
US Arms Control and Disarmament Agency
* World Military Expenditures and Arms Transfers, 1967-1976 (ICPSR 7713)
Inter-University Consortium for Political and Social Research
Institute for Social Research
PO Box 1248
Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (313) 763-5010
This study consist of two data sets. One is a yearly series of data for 146 countries containing 37 variables, including populations, military expenditures, GNP, and value of arms transfer, for 1967-1976. All monetary variables are in both current and constant US dollars. Various socioeconomic data are presented to provide a comparative background for the series. Included in the file is information on physicians, teachers, health, and central government expenditures. The country and the year form the unit, so that each country appears ten times, once for each year. The second data set gives information about the transfer of armaments for 145 countries. This data set contains 14 variables, 10 of which indicate the total value of arms imported by each country from ten individual major arms suppliers for the 1967-1976 period.
US Arms Control and Disarmament Agency
* World Military Expenditures and Arms Transfers, 1968-1977 (ICPSR 7780)
Inter-University Consortium for Political and Social Research
Institute for Social Research
PO Box 1248
Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (313) 763-5010
This file contains 21 variables for 144 countries, by year, for 1968-1977. The variables consist of governmental expenditures for the military, public health, and education; GNP; population; number of teachers; physicians and military personnel; value of arms exported and imported and total exports and imports. Financial data are given in both current and constant US dollars. For a complete discussion of sources, definitions, computational procedures and caveats, consult the publication below.
US Arms Control and Disarmament Agency
* World Military Expenditures and Arms Transfers, 1969-1978 (ICPSR 7964)
Inter-University Consortium for Political and Social Research
Institute for Social Research
PO Box 1248
Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (313) 763-5010
This data set contains information on military expenditures and imports and exports of arms and military equipment for 145 countries for each year between 1969 and 1978. It also includes annual data on health and education expenditures and the relative sizes of standing armed forces and physician and education work forces.
US Arms Control and Disarmament Agency
* World Military Expenditures and Arms Transfers, 1973-1983 (ICPSR 8532)
Inter-University Consortium for Political and Social Research
Institute for Social Research
PO Box 1248
Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (313) 763-5010
This data collection, which focuses on military spending and arms transfers, supplies information on 145 developed and developing countries of the world. The first file contains background data for each country, including items such as region, sub-region, alliances (OPEC, NATO, and Warsaw Pact), and OECD and World Bank membership. The second file tabulates annual military expenditures, GNP, central government expenditures, arms imports and exports, and total imports and exports in current and constant dollars for each country from 1973 to 1983. Additional variables detail total population, number of armed forces personnel, number of armed forces personnel per 1,000 people, GNP in constant dollars per capita, and military expenditures in constant dollars per capita.
US Arms Control and Disarmament Agency
US Information Agency
* United States Information Agency Bulletin Service (USIA BBS)
US Information Agency Data: (202) 376-2901
Washington, DC 20547 Voice: (202) 376-7778
This is a specialized bulletin board service established to facilitate message traffic between USIA and its overseas posts, contractors and clients, and also for the exchange of information between broadcasters. The service is open to USIA employees, clients and contractors; the media; and other BBS operators. Sysop: Pat Pasco.
US Information Agency
* World Survey II: Attitudes Toward Domestic and Foreign Affairs, 1964 (ICPSR 7048)
Inter-University Consortium for Political and Social Research
Institute for Social Research
PO Box 1248
Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (313) 763-5010
The data for this collection were collected in February and March of 1964 in the city of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The sample consists of persons 18 years of age and older. Demographic data ascertained by the study include the respondent's occupation, marital status, sex, age, and education. In its investigation of Brazil's domestic issues, the study explores the respondents' attitudes in such areas as standard of living population problems and birth control, attitudes toward political parties and their leaders, Brazil's stand in the conflict between communist and anti-communist ideologies, and the economic influence of the United States and the Soviet Union on Brazil. Variables concerned with issues and affairs at the international level examine the respondents' comparisons of the achievements and foreign policy of the United States and the Soviet Union, as well as their opinions about the nuclear test ban and disarmament, attitudes toward Fidel Castro and his impact on life in Cuba, the position of the United Nations, and the treatment of blacks in France, US, Russia, and South Africa. The data were received from the International Data Library and Reference Service, Survey Research Center, University of California at Berkeley.
US Information Agency
US Information Agency Data Files from the National Archives
Margaret Adams
Archives Specialist
Reference Service
Center for Electronic Records (NNXA)
National Archives and Records Administration
8th and Pennsylvania Ave., NW
Washington, DC 20408
(202) 523-6771
The following list is a subset of electronic data sets (i.e., computer-readable data files) in the custody of the National Archives and Records Administration. The standard charge for a copy of an electronic data set (one data set not to exceed one magnetic reel of output) is $90. Ordering information is available upon request. For further information please contact the office above.c
US Information Agency
* USIA World Wide Surveys: Attitude--Surveys of Foreign Perception of International Strength and Security, 1976-1979
US Information Agency
* USIA World Wide Surveys: Attitude--Domestic Image of Other Nations, 1983-1985
US Information Agency
* USIA World Wide Surveys: Attitude--Information Sources/Influences
US Information Agency
* USIA World Wide Surveys: Attitude--International Economic Issues, 1976-1985
US Information Agency
* USIA World Wide Surveys: Attitude--Information Sources/Influences
US Information Agency
gh an IBM AT level microcomputer is recommended for best performance.
* Proposed Sale of Securities System, 1984-1985 April
Securities and Exchange Commission
* Proposed Sale of Securities System, Jan-Dec 1988
Securities and Exchange Commission
* Proposed Sale of Securities System, Jan-Dec 1989
Securities and Exchange Commission
* Registration Offering Statistics System, January 1970-February 1987
Securities and Exchange Commission
* Registration Offering Statistics System, January 1970-August 1987
Securities and Exchange Commission
* Registration Offering Statistics System, January 1970-May 1988
Securities and Exchange Commission
* Registration Offering Statistics System, January 1970-December 1988
Securities and Exchange Commission
Small Business Administration
* Procurement Automated Source System (PASS)
Your local SBA Office
Glen Harwood
Procurement Automated Source System
US Small Business Administration
1441 L St., NW, Room 627
Washington, DC 20416 (800) 827-5722
PASS is a centralized inventory and referral system of small businesses interested in being prime contractors for federal agencies or subcontractor for companies. More than 26,000 minority owned, 27,000 female owned and over 40,000 veteran owned businesses nationwide are listed in the fields of research and development, manufacturing, construction and services. PASS uses a keyword system which identifies the capabilities of the company. The system can be searched for firms by geographic location, type of ownership, labor surplus area, zip code, minority type and over 3,000 keywords. PASS, started in October 1978, currently holds reports about 130,000 firms and increases by 200 firms monthly. There are 300 direct access users. Anyone seeking to purchase a product or service from a small business can contact SBA to have a search run. Searches and printouts are provided free of charge. Firms wanting to be listed (no charge) should contact the SBA regional PASS specialist. Federal agencies and prime contractors have online direct access to PASS.
Small Business Administration
* Small Business Data Base
Director, Data Base Branch
Office of Advocacy
US Small Business Administration
1441 L Street, NW
Suite 414, Premier Building
Washington, DC 20416 (800) 827-5722
The SBDB draws information mostly from private research sources. All of the basic files of the SBDB use individual establishment data (microdata), which can be easily manipulated and summarized at many levels. Births and deaths, expansions and contractions of firms and establishments can be studied individually by firm size: this is not possible by enterprise size using conventional federal statistics. The SBDB is divided into three discrete files:
Master Establishment List (MEL)
This is a mailing list of more than 8.8 million 1985 establishments in the United States.
United States Establishment and Enterprise Microdata (USEEM)
This consists of microdata files of almost 25 million records on US small and large businesses.
United States Establishment Longitudinal Microdata (USELM)
These longitudinal establishment files are based upon samples of USEEM firms continuously in existence from 1976 to 1984.
Small Business Administration
Smithsonian Institute
* Sample Inventory
Betty Landrum
Smithsonian Institution
Smithsonian Oceanographic Sorting Center (SOSC)
Washington, DC 20560 (202) 238-3514
The Sample Inventory contains taxonomic information about all organisms of algae, plankton, benthic invertebrates and fishes. Specimen data include: where sample was collected, latitude/longitude, depth of water in which sample was captures, and date collected. Information can be retrieved by organism, geographical area, or depth of water. The data base was started in 1968 and contains over 200,000 records. It is updated continually. Searches and printouts are available free of charge.
Smithsonian Institute
Tennessee Valley Authority
* Quad Digital Revision Files
Tennessee Valley Authority
Mapping Services Branch, Map Information Unit
200 Haney Building
Chattanooga, TN 37401 (615) 751-6277
These files contain all features shown on a published topographic quadrangle except for test; data includes: roads, railroads, contours, pipelines, powerlines, streams, rivers, lakes, developed areas (cities and towns). Also available on 8" floppy disk; listings available for ISIF tape; subsets of the main file are available; documentation for file contents is available. For more information contact the office above.
Tennessee Valley Authorityi
Tennessee Valley Authority
* Special Thematic Maps (Digital) Files
Tennessee Valley Authority
Mapping Services Branch, Map Information Unit
200 Haney Building
Chattanooga, TN 37401 (615) 751-6277
These files contain bathymetric data for navigation charts of the Tennessee River with channel markings and buoy locations. Available on nine track tape, 800, 1600 or 6250 bpi, labeled or unlabeled, blocked, ASCII. For more information contact the office above.
Tennessee Valley Authority
US Agency for International Deve
* Development Information System (DIS)
Development Information Center
Room 105 SA-18
US Agency for International Development
Washington, DC 20523-1801 (703) 875-INFO
The Development Information System (DIS) contains information on AID projects, programs, policies, and research, as well as associated project, research, and technical documents. Anyone can search DIS data bases through the easy-to-use MenuDOS system on the library's public computer terminal. Records can be located by subject, author, title, project number, date, project status, or bibliographic type (e.g., project paper, evaluation, research report). All of these fields can be combined during one search. The MenuDIS quick reference guide to the right of the terminal can help you with your search. For more information on AID's three main data bases, Document, Project, and Library Catalog, contact the office above.
US Agency for International Development
US Agency for International Deve
General Accounting Office
* Economic and Social Data System (ESDS)
Maury Brown
Center for Development Information and Evaluation
US Agency for International Development (AID)
Room 209, SA-1B
Washington, DC 20523 (703) 875-4902
ESDS is a statistical data base consisting of development-related information about each country. The data are in a time series format, and collected from government agencies and organization conditions, demography, poverty indicators, labor force, social characteristics; and the population's education, nutrition, health, and food. The general public can obtain standardized reports, prepared from ESDS data base searches, for a minimal fee from AID-Document Information and Handling Faculty (DIHF). Contact DIHF to obtain a free listing of available reports. Free specialized searches for AID contractors and federal, state, local and foreign government agencies. Non-AID users should contact the AID library to arrange a search.
US Agency for International Development
US Agency for International Development
US Agency for International Deve
General Accounting Office
Pension Benefit Guaranty Corpora
* Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation
Bill Fitzgerald
Disclosure Officer
Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation
2020 K St., NW, Room 7106
Washington, DC 20006 (202) 778-8839
The Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation insures the payment of benefit plans. Through FOIA requests you can obtain physical copies of all the corporations records, terminations and filings. You can also obtain a reversion list (desk format) which gives detailed information of all plans reverting assets of over one million dollars. For more information contact the office above.
Pension Benefit Guaranty CorporationS
Securities and Exchange Commissi
* Computer Assisted Retrieval System (CAR)
Patricia Anderson
Records Management Branch Chief
US Securities and Exchange Commission
450 Fifth St., NW, Room 1C15
Washington, DC 20549 (202) 272-7200
Certain filings are presently available for retrieval through the use of a Computer Assisted Retrieval system ("CAR"). If desired, copies can be produced by this system. As of October 1, 1983, the following filings are stored in the CAR system: Form 3, Initial statements of beneficial ownership of securities; Forms 4, Statements of changes in beneficial ownership of securities; Form 144, Notices of proposed sale of securities pursuant to Rule 144. Also in the CAR system are Forms 19A, Closing Recommendations (Investigation Files) and the Litigation, Actions and Proceedings Bulletins (LAPS).
Securities and Exchange CommissionQ
* Electronic Data Gathering Analysis and Retrieval System (EDGAR)
Public Reference Room
US Securities and Exchange Commission
450 Fifth St., NW, Room 1024
Washington, DC 20549 (202) 272-7459
This is the Commission's electronic filing, processing and dissemination system. A pilot project began in 1984 and will continue until mid-1991 when a transition to a fully operational system will begin. EDGAR permits corporations to make required filings electronically via direct transmission, diskettes or tapes to the Commission. As of February 1989, approximately 49,000 electronic filings were received and accepted on the system from over 1,200 registered entities. Currently, public access is limited to terminals in the Public Reference Rooms in Washington, New York and Chicago. A Public Reference Room specialist can assist you with using the EDGAR terminals in those locations. They will also advise you on the procedure for obtaining copies of filings made via the EDGAR System. There are several online data bases available for public use. They are:
Securities and Exchange Commission
* Workload Teleprocessing Display System (WRKD)
This index provides an up-to-date listing of filings made by registrants. Filings are maintained on this index for approximately 40 months.
Securities and Exchange Commission
* Securities Reporting System (SIRS)
The SIRS index provides information on securities transactions by company officers, directors, and beneficial owners as reported on Forms 3 and 4. For each transaction, SIRS will list the trading date, name of the owner, number of shares involved, price per share, SEC received date and the type of transaction (stock dividend, acquisition by gift, private purchase, open market purchase, stock split, etc.)
Securities and Exchange Commission
* Proposed Sale of Securities Inquiry System (PSSI)
This is an online retrieval system, designed primarily to allow public inquiry access to information filed on Forms 144. The system will contain six (6) months of historical data. Monthly updates are done around the 10th of each month. There is an approximate lag time of 45 days from receipt of Form 144 and entry to the PSSI System.
Securities and Exchange Commission
* Proceedings and Litigation Action Display System (PLAD)
This system was developed as a method of viewing (online) the same data that is available in the LAPS Bulletin. Public users will have an online capability of reviewing public litigation data.
Securities and Exchange Commission
Securities and Exchange Commission Data Files, National Archives
Margaret Adams
Archives Specialist
Reference Service
Center for Electronic Records (NNXA)
National Archives and Records Administration
8th and Pennsylvania Ave., NW
Washington, DC 20408
(202) 523-6771
The following list is a subset of electronic data sets (i.e., computer-readable data files) in the custody of the National Archives and Records Administration. The standard charge for a copy of an electronic data set (one data set not to exceed one magnetic reel of output) is $90. Ordering information is available upon request. For further information please contact the office above.
Securities and Exchange Commission
* Broker-Dealer Directory, May 1935-Jan 1990
Securities and Exchange Commission
* Corporation Index System, Dec 1961-Jan 1990
Securities and Exchange Commission
* Investment Adviser Directory, Aug 1957-Jan 1990
Securities and Exchange Commission
* Investment Company Data File, Oct 1979-Feb 1988
Securities and Exchange Commission
* Ownership Reporting System, Official Summary of Security Transactions and Holdings-Monthly, 1988 Annual
Securities and Exchange Commission
* Ownership Reporting System, Official Summary of Security Transactions and Holdings-Monthly, 1/1989-12/1989%
Securities and Exchange Commission
* Proposed Sale of Securities System, 1972-1984
Securities and Exchange Commission
* Proposed Sale of Securities System, 1982-1984
Securities and Exchange Commission
* Proposed Sale of Securities System, 1972-1984
Securities and Exchange Commission
* Survey Information Records
Chief, Policy and Information Division
Personnel Systems and Oversight Group
Office of Personnel Management
1900 E Street, NW
Washington, DC 20415 (202) 632-3782
Information in this system will be used to develop statistical reports on agency personnel management practices and policies. Information will also be used to determine the impact of Office regulations in those areas, as well as the impact of changes in the Federal civil service mandated by statute or executive order. For more information contact the office above.
Office of Personnel Management
Overseas Private Investment Corp
* Opportunity Bank Data System
Opportunity Bank
Overseas Private Investment Corporation
1100 New York Ave., NW (800) 424-OPIC
Washington, DC 20527 (202) 336-8799
A major stumbling block in the developing world's attempt to attract US investment capital arises from the limited flow of information between potential US equity investors and likely sponsors of investment projects in the developing countries. To help remedy this problem, OPIC has created the Opportunity Bank, a pre-investment service to US investors. It is a computerized data system which matches the interests of US companies with the needs and requirements of projects in the developing world. For further information, or to register your firm, contact the above office. FAX: (202) 331-4234.
Overseas Private Investment Corporation
Peace Corps
* Administrative Management Control Survey (RISK)
FOIA Analyst
Office of Administrative Services
Peace Corps
1990 K Street, NW
Washington, DC 20526 (202) 254-3114
The Administrative Management Control Survey (AMCS) was developed in response to the Federal Manager's Financial Integrity Act and OMB regulation A-123. Peace Corps also felt the need to use the devise as a training tool, as well as to conduct risk assessments as part of the Agency's Internal Control Evaluation System. The survey collects information about the current operations of management systems as perceived by the systems' managers. A data base has been established to collect and analyze information received from the domestic and overseas Posts for external reporting purposes and for internal management information purposes. Data is collected in a manner which allows us to conduct analysis and produce country specific information, region specific information and world-wide information concerning potential internal control risk and or management system weaknesses. For more information contact the office above.
Peace Corps
* Applicant Management Information System (AMIS)
FOIA Analyst
Office of Administrative Services
Peace Corps
1990 K Street, NW
Washington, DC 20526 (202) 254-3114
AMIS contains the personal, skill and address information of all persons who apply for Peace Corps service. This is the information which appears on the Peace Corps application form and is initially entered by VRS Area Office personnel. It is periodically updated with status and program information from other systems as the applicant progresses through the application process up to the point where he/she becomes a Volunteer. The address information contained in AMIS is used for all Agency contact with the applicant throughout the process, from the mailing of medical forms to airline tickets. The skill information is used to assist in the matching of applicants with Peace Corps programs and to evaluate recruitment efforts. The personal information (age, ethnic background, etc.) provides a basis for a number of demographic analyses of the applicant population and how different segments progress through the system. For more information contact the office above.
Peace Corps
* Budget Operations Data System
FOIA Analyst
Office of Administrative Services
Peace Corps
1990 K Street, NW
Washington, DC 20526 (202) 254-3114
This system organizes and analyses the country budgets produced during the Country Management Plan and budget exercise every year. It not only formats the information from post, but applies inflation and exchange factors and calculates adjustments to the out year budgets. Substantive analysis of each of the budgets is also accomplished, with line items in the budget being evaluated against the various program factors. For more information contact the office above.
Peace Corps
* Director's Correspondence Control System and Files
FOIA Analyst
Office of Administrative Services
Peace Corps
1990 K Street, NW
Washington, DC 20526 (202) 254-3114
This system maintains records of correspondence, involving the Peace Corps Director. Maintains accountability for pending items past due, and serves as repository for documents after action is completed. For more information contact the office above.
Peace Corps
* Federal Procurement Data System (FPDS)
FOIA Analyst
Office of Administrative Services
Peace Corps
1990 K Street, NW
Washington, DC 20526 (202) 254-3114
Accumulation of procurement data from various procuring activities (Posts, VRS Regions, and Hdgs.) in order to respond to external reporting requirements set forth in the Federal Acquisition Regulations. Data submitted quarterly to GSA Federal Procurement Data Center. For more information contact the office above.
Peace Corps
* Inquiry Tracking System
FOIA Analyst
Office of Administrative Services
Peace Corps
1990 K Street, NW
Washington, DC 20526 (202) 254-3114
The Inquiry Tracking System is an Oracle data base that stores name, address, education, skill and availability information of individuals who contact the Agency with inquiries regarding Peace Corps Volunteer service. This information is evaluated and a determination is made of individual's prospects for becoming a volunteer based on education and skill level and family status. Then appropriate materials are mailed based on this determination. Potentially qualified individuals are sent an application and encourage to apply, while others are sent only basic explanatory information about the Agency's programs. Data from this system is used to retrieve records of promising prospects that meet certain skill and availability criteria for mailings or other follow-up activities to encourage the prospect to apply for Peace Corps service. This provides a valuable resource for targeting potential applicants for special projects or short-fall skill areas. Additionally, the data in this system is analyzed to determine the effectiveness of recruitment lead-generating activities. This enable recruitment staff to target those activities which produce the largest number of qualified leads. For more information contact the office above.
Peace Corps
* Media Mailing Lists
FOIA Analyst
Office of Administrative Services
Peace Corps
1990 K Street, NW
Washington, DC 20526 (202) 254-3114
Detailed lists of media contacts by state and overseas are maintained in order to distribute press releases and other materials related to the public promotion of agency activities. These lists include state-by-state press representatives, both print and electronic, that are broken out into various skill areas or topic to reach designated audiences. The lists cover daily and weekly newspapers, specialty and general magazines, and television and radio stations. For more information contact the office above.
Peace Corps
* Peace Corps Times Mailing System
FOIA Analyst
Office of Administrative Services
Peace Corps
1990 K Street, NW
Washington, DC 20526 (202) 254-3114
The purpose of this system (newly reorganized on our mainframe) is to distribute the Peace Corps Times, our only regular publication, to a variety of sources to support Peace Corps Volunteers with topical & technical information; keep Congress informed of our activities; keep US missions and host (foreign) officials apprised of current work; provide field recruiters with timely information on Volunteer for potential Volunteers; provide colleges, libraries & private volunteer organizations with whom we work (as well as recruit) with information; maintain a link with returned Volunteers (third Peace Corps goal); to be the official record and voice of the Peace Corps. The mailing system is set up in eight categories with the capability to add more so that it can be broken down to use in targeting certain sections of our readership by others in the agency. For more information contact the office above.
Peace Corps
* Peace Corps Volunteer System (PCV)
FOIA Analyst
Office of Administrative Services
Peace Corps
1990 K Street, NW
Washington, DC 20526 (202) 254-3114
This is an off-line data base of personnel and financial information on all Peace Corps trainees/volunteers, designed to accrue and disburse readjustment allowance earnings and maintain individual and aggregate information on Peace Corps volunteers world-wide, and their service histories. For more information contact the office above.
Peace Corps
* Project Listings
FOIA Analyst
Office of Administrative Services
Peace Corps
1990 K Street, NW
Washington, DC 20526 (202) 254-3114
The Project is vital to the identification of donors to support the Partnership Projects coordinated by the Peace Corps Volunteers. These self-help development projects, implemented by the overseas community, are an extension of Peace Corps' first goal in that they tap the skills of the Volunteers to promote development. Furthermore, through the cross-cultural exchange which ensue, overseas and US, partners learn about one another in a direct, personal way. These exchanges help fulfill Peace Corps' second and third goals. The project listings is a summary of every project proposal currently in need of support. It is disseminated to all potential donors, along with the Peace Corps Partnership Program Brochure. These documents, together, allow US Partners to select the specific project they wish to support. The project listing is updated as needed, generally every week or two. Auxiliary to the listings are the records of donor contributions--the donor ledger. These are continually updated by the Overseas Project Coordinator. For more information contact the office above.
Peace Corps
* Quarterly Trainee Request System
FOIA Analyst
Office of Administrative Services
Peace Corps
1990 K Street, NW
Washington, DC 20526 (202) 254-3114
The QTRS is the procedure and system by which the requests from Peace Corps countries for trainees are communicated to headquarters. In addition to trainee request information, the system is valuable to the Office of Staging for scheduling staging events and to the Office of Training and Program Support for estimating the types of program specific resources that will be required during the reporting period. For more information contact the office above.
Peace Corps
* Returned Peace Corps Volunteer (RPCV) System
FOIA Analyst
Office of Administrative Services
Peace Corps
1990 K Street, NW
Washington, DC 20526 (202) 254-3114
The RPCV data base contains current address and occupation information on Returned Peace Corps Volunteers. This information is used to keep RPCVs informed of current Agency events and to enlist their support in Agency recruitment and awareness efforts. For more information contact the office above.
Peace Corps
* Volunteer Reservation System (VRS)
FOIA Analyst
Office of Administrative Services
Peace Corps
1990 K Street, NW
Washington, DC 20526 (202) 254-3114
The Reservation System is used to match applicants with both generic (Assignment Area) and specific (Training Class) Peace Corps projects. This system maintains a list of all open projects and the number of people required for each one. Projects are grouped by Program Year and Quarter. When an applicant is nominated to become a Peace Corps Volunteer, he/she is placed in a slot for an 'Assignment Area (AA)' project. Nominations are made for the various AAs until no more open slots remain or until there is too little time remaining to process nominees for assignments within the current program quarter. The nominees in each AA then form a pool from which Placement offers will fill 'Training Class (TC)' requests for trainees within that AA. This system provides an efficient way for VRS to manage its nominee and project information, providing a mechanism for monitoring fill rates for the various programs and insuring that fulfillment of trainee requests is systematic and equitable. For more information contact the office above.
Peace Corps
* Volunteer Year Charts
FOIA Analyst
Office of Administrative Services
Peace Corps
1990 K Street, NW
Washington, DC 20526 (202) 254-3114
This system calculates and formats all of the trainee and volunteer staffing factors by country, region, and world-wide. It also calculates trainee attrition rates, volunteer attrition rates, and extension rates. It is essential for the effective preparation of budgets because the factors generated are used directly in the budget formulation process. For more information contact the office above.
Peace Corps
the various programs and insuring that fulfillment of trainee requests is systematic and equitable. For more information contact the office above.
Peace Corps
* Investment Company Data File, Oct 1979-Feb 1988
Securities and Exchange Commission
* Broker-Dealer Directory,
Nuclear Regulatory Commission
Supreme Court of the United Stat
* Nuclear Documents System (NUDOCS)
Director, Division of Information Support Services
US Nuclear Regulatory Commission
Washington, DC 20555 (301) 492-8603
The NUDOCS information system stores bibliographic data for more than one million reports, correspondence and other issuances related to the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission's regulatory, licensing, safety, research and enforcement programs, including such items as NUREG reports, Regulatory Guides, NRC Regulations, Generic Letters, Inspection Reports, NRC Bulletins, Environmental Reports, and Licensee Events Reports. The NUDOCS data base, which also includes abstracts and text for selected documents, is stored on computers which can be accessed from anywhere in the United States. NUDOCS offers a wide array of services, such as online search and display of bibliographic data, reference keys to the National Technical Information Services' nuclear regulatory documents in microfiche program, and full-text searching and viewing of such documents as NRC Rules and Regulations, Licensee Event Reports, and high-level waste licensing documentation.#
Nuclear Regulatory Commission
* Nuclear Operations Analysis Center
Joel R. Buchanan, Director
PO Box Y
Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Oak Ridge, TN 37831 (615) 574-0393
The Nuclear Operations Analysis Center (NOAC) performs analysis tasks, as well as information-gathering activities, for the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. NOAC has developed and designed a number of major data bases which it operates and maintains for the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. These data bases collect diverse types of information on nuclear power reactors from the construction phase through routine and off-normal operation. These data bases make extensive use of reactor-operator-submitted reports, such as the Licensee Event Reports (LERs). NOAC also publishes staff studies and bibliographies, disseminates monthly nuclear power plant operating event reports, and cooperates in the preparation of Nuclear Safety.
Nuclear Regulatory Commission
* Public Document Room (PDR) Bibliographic Retrieval System
Public Document Room
US Nuclear Regulatory Commission
2120 L St., NW
Washington, DC 20555 (202) 634-3273
The data base is an online index to publicly available technical, legal, and administrative documents which NRC generates or receives. It covers virtually the entire regulatory process, including but not limited to the following: Design, construction, operation and inspection of nuclear facilities; Use, transport, storage and disposal of nuclear materials; Regulatory Guides; Inspection and Enforcement Program; Staff and contractor reports and papers; Commission meeting records; Rulemakings; NRC Contracts; Freedom of Information requests and responses. File coverage: 1967-78 (selected documents); October 1978 to date (almost all public documents placed in the PDR).
Nuclear Regulatory Commission
Office of Personnel Management
* Administrative Law Judge Application Records
Assistant Director
Office of Administrative Law Judges
Career Entry and Employee Development
Office of Personnel Management
1900 E Street, NW
Washington, DC 20415 (202) 632-5677
These records serve as a basis for rating and ranking applicants for Administrative Law Judge positions in the Federal service, documenting the rating and ranking assigned, processing an appeal of a rating or ranking determination, and referring the ranked candidates to Federal agencies for employment consideration. The Office may use these records to locate individuals for personnel research. For more information contact the office above.
Office of Personnel Management
* Civil Service Retirement and Insurance Records
Associate Director for Retirement and Insurance
Office of Personnel Management
1900 E Street, NW
Washington, DC 20415 (202) 632-1854
These records provide information and verification on which to base entitlement and computation of CSR or FER and survivors' benefits, Federal Employees Health benefits and enrollments, and Federal Employees Group Life Insurance benefits, and to withhold State income taxes from annuitant payments. These records also serve to review rejection of applicants for Federal employment on medical suitability grounds. These records also may be used to locate individuals for personnel research. These records also provide information and verification concerning enrollment/change in enrollment in a plan under the Federal Employees Health Benefit Program. For more information contact the office above.
Office of Personnel Management
* Detroit-Area Office of the Office of Personnel
Management Bulletin Board Service
Detroit Area Office
Office of Personnel Management
477 Michigan Ave., Room 565 Data: 313-226-4423
Detroit, MI 48226 Voice: 313-226-7520
Federal job information for the 14 states in the Chicago region is available via this board. Listings include some qualifications and pay scale information, job applications, opportunities for college graduates, and other specialized topics. The board is used by libraries, college placement offices and other schools as well as by individuals. 24 hours/day; 7 days/week. Sysop: Dave Nason.
Office of Personnel Management
* Employee Performance File System Records
Assistant Director for Workforce Information
Personnel Systems and Oversight Group
Office of Personnel Management
1900 E Street, NW
Washington, DC 20415 (202) 632-3782
These records are maintained to ensure that all appropriate records on an employee's performance are retained and are available to agency officials having a need for the information, to employees, to support actions based on the records, for use by the Office in connection with its personnel management evaluation role in the executive branch, and to identify individual for personnel research. For more information contact the office above.
Office of Personnel Management
* Executive Personnel Records
Director, Office of Executive Personnel
Office of Personnel Management
1900 E Street, NW
Washington, DC 20415 (202) 653-6300
The records are used to assist the Office in carrying out its responsibilities under title 5, US Code, and Office rules and regulations promulgated thereunder, including the establishment of SES positions by agencies, development of qualification standards for SES positions, establishment and operation of one or more qualifications reviews boards, establishment of programs to develop candidates for and incumbents of the SES, and development of performance appraisal systems. For more information contact the office above.
Office of Personnel Management
* Federal Employee Attitudes Survey, 1979- 1980 (ICPSR 7804)
Inter-University Consortium for Political and Social Research
Institute for Social Research
PO Box 1248
Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (313) 763-5010
This collection contains the results of surveys of employees of the federal government in the United States. Conducted as part of the evaluation of the Civil Service Reform Act of 1978, these surveys are based on government-wide samples of employees. Respondents in each of the studies completed a self-administered questionnaire containing items on their personal and employment background, current position, job satisfaction, work relationships with other employees and supervisors, experiences within their agencies, and perceived promotional opportunities. For more information contact the office above.
Office of Personnel Management
* General Personnel Records
Assistant Director for Workforce Information
Personnel Systems and Oversight Group
Office of Personnel Management
1900 E Street, NW
Washington, DC 20415 (202) 632-3782
The OPF and other general personnel records files are the official repository of the records, reports of personnel actions, and the documents and papers required in connection with these actions effected during an employee's Federal service. The personnel action reports and other documents, some of which are filed as long-term records in the OPF, give legal force and effect to personnel transactions and establish employee rights and benefits under pertinent laws and regulations governing Federal employment. For more information contact the office above.
Office of Personnel Management
* Inspector General Investigations Case Files
Office of the Inspector General
Office of Personnel Management
1900 E Street, NW
Washington, DC 20415 (202) 632-7746
Information in case files serves to document the outcome of investigations, reporting the results of investigations to other Office components or agencies for their use in evaluating their programs and imposition of any civil or administrative sanctions, and, if appropriate, reporting the results of the investigations to other agencies for any action deemed appropriate, and for retaining sufficient information to fulfill the reporting requirements of Pub. L. 95-452, Section 5. For more information contact the office above.
Office of Personnel Management
* Pay, Leave, and Travel Records
Office of Finance and Administrative Services
Administration Group
Office of Personnel Management
1900 E Street, NW
Washington, DC 20415 (202) 632-6054
These records are used to administer the pay, leave, and travel requirements of the Office of Personnel Management. These records may also be used to locate individuals for personnel research. For more information contact the office above.
Office of Personnel Management
* Personnel Investigations Records Privacy System
Assistant Director for Federal Investigations
Investigations Group
Office of Personnel Management
1900 E Street, NW
Washington, DC 20415 (202) 632-4426
One purpose of this system is to provide investigatory information for determinations concerning compliance with Federal personnel regulations and for individual personnel determinations including suitability and fitness for Federal employment, access and security clearances, evaluations of qualifications for performance of contractual services for the US Government. For more information contact the office above.
Office of Personnel Management
* Presidential Management Intern Program Records
Assistant Director
Career Entry and Employee Development
Office of Personnel Management
1900 E Street, NW
Washington, DC 20415 (202) 632-6005
These records are used by program personnel for the following reasons: (a) To determine basic program eligibility and to evaluate the nominees in a regional screening process conducted by OPM regional officials with the participation of agency managers, and State and local government representatives; (b) To group the nominees into various categories (finalists, alternatives, and non-selectees) and make a final determination as to those candidates who will be referred to the agencies for employment consideration and (c) For program evaluation functions to determine the effectiveness of the program and to improve program operations. For more information contact the office above.
Office of Personnel Management
* Security Officer Control Files
Security Division
Administration Group
Office of Personnel Management
1900 E Street, NW
Washington, DC 20415 (202) 632-6058
These records are used exclusively by Office Security Officers and the employees of Security Offices for administrative reference in connection with controlling position sensitivity and personnel clearances. For more information contact the office above.
Office of Personnel Management
ol Files
Security Division
Administration Group
Office of Personnel Management
1900 E StrePeace Corps
* Peace Corps Times Mailing System
FOIA Analyst
Office of Administrative Services
Peace Corps
1990 K Street,
* Science Resources Studies Electronic Bulletin Board System
National Science Foundation
Division of Science Resources Studies
Washington, DC 20550 Data: 202-634-1764
Voice: 202-634-4250 (SRS Technical Service)
The SRS Electronic Bulletin Board provides up-to-date statistical data and other information on financial and human resources related to science, engineering and technology. The board contains brief narrative reports on current studies and announcements. 24 hours/day, 7 days/week. Sysop: Jean Deans.
National Science Foundation
* STIS/International Information
Emily Rudin
Information Analysis/Japan Programs Section
Division of International Programs
National Science Foundation
1800 G St., NW
Washington, DC 20550 (202) 357-7044
STIS/International Information is an electronic dissemination service which will make available electronically reports, summaries and news about science and technology trends in foreign countries, which are produced by the Division of International Programs. Users may perform real-time keyword and topic searches to retrieve and display the full-texts of documents. In addition, users will be able to download copies of the documents (or, in on Internet, use file transfer to copy documents). Access to the system is free to the public, initially, but users of the International Information system must request an account. Information about how to access the system will be published and advertised; those instructions are being written. This system is planned to be available in April-May, 1990.
National Science Foundation
* Survey of Scientific and Engineering Personnel Employed at Universities and Colleges
National Science Foundation
Division of Science Resources Studies
1800 G Street NW, Room L-602
Washington, DC 20550
Available from:
Moshman Associates, Inc.
Education and Science Statistics Division
6400 Goldsboro Road
Washington, DC 20034 (301) 229-3000
This microdata file is comprised of records, each corresponding to a University, college or an academically administered federally funded research and development center (FFRDC). Survey began in 1973, and is taken annually in January. 73-78 surveys collected information on the following: full/part time scientists and engineers by the field of science and function in which they were primarily employed and by highest earned degree function. For every institution, file contains name, city, state, zip code, and FIPS code. Files are hierarchical and contain fixed-length records.
National Science Foundation
National Science Foundation Data Files from the National Archives
Margaret Adams
Archives Specialist
Reference Service
Center for Electronic Records (NNXA)
National Archives and Records Administration
8th and Pennsylvania Ave., NW
Washington, DC 20408
(202) 523-6771
The following list is a subset of electronic data sets (i.e., computer-readable data files) in the custody of the National Archives and Records Administration. The standard charge for a copy of an electronic data set (one data set not to exceed one magnetic reel of output) is $90. Ordering information is available upon request. For further information please contact the office above.
STRING getFileList(
"Files" =
Current File
National Science Foundation
* Census of Population, 1900, Public Use Sample
National Science Foundation
* Employment Survey, 1971
National Science Foundation
* National Engineers Register, 1964, 1967, 1969
National Science Foundation
* National Register of Scientific and Technical Personnel
National Science Foundation
National Science Foundation Data Files from NTIS
National Technical Information Service
US Department of Commerce
Springfield, VA 22161
(703) 487-4807
FAX (703) 321-8547
Listed below are data files available from the National Technical Information Service. Call the office above for ordering and cost information.
National Science Foundation
* Attitudes of the US Public Toward Science and Technology, 1972 (PB-275 361/4/XDD) (See NTIS)
This report presents the findings of a personal interview research survey conducted among 2,209 men and women 18 years of age or over living in private households in the continental United States. Interviewing for this Caravan survey was completed during the period May 13 through May 28, 1972, by members of the Opinion Research Corporation national interviewing staff. All interviews were conducted in the homes of respondents. The present data file contains each individual's response to this year's survey. This comprises the response to demographic questions as well as to questions regarding attitudes toward science and technology.
National Science Foundation
* Federal Modeling Survey (PB-234 121/2/XDD) (See NTIS)
A data file is available for the survey of Federally supported modelling efforts. It contains responses from model builders (project directors) and knowledgeable technical personnel in an agency (agency monitor) covers model type, history, cost, and use.
National Science Foundation
* Inventory of Energy Research and Development Information Resources in the United States (1974) (PB-244 204/4/XDD) (See NTIS)
This publication is intended to provide scientists, engineers, and others concerned with research and development related to energy with a reference to potentially applicable sources of information within the United States. Very few of these information resources are dedicated solely to energy; most of them deal primarily with subjects or missions that contain energy related components. The inventory consists of three main sections: Information resources; annotated publications; and indexes. the inventory is published in book form by the American Society for Information Science under the title 'Energy Information Resources--An Inventory of Energy Information and Data Resources in the Continental United States, Hawaii and Alaska.'
National Science Foundation
* Survey of Graduate Science Student Support (1966-72) (PB-252 632/5/XDD) (See NTIS)
The file includes graduate science student support and post-doctoral statistics from 1966 through 1971 and 1972 data from a survey of graduate science student support. A series of publications based on the Graduate Traineeship program statistics were supplemented by data collected in 1972 through a special survey to which 302 graduate and medical school deans responded. Data were provided by 826 master's and 3,811 doctorate science departments in Ph.D.-granting institutions. Source Documents: NSF Form 345 from 1966 through 1971, NSF From 727 for 1972. These are Departmental Data Sheets (Form 345) submitted as applications for NSF traineeships and questionnaires (Form 727) for 1972 survey. Publications: Graduate Student Support and Manpower Resources in Graduate Science Education, Fall 1969 (NSF 70-40). Graduate Student Support and Manpower Resources in Graduate Science Education, Fall 1970 (NSF 71-27). Graduate Student Support and Manpower Resources in Graduate Science Education, Fall 1971 (NSF 73-304). First-year, Full-time Graduate Science Enrollment Continues to Decline, Highlights (72-308). Graduate Science Enrollment Declines 2 percent from 1971 to 1972, Highlights (73-310).
National Science Foundation
* Teacher Data File - 1977 National Survey of Science, Mathematics and Social Studies Education (PB-284 330/8/XDD) (See NTIS)
Six data files were prepared as part of the 1977 National Survey of Science, Mathematics and Social Studies Education. This file includes data collected from 4829 teachers of science, mathematics and social studies in grades K-12. Topics covered include number of years teaching; sources of information; needs for assistance; time spent in instruction; teaching techniques; use of audiovisual materials; use of federally-funded curriculum materials; attendance at NSF-sponsored activities; and problems affecting instruction in their school. Complete documentation for this file can be found in the Data Tape User's Manual for the 1977 National Survey of Science, Mathematics and Social Studies Education (RTI/1266/06-93F).
National Science Foundation
* University-Industry Relationships in Biotechnology: Four Surveys, 1984-85 (for microcomputers) (PB87-160974/XDD) (See NTIS)
The package contains data from four surveys conducted during 1984 and 1985 to assess the extent and consequences of university-industry relationships in biotechnology. The four surveys are of: (1) 106 firms conducting research in biotechnology; (2) administrators at 84 research intensive US universities; (3) 1238 life science, chemistry and engineering faculty at a subset of these universities; and (4) 693 life science graduate students and post-doctoral fellows at six of the ten most research intensive universities in the US Research intensiveness of universities is measured by total federal R&D commitment in fiscal year 1984. The data are contained in 35 comma separated ASCII files on 12 floppy disks.
National Science Foundation
Nuclear Regulatory Commission
* National Energy Software Center
National Energy Software Center
Argonne National Laboratory
9700 South Cass Avenue
Argonne, IL 60439 (708) 972-7250
The National Energy Software Center (NESC) at Argonne National Laboratory is the Nuclear Regulatory Commission's software information and distribution center. The Center acquires, processes, packages, maintains, and distributes computer programs and data compilations developed under the sponsorship of NRC and other government agencies. Bulletins describing recent software acquisitions are issued bimonthly and abstracts containing information on all software in the NESC collection are published annually. NESC's services are available to any group or organization. Most services are available on a full cost-recovery basis, but NRC-sponsored computer codes are available for the cost of distribution only. Package costs vary, and a current price list is available from NESC on request. For more information contact the office above.
Nuclear Regulatory Commission
Argonne, IL 60439 (708) 972-7250
The National Energy Software Center (NESC) at Argonne National Laboratory is the Nuclear Regulatory Commission's software information and distribution center. The Centegulations and for individual personnel determinations including suitability and fitness for Federal employment, access and security clearances, evaluations of qualifications
* R and D Funds (Expenditures), FY 1986, NSF88-312
(ASCII: 4 disks; Lotus: 11 disks)
National Science Foundation
* Scientists, Engineers and Technicians in Trade and Regulated Industry: 1985, NSF88-313
(Lotus: 1 disk)
National Science Foundation
* Science and Engineering Research Facilities at Universities and Colleges: FY 1988, NSF88-320
(ASCII: 1 disk)
National Science Foundation
* US Scientists and Engineers: 1988 Estimates, NSF88-322
(Lotus: 1 disk)
National Science Foundation
* Summary Data of Science and Engineering Doctorates: 1960-1987, NSF88-327
(Lotus: 8 disks)
National Science Foundation
* Scientist and Engineer Employment by Industry: 1977, 1986 Projected to 2000, NSF88-328
(Lotus: 1 disk)
National Science Foundation
* Immigrant Scientists and Engineers: 1987, NSF88-329
(ASCII: 1 disk; Lotus: 1 disk)
National Science Foundation
* Federal Support to Universities, Colleges and Selected Nonprofit Institutions, FY 1987, NSF88-330
(ASCII: 8 disks; Lotus: 18 disks)
National Science Foundation
* Characteristics of Doctoral Scientists and Engineers in the United States: 1987, NSF88-331
(Lotus: 7 disks)
National Science Foundation
* Scientists, Engineers and Technicians in Mfg: 1986, NSF88-337
(ASCII: 2 disks)
National Science Foundation
* Federal Scientists and Engineers: 1987, NSF89-303
(ASCII: 2 disks; Lotus: 2 disks)
National Science Foundation
* Federal Funds for R and D, Volume XXXVII, FY's 1987, 1988, 1989, NSF89-304
(ASCII: 9 disks; Lotus: 10 disks)
National Science Foundation
* International Science and Technology Data Update: 1988, NSF89-307
(Lotus: 2 disks)
National Science Foundation
* National Patterns of R and D Resources Data (1953-1989), NSF89-308
(Lotus: 1 disk)
National Science Foundation
* R and D Funds (Expenditures), FY 1987, NSF89-311
(ASCII: 5 disks; Lotus: 5 disks)
National Science Foundation
* Science and Technology Information System (STIS)
Ruta Godwin
Office of Information Systems
National Science Foundation
1800 G St., NW
Washington, DC 20550 (202) 357-5141
STIS is an electronic dissemination service which will make available electronically the contents of high-demand printed publications of NSF. Some of these are the NSF Bulletin, the Guide to Programs, program announcements, press releases, and information about research projects that are funded by NSF, including abstracts describing the scope of the research. Users may perform real-time keyword and topic searches to retrieve and display the full-texts of documents. In addition, users will be able to download copies of the documents (or, if on Internet, use file transfer to copy documents). Access to the system is free to the public, initially. Information about how to access the system will be published and advertised; those instructions are being written. This system is planned to be available in April-May, 1990.
National Science Foundation
1800 G Stduate Science Education, Fall 1970 (NSF 71-27). Graduate Student Support and Manpower Resources in Graduate Science Education, Fall 1971 (NSF 73-304). First-year, Full-time Graduate Science Enrollment Continues to Decline, Highlights (72-308). Graduate Science Enrollment Declines 2 percent from 1971 to 1972, Highlights (73-310).
* NSF Grants Bulletin Board
Mary Ann Messier
Division of Grants and Contracts
National Science Foundation
1800 G St., NW
Washington, DC 20550 (202) 357-9653
This bulletin board was established by the NSF Division of Contracts and Grants to provide a discussion forum among research administrators, grant officers, NSF officials, and other interested parties. Occasionally, the announcement of a forthcoming program is included on the system. Users can access the bulletin board through BITNET (grants-r@ nsf for membership; grants@ nsf for posting notices) and through INTERNET (grants-request@ note.nsf.gov for membership; grants@ note.nsf.gov for posting notices). The bulletin board is essentially an electronic mail exchange, and not a real-time interactive system.
National Science Foundation
* Science and Engineering Surveys
Jean Deans
Science Resources Studies Division
1800 G Street, NW, Room L-602D
National Science Foundation
Washington, DC 20550 (202) 634-4250
A variety of data sets are prepared by the Science Resources Studies Division of the NSF. This division conducts surveys and collects data about scientific and technical: personnel; funding for search and development; college and university students and activities; and labor market issues. Analysis is made of the availability of, and current and projected need for, both financial and human resources. The data sets are produced on diskettes for public access. Contact RDS Systems, Inc., 6110 Executive Boulevard, Suite 1050, Rockville, MD 20852, (301) 984-1989 for ordering information. Following is a list of SRS data sets currently available.
National Science Foundation
* Immigrant Scientists and Engineers: 1986
(Lotus: 1 disk)
National Science Foundation
* Scientists, Engineers and Technicians in Mfg: 1983
(ASCII: 2 disks)
National Science Foundation
* Scientists, Engineers and Technicians in Nonmfg: 1984
(ASCII: 2 disks)
National Science Foundation
* Scientists and Engineers, January 1985, SRS 86-D3
(ASCII: 4 disks; Lotus: 5 disks)
National Science Foundation
* Academic Research Equipment in Selected Science/Engineering: 1982-83 - 1985-86, SRS 88-D1
(ASCII: 2 disks)
National Science Foundation
* Federal Funds for R and D, Volume XXXVI, FY's 1986, 1987, 1988, NSF87-314
(ASCII: 9 disks; Lotus: 8 disks)
National Science Foundation
* Federal Support to Universities, Colleges and Selected Nonprofit Institutions, FY 1986, NSF87-318
(ASCII: 7 disks; Lotus: 16 disks)
National Science Foundation
* International Science and Technology Data Update: 1988, NSF87-319
(Lotus: 1 disk)
National Science Foundation
* Federal Scientists and Engineers: 1986, NSF87-320
(ASCII: 2 disks; Lotus: 2 disks)
National Science Foundation
* Characteristics of Recent Science/Engineering Graduates: 1986, NSF87-321
(Lotus: 3 disks)
National Science Foundation
* US Scientists and Engineers: 1986, NSF87-322
(Lotus: 4 disks)
National Science Foundation
* Tables from Women and Minorities in Science and Engineering: January, 1988, NSF88-301
(Lotus: 4 disks)
National Science Foundation
* Graduate Enrollment and Support, (Graduate Science and Engineering Students and Postdoctorates), Fall 1985, NSF88-307
(Lotus: 11 disks)
National Science Foundation
* Summary Data of Science and Engineering Doctorates: 1960-1986, NSF88-309
(Lotus: 7 disks)#
National Science Foundation
tudents and Postdoctorates), Fall 1985, NSF88-307
(Lotus: 11 disks)
National Science Foundation
* Summary Data of Science and `
* National PatternF
* Survey of Economic Opportunity, 1967
National Archives and Records Administration
National Archives and Records
Administration Center for Electronic Records
Margaret Adams
Archives Specialist
Reference Service
Center for Electronic Records (NNXA)
National Archives and Records Administration
8th and Pennsylvania Ave., NW
Washington, DC 20408
(202) 523-6771
The National Archives and Records Administration serves as the nation's repository for data tapes of historical or ongoing importance. The National Archives is the only federal agency with the statutory responsibility of identifying and preserving valuable records of the federal government.
The Center for Electronic Records currently stores tapes from more than 50 government departments and agencies. The Center holds over 7000 unique data sets on many subjects covering a broad range of federal activity including agriculture, aviation, demographics, education, economics, employment, health, labor, civil rights, transportation, military, and international trade. It also maintains selected records from most of the departments of the Executive Branch and many agencies, commissions, boards, and committees in over 3000 reels arranged in approximately 350 series. The Archives is also the primary distributor of active data bases produced by the US Securities Exchange Commission and the now defunct Civil Aeronautics Board.
This office at the National Archives can provide you with information on the existence, location and availability of data created by federal agencies. Staff at the Center can respond to requests for specific files, for general types of data, or for data compatible with that currently being used by a researcher. The Center's staff have a general knowledge about files currently held by federal agencies and they know who to contact in those agencies to obtain more detailed information about them, or about current and future data collection plans.
The Center is entering titles of all its electronic data sets into a data base. To help users identify its holdings, the Center will provide a printout of the titles entered to date in the data base. The list of data sets is arranged according to Record Group (RG). Generally, each federal department, agency, or bureau is assigned its own RG.
The standard charge for a copy of one electronic data set is $90 for the first reel and $17 for each additional reel. When multiple data sets can be copied on one reel, the charge is $90 for the first data set and $24.50 for each additional set. Data set documentation is photocopied at $.35 per page of $1.05 per fiche. There is a $5.00 minimum mail order. With few exceptions, printouts of data sets, copies onto disk, CD-ROM or other electronic media, other than tape, and extracts of data sets are not available. To request a title list or to obtain ordering information, contact the Center's Reference Service, listed above.
Following is a list of federal agencies, supplying data tapes to the National Archives:
Adjutant General's Office
Administration on Aging
Agency for International Development (AID)
Agricultural Research Service
Air Force, Headquarters US
Army Staff
Census, Bureau of
Civil Aeronautics Board
Civil Service Agencies
Commerce, US Department of
Commission on Population Growth and the American Future
Commission on the Review of the National Policy Toward Gambling
Commission on Civil Rights
Community Services Administration
Cost of Living Council
Defense Intelligence Agency
Defense, Office of the Secretary
District of Columbia, Government of the
Economic Analysis, Bureau of (BEA)
Economic Opportunity and Legal Services, Agencies for
Economic Stabilization Programs
Economic, Statistics and Cooperative Service
Education, US Department of
Education, Office of
Employment and Training Administration (ETA)
Engineers, Office of the Chief
Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC)
Executive Office of the President, Organizations in the
Federal Home Loan Bank System (FHLBS)
Federal Trade Commission (FTC)
Food and Consumer Services
Foreign Agricultural Service
General Accounting Office, US (GAO)
Geological Survey, US (USGS)
Gift Collection, National Archives
Health and Human Services, US Department of (HHS)
Health, Education and Welfare, Department of (HEW)
House of Representatives, US
Housing and Urban Development, US Department of (HUD)
Human Development, Office of the Assistant Secretary for
Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS)
Indian Affairs, Bureau of (BIA)
Information Agency, US (USIA)
Internal Revenue Service (IRS)
Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS)
Joint Commands
Labor, Department of
Labor Statistics, Bureau of (BLS)
Merit Systems Protection Board (MSPB)
Military Assistance Command Vietnam (MACV)
Minerals Management Service
National Academy of Sciences
National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)
National Commission on Marijuana and Drug Abuse, 1975
National Commission on Social Security, 1979-1981
National Commission on the Causes and Prevention of Violence
National Commission on the Financing of Postsecondary Education
National Institute of Education (NIE)
National Institute of Health (NIH)
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)
President's Commission on School Finance, 1970-1972
President's Commission on the Accident at Three Mile Island
President's Commission on the Coal Industry
President's Commission on the Space Shuttle Challenger Accident
Provost Marshal General, 1941 - , Office of
Public Health Service (PHS)
Railway Association, US (USRA)
Securities and Exchange Commission
Senate, US
Social Security Administration (SSA)
Temporary Committees, Commissions and Boards
Transportation, US Department of (DOT)
Treasury, US Department of the
Veterans Administration (VA)
Watergate Special Prosecution Force (WSPF)
The following list is a subset of electronic data sets (i.e., computer-readable data files) in the custody of the National Archives and Records Administration. The standard charge for a copy of an electronic data set (one data set not to exceed one magnetic reel of output) is $90. Ordering information is available upon request. For further information please contact the office above.
* Traffic and Financial Reports
National Archives and Records Administration
National Archives and Records
Administration Center for Electronic Records
Margaret Adams
Archives Specialist
Reference Service
Center for Electronic Records (NNXA)
National Archives and Records Administration
8th and Pennsylvania Ave., NW
Washington, DC 20408
(202) 523-6771
The National Archives and Records Administration serves as the nation's repository for data tapes of historical or ongoing importance. The National Archives is the only federal agency with the statutory responsibility of identifying and preserving valuable records of the federal government.
The Center for Electronic Records currently stores tapes from more than 50 government departments and agencies. The Center holds over 7000 unique data sets on many subjects covering a broad range of federal activity including agriculture, aviation, demographics, education, economics, employment, health, labor, civil rights, transportation, military, and international trade. It also maintains selected records from most of the departments of the Executive Branch and many agencies, commissions, boards, and committees in over 3000 reels arranged in approximately 350 series. The Archives is also the primary distributor of active data bases produced by the US Securities Exchange Commission and the now defunct Civil Aeronautics Board.
This office at the National Archives can provide you with information on the existence, location and availability of data created by federal agencies. Staff at the Center can respond to requests for specific files, for general types of data, or for data compatible with that currently being used by a researcher. The Center's staff have a general knowledge about files currently held by federal agencies and they know who to contact in those agencies to obtain more detailed information about them, or about current and future data collection plans.
The Center is entering titles of all its electronic data sets into a data base. To help users identify its holdings, the Center will provide a printout of the titles entered to date in the data base. The list of data sets is arranged according to Record Group (RG). Generally, each federal department, agency, or bureau is assigned its own RG.
The standard charge for a copy of one electronic data set is $90 for the first reel and $17 for each additional reel. When multiple data sets can be copied on one reel, the charge is $90 for the first data set and $24.50 for each additional set. Data set documentation is photocopied at $.35 per page of $1.05 per fiche. There is a $5.00 minimum mail order. With few exceptions, printouts of data sets, copies onto disk, CD-ROM or other electronic media, other than tape, and extracts of data sets are not available. To request a title list or to obtain ordering information, contact the Center's Reference Service, listed above.
Following is a list of federal agencies, supplying data tapes to the National Archives:
Adjutant General's Office
Administration on Aging
Agency for International Development (AID)
Agricultural Research Service
Air Force, Headquarters US
Army Staff
Census, Bureau of
Civil Aeronautics Board
Civil Service Agencies
Commerce, US Department of
Commission on Population Growth and the American Future
Commission on the Review of the National Policy Toward Gambling
Commission on Civil Rights
Community Services Administration
Cost of Living Council
Defense Intelligence Agency
Defense, Office of the Secretary
District of Columbia, Government of the
Economic Analysis, Bureau of (BEA)
Economic Opportunity and Legal Services, Agencies for
Economic Stabilization Programs
Economic, Statistics and Cooperative Service
Education, US Department of
Education, Office of
Employment and Training Administration (ETA)
Engineers, Office of the Chief
Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC)
Executive Office of the President, Organizations in the
Federal Home Loan Bank System (FHLBS)
Federal Trade Commission (FTC)
Food and Consumer Services
Foreign Agricultural Service
General Accounting Office, US (GAO)
Geological Survey, US (USGS)
Gift Collection, National Archives
Health and Human Services, US Department of (HHS)
Health, Education and Welfare, Department of (HEW)
House of Representatives, US
Housing and Urban Development, US Department of (HUD)
Human Development, Office of the Assistant Secretary for
Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS)
Indian Affairs, Bureau of (BIA)
Information Agency, US (USIA)
Internal Revenue Service (IRS)
Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS)
Joint Commands
Labor, Department of
Labor Statistics, Bureau of (BLS)
Merit Systems Protection Board (MSPB)
Military Assistance Command Vietnam (MACV)
Minerals Management Service
National Academy of Sciences
National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)
National Commission on Marijuana and Drug Abuse, 1975
National Commission on Social Security, 1979-1981
National Commission on the Causes and Prevention of Violence
National Commission on the Financing of Postsecondary Education
National Institute of Education (NIE)
National Institute of Health (NIH)
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)
President's Commission on School Finance, 1970-1972
President's Commission on the Accident at Three Mile Island
President's Commission on the Coal Industry
President's Commission on the Space Shuttle Challenger Accident
Provost Marshal General, 1941 - , Office of
Public Health Service (PHS)
Railway Association, US (USRA)
Securities and Exchange Commission
Senate, US
Social Security Administration (SSA)
Temporary Committees, Commissions and Boards
Transportation, US Department of (DOT)
Treasury, US Department of the
Veterans Administration (VA)
Watergate Special Prosecution Force (WSPF)
The following list is a subset of electronic data sets (i.e., computer-readable data files) in the custody of the National Archives and Records Administration. The standard charge for a copy of an electronic data set (one data set not to exceed one magnetic reel of output) is $90. Ordering information is available upon request. For further information please contact the office above.
* Watergate Special Prosecution Force
National Archives and Records Administration
National Archives and Records
Administration Center for Electronic Records
Margaret Adams
Archives Specialist
Reference Service
Center for Electronic Records (NNXA)
National Archives and Records Administration
8th and Pennsylvania Ave., NW
Washington, DC 20408
(202) 523-6771
The National Archives and Records Administration serves as the nation's repository for data tapes of historical or ongoing importance. The National Archives is the only federal agency with the statutory responsibility of identifying and preserving valuable records of the federal government.
The Center for Electronic Records currently stores tapes from more than 50 government departments and agencies. The Center holds over 7000 unique data sets on many subjects covering a broad range of federal activity including agriculture, aviation, demographics, education, economics, employment, health, labor, civil rights, transportation, military, and international trade. It also maintains selected records from most of the departments of the Executive Branch and many agencies, commissions, boards, and committees in over 3000 reels arranged in approximately 350 series. The Archives is also the primary distributor of active data bases produced by the US Securities Exchange Commission and the now defunct Civil Aeronautics Board.
This office at the National Archives can provide you with information on the existence, location and availability of data created by federal agencies. Staff at the Center can respond to requests for specific files, for general types of data, or for data compatible with that currently being used by a researcher. The Center's staff have a general knowledge about files currently held by federal agencies and they know who to contact in those agencies to obtain more detailed information about them, or about current and future data collection plans.
The Center is entering titles of all its electronic data sets into a data base. To help users identify its holdings, the Center will provide a printout of the titles entered to date in the data base. The list of data sets is arranged according to Record Group (RG). Generally, each federal department, agency, or bureau is assigned its own RG.
The standard charge for a copy of one electronic data set is $90 for the first reel and $17 for each additional reel. When multiple data sets can be copied on one reel, the charge is $90 for the first data set and $24.50 for each additional set. Data set documentation is photocopied at $.35 per page of $1.05 per fiche. There is a $5.00 minimum mail order. With few exceptions, printouts of data sets, copies onto disk, CD-ROM or other electronic media, other than tape, and extracts of data sets are not available. To request a title list or to obtain ordering information, contact the Center's Reference Service, listed above.
Following is a list of federal agencies, supplying data tapes to the National Archives:
Adjutant General's Office
Administration on Aging
Agency for International Development (AID)
Agricultural Research Service
Air Force, Headquarters US
Army Staff
Census, Bureau of
Civil Aeronautics Board
Civil Service Agencies
Commerce, US Department of
Commission on Population Growth and the American Future
Commission on the Review of the National Policy Toward Gambling
Commission on Civil Rights
Community Services Administration
Cost of Living Council
Defense Intelligence Agency
Defense, Office of the Secretary
District of Columbia, Government of the
Economic Analysis, Bureau of (BEA)
Economic Opportunity and Legal Services, Agencies for
Economic Stabilization Programs
Economic, Statistics and Cooperative Service
Education, US Department of
Education, Office of
Employment and Training Administration (ETA)
Engineers, Office of the Chief
Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC)
Executive Office of the President, Organizations in the
Federal Home Loan Bank System (FHLBS)
Federal Trade Commission (FTC)
Food and Consumer Services
Foreign Agricultural Service
General Accounting Office, US (GAO)
Geological Survey, US (USGS)
Gift Collection, National Archives
Health and Human Services, US Department of (HHS)
Health, Education and Welfare, Department of (HEW)
House of Representatives, US
Housing and Urban Development, US Department of (HUD)
Human Development, Office of the Assistant Secretary for
Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS)
Indian Affairs, Bureau of (BIA)
Information Agency, US (USIA)
Internal Revenue Service (IRS)
Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS)
Joint Commands
Labor, Department of
Labor Statistics, Bureau of (BLS)
Merit Systems Protection Board (MSPB)
Military Assistance Command Vietnam (MACV)
Minerals Management Service
National Academy of Sciences
National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)
National Commission on Marijuana and Drug Abuse, 1975
National Commission on Social Security, 1979-1981
National Commission on the Causes and Prevention of Violence
National Commission on the Financing of Postsecondary Education
National Institute of Education (NIE)
National Institute of Health (NIH)
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)
President's Commission on School Finance, 1970-1972
President's Commission on the Accident at Three Mile Island
President's Commission on the Coal Industry
President's Commission on the Space Shuttle Challenger Accident
Provost Marshal General, 1941 - , Office of
Public Health Service (PHS)
Railway Association, US (USRA)
Securities and Exchange Commission
Senate, US
Social Security Administration (SSA)
Temporary Committees, Commissions and Boards
Transportation, US Department of (DOT)
Treasury, US Department of the
Veterans Administration (VA)
Watergate Special Prosecution Force (WSPF)
The following list is a subset of electronic data sets (i.e., computer-readable data files) in the custody of the National Archives and Records Administration. The standard charge for a copy of an electronic data set (one data set not to exceed one magnetic reel of output) is $90. Ordering information is available upon request. For further information please contact the office above.
National Credit Union Administ
* National Credit Union Administration Data Base
Patricia Slye
National Credit Union Administration
Washington, DC 20456 (202) 682-9700
Upon written request, financial information regarding approximately 15,000 credit unions for which the NCUA has regulatory authority is made available to the public under the provision of 5 USC Section 552 of the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA). Information is collected on a semiannual basis and maintained on the data base. Information or selected information may be obtained on hard copy, magnetic tape, and IBM compatible 3-1/2 inch or 5-1/4 inch diskettes. The standard fees for search and reproduction are based on the hourly rates of $85 for computer search, $21.53 for programming, and $17 for operator fees. For those who qualify, i.e. representatives of the new media, a reduction of two hours search and first 100 pages of duplication are free of charge.
National Credit Union Administrationnn
National Foundation on the Arts
* IMS Grants Management System
Institute of Museum Services
1100 Pennsylvania Ave, NW, Room 510
Washington, DC 20506 (202) 786-0536
This system tracks the grants from the application and review process through the completion of the project. Freedom of Information Act requests are required to receive information.
National Foundation on the Arts and the Humanities
* NEA Grants Management System
Andrea F. Fowler
National Endowment for the Arts
Information Management Division
1100 Pennsylvania Ave., NW, Room 815
Washington, DC 20506 (202) 682-5455
One of the principal ways in which the National Endowment for the Arts fulfills its mission to encourage and support American arts and artists is through the awarding of grants to individuals and organizations. The Arts Endowment receives between 15,000-16,000 applications for grant awards annually, and awards between 4,000-5,000 grants per year. To facilitate the management and control of application and grant information received and processed at the Arts Endowment, an automated computer system was developed for the agency. The Grants Management System is an online system which allows agency users to invoke various functions (e.g., maintenance, searching and reporting functions) interactively through menus. The system operates in a WANG VS environment. The Grants Management System contains pertinent information about applicants/grantees and the projects which are recommended for award. A written request is generally required to obtain information from the Grants Management System.
National Foundation on the Arts and the Humanities
* NEH Grants Management System
Office of Publications and Public Affairs
National Endowment for the Humanities
1100 Pennsylvania Ave, NW, Room 406
Washington, DC 20506 (202) 786-0446
This system tracks the grants from the application process through the completion of the project. Freedom of Information Act requests are required to receive information.
National Foundation on the Arts and the Humanities
National Capital Planning Commis
* Employment and Building Space Data Base
Patrick Tribe, Research Assistant
National Capital Planning Commission
1325 G Street, NW
Washington, DC 20576 (202) 724-0179
This data base contains building space data, including the number of employees in buildings which are federally-owned or leased in the capital area. Searches and printouts are available on a cost-recovery basis. Contact the office above for more information.
National Capital Planning Commission
* Federal Land Use Data Base
Patrick Tribe, Research Assistant
National Capital Planning Commission
1325 G Street, NW
Washington, DC 20572 (202) 724-0179
This data base includes statistics of federally-owned or leased properties, including the number of acres, in the capital area. Searches and printouts are available on a cost-recovery basis. Contact the office above for more information.
National Capital Planning Commission
National Labor Relations Board
* Case Handling Information Processing System -CHIPS
United States Government
National Labor Relations Board
Office of the General Counsel
Washington, DC 20570 (202) 254-9350
This system is designed to provide management controls over all cases brought before the NLRB. Coverage begins with cases filed in fiscal year 1963. Categories of information include types of cases, case status, and regional distribution of cases. The system is used to manage the agency's resources, to monitor the processing of cases, to prepare the agency's budget, and to publish the annual report to Congress. For more information contact the office above.
National Labor Relations Board
* Equal Employment Opportunity Management System
United States Government
National Labor Relations Board
Office of the General Counsel
Washington, DC 20570 (202) 254-9350
This system captures information used by the agency's Equal Employment Opportunity Office in the development, modification, and monitoring of its programs. For more information contact the office above.
National Labor Relations Board
* NLRB Legal Research System
United States Government
National Labor Relations Board
Office of the General Counsel
Washington, DC 20570 (202) 254-9350
The purpose of this system is to classify and index information relating to cases in order to support needed legal research. Information captured includes classification number, case citation, and date and abstract of decision. Input documents include a variety of NLRB forms designed for classifying the case file information. The information is published by GPO periodically. For more information contact the office above.
National Labor Relations Board
* Unit Case Tracking System
United States Government
National Labor Relations Board
Office of the General Counsel
Washington, DC 20570 (202) 254-9350
Case tracking systems designed to monitor the unit workload and to maintain control of active cases. Data is gathered from case file documents and case history cards. Output reports are statistical in nature and are used by staff members to determine the status of active cases. For more information contact the office above.
National Labor Relations Board
National Science Foundation
* Decision-Related Research on the Organization of Service Delivery Systems in Metropolitan Areas: Public Health
Division of Research Applied to National Needs
National Science Foundation
1800 G St., NW
Washington, DC 20550
The file is designed to investigate the delivery of public health services, this data base describes the characteristics of available professionals and facilities; regulatory factors describing the impact of governmental programs; financing factors; state medicaid programs; Blue Cross and Blue Shield, and Medicare programs; demographic and socioeconomic characteristics. Data were collected from sources nationwide and pertain to 1970. The file is available from ICPSR (order number ICPSR 7374): Member Services, ICPSR, P.O. Box 1248, Ann Arbor, MI 48106, (313) 763-5010.
National Science Foundation
National Science Foundation
Federal Judicial Center
* National Science Foundation (NSF) Science and Engineering Surveys
Jean Deans
Science Resources Studies Division
National Science Foundation
1800 G St., NW, Room L-6020
Washington, DC 20550 (202) 634-4250
A variety of data sets are prepared by the Science Resources Studies Division of the NSF. This division conducts surveys and collects data about scientific and technical: personnel; funding for research and development; college and university students and activities; and labor market issues. Analysis is made of the availability of, and current and projected need for, both financial and human resources. The data sets are produced on diskettes for public access. Contact the office above for more information.
National Science Foundation
Federal Judicial Center
* National Science Foundatio
* National Commission on Social Security, 1977-1981
National Archives and Records Administration
National Archives and Records
Administration Center for Electronic Records
Margaret Adams
Archives Specialist
Reference Service
Center for Electronic Records (NNXA)
National Archives and Records Administration
8th and Pennsylvania Ave., NW
Washington, DC 20408
(202) 523-6771
The National Archives and Records Administration serves as the nation's repository for data tapes of historical or ongoing importance. The National Archives is the only federal agency with the statutory responsibility of identifying and preserving valuable records of the federal government.
The Center for Electronic Records currently stores tapes from more than 50 government departments and agencies. The Center holds over 7000 unique data sets on many subjects covering a broad range of federal activity including agriculture, aviation, demographics, education, economics, employment, health, labor, civil rights, transportation, military, and international trade. It also maintains selected records from most of the departments of the Executive Branch and many agencies, commissions, boards, and committees in over 3000 reels arranged in approximately 350 series. The Archives is also the primary distributor of active data bases produced by the US Securities Exchange Commission and the now defunct Civil Aeronautics Board.
This office at the National Archives can provide you with information on the existence, location and availability of data created by federal agencies. Staff at the Center can respond to requests for specific files, for general types of data, or for data compatible with that currently being used by a researcher. The Center's staff have a general knowledge about files currently held by federal agencies and they know who to contact in those agencies to obtain more detailed information about them, or about current and future data collection plans.
The Center is entering titles of all its electronic data sets into a data base. To help users identify its holdings, the Center will provide a printout of the titles entered to date in the data base. The list of data sets is arranged according to Record Group (RG). Generally, each federal department, agency, or bureau is assigned its own RG.
The standard charge for a copy of one electronic data set is $90 for the first reel and $17 for each additional reel. When multiple data sets can be copied on one reel, the charge is $90 for the first data set and $24.50 for each additional set. Data set documentation is photocopied at $.35 per page of $1.05 per fiche. There is a $5.00 minimum mail order. With few exceptions, printouts of data sets, copies onto disk, CD-ROM or other electronic media, other than tape, and extracts of data sets are not available. To request a title list or to obtain ordering information, contact the Center's Reference Service, listed above.
Following is a list of federal agencies, supplying data tapes to the National Archives:
Adjutant General's Office
Administration on Aging
Agency for International Development (AID)
Agricultural Research Service
Air Force, Headquarters US
Army Staff
Census, Bureau of
Civil Aeronautics Board
Civil Service Agencies
Commerce, US Department of
Commission on Population Growth and the American Future
Commission on the Review of the National Policy Toward Gambling
Commission on Civil Rights
Community Services Administration
Cost of Living Council
Defense Intelligence Agency
Defense, Office of the Secretary
District of Columbia, Government of the
Economic Analysis, Bureau of (BEA)
Economic Opportunity and Legal Services, Agencies for
Economic Stabilization Programs
Economic, Statistics and Cooperative Service
Education, US Department of
Education, Office of
Employment and Training Administration (ETA)
Engineers, Office of the Chief
Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC)
Executive Office of the President, Organizations in the
Federal Home Loan Bank System (FHLBS)
Federal Trade Commission (FTC)
Food and Consumer Services
Foreign Agricultural Service
General Accounting Office, US (GAO)
Geological Survey, US (USGS)
Gift Collection, National Archives
Health and Human Services, US Department of (HHS)
Health, Education and Welfare, Department of (HEW)
House of Representatives, US
Housing and Urban Development, US Department of (HUD)
Human Development, Office of the Assistant Secretary for
Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS)
Indian Affairs, Bureau of (BIA)
Information Agency, US (USIA)
Internal Revenue Service (IRS)
Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS)
Joint Commands
Labor, Department of
Labor Statistics, Bureau of (BLS)
Merit Systems Protection Board (MSPB)
Military Assistance Command Vietnam (MACV)
Minerals Management Service
National Academy of Sciences
National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)
National Commission on Marijuana and Drug Abuse, 1975
National Commission on Social Security, 1979-1981
National Commission on the Causes and Prevention of Violence
National Commission on the Financing of Postsecondary Education
National Institute of Education (NIE)
National Institute of Health (NIH)
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)
President's Commission on School Finance, 1970-1972
President's Commission on the Accident at Three Mile Island
President's Commission on the Coal Industry
President's Commission on the Space Shuttle Challenger Accident
Provost Marshal General, 1941 - , Office of
Public Health Service (PHS)
Railway Association, US (USRA)
Securities and Exchange Commission
Senate, US
Social Security Administration (SSA)
Temporary Committees, Commissions and Boards
Transportation, US Department of (DOT)
Treasury, US Department of the
Veterans Administration (VA)
Watergate Special Prosecution Force (WSPF)
The following list is a subset of electronic data sets (i.e., computer-readable data files) in the custody of the National Archives and Records Administration. The standard charge for a copy of an electronic data set (one data set not to exceed one magnetic reel of output) is $90. Ordering information is available upon request. For further information please contact the office above.
* National Commission on the Financing of Post Secondary Education, 1972-1974
National Archives and Records Administration
National Archives and Records
Administration Center for Electronic Records
Margaret Adams
Archives Specialist
Reference Service
Center for Electronic Records (NNXA)
National Archives and Records Administration
8th and Pennsylvania Ave., NW
Washington, DC 20408
(202) 523-6771
The National Archives and Records Administration serves as the nation's repository for data tapes of historical or ongoing importance. The National Archives is the only federal agency with the statutory responsibility of identifying and preserving valuable records of the federal government.
The Center for Electronic Records currently stores tapes from more than 50 government departments and agencies. The Center holds over 7000 unique data sets on many subjects covering a broad range of federal activity including agriculture, aviation, demographics, education, economics, employment, health, labor, civil rights, transportation, military, and international trade. It also maintains selected records from most of the departments of the Executive Branch and many agencies, commissions, boards, and committees in over 3000 reels arranged in approximately 350 series. The Archives is also the primary distributor of active data bases produced by the US Securities Exchange Commission and the now defunct Civil Aeronautics Board.
This office at the National Archives can provide you with information on the existence, location and availability of data created by federal agencies. Staff at the Center can respond to requests for specific files, for general types of data, or for data compatible with that currently being used by a researcher. The Center's staff have a general knowledge about files currently held by federal agencies and they know who to contact in those agencies to obtain more detailed information about them, or about current and future data collection plans.
The Center is entering titles of all its electronic data sets into a data base. To help users identify its holdings, the Center will provide a printout of the titles entered to date in the data base. The list of data sets is arranged according to Record Group (RG). Generally, each federal department, agency, or bureau is assigned its own RG.
The standard charge for a copy of one electronic data set is $90 for the first reel and $17 for each additional reel. When multiple data sets can be copied on one reel, the charge is $90 for the first data set and $24.50 for each additional set. Data set documentation is photocopied at $.35 per page of $1.05 per fiche. There is a $5.00 minimum mail order. With few exceptions, printouts of data sets, copies onto disk, CD-ROM or other electronic media, other than tape, and extracts of data sets are not available. To request a title list or to obtain ordering information, contact the Center's Reference Service, listed above.
Following is a list of federal agencies, supplying data tapes to the National Archives:
Adjutant General's Office
Administration on Aging
Agency for International Development (AID)
Agricultural Research Service
Air Force, Headquarters US
Army Staff
Census, Bureau of
Civil Aeronautics Board
Civil Service Agencies
Commerce, US Department of
Commission on Population Growth and the American Future
Commission on the Review of the National Policy Toward Gambling
Commission on Civil Rights
Community Services Administration
Cost of Living Council
Defense Intelligence Agency
Defense, Office of the Secretary
District of Columbia, Government of the
Economic Analysis, Bureau of (BEA)
Economic Opportunity and Legal Services, Agencies for
Economic Stabilization Programs
Economic, Statistics and Cooperative Service
Education, US Department of
Education, Office of
Employment and Training Administration (ETA)
Engineers, Office of the Chief
Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC)
Executive Office of the President, Organizations in the
Federal Home Loan Bank System (FHLBS)
Federal Trade Commission (FTC)
Food and Consumer Services
Foreign Agricultural Service
General Accounting Office, US (GAO)
Geological Survey, US (USGS)
Gift Collection, National Archives
Health and Human Services, US Department of (HHS)
Health, Education and Welfare, Department of (HEW)
House of Representatives, US
Housing and Urban Development, US Department of (HUD)
Human Development, Office of the Assistant Secretary for
Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS)
Indian Affairs, Bureau of (BIA)
Information Agency, US (USIA)
Internal Revenue Service (IRS)
Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS)
Joint Commands
Labor, Department of
Labor Statistics, Bureau of (BLS)
Merit Systems Protection Board (MSPB)
Military Assistance Command Vietnam (MACV)
Minerals Management Service
National Academy of Sciences
National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)
National Commission on Marijuana and Drug Abuse, 1975
National Commission on Social Security, 1979-1981
National Commission on the Causes and Prevention of Violence
National Commission on the Financing of Postsecondary Education
National Institute of Education (NIE)
National Institute of Health (NIH)
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)
President's Commission on School Finance, 1970-1972
President's Commission on the Accident at Three Mile Island
President's Commission on the Coal Industry
President's Commission on the Space Shuttle Challenger Accident
Provost Marshal General, 1941 - , Office of
Public Health Service (PHS)
Railway Association, US (USRA)
Securities and Exchange Commission
Senate, US
Social Security Administration (SSA)
Temporary Committees, Commissions and Boards
Transportation, US Department of (DOT)
Treasury, US Department of the
Veterans Administration (VA)
Watergate Special Prosecution Force (WSPF)
The following list is a subset of electronic data sets (i.e., computer-readable data files) in the custody of the National Archives and Records Administration. The standard charge for a copy of an electronic data set (one data set not to exceed one magnetic reel of output) is $90. Ordering information is available upon request. For further information please contact the office above.
* Origin and Destination Survey, City/Airport,Nomenclature, 1969-1985
National Archives and Records Administration
National Archives and Records
Administration Center for Electronic Records
Margaret Adams
Archives Specialist
Reference Service
Center for Electronic Records (NNXA)
National Archives and Records Administration
8th and Pennsylvania Ave., NW
Washington, DC 20408
(202) 523-6771
The National Archives and Records Administration serves as the nation's repository for data tapes of historical or ongoing importance. The National Archives is the only federal agency with the statutory responsibility of identifying and preserving valuable records of the federal government.
The Center for Electronic Records currently stores tapes from more than 50 government departments and agencies. The Center holds over 7000 unique data sets on many subjects covering a broad range of federal activity including agriculture, aviation, demographics, education, economics, employment, health, labor, civil rights, transportation, military, and international trade. It also maintains selected records from most of the departments of the Executive Branch and many agencies, commissions, boards, and committees in over 3000 reels arranged in approximately 350 series. The Archives is also the primary distributor of active data bases produced by the US Securities Exchange Commission and the now defunct Civil Aeronautics Board.
This office at the National Archives can provide you with information on the existence, location and availability of data created by federal agencies. Staff at the Center can respond to requests for specific files, for general types of data, or for data compatible with that currently being used by a researcher. The Center's staff have a general knowledge about files currently held by federal agencies and they know who to contact in those agencies to obtain more detailed information about them, or about current and future data collection plans.
The Center is entering titles of all its electronic data sets into a data base. To help users identify its holdings, the Center will provide a printout of the titles entered to date in the data base. The list of data sets is arranged according to Record Group (RG). Generally, each federal department, agency, or bureau is assigned its own RG.
The standard charge for a copy of one electronic data set is $90 for the first reel and $17 for each additional reel. When multiple data sets can be copied on one reel, the charge is $90 for the first data set and $24.50 for each additional set. Data set documentation is photocopied at $.35 per page of $1.05 per fiche. There is a $5.00 minimum mail order. With few exceptions, printouts of data sets, copies onto disk, CD-ROM or other electronic media, other than tape, and extracts of data sets are not available. To request a title list or to obtain ordering information, contact the Center's Reference Service, listed above.
Following is a list of federal agencies, supplying data tapes to the National Archives:
Adjutant General's Office
Administration on Aging
Agency for International Development (AID)
Agricultural Research Service
Air Force, Headquarters US
Army Staff
Census, Bureau of
Civil Aeronautics Board
Civil Service Agencies
Commerce, US Department of
Commission on Population Growth and the American Future
Commission on the Review of the National Policy Toward Gambling
Commission on Civil Rights
Community Services Administration
Cost of Living Council
Defense Intelligence Agency
Defense, Office of the Secretary
District of Columbia, Government of the
Economic Analysis, Bureau of (BEA)
Economic Opportunity and Legal Services, Agencies for
Economic Stabilization Programs
Economic, Statistics and Cooperative Service
Education, US Department of
Education, Office of
Employment and Training Administration (ETA)
Engineers, Office of the Chief
Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC)
Executive Office of the President, Organizations in the
Federal Home Loan Bank System (FHLBS)
Federal Trade Commission (FTC)
Food and Consumer Services
Foreign Agricultural Service
General Accounting Office, US (GAO)
Geological Survey, US (USGS)
Gift Collection, National Archives
Health and Human Services, US Department of (HHS)
Health, Education and Welfare, Department of (HEW)
House of Representatives, US
Housing and Urban Development, US Department of (HUD)
Human Development, Office of the Assistant Secretary for
Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS)
Indian Affairs, Bureau of (BIA)
Information Agency, US (USIA)
Internal Revenue Service (IRS)
Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS)
Joint Commands
Labor, Department of
Labor Statistics, Bureau of (BLS)
Merit Systems Protection Board (MSPB)
Military Assistance Command Vietnam (MACV)
Minerals Management Service
National Academy of Sciences
National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)
National Commission on Marijuana and Drug Abuse, 1975
National Commission on Social Security, 1979-1981
National Commission on the Causes and Prevention of Violence
National Commission on the Financing of Postsecondary Education
National Institute of Education (NIE)
National Institute of Health (NIH)
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)
President's Commission on School Finance, 1970-1972
President's Commission on the Accident at Three Mile Island
President's Commission on the Coal Industry
President's Commission on the Space Shuttle Challenger Accident
Provost Marshal General, 1941 - , Office of
Public Health Service (PHS)
Railway Association, US (USRA)
Securities and Exchange Commission
Senate, US
Social Security Administration (SSA)
Temporary Committees, Commissions and Boards
Transportation, US Department of (DOT)
Treasury, US Department of the
Veterans Administration (VA)
Watergate Special Prosecution Force (WSPF)
The following list is a subset of electronic data sets (i.e., computer-readable data files) in the custody of the National Archives and Records Administration. The standard charge for a copy of an electronic data set (one data set not to exceed one magnetic reel of output) is $90. Ordering information is available upon request. For further information please contact the office above.
* Passenger Origin and Destination Surveys, Ticket Origin and Destination
National Archives and Records Administration
National Archives and Records
Administration Center for Electronic Records
Margaret Adams
Archives Specialist
Reference Service
Center for Electronic Records (NNXA)
National Archives and Records Administration
8th and Pennsylvania Ave., NW
Washington, DC 20408
(202) 523-6771
The National Archives and Records Administration serves as the nation's repository for data tapes of historical or ongoing importance. The National Archives is the only federal agency with the statutory responsibility of identifying and preserving valuable records of the federal government.
The Center for Electronic Records currently stores tapes from more than 50 government departments and agencies. The Center holds over 7000 unique data sets on many subjects covering a broad range of federal activity including agriculture, aviation, demographics, education, economics, employment, health, labor, civil rights, transportation, military, and international trade. It also maintains selected records from most of the departments of the Executive Branch and many agencies, commissions, boards, and committees in over 3000 reels arranged in approximately 350 series. The Archives is also the primary distributor of active data bases produced by the US Securities Exchange Commission and the now defunct Civil Aeronautics Board.
This office at the National Archives can provide you with information on the existence, location and availability of data created by federal agencies. Staff at the Center can respond to requests for specific files, for general types of data, or for data compatible with that currently being used by a researcher. The Center's staff have a general knowledge about files currently held by federal agencies and they know who to contact in those agencies to obtain more detailed information about them, or about current and future data collection plans.
The Center is entering titles of all its electronic data sets into a data base. To help users identify its holdings, the Center will provide a printout of the titles entered to date in the data base. The list of data sets is arranged according to Record Group (RG). Generally, each federal department, agency, or bureau is assigned its own RG.
The standard charge for a copy of one electronic data set is $90 for the first reel and $17 for each additional reel. When multiple data sets can be copied on one reel, the charge is $90 for the first data set and $24.50 for each additional set. Data set documentation is photocopied at $.35 per page of $1.05 per fiche. There is a $5.00 minimum mail order. With few exceptions, printouts of data sets, copies onto disk, CD-ROM or other electronic media, other than tape, and extracts of data sets are not available. To request a title list or to obtain ordering information, contact the Center's Reference Service, listed above.
Following is a list of federal agencies, supplying data tapes to the National Archives:
Adjutant General's Office
Administration on Aging
Agency for International Development (AID)
Agricultural Research Service
Air Force, Headquarters US
Army Staff
Census, Bureau of
Civil Aeronautics Board
Civil Service Agencies
Commerce, US Department of
Commission on Population Growth and the American Future
Commission on the Review of the National Policy Toward Gambling
Commission on Civil Rights
Community Services Administration
Cost of Living Council
Defense Intelligence Agency
Defense, Office of the Secretary
District of Columbia, Government of the
Economic Analysis, Bureau of (BEA)
Economic Opportunity and Legal Services, Agencies for
Economic Stabilization Programs
Economic, Statistics and Cooperative Service
Education, US Department of
Education, Office of
Employment and Training Administration (ETA)
Engineers, Office of the Chief
Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC)
Executive Office of the President, Organizations in the
Federal Home Loan Bank System (FHLBS)
Federal Trade Commission (FTC)
Food and Consumer Services
Foreign Agricultural Service
General Accounting Office, US (GAO)
Geological Survey, US (USGS)
Gift Collection, National Archives
Health and Human Services, US Department of (HHS)
Health, Education and Welfare, Department of (HEW)
House of Representatives, US
Housing and Urban Development, US Department of (HUD)
Human Development, Office of the Assistant Secretary for
Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS)
Indian Affairs, Bureau of (BIA)
Information Agency, US (USIA)
Internal Revenue Service (IRS)
Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS)
Joint Commands
Labor, Department of
Labor Statistics, Bureau of (BLS)
Merit Systems Protection Board (MSPB)
Military Assistance Command Vietnam (MACV)
Minerals Management Service
National Academy of Sciences
National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)
National Commission on Marijuana and Drug Abuse, 1975
National Commission on Social Security, 1979-1981
National Commission on the Causes and Prevention of Violence
National Commission on the Financing of Postsecondary Education
National Institute of Education (NIE)
National Institute of Health (NIH)
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)
President's Commission on School Finance, 1970-1972
President's Commission on the Accident at Three Mile Island
President's Commission on the Coal Industry
President's Commission on the Space Shuttle Challenger Accident
Provost Marshal General, 1941 - , Office of
Public Health Service (PHS)
Railway Association, US (USRA)
Securities and Exchange Commission
Senate, US
Social Security Administration (SSA)
Temporary Committees, Commissions and Boards
Transportation, US Department of (DOT)
Treasury, US Department of the
Veterans Administration (VA)
Watergate Special Prosecution Force (WSPF)
The following list is a subset of electronic data sets (i.e., computer-readable data files) in the custody of the National Archives and Records Administration. The standard charge for a copy of an electronic data set (one data set not to exceed one magnetic reel of output) is $90. Ordering information is available upon request. For further information please contact the office above.
* Passenger Origin and Destination Surveys, Ticket Dollar Value Origin and Destination, 1978-1985
National Archives and Records Administration
National Archives and Records
Administration Center for Electronic Records
Margaret Adams
Archives Specialist
Reference Service
Center for Electronic Records (NNXA)
National Archives and Records Administration
8th and Pennsylvania Ave., NW
Washington, DC 20408
(202) 523-6771
The National Archives and Records Administration serves as the nation's repository for data tapes of historical or ongoing importance. The National Archives is the only federal agency with the statutory responsibility of identifying and preserving valuable records of the federal government.
The Center for Electronic Records currently stores tapes from more than 50 government departments and agencies. The Center holds over 7000 unique data sets on many subjects covering a broad range of federal activity including agriculture, aviation, demographics, education, economics, employment, health, labor, civil rights, transportation, military, and international trade. It also maintains selected records from most of the departments of the Executive Branch and many agencies, commissions, boards, and committees in over 3000 reels arranged in approximately 350 series. The Archives is also the primary distributor of active data bases produced by the US Securities Exchange Commission and the now defunct Civil Aeronautics Board.
This office at the National Archives can provide you with information on the existence, location and availability of data created by federal agencies. Staff at the Center can respond to requests for specific files, for general types of data, or for data compatible with that currently being used by a researcher. The Center's staff have a general knowledge about files currently held by federal agencies and they know who to contact in those agencies to obtain more detailed information about them, or about current and future data collection plans.
The Center is entering titles of all its electronic data sets into a data base. To help users identify its holdings, the Center will provide a printout of the titles entered to date in the data base. The list of data sets is arranged according to Record Group (RG). Generally, each federal department, agency, or bureau is assigned its own RG.
The standard charge for a copy of one electronic data set is $90 for the first reel and $17 for each additional reel. When multiple data sets can be copied on one reel, the charge is $90 for the first data set and $24.50 for each additional set. Data set documentation is photocopied at $.35 per page of $1.05 per fiche. There is a $5.00 minimum mail order. With few exceptions, printouts of data sets, copies onto disk, CD-ROM or other electronic media, other than tape, and extracts of data sets are not available. To request a title list or to obtain ordering information, contact the Center's Reference Service, listed above.
Following is a list of federal agencies, supplying data tapes to the National Archives:
Adjutant General's Office
Administration on Aging
Agency for International Development (AID)
Agricultural Research Service
Air Force, Headquarters US
Army Staff
Census, Bureau of
Civil Aeronautics Board
Civil Service Agencies
Commerce, US Department of
Commission on Population Growth and the American Future
Commission on the Review of the National Policy Toward Gambling
Commission on Civil Rights
Community Services Administration
Cost of Living Council
Defense Intelligence Agency
Defense, Office of the Secretary
District of Columbia, Government of the
Economic Analysis, Bureau of (BEA)
Economic Opportunity and Legal Services, Agencies for
Economic Stabilization Programs
Economic, Statistics and Cooperative Service
Education, US Department of
Education, Office of
Employment and Training Administration (ETA)
Engineers, Office of the Chief
Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC)
Executive Office of the President, Organizations in the
Federal Home Loan Bank System (FHLBS)
Federal Trade Commission (FTC)
Food and Consumer Services
Foreign Agricultural Service
General Accounting Office, US (GAO)
Geological Survey, US (USGS)
Gift Collection, National Archives
Health and Human Services, US Department of (HHS)
Health, Education and Welfare, Department of (HEW)
House of Representatives, US
Housing and Urban Development, US Department of (HUD)
Human Development, Office of the Assistant Secretary for
Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS)
Indian Affairs, Bureau of (BIA)
Information Agency, US (USIA)
Internal Revenue Service (IRS)
Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS)
Joint Commands
Labor, Department of
Labor Statistics, Bureau of (BLS)
Merit Systems Protection Board (MSPB)
Military Assistance Command Vietnam (MACV)
Minerals Management Service
National Academy of Sciences
National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)
National Commission on Marijuana and Drug Abuse, 1975
National Commission on Social Security, 1979-1981
National Commission on the Causes and Prevention of Violence
National Commission on the Financing of Postsecondary Education
National Institute of Education (NIE)
National Institute of Health (NIH)
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)
President's Commission on School Finance, 1970-1972
President's Commission on the Accident at Three Mile Island
President's Commission on the Coal Industry
President's Commission on the Space Shuttle Challenger Accident
Provost Marshal General, 1941 - , Office of
Public Health Service (PHS)
Railway Association, US (USRA)
Securities and Exchange Commission
Senate, US
Social Security Administration (SSA)
Temporary Committees, Commissions and Boards
Transportation, US Department of (DOT)
Treasury, US Department of the
Veterans Administration (VA)
Watergate Special Prosecution Force (WSPF)
The following list is a subset of electronic data sets (i.e., computer-readable data files) in the custody of the National Archives and Records Administration. The standard charge for a copy of an electronic data set (one data set not to exceed one magnetic reel of output) is $90. Ordering information is available upon request. For further information please contact the office above.
* Poverty Information Matrix Files, 1960 and 1970
National Archives and Records Administration
National Archives and Records
Administration Center for Electronic Records
Margaret Adams
Archives Specialist
Reference Service
Center for Electronic Records (NNXA)
National Archives and Records Administration
8th and Pennsylvania Ave., NW
Washington, DC 20408
(202) 523-6771
The National Archives and Records Administration serves as the nation's repository for data tapes of historical or ongoing importance. The National Archives is the only federal agency with the statutory responsibility of identifying and preserving valuable records of the federal government.
The Center for Electronic Records currently stores tapes from more than 50 government departments and agencies. The Center holds over 7000 unique data sets on many subjects covering a broad range of federal activity including agriculture, aviation, demographics, education, economics, employment, health, labor, civil rights, transportation, military, and international trade. It also maintains selected records from most of the departments of the Executive Branch and many agencies, commissions, boards, and committees in over 3000 reels arranged in approximately 350 series. The Archives is also the primary distributor of active data bases produced by the US Securities Exchange Commission and the now defunct Civil Aeronautics Board.
This office at the National Archives can provide you with information on the existence, location and availability of data created by federal agencies. Staff at the Center can respond to requests for specific files, for general types of data, or for data compatible with that currently being used by a researcher. The Center's staff have a general knowledge about files currently held by federal agencies and they know who to contact in those agencies to obtain more detailed information about them, or about current and future data collection plans.
The Center is entering titles of all its electronic data sets into a data base. To help users identify its holdings, the Center will provide a printout of the titles entered to date in the data base. The list of data sets is arranged according to Record Group (RG). Generally, each federal department, agency, or bureau is assigned its own RG.
The standard charge for a copy of one electronic data set is $90 for the first reel and $17 for each additional reel. When multiple data sets can be copied on one reel, the charge is $90 for the first data set and $24.50 for each additional set. Data set documentation is photocopied at $.35 per page of $1.05 per fiche. There is a $5.00 minimum mail order. With few exceptions, printouts of data sets, copies onto disk, CD-ROM or other electronic media, other than tape, and extracts of data sets are not available. To request a title list or to obtain ordering information, contact the Center's Reference Service, listed above.
Following is a list of federal agencies, supplying data tapes to the National Archives:
Adjutant General's Office
Administration on Aging
Agency for International Development (AID)
Agricultural Research Service
Air Force, Headquarters US
Army Staff
Census, Bureau of
Civil Aeronautics Board
Civil Service Agencies
Commerce, US Department of
Commission on Population Growth and the American Future
Commission on the Review of the National Policy Toward Gambling
Commission on Civil Rights
Community Services Administration
Cost of Living Council
Defense Intelligence Agency
Defense, Office of the Secretary
District of Columbia, Government of the
Economic Analysis, Bureau of (BEA)
Economic Opportunity and Legal Services, Agencies for
Economic Stabilization Programs
Economic, Statistics and Cooperative Service
Education, US Department of
Education, Office of
Employment and Training Administration (ETA)
Engineers, Office of the Chief
Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC)
Executive Office of the President, Organizations in the
Federal Home Loan Bank System (FHLBS)
Federal Trade Commission (FTC)
Food and Consumer Services
Foreign Agricultural Service
General Accounting Office, US (GAO)
Geological Survey, US (USGS)
Gift Collection, National Archives
Health and Human Services, US Department of (HHS)
Health, Education and Welfare, Department of (HEW)
House of Representatives, US
Housing and Urban Development, US Department of (HUD)
Human Development, Office of the Assistant Secretary for
Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS)
Indian Affairs, Bureau of (BIA)
Information Agency, US (USIA)
Internal Revenue Service (IRS)
Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS)
Joint Commands
Labor, Department of
Labor Statistics, Bureau of (BLS)
Merit Systems Protection Board (MSPB)
Military Assistance Command Vietnam (MACV)
Minerals Management Service
National Academy of Sciences
National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)
National Commission on Marijuana and Drug Abuse, 1975
National Commission on Social Security, 1979-1981
National Commission on the Causes and Prevention of Violence
National Commission on the Financing of Postsecondary Education
National Institute of Education (NIE)
National Institute of Health (NIH)
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)
President's Commission on School Finance, 1970-1972
President's Commission on the Accident at Three Mile Island
President's Commission on the Coal Industry
President's Commission on the Space Shuttle Challenger Accident
Provost Marshal General, 1941 - , Office of
Public Health Service (PHS)
Railway Association, US (USRA)
Securities and Exchange Commission
Senate, US
Social Security Administration (SSA)
Temporary Committees, Commissions and Boards
Transportation, US Department of (DOT)
Treasury, US Department of the
Veterans Administration (VA)
Watergate Special Prosecution Force (WSPF)
The following list is a subset of electronic data sets (i.e., computer-readable data files) in the custody of the National Archives and Records Administration. The standard charge for a copy of an electronic data set (one data set not to exceed one magnetic reel of output) is $90. Ordering information is available upon request. For further information please contact the office above.
* Presidential Commission on Campus Unrest
National Archives and Records Administration
National Archives and Records
Administration Center for Electronic Records
Margaret Adams
Archives Specialist
Reference Service
Center for Electronic Records (NNXA)
National Archives and Records Administration
8th and Pennsylvania Ave., NW
Washington, DC 20408
(202) 523-6771
The National Archives and Records Administration serves as the nation's repository for data tapes of historical or ongoing importance. The National Archives is the only federal agency with the statutory responsibility of identifying and preserving valuable records of the federal government.
The Center for Electronic Records currently stores tapes from more than 50 government departments and agencies. The Center holds over 7000 unique data sets on many subjects covering a broad range of federal activity including agriculture, aviation, demographics, education, economics, employment, health, labor, civil rights, transportation, military, and international trade. It also maintains selected records from most of the departments of the Executive Branch and many agencies, commissions, boards, and committees in over 3000 reels arranged in approximately 350 series. The Archives is also the primary distributor of active data bases produced by the US Securities Exchange Commission and the now defunct Civil Aeronautics Board.
This office at the National Archives can provide you with information on the existence, location and availability of data created by federal agencies. Staff at the Center can respond to requests for specific files, for general types of data, or for data compatible with that currently being used by a researcher. The Center's staff have a general knowledge about files currently held by federal agencies and they know who to contact in those agencies to obtain more detailed information about them, or about current and future data collection plans.
The Center is entering titles of all its electronic data sets into a data base. To help users identify its holdings, the Center will provide a printout of the titles entered to date in the data base. The list of data sets is arranged according to Record Group (RG). Generally, each federal department, agency, or bureau is assigned its own RG.
The standard charge for a copy of one electronic data set is $90 for the first reel and $17 for each additional reel. When multiple data sets can be copied on one reel, the charge is $90 for the first data set and $24.50 for each additional set. Data set documentation is photocopied at $.35 per page of $1.05 per fiche. There is a $5.00 minimum mail order. With few exceptions, printouts of data sets, copies onto disk, CD-ROM or other electronic media, other than tape, and extracts of data sets are not available. To request a title list or to obtain ordering information, contact the Center's Reference Service, listed above.
Following is a list of federal agencies, supplying data tapes to the National Archives:
Adjutant General's Office
Administration on Aging
Agency for International Development (AID)
Agricultural Research Service
Air Force, Headquarters US
Army Staff
Census, Bureau of
Civil Aeronautics Board
Civil Service Agencies
Commerce, US Department of
Commission on Population Growth and the American Future
Commission on the Review of the National Policy Toward Gambling
Commission on Civil Rights
Community Services Administration
Cost of Living Council
Defense Intelligence Agency
Defense, Office of the Secretary
District of Columbia, Government of the
Economic Analysis, Bureau of (BEA)
Economic Opportunity and Legal Services, Agencies for
Economic Stabilization Programs
Economic, Statistics and Cooperative Service
Education, US Department of
Education, Office of
Employment and Training Administration (ETA)
Engineers, Office of the Chief
Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC)
Executive Office of the President, Organizations in the
Federal Home Loan Bank System (FHLBS)
Federal Trade Commission (FTC)
Food and Consumer Services
Foreign Agricultural Service
General Accounting Office, US (GAO)
Geological Survey, US (USGS)
Gift Collection, National Archives
Health and Human Services, US Department of (HHS)
Health, Education and Welfare, Department of (HEW)
House of Representatives, US
Housing and Urban Development, US Department of (HUD)
Human Development, Office of the Assistant Secretary for
Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS)
Indian Affairs, Bureau of (BIA)
Information Agency, US (USIA)
Internal Revenue Service (IRS)
Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS)
Joint Commands
Labor, Department of
Labor Statistics, Bureau of (BLS)
Merit Systems Protection Board (MSPB)
Military Assistance Command Vietnam (MACV)
Minerals Management Service
National Academy of Sciences
National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)
National Commission on Marijuana and Drug Abuse, 1975
National Commission on Social Security, 1979-1981
National Commission on the Causes and Prevention of Violence
National Commission on the Financing of Postsecondary Education
National Institute of Education (NIE)
National Institute of Health (NIH)
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)
President's Commission on School Finance, 1970-1972
President's Commission on the Accident at Three Mile Island
President's Commission on the Coal Industry
President's Commission on the Space Shuttle Challenger Accident
Provost Marshal General, 1941 - , Office of
Public Health Service (PHS)
Railway Association, US (USRA)
Securities and Exchange Commission
Senate, US
Social Security Administration (SSA)
Temporary Committees, Commissions and Boards
Transportation, US Department of (DOT)
Treasury, US Department of the
Veterans Administration (VA)
Watergate Special Prosecution Force (WSPF)
The following list is a subset of electronic data sets (i.e., computer-readable data files) in the custody of the National Archives and Records Administration. The standard charge for a copy of an electronic data set (one data set not to exceed one magnetic reel of output) is $90. Ordering information is available upon request. For further information please contact the office above.
* Presidential Commission on School Finance, 1970-1972
National Archives and Records Administration
National Archives and Records
Administration Center for Electronic Records
Margaret Adams
Archives Specialist
Reference Service
Center for Electronic Records (NNXA)
National Archives and Records Administration
8th and Pennsylvania Ave., NW
Washington, DC 20408
(202) 523-6771
The National Archives and Records Administration serves as the nation's repository for data tapes of historical or ongoing importance. The National Archives is the only federal agency with the statutory responsibility of identifying and preserving valuable records of the federal government.
The Center for Electronic Records currently stores tapes from more than 50 government departments and agencies. The Center holds over 7000 unique data sets on many subjects covering a broad range of federal activity including agriculture, aviation, demographics, education, economics, employment, health, labor, civil rights, transportation, military, and international trade. It also maintains selected records from most of the departments of the Executive Branch and many agencies, commissions, boards, and committees in over 3000 reels arranged in approximately 350 series. The Archives is also the primary distributor of active data bases produced by the US Securities Exchange Commission and the now defunct Civil Aeronautics Board.
This office at the National Archives can provide you with information on the existence, location and availability of data created by federal agencies. Staff at the Center can respond to requests for specific files, for general types of data, or for data compatible with that currently being used by a researcher. The Center's staff have a general knowledge about files currently held by federal agencies and they know who to contact in those agencies to obtain more detailed information about them, or about current and future data collection plans.
The Center is entering titles of all its electronic data sets into a data base. To help users identify its holdings, the Center will provide a printout of the titles entered to date in the data base. The list of data sets is arranged according to Record Group (RG). Generally, each federal department, agency, or bureau is assigned its own RG.
The standard charge for a copy of one electronic data set is $90 for the first reel and $17 for each additional reel. When multiple data sets can be copied on one reel, the charge is $90 for the first data set and $24.50 for each additional set. Data set documentation is photocopied at $.35 per page of $1.05 per fiche. There is a $5.00 minimum mail order. With few exceptions, printouts of data sets, copies onto disk, CD-ROM or other electronic media, other than tape, and extracts of data sets are not available. To request a title list or to obtain ordering information, contact the Center's Reference Service, listed above.
Following is a list of federal agencies, supplying data tapes to the National Archives:
Adjutant General's Office
Administration on Aging
Agency for International Development (AID)
Agricultural Research Service
Air Force, Headquarters US
Army Staff
Census, Bureau of
Civil Aeronautics Board
Civil Service Agencies
Commerce, US Department of
Commission on Population Growth and the American Future
Commission on the Review of the National Policy Toward Gambling
Commission on Civil Rights
Community Services Administration
Cost of Living Council
Defense Intelligence Agency
Defense, Office of the Secretary
District of Columbia, Government of the
Economic Analysis, Bureau of (BEA)
Economic Opportunity and Legal Services, Agencies for
Economic Stabilization Programs
Economic, Statistics and Cooperative Service
Education, US Department of
Education, Office of
Employment and Training Administration (ETA)
Engineers, Office of the Chief
Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC)
Executive Office of the President, Organizations in the
Federal Home Loan Bank System (FHLBS)
Federal Trade Commission (FTC)
Food and Consumer Services
Foreign Agricultural Service
General Accounting Office, US (GAO)
Geological Survey, US (USGS)
Gift Collection, National Archives
Health and Human Services, US Department of (HHS)
Health, Education and Welfare, Department of (HEW)
House of Representatives, US
Housing and Urban Development, US Department of (HUD)
Human Development, Office of the Assistant Secretary for
Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS)
Indian Affairs, Bureau of (BIA)
Information Agency, US (USIA)
Internal Revenue Service (IRS)
Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS)
Joint Commands
Labor, Department of
Labor Statistics, Bureau of (BLS)
Merit Systems Protection Board (MSPB)
Military Assistance Command Vietnam (MACV)
Minerals Management Service
National Academy of Sciences
National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)
National Commission on Marijuana and Drug Abuse, 1975
National Commission on Social Security, 1979-1981
National Commission on the Causes and Prevention of Violence
National Commission on the Financing of Postsecondary Education
National Institute of Education (NIE)
National Institute of Health (NIH)
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)
President's Commission on School Finance, 1970-1972
President's Commission on the Accident at Three Mile Island
President's Commission on the Coal Industry
President's Commission on the Space Shuttle Challenger Accident
Provost Marshal General, 1941 - , Office of
Public Health Service (PHS)
Railway Association, US (USRA)
Securities and Exchange Commission
Senate, US
Social Security Administration (SSA)
Temporary Committees, Commissions and Boards
Transportation, US Department of (DOT)
Treasury, US Department of the
Veterans Administration (VA)
Watergate Special Prosecution Force (WSPF)
The following list is a subset of electronic data sets (i.e., computer-readable data files) in the custody of the National Archives and Records Administration. The standard charge for a copy of an electronic data set (one data set not to exceed one magnetic reel of output) is $90. Ordering information is available upon request. For further information please contact the office above.
* Presidential Commission on the Accident at Three Mile Island, 1979
National Archives and Records Administration
National Archives and Records
Administration Center for Electronic Records
Margaret Adams
Archives Specialist
Reference Service
Center for Electronic Records (NNXA)
National Archives and Records Administration
8th and Pennsylvania Ave., NW
Washington, DC 20408
(202) 523-6771
The National Archives and Records Administration serves as the nation's repository for data tapes of historical or ongoing importance. The National Archives is the only federal agency with the statutory responsibility of identifying and preserving valuable records of the federal government.
The Center for Electronic Records currently stores tapes from more than 50 government departments and agencies. The Center holds over 7000 unique data sets on many subjects covering a broad range of federal activity including agriculture, aviation, demographics, education, economics, employment, health, labor, civil rights, transportation, military, and international trade. It also maintains selected records from most of the departments of the Executive Branch and many agencies, commissions, boards, and committees in over 3000 reels arranged in approximately 350 series. The Archives is also the primary distributor of active data bases produced by the US Securities Exchange Commission and the now defunct Civil Aeronautics Board.
This office at the National Archives can provide you with information on the existence, location and availability of data created by federal agencies. Staff at the Center can respond to requests for specific files, for general types of data, or for data compatible with that currently being used by a researcher. The Center's staff have a general knowledge about files currently held by federal agencies and they know who to contact in those agencies to obtain more detailed information about them, or about current and future data collection plans.
The Center is entering titles of all its electronic data sets into a data base. To help users identify its holdings, the Center will provide a printout of the titles entered to date in the data base. The list of data sets is arranged according to Record Group (RG). Generally, each federal department, agency, or bureau is assigned its own RG.
The standard charge for a copy of one electronic data set is $90 for the first reel and $17 for each additional reel. When multiple data sets can be copied on one reel, the charge is $90 for the first data set and $24.50 for each additional set. Data set documentation is photocopied at $.35 per page of $1.05 per fiche. There is a $5.00 minimum mail order. With few exceptions, printouts of data sets, copies onto disk, CD-ROM or other electronic media, other than tape, and extracts of data sets are not available. To request a title list or to obtain ordering information, contact the Center's Reference Service, listed above.
Following is a list of federal agencies, supplying data tapes to the National Archives:
Adjutant General's Office
Administration on Aging
Agency for International Development (AID)
Agricultural Research Service
Air Force, Headquarters US
Army Staff
Census, Bureau of
Civil Aeronautics Board
Civil Service Agencies
Commerce, US Department of
Commission on Population Growth and the American Future
Commission on the Review of the National Policy Toward Gambling
Commission on Civil Rights
Community Services Administration
Cost of Living Council
Defense Intelligence Agency
Defense, Office of the Secretary
District of Columbia, Government of the
Economic Analysis, Bureau of (BEA)
Economic Opportunity and Legal Services, Agencies for
Economic Stabilization Programs
Economic, Statistics and Cooperative Service
Education, US Department of
Education, Office of
Employment and Training Administration (ETA)
Engineers, Office of the Chief
Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC)
Executive Office of the President, Organizations in the
Federal Home Loan Bank System (FHLBS)
Federal Trade Commission (FTC)
Food and Consumer Services
Foreign Agricultural Service
General Accounting Office, US (GAO)
Geological Survey, US (USGS)
Gift Collection, National Archives
Health and Human Services, US Department of (HHS)
Health, Education and Welfare, Department of (HEW)
House of Representatives, US
Housing and Urban Development, US Department of (HUD)
Human Development, Office of the Assistant Secretary for
Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS)
Indian Affairs, Bureau of (BIA)
Information Agency, US (USIA)
Internal Revenue Service (IRS)
Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS)
Joint Commands
Labor, Department of
Labor Statistics, Bureau of (BLS)
Merit Systems Protection Board (MSPB)
Military Assistance Command Vietnam (MACV)
Minerals Management Service
National Academy of Sciences
National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)
National Commission on Marijuana and Drug Abuse, 1975
National Commission on Social Security, 1979-1981
National Commission on the Causes and Prevention of Violence
National Commission on the Financing of Postsecondary Education
National Institute of Education (NIE)
National Institute of Health (NIH)
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)
President's Commission on School Finance, 1970-1972
President's Commission on the Accident at Three Mile Island
President's Commission on the Coal Industry
President's Commission on the Space Shuttle Challenger Accident
Provost Marshal General, 1941 - , Office of
Public Health Service (PHS)
Railway Association, US (USRA)
Securities and Exchange Commission
Senate, US
Social Security Administration (SSA)
Temporary Committees, Commissions and Boards
Transportation, US Department of (DOT)
Treasury, US Department of the
Veterans Administration (VA)
Watergate Special Prosecution Force (WSPF)
The following list is a subset of electronic data sets (i.e., computer-readable data files) in the custody of the National Archives and Records Administration. The standard charge for a copy of an electronic data set (one data set not to exceed one magnetic reel of output) is $90. Ordering information is available upon request. For further information please contact the office above.
* Presidential Commission on the Space Shuttle Challenger Accident
National Archives and Records Administration
National Archives and Records
Administration Center for Electronic Records
Margaret Adams
Archives Specialist
Reference Service
Center for Electronic Records (NNXA)
National Archives and Records Administration
8th and Pennsylvania Ave., NW
Washington, DC 20408
(202) 523-6771
The National Archives and Records Administration serves as the nation's repository for data tapes of historical or ongoing importance. The National Archives is the only federal agency with the statutory responsibility of identifying and preserving valuable records of the federal government.
The Center for Electronic Records currently stores tapes from more than 50 government departments and agencies. The Center holds over 7000 unique data sets on many subjects covering a broad range of federal activity including agriculture, aviation, demographics, education, economics, employment, health, labor, civil rights, transportation, military, and international trade. It also maintains selected records from most of the departments of the Executive Branch and many agencies, commissions, boards, and committees in over 3000 reels arranged in approximately 350 series. The Archives is also the primary distributor of active data bases produced by the US Securities Exchange Commission and the now defunct Civil Aeronautics Board.
This office at the National Archives can provide you with information on the existence, location and availability of data created by federal agencies. Staff at the Center can respond to requests for specific files, for general types of data, or for data compatible with that currently being used by a researcher. The Center's staff have a general knowledge about files currently held by federal agencies and they know who to contact in those agencies to obtain more detailed information about them, or about current and future data collection plans.
The Center is entering titles of all its electronic data sets into a data base. To help users identify its holdings, the Center will provide a printout of the titles entered to date in the data base. The list of data sets is arranged according to Record Group (RG). Generally, each federal department, agency, or bureau is assigned its own RG.
The standard charge for a copy of one electronic data set is $90 for the first reel and $17 for each additional reel. When multiple data sets can be copied on one reel, the charge is $90 for the first data set and $24.50 for each additional set. Data set documentation is photocopied at $.35 per page of $1.05 per fiche. There is a $5.00 minimum mail order. With few exceptions, printouts of data sets, copies onto disk, CD-ROM or other electronic media, other than tape, and extracts of data sets are not available. To request a title list or to obtain ordering information, contact the Center's Reference Service, listed above.
Following is a list of federal agencies, supplying data tapes to the National Archives:
Adjutant General's Office
Administration on Aging
Agency for International Development (AID)
Agricultural Research Service
Air Force, Headquarters US
Army Staff
Census, Bureau of
Civil Aeronautics Board
Civil Service Agencies
Commerce, US Department of
Commission on Population Growth and the American Future
Commission on the Review of the National Policy Toward Gambling
Commission on Civil Rights
Community Services Administration
Cost of Living Council
Defense Intelligence Agency
Defense, Office of the Secretary
District of Columbia, Government of the
Economic Analysis, Bureau of (BEA)
Economic Opportunity and Legal Services, Agencies for
Economic Stabilization Programs
Economic, Statistics and Cooperative Service
Education, US Department of
Education, Office of
Employment and Training Administration (ETA)
Engineers, Office of the Chief
Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC)
Executive Office of the President, Organizations in the
Federal Home Loan Bank System (FHLBS)
Federal Trade Commission (FTC)
Food and Consumer Services
Foreign Agricultural Service
General Accounting Office, US (GAO)
Geological Survey, US (USGS)
Gift Collection, National Archives
Health and Human Services, US Department of (HHS)
Health, Education and Welfare, Department of (HEW)
House of Representatives, US
Housing and Urban Development, US Department of (HUD)
Human Development, Office of the Assistant Secretary for
Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS)
Indian Affairs, Bureau of (BIA)
Information Agency, US (USIA)
Internal Revenue Service (IRS)
Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS)
Joint Commands
Labor, Department of
Labor Statistics, Bureau of (BLS)
Merit Systems Protection Board (MSPB)
Military Assistance Command Vietnam (MACV)
Minerals Management Service
National Academy of Sciences
National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)
National Commission on Marijuana and Drug Abuse, 1975
National Commission on Social Security, 1979-1981
National Commission on the Causes and Prevention of Violence
National Commission on the Financing of Postsecondary Education
National Institute of Education (NIE)
National Institute of Health (NIH)
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)
President's Commission on School Finance, 1970-1972
President's Commission on the Accident at Three Mile Island
President's Commission on the Coal Industry
President's Commission on the Space Shuttle Challenger Accident
Provost Marshal General, 1941 - , Office of
Public Health Service (PHS)
Railway Association, US (USRA)
Securities and Exchange Commission
Senate, US
Social Security Administration (SSA)
Temporary Committees, Commissions and Boards
Transportation, US Department of (DOT)
Treasury, US Department of the
Veterans Administration (VA)
Watergate Special Prosecution Force (WSPF)
The following list is a subset of electronic data sets (i.e., computer-readable data files) in the custody of the National Archives and Records Administration. The standard charge for a copy of an electronic data set (one data set not to exceed one magnetic reel of output) is $90. Ordering information is available upon request. For further information please contact the office above.
* Records of the Trust Territories of the Pacific Islands
National Archives and Records Administration
National Archives and Records
Administration Center for Electronic Records
Margaret Adams
Archives Specialist
Reference Service
Center for Electronic Records (NNXA)
National Archives and Records Administration
8th and Pennsylvania Ave., NW
Washington, DC 20408
(202) 523-6771
The National Archives and Records Administration serves as the nation's repository for data tapes of historical or ongoing importance. The National Archives is the only federal agency with the statutory responsibility of identifying and preserving valuable records of the federal government.
The Center for Electronic Records currently stores tapes from more than 50 government departments and agencies. The Center holds over 7000 unique data sets on many subjects covering a broad range of federal activity including agriculture, aviation, demographics, education, economics, employment, health, labor, civil rights, transportation, military, and international trade. It also maintains selected records from most of the departments of the Executive Branch and many agencies, commissions, boards, and committees in over 3000 reels arranged in approximately 350 series. The Archives is also the primary distributor of active data bases produced by the US Securities Exchange Commission and the now defunct Civil Aeronautics Board.
This office at the National Archives can provide you with information on the existence, location and availability of data created by federal agencies. Staff at the Center can respond to requests for specific files, for general types of data, or for data compatible with that currently being used by a researcher. The Center's staff have a general knowledge about files currently held by federal agencies and they know who to contact in those agencies to obtain more detailed information about them, or about current and future data collection plans.
The Center is entering titles of all its electronic data sets into a data base. To help users identify its holdings, the Center will provide a printout of the titles entered to date in the data base. The list of data sets is arranged according to Record Group (RG). Generally, each federal department, agency, or bureau is assigned its own RG.
The standard charge for a copy of one electronic data set is $90 for the first reel and $17 for each additional reel. When multiple data sets can be copied on one reel, the charge is $90 for the first data set and $24.50 for each additional set. Data set documentation is photocopied at $.35 per page of $1.05 per fiche. There is a $5.00 minimum mail order. With few exceptions, printouts of data sets, copies onto disk, CD-ROM or other electronic media, other than tape, and extracts of data sets are not available. To request a title list or to obtain ordering information, contact the Center's Reference Service, listed above.
Following is a list of federal agencies, supplying data tapes to the National Archives:
Adjutant General's Office
Administration on Aging
Agency for International Development (AID)
Agricultural Research Service
Air Force, Headquarters US
Army Staff
Census, Bureau of
Civil Aeronautics Board
Civil Service Agencies
Commerce, US Department of
Commission on Population Growth and the American Future
Commission on the Review of the National Policy Toward Gambling
Commission on Civil Rights
Community Services Administration
Cost of Living Council
Defense Intelligence Agency
Defense, Office of the Secretary
District of Columbia, Government of the
Economic Analysis, Bureau of (BEA)
Economic Opportunity and Legal Services, Agencies for
Economic Stabilization Programs
Economic, Statistics and Cooperative Service
Education, US Department of
Education, Office of
Employment and Training Administration (ETA)
Engineers, Office of the Chief
Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC)
Executive Office of the President, Organizations in the
Federal Home Loan Bank System (FHLBS)
Federal Trade Commission (FTC)
Food and Consumer Services
Foreign Agricultural Service
General Accounting Office, US (GAO)
Geological Survey, US (USGS)
Gift Collection, National Archives
Health and Human Services, US Department of (HHS)
Health, Education and Welfare, Department of (HEW)
House of Representatives, US
Housing and Urban Development, US Department of (HUD)
Human Development, Office of the Assistant Secretary for
Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS)
Indian Affairs, Bureau of (BIA)
Information Agency, US (USIA)
Internal Revenue Service (IRS)
Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS)
Joint Commands
Labor, Department of
Labor Statistics, Bureau of (BLS)
Merit Systems Protection Board (MSPB)
Military Assistance Command Vietnam (MACV)
Minerals Management Service
National Academy of Sciences
National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)
National Commission on Marijuana and Drug Abuse, 1975
National Commission on Social Security, 1979-1981
National Commission on the Causes and Prevention of Violence
National Commission on the Financing of Postsecondary Education
National Institute of Education (NIE)
National Institute of Health (NIH)
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)
President's Commission on School Finance, 1970-1972
President's Commission on the Accident at Three Mile Island
President's Commission on the Coal Industry
President's Commission on the Space Shuttle Challenger Accident
Provost Marshal General, 1941 - , Office of
Public Health Service (PHS)
Railway Association, US (USRA)
Securities and Exchange Commission
Senate, US
Social Security Administration (SSA)
Temporary Committees, Commissions and Boards
Transportation, US Department of (DOT)
Treasury, US Department of the
Veterans Administration (VA)
Watergate Special Prosecution Force (WSPF)
The following list is a subset of electronic data sets (i.e., computer-readable data files) in the custody of the National Archives and Records Administration. The standard charge for a copy of an electronic data set (one data set not to exceed one magnetic reel of output) is $90. Ordering information is available upon request. For further information please contact the office above.
* Records of the Trust Territories of the Pacific Islands, Software
National Archives and Records Administration
National Archives and Records
Administration Center for Electronic Records
Margaret Adams
Archives Specialist
Reference Service
Center for Electronic Records (NNXA)
National Archives and Records Administration
8th and Pennsylvania Ave., NW
Washington, DC 20408
(202) 523-6771
The National Archives and Records Administration serves as the nation's repository for data tapes of historical or ongoing importance. The National Archives is the only federal agency with the statutory responsibility of identifying and preserving valuable records of the federal government.
The Center for Electronic Records currently stores tapes from more than 50 government departments and agencies. The Center holds over 7000 unique data sets on many subjects covering a broad range of federal activity including agriculture, aviation, demographics, education, economics, employment, health, labor, civil rights, transportation, military, and international trade. It also maintains selected records from most of the departments of the Executive Branch and many agencies, commissions, boards, and committees in over 3000 reels arranged in approximately 350 series. The Archives is also the primary distributor of active data bases produced by the US Securities Exchange Commission and the now defunct Civil Aeronautics Board.
This office at the National Archives can provide you with information on the existence, location and availability of data created by federal agencies. Staff at the Center can respond to requests for specific files, for general types of data, or for data compatible with that currently being used by a researcher. The Center's staff have a general knowledge about files currently held by federal agencies and they know who to contact in those agencies to obtain more detailed information about them, or about current and future data collection plans.
The Center is entering titles of all its electronic data sets into a data base. To help users identify its holdings, the Center will provide a printout of the titles entered to date in the data base. The list of data sets is arranged according to Record Group (RG). Generally, each federal department, agency, or bureau is assigned its own RG.
The standard charge for a copy of one electronic data set is $90 for the first reel and $17 for each additional reel. When multiple data sets can be copied on one reel, the charge is $90 for the first data set and $24.50 for each additional set. Data set documentation is photocopied at $.35 per page of $1.05 per fiche. There is a $5.00 minimum mail order. With few exceptions, printouts of data sets, copies onto disk, CD-ROM or other electronic media, other than tape, and extracts of data sets are not available. To request a title list or to obtain ordering information, contact the Center's Reference Service, listed above.
Following is a list of federal agencies, supplying data tapes to the National Archives:
Adjutant General's Office
Administration on Aging
Agency for International Development (AID)
Agricultural Research Service
Air Force, Headquarters US
Army Staff
Census, Bureau of
Civil Aeronautics Board
Civil Service Agencies
Commerce, US Department of
Commission on Population Growth and the American Future
Commission on the Review of the National Policy Toward Gambling
Commission on Civil Rights
Community Services Administration
Cost of Living Council
Defense Intelligence Agency
Defense, Office of the Secretary
District of Columbia, Government of the
Economic Analysis, Bureau of (BEA)
Economic Opportunity and Legal Services, Agencies for
Economic Stabilization Programs
Economic, Statistics and Cooperative Service
Education, US Department of
Education, Office of
Employment and Training Administration (ETA)
Engineers, Office of the Chief
Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC)
Executive Office of the President, Organizations in the
Federal Home Loan Bank System (FHLBS)
Federal Trade Commission (FTC)
Food and Consumer Services
Foreign Agricultural Service
General Accounting Office, US (GAO)
Geological Survey, US (USGS)
Gift Collection, National Archives
Health and Human Services, US Department of (HHS)
Health, Education and Welfare, Department of (HEW)
House of Representatives, US
Housing and Urban Development, US Department of (HUD)
Human Development, Office of the Assistant Secretary for
Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS)
Indian Affairs, Bureau of (BIA)
Information Agency, US (USIA)
Internal Revenue Service (IRS)
Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS)
Joint Commands
Labor, Department of
Labor Statistics, Bureau of (BLS)
Merit Systems Protection Board (MSPB)
Military Assistance Command Vietnam (MACV)
Minerals Management Service
National Academy of Sciences
National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)
National Commission on Marijuana and Drug Abuse, 1975
National Commission on Social Security, 1979-1981
National Commission on the Causes and Prevention of Violence
National Commission on the Financing of Postsecondary Education
National Institute of Education (NIE)
National Institute of Health (NIH)
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)
President's Commission on School Finance, 1970-1972
President's Commission on the Accident at Three Mile Island
President's Commission on the Coal Industry
President's Commission on the Space Shuttle Challenger Accident
Provost Marshal General, 1941 - , Office of
Public Health Service (PHS)
Railway Association, US (USRA)
Securities and Exchange Commission
Senate, US
Social Security Administration (SSA)
Temporary Committees, Commissions and Boards
Transportation, US Department of (DOT)
Treasury, US Department of the
Veterans Administration (VA)
Watergate Special Prosecution Force (WSPF)
The following list is a subset of electronic data sets (i.e., computer-readable data files) in the custody of the National Archives and Records Administration. The standard charge for a copy of an electronic data set (one data set not to exceed one magnetic reel of output) is $90. Ordering information is available upon request. For further information please contact the office above.
* School Superintendents Survey, 1976
National Archives and Records Administration
National Archives and Records
Administration Center for Electronic Records
Margaret Adams
Archives Specialist
Reference Service
Center for Electronic Records (NNXA)
National Archives and Records Administration
8th and Pennsylvania Ave., NW
Washington, DC 20408
(202) 523-6771
The National Archives and Records Administration serves as the nation's repository for data tapes of historical or ongoing importance. The National Archives is the only federal agency with the statutory responsibility of identifying and preserving valuable records of the federal government.
The Center for Electronic Records currently stores tapes from more than 50 government departments and agencies. The Center holds over 7000 unique data sets on many subjects covering a broad range of federal activity including agriculture, aviation, demographics, education, economics, employment, health, labor, civil rights, transportation, military, and international trade. It also maintains selected records from most of the departments of the Executive Branch and many agencies, commissions, boards, and committees in over 3000 reels arranged in approximately 350 series. The Archives is also the primary distributor of active data bases produced by the US Securities Exchange Commission and the now defunct Civil Aeronautics Board.
This office at the National Archives can provide you with information on the existence, location and availability of data created by federal agencies. Staff at the Center can respond to requests for specific files, for general types of data, or for data compatible with that currently being used by a researcher. The Center's staff have a general knowledge about files currently held by federal agencies and they know who to contact in those agencies to obtain more detailed information about them, or about current and future data collection plans.
The Center is entering titles of all its electronic data sets into a data base. To help users identify its holdings, the Center will provide a printout of the titles entered to date in the data base. The list of data sets is arranged according to Record Group (RG). Generally, each federal department, agency, or bureau is assigned its own RG.
The standard charge for a copy of one electronic data set is $90 for the first reel and $17 for each additional reel. When multiple data sets can be copied on one reel, the charge is $90 for the first data set and $24.50 for each additional set. Data set documentation is photocopied at $.35 per page of $1.05 per fiche. There is a $5.00 minimum mail order. With few exceptions, printouts of data sets, copies onto disk, CD-ROM or other electronic media, other than tape, and extracts of data sets are not available. To request a title list or to obtain ordering information, contact the Center's Reference Service, listed above.
Following is a list of federal agencies, supplying data tapes to the National Archives:
Adjutant General's Office
Administration on Aging
Agency for International Development (AID)
Agricultural Research Service
Air Force, Headquarters US
Army Staff
Census, Bureau of
Civil Aeronautics Board
Civil Service Agencies
Commerce, US Department of
Commission on Population Growth and the American Future
Commission on the Review of the National Policy Toward Gambling
Commission on Civil Rights
Community Services Administration
Cost of Living Council
Defense Intelligence Agency
Defense, Office of the Secretary
District of Columbia, Government of the
Economic Analysis, Bureau of (BEA)
Economic Opportunity and Legal Services, Agencies for
Economic Stabilization Programs
Economic, Statistics and Cooperative Service
Education, US Department of
Education, Office of
Employment and Training Administration (ETA)
Engineers, Office of the Chief
Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC)
Executive Office of the President, Organizations in the
Federal Home Loan Bank System (FHLBS)
Federal Trade Commission (FTC)
Food and Consumer Services
Foreign Agricultural Service
General Accounting Office, US (GAO)
Geological Survey, US (USGS)
Gift Collection, National Archives
Health and Human Services, US Department of (HHS)
Health, Education and Welfare, Department of (HEW)
House of Representatives, US
Housing and Urban Development, US Department of (HUD)
Human Development, Office of the Assistant Secretary for
Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS)
Indian Affairs, Bureau of (BIA)
Information Agency, US (USIA)
Internal Revenue Service (IRS)
Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS)
Joint Commands
Labor, Department of
Labor Statistics, Bureau of (BLS)
Merit Systems Protection Board (MSPB)
Military Assistance Command Vietnam (MACV)
Minerals Management Service
National Academy of Sciences
National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)
National Commission on Marijuana and Drug Abuse, 1975
National Commission on Social Security, 1979-1981
National Commission on the Causes and Prevention of Violence
National Commission on the Financing of Postsecondary Education
National Institute of Education (NIE)
National Institute of Health (NIH)
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)
President's Commission on School Finance, 1970-1972
President's Commission on the Accident at Three Mile Island
President's Commission on the Coal Industry
President's Commission on the Space Shuttle Challenger Accident
Provost Marshal General, 1941 - , Office of
Public Health Service (PHS)
Railway Association, US (USRA)
Securities and Exchange Commission
Senate, US
Social Security Administration (SSA)
Temporary Committees, Commissions and Boards
Transportation, US Department of (DOT)
Treasury, US Department of the
Veterans Administration (VA)
Watergate Special Prosecution Force (WSPF)
The following list is a subset of electronic data sets (i.e., computer-readable data files) in the custody of the National Archives and Records Administration. The standard charge for a copy of an electronic data set (one data set not to exceed one magnetic reel of output) is $90. Ordering information is available upon request. For further information please contact the office above.
* School Superintendents Survey, Public Use Version 1976
National Archives and Records Administration
National Archives and Records
Administration Center for Electronic Records
Margaret Adams
Archives Specialist
Reference Service
Center for Electronic Records (NNXA)
National Archives and Records Administration
8th and Pennsylvania Ave., NW
Washington, DC 20408
(202) 523-6771
The National Archives and Records Administration serves as the nation's repository for data tapes of historical or ongoing importance. The National Archives is the only federal agency with the statutory responsibility of identifying and preserving valuable records of the federal government.
The Center for Electronic Records currently stores tapes from more than 50 government departments and agencies. The Center holds over 7000 unique data sets on many subjects covering a broad range of federal activity including agriculture, aviation, demographics, education, economics, employment, health, labor, civil rights, transportation, military, and international trade. It also maintains selected records from most of the departments of the Executive Branch and many agencies, commissions, boards, and committees in over 3000 reels arranged in approximately 350 series. The Archives is also the primary distributor of active data bases produced by the US Securities Exchange Commission and the now defunct Civil Aeronautics Board.
This office at the National Archives can provide you with information on the existence, location and availability of data created by federal agencies. Staff at the Center can respond to requests for specific files, for general types of data, or for data compatible with that currently being used by a researcher. The Center's staff have a general knowledge about files currently held by federal agencies and they know who to contact in those agencies to obtain more detailed information about them, or about current and future data collection plans.
The Center is entering titles of all its electronic data sets into a data base. To help users identify its holdings, the Center will provide a printout of the titles entered to date in the data base. The list of data sets is arranged according to Record Group (RG). Generally, each federal department, agency, or bureau is assigned its own RG.
The standard charge for a copy of one electronic data set is $90 for the first reel and $17 for each additional reel. When multiple data sets can be copied on one reel, the charge is $90 for the first data set and $24.50 for each additional set. Data set documentation is photocopied at $.35 per page of $1.05 per fiche. There is a $5.00 minimum mail order. With few exceptions, printouts of data sets, copies onto disk, CD-ROM or other electronic media, other than tape, and extracts of data sets are not available. To request a title list or to obtain ordering information, contact the Center's Reference Service, listed above.
Following is a list of federal agencies, supplying data tapes to the National Archives:
Adjutant General's Office
Administration on Aging
Agency for International Development (AID)
Agricultural Research Service
Air Force, Headquarters US
Army Staff
Census, Bureau of
Civil Aeronautics Board
Civil Service Agencies
Commerce, US Department of
Commission on Population Growth and the American Future
Commission on the Review of the National Policy Toward Gambling
Commission on Civil Rights
Community Services Administration
Cost of Living Council
Defense Intelligence Agency
Defense, Office of the Secretary
District of Columbia, Government of the
Economic Analysis, Bureau of (BEA)
Economic Opportunity and Legal Services, Agencies for
Economic Stabilization Programs
Economic, Statistics and Cooperative Service
Education, US Department of
Education, Office of
Employment and Training Administration (ETA)
Engineers, Office of the Chief
Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC)
Executive Office of the President, Organizations in the
Federal Home Loan Bank System (FHLBS)
Federal Trade Commission (FTC)
Food and Consumer Services
Foreign Agricultural Service
General Accounting Office, US (GAO)
Geological Survey, US (USGS)
Gift Collection, National Archives
Health and Human Services, US Department of (HHS)
Health, Education and Welfare, Department of (HEW)
House of Representatives, US
Housing and Urban Development, US Department of (HUD)
Human Development, Office of the Assistant Secretary for
Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS)
Indian Affairs, Bureau of (BIA)
Information Agency, US (USIA)
Internal Revenue Service (IRS)
Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS)
Joint Commands
Labor, Department of
Labor Statistics, Bureau of (BLS)
Merit Systems Protection Board (MSPB)
Military Assistance Command Vietnam (MACV)
Minerals Management Service
National Academy of Sciences
National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)
National Commission on Marijuana and Drug Abuse, 1975
National Commission on Social Security, 1979-1981
National Commission on the Causes and Prevention of Violence
National Commission on the Financing of Postsecondary Education
National Institute of Education (NIE)
National Institute of Health (NIH)
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)
President's Commission on School Finance, 1970-1972
President's Commission on the Accident at Three Mile Island
President's Commission on the Coal Industry
President's Commission on the Space Shuttle Challenger Accident
Provost Marshal General, 1941 - , Office of
Public Health Service (PHS)
Railway Association, US (USRA)
Securities and Exchange Commission
Senate, US
Social Security Administration (SSA)
Temporary Committees, Commissions and Boards
Transportation, US Department of (DOT)
Treasury, US Department of the
Veterans Administration (VA)
Watergate Special Prosecution Force (WSPF)
The following list is a subset of electronic data sets (i.e., computer-readable data files) in the custody of the National Archives and Records Administration. The standard charge for a copy of an electronic data set (one data set not to exceed one magnetic reel of output) is $90. Ordering information is available upon request. For further information please contact the office above.
* Service Segment Data, 1970-1984
National Archives and Records Administration
National Archives and Records
Administration Center for Electronic Records
Margaret Adams
Archives Specialist
Reference Service
Center for Electronic Records (NNXA)
National Archives and Records Administration
8th and Pennsylvania Ave., NW
Washington, DC 20408
(202) 523-6771
The National Archives and Records Administration serves as the nation's repository for data tapes of historical or ongoing importance. The National Archives is the only federal agency with the statutory responsibility of identifying and preserving valuable records of the federal government.
The Center for Electronic Records currently stores tapes from more than 50 government departments and agencies. The Center holds over 7000 unique data sets on many subjects covering a broad range of federal activity including agriculture, aviation, demographics, education, economics, employment, health, labor, civil rights, transportation, military, and international trade. It also maintains selected records from most of the departments of the Executive Branch and many agencies, commissions, boards, and committees in over 3000 reels arranged in approximately 350 series. The Archives is also the primary distributor of active data bases produced by the US Securities Exchange Commission and the now defunct Civil Aeronautics Board.
This office at the National Archives can provide you with information on the existence, location and availability of data created by federal agencies. Staff at the Center can respond to requests for specific files, for general types of data, or for data compatible with that currently being used by a researcher. The Center's staff have a general knowledge about files currently held by federal agencies and they know who to contact in those agencies to obtain more detailed information about them, or about current and future data collection plans.
The Center is entering titles of all its electronic data sets into a data base. To help users identify its holdings, the Center will provide a printout of the titles entered to date in the data base. The list of data sets is arranged according to Record Group (RG). Generally, each federal department, agency, or bureau is assigned its own RG.
The standard charge for a copy of one electronic data set is $90 for the first reel and $17 for each additional reel. When multiple data sets can be copied on one reel, the charge is $90 for the first data set and $24.50 for each additional set. Data set documentation is photocopied at $.35 per page of $1.05 per fiche. There is a $5.00 minimum mail order. With few exceptions, printouts of data sets, copies onto disk, CD-ROM or other electronic media, other than tape, and extracts of data sets are not available. To request a title list or to obtain ordering information, contact the Center's Reference Service, listed above.
Following is a list of federal agencies, supplying data tapes to the National Archives:
Adjutant General's Office
Administration on Aging
Agency for International Development (AID)
Agricultural Research Service
Air Force, Headquarters US
Army Staff
Census, Bureau of
Civil Aeronautics Board
Civil Service Agencies
Commerce, US Department of
Commission on Population Growth and the American Future
Commission on the Review of the National Policy Toward Gambling
Commission on Civil Rights
Community Services Administration
Cost of Living Council
Defense Intelligence Agency
Defense, Office of the Secretary
District of Columbia, Government of the
Economic Analysis, Bureau of (BEA)
Economic Opportunity and Legal Services, Agencies for
Economic Stabilization Programs
Economic, Statistics and Cooperative Service
Education, US Department of
Education, Office of
Employment and Training Administration (ETA)
Engineers, Office of the Chief
Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC)
Executive Office of the President, Organizations in the
Federal Home Loan Bank System (FHLBS)
Federal Trade Commission (FTC)
Food and Consumer Services
Foreign Agricultural Service
General Accounting Office, US (GAO)
Geological Survey, US (USGS)
Gift Collection, National Archives
Health and Human Services, US Department of (HHS)
Health, Education and Welfare, Department of (HEW)
House of Representatives, US
Housing and Urban Development, US Department of (HUD)
Human Development, Office of the Assistant Secretary for
Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS)
Indian Affairs, Bureau of (BIA)
Information Agency, US (USIA)
Internal Revenue Service (IRS)
Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS)
Joint Commands
Labor, Department of
Labor Statistics, Bureau of (BLS)
Merit Systems Protection Board (MSPB)
Military Assistance Command Vietnam (MACV)
Minerals Management Service
National Academy of Sciences
National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)
National Commission on Marijuana and Drug Abuse, 1975
National Commission on Social Security, 1979-1981
National Commission on the Causes and Prevention of Violence
National Commission on the Financing of Postsecondary Education
National Institute of Education (NIE)
National Institute of Health (NIH)
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)
President's Commission on School Finance, 1970-1972
President's Commission on the Accident at Three Mile Island
President's Commission on the Coal Industry
President's Commission on the Space Shuttle Challenger Accident
Provost Marshal General, 1941 - , Office of
Public Health Service (PHS)
Railway Association, US (USRA)
Securities and Exchange Commission
Senate, US
Social Security Administration (SSA)
Temporary Committees, Commissions and Boards
Transportation, US Department of (DOT)
Treasury, US Department of the
Veterans Administration (VA)
Watergate Special Prosecution Force (WSPF)
The following list is a subset of electronic data sets (i.e., computer-readable data files) in the custody of the National Archives and Records Administration. The standard charge for a copy of an electronic data set (one data set not to exceed one magnetic reel of output) is $90. Ordering information is available upon request. For further information please contact the office above.
* Social Indicators of Equality for Minorities and Women, 1960-1976
National Archives and Records Administration
National Archives and Records
Administration Center for Electronic Records
Margaret Adams
Archives Specialist
Reference Service
Center for Electronic Records (NNXA)
National Archives and Records Administration
8th and Pennsylvania Ave., NW
Washington, DC 20408
(202) 523-6771
The National Archives and Records Administration serves as the nation's repository for data tapes of historical or ongoing importance. The National Archives is the only federal agency with the statutory responsibility of identifying and preserving valuable records of the federal government.
The Center for Electronic Records currently stores tapes from more than 50 government departments and agencies. The Center holds over 7000 unique data sets on many subjects covering a broad range of federal activity including agriculture, aviation, demographics, education, economics, employment, health, labor, civil rights, transportation, military, and international trade. It also maintains selected records from most of the departments of the Executive Branch and many agencies, commissions, boards, and committees in over 3000 reels arranged in approximately 350 series. The Archives is also the primary distributor of active data bases produced by the US Securities Exchange Commission and the now defunct Civil Aeronautics Board.
This office at the National Archives can provide you with information on the existence, location and availability of data created by federal agencies. Staff at the Center can respond to requests for specific files, for general types of data, or for data compatible with that currently being used by a researcher. The Center's staff have a general knowledge about files currently held by federal agencies and they know who to contact in those agencies to obtain more detailed information about them, or about current and future data collection plans.
The Center is entering titles of all its electronic data sets into a data base. To help users identify its holdings, the Center will provide a printout of the titles entered to date in the data base. The list of data sets is arranged according to Record Group (RG). Generally, each federal department, agency, or bureau is assigned its own RG.
The standard charge for a copy of one electronic data set is $90 for the first reel and $17 for each additional reel. When multiple data sets can be copied on one reel, the charge is $90 for the first data set and $24.50 for each additional set. Data set documentation is photocopied at $.35 per page of $1.05 per fiche. There is a $5.00 minimum mail order. With few exceptions, printouts of data sets, copies onto disk, CD-ROM or other electronic media, other than tape, and extracts of data sets are not available. To request a title list or to obtain ordering information, contact the Center's Reference Service, listed above.
Following is a list of federal agencies, supplying data tapes to the National Archives:
Adjutant General's Office
Administration on Aging
Agency for International Development (AID)
Agricultural Research Service
Air Force, Headquarters US
Army Staff
Census, Bureau of
Civil Aeronautics Board
Civil Service Agencies
Commerce, US Department of
Commission on Population Growth and the American Future
Commission on the Review of the National Policy Toward Gambling
Commission on Civil Rights
Community Services Administration
Cost of Living Council
Defense Intelligence Agency
Defense, Office of the Secretary
District of Columbia, Government of the
Economic Analysis, Bureau of (BEA)
Economic Opportunity and Legal Services, Agencies for
Economic Stabilization Programs
Economic, Statistics and Cooperative Service
Education, US Department of
Education, Office of
Employment and Training Administration (ETA)
Engineers, Office of the Chief
Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC)
Executive Office of the President, Organizations in the
Federal Home Loan Bank System (FHLBS)
Federal Trade Commission (FTC)
Food and Consumer Services
Foreign Agricultural Service
General Accounting Office, US (GAO)
Geological Survey, US (USGS)
Gift Collection, National Archives
Health and Human Services, US Department of (HHS)
Health, Education and Welfare, Department of (HEW)
House of Representatives, US
Housing and Urban Development, US Department of (HUD)
Human Development, Office of the Assistant Secretary for
Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS)
Indian Affairs, Bureau of (BIA)
Information Agency, US (USIA)
Internal Revenue Service (IRS)
Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS)
Joint Commands
Labor, Department of
Labor Statistics, Bureau of (BLS)
Merit Systems Protection Board (MSPB)
Military Assistance Command Vietnam (MACV)
Minerals Management Service
National Academy of Sciences
National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)
National Commission on Marijuana and Drug Abuse, 1975
National Commission on Social Security, 1979-1981
National Commission on the Causes and Prevention of Violence
National Commission on the Financing of Postsecondary Education
National Institute of Education (NIE)
National Institute of Health (NIH)
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)
President's Commission on School Finance, 1970-1972
President's Commission on the Accident at Three Mile Island
President's Commission on the Coal Industry
President's Commission on the Space Shuttle Challenger Accident
Provost Marshal General, 1941 - , Office of
Public Health Service (PHS)
Railway Association, US (USRA)
Securities and Exchange Commission
Senate, US
Social Security Administration (SSA)
Temporary Committees, Commissions and Boards
Transportation, US Department of (DOT)
Treasury, US Department of the
Veterans Administration (VA)
Watergate Special Prosecution Force (WSPF)
The following list is a subset of electronic data sets (i.e., computer-readable data files) in the custody of the National Archives and Records Administration. The standard charge for a copy of an electronic data set (one data set not to exceed one magnetic reel of output) is $90. Ordering information is available upon request. For further information please contact the office above.
s and Records Administration
National Archives and Records
Administration Center for Electronic Records
Margaret Adams
Archives Specialput reports are statistical in nature and are used by staff members to determine the status of active cases. For more information contact the office above.
* Radiometer-Scatterometer (RADSCAT) Flight Data (1973-1977) (PB84-214543/XDD) (See NTIS)
This file contains aircraft scatterometer data obtained over the ocean with the NASA Langley Research Center developed Radiometer-Scatterometer (RADSCAT) instrument. These data are described in NASA Technical Memorandum 84608, entitled Archival of Aircraft Scatterometer Data from AAFE RADSCAT Missions. The tapes contain nerdas parameters and instrument output parameters. The first record in each file contains the mission number; flight number; the day, month and year in which the data were acquired; and the flight line and run number. The record structure, scale factors, etc., are given in the document referenced above. The Radiometer-Scatterometer (RADSCAT) instrument was developed through the Advanced Applications Flight Experiment (AAFE) Program to study the capability of the sensor to make measurements of target signature from a remote platform. The RADSCAT was designed to make K-Band Scatterometer Normalized Radar Cross Section (NRCS) measurements and radiometer brightness temperature measurements of the same target on the Earth's surface. Only the Scatterometer data are provided on these tapes, since the radiometer measurement precision was found to be coarse (greater than 10K). A detailed description of the AAFE RADSCAT is available in NASA TM X-73900, entitled Laboratory Calibration of AAFE Radiometer/Scatterometer (RADSCAT).
National Aeronautics and Space Administration
* References to US Standards by Selected Building Codes, (EBCDIC Version) (PB-274 613/9/XDD) (See NTIS)
The file features titles and numerical designations of 1,800 standards, issued by 90 US standards-writing organizations, that are referenced in 54 US building codes. It contains 20,000 records of code references represented in interagency report NBSIR 76-1140 Standards Referenced in Selected Building Codes (NTIS PB-259 626/UC) and its supplement. The standards are all those referenced in: (1) the four model building codes; the 1976 National Building Code developed by the American Insurance Association (AIA); the 1975 Basic Building Code developed by the Building Officials and Code Administrators International, Inc. (BOCA); the 1973 Uniform Building Code developed by the International Conference of Building Officials (ICBO); and the 1973 Standard Building Code developed by the Southern Building Code Congress International, Inc. (SBCC); (2) the 20 existing state codes; and (3) the codes of the 30 largest US cities. In addition to titles and numbers of standards referenced in the codes, the file contains the following information: the date of the most recent version of the standard (based on information available at the time NBSIR 76-1140 was compiled) and the date of the standard as referenced in the code, the name of the organization which issued the standard, the code(s) referencing it, the date of the code, and the sections within the code where the standard is referenced. The file can assist the building community and various standards-writing groups in updating, utilizing and maintaining the standards referenced in building codes.
National Aeronautics and Space Administration
* References to US Standards by Selected Building Codes (UNIVAC FIELDATA) (PB-274 614/7/XDD) (See NTIS)
The file features titles and numerical designations of 1,800 standards, issued by 90 US standards-writing organizations, that are referenced in 54 US building codes. It contains 20,000 records of code references represented in interagency report NBSIR 76-1140 Standards Referenced in Selected Building Codes (NTIS PB-259 626/UC) and its supplement. The standards are all those referenced in: (1) the four model building codes; the 1976 National Building Code developed by the American Insurance Association (AIA); the 1975 Basic Building Code developed by the Building Officials and Code Administrators International, Inc. (BOCA); the 1973 Uniform Building Code developed by the International Conference of Building Officials (ICBO); and the 1973 Standard Building Code developed by the Southern Building Code Congress International, Inc. (SBCC); (2) the 20 existing state codes; and (3) the codes of the 30 largest US cities. In addition to titles and numbers of standards referenced in the codes, the file contains the following information: the date of the most recent version of the standard (based on information available at the time NBSIR 76-1140 was compiled) and the date of the standard as referenced in the code, the name of the organization which issued the standard, the code(s) referencing it, the date of the code, and the sections within the code where the standard is referenced. The file can assist the building community and various standards-writing groups in updating, utilizing and maintaining the standards referenced in building codes.
National Aeronautics and Space Administration
* SEASAT-A Satellite Scatterometer (SASS) Data Merged with Insitu Data at Selected Sites Over the Ocean (PB88-146204/XDD) (See NTIS)
The data are described in a NASA Technical Memorandum entitled Archival of Seasat-A satellite Scatterometer Data Merged with Insitu Data at Selected, Illuminated Sites Over the Ocean. The tapes document a large data base of Seasat-A Satellite Scatterometer (SASS) measurements merged with high-quality surface truth wind, wave, temperature and other data. The data base was developed for all times when SASS measurements were taken in the vicinity of selected insitu measurement sites. Data were obtained from 42 sites located in the coastal waters of North America, Australia, Western Europe, and Japan for the Seasat-A flight period between July 10, 1978 and October 10, 1978. For each site, the site name, location, and anemometer characteristics are given in a header line. For each hit time, the hit time and insitu are given in a header line, followed by a listing of parameters from all the SASS measurements which are within 150 km of the site.
National Aeronautics and Space Administration
* Selected NASA JPL (National Aeronautics and Space Administration Jet Propulsion Laboratory) Mission Video Images (Videodisc) (PB84-191162/XDD) (See NTIS)
The Selected JPL Mission Video Images-Videodisc consists of a one sided color recording of selected motion picture and television clips. It contains one hour of film and video clips from selected JPL flight missions: Ranger 9 photos of the Moon; Surveyor, Mariner 2 and 10 prelaunch film clips; Voyager 1 and 2 photos of Jupiter; the Jovian system; and Voyager 1 and 2 photos of Saturn. The disc can be played on Laser Disc Players made by Sony, Discovision, Pioneer, and Magnavox.
National Aeronautics and Space Administration
National Archives and Records Ad
National Archives and Records Administration
National Archives and Records
Administration Center for Electronic Records
Margaret Adams
Archives Specialist
Reference Service
Center for Electronic Records (NNXA)
National Archives and Records Administration
8th and Pennsylvania Ave., NW
Washington, DC 20408
(202) 523-6771
The National Archives and Records Administration serves as the nation's repository for data tapes of historical or ongoing importance. The National Archives is the only federal agency with the statutory responsibility of identifying and preserving valuable records of the federal government.
The Center for Electronic Records currently stores tapes from more than 50 government departments and agencies. The Center holds over 7000 unique data sets on many subjects covering a broad range of federal activity including agriculture, aviation, demographics, education, economics, employment, health, labor, civil rights, transportation, military, and international trade. It also maintains selected records from most of the departments of the Executive Branch and many agencies, commissions, boards, and committees in over 3000 reels arranged in approximately 350 series. The Archives is also the primary distributor of active data bases produced by the US Securities Exchange Commission and the now defunct Civil Aeronautics Board.
This office at the National Archives can provide you with information on the existence, location and availability of data created by federal agencies. Staff at the Center can respond to requests for specific files, for general types of data, or for data compatible with that currently being used by a researcher. The Center's staff have a general knowledge about files currently held by federal agencies and they know who to contact in those agencies to obtain more detailed information about them, or about current and future data collection plans.
The Center is entering titles of all its electronic data sets into a data base. To help users identify its holdings, the Center will provide a printout of the titles entered to date in the data base. The list of data sets is arranged according to Record Group (RG). Generally, each federal department, agency, or bureau is assigned its own RG.
The standard charge for a copy of one electronic data set is $90 for the first reel and $17 for each additional reel. When multiple data sets can be copied on one reel, the charge is $90 for the first data set and $24.50 for each additional set. Data set documentation is photocopied at $.35 per page of $1.05 per fiche. There is a $5.00 minimum mail order. With few exceptions, printouts of data sets, copies onto disk, CD-ROM or other electronic media, other than tape, and extracts of data sets are not available. To request a title list or to obtain ordering information, contact the Center's Reference Service, listed above.
Following is a list of federal agencies, supplying data tapes to the National Archives:
Adjutant General's Office
Administration on Aging
Agency for International Development (AID)
Agricultural Research Service
Air Force, Headquarters US
Army Staff
Census, Bureau of
Civil Aeronautics Board
Civil Service Agencies
Commerce, US Department of
Commission on Population Growth and the American Future
Commission on the Review of the National Policy Toward Gambling
Commission on Civil Rights
Community Services Administration
Cost of Living Council
Defense Intelligence Agency
Defense, Office of the Secretary
District of Columbia, Government of the
Economic Analysis, Bureau of (BEA)
Economic Opportunity and Legal Services, Agencies for
Economic Stabilization Programs
Economic, Statistics and Cooperative Service
Education, US Department of
Education, Office of
Employment and Training Administration (ETA)
Engineers, Office of the Chief
Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC)
Executive Office of the President, Organizations in the
Federal Home Loan Bank System (FHLBS)
Federal Trade Commission (FTC)
Food and Consumer Services
Foreign Agricultural Service
General Accounting Office, US (GAO)
Geological Survey, US (USGS)
Gift Collection, National Archives
Health and Human Services, US Department of (HHS)
Health, Education and Welfare, Department of (HEW)
House of Representatives, US
Housing and Urban Development, US Department of (HUD)
Human Development, Office of the Assistant Secretary for
Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS)
Indian Affairs, Bureau of (BIA)
Information Agency, US (USIA)
Internal Revenue Service (IRS)
Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS)
Joint Commands
Labor, Department of
Labor Statistics, Bureau of (BLS)
Merit Systems Protection Board (MSPB)
Military Assistance Command Vietnam (MACV)
Minerals Management Service
National Academy of Sciences
National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)
National Commission on Marijuana and Drug Abuse, 1975
National Commission on Social Security, 1979-1981
National Commission on the Causes and Prevention of Violence
National Commission on the Financing of Postsecondary Education
National Institute of Education (NIE)
National Institute of Health (NIH)
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)
President's Commission on School Finance, 1970-1972
President's Commission on the Accident at Three Mile Island
President's Commission on the Coal Industry
President's Commission on the Space Shuttle Challenger Accident
Provost Marshal General, 1941 - , Office of
Public Health Service (PHS)
Railway Association, US (USRA)
Securities and Exchange Commission
Senate, US
Social Security Administration (SSA)
Temporary Committees, Commissions and Boards
Transportation, US Department of (DOT)
Treasury, US Department of the
Veterans Administration (VA)
Watergate Special Prosecution Force (WSPF)
The following list is a subset of electronic data sets (i.e., computer-readable data files) in the custody of the National Archives and Records Administration. The standard charge for a copy of an electronic data set (one data set not to exceed one magnetic reel of output) is $90. Ordering information is available upon request. For further information please contact the office above.
National Archives and Records
Administration Center for Electronic Records
Margaret Adams
Archives Specialist
Reference Service
Center for Electronic Records (NNXA)
National Archives and Records Administration
8th and Pennsylvania Ave., NW
Washington, DC 20408
(202) 523-6771
The National Archives and Records Administration serves as the nation's repository for data tapes of historical or ongoing importance. The National Archives is the only federal agency with the statutory responsibility of identifying and preserving valuable records of the federal government.
The Center for Electronic Records currently stores tapes from more than 50 government departments and agencies. The Center holds over 7000 unique data sets on many subjects covering a broad range of federal activity including agriculture, aviation, demographics, education, economics, employment, health, labor, civil rights, transportation, military, and international trade. It also maintains selected records from most of the departments of the Executive Branch and many agencies, commissions, boards, and committees in over 3000 reels arranged in approximately 350 series. The Archives is also the primary distributor of active data bases produced by the US Securities Exchange Commission and the now defunct Civil Aeronautics Board.
This office at the National Archives can provide you with information on the existence, location and availability of data created by federal agencies. Staff at the Center can respond to requests for specific files, for general types of data, or for data compatible with that currently being used by a researcher. The Center's staff have a general knowledge about files currently held by federal agencies and they know who to contact in those agencies to obtain more detailed information about them, or about current and future data collection plans.
The Center is entering titles of all its electronic data sets into a data base. To help users identify its holdings, the Center will provide a printout of the titles entered to date in the data base. The list of data sets is arranged according to Record Group (RG). Generally, each federal department, agency, or bureau is assigned its own RG.
The standard charge for a copy of one electronic data set is $90 for the first reel and $17 for each additional reel. When multiple data sets can be copied on one reel, the charge is $90 for the first data set and $24.50 for each additional set. Data set documentation is photocopied at $.35 per page of $1.05 per fiche. There is a $5.00 minimum mail order. With few exceptions, printouts of data sets, copies onto disk, CD-ROM or other electronic media, other than tape, and extracts of data sets are not available. To request a title list or to obtain ordering information, contact the Center's Reference Service, listed above.
Following is a list of federal agencies, supplying data tapes to the National Archives:
Adjutant General's Office
Administration on Aging
Agency for International Development (AID)
Agricultural Research Service
Air Force, Headquarters US
Army Staff
Census, Bureau of
Civil Aeronautics Board
Civil Service Agencies
Commerce, US Department of
Commission on Population Growth and the American Future
Commission on the Review of the National Policy Toward Gambling
Commission on Civil Rights
Community Services Administration
Cost of Living Council
Defense Intelligence Agency
Defense, Office of the Secretary
District of Columbia, Government of the
Economic Analysis, Bureau of (BEA)
Economic Opportunity and Legal Services, Agencies for
Economic Stabilization Programs
Economic, Statistics and Cooperative Service
Education, US Department of
Education, Office of
Employment and Training Administration (ETA)
Engineers, Office of the Chief
Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC)
Executive Office of the President, Organizations in the
Federal Home Loan Bank System (FHLBS)
Federal Trade Commission (FTC)
Food and Consumer Services
Foreign Agricultural Service
General Accounting Office, US (GAO)
Geological Survey, US (USGS)
Gift Collection, National Archives
Health and Human Services, US Department of (HHS)
Health, Education and Welfare, Department of (HEW)
House of Representatives, US
Housing and Urban Development, US Department of (HUD)
Human Development, Office of the Assistant Secretary for
Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS)
Indian Affairs, Bureau of (BIA)
Information Agency, US (USIA)
Internal Revenue Service (IRS)
Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS)
Joint Commands
Labor, Department of
Labor Statistics, Bureau of (BLS)
Merit Systems Protection Board (MSPB)
Military Assistance Command Vietnam (MACV)
Minerals Management Service
National Academy of Sciences
National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)
National Commission on Marijuana and Drug Abuse, 1975
National Commission on Social Security, 1979-1981
National Commission on the Causes and Prevention of Violence
National Commission on the Financing of Postsecondary Education
National Institute of Education (NIE)
National Institute of Health (NIH)
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)
President's Commission on School Finance, 1970-1972
President's Commission on the Accident at Three Mile Island
President's Commission on the Coal Industry
President's Commission on the Space Shuttle Challenger Accident
Provost Marshal General, 1941 - , Office of
Public Health Service (PHS)
Railway Association, US (USRA)
Securities and Exchange Commission
Senate, US
Social Security Administration (SSA)
Temporary Committees, Commissions and Boards
Transportation, US Department of (DOT)
Treasury, US Department of the
Veterans Administration (VA)
Watergate Special Prosecution Force (WSPF)
The following list is a subset of electronic data sets (i.e., computer-readable data files) in the custody of the National Archives and Records Administration. The standard charge for a copy of an electronic data set (one data set not to exceed one magnetic reel of output) is $90. Ordering information is available upon request. For further information please contact the office above.....
National Archives and Records Ad
* Census of Agriculture
National Archives and Records Administration
* Census of Population, 1970, Extracts from the Public Use Sample, County 15%
National Archives and Records Administration
National Archives and Records
Administration Center for Electronic Records
Margaret Adams
Archives Specialist
Reference Service
Center for Electronic Records (NNXA)
National Archives and Records Administration
8th and Pennsylvania Ave., NW
Washington, DC 20408
(202) 523-6771
The National Archives and Records Administration serves as the nation's repository for data tapes of historical or ongoing importance. The National Archives is the only federal agency with the statutory responsibility of identifying and preserving valuable records of the federal government.
The Center for Electronic Records currently stores tapes from more than 50 government departments and agencies. The Center holds over 7000 unique data sets on many subjects covering a broad range of federal activity including agriculture, aviation, demographics, education, economics, employment, health, labor, civil rights, transportation, military, and international trade. It also maintains selected records from most of the departments of the Executive Branch and many agencies, commissions, boards, and committees in over 3000 reels arranged in approximately 350 series. The Archives is also the primary distributor of active data bases produced by the US Securities Exchange Commission and the now defunct Civil Aeronautics Board.
This office at the National Archives can provide you with information on the existence, location and availability of data created by federal agencies. Staff at the Center can respond to requests for specific files, for general types of data, or for data compatible with that currently being used by a researcher. The Center's staff have a general knowledge about files currently held by federal agencies and they know who to contact in those agencies to obtain more detailed information about them, or about current and future data collection plans.
The Center is entering titles of all its electronic data sets into a data base. To help users identify its holdings, the Center will provide a printout of the titles entered to date in the data base. The list of data sets is arranged according to Record Group (RG). Generally, each federal department, agency, or bureau is assigned its own RG.
The standard charge for a copy of one electronic data set is $90 for the first reel and $17 for each additional reel. When multiple data sets can be copied on one reel, the charge is $90 for the first data set and $24.50 for each additional set. Data set documentation is photocopied at $.35 per page of $1.05 per fiche. There is a $5.00 minimum mail order. With few exceptions, printouts of data sets, copies onto disk, CD-ROM or other electronic media, other than tape, and extracts of data sets are not available. To request a title list or to obtain ordering information, contact the Center's Reference Service, listed above.
Following is a list of federal agencies, supplying data tapes to the National Archives:
Adjutant General's Office
Administration on Aging
Agency for International Development (AID)
Agricultural Research Service
Air Force, Headquarters US
Army Staff
Census, Bureau of
Civil Aeronautics Board
Civil Service Agencies
Commerce, US Department of
Commission on Population Growth and the American Future
Commission on the Review of the National Policy Toward Gambling
Commission on Civil Rights
Community Services Administration
Cost of Living Council
Defense Intelligence Agency
Defense, Office of the Secretary
District of Columbia, Government of the
Economic Analysis, Bureau of (BEA)
Economic Opportunity and Legal Services, Agencies for
Economic Stabilization Programs
Economic, Statistics and Cooperative Service
Education, US Department of
Education, Office of
Employment and Training Administration (ETA)
Engineers, Office of the Chief
Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC)
Executive Office of the President, Organizations in the
Federal Home Loan Bank System (FHLBS)
Federal Trade Commission (FTC)
Food and Consumer Services
Foreign Agricultural Service
General Accounting Office, US (GAO)
Geological Survey, US (USGS)
Gift Collection, National Archives
Health and Human Services, US Department of (HHS)
Health, Education and Welfare, Department of (HEW)
House of Representatives, US
Housing and Urban Development, US Department of (HUD)
Human Development, Office of the Assistant Secretary for
Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS)
Indian Affairs, Bureau of (BIA)
Information Agency, US (USIA)
Internal Revenue Service (IRS)
Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS)
Joint Commands
Labor, Department of
Labor Statistics, Bureau of (BLS)
Merit Systems Protection Board (MSPB)
Military Assistance Command Vietnam (MACV)
Minerals Management Service
National Academy of Sciences
National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)
National Commission on Marijuana and Drug Abuse, 1975
National Commission on Social Security, 1979-1981
National Commission on the Causes and Prevention of Violence
National Commission on the Financing of Postsecondary Education
National Institute of Education (NIE)
National Institute of Health (NIH)
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)
President's Commission on School Finance, 1970-1972
President's Commission on the Accident at Three Mile Island
President's Commission on the Coal Industry
President's Commission on the Space Shuttle Challenger Accident
Provost Marshal General, 1941 - , Office of
Public Health Service (PHS)
Railway Association, US (USRA)
Securities and Exchange Commission
Senate, US
Social Security Administration (SSA)
Temporary Committees, Commissions and Boards
Transportation, US Department of (DOT)
Treasury, US Department of the
Veterans Administration (VA)
Watergate Special Prosecution Force (WSPF)
The following list is a subset of electronic data sets (i.e., computer-readable data files) in the custody of the National Archives and Records Administration. The standard charge for a copy of an electronic data set (one data set not to exceed one magnetic reel of output) is $90. Ordering information is available upon request. For further information please contact the office above.
* Community Action Program Funded Account Master File, July 1964-September 1981
National Archives and Records Administration
National Archives and Records
Administration Center for Electronic Records
Margaret Adams
Archives Specialist
Reference Service
Center for Electronic Records (NNXA)
National Archives and Records Administration
8th and Pennsylvania Ave., NW
Washington, DC 20408
(202) 523-6771
The National Archives and Records Administration serves as the nation's repository for data tapes of historical or ongoing importance. The National Archives is the only federal agency with the statutory responsibility of identifying and preserving valuable records of the federal government.
The Center for Electronic Records currently stores tapes from more than 50 government departments and agencies. The Center holds over 7000 unique data sets on many subjects covering a broad range of federal activity including agriculture, aviation, demographics, education, economics, employment, health, labor, civil rights, transportation, military, and international trade. It also maintains selected records from most of the departments of the Executive Branch and many agencies, commissions, boards, and committees in over 3000 reels arranged in approximately 350 series. The Archives is also the primary distributor of active data bases produced by the US Securities Exchange Commission and the now defunct Civil Aeronautics Board.
This office at the National Archives can provide you with information on the existence, location and availability of data created by federal agencies. Staff at the Center can respond to requests for specific files, for general types of data, or for data compatible with that currently being used by a researcher. The Center's staff have a general knowledge about files currently held by federal agencies and they know who to contact in those agencies to obtain more detailed information about them, or about current and future data collection plans.
The Center is entering titles of all its electronic data sets into a data base. To help users identify its holdings, the Center will provide a printout of the titles entered to date in the data base. The list of data sets is arranged according to Record Group (RG). Generally, each federal department, agency, or bureau is assigned its own RG.
The standard charge for a copy of one electronic data set is $90 for the first reel and $17 for each additional reel. When multiple data sets can be copied on one reel, the charge is $90 for the first data set and $24.50 for each additional set. Data set documentation is photocopied at $.35 per page of $1.05 per fiche. There is a $5.00 minimum mail order. With few exceptions, printouts of data sets, copies onto disk, CD-ROM or other electronic media, other than tape, and extracts of data sets are not available. To request a title list or to obtain ordering information, contact the Center's Reference Service, listed above.
Following is a list of federal agencies, supplying data tapes to the National Archives:
Adjutant General's Office
Administration on Aging
Agency for International Development (AID)
Agricultural Research Service
Air Force, Headquarters US
Army Staff
Census, Bureau of
Civil Aeronautics Board
Civil Service Agencies
Commerce, US Department of
Commission on Population Growth and the American Future
Commission on the Review of the National Policy Toward Gambling
Commission on Civil Rights
Community Services Administration
Cost of Living Council
Defense Intelligence Agency
Defense, Office of the Secretary
District of Columbia, Government of the
Economic Analysis, Bureau of (BEA)
Economic Opportunity and Legal Services, Agencies for
Economic Stabilization Programs
Economic, Statistics and Cooperative Service
Education, US Department of
Education, Office of
Employment and Training Administration (ETA)
Engineers, Office of the Chief
Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC)
Executive Office of the President, Organizations in the
Federal Home Loan Bank System (FHLBS)
Federal Trade Commission (FTC)
Food and Consumer Services
Foreign Agricultural Service
General Accounting Office, US (GAO)
Geological Survey, US (USGS)
Gift Collection, National Archives
Health and Human Services, US Department of (HHS)
Health, Education and Welfare, Department of (HEW)
House of Representatives, US
Housing and Urban Development, US Department of (HUD)
Human Development, Office of the Assistant Secretary for
Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS)
Indian Affairs, Bureau of (BIA)
Information Agency, US (USIA)
Internal Revenue Service (IRS)
Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS)
Joint Commands
Labor, Department of
Labor Statistics, Bureau of (BLS)
Merit Systems Protection Board (MSPB)
Military Assistance Command Vietnam (MACV)
Minerals Management Service
National Academy of Sciences
National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)
National Commission on Marijuana and Drug Abuse, 1975
National Commission on Social Security, 1979-1981
National Commission on the Causes and Prevention of Violence
National Commission on the Financing of Postsecondary Education
National Institute of Education (NIE)
National Institute of Health (NIH)
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)
President's Commission on School Finance, 1970-1972
President's Commission on the Accident at Three Mile Island
President's Commission on the Coal Industry
President's Commission on the Space Shuttle Challenger Accident
Provost Marshal General, 1941 - , Office of
Public Health Service (PHS)
Railway Association, US (USRA)
Securities and Exchange Commission
Senate, US
Social Security Administration (SSA)
Temporary Committees, Commissions and Boards
Transportation, US Department of (DOT)
Treasury, US Department of the
Veterans Administration (VA)
Watergate Special Prosecution Force (WSPF)
The following list is a subset of electronic data sets (i.e., computer-readable data files) in the custody of the National Archives and Records Administration. The standard charge for a copy of an electronic data set (one data set not to exceed one magnetic reel of output) is $90. Ordering information is available upon request. For further information please contact the office above.
* Community Action Program Grantee Organization Master File, July 1964-September 1981
National Archives and Records Administration
National Archives and Records
Administration Center for Electronic Records
Margaret Adams
Archives Specialist
Reference Service
Center for Electronic Records (NNXA)
National Archives and Records Administration
8th and Pennsylvania Ave., NW
Washington, DC 20408
(202) 523-6771
The National Archives and Records Administration serves as the nation's repository for data tapes of historical or ongoing importance. The National Archives is the only federal agency with the statutory responsibility of identifying and preserving valuable records of the federal government.
The Center for Electronic Records currently stores tapes from more than 50 government departments and agencies. The Center holds over 7000 unique data sets on many subjects covering a broad range of federal activity including agriculture, aviation, demographics, education, economics, employment, health, labor, civil rights, transportation, military, and international trade. It also maintains selected records from most of the departments of the Executive Branch and many agencies, commissions, boards, and committees in over 3000 reels arranged in approximately 350 series. The Archives is also the primary distributor of active data bases produced by the US Securities Exchange Commission and the now defunct Civil Aeronautics Board.
This office at the National Archives can provide you with information on the existence, location and availability of data created by federal agencies. Staff at the Center can respond to requests for specific files, for general types of data, or for data compatible with that currently being used by a researcher. The Center's staff have a general knowledge about files currently held by federal agencies and they know who to contact in those agencies to obtain more detailed information about them, or about current and future data collection plans.
The Center is entering titles of all its electronic data sets into a data base. To help users identify its holdings, the Center will provide a printout of the titles entered to date in the data base. The list of data sets is arranged according to Record Group (RG). Generally, each federal department, agency, or bureau is assigned its own RG.
The standard charge for a copy of one electronic data set is $90 for the first reel and $17 for each additional reel. When multiple data sets can be copied on one reel, the charge is $90 for the first data set and $24.50 for each additional set. Data set documentation is photocopied at $.35 per page of $1.05 per fiche. There is a $5.00 minimum mail order. With few exceptions, printouts of data sets, copies onto disk, CD-ROM or other electronic media, other than tape, and extracts of data sets are not available. To request a title list or to obtain ordering information, contact the Center's Reference Service, listed above.
Following is a list of federal agencies, supplying data tapes to the National Archives:
Adjutant General's Office
Administration on Aging
Agency for International Development (AID)
Agricultural Research Service
Air Force, Headquarters US
Army Staff
Census, Bureau of
Civil Aeronautics Board
Civil Service Agencies
Commerce, US Department of
Commission on Population Growth and the American Future
Commission on the Review of the National Policy Toward Gambling
Commission on Civil Rights
Community Services Administration
Cost of Living Council
Defense Intelligence Agency
Defense, Office of the Secretary
District of Columbia, Government of the
Economic Analysis, Bureau of (BEA)
Economic Opportunity and Legal Services, Agencies for
Economic Stabilization Programs
Economic, Statistics and Cooperative Service
Education, US Department of
Education, Office of
Employment and Training Administration (ETA)
Engineers, Office of the Chief
Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC)
Executive Office of the President, Organizations in the
Federal Home Loan Bank System (FHLBS)
Federal Trade Commission (FTC)
Food and Consumer Services
Foreign Agricultural Service
General Accounting Office, US (GAO)
Geological Survey, US (USGS)
Gift Collection, National Archives
Health and Human Services, US Department of (HHS)
Health, Education and Welfare, Department of (HEW)
House of Representatives, US
Housing and Urban Development, US Department of (HUD)
Human Development, Office of the Assistant Secretary for
Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS)
Indian Affairs, Bureau of (BIA)
Information Agency, US (USIA)
Internal Revenue Service (IRS)
Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS)
Joint Commands
Labor, Department of
Labor Statistics, Bureau of (BLS)
Merit Systems Protection Board (MSPB)
Military Assistance Command Vietnam (MACV)
Minerals Management Service
National Academy of Sciences
National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)
National Commission on Marijuana and Drug Abuse, 1975
National Commission on Social Security, 1979-1981
National Commission on the Causes and Prevention of Violence
National Commission on the Financing of Postsecondary Education
National Institute of Education (NIE)
National Institute of Health (NIH)
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)
President's Commission on School Finance, 1970-1972
President's Commission on the Accident at Three Mile Island
President's Commission on the Coal Industry
President's Commission on the Space Shuttle Challenger Accident
Provost Marshal General, 1941 - , Office of
Public Health Service (PHS)
Railway Association, US (USRA)
Securities and Exchange Commission
Senate, US
Social Security Administration (SSA)
Temporary Committees, Commissions and Boards
Transportation, US Department of (DOT)
Treasury, US Department of the
Veterans Administration (VA)
Watergate Special Prosecution Force (WSPF)
The following list is a subset of electronic data sets (i.e., computer-readable data files) in the custody of the National Archives and Records Administration. The standard charge for a copy of an electronic data set (one data set not to exceed one magnetic reel of output) is $90. Ordering information is available upon request. For further information please contact the office above.
* Directional Origin and Destination (Domestic), 1978-1984
National Archives and Records Administration
National Archives and Records
Administration Center for Electronic Records
Margaret Adams
Archives Specialist
Reference Service
Center for Electronic Records (NNXA)
National Archives and Records Administration
8th and Pennsylvania Ave., NW
Washington, DC 20408
(202) 523-6771
The National Archives and Records Administration serves as the nation's repository for data tapes of historical or ongoing importance. The National Archives is the only federal agency with the statutory responsibility of identifying and preserving valuable records of the federal government.
The Center for Electronic Records currently stores tapes from more than 50 government departments and agencies. The Center holds over 7000 unique data sets on many subjects covering a broad range of federal activity including agriculture, aviation, demographics, education, economics, employment, health, labor, civil rights, transportation, military, and international trade. It also maintains selected records from most of the departments of the Executive Branch and many agencies, commissions, boards, and committees in over 3000 reels arranged in approximately 350 series. The Archives is also the primary distributor of active data bases produced by the US Securities Exchange Commission and the now defunct Civil Aeronautics Board.
This office at the National Archives can provide you with information on the existence, location and availability of data created by federal agencies. Staff at the Center can respond to requests for specific files, for general types of data, or for data compatible with that currently being used by a researcher. The Center's staff have a general knowledge about files currently held by federal agencies and they know who to contact in those agencies to obtain more detailed information about them, or about current and future data collection plans.
The Center is entering titles of all its electronic data sets into a data base. To help users identify its holdings, the Center will provide a printout of the titles entered to date in the data base. The list of data sets is arranged according to Record Group (RG). Generally, each federal department, agency, or bureau is assigned its own RG.
The standard charge for a copy of one electronic data set is $90 for the first reel and $17 for each additional reel. When multiple data sets can be copied on one reel, the charge is $90 for the first data set and $24.50 for each additional set. Data set documentation is photocopied at $.35 per page of $1.05 per fiche. There is a $5.00 minimum mail order. With few exceptions, printouts of data sets, copies onto disk, CD-ROM or other electronic media, other than tape, and extracts of data sets are not available. To request a title list or to obtain ordering information, contact the Center's Reference Service, listed above.
Following is a list of federal agencies, supplying data tapes to the National Archives:
Adjutant General's Office
Administration on Aging
Agency for International Development (AID)
Agricultural Research Service
Air Force, Headquarters US
Army Staff
Census, Bureau of
Civil Aeronautics Board
Civil Service Agencies
Commerce, US Department of
Commission on Population Growth and the American Future
Commission on the Review of the National Policy Toward Gambling
Commission on Civil Rights
Community Services Administration
Cost of Living Council
Defense Intelligence Agency
Defense, Office of the Secretary
District of Columbia, Government of the
Economic Analysis, Bureau of (BEA)
Economic Opportunity and Legal Services, Agencies for
Economic Stabilization Programs
Economic, Statistics and Cooperative Service
Education, US Department of
Education, Office of
Employment and Training Administration (ETA)
Engineers, Office of the Chief
Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC)
Executive Office of the President, Organizations in the
Federal Home Loan Bank System (FHLBS)
Federal Trade Commission (FTC)
Food and Consumer Services
Foreign Agricultural Service
General Accounting Office, US (GAO)
Geological Survey, US (USGS)
Gift Collection, National Archives
Health and Human Services, US Department of (HHS)
Health, Education and Welfare, Department of (HEW)
House of Representatives, US
Housing and Urban Development, US Department of (HUD)
Human Development, Office of the Assistant Secretary for
Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS)
Indian Affairs, Bureau of (BIA)
Information Agency, US (USIA)
Internal Revenue Service (IRS)
Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS)
Joint Commands
Labor, Department of
Labor Statistics, Bureau of (BLS)
Merit Systems Protection Board (MSPB)
Military Assistance Command Vietnam (MACV)
Minerals Management Service
National Academy of Sciences
National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)
National Commission on Marijuana and Drug Abuse, 1975
National Commission on Social Security, 1979-1981
National Commission on the Causes and Prevention of Violence
National Commission on the Financing of Postsecondary Education
National Institute of Education (NIE)
National Institute of Health (NIH)
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)
President's Commission on School Finance, 1970-1972
President's Commission on the Accident at Three Mile Island
President's Commission on the Coal Industry
President's Commission on the Space Shuttle Challenger Accident
Provost Marshal General, 1941 - , Office of
Public Health Service (PHS)
Railway Association, US (USRA)
Securities and Exchange Commission
Senate, US
Social Security Administration (SSA)
Temporary Committees, Commissions and Boards
Transportation, US Department of (DOT)
Treasury, US Department of the
Veterans Administration (VA)
Watergate Special Prosecution Force (WSPF)
The following list is a subset of electronic data sets (i.e., computer-readable data files) in the custody of the National Archives and Records Administration. The standard charge for a copy of an electronic data set (one data set not to exceed one magnetic reel of output) is $90. Ordering information is available upon request. For further information please contact the office above.
* Directional Origin and Destination (International/Territorial), 1970, 1973, 1980
National Archives and Records Administration
National Archives and Records
Administration Center for Electronic Records
Margaret Adams
Archives Specialist
Reference Service
Center for Electronic Records (NNXA)
National Archives and Records Administration
8th and Pennsylvania Ave., NW
Washington, DC 20408
(202) 523-6771
The National Archives and Records Administration serves as the nation's repository for data tapes of historical or ongoing importance. The National Archives is the only federal agency with the statutory responsibility of identifying and preserving valuable records of the federal government.
The Center for Electronic Records currently stores tapes from more than 50 government departments and agencies. The Center holds over 7000 unique data sets on many subjects covering a broad range of federal activity including agriculture, aviation, demographics, education, economics, employment, health, labor, civil rights, transportation, military, and international trade. It also maintains selected records from most of the departments of the Executive Branch and many agencies, commissions, boards, and committees in over 3000 reels arranged in approximately 350 series. The Archives is also the primary distributor of active data bases produced by the US Securities Exchange Commission and the now defunct Civil Aeronautics Board.
This office at the National Archives can provide you with information on the existence, location and availability of data created by federal agencies. Staff at the Center can respond to requests for specific files, for general types of data, or for data compatible with that currently being used by a researcher. The Center's staff have a general knowledge about files currently held by federal agencies and they know who to contact in those agencies to obtain more detailed information about them, or about current and future data collection plans.
The Center is entering titles of all its electronic data sets into a data base. To help users identify its holdings, the Center will provide a printout of the titles entered to date in the data base. The list of data sets is arranged according to Record Group (RG). Generally, each federal department, agency, or bureau is assigned its own RG.
The standard charge for a copy of one electronic data set is $90 for the first reel and $17 for each additional reel. When multiple data sets can be copied on one reel, the charge is $90 for the first data set and $24.50 for each additional set. Data set documentation is photocopied at $.35 per page of $1.05 per fiche. There is a $5.00 minimum mail order. With few exceptions, printouts of data sets, copies onto disk, CD-ROM or other electronic media, other than tape, and extracts of data sets are not available. To request a title list or to obtain ordering information, contact the Center's Reference Service, listed above.
Following is a list of federal agencies, supplying data tapes to the National Archives:
Adjutant General's Office
Administration on Aging
Agency for International Development (AID)
Agricultural Research Service
Air Force, Headquarters US
Army Staff
Census, Bureau of
Civil Aeronautics Board
Civil Service Agencies
Commerce, US Department of
Commission on Population Growth and the American Future
Commission on the Review of the National Policy Toward Gambling
Commission on Civil Rights
Community Services Administration
Cost of Living Council
Defense Intelligence Agency
Defense, Office of the Secretary
District of Columbia, Government of the
Economic Analysis, Bureau of (BEA)
Economic Opportunity and Legal Services, Agencies for
Economic Stabilization Programs
Economic, Statistics and Cooperative Service
Education, US Department of
Education, Office of
Employment and Training Administration (ETA)
Engineers, Office of the Chief
Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC)
Executive Office of the President, Organizations in the
Federal Home Loan Bank System (FHLBS)
Federal Trade Commission (FTC)
Food and Consumer Services
Foreign Agricultural Service
General Accounting Office, US (GAO)
Geological Survey, US (USGS)
Gift Collection, National Archives
Health and Human Services, US Department of (HHS)
Health, Education and Welfare, Department of (HEW)
House of Representatives, US
Housing and Urban Development, US Department of (HUD)
Human Development, Office of the Assistant Secretary for
Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS)
Indian Affairs, Bureau of (BIA)
Information Agency, US (USIA)
Internal Revenue Service (IRS)
Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS)
Joint Commands
Labor, Department of
Labor Statistics, Bureau of (BLS)
Merit Systems Protection Board (MSPB)
Military Assistance Command Vietnam (MACV)
Minerals Management Service
National Academy of Sciences
National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)
National Commission on Marijuana and Drug Abuse, 1975
National Commission on Social Security, 1979-1981
National Commission on the Causes and Prevention of Violence
National Commission on the Financing of Postsecondary Education
National Institute of Education (NIE)
National Institute of Health (NIH)
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)
President's Commission on School Finance, 1970-1972
President's Commission on the Accident at Three Mile Island
President's Commission on the Coal Industry
President's Commission on the Space Shuttle Challenger Accident
Provost Marshal General, 1941 - , Office of
Public Health Service (PHS)
Railway Association, US (USRA)
Securities and Exchange Commission
Senate, US
Social Security Administration (SSA)
Temporary Committees, Commissions and Boards
Transportation, US Department of (DOT)
Treasury, US Department of the
Veterans Administration (VA)
Watergate Special Prosecution Force (WSPF)
The following list is a subset of electronic data sets (i.e., computer-readable data files) in the custody of the National Archives and Records Administration. The standard charge for a copy of an electronic data set (one data set not to exceed one magnetic reel of output) is $90. Ordering information is available upon request. For further information please contact the office above.
* Federal Assistance Award Data System, Oct 1980-Dec 1981
National Archives and Records Administration
National Archives and Records
Administration Center for Electronic Records
Margaret Adams
Archives Specialist
Reference Service
Center for Electronic Records (NNXA)
National Archives and Records Administration
8th and Pennsylvania Ave., NW
Washington, DC 20408
(202) 523-6771
The National Archives and Records Administration serves as the nation's repository for data tapes of historical or ongoing importance. The National Archives is the only federal agency with the statutory responsibility of identifying and preserving valuable records of the federal government.
The Center for Electronic Records currently stores tapes from more than 50 government departments and agencies. The Center holds over 7000 unique data sets on many subjects covering a broad range of federal activity including agriculture, aviation, demographics, education, economics, employment, health, labor, civil rights, transportation, military, and international trade. It also maintains selected records from most of the departments of the Executive Branch and many agencies, commissions, boards, and committees in over 3000 reels arranged in approximately 350 series. The Archives is also the primary distributor of active data bases produced by the US Securities Exchange Commission and the now defunct Civil Aeronautics Board.
This office at the National Archives can provide you with information on the existence, location and availability of data created by federal agencies. Staff at the Center can respond to requests for specific files, for general types of data, or for data compatible with that currently being used by a researcher. The Center's staff have a general knowledge about files currently held by federal agencies and they know who to contact in those agencies to obtain more detailed information about them, or about current and future data collection plans.
The Center is entering titles of all its electronic data sets into a data base. To help users identify its holdings, the Center will provide a printout of the titles entered to date in the data base. The list of data sets is arranged according to Record Group (RG). Generally, each federal department, agency, or bureau is assigned its own RG.
The standard charge for a copy of one electronic data set is $90 for the first reel and $17 for each additional reel. When multiple data sets can be copied on one reel, the charge is $90 for the first data set and $24.50 for each additional set. Data set documentation is photocopied at $.35 per page of $1.05 per fiche. There is a $5.00 minimum mail order. With few exceptions, printouts of data sets, copies onto disk, CD-ROM or other electronic media, other than tape, and extracts of data sets are not available. To request a title list or to obtain ordering information, contact the Center's Reference Service, listed above.
Following is a list of federal agencies, supplying data tapes to the National Archives:
Adjutant General's Office
Administration on Aging
Agency for International Development (AID)
Agricultural Research Service
Air Force, Headquarters US
Army Staff
Census, Bureau of
Civil Aeronautics Board
Civil Service Agencies
Commerce, US Department of
Commission on Population Growth and the American Future
Commission on the Review of the National Policy Toward Gambling
Commission on Civil Rights
Community Services Administration
Cost of Living Council
Defense Intelligence Agency
Defense, Office of the Secretary
District of Columbia, Government of the
Economic Analysis, Bureau of (BEA)
Economic Opportunity and Legal Services, Agencies for
Economic Stabilization Programs
Economic, Statistics and Cooperative Service
Education, US Department of
Education, Office of
Employment and Training Administration (ETA)
Engineers, Office of the Chief
Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC)
Executive Office of the President, Organizations in the
Federal Home Loan Bank System (FHLBS)
Federal Trade Commission (FTC)
Food and Consumer Services
Foreign Agricultural Service
General Accounting Office, US (GAO)
Geological Survey, US (USGS)
Gift Collection, National Archives
Health and Human Services, US Department of (HHS)
Health, Education and Welfare, Department of (HEW)
House of Representatives, US
Housing and Urban Development, US Department of (HUD)
Human Development, Office of the Assistant Secretary for
Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS)
Indian Affairs, Bureau of (BIA)
Information Agency, US (USIA)
Internal Revenue Service (IRS)
Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS)
Joint Commands
Labor, Department of
Labor Statistics, Bureau of (BLS)
Merit Systems Protection Board (MSPB)
Military Assistance Command Vietnam (MACV)
Minerals Management Service
National Academy of Sciences
National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)
National Commission on Marijuana and Drug Abuse, 1975
National Commission on Social Security, 1979-1981
National Commission on the Causes and Prevention of Violence
National Commission on the Financing of Postsecondary Education
National Institute of Education (NIE)
National Institute of Health (NIH)
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)
President's Commission on School Finance, 1970-1972
President's Commission on the Accident at Three Mile Island
President's Commission on the Coal Industry
President's Commission on the Space Shuttle Challenger Accident
Provost Marshal General, 1941 - , Office of
Public Health Service (PHS)
Railway Association, US (USRA)
Securities and Exchange Commission
Senate, US
Social Security Administration (SSA)
Temporary Committees, Commissions and Boards
Transportation, US Department of (DOT)
Treasury, US Department of the
Veterans Administration (VA)
Watergate Special Prosecution Force (WSPF)
The following list is a subset of electronic data sets (i.e., computer-readable data files) in the custody of the National Archives and Records Administration. The standard charge for a copy of an electronic data set (one data set not to exceed one magnetic reel of output) is $90. Ordering information is available upon request. For further information please contact the office above.
* Federal Outlays, 7/1968-9/1980, Entire Series
National Archives and Records Administration
National Archives and Records
Administration Center for Electronic Records
Margaret Adams
Archives Specialist
Reference Service
Center for Electronic Records (NNXA)
National Archives and Records Administration
8th and Pennsylvania Ave., NW
Washington, DC 20408
(202) 523-6771
The National Archives and Records Administration serves as the nation's repository for data tapes of historical or ongoing importance. The National Archives is the only federal agency with the statutory responsibility of identifying and preserving valuable records of the federal government.
The Center for Electronic Records currently stores tapes from more than 50 government departments and agencies. The Center holds over 7000 unique data sets on many subjects covering a broad range of federal activity including agriculture, aviation, demographics, education, economics, employment, health, labor, civil rights, transportation, military, and international trade. It also maintains selected records from most of the departments of the Executive Branch and many agencies, commissions, boards, and committees in over 3000 reels arranged in approximately 350 series. The Archives is also the primary distributor of active data bases produced by the US Securities Exchange Commission and the now defunct Civil Aeronautics Board.
This office at the National Archives can provide you with information on the existence, location and availability of data created by federal agencies. Staff at the Center can respond to requests for specific files, for general types of data, or for data compatible with that currently being used by a researcher. The Center's staff have a general knowledge about files currently held by federal agencies and they know who to contact in those agencies to obtain more detailed information about them, or about current and future data collection plans.
The Center is entering titles of all its electronic data sets into a data base. To help users identify its holdings, the Center will provide a printout of the titles entered to date in the data base. The list of data sets is arranged according to Record Group (RG). Generally, each federal department, agency, or bureau is assigned its own RG.
The standard charge for a copy of one electronic data set is $90 for the first reel and $17 for each additional reel. When multiple data sets can be copied on one reel, the charge is $90 for the first data set and $24.50 for each additional set. Data set documentation is photocopied at $.35 per page of $1.05 per fiche. There is a $5.00 minimum mail order. With few exceptions, printouts of data sets, copies onto disk, CD-ROM or other electronic media, other than tape, and extracts of data sets are not available. To request a title list or to obtain ordering information, contact the Center's Reference Service, listed above.
Following is a list of federal agencies, supplying data tapes to the National Archives:
Adjutant General's Office
Administration on Aging
Agency for International Development (AID)
Agricultural Research Service
Air Force, Headquarters US
Army Staff
Census, Bureau of
Civil Aeronautics Board
Civil Service Agencies
Commerce, US Department of
Commission on Population Growth and the American Future
Commission on the Review of the National Policy Toward Gambling
Commission on Civil Rights
Community Services Administration
Cost of Living Council
Defense Intelligence Agency
Defense, Office of the Secretary
District of Columbia, Government of the
Economic Analysis, Bureau of (BEA)
Economic Opportunity and Legal Services, Agencies for
Economic Stabilization Programs
Economic, Statistics and Cooperative Service
Education, US Department of
Education, Office of
Employment and Training Administration (ETA)
Engineers, Office of the Chief
Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC)
Executive Office of the President, Organizations in the
Federal Home Loan Bank System (FHLBS)
Federal Trade Commission (FTC)
Food and Consumer Services
Foreign Agricultural Service
General Accounting Office, US (GAO)
Geological Survey, US (USGS)
Gift Collection, National Archives
Health and Human Services, US Department of (HHS)
Health, Education and Welfare, Department of (HEW)
House of Representatives, US
Housing and Urban Development, US Department of (HUD)
Human Development, Office of the Assistant Secretary for
Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS)
Indian Affairs, Bureau of (BIA)
Information Agency, US (USIA)
Internal Revenue Service (IRS)
Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS)
Joint Commands
Labor, Department of
Labor Statistics, Bureau of (BLS)
Merit Systems Protection Board (MSPB)
Military Assistance Command Vietnam (MACV)
Minerals Management Service
National Academy of Sciences
National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)
National Commission on Marijuana and Drug Abuse, 1975
National Commission on Social Security, 1979-1981
National Commission on the Causes and Prevention of Violence
National Commission on the Financing of Postsecondary Education
National Institute of Education (NIE)
National Institute of Health (NIH)
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)
President's Commission on School Finance, 1970-1972
President's Commission on the Accident at Three Mile Island
President's Commission on the Coal Industry
President's Commission on the Space Shuttle Challenger Accident
Provost Marshal General, 1941 - , Office of
Public Health Service (PHS)
Railway Association, US (USRA)
Securities and Exchange Commission
Senate, US
Social Security Administration (SSA)
Temporary Committees, Commissions and Boards
Transportation, US Department of (DOT)
Treasury, US Department of the
Veterans Administration (VA)
Watergate Special Prosecution Force (WSPF)
The following list is a subset of electronic data sets (i.e., computer-readable data files) in the custody of the National Archives and Records Administration. The standard charge for a copy of an electronic data set (one data set not to exceed one magnetic reel of output) is $90. Ordering information is available upon request. For further information please contact the office above.
* National Commission on Marihuana and Drug Abuse, 1970
National Archives and Records Administration
National Archives and Records
Administration Center for Electronic Records
Margaret Adams
Archives Specialist
Reference Service
Center for Electronic Records (NNXA)
National Archives and Records Administration
8th and Pennsylvania Ave., NW
Washington, DC 20408
(202) 523-6771
The National Archives and Records Administration serves as the nation's repository for data tapes of historical or ongoing importance. The National Archives is the only federal agency with the statutory responsibility of identifying and preserving valuable records of the federal government.
The Center for Electronic Records currently stores tapes from more than 50 government departments and agencies. The Center holds over 7000 unique data sets on many subjects covering a broad range of federal activity including agriculture, aviation, demographics, education, economics, employment, health, labor, civil rights, transportation, military, and international trade. It also maintains selected records from most of the departments of the Executive Branch and many agencies, commissions, boards, and committees in over 3000 reels arranged in approximately 350 series. The Archives is also the primary distributor of active data bases produced by the US Securities Exchange Commission and the now defunct Civil Aeronautics Board.
This office at the National Archives can provide you with information on the existence, location and availability of data created by federal agencies. Staff at the Center can respond to requests for specific files, for general types of data, or for data compatible with that currently being used by a researcher. The Center's staff have a general knowledge about files currently held by federal agencies and they know who to contact in those agencies to obtain more detailed information about them, or about current and future data collection plans.
The Center is entering titles of all its electronic data sets into a data base. To help users identify its holdings, the Center will provide a printout of the titles entered to date in the data base. The list of data sets is arranged according to Record Group (RG). Generally, each federal department, agency, or bureau is assigned its own RG.
The standard charge for a copy of one electronic data set is $90 for the first reel and $17 for each additional reel. When multiple data sets can be copied on one reel, the charge is $90 for the first data set and $24.50 for each additional set. Data set documentation is photocopied at $.35 per page of $1.05 per fiche. There is a $5.00 minimum mail order. With few exceptions, printouts of data sets, copies onto disk, CD-ROM or other electronic media, other than tape, and extracts of data sets are not available. To request a title list or to obtain ordering information, contact the Center's Reference Service, listed above.
Following is a list of federal agencies, supplying data tapes to the National Archives:
Adjutant General's Office
Administration on Aging
Agency for International Development (AID)
Agricultural Research Service
Air Force, Headquarters US
Army Staff
Census, Bureau of
Civil Aeronautics Board
Civil Service Agencies
Commerce, US Department of
Commission on Population Growth and the American Future
Commission on the Review of the National Policy Toward Gambling
Commission on Civil Rights
Community Services Administration
Cost of Living Council
Defense Intelligence Agency
Defense, Office of the Secretary
District of Columbia, Government of the
Economic Analysis, Bureau of (BEA)
Economic Opportunity and Legal Services, Agencies for
Economic Stabilization Programs
Economic, Statistics and Cooperative Service
Education, US Department of
Education, Office of
Employment and Training Administration (ETA)
Engineers, Office of the Chief
Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC)
Executive Office of the President, Organizations in the
Federal Home Loan Bank System (FHLBS)
Federal Trade Commission (FTC)
Food and Consumer Services
Foreign Agricultural Service
General Accounting Office, US (GAO)
Geological Survey, US (USGS)
Gift Collection, National Archives
Health and Human Services, US Department of (HHS)
Health, Education and Welfare, Department of (HEW)
House of Representatives, US
Housing and Urban Development, US Department of (HUD)
Human Development, Office of the Assistant Secretary for
Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS)
Indian Affairs, Bureau of (BIA)
Information Agency, US (USIA)
Internal Revenue Service (IRS)
Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS)
Joint Commands
Labor, Department of
Labor Statistics, Bureau of (BLS)
Merit Systems Protection Board (MSPB)
Military Assistance Command Vietnam (MACV)
Minerals Management Service
National Academy of Sciences
National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)
National Commission on Marijuana and Drug Abuse, 1975
National Commission on Social Security, 1979-1981
National Commission on the Causes and Prevention of Violence
National Commission on the Financing of Postsecondary Education
National Institute of Education (NIE)
National Institute of Health (NIH)
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)
President's Commission on School Finance, 1970-1972
President's Commission on the Accident at Three Mile Island
President's Commission on the Coal Industry
President's Commission on the Space Shuttle Challenger Accident
Provost Marshal General, 1941 - , Office of
Public Health Service (PHS)
Railway Association, US (USRA)
Securities and Exchange Commission
Senate, US
Social Security Administration (SSA)
Temporary Committees, Commissions and Boards
Transportation, US Department of (DOT)
Treasury, US Department of the
Veterans Administration (VA)
Watergate Special Prosecution Force (WSPF)
The following list is a subset of electronic data sets (i.e., computer-readable data files) in the custody of the National Archives and Records Administration. The standard charge for a copy of an electronic data set (one data set not to exceed one magnetic reel of output) is $90. Ordering information is available upon request. For further information please contact the office above.
s and Records Administration
National Archives and Records
Administration Center for Electronic Records
Margaret Adams
Archives Specialisavailable upon request. For further information please contact the office above.
* Non-SPAN Access to the NSSDC
David J. Peters
NSSDC, Code 630.2
NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center
Greenbelt, MD 20771 (301) 286-2990
The NSSDC is active in providing online, remote access to the available systems and resources of the Data Center. SPAN is a major path into the Data Center, and one that is managed by the NSSDC. Other methods of obtaining access to the NSSDC include: TCP/IP Internet, BITNET/EARN, X.25 NPSS/Telenet, DIAL-UP, NASAmail/GSFCmai l/TELEmail/OMNET. This list is by no means exhaustive as there are other methods of access. Additional services can provide communications with the NSSDC through available networks.
National Aeronautics and Space Administration
* NTB (NASA Tech Brief)
NASA Scientific and Technical Information Branch
Washington, DC 20546 (202) 453-2017
This contains a listing of condensed versions of NASA tech briefs. For more information contact the office above.
National Aeronautics and Space Administration
* Off-line Data Archive
Dr. Joseph H. King
NSSDC, Code 633
NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center
Greenbelt, MD 20771 (301) 286-7355
The NSSDC's information system identifies about 4,000 distinct data sets that the NSSDC archives on various media: magnetic tape, optical disk, microfilm, microfiche, and photographic film of various sizes. These data sets come from about 1,000 distinct sensors which have flown on a few hundred spacecraft. The earliest data come from the dawn of the space age in the late 1950s. Most data are from NASA missions, although a few data sets come from other US missions (e.g., Department of Defense) or from non-US missions. The NSSDC holds no classified data. NSSDC data holdings span the range of scientific disciplines in which NASA is involved. These include astrophysics, lunar and planetary science, solar physics, space plasma physics, and Earth science. Landsat data are specifically excluded by agreement reached years ago. Each year the list of most requested data sets from the NSSDC contains representatives from all disciplines.
National Aeronautics and Space Administration
* OMNI Data Set
Dr. Joseph H. King
NSSDC, Code 633
NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center
Greenbelt, MD 20771 (301) 286-7355
One of the most accessed value-added data sets that the NSSDC maintains is the composite, hourly resolution, near Earth solar wind magnetic field and plasma data set. Field and plasma data have each been provided by approximately 12 different spacecraft, and extensive cross-calibrations were performed in creating the composite set. In addition, the data set contains selected solar and geomagnetic activity indices (R, C9, Kp, Dst). The data set currently spans 1963 to 1987 and is periodically updated. The data set presently online via the NSSDC account spans the 1973-87 period only. In the last few years, the Interplanetary Monitoring Platform 8 (IMP 8) has been the primary source for the magnetic field and plasma data.#
National Aeronautics and Space Administration
* Pilot Land Data System
Dr. Blanche W. Meeson
NSSDC, Code 634
NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center
Greenbelt, MD 20771 (301) 286-9282
The Pilot Land Data System (PLDS) will provide a distributed information system to support research by land scientists. The PLDS will aid land scientists in their research by helping them identify data of use to them, acquiring those data no matter where they are located, and providing them a mechanism to access remote computer facilities using electronic communications. The PLDS is a multicenter cooperative data system currently under development, with the NSSDC serving as project office and lead center, and the Ames Research Center (ARC) and the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) as participating centers. Currently, the data system is geared toward support of three land science projects, the International Satellite Land Surface Climatology Project (ISLSCP), the ISLSCP Retrospective Analysis Project (IRAP), the First ISLSCP Field Experiment (FIFE), and the Sedimentary Basins Project (SBP). However, in the future, there will be more emphasis on the needs of the broader land science community.
National Aeronautics and Space Administration
* Rosat Mission Information and Planning System
Jeanne Behnke
NSSDC, Code 634
NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center
Greenbelt, MD 20771 (301) 286-8340
The Roentgen Satellite (ROSAT) Project is a cooperative venture between the Max Planck Institute for Extraterrestrial Physics (MPE) in the Federal Republic of Germany (FRG), NASA in the United States, and SERC in the United Kingdom (UK). The satellite mission is the study of stellar X-ray sources. The ROSAT spacecraft, designed and operated by the West Germans, is managed by the MPE and flies three major instruments: A Position Sensitive Proportional Counter (PSPC) designed and built by the FRG, a High Resolution Interferometer (HRI) designed and built by the US, and a Wide Field Camera (WFC) designed and built by the UK. The NSSDC was selected as the US ROSAT Science Data Center (USRSDC) by NASA Headquarters, and has been chosen to design the mission planning software to create, maintain, and track ROSAT Observation Requests (RORs). As a result, the Mission and Information Planning System (MIPS) has been developed. This system will assist NASA Headquarters and the ROSAT Users Committee with the evaluation, selection, and scheduling of US proposals for observing X-ray sources by the ROSAT satellite. It will provide necessary schedules and reports to NASA Headquarters, the GSFC ROSAT Science Team, the MPE, and general observers, and will directly interface with the West German mission planning software at the MPE. Mission planning personnel will use the resulting observation schedules as a basis for the tracking of the processed data and its subsequent archiving in the NSSDC. MIPS will support guest observers in determining targets of interest, coordinating proposals, and inspecting the catalog of ROSAT observations and the catalogs of previous X-ray astronomy missions of the Einstein Observatory and the ESA's European X-Ray Observation Satellite (EXOSAT). It will also provide an electronic mail facility to enable communication between general observers and an online bulletin board for the review of common observer news and information.
National Aeronautics and Space Administration
* Spacelink
Spacelink Administrator
Marshall Space Flight Center
Mail Code CA-20
Huntsville, AL 35807 (205) 544-6527
Spacelink is an information access system that allows individuals to log on and receive news about current NASA programs and activities and other space-related information, including historical and astronaut data, lesson plans and classroom activities, and even entire publications, such as the Aerospace Software Directory and Educational Publications Directory. Although primarily intended as a resource for teachers, anyone with a personal computer and modem can access the network. The only charge is the cost of the long distance phone call. The first time you access the network, you identify yourself as a new user and are then given a hands-on guide to the use of the network. Spacelink is menu-driven and self-explanatory, so even novice computer users should experience no major difficulties.
National Aeronautics and Space Administration
* Space Physics Analysis Network (SPAN)
SPAN Network Manager
NSSDC, Code 630.2
NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center
Greenbelt, MD 20771 (301) 286-7251
The Space Physics Analysis Network (SPAN) links DECnet-based computers doing space and Earth science research and data analysis in the United States, Canada, Europe, Japan, Australia, New Zealand, and South America. It provides a common working environment for sharing computer resources and computer peripherals, and providing the potential for significant time and cost savings for correlative data analysis. At the present time, SPAN uses four central routing nodes connected with six 56-kilobit per second (kbps) links. The routing centers are located at the GSFC, Marshall Space Flight Center (MSFC), JPL, and Johnson Space Center (JSC). Additional SPAN routing nodes are planned for ARC and Kennedy Space Flight Center (KSC). Remote SPAN nodes are typically linked to the closest of these four routing centers using 9.6-kbps circuits (called tail circuits). With the extremely rapid growth in the number of SPAN nodes and users, concern was focused on how researchers can easily identify computers and locate other users on SPAN. The NSSDC developed an online SPAN data base that contains information about the SPAN nodes (e.g., type of computer, location, contact person, discipline supported, node address), and will implement a data base containing SPAN user information that will provide the basis for a directory of SPAN users. The online system is called the SPAN-Network Information Center (SPAN-NIC). In addition to the SPAN data base, SPAN-NIC contains general SPAN information and history, a list of SPAN documents that can be requested, SPAN inter-mail address syntaxes, and important SPAN news briefs. A network information coordinator is available to help users with network problems.
National Aeronautics and Space Administration
* Toms Ozone Data
Carolyn Y. Ng
NSSDC, Code 633
NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center
Greenbelt, MD 20771 (301) 286-4088
The NSSDC currently archives some of the key data sets for the study of stratospheric ozone, a subject that has received considerable attention lately among climate research scientists and in the media. One of the key instruments for measuring the total ozone column globally is the Total Ozone Mapping Spectrometer (TOMS) currently flying on NASA's Nimbus 7 satellite. It produces daily global maps of the total ozone column, and was instrumental in the discovery and subsequent studies of the so-called "Ozone Hole" over the Antarctic continent. In anticipation of the need for the ozone data by atmospheric research scientists, the NSSDC has put approximately 120 days of TOMS ozone data online. These data were taken during the most recent Antarctic ozone hole episode lasting from September through November, 1987. Scientists using SPAN can download TOMS data from NSSDC's computers to their own computers for further analysis. New features to be added include convenient remote access to these data using a personal computer such as the IBM PC. To reduce the transmission time, users will be able to select subsets of TOMS data based on time or geographic location.
National Aeronautics and Space Administration
NASA Data Files Available from the National Archives
Margaret Adams
Archives Specialist
Reference Service
Center for Electronic Records (NNXA)
National Archives and Records Administration
8th and Pennsylvania Ave., NW
Washington, DC 20408
(202) 523-6771
The following list is a subset of electronic data sets (i.e., computer-readable data files) in the custody of the National Archives and Records Administration. The standard charge for a copy of an electronic data set (one data set not to exceed one magnetic reel of output) is $90. Ordering information is available upon request. For further information please contact the office above.
National Aeronautics and Space Administration
* Tektite I, 1440 Hours on the Bottom of the Sea, Feb-Apr 1969
National Aeronautics and Space Administration
* Tektite II, 1440 Hours on the Bottom of the Sea, Apr-Oct 1970
National Aeronautics and Space Administration
NASA Data Files Available from NTIS
National Technical Information Service
US Department of Commerce
Springfield, VA 22161
(703) 487-4807
FAX (703) 321-8547
Listed below are data files available from the National Technical Information Service. Call the office above for ordering and cost information.
National Aeronautics and Space Administration
* Beaufort/Bering Seas Sea-Ice Radar Experiment (SIRE), 1979: Stepped Frequency Microwave Radiometer (SFMR) Data (PB88-124383/XDD) (See NTIS)
These data are described in NASA Technical Memorandum 84609 entitled Beaufort/Bering 1979 Microwave Remote Sensing Data Catalog Report - March 14-24, 1979. These tapes contain Stepped Frequency Microwave Radiometer (SFMR) data for all five days of the SIRE mission. The sample rate varies for these data. Missing parameters are filled with dummy variables, which have a value of -99.99. These data are airborne microwave remote sensing measurements obtained by the Langley Research Center in support of the 1979 Sea-Ice Radar Experiment (SIRE) in the Beaufort and Bering Seas. The remote sensing objective of SIRE was to define correlations between both active and passive microwave signatures and ice phenomena associated with practical applications in the Arctic. The instruments used by Langley during SIRE include the SFMR, the Airborne Microwave Scatterometer (AMSCAT), the Precision Radiation Thermometer (PRT-5), and metric aerial photography.
National Aeronautics and Space Administration
* Beaufort/Bering Seas Sea-Ice Radar Experiment (SIRE), 1979: Airborne Microwave Scatterometer (AMSCAT) Data, NERDAS Parameters, Camera Control Information, PRT-5 and Environmental Information (PB88-124953/XDD) (See NTIS)
These data are described in NASA Technical Memorandum 84609 entitled Beaufort/Bering 1979 Microwave Remote Sensing Data Catalog Report - March 14-24, 1979. These tapes contain NERDAS parameters, camera control information, PRT-5 and environmental information, and Airborne Microwave Scatterometer (AMSCAT) information. The time, latitude, and longitude, records within a file are continuous with a sample rate of 0.5 seconds. Missing parameters are filled with dummy variables. Real dummy values are 9999.99 or 99.9999. Integer dummy values are -9999. These data are airborne microwave remote sensing measurements obtained by the Langley Research Center in support of the 1979 Sea-Ice Radar Experiment (SIRE) in the Beaufort and Bering Seas. The remote sensing objective of SIRE was to define correlations between both active and passive microwave signatures and ice phenomena associated with practical applications in the Arctic. The instruments used by Langley during SIRE include the Stepped Frequency Microwave Radiometer (SFMR), the AMSCAT, the Precision Radiation Thermometer (PRT-5), and metric aerial photography.
National Aeronautics and Space Administration
* NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration) Langley High-Speed Wind Tunnel Test Data 110 Data File (PB84-233014/XDD) (See NTIS)
An investigation was made in the Langley 7- by 10-Foot High-Speed Tunnel to study the effects of wing leading- and trailing-edge flap deflections and canard incidence on the longitudinal aerodynamic characteristics of an advanced fighter configuration with forward-swept wing. This tape contains test conditions, configuration information, and body and stability axis data for Test 110. The tape is written in line printer line images so that any copy program can list the contents of the tape. The data proper are preceded by test record which describe the contents of the tape and provide a sample of a Fortran 77 program which can be used to read the tape and reconstruct the original binary standard interface file. The tape supplements the NASA TM-85795 document entitled Low-Speed Investigation of Effects of Wing Leading- and Trailing Edge Flap Deflections and Canard Incidence on a Fighter Configuration Equipped with a Forward-Swept Wing.
National Aeronautics and Space Administration
study the effects of wing leadinion (VA)
Watergate Special Prosecution Force (WSPF)
The following list is a subset of electronic data sets (i.e., computer-readable data files) in the custody of the National Archives and Records Administration. The standard charge for a copy of an electronic data set (one data set not to exceed one magnetic reel of output) is $90. Ordering ijY
* Waybills System
Edward F. Welkener, Chief
Section of Systems Development
Interstate Commerce Commission
Room 1349
12th and Constitution Ave., NW
Washington, DC 20423 (202) 275-7682
This system produces a one percent sample of railroad traffic terminated on class 1 railroads. Searches are available and output can be received in either hard copy, floppy diskette, or magnetic tape format.
Interstate Commerce Commission
Legal Services Corporation
* Legal Aid and Services Clearinghouse
National Clearinghouse on Legal Services
407 S. Dearborn St.
Chicago, IL 60605 (312) 939-3830
As a grantee of the Legal Services Corporation, this clearinghouse conducts research on computerized data bases for LSC funded organizations. For information on their data bases, contact the office above.
Legal Services Corporationi
Legal Services Corporation
Architect of the Capitol
Merit Systems Protection Board
* Case Tracking System
Office of the Clerk of the Board
US Merit Systems Protection Board
1120 Vermont Ave., NW
Washington, DC 20419 (202) 653-7200
The system contains biological data on appellants and their employing agencies as well as provides an administrative record of the progress of each appellants' case before the Board, from initial appeals to final Board decisions. Information stored in this data base is retrievable by personal identifiers such as the appellant's name, his/her social security number, or an assigned docket number that is unique to each individual appeal case. The data base provides a chronological listing of the progress of each appeal case, which the Board refers to as a case detail, that shows the multiple stages and the progress of each case through the Board's review process. Certain other activity codes are input that relate the individual cases to classes or types of appeals, milestones in the appeal process, and amount of time each case is pending in specific offices of the Board. The Case Tracking System indicates the exact location of the actual physical record for each appeal case, including final deposition with the National Records Center. All requests for information from these data bases must be addressed to the Office of the Clerk of the Board and requests should cite the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) or the Privacy Act (PA). Contact the office above for information on fees.
Merit Systems Protection Board
* Litigation Case Tracking System
Office of the Clerk of the Board
US Merit Systems Protection Board
1120 Vermont Ave., NW
Washington, DC 20419 (202) 653-7200
This system is similar to the Case Tracking System described above. This system monitors the progress of Board decisions that have been challenged in court. Data is maintained on dates of court docketing, attorneys assigned, agency involved, due dates for briefs and oral arguments, and issuance of final mandates. All requests for information from these data bases must be addressed to the Office of the Clerk of the Board and requests should cite the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) or the Privacy Act (PA). Contact the office above for information on fees.
Merit Systems Protection Board
Merit Systems Protection Board Data Files from National Archives
Margaret Adams
Archives Specialist
Reference Service
Center for Electronic Records (NNXA)
National Archives and Records Administration
8th and Pennsylvania Ave., NW
Washington, DC 20408
(202) 523-6771
The following list is a subset of electronic data sets (i.e., computer-readable data files) in the custody of the National Archives and Records Administration. The standard charge for a copy of an electronic data set (one data set not to exceed one magnetic reel of output) is $90. Ordering information is available upon request. For further information please contact the office above.
Merit Systems Protection Board
* United States Merit Systems Protection Board
Merit Systems Protection Board
National Aeronautics and Space A
* Antarctic Meteorite Bibliography (AMB)
Stephen Tellier
Technical Information Specialist
Lunar and Planetary Institute
Library Information Center
3303 NASA Road 1
Houston, TX 77058 (713) 486-2191
AMB provides bibliographic information on Antarctic meteorites, Allan Hill meteorites, and Yamato meteorites. Cited materials cover all aspects of the meteorites including analyses, descriptions, composition, classification experiments, location, etc. Input is gathered from journal articles, ice studies, geological articles, exploratory articles, various bibliographies and data bases, literature scans, and contributions from authors. AMB can be searched by title, author, journal names, date ranges and keywords. The system was started in 1982 and currently stores approximately 650 items covering literature dating back to 1961. AMB is updated frequently, with approximately 50 citations added yearly. Searches and printouts are available free of charge.
National Aeronautics and Space Administration
* Astronomical Data Center
Dr. Wayne H. Warren, Jr.
NSSDC, Code 633
NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center
Greenbelt, MD 20771 (301) 286-8310
The Astronomical Data Center (ADC) is a group within the NSSDC that specializes in the acquisition, processing, documentation, archiving, and distribution of machine-readable astronomical catalogs and other specialized data sets in various astronomical disciplines. Computerized astronomical catalogs are widely used to support basic research, telescope and spacecraft pointing and tracking, online data reduction, data retrieval, and the analysis of new observations.
National Aeronautics and Space Administration
* Astronomical Data Center (ADC) Online Information System
Dr. Wayne H. Warren, Jr.
Gail L. Schneider
NSSDC, Code 633
NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center
Greenbelt, MD 20771 (301) 286-8310
The Astronomical Data Center (ADC) Online Information System provides interactive access to the ADC Status Report on Machine-Readable Astronomical Catalogs for users of the NSSDC VAX 8650 computer. It is designed to allow users to locate catalogs by subject and keywords, and to submit requests for data directly over the SPAN network. The system is integrated with the NSSDC Request Activity and Name Directory (RAND), which contains name and address information for all users of NSSDC facilities. When a catalog is selected, the system shows basic information about the catalog: full title, author(s), source reference(s), file structure (logical record length and number of records), and current status of the catalog. For further information about the catalog, the brief description and bibliographical reference(s) can be displayed if available.
National Aeronautics and Space Administration
* Crustal Dynamics Data Information System
Carey E. Noll
NSSDC, Code 634
NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center
Greenbelt, MD 20771 (301) 286-9283
The Crustal Dynamics Project was formed by NASA to advance the scientific understanding of Earth dynamics, tectonophysics, and earthquake mechanisms. The project uses three types of space-age techniques in this study: laser ranging to an artificial satellite or the moon, Very Long Baseline Interferometry (VLBI), and the Global Positioning System (GPS). As part of its data management, the project has designed and implemented a centralized Crustal Dynamics Data Information System (CDDIS). The CDDIS has been fully operational since September 1982. The main purpose of the CDDIS is to store all geodetic data products required by the project in a central data bank, and to maintain information about the archival of all project-related data. All authorized Principal Investigators, staff, and cooperating institutions have access to the CDDIS by means of network or dial-up telephone lines. The CDDIS is operational on a dedicated DEC Micro VAX II computer and is currently accessible through SPAN, Internet, and GET Telenet facilities. The menu-driven system provides the user with access to the different parts of the CDDIS, and data retrievals or queries are possible with user-friendly interfaces.
National Aeronautics and Space Administration
* NASA's Climate Data System
Lola M. Olsen
NSSDC, Code 634
NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center
Greenbelt, MD 20771 (301) 286-9760
NASA's Climate Data System (NCDS) is an advanced scientific information system that supports researchers in the atmospheric, ocean, and Earth sciences by allowing them to interactively locate, access, manipulate, and display climate-related data. NCDS enables researchers to locate data of interest by accessing a catalog of data descriptions and an inventory of temporal and volume information, to preview data using graphical and statistical methods, and to create subsets for further analysis at their own sites.
National Aeronautics and Space Administration
* NASA Master Directory
NASA Master Directory
Code 633
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
Greenbelt, MD 20771 (301) 286-9761
The NASA Master Directory (MD) is a free, online, multidisciplinary directory of space and Earth science data sets (NASA and non-NASA data) that are of potential interest to the NASA-sponsored research community. The MD contains high-level descriptions of data sets, other data systems and archives, and campaigns and projects. It provides mechanisms for searching for data sets by important criteria such as geophysical parameters, time, and spatial coverage. The MD also provides information on ordering the data. The MD is more than just a directory, however. In order to simplify the process of finding more detailed information or accessing online data, the MD provides automatic connections to a number of data systems such as the NASA Climate Data System, the Planetary Data System, the NASA Ocean Data System, the Pilot Land Data System, and others. The MD also provides general information about many data systems, data centers, and coordinated data analysis projects. It represents the first major step in the Catalog Interoperability project, whose objective is to enable researchers to quickly and efficiently identify, obtain information about, and get access to space and Earth science data.
National Aeronautics and Space Administration
* NASA Scientific and Technical Information (NASA STI or NASA/RECON)
NASA STI Facility
Attn: Registration Services
PO Box 8757
BWI Airport (202) 621-0140
Baltimore, MD 21240 (301) 859-5300
NASA STI Data Base provides bibliographic information for worldwide literature in aeronautics, space and the vast array of topics of interest to NASA via NASA/RECON. The broad-based system contains more than 100 different categories ranging from aerodynamics to urban technology. Many of the reports, journals, books and conference papers cited are highly technical. NASA's wide interests in science include the environment and properties of the earth, moon, and planets; the sun and its relationship to the earth and the rest of the solar system; the space environment; the physical nature of the universe; and the search for extraterrestrial life. In technology, NASA's interests include spacecraft and launch vehicles; aircraft; propulsion; auxiliary power; human factors; electronics; and structures and materials. In applications, NASA's interests include astronomical, geophysical, meteorological and communications systems, as well as emphasis on earth resources, air and water pollution, and urban transportation. The system was started in 1968 and currently has approximately 2.7 million records. NASA offers different levels of service depending on your needs.
Aerospace Research Applications Center
611 N. Capitol Avenue
Indianapolis, IN 46204
Director: Dr. F.T. Janis (317) 262-5003
Central Industrial Applications Center
PO Box 1335
Durant, OK 74702
Director: Dr. Dickie Deel (405) 924-5094
NASA Industrial Applications Center
823 William Pitt Union
Pittsburgh, PA 15260
Ex. Director: Dr. Paul A. McWilliams (412) 648-7000
NASA Industrial Applications Center
Research Annex, Room 200
University of Southern California
3716 South Hope Street
Los Angeles, CA 90007
Director: Mr. Radford King (213) 743-8988
New England Research Applications Center
One Technology Drive
Tolland, CT 06084
Director: Dr. Daniel Wilde (203) 872-1749
North Carolina Science and Technology Research Center
PO Box 12235
Research Triangle Park, NC 27709
Director: Mr. H.L. Reese (919) 549-0671
Technology Applications Center
University of New Mexico
Albuquerque, NM 87131
Director: Dr. Stanley A. Morain (505) 277-3622
Southern Technology Applications Center
One Progress Boulevard
Box 24
Alachua, FL 32615
Director: Mr. J. Ronald Thornton (940) 462-3913
NASA/UK Technology Applications Program
109 Kinkead Hall
University of Kentucky
Lexington, KY 40506
Manager: Mr. William R. Strong (606) 257-6322
NASA/SU Industrial Applications Center
PO Box 9221
Department of Computer Science
Southern University
Baton Rouge, LA 70813
Director: Dr. John Hubbell (504) 771-2060
National Aeronautics and Space Administration
* National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Bulletin Board System
National Aeronautics and Space Administration
Information Technology Center
Washington, DC 20546 Voice: (202) 453-9009
Data: (202) 453-9008
NASA's wildcat bulletin board system was established to provide an information service for messaging and filing, to be used by both NASA employees and the general public. 24 hours/day, 7 days/week. Sysop: Nader Ghabadi, John Walker.
National Aeronautics and Space Administration
* National Space Science Data Center System for Information Retrieval and Storage (SIRS)
Pat Ross
Request Coordination Office
National Space Science Data Center
Goddard Space Flight Center
Code 633
Greenbelt, MD 20771 (301) 286-6695
SIRS is a central repository for reduced data obtained from, or related to, space science experiments worldwide. It contains information from satellite experiments, sounding-rocket proves, and high-altitude aeronautical and balloon investigations. Correlative data, such as magnetograms and ionograms collected from ground-based observatories and stations, are also stored. The information covers a wide range of disciplines: astronomy, earth sciences, meteorology, planetary sciences, aeronomy, particles and fields, solar physics, life sciences and material sciences. SIRS consists of four main information files. The Automated Internal Management (AIM) file provides characteristics of each spacecraft, experiment and data set that have been identified in a hierarchal arrangement. The Technical Reference File (TRF) contains descriptions of publications and technical documents that are used as reference materials. The Rocket File includes information that names and describes all scientific pocket launchings identified by NSSDC. The Non-Satellite Data file contains data from sources other than satellite experiment flights. Overall, SIRS contains 366,000 records. It is updated daily. Searches, printouts, documents, etc., are all available to any individual or organization resident in the US and to researchers outside the country. Normally, a fee is charged to cover reproduction and processing costs incurred by the Center. However, the Center may waive the fee for modest amounts of data when the information is to be used for scientific studies or for specific college-level educational purposes and when services are requested by an individual affiliated with: non-profit organizations; universities or colleges; state of local governments; and US government agencies, their contractors and their grantees.
National Aeronautics and Space Administration
ublic. 24 hours/day, 7 days/week. Sysop: Nader Ghabadi, John Walker.
National Aeronautics and Space Administration
It will also provide an electronic mail faci
* Mail System
Edward F. Welkener, Chief
Section of Systems Development
Interstate Commerce Commission
Room 1349
12th and Constitution Ave., NW
Washington, DC 20423 (202) 275-7682
Mail System generates ICC general mail label and recipient information. Searches are available and output can be received in either hard copy, floppy diskette, or magnetic tape format.
Interstate Commerce Commission
* Management Information System
Edward F. Welkener, Chief
Section of Systems Development
Interstate Commerce Commission
Room 1349
12th and Constitution Ave., NW
Washington, DC 20423 (202) 275-7682
This facility is a vehicle for assisting the Bureau of Accounts in their function of designing and circulating annual and quarterly carrier reports and processing resultant data through purification processes to formal ICC Transport Statistics Publications. Included is establishment and maintenance of a carrier information data base capable of satisfying requests from Commission accountants, economists, auditors, investigators, and a wide range of related transportation industry requests. Searches are available and output can be received in either hard copy, floppy diskette, or magnetic tape format.
Interstate Commerce Commission
* Market Share Analysis System
Edward F. Welkener, Chief
Section of Systems Development
Interstate Commerce Commission
Room 1349
12th and Constitution Ave., NW
Washington, DC 20423 (202) 275-7682
This system determines a railroad'(s) share of a specific market. Market can be defined as geographic, commodity or both. Searches are available and output can be received in either hard copy, floppy diskette, or magnetic tape format.
Interstate Commerce Commission
* Motor Carriers Insurance System
Edward F. Welkener, Chief
Section of Systems Development
Interstate Commerce Commission
Room 1349
12th and Constitution Ave., NW
Washington, DC 20423 (202) 275-7682
This system maintains motor carriers and other transportation businesses holding out their services for hire to transport goods or passengers in interstate commerce. Carriers must first show evidence of security (insurance) to the ICC before operating authority is issued. A carrier must also file with the ICC the name and address of an agent to accept service of process within each state traversed by that carrier. Searches are available and output can be received in either hard copy, floppy diskette, or magnetic tape format.
Interstate Commerce Commission
* National Motor Truck Data Base System
Edward F. Welkener, Chief
Section of Systems Development
Interstate Commerce Commission
Room 1349
12th and Constitution Ave., NW
Washington, DC 20423 (202) 275-7682
This system is a primary source of intercity truck survey data which provides detailed information not otherwise available on such items as truck operations and various competitive characteristics. Searches are available and output can be received in either hard copy, floppy diskette, or magnetic tape format.
Interstate Commerce Commission
* Platform Study System
Edward F. Welkener, Chief
Section of Systems Development
Interstate Commerce Commission
Room 1349
12th and Constitution Ave., NW
Washington, DC 20423 (202) 275-7682
The Platform Study System analyzes observations taken at truck loading docks. Observations include number of people, type of equipment, and time required. Costs were based on weight only. Study was to determine if volume or other variables should be considered. Searches are available and output can be received in either hard copy, floppy diskette, or magnetic tape format.
Interstate Commerce Commission
* Press Release System
Edward F. Welkener, Chief
Section of Systems Development
Interstate Commerce Commission
Room 1349
12th and Constitution Ave., NW
Washington, DC 20423 (202) 275-7682
This system records and maintains all cases, including embrasures, that have been released to the public for service. Its' sole purpose is to keep a running tally of every case, decision, certificate, etc., released for service. From this, the daily press sheet is produced for the Office of the Secretary. This is made available to the public on a subscription basis only and to all ICC users with access to CompuServe's online facility. Searches are available and output can be received in either hard copy, floppy diskette, or magnetic tape format.
Interstate Commerce Commission
* Process Serving System
Edward F. Welkener, Chief
Section of Systems Development
Interstate Commerce Commission
Room 1349
12th and Constitution Ave., NW
Washington, DC 20423 (202) 275-7682
This system fulfills a requirement that the ICC send to all parties of record involved with a commission proceeding a copy of any decision or order issued for that proceeding. The Process Serving Branch, Commission Service Section, Office of the Secretary is responsible for mailing the decisions and orders. This system assists the Process Serving Branch by providing an automated procedure for: maintenance of the addresses of parties; replacement of current card files; generation of mailing labels; and generation of Service Lists. Searches are available and output can be received in either hard copy, floppy diskette, or magnetic tape format.
Interstate Commerce Commission
* Rail Cost Program System
Edward F. Welkener, Chief
Section of Systems Development
Interstate Commerce Commission
Room 1349
12th and Constitution Ave., NW
Washington, DC 20423 (202) 275-7682
This system costs out rail shipments. Costs are determined based on mileage, type of cars, tonnage, number of interchanges, etc. Both fixed and variable costs are calculated. Searches are available and output can be received in either hard copy, floppy diskette, or magnetic tape format.
Interstate Commerce Commission
* Rail Diversion Model System
Edward F. Welkener, Chief
Section of Systems Development
Interstate Commerce Commission
Room 1349
12th and Constitution Ave., NW
Washington, DC 20423 (202) 275-7682
The Rail Diversion Model System produces the rail network diversion model. This system was originally developed by Princeton University. It enables the user to model the effects of mergers, abandonments, and other rail activities. Searches are available and output can be received in either hard copy, floppy diskette, or magnetic tape format.
Interstate Commerce Commission
* Rail Surcharge System Ex-Parte 389
Edward F. Welkener, Chief
Section of Systems Development
Interstate Commerce Commission
Room 1349
12th and Constitution Ave., NW
Washington, DC 20423 (202) 275-7682
This system processes rail surcharge requests. Searches are available and output can be received in either hard copy, floppy diskette, or magnetic tape format.
Interstate Commerce Commission
* Railform A/URCS Interface System
Edward F. Welkener, Chief
Section of Systems Development
Interstate Commerce Commission
Room 1349
12th and Constitution Ave., NW
Washington, DC 20423 (202) 275-7682
This system modifies Federal Railroad Administration and Uniform Rail Costing system data bases to provide current cost data rather than historical, to price specific freight movements. These programs do not alter present RFA/URCS data bases, but create a new set of data for programs to access. Searches are available and output can be received in either hard copy, floppy diskette, or magnetic tape format.
Interstate Commerce Commission
* Retired Dockets System
Edward F. Welkener, Chief
Section of Systems Development
Interstate Commerce Commission
Room 1349
12th and Constitution Ave., NW
Washington, DC 20423 (202) 275-7682
This system maintains an effective inventory of closed or retired cases and is able to account for and retrieve dockets. Searches are available and output can be received in either hard copy, floppy diskette, or magnetic tape format.
Interstate Commerce Commission
* Small Business Assistance Office System
Edward F. Welkener, Chief
Section of Systems Development
Interstate Commerce Commission
Room 1349
12th and Constitution Ave., NW
Washington, DC 20423 (202) 275-7682
This system records and analyzes inquiries and complaints received by the Small Business Assistance Office. Searches are available and output can be received in either hard copy, floppy diskette, or magnetic tape format.
Interstate Commerce Commission
* System Diagram Maps System
Edward F. Welkener, Chief
Section of Systems Development
Interstate Commerce Commission
Room 1349
12th and Constitution Ave., NW
Washington, DC 20423 (202) 275-7682
This system maintains rail system diagram maps that are changed because of abandonments or additions. Searches are available and output can be received in either hard copy, floppy diskette, or magnetic tape format.
Interstate Commerce Commission
* URCS System
Edward F. Welkener, Chief
Section of Systems Development
Interstate Commerce Commission
Room 1349
12th and Constitution Ave., NW
Washington, DC 20423 (202) 275-7682
The URCS System calculates unit and movement rail costs, variable and fixed; produces Rail Carload Cost Scales. Can operate at the regional or specific RR level. Searches are available and output can be received in either hard copy, floppy diskette, or magnetic tape format.
Interstate Commerce Commission
ystem diagram maps that are changed because of abandonments or additions. Searches are available and output can be received in either hard copy, floppy diskette, or magnetic tape format.
Interstate Commerce Commission
iling, to be used by both NASA employees and the general public. 24 hours/day
* Continuity of Import and Export Trade Statistics After Implementation of the Harmonized Commodity Description and Coding System: Import Trade Compilation Tables, 1983-87. Annex III (PB89-117204/XDD) (See NTIS)
USITC Publication 2051, "Continuity of Import and Export Trade Statistics After Implementation of the Harmonized Commodity Description and Coding system" provides the international trade community with two different sets of information which may be of use in maintaining the continuity of import and export data by "bridging" the old systems with the new HS-based ones. Annex III consists of 10,880 tables, each referenced to a specific 8-digit subheading contained in the December 1987 edition of the Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (HTS)(USITC Publication 2030), indicating the period 1983-1987. Import trade values based on Tariff Schedules of the United States, Annotated (TSUSA) statistical reporting numbers in use for each year of the period 1983-1987 were assigned to their HTS counterparts and prorated for each country for which trade was reported in a given year. The hypothetical import trade derived from actual historical trade values but adjusted to mirror the HTS classification scheme will assist policy makers in gauging the impact of the HS-based nomenclatures future trade patterns.
International Trade Commission
* Continuity of Import and Export Trade Statistics After Implementation of the Harmonized Commodity Description and Coding System: Export Trade Compilation Tables, 1983-87. Annex IV (PB89-117220/XDD) (See NTIS)
USITC Publication 2051, "Continuity of Import and Export Trade Statistics After Implementation of the Harmonized Commodity Description and Coding system" provides the international trade community with two different sets of information which may be of use in maintaining the continuity of import and export data by "bridging" the old systems with the new HS-based ones. Annex IV consists of 18,344 tables, each referenced to a specific 10-digit statistical reporting number contained in the January 1, 1988 edition of Schedule B, "Statistical Classification of Domestic and Foreign Commodities Exported from the United States (New Sched. B)" Bureau of the Census publication, indicating estimated export trade by country for the products included in the referenced subheading had the New Sched. B been in use during each year of the period 1983-1987. Export trade values based Sched. B (Old Sched. B) reporting numbers in use each year of the period 1983-1987 were assigned to their New Sched. B counterparts and prorated for each country for which trade was reported in a given year. The hypothetical import trade derived from actual historical trade values but adjusted to mirror the HS Sched. B classification scheme will assist policy makers in gauging the impact of the HS-based nomenclatures future trade patterns.
International Trade Commission
Interstate Commerce Commission
* Abandonments System
Edward F. Welkener, Chief
Section of Systems Development
Interstate Commerce Commission
Room 1349
12th and Constitution Ave., NW
Washington, DC 20423 (202) 275-7682
This system maintains information on the location and amount of track that a railroad has petitioned to abandon. Searches are available and output can be received in either hard copy, floppy diskette, or magnetic tape format.
Interstate Commerce Commission
Interstate Commerce Commission
* Application Tracking System
Edward F. Welkener, Chief
Section of Systems Development
Interstate Commerce Commission
Room 1349
12th and Constitution Ave., NW
Washington, DC 20423 (202) 275-7682
This system tracks the major processing steps in handling Temporary Authority (TA) and Emergency Temporary Authority (ETA) applications by the Regional Motor Carrier Boards. Searches are available and output can be received in either hard copy, floppy diskette, or magnetic tape format.
Interstate Commerce Commission
* Car Loading System
Edward F. Welkener, Chief
Section of Systems Development
Interstate Commerce Commission
Room 1349
12th and Constitution Ave., NW
Washington, DC 20423 (202) 275-7682
This system processes car loading information received weekly from the American Association of Railroads. Searches are available and output can be received in either hard copy, floppy diskette, or magnetic tape format.
Interstate Commerce Commission
* Case Status System
Edward F. Welkener, Chief
Section of Systems Development
Interstate Commerce Commission
Room 1349
12th and Constitution Ave., NW
Washington, DC 20423 (202) 275-7682
This system maintains information which identifies and describes each formal proceeding before the Commission. It also maintains information on action dates which track the progress of a given case through the Commission. Searches are available and output can be received in either hard copy, floppy diskette, or magnetic tape format.
Interstate Commerce Commission
* Case Tracking
Edward F. Welkener, Chief
Section of Systems Development
Interstate Commerce Commission
Room 1349
12th and Constitution Ave., NW
Washington, DC 20423 (202) 275-7682
Case Tracking is used by the Bureau of Investigation and Enforcement (BIE). This system records and maintains information on investigation and enforcement processes ongoing within the Commission's jurisdiction. Data is captured on the actions taken on a case by BIE investigators and attorneys. The system provides the following retrieval capabilities: detailed case histories; current status of a particular case; respondent information; and subject matter retrieval (statutes, violations). Searches are available and output can be received in either hard copy, floppy diskette, or magnetic tape format.
Interstate Commerce Commission
* Chaindex System
Edward F. Welkener, Chief
Section of Systems Development
Interstate Commerce Commission
Room 1349
12th and Constitution Ave., NW
Washington, DC 20423 (202) 275-7682
This system records and maintains identification type information on all modes of regulated carriers. The data recorded includes, but is not limited to: Carrier Name and Address, Docket or Identification Number, Type of Authority, Revenue, and Accounting Classification. Both active and inactive records are maintained. The Office of Proceedings and the Bureau of Accounts share responsibility for maintaining the data. Each office is responsible for maintaining specified portions of each carrier's record. Online updating is performed daily. Additionally, batch updating is performed on a periodic basis to record Revenue, Standard Commodity Accounting Code (SCAC) and accounting reclassifications. The system is also used by other offices, both in interactive and batch modes to verify operating authority; produce mailing labels; produce quarterly audit reports; control mailing and receipt of quarterly and annual reports; and by other systems to verify the identification of a carrier. Searches are available and output can be received in either hard copy, floppy diskette, or magnetic tape format.
Interstate Commerce Commission
* Complaints System
Edward F. Welkener, Chief
Section of Systems Development
Interstate Commerce Commission
Room 1349
12th and Constitution Ave., NW
Washington, DC 20423 (202) 275-7682
Complaints System records and maintains consumer complaint information on both regulated and non-regulated carriers. Information is captured through oral or written complaints received at the Headquarters Consumer Assistance Section, Regional Complaint Centers and local field offices. Reports and statistics are available on an ad-hoc basis on any of the Complaint Form (BOP-F9). This information includes the nature and reason of the complaint, type of carrier, carrier name and address, complaint type, name and address of complainant, handling time, action taken, and other complaint information. Searches are available and output can be received in either hard copy, floppy diskette, or magnetic tape format.
Interstate Commerce Commission
* Complaints Traffic System
Edward F. Welkener, Chief
Section of Systems Development
Interstate Commerce Commission
Room 1349
12th and Constitution Ave., NW
Washington, DC 20423 (202) 275-7682
This system records and maintains consumer complaint information on both regulated and non-regulated carriers concerning filed tariffs. Reports and statistics are available on an ad-hoc basis on any of the information contained on the Complaint Form (BOP-F9). This information includes the nature and reason of the complaint, type of carrier, carrier name and address, complainant type, name and address of complainant, handling time, action taken and other complaint information concerning filed tariffs. Searches are available and output can be received in either hard copy, floppy diskette, or magnetic tape format.
Interstate Commerce Commission
* Continuing Traffic Study System
Section of Systems Development
Interstate Commerce Commission
Room 1349
12th and Constitution Ave., NW
Washington, DC 20423 (202) 275-7682
This system uses 1976 and 1977 historical cost and movement data from nine major rate bureaus. Searches are available and output can be received in either hard copy, floppy diskette, or magnetic tape format.
Interstate Commerce Commission
* Deferred Maintenance System
Edward F. Welkener, Chief
Section of Systems Development
Interstate Commerce Commission
Room 1349
12th and Constitution Ave., NW
Washington, DC 20423 (202) 275-7682
This system analyzes rail data to provide indicators of deferred maintenance. Searches are available and output can be received in either hard copy, floppy diskette, or magnetic tape format.
Interstate Commerce Commission
* Depreciation Life Analysis System
Edward F. Welkener, Chief
Section of Systems Development
Interstate Commerce Commission
Room 1349
12th and Constitution Ave., NW
Washington, DC 20423 (202) 275-7682
This system calculates service life and depreciation rate for railroad equipment and road account. Searches are available and output can be received in either hard copy, floppy diskette, or magnetic tape format.
Interstate Commerce Commission
* Highway Form A System
Edward F. Welkener, Chief
Section of Systems Development
Interstate Commerce Commission
Room 1349
12th and Constitution Ave., NW
Washington, DC 20423 (202) 275-7682
This system produces the publication Cost of Transporting Freight. Searches are available and output can be received in either hard copy, floppy diskette, or magnetic tape format.
Interstate Commerce Commission
* Highway Form B System
Edward F. Welkener, Chief
Section of Systems Development
Interstate Commerce Commission
Room 1349
12th and Constitution Ave., NW
Washington, DC 20423 (202) 275-7682
This system calculates the unit costs of moving freight. Can be done on a carrier, carriers or regional basis, similar to HFA "Highway Form A" but less detailed. Searches are available and output can be received in either hard copy, floppy diskette, or magnetic tape format.
Interstate Commerce Commission
nterstate Commerce Commission
Room 1349
12th and Constitution Ave., NW
Washington, DC 20423 (2e changed because of abandonments or additions. Searches are available and output can be received in either hard copy, floppy diskette, or magnetic tape format.
Interstate Commerce Commission
* Telemarketing Complaint System (TCS)
Division of Service Industry Practices
Federal Trade Commission
6th and Pennsylvania Ave, NW
Washington, DC 20580 (202) 326-3303
Information Management Branch
Federal Trade Commission
6th and Pennsylvania Ave, NW
Washington, DC 20580 (202) 326-2413
The Telemarketing Complaint System was developed as part of a joint project of the Federal Trade Commission and the National Association of Attorneys General to assist law enforcement agencies across the United States in collecting and sharing information about companies and company representatives suspected of telemarketing fraud. Telemarketing fraud involves the significant use of the telephone to deceptively peddle bogus, unwanted, or substandard goods or services. For more information contact the office above.
Federal Trade Commission
General Services Administration
* Federal Assistance Programs Retrieval System (FAPRS)
Jerry Varner
Federal Domestic Assistance Catalog Staff (WKU)
General Services Administration
Ground Floor, Reporters Building
300 7th Street, SW
Washington, DC 20407 (202) 453-4126
FAPRS is a computerized question-answer system designed to provide rapid access to Federal domestic assistance program information. Information provided is determined by user input, including type of applicant, type of assistance, and specific categories of interest. Output includes a list of program numbers and titles, the full text of selected programs, or sections of text. A keyword search function has been added. States have designated access points where FAPRS searches may be requested. For the location of access points or further information, write or call the office above.
General Services Administration
* Federal Equipment Data Center
Federal Equipment Data Center
4040 N. Fairfax Dr., Suite 900
Arlington, VA 22203 (703) 235-2870
GSA's Federal Equipment Data Center maintains a current inventory of owned and leased general purpose data processing equipment as reported by over 60 federal agencies. In addition to maintaining a master ADP data base, the FEDC produces reports to satisfy the need for geographical and market analyses. These data allow federal managers to review equipment profiles semiannually in the report, Automatic Data Processing Equipment in the US Government, which includes charts and graphs profiling the Federal inventory by manufacturer, federal agency, systems and components. Special reports to meet specific data requirements can be produced on request. Further information about the FEDC reports and/or capabilities can be obtained from the office above.
General Services Administration
* Federal Procurement Data Center (FPDC)
Liz Smith or Deborah Thompson
Federal Procurement Data Center
General Services Administration
4040 North Fairfax Drive, Suite 900
Arlington, VA 22203
FPDC stores information about federal procurement actions, from 1979 to present, that totaled $25,000 or more. The system will eventually contain 45 data elements, including: purchasing or contracting office; date of award; principal place of performance; dollars obligated; principal product or service; business and labor requirements; type of procurement action; methods of contracting; socioeconomic data; name and address of contractor; and foreign trade data. Examples of federal buying range from research and development to supplies and equipment and services. The data base was started in 1979 and contains two million records. Approximately 400,000 contract actions are added yearly. Searches and printouts are available on a cost recovery basis. Requests should be made in writing. If a search on a contractor is requested, the DUNS number will be helpful.
General Services Administration
* Information Resources Service Center Bulletin Board
Information Resources Services Office
General Services Administration
Washington, DC 20405 Voice: 202-566-1683
Data: 202-535-7661 (1200 baud)
Data: 202-786-9014 (2400 baud)
Nationwide users can access information on contracts awarded by General Services Administration --Information Resources Management Service by accessing this bulletin board. 24 hours/day, 7 days/week. Sysop: Chuck Massey.
General Services Administration
General Services Administration Data File from NTIS
National Technical Information Service
US Department of Commerce
Springfield, VA 22161
(703) 487-4807
FAX (703) 321-8547
Listed below is a data file available from the National Technical Information Service. Call the office above for ordering and cost information.
General Services Administration
* National Labor Surplus Area Zip Code File, 1989 (PB89-135982/XDD) (See NTIS)
The labor surplus area (LSA) program gives preference or priority to businesses located in areas with high unemployment in the award of Federal contracts. The Labor Surplus Area Zip code Reference file makes it possible to use the zip code in a firm's address as a way of determining LSA eligibility. The US Department of Labor (DOL) supplied the list of LSAs used to prepare this file. This list consists of areas classified as LSA's by DOL. The automated source for zip code was the Federal Information Processing Standards Publication 55 (FIPS PUB 55) dated February 2, 1982. Its title is "Codes for Named Populated Places and Related Entities of the States of the United States." Data obtained from the FIPS PUB 55 is subject to the limitations stated in that document. In addition, there was also a need for a manual source for zip codes, and the "United States Postal Service Zip Code Directory for 1983" was used for that purpose. This reference is only as accurate as the sources from which it was drawn. Properly used, it can be a helpful tool in making LSA set-aside and subcontracting decisions. Users are cautioned not to rely solely on the zip code in determining a firm's eligibility. Zip codes and labor surplus areas do not always share the same boundaries. For example, a zip code can include parts of two counties, one of which is classified as a LSA and one of which is not. Therefore, it is possible hat a firm which has a zip code appearing in this reference may not actually be in an LSA. In addition, a zip code may identify a businesses' headquarters offices which are located in an LSA, while the actual point of production or plant facility may or may not be in an LSA. Therefore, this list should be used as a starting point in locating eligible LSA firms. Businesses which have been identified by use of this list should be contacted to verify their LSA status.
General Services Administration
Inter-American Foundation
* Inter-American Foundation Data Files
Inter-American Foundation
1515 Wilson Blvd.
Rosslyn, VA 22209 (703) 841-3800
This foundation maintains data files of those receiving grants and fellowships, the financial transactions of the foundation, and the mailing list of those receiving publications. The grant and fellowship files include the grantee, country name, and amount. The foundation has been in existence for approximately 18 years. For more information contact the office above.
Inter-American Foundation
Inter-American Foundation
International Trade Commission
Richard Boltuck
US International Trade Commission
500 E Street, SW
Washington, DC 20436 (202) 252-1232
The CADIC BBS HOTLINE is available to CADIC-users who have access to PCs with standard communications software such as Procomm, Q-Modem, PC-Talk, Crosstalk, etc. The HOTLINE operates from 4:30 pm to 7:30 am each weekday, and 24 hours on weekends and Federal holidays. The HOTLINE allows users to download the files attached to this bulleting, namely CADICBUL.EXE and CADIC.EXE. Users may also participate in a CADIC idea-exchange conference, and courses, conferences, and so on.
International Trade Commission
International Trade Commission
* Harmonized Tariff Schedules
Mr. Gill Whitson
US International Trade Commission
500 E Street, SW
Room 404F
Washington, DC 20436 (202) 252-1602
On May 22, 1989, the US International Trade Commission authorized continuation of an investigation to present and analyze statistical data on imports under Harmonized Tariff Schedule (HTS): metal of US origin processed in a foreign location and returned for further US processing and goods containing US-made components), 1985-88. The current report presents historical import data (1970-88) under these HTS subheadings and evaluates the most current 4-year period (1985-88) on a commodity specific and sector-by-sector basis. For more information contact the office above.
International Trade Commission
* Synthetic Organic Chemicals
Mr. John Gersic
US International Trade Commission
Energy and Chemical Division
500 E Street, SW
Room 404F
Washington, DC 20436 (202) 252-1342
This data base contains data on synthetic organic chemicals, plastics, materials, medicinal chemicals, pesticides, and other organic chemical products. For more information contact the office above.
International Trade Commission
* USITC Energy & Chemicals Bulletin Board
David Michels
US International Trade Commission
500 E Street, SW
Washington, DC 20436 (202) 252-1354
The purpose of this bulletin board is primarily for the timely availability of Quarterly SOC Reports information. Each report is provided in two formats: A text (ASCII-type) file for viewing or capturing using a modem, and a Lotus 123 .WK1 file, for downloading into spreadsheets. For more information contact the office above.
International Trade Commission
International Trade Commission Data Files from NTIS
National Technical Information Service
US Department of Commerce
Springfield, VA 22161
(703) 487-4807
FAX (703) 321-8547
Listed below are data files available from the National Technical Information Service. Call the office above for ordering and cost information.
International Trade Commission
* Continuity of Import and Export Trade Statistics After Implementation of the Harmonized Commodity Description and Coding System: Cross Reference Tables: TSUSA to HTS/HTS to TSUSA. Annex I and II (PB89-117188/XDD) (See NTIS)
In 1980, the US began development of a new import tariff schedule based on the then emerging Harmonized Commodity Description and Coding system (HS). A definitive version named the Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (HTS) was published in December 1987. The HTS is expected to be implemented on January 1, 1989, replacing the Tariff Schedules of the United States, Annotated (TSUSA). The HTS uses the HS as its core structure and then further delineates product detail. USITC Publication 2051, "Continuity of Import and Export Trade Statistics After Implementation of the Harmonized Commodity Description and Coding system" provides the international trade community with two different sets of information which may be of use in maintaining the continuity of import and export data by "bridging" the old systems with the new HS-based ones. Publication 2051 was issued in two parts. The first part was published in January 1988 and consisted of a short narrative section explaining the basic purpose of the report and two annexes (Annex I and II). Annex I is a cross-reference table between 8-digit HTS subheadings and 7-digit TSUSA numbers.
International Trade Commission
* Continuity of Import and Export Trade Statistics After Implementation of the Harmonized Commodity Description and Coding System: Cross Reference Tables: TSUSA to HTS/HTS to TSUSA. Annex I and II (PB89-117188/XDD) (See NTIS)
In 1980, the US began development of a new import tariff itution Ave., NW
Washington, DC 20423 (202) 275-7682
* Thrift Financial Report, Semiannual, December 1980 (PB88-192968/XDD) (See NTIS)
Federal Reserve System
* Thrift Financial Report, Semiannual, June 1981 (PB88-192976/XDD) (See NTIS)
Federal Reserve System
* Thrift Financial Report, Semiannual, December 1981 (PB88-192984/XDD) (See NTIS)
Federal Reserve System
* Thrift Financial Report, Semiannual, June 1982 (PB88-192992/XDD) (See NTIS)
Federal Reserve System
* Thrift Financial Report, Semiannual, December 1982 (PB88-193008/XDD) (See NTIS)
Federal Reserve System
* Thrift Financial Report, Semiannual, June 1983 (PB88-193016/XDD) (See NTIS)
Federal Reserve System
* Thrift Financial Report, Semiannual, December 1983 (PB88-193024/XDD) (See NTIS)
Federal Reserve System
* Thrift Financial Report, Semiannual, June 1977 (PB88-192893/XDD) (See NTIS)
Detailed assets, liabilities, and net worth as of the end of March, June, September and December and detailed income and expense data covering the preceding 3 months. Data are available beginning March 1984 and are reported for the institution as a whole. For geographic reports, note that data are reported on the basis of home office location. Quarterly reports include data for FSLIC-insured savings and loans associations, FSLIC-insured savings banks and FDIC-insured federally-chartered savings banks.
Federal Reserve System
Federal Retirement Thrift Invest
* C and F-Fund Data Base
Peter Mackey
Office of Investments
Federal Retirement Thrift Investment Board
805 Fifteenth Street, NW
Washington, DC 20005 (202) 523-5006
These data bases are used to track TSP bond and market investments and to record trade transactions which are placed by the Board's investment manager. The systems cross check and verify the investment manager's investment of Board funds and the management costs charged to the Board. For more information contact the office above.
Federal Retirement Thrift Investment Board
* G-Fund Data Base
David L. Black
Office of Accounting
Federal Retirement Thrift Investment Board
805 Fifteenth Street, NW
Washington, DC 20005 (202) 523-3753
This data base tracks the amount of Thrift Savings Plan Funds that are invested in the TSP's Government Securities Investment Fund. For more information contact the office above.#
Federal Retirement Thrift Investment Board
* Spousal Waiver and Court Order Tracking Systems
John O'Meara
Office of General Counsel
Federal Retirement Thrift Investment Board
805 Fifteenth Street, NW
Washington, DC 20005 (202) 523-6367
These systems are used to track spousal waiver requests and court orders for child support, alimony, and division of Thrift Savings Plan Benefits. For more information contact the office above.
Federal Retirement Thrift Investment Board
Federal Trade Commission
* Chairman's Correspondence Tracking System (CCTS)
Information Management Branch
Room 679
Federal Trade Commission
6th and Pennsylvania Ave, NW
Washington, DC 20580 (202) 326-2413
The Chairman's Correspondence Track System is directly related to the Consumer Complaint System (CCS) and is closely modelled after CCS. The system is divided into two parts. One part was designed to record correspondence received by the Office of the Chairman, and the second part provides a mechanism to track the handling of that correspondence by organizations throughout the Commission. For more information contact the office above.
Federal Trade Commission
* Congressional Relations Tracking System (CRTS)
Information Management Branch
Room 692
Federal Trade Commission
6th and Pennsylvania Ave, NW
Washington, DC 20580 (202) 326-2413
The Congressional Relations Tracking System is also a subsystem of CCS, and the design of CRTS is identical to the Chairman's Correspondence Tracking System. The Congressional system is used to record correspondence received by the Office of the Secretary, and to track all referrals from OSC to other organizations within the Commission. For more information contact the office above.
Federal Trade Commission
* Consumer Complaint System (CCS)
Information Management Branch
Room 679
Federal Trade Commission
6th and Pennsylvania Ave, NW
Washington, DC 20580 (202) 326-2413
The Consumer Complaint System, and its related correspondence control systems, are designed to track and manage information about consumer correspondence received by the Commission. The system permits users to capture pertinent information from the consumer letters, including alleged statute and rule violations, unsatisfactory products, or questionable practices by the companies named in the correspondence. The system also is used to produce, automatically, high quality letters that respond to the issues raised by the consumers and provide information outlining the rights and responsibilities of both the consumer and business. The system has the capability of providing, through standard and specially designed reports, information that identifies emerging and changing trends in the concerns of the public. That information is useful in directing law enforcement resources, investigating and proving alleged violations, and monitoring compliance with Commission orders. For more information contact the office above.
Federal Trade Commission
* Integrated Library System (ADVANCE)
Library Services Branch
Room 630
Federal Trade Commission
6th and Pennsylvania Ave, NW
Washington, DC 20580 (202) 326-2395
ADVANCE is an integrated library system consisting of an online public access catalog, acquisitions, cataloging, circulation, and serials modules. The system is designed to provide information on the status of all library materials from the placement of the initial order to its location in the library collection. The acquisitions module is used to produce orders for books and other types of material, track records of all purchases, maintain accounts with vendors and FTC organizations, and generate funding and order reports. The cataloging module is the core of the FTC data base and contains the bibliographic records for the library materials cataloged since 1975 to the present. For more information contact the office above.
Federal Trade Commission
dentifies emerging and changing trends in the concerns of the public. That information is useful in directing law enforcement resources, investigating and proving alleged violations, and monitoring compliance with Commission orders. For more information contact the office above.
Federal Trade Commission
ding int
* Thrift Financial Report, Quarterly, September 1986 (PB88-192869/XDD) (See NTIS)
Federal Reserve System
* Thrift Financial Report, Quarterly, December 1986 (PB88-192877/XDD) (See NTIS)
Federal Reserve System
* Thrift Financial Report, Quarterly, March 1987 (PB88-122445/XDD) (See NTIS)
Federal Reserve System
* Thrift Financial Report, Quarterly, June 1987 (PB88-122452/XDD) (See NTIS)
Federal Reserve System
* Thrift Financial Report, Quarterly, September 1987 (PB88-136486/XDD) (See NTIS)
Federal Reserve System
* Thrift Financial Report, Quarterly, December 1987 (PB88-186366/XDD) (See NTIS)
Federal Reserve System
* Thrift Financial Report, Quarterly, March 31, 1988 (PB88-226063/XDD) (See NTIS)
Federal Reserve System
* Thrift Financial Report, Quarterly, June 30, 1988 (PB88-252234/XDD) (See NTIS)
Federal Reserve System
* Thrift Financial Report, Quarterly, September 30, 1988 (PB89-131452/XDD) (See NTIS)
Federal Reserve System
* Thrift Financial Report, Quarterly, March 1984 (PB88-191184/XDD) (See NTIS)
Detailed assets, liabilities, and net worth as of the end of march, June, September and December and detailed income and expense data covering the preceding 3 months. Data are available beginning March 1984 and are reported for the institution as a whole. For geographic reports, note that data are reported on the basis of home office location. Quarterly reports include data for FSLIC-insured savings and loan associations, FSLIC-insured savings banks and FDIC-insured federally-chartered savings banks.
Federal Reserve System
* Thrift Financial Report, Semiannual, December 1977 (PB88-192901/XDD) (See NTIS)
Federal Reserve System
* Thrift Financial Report, Semiannual, June 1978 (PB88-192919/XDD) (See NTIS)
Federal Reserve System
* Thrift Financial Report, Semiannual, December 1978 (PB88-192927/XDD) (See NTIS)
Federal Reserve System
* Thrift Financial Report, Semiannual, June 1979 (PB88-192935/XDD) (See NTIS)
Federal Reserve System
* Thrift Financial Report, Semiannual, December 1979 (PB88-192943/XDD) (See NTIS)
Federal Reserve System
* Thrift Financial Report, Semiannual, June 1980 (PB88-192950/XDD) (See NTIS)
Federal Reserve System
* Thrift Financial Report, Semiannual, December 1979 (PB88-192943/XDD) (See NTIS)
Federal Reserve System
* Thrift Financial Report, Semiannual, June 1980
* Summary of Deposits for Each FDIC- Insured Bank and Branch in the US (Excluding Mutual Savings Banks), June 30, 1986 (PB88-183041/XDD) (See NTIS)
Federal Reserve System
* Summary of Deposits for Each FDIC- Insured Bank and Branch in the US (Excluding Mutual Savings Banks), June 30, 1966 (PB87-219549/XDD) (See NTIS)
The Summary of Deposits file contains selected deposits data for each FDIC-insured bank and branch in the United States. It is the only publicly-available source of such information. At one time, data were collected by deposit size, but that was discontinued in 1982. These files are available on a biennial basis from 1966 through 1972 and annually thereafter. Beginning in 1982, FDIC-insured mutual savings banks were included. Each record also contains selected structural information such as office name and location, county, MSA, state code, Rand McNally area name, and bank holding company affiliation. Other individual documents are also available.
Federal Reserve System
* Survey of Consumer Credit, 1977 (PB85-218402/XDD) (See NTIS)
The University of Michigan's Survey Research Center has conducted the study on consumer credit use and attitudes toward regulations affecting credit on behalf of the Federal Reserve Board, the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, and the Comptroller of the Currency. The interview gives a better understanding of the amount and type of purchases made on credit, and about people's opinions of various credit arrangements and regulations.
Federal Reserve System
* Survey of Consumer Finances and High Income Survey, 1983 (EBCDIC Version) (PB86-188828/XDD) (See NTIS)
Federal Reserve System
* Survey of Consumer Finances and High Income Survey, 1983 (SAS Version) (PB86-188810/XDD) (See NTIS)
The 1983 Survey of Consumer Finances, jointly sponsored by the Federal Reserve Board, the Department of Health and Human Services, and five other federal agencies, collected a comprehensive inventory of the assets and liabilities of a base sample of 3,824 randomly selected US households. To increase the representation of wealthy families in the survey, the base sample was augmented with 438 high-income families drawn from tax files. A multistage probability design was used to select a representative sample of all families in the contiguous 48 states in the United States, exclusive of those on military bases and those that have been institutionalized. Participating families were drawn from 74 sample points in 37 states and the District of Columbia. The high-income supplement was drawn from tax files in a manner designed to preserve the privacy of tax information and to shield the identity of sample participants from the government. Interviews for the 1983 survey were carried out by the Survey Research Center from February through July 1983. Please see the Federal Reserve Bulletin issues for September 1984, December 1984, and March 1986 for additional information concerning this survey.
Federal Reserve System
* Survey of Currency and Transaction Account Usage, 1984 (PB86-159795/XDD) (See NTIS)
The Survey of Currency and Transaction Account Usage was conducted by the University of Michigan Survey Research Center under contract to the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System between May and August of 1984. Data were gathered on individual patterns of cash use and family use of transaction accounts. In addition, information was obtained on the use of automated teller machines and credit cards. A number of standard demographic characteristics were also recorded. The original sample consisted of a random selection of 2500 residential telephone numbers. A total of 1946 completed interviews were obtained.
Federal Reserve System
* Thrift Financial Report, Quarterly Documentation, March, June, September and December 1986 (PB88-192885/XDD) (See NTIS)
Detailed assets, liabilities, and net worth as of the end of March, June, September and December and detailed income and expense data covering the preceding 3 months. Data are available beginning March 1984 and are reported for the institution as a whole. For geographic reports, note that data are reported on the basis of home office location. Quarterly reports include data for FSLIC-insured savings and loans associations, FSLIC-insured savings banks and FDIC-insured federally-chartered savings banks. This is documentation for the following dates of coverage: March, June, September and December 1986. Included in the documentation are: Field changes, FOIA EBCDIC tape description, Blank forms, Record description.
Federal Reserve System
* Thrift Financial Report, Quarterly, June 1984 (PB88-191192/XDD) (See NTIS)
Federal Reserve System
* Thrift Financial Report, Quarterly, September 1984 (PB88-191200/XDD) (See NTIS)
Federal Reserve System
* Thrift Financial Report, Quarterly, December 1984 (PB88-191218/XDD) (See NTIS)
Federal Reserve System
* Thrift Financial Report, Quarterly, March 1985 (PB88-191226/XDD) (See NTIS)
Federal Reserve System
* Thrift Financial Report, Quarterly, June 1985 (PB88-191242/XDD) (See NTIS)
Federal Reserve System
* Thrift Financial Report, Quarterly, September 1985 (PB88-191259/XDD) (See NTIS)
Federal Reserve System
* Thrift Financial Report, Quarterly, December 1985 (PB88-191267/XDD) (See NTIS)
Federal Reserve System
* Thrift Financial Report, Quarterly, March 1986 (PB88-192844/XDD) (See NTIS)
Federal Reserve System
* Thrift Financial Report, Quarterly, June 1986 (PB88-192851/XDD) (See NTIS)
Federal Reserve System
* Thrift Financial Report, Quarterly, March 1986 (PB88-192844/XDD) (See NTIS)
itution Ave., NW
Washington, DC 20423 (202) 275-7682
* Summary of Deposits for Each FDIC- Insured Bank and Branch in the US (Excluding Mutual Savings Banks), June 30, 1968 (PB87-219556/XDD) (See NTIS)
Federal Reserve System
* Summary of Deposits for Each FDIC- Insured Bank and Branch in the US (Excluding Mutual Savings Banks), June 30, 1970 (PB87-219564/XDD) (See NTIS)
Federal Reserve System
* Summary of Deposits for Each FDIC- Insured Bank and Branch in the US (Excluding Mutual Savings Banks), June 30, 1972 (PB87-219572/XDD)(See NTIS)
Federal Reserve System
* Summary of Deposits for Each FDIC- Insured Bank and Branch in the US (Excluding Mutual Savings Banks), June 30, 1973 (PB87-219580/XDD) (See NTIS)
Federal Reserve System
* Summary of Deposits for Each FDIC- Insured Bank and Branch in the US (Excluding Mutual Savings Banks), June 30, 1974 (PB87-219598/XDD) (See NTIS)
Federal Reserve System
* Summary of Deposits for Each FDIC- Insured Bank and Branch in the US (Excluding Mutual Savings Banks), June 30, 1975 (PB87-219606/XDD) (See NTIS)
Federal Reserve System
* Summary of Deposits for Each FDIC- Insured Bank and Branch in the US (Excluding Mutual Savings Banks), June 30, 1976 (PB87-219614/XDD) (See NTIS)
Federal Reserve System
* Summary of Deposits for Each FDIC- Insured Bank and Branch in the US (Excluding Mutual Savings Banks), June 30, 1977 (PB87-219622/XDD) (See NTIS)
Federal Reserve System
* Summary of Deposits for Each FDIC- Insured Bank and Branch in the US (Excluding Mutual Savings Banks), June 30, 1978 (PB87-219630/XDD) (See NTIS)
Federal Reserve System
* Summary of Deposits for Each FDIC- Insured Bank and Branch in the US (Excluding Mutual Savings Banks), June 30, 1979 (PB87-219648/XDD) (See NTIS)
Federal Reserve System
* Summary of Deposits for Each FDIC- Insured Bank and Branch in the US (Excluding Mutual Savings Banks), June 30, 1980 (PB87-219655/XDD) (See NTIS)
Federal Reserve System
* Summary of Deposits for Each FDIC- Insured Bank and Branch in the US (Excluding Mutual Savings Banks), June 30, 1981 (PB87-219663/XDD) (See NTIS)
Federal Reserve System
* Summary of Deposits for Each FDIC- Insured Bank and Branch in the US (Excluding Mutual Savings Banks), June 30, 1982 (PB87-219671/XDD) (See NTIS)
Federal Reserve System
* Summary of Deposits for Each FDIC- Insured Bank and Branch in the US (Excluding Mutual Savings Banks), June 30, 1983 (PB87-219689/XDD) (See NTIS)
Federal Reserve System
* Summary of Deposits for Each FDIC- Insured Bank and Branch in the US (Excluding Mutual Savings Banks), June 30, 1984 (PB87-219697/XDD) (See NTIS)
Federal Reserve System
* Summary of Deposits for Each FDIC- Insured Bank and Branch in the US (Excluding Mutual Savings Banks), June 30, 1985 (PB87-219705/XDD) (See NTIS)
Federal Reserve System
19697/XDD) (See NTIS)
Federal Reserve System
* Report of Condition and Income for Commercial Banks and Selected Other Financial Institutions, September, 1985. Call and Income Report (PB86-151461/XDD) (See NTIS)
Federal Reserve System
* Report of Condition and Income for Commercial Banks and Selected Other Financial Institutions, December 31, 1985. Call and Income Report (PB86-176310/XDD) (See NTIS)
Federal Reserve System
* Report of Condition and Income for Commercial Banks and Selected Other Financial Institutions, March 31, 1986. Call and Income Report (PB86-216777/XDD) (See NTIS)
Federal Reserve System
* Report of Condition and Income for Commercial Banks and Selected Other Financial Institutions, September 30, 1986. Call and Income Report (PB87-141313/XDD) (See NTIS)
Federal Reserve System
* Report of Condition and Income for Commercial Banks and Selected Other Financial Institutions, December 31, 1986. Call and Income Report (PB87-167490/XDD) (See NTIS)
Federal Reserve System
* Report of Condition and Income for Commercial Banks and Selected Other Financial Institutions, March 31, 1987. Call and Income Report (PB87-202362/XDD) (See NTIS)
Federal Reserve System
* Report of Condition and Income for Commercial Banks and Selected Other Financial Institutions, June 30, 1987. Call and Income Report (PB88-100383/XDD) (See NTIS)
Federal Reserve System
* Report of Condition and Income for Commercial Banks and Selected Other Financial Institutions, September 30, 1987. Call and Income Report (PB88-149547/XDD) (See NTIS)
Federal Reserve System
* Report of Condition and Income for Commercial Banks and Selected Other Financial Institutions, December 31, 1987. Call and Income Report (PB88-181714/XDD) (See NTIS)
Federal Reserve System
* Report of Condition and Income for Commercial Banks and Selected Other Financial Institutions, March 31, 1988. Call and Income Report (PB88-230636/XDD) (See NTIS)
Federal Reserve System
* Report of Condition and Income for Commercial Banks and Selected Other Financial Institutions, June 30, 1988. Call and Income Report (PB89-106942/XDD) (See NTIS)
Federal Reserve System
* Report of Condition and Income for Commercial Banks and Selected Other Financial Institutions, September 30, 1988. Call and Income Report (PB89-133581/XDD) (See NTIS)
Federal Reserve System
* Report of Condition and Income for Commercial Banks and Selected Other Financial Institutions. Call and Income Report Data Dictionary (PB88-934500/XDD) (See NTIS)
The Federal Bank supervisory agencies require banks and related corporations to report on their financial posture on a quarterly basis. Call Reports are required from FDIC insured commercial banks, banking edge and agreement corporations, branches and agencies of foreign banks (IBA's), and New York State Investment Companies (NYIC). FDIC insured commercial and savings banks are required to file Income Reports. International Banking Facility (IBF) Reports are filed by IBA's. These reports consist of a balance sheet, income statement, and supporting schedules. The Report of Condition schedules provide details on assets, liabilities, and equity capital accounts. The Report of Income schedules provide information on the sources and disposition of income on a net interest margin basis, changes in equity capital, charge-offs and recoveries, changes in allowance for loan and lease losses, and income taxes. All issues of the Condition and Income Report have a common format, as defined by the Data Dictionary and Microdata Reference Manual. The Data Dictionary includes, for each element on each record, the following: element number; element title; starting and ending position on the record; number of characters allotted to the element.
Federal Reserve System
* Report of Condition and Income for Commercial Banks and Selected Other Financial Institutions. Call and Income Report Microdata Reference Manual (PB88-934600/XDD) (See NTIS)
The Federal Bank supervisory agencies require banks and related corporations to report on their financial posture on a quarterly basis. Call Reports are required from FDIC insured commercial banks, banking edge and agreement corporations, branches and agencies of foreign banks (IBA's), and New York State Investment Companies (NYIC). FDIC insured commercial and savings banks are required to file Income Reports. International Banking Facility (IBF) Reports are filed by IBA's. These reports consist of a balance sheet, income statement, and supporting schedules. The Report of Condition schedules provide details on assets, liabilities, and equity capital accounts. The Report of Income schedules provide information on the sources and disposition of income on a net interest margin basis, changes in equity capital, charge-offs and recoveries, changes in allowance for loan and lease losses, and income taxes. All issues of the Condition and Income Report have a common format, as defined by the Data Dictionary and Microdata Reference Manual. The Microdata Reference Manual includes, for each element on each record, the following: element number; element title; element description; time span when the element is in use; starting and ending position on the record; number of characters allotted to the element.
Federal Reserve System
* Report of Condition and Income for Commercial Banks and Selected Other Financial Institutions, June, 1960. Call and Income Report (PB85-224236/XDD) (See NTIS)
The Federal Bank supervisory agencies require banks and related corporations to report on their financial posture on a quarterly basis. Call Reports are required from FDIC insured commercial banks, banking edge and agreement corporations, branches and agencies of foreign banks (IBA's), and New York State Investment Companies (NYIC). FDIC insured commercial and savings banks are required to file Income Reports. International Banking Facility (IBF) Reports are filed by IBA's. All of these reports are filed quarterly except for FDIC 8040/51, which is semi-annual. Reports filed and their contents are summarized below: Consolidated Report of Condition and Income for a Commercial Bank: FFIEC 031: which Domestic and Foreign Offices; FFIEC 032: with Domestic Offices Only and Total Assets of $300 Million or More; FFIEC 033: with Domestic Offices Only and Total Assets of $100 Million or more but less than $300 Million; FFIEC 034: with Domestic Offices Only and Total Assets of less than $100 Million; FDIC 8040/18: Consolidated Report of Condition for a Savings Bank; FDIC 8040/51: Consolidated Report of Income for a Savings Bank. These reports consist of a balance sheet, income statement, and supporting schedules. The Report of Condition schedules provide details on assets, liabilities, and equity capital accounts. The Report of Income schedules provide information on the sources and disposition of income on a net interest margin basis, changes in equity capital, charge-offs and recoveries, changes in allowance for loan and lease losses, and income taxes. FFIEC 002 Report of Assets and Liabilities of US Branches and Agencies of Foreign Banks (IBA's)-This report provides balance sheet information, with supporting schedules for all US branches and agencies of foreign banks; FR 2074 Report of International Banking Facility (IBF) Accounts for US Branches and Agencies of Foreign Banks that File the Report of Assets and Liabilities-This report provides information on the assets and liabilities held in international banking facility (IBF) accounts by US branches and agencies of foreign banks; FR 2886a Consolidated Report of Condition for a New York State Investment Companies and its Domestic Subsidiaries-This report consists of a balance sheet and supporting schedules which provide details on loans, cash assets, deposits, borrowings, transactions with related institutions, and other assets and liabilities; FR 2886b Report of Condition for Edge and Agreement Corporations-The report consists of a balance sheet and supporting schedules. The schedules provide information on cash and due from depository institutions; loans and lease financing receivables; deposits; claims on and liabilities to affiliates; past due, nonaccrual and renegotiated loans and lease financing receivables.
Federal Reserve System
* Selected Interest Rates/H.15 Tape, Quarterly 1919 to 1988 (PB88-202403/XDD) (See NTIS)
The tape includes daily, weekly, and monthly yields on funds, commercial paper (1-, 3-, and 6-month), finance paper (1-, 3-, and 6-month), bankers' acceptances (3-and 6-month), CDs (1-, 2-, 3-, 5-, 7-, 10-, 20-, and 30-year), corporate bonds, municipal bonds, and conventional mortgages. Weekly and monthly figures are averages of daily rates, except for state and local bonds, which are based on Thursday figures, and conventional mortgages and A-utility bonds, both of which are based on Friday figures. Rates on commercial paper, finance paper, bankers' acceptances, and Treasury bills (unless otherwise noted) are quoted on a bank discount basis. All other rates are on an investment basis. These data are updated on tape at the end of every calendar quarter.
Federal Reserve System
* Selected Interest Rates/H.15 Tape, Quarterly 1919 to 1988 (PB88-202403/XDDavings Banks), June 30, 1982 (PB87-219671/XDD) (See NTIS)
Federal Reserve System
* Report of Condition and Income for Commercial Banks and Selected Other Financial Institutions, September 30, 1981. Call and Income Report (PB85-188530/XDD) (See NTIS)
Federal Reserve System
* Report of Condition and Income for Commercial Banks and Selected Other Financial Institutions, December 31, 1981. Call and Income Report (PB85-188522/XDD) (See NTIS)
Federal Reserve System
* Report of Condition and Income for Commercial Banks and Selected Other Financial Institutions, March 31, 1982. Call and Income Report (PB85-188514/XDD) (See NTIS)
Federal Reserve System
* Report of Condition and Income for Commercial Banks and Selected Other Financial Institutions, June 30, 1982. Call and Income Report (PB85-188506/XDD) (See NTIS)
Federal Reserve System
* Report of Condition and Income for Commercial Banks and Selected Other Financial Institutions, September 30, 1982. Call and Income Report (PB85-188498/XDD) (See NTIS)
Federal Reserve System
* Report of Condition and Income for Commercial Banks and Selected Other Financial Institutions, December 31, 1982. Call and Income Report (PB85-188407/XDD) (See NTIS)
Federal Reserve System
* Report of Condition and Income for Commercial Banks and Selected Other Financial Institutions, March 31, 1983. Call and Income Report (PB85-188480/XDD) (See NTIS)
Federal Reserve System
* Report of Condition and Income for Commercial Banks and Selected Other Financial Institutions, June 30, 1983. Call and Income Report (PB85-188464/XDD) (See NTIS)
Federal Reserve System
* Report of Condition and Income for Commercial Banks and Selected Other Financial Institutions, September 30, 1983. Call and Income Report (PB85-188472/XDD) (See NTIS)
Federal Reserve System
* Report of Condition and Income for Commercial Banks and Selected Other Financial Institutions, December 31, 1983. Call and Income Report (PB85-188456/XDD) (See NTIS)
Federal Reserve System
* Report of Condition and Income for Commercial Banks and Selected Other Financial Institutions, March 31, 1984. Call and Income Report (PB85-188423/XDD) (See NTIS)
Federal Reserve System
* Report of Condition and Income for Commercial Banks and Selected Other Financial Institutions, June 30, 1984. Call and Income Report (PB85-188431/XDD) (See NTIS)
Federal Reserve System
* Report of Condition and Income for Commercial Banks and Selected Other Financial Institutions, September 30, 1984. Call and Income Report (PB85-188449/XDD) (See NTIS)
Federal Reserve System
* Report of Condition and Income for Commercial Banks and Selected Other Financial Institutions, December 31, 1984. Call and Income Report (PB85-188415/XDD) (See NTIS)
Federal Reserve System
* Report of Condition and Income for Commercial Banks and Selected Other Financial Institutions, March 31, 1985. Call and Income Report (PB85-221638/XDD) (See NTIS)
Federal Reserve System
* Report of Condition and Income for Commercial Banks and Selected Other Financial Institutions, June, 1985. Call and Income Report (PB86-107745/XDD) (See NTIS)
Federal Reserve System
Federal Reserve System
umber of characters allotted to the element.
Federal Reserve System
* Report of Condition and Income for Commercial Banks and Selected Other Financial Institutions, September 30, 1977. Call and Income Report (PB85-188696/XDD) (See NTIS)
Federal Reserve System
* Report of Condition and Income for Commercial Banks and Selected Other Financial Institutions, December 31, 1977. Call and Income Report (PB85-188688/XDD) (See NTIS)
Federal Reserve System
* Report of Condition and Income for Commercial Banks and Selected Other Financial Institutions, March 31, 1978. Call and Income Report (PB85-188670/XDD) (See NTIS)
Federal Reserve System
* Report of Condition and Income for Commercial Banks and Selected Other Financial Institutions, June 30, 1978. Call and Income Report (PB85-188662/XDD) (See NTIS)
Federal Reserve System
* Report of Condition and Income for Commercial Banks and Selected Other Financial Institutions, September 30, 1978. Call and Income Report (PB85-188654/XDD) (See NTIS)
Federal Reserve System
* Report of Condition and Income for Commercial Banks and Selected Other Financial Institutions, December 31, 1978. Call and Income Report (PB85-188647/XDD) (See NTIS)
Federal Reserve System
* Report of Condition and Income for Commercial Banks and Selected Other Financial Institutions, March 31, 1979. Call and Income Report (PB85-188639/XDD) (See NTIS)
Federal Reserve System
* Report of Condition and Income for Commercial Banks and Selected Other Financial Institutions, June 30, 1979. Call and Income Report (PB85-188621/XDD) (See NTIS)
Federal Reserve System
* Report of Condition and Income for Commercial Banks and Selected Other Financial Institutions, September 30, 1979. Call and Income Report (PB85-188613/XDD) (See NTIS)
Federal Reserve System
* Report of Condition and Income for Commercial Banks and Selected Other Financial Institutions, December 31, 1979. Call and Income Report (PB85-188605/XDD) (See NTIS)
Federal Reserve System
* Report of Condition and Income for Commercial Banks and Selected Other Financial Institutions, March 31, 1980. Call and Income Report (PB85-188597/XDD) (See NTIS)
Federal Reserve System
* Report of Condition and Income for Commercial Banks and Selected Other Financial Institutions, June 30, 1980. Call and Income Report (PB85-188589/XDD) (See NTIS)
Federal Reserve System
* Report of Condition and Income for Commercial Banks and Selected Other Financial Institutions, September 30, 1980. Call and Income Report (PB85-188571/XDD) (See NTIS)
Federal Reserve System
* Report of Condition and Income for Commercial Banks and Selected Other Financial Institutions, December 31, 1980. Call and Income Report (PB85-188563/XDD) (See NTIS)
Federal Reserve System
* Report of Condition and Income for Commercial Banks and Selected Other Financial Institutions, March 31, 1981. Call and Income Report (PB85-188555/XDD) (See NTIS)
Federal Reserve System
* Report of Condition and Income for Commercial Banks and Selected Other Financial Institutions, June 30, 1981. Call and Income Report (PB85-188548/XDD) (See NTIS)
Federal Reserve System
Federal Reserve System
Federal Reserve System
* Report of Condition and Income for Commercial Banks and Selected Other Financial Institutions, September 30, 1973. Call and Income Report (PB85-203867/XDD) (See NTIS)
Federal Reserve System
* Report of Condition and Income for Commercial Banks and Selected Other Financial Institutions, December 31, 1973. Call and Income Report (PB85-203859/XDD) (See NTIS)
Federal Reserve System
* Report of Condition and Income for Commercial Banks and Selected Other Financial Institutions, March 31, 1974. Call and Income Report (PB85-188811/XDD) (See NTIS)
Federal Reserve System
* Report of Condition and Income for Commercial Banks and Selected Other Financial Institutions, June 30, 1974. Call and Income Report (PB85-188803/XDD) (See NTIS)
Federal Reserve System
* Report of Condition and Income for Commercial Banks and Selected Other Financial Institutions, September 30, 1974. Call and Income Report (PB85-203842/XDD) (See NTIS)
Federal Reserve System
* Report of Condition and Income for Commercial Banks and Selected Other Financial Institutions, December 31, 1974. Call and Income Report (PB85-203834/XDD) (See NTIS)
Federal Reserve System
* Report of Condition and Income for Commercial Banks and Selected Other Financial Institutions, March 31, 1975. Call and Income Report (PB85-188795/XDD) (See NTIS)
Federal Reserve System
* Report of Condition and Income for Commercial Banks and Selected Other Financial Institutions, June 30, 1975. Call and Income Report (PB85-188787/XDD) (See NTIS)
Federal Reserve System
* Report of Condition and Income for Commercial Banks and Selected Other Financial Institutions, September 30, 1975. Call and Income Report (PB85-188779/XDD) (See NTIS)
Federal Reserve System
* Report of Condition and Income for Commercial Banks and Selected Other Financial Institutions, December 31, 1975. Call and Income Report (PB85-188761/XDD) (See NTIS)
Federal Reserve System
* Report of Condition and Income for Commercial Banks and Selected Other Financial Institutions, March 31, 1976. Call and Income Report (PB85-188753/XDD) (See NTIS)
Federal Reserve System
* Report of Condition and Income for Commercial Banks and Selected Other Financial Institutions, June 30, 1976. Call and Income Report (PB85-188746/XDD) (See NTIS)
Federal Reserve System
* Report of Condition and Income for Commercial Banks and Selected Other Financial Institutions, September 30, 1976. Call and Income Report (PB85-188738/XDD) (See NTIS)
Federal Reserve System
* Report of Condition and Income for Commercial Banks and Selected Other Financial Institutions, December 31, 1976. Call and Income Report (PB85-188720/XDD) (See NTIS)
Federal Reserve System
* Report of Condition and Income for Commercial Banks and Selected Other Financial Institutions, March 31, 1977. Call and Income Report (PB85-188712/XDD) (See NTIS)
Federal Reserve System
* Report of Condition and Income for Commercial Banks and Selected Other Financial Institutions, June 30, 1977. Call and Income Report (PB85-188704/XDD) (See NTIS)
Federal Reserve System
Federal Reserve System
* Report of Commercial Banks and Selected Other Financial Institutions, June 30, 1980. Call and Income Report (PB85-188589/XDD) (See NTIS)
* Report of Condition and Income for Commercial Banks and Selected Other Financial Institutions, June 30, 1966. Call and Income Report (PB85-204139/XDD) (See NTIS)
Federal Reserve System
* Report of Condition and Income for Commercial Banks and Selected Other Financial Institutions, December, 1966. Call and Income Report (PB85-224145/XDD) (See NTIS)
Federal Reserve System
* Report of Condition and Income for Commercial Banks and Selected Other Financial Institutions, June 30, 1967. Call and Income Report (PB85-204121/XDD) (See NTIS)
Federal Reserve System
* Report of Condition and Income for Commercial Banks and Selected Other Financial Institutions, December 31, 1967. Call and Income Report (PB85-204113/XDD) (See NTIS)
Federal Reserve System
* Report of Condition and Income for Commercial Banks and Selected Other Financial Institutions, June 30, 1968. Call and Income Report (PB85-204105/XDD) (See NTIS)
Federal Reserve System
* Report of Condition and Income for Commercial Banks and Selected Other Financial Institutions, December 31, 1968. Call and Income Report (PB85-204097/XDD) (See NTIS)
Federal Reserve System
* Report of Condition and Income for Commercial Banks and Selected Other Financial Institutions, June 30, 1969. Call and Income Report (PB85-204089/XDD) (See NTIS)
Federal Reserve System
* Report of Condition and Income for Commercial Banks and Selected Other Financial Institutions, December 31, 1969. Call and Income Report (PB85-204071/XDD) (See NTIS)
Federal Reserve System
* Report of Condition and Income for Commercial Banks and Selected Other Financial Institutions, June 30, 1970. Call and Income Report (PB85-204063/XDD) (See NTIS)
Federal Reserve System
* Report of Condition and Income for Commercial Banks and Selected Other Financial Institutions, December 31, 1970. Call and Income Report (PB85-204055/XDD) (See NTIS)
Federal Reserve System
* Report of Condition and Income for Commercial Banks and Selected Other Financial Institutions, June 30, 1971. Call and Income Report (PB85-204154/XDD) (See NTIS)
Federal Reserve System
* Report of Condition and Income for Commercial Banks and Selected Other Financial Institutions, December 31, 1971. Call and Income Report (PB85-203917/XDD) (See NTIS)
Federal Reserve System
* Report of Condition and Income for Commercial Banks and Selected Other Financial Institutions, June 30, 1972. Call and Income Report (PB85-203909/XDD) (See NTIS)
Federal Reserve System
* Report of Condition and Income for Commercial Banks and Selected Other Financial Institutions, December 31, 1972. Call and Income Report (PB85-203891/XDD) (See NTIS)
Federal Reserve System
* Report of Condition and Income for Commercial Banks and Selected Other Financial Institutions, March 31, 1973. Call and Income Report (PB85-203883/XDD) (See NTIS)
Federal Reserve System
* Report of Condition and Income for Commercial Banks and Selected Other Financial Institutions, June 30, 1973. Call and Income Report (PB85-203875/XDD) (See NTIS)
Federal Reserve System
Federal Reserve System
* Report of Condition and Income for Commerc
* Flow of Funds Accounts Cumulated Quarterly, 1945-1988 (PB88-906700/XDD) (See NTIS)
The tape contains annual data 45-51, quarterly data 52-88 in three forms: levels outstanding at end of period, quarterly unadjusted flows, and quarterly seasonally adjusted flows.
Federal Reserve System
* Money Stock Tape, 1959-1987 (PB88-188974/XDD) (See NTIS)
Federal Reserve System
* Money Stock Tape, 1959-1986 (PB87-181038/XDD) (See NTIS)
The tape contains aggregate data on money stock measures and liquid assets (M1, M2, M3) as well as components of the money stock measures and related items. The historical data on money stock reflect revisions to incorporate annual seasonal adjustment and benchmark changes. Monthly data are shown for the period 1959 through 1985. Weekly data are for the period 1975 through 1984 and are based on weeks ended on Monday to correspond with the reporting cycle under contemporaneous reserve requirements. No data prior to 1975 have been constructed on the week ended Monday basis. Benchmark Revisions: Deposits have been benchmarked to recent Call Reports. In addition, new data sources have been used in estimating RP's and term Eurodollars. Seasonal Revisions: Seasonal factors have been revised based on the X-11 ARIMA procedure adopted in 1982. Nontransactions M2 again has been seasonally adjusted as a whole - instead of being built up for seasonally adjusted savings and small time deposits - in order to reduce distortions caused by portfolio shifts arising from financial changes in recent years, especially shifts to MMDAs in 1983. A similar procedure has been used to seasonally adjust the non-M2 portion of M3.
Federal Reserve System
* Receivables Outstanding at Finance Companies, December 1985 - December 1987; Seasonally Adjusted and Not Seasonally Adjusted (Lotus 1-2-3 Diskette)(for microcomputers) (PB88-180922/XDD) (See NTIS)
Federal Reserve System
* Receivables Outstanding at Finance Companies, 1980-1986; Seasonally Adjusted and Not Seasonally Adjusted (PB87-156964/XDD) (See NTIS)
The finance company series covers consumer, real estate, and business lending activity by finance companies. The series is generally oriented toward type of collateral. Data are shown for receivables outstanding, extensions of credit, and repayments of credit. Data contained on 5-1/4 inch floppy diskette in Lotus 1-2-3 format.
Federal Reserve System
* Report of Condition and Income for Commercial Banks and Selected Other Financial Institutions, December, 1960. Call and Income Report (PB85-224228/XDD) (See NTIS)
Federal Reserve System
* Report of Condition and Income for Commercial Banks and Selected Other Financial Institutions, June, 1961. Call and Income Report (PB85-224210/XDD) (See NTIS)
Federal Reserve System
* Report of Condition and Income for Commercial Banks and Selected Other Financial Institutions, December, 1961. Call and Income Report (PB85-224178/XDD) (See NTIS)
Federal Reserve System
* Report of Condition and Income for Commercial Banks and Selected Other Financial Institutions, June, 1962. Call and Income Report (PB85-224194/XDD) (See NTIS)
Federal Reserve System
* Report of Condition and Income for Commercial Banks and Selected Other Financial Institutions, December, 1962. Call and Income Report (PB85-224186/XDD) (See NTIS)
Federal Reserve System
* Report of Condition and Income for Commercial Banks and Selected Other Financial Institutions, June, 1963. Call and Income Report (PB85-224244/XDD) (See NTIS)
Federal Reserve System
* Report of Condition and Income for Commercial Banks and Selected Other Financial Institutions, December, 1963. Call and Income Report (PB85-224251/XDD) (See NTIS)
Federal Reserve System
* Report of Condition and Income for Commercial Banks and Selected Other Financial Institutions, June, 1964. Call and Income Report (PB85-224269/XDD) (See NTIS)
Federal Reserve System
* Report of Condition and Income for Commercial Banks and Selected Other Financial Institutions, December, 1964. Call and Income Report (PB85-224160/XDD) (See NTIS)
Federal Reserve System
* Report of Condition and Income for Commercial Banks and Selected Other Financial Institutions, June, 1965. Call and Income Report (PB85-224152/XDD) (See NTIS)
Federal Reserve System
* Report of Condition and Income for Commercial Banks and Selected Other Financial Institutions, December 31, 1965. Call and Income Report (PB85-204147/XDD) (See NTIS)
Federal Reserve System
Federal Reserve System
* Report of Condition and Income for Commercial Banks and Selected Other Financial Institutions, December 31, 1965. Call and Income Report (PB85
* Bank Holding Company Semi-Annual Tape (Y-9), June 1982 (PB87-229118/XDD) (See NTIS)
Federal Reserve System
* Bank Holding Company Semi-Annual Tape (Y-9), December 1982 (PB87-229126/XDD) (See NTIS)
Federal Reserve System
* Bank Holding Company Semi-Annual Tape (Y-9), June 1983 (PB87-229134/XDD) (See NTIS)
Federal Reserve System
* Bank Holding Company Semi-Annual Tape (Y-9), December 1983 (PB87-229142/XDD) (See NTIS)
Federal Reserve System
* Bank Holding Company Semi-Annual Tape (Y-9), June 1984 (PB87-229159/XDD) (See NTIS)
Federal Reserve System
* Bank Holding Company Semi-Annual Tape (Y-9), December 1984 (PB87-229167/XDD) (See NTIS)
Federal Reserve System
* Bank Holding Company Semi-Annual Tape (Y-9), June 1985 (PB87-229175/XDD) (See NTIS)
Federal Reserve System
* Bank Holding Company Semi-Annual Tape (Y-9), December 1985 (PB87-229183/XDD) (See NTIS)
Federal Reserve System
* Bank Holding Company Semi-Annual Tape (Y-9), December 1975 (PB86-143187/XDD) (See NTIS)
The tape contains detailed financial reports for large bank holding companies which are required to report. It contains consolidated and parent-only operations on an annual or semi-annual basis.
Federal Reserve System
* Bank Structure File Tape (PB87-903700/XDD) (See NTIS)
The Board's "As-Of" Structure File contains information about all banks and branches as of a selected date with field values as existing on that date. The types of information contained on the file are: Identification - Numeric identifier, FDIC certificate number, name. Location - City, state, Federal Reserve District, MSA, county. Supervisory - Charter class, reserve class, charter/license type, membership status, insurance status, bank type. Ownership - Foreign, minority, direct and high holding company. Dates - Established, insured, last transaction. Number of offices - Domestic branches, domestic facilities, foreign branches, foreign subsidiaries, territorial branches, shell branches, Edge/agreement corporations, international banking facilities.
Federal Reserve System
* Banking Reserve Tape 1959-1988 (PB88-235940/XDD) (See NTIS)
The tape contains data on aggregate reserves, borrowings from the Federal Reserve and the monetary base. The data incorporate the latest revisions to seasonal factors and the latest adjustments for discontinuities associated with the Monetary Control Act and other regulatory changes to reserve requirements. Monthly data are given for the period January 1959 through May 1988. Weekly data are given for the period January 7, 1975 through June 1, 1988 and are based on weeks ended Wednesday to correspond with the reporting cycle under contemporaneous reserve requirements.
Federal Reserve System
* Capacity Utilization Tape (Monthly Cumulative from 1948 to Current) (PB85-246403/XDD) (See NTIS)
Capacity utilization statistics are published on a monthly basis by the Federal Reserve Board in the G.3 statistical release. Capacity indexes, based on the Federal Reserve's industrial production indexes, are estimated for total industry, which covers manufacturing, mining, and utilities industries. Both the capacity and output indexes are expressed as percentages of 1977 output. Utilization rates are then derived by dividing the capacity indexes into the associated production indexes. With manufacturing, the published series generally cover aggregate two-digit SIC level industries. Capacity series are also estimated for industrial materials.
* Consumer Installment Credit Data Tape (January 1975 -January 1986) (PB86-179470/XDD) (See NTIS)
The consumer installment credit series covers most short- and intermediate-term borrowing by individuals through regular business channels, usually to finance purchase of consumer goods and services, and scheduled to be repaid (or with the option of repayment) in two or more installments. The series, with some exceptions, is generally oriented toward purpose of borrowing rather than type of collateral, if any. Loans secured by real estate are excluded, as are loans to farmers, lease financing, and investment loans to individuals. Data are shown by four major types: automobile, revolving, mobile home, and other; and for six holder groups: commercial banks, finance companies, credit unions, savings institutions, retailers, and gasoline companies.
Federal Reserve System
* Federal Supply Code for Manufacturers, US and Canada, Code Sequence (PB85-911000/XDD) (See NTIS)
This magnetic tape contains Organizational Entities (O.E.s) that are manufacturers or maintain design control of items procured and cataloged by agencies of the Federal Government. These coded Organizational Entities are in O.E. Code Sequence and record such information as the name of the coded O.E., its geographical location, former name and/or location, if applicable, assigned O.E. Code, status of coded O.E.; i.e., active, obsolete, canceled with or without a replacement. In some instances, the replacement O.E. will be located in a North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) member nation, or other participating friendly foreign country, such as Australia. In this instance, refer to the NATO Supply Code for Manufacturers, Excluding United States and Canada (H4-3) for the applicable replacement O.E. Code data. The file is updated 6 times a year.
Federal Reserve System
* Federal Supply Code for Manufacturers, US and Canada, Name Sequence (PB85-910900/XDD) (See NTIS)
This magnetic tape contains Organizational Entities (O.E.s) that are manufacturers or maintain design control of items of supply procured and cataloged by agencies of the Federal Government. These coded Organizational Entities are in alphabetical sequence by name and record such information as the geographical location, former name and/or location, if applicable, assigned O.E. Code, status of coded O.E.; i.e., active, obsolete, canceled with or without replacement. In some instances, the replacement O.E. will be located in a North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) member nation, or other participating friendly foreign country, such as Australia. In this instance, refer to the NATO Supply Code for Manufacturers, Excluding United States and Canada (H4-3) for the applicable replacement O.E. Code data. The file is updated 6 times a year.
Federal Reserve System
foreign country, such as Australia. In this instance, refer to the NATO Supply Code for Manufacturers, Excluding United States and Canada (H4-3) for the applicable replacement O.E. Code data. The file is updated 6 times a year.
Federal Reserve System
e System
* Bank Holding Company Quarterly Tape (Y-9), March 1987 (PB87-229225/XDD) (See NTIS)
Federal Reserve System
* Bank Holding Company Quarterly Tape (Y-9), June 1987 (PB88-100250/XDD) (See NTIS)
Federal Reserve System
* Bank Holding Company Quarterly Tape (Y-9), September 1987 (PB88-148275/XDD) (See NTIS)
Federal Reserve System
* Bank Holding Company Quarterly Tape (Y-9), December 1987 (PB88-184734/XDD) (See NTIS)
Federal Reserve System
* Bank Holding Company Quarterly Tape (Y-9), March 1988 (PB88-235015/XDD)(See NTIS)
Federal Reserve System
* Bank Holding Company Quarterly Tape (Y-9), June 1988 (PB89-106918/XDD) (See NTIS)
Federal Reserve System
* Bank Holding Company Quarterly Tape (Y-9), June 1986 (PB87-229191/XDD) (See NTIS)
This includes the Financial Report for Bank Holding Companies (BHC Level). Description of Contents for FR-Y9 Reports: Financial data including information on assets, liabilities, and income for large bank holding companies was reported beginning with the December 31, 1975 reporting period. Data is available on an annual basis from 1975 through 1977. Beginning with the December 31, 1978 reporting period, data was collected annually for BHCs greater than $100 million in total consolidated assets, and semiannually for BHCs greater than $300 million in total consolidated assets. Prior to the December 31, 1978 report the reporting panel was based on different size criteria. As a result of these varying size criteria the panel of reporters is not consistent over time. Beginning with the 86/06 reporting period, all BHCs are required to report some financial data. Bank holding companies with total consolidated assets of $150 million or more report data at both the consolidated and parent only level on a quarterly basis. Those organizations with consolidated assets of less than $150 million report parent only data semi-annually. Large bank holding companies (total consolidated assets greater than 1 billion) and those bank holding companies that have significant holdings of nonbank subsidiaries are required to file a combined financial statement (FR Y-11Q) for those subsidiaries on a quarterly basis. The data is used primarily by staff in the Board's Division of Bank Supervision and Regulation and at the Federal Reserve District Banks to monitor the financial condition of large BHC and to supplement the supervision and examination process. Other individual documents are also available.
Federal Reserve System
* Bank Holding Company Semi-Annual Tape (Y-9), December 1976 (PB86-143112/XDD) (See NTIS)
Federal Reserve System
* Bank Holding Company Semi-Annual Tape (Y-9), December 1977 (PB86-143161/XDD) (See NTIS)
Federal Reserve System
* Bank Holding Company Semi-Annual Tape (Y-9), December 1978 (PB86-143153/XDD) (See NTIS)
Federal Reserve System
* Bank Holding Company Semi-Annual Tape (Y-9), June 1979 (PB86-143179/XDD) (See NTIS)
Federal Reserve System
* Bank Holding Company Semi-Annual Tape (Y-9), December 1979 (PB86-143120/XDD) (See NTIS)
Federal Reserve System
* Bank Holding Company Semi-Annual Tape (Y-9), June 1980 (PB86-143146/XDD) (See NTIS)
Federal Reserve System
* Bank Holding Company Semi-Annual Tape (Y-9), December 1980 (PB86-156700/XDD) (See NTIS)
Federal Reserve System
* Bank Holding Company Semi-Annual Tape (Y-9), June 1981 (PB87-229092/XDD) (See NTIS)
Federal Reserve System
* Bank Holding Company Semi-Annual Tape (Y-9), December 1981 (PB87-229100/XDD) (See NTIS)
Federal Reserve System
* Bank Holding Company Semi-Annual Tape (Y-9), June 1981 (PB87-229092/XDD) (See NTIS)
Federal Reserve System
* Bank Holding Company Semi-Annual Tape (Y-9), December 1985 (PB87-229183/XDD) (See NTIS)
Federal Reserve System
Federal Reserve System Data Files from NTIS
National Technical Information Service
US Department of Commerce
Springfield, VA 22161
(703) 487-4807
FAX (703) 321-8547
Listed below are data files available from the National Technical Information Service. Call the office above for ordering and cost information.
Federal Reserve Systeme
* Bank Credit Tape, November 1972 - December 1984 (PB86-104270/XDD) (See NTIS)
The Bank Credit Tape contains data used by the Federal Reserve Board in the analysis of bank credit developments. Bank credit consists of loans and investments at US commercial banks and at a number of banking institutions affiliated with foreign banks and operating in the United States. The data on this tape are obtained from a variety of sources, the most important ones being weekly condition reports submitted by large US banks and by US branches and agencies of foreign banks, a weekly report of assets submitted by a sample of smaller US banks, and quarterly condition reports submitted by all banks. Bank credit estimates and related data on this tape are published in several statistical releases - G.7, G.10, H.8, and H.4.2 - and in monthly issues of the Federal Reserve Bulletin.
Federal Reserve System
* Bank Credit Tape, January 1973 - December 1987 (PB88-195581/XDD) (See NTIS)
The Bank Credit Tape contains data used by the Federal Reserve Board in the analysis of bank credit developments. Bank credit consists of loans and investments at US commercial banks and at a number of banking institutions affiliated with foreign banks and operating in the United States. The data on this tape are obtained from a variety of sources, the most important ones being weekly condition reports submitted by large US banks and by US branches and agencies of foreign banks, a weekly report of assets submitted by a sample of smaller US banks, and quarterly condition reports submitted by all banks. Bank credit estimates and related data on this tape are published in several statistical releases - G.7, G.10, H.8, and H.4.2 - and in monthly issues of the Federal Reserve Bulletin. The Bank Credit file contains roughly 900 series, including detail on components of loans and investments broken down by selected bank groupings - large, small, and foreign-related. Monthly and weekly seasonal factors and other adjustment factors are provided for many series. In addition to bank credit data, the file contains related Eurocurrency and acceptance data used to construct broader credit aggregates. The Bank Credit tape contains two files, one for weekly data and the other monthly. The weekly file contains a subset of the series in the monthly file. The tape is accompanied by a manual which gives a brief description of each series on the file.
Federal Reserve System
* Bank Holding Company (Y-9) Documentation Tape (PB87-182465/XDD) (See NTIS)
Description of Contents for FR-Y9 Reports: Financial data including information on assets, liabilities, and income for large bank holding companies was reported beginning with the December 31, 1975 reporting period. Data is available on an annual basis from 1975 through 1977. Beginning with the December 31, 1978 reporting period, data was collected annually for BHCs greater than $100 million in total consolidated assets, and semiannually for BHCs greater than $300 million in total consolidated assets. Prior to the December 31, 1978 report the reporting panel was based on different size criteria. As a result of these varying size criteria the panel of reporters is not consistent over time. Beginning with the 86/06 reporting period, all BHCs are required to report some financial data. Bank holding companies with total consolidated assets of $150 million or more report data at both the consolidated and parent only level on a quarterly basis. Those organizations with consolidated assets of less than $150 million report parent only data semi-annually. Large bank holding companies (total consolidated assets greater than 1 billion) and those bank holding companies that have significant holdings of nonbank subsidiaries are required to file a combined financial statement (FR Y-11Q) for those subsidiaries on a quarterly basis. The data is used primarily by staff in the Board's Division of Bank Supervision and Regulation and at the Federal Reserve District Banks to monitor the financial condition of large BHC and to supplement the supervision and examination process.
Federal Reserve System
* Bank Holding Company Annual Tape (Y-6), December 1976 (PB86-106168/XDD) (See NTIS)
Federal Reserve System
* Bank Holding Company Annual Tape (Y-6), December 1977 (PB86-106176/XDD) (See NTIS)
Federal Reserve System
* Bank Holding Company Annual Tape (Y-6), December 1978 (PB86-106192/XDD) (See NTIS)
Federal Reserve System
* Bank Holding Company Annual Tape (Y-6), December 1979 (PB86-106200/XDD) (See NTIS)
Federal Reserve System
* Bank Holding Company Annual Tape (Y-6), December 1980 (PB86-106218/XDD) (See NTIS)
Federal Reserve System
* Bank Holding Company Annual Tape (Y-6), December 1981 (PB86-106226/XDD) (See NTIS)
Federal Reserve System
* Bank Holding Company Annual Tape (Y-6), December 1982 (PB86-106234/XDD) (See NTIS)
Federal Reserve System
* Bank Holding Company Annual Tape (Y-6), December 1983 (PB86-106242/XDD) (See NTIS)
Federal Reserve System
* Bank Holding Company Annual Tape (Y-6), December 1984 (PB86-143195/XDD) (See NTIS)
Federal Reserve System
* Bank Holding Company Annual Tape (Y-6), December 1975 (PB86-106184/XDD) (See NTIS)
The BHC tape file contains information on the organizational structure and the financial condition of all bank holding companies (BHCs) in business at a particular point in time. The reporting panels for the Bank Holding Company tape file include: (1) The Consolidated BHC (which includes all foreign and domestic bank and nonbank subsidiaries); (2) The parent company only; and (3) Foreign subsidiaries directly held by a domestic entity, domestic subsidiaries of domestic BHCs and US investments of foreign banking organizations (FBOs).
Federal Reserve System
* Bank Holding Company Quarterly Tape (Y-9), September 1986 (PB87-229209/XDD) (See NTIS)
Federal Reserve System
* Bank Holding Company Quarterly Tape (Y-9), December 1986 (PB87-229217/XDD) (See NTIS)
Federal Reserve System
* Bank Holding Company Quarterly Tape (Y-9), September 1986 (PB87-229209/XDD) (See NTIS)
Federal Re
Federal Reserve System
* Water Supply, Dams
John Bartyczak
Office of Information Resources Management
Federal Emergency Management Agency
Washington, DC 20472 (202) 646-2829
This resource elements of the input for this category include data collected by the US Army Corps of Engineers for all large dams in the Nation. A typical resource element will contain such data as the name of the dam, the normal and maximum storage capacity, the nearest downstream city population, and dam location information. Coverage is limited to key facilities of the Water Supply Systems. Three measure fields are provided as follows: (a) normal storage capacity of dam; (b) population of nearest downstream town/city/village; and (c) maximum storage capacity. Geographic coding is provided at the county level. State, region, and Metropolitan Statistical Area aggregations and retrievals can be obtained. Currency: 1984. Contains 9,745 records. The agency responsible is Corps of Engineers, Emergency Coordinator.
Federal Emergency Management Agency
* Water Systems, Dams
John Bartyczak
Office of Information Resources Management
Federal Emergency Management Agency
Washington, DC 20472 (202) 646-2829
The resource elements of the input for this category include data collected by the US Army Corps of Engineers for all large dams in the Nation. A typical resource element will contain such data as the name of the dam, the normal and maximum storage capacity, the nearest downstream city population, and dam location information. The data records contain: (a) maximum storage in acrefeet; (b) normal storage in acrefeet; (c) population of nearest downstream town; (d) installed power capacity; and (e) number of navigational locks. Geographic coding is provided at county, State, region, and Metropolitan Statistical Area for retrieval and aggregation. Currency: 1984. Contains 68,149 records. The agency responsible is Corps of Engineers, Emergency Coordinator.
Federal Emergency Management Agency
* Water Systems, Large
John Bartyczak
Office of Information Resources Management
Federal Emergency Management Agency
Washington, DC 20472 (202) 646-2829
Data in this category provide information regarding the key facilities of the water supply systems which serve populations in excess of 50,000 persons. For every important facility of each water system, data are given showing its location, vulnerability to damage, capacity, and identification of units considered critical to the system. These data are arranged by Federal, Regional, State, and water system in general. The water system usually corresponds to a city of metropolitan area, however, this is not true in every case. Only those water system facilities which are subject to blast damage and are essential to system operation are included in the input data. Thus, most ground storage reservoirs and underground piping have been eliminated because of their relative invulnerability to blast. The data records contain: (a) capacity of supply storage (in millions of gallons); (b) rate of flow of supply facilities (in hundred thousand gallons per day); (c) capacity of pumping station, booster station, pressure control stations (in hundred thousand gallons per day); (d) capacity of treatment plants (in hundred thousand gallons per day); (e) capacity of reservoirs, standpipes, storage tanks (in hundred thousand gallons capacity); and (f) capacity of pumping plants, booster stations, pressure control stations (in ten thousand gallons per day). Geographic locations were obtained from AMS and USGS maps by Public Health service engineers. Geographic coding is provided which permits county, State, region and Metropolitan Statistical Area aggregation and/or retrieval. Currency: 1964. Contains 13,029 records. The agency responsible is EPA, Emergency Coordinator.
Federal Emergency Management Agency
* Water Systems, Small
John Bartyczak
Office of Information Resources Management
Federal Emergency Management Agency
Washington, DC 20472 (202) 646-2829
This resource file contains the basic data on small water systems which are defined as those systems serving less than 50,000 persons and included in the publication titled Municipal Water Systems, dated 1962. This publication was distributed by the Division of Water Supply and Pollution Control, Public Health Service, Department of Health and Human Services. Data are provided for all small water systems serving less than 50,000 persons in the 50 States, Puerto Rico, and the Virgin Islands. The category covers 15,216 systems serving 69.5 million persons. The data records contain: (a) total population served by the system; (b) population served by surface water sources; (c) capacity surface water systems (thousands of gals/day); (d) population served by ground water sources; (e) capacity ground water (thousands of gals/day); and (f) total population (hundreds of persons of the named community inside its corporate limits). Currency: 1962. Contains 15,216 records. The agency responsible is HHS, Emergency Coordinator.
Federal Emergency Management Agency
* Wholesale Trade Establishments (Census)
John Bartyczak
Office of Information Resources Management
Federal Emergency Management Agency
Washington, DC 20472 (202) 646-2829
The resource elements for this file include establishments primarily engaged in the wholesale distribution of durable goods and non-durable goods. Individual input records are Census Confidential and can be made available only in case of actual nuclear attack upon the United States. In order that summaries based on this file may be used for peacetime emergency preparedness studies and exercises, while insuring the protection of individual company operations against disclosure, the data fields of each resource record have been "adjusted" through the use of randomly selected multipliers. This "adjusted" file then becomes category WCE. The unadjusted file, category WCB, can be used only in the case of actual nuclear attack. The data base contains: (a) total sales in thousands of dollars; (b) employment; (c) beginning inventory in thousands of dollars, (d) ending inventory in thousands of dollars; (e) refrigerated storage in thousands of cubic feet; (f) floor space in thousands of square feet; (g) LP gas storage (wholesale establishments only) or bulk liquid storage (warehouses only) in thousands of gallons; and (h) other bulk liquid petroleum storage (wholesale only) in thousands of gallons. Geographic coding is at the county level. Region, State, and Metropolitan Statistical Area codes are available for retrieval and/or aggregation. The geographic coordinates were selected from the zip code file. Currency: 1982. Contains 40,733 records. The agency responsible is Bureau of the Census Data Liaison, Jeanette Stivers.
Federal Emergency Management Agency
* Wholesale Trade Establishments (EIS)
John Bartyczak
Office of Information Resources Management
Federal Emergency Management Agency
Washington, DC 20472 (202) 646-2829
These data, purchased from Economic Information Systems Incorporated, cover wholesale establishments primarily engaged in the wholesale distribution of durable and non-durable goods. Three measure fields are used as follows: (a) number of employees; (b) annual sales in hundred thousands of dollars; and (c) percent of national sales in hundredths. Geographic coding is at the county level. Region, State, and Metropolitan Statistical Area retrieval and/or aggregation can be obtained. Currency: 1982. Contains 68,626 records. The agency responsible is Economic Information Systems, Inc.
Federal Emergency Management Agency
FEMA Data Files Available from NTIS
National Technical Information Service
US Department of Commerce
Springfield, VA 22161
(703) 487-4807
FAX (703) 321-8547
Listed below are data files available from the National Technical Information Service. Call the office above for ordering and cost information.
Federal Emergency Management Agency
* National Fire Incident Reporting System (NFIRS) Data Base (1982 Master File) (PB84-103423/XDD) (See NTIS)
Federal Emergency Management Agency
* National Fire Incident Reporting System (NFIRS) Data Base (1983 Master File) (PB85-132215/XDD) (See NTIS)
Federal Emergency Management Agency
* National Fire Incident Reporting System (NFIRS) Data Base, 1982 Incident Report File (PB84-103365/XDD) (See NTIS)
The US Fire Administration established the National Fire Incident Reporting System for the collection of fire incident and fire casualty data on a nationwide basis. NFIRS is the center of the Office of Fire Data and Analysis' program which has one of its primary goals assisting state and local governments and other critical groups in the development of their own fire data systems, and in the use and interpretation of their data. NFIRS contributes to the second major goal of the Office of Fire Data and Analysis, as well; this is to determine the magnitude and characteristics of the US fire problem in sufficient detail and accuracy to guide fire protection decisions of various levels of government and the private sector, and help identify solutions to the problems identified. The NFIRS data contains two files: the first is the Master File, and the second is the Incident and Equipment/Casualty Report Files.
Federal Emergency Management Agency
* National Fire Incident Reporting System (NFIRS) Data Base (1982 Equipment Report File) (PB84-103373/XDD) (See NTIS)
Federal Emergency Management Agency
* National Fire Incident Reporting System (NFIRS) Data Base (1983 Equipment/Casualty File) (PB85-132207/XDD) (See NTIS)
Federal Emergency Management Agency
* National Fire Incident Reporting Systems (NFIRS) Data Base (1983 Incident File) (PB85-132231/XDD) (See NTIS)
The US Fire Administration established the National Fire Incident Reporting System for the collection of fire incident and fire casualty data on a nationwide basis. NFIRS is the center of the Office of Fire Data and Analysis' program which has one of its primary goals assisting state and local governments and other critical groups in the development of their own fire data systems, and in the use and interpretation of their data. NFIRS contributes to the second major goal of the Office of Fire Data and Analysis, as well; this is to determine the magnitude and characteristics of the US fire problem in sufficient detail and accuracy to guide fire protection decisions of various levels of government and the private sector, and help identify solutions to the problems identified.
Federal Emergency Management Agency
Federal Maritime Commission
* Automated Tariff Filing and Information System (ATFI)
Federal Maritime Commission
1100 L Street, NW
Washington, DC 20573 (202) 523-5866
A new data base is being developed at the Commission, named the Automated Tariff Filing and Information System (ATFI). Foreign and domestic off-shore water-borne commerce vessels will begin to file their tariffs to the Commission automatically, with the phasing-in period beginning January, 1991. Companies interested in obtaining this tariff information will be able to dial into the data base using a modem with a VT100 terminal or emulator to obtain the data. The phone number and user charges have not yet been determined. One tariff will be accessed at a time, and the user will automatically be logged off after 30 minutes. Every commodity that is involved in the tariffs will be accessible.
Federal Maritime Commission
Federal Maritime Commission
Library of Congress
Federal Mediation and Conciliati
* Union Contracts Data Base
Legal Services Office
Federal Mediation and Conciliation
Service (FMCS)
2100 K St., NW, Room 712
Washington, DC 20427 (202) 653-5305
The office also maintains a data base of union contracts searchable by company name and dating back one year. Information can be obtained by written request.
Federal Mediation and Conciliation Servicey
* Union Contracts Data Base
Legal Services Office
Federal Mediation and Conciliation
Service (FMCS)
2100 K St., NW, Room 712
Washington, DC 20427 (202) 6es: the first is the Master File, and the second is the Incident and Equipment/Casualty Report Files.
Federal Emergency
* Selected Livestock Inventory
John Bartyczak
Office of Information Resources Management
Federal Emergency Management Agency
Washington, DC 20472 (202) 646-2829
This category covers the 1978 inventories of selected livestock and poultry and the 1978 sales of selected poultry items. Data for this category were extracted from 1978 Census of Agriculture county summary tapes by the Department of Agriculture (USDA). All 1978 inventories and sales for selected livestock classes are covered. Input records contain county inventory and sales totals. The data file contains: (a) milk cow inventory; (b) cattle and calves inventory; (c) hogs and pigs inventory; (d) sheep and lambs inventory; (e) hens and pullets inventory; (f) broilers and similar chickens; and (g) turkeys sold. Geographic coding is provided at the county level. Livestock are assumed to be located at the approximate center of agricultural land in each county. A special livestock program is used to translate fallout intensities computed by the Ready model into livestock losses. The livestock program includes data on available livestock shielding collected by USDA in a special county agent survey. Currency: 1978. Contains 3,074 records. The agency responsible is USDA/ASCS Emergency Contact.
Federal Emergency Management Agency
* Special Products Capacity, Industry Evaluation Board
John Bartyczak
Office of Information Resources Management
Federal Emergency Management Agency
Washington, DC 20472 (202) 646-2829
This file provides data concerning the facilities producing products identified by the Industry Evaluation Board (IEB), Department of Commerce, as being of exceptional importance to National Defense. All of the facilities producing or which have readily available capacity to produce an identified product are included. The data records contain: (a) plant capacity for subject products expressed in terms of percentage of national production capacity; (b) plant capacity expressed in units of annual capacity production; and (c) an indication of whether or not a plant has been rated by the Industry Evaluation Board. Geographic coding is provided at the county level. State, Region, and Metropolitan Statistical Area aggregations and/or retrievals are available. For a certain number of the facilities, coordinates were found by determining the longitude and latitude of the plants on maps. For small facilities, coordinates were determined through zip codes or the National Location Code book. Currency: 1974. Contains 14,416 records. The agency responsible is Department of Commerce Emergency Coordinator, Leonard Mandrgoc.
Federal Emergency Management Agency
* State Emergency Operating Facilities
John Bartyczak
Office of Information Resources Management
Federal Emergency Management Agency
Washington, DC 20472 (202) 646-2829
The file covers the Primary and Alternate Emergency Operating Facilities (EOF's) of the States, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, Guam, and American Samoa. Four measure fields are used as follows: (a) usable protected space, in square feet; (b) number of persons required to staff the facility during an emergency; (c) number of persons normally staffing the facility; and (d) population served. Currency: 1985. Contains 169 records.
Federal Emergency Management Agency
* Strategic and Critical Materials Inventory
John Bartyczak
Office of Information Resources Management
Federal Emergency Management Agency
Washington, DC 20472 (202) 646-2829
This file provides detailed information on all Federal inventories of strategic and critical materials meeting FEMA specifications. These inventories include materials held in the national stockpile, Defense Production Act, Commodity Credit Corporation, and supplemental stockpile accounts maintained by the General Services Administration (GSA). The industrial type materials include raw or semi=refined grades, forms, and sizes which are not generally produced in the United States. Each type of storage space, at each site, is shown separately for rapid evaluation of gross post-attack operational capabilities. Input data include 108 items of inventory stored in various quantities at one or more of the 107 facilities strategically dispersed over the United States. One measure field is used to show the quantity of material in the inventory at the specific resource point in the unit of measure for that material. For this file, the accuracy of the coordinates vary from 1 (when precise map locations are made) to 5 (when the point is located through its zip code). Currency: December 1985. Contains 877 records. The agency responsible is GSA Emergency Coordinator, Clarence A. Lee, Jr.
Federal Emergency Management Agency
* Summary Tape File (STF) 1-B
Alexander O. Atzert
Office of Information Resources Management
Federal Emergency Management Agency
Washington, DC 20472 (301) 926-5376
The STF Files, produced by the Bureau of the Census, contain complete population data including age, sex, race, etc., and housing data. The STF 1-B files have population and housing information detailed at the Enumeration District (ED) and Block Group (BG) level. Population count by age, race, sex, and marital status and housing information such as, occupancy/vacancy status, tenure, contract rent, number of rooms, etc., are contained on this file. Data records contain FIPS codes for State, county, Minor Civil Division, and place along with geo-codes defined by the Bureau of the Census, such as Tract, Enumeration District, Congressional District, and Block Group. These files are from the 1980 Decennial Census. The agency responsible is Bureau of the Census, Data Users Division.
Federal Emergency Management Agency
* Summer Hire System (Applicants)
Alexander O. Atzert
Office of Information Resources Management
Federal Emergency Management Agency
Washington, DC 20472 (301) 926-5376
This data base consists of the names, mailing addresses, and previous status for all students who apply for consideration in the FEMA supported Summer Hire program for shelter survey. Each detail record contains FEMA Region code, FIPS State code, and zip code. The data base is developed annually. Contains 3,000 records. the agency responsible is FEMA Program Office: SLPS.
Federal Emergency Management Agency
* Summer Hire System (Selection)
Alexander O. Atzert
Office of Information Resources Management
Federal Emergency Management Agency
Washington, DC 20472 (301) 926-5376
This data base consists of the selection criteria (veteran's preference, test scores, etc.) of the summer hire applicants who have completed the Office of Personnel Management test and applied for consideration for summer hire shelter survey positions. Each detail record contains FEMA Region code and FIPS State code. The data base is developed annually. Contains 2,000 records. The agency responsible is FEMA Program Office: SLPS.
Federal Emergency Management Agency
* Survival Item Production
John Bartyczak
Office of Information Resources Management
Federal Emergency Management Agency
Washington, DC 20472 (202) 646-2829
This file contains information on the producers of selected survival items. Survival items are commodities essential to sustain life at a production level that will assure national survival in an emergency, as defined in Defense Mobilization Order No. 4. The survival items are identified with one of seven major groups: (a) health supplies and equipment, (b) food, (c) body protection and household operations, (d) electric power and fuels, (e) sanitations and water supply, (f) emergency housing and construction materials and equipment, and (g) general use items. The data records contain: (a) annual production, (b) production capacity; (c) estimate of production using on-hand materials; and (d) estimate of the average inventory of on-hand survival items. Coordinates for many of the plants were obtained from the Census large plant category. Coordinates for the others were determined by zip codes or locations on appropriate scale maps. Currency: 1976. Contains 1,924 records. The agency responsible is Department of Commerce, Bureau of Domestic Commerce.
Federal Emergency Management Agency
* Tornado Disaster History
Alexander O. Atzert
Office of Information Resources Management
Federal Emergency Management Agency
Washington, DC 20472 (301) 926-5376
The Tornado Disaster History file contains data collected by the National Weather Service for all tornados that occurred (and were detected) in the Nation from 1950 to 1984. The total number of tornados for a given year, total damages, number of people killed or injured, etc., can be developed from this data file. The file is indexed on a key which contains FIPS State and county code. Latitude and longitude designations for the beginning and ending of each tornado event are also included. The data base is updated annually by the National Weather Service. A new file is requested each year to maintain a current set of data records in FEMA. Contains 26,588 records. The agency responsible is US Department of Commerce, National Weather Service.
Federal Emergency Management Agency
* Treasury Office Activities and Office EOF's
John Bartyczak
Office of Information Resources Management
Federal Emergency Management Agency
Washington, DC 20472 (202) 646-2829
Data for this file were obtained from General Services Administration and Treasury Records. Records on all facilities provided by GSA were included in this category if (a) eight or more employees were assigned and (b) floor space covered 2,100 or more square feet. The Treasury Department provided data in regularly occupied facilities deemed important to their operations, that either did not meet the criteria noted above or that was arranged for outside GSA channels. Finally, this category (category GFT) covers Treasury Office Emergency Operating Facilities (EOF's). Geographic coding permits county, State, and Metropolitan Statistical Area aggregation and retrieval. Currency: 1982. Contains 1,348 records. The agency responsible is Treasury Emergency Coordinator, Robert Foss.
Federal Emergency Management Agency
* Two Minute Grid File
Alexander O. Atzert
Office of Information Resources Management
Federal Emergency Management Agency
Washington, DC 20472 (301) 926-5376
The file contains longitude and latitude in degrees and minutes, FIPS State and county codes, Census MCD, place, and tract codes, population and housing totals for the United States and Puerto Rico. Each population and housing data entry is the sum of the corresponding centroids file data entries for the given grid square. The Congressional District, urbanized area, enumeration district, and block group of the Centroids file record having the largest population for the predominating state-county-MCD-place-tract in that grid square is given. Currency: 1980 US Census Bureau data. Contains 110,727 records.
Federal Emergency Management Agency
* US Postal Areas
John Bartyczak
Office of Information Resources Management
Federal Emergency Management Agency
Washington, DC 20472 (202) 646-2829
This category covers all US Postal zip codes with detailed geographic coding for the postal areas. The original data source is from the List Processing Company geocode file received in 1983. Geographic detail is obtained through regional codes and FIPS State, county and MSA codes. Currency: 1984. Contains 46,983 records. The agency responsible is List Processing Company, Chicago, IL.
Federal Emergency Management Agency
* VA Medical Personnel
John Bartyczak
Office of Information Resources Management
Federal Emergency Management Agency
Washington, DC 20472 (202) 646-2829
This category covers Veterans Administration medical personnel and other support for Veterans Administration hospitals, nursing homes, and domiciliaries in the United States and Puerto Rico. Ten measure fields are provided as follows: (a) total staff; (b) on board age 18-45; (c) on board age 46-64; (d) on board age 65 and over; (e) ready reserve age 18-45; (f) ready reserve age 46-64; (g) ready reserve age 65 and over; (h) military retired age 18-45; (i) military retired age 46-64; and (j) military retired age 65 and over. Geographic coding is provided at the county level. Region, State, and Metropolitan Statistical Area codes are available for retrieval and aggregation. Currency: 1985. Contains 594 records. The agency responsible is VA Emergency Contact, Howard Boyd.
Federal Emergency Management Agency
* Veterans Administration Facilities
John Bartyczak
Office of Information Resources Management
Federal Emergency Management Agency
Washington, DC 20472 (202) 646-2829
This file covers Veterans Administration hospitals, nursing homes, and domiciliaries in the United States and Puerto Rico. Data were provided by the Veterans Administration using VA administrative records. Data are as of April 1985. The measure fields contain: (a) average daily percent of patients in tenths of percent; (b) beds available to DOD in 24 hours; (c) beds available to DOD in 48 hours; (d) beds available to DOD in 72 hours; (e) maximum beds available to DOD; (f) maximum days beds available to DOD; and (g) average number of operating beds. Geographic coding is provided at the county level. Region, State, and MSA codes are available for retrieval and aggregation. Most of the coordinates for this category were read from UTM maps at scales of 1 to 100,000 or larger. The coordinates represent the center of each VA facility and are considered to be accurate to within 100 meters. Currency: 1985. Contains 1,020 records. The agency responsible is VA Emergency Contact, Howard Boyd.
Federal Emergency Management Agency
* Washington Area Warning System (WAWAS)
Alexander O. Atzert
Office of Information Resources Management
Federal Emergency Management Agency
Washington, DC 20472 (301) 926-5376
This data base is an inventory of the warning devices that comprise the Washington Area Warning System. The data includes address, type of device, inspection status, power company, etc. All records contain FIPS State and County codes, and zip codes, as well as latitude and longitude (degrees, minutes, seconds). The data base is updated as changes occur. Contains 600 records. The agency responsible is FEMA Program Office: Region III.
Federal Emergency Management Agency
* Water Locks in the United States
John Bartyczak
Office of Information Resources Management
Federal Emergency Management Agency
Washington, DC 20472 (202) 646-2829
This category provides information on water locks in the United States. These data were provided by the Joint Data System Support Center (JDSSC). Currency: 1985. Security Classification: CONFIDENTIAL/ NOFORN/ NOCONTRACT/ For Internal FEMA Use Only. The agency responsible is JDSSC Data Liaison, William Ellis.
Federal Emergency Management Agency
Federal Emergency Manag
FEMA Data Files Available from NTIS
National Technical Information Service
US Department of Commerce
Springfield, VA 22161
(703) 487-4807
FAX (703) 321-8547
Listed below are data files available from the National Technical Information Service. Call the H
* Postal Service Vehicle Maintenance Facilities
John Bartyczak
Office of Information Resources Management
Federal Emergency Management Agency
Washington, DC 20472 (202) 646-2829
This file covers all free-standing Vehicle Maintenance Facilities over 5,000 square feet, all VMF's over 500 square feet in other facilities, all Transportation Management Offices, and all Postal Concentration Centers. Six measure fields are used as follows: (a) number of employees; (b) floor space in square feet; (c) number of tow trucks; (d) number of service vehicles; (e) number of service bays; and (f) fuel storage capacity in gallons. Geographic coding permits county, State and Postal Service Region aggregation and retrieval. Geographic coordinates were obtained from a zip code geographic coordinate match. Currency: 1983. Contains 238 records. The agency responsible is USPS Emergency Coordinator, Kenneth Fletcher.
Federal Emergency Management Agency
* Primary Minerals and Metals
John Bartyczak
Office of Information Resources Management
Federal Emergency Management Agency
Washington, DC 20472 (202) 646-2829
This file covers production facilities for all the principle metals and minerals. Each facility for mining and for processing is shown separately. These data were prepared by the Bureau of Mines, Department of Interior, and reflect updated information collected periodically from regularly recurring reports to the department, information obtained in trade papers and periodicals, and from direct contacts within the industry. Each facility record contains: (a) annual average number of employees; (b) annual average production; (c) annual production capacity; (d) percent of production; and (e) percent of capacity. Geographic coding is provided at the county level. State, Region, and Metropolitan Statistical Area aggregations and/or retrievals can be obtained. Currency: 1984. Contains 1,310 records. The agency responsible is Department of Interior, Bureau of Mines Data Liaison, Robert Johnson.
Federal Emergency Management Agency
* Principal Highway Structures
John Bartyczak
Office of Information Resources Management
Federal Emergency Management Agency
Washington, DC 20472 (202) 646-2829
This category covers fixed highway bridges on principal defense highway routes in the United States. Ten measure fields exist for this category as follows: (a) structure length in feet; (b) maximum span length in feet; (c) average daily traffic; (d) roadway width in tenths of feet; (e) number of lanes on the structure; (f) number of lanes under the structure; (g) minimum navigation vertical clearance in feet; (h) minimum navigation horizontal clearance in feet; (i) minimum vertical clearance in feet and inches, as FFII; and (j) detour length in miles. Geographic detail is obtained through regional codes; FIPS State, county, and MSA codes; and names. Geographic coordinates have been provided by the Federal Highway Administration and are considered accurate to within 500-1,500 meters. Currency: 1982. Contains 105,099 records. The agency responsible is Federal Highway Administration Emergency Coordinator, Richard A. Torbik.
Federal Emergency Management Agency
* Principal Interstate Highway Structures
John Bartyczak
Office of Information Resources Management
Federal Emergency Management Agency
Washington, DC 20472 (202) 646-2829
This category covers fixed highway bridges on interstate principal defense highway routes in the United States. Ten measure fields are provided as follows: (a) structure length in feet; (b) maximum span length in feet; (c) average daily traffic; (d) roadway width in tenths of feet; (e) number of lanes on the structure; (f) number of lanes under the structure; (g) minimum navigation vertical clearance in feet; (h) minimum navigation horizontal clearance in feet; (i) minimum vertical clearance in feet and inches, as FFII; and (j) detour length in miles. Geographic detail is obtained through regional codes; FIPS State, county, and MSA codes; and names. Currency: 1982. Contains 38,741 records. The agency responsible is Federal Highway Administration Emergency Coordinator, Richard A. Torbik.
Federal Emergency Management Agency
* Program Paper (PP) Data File
Alexander O. Atzert
Office of Information Resources Management
Federal Emergency Management Agency
Washington, DC 20472 (301) 926-5376
This data base consists of a record for each State and local Civil Preparedness (CP) agency. The data consists of administrative information about the local agency and its director, including funding, manpower, and scope of coverage. Each record contains the FEMA Region code, FIPS State code, and Bureau of the Census MCD and Place codes where applicable. CP Director data is updated weekly. Contains 5,900 records. The agency responsible is FEMA Program Office: SLPS.
Federal Emergency Management Agency
* Program Status Report (PSR) Data File
Alexander O. Atzert
Office of Information Resources Management
Federal Emergency Management Agency
Washington, DC 20472 (301) 926-5376
This data base consists of data pertaining to State and local civil preparedness agencies. The status of the agency's plans, equipment, personnel, warning, communications, and other vital resources are described in the data base. The data allows management to determine the overall capability of State and local governments during emergencies. Each record contains the FEMA Region code, FIPS State and county codes, and Bureau of the Census MCD and Place codes where applicable. The data, unless otherwise stated, are as of September 30, 1982. Contains 5,900 records. The agency responsible is FEMA Program Office: SLPS.
Federal Emergency Management Agency
* Publication Tracking Inventory
Alexander O. Atzert
Office of Information Resources Management
Federal Emergency Management Agency
Washington, DC 20472 (301) 926-5376
The Publication Tracking System maintains an inventory of FEMA Publications for the Printing and Publications Division of the Office of Administrative Support. Storage, stockpile, printing source, delivery, and scheduling information are maintained. Currency: 1982. Contains 1,000 records. The agency responsible is FEMA Program Office: OAS.
Federal Emergency Management Agency
* Radioactive Materials (RAM)
Alexander O. Atzert
Office of Information Resources Management
Federal Emergency Management Agency
Washington, DC 20472 (301) 926-5376
This data base is an inventory of the radioactive source sets for which FEMA is accountable. The source sets are used to calibrate radiological monitoring equipment. Data include the current location, custodial data, leak test data, and type of source material, as well as other administrative items. Each record contains FIPS State and county codes. The data base is updated by State Maintenance and Calibration Facility personnel as changes occur. Contains 4,200 records. The agency responsible is FEMA Program Office: SLPS.
Federal Emergency Management Agency
* Radiological Emergency Preparedness Training Review
Alexander O. Atzert
Office of Information Resources Management
Federal Emergency Management Agency
Washington, DC 20472 (301) 926-5376
This data base was created to assist in the review and revision of the Radiological Emergency Preparedness curriculum. Audience potential, cost to government, frequency rate, and annual retention of the Radiological Emergency Preparedness training courses are contained on this file. The data base was created in September 1982 and there are no specific plans for updating the information. Contains 11 records. The agency responsible is FEMA Program Office: SLPS.
Federal Emergency Management Agency
* Radiological Monitoring Stations (RADEF)
Alexander O. Atzert
Office of Information Resources Management
Federal Emergency Management Agency
Washington, DC 20472 (301) 926-5376
This data base is an inventory of radiological monitoring equipment and the facilities in which they are stored. Data include facility address, PF, type of facility, reporting status, instrument numbers, types, inspection or exchange status, and other information pertinent to the inventory. Numbers of kit types and numbers of instrument types are contained in this file. All records have county centroid coordinates. Where entered, exact station coordinates are available. RIPS State and county codes are in each record and Bureau of the Census MCD and Place codes are in most records. The system data bases are usually updated monthly. Contains 85,000 records. The agency responsible is FEMA Program office: SLPS.
Federal Emergency Management Agency
* Reception and Care Survey (RAC) File
Alexander O. Atzert
Office of Information Resources Management
Federal Emergency Management Agency
Washington, DC 20472 (301) 926-5376
The RAC data base contains records of all structures (buildings) surveyed in Host Areas which can provide shelter for 10 or more people (based on 40 square feet per person). Structures are to be utilized for the movement of the population from designated Risk Areas, in case of an impending nuclear attack or natural disaster. Data records contain basement area, first floor area, second floor area, roof area, length of walls (front and side), number of: dining facilities, beds, toilets and seats; type of water system, congregate care spaces, upgradable fallout spaces, soil required for upgradable spaces, use code, ownership code, and physical vulnerability code. Data records contain coordinates (latitude, longitude), FIPS State and county codes along with geo-codes as defined by Bureau of the Census such as, Minor Civil Division (MCD), place, and specific address of building. The data file is updated monthly. Contains 1,454,000 RAC records. The agency responsible is FEMA Program Office: SLPS.
Federal Emergency Management Agency
* Research and Development Laboratories
John Bartyczak
Office of Information Resources Management
Federal Emergency Management Agency
Washington, DC 20472 (202) 646-2829
This file covers establishments primarily engaged in research and development activities on a fee or contract basis. Individual input records are Census Confidential and can be made available only in case of actual nuclear attack upon the United States. In order that summaries based on this file may be used for peacetime emergency preparedness studies and exercises while insuring the protection of individual company operations against disclosure, the data fields of each resource record have been "adjusted" through the use of randomly selected multipliers. This "adjusted" file is known as category RDL. The unadjusted file, category SDL, can be used in the case of an actual nuclear attack. Five measure fields are used as follows: (a) sales/receipts in thousands of dollars; (b) total employment; (c) scientists/engineers; (d) technicians; and (e) other employees. Geographic coding permits County, State and Metropolitan Statistical Area aggregation and/or retrieval. Currency: 1977. Contains 1,208 records. The agency responsible is Bureau of Census Data Liaison, Jeanette Stivers.
Federal Emergency Management Agency
* Research Program Status
Alexander O. Atzert
Office of Information Resources Management
Federal Emergency Management Agency
Washington, DC 20472 (301) 926-5376
The Research and Development Information System tracts research contracts from the pre-award stage, through the awarding of a contract and the production of reports to be entered into the Defense Technical Information Center (DTIC) accession system. A bibliography file containing research abstracts and a history file are also maintained. Funds committed and funds obligated are contained in the data base. Data entry is an ongoing effort. Contains 4,000 records. The agency responsible is FEMA Program Office: NPP.
Federal Emergency Management Agency
* Savings and Loan Associations
John Bartyczak
Office of Information Resources Management
Federal Emergency Management Agency
Washington, DC 20472 (202) 646-2829
This category covers savings and loan associations which are members of the Federal Home Loan Bank system. The member associations included represent 99 percent of the membership and 80 percent of all operating associations in the United States. These data include information to show Federal Home Loan Bank district, insurance of accounts by FSLIC, and those without Federal insurance of savings capital. Five measure fields exist for this category: (a) cash on hand and in banks in thousands of dollars; (b) amount of US Government obligations in thousands of dollars; (c) savings capital in tens of thousands of dollars; (d) number of savings accounts; and (e) total amount of mortgages held in tens of thousands of dollars. Geographic detail is obtained through regional codes; FIPS State, county, and MSA codes; and names. Currency: 1970. Contains 4,746 records. The agency responsible is Federal Home Loan Bank Board Emergency Coordinator, Robert J. Gilbert.
Federal Emergency Management Agency
* Seed Conditioners and Distributors
John Bartyczak
Office of Information Resources Management
Federal Emergency Management Agency
Washington, DC 20472 (202) 646-2829
This file contains information on seed facilities in the United States. The crop preparation services include facilities engaged in preparing seed for planting, and the farm supplies include facilities engaged in warehousing and wholesale distribution of seed. Measure field 1 contains annual capacity in thousands of pounds. Geographic coding is provided at the county level. Region, State, and Metropolitan Statistical Area aggregations and/or retrievals can be obtained. Facility coordinates were determined on the basis of post office zip codes. Currency: September 1985. Contains 1,656 records. The agency responsible is USDA/ASCS Emergency Contact.
Federal Emergency Management Agency
* Selected HUD Facilities
John Bartyczak
Office of Information Resources Management
Federal Emergency Management Agency
Washington, DC 20472 (202) 646-2829
Resources covered include HUD Headquarters Offices, HUD Regional Offices, HUD Regional Office annexes, HUD Area Offices, HUD Service Offices, HUD Valuation and Endorsement Stations, and HUD single-purpose out-station offices. One measure field is used to provide the number of employees at each office. Geographic coding permits county, State, and Metropolitan Statistical Area aggregation and retrieval. Currency: 1985. Contains 85 records. The agency responsible is HUD Emergency Coordinator.
Federal Emergency Management Agency
Federal Emergency Management Agency
* Selected HUD Facilities
Federal Emergency Management Agency
* Natural Gas Processing Plants
John Bartyczak
Office of Information Resources Management
Federal Emergency Management Agency
Washington, DC 20472 (202) 646-2829
This category includes all plants which extract liquid products from natural gas. This extraction usually occurs in gas producing areas before the gas enters transmission pipelines, but sometimes at intermediate points in the transmission. Output from these plants includes one or more products such as ethane, propane, butane, isobutane, isopentane, liquified petroleum gas mixtures, natural gasoline, and total de-ethanized product. Data cover 764 plants in the United States. Nine measure fields are provided as follows (fields (b) - (i) are in output barrels per day): (a) gas processing capacity (million cu. ft. per day); (b) ethane capacity; (c) propane capacity; (d) butane capacity; (e) isobutane capacity; (f) LPG mixtures capacity; (g) isopentane capacity; (h) natural gasoline capacity; and (i) de-ethanized product capacity. Geographic coding is provided at the county level. State, Region, and Metropolitan Statistical Area aggregations and/or retrievals can be obtained. Geographic locations were developed from the information supplied. Accuracy of the coordinates ranges from 1 when precise map locations are made to 5 when the point location is determined by its zip code. Currency: January 1965. Contains 764 records. The agency responsible is DOE Emergency Coordinator.
Federal Emergency Management Agency
* Natural Hazard Vulnerability Survey (NHVS) File
Alexander O. Atzert
Office of Information Resources Management
Federal Emergency Management Agency
Washington, DC 20472 (301) 926-5376
The NHVS data base contains structures (buildings) designated as suitable shelter from natural hazards, namely: Earthquakes, Winds, Tornados, Floods, and Hurricanes, as defined by FEMA. The data base contains the number of NHVS shelter spaces, USE code, ownership code, number of stories, hazard rating, and address. The data base records contain coordinates (latitude and longitude) in degrees, minutes and seconds. FIPS State, county, and place codes, along with other geo-codes such as MCD and TRACT as defined by the Bureau of Census. The data file is updated monthly. Contains 10,813 records. The agency responsible is FEMA Program Office: SLPS.
Federal Emergency Management Agency
* Nuclear Civil Preparedness (NCP)
Alexander O. Atzert
Office of Information Resources Management
Federal Emergency Management Agency
Washington, DC 20472 (301) 926-5376
This data base is a managerial data file used to identify the need and status of nuclear civil preparedness plans at the regional, State and local levels. The data consists of population, risk type, various dates, and other administrative data. Population (risk, host, and combined) is contained in the file. Each record contains FIPS State and county codes and where applicable, the Bureau of the Census MCD and Place codes. This data base is updated monthly by SLPS personnel. Contains 3,500 records. The agency responsible is FEMA Program Office: SLPS.
Federal Emergency Management Agency
* Nuclear Power Reactors
Don Moore
Office of Information Resources Management
Federal Emergency Management Agency
Washington, DC 20472 (202) 646-2900
This category covers nuclear reactors presently operating, under construction, being planned, and those being shut down or dismantled. Data on materials production, military, test, research, university or experimental reactors are not included. Two measure fields are provided as follows: (a) net max dependable capacity (hundreds of kilowatts) and (b) distance from nearest population center (tenths of miles). Geographic coding is provided at the county level. State, Region, and Metropolitan Statistical Area aggregations and/or retrievals can be obtained. Currency: 1977. Contains 173 records.
Federal Emergency Management Agency
* Nuclear Reactor Inventory
E.J. Thompson
Office of Information Resources Management
Federal Emergency Management Agency
Washington, DC 20472 (301) 447-1000
This data base contains a record for each nuclear generating station that is proposed, under construction, and/or operational in the United States. The record contains the site name, coordinates, type of reactor, operational status, manufacturer, and other administrative data. Megawatts of power are contained in the data records. All records have latitude and longitude (degrees, minutes, seconds), FEMA Region, FIPS State code, and FIPS county code. This file was last updated in November 1982 by Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) personnel. Contains 130 records. The agency responsible is Nuclear Regulatory Commission.
Federal Emergency Management Agency
* Occupation by Industry
Don Moore
Office of Information Resources Management
Federal Emergency Management Agency
Washington, DC 20472 (202) 646-2900
This file contains employment statistics for 377 unique occupations for 115 Revised Growth Requirements for Industrial Planning (REGRIP) model sectors. Employment by 377 occupations, by 115 industry sectors for 1978. All data are at National level of detail. Data in the file is "as of" 1978. Information for 1980 is in preparation. The agency responsible is FEMA Program Office: NP.
Federal Emergency Management Agency
* One Minute Grid File
Alexander O. Atzert
Office of Information Resources Management
Federal Emergency Management Agency
Washington, DC 20472 (301) 926-5376
This file contains longitude and latitude in degrees and minutes, FIPS State and county codes, Census MCD, place, and tract codes, population and housing totals for the United States and Puerto Rico. Each population and housing data entry is the sum of the corresponding centroids file data entries for the given grid square. The Congressional District, urbanized area, enumeration district, and block group of the Centroids file record having the largest population for the predominating state-county-MCD-place-tract in that grid square is given. Currency: 1980 US Census Bureau data. Contains 163,477 records.
Federal Emergency Management Agency
* Operational Missile Installations, Control Center, and Support Facilities in the US
John Bartyczak
Office of Information Resources Management
Federal Emergency Management Agency
Washington, DC 20472 (202) 646-2829
This category provides information on operational missile installations, control centers, and support facilities in the United States. These data were provided by the Joint Data System Support Center (JDSSC). Currency: 1985. Contains 1,204 records. SECRET/ NOFORN/ NOCONTRACT/ For Internal FEMA Use Only. The agency responsible is JDSSC Data Liaison, William Ellis.
Federal Emergency Management Agency
* OPM Regional and Area Offices
John Bartyczak
Office of Information Resources Management
Federal Emergency Management Agency
Washington, DC 20472 (202) 646-2829
This file covers the regional offices and area offices of the Office of Personnel Management in the United States and Puerto Rico. Geographic coding permits county, State and Metropolitan Statistical Area aggregation and retrieval. Geographic coordinates are taken from the mail address zip code/geographic coordinates reference file. Currency: 1985. Contains 47 records. The agency responsible is OPM Emergency Coordinator.
Federal Emergency Management Agency
* Panama Canal Facilities
John Bartyczak
Office of Information Resources Management
Federal Emergency Management Agency
Washington, DC 20472 (202) 646-2829
This category covers locations within the Canal Zone other than canal locks. Each of the locations includes a facility of one of the following kinds: pipeline, power station, petroleum tank farm, pier, dock, Air Force base, pumping station, naval radio station, vulnerable points in Galliard Cut, military installation or naval base. Geographic detail is obtained through the identification of one of two districts within the Canal Zone: Balboa or Cristobal. Currency: 1962. Contains 40 records.
Federal Emergency Management Agency
* Personal Services
John Bartyczak
Office of Information Resources Management
Federal Emergency Management Agency
Washington, DC 20472 (202) 646-2829
This file includes establishments primarily engaged in providing services generally involving the care of the person and his/her apparel and covers laundry, cleaning, and garment services. In order that summaries based on this file may be used for peacetime emergency preparedness studies and exercises, while insuring the protection of individual company operations against disclosure, the data fields of each resource record have been "adjusted" through the use of randomly selected multipliers. This "adjusted" file then becomes category RSP. The unadjusted file, category SSP, can be used only in the case of actual nuclear attack. The two measure fields used are: (a) sales/receipts in thousands of dollars; and (b) total employment. Geographic coding permits county, State, and Metropolitan Statistical Area aggregation and/or retrieval. Currency: 1982. Contains 30,086 records. The agency responsible is Bureau of the Census Data Liaison, Jeanette Stivers.
Federal Emergency Management Agency
* Petroleum Products Pipelines
John Bartyczak
Office of Information Resources Management
Federal Emergency Management Agency
Washington, DC 20472 (202) 646-2829
This category covers petroleum products pipelines, including those used for movement of liquified petroleum gases (LPG) in the United States. Included are all pump stations and major river crossings on these pipelines. Data are provided for 123 produce pipeline companies. Included are data on 606 pump stations having 1,519 pumping units with a total of 721,030 horsepower and 813 river crossings. Three measure fields are provided as follows: (a) pump station capacity in thousands of barrels per day; (b) pump station prime movers horsepower; and (c) number of personnel operating pump stations. Geographic coding is provided at the county level. State, Region, and Metropolitan Statistical Area aggregations and/or retrievals can be obtained. The geographic location of each facility in terms of degrees, minutes, and seconds were determined by the reporting companies. Most coordinates were reported to the nearest minute and are considered to be accurate within one-half mile to one mile. Currency: 1964. Contains 1,532 records. The agency responsible is DOE Emergency Coordinator.
Federal Emergency Management Agency
* Petroleum Products Storage Capacity
John Bartyczak
Office of Information Resources Management
Federal Emergency Management Agency
Washington, DC 20472 (202) 646-2829
This category includes all petroleum products storage terminals and bulk plants in the United States with a capacity of 250 barrels or more. Storage facilities with a capacity of 2,500 barrels or more are listed as single resource points, but those with a capacity of less than 2,500 barrels are grouped by counts and shown as one resource point. Nine measure fields are provided as follows (fields (b) - (g) and (i) are in hundreds of barrels): (a) crude oil (not used); (b) aviation gasoline; (c) motor gasoline; (d) kerosene; (e) distillate fuel oil; (f) residual fuel oil; (g) liquid petroleum gases; (h) number of trucks; and (i) truck capacity. Geographic coding is provided at the county level. State, Region, and Metropolitan Statistical Area aggregations and/or retrievals can be obtained. Currency: April 1962. Contains 7,738 records. The agency responsible is DOE Emergency Coordinator.
Federal Emergency Management Agency
* Petroleum Refineries, Basic Processing Capacity
John Bartyczak
Office of Information Resources Management
Federal Emergency Management Agency
Washington, DC 20472 (202) 646-2829
This category includes the basic processing capacity data for all petroleum refineries ranging from simple skimming plants to the most complex refineries. It includes specialty plants such as those producing primarily asphalt or lubricating oils. The 223 major active United States refineries included in this category were extracted from the oil and gas journal, Department of Energy. One measure field is provided as follows: input processing capacity in barrels per calendar day. Geographic coding is provided at the county level. State, Region, and Metropolitan Statistical Area aggregations and/or retrievals can be obtained. Geographic location of the record is through Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) coordinates from the information supplied. Accuracy ranges from 1 when precise map locations are made to 5 when zip codes are used. Accuracy for most points is 3 (one mile or less). Currency: January 1985. Contains 223 records. The agency responsible is DOE Emergency Coordinator.
Federal Emergency Management Agency
* Population and Housing (1985 Projected - Two-Minute Grid)
John Bartyczak
Office of Information Resources Management
Federal Emergency Management Agency
Washington, DC 20472 (202) 646-2829
This file incorporates the results of the 1980 Decennial Censuses of population and housing. The basic source of this file is the Census Summary Tape File (STF) 1-B. Population and housing counts for 1980 were projected to 1985 by FEMA. These data records have been aggregated to two-minute grids and are used in this file for population and housing studies. The measure fields contain: (a) quartered population for 1980; (b) vacant housing for 1980; (c) projected 1985 population; (d) projected 1985 housing; (e) Type A shelter space; (f) Type B/C shelter space; (g) Type D shelter space; (h) Type E/F shelter space; and (i) Type G/H/I shelter space. Geographic coding permits State, Metropolitan Statistical Area and county aggregation and retrieval for resources associated with two-minute grids. Currency: 1980. Contains 115,505 records. The agency responsible is Bureau of the Census Data Liaison, Jeanette Stivers.
Federal Emergency Management Agency
* Port Facilities
John Bartyczak
Office of Information Resources Management
Federal Emergency Management Agency
Washington, DC 20472 (202) 646-2829
This category covers ocean-going port facilities within the United States, Puerto Rico, and the Virgin Islands. Coverage is for type of terminals which handle ocean traffic, river traffic, and both ocean and river traffic. Coverage also allows for identification of the coastal region involved, port, type cargo handling activity, and pier structure. Nine measure fields exist for this category as follows: (a) number of berths; (b) total length of berths in feet; (c) transit shed floor space in thousands of square feet; (d) general cargo open storage, acres; (e) dry bulk open storage, acres; (f) dry bulk open storage, thousands of long tons; (g) liquid bulk storage capacity, thousands of barrels; (h) number of liquid bulk storage tanks; and (i) bulk grain storage in thousands of bushels. Geographic detail is obtained through regional codes; FIPS State, county, and MSA codes; and names. Geographic coordinates have been assigned and are considered accurate to within 100 meters. Currency: 1982. Contains 2,222 records. The agency responsible is Maritime Administration Emergency Coordinator, Frank B. Case.
Federal Emergency Management Agency
* Port Facilities
John Bartyczak
Office of Information Resources Management
Federal Emergency Management Agency
Washington, DC 20472 (202) 646-2829
This category covers oceancy: 1970. Contains 4,746 records. The agency responsible is Fed
* National Communications Systems Key Facilities
John Bartyczak
Office of Information Resources Management
Federal Emergency Management Agency
Washington, DC 20472 (202) 646-2829
This category provides information on key national telecommunication facilities which are critical to the National Communications Systems (NCS) of the Defense Communications Agency (DCA). These data were obtained from the Joint Data System Support Center (JDSSC), to the satisfaction of NCS. Geographic coding is provided at the county level. State, Region, and Metropolitan Statistical Area aggregations and/or retrievals can be obtained. Geographic locations were provided by Joint Data System Support Center (JDSSC) and represent, in general, the center of the smallest rectangle that will enclose the facility. Coordinate accuracy is unknown. Currency: 1980. Contains 2,001 records. Security Classification: SECRET. The agency responsible is NCS Emergency Coordinator, William Belford.
Federal Emergency Management Agency
* National Defense Executive Reserve (NDER) Data Base
John Bartyczak
Office of Information Resources Management
Federal Emergency Management Agency
Washington, DC 20472 (202) 646-2829
This file covers Federal Agency active Executive Reservists including emeritus, applicant, and terminated reservists. Each record contains data on the reservist's birth date, social security number, home and business address, educational level, job skills, and reservist job assignment. Geographical detail is contained in the elements for city, State and zip code. Currency: March 1983. Contains 3,325 records. The agency responsible is FEMA Program Office: NPP.
Federal Emergency Management Agency
* National Emergency Training Center Curriculum File
Alexander O. Atzert
Office of Information Resources Management
Federal Emergency Management Agency
Washington, DC 20472 (301) 926-5376
This data base is designed to be used in conjunction with the Admissions and Registration data base, to verify the course and date of assignment for each student. Course codes, course names, and course starting and ending dates are contained on this file. The data base is updated as courses are developed and the presentation dates are established. Contains 250 records. The agency responsible is FEMA Program Office: NETC.
Federal Emergency Management Agency
* National Facility Survey (NFS) File
Alexander O. Atzert
Office of Information Resources Management
Federal Emergency Management Agency
Washington, DC 20472 (301) 926-5376
The NFS data base contains records of all structures (building) designated as suitable shelter from nuclear effects and/or certain natural disasters, as defined by FEMA. The data base contains number of shelter spaces by PF categories 0-9, population, use code, ownership code, number of building stories, and physical vulnerability code. Data base records contain coordinates (latitude and longitude) in degrees, minutes, and seconds, FIPS State, county and place codes, along with other geo-codes such as MCD and Tract as defined by the Bureau of the Census. The data file is updated monthly. Contains 545,500 records. The agency responsible is FEMA Program Office: SLPS.#
Federal Emergency Management Agency
* National Fire Incident Reporting System (NFIRS)
Alexander O. Atzert
Office of Information Resources Management
Federal Emergency Management Agency
Washington, DC 20472 (301) 926-5376
This data base contains fire incident and casualty data collected from States participating in the NFIRS Program. The system consists of data collected for each year from 1975 through 1985. Number of injuries and deaths, and dollar loss are contained in this file. Fire Department identification records contain State and county code. Fire Incident data contain zip code and Census Tract. Updated on a quarterly basis. Contains approximately 6,000,000 records.
Federal Emergency Management Agency
* National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) Agents Master File
Nathan Ray
Office of Information Resources Management
Federal Emergency Management Agency
Washington, DC 20472 (804) 295-3647
The NFIP Agents Master File contains a record for each licensed Property Casualty Insurance agent who has written a policy for Flood Insurance. The file is used to accumulate and pay commissions to agents and to prepare Form "1099" for the Internal Revenue Service. It is also used to communicate with the agents about the NFIP. Commission earnings data are contained in this file. The file is updated daily by the FIA contractor. Contains approximately 80,000 records. The file is held and maintained by an FIA contractor; currently, Computer Sciences Corporation.
Federal Emergency Management Agency
* National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) Annual Report File
Nathan Ray
Office of Information Resources Management
Federal Emergency Management Agency
Washington, DC 20472 (804) 295-3647
This file contains information for each community in the NFIP list of flood prone communities, including all data gathered in the yearly questionnaire sent to each community by the State and Local Programs and Support Directorate (SLPS). It includes updated data for building permits issued, numbers and types of construction, occurrence of flooding, and changes to population data. The file contains population, structure counts, building permit numbers, and numbers of floods occurring. This file is updated annually. Contains approximately 20,000 records.
Federal Emergency Management Agency
* National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) Claims Master File
Nathan Ray
Office of Information Resources Management
Federal Emergency Management Agency
Washington, DC 20472 (804) 295-3647
The NFIP Claims Master File is a collection of records for claims processed for the NFIP. The file contains information about the type of loss, the date of loss, dollar amounts claimed, status of the claim, and location where the loss occurred. Quantity and amounts of loss from flooding are contained in the file. Data on the file can be organized by county, State, region, and community. The file is updated daily by the FIA contractor. Contains approximately 500,000 records. The file is held and maintained by an FIA contractor; currently, Computer Sciences Corporation.
Federal Emergency Management Agency
* National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) Community File
Nathan Ray
Office of Information Resources Management
Federal Emergency Management Agency
Washington, DC 20472 (804) 295-3647
Two versions of this file contain records about the status of communities nationwide and their relationship to the NFIP. The file contains information about their participation/non-participation in the NFIP, the point of contact in the local community, acceptable rating factors, population, numbers and types of structures, and a variety of geo-coding. A truncated form of the file is used by an FIA contractor to edit insurance policies. The full file is resident of a FEMA Sperry computer and supports the FIA and SLPS for statistical reporting, Congressional reporting and response, budget analysis and preparation, and many analytic and management functions. Financial and statistical data are contained in the file. Data on the file can be related to community, county, State, region, SMSA and water resources. The file should be updated daily; however, the last update information was input in February 1986. Contains approximately 21,000 records.
Federal Emergency Management Agency
* National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) Lenders File
Nathan Ray
Office of Information Resources Management
Federal Emergency Management Agency
Washington, DC 20472 (804) 295-3647
The NFIP Lenders File contains records for each "lending" institution doing business with the NFIP. It contains the name and address of the lending institution and coding to describe the type of lender. Most of the records are for Federal Home Loan Bank Board (FHLBB) members, and Federal Savings and Loan Insurance Corporation (FSLIC) members. The file is updated daily by the FIA contractor. Contains approximately 60,000 records. The file is held and maintained by an FIA contractor; currently, Computer Sciences Corporation.
Federal Emergency Management Agency
* National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) Map Distribution Master File
Nathan Ray
Office of Information Resources Management
Federal Emergency Management Agency
Washington, DC 20472 (804) 295-3647
This file contains records about all maps making up the collection of the NFIP. It contains information for all of the latest versions of each map, dates of the versions, number of copies in the inventory, location in the warehouse, reorder points, numbers and types of panels. This file, along with its history version, traces all current and historical data about all of the Flood Hazard Boundary Maps (FHBM's) and Flood Insurance Rate Maps (FIRM's) produced for the NFIP. Types, numbers, and versions of NFIP maps are contained in this file. The file is updated daily by the FIA contractor. Contains approximately 40,000 records. Data is held and maintained by a FEMA contractor; currently, Computer Sciences Corporation.
Federal Emergency Management Agency
* National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) Policy Master File
Nathan Ray
Office of Information Resources Management
Federal Emergency Management Agency
Washington, DC 20472 (804) 295-3647
The NFIP Policy Master File is a collection of records for Flood Insurance Policies that are currently active. An individual record contains the name of the owner of the property, the location of the property, and all of the supporting detail about the type, amount, and dates of coverage of insurance. Quantity and amounts of insurance by a variety of categories are contained in the file. Data on the file can be related to community, county, State, region, water resource area, Metropolitan Statistical Area, and Congressional district. The file is updated daily by the FIA contractor. Contains approximately 2.5 million records. The file is held and maintained by an FIA contractor; currently, Computer Sciences Corporation.
Federal Emergency Management Agency
* National Government Assigned Space of Federal Agencies and Their Field Offices
John Bartyczak
Office of Information Resources Management
Federal Emergency Management Agency
Washington, DC 20472 (202) 646-2829
This category contains data covering GSA assigned space for Headquarters and Field Offices of Federal Agencies. These data, provided by General Services Administration, reflect space assigned by GSA in Government-owned buildings. Each resource record describes the total occupied space, total office space, total personnel occupying space, and personnel occupying office space for the particular bureau within the Federal Agency. A GSA assigned building number is included for each building. This category also includes some parking areas. This file covers the entire United States plus the outlying areas of Puerto Rico, and the Virgin Islands. Four measure fields are used as follows: (a) total occupied space in hundreds of square feet; (b) total office space in hundreds of square feet; (c) personnel occupying office space; and (d) personnel occupying office space. Geographic coding permits county, State, and Metropolitan Statistical Area aggregation and retrieval. Assigned buildings prior to 1972 have accurate geographic coordinates. Buildings brought into the GSA inventory after 1972 were assigned zip code coordinate approximations. Currency: 1984. Contains 21,382 records. The agency responsible is GSA Emergency Coordinator, Clarence A. Lee, Jr.
Federal Emergency Management Agency
* National Warning System (NAWAS)
Alexander O. Atzert
Office of Information Resources Management
Federal Emergency Management Agency
Washington, DC 20472 (301) 926-5376
This data base is an inventory of the warning points in the National Warning System. Data includes the address of the facility, circuit number and telephone number and other administrative data about the warning point. Population served is contained on the file. Each record contains FEMA Region code, FIPS State code, and zip code. Most records contain coordinates in degrees, minutes, and seconds. Data are updated by regional offices as changes occur. Contains 2,400 records. The agency responsible is FEMA Program Office: OIRM.
Federal Emergency Management Agency
* Natural Gas Pipeline Facilities
John Bartyczak
Office of Information Resources Management
Federal Emergency Management Agency
Washington, DC 20472 (202) 646-2829
This category covers all key land natural gas pipeline transmission facilities operating in 1968, except offshore facilities. Facilities covered include major river crossings, pipeline interconnections, compressor and dispatch stations, and underground storage fields. Six measure fields are provided as follows: (a) compressor station capacity (million cu. ft. per day); (b) compressor horsepower; (c) number of compressor units; (d) interconnection operating pressure (lbs. per sq. in.); (e) max storage daily withdrawal (million cu. ft.); and (f) storage seasonal withdrawal (million cu. ft.). Geographic coding is provided at the county level. State, Region, and Metropolitan Statistical Area aggregations and/or retrievals can be obtained. The geographic location of each facility in degrees, minutes, and seconds was determined by each company. The degree of accuracy, while believed to be high, is actually unknown. Currency: 1968. Contains 5,818 records. The agency responsible is DOE Emergency Coordinator.
Federal Emergency Management Agency
* Natural Gas Pipeline Facilities
John Bartyczak
Office of Information Resources Management
Federal Emergency Management Agency
Washington, DC 2047
* Manufacturing Establishments, Industry Sequence
John Bartyczak
Office of Information Resources Management
Federal Emergency Management Agency
Washington, DC 20472 (202) 646-2829
This file covers all manufacturing establishments included in the 1983 Annual Survey of Manufacturers (ASM) and is sequenced to allow summary analyses at the two-, three-, and four-digit Standard Industrial classification (SIC) level. Input records consist, for the most part, of individually selected establishment statistics records and can be made available only in the case of nuclear attack upon the United States. The 1983 ASM was conducted by the Bureau of the Census using a stratified sample of manufacturing establishments in which all large plants (generally those with 250 or more employees) were included. In order that summaries based on this file may be used for peacetime emergency preparedness studies and exercises while insuring the protection of individual company operations against disclosure, the data fields of each resource record have been "adjusted" through the use of randomly selected multipliers. This "adjusted" file then becomes category MEI. Nine measure fields are provided as follows: (a) net value of shipments in thousands of dollars; (b) value of contract work in thousands of dollars; (c) net value added, adjusted, in thousands of dollars; (d) raw materials inventoried, in thousands of dollars; (e) work in process inventories in thousands of dollars; (f) finished goods inventory, in thousands of dollars; (g) total employment (unscaled); (h) electric energy purchased, in thousands of KWH; and (i) electric energy generated, in thousands of KWH. Geographic coding permits county, State and Metropolitan Statistical Area aggregation and retrieval. Personnel of the Bureau of the Census provided large plant coordinates that are accurate within 100 to 200 yards. For small plants, the coordinate readings are assigned based on zip codes. Of the approximately 15,000 large plants, the Geography Division of the Census Bureau has provided coordinates which should be accurate within 100 or 200 meters for 14,615 manufacturing establishments. Currency: 1983. Contains 50,840 records. The agency responsible is Bureau of Census Data Liaison, Jeanette Stivers.
Federal Emergency Management Agency
* Manufacturing Establishments, Total
John Bartyczak
Office of Information Resources Management
Federal Emergency Management Agency
Washington, DC 20472 (202) 646-2829
This file includes establishments engaged in the mechanical or chemical transformation of materials or substances into new products. These are plants, factories or mills and use power driven machines and materials handling equipment. Establishments engaged in assembling component parts of manufactured products are included if the new product is neither a structure nor other fixed improvement. In order that summaries based on this file may be used for peacetime emergency preparedness studies and exercises while insuring the protection of individual company operations against disclosure, the data fields of each resource record have been "adjusted" through the use of randomly selected multipliers. This "adjusted" file then becomes category MCR. The unadjusted file, category MCU, can be used only in case of actual nuclear attack. The nine measure fields used are: (a) shipments in thousands of dollars; (b) contract work in thousands of dollars; (c) value added in thousands of dollars; (d) materials inventoried in thousands of dollars; (e) work in process in thousands of dollars; (f) finished in thousands of dollars; (g) total employment; (h) electrical energy purchased in 1000 KWH; and (i) electrical energy generated in 1000 KWH. Geographic coding is provided at the county level. State, Region, and Metropolitan Statistical Area aggregations and/or retrievals can be obtained. Currency: 1977. Contains 107,251 records. The agency responsible is Bureau of the Census Data Liaison, Jeanette Stivers.
Federal Emergency Management Agency
* Manufacturing Plant Inventory
John Bartyczak
Office of Information Resources Management
Federal Emergency Management Agency
Washington, DC 20472 (202) 646-2829
This category provides information on the manufacturing plant inventory in the United States. These data include commercially and privately-owned industrial facilities employing at least 100 people. Publicly-owned manufacturing facilities are not included. Three measure fields are provided as follows: (a) number of employees; (b) manufacturing value added (MVA) in hundreds of thousands of dollars; and (c) percent (to nearest hundredth) of total MVA for that product contributed by that plant (relative to these data). Measure field 3 is based on Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) code. Accuracy of geographic coordinates vary: map readings, general estimation based on center of area, analytical judgment and use of US Postal Service zip code file. The coordinates are provided by Joint Data System Support Center (JDSSC). Currency: 1985. Contains 36,235 records. The agency responsible is DOD (JDSSC) Data Liaison, Keith Strickland.
Federal Emergency Management Agency
* Manufacturing Plants, Product Class Shipments
John Bartyczak
Office of Information Resources Management
Federal Emergency Management Agency
Washington, DC 20472 (202) 646-2829
This file provides information on product class shipments for all manufacturing establishments included in the 1983 Annual Survey of Manufacturers (ASM), and is sequenced to allow summary analyses at the five-digit product level. Input records consist for the most part of individual establishment product shipment records and can be made available only in case of actual nuclear attack upon the United States. In order that summaries based on this file may be used for peacetime emergency preparedness studies and exercises while insuring protection of individual company operations against disclosure, the data fields of each resource record have been "adjusted" through the use of randomly selected multipliers. The adjusted file then becomes category MEP. One measure field exists containing net value of shipments in ten thousands of dollars. Geographic coding permits county, State, and Metropolitan Statistical Area aggregation and retrieval. Personnel of the Census Bureau provided large plant coordinates that are accurate within 100 to 200 yards. For small plants, the coordinate readings are assigned based on zip codes. Currency: 1983. Contains 96,587 records. The agency responsible is Bureau of the Census Data Liaison, Jeanette Stivers.
Federal Emergency Management Agency
* Master Reference File (MRF)
Alexander O. Atzert
Office of Information Resources Management
Federal Emergency Management Agency
Washington, DC 20472 (301) 926-5376
This is a series of 57 files that define the 1980 Decennial Census geography: States, counties, minor civil divisions, places, tracts, enumeration districts, and blocks. 1960, 1970, and 1980 Census population, housing, and land area data tabulations. There are statistics for each State, county, MCD, place, tract, enumeration district, and MCD-place-track portion sharing the same Congressional district, district office, urbanized area, ward, Indian reservation sub-area, and type of enumeration area. Currency: 1980. Contains 23,680 records. The agency responsible is Bureau of the Census, Jack George.
Federal Emergency Management Agency
* MCD/Place Code File
Alexander O. Atzert
Office of Information Resources Management
Federal Emergency Management Agency
Washington, DC 20472 (301) 926-5376
This file contains 1970 and 1980 population and housing data for the Minor Civil Division (MCD) codes by FIPS County and State within FEMA Region and Place codes, within State, within Region. The name associated with each code is also present. 1980 and 1970 US Census population and household counts. The file contains the FEMA Region code, the FIPS State and county codes, and the MCD and Place codes as defined by the Bureau of the Census. Geographic coordinates are present for 1980 data. The 1970 data are based on the 1970 MEDLIST file from the Bureau of the Census. The 1980 data was received in August 1982 from Donnelley Marketing Information Services. Names were obtained form the US Census 1980 Master Reference File. Contains 113,872 records.
Federal Emergency Management Agency
* Medical and Dental Laboratories
John Bartyczak
Office of Information Resources Management
Federal Emergency Management Agency
Washington, DC 20472 (202) 646-2829
This file covers establishments primarily engaged in providing professional analytic or diagnostic services to the medical profession or to the patient on prescription of a physician and establishments primarily engaged in making dentures and artificial teeth to order for the dental profession. In order that summaries based on this file may be used for peacetime emergency preparedness studies and exercises while insuring the protection of individual company operations against disclosure, the data fields of each resource record have been "adjusted" through the use of randomly selected multipliers. This "adjusted" file then becomes category RML. The unadjusted file, category SML, can be used only in case of actual nuclear attack. The four measure fields used are: (a) sales/receipts in thousands of dollars; (b) total employment; (c) technicians; and (d) other employees. Geographic coding permits county, State, and Metropolitan Statistical Area aggregation and/or retrieval. Currency: 1982. Contains 5,951 records. The agency responsible is Bureau of Census Data Liaison, Jeanette Stivers.
Federal Emergency Management Agency
* Medical Care Facilities
John Bartyczak
Office of Information Resources Management
Federal Emergency Management Agency
Washington, DC 20472 (202) 646-2829
This file covers American Hospital Association (AHA) long-term and short-term hospitals in the United States, Puerto Rico, Virgin Islands, Guam, and American Samoa. Data were provided by the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) and are based on the 1984 Annual Survey of Hospitals. Data were received in March 1986. Ten measure fields are provided: (a) average number of beds staffed; (b) average daily census; (c) full-time physicians-dentists; (d) med-dental residents and interns (FT); (e) registered nurses (FT); (f) Pract-vocational nurses (FT); (g) total full-time personnel; (h) part-time physicians-dentists; (i) registered nurses (PT); and (j) total part-time personnel. Geographic coordinates for hospital facilities constructed prior to 1962 were determined in most cases to have an accuracy of 100 meters by using large scale maps. Coordinates for new facilities were assigned on the basis of post office zip codes. Geographic coding permits county, State, and Metropolitan Statistical Area aggregation and retrieval. Currency: 1984. Contains 7,104 records. The agency responsible is HHS Emergency Coordinator, John Reardon.
Federal Emergency Management Agency
* Medical Manpower, Selected Options
John Bartyczak
Office of Information Resources Management
Federal Emergency Management Agency
Washington, DC 20472 (202) 646-2829
This category covers 10 medical occupations. Criteria for inclusion were based on importance of occupations for medical care and availability of data. Data were made available under the auspices of the Health and Manpower Division, Government Preparedness Office of the former Office of Emergency Preparedness. The data records contain: (a) physicians; (b) osteopaths; (c) dentists; (d) registered nurses; (e) optometrists; (f) pharmacists; (g) podiatrists; (h) veterinarians; (i) licensed practical nurses; and (j) occupational therapists. Geographic coding is provided at the county level. Region, State, and MSA codes are available for retrieval and aggregation. Currency: 1966 thru 1974. Contains 29,929 records. The agency responsible is HHS Emergency Coordinator, John Reardon.
Federal Emergency Management Agency
* Military Bulk Petroleum Storage Facilities in the United States
John Bartyczak
Office of Information Resources Management
Federal Emergency Management Agency
Washington, DC 20472 (202) 646-2829
This category provides information on the military bulk petroleum storage facilities in the United States. The facilities included in this file are grouped as active or reserve for each military branch and contain petroleum storage capacity. These data were provided by the Joint Data System Support Center (JDSSC). Currency: 1985. Contains 510 records. The agency responsible is JDSSC Data Liaison, William Ellis.
Federal Emergency Management Agency
* Military Hospitals in the United States
John Bartyczak
Office of Information Resources Management
Federal Emergency Management Agency
Washington, DC 20472 (202) 646-2829
This category provides information on military hospitals in the United States. These data were provided by the Joint Data System Support Center (JDSSC). Measure field 1 contains number of beds. Currency: 1985. Contains 165 records. Security Classification: SECRET/ NOFORN/ NOCONTRACT/ For Internal FEMA Use Only. The agency responsible is JDSSC Data Liaison, William Ellis.
Federal Emergency Management Agency
* Mines and Caves for Mobilization Use
John Bartyczak
Office of Information Resources Management
Federal Emergency Management Agency
Washington, DC 20472 (202) 646-2829
This category includes the mines and caves that meet certain characteristics considered necessary to make them usable for mobilization purposes. These characteristics are: (a) cover not less than 50 feet, (b) floor area not less than 25,000 square feet, (c) rooms at least 20 feet wide and 10 feet high, and (d) floor grade not greater than 3 percent. Another characteristic for the inclusion of caves was accessibility. Caves without easily accessible entrances are excluded. The type of mines found to be suitable as groups were gypsum, lead, zinc, limestone, marble, salt, and sandstone. Other individual mines not representative of a group were found to be suitable and were listed. Coal mines were found to be unsuitable because of low and unstable ceilings and the hazards of dust and gas explosions. Three measure fields are used as follows: (a) square feet of floor area in thousands of square feet; (b) number of shaft entrances; and (c) number of drift entrances. Geographic coding is provided at the county level. Currency: 1958. Contains 316 records.
Federal Emergency Management Agency
* Miscellaneous Repair Services
John Bartyczak
Office of Information Resources Management
Federal Emergency Management Agency
Washington, DC 20472 (202) 646-2829
This file covers establishments engaged in miscellaneous repair services and includes radio and television repair shops, refrigeration and air conditioning service and repair shops, electrical and electronic repair shops, welding repair, and armature rewinding shops. In order that summaries based on this file may be used for peacetime emergency preparedness studies and exercises, while insuring the protection of individual company operations against disclosure, the data fields of each resource record have been "adjusted" through the use of randomly selected multipliers. This "adjusted" file then becomes category RSR. The unadjusted file, category SSR, can be used only in the case of actual nuclear attack. The two measure fields used are: (a) sales/receipts in thousands of dollars; and (b) total employment. Geographic coding is provided at the county level and permits State, region and Metropolitan Statistical Area aggregation and/or retrieval. Currency: 1982. Contains 9,262 records. The agency responsible is Bureau of the Census Data Liaison, Jeanette Stivers.
Federal Emergency Management Agency
* Motion Picture Theaters
John Bartyczak
Office of Information Resources Management
Federal Emergency Management Agency
Washington, DC 20472 (202) 646-2829
This file covers commercially operated conventional or "four-wall" theaters primarily engaged in the indoor exhibition of motion pictures. In order that summaries based on this file may be used for peacetime emergency preparedness studies and exercises while insuring the protection of individual company operations against disclosure, the data fields of each resource record have been "adjusted" through the use of randomly selected multipliers. This "adjusted" file then becomes category RSM. The unadjusted file, category SSM, can be used only in the case of actual nuclear attack. Three measure fields are used as follows: (a) sales/receipts in thousands of dollars; (b) total employment; and (c) seating capacity. Geographic coding is provided at the county level and permits State, Region, and Metropolitan Statistical Area aggregation and/or retrieval. Currency: 1977. Contains 6,719 records. The agency responsible is Bureau of the Census Data Liaison, Jeanette Stivers.
Federal Emergency Management Agency
* NASA Research, Development, and Test Facilities
John Bartyczak
Office of Information Resources Management
Federal Emergency Management Agency
Washington, DC 20472 (202) 646-2829
This category provides data on the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Research, Development, and Test Facilities throughout the United States. This category contains detailed information on 22 NASA Field Installations, the Washington Headquarters Building Complex, and Selected NASA Satellite Facilities. These records include data on individual Research, Development, Test, Administration, and Operational Facilities. Facilities are grouped under the appropriate installation and by function. Three measure fields are used as follows: (a) building floor space in tens of square feet; (b) daytime working population; and (c) nighttime working population. Geographic coding permits county, State, and Metropolitan Statistical Area aggregation and retrieval. Currency: 1982. Contains 1,412 records. The agency responsible is NASA Emergency Coordinator.
Federal Emergency Management Agency
* National Center for Health Statistics/Fire Death Data
Alexander O. Atzert
Office of Information Resources Management
Federal Emergency Management Agency
Washington, DC 20472 (301) 926-5376
This data base contains data on all fire related deaths within the United States. This file consists of annual files from 1971 to 1982. File contains detailed information regarding individual fire casualties. All records contain the Standard Metropolitan Statistical Area (SMSA) codes. Annual files from 1971 through 1982 are presently available on this data base. Contains approximately 230,000 records. The agency responsible is National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS); Division of Vital Statistics.
Federal Emergency Management Agency
Federal Emergency Management Agency
* National Center for Health Statistics/Fire Death Data
Alexander O. Atzert
Office of Information Resources Management
Federal Emergency Management Agency
Washington, DC 20472 (3
* Key Railroad Repair Shops
John Bartyczak
Office of Information Resources Management
Federal Emergency Management Agency
Washington, DC 20472 (202) 646-2829
This category covers 171 repair shops vital to railroad operations. The data also includes crane types and capacities. Four measure fields exist for this category as follows: (a) number of buildings; (b) number of cranes; (c) fueling capacity; and (d) number of employees. Geographic detail is obtained through regional codes; FIPS State, county, and MSA codes; and names. Geographic coordinates have been assigned and are considered accurate to within 100 meters. Currency: 1980. Contains 171 records. Security Classification: SECRET. The agency responsible is DOT Emergency Coordinator, Clarence G. Collins, Jr.
Federal Emergency Management Agency
* Lake, River, and Tidewater Coal Docks Storage
John Bartyczak
Office of Information Resources Management
Federal Emergency Management Agency
Washington, DC 20472 (202) 646-2829
This category covers the capacity of lake, river, and tidewater coal docks to handle coal in operation during the year 1970. Storage capacity is in thousands of tons. Measure fields 1 and 2 are not used for lake loading docks. A maximum of three measure fields is provided as follows: (a) storage capacity in thousands of tons; (b) average tons per year in thousands of tons; and (c) tons per hour loading speed in thousands of tons. Geographic coding is provided at the county level. State, Region, and Metropolitan Statistical Area aggregations and/or retrievals can be obtained. Through map work, the location of each facility was determined from river, lake, and port charts and were transposed to geographic maps showing UTM coordinates. Accuracy is believed to be between 100 and 200 meters. Currency: 1970. Contains 84 records. The agency responsible is DOE Emergency Coordinator.
Federal Emergency Management Agency
* Land Acreage by Use and Capability Class
John Bartyczak
Office of Information Resources Management
Federal Emergency Management Agency
Washington, DC 20472 (202) 646-2829
This category contains input data by county showing land acreage of value to agriculture by land capability and land use classes. Data on capability class were obtained from the national inventory of soil and water conservation needs conducted by the US Department of Agriculture (USDA), (Soil Conservation Service) in 1958, cooperating with the land-grant colleges and other Federal, State and local agencies. The inventory is concerned specifically with all rural land which is not under Federal ownership, including privately-owned land, Indian land, and land owned by States, counties, and municipalities. This information when combined with the timber resources review, gives the department basic information about all of the land on which the USDA is authorized to carry on conservation and land use programs. The data file contains: (a) cropland, all capability classes (thousands of acres); (b) pasture, all capability classes (thousands of acres); (c) woodland, all capability classes (thousands of acres); and (d) total, all capability classes (thousands of acres). Geographic coding is provided at the county level. The coordinates represent the approximate center of land within US agricultural counties. The distribution of cropland by either damage class or availability class may be considered as representing the condition of crops grown on such land. Currency: 1969. Contains 3,053 records. The agency responsible is USDA/ASCS Emergency Contact.
Federal Emergency Management Agency
* Local Emergency Operating Centers
John Bartyczak
Office of Information Resources Management
Federal Emergency Management Agency
Washington, DC 20472 (202) 646-2829
This file covers emergency operating centers (EOC's) for each county or county equivalent in all the States, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, and the Virgin Islands. Three measure fields are used as follows: (a) usable space in square feet; (b) staff required; (c) staff assigned; and (d) population served. Geographic coding permits county, State and Metropolitan Statistical Area aggregation and retrieval. Coordinates (latitude and longitude in degrees, minutes, seconds) are verified by plotting. Currency: 1985. Contains 3,171 records. The agency responsible is FEMA Program Office: SLPS, Earl Tildon.
Federal Emergency Management Agency
* Local Employment Security Offices
John Bartyczak
Office of Information Resources Management
Federal Emergency Management Agency
Washington, DC 20472 (202) 646-2829
This category covers the network of local employment security offices. Information was obtained from the Employment and Training Administration of the Department of Labor. In an emergency, these offices become part of the Federal Emergency Manpower Agency. The category includes all local employment security offices in the 50 States, the District of Columbia, Guam, Puerto Rico, and the Virgin Islands. One measure field is used to indicate the number of employees in each office. Geographic coding permits county, State, and Metropolitan Statistical Area aggregation and retrieval. Geographic coordinates were determined through the use of mailing address zip codes. Currency: 1977. Contains 3,240 records. The agency responsible is Department of Labor Emergency Coordinator, William McLaughlin.
Federal Emergency Management Agency
* Local Government Facilities
John Bartyczak
Office of Information Resources Management
Federal Emergency Management Agency
Washington, DC 20472 (202) 646-2829
This category covers county and selected municipality government facilities. For purposes of this file, government activities within counties are assumed to be centered in the County Courthouse; municipal activities are assumed to be located at City Hall. This category covers all county and quasi-county governments in the 50 States plus the District of Columbia and accounts for all government activity--Federal, State, county, and local--within counties. Examples of quasi-county governments included are boroughs in Alaska, parishes in Louisiana, and independent cities in Missouri, Maryland, Virginia, and Nevada. In addition, selected municipalities are covered. In general, the municipality portion of this category is limited to those cities with approximately 500 or more city employees. An exception was made in that previously included municipalities were retained providing their employment exceeded 250 employees. This file contains county and municipality records. Seven measure fields are used as follows: (a) total full-time and part-time Federal employment; (b) total local government full-time equivalent employment; (c) county full-time equivalent employment; (d) State full-time equivalent employment; (e) city full-time equivalent employment; (f) police protection full-time equivalent employment; and (g) fire protection full-time equivalent employment. Geographic coding permits county, State and Metropolitan Statistical Area aggregation and retrieval. Currency: 1972. Contains 3,930 records.
Federal Emergency Management Agency
* Locks, and Lock and Dam Combination
John Bartyczak
Office of Information Resources Management
Federal Emergency Management Agency
Washington, DC 20472 (202) 646-2829
This category covers locks and lock and dam combinations indispensable to major movements of cargo in shallow draft vessels on the inland waterways. These locks and dams control water transportation on all of the important rivers and canals of the inland waterway systems. Deep waterway locks in the Great Lakes and St. Lawrence Seaway System are covered in category TDL. The category will also contain the name of the dam, the name of the waterway, and the owner of the dam. One measure field is provided: number of navigational locks. Geographic detail is obtained through regional codes; FIPS State, county, and MSA codes; and names. Currency: 1984. Contains 329 records. The agency responsible is Corps of Engineers, Emergency Coordinator.
Federal Emergency Management Agency
* Major Air Force Installations in the United States
John Bartyczak
Office of Information Resources Management
Federal Emergency Management Agency
Washington, DC 20472 (202) 646-2829
This category provides information on major Air Force installations in the United States. These data were provided by the Joint Data System Support Center (JDSSC) and include assigned civilian and military personnel. Total assigned civilian and military personnel are included in this file in measure field 1. Currency: 1985. Contains 101 records. Security Classification: SECRET/ NOFORN/ NOCONTRACT/ For Internal FEMA Use Only. The agency responsible is JDSSC Data Liaison, William Ellis.
Federal Emergency Management Agency
* Major Army Installations in the United States
John Bartyczak
Office of Information Resources Management
Federal Emergency Management Agency
Washington, DC 20472 (202) 646-2829
This category provides information on major Army installations in the United States. These data were provided by the Joint Data System Support Center (JDSSC) and include assigned civilian and military personnel. Total assigned civilian and military personnel are included in this file in measure field 1. Currency: 1985. Contains 206 records. Security Classification: SECRET/ NOFORN/ NOCONTRACT/ For Internal FEMA Use Only. The agency responsible is JDSSC Data Liaison, William Ellis.
Federal Emergency Management Agency
* Major Coast Guard Command and Relocation Sites
John Bartyczak
Office of Information Resources Management
Federal Emergency Management Agency
Washington, DC 20472 (202) 646-2829
This file covers major Coast Guard Command and relocation sites. Geographic detail is obtained through Regional Codes; FIPS State, county and Metropolitan Statistical Area Codes; and names. Currency: 1982. Contains 31 records. Security Classification: CONFIDENTIAL. The agency responsible is US Coast Guard Emergency Coordinator.
Federal Emergency Management Agency
* Major Naval Installations in the United States
John Bartyczak
Office of Information Resources Management
Federal Emergency Management Agency
Washington, DC 20472 (202) 646-2829
This category provides information on major Naval installations in the United States. These data were provided by the Joint Data System Support Center (JDSSC) and include assigned civilian and military personnel. Total assigned civilian and military personnel are included in this file in measure field 1. Currency: 1985. Contains 583 records. Security Classification: SECRET/ NOFORN/ NOCONTRACT/ For Internal FEMA Use Only. The agency responsible is JDSSC Data Liaison, William Ellis.
Federal Emergency Management Agency
* Major Postal Facilities
John Bartyczak
Office of Information Resources Management
Federal Emergency Management Agency
Washington, DC 20472 (202) 646-2829
This file of major postal facilities covers all headquarters facilities, management sectional centers, data processing centers, and other facilities over 50,000 square feet used for mail processing. A count is given for each of the following measure fields: (a) employees; (b) floor space in square feet; (c) deliveries; (d) city-delivery vehicles; (f) cargo vehicles; (g) tractors; (h) trailers; (i) docks; (j) bays; and (k) fuel storage capacity in gallons. Geographic coding permits county, State and Postal Service Region aggregation and retrieval. Geographic coordinates were obtained from a zip code geographic coordinate match. Currency: 1983. Contains 603 records. The agency responsible is USPS Emergency Coordinator, Kenneth Fletcher.
Federal Emergency Management Agency
* Manned Civil Aviation Facilities
John Bartyczak
Office of Information Resources Management
Federal Emergency Management Agency
Washington, DC 20472 (202) 646-2829
This category includes data on the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) operated airport traffic control towers, combined facilities, flight service stations, air route traffic control centers, flight inspection district offices, district airport engineers offices, systems maintenance sector offices, and regional offices. In this file, eight measure fields are used as follows: (a) air route traffic control centers; (b) flight service stations; (c) airport traffic control towers; (d) RAPCON or RATCC; (e) regional offices; (f) district airport engineers offices; (g) flight inspection district offices; and (h) system maintenance sector offices. The insertion of the number 1 in the appropriate measure field indicates the type of manned facility at the identified location. Geographic detail is obtained through regional codes; FIPS State, county, and MSA codes; and names. Geographic coordinates have been provided by FAA and are considered accurate to within 500-1,500 meters. Currency: 1982. Contains 1,003 records. The agency responsible is FAA Emergency Coordinator, Jerome Cohen.
Federal Emergency Management Agency
* Manufacturing Defense Oriented Industries
John Bartyczak
Office of Information Resources Management
Federal Emergency Management Agency
Washington, DC 20472 (202) 646-2829
This file covers manufacturing establishments making Defense Oriented shipments, and is sequenced to allow summary analyses at the two-, three-, and four-digit Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) level. Input records consist of individually selected establishment statistics records and can be made available only in the case of nuclear attack upon the United States. In order that summaries based on this file may be used for peacetime emergency preparedness studies and exercises while insuring the protection of individual company operations against disclosure, the data fields of each resource record have been "adjusted" through the use of randomly selected multipliers. This "adjusted" file then becomes category MDE. Four measure fields in thousands of dollars are provided as follows: (a) total shipments; (b) total defense shipments made to Department of Defense (DOD), National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), and Department of Energy (DOE); (c) total non-defense shipments made to Federal agencies; and (d) other shipments, non-Federal. Geographic coding permits county, State, and Metropolitan Statistical Area aggregation and retrieval. Personnel of the Bureau of the Census provided large plant coordinates that are accurate within 100 to 200 yards. For small plants, the coordinate readings are assigned based on zip codes. Currency: 1983. Contains 3,847 records. The agency responsible is Census Bureau Data Liaison, Jeanette Stivers.
Federal Emergency Management Agency
* Manufacturing Establishments - EIS Data
John Bartyczak
Office of Information Resources Management
Federal Emergency Management Agency
Washington, DC 20472 (202) 646-2829
This file covers all manufacturing plants employing at least 20 employees as determined by Economic Information Systems (EIS) Incorporated. Various unclassified government and non-government sources were utilized to build this file on manufacturing plants. The file is sequenced to allow for summary analysis for all manufacturing on the two-, three-, and four-digit Standard Industrial Classification code at the national level. The data records contain: (a) number of employees at the plant; (b) annual level of sales in hundred thousands of dollars; and (c) percent of national sales for the 4-digit SIC level. All coordinate readings are assigned on the basis of zip codes. Currency: 1982. Contains 141,187 records.
Federal Emergency Management Agency
* Manufacturing Establishments, Energy Requirements
John Bartyczak
Office of Information Resources Management
Federal Emergency Management Agency
Washington, DC 20472 (202) 646-2829
This file covers fuel consumption for manufacturing establishments. Data are from the 1981 Annual Survey of Manufacturers (ASM). Input records consist, for the most part, of individual selected establishment records and can be made available only in case of nuclear attack upon the United States. In order that summaries based on this file may be used for peacetime emergency preparedness studies and exercises, while insuring the protection of each resource record, the data fields have been "adjusted." The "adjusted" file then becomes category MPE. The 1981 ASM was conducted by the Bureau of the Census using a stratified sample of manufacturing establishments in which all large plants were included. The data records contain: (a) coal consumption; (b) coke consumption; (c) fuel oil consumption (distillate); (d) fuel oil consumption (residual); (e) natural gas consumption; (f) liquid petroleum; and (g) other costs. Large plant locations were determined in terms of latitude and longitude by personnel of the Bureau of the Census. Small plant coordinates are based on zip codes. Currency: 1981. Contains 32,562 records. The agency responsible is Bureau of the Census Data Liaison, Jeanette Stivers.
Federal Emergency Management Agency
* Manufacturing Establishments, Energy Requirements
John Bartyczak
Office of Information Resources Management
Federal Emeron of services is planned with State and local agencies which provide services and support to the target population; (6) appropriateness of the plan to continue support for the initiative after the expiration of Federal support; and (7) adequacy and appropriateness of the budget.
APPLICANTS: State (includes District of Columbia, public institutions of higher education and hospitals) - Health/Medical; State (includes District of Columbia, public institutions of higher education and hospitals) - Income Securtropolitan Statistical Area aggregation and/or retrieval. CJX
* Feed Mills
John Bartyczak
Office of Information Resources Management
Federal Emergency Management Agency
Washington, DC 20472 (202) 646-2829
This category contains information on feed mill facilities located throughout the United States. Data were obtained from facility files processed and maintained by the Department of Agriculture (USDA), Kansas City Data Processing Center (KCDPC). Required changes to these files are prepared by USDA county emergency boards and submitted periodically through State boards to KCDPC. Additional changes are prepared as needed by USDA Headquarters commodity specialists and forwarded to KCDPC through the appropriate State board. The major role of the State emergency board is to consolidate reporting to KCDPC and eliminate duplicate reports. Measure field 1 contains total primary capacity expressed in tons and is supplied from knowledge of ASCS office personnel or obtained from the local manager for each facility. Geographic coding is provided at the county level. Region, State and Metropolitan Statistical Area aggregations and/or retrievals can be obtained. Facility coordinates were determined on the basis of post office zip codes. Currency: 1985. Contains 5,679 records. The agency responsible is USDA/ASCS Emergency Contact.
Federal Emergency Management Agency
* FEMA Mail and Distribution File
Alexander O. Atzert
Office of Information Resources Management
Federal Emergency Management Agency
Washington, DC 20472 (301) 926-5376
The Mail and Distribution system consists of a file containing addresses for FEMA external affairs mailings. Records may be accessed by a list number. There are files which contain distribution tracking information and civil defense request information. There is also a media file which contains addresses of newspapers and other periodicals; AM, FM, and TV stations. A retrieval capability based on the medium's impacted counties also exists. Each record contains a mailing address. City, Post Office, State abbreviation, and zip code are mandatory for a record to be entered into the system. The files are continuously updated.
Federal Emergency Management Agency
* Fertilizer Facilities
John Bartyczak
Office of Information Resources Management
Federal Emergency Management Agency
Washington, DC 20472 (202) 646-2829
This file contains production capacity data and storage capacity data on all major fertilizer facilities in the United States as of September 30, 1985. Three measure fields provide (a) major producer's capacity in thousands of tons; (b) mixers/blenders capacity in tons; and (c) interim storage capacity in tons. Geographic coding is provided at the county level. Region, State and Metropolitan Statistical Area aggregations and/or retrievals can be obtained. Currency: 1985. Contains 21,232 records. The agency responsible is USDA/ASCS Emergency Contact.
Federal Emergency Management Agency
* Food Processing, Storage and Distribution Facilities
John Bartyczak
Office of Information Resources Management
Federal Emergency Management Agency
Washington, DC 20472 (202) 646-2829
This category contains information on food processing, storage, and distribution facilities located throughout the United States. Data were obtained from facility files processed and maintained by the Department of Agriculture (USDA), Kansas City Data Processing Center (KCDPC). Required changes to these files are prepared by USDA county emergency boards and submitted periodically through State boards to KCDPC. Additional changes are prepared as needed by USDA headquarters commodity specialists and forwarded to KCDPC through the appropriate State board. The major role of the State emergency board is to consolidate reporting to KCDPC and eliminate duplicate reports. This category covers 57 food activities which include 43 Standard Industrial Classification industries that are of "more than local importance." A facility is defined as of "more than local importance" if it operates in more than one county within a State or deals in interstate commerce. For each food processing, storage, and distribution facility, capacities are provided which measure primary, secondary, and tertiary food facility functions. Special attention is required when summarizing secondary and tertiary facility activities. Geographic coding is provided at the county level. State, region, and Metropolitan Statistical Area aggregations and/or retrievals can be obtained. Geographic coordinates based on mailing address zip codes are also provided. Currency: 1985. Contains 22,345 records. The agency responsible is USDA/ASCS Emergency Contact.
Federal Emergency Management Agency
* Geographic Base File (GBF) 1980
Alexander O. Atzert
Office of Information Resources Management
Federal Emergency Management Agency
Washington, DC 20472 (301) 926-5376
The GBF files, otherwise known as Dual Independent Map Encoding (DIME) files, are data networks developed by the Bureau of the Census, to describe the individual street networks of 323 Metropolitan Statistical Areas (MSA's). The geographic elements in the file are: address range, Census Tract, zip code area, place code, State code, county code, MCD, ED/BG code, MSA, and Block Number. The files reflect the MSA street networks "as of" 1980. The agency responsible is Bureau of the Census, Data User Service Division.
Federal Emergency Management Agency
* Grain Storage Facilities
John Bartyczak
Office of Information Resources Management
Federal Emergency Management Agency
Washington, DC 20472 (202) 646-2829
This category contains information on both Uniform Grain Storage Agreement (UGSA) and non-UGSA storage capacity in the United States. Data were obtained from UGSA files and supplemented by State USDA (Department of Agriculture) agricultural statisticians. Changes are prepared by USDA county emergency boards and submitted periodically through their State boards to the Kansas City Data Processing Center (KCDPC). The data file contains: (a) UGSA storage capacity; (b) Non-UGSA storage capacity; and (c) total storage capacity. The unit of measure for grains is thousands of bushels. Geographic coding is provided at the county level. State, region, and Metropolitan Statistical Area aggregations and/or retrievals can be obtained. Geographic coordinates based on mailing address zip codes are also provided. Currency: 1985. Contains 9,273 records. The agency responsible is USDA/ASCS Emergency Contact.
Federal Emergency Management Agency
* Health Support Facilities
John Bartyczak
Office of Information Resources Management
Federal Emergency Management Agency
Washington, DC 20472 (202) 646-2829
This file covers establishments primarily engaged in furnishing medical, surgical, and other health service to persons and includes Skilled Nursing Care Facilities, Nursing and Personal Care Facilities, Outpatient Care Facilities, and Health and Allied Services. In order that summaries based on this file may be used for peacetime emergency preparedness studies and exercises while insuring the protection of individual health care facilities against disclosure, the data fields of each resource record have been "adjusted" through the use of randomly selected multipliers. This "adjusted" file then becomes category RHH. The unadjusted file, category SHH, can be used only in case of actual nuclear attack. Quantitative Data includes: (a) sales/receipts in thousands of dollars and (b) total employment. Geographic coding permits county, State, and Metropolitan Statistical Area aggregation and/or retrieval. Currency: 1982. Contains 14,706 records. The agency responsible is Bureau of Census Data Liaison, Jeannette Stivers.
Federal Emergency Management Agency
* Health Practitioner Offices
John Bartyczak
Office of Information Resources Management
Federal Emergency Management Agency
Washington, DC 20472 (202) 646-2829
This file covers establishments primarily engaged in furnishing medical, surgical, and other health services to persons and includes offices of physicians, osteopathic physicians, chiropractors, optometrists, and other health practitioners. In order that summaries based on this file may be used for peacetime emergency preparedness studies and exercises while insuring the protection of individual health practitioner offices against disclosure, the data fields of each resource record have been "adjusted" through the use of randomly selected multipliers. This "adjusted" file then becomes category RSH. The unadjusted file, category SSH, can be used only in case of actual nuclear attack. The nine measure fields used are: (a) sales/receipts in thousands of dollars; (b) employment; (c) associate physicians; (d) nurse practitioners; (e) physicians assistants; (f) other physician extenders; (g) registered nurses; (h) practical nurses; and (i) all other employees. Geographic coding is provided at the county level. State, Region, and Metropolitan Statistical Area aggregations and/or retrievals can be obtained. Currency: 1977. Contains 79,173 records. The agency responsible is Bureau of Census Data Liaison, Jeanette Stivers.
Federal Emergency Management Agency
* Hotels and Other Lodging Places
John Bartyczak
Office of Information Resources Management
Federal Emergency Management Agency
Washington, DC 20472 (202) 646-2829
This file covers commercial establishments engaged in furnishing lodging or lodging and meals on a fee basis and includes hotels, motels and tourist courts as well as rooming and boarding houses. In order that summaries based on this file may be used for peacetime emergency preparedness studies and exercises while insuring the protection of individual company operations against disclosure, the data fields of each resource record have been "adjusted" through the use of randomly selected multipliers. This "adjusted" file then becomes category RSL. The unadjusted file, category SSL, can be used only in the case of actual nuclear attack. Three measure fields are used as follows: (a) sales/receipts in thousands of dollars; (b) total employment; and (c) number of rooms. Geographic coding is provided at the county level. State, Region, and Metropolitan Statistical Area aggregations and/or retrieval can be obtained. Currency: 1982. Contains 24,774 records. The agency responsible is Bureau of the Census Data Liaison, Jeanette Stivers.
Federal Emergency Management Agency
* Hydroelectric Dams
John Bartyczak
Office of Information Resources Management
Federal Emergency Management Agency
Washington, DC 20472 (202) 646-2829
This category includes data collected by the US Army Corps of Engineers for dams having hydroelectric capabilities and a hydroelectric power generating capacity of 50 megawatts or greater. A typical resource element will contain such data as the name of the dam, the city located downstream from the dam, the power capability, and dam location information. Two measure fields are provided as follows: (a) power capacity in tenths of megawatts and (b) percentage of national capacity in hundredths. Geographic locations were provided along with the data and are believed to be accurate between 100-200 meters. Currency: 1984. Contains 506 records. The agency responsible is DOE Emergency Coordinator.
Federal Emergency Management Agency
* Inland Waterways, Terminals and Vessels
John Bartyczak
Office of Information Resources Management
Federal Emergency Management Agency
Washington, DC 20472 (202) 646-2829
This category covers vessels, equipment, and certain terminal facilities utilized by inland, coastal, and intercoastal water carriers engaged in interstate commerce. Terminals are divided into bulk liquid and dry cargo covering 17 waterways. Vessel information is based upon presumption of 50 percent of such equipment being enroute to or from the selected terminals. Alongside berthing space at deep water ports having water depth in excess of 19 feet has not been included, as such space is considered available to water carriers. Five measure fields exist for this category as follows: (a) linear feet of alongside berthing; (b) petroleum tank storage capacity in thousands of barrels; (c) number of tugs normally at terminals; (d) number of self-propelled vessels; and (e) number of barges in port. Geographic detail is obtained through regional codes; FIPS State, county, and MSA codes; and names. Geographic coordinates have been provided and are considered accurate to within 200-500 meters. Currency: 1966. Contains 528 records. The agency responsible is Interstate Commerce Commission Emergency Coordinator.
Federal Emergency Management Agency
* IMPLAN (An Input/Output System for Forest Service Planning) Data Base
Don Moore
Office of Information Resources Management
Federal Emergency Management Agency
Washington, DC 20472 (202) 646-2900
The IMPLAN data base consists of: (a) a National level technology matrix and, (b) Estimates of sectoral activity for final demand, final payments, gross output, and employment to each county in the US. The matrix data are expressed as coefficients. Other data are in current and constant dollar units. National, State, and county level data. Currency: 1977.
Federal Emergency Management Agency
* Key Railroad Bridges and Tunnels
John Bartyczak
Office of Information Resources Management
Federal Emergency Management Agency
Washington, DC 20472 (202) 646-2829
This category covers 576 bridges and 128 tunnels considered vital to railroad operations. Data are also included on the Federal Railway Administration (FRA) track class, place car indicators, passing indicators for a 263,000 pound, 4-axle car, and lading indicator. Nine measure fields exist for this category as follows: (a) number of daily freight cars, (b) number of passenger cars; (c) gross tons crossing per year; (d) length between abutments in feet; (e) number of tracks; (f) number of main spans; (g) length of longest span in feet; (h) maximum vertical clearance in feet; and (i) maximum horizontal clearance in feet. Geographic detail is obtained through regional codes; FIPS State, county, and MSA codes; and names. Geographic coordinates have been assigned and are considered accurate to within 100 meters. Currency: 1980. Contains 704 records. Security Classification: SECRET. The agency responsible is DOT Emergency Coordinator, Clarence G. Collins, Jr.
Federal Emergency Management Agency
* Key Railroad Classification Yards
John Bartyczak
Office of Information Resources Management
Federal Emergency Management Agency
Washington, DC 20472 (202) 646-2829
This category covers railroad classification yards considered vital to railroad operations. Coverage includes data on yard types, disruptive effects, and replacement time required to make the facility operational after disruption. Nine measure fields exist for this category as follows: (a) storage capacity in gallons; (b) maximum number of cars classified; (c) average number of cars classified; (d) maximum number of cars in yard; (e) maximum number of locomotives; (f) average number of locomotives; (g) maximum number of engine tracks; (h) average number of engine tracks; and (i) fueling capacity in hundreds of gallons. Geographic detail is obtained through regional codes; FIPS State, county, and MSA codes; and names. Geographic coordinates have been assigned and are considered accurate to within 100 meters. Currency: 1980. Contains 359 records. Security Classification: SECRET. The agency responsible is DOT Emergency Coordinator, Clarence G. Collins, Jr.
Federal Emergency Management Agency
* Key Railroad Computers, Centralized Train Control Facilities, and General Management Offices
John Bartyczak
Office of Information Resources Management
Federal Emergency Management Agency
Washington, DC 20472 (202) 646-2829
This category covers facilities considered critical to railroad operation. These vital areas include 16 computer facilities, 103 centralized train controls, and 74 management facilities. Coverage includes data on disruptive effects and replacement time required to make the facility operational after disruption. Two measure fields exist for this category as follows: (a) roadway miles controlled; and (b) track miles controlled. Geographic detail is obtained through regional codes; FIPS State, county, and MSA codes; and names. Currency: 1980. Contains 193 records. Security Classification: SECRET. The agency responsible is DOT Emergency Coordinator, Clarence G. Collins, Jr.
Federal Emergency Management Agency
* Key Railroad Interfaces and Interlockings
John Bartyczak
Office of Information Resources Management
Federal Emergency Management Agency
Washington, DC 20472 (202) 646-2829
This category covers 58 interfaces and 22 interlockings vital to railroad operation. Coverage also includes data on disruptive effects and replacement time required to make the facility operational after disruption. One measure field exists for interlockings: number of trains per day. Geographic detail is obtained through regional codes: FIPS State, county, and MSA codes; and names. Currency: 1980. Contains 80 records. Security Classification: SECRET. The agency responsible is DOT Emergency Coordinator, Clarence G. Collins, Jr.
Federal Emergency Management Agency
Federal Emergency Management Agency
oyees at the plant; (b) annual level of sales in hundred thousands of dollars; and (c) percent of national sales for the 4-digit SIC level. All coordinate readings are assigned on the basis of zip codes. Currency: 1982. Contains 141,187 records.
* Electric Power Generating Stations
John Bartyczak
Office of Information Resources Management
Federal Emergency Management Agency
Washington, DC 20472 (202) 646-2829
This data file covers electric power generating stations with 25 megawatts or greater installed generating capacity. Included are stations owned by electric utility companies, governmental agencies, and industrial companies. Approximately 90 to 95 percent of the total US generating capacity as of December 30, 1975 is accounted for in this data base. Measure fields are provided as follows: (a) installed nameplate generator capacity and (b) thru (g) partial capacities if limited to single alternate fuels for each electric generating facility. Geographic codes at the county level are provided. State, Region, and Metropolitan Statistical Area codes are available for retrieval and aggregation. Geographic coordinates were provided as part of data collection and should be accurate to 100 meters. Currency: December 30, 1975. The last data collection effort was done through the Federal power Commission which is now part of the Department of Energy (DOE). FEMA is attempting to get the DOE to provide an update on an annual basis. Contains 1,339 records. The agency responsible is DOE Emergency Coordinator.
Federal Emergency Management Agency
* Emergency Broadcast System (EBS) Stations
Alexander O. Atzert
Office of Information Resources Management
Federal Emergency Management Agency
Washington, DC 20472 (301) 926-5376
This file contains all broadcasting stations that have been contacted to participate in the Broadcast Station Protection Program. These stations are to be used as communication links to the population in case of nuclear attack and national and local emergencies. Some of the critical quantitative data are funding, authorized power, antenna height, population coverage, frequency, transmitter power, protection factor (PF), equipment types, operating hours, and station identification. Data records contain FIPS State and county codes, coordinates (Latitude, Longitude), and building address. The file may be updated on a daily basis by remote terminal access from the various FEMA Regions. Contains 800 records. The agency responsible is FEMA Program Office: SLPS.
Federal Emergency Management Agency
* Emergency Industrial Capacity by Input/Output Industry
Don Moore
Office of Information Resources Management
Federal Emergency Management Agency
Washington, DC 20472 (202) 646-2900
The data are estimates of annual capacity for each of 59 Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA) Mining, Manufacturing and Utility Industry Sectors for years 1958-1974, measured in millions of constant 1972 dollars. There are separate data sets for each of three Concepts of Capacity: Maximum, Peak Normal, and Economically Efficient. Data are in millions of constant 1972 dollars by year by I/O sector for the three capacity concepts. All data are at the National level. Annual time series estimates for years 1958-1974. There is no established time cycle for updating.
Federal Emergency Management Agency
* Emergency Management Assistance
Alexander O. Atzert
Office of Information Resources Management
Federal Emergency Management Agency
Washington, DC 20472 (301) 926-5376
This data base consists of a record for each Civil Preparedness agency that has received funds through the Emergency Management Assistance Program. A breakdown of the funds by full time, part time, travel, etc., is contained in the data for each fiscal year. Money obligated for each State and local for emergency management assistance (travel, personnel, administrative expenses) and man hours (paid, volunteer) are contained in this file. Each record contains the Fema Region code, FIPS State code, and Bureau of the Census MCD and Place codes where applicable. The data base is updated annually. Contains 2,300 records. The agency responsible is FEMA Program Office: SLPS.
Federal Emergency Management Agency
* Emergency Operating Centers (EOC's) File
Alexander O. Atzert
Office of Information Resources Management
Federal Emergency Management Agency
Washington, DC 20472 (301) 926-5376
This data base is an inventory of State and local EOC's as reported by local, State, and regional offices. Data include geographic identification, funding, and capabilities such as emergency generator, fuel, PSI, PF, communications, personnel, etc. Funding (requested & obligated) for 7 fiscal years, personnel, square feet, and population coverage are contained in this file. Each record contains coordinates (latitude and longitude in degrees, minutes, seconds), FIPS State and county codes, and Bureau of the Census MCD and Place codes where applicable. Data are updated approximately semi-annually by FEMA Regional and State offices. Contains 3,500 records. The agency responsible is FEMA Program office: SLPS.
Federal Emergency Management Agency
* Fallout Shelter Analysts (FSA) File
Alexander O. Atzert
Office of Information Resources Management
Federal Emergency Management Agency
Washington, DC 20472 (301) 926-5376
This data base consists of the names, addresses, and administrative data for all architects and engineers who have successfully completed the FEMA Fallout Shelter Analysis course. The FIPS State code is contained in each data record. This data base is updated as changes occur. Contains 23,000 records. The agency responsible is FEMA Program Office: SLPS.
Federal Emergency Management Agency
* Farm Fuel Users and Expenses
John Bartyczak
Office of Information Resources Management
Federal Emergency Management Agency
Washington, DC 20472 (202) 646-2829
This category covers 1978 county farms using selected fuels and the expense incurred for these fuels in 1978. All counties having 10 or more farms are included. Data may not appear for reasons of disclosure, availability or applicability. Data were not included for farms not on Census mailing lists or farms aggregated into pseudo counties. The data file contains 10 measure fields: (a) gasoline users; (b) gasoline expense in thousands of dollars; (c) diesel fuel users; (d) diesel fuel expense in thousands of dollars; (e) LP gas, butane, and propane users; (f) LP gas, butane and propane expense in thousands of dollars; (g) natural gas users; (h) natural gas expense in thousands of dollars; (i) electricity users; and (j) electricity expense in thousands of dollars. Geographic coding is provided at county level. The coordinates represent the approximate center of the Agriculture land in each US county. City names are shown as some point of reference and not necessarily as the county center. Currency: 1978. Contains 3,074 records. The agency responsible is USDA/ASCS Emergency Contact.
Federal Emergency Management Agency
* Farm Laborer Statistics
John Bartyczak
Office of Information Resources Management
Federal Emergency Management Agency
Washington, DC 20472 (202) 646-2829
This category covers 1978 county farm laborers for all counties having 10 or more farms. Data may not appear for reasons of disclosure, availability or applicability. Data were not included for farms not on Census mailing lists or farms aggregated into pseudo counties. The data file contains 10 measure fields; (a) farms with 1 laborer; (b) laborers on 1-laborer farms; (c) farms with 2 laborers; (d) laborers on 2-laborer farms; (e) farms with 3-4 laborers; (f) laborers on 3-4 laborer farms; (g) farms with 5-9 laborers; (h) laborers on 5-9 laborer farms; (i) farms with 10 or more laborers; and (j) laborers on 10 or more laborer farms. Geographic coding is provided at county level. The coordinates represent the approximate center of the agricultural land in each US county. City names are shown as some point of reference and not necessarily as the county center. Currency: 1978. Contains 3,074 records. The agency responsible is USDA/ASCS Emergency Contact.
Federal Emergency Management Agency
* Federal Field Office Emergency Operating Centers
John Bartyczak
Office of Information Resources Management
Federal Emergency Management Agency
Washington, DC 20472 (202) 646-2829
This file covers Emergency Operating Centers (EOC's) of the more important Federal field offices. Data were obtained from a 1972 survey of Federal Agencies with important emergency preparedness functions. Geographic coding permits county, State, and Metropolitan Statistical area aggregation and retrieval. Currency: 1972. Contains 1,156 records. Security Classification: SECRET. The agency responsible is FEMA Program Office: OP-PO.
Federal Emergency Management Agency
* Federal Government Headquarters and Their EOF's
John Bartyczak
Office of Information Resources Management
Federal Emergency Management Agency
Washington, DC 20472 (202) 646-2829
This category covers national headquarters of Federal Government agencies and their emergency operating facilities. Coverage is limited to facilities associated with national headquarters offices. Geographic coding permits county, State, and Metropolitan Statistical Area aggregation and retrieval. Currency: 1982. Contains 199 records. Security Classification: TOP SECRET. The agency responsible is FEMA Program Office: OP-FM-AD, Barbara Powell.
Federal Emergency Management Agency
* Federal Information Processing Standards (FIPS) No. 55
Alexander O. Atzert
Office of Information Resources Management
Federal Emergency Management Agency
Washington, DC 20472 (301) 926-5376
The Federal Information Processing Standards (FIPS) are developed by the National Bureau of Standards. The data base is an automated version of FIPS Publication No. 55 and is made available online to provide a source for any data system that requires verification and/or use of the standard FIPS place codes. The file contains State codes, place codes, county names, zip codes, etc., for FIPS places in the US and territories. State, county, and zip codes are contained in the data records. The file was developed in 1981. Corrections and changes are made as required. Contains 156,574 records. The agency responsible is National Bureau of Standards.
Federal Emergency Management Agency
* Federal Irrigation Dams
John Bartyczak
Office of Information Resources Management
Federal Emergency Management Agency
Washington, DC 20472 (202) 646-2829
The resource elements of the input for this category include data collected by the US Army Corps of Engineers for all large dams in the Nation. A typical resource element will contain such data as the name of the dam, the normal and maximum storage capacity, the nearest downstream city population, and dam location information. Three measure fields are provided as follows: (a) maximum storage in acrefeet; (b) normal storage in acrefeet; and (c) population of nearest downstream city. Currency: 1984. Contains 488 records. The agency responsible is Corps of Engineers, Emergency Coordinator.
Federal Emergency Management Agency
* Federal Radiological Monitoring Stations
John Bartyczak
Office of Information Resources Management
Federal Emergency Management Agency
Washington, DC 20472 (202) 646-2829
This category contains Federal Radiological Monitoring Stations. One station is given for each county and independent city. Each station location has been placed at the city of county geographical center. Most locations will contain a risk code and an operational site number. One measure field is used to provide the 1975 population in tens. Geographic coding permits county, State and Metropolitan Statistical Area aggregation and retrieval. All records have county centroid coordinates. Where entered, exact station coordinates are available. Currency: 1981. Contains 3,139 records.
Federal Emergency Management Agency
* Federal Regional Centers
John Bartyczak
Office of Information Resources Management
Federal Emergency Management Agency
Washington, DC 20472 (202) 646-2829
This category covers Federal Regional Centers and the Federal Emergency Management Agency Regional Offices. Geographic coding is provided at the county level. State, Region, and Metropolitan Statistical Area aggregations and/or retrievals can be obtained. Currency: 1985. Contains 17 records.
Federal Emergency Management Agency
* Federal Reserve System
John Bartyczak
Office of Information Resources Management
Federal Emergency Management Agency
Washington, DC 20472 (202) 646-2829
This category covers the Federal Reserve System, including the 12 Federal Reserve Banks, the 24 Federal Reserve Branches, the Federal Reserve Bank relocation sites, and the emergency agent commercial banks in each Federal Reserve District. Geographic coding permits county, State, and MSA aggregation and retrieval. Currency: 1974. Contains 864 records. The agency responsible is FRB Emergency Coordinator, Kenneth Balge.
Federal Emergency Management Agency
* Federal Telecommunications System (FTS) Switching Centers (Nationwide)
John Bartyczak
Office of Information Resources Management
Federal Emergency Management Agency
Washington, DC 20472 (202) 646-2829
This file contains data on backbone switches and circuits of the Federal Telecommunications System (FTS) switching centers. Three measure fields provide (a) total trunks installed; (b) ECCS - Economic Hundred Call Seconds blocking factor in hundreds; and (c) circuit length in miles. Geographic coding is provided at the county level. Region, State, and Metropolitan Statistical Area aggregations and/or retrievals can be obtained. Currency: January 1, 1986. Contains 783 records. The agency responsible is GSA Emergency Coordinator.
Federal Emergency Management Agency
* Federal Telecommunications System (FTS) Switching Centers (Nationwide)
John Bartyczak
Offi Emergency Coordinator, Clarence G. Collins, Jr.
Federal Emergency b
* Disaster Management Information System (DMIS) Automated Disaster Reporting System (ADRS) File
Alexander O. Atzert
Office of Information Resources Management
Federal Emergency Management Agency
Washington, DC 20472 (301) 926-5376
The Automated Disaster Reporting System (ADRS) data base contains totals of Disaster Field Office activities, including summary data of all individual and public assistance provided by FEMA and other government agencies during declared disasters. This file is updated when changes occur, usually daily. Contains 28,000 records. The agency responsible is FEMA Program Office: SLPS (DAP).
Federal Emergency Management Agency
* Disaster Management Information System (DMIS) Counties File
Alexander O. Atzert
Office of Information Resources Management
Federal Emergency Management Agency
Washington, DC 20472 (301) 926-5376
This file contains records identifying counties that are eligible for disaster relief based on declared disasters. Data includes type of assistance, dates, and other declaration data. Each detail record contains FEMA Region code, FIPS State and county codes, Congressional District code, and GSA Place code. This file is updated daily. Contains 8,400 records. The agency responsible is FEMA Program Office: SLPS (DAP).
Federal Emergency Management Agency
* Disaster Management Information System (DMIS) Damage Survey Report (DSR) File
Alexander O. Atzert
Office of Information Resources Management
Federal Emergency Management Agency
Washington, DC 20472 (301) 926-5376
This file contains the Damage Survey Report (DSR) records for the Public Assistance data. Dollar amounts, date scheduled, work description and other data pertaining to individual work assignments are part of the DSR record. Dollar cost data for work orders is contained in each record. Each detail record contains FEMA Region and FIPS State code. This file is updated daily. Contains 160,000 records. The agency responsible is FEMA Program Office : SLPS (DAP).
Federal Emergency Management Agency
* Disaster Management Information System (DMIS) Damage Survey Report (DSR) Master File
Alexander O. Atzert
Office of Information Resources Management
Federal Emergency Management Agency
Washington, DC 20472 (301) 926-5376
This data file contains every Damage Survey Report (DSR) number used in the DMIS system. It is used to validate DSR numbers, prevent duplication and provide cross-reference between identification number and DSR number. Quantitative Data includes costs, units, etc. Data on the file can be related to contract number, FEMA Region, and FIPS State. This file is updated daily. Contains 141,000 records. The agency responsible is FEMA Program Office: SLPS (DAP).
Federal Emergency Management Agency
* Disaster Management Information System (DMIS) Disaster Field Office/Disaster Assistance Center (DFO/DAC) File
Alexander O. Atzert
Office of Information Resources Management
Federal Emergency Management Agency
Washington, DC 20472 (301) 926-5376
This data file contains all information pertaining to the locations, managers and dates of Disaster Field Offices and Disaster Assistance Centers that are established during declared disasters. The records are also used to store the applicant registration numbers that are used for registration. Geographic detail is FEMA Disaster number, FIPS State and county codes. The file is updated when disasters are declared. The agency responsible is FEMA Program Office: SLPS (DAP).
Federal Emergency Management Agency
* Disaster Management Information System (DMIS) Disbursements File
Alexander O. Atzert
Office of Information Resources Management
Federal Emergency Management Agency
Washington, DC 20472 (301) 926-5376
This file contains the data for all disbursed funds. A breakdown of the type of payment, dollar values, payee, Damage Survey Report (DSR) number, pertinent dates, and final disposition are included in the data. The file contains data on funds: advanced, Federal share, State share, suspended, recouped, saved, liquidated, and paid. Each detail record contains FEMA Region code, and FIPS State and county codes. This file is updated daily. Contains 190,000 records. The agency responsible is FEMA Program Office: SLPS (DAP).
Federal Emergency Management Agency
* Disaster Management Information System (DMIS) Duplication of Benefits (DOB) File
Alexander O. Atzert
Office of Information Resources Management
Federal Emergency Management Agency
Washington, DC 20472 (301) 926-5376
This data file contains the names, addresses and other information pertinent to applicants for Federal Assistance for declared disasters in which the Duplication of Benefits System was used. Included in the data are the types and amounts of assistance received (American Red Cross, Individual and Family Grants, Temporary Housing, Small Business Administration, etc.). Quantitative Data is assistance provided in dollars. Geographic detail is FIPS State, county and place codes. This file is updated daily during declared disasters in which the DOB system is used. The agency responsible is FEMA Program Office: SLPS (DAP).
Federal Emergency Management Agency
* Disaster Management Information System (DMIS) Federal Information Processing Standards (FIPS) File
Alexander O. Atzert
Office of Information Resources Management
Federal Emergency Management Agency
Washington, DC 20472 (301) 926-5376
This data file is an expanded Federal Information Processing Standards (FIPS) Place file containing the data published in FIPS Publication No. 55 as well as special districts for Public Assistance and place entries not yet recorded in the normal FIPS file. Geographic Detail includes FIPS State, county and place codes. This file is updated as changes occur and is referenced daily by DAP users. Contains 160,000 records. The agency responsible is FEMA Program Office: SLPS (DAP).
Federal Emergency Management Agency
* Disaster Management Information System (DMIS) Individual and Family Grants (IFG) File
Alexander O. Atzert
Office of Information Resources Management
Federal Emergency Management Agency
Washington, DC 20472 (301) 926-5376
The Individual and Family Grants data base contains daily summaries of the numbers of disaster applicants and dollar costs for all types of individual assistance provided to disaster victims during declared disasters. This file is updated when changes occur, usually daily. Contains 7,000 records. The agency responsible is FEMA Program Office: SLPS (DAP).
Federal Emergency Management Agency
* Disaster Management Information System (DMIS) Notice of Interest (NOI) File
Alexander O. Atzert
Office of Information Resources Management
Federal Emergency Management Agency
Washington, DC 20472 (301) 926-5376
This file contains the Notice of Interest (NOI) records for the Public Assistance Data. Applicant name, identification number, work assignments, category and other data are part of the Notice of Interest record. Each detail record contains FEMA Region code, FIPS State code, and in most cases the FIPS county code. This file is updated daily. Contains 11,000 records. The agency responsible is FEMA Program Office: SLPS (DAP).
Federal Emergency Management Agency
* Disaster Management Information System (DMIS) Obligations File
Alexander O. Atzert
Office of Information Resources Management
Federal Emergency Management Agency
Washington, DC 20472 (301) 926-5376
This file contains obligations data for disaster payments. The Damage Survey Reports, Supplement Numbers, Federal and State approved funds, and other control data are included. Federal and State funds approved are contained in this file. Each detail record contains FEMA Region code, FIPS State and county codes, and Congressional District code. This file is updated daily. Contains 111,000 records. The agency responsible is FEMA Program Office: SLPS (DAP).
Federal Emergency Management Agency
* Disaster Management Information System (DMIS) Projects File
Alexander O. Atzert
Office of Information Resources Management
Federal Emergency Management Agency
Washington, DC 20472 (301) 926-5376
This data file contains the basic data for all declared disasters, such as date of declaration, initial dollar estimates, current expenditures, and administrative assignments. Net obligations and initial estimates are contained in this file. Each detail record contains FEMA Region code, and FIPS State and county codes. The file is updated daily. Contains 2,000 records. The agency responsible is FEMA Program Office: SLPS (DAP).
Federal Emergency Management Agency
* DOT Emergency Operating Facilities
John Bartyczak
Office of Information Resources Management
Federal Emergency Management Agency
Washington, DC 20472 (202) 646-2829
This file covers Department of Transportation field office emergency operating facilities in the United States. Geographic detail is obtained through regional codes; FIPS State, county, and Metropolitan Statistical Area codes and names. Currency: 1982. Contains 121 records. The agency responsible is DOT Emergency Coordinator, Clarence G. Collins, Jr.
Federal Emergency Management Agency
* DOT National Government, GSA Assigned Space
John Bartyczak
Office of Information Resources Management
Federal Emergency Management Agency
Washington, DC 20472 (202) 646-2829
Category covers GSA-assigned space for Department of Transportation (DOT) field offices. Initial data were extracted from Category GFB and updated by DOT personnel to reflect data as of July 1985. Four measure fields are used as follows: (a) total occupied space in hundreds of square feel; (b) total office space in hundreds of square feet; (c) personnel occupying space; and (d) personnel occupying office space. Geographic coding permits county, State, and Metropolitan Statistical Area aggregation and retrieval. Assigned buildings prior to 1972 have accurate geographic coordinates. Buildings brought into the GSA inventory after 1972 were assigned zip code coordinate approximations. Currency: July 1985. Contains 422 records. The agency responsible is DOT/OET Emergency Coordinator, Clarence Collins.
Federal Emergency Management Agency
* Dynamic General Equilibrium Simulation Model (DGEM) Data Base
Don Moore
Office of Information Resources Management
Federal Emergency Management Agency
Washington, DC 20472 (202) 646-2900
This is a 36 sector economic analysis and simulation model using historical US Income and Product Account data for the years 1975-1981 as exogenous variables designed for SPERRY 1100 computers. Price indices are based on 1972=1.0. Constant dollars are in billions of 1972 dollars. Current dollars are given in billions of US dollars. US National level data only. 1975-1981 Annual Income and Product Account data.
Federal Emergency Management Agency
* Educational Institutions
John Bartyczak
Office of Information Resources Management
Federal Emergency Management Agency
Washington, DC 20472 (202) 646-2829
This file covers establishments furnishing educational services and includes selected elementary and secondary schools; selected colleges, universities, and professional schools; and selected vocational schools (except vocational high schools). In order that summaries based on this file may be used for peacetime emergency preparedness studies and exercises while insuring the protection of individual educational institutions against disclosure, the data fields of each resource record have been "adjusted" through the use of randomly selected multipliers. This "adjusted" file then becomes category REI. The unadjusted file, category SEI, can be used only in the case of actual nuclear attack. Two measure fields are used as follows: (a) sales/receipts in thousands of dollars; and (b) total employment. Geographic coding permits county, State, and Metropolitan Statistical Area aggregation and retrieval. Currency: 1977. Contains 6,823 records. The agency responsible is Bureau of the Census Data Liaison, Jeanette Stivers.
Federal Emergency Management Agency
Federal Emergency Management Agency
* Educational Institutions
John Bartyczak
Office of Information Resources Management
Federal Emergency Management Agency
Washington, DC 20472 (202
* Civil Air Navigation Aids and Radar Installations
John Bartyczak
Office of Information Resources Management
Federal Emergency Management Agency
Washington, DC 20472 (202) 646-2829
This category includes data on selected civil navigation aids and radar installations in the United States and its possessions. The facilities cover marine radio beacon, radio beacon, Omni TACAN range, Omnirange, air traffic control radar installations, tactical air navigation, and remote control air/ground locations. All of the NAVAIDS and radar installations, private and military, which form a part of the National Airspace System, are included. Eight measure fields are used as follows: (a) marine radio beacon; (b) radio beacon; (c) Omni TACAN range; (d) Omnirange; (e) Air traffic control radar installation; (f) airport radar installation; (g) tactical air navigation; and (h) remote control air/ground. The insertion of the number 1 in the appropriate field indicates the type of navigation aid or radar installed at the identified location. Geographic detail is obtained through regional codes; FIPS State, county, and MSA codes; and names. Currency: 1982. Contains 3,110 records. The agency responsible is Federal Aviation Administration Emergency Coordinator, Jerome Cohen.
Federal Emergency Management Agency
* Civil Airports and Heliports by Size and Runway Length
John Bartyczak
Office of Information Resources Management
Federal Emergency Management Agency
Washington, DC 20472 (202) 646-2829
This category covers all airports and separately designated and operated heliports located in the United States and its territories. Seaplane bases, undesignated helicopter landing areas, and most designated heliports located at airports have been excluded. Each facility has been identified by name and described in terms of its operating capabilities. Six measure fields are used as follows: (a) total number of general aviation based aircraft; (b) total number of multiengine based aircraft; (c) single weight bearing capacity (1,000 lbs.); (d) dual weight bearing capacity (1,000 lbs.); (e) dual tandem weight bearing capacity (1,000 lbs.); and (f) double dual tandem weight bearing capacity (1,000 lbs.). Geographic coding permits county, State and Metropolitan Statistical Area aggregation and retrieval. Geographic locations were provided by the Federal Aviation Administration and are those of the Airport Reference point (ARP) as established in most cases by the Coast and Geodetic Survey. the coordinates are accurate to within one minute only. Currency: 1982. Contains 15,936 records. The agency responsible is FAA Emergency Coordinator, Jerome Cohen.
Federal Emergency Management Agency
* Civil Security Publications
Alexander O. Atzert
Office of Information Resources Management
Federal Emergency Management Agency
Washington, DC 20472 (301) 926-5376
This data file is a directory of Civil Security publications and retrieval is provided based on key word. The data base was created in January 1983. There are no specific plans for updating the information. Contains 84 records. The agency responsible is FEMA Program Office: NPP.
Federal Emergency Management Agency
* Coke Plants by Geographic Area
John Bartyczak
Office of Information Resources Management
Federal Emergency Management Agency
Washington, DC 20472 (202) 646-2829
This category covers the capacity of coke plant facilities for the production of beehive coke, by-product coke, and coal chemicals. All the by-product and beehive coke plants which operated in 1974, and all the inactive beehive coke plants which were in standby condition in 1974 are included. Eight measure fields are provided and all of the measures vary according to the kind of operation and sometimes the geographic area. Geographic coding is provided at the county level. Region, State, and Metropolitan Statistical Area aggregations and/or retrievals can be obtained. Currency: 1974. Contains 275 records. The agency responsible is DOE Emergency Coordinator.
Federal Emergency Management Agency
* Commercial Bank Branches
John Bartyczak
Office of Information Resources Management
Federal Emergency Management Agency
Washington, DC 20472 (202) 646-2829
This category covers (a) States with 100 or more branches and with more than 10 branches in counties other than the county in which the main office is located, and (b) bank systems with three or more branches. All major branch banking systems outside metropolitan areas in the United States are covered. This selected sample of branch banks accounts for 45 percent of all branch offices in the United States as of June 1975. One measure field exists for this data base: demand deposits in millions of dollars. Geographic detail is obtained through regional codes; FIPS State, county, and MSA codes; and names. Currency: 1979. Contains 15,716 records. The agency responsible is FRB Emergency Coordinator, Kenneth Balge.C
Federal Emergency Management Agency
* Commercial Banking System
John Bartyczak
Office of Information Resources Management
Federal Emergency Management Agency
Washington, DC 20472 (202) 646-2829
This category covers the Commercial Banking system, including National Banks, State Banks, and Mutual Savings Banks. Two measure fields exist for this data base: (a) vault cash in thousands of dollars and (b) total deposits in millions of dollars. Geographic detail is obtained through regional codes; FIPS State, county , and MSA codes; and names. Currency: 1979. Contains 13,595 records. The agency responsible is FRB Emergency Coordinator, Kenneth Balge.
Federal Emergency Management Agency
* Communications, Government Systems
John Bartyczak
Office of Information Resources Management
Federal Emergency Management Agency
Washington, DC 20472 (202) 646-2829
This file contains 1983 GSA/Federal Telecommunications System (FTS) data on network connectivity useful in determining where to relocate the Federal Government in an emergency. Two measure fields are used: (a) switch capacity--always zero; and (b) switch capacity utilized. Geographic coding is provided at the county level. Currency: 1983. Contains 1,390 records. The agency responsible is GSA Emergency Coordinator, Clarence Lee.
Federal Emergency Management Agency
* Contributions Loan Project File
Alexander O. Atzert
Office of Information Resources Management
Federal Emergency Management Agency
Washington, DC 20472 (301) 926-5376
This data base is an inventory of the DOD surplus equipment (trucks, generators, etc.,) that is on loan to State and local governments, used for civil preparedness purposes. The data consists of Federal Stock Number, description, loanee, date of expiration, application number, etc. Acquisition cost of the equipment listed is contained in these data. Each record contains FIPS State and county codes. The file is updated as changes occur. Contains 38,000 records. The agency responsible is FEMA Program Office: SLPS.
Federal Emergency Management Agency
* CONUS and Canadian Autovon Switching Centers
Don Moore
Office of Information Resources Management
Federal Emergency Management Agency
Washington, DC 20472 (202) 646-2900
This category covers Continental United States and Canadian Autovon Switching Centers as of 1980. Geographic coding is provided at the county level for CONUS records while accurate coordinates are provided for the Canadian cities and provinces. Currency: 1980. Contains 59 records.
Federal Emergency Management Agency
* 1978 County Farm Operators by Age Group
John Bartyczak
Office of Information Resources Management
Federal Emergency Management Agency
Washington, DC 20472 (202) 646-2829
This category covers 1978 county farm operators by selected age groups for all counties having 10 or more farms. Data may not appear for reasons of disclosure, availability or applicability. Data were not included for farms not on Census mailing lists or farms aggregated into pseudo counties. The data file contains six measure fields: (a) operators under 25 years old; (b) operators 25-34 years old; (c) operators 35-44 years old; (d) operators 45-54 years old; (e) operators 55-64 years old; and (f) operators 65 years and older. Geographic coding is provided at county level. The coordinates represent the approximate center of the agricultural land in each US county. City names are shown as some point of reference and not necessarily as the county center. Currency: 1978. Contains 3,074 records. The agency responsible is USDA/ASCS Emergency Contact.
Federal Emergency Management Agency
* Cropland Harvested
John Bartyczak
Office of Information Resources Management
Federal Emergency Management Agency
Washington, DC 20472 (202) 646-2829
This category contains county data on total cropland harvested as acreage in 1978 plus county acreage for selected crops. Data for this category were extracted from 1978 Census of Agriculture county summary tapes by the Department of Agriculture (USDA). The nine measure fields are in acres and contain: (a) harvested cropland; (b) corn for grain or seed; (c) sorghum for grain and seed; (d) wheat for grain; (e) soybeans for beans; (f) rye for grain; (g) barley for grain; (h) Irish potatoes; and (i) alfalfa hay. Geographic coding is provided at county level. The coordinates represent the approximate center of the agricultural land in each US county. Currency: 1978. Contains 3,074 records. The agency responsible is USDA/ASCS Emergency Contact.
Federal Emergency Management Agency
* Crude Oil Pipelines
John Bartyczak
Office of Information Resources Management
Federal Emergency Management Agency
Washington, DC 20472 (202) 646-2829
This category covers the major pump stations and river crossings of pipelines used to transport crude oil and refined petroleum products. Pump station coverage is limited to terminals and facilities with 500 or more horsepower. Pipelines in operation, under construction, or contracted for as of 1968 are included in this file. Three measure fields are provided as follows (used for pump stations only): (a) station pumping capacity in barrels per day; (b) total station horsepower; and (c) number of station operating personnel. Geographic coding is provided at the county level. State, Region, and Metropolitan Statistical Area aggregations and/or retrievals can be obtained. Geographic location of each facility in terms of degrees, minutes, and seconds was determined by the reporting company. Most coordinates were reported to the nearest minute and are considered accurate within one-half to one mile. Currency: 1968. Contains 2,045 records. The agency responsible is DOE Emergency Coordinator.
Federal Emergency Management Agency
* Dams Safety Inventory
Alexander O. Atzert
Office of Information Resources Management
Federal Emergency Management Agency
Washington, DC 20472 (301) 926-5376
The Dams Safety Inventory file was developed and is maintained by the US Army Corps of Engineers. A copy of this file resides on the Sperry 1100/60 computers. A special retrieval program was written to allow National and Regional Dam Safety Officers to access the file and extract special data items. The records contain fields for downstream population, dam dimensions, and capacity. Also, total numbers of dams in various categories can be developed using this data file. Each record contains a master key composed of the region code, State code and dam number. County name; Minor Civil Division (MCD) code; Congressional district code; latitude and longitude; downstream city; and river basin, and impoundment name are also in the file. FEMA acquired the present version of the file in January 1983, from the US Army Corps of Engineers. Contains 66,000 records. The agency responsible is FEMA Program Office: SLPS.
Federal Emergency Management Agency
* Deep Water Locks and Dams
John Bartyczak
Office of Information Resources Management
Federal Emergency Management Agency
Washington, DC 20472 (202) 646-2829
This category covers deep water locks and their associated dams, if any, along the Great Lakes and St. Lawrence Seaway Systems and Panama Canal. No measure fields exist for this data base. Geographic detail is obtained through regional codes; FIPS State, county, and MSA codes; and names. Geographic coordinates were assigned using large-scale maps and are considered accurate to within 100 meters. Currency: 1972. Contains 23 records.
Federal Emergency Management Agency
* Defense Telecommunications Facilities in the United States
John Bartyczak
Office of Information Resources Management
Federal Emergency Management Agency
Washington, DC 20472 (202) 646-2829
This category provides information on defense telecommunications facilities in the United States. These data were provided by the Joint Data System Support Center (JDSSC). Currency: 1985. Contains 3,610 records. The agency responsible is JDSSC Data Liaison, William Ellis.
Federal Emergency Management Agency
* Dentist's Offices
John Bartyczak
Office of Information Resources Management
Federal Emergency Management Agency
Washington, DC 20472 (202) 646-2829
This file covers establishments of licensed practitioners engaged in the practice of general or specialized dentistry. Individual input records are Census Confidential and can be made available only in case of actual nuclear attack upon the United States. In order that summaries based on this file may be used for peacetime emergency preparedness studies and exercises while insuring the protection of individual business operations against disclosure, the data fields of each resource record have been "adjusted" through the use of randomly selected multipliers. This "adjusted" file is known as category RHD. The unadjusted file, category SHD, can be used only in the case of actual nuclear attack. The seven measure fields used are: (a) sales/receipts in thousands of dollars; (b) total employment; (c) all other employees; (d) associate dentists; (e) dental hygienists; (f) dental technicians; and (g) dental assistants. Geographic coding permits county, State, and Metropolitan Statistical aggregation and/or retrieval. Currency: 1982. Contains 65,757 records. The agency responsible is Bureau of Census Data Liaison, Jeannette Stivers.
Federal Emergency Management Agency
Federal Emergency Management Agency
Washington, DC 20472 (202) 646-2829
This category provides information on defense telecommunications facilities in the United States. These data were provided by the Joint Data System Support Center (JDSSC). Currency: 1985. Contains 3,610 records. The agency responsible is JDSSC Data Liaison, William Ellis.
* Campaign Expenditures in the United States, 1983-1984 (ICPSR 8511)
Inter-University Consortium for Political and Social Research Institute for Social Research
PO Box 1248
Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (313) 763-5010
Detailed data on campaign contributions and expenditures on behalf of or against political candidates are included in this collection. Information provided for United States Congressional campaigns includes the candidate's name, incumbency status, party affiliation, receipts, disbursements, contributions from the candidate, loans, debts, aggregate contributions by amount and source, and independent expenditures for and against the candidate. Data on party and non-party political committees include the committee name, special-interest group classification, receipts, cash and in-kind contributions made and received, disbursements, debts, and total expenditures for and against House, Senate, and Presidential candidates. Extent of Collection: 6 data files.
Federal Election Commission
* Campaign Expenditures in the United States, 1985-1986: Reports on Financial Activity (RFA) Data (ICPSR 8937)
Inter-University Consortium for Political and Social Research
Institute for Social Research
PO Box 1248
Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (313) 763-5010
These data are produced in conjunction with Federal Election Commission (FEC) Reports On Financial Activity (RFA) and are taken directly from campaign finance reports filed by political committees and others who are required to file under the federal election laws. The data present summary information concerning filers' gross receipts, disbursements, debts, cash on hand, etc. They also include information on particular party and nonparty committee support of individual candidates. Extent of Collection: 6 data files.
Federal Election Commission
* Campaign Expenditures in the United States, 1985-1986: Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) Data (ICPSR 8939)
Inter-University Consortium for Political and Social Research
Institute for Social Research
PO Box 1248
Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (313) 763-5010
These data are made available by the Federal Election Commission (FEC) through the Freedom on Information Act (FOIA) and are taken directly from campaign finance reports filed by candidates, political committees, and others who are required to file under the federal election laws. The files are essentially copies of the FEC's online computer files for the 1985-1986 election cycle. Extent of Collection: 4 data files.
Federal Election Commission
* Financial Disclosure Data Base on Federal Candidates
Kent Cooper, Public Records Office
Federal Election Commission
999 E St., NW (800) 424-9530
Washington, DC 20463 (202) 219-3420
The Financial Disclosure data base has both financial and reference information on every candidate for federal office since 1977 and on contributing Political Action Committees and political parties. The system can be searched by specific candidate or contributor, and retrievable data include exact dollar amounts and contact information. The data base was started in 1977 and contains nearly 3 1/2 million records. It is updated daily. Searches and printouts amounting to 20 records or less are available free of charge. A nominal fee is charged for each record.
Federal Election Commission
Federal Emergency Management Age
* Agriculture Emergency Operating Facilities
John Bartyczak
Office of Information Resources Management
Federal Emergency Management Agency
Washington, DC 20472 (202) 646-2829
This file covers Department of Agriculture emergency state office facilities as of 1986. Geographic coding is provided at the county level. Currency: 1986. Contains 51 records. The agency responsible is USDA/ASCS Emergency Contact.
Federal Emergency Management Agency
* Alcohol Storage and Production Facilities
John Bartyczak
Office of Information Resources Management
Federal Emergency Management Agency
Washington, DC 20472 (202) 646-2829
This file covers alcohol storage and production facilities in the United States and Puerto Rico. Information on the type of facility and product handled are contained in the record. There are ten data fields showing capacities in hundreds of gallons for the following: (a) daily maximum production for 100-159 proof alcohol; (b) daily maximum production for 160-189 proof alcohol; (c) daily maximum production for 190-194 proof alcohol; (d) daily maximum production for 195-200 proof alcohol; (e) average amount stored for 100-159 proof alcohol; (f) average amount stored for 160-189 proof alcohol; (g) average amount stored for 190-194 proof alcohol; (h) average amount stored for 195-200 proof alcohol; (i) maximum storage capacity for the facility; and (j) total number of storage units (includes drum/barrels and tanks). Currency: 1981. Contains 248 records. The agency responsible is Department of Treasury Emergency Coordinator, Robert Foss.
Federal Emergency Management Agency
* AM, FM, and TV Broadcast Stations
John Bartyczak
Office of Information Resources Management
Federal Emergency Management Agency
Washington, DC 20472 (202) 646-2829
These data have been provided by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) and cover 33,940 standard radio, FM and television facilities. Geographic coding is provided at the county level. State, Region, and Metropolitan Statistical Area aggregations and/or retrievals can be obtained. Geographic coordinates for these communication facilities reflect transmitter locations and were extracted from FCC licensing documents. They are considered to be very accurate and carry a coordinate accuracy indicator of 1 showing an accuracy within 100 meters. Updated annually. Contains 33,940 records. The agency responsible is FCC Emergency Coordinator.
Federal Emergency Management Agency
* Anthracite Breakers Capacity
John Bartyczak
Office of Information Resources Management
Federal Emergency Management Agency
Washington, DC 20472 (202) 646-2829
This category covers the capacity of anthracite breakers in terms of coal source and sizes produced. All facilities are located in the Northeastern part of Pennsylvania and are in Defense Electric Power Administration Electric Supply Area 3. This file includes all anthracite breakers and dredges in operation in 1970. Data field measures are based on the type of operation. Six measure fields are provided for size and for source and are expressed in tons except for employment as follows: For Source - (a) coal capacity; (b) employment; (c) deep mines; (d) strip operations; (e) culm bank; and (f) river dredging. For Size - (a) chestnut capacity; (b) pea capacity; (c) buckwheat capacity; (d) rice capacity, (e) barley capacity; and (f) no. 4 buck and smaller. Geographic coding is provided at the county level. State, Region, and Metropolitan Statistical Area aggregations and/or retrievals can be obtained. The geographic locations of each facility included in the category was determined by careful map work. Degree of accuracy is between 100 and 200 meters. Currency: 1970. Contains 123 records. The agency responsible is DOE Emergency Coordinator.
Federal Emergency Management Agency
* Arson Incidents National Data Base
Arson Information Management Systems (AIMS)
Office of Fire Prevention and Arson Control
US Fire Administration
16825 South Seton Ave.
Emmitsburg, MD 21727 (301) 247-1200
The Arson Information Management Systems (AIMS) is a computerized data base for the recording of data from reported arson cases, and used to facilitate analysis of such data for use by investigators, emergency personnel, law enforcers, and others. For more information on AIMS, contact the office above.
Federal Emergency Management Agency
* Auto Repair Services
John Bartyczak
Office of Information Resources Management
Federal Emergency Management Agency
Washington, DC 20472 (202) 646-2829
This file includes establishments primarily engaged in furnishing automotive repair and covers top and body repair shops, tire retreading and repair shops, paint shops, and general automotive repair shops. In order that summaries based on this file may be used for peacetime emergency preparedness studies and exercises while insuring the protection of individual company operations against disclosure, the data fields of each resource record have been "adjusted" through the use of randomly selected multipliers. This "adjusted" file then becomes category RSA. The unadjusted file, category SSA, can be used only in the case of actual nuclear attack. The two measure fields are: (a) sales/receipts in thousands of dollars; and (b) total employment. Geographic coding is provided at the county level. State, Region and Metropolitan Standard Statistical Area aggregation and/or retrieval can be obtained. Contains 48,851 records. The agency responsible is Bureau of the Census Data Liaison, Jeanette Stivers.
Federal Emergency Management Agency
* Bituminous Coal and Lignite Mines
John Bartyczak
Office of Information Resources Management
Federal Emergency Management Agency
Washington, DC 20472 (202) 646-2829
This category covers the productive bituminous coal and lignite facilities in each of the bituminous coal producing districts in the Continental United States including Alaska. The coverage represents 100 percent of the mine production of coal and lignite in the United States in 1970. Mines producing over 100,000 tons per year are entered individually; those producing less than 100,000 tons per year are entered as county aggregates. Four measure fields are provided as follows: (a) total tons per day; (b) number of employees; (c) deep mined tons per day; and (d) surface mined tons per day. Geographic coding is provided at the county level. State, Region, and Metropolitan Statistical Area aggregations and/or retrievals can be obtained. For large mines producing over 100,000 tons per year, the coordinates represent the specific locations of the facilities and are generally accurate between 100 and 200 meters; for small mines the coordinates represent the approximate center of the coal producing area within the county. Currency: 1970. Contains 961 records. The agency responsible is DOE Emergency Coordinator.
Federal Emergency Management Agency
* Bridge Safety Inventory (Region IV)
Alexander O. Atzert
Office of Information Resources Management
Federal Emergency Management Agency
Washington, DC 20472 (301) 926-5376
The Bridge Safety Inventory was an extract of the bridges in Region IV from the Department of Transportation data base, that contains all of the bridge data for the United States. This extract contained the latitude and longitude that was used to plot the location of the bridges on State maps for Region IV. FIPS State and county codes, features intersected, structure number, location, latitude, longitude, physical vulnerability, bypass detour length, year built, estimated remaining life, structural condition, safe load capacity, number of lanes, length, Federal aid system, and data of last inspection are contained in this file. Each record contains the region code, State code, county code, and latitude and longitude. Some inaccurate latitude and longitude codes were found in the original data base. The current file is maintained by the Federal Highway Administration. The extract for Region IV was developed in April 1979. Contains 71,913 records. The agency responsible is Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration, Mr. H.C. Wieland.
Federal Emergency Management Agency
* Business Establishment/Company File (EIS)
John Bartyczak
Office of Information Resources Management
Federal Emergency Management Agency
Washington, DC 20472 (202) 646-2829
This file is a comprehensive data bank containing business information for all establishments which employ 20 or more people. More than 425,000 establishments in over 950 different industries are included in the data bank. Each establishment record contains the establishment name, address, zip code, county, telephone numbers, Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) Code, number of employees, value of sales from the establishment, and company code that links each establishment to its parent company. Approximately 90 to 95 percent of all domestic production (output) can be accounted for by establishments having 20 or more employees. For each establishment, quantitative data for (a) number of employees, (b) shipments, (c) sales, and (d) percent of total sales, are provided. For manufacturing establishments, additional quantitative data are provided on types of energy consumer and tons of output shipped by different modes of transportation. Data provided is coded to the county level. Higher levels of aggregation include Metropolitan Statistical Areas and States. Geographic coordinates are obtained by matching establishment mailing address with the FEMA zip code/Geographic Coordinate File. Establishment coverage is for September 1982. Employment and Domestic production are reconciled with the most recent Census Bureau's County and Business patterns for each four-digit SIC in every county. Establishment coverage is for September 1982. Employment and Domestic Production are reconciled with the most recent Census Bureau's County and Business patterns for each four-digit SIC in every county. Contains 454,710 records.
Federal Emergency Management Agency
* Business Services
John Bartyczak
Office of Information Resources Management
Federal Emergency Management Agency
Washington, DC 20472 (202) 646-2829
This file provides information on Computer and Data Processing Services and Miscellaneous Business Services and covers Computer Programming and Other Software Services, Data Processing Services, Computer Related Services, and Equipment Rental and Leasing Services. In order that summaries based on this file may be used for peacetime emergency preparedness studies and exercises, while insuring the protection of individual company operations against disclosure, the data fields of each resource record have been "adjusted" through the use of randomly selected multipliers. This "adjusted" file then becomes category RSB. The unadjusted file, category SSB, can be used only in the case of actual nuclear attack. Two measure fields are used as follows: (a) sales/receipts in thousands of dollars; and (b) total employment. Geographic coding permits county, State and Metropolitan Statistical Area aggregation and/or retrieval. Currency: 1982. Contains 28,087 records. The agency responsible is Bureau of the Census Data Liaison, Jeanette Stivers.
Federal Emergency Management Agency
* Census Block Group Centroids File
Alexander O. Atzert
Office of Information Resources Management
Federal Emergency Management Agency
Washington, DC 20472 (301) 926-5376
The Centroids file is an indexed composite of the US Census ED/Block Centroids files for each of the 50 States, DC, and Puerto Rico to which 1980 population and housing data from the US Census Master Reference File has been added. The 36-character key reflects order by FIPS State and county, Census MCD, Place, Tract, Congressional District, Urbanized Area, District Office, Enumeration district, and Block Group. Centroid coordinate degrees to four decimal places; 1980 US Census population, housing units, group-quartered population, and vacant housing units. Standard Consolidated Statistical Area (SCSA), Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA) codes are present in each so designated block group records. Currency: 1980 US Census data. Contains 298,235 records. The agency responsible is Bureau of the Census, Geography Division; Richard Trois, Robert Marx.
Federal Emergency Management Agency
* Central Administrative Offices and Auxiliaries
John Bartyczak
Office of Information Resources Management
Federal Emergency Management Agency
Washington, DC 20472 (202) 646-2829
The resource elements for this file include all central offices and auxiliaries reporting inventories in the 1982 economic census. The input consists of Census Confidential individual establishment records and may be made available only in the case of actual nuclear attack upon the United States. In order that summaries based on this file may be used for peacetime emergency preparedness studies and exercises while insuring the protection of individual company operations against disclosure, the data fields of each resource record have been "adjusted" through the use of randomly selected multipliers. This "adjusted" file then becomes category NCE. The unadjusted file, category NCO, can be used only in case of actual nuclear attack. This data base contains: (a) total employment; (b) 1976 inventory in thousands of dollars; (c) 1977 inventory in thousands of dollars; (d) central administrative offices; (e) research, development and testing facilities; (f) warehousing; (g) electronic data processing; (h) sales; (i) trading stamps redemption; and (j) other. Geographic codes at the county level are provided. Region, State, and Metropolitan Statistical Area codes are available for retrieval and/or aggregation. The coordinate readings were selected from a zip code coordinate file. Currency: 1982. Contains 14,993 records. The agency responsible is Bureau of the Census Data Liaison, Jeanette Stivers.
Federal Emergency Management Agency
The resource elements for this file include all central offic
Federal Emergency Management Agency
* Crude Oil Pipelines
John Bartyczak
Office of Information Resources Management
* Microwave Applications Processing System Data Base (PB83-106716/HBO*) (See NTIS)
The MAPS Data Base is designed to be sufficiently general and flexible to satisfy the diverse requirements of Common Carrier and Safety and Special Radio Services with a common file structure. It consists of a single indexed sequential master file derived into two logical subfiles, one containing data on applications (both closed and pending). License data is identified primarily by call sign and application data is identified by file number. Each subfile contains cross-referencing information that allows applications to be associated with the appropriate license and vice versa. A separate file is available containing microwave station owner names and addresses. In addition to being available on magnetic tape, many of these files can be purchased on 5 1/4" diskette for the IBM-PC (and PC-compatible) microcomputer. $1125 for tape.
Federal Communications Commission
* Ohio and Michigan Radio Deregulation File (PB80-127723/XDD) (See NTIS)
The attached tape contains a data file of the AM and FM stations in the Michigan and Ohio markets.
Federal Communications Commission
* Overseas Traffic Data File, January- December 1984 (FCC Part 43.61) (PB86-121647/XDD) (See NTIS)
A semiannual report of overseas telecommunications traffic submitted by the IRCs and ATT under Section 43.61 FCC Rules. Includes data for telegraph, telex, telephone and private line i.e., messages, words, or minutes and revenues.
Federal Communications Commission
* PCC Microwave Means to Help Conversion File (See NTIS)
The purpose of the microwave engineering link file is to characterize the electromagnetic microwave environment. Each record represents a link (the frequency path from transmitter to receiver including all passive repeaters). A record consists of a transmitter subrecord, receiver subrecord, and up to four passive repeater subrecords. There are three individual files available: Common Carrier, by City, Private Carrier, By city; and Private Carrier, By County. Each file contains data such as frequency, call sign, state, latitude, longitude, etc. Available on 3 different tapes. Cost ranges from $425-$1,325. In addition to being available on magnetic tape, many of these files can be purchased on 5 1/4" diskette for the IBM-PC (and PC-compatible) microcomputer.
Federal Communications Commission
* Statistics of Communications Common Carrier, 1979 (PB81-184863/XDD) (See NTIS)
This is a print tape of the 1979 edition of the Statistics of Communications Common Carrier compiled by the Common Carrier Bureau of the FCC. This issue contains financial and operating data for the year 1979. This information was taken principally from annual and monthly reports filed by the Carrier with the Federal Communications Commission.
Federal Communications Commission
* Statistics of Communications Common Carrier, 1981 (PB83-195552/XDD) (See NTIS)
This is a print tape of the 1981 edition of the 'Statistics of Communications Common Carrier, compiled by the Common Carrier Bureau of the FCC. This issue contains financial and operating data for the year 1981. This information was taken principally from annual and monthly reports filed by the Carrier with the Federal Communications Commission. Statistics of Communications Common Carrier, 1977 (PB83-154906/XDD), Statistics of Communications Common Carrier, 1978 (PB83-154922/XDD), Statistics of Communications Common Carrier, 1980. (PB83-154914/XDD).
Federal Communications Commission
* Statistics of Communication Common Carrier Print Tape (See NTIS)
This is a print tape of the paper copy report entitled Statistics of Communication Common Carrier compiled by the Common Carrier Bureau of the FCC. It contains financial and operating data for the year indicated. Information was taken principally from annual and monthly reports filed by the Carriers with the FCC. This file is available for the years 1977, 1978, 1979, 1980 and 1981. In addition to being available on magnetic tape, many of these files can be purchased on 5 1/4" diskette for the IBM-PC (and PC-compatible) microcomputer. Available on 5 different data files at a cost of $325 for tape and $125 for diskette.
Federal Communications Commission
* Telephone Companies Docket CC 80-286. Separations Data (PB83-220855/XDD) (See NTIS)
The file contains 802 observations on the operations of individual telephone companies in each state. It is based on voluntary information requests which were conducted in January and August 1982 and covers operations for 1980. The information was collected as part of an inquiry regarding proposed changes in the separations procedure for allocating non-traffic-sensitive costs between intrastate and interstate service. Included are data on costs and factors which might affect costs. This data is being used by the FCC to analyze potential high cost factors in a proposed new access cost factor formula in Docket CC 80-286. There are 54 variables in the file.
Federal Communications Commission
* Telephone Companies Docket CC 80-286, Separations Data (PB83-220855/HBO) (See NTIS)
The file contains 802 observations on the operations of individual telephone companies in each state. It is based on voluntary information requests which were conducted in January and August 1982 and covers operations for 1980. The information was collected as part of an inquiry regarding proposed changes in the separations procedure for allocating non-traffic sensitive costs between intrastate and interstate service. Included are data on costs and factors which might affect costs. This data is being used by the FCC to analyze potential high cost factors in a proposed new access cost factor formula in Docket CC 80-286. There are 54 variables in the file. In addition to being available on magnetic tape, many of these files can be purchased on 5 1/4" diskette for the IBM-PC (and PC-compatible). $325 for tape and $125 for diskette.
Federal Communications Commission
* TV Programming Data Master File (PB82-191602/XDD) (See NTIS)
The TV Programming Data Master File contains information filed on FCC Form 303-A by all commercial television licensees/permittees.
Federal Communications Commission
* TV Programming Data Master File (PB82-191602/HBO) (See NTIS)
Contains information filed on FCC Form 303-A by all commercial television licensees/permittees covering the years 1973 - March 1981. Data elements include: file number, call sign, year, segment number, channel, licensee name, station location city, market code, community code, station location state, network affiliation code, and station class. In addition to being available on magnetic tape, many of these files can be purchased on 5 1/4" diskette for the IBM-PC (and PC-compatible) microcomputer. $325 for tape and $125 for diskette.
Federal Communications Commission
Federal Deposit Insurance Corpor
* Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Data on Banks in the United States, 1920-1936 (ICPSR 0007)
Inter-University Consortium for Political and Social Research
Institute for Social Research
P.O. Box 1248
Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (313) 763-5010
This file contains data on banks, bank deposits, and bank failures by county, annually, 1920-1936 are contained in this data set. For more information contact the office above.
Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
Federal Deposit Insurance Corpor
Federal Retirement Thrift Invest
Overseas Private Investment Corp
* Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Electronic Bulletin Board
Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) Voice: (202) 898-8966
Washington, DC 20429 Data: (202) 371-9578
The FDIC Bulletin Board was established to provide a means for FDIC personnel to practice transferring files. The Board can be accessed by the general public and does not contain bank information. 24 hours/day; 7 days/week. Sysop: Richard Campbell.
Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
Federal Election Commission
* Campaign Expenditures in the United States, 1977-1978 and 1979-1980 (ICPSR 8158)
Inter-University Consortium for Political and Social Research
Institute for Social Research
P.O. Box 1248
Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (313) 763-5010
This data collection offers detailed tabulations of political campaign expenditures and contributions. Party and non-party committee information provided in parts 1-8 includes the committee name and special interest group designation, gross receipts, transfers, loans, both cash and in-kind contributions, gross disbursements, debts, contributions to house, Senate, and Presidential candidates, and expenditures made on behalf of those candidates. For parts 9 and 10, the House and Senate files, data are supplied on candidate name, incumbency status, party, receipts, transfers, disbursements, number and dollar amounts of individual contributions, contributions from major parties, from corporations, and from labor, independent expenditures for and against the candidate, and percentage of the November 1980 general election vote received. Parts 11 and 12, the Presidential Pre-Nomination Campaigns files, contain data on candidate name and party, total receipts, transfers, exempt fundraising, federal matching funds, contributions from candidate and other sources, independent expenditures for and against the candidate, debts, and total expenditures made in each state by candidates receiving federal matching funds. Part 13 specifies for each state the legal spending limit in 1980 for candidates eligible to receive federal matching funds. Extent of collection: 13 data files.
Federal Election Commission
* Campaign Expenditures in the United States, 1981-1982 (ICPSR 8238)
Inter-University Consortium for Political and Social Research
Institute for Social Research
P.O. Box 1248
Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (313) 763-5010
Party data are contained in two files: a spread file contains a record for each party committee in alphabetical order by committee ID number; a crosstabs file contains one or more records for each party committee organized first by committee ID number and then by candidate ID number. Non-Party data are also contained in two files: a spread file and a crosstabs file, both organized in the same manner as the Party files. House/Senate data are contained in two similar files: spread file and a crosstabs file, organized in a similar manner as the Party and Non-Party files. Candidates are designated by a Candidate ID number which includes the federal, office sought (coded "S" for Senate or "H" for House) and the state in which the candidate has run. The Party cross-tabs file contains 1,976 records with a logical record length of 106 characters per record. The Party spread file contains 483 records with a logical record length of 640 characters per record. The Non-Party cross-tabs file contain 95,304 records with a logical record length of 106 characters per record. There are 3,722 records in the Non-Party spread file with a logical record length of 640 characters per record. The House/Senate cross-tabs file contains 96,634 records with a logical record length of 451 per record in the House/Senate spread file.
Federal Election Commission
ing limit in 1980 for candidates eligible to receive federal matching funds. Extent of collection: 13 data files.
Federal Election Commission
Federal Emergency Manah
* FCC Broadcast FM Data Base (PB82-134917/XDD) (See NTIS)
The Broadcast FM Data Base contains records for existing and proposed stations, allocations, rulemaking petitions/proposals, and translator/boosters. The data base is converted from Honeywell system standard format, BCD to EBCDIC, 1600 bpi, 9 track, odd parity tape, on the Honeywell H-6023. The data base contains approximately 10,565 records of 300 characters in length, 10 records per block. FCC Broadcast FM Data Base (available on Diskette) (PB85-212108/XDD).
Federal Communications Commission
* FCC Decision Data File, Volumes 56-66 (PB-290 216/1/XDD) (See NTIS)
This tape contains the transcript of FCC hearings covering October 31, 1975 through December 16, 1977.
Federal Communications Commission
* FCC Master File, Call Sign Sequence (PB-272-995/2/XDD) (See NTIS)
The file contains data for applicants and licensees operating under the FCC citizen's radio service. The primary information is obtained from FCC Form 505, "Application for Class C or D Station License in the Citizen Radio Service." Data records include station and license identification, mailing address (.5% do not have Zip code), radio frequency, issue and expiration dates and various codes. The file has been converted into the EBCDIC character code and is available in a variety of recording modes. The entire data base contains over 12 million licensees in 192 character records on magnetic tape.
Federal Communications Commission
* FCC M3 Map Data File (available on diskette) (PB87-222253/XDD) (See NTIS)
Separate maps of the United States, Canada, and Mexico have been developed which show estimated conductivity regions within each country. The area within the national boundaries is divided into sectors which have been assigned a value of ground conductivity ranging from 0.5 mmhos/m to 40mmhos/m. For signal propagation studies, seawater is assigned a conductivity of 5000mmhos/m. The Canadian soil map also contains regions labeled 'unknown' or 'conductivity based on limited data'.
Federal Communications Commission
* FCC M3 Map Data File (PB81-211567/HBO) (See NTIS)
Separate maps of the United States, Canada, and Mexico have been developed which show estimated conductivity regions within each country. In addition to being available on magnetic tape, many of these files can be purchased on 5 1/4" diskette for the IBM-PC (and PC-compatible) microcomputer. $325 for tape and $125 for diskette.
Federal Communications Commission
* FCC Microwave MEANS to MELF Conversion File: Common Carrier City (PB83-116327/XDD) (See NTIS)
The purpose of the microwave engineering link file is to characterize the electromagnetic microwave environment. EaCh record represents a link (the frequency path from transmitter to receiver including all passive repeaters). A record consists of a transmitter subrecord, Receiver subrecord, and up to four passive repeater subrecords. FCC Microwave MEANS to MELF Conversion File: Private Radio County (PB83-116335/XDD), FCC Microwave MEANS to MELF Conversion File: Private Radio City (PB83-116343/XDD)
Federal Communications Commission
* FCC Telephone Equipment Registration List (PB82-116161/XDD) (See NTIS)
The Data Base is a sequential file of all applications for approval to connect equipment to the telephone network.
Federal Communications Commission
* FCC Telephone Equipment Registration List (PB82-116161/HBO) (See NTIS)
This is a sequential file of all applications for approval to the telephone network. Data elements include: applicant name, manufacturer's name, filing data, type of filing, registration number, type and description of equipment, type of applicant, etc. In addition to being available on magnetic tape, many of these files can be purchased on 5 1/4" diskette for the IBM-PC (and PC-compatible) microcomputer. $325 for tape and $125 for diskette.
Federal Communications Commission
* Industry Equal Employment Opportunity (PB81-145997/HBO) (See NTIS)
The EEO Master File(s) are updated annually and maintained as separate entities for each reporting year, with up to five years of data being retained for report purposes. Each file is sequenced by file number, call sign and year and contains statistical data submitted by commercial and non-commercial broadcast stations on FCC Form 395. The data, which reflects the distribution of employees in designated job categories by race, sex and certain other minorities, is used to generate reports required to review and analyze minority employment data and the fair employment practices of the broadcast industry. Currently contains 7,155 records. In addition to being available on magnetic tape, many of these files can be purchased on 5 1/4" diskette for the IBM-PC (and PC-compatible) microcomputer. $325 for tape and $125 for diskette.
Federal Communications Commission
* Industry Equal Employment Opportunity Master File (1979) (PB81-145997/XDD) (See NTIS)
EEO Master File(s) are updated annually and maintained as separate entities for each reporting year, with up to five years of data being retained for report purposes. Each file is sequenced by File Number, Call Sign and year, and contains statistical data submitted by commercial and non-commercial broadcast stations of FCC form 395. The data, which reflects the distribution of employees in designed job categories by race, sex and certain other minority employment data and the fair employment practices of the Broadcast Industry. The 1979 data base currently contains 6901 records of 1956 characters in length, 1 record per block. These records have been converted from HONEYWELL System Standard Format, BCDIC, to EBCDIC, 1600 bpi, 9-track, odd parity tape. The converted data base contains 6901 records, 1956 characters long, with the last two (2) character positions space filled.
Federal Communications Commission
* Marine Data Base (PB83-148692/XDD) (See NTIS)
Contains data for applicants and licensees operating under the Marine (Telephone) Radio Service. The primary information is obtained from FCC Form 502, Application for Ship Radio Telephone and/or Radio Navigation Station License. Data records include station and license identification, mailing address (all items do not contain zip code), radio frequency, issue and expiration date, and various codes.
Federal Communications Commission
* Marine Data Base (PB83-148692/HBO*) (See NTIS)
Contains data for applicants and licensees operating under the Marine (Telephone) Radio Service. Data records include station and license identification, mailing address (all items do not contain zip code), radio frequency, issue, and expiration date, and various codes. It is updated quarterly. In addition to being available on magnetic tape, many of these files can be purchased on 5 1/4" diskette for the IBM-PC (and PC-compatible) microcomputer. $1715.00.
Federal Communications Commission
* Master Frequency Data Base (Mass Media Services) (PB83-178392/XDD) (See NTIS)
The data base contains administrative and technical data elements on authorizations granted by the FCC. The key record types and elements for each authorization are as follows: Administrative-Licensee name, mailing address, radio service, type of authorization, and issue and expiration dates. Frequency Emissions, power, frequency, gain azimuth, and path length. Transmitter-Location description/address, coordinates, class of station, ground elevation radius of operation, and antenna make/model heights. Receiver-Location description/address, coordinates, ground elevation, and antenna make/model/heights. The Mass Media Services portion of the data base contains approximately 228 thousand records. Master Frequency Data Base (Common Carrier Services) (PB83-178400/XDD), Master Frequency Data Base (Private Radio Service) (PB83-178418/XDD), Master Frequency Data Base (Experimental Service) (PB83-178426/XDD), Master Frequency Data Base (Cable Services) (PB83-178434/XDD).
Federal Communications Commission
* Master Frequency Data Base (See NTIS)
The Master Frequency Data Base contains data from granted licenses issued by various bureaus of the FCC. The file consists of record types grouped by function and related to form a license. The information in the records is grouped generally as follows: administrative information, transmitter and antenna site information, transmitter and antenna types (if available), frequency information, receiver information and information specific to a particular area of the spectrum or service. The data base is available in several subsets. Call NTIS for price information. In addition to being available on magnetic tape, many of these files can be purchased on 5 1/4" diskette for the IBM-PC (and PC-compatible) microcomputer.
Federal Communications Commission
* Master Frequency File - Complete (PB85-215473/XDD) (See NTIS)
The data base contains administrative and technical data elements on authorizations granted by the FCC. The key record types and elements for each authorization are as follows: Administrative-Licensee name, mailing address, radio service, type of authorization, and issue and expiration dates. Frequency-Emissions, power, frequency, gain, azimuth, and path length. Transmitter-Location description/address/coordinates, class of station, ground elevation radius of operation, and antenna make/model/heights. Receiver-Location description/address, coordinates, ground elevation, and antenna make/model/heights. The Common Carrier Services portion of the data base contains approximately 298 thousand records. Master Frequency File Subset 1 -Broadcast Services (PB85-215481/XDD), Master Frequency File Subset 9 - Private Radio Services: Industrial Business (PB85-215499/XDD), master Frequency File Subset 11 - Aviation Ground and Marine Radio Services (PB85-215507/XDD), Master Frequency File Subset 7 - Private Radio Services: Industrial Services (Except Industrial Business) (PB85-215515/XDD), Master Frequency File Subset 6 - Private Radio Services: Land Mobile (PB85-215523/XDD), Master Frequency File Subset 5 - Microwave Services: Private, Cable and Common Carrier (PB85-215531/XDD), Master Frequency File Subset 8 - Private Radio Services: Public Safety and Land Transportation (PB85-215549/XDD), Master Frequency File Subset 2 - Common Carrier Services (Except Land Mobile and Microwave) (PB85-215556/XDD), Master Frequency File Subset 3 - Common Carrier Services: Land Mobile (PB85-215564/XDD), Master Frequency File Subset 4 - Experimental Services (Office of Science and Technology) (PB85-215572/XDD), Master Frequency File Subset 10 - Private Radio Services: Specialized Mobile Radio (PB85-215598/XDD).
Federal Communications Commission
* Microwave Applications Processing Systems Data Base (PB83-106716/XDD) (See NTIS)
This file is a subsidiary file to the Microwave Application Processing System Data Base. It contains Microwave station owner's names and addresses. Microwave Applications Processing Systems Data Base (PB83-106716/XDD)
Federal Communications Commission
* TV Programming Data Master File (PB82-191602/HBO) (See NTIS)
Contains information filed on FCC Form 303-A by all commerci
* Common Carrier Individual Land Mobile Data Base (PB82-253295/HBO*) (See NTIS)
Contains information on all individual land mobile subscribers that are currently licensed. Data base contains information for existing licenses, licensees marked for deletion, and transmitter data. The call sign is the major data base identifier. In addition to being available on magnetic tape, many of these files can be purchased on 5 1/4" diskette for the IBM-PC (and PC-compatible) microcomputer. $325 for tape and $125 for diskette.
Federal Communications Commission
* Common Carrier Industry Consolidation, 1978 (PB80-197437/XDD) (See NTIS)
This tape contains data describing traffic quantities by Carrier (International Record Carrier) and by country point (International, Canada, and Mexico). Services covered include Telephone, Telegraph, Telex, Market Quotation, Overseas Press Bulletin, Stock Ticker, Leased Channel, TV Audio and Video, Addressed press Service, Scheduled Photo and Program Transmission and Reception Service, Facsimile, Addressed Program Service, Datel, etc.
Federal Communications Commission
* Common Carrier Land Mobile Base Station Data Base (PB83-154930/HBO*) (See NTIS)
This file contains data provided by common carriers in the land mobile base station industry. The data is categorized under three phases: pending, under construction, and licensed. Each applicant/communication system is described according to ownership, location data, antenna data, transmitter data, and their relationship(s). The system generated construction permits, station file jackets, licenses, and a monthly data base listing. In addition to being available on magnetic tape, many of these files can be purchased on 5 1/4" diskette for the IBM-PC (and PC-compatible) microcomputer. $425 for tape and $175 for diskette.
Federal Communications Commission
* Common Carrier Land Mobile Data Base, Pending (PB88-245212/XDD) (See NTIS)
The Commission CLM File consists of record types grouped by function and related to form an application. A set of records will exist for each application. An application is identified by unique File-Number. the information in the records is grouped generally as follows: administrative information, location and antenna site information, antenna types if available, frequency information, receiver information specific to a particular area of the spectrum or service. Common Carrier Land Mobile Stations, Granted (PB88-245220/XDD).
Federal Communications Commission
* Common Carrier Microwave Antenna, Licensee, and Transmitter File (PB82-168238/XDD) (See NTIS)
Contains identification and operating characteristics of transmitters of acceptable type and of antennas used at Common Carrier Microwave Stations. It also contains names and addresses of licensees of Common Carrier Microwave Stations.
Federal Communications Commission
* Common Carrier Microwave Antenna, Licensee and Transmitter File (PB82-168238/HBO*) (See NTIS)
Contains identification and operating characteristics of transmitters of acceptable type and of antenna used at Common Carrier microwave stations. Also contains names and addresses of licensees of common carrier microwave stations. Corresponding information cannot be extracted from these files simultaneously unless one uses the Common Carrier Microwave Data Base as a basis for this operation on these files. In addition to being available on magnetic tape, many of these files can be purchased on 5 1/4" diskette for the IBM-PC (and PC-compatible) microcomputer. $325 for tape and $125 for diskette.
Federal Communications Commission
* Common Carrier Microwave Data Base (PB82-191974/HBO*) (See NTIS)
Contains station and antenna location information, signal path information and technical operating characteristics of microwave radio stations licensed by Common Carrier Bureau of the FCC. In addition to being available on magnetic tape, many of these files can be purchased on 5 1/4" diskette for the IBM-PC (and PC-compatible) microcomputer. $900.
Federal Communications Commission
* Common Carrier Overseas Telecommunications Traffic Data, 1986 (available on diskette) (PB88-221924/XDD) (See NTIS)
The tapes contain data describing Traffic quantities by carrier (International, Canada, and Mexico). Services covered include Telephone, Telegraph, Addressed Press Service, Scheduled Photo & Program Transmission & Reception Service, Facsimile, Address Program Service, Date, etc. Common Carrier Overseas Telecommunications Traffic Data, 1971-1973 (Excluding AT and T) (PB88-221890/XDD), Common Carrier Overseas Telecommunications Traffic Data, 1977-1984 (Excluding AT and T) (PB88-221908/XDD), Common Carrier Overseas Telecommunications Traffic Data, 1985 (available on diskette) (PB88-221916/XDD).
Federal Communications Commission
* Cumulative Monthly Financial and Operating Data for Major Telephone Companies, 1984 (FCC Form 901) (PB85-294249/XDD) (See NTIS)
The FCC Form 901 data are required monthly from the large fully subject telephone companies. These companies have over one million dollars in annual operating revenues and interstate plant. Some large telephone companies that are not subject file voluntarily. Monthly reports are generated by the FCC for individual carriers, and on a quarterly basis industry consolidations are generated. Beginning with the 1983 tapes, the data will contain selected balance sheet information enabling one to develop monthly and cumulative for the year rate of return ratios. This is a Historic file. Cumulative Monthly Financial and Operating Data for Major Telephone Companies, 1976-1982, Historic (FCC Form 901) (available on diskette) (PB85-209948/XDD). Cumulative Monthly Financial and Operating Data for Major Telephone Companies, 1984 (FCC Form 901) (available on diskette) (PB86-151594/XDD), Cumulative Monthly Financial and Operating Data for Major Telephone Companies, 1983 (FCC Form 901) (available on diskette) (PB86-167590/XDD).
Federal Communications Commission
* Cumulative Monthly Financial and Operating Data for Major Telephone Companies, 1983 (FCC Form 901) (PB85-194231/XDD) (See NTIS)
Federal Communications Commission
* Cumulative Monthly Financial and Operating Data for Major Telephone Companies, 1976-1982, Historic (FCC Form 901) (PB84-103381/XDD) (See NTIS)
The FCC form 901 data are required monthly from the large fully subject telephone companies. These companies have over one million dollars in annual operating revenues and interstate plant. Some large telephone companies that are not subject file voluntarily. Monthly reports are generated by the FCC for individual carriers, and on a quarterly basis industry consolidations are generated. Comparisons of monthly and cumulative data, for this year and last year, can be made to determine the amount and percent of increases or decreases for operating revenues, operating expenses and net income. One can also generate comparisons and ratios for revenues and expenses for the various time periods. Beginning with the 1983 tapes, the data will contain selected balance sheet information enabling one to develop monthly and cumulative for the year rate of return ratios. This is the Historic file.
Federal Communications Commission
* Cumulative Monthly Financial and Operating Data for Major Telephone Companies (FCC Form 901) (See NTIS)
The FCC Form 901 data are required monthly from the large fully subject telephone companies. These companies have over one million dollars in annual operating revenues and interstate plants. Some large telephone companies that are not subject file voluntarily. Monthly reports are generated by the FCC for individual carriers; and on a quarterly basis, industry consolidations are generated. Comparisons of monthly and cumulative data for this year and last year can be made to determine the amount and percent of increases or decreases for operating revenues, operating expenses and net income. One can also generate comparisons and ratios for revenues and expenses for the various time periods. Data contains selected balance sheet information enabling one to develop monthly and cumulative for the year rate of return ratios. In addition to being available on magnetic tape, many of these files can be purchased on 5 1/4" diskette for the IBM-PC (and PC-compatible) microcomputer. Available on 3 data files at a cost of $325-$625.C
Federal Communications Commission
* Directional Antenna Data Base (PB84-104132/XDD) (See NTIS)
The Directional Antenna Data Base is used in conjunction with the TV Engineering Data Base. The TV Engineering Data Base contains basic engineering information about each station, such as channel, power, coordinates, etc. Included is an indication of whether the station operates with a directional antenna pattern. The Directional Antenna Data Base is used to contain a tabulation of the directional pattern for each make and model of directional antenna in the TV Engineering Data Base. There should be a record containing the pattern in the Directional Antenna Data Base for each make and model contained in the TV Engineering Data Base. By designing the two data bases in this fashion, we can have several stations with the same make and model of directional antenna, but need to store the antenna pattern only once. This file is kept current on a monthly basis. Directional Antenna Data Base (available on diskette) (PB86-151610/XDD).
Federal Communications Commission
* Directional Antenna Data Base (PB84-104132/HBO*) (See NTIS)
The Directional Antenna Data Base is used in conjunction with the TV Engineering Data Base. The TV Engineering Data Base contains basic engineering information about each station, such as channel, power coordinates, etc. Included is an indication of whether the station operates with a directional antenna pattern. The Directional Antenna Data Base is used to contain a tabulation of the directional pattern for each make and model of directional antenna in the TV Engineering Data Base. There should be a record containing the pattern in the Directional Antenna Data Base for each make and model contained in the TV Engineering Data Base. This file is kept current on a monthly basis. In addition to being available on magnetic tape, many of these files can be purchased on 5 1/4" diskette for the IBM-PC (and PC-compatible) microcomputer. $325 for tape and $125 for diskette.
Federal Communications Commission
* Enhanced Microwave Environmental Link File (PB84-216340/XDD) (See NTIS)
This data base contains all non-government assignments above 942 MHz as recorded in the Commission's Cross Bureau Frequency System (XFS) data base. The XFS data base is the consolidated data base of licensed stations in all bands. The data is recorded on a link-by-link basis. A link is defined as a simplex communications circuit between two points utilizing a single frequency/polarization assignment. A duplex communication circuit would require two links, one link in each direction. There are approximately 225,000 links in the data base. Each link is defined by up to four groupings of card sets. These sets are defined by the character in the first column of each card, i.e., A for administrative data set, T for transmitter data set, R for receiver data set, and P for passive repeater data set.
Federal Communications Commission
* Enhanced Microwave Environmental Link File (PB84-216340/HBO) (See NTIS)
This data base contains all non-government assignments above 942 MHz as recorded in the Commission's Cross Bureau Frequency State (XFS) data base. The data is recorded on a link-by-link basis. There are approximately 225,000 links in the data base. Each link is defined by up to four groupings of card sets. These sets are defined by the character in the first column of each card; i.e., A for administrative data set, T for transmitter data set, R for receiver data set, and P for passive repeater data set. In addition to being available on magnetic tape, many of these files can be purchased on 5 1/4" diskette for the IBM-PC (and PC-compatible) microcomputer. $825-$1,525.
Federal Communications Commission
* Enhanced Microwave Environmental Link File (PB84-216340/HBO) (See NTIS)
This data base contains all non-government assignments above 942 MHz as recordeDD).
* Broadcast TV Data Base (PB82-134925/HBO) (See NTIS)
The TV Engineering Data Base is an unofficial secondary source and does not contain official information. It contains engineering data for full-service TV stations, Low Power Television (LPTV) stations, and TV Translators. In addition, information is included about vacant channels in the Table of Allotments, proposed rulemakings, foreign operations, and land mobile reservations. File is updated monthly. In addition to being available on magnetic tape, many of these files can be purchased on 5 1/4" diskette for the IBM-PC (and PC-compatible) microcomputer. $325 for tape and $125 for diskette.
Federal Communications Commission
* Cable Television Community Unit System (CATV1), 1985 (PB88-122460/XDD) (See NTIS)
The Cable Television Community Unit File contains data for each community served by each cable television system (franchise), including the call sign for each TV station (up to 30) whose programming is distributed via the system. The address (no zip code) of the local community operating facility is available in each record, however, the business mailing address of the parent cable television is not present but is available via linkage to the associated Cable Television Mail Address File. Additional data relative to participating TV stations available via linkage to the associated Cable Television TV Station File. Cable Television Community Unit System, 1976 (PB83-109124/XDD), Cable Television Community Unit System (CATV1) 1980 (PB83-192922/XDD), Cable Television Community Unit System (CATV1), 1981. (PB83-155135/XDD), Cable Television Community Unit System (CATV1), 1982. (PB83-136092/XDD), Cable Television Community Unit System (CATV1), 1983. (PB85-228856/XDD) .
Federal Communications Commission
* Cable Television Community Unit System (CATVI) (PB83-109124/HBO, PB83-109157/HBO, PB83-109140/HBO, PB83-192922/HBO, PB83-155135/HBO, PB843-136092/HBO, PB85-228856/HBO) (See NTIS)
This file is available for each of the years 1976, 1977, 1978, 1980, 1981, 1982 and 1983. The system is comprised of three files: File 1: Cable Television Community Unit File contains data for each community served by each cable television system (franchise), including the call sign for each TV station (up to 30) whose programming is distributed via the system. File 2: The Cable Television Mail Address File contains the business mailing address for each major cable television entity, but does not contain the name of the entity. File 3: The Cable Television Station File contains data for each US TV broadcast station and those Canadian and Mexican TV stations likely to be carried on US Cable Television Systems. Available on 7 separate tapes (depending on year requested). In addition to being available on magnetic tape, many of these files can be purchased on 5 1/4" diskette for the IBM-PC (and PC-compatible) microcomputer. $325 for tape and $125 for diskette.
Federal Communications Commission
* Cable Television EEO Data File, 1981 (PB83-180687/XDD) (See NTIS)
A data base of information collected annually from Cable TV System operators via FCC 395A forms. It contains employment figures based on Sex, Ethnic Type and Job Classification divisions for full time, part time and on the job training employees. The totals of full time and part time employees for each ethnic type and job classification is calculated as is the total of all full time employees. The filing date of the 395A Form is also stored. Cable Television EEO Data File, 1976. (PB83-109132/XDD)
Federal Communications Commission
* Cable Television EEO (Equal Employment Opportunity) Data File, 1982 (PB83-155127/XDD) (See NTIS)
The file is a data base of information collected annually from Cable TV System operators via FCC 395A forms. It contains employment figures based on sex, ethnic type, and job classification divisions for full-time, part-time and on the job training employees. The totals of full-time and part-time employees for each ethnic type and job classification is calculated as is the total of all full-time employees. The filing date of the 395A form is also stored.
Federal Communications Commission
* Cable Television EEO Data File (PB83-109132/HBO, PB83-109173/HBO, PB83-109165/HBO, PB83-180687/HBO, PB83-155127/HBO) (See NTIS)
This is a data base of information collected annually from Cable TV system operators via FCC 395A forms. It contains employment figures based on sex, ethnic type, and job classification division for full time, part time and on-the-job training employees. This file is available for 1976, 1977, 1978, 1981 and 1982. There are 5 separate tapes. In addition to being available on magnetic tape, many of these files can be purchased on 5 1/4" diskette for the IBM-PC (and PC-compatible) microcomputer. $325 for tape and $125 for diskette.
Federal Communications Commission
* Cable Television Physical (Trunk) Data File, 1980 (PB83-178483/XDD) (See NTIS)
A data base of technical information about the services provided to the cable communities. Contains information pertaining to signal carriage and distribution, communities service, and auxiliary cable services performed. This system, by aggregating the Cable communities served by individual technical entities, identifies the complete cable system.
Federal Communications Commission
* Cable Television Physical (Trunk) (PB83-178483/HBO) (See NTIS)
This is a data base of technical information about the services provided to the cable communities. It contains information pertaining to signal carriage and distribution, communities served, and auxiliary cable services performed. This system, by aggregating the cable communities served by individual technical entities, identifies the complete cable system. In addition to being available on magnetic tape, many of these files can be purchased on 5 1/4" diskette for the IBM-PC (and PC-compatible) microcomputer. $325 for tape and $125 for diskette.
Federal Communications Commission
* Citizens Radio Service: Transactions (PB80-117112/XDD) (See NTIS)
This file contains the various transactions that can be processed by the Citizens Radio Licensing System. A transaction may consist of a single transaction record or a set of multiple transaction records which will create a new master file record, update an existing master file record or modify one or more elements contained in a current master file record. FCC Decisions Data File (Vols. 67-81) (PB82-105735/XDD), FCC Decision File (PB81-105867/XDD), FCC Decision File. Volume 86 (PB82-119751/XDD), FCC Decision Data File, Volumes 23-30 (PB82-132176/XDD), FCC Decisions Data File, Volumes 31-38 (PB82-132184/XDD), FCC Decisions Data File, Volumes 39-46 (PB82-132192/XDD), FCC Decisions Data File, Volumes 47-54. (PB82-132200/XDD), FCC Decision Data File, Volumes 15-22 (PB82-132218/XDD), FCC Decision Data File, Volumes 6-14 (PB82-132226/XDD), FCC Decisions Data File, Volume 55 (PB82-132234/XDD), FCC Decision File, Volume 87 (PB82-132242/XDD), FCC Decisions Data File, Volumes 1-5 (PB82-132275/XDD), FCC Decision File (Weekly) PB82-14991/XDD), FCC Decision File, Volume 92, Number 5 (PB84-145234/XDD), FCC Decision File, Volume 92, Number 4 (PB84-145242/XDD), FCC Decision File,Volume 92, Number 3 (PB84-145259/XDD), FCC Decision File, Volume 92, Number 2 (PB84-145267/XDD), FCC Decision File, Volume 92, Number 1 (PB84-145275/XDD), FCC Decision File, volume 92, Number 7 (PB84-145283/XDD), FCC Decision File, Volume 91, Number 6 (PB84-145291/XDD), FCC Decision File, Volume 92, Number 5 (PB84-145309/XDD), FCC Decision File, Volume 91, Number 4 (PB84-145317/XDD), FCC Decision File, Volume 91, Number 3 (PB84-145325/XDD), FCC Decision File, Volume 91, Number 2 (PB84-145333/XDD), FCC Decision File, Volume 91, Number 1 (PB84-145341/XDD), FCC Decision File, Volume 92, Number 6 (PB84-168889/XDD).
Federal Communications Commission
* Citizens Radio Service: Transactions (PB80-117112/HBO) (See NTIS)
This file contains the various transactions that can be processed by the Citizens Radio Licensing System. A transaction may consist of a single transaction record or a set of multiple transaction records which will create a new master file record, update an existing master file record or modify one or more elements contained in a current master file record. In addition to being available on magnetic tape, many of these files can be purchased on 5 1/4" diskette for the IBM-PC (and PC-compatible) microcomputer. $210 for tape and $75 for diskette.
Federal Communications Commission
* Citizens Radio Service: Master File (PB83-112 524/XDD) (See NTIS)
The file contains information such as call sign, name, address, class of station, station location, number of transmitters, authorization dates, etc. for every person or organization licensed by the FCC, Safety & Special Radio Services Bureau to operate a Citizens Radio Service (CB) radio station. Source of data is normally FCC Form 505: Application for Station License in the CB or R/C (Radio Control) Service, submitted by persons or organizations desiring such a license.
Federal Communications Commission
* Common Carrier Cumulative Staff Study Data File (PB89-121206/XDD) (See NTIS)
Cumulative Staff Study - A weekly report by frequency produced by Common Carrier Land Mobile System. Data on report are: Frequency, longitude, latitude, state, applicant name, call sign, received date, public notice date, file number, and application type. The data file is received at NTIS on a Monthly Basis. Common Carrier Cumulative Staff Study Data File (available on diskette) (PB89-121495/XDD).
Federal Communications Commission
* Common Carrier Earth Station Application File (PB 83-195560/XDD) (See NTIS)
The tape contains the Common Carrier Earth Station Application File used by the Common Carrier bureau in processing applications for licenses and permits. It consists of 5,038 applications at this time. Each application is made up of 5 records containing such information as the status of the station, identification information, technical information, frequency information and any special provisions.
Federal Communications Commission
* Common Carrier Earth Station Application File (PB83-195560/HBO*) (See NTIS)
Contains the Common Carrier Earth Station Applications File used by the Common Carrier Bureau in processing applications for licenses and permits. Each of the 5038 applications is made up of five records containing information on status of the station identification information, technical information, frequency information, and any special provisions. In addition to being available on magnetic tape, many of these files can be purchased on 5 1/4" diskette for the IBM-PC (and PC-compatible) microcomputer. $325 for tape and $125 for diskette.
Federal Communications Commission
* Common Carrier Individual Land Mobile Data Base (PB82-253295/XDD) (See NTIS)
The Common Carrier Individual land Mobile Data Base contains information on all individual Land Mobile subscribers that are currently licensed. Data base records contain information for: Existing Licenses; Licenses marked for deletion; and Transmitter data. The call sign is the major data base identifier.
Federal Communications Commission
* Common Carrier Land Mobile Base Station Cumulative Staff Study (PB85-139962/HBO) (See NTIS)
This is a weekly report frequency produced by Common Carrier Land Mobile System. Data on report include frequency, longitude, latitude, state, applicant name, call sign, received date, public notice date, file number and application type. In addition to being available on magnetic tape, many of these files can be purchased on 5 1/4" diskette for the IBM-PC (and PC-compatible) microcomputer. $325 for tape and $125 for diskette.
Federal Communications Commission
isting Licenses; Licenses marked for deletion; and Transmitter data. The call sign is the major data base identifier.
Federal Communications Commission
ering Data Base. This file is kept current on a monthly
* Aeronautical Frequency Lists and Geographic Location of Radio Stations Operating Near Frequencies Commonly Used by Cable TV Systems (PB84-104173/HBO*) (See NTIS)
This report contains lists and geographic locations of aeronautical radio stations operating near frequencies commonly used for visual, aural, or pilot carriers by cable television systems. This lists are provided to assist cable television system operators in determining whether they must adjust their frequencies or take other action to comply with FCC rule (Section 76.510 and 76.611) prohibiting cable use of certain frequencies in case of conflict with aeronautical radio use of those frequencies. In addition to being available on magnetic tape, many of these files can be purchased on 5 1/4" diskette for the IBM-PC (and PC-compatible) microcomputer. $210 for tape and $75 for diskette.
Federal Communications Commission
* Amateur Radio Service Master File Updates (PB81-238792/XDD) (See NTIS)
The data tape contains records for Amateur Radio Service licensees who were issued authorizations during a semi-weekly update cycle. Content and format of the file is the same as the Amateur Radio Service master product, that is, station and licensee name, location, issue and expiration dates, etc. are included. Source of data is generally FCC Form 610 'Application for Individual Amateur Radio Station and/or Operator License.' The file contains only additions and changes to the master file and is not the master file itself. Change records are limited to those requiring a new license to be issued (approximately 95% of changes).
Federal Communications Commission
* Amateur Radio Service Master File (PB83-220889/XDD) (See NTIS)
These tapes contain data for licensees operating under the Amateur Radio Service, and the primary information is obtained from FCC Form 610 'Application for Individual Amateur Radio Station and/or Operator License' and FCC form 610B, Application for Amateur Club or Military Recreation Station Recreation.' Data records include station and license identification mailing address (all items do not contain zip code), radio frequency, issue and expiration dates, and various codes.
Federal Communications Commission
* Amateur Radio Service Master File (PB83-220889/HBO) (See NTIS)
Contains data for applicants and licensees operating under the Amateur Radio Service. Data records include station and license identification, mailing, address (some records do not contain zip code), radio frequency, issue and expiration dates, and various codes. There are approximately 388,000 records in the file. Updates to the master file are available. In addition to being available on magnetic tape, many of these files can be purchased on 5 1/4" diskette for the IBM-PC (and PC-compatible) microcomputer. $825 for tape.
Federal Communications Commission
* Antenna Survey Tower File (PB84-120450/HBO) (See NTIS)
This file contains tower data on all towers requiring FAA or FCC clearance. Data elements include: record type, tower number, tower suffix, latitude and longitude, FCC tower height above ground level, FCC tower height above mean sea level, type of structure, support height, tower height, antenna height, beacon of lightning rod height, distance and direction to nearest airport, FCC number and date, FAA number and date, applicant name, street, city and state, and data of transaction. In addition to being available on magnetic tape, many of these files can be purchased on 5 1/4" diskette for the IBM-PC (and PC-compatible) microcomputer. $525 for tape and $225 for diskette.
Federal Communications Commission
* Aviation (Aircraft) Radio Station License Data Base (PB-235 961/0/XDD) (See NTIS)
The tape contains data for applicants and licensees operating under the Aviation Radio Service, and the primary information is obtained from FCC Form 404, ' Application for Aircraft Radio Station License'. Data records include station and license identification, mailing address (all items do not contain ZIP code) radio frequency, issue and expiration dates, and various codes. The Aviation (Aircraft) Radio Service data base is converted from the Univac III excess -3 code to a BCDIC (Univac), 800 bpi, 7 track, odd parity tape. The base contains approximately 101,892 records of 948 characters in length and 2 records per block.
Federal Communications Commission
* Aviation (Aircraft) Radio Station Data Base (PB-235 961/HBO*) (See NTIS)
Contains data for applicants and licensees operation under the Aviation Radio Service. Data records include station and license identification, mailing address (all items do not contain zip code), radio-frequency, issue, and expiration dates, and various codes. The data base contains approximately 120,000 records. It is updated quarterly. In addition to being available on magnetic tape, many of these files can be purchased on 5 1/4" diskette for the IBM-PC (and PC-compatible) microcomputer. $825 for tape.
Federal Communications Commission
* Broadcast AM Data Base (Sometimes Called AM Engineering Data Base) (PB81-219289/XDD) (See NTIS)
The AM Update System is designed to maintain and update the AM Engineering Data Base, which is used to support the AM Channel Studies. The system is presently confined to nighttime notified AM Radio Stations. The data contained in the data base file of the AM data base is derived from form 301, (Application for authority to construct a new broadcast station or make changes in an existing broadcast station), submitted by all AM licensees/permittees, and notification lists submitted under NARBA and MEXICAN agreements. The data covers the operating parameters of the AM stations, i.e., frequency, transmitter location, power, etc. The engineering data of the stations are compared against the data of all stations of the same operating frequency for possible interference with each other. Broadcast AM Data Base (Sometimes Called AM Engineering Data Base) (available on diskette) (PB86-151586/XDD).
Federal Communications Commission
* Broadcast AM Data Base (AM Engineering Data Base) (PB81-219289/HBO) (See NTIS)
Data is derived from Form 301, Application for Authority to Construct a new Broadcast Station or Make Changes in Existing Broadcast Station, submitted by all AM licensees/permittees, and notification lists submitted under NARBA and Mexican agreements. The data covers the operating parameters of the AM stations; i.e., frequency, transmitter location, power, etc. The engineering data of stations are compared against the data of all stations of the same operating frequency for possible interference with each other. File is updated monthly. In addition to being available on magnetic tape, many of these files can be purchased on 5 1/4" diskette for the IBM-PC (and PC-compatible) microcomputer. $325 for tape and $125 for diskette.
Federal Communications Commission
* Broadcast Applications Address List (PB82-157348/XDD) (See NTIS)
The Broadcast Applications Processing (BAPS) Address Label Data contains addresses for all the AM, FM, and TV licensees in the BAPS Data Base. Broadcast Applications Address List (available on diskette) (PB87-222303/XDD).
Federal Communications Commission
* Broadcast Applications Address List (BAPS) (PB82-157348/HBO*) (See NTIS)
The Broadcast Applications Processing (BAPS) Address Label Data is to be run against the BAPS Address Label List Program to produce a listing (address) of all the AM, FM and TV licensees in the BAPS Data Base. File is updated monthly. In addition to being available on magnetic tape, many of these files can be purchased on 5 1/4" diskette for the IBM-PC (and PC-compatible) microcomputer. $325 for tape and $125 for diskette.
Contains records reflecting call sign, station name, city , state, and zip code for licensed radio and TV broadcast facilities. This file also contains Equal Employment Opportunity information for each of these facilities.
Federal Communications Commission
* Broadcast EEO Log Master File (PB82-191982/HBO) (See NTIS)
Contains records reflecting call sign, station name, city, state, and zip code for licensed radio and TV broadcast facilities as of June 29, 1982. Also contains EEO information for these facilities. Data elements include: file number, call sign, class, city, state, zip code, log code, community county, community state, community code, community population code, market code, market population code, status, workforce analysis (women, non-white, black, Spanish, Asian, American Indian). In addition to being available on magnetic tape, many of these files can be purchased on 5 1/4" diskette for the IBM-PC (and PC-compatible) microcomputer. $325 for tape and $125 for diskette.
Federal Communications Commission
* Broadcast FM Data Base (FM Engineering Data Base) (PB82-134917/HBO*) (See NTIS)
Contains records for existing and proposed stations, allocations, rulemaking petitions/proposals, and translator/boosters. It contains approximately 10,500 records. Data elements include: channel, control number, service class, ID number, country, state, city, frequency, call sign, latitude and longitude, ERP, HAAT, beam tilt, directional antenna, docket number, applicant/licensee name, comment, cut-off date, and RCAMSL. File is updated monthly. In addition to being available on magnetic tape, many of these files can be purchased on 5 1/4" diskette for the IBM-PC (and PC-compatible) microcomputer. $325 for tape and $125 for diskette.
Data is grouped by categories (items) which separately describe the station, the licensee, the capitalization of the station (type of stock, voting/non-voting, authorized shares, number issued,number in treasury, number unissued, and par value), name of holding and/or contract company, if applicable. In addition, the remaining items identify the officers, directors, partners, stockholders, and other persons who vote stocks or otherwise have interests in the station. Last updated October 1980; not currently maintained.
Federal Communications Commission
* Broadcast TV Data Base (PB82-134925/XDD) (See NTIS)
The Broadcast TV Data Base contains records for existing and proposed stations, allocations, and rulemaking petitions/proposals. The data base is converted from Honeywell system standard format BCD, to EBCDIC, 1600 bpi, 9 track, odd parity tape, on the Honeywell H-6023. The data base contains approximately 9175 records of 360 characters, 1 record per block. Broadcast TV Data Base (available on diskette) (PB86-151578/XDD)
Federal Communications Commission
icers, directors, partners, stockholders, and other persons who vote stocks or otherwise have interests in the station. Last updated October 1980; not currently maintained.
Federal Communications Commission
cy information,
* Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) Chemical Substances Inventory: Reissued Inventory Plantsite Information, May 1986 (PB86-220795/XDD) (See NTIS)
The Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) of 1976 tasks the Environmental Protection Agency to maintain an inventory of chemical substances (with certain exclusions) that are in United States commerce. The inventory was gathered from reports on substances that were produced or imported in 1975-1978. An updated version of the inventory, from which the data in these tapes were drawn, was published in October 1985. The TSCA Chemical Substance Inventory: Reissued Inventory Plantsite Information File lists names and addresses for more than 7000 processors and manufacturers of chemicals. Each segment of the production File contains data relevant to one submitter, identified by a manufacturer's ID, for one chemical substance, identified by a CAS registry number. The data elements present on the production file are: CAS registry number, production volume, activity, manufacturer's ID and processor activity. This file, with the TSCA production information, preferred name, and synonym files, provides the complete Toxic Substances Control Act inventory. Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) Chemical Substances Inventory: Reissued Inventory Plantsite Information, May 1986 (PB86-220803/XDD), Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) Chemical Substances Inventory: Reissued Inventory Synonym and Preferred Name File, April 1988 (PB89-120489/XDD).
Environmental Protection Agency
* Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) Test Submissions Data Base (TSCATS) - Comprehensive Update Tape (PB88-912900/XDD) (See NTIS)
The Toxic Substances Control Act Test Submissions Data base (TSCATS) was developed to make unpublished test data available to the public. The test data is submitted to the US Environmental Protection Agency by industry under the Toxic Substances Control Act. Test is broadly defined to include case reports, episodic incidents, such as spills, and formal test study presentations. The data base allows searching of test submissions according to specific chemical identify or type of study when used with an appropriate search retrieval software program. Studies are indexed under three broad subject areas: health effects, environmental effects and environmental fate. Additional controlled vocabulary terms are assigned which describe the experimental protocol and test observations. Records identify reference information needed to locate the source document, as well as the submitting organization and reason for submission of the test data. TSCATS on magnetic tape is updated quarterly in March, June, September and December each year. Each update is a complete restatement of the entire data base.
Environmental Protection Agency
* Volatile Organic Chemicals in the Atmosphere: An Assessment of Available Data (PB83-195511/XDD) (See NTIS)
A significant body of information is currently available to characterize the burden of possibly hazardous organic chemicals (HOCs) in ambient environments. However, these data have not been accessible in an organized format, and no attempt had been made to study their significance or to integrate them into a useful and cohesive document. In this study, ambient data, primarily from the years 1970 through 1980, from 241 references covering 151 chemicals were collected and collated into a computer-accessible data base. Data acquisition has been limited primarily to a few geographical regions, and most sampling programs have been performed in the warmer months and during daylight hours. Specific recommendations are made for future studies regarding data reporting. A strategy for an effective national monitoring program was presented.
Environmental Protection Agency
* Wastewater Treatment - Cost Estimates for Construction of Publicly Owned Facilities, 1982 Needs Survey (PB83-173963/XDD) (See NTIS)
Comprehensive cost estimates of constructing all grant-eligible municipal treatment works needed by existing and future populations. The only complete inventory of municipal treatment works. A comprehensive technical and cost data base for management programmatic, and technical analyses of the construction grants program. Includes a preliminary analyses of the future Federal share of treatment works cost.
Environmental Protection Agency
Equal Employment Opportunity Com
Equal Employment Opportunity Data Files from National Archives
Margaret Adams
Archives Specialist
Reference Service
Center for Electronic Records (NNXA)
National Archives and Records Administration
8th and Pennsylvania Ave., NW
Washington, DC 20408
(202) 523-6771
The following list is a subset of electronic data sets (i.e., computer-readable data files) in the custody of the National Archives and Records Administration. The standard charge for a copy of an electronic data set (one data set not to exceed one magnetic reel of output) is $90. Ordering information is available upon request. For further information please contact the office above.
* EEO-1, 2, 2E, 3, 4, 5: Documentation
* EEO-1, Employer Information Report File
* EEO-2, Apprenticeship Information Report, Joint Labor-Management Apprenticeships
* EEO-2E, Apprenticeship Information Report, Private Employer Apprenticeships
* EEO-3, Local Union Report File
* EEO-4, State and Local Government Information Surveys
* EEO-5, Elementary-Secondary Staff Information Surveys
Equal Employment Opportunity Commission
Equal Employment Opportunity Data Files from NTIS
National Technical Information Service
US Department of Commerce
Springfield, VA 22161
(703) 487-4807
FAX (703) 321-8547
Listed below are data files available from the National Technical Information Service. Call the office above for ordering and cost information.
Equal Employment Opportunity Commission
* Current Population Survey Augmented with DOT Characteristics (April 1971) (PB81-162638/XDD) (See NTIS)
The Committee on Occupational Classification and Analysis of the National Academy of Sciences was funded jointly by the Department of Labor and the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission to investigate the Dictionary of Occupational Titles (DOT) and systems of evaluating job worth (EEOC). In the course of its investigations, the Committee acquired the present computer file, which contains both a selection of labor force variables from the 1971 Current Population Survey and information on occupational characteristics from the Dictionary of Occupational Titles for 60,441 workers in the US Experienced Civilian Labor Force. A variable is available so that the sample can be weighted to approximate the entire US Experienced Civilian Labor Force. Members of the Committee staff compiled the accompanying code book.
Equal Employment Opportunity Commission
* Dictionary of Occupational Titles (DOT) (Fourth Edition) Scores for 1970 Census Categories (PB81-162653/XDD) (See NTIS)
The Committee on Occupational Classification and Analysis of the National Academy of Sciences was funded jointly by the Department of Labor and the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission to investigate the Dictionary of Occupational Titles (DOT) and systems of evaluating job worth (EEOC). In the course of its investigations, the Committee acquired a computer file, which contains both a selection of labor force variables from the 1971 Current Population Survey and information on occupational characteristics from the Dictionary of Occupational Titles for 60,441 workers in the US Experienced Civilian Labor Force. Using those data, staff for the Committee created the present computer file of aggregated DOT characteristics for the 574 expanded categories of the 1970 US Census. The file contains 145 variables each read in with a F13.3 format.
Equal Employment Opportunity Commission
Export-Import Bank of the US
* Credit Information in Export-Import Bank
Export-Import Bank of the US
811 Vermont Ave, NW
Attention: Robert Camp
Room 1050
Washington, DC 20571 (202) 566-4690
This data base contains a wide variety of information regarding the services the Export-Import Bank provides. They can access information in a variety of ways, including providing data on their dealings with a particular exporter, identifying exporters in a particular state, and listing the total amounts authorized to a particular foreign entity. Simple requests can be handled over the phone. More detailed requests may require a FOIA letter.
Export-Import Bank of the US
* Eximbank Bulletin Board Service
Export-Import Bank of the United States
811 Vermont Ave., NW Data: (202) 566-4699
Washington, DC 20571 Voice: (202) 566-4490
The bulletin board offers descriptions of some of the bank's lending programs and the Foreign Credit Insurance Association's policies. It includes application forms, press releases, seminar schedules, a referral list of banks in the EIB programs and a EIB staff directory.
Export-Import Bank of the US
Federal Communications Commissio
* Data Base Search Service
Spectrum Analysis and Frequency Engineering (SAFE)
11166 Main Street, Suite 100
Fairfax, VA 22030 (703) 359-8470
The FCC has contracted SAFE to provide the public with a search and retrieval service for all information contained in the FCC data base files. For example, they could give you the names of all the businesses within a 70 mile radius of Washington, DC, that use mobile radios in their operations, or even equal opportunity employment statistics for TV stations in Dallas, TX. They provide online access to the data bases for $54 per hour, and/or they will do customized searches for $55 per hour plus the cost of materials. Data is available on computer tape, floppy disks, paper, and mailing labels. For a complete description of the FCCs data bases and costs of searches, contact SAFE.
Federal Communications Commission
Federal Communications Commissio
Federal Trade Commission
* FCC Public Access Link (PAL Online) Bulletin Board
Federal Communications Commission (FCC)
1919 M St., NW
Washington, DC 20554 (202) 632-7581
Manufacturers and importers who submit applications for equipment approval by the FCC can track the status of their applications with this bulletin board. Confidentially assigned code numbers limit access of each user to information on its own application. Limited Access.
Federal Communications Commission
* Office of Engineering and Technology Public Access Link
Office of Engineering and Technology
Federal Communications Commission
1919 M Street, NW
Washington, DC 20554 (301) 725-1585
Information regarding granted authorizations and status of pending applications for equipment subject to Certification, Type Acceptance, Type Approval and Notification can be obtained by dialing the FCC Laboratory Computer on (301) 725-1072. System user are advised that data is available only for radio frequency equipment and is accessible by the FCC Identifier (FCC ID). The PAL system is an easy-to-use, menu-driven communications program. The system is presently configured to accept data transfer at either a 300 baud or 1200 baud rate. For more information contact the office above.
Federal Communications Commission
Federal Communications Commission Data Files from NTIS
National Technical Information Service
US Department of Commerce
Springfield, VA 22161
(703) 487-4807
FAX (703) 321-8547
Listed below are data files available from the National Technical Information Service. Call the office above for ordering and cost information.
Federal Communications Commission
* Aeronautical Frequency Lists and Geographic Location of Radio Stations Operating Near Frequencies Commonly Used by Cable Television Systems (PB84-104173/XDD) (See NTIS)
This report contains lists and geographic locations of aeronautical radio stations operating near frequencies commonly used for visual, aural, or pilot carriers by cable television systems. These lists are provided to assist cable television systems. These lists are provided to assist cable television system operators in determining whether they must adjust their frequencies or take other action to comply with FCC rules (Section 76.510 and 76.611) prohibiting cable use of certain frequencies in case of conflict with aeronautical radio use of those frequencies.
Federal Communications Commission
* Aeronautical Frequency Lists and Geographic Location of Radio Stations Operating Near Frequencies Commonly Used by Cable Television Systems (PB84-104173/XDD) (See NTIS)
This report contains lists and geographic locaRj
* Hazardous Waste Collection Data Base (available on diskette) (PB87-945000/XDD) (See NTIS)
The Hazardous Waste Collection Data Base is maintained on an IBM PC/AT. The Data Base is updated on a quarterly basis. The Hazardous Waste Collection Data Base, written in dBase III, was developed to increase access to the entire EPA Hazardous Waste Collection and assist in the transfer of information among EPA Headquarters, Regional Offices and laboratory libraries. The collection contains: EPA Reports, Books, Office of Solid Waste and Emergency Response (OSWER) policy and guidance directives, periodicals, relevant Federal Register Notices, and a listing of commercial data bases with hazardous waste information that are available through the EPA library network. Hard copies of these documents and the data base are available through the EPA library network. Hard copies of these documents and the data base are available in the Headquarters and Regional libraries, the National Enforcement Investigations Center, and the EPA laboratory libraries in Cincinnati, Edison, RTP, Ada, and Las Vegas. A list of the documents is available in all other EPA laboratory libraries. The data base provides automated search and retrieval capabilities by the following access points: keyword/subject heading, abstract, title, author, sponsoring organization/office, project managers name, contract number and more. The data base is organized into three areas: periodicals, commercial data bases, and monographs (books, non-EPA Reports; EPA Reports; OSWER policy and guidance directives.)
Environmental Protection Agency
* Historic SO(2) and NO(x) Emissions Estimates (available on diskette) (PB89-103956/XDD) (See NTIS)
The data file contains the result of a comparison of historic SO(2) and NO(x) emission data sets. The diskette contains 12 files: AL-FLSO2.WK1 SO(2) emissions for Georgia-Louisiana; ME-MTSO2.WK1 SO2 emissions for Maine-Montana; NE-NDSO2.WK1 SO2 emissions for Nebraska-North Dakota; OH-TNSO2.WK1 SO2 emissions for Texas-Wyoming; AL-FLNOX.WK1 NO(x) emissions for Alabama-Florida US; GA-LANOX.WK1 NO(x) emissions for Georgia-Louisiana; ME-MTNOX.WK1 NO(x) emissions for Maine-Montana; NE-NDNOX.WK1 NO(x) emissions for Nebraska-North Dakota; OH-TNNOX.WK1 NO(x) emissions for Ohio-Tennessee; TX-WYNOX.WK1 NO(x) emissions for Texas-Wyoming.
Environmental Protection Agency
* Historic Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) Emissions Estimates and Activity Data (available on diskette) (PB88-250311/XDD) (See NTIS)
Lotus spreadsheets containing the data presented in Appendix B of the EPA report Historic Emissions of Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC) in the United States from 1900 to 1985 are provided on three 5 1/4 floppy diskettes. VOC emissions and activity data are given for the United States; Alabama-Florida; Georgia-Louisiana; Main-Montana; Nebraska-North Dakota; Ohio-Tennessee; and Texas-Wyoming. The data file is in the LOTUS 1-2-3 format using the DOS 3.10 operating system.
Environmental Protection Agency
* Integrated Risk Information System (IRIS) (available on diskette) (PB88-215884/XDD) (See NTIS)
The Integrated Risk Information System (IRIS), an online data base of chemical-specific risk information was made available outside EPA. IRIS provides information on how chemicals affect human health and is a primary source of EPA risk assessment information on chemicals of environmental concern. The principal section of IRIS is the chemical files. The chemical files contain: oral and inhalation reference doses for noncarcinogens; oral and inhalation carcinogen assessments; summarized Drinking Water Health Advisories; summaries of selected EPA regulations; supplementary data (for example, acute toxicity information and physical-chemical properties). The two primary types of health assessment information in IRIS are reference doses and carcinogen assessments. Reference doses are estimated human chemical exposures over a lifetime which ar just below the expected threshold for adverse health effects. Because exposure assessment pertains to exposure at a particular place, IRIS cannot provide situational information on exposure assessment to characterize the risk of chemical exposure. This risk characterization can be used to decide what must be done to protect human health. Oral reference doses (RfD) are provided for most of the chemicals in IRIS and carcinogen slope factors are provided for some. Inhalation reference doses are not yet available in IRIS. Inhalation reference doses will be added after the Agency produces a methodology for developing these RfDs. For more information on IRIS call IRIS User Support at (513) 569-7254 or FTS 684-7254. Integrated Risk Information System (IRIS) (available on diskette) (PB88-215892/XDD).
Environmental Protection Agency
* Master Data File from the 1975 Northeast Oxidant Transport Study (BP-271 286/7/XDD) (See NTIS)
The data from the EPA/Region I Summer 1975 Northeast Oxidant Transport Study have been collected, validated, and compiled by SRI. The final product is a comprehensive data base for the study stored on a single reel of magnetic tape. The manual describes the content and format of this magnetic tape. Both air quality and meteorological data, from ground stations and aircraft, are included for the study, which began on July 15 and ended on August 31, 1975. Four aircraft covered different geographical areas throughout the Northeast. The aircraft were operated by Battelle Columbus Laboratories, Washington State University, the Interstate Sanitation Commission, and EPA (Las Vegas). Ground station data are included for Massachusetts, New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, and Rhode Island. Detailed hydrocarbon analysis for samples collected aloft and on the ground were conducted by Washington State University and EPA (Research Triangle Park) and are reported in the master file. Upper air data (rawinsondes, pibals, and the Albany ozonesonde are also reported for the study period.
Environmental Protection Agency
* National Acid Precipitation Assessment Program (NAPAP) Utility Reference File, 1980: Electric Utility Data Base (PB87-182879/XDD) (See NTIS)
The focus of emission inventory activities within the National Acid Precipitation Program (NAPAP) is to estimate emissions of pollutants of concern to the acid deposition phenomenon. Electric utilities emit a large share of total acid deposition precursor emissions. The purpose of the study was to produce a 1980 utility data base that met the needs of NAPAP task groups for utility data. Special emphasis was placed on meeting data needs of atmospheric modelers, emissions forecasters, and policy analysts. The product of the analysis, the NAPAP Utility Reference File, now serves as the source of emissions data for the 1980 NAPAP emission inventory. It also serves as the source of operating and economic data for utility simulation models. Because both fossil and non-fossil units are included, the total number of units is more than 11,000. Utility No(x) and SO(2) emission estimates made using NAPAP Utility Reference file data for 1980. Six data files are included on the tape; four NAPAP update files and both the existing and announced Unit Inventory files. These are derivative files of the NAPAP Reference Utility Files (NURF). These files contain 1980-based electric utility related unit-level data. The NAPAP update files include corrected and added data on all electric utility generating units, fuel specific emission data, stack parameter data, and announced or coal-converting units. The existing Unit Inventory contains unit-specific data on larger generating units and aggregated information on smaller ones: the announced Unit Inventory contains data on those units coming online or planned for coal conversion data after 1980.
Environmental Protection Agency
* National Ambient Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) Data Base, 1970-1987 (available on diskette) (PB88-189022/XDD) (See NTIS)
The National Ambient Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) Data Base update is the result of an ongoing effort to gather, evaluate, and compile the measured concentrations of a large number of VOCs. Data on the observed concentrations of three hundred twenty (320) volatile organic compounds (VOCs) were compiled, critically evaluated, and assembled into a relational data base. Ambient (outdoor) measurements indoor data, and data collected with personal monitors are included. The data are primarily from the period 1970-1987 and for locations within the United States. In order to compile data from many different sources, each concentration record in the data base represents the daily average for a single chemical, wherever feasible. The total data base contains more than 175,00 concentration records. The data have been assembled into a relational data base using dBASE II Plus, a commercially available data base management program. The data base is available on IBM PC-compatible diskettes. The available report contains a complete description of the data base files and a guide describing the use of a prepared program for searching and maintaining the data base. The data base consists of 42 files and requires 19.4 Megabytes of storage space.
Environmental Protection Agency
* National Surface Water Survey: Eastern Lake Survey, Phase 1 (ELS-10), 1984 (SAS Data Tape) (PB87-193298/XDD) (See NTIS)
The Eastern Lake Survey-Phase I (ELS-I), conducted in the fall of 1984, was the first part of a long-term effort by the US Environmental Protection Agency known as the National Surface Water Survey. It was designed to synoptically quantify the surface water quality of the United States in areas expected to exhibit low buffering capacity. This effort was in support of the National Acid Deposition Assessment Program. The Survey involved a three-month field effort in which 1612 probability sample lakes and 186 special interest lakes in the northeast, southeast and upper midwest regions of the United States were sampled. The data base supporting this effort was designed and data management was implemented by the Environmental Sciences Division of the Oak Ridge National Laboratory. The document provides the information necessary for researchers to transfer the EL-I data base accurately to their own computer systems. A data dictionary, this document also includes complete descriptions of the variables in the data base and of the data set format. This data file is in the SAS format. National Surface Water Survey: Eastern Lake Survey, Phase 1 (ELS-1), 1984 (SAS Export Data Tape) (PB87-193306/XDD), National Surface Water Survey: Eastern Lake Survey, Phase 1 (ELS-1), 1984 (EBCDIC Tape) (PB87-193314/XDD), National Surface Water Survey: Eastern Lake Survey, Phase 1 (ELS-1), 1984 (ASCII Tape) (PB87-193322/XDD), National Surface Water Survey: Eastern Lake Survey, Phase 1 (ELS-1), 1984 (available for diskette) (PB87-19330/XDD).
Environmental Protection Agency
* New York City Air Pollution Project of 1964-1969 (PB-277 131/9/XDD) (See NTIS)
This data file contains various data collected during three test periods of the New York City Air Pollution Project of 1964-1969. The data include: (1) emission rates of sulfur dioxide, heat, and moisture; (2) sulfur dioxide concentrations measured from fixed stations and from automotive platforms; and (3) vertical profiles of sulfur concentrations and air temperature measured from helicopters.
Environmental Protection Agency
* Needs Survey Report to Congress, 1984: Assessment of Needed Publicly Owned Wastewater Treatment Facilities in the United States (PB85-172690/XDD) (See NTIS)
The 1984 Needs Survey Report summarizes a 2-year data collection effort. This Report also contains national summaries of technical information collected during the Survey. Examples of the technical information are: number of treatment plants now and in year 2000; number of nondischarging treatment plants; summary of treatment plant unit processes. The tape contains all the raw data used for the summary report.
Environmental Protection Agency
* Oil and Hazardous Materials Spill Information Retrieval System (OHM-SIRS), 1 Jul 72-31 Dec 74 (PB-243 661/6/XDD) (See NTIS)
Each of the 10,600 records contains data in up to 29 fields. Included are: Name of material spilled; location and date of spill occurrence; quantity spilled and quantity entering water; source of spill; cause of spill; damages caused by spill; actions taken and by whom; and, comments.
Environmental Protection Agency
* Outdoor Chamber Study to Test Multi-Day Effects: Computer Readable Environmental Chamber Data (PB85-161636/XDD) (See NTIS)
The smog chamber facilities of the University of California, Riverside were used to collect experimental data to assess the effects of multi-day irradiation on photochemical oxidant formation. Two chambers were used during this program: a 6,400-liter indoor Teflon chamber with blacklight irradiation and a 50,000-liter dual-mode outdoor Teflon chamber that used natural sunlight as the light source. A total of 28 indoor and 55 outdoor chamber experiments were completed during this study. All data obtained in the study are stored on the computer magnetic tape and are suitable for use in developing and testing kinetic mechanisms of photochemical smog formation.
Environmental Protection Agency
* Regional Air Pollution Study (RAPS) 1976 Hourly Area Source Emissions (CDC Format), January 1-21, 1976 (PB84-203512/XDD) (See NTIS)
The St. Louis Regional Air Pollution Study (RAPS), provided a comprehensive documentation of regional air quality, meteorology and pollutant emissions. RAPS involved an average data collection rate in excess of one million observations per day over a 3 year period (1974-1977). The overall objective of the Regional Air Pollution Study (RAPS) was to create a comprehensive research data set to be used in the development, evaluation and validation of Air Quality Simulation Models. The RAPS 1976 hourly area source missions data are contained on a series of six IBM binary or eighteen CDC binary tapes. Hourly emissions of the criteria pollutants (1) total suspended particulate, (2) sulfur dioxide, (3) nitrogen oxide, (4) total hydrocarbons (5) carbon monoxide, as well as fugitive dust and the breakdown of total hydrocarbon into moles of nonreactive hydrocarbon, paraffins, olefins, aromatics and aldehydes, are reported for 1989 RAPS grids varying in size from 2 square kilometer to 100 square kilometers. The gridded area covers Air Quality Control Region (AQCR) 70 in entirety. The reported hourly data combines several major categories of area source emissions: river vessels, fugitive dust, highways, railroads, stationary residential and commercial, off-highway mobile, stationary industrial sources and airports. The stationary industrial source category contains the minor point sources emitting less than 0.01% of a given pollutant. The complimentary hourly point source data is available on another series of tapes. State-of-the-art emission inventory methodologies in 1976 were used to provide much of the temporal and spatial resolution required for use in Air Quality Simulation Models. The first file on each tape contains file formats and record layouts. The second file on each tape contains grid descriptions; thus each tape may be accessed independently. This tape covers the time period of January 1-21, 1976. Publications: Regional Air Pollution Study (RAPS) Emission Inventory Summarization. PB-293-164/OBE Regional Air Pollution Study (RAPs) Emission Inventory Handbook Volume 1 PB-249-613/1SL, Volume 2 PB-250-113/8SL, and Volume 3 PB-250-114/6SL. Regional Air Pollution Study (RAPS) 1976 Hourly Area Source Emissions (CDC Format), January 22-February 11, 1976 (PB84-203520/XDD), Regional Air Pollution Study (RAPS) 1976 Hourly Area Source Emissions (CDC Format), February 12-March 3, 1976, Regional Air Pollution Study (RAPS) 1976 Hourly Area Source Emissions (CDC Format), March 4-24, 1976 (PB84-203546/XDD), Regional Air Pollution Study (RAPS) 1976 Hourly Area Source Emissions (CDC Format), March 25-April 14, 1976 (PB84-203553/XDD), Regional Air Pollution Study (RAPS) 1976 Hourly Area Source Emissions (CDC Format), April 15-May 5, 1976 (PB84-203561/XDD), Regional Air Pollution Study (RAPS) 1976 Hourly Area Source Emissions (CDC Format), (PB84-203579/XDD), Regional Air Pollution Study (RAPS) 1976 Hourly Area Source Emissions (CDC Format), May 27-June 16, 1976 (PB84-203587/XDD), Regional Air Pollution Study (RAPS) 1976 Hourly Area Source Emissions (CDC Format), June 17-July 7, 1976 (PB84-203595/XDD), Regional Air Pollution Study (RAPS) 1976 Hourly Area Source Emissions (CDC Format), July 8-28, 1976 (PB84-203603/XDD), Regional Air Pollution Study (RAPS) 1976 Hourly Area Source Emissions (CDC Format), July 29-August 18, 1976 (PB84-203611/XDD), Regional Air Pollution Study (RAPS) 1976 Hourly Area Source Emissions (CDC Format), August 19-September 8, 1976 (PB84-203629/XDD), Regional Air Pollution Study (RAPS) 1976 Hourly Area Source Emissions (CDC Format), September 9-29, 1976 (PB84-203637/XDD), Regional Air Pollution Study (RAPS) 1976 Hourly Area Source Emissions (CDC Format), September 30-October 20, 1976 (PB-203645/XDD), Regional Air Pollution Study (RAPS) 1976 Hourly Area Source Emissions (CDC Format), October 21-November 10, 1976 (PB84-203652/XDD), Regional Air Pollution Study (RAPS) 1976 Hourly Area Source Emissions (CDC Format), November 11-December 1, 1976 (PB84-203660/XDD), Regional Air Pollution Study (RAPS) 1976 Hourly Area Source Emissions (CDC Format), December 2-22, 1976 (PB84-203678/XDD), Regional Air Pollution Study (RAPS) 1976 Hourly Area Source Emissions (CDC Format), December 23-31, 1976 (PB84-203686/XDD).
Environmental Protection Agency
* Resource Conservation Recovery Act Notification Data File (PB88-913800/XDD) (See NTIS)
The file contains data compiled for the Resource Conservation Recovery Act Notification of Hazardous Waste Activity, EPA Form 8700-12, was used to collect the data. The file was updated with information compiled from the Application for a Hazardous Waste Permit, EPA Form 3510-3. The data include names and addresses of the facility owner and operator, as well as the facility contact name and number. The data indicate whether a facility is a generator, treatment/storer/disposer, and/or transporter of hazardous waste. There is also a listing of code numbers of waste handled taken from 40 CFR Part 261. The file is produced on a quarterly basis.
Environmental Protection Agency
* Steam-Electric Plant Air and Water Quality Control Data, 1971-1973 (FERC Form 67) (PB84-240233/XDD) (See NTIS)
The data are all the information collected by FERC Form 67, Steam-Electric Plant Air and Water Quality Control Data for the years 1969-1976 submitted by each plant operated by an electric utility with a steam-electric utility with a steam-electric generating capacity of 25 megawatts or greater during the year covered. Part III data started in 1973. Files are organized by year. Steam-Electric Plant Air and Water Quality Control Data, 1969-1970 (FERC Form 67) (PB84-240241/XDD).
Environmental Protection Agency
* Terrestrial Toxicity Data Base (TERRE-TOX), 1970-1985 (PB86-178043/XDD) (See NTIS)
TERRE-TOX is a new data base developed for the US Environmental Protection Agency to aid in evaluating pre-manufacturing notices and research. TERRE-TOX contains published (1970 to present) information on toxicity of anthropogenic substances to terrestrial animals. Currently, species are limited to wildlife, bees, earthworms and laboratory rodents where the substance involved is likely to affect wildlife. The studies deal with acute toxicity, behavior, reproduction, physiological and biochemical responses. Additional information on the chemical used for each study (CAS number,purity, synonyms), test conditions (route of administration, dose regimen, range of doses) is also provided. TERRE-TOX is designed to become part of SPHERE (Scientific Parameters for Health and Environment, Retrieval and Estimation) within the Chemical Information System.
Environmental Protection Agency
ty Data Base (TERRE-TOX), 1970-1985 (PB86-178043/XDD) (See NTIS)
TERRE-TOX is a new data base developed for the US Environmental Protection Agency to aid in evaluating pre-manufacturing notices and research. TERRE-TOX contains published (1970 to er photographs that the Senate or House might require of the Architect of the Capitol. For more information contact the office abovv
* Water Pollution Lab Performance Evaluation Studies (WP)
John Winter
Environmental Protection Agency
Region 26
29 West Martin Luther King Dr.
Cincinnati, OH 45268 (513) 684-7325
This contains data from Water Pollution (WP) studies where participating labs analyzed a series of synthetic samples that were unknown to them, but had known concentrations. The objective was to establish the quality assurance background necessary to evaluate the performance of water laboratories. A diskette copy of the data base and search programs can be obtained by EPA staff upon request. The copy can be installed on any IBM PC-compatible computer, although an IBM AT level microcomputer is recommended for best performance.
Environmental Protection Agency
* Water Quality Modeling System for the Great Lakes (WQMSGL)
William Richardson
Environmental Protection Agency
Region 26
2565 Plymouth Road
Ann Arbor, MI 48105 (313) 675-5000
The Water Quality Modeling System for the Great Lakes consists of three subsystems which when applied together allow the user to develop, calibrate and verify water quality models for aquatic systems. Although the system was developed to serve EPA's research mandates for the Great Lakes, it has general applicability to any water system, (i.e.: rivers, estuaries, small lakes, and coastal). Also the system can be applied to most any water quality problem, constituent, or their interactions. A diskette copy of the data base and search programs can be obtained by EPA staff upon request. The copy can be installed on any IBM PC-compatible computer, although an IBM AT level microcomputer is recommended for best performance.
Environmental Protection Agency
* Water Supply Evaluation Studies Lab Performance (WS)
John Winter
Environmental Protection Agency
Region 26
29 West Martin Luther King Dr.
Cincinnati, OH 45268 (513) 684-7325
This contains data from Water Supply (WS) studies where participating a series of synthetic drinking water samples were unknown to them, but had known concentrations. The object was to establish the quality assurance background necessary to evaluate the performance of drinking water labs. A diskette copy of the data base and search programs can be obtained by EPA staff upon request. The copy can be installed on any IBM PC-compatible computer, although an IBM AT level microcomputer is recommended for best performance.
Environmental Protection Agency
* Water Supply File
Environmental Protection Agency
Attn: WH-553 WMSE 931
401 M St., SW
Washington, DC 20460 (202) 382-7220
Restricted: only available to EPA or EPA computer users. Descriptors of subject matter: digital data; a data file describing name and location of drinking water facilities nationwide using surface waters.
Environmental Protection Agency
* Water Supply Simulation Model (WSSM)
Robert M. Clark
Environmental Protection Agency
Region 26
29 West Martin Luther King Dr.
Cincinnati, OH 45268 (513) 684-7228
In meeting the requirements of the Safe Drinking Water Act, Water Supply Simulation Model (WSSM) can be used to evaluate the trade-offs involved in making decisions concerning water supply systems expansion, water production and facility location. This model can be used by planners to study some of the economic alternatives associated with regional water supply. It incorporates a series of sub-models to describe the various aspects of the economic, demographic and hydraulic systems that make up a water utility. Extensive system hydraulic cost data is needed to use the model. A diskette copy of the data base and search programs can be obtained by EPA staff upon request. The copy can be installed on any IBM PC-compatible computer, although an IBM AT level microcomputer is recommended for best performance.
Environmental Protection Agency
* Whatley Standard
Charles Sweatt
Environmental Protection Agency
Region 4
345 Courtland St., NE
Atlanta, GA 30365 (404) 347-4727
The data base contains information taken from the EPA 7500-5 form dealing with publicly owned treatment works (POTWs) operations. Information such as permit compliance, treatment efficiency, costs of operation and maintenance, operational problems, etc. is included. Small amounts of data on metals, PCBs and organics as covered in permits are also included. A diskette copy of the data base and search programs can be obtained by EPA staff upon request. The copy can be installed on any IBM PC-compatible computer, although an IBM AT level microcomputer is recommended for best performance.
Environmental Protection Agency
* Whole-Body County and Bioassay (WBC)
Anita Mullen
Environmental Protection Agency
Region 26
PO Box 9347A
Las Vegas, NV 89193-3478 (702) 798-2597
The system contains information on ingested and inhaled radionuclides in humans (radiation workers and general public) relative to NV Test Site operations and laboratory activities. Data is from reports, internal memoranda, monitoring logs, and raw data stored in various formats on hard copy, paper tape, magnetic tape, and disc. Mobilized whole body counters are being developed for data collection in the field. A diskette copy of the data base and search programs can be obtained by EPA staff upon request. The copy can be installed on any IBM PC-compatible computer, although an IBM AT level microcomputer is recommended for best performance.
Environmental Protection Agency
Environmental Protection Agency Data Files from NTIS
National Technical Information Service
US Department of Commerce
Springfield, VA 22161
(703) 487-4807
FAX (703) 321-8547
Listed below are data files available from the National Technical Information Service. Call the office above for ordering and cost information.
Environmental Protection Agency
* Air Pollution Technical Information Center (APTIC) Bibliographic Data File (PB-266 904/2/XDD) (See NTIS)
The purpose of the Air Pollution Technical Information Center (APTIC) was to provide bibliographic control of the world's technical literature relating to air pollution, in accordance with a delegation from the Office of Science and Technology in January 1964. APTIC screened: 7,000 periodicals; government reports; patents; technical papers, preprints, dissertations; translations; proceedings, etc. Relevant information was selected, abstracted, indexed, and recorded on computer magnetic tape. A monthly abstract bulletin, Air Pollution Abstracts and several bibliographies (most available from NTIS) were published from this file. This file is no longer active as of April 1977. Air Pollution Technical Information Center (APTIC). Open-End File (PB-267 124/6/XDD).
Environmental Protection Agency
* CERCLIS (Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Information System) Site Location Extract (PB88-914800/XDD) (See NTIS)
The file contains data on potential Hazardous Waste Sites that have been reported to the Environmental Protection Agency by States, municipalities, private companies, and private persons, pursuant to Section 103 of the Comprehensive Environmental Response, compensation and Liability Act (CERCLA) of 1980, as mended. The file contains information on the name and alias names, location, and indicators for National Priority status and Federal Facility. CERCLIS may not contain all the potential hazardous sites that exist. Therefore, although the property of interest is not currently listed in the data base, this is not guarantee that a hazardous waste problem does not exist there.
Environmental Protection Agency
* Chemicals Subject to Reporting Under the Emergency Planning and Community Right to Know Act (Title 3 of the Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act of 1986), January 1988 (available on diskette) (PB88-193255/XDD) (See NTIS)
This is the disk based version of the Office of Toxic Substances' consolidated list of chemicals subject to reporting under Title II of the Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act of 1986 (SARA). Title III is also known as the Emergency Planning and Community Right to Know Act. The document is a list of all chemicals subject to reporting under sections 301, 304, and 313 of Title III. The disk is designed to generate either a printout or a dBase II file from any IBM or IBM compatible system.
Environmental Protection Agency
* Development of the 1980 NAPAP (National Acid Precipitation Assessment Program) Emissions Inventory: Point Sources, Product B (Version 5.0) (PB88-137138/XDD) (See NTIS)
The 1980 NAPAP Emissions Inventory point source emissions data for the 48 contiguous United States are contained in the data file. Annual emissions of 11 pollutants (SO(2), SO(4), NO(x), Pb, CO, Hc1, HF, NH3, TSP, VOC, and total hydrocarbons) from 13,769 plants encompassing 34,483 emission points and 50,159 source classification code (SCC) or process level records are present. The data file (Product B) is one of a series of 1980 NAPAP Emissions Inventory products. A report (Development of the 1980 NAPAP Emissions Inventory) documenting the contents of the data file is available as Product A. Other emissions inventory products include data files containing US and Canadian annual point and area source emissions (Version 5.0) and temporally, spatially, and species-resolved emissions for a typical weekday, Saturday, and Sunday in each season (Versions 5.2 and 5.3). Version 5.2 contains total hydrocarbons (THC) speciated into 28 photochemical reactivity classes, while THC in Version 5.3 are speciated into 10 classes based on carbon bond IV chemistry. Development of the 1980 NAPAP (National Acid Precipitation Assessment Program) Emissions Inventory: Point Sources, Product C (Version 5.0) (PB88-137146/XDD), Development of the 1980 NAPAP (National Acid Precipitation Assessment Program) Emissions Inventory: Point Sources, Product D (Version 5.0) (PB88-137153/XDD), Development of the 1980 NAPAP (National Acid Precipitation Assessment Program) Emissions Inventory: Point Sources, Product E (Version 5.0), (PB88-137161/XDD), Development of the 1980 NAPAP (National Acid Precipitation Assessment Program) Emissions Inventory: Point Sources, Product F (Version 5.0), (PB88-137179/XDD), Development of the 1980 NAPAP (National Acid Precipitation Assessment Program) Emissions Inventory: Area Source-Winter Weekday, Product G (Version 5.2), (PB88-137187/XDD), Development of the 1980 NAPAP (National Acid Precipitation Assessment Program) Emissions Inventory: Area Source-Winter Weekday, Product H (Version 5.2), (PB88-137195/XDD), Development of the 1980 NAPAP (National Acid Precipitation Assessment Program) Emissions Inventory: Area Source-Winter Weekday, Product I (Version 5.2), (PB88-137203/XDD), Development of the 1980 NAPAP (National Acid Precipitation Assessment Program) Emissions Inventory: Area Source-Spring Saturday, Product K (Version 5.2), (PB88-137229/XDD), Development of the 1980 NAPAP (National Acid Precipitation Assessment Program) Emissions Inventory: Area Source-Spring Saturday, Product L (Version 5.2), (PB-137237/XDD), Development of the 1980 NAPAP (National Acid Precipitation Assessment Program) Emissions Inventory: Area Source-Summer Weekday, Product M (Version 5.2), (PB88-137245/XDD), Development of the 1980 NAPAP (National Acid Precipitation Assessment Program) Emissions Inventory: Area Source-Summer Saturday, Product N (Version 5.2), (PB88-137252/XDD), Development of the 1980 NAPAP (National Acid Precipitation Assessment Program) Emissions Inventory: Area Source-Summer Sunday, Product O (Version 5.2), (PB88-137260/XDD), Development of the 1980 NAPAP (National Acid Precipitation Assessment Program) Emissions Inventory: Area Source-Fall Weekday, Product P (Version 5.2) (PB88-137278/XDD), Development of the 1980 NAPAP (National Acid Precipitation Assessment Program) Emissions Inventory: Area Source-Fall Saturday, Product Q (Version 5.2) (PB88-137286/XDD), Development of the 1980 NAPAP (National Acid Precipitation Assessment Program) Emissions Inventory: Area Source-Fall Sunday, Product R (Version 5.2) (PB88-137294/XDD), Development of the 1980 NAPAP (National Acid Precipitation Assessment Program) Emissions Inventory: Point Sources, Product S (Version 5.3) (PB88-137302/XDD), Development of the 1980 NAPAP (National Acid Precipitation Assessment Program) Emissions Inventory: Area Sources-Winter Weekday, Product T (Version 5.3) (PB88-137310/XDD), Development of the 1980 NAPAP (National Acid Precipitation Assessment Program) Emissions Inventory: Area Sources-Winter Saturday, Product U (Version 5.3) (PB88-137328/XDD), Development of the 1980 NAPAP (National Acid Precipitation Assessment Program) Emissions Inventory: Area Sources-Winter Sunday, Product V (Version 5.3) (PB88-137336/XDD), Development of the 1980 NAPAP (National Acid Precipitation Assessment Program) Emissions Inventory: Area Sources-Spring Weekday, Product W (Version 5.3) (PB88-137344/XDD), Development of the 1980 NAPAP (National Acid Precipitation Assessment Program) Emissions Inventory: Area Sources-Spring Saturday, Product X (Version 5.3) (PB88-137351/XDD), Development of the 1980 NAPAP (National Acid Precipitation Assessment Program) Emissions Inventory: Area Sources-Spring Sunday, Product Y (Version 5.3) (PB88-137369/XDD), Development of the 1980 NAPAP (National Acid Precipitation Assessment Program) Emissions Inventory: Area Sources-Summer Weekday, Product Z (Version 5.3) (PB88-137377/XDD), Development of the 1980 NAPAP (National Acid Precipitation Assessment Program) Emissions Inventory: Area Sources-Summer Saturday, Product AA (Version 5.3) (PB88-137385/XDD), Development of the 1980 NAPAP (National Acid Precipitation Assessment Program) Emissions Inventory: Area Sources-Summer Sunday, Product BB (Version 5.3) (PB88-137393/XDD), Development of the 1980 NAPAP (National Acid Precipitation Assessment Program) Emissions Inventory: Area Sources-Fall Weekday, Product CC (Version 5.3) (PB88-137401/XDD), Development of the 1980 NAPAP (National Acid Precipitation Assessment Program) Emissions Inventory: Area Sources-Fall Saturday, Product DD (Version 5.3) (PB88-137419/XDD), Development of the 1980 NAPAP (National Acid Precipitation Assessment Program) Emissions Inventory: Area Sources-Fall Sunday, Product EE (Version 5.3) (PB88-137427/XDD).
Environmental Protection Agency
* Environmental Fate Data Base (ENVIROFATE): Chemical Name File (CASLST), June 1988 (PB89-116065/XDD) (See NTIS)
The tape includes the chemical name, molecular formula, and CAS registry number for each chemical added to the ENVIROFATE data base by these supplements. The tape is to be used in conjunction with DATALOG, BIOLOG, and CHEMFATE. The CASLST file consist of three fields: (1) Chemical Abstract Service Registry Number (CAS) which is a numerical and 9 bytes in length; (2) Chemical formula (FOR) which is textural and 23 bytes in length; and (3) Chemical name (CNA) which is textural and 48 bytes in length. Environmental Fate Data Base (ENVIROFATE): Journal Citations (XREF), June 1988 (PB89-116073/XDD), Environmental Fate Data Base (ENVIROFATE): Environmental Fate Data (DATALOG), June 1988 (PB89-116081/XDD), Environmental Fate Data Base (ENVIROFATE): Microbial Degradation/Toxicity Data (BIOLOG), June 1988 (PB89-116099/XDD), Environmental Fate Data Base (ENVIROFATE): Chemical Identification Information File (CHEMFATE), June 1988 (PB89-116107/XDD), Environmental Fate Data Base (ENVIROFATE): Value Biodegradation File (BIODEG), June 1988 (PB89-116115/XDD).
Environmental Protection Agency
* FORAST (Forest Responses to Anthropogenic Stress) (PB88-223631/XDD) (See NTIS)
In 1982, a multidisciplinary group of forest scientists met to develop experimental protocols for collection and analysis of tree cores over a multistate area within the eastern US. The project that evolved form the meeting was entitled Forest Responses to Anthropogenic Stress (FORAST) and was designed (1) to determine whether evidence of recent alteration of long-term growth patterns of several species of eastern forest trees wa apparent in tree-ring chronologies form within the region and (2) to identify environmental variables which were temporally and spatially correlated with and, hence, plausible contributors to any observed changes. The FORAST data tape contains 7 files (3 of which are in the SAS format); (2) the JCL required to read the tape; (2) documentation of the tape structure; (3) JCL used to read an earlier version of the data base; (4) JCL used to convert original version into the version; (5) FORASTC; SAS data base containing 13 data sets concerning site selection, sampling characteristics, meteorological data, air pollution, and climatic data; (6) FORASTR: SAS data base with 19 data sets by region (sampling area) for ring-width and basal area (increments for 7000 trees) ; and (7) FORASTS: FORASTR data sorted into 14 data sets by species.
Environmental Protection Agency
* Geoecology Data Base (SAS Format) (PB83-134015/XDD) (See NTIS)
The Geoecology Data Base represents a unique compilation of computerized environmental data for research and development. The system is designed to provide rapid access to data at appropriate spatial and temporal scales for environmental impact assessment and planning. It is an integrated data base of diverse environmental resource information from extant sources. Data are stored at the county level of resolution for the conterminous United States. The Geoecology Data Base contains selected data on terrain and soils, water resources, forestry, vegetation, agriculture, land use, wildlife, air quality, climate, natural areas, and endangered species. Basic files on human population are also included to complement the environmental files.
Environmental Protection Agency
* Hazardous Waste Data Management System (HWDMS) Facility Location Extract Tape (PB88-914300/XDD) (See NTIS)
The file contains data on hazardous waste handlers, and/or generators, that is stored in the Hazardous Waste Data Base (HWDMS). The information is compiled from the notification of Hazardous Waste Activity, EPA Form 8700-1, and Forms 3510-3, Application for Hazardous Waste Permits. The data includes names and addresses as well as locational information for all notifying Treatment, Storage, and Disposal (TSD) Facilities, as well as for all notifying generators of at least 1,000 KG/MO of non-active hazardous wastes or 1 KG/MO of acute hazardous wastes. EPA does not claim that HWDMS contains all the potential regulated hazardous waste facilities that exist. Although the property in which you are interested is not currently listed in the data base, this is not a guarantee that a hazardous waste problem will not exist there.
Environmental Protection Agency
soils, water resources, forestry, vegetation, agriculture, land use, wildlife, air quality, climate, natural areas, and endangered species. Basic files on human population are also included to complement the environmental files.
Environmental Protection Agency
* Time-Dependent, Three-Dimensional, Variable-Density Hydrodynamic Model
J.F. Paul
Environmental Protection Agency
Region 26 (401) 789-1071
The time-dependent, three-dimensional, variable-density hydrodynamic model was developed to describe the motion in thermal discharges, harbors, bays, lake basins, entire lakes, estuaries, marine coastal areas, etc. The model calculated velocities and temperature (salinity, also, if required) as a coupled set of time-dependent, non-linear partial differential equations. The results of the model can be used as input to transport model (described separately). The model has various versions (user specified) such that the calculations can be performed with the water surface treated as a rigid-lid or as a free-surface, and with the bottom boundary condition specified either as no-slip or slip. A diskette copy of the data base and search programs can be obtained by EPA staff upon request. The copy can be installed on any IBM PC-compatible computer, although an IBM AT level microcomputer is recommended for best performance.
Environmental Protection Agency
* Toxic Substances Research (HETC)
Bill Hunt
Environmental Protection Agency
Region 26
Mail Drop 14, OAQPS
Research Triangle Park, NC 27711 (919) 541-2909
The Toxic Substances Program is primarily concerned with the several hundred new chemicals, other than pesticides, which are introduced into commercial use each year. In addition to the development of specific bioassay methods applicable to large classes of toxicants and provision of rapid, sensitive, reproducible methods for delineating specific effects, research is being carried out on: The definition of predictive models to reduce large scale screening and testing requirements, the estimation of the risk to man through extrapolation of model animal studies, and the prediction of hazards associated with chemical and physical individual and classes of chemicals. A diskette copy of the data base and search programs can be obtained by EPA staff upon request. The copy can be installed on any IBM PC-compatible computer, although an IBM AT level microcomputer is recommended for best performance.
Environmental Protection Agency
* Toxics and Pesticides Management System (TOPSY)
Judy Sturgess
Environmental Protection Agency
Region 7
726 Minnesota Ave.
Kansas City, MO 66101 (913) 236-2803
TOPSY is a regional supplement to the National "FATES" to provide easy automated capability to "immediately" review and maintain data needed for day to day management of the FIFRA and TOSCA programs. The same parameter definitions and codes used in FATES are used when applicable. It provides for scheduling inspections, getting status for specific facility actions, getting statistics about the programs, etc. A diskette copy of the data base and search programs can be obtained by EPA staff upon request. The copy can be installed on any IBM PC-compatible computer, although an IBM AT level microcomputer is recommended for best performance.
Environmental Protection Agency
* Translation System (EPATR)
Mary Patterson
Environmental Protection Agency
Region 16
401 M St., SW
Washington, DC 20460 (202) 382-5929
This system gathers data on items translated from and/or into the English language. From the file, author, subject, title and translation number reports are generated on microfiche. A diskette copy of the data base and search programs can be obtained by EPA staff upon request. The copy can be installed on any IBM PC-compatible computer, although an IBM AT level microcomputer is recommended for best performance.
Environmental Protection Agency
* TRI (the Toxic Chemical Release Inventory)
Steven D. Newburg-Rinn
Chief, Public Data Branch
Office of Toxic Substances (TS-793)
Environmental Protection Agency
401 M St., SW
Washington, DC 20460
TRI (the Toxic Chemical Release Inventory) will contain information on the annual estimated releases of toxic chemicals to the environment. Based upon data collected by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the file will become part of the National Library of Medicine's (NLM) Toxicology Data Network (TOXNET) and available online for public access through MEDLARS. TRI will be available 24 hours/day, 7 days/week, except for a brief daily maintenance period. Registered NLM online services users will be able to access TRI on the TOXNET system by direct dial or through the TELENET or TYMNET telecommunication networks. TRI users will also automatically have access to all TOXNET and other NLM files, through the TOXNET Gateway. Other NLM files may be used to obtain supporting information in such areas as health hazards and emergency handling of TRI chemicals.
Environmental Protection Agency
* TSCA Chemical Substances Inventory
DIALOG Information Services, Inc.
3460 Hillview Avenue
Palo Alto, CA 94304 (800) 334-2564
This contains a compilation of chemical substances manufactured, imported or processed for commercial purposes in the US.
Environmental Protection Agency
* TSCA 8(a) Level A Information System
Maureen Guild
Environmental Protection Agency
Region 20
401 M St., SW
Washington, DC 20460 (202) 382-3623
This information system consists of a collection of computer programs, standard forms, and manual procedures which validate, store, and selectively report the data collected under the Preliminary Assessment Information Rule (PAIR). The PAIR, under section 8(A) of TSCA, requires chemical manufacturers to submit general use and exposure data to EPA on approximately 250 chemicals. The information sought from manufacturers includes data on the quantities of chemical manufactured, amounts directed to certain classes of use, and potential exposures and environmental releases associated with the manufacturer's own and his customer's processing of the chemicals. A diskette copy of the data base and search programs can be obtained by EPA staff upon request. The copy can be installed on any IBM PC-compatible computer, although an IBM AT level microcomputer is recommended for best performance.
Environmental Protection Agency
* TSCAPP (Toxic Substances Control Act Plant and Protection Data)
Chemical Information Systems, Inc.
7215 York Road
Baltimore, MD 21212 (301) 321-8440
This contains references to non-confidential plant and production information for 55,000 chemical substances.
Environmental Protection Agency
* TSCATS (Toxic Substances Control Act Test Submissions)
Chemical Information Systems, Inc.
7215 York Road
Baltimore, MD 21212 (301) 321-8440
This contains unpublished health and safety studies submitted to EPA under the Toxic Substances Control Act.
Environmental Protection Agency
* Urban Wastewater Toxics Flow Model (TOXFLO)
Lewis Rossman
Environmental Protection Agency
Region 26
29 West Martin Luther King Dr.
Cincinnati, OH 45268 (513) 684-7603
The Urban Wastewater Toxics Flow Model provides statistical estimation of the generation and fate of toxic pollutants entering into a given municipal sewage treatment system. It can also develop a least-cost strategy of industrial pretreatment and municipal treatment to satisfy applicable environmental criteria. Quantities computed by the model include flow and concentration values from each controllable industrial discharger, flow and concentration values from the domestic commercial sector, quality of the influent, effluent, and sludge from the municipal sewage treatment plant, receiving stream water quality, and the total cost of the industrial/municipal control technology utilized. A diskette copy of the data base and search programs can be obtained by EPA staff upon request. The copy can be installed on any IBM PC-compatible computer, although an IBM AT level microcomputer is recommended for best performance.
Environmental Protection Agency
* Visibility Investigative Experiment in the West (VIEW)
Marc Pitchford
Environmental Protection Agency
Region 26
PO Box 9347A
Las Vegas, NV 89193-3478 (702) 798-2363
Data base contains visibility parameters (contrast and visual range as measured by manual and continuous telephotometers and nephelometers), supporting meteorological data (wind speed and direction, temperature and humidity, and photographs) at approximately 20 national parks and monuments, primarily in the western United States. Data collection began in mid-1978. Since 1983 data has been accessed via GOES Communication. The data base is part of the VIEW research project for visibility regulations. It documents ambient visibility and provides a data base for instrument and method intercomparisons. A diskette copy of the data base and search programs can be obtained by EPA staff upon request. The copy can be installed on any IBM PC- compatible computer, although an IBM AT level microcomputer is recommended for best performance.
This data base contains information about all industrial storage facilities as of 1977 for volatile organic liquids. The information includes company, location, description, and size of each storage tank. A diskette copy of the data base and search programs can be obtained by EPA staff upon request. The copy can be installed on any IBM PC-compatible computer, although an IBM AT level microcomputer is recommended for best performance.
Environmental Protection Agency
* Waste Oils
J. Menczel
Environmental Protection Agency
Region 2
26 Federal Plaza
New York, NY 10007 (212) 264-2657
Data base was derived from analyzing waste oils used as fuels in New Jersey and New York. Quantitative data were obtained for the following constituents: sulfur, halogens, various metals ash, etc. A diskette copy of the data base and search programs can be obtained by EPA staff upon request. The copy can be installed on any IBM PC-compatible computer, although an IBM AT level microcomputer is recommended for best performance.
Environmental Protection Agency
* Water Data Exchange (NAWDEX)
National Water Data Exchange
Water Resources Division
US Geological Survey
National Center, MS 421
Reston, VA 22092 (703) 648-5677
The National Water Data Exchange is a confederation of Federal and non-Federal water-oriented organizations working together to improve access to available water data. Information on sites for which water data is available, the types of data available, and the organizations that store the data is available from NAWDEX.
Environmental Protection Agency
* Water Management Permit Compliance System
Carey Houk, W-4-1
Permit Compliance System
Water Management Division
Environmental Protection Agency
215 Fremont Street
San Francisco, CA 94105 (415) 974-8271
The system monitors the NPDES process for permits. Information is available about permittee, application process to issue permit; effluent units; and monitoring requirements. The amount of relevant ocean pollution data and other data varies greatly among approximately 2700 permits in this data base. Printed reports, CRT read outs, microforms, tapes, plots and charts all are available. Access with account in indirect/batch mode.
Environmental Protection Agency
Environmental Protection Agency
* Water Management Permit Compliance System
Carey Houk, W-4-1
Permit Compliance System
Water Management DivisiTR
* Regional Enforcement and Superfund System (REAS)
Diana Bailey
Environmental Protection Agency
Region 7
726 Minnesota Ave.
Kansas City, MO 66101 (913) 236-2803
This cross-indexes documents by originator, recipient, and keywords. It allows selection and sorting by any of the elements. It lists where each original document is located. Document contents are coded by keywords. A diskette copy of the data base and search programs can be obtained by EPA staff upon request. The copy can be installed on any IBM PC-compatible computer, although an IBM AT level microcomputer is recommended for best performance.
Environmental Protection Agency
* Regulation Tracking System (RTS)
Carol Wood
Environmental Protection Agency
Region 1
JFK Building
Boston, MA 02230 (617) 565-3517
This allows the region to monitor the progress of priority regulations, compile a status report of all rule-making activities underway and provide data retrieval capability for reporting to headquarters. A diskette copy of the data base and search programs can be obtained by EPA staff upon request. The copy can be installed on any IBM PC-compatible computer, although an IBM AT level microcomputer is recommended for best performance.
Three sources of data: Mail Survey of 2600 regulated hazardous waste TSD facilities and 11,000 generators, telephone surveys of approximately 8,000 TSD facilities, and site visits at approximately 200 TSD facilities. Data provides profile of individual facility characteristics including: location, types, sizes, and technological characteristics of waste management operations, types of waste managed, facility financial data, groundwater monitoring activities, and pricing policies. A diskette copy of the data base and search programs can be obtained by EPA staff upon request. The copy can be installed on any IBM PC-compatible computer, although an IBM AT level microcomputer is recommended for best performance.
Environmental Protection Agency
* Sample Analyses and Management System, Region 4 (SAAMS)
Tom B. Bennett
Environmental Protection Agency
Region 4
345 Courtland St., NE
Atlanta, GA 30365 (404) 347-4727
The Sample Analyses and Management System is a computerized data storage and retrieval system designed and used by EPA Region 4. The Analytical Support Branch of the Environmental Services Division enters all of its sample logging information and results of chemical analyses into this system. Hard copy-formatted retrieval of data is available at this time. The system also furnishes the lab backlog and other management information. A diskette copy of the data base and search programs can be obtained by EPA staff upon request. The copy can be installed on any IBM PC-compatible computer, although an IBM AT level microcomputer is recommended for best performance.
Environmental Protection Agency
* Soil, Water, Estuarine Monitoring System (Soil File)
Environmental Protection Agency
Office of Pesticides and Toxic Substances
Washington, DC 20460 (202) 755-6180
This is a microdata file which is the soils sections of the SWEMS system, and contains residue data for agricultural and urban soils, raw agricultural chemical application data for the sites sampled. File contains data for the US, counties, SMSA's, states and an individual project identifier.
Environmental Protection Agency
* Spill Notification and Response System (SNARS)
Thomas Massey
Environmental Protection Agency
Region 3
841 Chestnut
Philadelphia, PA 19107 (215) 597-0807
This logs incoming spill reports. It is a computerized record of who reported spill, name and address of spiller, where spill occurred, nearest waterway affected, material spilled and how much, source and cause of spill, whether spill was contained and by whom it was cleaned up, who was notified, section of law under which SPCC Plan falls, amount of fines assessed and collected, etc. A diskette copy of the data base and search programs can be obtained by EPA staff upon request. The copy can be installed on any IBM PC-compatible computer, although an IBM AT level microcomputer is recommended for best performance.
Environmental Protection Agency
* State Implementation Plans System (SIP)
Glenn Hanson
Environmental Protection Agency
Region 3
841 Chestnut
Philadelphia, PA 19107 (215) 597-9800
The State Implementation Plans Tracking System is an administrative tool. It utilizes a series of data fields to indicate the steps and length of time to final disposition. Additional data elements are being included to categorize these plans for historical referencing. A diskette copy of the data base and search programs can be obtained by EPA staff upon request. The copy can be installed on any IBM PC-compatible computer, although an IBM AT level microcomputer is recommended for best performance.
Environmental Protection Agency
* Storage and Retrieval (STORET)
Storet User Assistance
Environmental Protection Agency/SDC
Suite 200, Mail Stop TM228
1505 Planning Research Drive
McLean, VA 22102 (703) 883-8861
STORET maintains parametric data relating to the quality of US waterways. Data include samples taken from more than 200,000 unique collection points located on essentially every river, lake, stream and other waterway. STORET can be searched by pollutant, parameter, type of area, positions, waterway, stations and site. Regional offices may have data and/or information that are not available nationally. These data are usually region specific and fulfill local needs. Direct access to STORET can be arranged from regional offices or the National Water Data Exchange (NAWDEX) assistance center. Tapes of STORET also are available as well as searches and printouts.#
Environmental Protection Agency
* Storet Fish Kill File
Environmental Protection Agency
Attn: WH-553 WMSE 931
401 M St., SW
Washington, DC 20460 (202) 382-7220
Restricted: only available to EPA or EPA computer users. Descriptors of subject matter: digital data; file contains information on pollution-caused fish kills that have occurred within the United States as a result of a variety of industrial, municipal, agricultural and transportation-related operations; the fish kills are identified by the body of water in which they occurred, by the identified source of the pollution which cased the kill, by the duration and severity of the kill, and by the estimated quantity and type of fish killed.
Environmental Protection Agency
* Storet Water Quality File
Environmental Protection Agency
Attn. WH-553 WMSE 931
401 M St., SW
Washington, DC 20460 (202) 382-7220
This contains data on approximately 2300 unique water quality parameters on samples taken from more than 600,000 unique collection points located on essentially all of the nation's rivers, lakes, streams, and other waterways; method of spatial referencing of data is lat/long.
Environmental Protection Agency
* Studies on Toxicity Applicable to Risk Assessment (STARA)
Richard Hertzberg
Environmental Protection Agency
Region 26
29 West Martin Luther King Dr.
Cincinnati, OH 45268 (513) 569-7582
This system contains all available quantitative toxicological data on environmental chemicals. Studies are screened for appropriateness for human health risk estimation. Data files includes one record per dose group in the original reported units of measure. The data files currently cover all Agency priority pollutants (water quality and air lists). A diskette copy of the data base and search programs can be obtained by EPA staff upon request. The copy can be installed on any IBM PC-compatible computer, although an IBM AT level microcomputer is recommended for best performance.
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Environmental Protection Agency
* Superfund Enforcement Tracking System (SETS)
Kathryn Bouve
Environmental Protection Agency
Region 11
401 M St., SW
Washington, DC 20460 (202) 475-8113
SETS is an automated system of information regarding potentially responsible parties (PRP) at CERCLA sites. Under law the PRP's can be held liable for the hazard at a site. They can be required to undertake response action or replenish the Trust fund for costs incurred when the government undertakes cleanup. Identity of responsible parties is the foundation for all enforcement actions under CERCLA. Information is used for planning enforcement strategies across the regions, for determining potential conflicts of interests, and for responding to frequent public inquiries about PRP's. A diskette copy of the data base and search programs can be obtained by EPA staff upon request. The copy can be installed on any IBM PC-compatible computer, although an IBM AT level microcomputer is recommended for best performance.
Environmental Protection Agency
* Superfund Label System (SLS)
Steve Belczyk
Environmental Protection Agency
Region 1
JFK Building
Boston, MA 02230 (617) 565-3517
This maintains mailing lists for Superfund sites. It screens for additions, deletions, and changes, and produces labels and hard copy reports. A diskette copy of the data base and search programs can be obtained by EPA staff upon request. The copy can be installed on any IBM PC-compatible computer, although an IBM AT level microcomputer is recommended for best performance.
Environmental Protection Agency
* Superfund Site Tracking Information System (SUPTRK)
Al Smith
Environmental Protection Agency
Region 4
345 Courtland St., NE
Atlanta, GA 30365 (404) 347-4727
This is a tracking system which contains site data, cleanup information, and history (dates) of Region 4 Superfund sites. A diskette copy of the data base and search programs can be obtained by EPA staff upon request. The copy can be installed on any IBM PC-compatible computer, although an IBM AT level microcomputer is recommended for best performance.
Environmental Protection Agency
* Three Mile Island Environmental Radiation (TMI RAD)
William Kirk
Environmental Protection Agency
Region 27 (717) 782-4866
This contains environmental radiation data collected following March 28, 1979. Accident at Three Mile Island, Middletown, PA. Data from EPA, Public Health Service (PHS), Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC), Department of Energy (DOE), state, and utility itself are included. A diskette copy of the data base and search programs can be obtained by EPA staff upon request. The copy can be installed on any IBM PC-compatible computer, although an IBM AT level microcomputer is recommended for best performance.
Environmental Protection Agency
* Time-Dependent, Three-Dimensional Transport Model
J.F. Paul
Environmental Protection Agency
Region 26 (401) 789-1071
The Time-Dependent, Three-Dimensional Transport Model was developed to calculate the hydrodynamic transport of conservative and non-conservative substances in various water bodies. The model calculates the time-dependent concentration of the desired substance. Input to this model for velocities are results from the separately described hydrodynamic model. Various user specified options permit application to conservative substances such as chloride and non-conservative substances such as suspended solids. A diskette copy of the data base and search programs can be obtained by EPA staff upon request. The copy can be installed on any IBM PC-compatible computer, although an IBM AT level microcomputer is recommended for best performance.
Environmental Protection Agency
* Time-Dependent, Three-Dimensional Transport Model
J.F. Paul
Environmental Protection Agency
Region 26 (401) 789-1071
The Time-Dependent, Three-Dimensional Transport Model was developed to calculate the hydrodynamic transport of conservative and non-conservatiots and charts all are available. Access with account in indirect/batch m
* Region 1 Library Document Control System (DCL1)
Michael Richardi
Environmental Protection Agency
Region 1
JFK Building
Boston, MA 02230 (617) 565-3517
This system is an inventory of periodicals and publications maintained in the regional libraries, in the regional office and lab. System provides access to this information via reports. A diskette copy of the data base and search programs can be obtained by EPA staff upon request. The copy can be installed on any IBM PC-compatible computer, although an IBM AT level microcomputer is recommended for best performance.
Environmental Protection Agency
* Region 1 Source Test File (SORTST)
Edward Conky
Environmental Protection Agency
Region 1
JFK Building
Boston, MA 02230 (617) 565-3517
Results of Air Emission tests with associated process and operating data at the time of the testing are the contents of this data base. A diskette copy of the data base and search programs can be obtained by EPA staff upon request. The copy can be installed on any IBM PC-compatible computer, although an IBM AT level microcomputer is recommended for best performance.
Environmental Protection Agency
* Region 2 Environmental Map Catalog System (MAPS)
Robert Messina
Environmental Protection Agency
Region 2
26 Federal Plaza
New York, NY 10007 (212) 264-2657
This maintains an inventory of maps, overlays and generates reports on the status of the inventory and tracks circulation of maps and overlays to user branches. A diskette copy of the data base and search programs can be obtained by EPA staff upon request. The copy can be installed on any IBM PC-compatible computer, although an IBM AT level microcomputer is recommended for best performance.
Environmental Protection Agency
* Region 3 Mail Labels System (LABELS)
Mark N. Goldstein
Environmental Protection Agency
Region 3
841 Chestnut
Philadelphia, PA 19107 (215) 597-9800
Label file updates are performed by keying data onto card "Images" displayed on video terminal screen. To retrieve information from the system user completes a request form designed for this purpose and submits form to computer operator. Operator incorporates user's specifications into the appropriate Job Control Language runstream. Label Master File on IBM 3090 processed by the Inquiry and Reporting System (IRS). Computerized mailing lists with select codes for selected mailings. A diskette copy of the data base and search programs can be obtained by EPA staff upon request. The copy can be installed on any IBM PC-compatible computer, although an IBM AT level microcomputer is recommended for best performance.
Environmental Protection Agency
* Region 4 Minority Business Tracking (MBEP)
Stan Manus
Environmental Protection Agency
Region 4
345 Courtland St., NE
Atlanta, GA 30365 (404) 347-4727
This contains tracking of minority businesses contracted by EPA for Region 4. A diskette copy of the data base and search programs can be obtained by EPA staff upon request. The copy can be installed on any IBM PC-compatible computer, although an IBM AT level microcomputer is recommended for best performance.
Environmental Protection Agency
* Region 4 O&M Municipal Inventory (O&M)
Jim Greenfield
Environmental Protection Agency
Region 4
345 Courtland St., NE
Atlanta, GA 30365 (404) 347-4727
This is an inventory of waste water treatment plants within region. It contains DMR data of major 92-500 plants. Inspection data (Form 7500) on all plants. A diskette copy of the data base and search programs can be obtained by EPA staff upon request. The copy can be installed on any IBM PC-compatible computer, although an IBM AT level microcomputer is recommended for best performance.
Environmental Protection Agency
* Region 4 Water Quality Modeling (WQM4)
Randall Davis
Environmental Protection Agency
Region 4
345 Courtland St., NE
Atlanta, GA 30365 (404) 347-4727
QUAL-II is a water quality simulation model that is used to assist in analyzing stream data and used to set effluent limits for waste treatment facilities. It simulates dissolved Oxygen, BOD, Ammonia, Nitrogen series, Phosphorus, Algae and 3 conservation materials. It uses the finite difference approach to solve the mathematical equations. A diskette copy of the data base and search programs can be obtained by EPA staff upon request. The copy can be installed on any IBM PC-compatible computer, although an IBM AT level microcomputer is recommended for best performance.
Environmental Protection Agency
* Region 5 ADP Workload Reporting System (WRS)
Jon Abraytis
Environmental Protection Agency
Region 16
2565 Plymouth Rd.
Ann Arbor, MI 48105 (313) 353-1828
The Workload Reporting System produces reports based on hours spent on each project code by each employer. Project codes are assigned for each ADP system and/or programming job, ADP project, time devoted toward administrative functions, annual leave, training hours, etc. The information provided by the reports is used by management for assessing the workload in the branch. Necessary management planning is based on reports produced from the ERS. A diskette copy of the data base and search programs can be obtained by EPA staff upon request. The copy can be installed on any IBM PC-compatible computer, although an IBM AT level microcomputer is recommended for best performance. *Record still being updated as of 09/26/86.
Environmental Protection Agency
* Region 5 Graphics (VGRF)
Ross Stuart
Environmental Protection Agency
Region 16
2565 Plymouth Rd.
Ann Arbor, MI 48105 (313) 353-1828
A diskette copy of the data base and search programs can be obtained by EPA staff upon request. The copy can be installed on any IBM PC-compatible computer, although an IBM AT level microcomputer is recommended for best performance. *Record still being updated as of 09/26/86.
Environmental Protection Agency
* Region 5 Toxics Monitoring System (SQAO)
Environmental Protection Agency
Region 5
230 South Dearborn
Chicago, IL 60604 FTS: 8-886-6220
This deals with scientific data on toxics materials tested in Region 5 for central region laboratory management evaluation. *Record still being updated as of 09/26/86. A diskette copy of the data base and search programs can be obtained by EPA staff upon request. The copy can be installed on any IBM PC-compatible computer, although an IBM AT level microcomputer is recommended for best performance.
Environmental Protection Agency
* Region 7 Asbestos in Schools (ASBESTOS)
Wolfgang Bradner
Environmental Protection Agency
Region 7
726 Minnesota Ave.
Kansas City, MO 66101 (913) 236-2803
This provides tracking system for management of asbestos sampling, evaluation, and abatement. It gives major report showing status of all sites; gives reports showing each phase of project with sites; has search program to allow project manager to quickly look up any site during concerned citizen phone calls; and permits consolidation/computations of a basis of room, school, or school district. A diskette copy of the data base and search programs can be obtained by EPA staff upon request. The copy can be installed on any IBM PC-compatible computer, although an IBM AT level microcomputer is recommended for best performance.
Environmental Protection Agency
* Region 7 EIS 404 Program (EIS7)
Robert Koke
Environmental Protection Agency
Region 7
726 Minnesota Ave.
Kansas City, MO 66101 (913) 236-2803
This is a listing of all projects (permits, unauthorized activities, EIS's) reviewed by the 404 Section. The filed information is used for quick reference for preparing reports to headquarters, locating past projects, comparing types of projects within a given area or waterway, and preparing statistics to determine trends. A diskette copy of the data base and search programs can be obtained by EPA staff upon request. The copy can be installed on any IBM PC-compatible computer, although an IBM AT level microcomputer is recommended for best performance.
Environmental Protection Agency
* Region 7 FIFRA Neutral Inspection Selection System (FIFR)
C.E. Poindexter
Environmental Protection Agency
Region 7
726 Minnesota Ave.
Kansas City, MO 66101 (913) 236-2803
This provides the ability to retrieve data in order to select pesticide producers for routine neutral inspection. It provides the ability to enter data to maintain update status of pesticide producers. A diskette copy of the data base and search programs can be obtained by EPA staff upon request. The copy can be installed on any IBM PC-compatible computer, although an IBM AT level microcomputer is recommended for best performance.
Environmental Protection Agency
* Region 7 Nebraska Pesticide (PEST)
C.E. Poindexter
Environmental Protection Agency
Region 7
726 Minnesota Ave.
Kansas City, MO 66101 (913) 236-2803
This program records all the pesticide applicators from the state of Nebraska in the system so that credentials can be printed and mailed to the individual applicators when they have completed the application and passed the test as required by their application. A diskette copy of the data base and search programs can be obtained by EPA staff upon request. The copy can be installed on any IBM PC-compatible computer, although an IBM AT level microcomputer is recommended for best performance.
Environmental Protection Agency
* Region 7 NPDES Water Compliance System (WACO)
Patsy Burrell
Environmental Protection Agency
Region 7
726 Minnesota Avenue
Kansas City, MO 66101 (913) 236-2803
This tracks compliance status of major dischargers in region by quarter. It reports percent in compliance by state. A diskette copy of the data base and search programs can be obtained by EPA staff upon request. The copy can be installed on any IBM PC-compatible computer, although an IBM AT level microcomputer is recommended for best performance.
Environmental Protection Agency
* Region 7 TOSCA Neutral Selection (TNSS)
C.E. Poindexter
Environmental Protection Agency
Region 7
726 Minnesota Ave.
Kansas City, MO 66101 (913) 236-2803
The purpose of the TOSCA Neutral Selection System is to provide data retrieval in a random manner from an existing data base by industry type and geographic location, to comply with Barlow's decision as required. A diskette copy of the data base and search programs can be obtained by EPA staff upon request. The copy can be installed on any IBM PC-compatible computer, although an IBM AT level microcomputer is recommended for best performance.
Environmental Protection Agency
ecommended for best performance.
Environmental Protection Agency
* Region 7 TOSCA Neutral Selection (TNSS)
C.E. Poindexter
Environmental Protection Agency
Region 7
726 Minnesota Ave.
Kansas City, MO 66101 (913) 236-2803
The purpose of the TOSCA Neutral Selecticomputer is recommended for best performance.
Environmental Protection Agency
Eleanor Merrick
Environmental Protection Agency
Region 20
401 M St., SW
Washington, DC 20460 (202) 382-3658
This system was developed to automate Premanufacture Notice (PMN) and Test Market Exemption Applications (TMEA) case information so that cases could be quickly isolated, referenced and analyzed by their pertinent properties. Users of TDIS are branches in OTS associated with the New Chemicals (PMN) process who have a need to know how similar cases were handled in the past. The objective of TDIS is to automate selected index and descriptive information for each case and provide a computer data base of relevant information associated with such cases. This data can be manipulated and retrieved to identify the specific cases which match the desired selection criteria. A diskette copy of the data base and search programs can be obtained by EPA staff upon request. The copy can be installed on any IBM PC-compatible computer, although an IBM AT level microcomputer is recommended for best performance.
Environmental Protection Agency
* PERMDATA Management System
Richard D. Hopper
Environmental Protection Agency
Region 27
PO Box 9347A
Las Vegas, NV 89193-3478 (702) 798-2447
PERMDATA DATA Base contains the following: Perm ID, the location code, the on and off dates and times for sample, total runtime in hours, the TLD detector number and its dose date, the alpha and gamma TLD readouts, calibration factor, radon concentrations, and a fault code if applicable. This data is used to evaluate possible health hazards from exposure to radon-222. A diskette copy of the data base and search programs can be obtained by EPA staff upon request. The copy can be installed on any IBM PC-compatible computer, although an IBM AT level microcomputer is recommended for best performance.
Environmental Protection Agency
* Pesticide Document Management System (PDMS)
John Carley
Environmental Protection Agency
Region 2011
401 M St., SW
Washington, DC 20460 (703) 557-2315
The Federal Insecticide, Fungicide and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA) requires every pesticide manufacturer or producer to submit scientific data to EPA before a pesticide product can be manufactured in the United States. These data are maintained in the Pesticide Document Management System. Related information from the published literature is also included. A diskette copy of the data base and search programs can be obtained by EPA staff upon request. The copy can be installed on any IBM PC-compatible computer, although an IBM AT level microcomputer is recommended for best performance.
Environmental Protection Agency
* Pesticide Incident Monitoring System (PIMS)
Jerome Blondell
Environmental Protection Agency
Region 20
401 M St., SW
Washington, DC 20460 (703) 557-0321
The Pesticide Monitoring System (PIMS) enters, stores, coordinates and retrieves pesticide incident data within the EPA. The system develops and maintains reporting sources, monitors suspected incidents and provides confirmatory analysis and data on circumstances of the incident. A diskette copy of the data base and search programs can be obtained by EPA staff upon request. The copy can be installed on any IBM PC-compatible computer, although an IBM AT level microcomputer is recommended for best performance.
Environmental Protection Agency
* Pesticide Monitoring Inventory (PMI)
Constance A. Hoheisel
Environmental Fate and Ground Water Branch
Environmental Fate and Effects Division (H7507C)
Office of Pesticide Programs
Environmental Protection Agency
Washington, DC 20460 (703) 577-7499
PMI is a compilation of monitoring projects performed by Federal, State and local governments and private institutions. The data base contains a synopsis of each project, including chemicals, substrates, and location; name, address, and phone number of contact; and a Restricted Use Products file which includes products which are restricted and reasons for the restriction. The data base is available 24 hours a day but may be down between 1pm and 3pm EST on weekdays for updating. The data access phone number is (703) 557-1919.
Environmental Protection Agency
* Pesticide Product Information System (PPIS)
James Skaptason
Environmental Protection Agency
Region 20
401 M St., SW
Washington, DC 20460 (202) 382-7777
The Pesticide Product Information System contains information concerning all pesticide products registered in the United States. It includes registrant name and address, chemical ingredients, toxicity category, brand name, etc. A diskette copy of the data base and search programs can be obtained by EPA staff upon request. The copy can be installed on any IBM PC- compatible computer, although an IBM AT level microcomputer is recommended for best performance.
Environmental Protection Agency
* Pesticides Analytical Transport Solution (PESTAN)
David M. Walters
Environmental Protection Agency
Region 26 (405) 332-8800
An analytical computer model is used to predict pesticide and organic movement of pollutants to ground water. Environmental and chemical data is interactively input. A diskette copy of the data base and search programs can be obtained by EPA staff upon request. The copy can be installed on any IBM PC-compatible computer, although an IBM AT level microcomputer is recommended for best performance.
Environmental Protection Agency
* Pesticides Data Base
Pesticides Information Retrieval System
Environmental Protection Agency
401 M St., SW
Washington, DC 20460 (202) 554-1404
This computer data base provides public access to current information on over 36,000 pesticide products. The system development has been jointly funded by USDA and EPA and is managed by Purdue University.
Environmental Protection Agency
* Pesticides Research (HEPS)
Bill Hunt
Environmental Protection Agency
Region 26
Mail Drop 14, OAQPS
Research Triangle Park, NC 27711 (919) 541-2909
The Pesticides Research Program focuses on increasing our understanding of how pesticides interact with man and the environment, to assure that their use can minimize losses from pests, while maximizing the protection of man and the environment from any reasonable adverse effects from their usage. An increased understanding of pesticides in the environment will lead to less burdensome and cost-effective regulations. By working closely with the pesticides users and the pesticide manufacturers, uniform and credible data can be developed and evaluated in a timely fashion to assure that the American people have safe and effective pesticides to manage pest populations at levels which do not result in health, economic, or aesthetic damage. A diskette copy of the data base and search programs can be obtained by EPA staff upon request. The copy can be installed on any IBM PC-compatible computer, although an IBM AT level microcomputer is recommended for best performance.
Environmental Protection Agency
* Pesticides Use Surveys
Peter Kuch
Environmental Protection Agency
Region 20
401 M St., SW
Washington, DC 20460 (703) 557-7355
This system contains a varied amount of surveys used to aid EPA in planning and ascertaining the benefits of pesticide uses. Surveys included are: National Pesticide Usage Survey of Golf Courses, National Pesticide Usage Survey of Nurseries, National Survey of Hospitals, and Pesticide Usage Survey of Non- Farm Food Establishments. A diskette copy of the data base and search programs can be obtained by EPA staff upon request. The copy can be installed on any IBM PC-compatible computer, although an IBM AT level microcomputer is recommended for best performance.
Environmental Protection Agency
* Physiological Data Acquisition System (PDAS)
Bill Hunt
Environmental Protection Agency
Region 26
Mail Drop 14, OAQPS
Research Triangle Park, NC 27711 (919) 541-2602
This system acquires data, real-time physiological data, from subjects who perform various tests, spirometry, stress (tread mill), and pulmonary while in enclosed chambers that expose them to various levels of pollutants like ozone. All data obtained is acquired real-time. A diskette copy of the data base and search programs can be obtained by EPA staff upon request. The copy can be installed on any IBM PC-compatible computer, although an IBM AT level microcomputer is recommended for best performance.
Environmental Protection Agency
* Premized One-dimensional Flame Code (PROF)
Bill Hunt
Environmental Protection Agency
Region 26
Mail Drop 14, OAQPS
Research Triangle Park, NC 27711 (919) 541-2477
The PROF code can be used to predict the detailed chemical kinetic combustion and/or pollutant formation events which occur in a wide variety of experimental and practical combustion devices. Both steady, free and confined premixed flames, where gaseous diffusion is important, can be treated by the code. Also, well-stirred reactor, plug-flow reactor, and fixed mass time-evolution chemical kinetic problems, where diffusion is not explicitly treated, can be modeled by the code. The code was completed in February 1978 by Acurex Corporation/Energy & Environmental Division of Mountain View California. Previously called: Modeling Studies in Combustion Aerodynamics/Chemistry. A diskette copy of the data base and search programs can be obtained by EPA staff upon request. The copy can be installed on any IBM PC-compatible computer, although an IBM AT level microcomputer is recommended for best performance.
Environmental Protection Agency
* Procurement Tracking System (PRS)
Marilyn Francer
Environmental Protection Agency
Region 1
JFK Building
Boston, MA 02230 (617) 565-3517
This is a system to track status of Procurement from Purchase Request thru Purchase Order. It allows entry, update, inquiry, and reports. A diskette copy of the data base and search programs can be obtained by EPA staff upon request. The copy can be installed on any IBM PC-compatible computer, although an IBM AT level microcomputer is recommended for best performance.
Environmental Protection Agency
* Project Tracking System (PTS)
Vic Cohen
Environmental Protection Agency
Region 16
401 M St., SW
Washington, DC 20460 (202) 382-5635
System identifies and tracks milestones or events within projects, correspondence, or any other subject that progresses over time. A diskette copy of the data base and search programs can be obtained by EPA staff upon request. The copy can be installed on any IBM PC-compatible computer, although an IBM AT level microcomputer is recommended for best performance.
Environmental Protection Agency
* Quality Control Sample Distribution (QCSDS)
John Winter
Environmental Protection Agency
Region 26
29 West Martin Luther King Dr.
Cincinnati, OH 45268 (513) 533-8114
This system maintains a convenient record of the distribution of EPA water quality control samples and produces specific management information upon demand. A diskette copy of the data base and search programs can be obtained by EPA staff upon request. The copy can be installed on any IBM PC-compatible computer, although an IBM AT level microcomputer is recommended for best performance.
Environmental Protection Agency
* RCRA Mass Balance System (MASBAL)
Linda Murphy
Environmental Protection Agency
Region 1
JFK Building
Boston, MA 02230 (617) 565-3517
This compares input amounts and output amounts of a chemical process for consistency. It allows entry, update, listing (hard copy), and analysis (interactive). A diskette copy of the data base and search programs can be obtained by EPA staff upon request. The copy can be installed on any IBM PC-compatible computer, although an IBM AT level microcomputer is recommended for best performance.
Environmental Protection Agency
est. The copy can be installed on any IBM PC-compatible computer, although an IBM AT level microcomputer is recommended for best performance.
Environmental Protection Agency
* Notification of Hazardous Substance Sites
Environmental Protection Agency
Office of Emergency and Remedial Response
401 M St., SW
Washington, DC 20460 (202) 382-2431
This contains information on sites where hazardous substances from industries, businesses, governments, hospitals, and other sources are stored, treated, or disposed of. This magnetic tape contains records of 8664 notifications of hazardous substance sites that were reported as of the notification deadline date (June 9, 1981).
Environmental Protection Agency
* NPDES Discharge Monitoring Report (DMR)
Larry Reed
Environmental Protection Agency
Region 11
401 M St., SW
Washington, DC 20460 (202) 475-8333
In accordance with the Clean Water Act, facilities discharging any pollutant into national waters must obtain a NPDES permit. EPA and state authorities collect effluent data on this standard form from all permitted facilities at least annually for program management evaluation and compliance. These forms or microfiche are stored in manual files in the regions and states for three years. A diskette copy of the data base and search programs can be obtained by EPA staff upon request. The copy can be installed on any IBM PC-compatible computer, although an IBM AT level microcomputer is recommended for best performance.
Environmental Protection Agency
* Occupational Radiation Data Files
Devaughn R. Nelson
Environmental Protection Agency
Region 11
401 M St., SW
Washington, DC 20460 (202) 475-9620
Data files for exposure to occupational workers for years 1970 and 1980 are contained in the data base. Information includes birth date, types and amounts of exposure, and identification of Industrial classification. Information output by industry, age groups, exposure, and collective dose. A diskette copy of the data base and search programs can be obtained by EPA staff upon request. The copy can be installed on any IBM PC-compatible computer, although an IBM AT level microcomputer is recommended for best performance.
Environmental Protection Agency
* Ocean Data Evaluation System
Bob King, Manager
Ocean Data Evaluation Systems
Environmental Protection Agency
Office of Marine and Estuarine Protection
Washington, DC 20460 (202) 475-7119
This system contains affluent, water quality, and biological monitoring data from all coastal sewage treatment plants. Data currently available include marine toxic substances and pollutants, nutrients, benthic organisms, pathogens, and sediment data. General information such as treatment plant names and locations, condition of receiving body of water, influent and effluent data, and permit limits are also available. Printouts or direct access via modem can be arranged by contacting Mr. King. Online.
Environmental Protection Agency
* Office of Marine and Estuarine Protection
Roy Baum
Office of Marine and Estuarine Protection
Environmental Protection Agency
401 M St., SW
Washington, DC 20460 (202) 475-9553
Information available is limited to data furnished by permittees and applicants for 301(h) waiver and other marine programs. Data include water quality, biological and applicant specific information. Approximately 200 data elements for each of over 100 applicant sources is included. There are approximately 24,000 records in the system. Searches are available on a custom basis.
Environmental Protection Agency
* Office of Research and Development Information Systems (ORDIS)
Virginia Kahn
Environmental Protection Agency
Region 26
401 M St., SW
Washington, DC 20460 (202) 382-7466
ORDIS provides critical management information on budget and programmatic activities, and serves as an information base for anyone requiring information on Office of Research and Development activities. The operating offices and branches of the Office of Research and Development provide the information in this system. A diskette copy of the data base and search programs can be obtained by EPA staff upon request. The copy can be installed on any IBM PC-compatible computer, although an IBM AT level microcomputer is recommended for best performance.
Environmental Protection Agency
* OHMTADS (Oil and Hazardous Materials-Technical Assistance Data System)
Chemical Information Systems, Inc.
7215 York Road
Baltimore, MD 21212 (301) 321-8440
This contains nonbibliographic data on oil and hazardous materials.
Environmental Protection Agency
* Oil and Hazardous Material Information System (OILHM)
Kevin McSweeney
Environmental Protection Agency
Region 1
Boston, MA 02230 (617) 565-3517
This is used to track oil and hazardous materials spills and related enforcement actions. A diskette copy of the data base and search programs can be obtained by EPA staff upon request. The copy can be installed on any IBM PC-compatible computer, although an IBM AT level microcomputer is recommended for best performance.
Environmental Protection Agency
* Oil and Hazardous Materials-Technical Assistance Data System
Environmental Protection Agency
Washington, DC 20460 (202) 223-6503
This is a microdata file designed to include all information pertinent to spill response efforts. The data system comprises a wide variety of physical, chemical, biological, toxicological, and commercial data as well as a compendium of information available in open literature. Great emphasis is placed on the deleterious effects those hazardous materials have on water quality.
Environmental Protection Agency
* Open Dump Inventory
George Garland
Environmental Protection Agency
Region 11
401 M St., SW
Washington, DC 20460 (202) 382-2210
This is a list of open dumps that failed to meet criteria for landfills or disposal sites. A diskette copy of the data base and search programs can be obtained by EPA staff upon request. The copy can be installed on any IBM PC-compatible computer, although an IBM AT level microcomputer is recommended for best performance.
Environmental Protection Agency
* OPP Administrative Support Systems (OPPAS)
Richard Longmire
Environmental Protection Agency
Region 20
401 M St., SW
Washington, DC 20460 (703) 557-2925
The purposes of the system are to provide valid unit cost data to support OPP's external budget requests; assist in identifying workloads and impact of special projects; develop historical data base for monitoring and forecasting long-range plans; and to assign personnel to specific projects and tasks. This system contains the following subsystems: OPP Personnel System, OPP Budget System, Time Accounting Information System (TAIS), Automated Document Control register, On-Line Tracking System, and Registration Action Tracking Systems (RATS). A diskette copy of the data base and search programs can be obtained by EPA staff upon request. The copy can be installed on any IBM PC-compatible computer, although an IBM AT level microcomputer is recommended for best performance.
Environmental Protection Agency
* OPTS Regulation Tracking System (OPTS RTS)
Jack Diskin
Environmental Protection Agency
Region 20
401 M St., SW
Washington, DC 20460 (202) 382-3619
In order to support the broad range of regulatory functions conducted under TSCA, the Office of Toxic Substances requires several automated information systems that track the progress of the regulations. The purpose of the OPTS Regulation Tracking System is to track the progress of OPTS regulatory decisions through the different stages of review. A diskette copy of the data base and search programs can be obtained by EPA staff upon request. The copy can be installed on any IBM PC-compatible computer, although an IBM AT level microcomputer is recommended for best performance.
Environmental Protection Agency
* OTS Chemical Directory (CHEMD)
Ingrid Meyer
Environmental Protection Agency
Region 20
401 M St., SW
Washington, DC 20460 (202) 382-3616
The OTS Chemical Directory (CHEMD) will provide a common storage and retrieval capability for chemical structures and related information for chemicals from all OTS automated systems. The Chemical Directory by Molecular Design Ltd. was acquired by OTS and will be used for the CHEMD Implementation. It provides chemical structure and substructure search features via sophisticated graphics capabilities. A diskette copy of the data base and search programs can be obtained by EPA staff upon request. The copy can be installed on any IBM PC-compatible computer, although an IBM AT level microcomputer is recommended for best performance.
Environmental Protection Agency
* Outfall PLUME Model (PLUME)
Abraham Siegel
Environmental Protection Agency
Region 2
26 Federal Plaza
New York, NY 10007 (212) 264-2657
PLUME is a computer program which can be used to evaluate coastal waters, lakes, or estuaries under consideration as disposal sites. It is designed to evaluate and/or predict the length of outfall needed to adequately dilute a proposed discharge in order to provide compliance with water quality standards. The model was developed by the US. EPA Environmental Research Laboratory in Corvallis, Oregon, and it has been used by the San Juan field Office of the US EPA to aid in the location and analysis of ocean outfalls. A diskette copy of the data base and search programs can be obtained by EPA staff upon request. The copy can be installed on any IBM PC-compatible computer, although an IBM AT level microcomputer is recommended for best performance.
Environmental Protection Agency
* Passaic River
Roland Hemmett
Environmental Protection Agency
Region 2
26 Federal Plaza
New York, NY 10007 (212) 264-2657
This data base contains water quality and sediment data on the Passaic River. Fish tissue samples were also collected. A diskette copy of the data base and search programs can be obtained by EPA staff upon request. The copy can be installed on any IBM PC-compatible computer, although an IBM AT level microcomputer is recommended for best performance.
Environmental Protection Agency
* PCBs in Lower Hudson River Sediments
Roland Hemmett
Environmental Protection Agency
Region 2
26 Federal Plaza
New York, NY 10007 (212) 264-2657
Data base contains results of sixty sediment samples which were analyzed for polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs). Samples were collected from Troy, New York to New York City during December. A diskette copy of the data base and search programs can be obtained by EPA staff upon request. The copy can be installed on any IBM PC-compatible computer, although an IBM AT level microcomputer is recommended for best performance.
Environmental Protection Agency
ts of sixty sediment samples which were analyzed for polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs). Samples were collected from Troy, IBM AT level microcomputer is recommended for best performance.
Environmental Protection Agency
* MERL-Cinci Field Scale Organics (IBM)(FSOD)
Susan Campbell
Environmental Protection Agency
Region 26
29 West Martin Luther King Dr.
Cincinnati, OH 45268 (513) 684-7426
This Delivery Order provides for ADP support to the ORD-MERL at Cincinnati. This support involves the entry, reduction and analysis of data incident to existing software systems currently resident on EPA's NCC-IBM computing facility. These systems are important to the mission of the Drinking Water Research Divisions and produce data resources of interest to EPA, other agency personnel, and cooperative agreement recipients. The nature of the use of these systems is the periodic non- complex maintenance required to update and enhance specific programs so that report and graphic generation may be customized according to the request of such users. A diskette copy of the data base and search programs can be obtained by EPA staff upon request. The copy can be installed on any IBM PC-compatible computer, although an IBM AT level microcomputer is recommended for best performance.
Environmental Protection Agency
* Metals Data Base (METL)
Bruce Ferguson
Environmental Protection Agency
Region 4
345 Courtland St., NE
Atlanta, GA 30365 (404) 347-4727
The system contains information on metals detected in municipal wastewater treatment facilities in Region 4. Six heavy metals in influent and effluent from municipal treatment plants reported in milligrams per liter (MG/l). Sludge samples reported in milligrams per kilogram (mg/kg). A diskette copy of the data base and search programs can be obtained by EPA staff upon request. The copy can be installed on any IBM PC-compatible computer, although an IBM AT level microcomputer is recommended for best performance.
Environmental Protection Agency
* Metals Exposure Analysis Modeling System (MEXAMS)
Robert B. Ambrose
Environmental Protection Agency
Region 26
345 Courtland St., NE
Atlanta, GA 30365 (404) 546-3546
MEXAMS provides a capability for assessing the impact of priority pollutant metals on aquatic systems. It considers both the complex chemistry that affects the behavior of metals and the transport processes that affect their migration and fate. This is accomplished by linking MINTEQ, a geochemical model, with EXAMS, an aquatic exposure assessment model. MINTEQ is a thermodynamic equilibrium model that computes aqueous specification, adsorption and precipitation/dissolution of solid phases. It has a well-documented thermodynamic data base that currently contains equilibrium constants and other accessary data for priority pollutant metals. A diskette copy of the data base and search programs can be obtained by EPA staff upon request. The copy can be installed on any IBM PC-compatible computer, although an IBM AT level microcomputer is recommended for best performance.
Environmental Protection Agency
* Mixture and Systemic Toxicant Risk Model (MSRM)
Richard Hertzberg
Environmental Protection Agency
Region 26
29 West Martin Luther King Dr.
Cincinnati, OH 45268 (513) 569-7582
This system contains statistical methods and extrapolation models for using available toxicological and epidemiological data in estimating human health risk from exposure by any route. Methods and graphics programs are also being developed for testing the risk models. Cancer risk models are included for completeness, but are developed elsewhere. Non-cancer risk assessment models and estimation procedures treat response rates and discrete response categories as endpoints for single chemicals and mixtures. The methods include those in the Agency Risk Assessment Guidelines for comparison. A diskette copy of the data base and search programs can be obtained by EPA staff upon request. The copy can be installed on any IBM PC-compatible computer, although an IBM AT level microcomputer is recommended for best performance.
Environmental Protection Agency
* Motorcycle Certification Data (MOCERT)
John Hendon
Environmental Protection Agency
Region 27
2565 Plymouth Road
Ann Arbor, MI 48105 (313) 668-4383
The Motorcycle Certification Data base contains engine family information, test bike description, emission test data, and motorcycle models for emissions certification of motorcycles. A diskette copy of the data base and search programs can be obtained by EPA staff upon request. The copy can be installed on any IBM PC-compatible computer, although an IBM AT level microcomputer is recommended for best performance.
Environmental Protection Agency
* Multispectral Scanner and Photographic Imagery (IMAGERY)
Bob Landers
Environmental Protection Agency
Region 26
PO Box 9347A
Las Vegas, NV 89193-3478 (702) 798-2260
The data base is an index for various data tapes containing multispectral imagery from aircraft and satellite. Some data are classified into various land use patterns and others have thermal gradations identified. Imagery includes data for industrial facilities, waste discharges, and oil and other substance spills on land or water. The data base is concerned with identified sources of pollution and effects of pollution. A diskette copy of the data base and search programs can be obtained by EPA staff upon request. The copy can be installed on any IBM PC-compatible computer, although an IBM AT level microcomputer is recommended for best performance.
Environmental Protection Agency
* National Acid Precipitation Program Emission Inventories (NAPAP)
Bill Hunt
Environmental Protection Agency
Region 26
Mail Drop 14, OAQPS
Research Triangle Park, NC 27711 (919) 541-2612
Use entails the compilation, quality assurance and dissemination of point and area source emissions data. Included is the generation of special purpose reports and special purpose data sets to support modeling, data comparison etc. Also included is the compilation of associated data sets to support the above. A diskette copy of the data base and search programs can be obtained by EPA staff upon request. The copy can be installed on any IBM PC-compatible computer, although an IBM AT level microcomputer is recommended for best performance.
Environmental Protection Agency
* National Air Surveillance Network (NASN)
Randall Davis
Environmental Protection Agency
Region 4
345 Courtland St., NE
Atlanta, GA 30365 (404) 347-4727
The Surveillance and Analysis Division is responsible for collecting, analyzing, and reporting data obtained from approximately 33 air monitoring samplers throughout Region 4 for the purpose of planning and enforcing the requirements of the Clean Air Act. This system is the only monitoring system in use that has the capability to provide long range trend monitoring. A diskette copy of the data base and search programs can be obtained by EPA staff upon request. The copy can be installed on any IBM PC-compatible computer, although an IBM AT level microcomputer is recommended for best performance.
Environmental Protection Agency
* National Air Toxics Information Clearinghouse (NATICH)
Nancy Reilly
Environmental Protection Agency
Region 27
ESD PAB, Mail Drop 13
Research Triangle Park, NC 27711 (919) 541-5353
The National Air Toxics Information Clearinghouse is comprised of air toxics related information gathered from EPA/State/local agencies, and international and other Federal agencies. Information is disseminated via an online user-friendly (menu-driven) data base (NATICH) and through hard copy reports and bi-monthly newsletters. The primary audience is State/local agencies and EPA officials involved with air toxics. The information is comprised of regulatory program information, acceptable ambient concentrations, permitting data, ambient air monitoring information, source test data, emissions inventory data, research and methods development data, preliminary EPA risk assessment results, and bibliographic data. A diskette copy of the data base and search programs can be obtained by EPA staff upon request. The copy can be installed on any IBM PC-compatible computer, although an IBM AT level microcomputer is recommended for best performance.C
Environmental Protection Agency
* National Emissions Data System (NEDS)
Bill Hunt
Environmental Protection Agency
Region 27, Mail Drop 14
Research Triangle Park, NC 27711 (919) 541-5583
The National Emissions Data System (NEDS) contains data describing the annual emissions and operating characteristics of all point and area emitters in the United States. All states are required by regulation to submit this data on an annual basis to the Regional Offices. The data are then transmitted to the National Air Data Branch of OAQPS for processing. A diskette copy of the data base and search programs can be obtained by EPA staff upon request. The copy can be installed on any IBM PC- compatible computer, although an IBM AT level microcomputer is recommended for best performance.
Environmental Protection Agency
* National Human Milk Monitoring Program (NHMP)
Jerome Blondell
Environmental Protection Agency
Region 20
401 M St., SW
Washington, DC 20460 (703) 557-0321
Data base contains values of chlorinated hydrocarbon insecticides and polychlorinated biphenyl residues found in human milk samples provided by approximately 3,000 volunteers randomly selected from the entire continental US. A diskette copy of the data base and search programs can be obtained by EPA staff upon request. The copy can be installed on any IBM PC-compatible computer, although an IBM AT level microcomputer is recommended for best performance.
Environmental Protection Agency
* National Pesticide Hazard Assessment Program
Jerome Blondell
Environmental Protection Agency
Region 20
401 M St., SW
Washington, DC 20460 (703) 557-0321
The National Pesticide Hazard Assessment Program conducts surveys and studies designed to obtain information on adverse health effects possibly associated with human exposure to pesticides. A diskette copy of the data base and search programs can be obtained by EPA staff upon request. The copy can be installed on any IBM PC-compatible computer, although an IBM AT level microcomputer is recommended for best performance.
Environmental Protection Agency
* National Phytoplankton Data Base (in Lakes) (NES PHYTO)
Victor Lambou
Environmental Protection Agency
Region 26
PO Box 9347A
Las Vegas, NV 89193-3478 (702) 798-2259
Classification and enumeration of phytoplankton algae for the National Eutrophication Survey was initiated in 1972 and has been carried out at the Environmental Monitoring Systems Laboratory (EMSL) since 1973. During this period a phytoplankton data base of approximately 65,000 entries and counts was developed, representing information from nearly 600 lakes in 38 states. This extensive data base includes over 1,200 identified species, varieties, and forms and is the most comprehensive of its type in the United States. A diskette copy of the data base and search programs can be obtained by EPA staff upon request. The copy can be installed on any IBM PC-compatible computer, although an IBM AT level microcomputer is recommended for best performance.
Environmental Protection Agency
* Needs Survey (NEEDS)
Karen Klima
Environmental Protection Agency
Region 11
401 M St., SW
Washington, DC 20460 (202) 382-7251
The NEEDS System is a joint effort of EPA and the States to assess the capital investment required to build or improve municipal wastewater treatment facilities. It also includes a projection of the potential level of Federal investment in these facilities if these needs were fully funded in accordance with the provisions of the Clean Water Act. all needs estimates must be documented in accordance with EPA's 1986 Needs Survey guidelines. Approximately 33,000 facilities are included in this survey. A diskette copy of the data base and search programs can be obtained by EPA staff upon request. The copy can be installed on any IBM PC-compatible computer, although an IBM AT level microcomputer is recommended for best performance.
Environmental Protection Agency
* New York Bight Ocean Monitoring Program
Roland Hemmett
Environmental Protection Agency
Region 2
26 Federal Plaza
New York, NY 10007 (212) 264-2657
Data base contains results form 177 sampling locations spread over the nearshore water of the New York Bight. Samples are collected weekly in the water column (1 meter below surface and 1 meter off bottom) from May 15 to September 30. A diskette copy of the data base and search programs can be obtained by EPA staff upon request. The copy can be installed on any IBM PC- compatible computer, although an IBM AT level microcomputer is recommended for best performance.
Environmental Protection Agency
* Northeast Acid Rain Survey
Roland Hemmett
Environmental Protection Agency
Region 2
26 Federal Plaza
New York, NY 10007 (212) 264-2657
Approximately sixty lakes were sampled used a Huey helicopter. The lakes were sampled as a pilot for an upcoming national acid rain survey. A diskette copy of the data base and search programs can be obtained by EPA staff upon request. The copy can be installed on any IBM PC-compatible computer, although an IBM AT level microcomputer is recommended for best performance.
Environmental Protection Agency
, NY 10007 (212) 264-2657
Approximately sixty lakes were sampled used a Huey helicopter. The lakes were sampled as a pilot for an upcoming national acid rain survey. A diskette cop
Environmental Protection Agency
US National Focal Point for INFOTERRA
PM 211-A
Environmental Protection Agency
Washington, DC 20460 (202) 260-2080
INFOTERRA is an information referral service for sources of environmental information. The data base contains government agencies, public and private organizations, universities, individuals, etc. from the US and 134 countries worldwide. All those listed have agreed to answer questions and supply information regarding their particular area(s) of expertise. Sources are provided for 26 categories ranging from air to waste. The data base can be searched by more than 1,000 different subject terms and retrievable information includes: description of source, contact information, source's output and the availability of materials, the regional area served, and the organization's sponsorship, activities and working language. INFOTERRA contains 10,000 records of which 1,400 refer to United States resources. It is updated every two years. Searches and printouts are available free of charge.
Environmental Protection Agency
* Innovative/Alternative Pollution Control Technology Facility File Data Base (IADB)
Charles Vanderlyn
Environmental Protection Agency
Region 11
401 M St., SW
Washington, DC 20460 (202) 382-7277
Innovative/Alternative Data Base combines information from GICS, NEEDS, FMS with data on innovative and alternative wastewater treatment technologies entered by states and regions. It serves as a clearinghouse for municipalities and private developers considering using innovative/alternative technologies. Will be expanded to include other federal agency programs administered by FMHA, HUD, EDA and ARC. Information on projects funded by states, municipalities, university and privately funded will also be included. Information may be expanded to include internationally funded I/A projects. Information on I/A field tests and problem technologies will also be included. A diskette copy of the data base and search programs can be obtained by EPA staff upon request. The copy can be installed on any IBM PC-compatible computer, although an IBM AT level microcomputer is recommended for best performance.
Environmental Protection Agency
* Integrated Risk Information System (IRIS)
Steven Young
Environmental Protection Agency
Region 16
401 M St., SW
Washington, DC 20460 (202) 382-5625
IRIS is an E-MAIL based system containing EPA data on a chemical by chemical basis. Data include, when available, oral reference doses, carcinogenicity assessments, acute health hazard data, and risk management summaries. Sources of data include ORD, OPTS, OW, OAR, OSWER, and OPPE. A diskette copy of the data base and search programs can be obtained by EPA staff upon request. The copy can be installed on any IBM PC-compatible computer, although an IBM AT level microcomputer is recommended for best performance.
Environmental Protection Agency
* Integrated Technical Support Services System (ITSS)
Bill Hunt
Environmental Protection Agency
Region 26
Mail Drop 14, OAQPS
Research Triangle Park, NC 27711 (919) 541-7612
The ITSS System (Integrated Technical Support Service) is composed of two principal components: QTRACK, the Quality Assurance Tracking System, and TSC, the Technical Support Contract Tracking System. QTRAK is used by the laboratory quality assurance staff to track the status of QA program. TSC is used to track project management activities pertaining to the operation of the laboratory's Engineering Technical Services contracts. A diskette copy of the data base and search programs can be obtained by EPA staff upon request. The copy can be installed on any IBM PC-compatible computer, although an IBM AT level microcomputer is recommended for best performance.
Environmental Protection Agency
* International Air Data Base (WHO-WHO)
Bill Hunt
Environmental Protection Agency
Region 26
Mail Drop 14, OAQPS
Research Triangle Park, NC 27711 (919) 541-3887
This is an International data base containing ambient data from the World Health Organization (WHO) and precipitation data from the World Meteorological Organization (WMO). A diskette copy of the data base and search programs can be obtained by EPA staff upon request. The copy can be installed on any IBM PC- compatible computer, although an IBM AT level microcomputer is recommended for best performance.
Environmental Protection Agency
* Inventory Reporting Requirement System (IRR)
Tim Thomas
Environmental Protection Agency
Region 20
401 M St., SW
Washington, DC 20460 (202) 382-3614
The Inventory Section has a responsibility to collect and maintain information on all chemical substances reported to EPA under the requirements of TSCA. Substances are reported on several standard forms one of which is the Confidential Chemical Substance Form C; the Chemical Substance Inventory Report Form is issued in accordance with Section 8 of TSCA. The IS operates an Inventory Reporting Requirement (IRR) System to maintain an historical tracking of all Form C's. It is possible to categorize the status of activities associated which the Forms by the use of the IRR tracking system. A diskette copy of the data base and search programs can be obtained by EPA staff upon request. The copy can be installed on any IBM PC-compatible computer, although an IBM AT level microcomputer is recommended for best performance.
Environmental Protection Agency
* ISHOW (Information System for Hazardous Organics in Water)
Chemical Information Systems, Inc.
7215 York Road
Baltimore, MD 21212 (301) 321-8440
This contains physical property data for chemicals. Date of coverage: 1970-.
Environmental Protection Agency
* Judicial Officer Case Tracking System (JUDO)
Dan Levesque
Environmental Protection Agency
Region 11
401 M St., SW
Washington, DC 20460 (202) 382-4070
The Judicial Officer's Case Tracking System is an office system on the Lexitron using LIST MANAGEMENT which tracks the status of administrative appeal cases handled by the Judicial Officer. This system in addition to tracking case information, is used for maintaining a mailing list of participants in each case. A diskette copy of the data base and search programs can be obtained by EPA staff upon request. The copy can be installed on any IBM PC-compatible computer, although an IBM AT level microcomputer is recommended for best performance.
Environmental Protection Agency
* Labor and Sample Tracking (LAST)
Dr. William Fairless
Environmental Protection Agency
Region 7
726 Minnesota Ave.
Kansas City, MO 66101 (913) 236-2803
This provides locally controlled storage of analyses of water until all lab test results for a sample on a site are complete, verified by lab, and released to STORET. It provides preprinted field sheets, tracks sample status from before sampling, through all required tests, and quality control until released to STORET. It tracks labor by position and activity, project, decision unit and division. A diskette copy of the data base and search programs can be obtained by EPA staff upon request. The copy can be installed on any IBM PC-compatible computer, although an IBM AT level microcomputer is recommended for best performance.
Environmental Protection Agency
* Land Disposal Restrictions (Rule Development) (LDRRDDB)
Steve Weil
Environmental Protection Agency
Region 11
401 M St., SW
Washington, DC 20460 (202) 382-4770
This system collects information on physical and chemical properties of wastes and waste constituents and calculate acceptable health-based levels for constituents to support development of a new organic toxicity characteristic, to identify hazardous wastes and to establish treatment standards for hazardous wastes prior to land disposal. These regulatory programs, both under strict statutory deadlines, are mandated by the Hazardous and Solid Waste Amendments. A diskette copy of the data base and search programs can be obtained by EPA staff upon request. The copy can be installed on any IBM PC-compatible computer, although an IBM AT level microcomputer is recommended for best performance.
Environmental Protection Agency
* Light-Duty Vehicle/Truck Certification (LDS)
John Hendon
Environmental Protection Agency
Region 27
2565 Plymouth Road
Ann Arbor, MI 48105 (313) 668-4383
The Light-Duty Vehicle/Truck Certification Data Base contains certification engine family information, test vehicle description, emissions test data, and running change data generated for 1976 and succeeding model years to demonstrate the capability of new motor vehicles and trucks to meet the emissions standards prescribed in the Clean Air Act. A diskette copy of the data base and search programs can be obtained by EPA staff upon request. The copy can be installed on any IBM PC-compatible computer, although an IBM AT level microcomputer is recommended for best performance.
Environmental Protection Agency
* Listing of Organic Compounds Identified in Region 4 (LUCIFER)
E.W. Loy
Environmental Protection Agency
Region 4
345 Courtland St., NE
Atlanta, GA 30365 (404) 347-4727
LUCIFER contains a listing of all organic compounds identified in all environmental samples taken in Region 4 during January 1971 thru December 1977, and analyzed by the Surveillance and Analysis Division laboratory of Region 4. Included in the data base are: name of compound, concentration, sample source, date sampled, receiving stream, SIC code, CAS number, media sampled, sample type, project type, chemical class, and analytical method. Data base contains 216 additional pollutants not listed here. Selected projects from 1978, 1979 and 1980 have also been entered. A diskette copy of the data base and search programs can be obtained by EPA staff upon request. The copy can be installed on any IBM PC-compatible computer, although an IBM AT level microcomputer is recommended for best performance.
Environmental Protection Agency
* Love Canal & Data Handling System (CANAL)
Bill Hunt
Environmental Protection Agency
Region 26
Mail Drop 14, OAQPS
Research Triangle Park, NC 27711 (919) 541-2919
The Love Canal data base contains all of the data collected in the course of the intensive monitoring done in the fall of 1980 in the Love Canal, New York area. A diskette copy of the data base and search programs can be obtained by EPA staff upon request. The copy can be installed on any IBM PC-compatible computer, although an IBM AT level microcomputer is recommended for best performance.
Environmental Protection Agency
* Management Information Tracking System (New Chemicals) (MITS)
Ruby Boyd
Environmental Protection Agency
Region 20
401 M St., SW
Washington, DC 20460 (202) 382-3592
MITS is an integrated data base along with a collection of computer programs designed to aid in recording, tracking, and report generating for managing activities concerning the review of new chemicals by the EPA Office of Toxic Substances (OTS). A diskette copy of the data base and search programs can be obtained by EPA staff upon request. The copy can be installed on any IBM PC-compatible computer, although an IBM AT level microcomputer is recommended for best performance.
Environmental Protection Agency
* Maximum Individual Dose Model (MAXDOSE)
Daniel Egan
Environmental Protection Agency
Region 11
401 M St., SW
Washington, DC 20460 (202) 475-9605
The Maxdose code calculates accidental releases from a nuclear waste repository. Both geological and human events are modelled. Each event produces a given set of dose rates at different times and distances. A second set of tables estimate contaminated areas and individual risk. Both leaching and dissolution remove waste from the matrix into the accessible environment. The releases are used to calculate the dose table. A diskette copy of the data base and search programs can be obtained by EPA staff upon request. The copy can be installed on any IBM PC-compatible computer, although an IBM AT level microcomputer is recommended for best performance.
Environmental Protection Agency
* McPhail Radial Arm Maze (MRAM)
Bill Hunt
Environmental Protection Agency
Region 26
Mail Drop 14, OAQPS
Research Triangle Park, NC 27711 (919) 541-7833
This measures the learning, memory, and performance of spatially organized behavior in toxicant treated in animals. A diskette copy of the data base and search programs can be obtained by EPA staff upon request. The copy can be installed on any IBM PC-compatible computer, although an IBM AT level microcomputer is recommended for best performance.
Environmental Protection Agency
The copy can be installed on any IBM PC-compatible computer, although an IBM AT level microcomputer is recommended for best performance.
Environmental Protection Agency
* Heavy-Duty Engine Certification Data (HDECERT)
John Hendon
Environmental Protection Agency
Region 27
2565 Plymouth Road
Ann Arbor, MI 48105 (313) 668-4383
The Heavy-Duty Engine Certification Data Base contains engine family information, test engine description, emissions test data, and engine model data for emissions certification of heavy-duty engines. A diskette copy of the data base and search programs can be obtained by EPA staff upon request. The copy can be installed on any IBM PC-compatible computer, although an IBM AT level microcomputer is recommended for best performance.
Environmental Protection Agency
* HERL-RTP Forced Oscillation System (HFOS)
Bill Hunt
Environmental Protection Agency
Region 26
Mail Drop 14, OAQPS
Research Triangle Park, NC 27711 (919) 541-2602
This system is dedicated to acquiring data in a real-time environment from a physiological instrument designed to measure central and peripheral lung resistance using a force, random, and noise-measurement technique. A diskette copy of the data base and search programs can be obtained by EPA staff upon request. The copy can be installed on any IBM PC-compatible computer, although an IBM AT level microcomputer is recommended for best performance.
Environmental Protection Agency
* HERL-RTP Mortality Data Base (MORT)
Bill Hunt
Environmental Protection Agency
Region 26
Mail Drop 14, OAQPS
Research Triangle Park, NC 27711 (919) 541-2339
The system consists of a set of data including all US cancer deaths for the years 1950-1981, all deaths for the years 1962-1981, and population estimates for the years 1950- 1981. A diskette copy of the data base and search programs can be obtained by EPA staff upon request. The copy can be installed on any IBM PC-compatible computer, although an IBM AT level microcomputer is recommended for best performance.
Environmental Protection Agency
* HERL-RTP Plexiglass System (HPLX)
Bill Hunt
Environmental Protection Agency
Region 26
Mail Drop 14, OAQPS
Research Triangle Park, NC 27711 (919) 541-2602
This system monitors and controls the amount of gas inside the chamber that is used to expose subjects to various pollutants in a controlled atmosphere. A diskette copy of the data base and search programs can be obtained by EPA staff upon request. The copy can be installed on any IBM PC-compatible computer, although an IBM AT level microcomputer is recommended for best performance.
Environmental Protection Agency
* HERL-RTP Reiter Maze System (REIT)
Bill Hunt
Environmental Protection Agency
Region 26
Mail Drop 14, OAQPS
Research Triangle Park, NC 27711 (919) 541-2671
This system is a level-one screen for general nervous system dysfunction of rodents. A diskette copy of the data base and search programs can be obtained by EPA staff upon request. The copy can be installed on any IBM PC-compatible computer, although an IBM AT level microcomputer is recommended for best performance.
Environmental Protection Agency
* HERL-RTP Training System (HTRN)
Bill Hunt
Environmental Protection Agency
Region 26
Mail Drop 14, OAQPS
Research Triangle Park, NC 27711 (919) 541-2602
This system acquires data, real-time physiological data, from subjects who perform various tests, spirometry, stress (tread mill), and pulmonary while in enclosed chambers that expose them to various levels of pollutants like ozone. All data obtained is acquired real-time. A diskette copy of the data base and search programs can be obtained by EPA staff upon request. The copy can be installed on any IBM PC-compatible computer, although an IBM AT level microcomputer is recommended for best performance.
Environmental Protection Agency
* HERL-RTP Van System (VAN)
Bill Hunt
Environmental Protection Agency
Region 26
Mail Drop 14, OAQPS
Research Triangle Park, NC 27711 (919) 541-2602
This system acquires data, real-time physiological data, from subjects who perform various tests, spirometry, stress (tread mill), and pulmonary while in ambient atmospheres that expose them to various levels of pollutants like ozone. All data is acquired real-time. Testing is done in a mobile unit. A diskette copy of the data base and search programs can be obtained by EPA staff upon request. The copy can be installed on any IBM PC-compatible computer, although an IBM AT level microcomputer is recommended for best performance.
Environmental Protection Agency
* Imports Data Base (IDBS)
Mary T. Smith
Environmental Protection Agency
Region 11
401 M St., SW
Washington, DC 20460 (202) 382-2500
This system provides a data base of information on automobiles passing through US customs and a capability to search this data and identify all vehicles not in compliance with provisions of the Clean Air Act. A diskette copy of the data base and search programs can be obtained by EPA staff upon request. The copy can be installed on any IBM PC-compatible computer, although an IBM AT level microcomputer is recommended for best performance.
Environmental Protection Agency
* In-Use Technology Assessment (IUTA)
John Hendon
Environmental Protection Agency
Region 27
2565 Plymouth Road
Ann Arbor, MI 48105 (313) 668-4383
This is the In-Use Technology Assessment (IUTA) Vehicle Testing Data Base of engine families, vehicles, and FRP test results. The data base contains the results of emission testing performed on in-use vehicles randomly selected for the 1980, 1981 and 1982 model years. This data base also contains certification test results emission standard as well as result of the catalyst testing program. All data is accessible using the "MICRO" data base management system on the University of Michigan MTS computer system. A diskette copy of the data base and search programs can be obtained by EPA staff upon request. The copy can be installed on any IBM PC-compatible computer, although an IBM AT level microcomputer is recommended for best performance.
Environmental Protection Agency
* In-Use Vehicle Fuel Economy Data (IUFED)
John Hendon
Environmental Protection Agency
Region 27
2565 Plymouth Road
Ann Arbor, MI 48105 (313) 668-4383
The in-use vehicle fuel economy data base includes measured on-the-road MPG for passenger cars and light trucks from model years 1975 thru 1986. Approximately 150,000 vehicles are represented. Data sources include auto manufacturers (GM, Ford, Chrysler), government agencies (EPA, DOE, Calif. Energy Commission) and private survey firms. Vehicles using gasoline, diesel, and methanol fuels are included, from over 20 manufacturers, operated in all seasons and all United States, DC, Puerto Rico, and three Canadian Provinces. Driving conditions data include odometer, miles/day, city fraction, temperature, population density, and owner zip-code. A diskette copy of the data base and search programs can be obtained by EPA staff upon request. The copy can be installed on any IBM PC-compatible computer, although an IBM AT level microcomputer is recommended for best performance.
Environmental Protection Agency
* Industrial Combustion Emissions Model (ICE MODEL)
Bill Hunt
Environmental Protection Agency
Region 26
Mail Drop 14, OAQPS
Research Triangle Park, NC 27711 (919) 541-2612
The Industrial Combustion Emissions (ICE) Model is designed to evaluate acid deposition control strategies for the second largest stationary source category (industrial boilers) of sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxides and sulfate emission. The model forecasts the growth in emissions from industrial boilers to the year 2030, and evaluates emission control costs, emission reduction potential, and other impacts of alternative emission control strategies for the reduction of these acid deposition precursors. A diskette copy of the data base and search programs can be obtained by EPA staff upon request. The copy can be installed on any IBM PC-compatible computer, although an IBM AT level microcomputer is recommended for best performance.
Environmental Protection Agency
* Industrial Facilities Discharge File (IFD)
Environmental Protection Agency
Attn: WH-553 WMSE 931
401 M St., SW
Washington, DC 20460 (202) 382-7220
Restricted: only available to EPA or EPA computer users. File designed and implemented as a comprehensive data base of industrial point source dischargers to surface waters in the United States; data base is organized as a hierarchical information system of three levels: facility level, discharge pipe level and contributing indirect facility level. Source of data is NPDES permit applications, and state and regional files and maps. File structure is random access, documentation available.
Environmental Protection Agency
* Industrial User Permit/Compliance File
Bill Diamond
Environmental Protection Agency
Region 11
401 M St., SW
Washington, DC 20460 (202) 475-9537
EPA regions and States maintain manual permit/compliance related information file on industrial users. The manual file would contain sludge load notifications, compliance attainment reports, compliance schedule reports, base-line monitoring reports, pretreatment categorical determination reports, pretreatment fundamentally different factors variance requests, pretreatment net/gross request, and pretreatment removal credit approval request. A diskette copy of the data base and search programs can be obtained by EPA staff upon request. The copy can be installed on any IBM PC-compatible computer, although an IBM AT level microcomputer is recommended for best performance.
Environmental Protection Agency
* Industry File Index System (IFIS)
Chemical Information Systems, Inc.
7215 York Road
Baltimore, MD 21212 (301) 321-8440
This contains summaries of EPA regulations on particular industries and chemicals. Date of coverage: 1985-.
Environmental Protection Agency
* Industry Studies Data Base (ISDB)
Steven Levy
Environmental Protection Agency
Region 11
401 M St., SW
Washington, DC 20460 (202) 382-4697
The data base consists of information extracted from RCRA 3007 Questionnaires, sampling and analysis reports, industry contacts and literature. The data tracks organic chemical manufacturing processes, the quantities and characteristics of residual streams and associated waste management practices. To date the chlorinated organic, organic pesticide, carbamate pesticides, brominated organic, industrial organic, dye, chlorinated aeromatics, and pigment, and plastic and resins industries are included. A diskette copy of the data base and search programs can be obtained by EPA staff upon request. The copy can be installed on any IBM PC-compatible computer, although an IBM AT level microcomputer is recommended for best performance.
Environmental Protection Agency
* Inhalable Particulate Network (IPMN)
Bill Hunt
Environmental Protection Agency
Region 26
Mail Drop 14, OAQPS
Research Triangle Park, NC 27711 (919) 541-3076
The Inhalable Particulate Network contains a breakdown of particulate data by size. The data base is used to determine the need for a new standard and the fate of the Total Suspended Particulate standard. A diskette copy of the data base and search programs can be obtained by EPA staff upon request. The copy can be installed on any IBM PC-compatible computer, although an IBM AT level microcomputer is recommended for best performance.
Environmental Protection Agency
crocomputer is recommended for best performance.
Environmental Protection Agency
* Inhalable Particulate data base and search programs can be obtained by EPA staff upon h
* General Record of Enforcement Actions Tracked (GREAT)
Larry Reed
Environmental Protection Agency
Region 11
401 M St., SW
Washington, DC 20460 (202) 475-8313
The GREAT System is a computerized data system designed to aid EPA headquarters personnel in the tracking of formal EPA Enforcement Actions taken against permitted facilities. Data is used for SPMS and OWEG. GREAT uses a sequential file system with batch input, update, and retrieval facilities. Retrievals are obtained through the use of packages such as IRS and SAS. A diskette copy of the data base and search programs can be obtained by EPA staff upon request. The copy can be installed on any IBM PC-compatible computer, although an IBM AT level microcomputer is recommended for best performance.
Environmental Protection Agency
* GENETOX (Mutagenicity Data Base)
Chemical Information Systems, Inc.
7215 York Road
Baltimore, MD 21212 (301) 321-8440
This contains mutagenicity information on more than 2600 chemicals as tested against 38 biological systems.
Environmental Protection Agency
* Geophysical Models for Data Interpretation (GMDI)
Mazzla Aldo
Environmental Protection Agency
Region 26
PO Box 9347A
Las Vegas, NV 89193-3478 (702) 798-2254
System will interpret geophysical data collected at hazardous waste sites using a variety of statistical and inversion models. A diskette copy of the data base and search programs can be obtained by EPA staff upon request. The copy can be installed on any IBM PC-compatible computer, although an IBM AT level microcomputer is recommended for best performance.
Environmental Protection Agency
* Global Indexing System (GI)
Delores Evans
Environmental Protection Agency
Region 20
401 M St., SW
Washington, DC 20460 (202) 382-3608
Global Indexing System (GI) is a document storage and retrieval system which will store and retrieve information contained in documents related to the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA). GI deals with documents generated and collected through TSCA activities. GI is a document search and review system consisting of a pointer to a fiche copy. The system validates CAS numbers, enables users to retrieve chemical names, and has capability of performing searches for document data using general parameters entered by the user. A diskette copy of the data base and search programs can be obtained by EPA staff upon request. The copy can be installed on any IBM PC-compatible computer, although an IBM AT level microcomputer is recommended for best performance.
Environmental Protection Agency
* Grants ADABAS Access and Retrieval Package (GAARP)
Mike Kaplan
Environmental Protection Agency
Region 16
401 M St., SW
Washington, DC 20460 (202) 382-5303
The Grants Information and Control System (GICS) ADABAS Access and Retrieval Package (GAARP) provides on-line retrieval and batch reporting capability using the NATURAL programming language and the ADABAS data base management system. GAARP currently provides ten regional data bases in the ADABAS development environment for program development and testing. Ten regional data bases will be in production for ad hoc and batch reporting for all EPA grant information. A diskette copy of the data base and search programs can be obtained by EPA staff upon request. The copy can be installed on any IBM PC-compatible computer, although an IBM AT level microcomputer is recommended for best performance.
This is a semi-manual system by which regional offices transmit award notifications to headquarters via E-Mail, Regional and headquarters award notifications are maintained on a Lexitron and manually transferred to the Office of Congressional Liaison. A diskette copy of the data base and search programs can be obtained by EPA staff upon request. The copy can be installed on any IBM PC-compatible computer, although an IBM AT level microcomputer is recommended for best performance.
Environmental Protection Agency
* Grants Administration Division Management Information System (GADMIS)
Geneva Gillespie
Environmental Protection Agency
Region 16
401 M St., SW
Washington, DC 20460 (202) 475-8274
This is a microcomputer-based system which automatically generates the monthly publication for inter-agency agreements and grant awards. A diskette copy of the data base and search programs can be obtained by EPA staff upon request. The copy can be installed on any IBM PC-compatible computer, although an IBM AT level microcomputer is recommended for best performance.
Environmental Protection Agency
* Grants Information and Control System (GICS)
Mike Kaplan
Environmental Protection Agency
Region 16
401 M St., SW
Washington, DC 20460 (202) 382-5303
This System is required to track the processing of all EPA grant applications, prospective wastewater treatment construction projects, and active grant projects in the Agency. Activities of both headquarters-processed and regional office-processed grant programs are monitored. Office of Water Programs personnel in regional offices and grants administration personnel in headquarters offices use GICS for operational control. Data are from state, regional, and headquarters offices. These data indicate such activities as conclusion of waste-water treatment plant construction. A diskette copy of the data base and search programs can be obtained by EPA staff upon request. The copy can be installed on any IBM PC-compatible computer, although an IBM AT level microcomputer is recommended for best performance.
Environmental Protection Agency
* GTD Bioassay System (GTDMIS)
Bill Hunt
Environmental Protection Agency
Region 26
Mail Drop 14, OAQPS
Research Triangle Park, NC 27711 (919) 541-2537
The Genetic Toxicology Division Bioassay System is maintained by HERL-GTD personnel in order to retain the overall results of testing various chemical compounds in numerous biological test systems which detect carcinogenicity or mutagenicity. Results are entered from in-house research, NCI/NTP reports, and other published genetic toxicology literature. A diskette copy of the data base and search programs can be obtained by EPA staff upon request. The copy can be installed on any IBM PC-compatible computer, although an IBM AT level microcomputer is recommended for best performance.
Environmental Protection Agency
* Gulf Breeze Environmental Center
Environmental Research Laboratory (ERL) Library
Sabine Island
Gulf Breeze, FL 32561 (904) 932-5311
The Gulf Breeze Environmental Research Laboratory (GBERL) library provides information services to GBERL employees and the general public. The library's subject areas include aquatic toxicology, microbiology, genetic engineering, pathobiology, marine ecology, and pesticide science. Data bases maintained here include DIALOG and Ground Water Online.
Environmental Protection Agency
* Hazardous Pollutants Research (HEHP)
Bill Hunt
Environmental Protection Agency
Region 26
Mail Drop 14, OAQPS
Research Triangle Park, NC 27711 (919) 541-2909
The HAP research program is concerned with the health impact of chemicals already in use and emitted to the environment. Multi-health assessments are needed as a basis for decisions under the hazardous air provisions of the Clean Air Act. Information is needed on the more accurate identification of each hazardous chemical, their concentrations, transport and fate in the atmosphere, the health effects caused by exposure to them, source identification and the technical feasibility and cost of reducing exposure to them. Need also exists to develop methods as a basis for scientific evaluation of multi-health end points, and bioassay systems to predict other health end point levels of their effects. A diskette copy of the data base and search programs can be obtained by EPA staff upon request. The copy can be installed on any IBM PC-compatible computer, although an IBM AT level microcomputer is recommended for best performance.
Environmental Protection Agency
* Hazardous Waste Data Base (HAZARD)
Mary Patterson
Environmental Protection Agency
Region 16
401 M St., SW
Washington, DC 20460 (202) 382-5929
This provides automated search and retrieval capability of EPA reports, books and OSWER directives. Each record is composed of several fields such as title, author, abstract, keywords, sponsoring organization/office, project manager, NTIS number, contract number and call number. It includes key materials identified by the library network, OSWER and ORD as important documents dealing with the Hazardous Waste Program under Superfund and RCRA. A diskette copy of the data base and search programs can be obtained by EPA staff upon request. The copy can be installed on any IBM PC-compatible computer, although an IBM AT level microcomputer is recommended for best performance.
Environmental Protection Agency
* Hazardous Waste Data Management System (HWDMS)
Steven Levy
Environmental Protection Agency
Region 11
401 M St., SW
Washington, DC 20460 (202) 382-4697
The purpose of HWDMS is to maintain information in response to EPA regulations by the 5000 facilities that treat, store, or dispose of hazardous waste and 165,000 handlers who generate or transport hazardous waste. The inventory includes for each participant estimated annual quantities of waste handled and tracks all handlers of hazardous wastes, including generation and authorized treatment, storage, or disposal. A diskette copy of the data base and search programs can be obtained by EPA staff upon request. The copy can be installed on any IBM PC-compatible computer, although an IBM AT level microcomputer is recommended for best performance.
Environmental Protection Agency
* Hazardous Waste Site Data Base (Indicator Parameters) (HWSD)
Ann Pitchford
Environmental Protection Agency
Region 26
PO Box 9347A
Las Vegas, NV 89193-3478 (702) 798-2366
Data base consists of consert decree Superfund and RCRA Site monitoring groundwater data. It contains data for more than 5000 wells at over 350 Hazardous Waste Sites nationwide. A total of 944 chemical constituents have been identified. A diskette copy of the data base and search programs can be obtained by EPA staff upon request. The copy can be installed on any IBM PC-compatible computer, although an IBM AT level microcomputer is recommended for best performance.
Environmental Protection Agency
* Health and Environmental Study Audit Program (HESAP)
Jack Diskin
Environmental Protection Agency
Region 20
401 M St., SW
Washington, DC 20460 (202) 382-3619
The HESAP maintains data of various studies being conducted on industry chemicals. Each chemical is assigned an identifier called CAS#. This CAS# is the highest level of the "hierarchical" structure. Each chemical may have any number of descendents in the hierarchy known as sponsors. Sponsors are identified by a dual item key, SPON1 and SPON2. Each sponsor may have descendents known as labs. Labs are identified by LAB1 and LAB2. The most specific level is a descendent of a lab., which is the actual study being conducted. The study is identified by METHOD & ANIMAL. In order for a study to exist there must be a lab, sponsor, and specific chemical identified in the data base. A diskette copy of the data base and search programs can be obtained by EPA staff upon request. The copy can be installed on any IBM PC-compatible computer, although an IBM AT level microcomputer is recommended for best performance.
Environmental Protection Agency
* Health and Safety Inspection Report System (HSIRS)
Wayne Crane
Environmental Protection Agency
Region 26
PO Box 9347A
Las Vegas, NV 89193-3478 (702) 798-2596
The program will inform you of the deficiencies found during both formal and informal safety inspection. It will assist the Safety Office in tracking corrective actions and/or abatement schedules. This particular report covers both the Annual Inspection and the Semi-Annual Toxic Substance Program Audit. A diskette copy of the data base and search programs can be obtained by EPA staff upon request. The copy can be installed on any IBM PC-compatible computer, although an IBM AT level microcomputer is recommended for best performance.
Environmental Protection Agency
Environmental Protection Agency
f upon request. The copy can be installed on any IBM PC-compatible computer, although an IBM AT level microcomputer is recommended for best performance.
* Estimating Water Treatment Costs (CULP)
Robert M. Clark
Environmental Protection Agency
Region 26
29 West Martin Luther King Dr.
Cincinnati, OH 45268 (513) 684-7228
The construction and operation/maintenance costs for 99 unit processes associated with drinking water treatment are accessible through the use of a computer program written in Fortran. Energy requirements are also specified where possible. A diskette copy of the data base and search programs can be obtained by EPA staff upon request. The copy can be installed on any IBM PC-compatible computer, although an IBM AT level microcomputer is recommended for best performance.
Environmental Protection Agency
* Estuarine Water Quality Model (ES001)
Abraham Siegel
Environmental Protection Agency
Region 2
26 Federal Plaza
New York, NY 10007 (212) 264-2657
ES001 is a steady-state, one-dimensional, estuarine water quality model which simulates BOD and DO variations. It was prepared by the EPA to improve upon and document some water quality models developed for the EPA by Hydroscience, Inc., and it is particularly useful for the rapid evaluation of a number of varying estuary and wasteload conditions. Based on the law of conservation of mass, the program is designed to model to BOD-DO deficit system, but it is capable of modeling analogous systems of sequential reactions of two substances having first order kinetics, like that of a nitrogen reaction with ammonia and nitrate. A diskette copy of the data base and search programs can be obtained by EPA staff upon request. The copy can be installed on any IBM PC-compatible computer, although an IBM AT level microcomputer is recommended for best performance.
Environmental Protection Agency
* Exposure Analysis Modeling System (EXAMS)
Lawrence Burns
Environmental Protection Agency
Region 26
345 Courtland St., NE
Atlanta, GA 30365 (404) 546-3511
The EXAMS program is an interactive modeling system that allows a user to specify and to store the properties of chemicals and ecosystems, to modify the characteristics of either via simple english-like commands, and to conduct efficient, rapid evaluations and error analyses of the probable aquatic fate of synthetic organic chemicals. A diskette copy of the data base and search programs can be obtained by EPA staff upon request. The copy can be installed on any IBM PC-compatible computer, although an IBM AT level microcomputer is recommended for best performance.
Environmental Protection Agency
* Federal Facilities Compliance System (FEDF)
Lee Herwig
Environmental Protection Agency
Region 15
401 M St., SW
Washington, DC 20460 (202) 382-5908
The Federal Facility Compliance System serves as a vehicle for assuring compliance of Federal Facilities, including the preparation of OMB Circular A-106 reporting requirements and to provide multi-media framework for enforcement overview system. This information system is a multi-media data base which provides capabilities to logically relate a unique facility to the numerous program areas in many media. The basic unit is the facility record which carries general information describing an individual facility of interest to EPA. A diskette copy of the data base and search programs can be obtained by EPA staff upon request. The copy can be installed on any IBM PC-compatible computer, although an IBM AT level microcomputer is recommended for best performance.
Environmental Protection Agency
* Federal Regulatory Search System (FRSS)
Environmental Protection Agency
Chemical Coordination Staff TSCA Assistance Office
401 M Street, SW
Washington, DC 20460 (202) 554-1404
FRSS is a storage and retrieval system cataloging all federal regulatory efforts (proposed, final, withdrawn) regarding chemicals. The system can be searched by chemical or agency, and information provided includes regulatory citation, not text. The system was started in late 1982 and records are added continually. Searches and printouts are available free of charge.
Environmental Protection Agency
* Federal Reporting Data Systems (FRDS)
Deborah Ross
Environmental Protection Agency
Region 11
401 M St., SW
Washington, DC 20460 (202) 382-2804
The Federal Reporting Data System (FRDS) maintains inventory and compliance data (violations and follow-up actions) reported by primary agency under the Supervision of the Public Water Supplies program. It is used by Headquarters to provide quarterly reports to other components of EPA and to satisfy external reporting requirements. It is also used by Headquarters, Regions and States to perform oversight. It currently supports rolling quarter compliance data for previous four quarters only and has limited capabilities to relate follow-up actions to specific violations. A diskette copy of the data base and search programs can be obtained by EPA staff upon request. The copy can be installed on any IBM PC-compatible computer, although an IBM AT level microcomputer is recommended for best performance.
Environmental Protection Agency
* Field Office Inspection Data Base (CASEREP)
George Lawrence
Environmental Protection Agency
Region 11
401 M St., SW
Washington, DC 20460 (202) 382-3221
The data base stores EPA field office data concerning possible vehicle tampering and fuels violations. The data include an ongoing log of case status so that lawyers in the Eastern Field Office can continually monitor the progress of litigation. A diskette copy of the data base and search programs can be obtained by EPA staff upon request. The copy can be installed on any IBM PC-compatible computer, although an IBM AT level microcomputer is recommended for best performance.
Environmental Protection Agency
* FIFRA and TSCA Enforcement System (FATES)
Robert P. Zisa
Environmental Protection Agency
Region 20
401 M St., SW
Washington, DC 20460 (202) 382-7858
Data base contains: 1) record of FIFRA and TSCA inspections and enforcement proceedings, 2) registration data for pesticide producing establishments and annual pesticide production reports, 3) State grant-in-aid program and accomplishment data, and 4) program and financial status of TSCA inspection contracts. A diskette copy of the data base and search programs can be obtained by EPA staff upon request. The copy can be installed on any IBM PC-compatible computer, although an IBM AT level microcomputer is recommended for best performance.
Environmental Protection Agency
* Flue Gas Desulphurization Information System (FGDIS)
Bill Hunt
Environmental Protection Agency
Region 26
Mail Drop 14, OAQPS
Research Triangle Park, NC 27711 (919) 541-3091
The data base contains information describing and identifying utility fossil fired boilers and their associated flue gas desulfurization (FGD) systems. It also contains design and performance data on the FGD systems, design and actual removal, some information on waste products or by-products of the systems, dates of FGD operation and projected start-up dates, FGD system vendors, and capital and annualized costs of these FGD systems. The FGDIS is presently a joint project of the Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) and EPA. A diskette copy of the data base and search programs can be obtained by EPA staff upon request. The copy can be installed on any IBM PC-compatible computer, although an IBM AT level microcomputer is recommended for best performance.
Environmental Protection Agency
* Fuel and Fuel Additive Registration System (FFARS)
Peter Lidiak
Environmental Protection Agency
Region 11
401 M St., SW
Washington, DC 20460 (202) 382-2637
This is a collection of information pertaining to motor vehicle fuels and fuel additive. A diskette copy of the data base and search programs can be obtained by EPA staff upon request. The copy can be installed on any IBM PC-compatible computer, although an IBM AT level microcomputer is recommended for best performance.
Environmental Protection Agency
* Fuel Economy (LDSFE)
John Hendon
Environmental Protection Agency
Region 27
2565 Plymouth Road
Ann Arbor, MI 48105 (313) 668-4383
The Fuel Economy Data base contains product line, test vehicle description, and fuel economy information generated for 1976 and succeeding model years to calculate new vehicle fuel economy labels (labeling) and to demonstrate manufacturers' compliance with corporate average fuel economy standard (CAFE). A diskette copy of the data base and search programs can be obtained by EPA staff upon request. The copy can be installed on any IBM PC-compatible computer, although an IBM AT level microcomputer is recommended for best performance.
Environmental Protection Agency
* Fuels Inspection Data Base (FUELDB)
Peter Lidiak
Environmental Protection Agency
Region 11
401 M St., SW
Washington, DC 20460 (202) 382-2637
The contractor inspects retail gasoline outlets to determine whether they comply with applicable regulations. Gasoline samples are subjected to laboratory analysis for lead content. Outlet facilities are checked for compliance with other regulations. A diskette copy of the data base and search programs can be obtained by EPA staff upon request. The copy can be installed on any IBM PC-compatible computer, although an IBM AT level microcomputer is recommended for best performance.
Environmental Protection Agency
* Gage File
Environmental Protection Agency
Attn: WH-553 WMSE 931
401 M St., SW
Washington, DC 20460 (202) 382-7220
Restricted: only available to EPA or EPA computer users. Descriptors of subject matter: digital data, contains mean stream flow and 7Q10 flow estimates for 68,000 stream segments described in the EPA river reach file.
Environmental Protection Agency
* Gastrointestinal Absorption Data Base
Chemical Information Systems, Inc.
7215 York Road
Baltimore, MD 21212 (301) 321-8440
This contains literature dealing with the absorption, distribution, metabolism, or excretion of specific chemicals in laboratory animals or humans. Date of coverage: 1967-1984.
Environmental Protection Agency
* General Counsel Defense Docket System (DEFENSIVE)
Bruce Rothrock
Environmental Protection Agency
Region 11
401 M St., SW
Washington, DC 20460 (202) 382-2614
This is a national automated system for tracking civil cases filed by outside organizations and individuals against the US EPA. A diskette copy of the data base and search programs can be obtained by EPA staff upon request. The copy can be installed on any IBM PC-compatible computer, although an IBM AT level microcomputer is recommended for best performance.
Environmental Protection Agency
* General Radiation Health Impact Evaluation
D. Norwood
Environmental Protection Agency
Region 27 (205) 272-3402
This system is used to assess health impact from environmental radiation from sources such as radon in water, air and drinking water, and external gamma radiation measured by TLD dosimeters. A diskette copy of the data base and search programs can be obtained by EPA staff upon request. The copy can be installed on any IBM PC-compatible computer, although an IBM AT level microcomputer is recommended for best performance.
Environmental Protection Agency
y IBM PC-compatible computer, although an IBM AT level microcomputer is recommended for best performance.
Environmental Protection Agency
ata base and search programs can be obtained by EPA staff upon request. The copy can be insta
* EMSL-RTP Acid Rain System (SAD)
Bill Hunt
Environmental Protection Agency
Region 26
Mail Drop 14, OAQPS
Research Triangle Park, NC 27711 (919) 541-3123
The Acid Rain Data Base is the data collected during the course of a study of acid precipitation in the United States, Canada, and other foreign countries. A diskette copy of the data base and search programs can be obtained by EPA staff upon request. The copy can be installed on any IBM PC-compatible computer, although an IBM AT level microcomputer is recommended for best performance.
Environmental Protection Agency
* EMSL-RTP National Atmospheric Background Network (NABN)
Bill Hunt
Environmental Protection Agency
Region 26
Mail Drop 14, OAQPS
Research Triangle Park, NC 27711 (919) 541-3076
The Source Quality Assurance Data Base consists of known, blank, and spiked samples sent to participating laboratories. The results from the laboratories' analyses are returned and in turn analyzed to determine how well the laboratories performed analyses of different air pollutants. A diskette copy of the data base and search programs can be obtained by EPA staff upon request. The copy can be installed on any IBM PC-compatible computer, although an IBM AT level microcomputer is recommended for best performance.
Environmental Protection Agency
* EMSL-RTP National Filter Analysis Network (FBANK3)
Bill Hunt
Environmental Protection Agency
Region 26
Mail Drop 14, OAQPS
Research Triangle Park, NC 27711 (919) 541-2455
The National Air Monitoring System stores and analyzes potential criteria pollutants at National Air Monitoring Sites. The data is used for research applications. The data base contains data on and derived from filters exposed to pollutants in hi-vol sampler. The network of samplers is called "NAMS" (National Air Monitoring Systems) and is installed nationwide. Analysis results are added to the data base and SAROAD formatted output is generated from the data base. Other reports are generated as required. A diskette copy of the data base and search programs can be obtained by EPA staff upon request. The copy can be installed on any IBM PC-compatible computer, although an IBM AT level microcomputer is recommended for best performance.
Environmental Protection Agency
* Enforcement Docket System (DOCKET)
Bruce Rothrock
Environmental Protection Agency
Region 11
401 M St., SW
Washington, DC 20460 (202) 382-2614
This is a comprehensive national, automated system for tracking civil litigation from case development through conclusion and for the issuance of administrative actions (e.g., administrative orders) under all environmental statutes. A diskette copy of the data base and search programs can be obtained by EPA staff upon request. The copy can be installed on any IBM PC-compatible computer, although an IBM AT level microcomputer is recommended for best performance.
Environmental Protection Agency
* Enforcement Document Retrieval System (INDX)
Bruce Rothrock
Environmental Protection Agency
Region 11
401 M St., SW
Washington, DC 20460 (202) 382-2614
This is an automated data base that contains the full text of enforcement documents (e.g., policy, guidance, consent decree). Documents are fully indexed; the user searches the data base for applicable documents and text by specifying words or phrases of interest. A diskette copy of the data base and search programs can be obtained by EPA staff upon request. The copy can be installed on any IBM PC-compatible computer, although an IBM AT level microcomputer is recommended for best performance.
Environmental Protection Agency
Chemical Information Systems, Inc.
7215 York Road
Baltimore, MD 21212 (301) 321-8440
This contains information on environmental fate or behavior of chemical substances released into the environment. Date of coverage: 1970-.
Environmental Protection Agency
* Environmental Assessment Data System (EADS)
Bill Hunt
Environmental Protection Agency
Region 26
Mail Drop 14, OAQPS
Research Triangle Park, NC 27711 (919) 541-7612
This system is comprised of a set of computerized data bases intended to accommodate and provide accessibility to data produced by field testing of industrial and energy point sources. This system will accept data from ORD Contractors and from virtually any other source yielding multimedia emissions data. Sources of multimedia emissions include conventional combustion processes, energy conversion processes, and industrial sources. This system include Gaseous (GEDS), Liquid (LEDS), and Solid Discharge Data Systems (SDDS) and Fine Particle Emissions Information System (FPEIS) which is currently operating at RTP/NCC. A diskette copy of the data base and search programs can be obtained by EPA staff upon
request. The copy can be installed on any IBM PC-compatible computer, although an IBM AT level microcomputer is recommended for best performance.
The Environmental Review Tracking System is a central data repository for EIS's prepared pursuant to the National Environmental Policy Act. The Council on Environmental Quality requires the Agency to maintain the system and public weekly notice of available EIS's in the Federal Register. Under Section 309 of the CAA, EPA is required to review all EIS's and other designated Federal actions and to publish in the Federal Register any project determined to be environmentally unsatisfactory. The system is a relatively simple data entry and retrieval application. ERTS will consolidate the CEQ Filing and ERP systems. A diskette copy of the data base and search programs can be obtained by EPA staff upon request. The copy can be installed on any IBM PC-compatible computer, although an IBM AT level microcomputer is recommended for best performance.
Environmental Protection Agency
* Environmental Radiation Ambient Monitoring System (ERAMS)
Jon Broadway
Environmental Protection Agency
Region 27 (205) 272-3403
This contains ambient levels of radiation in air, milk, water. Common fission products and actinides are included. Levels are determined by analysis of samples of water, air, milk and other media, and results are entered into a data base. Outputs included a quarterly report of ambient levels. Data from surveys and studies are also included in the data system. A diskette copy of the data base and search programs can be obtained by EPA staff upon request. The copy can be installed on any IBM PC- compatible computer, although an IBM AT level microcomputer is recommended for best performance.
Environmental Protection Agency
* Environmental Radiofrequency Data Base (ERDB)
R.A. Tell
Environmental Protection Agency
Region 27
PO Box 9347A
Las Vegas, NV 89193-3478 (702) 798-2440
This contains ambient radiofrequency environment (0.5-1.6 Megahertz, 54-900 Megahertz) in 15 metropolitan areas (Atlanta, Boston, Chicago, Denver, Houston, Las Vegas, Los Angeles, Miami, New York, Philadelphia, Portland, San Diego, San Francisco, Seattle, and Washington, D.C.); about 30 measurement sites in each metropolitan area. Results are reported in Volts/meter for 0.5-1.6 Megahertz and in microwatts/square centimeter for 54-900 Megahertz. A diskette copy of the data base and search programs can be obtained by EPA staff upon request. The copy can be installed on any IBM PC-compatible computer, although an IBM AT level microcomputer is recommended for best performance.
Environmental Protection Agency
* EPA's Electronic Mail System (E-MAIL)
Patricia Kruger
Environmental Protection Agency
Region 16
401 M St., SW
Washington, DC 20460 (202) 382-5640
The system is a vendor owned and operated computer based message service which provides for interactive agency-wide electronic messaging by EPA management, professional and clerical staff as well as program initiated networks of state and local government contacts. A diskette copy of the data base and search programs can be obtained by EPA staff upon request. The copy can be installed on any IBM PC-compatible computer, although an IBM AT level microcomputer is recommended for best performance.
Environmental Protection Agency
* Epidemiological Studies (EPID)
Bill Hunt
Environmental Protection Agency
Region 26
Mail Drop 14, OAQPS
Research Triangle Park, NC 27711 (919) 541-2330
This system deals with questionnaire responses from population surveys of health status, such as: acute respiratory disease incidence and asthma attack frequency; physiologic monitoring, such as: ventilatory function; personal information on demographic, socio-economic characteristics; and ambient air quality data. A diskette copy of the data base and search programs can be obtained by EPA staff upon request. The copy can be installed on any IBM PC-compatible computer, although an IBM AT level microcomputer is recommended for best performance.
Environmental Protection Agency
* ERL-Athens Dynamic Estuary Model (DEM)
Robert B. Ambrose
Environmental Protection Agency
Region 26
345 Courtland St., NE
Atlanta, GA 30365 (404) 546-3546
The DEM is a "real time" link-node model that simulates the unsteady tidal flow and dispersive characteristics of an estuary. The model can be applied to estuaries in which vertical stratification is either absent or limited to relatively small areas. It can accommodate both conservative and non-conservative constituents. Constituents which have been modeled include salinity, tracer dye, dissolved solids, DO, BOD, total nitrogen, temperature, organic nitrogen, ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, phosphates, chlorophyll a, and coliform bacteria. The hydrodynamics subprogram DYNHYD has been linked to WASP to simulate conventional and toxic pollutants in rivers and estuaries. A diskette copy of the data base and search programs can be obtained by EPA staff upon request. The copy can be installed on any IBM PC-compatible computer, although an IBM AT level microcomputer is recommended for best performance.
Environmental Protection Agency
* ERL-Athens Lab Planning System (ALPS)
David M. Cline
Environmental Protection Agency
Region 26
345 Courtland St., NE
Atlanta, GA 30365 (404) 516-3123
The Athens Laboratory Planning System (ALPS) is a set of procedures to enable a non-computer user to build and to edit the laboratory work plan data bases. From these data bases task sheets and financial summary reports can be generated. A diskette copy of the data base and search programs can be obtained by EPA staff upon request. The copy can be installed on any IBM PC-compatible computer, although an IBM AT level microcomputer is recommended for best performance.
Environmental Protection Agency
* ERL-Gulf Breeze Text Data Management (EPALIT)
Russell H. Ryder
Environmental Protection Agency
Region 26 (904) 932-5311
EPALIT is a Data Base Management System whose principle function is in its flexibility in treating text as an information resource. On-line text entry, viewing and maintenance, a subroutine library of Fortran callable text management modules, indexing programs, and keyterm analysis software are among the available support software. A diskette copy of the data base and search programs can be obtained by EPA staff upon request. The copy can be installed on any IBM PC- compatible computer, although an IBM AT level microcomputer is recommended for best performance.
Environmental Protection Agency
* Establishment Registration Support System (ERSS)
Pam Johnson
Environmental Protection Agency
Region 7
726 Minnesota Ave.
Kansas City, MO 66101 (913) 236-2803
ERSS maintains a data base which contains a directory of pesticide producers, sellers, and distributors. Automation of the selection of inspections and reporting for Region 7 is possible using this system. A diskette copy of the data base and search programs can be obtained by EPA staff upon request. The copy can be installed on any IBM PC-compatible computer, although an IBM AT level microcomputer is recommended for best performance.
Environmental Protection Agency
rocomputer is recommended for best performance.
Environmental Protection Agency
* Establishment Registration Support System (ERSS)
Pam Johnson
Environmental Protect
* Contracts Information System (CIS)
John A. Oliver
Environmental Protection Agency
Region 16
401 M St., SW
Washington, DC 20460 (202) 475-8288
This system contains descriptive, milestones and financial data on procurements in progress and on awarded contracts. The SE data also includes names and addresses of contractors. The CIS tracks the status of procurement requests and provides summary information on all agency procurements other than small purchases. Assistant Administrators, as allowance holders, ascertain the status of their commitments and obligations by their use of CIS output monthly. Twenty-one contract milestones are entered into the system for each contract, from the initiating commitment through the retirement of the contract. Significant information collected for each contract includes title of contract, period of performance, estimated cost and obligated amounts, and type of program effort. A diskette copy of the data base and search programs can be obtained by EPA staff upon request. The copy can be installed on any IBM PC-compatible computer, although an IBM AT level microcomputer is recommended for best performance.
Environmental Protection Agency
* Criteria Reference Information Bank (CRIB)
Doug Fennel
Environmental Protection Agency
Region 26 (704) 541-3789
This data base contains bibliographic information identifying sources cited in air quality criteria and health assessment documents. This information is retrievable by author, title, and keywork-in-context. A full text of the document is available; but no abstracts are provided. A diskette copy of the data base and search programs can be obtained by EPA staff upon request. The copy can be installed on any IBM PC-compatible computer, although an IBM AT level microcomputer is recommended for best performance.
Environmental Protection Agency
* DBase System Builder
Vic Cohen
Environmental Protection Agency
Region 16
401 M St., SW
Washington, DC 20460 (202) 382-5635
System permits programmers and novice PC users to develop full-scale systems with capability to report and manage a data base--All within 10 minutes. A diskette copy of the data base and search programs can be obtained by EPA staff upon request. The copy can be installed on any IBM PC-compatible computer, although an IBM AT level microcomputer is recommended for best performance.
Environmental Protection Agency
* Debarment System
Michael Kaplan
Environmental Protection Agency
Region 16
401 M St., SW
Washington, DC 20460 (202) 382-5303
This system is an online Wylbur Data set on the IBM mainframe which keeps track of the EPA master list of debarred, suspended and voluntarily excluded persons which excludes them from participation in EPA assisted programs pursuant to 40 CFR part 32 or statutory debarment by the Department of Labor. No EPA assistance or contract under EPA assistance, may be awarded to any person on this list during the designated period, except as herein provided. Statutory debarments by the Department of Labor apply only to construction contracts under the Clean Water Act, Safe Drinking Water Act, Solid Waste Disposal Act and the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act. This list is maintained by the Grants Administration Division Comp. staff. (475-8025). A diskette copy of the data base and search programs can be obtained by EPA staff upon request. The copy can be installed on any IBM PC-compatible computer, although an IBM AT level microcomputer is recommended for best performance.
Environmental Protection Agency
* Delisting Petition Tracking System
Matthew Straus
Environmental Protection Agency
Region 11
401 M St., SW
Washington, DC 20460 (202) 475-8551
This system is used to compile information relating to solid and other hazardous waste. Statistical reports, graphs and charts are generated to help determine standards and guidelines to be used by industry and other related fields. These findings are published in the Federal Register. A diskette copy of the data base and search programs can be obtained by EPA staff upon request. The copy can be installed on any IBM PC-compatible computer, although an IBM AT level microcomputer is recommended for best performance.
Environmental Protection Agency
Chemical Information Systems, Inc.
7215 York Road
Baltimore, MD 21212 (301) 321-8440
This contains information on dermal absorption of chemical substances. Date of coverage: 1970.
Environmental Protection Agency
* Discrimination Complaints Tracking System
Dwight Doxey
Environmental Protection Agency
Region 11
401 M St., SW
Washington, DC 20460 (202) 382-5669
The Discrimination Complaints Tracking System is used by the Office of Civil Rights to track the status of internal discrimination complaints and report on overall agency progress in this area. A diskette copy of the data base and search programs can be obtained by EPA staff upon request. The copy can be installed on any IBM PC-compatible computer, although an IBM AT level microcomputer is recommended for best performance.
Environmental Protection Agency
* Distribution Register of Organic Pollutants in Water (WDROP)
Wayne Garrison
Environmental Protection Agency
Region 26
345 Courtland St., NE
Atlanta, GA 30365 (404) 546-3183
Water DROP contains information about organic compounds that have been identified, as water pollutants, as reported in the open scientific literature, EPA research reports, and laboratory reports. When available, data elements are: chemical name(s), chemical abstracts service registry number, molecular weight, molecular formula, sampling site, data and technique, analytical methods, concentration, analytical laboratory, data source document, and data reliability index. Data can be retrieved from the computerized data base by using any one or combination of these data elements. A diskette copy of the data base and search programs can be obtained by EPA staff upon request. The copy can be installed on any IBM PC-compatible computer, although an IBM AT level microcomputer is recommended for best performance.
Environmental Protection Agency
* Document Control System (EPADOC)
Mary Patterson
Environmental Protection Agency
Region 16
401 M St., SW
Washington, DC 20460 (202) 382-5929
This system gathers documents not covered by any other library system. A component of this system is the environmental state and local report collection held by the EPA library network. From the resulting master file, various bibliographies can be generated by document title, shelf list number, primary author, corporate authors, subject areas, and geographic area. A diskette copy of the data base and search programs can be obtained by EPA staff upon request. The copy can be installed on any IBM PC-compatible computer, although an IBM AT level microcomputer is recommended for best performance.
Environmental Protection Agency
* Dyer EEG Evoked Potential (DEEP)
Bill Hunt
Environmental Protection Agency
Region 26
Mail Drop 14, OAQPS
Research Triangle Park, NC 27711 (919) 541-2760
This system is used to conduct and manage experiments in order to determine the physiological consequences of acute and/or chronic toxicant exposure on nervous system function. A diskette copy of the data base and search programs can be obtained by EPA staff upon request. The copy can be installed on any IBM PC-compatible computer, although an IBM AT level microcomputer is recommended for best performance.
Environmental Protection Agency
* Eastern Environmental Radiation Facilities (EERF) Sample Data Base
Jon Broadway
Environmental Protection Agency
Region 27 (205) 272-3403
Eastern Environmental Radiation Facilities (EERF) is a radiation lab committed to the management of about a dozen radiation sampling networks which submit samples for analysis on regular schedules. These samples are from a wide variety of media. In addition, the EERF analyzed large numbers of samples for special projects. The Clean Air Act (CAA) data base has information covering all samples analyzed at EERF. A diskette copy of the data base and search programs can be obtained by EPA staff upon request. The copy can be installed on any IBM PC- compatible computer, although an IBM AT level microcomputer is recommended for best performance.
Environmental Protection Agency
* Eastern Missouri Dioxin Data Base
Charles Hensley
Environmental Protection Agency
Region 7
726 Minnesota Ave.
Kansas City, MO 66101 (913) 236-2803
Dioxin is an informational data base, containing 29 fields to store information associated with each sample collected in the Eastern Missouri Dioxin Investigation. Information collected on site, location, date, sampled, concentration, date analyzed and lab doing analysis. Data base also contains corresponding quality control information. A diskette copy of the data base and search programs can be obtained by EPA staff upon request. The copy can be installed on any IBM PC-compatible computer, although an IBM AT level microcomputer is recommended for best performance.
Environmental Protection Agency
* Economic Analysis of Water Supply (WATER)
Robert M. Clark
Environmental Protection Agency
Region 26
29 West Martin Luther King Dr.
Cincinnati, OH 45268 (513) 684-7228
This system allows the user to generate costs for water treatment unit processors and performs engineering studies of water supply treatment facilities. Operating costs, process design characteristics, treatment process performance data, and treatment process efficiency provide the input for this system. The system produces summary data on operating costs, process design characteristics, treatment process performance data, treatment design data, and treatment process efficiency ratings on demand. A diskette copy of the data base and search programs can be obtained by EPA staff upon request. The copy can be installed on any IBM PC-compatible computer, although an IBM AT level microcomputer is recommended for best performance.
Environmental Protection Agency
* Ecological Monitoring System
Victor Kimm
Environmental Protection Agency
Region 2011
401 M St., SW
Washington, DC 20460 (703) 557-5455
This system is to be comprised of a set of computerized data bases intended to accommodate and provide accessibility to data produced by the IERL-RTP environmental assessment contractors. This system will accept data from the environmental assessment contractors and from virtually any other source yielding multimedia emissions data. Sources of multimedia emissions include conventional combustion processes, energy conversion processes, and industrial sources. This system will include gaseous (GEDS), liquid (LEDS), and Solid Discharge Data Systems (SDDS) and the Fine Particle Emissions Information System (FPEIS) which is currently operating at RTP/NCC. Field measurement data and air flow stream data for chemical and radioactive emittants will be included. A diskette copy of the data base and search programs can be obtained by EPA staff upon request. The copy can be installed on any IBM PC-compatible computer, although an IBM AT level microcomputer is recommended for best performance.
Environmental Protection Agency
* Effluent Guidelines GC/MS Screening Analysis Data Base
John McGuire
Environmental Protection Agency
Region 26
345 Courtland St., NE
Atlanta, GA 30365 (404) 546-3185
This data base contains those compounds found by computer analysis of gas chromatographic/mass spectrometric (GC/MS) data collected in Effluent Guidelines Division's screening analysis of 21 industrial categories and publicly owned treatment works (POTws). Each entry is a tentative identification by computer matching of mass spectra in the raw data with a reference library. Tentative identifications are listed without regard for any of the chemical lists. Any or all of the organic compounds amenable to GC/MS analysis may be present. A diskette copy of the data base and search programs can be obtained by EPA staff upon request. The copy can be installed on any IBM PC-compatible computer, although an IBM AT level microcomputer is recommended for best performance.
Environmental Protection Agency
* Emissions Certification Data Base (ECDB)
John Hendon
Environmental Protection Agency
Region 27
2565 Plymouth Road
Ann Arbor, MI 48105 (313) 668-4383
The Certification Division has responsibility for administering federal laws and regulations relating to vehicle and engine pre-production emissions certification, development of fuel economy labels, and calculation of Corporate Average Fuel Economy figures for each automobile manufacturer. The division uses data collected on vehicle and engine tests performed at EPA and manufacturers site to monitor and evaluate manufacturer compliance with the regulation Programs assist in decisions regarding requirements for further testing, approval of vehicle change requests, and changes to vehicle configurations. This "Level 1" System is composed of the six "Level 3" Systems listed as "related systems". A diskette copy of the data base and search programs can be obtained by EPA staff upon request. The copy can be installed on any IBM PC-compatible computer, although an IBM AT level microcomputer is recommended for best performance.
Environmental Protection Agency
er, although an IBM AT level microcomputer is recommended for best performance.
Environmental Protection Agency
* Emissions Certification Data Base (ECDB)
John Hendon
* Basic Water Monitoring Core Stations
Environmental Protection Agency
Monitoring and Data Support Division
Washington, DC 20460 (202) 426-779280
This is a microdata file designed to measure the quality of the water in the nation's waterways. Data is collected from a minimum "core" network of state stations selected as a subset of on-going state programs. File contains data for townships, places, counties, states, a US summary along with codes for the waterbody and lat/long.
Environmental Protection Agency
* Bay-Wide Environmental Monitoring Network
Chesapeake Bay Program Computer Center
Environmental Protection Agency
Chesapeake Bay Program
410 Severn Ave., Suite 110
Annapolis, MD 21403 (301) 266-6873
This is an online data documentation system which provides for a Bay-Wide environmental monitoring network. The system can be used to review what information is available on the Chesapeake Bay Program, current Bay monitoring activities and summaries of Bay Program research reports. Environmental data include water quality, nutrients and toxics in water, sediment and biota, living resources data (plankton, benthos, landings, submerged aquatic vegetation), climatic and tidal data and sediment and flow information. There are approximately 200 million data elements and over 500 data files containing relevant data for the Chesapeake Bay. The computer staff can be contacted directly for specific requests for data or information products. Printouts, summaries and statistical information; graphic displays including maps and data presentations are available but not easily. Written requests accepted.
Environmental Protection Agency
* Benignus EEG Evoked Potential (BEEP)
Bill Hunt
Environmental Protection Agency
Region 26
Mail Drop 14, OAQPS
Research Triangle Park, NC 27711 (919) 541-4082
This system regulates, records, and controls human exposures to toxicants, with the purpose of measuring neurological and behavioral effects. A diskette copy of the data base and search programs can be obtained by EPA staff upon request. The copy can be installed on any IBM PC-compatible computer, although an IBM AT level microcomputer is recommended for best performance.
Environmental Protection Agency
* Bioassay Studies (BIOSTU)
W.H. Peltier
Environmental Protection Agency
Region 4
345 Courtland St., NE
Atlanta, GA 30365 (404) 347-4727
This contains bioassay studies that include SIC codes, industry, location of tests, results, and receiving water, along with results of organism affect lethality (LC50) or effect (EC 50). Chemical data for earlier studies FY75-76 also in the data base. A diskette copy of the data base and search programs can be obtained by EPA staff upon request. The copy can be installed on any IBM PC-compatible computer, although an IBM AT level microcomputer is recommended for best performance.
Environmental Protection Agency
* Biological Data Management System (White River) (BIOLOGS)
Wes Kinney
Environmental Protection Agency
Region 26
PO Box 9347A
Las Vegas, NV 89193-3478 (702) 798-2358
This is a biological data base collected since 1976, generating data summary reports including statistical analysis. It maintains species list and description of areas sampled for macro-invertebrates and periphyton and fish. A diskette copy of the data base and search programs can be obtained by EPA staff upon request. The copy can be installed on any IBM PC-compatible computer, although an IBM AT level microcomputer is recommended for best performance.C
Environmental Protection Agency
* Carbon Monoxide Special Study
Ray Werner
Environmental Protection Agency
Region 2
26 Federal Plaza
New York, NY 10007 (212) 264-2657
This is a regional study to correct deficiencies in carbon monoxide network and to determine hotspots and extent of carbon monoxide problems. A diskette copy of the data base and search programs can be obtained by EPA staff upon request. The copy can be installed on any IBM PC-compatible computer, although an IBM AT level microcomputer is recommended for best performance.
Environmental Protection Agency
* Carcinogen System (CARS)
Wayne Crane
Environmental Protection Agency
Region 26
PO Box 9347A
Las Vegas, NV 89193-3478 (702) 798-2596
This system is used to track chemicals considered toxic for Agency's toxic substance control program. A diskette copy of the data base and search programs can be obtained by EPA staff upon request. The copy can be installed on any IBM PC-compatible computer, although an IBM AT level microcomputer is recommended for best performance.
Environmental Protection Agency
* Case Management System (CMS)
Larry Miller
Environmental Protection Agency
Region 3
841 Chestnut
Philadelphia, PA 19107 (215) 597-9800
The Case Management System is an administrative tool to keep tabs on the results of a site inspection and other actions by TSCA/FIFRA personnel. After the initial loading of on-site testings, reports are generated when the next step of the process is due. This system is menu driver. A diskette copy of the data base and search programs can be obtained by EPA staff upon request. The copy can be installed on any IBM PC-compatible computer, although an IBM AT level microcomputer is recommended for best performance.
Environmental Protection Agency
* Certification Questionnaire- Minority/Women Business Enterprise (MBE/WBE)
Michael Richardi
Environmental Protection Agency
Region 1
JFK Building
Boston, MA 02230 (617) 565-3517
This contains mailing addresses, contact names, and up to 10 codes which indicate contractor specialties. Software allows for additions, changes, and deletions. Report programs available. A diskette copy of the data base and search programs can be obtained by EPA staff upon request. The copy can be installed on any IBM PC-compatible computer, although an IBM AT level microcomputer is recommended for best performance.
Environmental Protection Agency
* Chemical Activity Status Report (CASR)
Chemical Information Systems, Inc.
7215 York Road
Baltimore, MD 21212 (301) 321-8440
This contains lists of chemicals that EPA is studying or has studied in the course of its regulatory or scientific research activities. Date of coverage: 1984.
Environmental Protection Agency
* Chemical Collection System (CCS/RTS)
Jack Diskin
Environmental Protection Agency
Region 20
401 M St., SW
Washington, DC 20460 (202) 382-3619
The system is a data base of bibliographic information with editing software, report software, and programs designed to scan the data base for specific articles. A diskette copy of the data base and search programs can be obtained by EPA staff upon request. The copy can be installed on any IBM PC-compatible computer, although an IBM AT level microcomputer is recommended for best performance.
Environmental Protection Agency
National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences
Research and Testing Service
MD 18-01, PO Box 12233, Mail Drop AO-02
Research Triangle Park, NC 27709 (919) 541-3418
CHEMTRACK contains data about approximately 1000 chemical compounds being tested for toxicity. Data are mostly carcinogenic results of tests on rats and mice exposed to environmental chemicals. Retrievable information includes: species of animal, dose of chemical, animal age, results, organs affected and kinds of tumors. Examples of chemicals tested include compounds in pesticides and over-the-counter drugs. It is searchable in batch mode. The system was started in 1973, contains records on 600 compounds and is updated monthly. Searches and printouts are available free of charge.
Environmental Protection Agency
* Coastal Environmental Assessment Studies (CEAS)
D.K. Phelps
Environmental Protection Agency
Region 26 (401) 789-1071
This data base contains tissue residue analyses for several species including Mytilus edulis, Mercenaria and Pseudopleuronectes americanus from both indigenous and transplanted populations exposed to varying degrees of pollution in coastal and estuarine areas of the United States. Sample frequency varies. Pollutants measured include metals, synthetic organics, and petroleum hydrocarbons. Biological effects are also addressed through histopathological examination plus a number of physiological parameters, principally scope for growth. A diskette copy of the data base and search programs can be obtained by EPA staff upon request. The copy can be installed on any IBM PC-compatible computer, although an IBM AT level microcomputer is recommended for best performance.
Environmental Protection Agency
* Compliance Data System (CDS)
Howard Wright
Environmental Protection Agency
Region 11
401 M St., SW
Washington, DC 20460 (202) 475-7034
The Compliance Data System (CDS) is an automated management information system that stores, sorts, and reports compliance data for approximately 60,000 stationary sources of air pollution that are subject to air quality regulations. CDS provides a system for tracking compliance and enforcement information to assist EPA in carrying out its enforcement and surveillance programs concerning stationary sources of air pollution. A diskette copy of the data base and search programs can be obtained by EPA staff upon request. The copy can be installed on any IBM PC-compatible computer, although an IBM AT level microcomputer is recommended for best performance.
Environmental Protection Agency
* Continuous Emissions Monitoring Subset (CEMS)
A.P. Wayne
Environmental Protection Agency
Region 7
726 Minnesota Ave.
Kansas City, MO 66101 (913) 236-2803
Various categories of new and existing sources are subject to requirements of reporting and record keeping (40 CFR 60.7). State SIPS related to continuous emission monitoring equipment measuring any one or a combination of nitrogen oxides, opacity, sulfur dioxide and particulates. Opacity is measured in percent and the other emissions in lbs/hr or gr/scf or #os/mmBTU. A diskette copy of the data base and search programs can be obtained by EPA staff upon request. The copy can be installed on any IBM PC-compatible computer, although an IBM AT level microcomputer is recommended for best performance.
Environmental Protection Agency
* Contract Laboratory Program Quality Assurance (CLPQA)
John Moore
Environmental Protection Agency
Region 26
PO Box 9347A
Las Vegas, NV 89193-3478 (702) 798-2131
This is a quality Assurance data base for Superfund Contract Laboratory Program. QA/QC parameters for both organic and inorganic and dioxin samples are collected at hazardous waste sites and analyzed under Contract Laboratory Program. Current contents include surrogate and matrix spike data as a function of contract, media, concentration, and laboratory. A diskette copy of the data base and search programs can be obtained by EPA staff upon request. The copy can be installed on any IBM PC-compatible computer, although an IBM AT level microcomputer is recommended for best performance.
Environmental Protection Agency
though an IBM AT level microcomputer is recommended for best performance.
Environmental Protection Agency
* Aerometric Information Retrieval System (AIRS)
Jake Summers
Environmental Protection Agency
Region 27
Research Triangle Park, NC 27711 (919) 541-5695
AIRS is used by Regional Offices for data input, retrieval, and analysis of data generated by agencies that have not established direct access to AIRS. AIRS has the capabilities of storing, analyzing and retrieving of air quality data as well as additional capabilities made possible by utilizing ADABAS data base system. Conversion to FIPS geographical codes has been done during the conversion to AIRS. 44 states have been trained over the last three years to use AIRS. A diskette copy of the data base and search programs can be obtained by EPA staff upon request. The copy can be installed on any IBM PC-compatible computer, although an IBM AT level microcomputer is recommended for best performance.
Environmental Protection Agency
* Air Emissions from Treatment Storage and Disposal Facilities for Hazardous Waste (TSDF)
Bill Hunt
Environmental Protection Agency
Region 27
Mail Drop 14, OAQPS
Research Triangle Park, NC 27711 (919) 541-5671
This data base contains information about all industrial facilities which treat, store, or dispose of hazardous wastes. The information will include company, location, description, and size of each site and stream compositions. Physical-chemical properties, air emission models, and dispersion models are included. The system will be used to generate air emission inventories to support future air pollution regulations. A diskette copy of the data base and search programs can be obtained by EPA staff upon request. The copy can be installed on any IBM PC-compatible computer, although an IBM AT level microcomputer is recommended for best performance.
Environmental Protection Agency
* Air Management Information System (AMIS)
Marvin Rosenstein
Environmental Protection Agency
Region 1
JFK Building
Boston, MA 02230 (617) 565-3517
SIP subsystem: tracks milestones in SIP processing from a regional perspective. Reports used to flag upcoming due dates and overdue items. Grant subsystem: tracks progress of state air grants. Reports are used to flag upcoming and missed due dates for state activities. A diskette copy of the data base and search programs can be obtained by EPA staff upon request. The copy can be installed on any IBM PC-compatible computer, although an IBM AT level microcomputer is recommended for best performance.
Environmental Protection Agency
* Air Quality Programs (Private Programs)
Marc Pitchford
Environmental Protection Agency
Region 26
PO Box 9347A
Las Vegas, NV 89193-3478 (702) 798-2363
These programs are used for processing air quality data collected in field projects. Processing includes calibration, units conversion data editing, statistical analysis and graphic displays. A diskette copy of the data base and search programs can be obtained by EPA staff upon request. The copy can be installed on any IBM PC-compatible computer, although an IBM AT level microcomputer is recommended for best performance.
Environmental Protection Agency
* Airborne Particulate and Precipitation Data (ERFD)
Gerry Luster
Environmental Protection Agency
Region 27 (205) 272-3403
Data base contains data on gross beta concentration in samples of airborne particulates and precipitation. Location (city & state), 5 hour field estimate (pico curies per cubic meter), along with maximum, minimum and average results for same are given as well as millimeters of rainfall analyzed and reported in nano curies per square meter. Specific gamma is reported in pico curies per liter. A diskette copy of the data base and search programs can be obtained by EPA staff upon request. The copy can be installed on any IBM PC-compatible computer, although an IBM AT level microcomputer is recommended for best performance.
Environmental Protection Agency
* Ambient Quality Assurance Data Base (QAFILE)
Bill Hunt
Environmental Protection Agency
Region 26
Mail Drop 14, OAQPS
Research Triangle Park, NC 27711 (919) 541-2769
The Ambient Quality Assurance Data Base consists of known, blank, and spiked samples sent to participating laboratories. The results from the laboratories' analyses are returned and in turn analyzed to determine how well the laboratories performed analyses of different air pollutants. A diskette copy of the data base and search programs can be obtained by EPA staff upon request. The copy can be installed on any IBM PC-compatible computer, although an IBM AT level microcomputer is recommended for best performance.
Environmental Protection Agency
* Ann Arbor Certification Information and Fuel Economy Data Base (CIDB)
John Hendon
Environmental Protection Agency
Region 27
2565 Plymouth Road
Ann Arbor, MI 48105 (313) 668-4383
The Certification Information and Fuel Economy Data Base contains all pertinent data and information on Certification engine families, vehicles, emission tests, fuel economy tests, models, carlines, test codes, CAFE-corporate average fuel economy, and summary results for all compliance information collected by Certification Division for all model years from 1976 to date. The data base is accessible using the "MICRO" relational data base management system available on the University of Michigan (MTS) computer system. This data base includes all light-duty certification and fuel economy vehicles. A diskette copy of the data base and search programs can be obtained by EPA staff upon request. The copy can be installed on any IBM PC-compatible computer, although an IBM AT level microcomputer is recommended for best performance.
Environmental Protection Agency
* Anti-Tampering and Fuel-Switching Information System (TAMPER)
Marvin Rosenstein
Environmental Protection Agency
Region 1
JFK Building
Boston, MA 02230 (617) 565-3517
The system tracks inspections made for the Anti-tampering and Fuel-switching Program. Reports are used to track actions taken against violators. A diskette copy of the data base and search programs can be obtained by EPA staff upon request. The copy can be installed on any IBM PC-compatible computer, although an IBM AT level microcomputer is recommended for best performance.
Environmental Protection Agency
* APTIC (Air Pollution Technical Information Center)
DIALOG Information Services, Inc.
3460 Hillview Avenue
Palo Alto, CA 94304 (800) 334-2564
This contains worldwide literature on air pollution, its prevention and control. Date of coverage: 1966-1978.
Environmental Protection Agency
* Aquatic Information Retrieval (AQUIRE)
Dr. Philip M. Cook
Director of Research Operations
Environmental Protection Agency
Environmental Research Lab
Region 26
6201 Congdon Blvd.
Duluth, MN 55804 (218) 720-5553
ACQUIRE contains information on the toxicity of any chemical (except oils) to fresh and saltwater organisms (not including bacteria and amphibians). Acute, chronic, and bio accumulation effects are included. Published papers and final reports are reviewed and information on test conditions and results are entered into the data base. A diskette copy of the data base and search programs can be obtained by EPA staff upon request. The copy can be installed on any IBM PC-compatible computer, although an IBM AT level microcomputer is recommended for best performance.
Environmental Protection Agency
* Asbestos in Schools Hazard Abatement Automated Information System (ASHAAIS)
Steven Young
Environmental Protection Agency
Region 11
401 M St., SW
Washington, DC 20460 (202) 382-5625
This system contains asbestos abatement applications for assistance from Local State Education Agencies. The system supports the grant award decision making process through a collection of financial need, and risk assessment models. In addition, the system generates the final assistance agreement documents. A diskette copy of the data base and search programs can be obtained by EPA staff upon request. The copy can be installed on any IBM PC-compatible computer, although an IBM AT level microcomputer is recommended for best performance.
Environmental Protection Agency
* Asbestos in Schools Tracking System (ASTS)
Joe Kunz
Environmental Protection Agency
Region 3
841 Chestnut
Philadelphia, PA 19107 (215) 597-9800
This system was designed to track the notification of asbestos removal within the region. Information can be retrieved by Contractor Name or Number, Project Name or Number, or Project State or Number and also Landfill Name. A diskette copy of the data base and search programs can be obtained by EPA staff upon request. The copy can be installed on any IBM PC-compatible computer, although an IBM AT level microcomputer is recommended for best performance.
Environmental Protection Agency
* Asbestos Information System (AIS)
Maureen Guild
Environmental Protection Agency
Region 20
401 M St., SW
Washington, DC 20460 (202) 382-3623
The Asbestos Information System (AIS) is designed to assist EPA in collecting, storing and analyzing data on the commercial and industrial uses of asbestos. The data will aid in the analysis of asbestos under the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA). EPA is authorized to collect this data from industry under section 8(a) of TSCA. Data collected under this rule should be treated as confidential. A diskette copy of the data base and search programs can be obtained by EPA staff upon request. The copy can be installed on any IBM PC-compatible computer, although an IBM AT level microcomputer is recommended for best performance.
Environmental Protection Agency
* Automated Grants Documentation System (AGDS)
Steven Young
Environmental Protection Agency
Region 16
401 M St., SW
Washington, DC 20460 (202) 382-5625
This system will automate log-in and tracking of grant applications and production of grant documentation. A diskette copy of the data base and search programs can be obtained by EPA staff upon request. The copy can be installed on any IBM PC-compatible computer, althomconsum, consumconsumonsumconsumsumconsumugh an IBM AT level microcomputer is recommended for best performance.
Environmental Protection Agency
* Automated Procurement Documentation System (APDS)
Howard Howell
Environmental Protection Agency
Region 16
401 M St., SW
Washington, DC 20460 (202) 475-8287
APDS is a computer-based system designed to assist procurement specialists (negotiators) and their staff in creating, reviewing, and printing the several types of standard, repetitive documentation involved in the EPA procurement process. This is cobol application with menus to guide the negotiator through the document development process. Negotiators can include standard boilerplate text, build non-standard pieces of text and modify pieces of standard text. Most of all of this work is automated based on the negotiators response to APDS questions. Assembly and printing of documents is at the discretion of the negotiator. A diskette copy of the data base and search programs can be obtained by EPA staff upon request. The copy can be installed on any IBM PC-compatible computer, although an IBM AT level microcomputer is recommended for best performance.
Environmental Protection Agency
* BACT/LAER Determinations (BLIS)
Bill Hunt
Environmental Protection Agency
Region 27, Mail Drop 14
Research Triangle Park, NC 27711 (919) 541-2237
The data base contains selected parameters, in summary form, from actual issued new source permits. The parameters consist of pollutants emitted, both types and amounts, control technology and efficiencies, and location of person making determination. As states submit new determinations they will be entered into the system. A diskette copy of the data base and search programs can be obtained by EPA staff upon request. The copy can be installed on any IBM PC-compatible computer, although an IBM AT level microcomputer is recommended for best performance.
Environmental Protection Agency
Environmental Protection Agency
* BACT/LAER Determinations (BLIS)
Bill Hunt
Environmental Protection Agency
Region 27, Mail Drop 14
Research Triangle Park, NC 27711 (919) 541-2237
The data base co
* DTHS Data Base
US Consumer Product Safety Commission
National Injury Information Clearinghouse
5401 Westbard Ave., Room 625
Bethesda, MD 20207 (301) 492-6424
This textual-numeric file contains all death certificates for deaths related to consumer product use from the 50 states and two health districts. The file was begun in 1979, and is updated continuously; approximately 7,000 certificates are added each year. Subject to Freedom of Information Act, the file is available from Consumer Product Safety Commission National Injury Clearinghouse.
Consumer Product Safety Commission
* EIS-Establishment Inventory System
US Consumer Product Safety Commission
Compliance and Administrative Litigation
Elizabeth Gomilla
5401 Westbard Ave.
Washington, DC 20207 (202) 492-6400
EIS is a menu driven system designed to maintain information on business firms which CPSC monitors or otherwise has contact. It stores data on firms, products, inspections, samples and violations. Information disclosed must first meet the disclosure requirements of the Consumer Product Safety Act.
Consumer Product Safety Commission
* EPCL - Epidemiology Clearinghouse Log
US Consumer Product Safety Commission
Epidemiology Clearinghouse
Joel Friedman
5401 Westbard Ave.
Washington, DC 20207 (202) 492-6424
EPCL is a report generator and maintenance system for several Clearinghouse functions. They are accident investigations, consumer complaints and correspondence tracking. The system searches the, using selection criteria, and displays or prints desired information. Data may be provided in the form of printouts, 9 track tapes, or 5 1/4 inch floppy diskettes. All information disclosed must first meet the disclosure requirements of the Consumer Product Safety Act.
Consumer Product Safety Commission
* Human Factors Data Base (HUMF)
Sharon White
US Consumer Product Safety Commission
Room 6208
Washington, DC 20207 (301) 492-6468
This bibliographic storage and retrieval system covers selected literature published 1978 to present. Approximately 1600 records are in HUMF and each entry contains full citation, abstract, and up to 12 searchable index terms. Access is available to CPSC staff and searches and printouts can be arranged through this office.
Consumer Product Safety Commission
* Injury of Potential Injury Incident File
National Injury Information Clearinghouse
US Consumer Product Safety Commission
5401 Westbard Avenue, Room 625
Bethesda, MD 20207 (301) 492-6424
US summary statistics are presented about injuries or potential injuries associated with consumer products in the United States. Data are drawn continuously from such sources as news clips, telephone complaints, and letters from consumers. There are up to 24 variables for each of the approximately 120,000 documents contained in the file. Data pertain to 1978- present. Subject to the Freedom of Information Act, the file is available from the Consumer Product Safety Commission National Injury Clearinghouse.
Consumer Product Safety Commission
* Lawn Mower Special Survey - LMSS
US Consumer Product Safety Commission
Division of Epidemiology
Elaine Smith
5401 Westbard Ave.
Washington, DC 20207 (202) 492-6470
IPII maintains information obtained from injury incident complaint reports, medical examiner/coroner alert reports, news clippings and other documents received by EPDS from regional offices or other sources. Data may be provided to the requestor in the form of printouts, 9 track tapes, or 5 1/4 inch floppy diskettes. All information disclosed must first meet the disclosure requirements of the consumer Product Safety Act.
Consumer Product Safety Commission
* MAIL-Mailing Labels
US Consumer Product Safety Commission
Office of the Secretary
Pat Chisley
5401 Westbard Ave.
Washington, DC 20207 (202) 492-6800
This application generates name and address labels for CPSC organizations. Labels may be produced either in cheshire or gummed label form. Mailing labels are generated upon request.
Consumer Product Safety Commission
* National Electronic Injury Surveillance System (NEISS)
National Injury Information Clearinghouse
US Consumer Product Safety Commission
5401 Westbard Ave., Room 625
Washington, DC 20207 (301) 492-6424
This system collects injury data from a sample of hospitals with emergency rooms across the US and its territories. The data provides national estimates of the number and severity of injuries associated with but not necessarily caused by consumer products and treated in hospital emergency rook. Information gathered from these and other sources, such as death certificates and reported incidents, guide the Commission in setting priorities for selecting types of products for further investigation and action. NEISS data are available in various computer formats. Any of the standard reports may be requested from this office, while custom reports are available at variable rates.
Consumer Product Safety Commission
* National Injury Information Clearinghouse (NIIC)
National Injury Information Clearinghouse
US Consumer Product Safety Commission
5401 Westbard Ave., Room 625
Washington, DC 20207 (301) 492-6426
Phone calls are preferred
NIIC has statistics and information about consumer product-related injuries. Data are retrievable by product category only (i.e., hair dryers, knives, lawn mowers). The system is comprised of the following files: (1) data which includes information supplied by 73 hospitals nationwide regarding injury type, frequency, severity, treatment, causes and projections; (2) consumer complaints with data on product type, details of incident reported and consumer characteristics such as age and sex; (3) in-depth CPSC investigative reports (full text) of incidents; (4) newspaper clippings; (5) manufacturers' reports submitted to CPSC; and (6) death certificate information. NIIC's computer files contain nearly three million records and are updated continuously. Searches and printouts are free unless NIIC's cost exceeds $25.00. At that point you will be charged a duplicating fee of 10 cents per page and a search fee of $1.50 per quarter hour.c
Consumer Product Safety Commission
* Vendor Source List - VSL
US Consumer Product Safety Commission Contracts
Barbara Twombly
5401 Westbard Ave.
Washington, DC 20207 (202) 492-6444
The medical examiner and coroners alert program (MECAP) system maintains information on names, addresses, death incidents and personal contact records of coroners and medical examiners around the country participating in MECAP. This application has facilities for data retrieval in online and batch processing modes. All information disclosed must first meet the disclosure requirements of the Consumer Product Safety Act.
Consumer Product Safety Commission
Environmental Protection Agency
* 301(h) Application Tracking System(301H)INFO)
Barry Burgan
Environmental Protection Agency
Region 11
401 M St., SW
Washington, DC 20460 (202) 475-7134
Publicly-owned treatment works (POTW's) may apply to EPA for a variance from secondary treatment requirements for a discharge into marine waters. Tracking of application status is essential to expeditious processing. A diskette copy of the data base and search programs can be obtained by EPA staff upon request. The copy can be installed on any IBM PC-compatible computer, although an IBM AT level microcomputer is recommended for best performance.
Environmental Protection Agency
Environmental Protection Agency
Office of Personnel Management
Smithsonian Institute
* A National Compendium of Freshwater Fish and Water Temperature Data (FISHTEMP)
Dr. Philip M. Cook
Director of Research Operations
Environmental Protection Agency
Environmental Research Lab
Region 26
6201 Congdon Blvd.
Duluth, MN 55804 (218) 720-5553
A computer data base, containing historical fish distribution data with accompanying water temperature data from about 1930-1972 for over 300 species of freshwater fish from 574 locations in the United States was developed. This provides the first nationwide compendium that describes freshwater fish population habitats in relation to water temperature regimes. The present system was implemented as a data storage and retrieval method. Computer programs were designed to format, sort, store, and recall selected records or grouping of data. Currently in the process of updating. A diskette copy of the data base and search programs can be obtained by EPA staff upon request. The copy can be installed on any IBM PC-compatible computer, although an IBM AT level microcomputer is recommended for best performance.
Environmental Protection Agency
* Acute Oral Toxicity for Birds, Mice, Rats (ORALTOX)
Richard G. Clements
Environmental Protection Agency
Region 20
401 M St., SW
Washington, DC 20460 (202) 382-4270
Acute Oral Toxicity Data for rats (from RTECS); wild birds (US FWS) and wild mice (US FWS) have been compiled on dBIII and sorted according to carbon number in chemical formula, CAS number and chemical name. Purpose is for searches from PMN substance chemical structure to ECTOX chemical analogs for EEB ECOTOX hazard assessments. Data is from literature. Literature citations (publications) very difficult and time consuming to search; dB III sort routine reduces analog searches to minutes. Almost 20,000 records compiled. A diskette copy of the data base and search programs can be obtained by EPA staff upon request. The copy can be installed on any IBM PC-compatible computer, although an IBM AT level microcomputer is recommended for best performance.
Environmental Protection Agency
* Advanced Information System for Career Management (AISCM)
James Kranda
Environmental Protection Agency
Region 16
401 M St., SW
Washington, DC 20460 (202) 475-8289
AISCM, contains by employee, the training both formal and informal taken by the employee to date. The purpose is to track by grade and responsibility the training taken and yet to be taken to qualify for the increasing levels of contracting responsibility. The system contains a file of minimum training and educational requirements for each grade and a file of where the needed training is offered. A diskette copy of the data base and search programs can be obtained by EPA staff upon request. The copy can be installed on any IBM PC-compatible computer, although an IBM AT level microcomputer is recommended for best performance.
Environmental Protection Agency
* Advanced Utility Simulation Model (AUSM)
Bill Hunt
Environmental Protection Agency
Region 26
Mail Drop 14, OAQPS
Research Triangle Park, NC 27711 (919) 541-2612
The Advance Utility Simulation Model (AUSM) is designed to evaluate acid deposition control strategies for the largest stationary source category (electric utility boilers) of sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxides, and sulfate emissions. The model forecasts the growth in emissions from electric utilities to the year 2030, and evaluates emission control costs, emission reduction potential, and other financial impacts of alternative emission control strategies for reduction of these acid deposition precursors. A diskette copy of the data base and search programs can be obtained by EPA staff upon request. The copy can be installed on any IBM PC-compatible computer, although an IBM AT level microcomputer is recommended for best performance.
Environmental Protection Agency
d training is offered. A diskette copy of the data base and search programs can be obtained by EPA staff upon request. The copy can be installed on any IBM PC-compatible computer, although an IBM AT level microcomputer is recommended for best performance.
Environmental Protection Agency
* World Data Bank II (WDBII) (PB87-184768/XDD) (See NTIS)
The World Data Bank II is a digital representation of the world divided into four geographic areas, contained on magnetic tapes. Each tape contains three files of unique line segments defined by individually-digitized points. The four specific areas are: North America (Volume 1); South America (Volume 2); Europe/Africa (Volume 3); and Asia (Volume 4). The three files contained in each volume are (a) coastlines, islands, and lakes (CIL); (b) rivers (RIV); and (c) international boundaries (BDY). In addition, Volume 1 contains a fourth file of internal boundaries (PBY) to further delineate the individual states in the USA and the provinces in Canada. World Data Bank II was digitized at scales ranging from 1:1 million to 1:4 million. Nominal scale is 1:3 million. The data file was updated in January 1987 and contains some changes, f.ex., many rivers and boundaries have been realized as have the coast lines of the U.K.and lower Scandinavia. A number of lakes and islands have been added. About 1,000 lakes were moved from the coast, island and lake file to the river file, so that rivers would not be broken up and so that there were not many small lakes when no rivers were plotted.
Central Intelligence Agency
* World Data Bank II (PB-271869) (See NTIS)
Machine readable data file: file set of geographic reference files, each file containing digital representation of a portion of the world. Five geographic areas of coverage include N. America, S. America, Europe, Africa, and Asia. Three files exist for each portion of the world represented containing data for coastlines, islands, and lakes; rivers and international boundaries.
Central Intelligence Agency
Commodity Futures Trading Commis
* Fitness Investigations
Freedom Of Information Act Office
Privacy and Sunshine Acts Compliance Staff
Commodity Futures Trading Commission
2033 K Street, NW
Washington, DC 20581 (202) 254-3382
The categories of individuals covered by the system are persons who have applied or who may apply to the Commission or NFA, as applicable, for registration as floor brokers or as associated persons, and principals of futures commission merchants, introducing brokers, commodity pool operators, commodity trading advisors and leverage transaction merchants. For more information contact the office above.
Commodity Futures Trading Commission
Commodity Futures Trading Commis
Federal Emergency Management Age
Pension Benefit Guaranty Corpora
* Large Trader Report Files
Freedom Of Information Act Office
Privacy and Sunshine Acts Compliance Staff
Commodity Futures Trading Commission
2033 K Street, NW
Washington, DC 20581 (202) 254-3382
The categories of individuals covered by the system are individuals holding reportable positions. The categories of records in the system include reports filed by the individual holding the reportable position. These include Statements of Reporting Trader and Large Trader Reporting Form. For more information contact the office above.
Commodity Futures Trading Commission
* Registration of Floor Brokers, Futures Commission Merchants, Introducing Brokers, Commodity Trading Advisors, Commodity Pool Operators, Leverage Transaction Merchants, and Associated Persons
Freedom Of Information Act Office
Privacy and Sunshine Acts Compliance Staff
Commodity Futures Trading Commission
2033 K Street, NW
Washington, DC 20581 (202) 254-3382
The categories of individuals covered by the system are persons who have applied to the CFTC or NFA, as applicable by CFTC regulations, for registration as floor brokers or as associated persons, and principals of futures commission merchants, introducing brokers, commodity trading advisors, commodity pool operators, and leverage transaction merchants. For more information contact the office above.
Commodity Futures Trading Commission
Consumer Product Safety Commissi
* AAPC-American Association of Poison Centers
US Consumer Product Safety Commission
American Association of Poison Centers
Jane McCaulley
Washington, DC 20207 (202) 492-6477
Information on childhood poisoning incidents is received annually and converted to a SAS data set. A series of reports are prepared on the various substance categories. Data may be provided to the requestor in the form of printouts, 9 track tapes, or 5 1/4 inch floppy diskette. All information disclosed must first meet the disclosure requirements of the Consumer Product Safety Act.
Consumer Product Safety CommissionQ
Consumer Product Safety Commissi
National Capital Planning Commis
* Abbreviated Death Certificates
Consumer Product Safety Commission
Directorate for Epidemiology
Arthur McDonald
5401 Westbard Ave.
Washington, DC 20207 (202) 492-6539
This is a quality control file used by Epidemiology to account for the receipt of non-product related deaths. It consists of only five data elements: death certificate number, date entered, external cause, date of death and lot number. All information disclosed must first meet the disclosure requirements of the Consumer Product Safety Act.
Consumer Product Safety Commission
* Accident Investigations Data Base
National Injury Information Clearinghouse
US Consumer Product Safety Commission
5401 Westbard Ave., Room 625
Washington, DC 20207 (301) 492-6424
CPSC accident investigation reports provide information about an accident's sequence, human behavior, and role of the consumer product in the accident. Following is a description of the information in the CPSC's Accident Investigations data base, which includes accidents occurring after mid-1972; the state in which the accident occurred; the victim's background, including age, race, sex, education, and number of day incapacitated; the injury diagnosis; the consumer product involved; the product manufacturer; and more. Most information requests are answered without charge within 10 working days, but there is a charge for costs in excess of $25.
Consumer Product Safety Commission
* ATV Deaths
US Consumer Product Safety Commission
Division of Epidemiology
Rae Newman
5401 Westbard Ave.
Washington, DC 20207 (202) 492-6440
The ATV deaths data set contains data extracted from Epidemiology's major files. They include NEISS, in depth investigation, injury incident reporting and death certificates. In support of this file there is an online file maintenance facility as well as batch and online reporting. Data may be provided to the requestor in the form of printouts, 9 track tapes, or 5 1/4 inch floppy diskettes. All information disclosed must first meet the disclosure requirements of the Consumer Product Safety Act.
Consumer Product Safety Commission
* ATV Exposure Survey 1988
US Consumer Product Safety Commission
Division of Economic Analysis
Gregory Rodgers
5401 Westbard Ave.
Washington, DC 20207 (202) 492-6962
The data from this survey file includes responses from three surveys: Buyers of New ATV's, Buyers of Used ATV's, and Sellers of ATV's. Data may be provided to the requestor in the form of printouts, 9 track tapes, or 5 1/4 inch floppy diskettes. All information disclosed must first meet the disclosure requirements of the Consumer Product Safety Act.
Consumer Product Safety Commission
* ATV Exposure Survey 1986
US Consumer Product Safety Commission
Division of Economic Analysis
Bill Zamula
5401 Westbard Ave.
Washington, DC 20207 (202) 492-6962
This contains information on approximately 600 households with ATV's. The data is used as a baseline for comparison with injury and death information. The data are divided into three SAS data sets. The first describes the households, the second has information on ATV's and the third describes the drivers. Data may be provided to the requestor in the form of printouts, 9 track tapes, or 5 1/4 inch floppy diskettes. All information disclosed must first meet the disclosure requirements of the Consumer Product Safety Act.
Consumer Product Safety Commission
* CARM Case Tracking
US Consumer Product Safety Commission
Division of Regulatory Management
Robert Poth
5401 Westbard Ave.
Washington, DC 20207 (202) 492-6400
This is used by CPSA regional offices and the Directorate for Compliance and Administrative Litigation for the management of in-process cases. It contains the status of a particular case. The system follows a case from the time a regional office obtains a case number to the time with the case is closed. All information disclosed must first meet the disclosure requirements of the Consumer Product Safety Act.
Consumer Product Safety Commission
* CHIP - Chemicals in Products
US Consumer Product Safety Commission
Division of Economic Analysis
Glen Simpson
5401 Westbard Ave.
Washington, DC 20207 (202) 492-6962
CHIP contains chemical and biological information on consumer products. The data was obtained under private contract and contains complete information on product ingredients, i.e., chemical structure, methodology, acute and chronic toxicity. In addition, information on product identification, manufacturer and NEISS code is present. Data may be provided in the form of printouts, 9 track tapes, or 5 1/4 inch floppy diskettes. All information disclosed must first meet the disclosure requirements of the Consumer Product Safety Act.
Consumer Product Safety Commission
* CPSC Injury Cost Model Data Base
US Consumer Product Safety Commission
Washington, DC 20207 (202) 492-6962
The Injury Cost Model is an analytical tool designed to measure the benefits of injury reduction in monetary terms. It evaluates individual actions but also aids in grasping the magnitude of the overall problem of consumer-product related injuries and in examining the relative importance of diverse types of injuries associated with the use of different products and groups of products. The model is structured to measure 12 types of costs separately, one component at a time, and then to add them together to establish the total cost of an injury. A variety of techniques are used to estimate the cost components including regression analysis, samples means from large data bases, and direct analytic solution.
Regional Veterans Affairs offices provide online listings of local property foreclosures via remote bulletin board systems. The participating regional offices are listed below. Except where specified, the bulletin boards operate evenings and weekends. The following number for each office is the remote computer bulletin board for property listings. LGO = Loan Guaranty Officer; PMC = Property Management Chief.
Montgomery, AL
Voice: 204-832-7193
Data: 205-832-7202
Anchorage, AK
Voice: 907-271-4562
Data: 907-271-2249
Phoenix, AZ
Voice: 602-241-2748
Data: 602-241-2371
N. Little Rock, AR
Voice: 501-370-3758
Data: 501-370-3881
Denver, CO
Voice: 303-980-2847
Data: 303-980-2984
Hartford, CT
Voice: 203-244-2897
Data: 203-240-3021
St. Louis, MO
Voice: 314-425-5144
Data: 314-539-3145
Fort Harrison, MT
Voice: 406-442-6410
Data: 406-442-7024
Waco, TX
Voice: 817-757-6869
Data: 817-757-6308
Salt Lake City, UT
Voice: 801-588-598
Data: 801-524-3550
Manchester, NH
Voice: 603-666-7656
Data: 603-240-3021
Newark, NJ
Voice: 201-645-3607
Data: 201-645-3953
Los Angeles, CA
Voice: 213-209-7838
Data: 213-209-7920
Washington, DC
Voice: 202-275-0611
Data: 202-275-5622
St. Petersburg, FL
Voice: 813-893-3404
Data: 813-822-3821
Atlanta, GA
Voice: 404-881-3474
Data: 404-347-7768
Boise, ID
Voice: 208-334-1910
Data: 208-334-9696
Chicago, IL
Voice: 312-353-4068
Data: 312-353-2382
Louisville, KY
Voice: 502-582-5866
Data: 502-582-5134
New Orleans, LA
Voice: 504-589-6459
Data: 504-589-3871
Togue, ME
Voice: 207-623-5434
Data: 207-240-3021
Baltimore, MD
Voice: 301-962-4467
Data: 301-962-7876
Boston, MA
Voice: 617-223-3052
Data: 203-240-3021
San Francisco, CA
Voice: 415-974-0204
Data: 415-974-9510
Lincoln, NE
Voice: 402-471-5031
Data: 402-471-5034
Indianapolis, IN
Voice: 317-269-7827
Data: 317-269-7527
Des Moines, IA
Voice: 515-284-4657
Data: 515-284-4869
Wichita, KS
Voice: 316-269-6311
Data: 316-269-6739
Winston-Salem, NC
Voice: 919-761-3494
Data: 919-761-3585
Cleveland, OH
Voice: 216-522-3583
Data: 216-522-7664
Muskogee, OK
Voice: 918-687-2161
Data: 918-687-2556
Detroit, MI
Voice: 313-226-7561
Data: 313-226-4227
St. Paul, MN
Voice: 612-725-4054
Data: 612-725-3050
Jackson, MS
Voice: 601-965-4826
Data: 601-965-4825
Houston, TX
Voice: 713-660-4154
Data: 713-660-4140
Albuquerque, NM
Voice: 505-766-2214
Data: 505-766-8335
Buffalo, NY
Voice: 716-846-5295Data: 716-846-4702
New York, NY
Voice: 212-620-6424
Data: 203-240-3021
Portland, OR
Voice: 503-221-2481
Data: 503-221-6884
Philadelphia, PA
Voice: 215-951-5509
Data: 215-951-5514
Pittsburgh, PA
Voice: 412-644-6979
Data: 412-644-4755
Columbia, SC
Voice: 803-765-5154
Data: 803-765-5407
Nashville, TN
Voice: 615-251-5241
Data: 615-736-2100
San Juan, PR
Voice: 809-766-5216
Data: 809-766-3000
Huntington, WV
Voice: 304-529-5047
Data: 304-529-5434
Honolulu, HI
Voice: 808-546-2160
Data: 808-541-1476
Department of Veterans Affairs Federal Data Bases
* Vietnam Veteran Readjustment Counseling System (OUTREACH)
Leonard R. Bourget, Director
Information Integration Service
Veterans Health Services & Research Administration
US Department of Veterans Affairs
810 Vermont Ave.
Washington, DC 20420 (202) 233-3304
This is a system designed to provide data on Vietnam-era veterans who are unable to make adequate post-war socio-psychological adjustments. (A separate and much larger system on Vet center readjustment counseling is maintained by Veterans Health Services & Research Administration in the Baltimore Readjustment Counseling Regional Office. It is linked to PC based systems in the seven regions.)
Department of Veterans Affairs Federal Data Bases
Appalachian Regional Commission
* Appalachian Regional Commission
Robert Decker
Director of Economic and Program Analysis
Appalachian Regional Commission
1666 Connecticut Ave., NW
Washington, DC 20235 (202) 673-7849
The Commission's data files contain information on projects assisted by the Commission. Data also includes socio-economic, regional, and industrial make-up information on Appalachia. The data files contain census data that is broken down for each Appalachian region. For more information contact the office above.
Appalachian Regional Commission
Appalachian Regional Commission
Merit Systems Protection Board
National Credit Union Administ
Central Intelligence Agency
Central Intelligence Agency Data Files from NTIS
National Technical Information Service
US Department of Commerce
Springfield, VA 22161
(703) 487-4807
FAX (703) 321-8547
Listed below are data files available from the National Technical Information Service. Call the office above for ordering and cost information.
Central Intelligence Agency
Central Intelligence Agency
Peace Corps
* China Leader Appearance File, 1 January- 31 December 1975 (PB-252 213/4/XDD) (See NTIS)
This file was prepared for the use of US Government officials. The format, coverage, and contents of the file are designed to meet the specific requirements of governmental users. This file provides a record of the known public appearances and activities of about 370 important Chinese officials. Included are individuals who held one or more government positions during the year. Some other persons who are prominent in national or regional affairs are also included. Provided for each entry in the file is the name of the Chinese official (Wade-Giles romanization without aspirates or umlauts); the date, nature and location of each appearance and/or activity; the source of the information; the position of the individual as described in the source; and a sequential record number. Periodic printouts from this file are made available to non-US Government users through the Document Expediting (DOCEX) Project, Exchange and Gift Division, Library of Congress, Washington, DC 20540. The last such printout available to DOCEX is Appearances and Activities of Leading Personalities of the People's Republic of China, 1 January-31 December 1974, A(CR) 75-10, March 1975. The documentation accompanying this file is as follows: a list that provides a description of each field in the file; a list of personalities covered by the file during 1975; and a list of general, country and source abbreviations.
Central Intelligence Agency
* China Leader Appearance File, 1976-77 (PB-289 611/6/XDD) (See NTIS)
This file was prepared for the use of US government officials. The format, coverage, and contents of the file are designed to meet the specific requirements of governmental users. This file provides a record of the known public appearances and activities of about 400 important Chinese officials. Included are individuals who held one or more of the following positions during the year: full member, CCP Central Committee; Alternate member, CCP Central Committee; Premier or Vice Premier, State Council; Minister, State Council; Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs or National Defense; Department Director, CCP Central Committee; Director, Civil Aviation General Administration; Director, New China News Agency; Chief or Deputy Chief of Staff, PLA; Director of political commissar, General Logistics Department, PLA; Director or deputy director, General Political Department, PLA; Commander or political commissar, PLA service arms; Chairman or first vice chairman, Provincial Revolutionary Committee; First or second secretary, Provincial Revolutionary Committee; Commander or first political commissar, Military Districts; Ambassadors to Albania, Canada, USSR, Mexico, Japan; Chief, Liaison Office in the United States. Some other persons who are prominent in national or regional affairs are also included. Provided for each entry in the file is the name of the Chinese official (Wade-Giles romanization without aspirates or umlauts); date, nature and location of each activity; the source of the information; the position of the individual as described in the source; and a sequential record number. Periodic printouts from this file are made available to non-US government users through the Document Expediting (DOCEX) Project, Exchange and Gift Division, Library of Congress, Washington, DC 20540. The documentation accompanying this file includes a list of personalities covered by the file during 1976 and 1977 and a list of general, country and source abbreviations.
Central Intelligence Agency
* China: Supplement to the Directory of Officials of the People's Republic of China. A(CR) 75-16, April 1975 (PB-246 395/8/XDD) (See NTIS)
This file was prepared for the use of US Government officials. The format, coverage and contents of the file are designed to meet the specific requirements of governmental users. This file identifies Chinese officials reported in major positions since the publication of the Directory of Officials of the People's Republic of China, A(CR) 75-16, April 1975, a CIA Reference Aid that is made available to non-US Government users through the Document Expediting (DOCEX) Project, Exchange and Gift Division, Library of Congress, Washington, DC, 20540. Provided for each entry in the file is the name of the Chinese official (Wade-Giles romanization with aspirates and a separate umlaut indicator field), Standard Telegraphic Codes, if available, for the name of the official, new position, location (by province in China, by country outside of China) and, except for diplomats and Deputies to the National People's Congress, the page number cross-referenced to the Directory. Not included in this supplement are additions to Chapter 9 (Trading Corporations) and Part IV (Scientific and Educational Organizations). The letter "f" appearing after a name indicates that the official is female. The words "delete record" in an entry mean that the official no longer holds the position in which he is listed in the Directory. The file is based primarily on Chinese news sources as reported in the FBIS People's Republic of China Daily Reports. The first day an official is identified will give the approximate date of the Daily Report in which the information appeared. The documentation accompanying this file is as follows: a list that provides a description of each field in the file; and a cross-reference lookup table for location of the official.
Central Intelligence Agency
* Chinese Contact File, 1972-November 1975 (PB-248 750/2/XDD) (See NTIS)
This file identifies Chinese officials who have met with foreign delegations visiting the People's Republic of China during the period January 1972-November 1975. The data base for the file is derived from the FBIS People's Republic of China Daily Report (available by subscription from NTIS). Provided for each entry in the file is the name of the Chinese official (Wade-Giles romanization without aspirates or umlauts), country of origin of the visiting individual or delegation, the type of contact (e.g., diplomatic, economic, scientific, etc.), a simple description of the individual or group involved in the contact, and the reported dates of the delegation's stay in China. Only one entry per group contact is made for each Chinese official. The documentation accompanying this file provides a description for each field in the file, a cross-reference lookup table for the country of the visiting individual or delegation; and a cross-reference lookup table for type of contact.
Central Intelligence Agency
* Index to Selected Articles from the FBIS 'People's Republic of China Daily Report', July 1975-October 1978 (PB-289 612/4/XDD) (See NTIS)
This file was prepared for the use of US government officials. The format, coverage, and contents of the file are designed to meet the specific requirements of governmental users. This file provides an index to about 25 percent of the articles included in the FBIS People's Republic of China Daily Report from July 1975-October 1978. The Daily Report is available by subscription from NTIS. The general criteria for selection of the items are as follows: major national and provincial conferences; major political and military organizations; important political or propaganda campaigns; foreign relations or policy; texts of major political pacts or agreements; pertinent information on scientific, education, economic subjects or installations; and rallies of an important nature. Provided for each entry in the file is the document number, title of the article, date of publication, numeric subject codes, provincial country trigraph, location or city names, and pertinent keywords from the article. Index to Selected Articles from the FBIS People's Republic of China Daily Report, August 1970-June 1975. (PB-249 795/6/XDD)
Central Intelligence Agency
* Peoples Republic of China Bibliography of Literature Written During the Campaign to Criticize Lin Piao and Confucius, July 1973-December 1974 (PB-246 631/6/XDD) (See NTIS)
This file was prepared for the use of US government officials. the format, coverage and contents of the file are designed to meet the specific requirements of governmental users. This file is a selective bibliography of English translations of articles written in the People's Republic of China from July 1973 through December 1974 during the Campaign to Criticize Lin Piao and Confucius. Articles that seemed either authoritative or potentially influential in determining the course of the campaign were selected for this file. In general, articles written by representatives of the masses and low-level officials of the government, the People's Liberation Army and the Chinese Communist Part were not included. provided for each entry in the file is: name of the author (in Wade-Giles romanization); primary and secondary sources with publication date and source of the English translation; trigraph of the province and name of the city in which the article was published or broadcast; date of publication of the article selected for translation and title of the article with brief descriptive notes, where needed. The abbreviations used in this file are the standard abbreviations for the Hong Kong press surveys and those used in the reference aid appearances and activities of leading personalities of the People's Republic of China (A(CR)75-10). A list of source abbreviations and expansion table for abbreviated locations is attached to this sheet. A more detailed explanation of format and selection criteria appears in the CIA Reference Aid of the same title numbered A(CR) 75-40, October 1975, available from the Document Expediting (DOCEX) Project, Exchange and Gift Division, Library of Congress, Washington, D.C. 20540. The publication contains two print formats of the data in this file, one arranged by author, the other by date of publication. Excluded from are provincial trigraphs. Also attached are computer record information and graph.
Central Intelligence Agency
* Soviet Leader Appearances File, January- December 1975 (PB-252 628/3/XDD) (See NTIS)
This file was prepared for the use of US Government officials. The format, coverage, and contents of the file are designed to meet the specific requirements of governmental users. The software for this file is proprietary to the US Government and cannot be made available outside the Government. This file provides a record of the known public appearances and activities of about 40 important Soviet officials. The officials include all full and alternate members of the Politburo of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union (CC CPSU); all Secretaries of the CC CPSU; the Chairman and all deputy chairmen of the USSR Council of Ministers; and key officials of the leadership of the USSR Ministry of Defense. Provided for each entry in the file is the name of the Soviet official (Board of Geographic Names Transliteration); the date, nature and location of each appearance and/or activity; the source of the information; and a sequential record number. Periodic printouts from this file are made available to non-US Government users through the Document Expediting (DOCEX) Project, Exchange and Gift Division, Library of Congress, Washington, DC 20540. The last such printout available to DOCEX is Appearances of Soviet Leaders, January-June 1975, A(CR) 75-29, August 1975. The documentation accompanying this file includes: a list that provides the macro and description for each field in the file and a copy of the United States Intelligence Board Content Control Code that gives the meanings of items in the "Area Code" field.
Central Intelligence Agency
* World Data Bank 2. Volume 1 North America. Available on diskette (PB85-209930/XDD) (See NTIS)
The World Data Bank II is a digital representation of the world. It contains approximately six million discrete points. World coverage is complete for World Data Bank II including Australia, New Zealand and other Pacific Islands. The data base consists of two types of records: one for the line segment identifier data and the other for the latitudinal and longitudinal values (in integers) of each discrete point making up the line segment. World Data Bank II was digitized at scales ranging from 1:1 million to 1:4 million. Nominal scale is 1.3 million. This volume, North America, also contains a fourth file of internal boundaries (PBY) to further delineate the individual states of the USA and the provinces of Canada. This particular version of the data file is contained on 5 1/4 in. floppy disks formatted for the IBM PC microcomputer and PC-compatible microcomputers.
Central Intelligence Agency
* World Data Bank 1 (WDBI). Available on diskette (PB86-167574/XDD) (See NTIS)
The World Data Bank I is a digital representation of the coastlines and boundaries of the world for use in automated mapping systems. The first two files consist of 100k individual coordinate points arranged sequentially to describe each linear feature. The third field is an index to the linear features in WDBI. This data bank can be used independently or in conjunction with Cam program, PB-270 304 (documentation) and PB-270 303 (tape), which will output this data in 16 different map projections.
Central Intelligence Agency
loppy disks formatted for the IBM PC microcomputer and PC-compatible microcomputers.
Central Intelligence Agency
n to add them together to establish the total cost of an injury. A variety of t
* Outpatient Staff System (OPC)
Elaine Norman, Director
Medical Administration Service
Veterans Health Services & Research Administration
US Department of Veterans Affairs
810 Vermont Ave.
Washington, DC 20420 (202) 233-2180
OPC is designed to collect, store and report data relative to veteran/non-veteran visits to outpatient clinics. It is the data base for the outpatient resource allocation model (RAM). Reports are used to determine the veteran population mix trends, clinic workload, construction planning, etc.
Department of Veterans Affairs Federal Data Bases
* Patient Assessment File (PAF)
Leonard R. Bourget, Director
Information Integration Service
Veterans Health Services & Research Administration
US Department of Veterans Affairs
810 Vermont Ave.
Washington, DC 20420 (202) 233-3304
This is a system designed to provide assessments on intermediate medical and nursing home care patients for use in allocation of associated funds.
Department of Veterans Affairs Federal Data Bases
* Patient Satisfaction Survey (PSS)
Leonard R. Bourget, Director
Information Integration Service
Veterans Health Services & Research Administration
US Department of Veterans Affairs
810 Vermont Ave.
Washington, DC 20420 (202) 233-3304
This is a system containing records of biennial survey of patients' treatment in hospitals. A redesigned system is currently in development.
Department of Veterans Affairs Federal Data Bases
* Patient Treatment File
Reports and Statistics (10A4Z)
Veterans Health Services and Research Administration
US Department of Veterans Affairs
810 Vermont Ave., NW
Washington, DC 20420 (202) 233-6920
The Patient Treatment File is a discharge oriented data base which contains medical and administrative data for the following types of care provided or paid for by the Department of Veterans Affairs: VA and non-VA hospitals, VA and non-VA nursing homes, and VA domiciliaries. The file is maintained in fiscal year segments so that complete data for a particular year is not available until some months after the end of the fiscal year. For more information, including the types of data collected, contact the office above.
Department of Veterans Affairs Federal Data Bases
* Physicians Recruitment and Staffing Reporting System (PR&SRS)
Leonard R. Bourget, Director
Information Integration Service
Veterans Health Services & Research Administration
US Department of Veterans Affairs
810 Vermont Ave.
Washington, DC 20420 (202) 233-3304
This provides information on the recruitment and retention of Staffing Reporting VA physicians and dentists.
Department of Veterans Affairs Federal Data Bases
* Prisoner of War (POW)
Leonard R. Bourget, Director
Information Integration Service
Veterans Health Services & Research Administration
US Department of Veterans Affairs
810 Vermont Ave.
Washington, DC 20420 (202) 233-3304
This is a data base of information pertaining to prisoners of war to determine the VA's compliance with Public Law 97-37, the Former Prisoner of War Benefits Act of 1981.
Department of Veterans Affairs Federal Data Bases
* Prosthetic and Sensory Aids System (PRS)
Leonard R. Bourget, Director
Information Integration Service
Veterans Health Services & Research Administration
US Department of Veterans Affairs
810 Vermont Ave.
Washington, DC 20420 (202) 233-3304
This system provides for the processing of bids and for awarding of "Annual Artificial Limb Contract", which involves the awarding of approximately 600 individual contracts for the fabrication of artificial limbs by the private sector. The system also maintains a file of individuals who are certified by VA as being qualified to perform certain prosthetic and orthotic services.
Department of Veterans Affairs Federal Data Bases
* Prosthetics Statistical System (PRSS)
Leonard R. Bourget, Director
Information Integration Service
Veterans Health Services & Research Administration
US Department of Veterans Affairs
810 Vermont Ave.
Washington, DC 20420 (202) 233-3304
This is a statistical system to facilitate analyses and cost comparison studies for VA-purchased Prosthetics devices and sensory aids.
Department of Veterans Affairs Federal Data Bases
* Residential Care Home (RCH)
Leonard R. Bourget, Director
Information Integration Service
Veterans Health Services & Research Administration
US Department of Veterans Affairs
810 Vermont Ave.
Washington, DC 20420 (202) 233-3304
This system provides reports and statistics on the number of veterans participating in the RCH Program.
Department of Veterans Affairs Federal Data Bases
* Social Work Automated Reporting System (SWARS)
Leonard R. Bourget, Director
Information Integration Service
Veterans Health Services & Research Administration
US Department of Veterans Affairs
810 Vermont Ave.
Washington, DC 20420 (202) 233-3304
This is a system which maintains information on social work services provided to veterans.
Department of Veterans Affairs Federal Data Bases
* Spinal Cord Injury Registry (SCI)
Leonard R. Bourget, Director
Information Integration Service
Veterans Health Services & Research Administration
US Department of Veterans Affairs
810 Vermont Ave.
Washington, DC 20420 (202) 233-3304
This is a registry system containing names of veterans with spinal cord injuries.
Department of Veterans Affairs Federal Data Bases
* Study of Aging Veterans, 1983: [United States] (ICPSR 8479)
Inter-University Consortium for Political and Social Research
Institute for Social Research
P.O. Box 1248
Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (313) 763-5010
The Survey of Aging Veterans was designed to provide the Veterans Administration with information needed to plan for the demands of United States veterans for medical and pension benefits over the next decade and beyond. The goal of the study was to permit estimates of future demands and future support needed for the rapidly expanding older veteran population. The survey yields data on the current social, economic, and health status of noninstitutionalized veterans ages 65 and older, their patterns of utilization of Veterans Administration facilities and benefits, and future expectations regarding use of Veterans Administration programs and services. The survey also profiles the social, economic, and health status of the veteran cohorts ages 55 to 64 who will become eligible for Veterans Administration benefits over the next decade.
Department of Veterans Affairs Federal Data Bases
* Trends in Veterans Health Care Demand and Utilization, 1977-86
Northwestern University,
Center for Health Services and Policy Research (CHSPR) and Veterans Administration, Central Office
810 Vermont Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20420 (202) 233-4000
This is a numeric (aggregate) data set containing VA application and admission data for each of the 126 V.A. Primary Service Areas in the United States. Some information on the cost of care provided is also included. Data were obtained from Veterans Administration Annual Reports, Area Resource File, unpublished VA budget and weighted workload units, and veteran population estimates for the Research and Statistics Division of the VA. Data are nationwide. Census regions, states and V.A. primary service areas are identified. Data pertain to 1977, 1983, 1984 and 1986. To obtain the tape for research purposes, contact Mr. Bernard Friedman, Ph.D., Vice President for Research Hospital Research and Education Trust, 840 North Lakeshore Drive, Chicago, Illinois, 60611, (312) 280-6386 or Dr. Prakash Grover, Department of Veterans Affairs, Medical Center, Perry Point, Maryland, 21902, (301) 642-2411.
Department of Veterans Affairs Federal Data Bases
* VA Central Office Automated Telephone Book System
Julian L. Cross
Safety and Office Support Service
US Department of Veterans Affairs
810 Vermont Ave.
Washington, DC 20420 (202) 233-5101
The purpose of this system is to provide online access for inquiry by the VA Central Office (VACO) Telephone Operators; to link with the Government Printing Office (GPO) system which develops a camera-ready copy of the directory prior to printing, VA field facilities, service organizations and some outside vendor contacts; and provide inquiry capability for others in VACO and the ability to transmit changes to the information electronically.
Department of Veterans Affairs Federal Data Bases
* VA Federal Procurement Data System (FPDS)
Mervin Harris
Acquisition Service
Office of Acquisition Materials Management
US Department of Veterans Affairs
810 Vermont Ave.
Washington, DC 20420 (202) 233-4403
The VA FPDS system was developed to provide for the collection and dissemination of statistics on VA procurements required by the Office of Management and Budget through directives provided by the Office of Federal Procurement Policy (OFPP). Public Law 93-400 passed in August of 1974, mandated government-wide participation in the program.
Department of Veterans Affairs Federal Data Bases
* VA Voluntary Service (VAVS)
Leonard R. Bourget, Director
Information Integration Service
Veterans Health Services & Research Administration
US Department of Veterans Affairs
810 Vermont Ave.
Washington, DC 20420 (202) 233-3304
This is an automated system designed to collect, process, and store data on all volunteer activity and provide reports to administrative and management elements at local and national levels. Data includes names, number of hours worked, number of visits, area in which service was rendered and service organization represented.
Department of Veterans Affairs Federal Data Bases
n August of 1974, mandated government-wide participation in the program.
Department of Veterans Affairs Federal Data Bases
* VA Voluntary Service (VAVS)
Leonard R.
* Dental Activity System (DAS)
Leonard R. Bourget, Director
Information Integration Service
Veterans Health Services & Research Administration
US Department of Veterans Affairs
810 Vermont Ave.
Washington, DC 20420 (202) 233-3304
This is a system which maintains data on patients and dental services rendered in VA dental facilities. Some output reports are generated by DAS and the remainder of the reports are generated by the Automated Management Information System (AMIS) once the data is passed to AMIS from DAS. Consideration is being given to having DAS generate all reports.
Department of Veterans Affairs Federal Data Bases
* Departmental Information Exchange Project
Leonard R. Bourget, Director
Information Integration Service
Veterans Health Services & Research Administration
US Department of Veterans Affairs
810 Vermont Ave.
Washington, DC 20420 (202) 233-3304
To reduce the incidence of admission/treatment of ineligible veterans, a communications linkage between the Decentralized Hospital Computer Program computers and the Benefits Delivery Network (the HINQ transaction) has been provided. Improved procedures for the transfer and exchange of information contained on selected VA forms are also being pursued.
Department of Veterans Affairs Federal Data Bases
* Discrimination Complaints Information Service (DCIS)
Ellis Jones
Office of Equal Opportunity
US Department of Veterans Affairs
1425 K St., NW, #900
Washington, DC 20420 (202) 233-3887
The DCIS provides information on EEO complaints that must be reported to the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. This information consists of number of active complaints by status, basis upon which they were filed by group, issue giving rise to the complaint, and accounting of movement both from an average time and number perspective. The DCIS is also used to provide monthly data to the Administrator on activity and performance relative to EEO complaints.
Department of Veterans Affairs Federal Data Bases
* Drug Dependence Clinical Support System (DDCSS)
Leonard R. Bourget, Director
Information Integration Service
Veterans Health Services & Research Administration
US Department of Veterans Affairs
810 Vermont Ave.
Washington, DC 20420 (202) 233-3304
This system supports Alcohol and Drug Treatment Centers by providing patient clinical and administrative data to the treatment regimen.
Department of Veterans Affairs Federal Data Bases
* Emergency Preparedness Project (EPP)
Leonard R. Bourget, Director
Information Integration Service
Veterans Health Services & Research Administration
US Department of Veterans Affairs
810 Vermont Ave.
Washington, DC 20420 (202) 233-3304
This is a PC based system designed to support the development, coordination and direction of the VA-wide national security and emergency preparedness program. The system is run under the auspices of the Federal Emergency Management VA (FEMA). Annual extracts are sent to FEMA automated system.
Department of Veterans Affairs Federal Data Bases
* Energy/Nutritive Analysis (ENA)
Leonard R. Bourget, Director
Information Integration Service
Veterans Health Services & Research Administration
US Department of Veterans Affairs
810 Vermont Ave.
Washington, DC 20420 (202) 233-3304
This system provides nutritional analysis of various types of menus for VA hospitals.
Department of Veterans Affairs Federal Data Bases
* Federal Assistance Awards Data System (FAADS)
Steve McCollom
Analysis and Reports Service
US Department of Veterans Affairs
810 Vermont Ave.
Washington, DC 20420 (202) 233-2100
The primary objective for the Federal Assistance Awards Data System (FAADS) is to continue to provide accurate geographic breakouts of VA actual obligations by the various programs which fall under the category of Federal assistance actions, to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB). In doing so, plans call for continually improving the computer-based system. A secondary objective is to continue to utilize FAADS as feeder information to the Geographic Distribution of Expenditures publication.
Department of Veterans Affairs Federal Data Bases
* FEE Basis System (FEE)
Elaine Norman, Director
Medical Administration Service
Veterans Health Services &
Research Administration
US Department of Veterans Affairs
810 Vermont Ave.
Washington, DC 20420 (202) 233-2467
FEE and new FEE Basis Systems together comprise a centralized ADP system which processes payments to private physicians, medical suppliers and pharmacists for products and services rendered to authorized veterans. Statistics are kept on payments to or on behalf of veterans by various categories (e.g. service connected, non-service connected) and on how much vendors earn. Logic in both the Austin and Decentralized Hospital Computer Program software cuts down on duplicate payments. It also provides for the disbursement of payments to veterans for medically-related travel expenses. It also provides demographic information useful to Medical District Initiated Program Planning (MEDIPP). CHAMPVA payments will be processed through FEE, although the Denver system will maintain the statistics. During fiscal year 1998 enhancements will enable all VA Medical Center's to report required FEE data into a single system.
Department of Veterans Affairs Federal Data Bases
* Fiduciary and Field Examination Automation
Rhoda R. Mancher, Deputy CBD
ADP Systems Management
Veterans Benefit Administration
US Department of Veterans Affairs
810 Vermont Ave.
Washington, DC 20420 (202) 233-5284
The Fiduciary and Field Examination Program (F&FE) was created to supervise DVA benefits paid to third party payees on behalf of beneficiaries who were incapable of managing their own funds. The objective of this project is to develop an automated system that will provide management support to all Regional Offices for statistical work counts and evaluation purposes and an enhanced diary system to provide improved, more efficient service to incompetent beneficiaries.
Department of Veterans Affairs Federal Data Bases
* Gravesite Reservation System (GRS)
Mark P. Durocher
Information Systems Office
National Cemetery System
US Department of Veterans Affairs
810 Vermont Ave.
Washington, DC 20420 (202) 233-2512
Several types of gravesite reservations or set-aside programs have been initiated and subsequently terminated by National Cemetery System. Currently, only one type of reservation, the two-year roster, is automated. GRS is a centralized, batch oriented system which stores reservation information and produces: forms which are mailed to each reservee every two years to confirm intended use of the gravesite, control listings used by NCS, Field Operations Support Service, and microfiche for record purposes. GRS is scheduled to undergo extensive revision and expansion in fiscal year 1989-90.
Department of Veterans Affairs Federal Data Bases
* Hospital Based Home Care (HBHC)
Leonard R. Bourget, Director
Information Integration Service
Veterans Health Services & Research Administration
US Department of Veterans Affairs
810 Vermont Ave.
Washington, DC 20420 (202) 233-3304
This is a system designed to identify patient-related information such as demographics, physical and mental status of patient receiving professional services by VA at the veteran's residence.
Department of Veterans Affairs Federal Data Bases
* Insurance System
Rhoda R. Mancher, Deputy CBD
ADP Systems Management
Veterans Benefit Administration
US Department of Veterans Affairs
810 Vermont Ave.
Washington, DC 20420 (202) 233-5284
The Department of Veterans Affairs administers five government life insurance programs which provide approximately $28 billion in coverage to approximately 3.6 million policyholders. In addition there are 170,000 beneficiaries of deceased veterans who are receiving monthly annuity checks in lieu of a lump sum payment of the policy proceeds. Unlike the other benefit programs, the insurance programs are generally self-supporting, except for the administrative expenses which are paid from GOE appropriations. In 1986 the programs disbursed approximately $2 billion, collected $863 million in premiums, and earned approximately $1.2 billion in interest income on the programs' $13 billion in trust fund investments. To administer the 3.6 million individual life insurance policies, the Veterans Benefit Administration has undertaken a major redesign of its Insurance Automated Data Processing system, which was designed in the early 1960's.
Department of Veterans Affairs Federal Data Bases
* Integrated Hospital System (IHS)
Lane Parsons, Director
Technology Management Service
Veterans Health Services & Research Administration
US Department of Veterans Affairs
810 Vermont Ave.
Washington, DC 20420 (202) 233-5867
The Integrated Hospital System (IHS) is a Congressionally mandated program administered by Veterans Health Services & Research Administration involving the acquisition, operation, and evaluation of commercially available hospital information systems in selected VA medical centers. The original IHS test concluded in September 1987. Appropriations Committee conferees have since directed the VA to expand the test to two additional tertiary care hospitals for an "ongoing permanent IHS test for tracking changes in the technology offered by commercial vendors."
Department of Veterans Affairs Federal Data Bases
* Integrated Patient Data Base (IPDB)
Lane Parsons, Director
Technology Management Service
Veterans Health Services & Research Administration
US Department of Veterans Affairs
810 Vermont Ave.
Washington, DC 20420 (202) 233-5867
The objective of the IPDB initiative is to combine and convert several highly used Automated Data Processing archaic file management stand alone systems, which have a high degree of redundancy and restrict user access, into an efficient and highly accessible state-of-the-art relational data base.
Department of Veterans Affairs Federal Data Bases
* Medical District Initiated Program Planning (MEDIPP)
Leonard R. Bourget, Director
Information Integration Service
Veterans Health Services & Research Administration
US Department of Veterans Affairs
810 Vermont Ave.
Washington, DC 20420 (202) 233-3304
This is a decentralized planning process which projects the magnitude, types, and locations of future veteran health care needs and, on the basis of established methodologies, develops plans for the programs, facilities, and personnel required to meet future veteran needs.
Department of Veterans Affairs Federal Data Bases
* National Association of VA Physicians (NAVAP)
Leonard R. Bourget, Director
Information Integration Service
Veterans Health Services & Research Administration
US Department of Veterans Affairs
810 Vermont Ave.
Washington, DC 20420 (202) 233-3304
This is a collection of reports provided the National Association of VA Physicians by Veterans Health Services & Research Administration.
Department of Veterans Affairs Federal Data Bases
Association of VA Physicians (NAVAP)
Leonard R. Bourget, Director
Information Integration Service
Veterans Health Services & Research Administration
US Depaanization (includes institutions of higher education and hospitals) - Health/Medical; Private nonprofit institution/organization (includes institutions of higher education and hospitals) - Health/Medical
BENEFICIARIES: State; Local; Public nonprofit institution/organization; Private nonprofit institution/organization
FUNCTIONS: HEALTH-Alcoholism, Drug Abuse and Mental Health - Planning; HEALTH-Program Development
CIRCULARS: Executive Order 12372
U.S. CODES: 42 U.S.C. - s Data Bases
* Statistics of Income - 1972, Small Area Data, Individual Income Tax Returns, Table 3 (Supplemental Report) (PB-285 310/9/XDD) (See NTIS)
Table 3 contains information on selected income and tax items for each of the 3,142 counties and county equivalents in the United States classified by size of adjusted gross income. The fields marked with an X on the record layout for this table are fields for which the data have been deleted. Also, in this table, wherever there is an amount but no corresponding number of returns for an item, the number of returns has been deleted to prevent showing information for fewer than ten returns.
Department of the Treasury Federal Data Bases
Department of Veterans Affairs F
Veterans Affairs Federal Data Bases
* Agent Orange Registry (AGO)
Leonard R. Bourget, Director
Information Integration Service
Veterans Health Services & Research Administration
US Department of Veterans Affairs
810 Vermont Ave.
Washington, DC 20420 (202) 233-3304
This is a registry system containing the name, SSN, medical diagnosis and related medical data on all Vietnam-era veterans examined for possible herbicide exposure.
Department of Veterans Affairs Federal Data Bases
Department of Veterans Affairs F
US Information Agency
* Annual Census of VA Patients 1988
Jeannie Norman, Director
US Department of Veterans Affairs
Medical Administration Service (136)
810 Vermont Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20420 (202) 233-2180
This is a textual-numeric file containing demographic and diagnostic data on the resident inpatient population in 172 Veterans Administration facilities on the last day of the fiscal year. Data were drawn from the medical records of all patients in all Veterans Administration Medical Centers on that day. There are approximately 49 variables for each of 80,000 observations. The file has been prepared each year since 1972. To obtain the machine-readable data file, contact the Veterans Administration.
Department of Veterans Affairs Federal Data Bases
* Appellate Index and Retrieval System (AIRS)
Jon Donsbach
Board of Veterans Appeals, O1C
US Department of Veterans Affairs
810 Vermont Ave.
Washington, DC 20420 (202) 233-2978
The objective of this system is to produce and maintain a perpetual index of Board of Veterans Affairs (BVA) decisions that will: (a) satisfy the Board's legal obligations under the Freedom of Information Act; and (b) serve as an internal research tool for BVA attorneys and other Professional Service staff; to produce and maintain an historical index and summary of VA regulations and other administrative issues for use primarily as a background research and reference tool for BVA staff attorneys; and to serve as a front line, first stage element of the Board's decision quality review program.
Department of Veterans Affairs Federal Data Bases
* Atomic Veteran Registry (AVR)
Leonard R. Bourget, Director
Information Integration Service
Veterans Health Services &
Research Administration
US Department of Veterans Affairs
810 Vermont Ave.
Washington, DC 20420 (202) 233-3304
This is a registry system of veterans claiming ionizing radiation exposure, including name, address, telephone number, SSN, claim number and diagnosis received during examination at VA medical center and date of examination.
Department of Veterans Affairs Federal Data Bases
* Automated Management Information System
Reporting Systems Division
Office of Information Management and Statistics
US Department of Veterans Affairs
810 Vermont Ave., NW
Washington, DC 20420 (202) 233-6825
The Automated Management Information System (AMIS) is an agency-wide system designed to meet the Department of Veterans Affairs' statistical reporting needs. Contact the office above for further information.
Department of Veterans Affairs Federal Data Bases
* Automated Monument Application System (AMAS)
Mark P. Durocher
Information Systems Office
National Cemetery System
US Department of Veterans Affairs
810 Vermont Ave.
Washington, DC 20420 (202) 233-2512
Approximately 300,000 applications for government-furnished headstones are received and processed yearly. AMAS is a centralized system that has transformed a totally manual system into an automated, paperless process. AMAS provides the system users with online access for: the input and adjudication of headstone applications, input of contractor proposals for the award of headstone manufacturing contracts and the consolidation/ordering of approved headstone applications for release to the manufacturers. A series of batch programs are executed daily to augment the online process and facilitate the management and control of AMAS data.
Department of Veterans Affairs Federal Data Bases
* Automated Payment History File
Rhoda R. Mancher, Deputy CBD
ADP Systems Management
Veterans Benefit Administration
US Department of Veterans Affairs
810 Vermont Ave.
Washington, DC 20420 (202) 233-5284
The objective of this project is to respond more efficiently and with more recent information than is currently possible to beneficiary inquiries regarding payments made and to more effectively use the current personnel staffs at the 58 regional offices by eliminating or reducing the amount of manual effort required to respond to beneficiary inquiries.
Department of Veterans Affairs Federal Data Bases
* Beneficiary Identification and Records Locator & Veterans Assistance Discharge
Rhoda R. Mancher, Deputy CBD
ADP Systems Management
Veterans Benefit Administration
US Department of Veterans Affairs
810 Vermont Ave.
Washington, DC 20420 (202) 233-5284
Beneficiary Identification and Records Locator (BIRLS) is a system used primarily to determine the veteran's or dependent's basic eligibility for benefits based on service records and other information. This information is provided to field stations and some medical centers through the Target system. Veterans Assistance Discharge (VADS) provides the veteran a comprehensive information packet detailing veteran benefit entitlement upon discharge from military service.
Department of Veterans Affairs Federal Data Bases
* Civilian Health & Medical Program of the Department of Veterans Affairs (CHAMPVA) - Eligibility System and Payment Center Automated Data Processing Support System
Elaine Norman, Director
Medical Administration Service
Veterans Health Services and Research Administration
US Department of Veterans Affairs
810 Vermont Ave.
Washington, DC 20420 (202) 233-2180
The system has as its objective provision of comprehensive health insurance coverage for eligible dependents of 100% disabled or deceased veterans in specific categories. For the past fifteen (15) years the payment of CHAMPVA claims has been handled by the Department of Defense (DOD) through a Memorandum of Understanding. The Department of Defense further contracted with separate non-government organizations to process the CHAMPVA claims along with the DOD CHAMPUS claims. Basic eligibility data processing for this arrangement was provided by the DOD DEERS group. In addition to paying for the authorized claims, the VA pays to DOD an administrative fee to cover the cost of administering and processing the CHAMPVA claims. The VA has proposed to take over all processing and handling of the CHAMPVA claims and as soon as possible abolish the Memorandum of Understanding with DOD concerning CHAMPVA.
Department of Veterans Affairs Federal Data Bases
* Community Nursing Home
Leonard R. Bourget, Director
Information Integration Service
Veterans Health Services & Research Administration
US Department of Veterans Affairs
810 Vermont Ave.
Washington, DC 20420 (202) 233-3304
This is a system which maintains data on patients in community nursing homes (CNH) under contract with VA.
Department of Veterans Affairs Federal Data Bases
* Compensation, Pension and Education
Rhoda R. Mancher, Deputy CBD
ADP Systems Management
Veterans Benefit Administration
US Department of Veterans Affairs
810 Vermont Ave.
Washington, DC 20420 (202) 233-5284
The Compensation, Pension and Education systems (CP&E) consist of a number of applications and subsystems. They are Compensation and Pension, Education, Emergency Veterans Job Training Act, Vocational Rehabilitation and Education, and Non-receipt of Benefit Checks. The Chicago Development System (CDS) is also a subsystem used for all development for the benefit programs. The primary functions of the CP&E system are processing claims and the payment of benefits to eligible veterans and their dependents.
Department of Veterans Affairs Federal Data Bases
* Computer Graphics System
Curtiss B. Pieritz
US Department of Veterans Affairs
14195 Doris Court
Woodbridge, VA 22191 (703) 233-2715
The objective of this system is to update the Exhibits and Graphic Arts Sections of Audio Visuals Service with the capability of state-of-the-art computer graphics equipment to support an effective department audiovisual program. These computer based graphic production aids offer the ability to quickly make designs for concept approval, to change those designs easily and to reproduce them accurately with no generation loss. When the system is completed, it will be used for the production of slides, vu-graphs, and handouts. This system is in the developmental phase.
Department of Veterans Affairs Federal Data Bases
* Decentralized Hospital Computer Program (DHCP)
Leonard R. Bourget, Director
Information Integration Service
Veterans Health Services & Research Administration
US Department of Veterans Affairs
810 Vermont Ave.
Washington, DC 20420 (202) 233-3304
DHCP provides comprehensive and standardized information processing capabilities to health care facilities to support the overall mission of the Veterans Health Services and Research Administration. That mission is to provide high quality health care to eligible veterans.
Department of Veterans Affairs Federal Data Bases
* Decentralized Medical Management System (DMMS)
Leonard R. Bourget, Director
Information Integration Service
Veterans Health Services & Research Administration
US Department of Veterans Affairs
810 Vermont Ave.
Washington, DC 20420 (202) 233-3304
The Decentralized Medical Management System (DMMS) is intended to provide Veterans Health Services & Research Administration clinicians and decision makers with information and automated analysis tools to manage VA medical centers in a constantly changing healthcare environment. It will have a medical orientation, will involve physicians more in the total decision-making process, and will integrate clinical, financial, and administrative data bases for the hospital.
Department of Veterans Affairs Federal Data Bases
airs Federal Data Bases
* Decentralized Medical Management System (DMMS)
Leonard R. Bourget, Director
Information reports provided the National Association of VA Physicians by Veterans Health Services & Research Administrab!
* Charitable Organizations Study for 1983 and 1985 ($1,500.00)
Department of the Treasury Federal Data Bases
* Individual Tax Model for each year 1966 to 1986 ($2,150.00)
Department of the Treasury Federal Data Bases
* Private Foundations for each year 1982, 1983, and 1985 ($1,500.00)
Department of the Treasury Federal Data Bases
* Statistics of Income: Corporate Source Book, 1976 (ICPSR 8084)
Inter-University Consortium for Political and Social Research
Institute for Social Research
P.O. Box 1248
Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (313) 763-5010
The Corporate Source Book is created annually from a stratified sample of the 1.5 to 1.8 million corporation income tax returns filed. The sample is stratified on the basis of total assets, net income or deficit, minor industry codes, and type of return. The records are arranged by minor industry codes, asset size class, and by net income/no net income. Sample rates range from 2 to 100 percent; increasing with asset size. The file contains 6,396 records, each with a logical record length of 1,197.
Department of the Treasury Federal Data Bases
* Survey of Tax Practitioners and Advisers, 1986: [United States] (ICPSR 8884)
Inter-University Consortium for Political and Social Research
Institute for Social Research
P.O. Box 1248
Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (313) 763-5010
This data collection was undertaken to examine the roles of tax preparers and advisers in preparing returns, advising clients on different aspects of business and family financial planning, and representing taxpayers before the Internal Revenue Service on appeals and in litigations involving examination deficiencies. The study was also designed to measure the potential impact of preparers on tax administration by examining the number of returns prepared by preparers with certain attitudes, opinions and reported behavior. Preparers' and advisers' opinions were elicited on various Internal Revenue Service programs (e.g., Private Letter Ruling, toll free telephone system, Examination and Appeals, Collection, Problem Resolution), on different types of penalties, tax shelters, and on communicating with the Internal Revenue Service.
Inter-University Consortium for Political and Social Research
Institute for Social Research
P.O. Box 1248
Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (313) 763-5010
This survey provides taxpayers' opinions and evaluations of the United States tax system. Respondents were questioned about their knowledge of and feelings toward several recent tax reforms. They were also asked about their impressions of the Internal Revenue Service and its programs, their experiences dealing with Internal Revenue Service agents, their opinions of the Internal Revenue Service's sharing of information with other government agencies, and the sources of their information on taxes. In addition, attitudes towards tax evasion and towards those who cheat on their taxes were probed. Demographic information on each respondent was also collected.
Department of the Treasury Federal Data Bases
* Tax Exempt Organizations
Exempt Organizations Support and Services
Internal Revenue Service
US Department of Treasury
Washington, DC 20224 (202) 566-2000
This IRS file contains the names, addresses and other pertinent information on over 900,000 US tax exempt organizations. Organizations can be selected by asset size, income, type of organization, etc. Printouts are available for a cost of $100 plus 1.2 cents per name. This data base corresponds to the annual publication (#78) available from GPO for $150.
Department of the Treasury Federal Data Bases
* Temporary Importation Under Bond (TIB) Defaulter Control System
Office of Enforcement Support
US Customs Service
US Department of the Treasury
1301 Constitution Ave., NW
Washington, DC 20229 (202) 566-9326
This provides information on individuals who have been denied TIB privileges because of failure to pay outstanding liquidated damages.
Department of the Treasury Federal Data Bases
* Treasury Direct
Securities Transactions Branch
Bureau of Public Debt
US Department of the Treasury
300 13th St.
Washington, DC 20239-0001 (202) 287-4113
Hearing Impaired TTD Line: (202) 287-4097
Treasury Direct is the book-entry system within the Bureau of the Public Debt whereby new issues of bills, notes, and bonds are maintained as accounting records in a nationwide computer system with the Treasury and Federal Reserve, rather than in definitive form asengraved certificates. This involves only securities issued since July, 1986. The entire investment portfolio is maintained in a single master account. Direct access to your account is available nationwide from Federal Reserve Banks. For more information, contact the office above.
Department of the Treasury Federal Data Bases
* US Savings Bonds Dollar Sales and Redemption Reports
Florence Brown
Savings Bond Division
US Department of the Treasury
1111 20th Street, NW, Room 361
Washington, DC 20226 (202) 634-5360
Data are available through monthly reports on savings bonds dollar sales nationally and by state, county and issuing agency with calendar year-to-date and current monthly sales figures. Data are available on approximately 5,000 counties. Redemption reports are national. The file consists of savings bonds issuance and redemption data from stubs, redeemed bonds, batch cards and tape inputs from Federal Reserve Banks. Data on current and year-to-date sales by geographic areas are available free in report form from the above office.
Department of the Treasury Federal Data Bases
Treasury Data Files Available from the National Archives
Margaret Adams
Archives Specialist
Reference Service
Center for Electronic Records (NNXA)
National Archives and Records Administration
8th and Pennsylvania Ave., NW
Washington, DC 20408
(202) 523-6771
The following list is a subset of electronic data sets (i.e., computer-readable data files) in the custody of the National Archives and Records Administration. The standard charge for a copy of an electronic data set (one data set not to exceed one magnetic reel of output) is $90. Ordering information is available upon request. For further information please contact the office above.
* Employee Benefit Plans Study, 1977
* Estate and Gift Tax Study, 1957 and 1959
* Records of the Internal Revenue Service
* Statistics of Income, Corporation Source Book, 1965-1980* Statistics of Income, Individual Tax Model File, 1960-1978
* Statistics of Income, State Tax Model, 1977, 1978
* Taxpayer Attitude Survey, 1966
Department of the Treasury Federal Data Bases
Treasury Data Files Available from NTIS
National Technical Information Service
US Department of Commerce
Springfield, VA 22161
(703) 487-4807
FAX (703) 321-8547
Listed below are data files available from the National Technical Information Service. Call the office above for ordering and cost information.
Department of the Treasury Federal Data Bases
* Capital Stock Estimates, 1947-1971 (PB-242 638/5/XDD) (See NTIS)
This file includes industry investment data and associated estimates of gross and net capital stock in current constant dollars for the period 1947-1971. The industry classification is the three digit SIC level for manufacturing and 1958 BEA interindustry study classification for the non-manufacturing sectors. The capital estimates were made using the perpetual inventory method. The net stock estimates are based upon assumed depreciation function which accelerates over the life of the investment item. Investment life parameters were taken from Bulletin F, US Department of the Treasury, adjusted to make the stock estimates equal the average book values reported to Census for 1962-64 for manufacturing sectors. For manufacturing sectors, the live parameters were adjusted using information from regulatory agencies and other sources. Separate estimates were prepared for stocks owned by the Federal Government and operated by private contractors. Public sector stock later sold to the private sector are given separately for manufacturing sectors and are included in the non-manufacturing estimates.c
Department of the Treasury Federal Data Bases
* Federal Individual Income Tax Return Data for Each Five-Digit Zip Code Area in the US - 1969 (PB-209 352/4/XDD) (See NTIS)
The file contains a tabulation of data from individual 1970 income tax returns for the United States. The tabulation reflects information reported on 1969 income tax returns filed in 1970. For each five-digit postal zip code area within the state, the following data are provided: number of returns; number of joint returns; number of exemptions (total, taxpayer, dependent); adjusted gross income; total tax. The data are further broken down, under the above headings, to reflect total returns, those filed for incomes under $3000, for incomes from $3000 to under $5000, from $5000 tounder $10,000, from $10,000 to under $15,000, and for incomes of $15,000 or more. Introductory material explains the classifications and terms used, and sources and limitations of the data. The 9 track tape was produced by the IBM 360 computer system, and contains packed numeric data.
Department of the Treasury Federal Data Bases
* Statistics of Income - 1972, Small Area Data, Individual Income Tax Returns, Table 1 (Supplemental Report) (PB-285 308/3/XDD) (See NTIS)
Table 1 contains information on selected tax items for each of the 125 largest standard metropolitan statistical areas as of January, 1972 classified by size of adjusted gross income.
Department of the Treasury Federal Data Bases
* Statistics of Income - 1972, Small Area Data, Individual Income Tax Returns, Table 2 (Supplemental Report) (PB-285 309/1/XDD) (See NTIS)
Table 2 contains information on selected sources of income for each of the 125 largest standard metropolitan statistical areas as of January, 1972 classified by size of adjusted gross income.
Department of the Treasury Federal Data Bases
are to eligible veterans.
Department of Veterans Affairs Federal Data Bases
* Compensation, Pension and EdbS
* Land Trust Files, Criminal Investigation Division
Inra Morris
Criminal Investigation
Internal Revenue Service
US Department of the Treasury
1111 Constitution Ave., NW, Room 2527
Washington, DC 20224 (202) 566-6723
Categories of individuals covered by the system include beneficiaries of Land Trusts and related individuals. Disclosure of returns and return information may be provided by 26 USC 6013. It is retrieved by name.
Department of the Treasury Federal Data Bases
* Migration Data by County, 1980 to 1982 (ICPSR 8139)
Inter-University Consortium for Political and Social Research
Institute for Social Research
P.O. Box 1248
Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (313) 763-5010
This data collection was prepared by the Internal Revenue Service to facilitate the analysis of migration patterns of the American people within the United States by tracing the origins of their tax returns in 1980 and 1982. Their country of residence is documented in both years. There are two data files, one which shows the number of returns and the number of exemptions in each country in the country, and one which shows the aggregate adjusted gross income for each county. Both files have 3,137 records, one for each county.
Department of the Treasury Federal Data Bases
* Population Migration Between Counties Based on Individual Income Tax Returns, 1982-1983: [United States] (ICPSR 8477)
Inter-University Consortium for Political and Social Research
Institute for Social Research
P.O. Box 1248
Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (313) 763-5010
The data include the number of Federal income tax returns filed and the number of exemptions claimed by individuals in each county. Within each category, data are provided on the number of tax filers that migrated into the county, the number that migrated out of the county, and the number for which migration status was unknown. The total number of returns filed is also provided.
Department of the Treasury Federal Data Bases
* Purchases, Sales, Exchange and Assays of Precious Metals
Arthur Johnson
Chief Financial Officer
United States Mint
US Department of the Treasury
Judiciary Square Building
633 3rd Street, NW
Washington, DC 20220 (202) 376-0550
These records and information in the records may be used to disclose information to various sectors, including: accounting offices, managers, supervisors and government officials pertaining to cash receivables and debts owed the Government; appropriate Federal, state, local, or foreign agencies responsible for investigating or prosecuting the violations of, or for enforcing or implementing a statute, rule, regulation, order, or license; a Federal, state, or local agency, maintaining civil, criminal or other relevant enforcement information or other pertinent information, which has requested information relevant to or necessary to the requesting agency's or the bureau's hiring or retention of an employee, or issuance of a security clearance, license, contract, grant, or other benefit. It is retrieved by name or assay number.
Department of the Treasury Federal Data Bases
* Quarterly Financial Reports of Member Thrift Institutions Data Base
Kathy W. Semone, Deputy Director
Information Services Division
Disclosure Branch
Office of Thrift Supervision
US Department of the Treasury
1700 G Street, NW
Washington, DC 20552 (202) 416-2790
This data base includes assets, liabilities, net worth, income, and expenses of member thrift institutions. Searches are available on computer printouts. Contact the office above for further information. (Note: there is a minimum fee for the searches.)
Department of the Treasury Federal Data Bases
* Statistics of Income Division Data Files
Director, Statistics of Income Division
Internal Revenue Service
US Department of the Treasury
1111 Constitution Ave, NW
Washington, DC 20224 (202) 233-1755
The Statistics of Income (SOI) Division compiles and publishes statistical data with respect to the operation of the Federal tax laws. The program provides annual financial and tax data obtained from the principal tax returns as well as more detailed data from supplemental schedules and other tax returns. These items as well as other unpublished or special tabulations from the SOI program, are available on magnetic tape on a cost-reimbursable basis. Further details, including ordering information, can be obtained by writing to the office above.
Department of the Treasury Federal Data Bases
* Controlled Foreign Corporation (1980, 1982)
The report contains data related to foreign corporations owned by US corporations.
Department of the Treasury Federal Data Bases
* Corporation Source Book
The report presents detailed income statement, balance sheet, tax and investment credit items by major and minor industries and size of total assets. This report is part of an annual series and can be purchased for $175 (issues prior to 1982 are for sale at $150). A magnetic tape containing the tabular statistics for 1985 can be purchased for $1,500.00. The 480 page document is $175.00.
Department of the Treasury Federal Data Bases
* County Income Data
County Income Data are available for Tax Years 1982, 1984, 1985, 1986, and 1987. These provide aggregated adjusted gross income, salaries and wages, interest, dividends, rents and royalties for each county, as well as the number of taxpayers and personal exemptions. The data are produced for each Tax Year.
Department of the Treasury Federal Data Bases
* County Migration Data
County Migration Data are available for Calendar Years 1982-84. This report gives the number of taxpayers and personal exemptions for in-migrants, out-migrants and non-migrants, along with adjusted gross income for each group. There are no size distributions. This series has been discontinued.
Department of the Treasury Federal Data Bases
* County Migration Flow Data
County Migration Flow Data are available for Calendar Years 1978-80, 1980-81, 1981-82, 1982-83, 1983-84, and 1984-85. These data show inflows and outflows for each county on number of taxpayers and personal exemptions. They may be purchased by State or by individual counties. Migration Flow Data for 1985-86, 1986-87, and 1987-88 are currently being processed. All years, except 1982-83, are available on tape.
Department of the Treasury Federal Data Bases
* Foreign Tax Credits (1980, 1982)
The report contains tax credits claimed by US corporations for payment of foreign taxes.
Department of the Treasury Federal Data Bases
* International Boycott Participation (1980)
This is a study of US citizens who are participants in international boycotts, and thereby forfeit certain tax credits.
Department of the Treasury Federal Data Bases
* Partnership Source Book
This data for 1957 through 1983, is at the minor, major and division industry level. It includes a historical definition of terms section and a summary of legislative changes affecting partnerships during that period. Tables feature: number of partnerships; number of partners; business receipts; depreciation; taxes paid deduction; interest paid; payroll; payments to partners; and net income. Purchasers of this service also will be advised of the release of subsequent years' data. A magnetic tape containing the tabular statistics can be purchased for an additional $200. The 291 page document is $30.
Department of the Treasury Federal Data Bases
* Sole Proprietorship Source Book
This Source Book is a companion to that for partnerships, shown above. It shows key proprietorship data for 1957 through 1984 and contains statistics for a particular industry. Included will be data on: number of business; business receipts; interest paid; depreciation; taxes paid deduction; payroll; and net income. A magnetic tape containing the tabular statistics can be purchased for $245. The 244 page document can be purchased for $95.
Department of the Treasury Federal Data Bases
* US Possessions Corporations (1981, 1982, 1983)
This is a study of domestic corporations which derive a tax credit for conducting business in US possessions.
Additional public-use tape files available include:
Department of the Treasury Federal Data Bases
Treasury Federal Data Bases
Tax Returns, Table 2 (Supplemental Report) (PB-285 309/1/XDD) (See NTIS)
Table 2 contains information on selected sources of income for each of the 125 largest standard metropolitan statistical6
* Truck Design Optimization Project (TDOP) Phase II Type 1 Truck Performance Test, Test Run 008A (PB81-181760/XDD) (See NTIS)
Sixteen field tests were performed by Wyle Laboratories, Colorado Springs to measure the performance characteristics of a Type 1 freight car truck. Reel 8 contains test run 8a. (When more than one try was required to obtain a successful run it is denoted with a letter suffix.) A pair of ASF ride control trucks were placed under an empty 100-ton open hopper carbody. New AAR 1/20 wheel profiles were used. The object of the test was to provide performance data during curve negotiation. The test was performed on February 13, 1980 on Union Pacific track near Las Vegas, Nevada. Ninety-six channels of data were acquired to measure car speed, automatic location detection, lateral/vertical wheel-rail forces, wheel/rail angle of attack, axle rotation position, accelerations and displacements at critical points on the truck and carbody. This test run was run over yard track in the Las Vegas yard and included curves of 12 and 16 degrees. The run was made in a forward direction at 10 mph and then backed through the test zone at 10 mph.
Department of Transportation Federal Data Bases
* Truck Design Optimization Project (TDOP) Phase II Type 1 Truck Performance Test, Test Run 009A (PB81-181778/XDD) (See NTIS)
Sixteen field tests were performed by Wyle Laboratories, Colorado Springs to measure the performance characteristics of a Type 1 freight car truck. Reel 9 contains test run 9a. (When more than one try was required to obtain a successful run it is denoted with a letter suffix.) A pair of ASF ride control trucks were placed under an empty 100-ton open hopper carbody. New AAR 1/20 wheel profiles were used. The object of the test was to provide performance data during curve negotiation. The test was performed on March 1, 1980 on Union Pacific track near Las Vegas, Nevada. Ninety-six channels of data were acquired to measure car speed, automatic location detection, lateral/vertical wheel-rail forces, wheel/rail angle of attack, axle rotation position, accelerations and displacements at critical points on the truck and carbody. This test run was made over branchline Class 2 track on the Blue Diamond Spur near Las Vegas, Nevada. The test zone included both tangent and curved jointed rail with an uphill grade of approximately 1.5%. The test run starts at 4 mph at milepost 4 and goes to 30 mph at milepost 5.8 and back down to a stop at milepost 8. At the completion of the test run, approximately 30 seconds of noise floor (quiescent) data will be recorded.
Department of Transportation Federal Data Bases
* Truck Design Optimization Project (TDOP) Phase II Type 1 Truck Performance Test, Test Run 010A (PB81-181786/XDD) (See NTIS)
Sixteen field tests were performed by Wyle Laboratories, Colorado Springs to measure the performance characteristics of a Type 1 freight car truck. Reel 10 contains test run 10a. (When more than one try was required to obtain a successful run it is denoted with a letter suffix.) A pair of ASF ride control trucks were placed under an empty 100-ton open hopper carbody. New AAR 1/20 wheel profiles were used. The object of the test was to provide performance data during curve negotiation. The test was performed on March 2, 1980 on Union Pacific track near Las Vegas, Nevada. Ninety-six channels of data were acquired to measure car speed, automatic location detection, lateral/vertical wheel-rail forces, wheel/rail angle of attack, axle rotation position, accelerations and displacements at critical points on the truck and carbody. This test run was made over mainline curved track between Arden and Sloan near Las Vegas, Nevada. The test consist was run through a series of eleven left and right curves ranging from 2 to 6 degrees of curvature. The test was run in an uphill direction with a grade of approximately 1%. The test was run at speeds 10 mph below equilibrium speed for each curve in the test zone. Actual speed varied from 24 mph to 38 mph for the test run.
Department of Transportation Federal Data Bases
* Truck Design Optimization Project (TDOP) Phase II Type 1 Truck Performance Test, Test Run 011 (PB81-181794/XDD) (See NTIS)
Sixteen field tests were performed by Wyle Laboratories, Colorado Springs to measure the performance characteristics of a Type 1 freight car truck. Reel 11 contains test run 11. (When more than one try was required to obtain a successful run it is denoted with a letter suffix.) A pair of ASF ride control trucks were placed under an empty 100-ton open hopper carbody. New AAR 1/20 wheel profiles were used. The object of the test was to provide performance data during curve negotiation. The test was performed on March 2, 1980 on Union Pacific track near Las Vegas, Nevada. Ninety-six channels of data were acquired to measure car speed, automatic location detection, lateral/vertical wheel-rail forces, wheel/rail angle of attack, axle rotation position, accelerations and displacements at critical points on the truck and carbody. This test run was made over mainline curved track between Arden and Sloan near Las Vegas, Nevada. The test consist was run through a series of eleven left and right curves ranging from 2 to 6 degrees of curvature. The test was run in an uphill direction with a grade of approximately 1%. The test was run at speeds near equilibrium speed for each curve in the test zone. Actual speed varied from 34 mph to 48 mph for the test run.
Department of Transportation Federal Data Bases
* Truck Design Optimization Project (TDOP) Phase II Type 1 Truck Performance Test, Test Run 012A (PB81-181802/XDD) (See NTIS)
Sixteen field tests were performed by Wyle Laboratories, Colorado Springs to measure the performance characteristics of a Type 1 freight car truck. Reel 12 contains test run 12a. (When more than one try was required to obtain a successful run it is denoted with a letter suffix.) A pair of ASF ride control trucks were placed under an empty 100-ton open hopper carbody. New AAR 1/20 wheel profiles were used. The object of the test was to provide performance data during curve negotiation. The test was performed on March 3, 1980 on Union Pacific track near Las Vegas, Nevada. Ninety-six channels of data were acquired to measure car speed, automatic location detection, lateral/vertical wheel-rail forces, wheel/rail angle of attack, axle rotation position, accelerations and displacements at critical points on the truck and carbody. This test run was made over mainline curved track between Arden and Sloan near Las Vegas, Nevada. The test consist was run through a series of eleven left and right curves ranging from 2 to 6 degrees of curvature. The test was run in an uphill direction with a grade of approximately 1%. The test was run at speeds 7 mph above equilibrium speed for each curve in the test zone. Actual speed varied from 41 mph to 55 mph for the test run. At the completion of the test run a controlled sequence of trainline brake application was applied to characterize performance during braking.
Department of Transportation Federal Data Bases
* Truck Design Optimization Project (TDOP) Phase II Type 1 Truck Performance Test, Test Run 013 (PB81-181810/XDD) (See NTIS)
Sixteen field tests were performed by Wyle Laboratories, Colorado Springs to measure the performance characteristics of a Type 1 freight car truck. Reel 13 contains test run 13. (When more than one try was required to obtain a successful run it is denoted with a letter suffix.) A pair of ASF ride control trucks were placed under an empty 100-ton open hopper carbody. New AAR 1/20 wheel profiles were used. The object of the test was to provide performance data during curve negotiation. The test was performed on March 4, 1980 on Union Pacific track near Las Vegas, Nevada. Ninety-six channels of data were acquired to measure car speed, automatic location detection, lateral/vertical wheel-rail forces, wheel/rail angle of attack, axle rotation position, accelerations and displacements at critical points on the truck and carbody. This test run was made over mainline curved track between Arden and Sloan near Las Vegas, Nevada. The test consist was run through a series of eleven left and right curves ranging from 2 to 6 degrees of curvature. The test was run in a downhill direction with a grade of approximately 1%. The test was run at speeds near equilibrium speed for each curve in the test zone. Actual speed varied from 34 mph to 48 mph for the test run. At the completion of the test run a controlled sequence of trainline brake application was applied to characterize performance during braking.
Department of Transportation Federal Data Bases
* Truck Design Optimization Project (TDOP) Phase II Type 1 Truck Performance Test, Test Run 014 (PB81-181828/XDD) (See NTIS)
Sixteen field tests were performed by Wyle Laboratories, Colorado Springs to measure the performance characteristics of a Type 1 freight car truck. Reel 14 contains test run 14. (When more than one try was required to obtain a successful run it is denoted with a letter suffix.) A pair of ASF ride control trucks were placed under an empty 100-ton open hopper carbody. New AAR 1/20 wheel profiles were used. The object of the test was to provide performance data during curve negotiation. The test was performed on March 4, 1980 on Union Pacific track near Las Vegas, Nevada. Ninety-six channels of data were acquired to measure car speed, automatic location detection, lateral/vertical wheel-rail forces, wheel/rail angle of attack, axle rotation position, accelerations and displacements at critical points on the truck and carbody. This test run was made over mainline track between Arden and Boulder Junction near Las Vegas, Nevada. The test was run in a downhill direction with a grade of approximately 0.9%. The test was run in speed increments between 40 and 79 mph. At the completion of the run, the train was brought to a stop using trainline brakes.
Department of Transportation Federal Data Bases
* Truck Design Optimization Project (TDOP) Phase II Type 1 Truck Performance Test, Test Run 015 (PB81-181836/XDD) (See NTIS)
Sixteen field tests were performed by Wyle Laboratories, Colorado Springs to measure the performance characteristics of a Type 1 freight car truck. Reel 15contains test run 15. (When more than one try was required to obtain a successful run it is denoted with a letter suffix.) A pair of ASF ride control trucks were placed under an empty 100-ton open hopper carbody. New AAR 1/20 wheel profiles were used. The object of the test was to provide performance data during curve negotiation. The test was performed on March 13, 1980 on Union Pacific track near Las Vegas, Nevada. Ninety-six channels of data were acquired to measure car speed, automatic location detection, lateral/vertical wheel-rail forces, wheel/rail angle of attack, axle rotation position, accelerations and displacements at critical points on the truck and carbody. This test run was made over mainline track between Arden and Boulder Junction near Las Vegas, Nevada. The test was run in the uphill direction with a grade of approximately 0.9%. The test was run in speed increments between 30 and 50 mph. At the completion of the run, the train was brought to a stop using trainline brakes.
Department of Transportation Federal Data Bases
* Truck Design Optimization Project (TDOP) Phase II Type 1 Truck Performance Test, Test Run 016A (PB81-181844/XDD) (See NTIS)
Sixteen field tests were performed by Wyle Laboratories, Colorado Springs to measure the performance characteristics of a Type 1 freight car truck. Reel 16 contains test run 16a. (When more than one try was required to obtain a successful run it is denoted with a letter suffix.) A pair of ASF ride control trucks were placed under an empty 100-ton open hopper carbody. New AAR 1/20 wheel profiles were used. The object of the test was to provide performance data during curve negotiation. The test was performed on February 13, 1980 on Union Pacific track near Las Vegas, Nevada. Ninety-six channels of data were acquired to measure car speed, automatic location detection, lateral/vertical wheel-rail forces, wheel/rail angle of attack, axle rotation position, accelerations and displacements at critical points on the truck and carbody. This test was run over yard track in the Las Vegas Yard and included curves of 12 and 16 degrees. The run was made in a forward direction at 10 mph and then backed through the test zone at 10 mph.
Department of Transportation Federal Data Bases
Department of the Treasury Feder
Treasury Federal Data Bases
* Appeals Case Data
Appeals Division, National Office
Internal Revenue Service
US Department of the Treasury
1111 Constitution Ave., NW
Washington, DC 20224 (202) 252-8221
This provides case control data and management information, utilizing data from system 42.008 and data developed in the appeal process. Disclosure of returns and return information may be made only as provided by 26 USC 6103. It is retrieved by taxpayer's name and social security number, employer identification number and by work unit number.
Department of the Treasury Federal Data Bases
* Automated Commercial System (ACS)
Business Systems Division
Customs Service Headquarters
US Department of the Treasury
1301 Constitution Ave., NW
Washington, DC 20229 (202) 566-2414
The system data base is comprised of commodity and merchandise processing information relating to Customs administration of trade laws. Certain portions contain no information about individuals. It is retrieved by identification codes and/or name.
Department of the Treasury Federal Data Bases
* BXR Information Corner
Internal Revenue Service
US Department of the Treasury
Systems Services Branch Data: (703) 756-6109
Washington, DC 20224 Voice: (703) 756-6280
The main message base for this bulletin board concerns technical computer-related topics such as hardware, software, graphics, word-processing and computer security. There are 11 areas for users to discuss ways to enhance productivity. 24 hours/day, 7 days/week. Sysop: Marianne Crockford.
Department of the Treasury Federal Data Bases
* Data on Foreign Corporations - Treasury
David Blattner
Assistant Commissioner (Examination)
Internal Revenue Service
US Department of the Treasury
1111 Constitution Ave., NW, Room 2501
Washington, DC 20224 (202) 566-4044
Categories of individuals covered by the system include individuals required to file Form 5471 Information Return with respect to a Foreign Corporation. Disclosure of returns and return information may be made only as provided by 26 USC 6103. It is retrieved by individual name.
Department of the Treasury Federal Data Bases
* Imported Merchandise Data Base
Office of Automated Commercial Systems Operations
US Customs Service
US Department of the Treasury
1301 Constitution Ave., NW
Washington, DC 20229 (202) 566-9838
ACS, the comprehensive importation tracking system of the US Customs Service, is used by inspectors, import specialists, cashiers, entry control and enforcement personnel, customs brokers, importers, carriers, port authorities, service centers, and other government agencies. Automated Broker Interface (ABI) within the system allows the user to interface directly with the Custom's computer and transmit entry and entry summary data on imported merchandise. The system is voluntary and is available to both large and small businesses. Brokers who are not automated may submit data through a service bureau. The brochure, ACS Overview, outlines the program.
Department of the Treasury Federal Data Bases
* Information Reported by Thrift Institution on Branch Office Structure
Kathy W. Semone, Deputy Director
Information Services Division
Disclosure Branch
Office of Thrift Supervision
US Department of the Treasury
1700 G Street, NW
Washington, DC 20552 (202) 416-2790
This data base contains information reported by each thrift institution on their branch office structure and the deposits associated with each branch. Searches are available. Contact the office above for further information. (Note: there is a minimum fee for the searches.)
Department of the Treasury Federal Data Bases
* IRS TaxInfo
DIALOG Information Services, Inc.
3460 Hillview Avenue
Palo Alto, CA 94304 (800) 334-2564
This contains the entire text of the most frequently requested IRS tax information publications. Date of coverage: current tax year.
Department of the Treasury Federal Data Bases
* IRS TaxInfo
DIALOG Information Services, Inc.
3460 Hillview Avenue
Palo Alto, CA 94304 (800) 334-2564
This contains the entire text of the most frequently requested IRS tax information publications. Date of coverage:
* Highway Safety Performance -- Public Roads in the United States (1982-Present) (See NTIS)
Annual reports from 1982 to present show data on the number and rate of fatal and non-fatal injury accidents, fatalities, and injuries, by state and for each type of federal-aid and non-federal-aid highway and road. Data are compiled from reports by the 50 states and the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, and the US Territories. This file contains brief explanatory notes and tables. Inquire about data available in microform or paper copy. Contact the Office of Highway Safety, Federal Highway Administration, US Department of Transportation, 400 7th, SW, Washington, DC 20590, (202) 366-0810, for content information.
Department of Transportation Federal Data Bases
* Input-Output Transactions by Transportation Mode - 1947 and 1958 Tables (PB-178 679/7/XDD) (See NTIS)
A file is available on the revision of the 1947 and 1958 national tables to derive separate input-output detail for eight modes of transportation: railroads, overseas water transportation, domestic water transportation, trucking and warehousing, airlines and aviation services, pipelines, intercity bus and local passenger transportation, and transportation services not elsewhere classified. The 1947 revisions are to be incorporated in the OBE version of the table which is being aggregated and redefined as necessary to be consistent with the classification and definitions of the 1958 table. The work was intended to provide a basis for analyzing the time trends in transportation requirements by industry sectors in the input-output model by separate modes of transportation over the period 1947, 1958, and 1963 (data for the latter year to be supplied from the forthcoming input-output table for 1963). The study was performed by Jack Faucett Associates, Inc., under contract with The Office of the Secretary of Transportation of the US Department of Transportation, assisted by several members of the staff of the Harvard Economic Research Project.
Department of Transportation Federal Data Bases
* Multiregional Input-Output Basic Data - DOTR1 (PB-233 583/4/XDD) (See NTIS)
Four data tapes are available for the multiregional input-output (MRIO) data. This tape (DOTR1) contains the following data: 1947, 1958, 1963 Final demands; 1963 Commodity Credit Corporation adjustment to federal government final demand; 1947 (58$) and 1958 (63$) final demand deflators; 1947, 1958, and 1963 outputs, employment, and payrolls; 1947/58 output deflators; 1970 and 1980 final demand projections; state secondary matrices - 1963; sum of state secondary matrices - 1963. A detailed description of the assembly of the data is available in the series edited by Karen R. Polenske, entitled Multiregional Input-Output Analysis, which is being published by Lexington Books, DC Heath and Company.
Department of Transportation Federal Data Bases
* Multiregional Input-Output Basic Data - DOTR2 (PB-233 584/2/XDD) (See NTIS)
Four data tapes are available for the multiregional input-output (MRIO) data. This tape (DOTR2) contains the following data: State input-output tables - 1963, and Sum of state input-output tables - 1963. A detailed description of the assembly of the data is available in the series edited by Karen R. Polenske, entitled Multiregional Input-Output Analysis, which is being published by Lexington Books, DC Heath and Company.
Department of Transportation Federal Data Bases
* Multiregional Input-Output Basic Data - DOTR3 (PB-233 585/9/XDD) (See NTIS)
Four data tapes are available for the multiregional input-output (MRIO) data. This tape (DOTR3) contains the following data: Trade flows from JFA (PREDUD) - 1963; Sum of trade flows from JFA (PREDUD) - 1963; Adjusted trade flows (POSTDUD) - 1963; and Sum of adjusted trade flows (POSTDUD) - 1963. A detailed description of the assembly of the data is available in the series edited by Karen R. Polenske, entitled Multiregional Input-Output Analysis, which is being published by Lexington Books, DC Heath and Company.
Department of Transportation Federal Data Bases
* Multiregional Input-Output Basic Data - DOTR4 (PB-233 586/7/XDD) (See NTIS)
Four data tapes are available for the multiregional input-output (MRIO) data. This tape (DOTR4) contains the following data: 1970 and 1980 Total final demands without residual and secondary; 1963 regional transfers-out; 1963 service industry residual; 1970 and 1980 projected outputs; 1970 projected trade flows; sum of 1970 projected trade flows; 1980 projected trade flows; sum of 1980 projected trade flows. A detailed description of the assembly of the data is available in the series edited by Karen R. Polenske, entitled Multiregional Input-Output Analysis, which is being published by Lexington Books, DC Heath and Company.
Department of Transportation Federal Data Bases
* Multiregional Input-Output Basic Data Tape, DOTR5 (PB-251 369/5/XDD) (See NTIS)
The tape (DOTR5) consists of 3 files. The first file contains the 1963 state tonnage trade flows; the second file contains the sum of the 1963 state tonnage trade flows; and the third file contains the 1963 commodity prices. Specific information on the data assembly of the interregional shipments is available in a volume by John M. Rodgers, State Estimates of Interregional Commodity Trade, 1963 (Lexington, Mass; Lexington Books, DC Heath and Co., 1973).
Department of Transportation Federal Data Bases
* Multiregional Input-Output Basic Data Tape, DOTR6 (PB-251 370/3/XDD) (See NTIS)
The tape consists of four files. The first file contains the projected 1970 state tonnage trade flows; the second file contains the sum of the projected 1970 state tonnage trade flows; the third file contains the projected 1980 state tonnage trade flows; and the fourth file contains the sum of the projected 1980 state tonnage trade flows. Specific information on the assembly of 1963 trade data upon which these projections are based is contained in a book by John M. Rodgers, State Estimates of Interregional Commodity Trade, 1963 (Lexington, Mass; Lexington Books, DC Heath and Co., 1973). Information on the method of making the projections is contained in a report by Karen R. Polenske, Caroline W. Anderson, and Mary M. Shirley, A Guide for Users of the US Multiregional Input-Output Model (DOT Report No. 2, Prepared for the Office of Systems Analysis and Information, US Department of Transportation, September 1973, revised -NTIS NO. PB-242 558.)
Department of Transportation Federal Data Bases
* Navigational Aids (NAVAID) (See NTIS)
The file covers electronic navigation aid data used in the national airspace system in terms of type, location, frequencies, and other related data to be depicted on aeronautical charts and publications. Generally the area of coverage is that shown by charts produced under FAA specifications which include the US, its possessions, and bordering areas of Canada and Mexico. Publications; ADP printout. Contact the Federal Aviation Administration, US Department of Transportation, Washington, DC 20591, (202) 366-4000, for content information.
Department of Transportation Federal Data Bases
* Truck Design Optimization Project (TDOP) Phase II Type 1 Truck Performance Test, Test Run 001A (PB81-181695/XDD) (See NTIS)
Sixteen field tests were performed by Wyle Laboratories, Colorado Springs to measure the performance characteristics of a Type 1 freight car truck. Reel 1 contains test run 1a. (When more than one try was required to obtain a successful run it is denoted with a letter suffix.) A pair of ASF ride control trucks were placed under an empty 100-ton open hopper car body. New AAR 1/20 wheel profiles were used. The object of the test was to provide performance data during curve negotiation. The test was performed on February 13, 1980 on Union Pacific track near Las Vegas, Nevada. Ninety-six channels of data were acquired to measure car speed, automatic location detection, lateral/vertical wheel-rail forces, wheel/rail angle of attack, axle rotation position, accelerations and displacements at critical points on the truck and carbody. This test run was made over branchline Class 2 track on the Blue Diamond Spur near Las Vegas, Nevada. The test zone included both tangent and curved jointed rail with an uphill grade at approximately 1.5%. The test run starts at 4 mph at milepost 4 and goes to 30 mph at milepost 5.8 and back down to a stop at milepost 8. At the completion of the test run, approximately 30 seconds of noise floor (quiescent) data will be recorded.
Department of Transportation Federal Data Bases
* Truck Design Optimization Project (TDOP) Phase II Type 1 Truck Performance Test, Test Run 002A (PB81-181703/XDD) (See NTIS)
Sixteen field tests were performed by Wyle Laboratories, Colorado Springs to measure the performance characteristics of a Type 1 freight car truck. Reel 2 contains test run 2a. (When more than one try was required to obtain a successful run it is denoted with a letter suffix.) A pair of ASF ride control trucks were placed under an empty 100-ton open hopper carbody. New AAR 1/20 wheel profiles were used. The object of the test was to provide performance data during curve negotiation. The test was performed on February 11, 1980 on Union Pacific track near Las Vegas, Nevada. Ninety-six channels of data were acquired to measure car speed, automatic location detection, lateral/vertical wheel-rail forces, wheel/rail angle of attack, axle rotation position, accelerations and displacements at critical points on the truck and carbody. This test run was made over mainline curved track between Arden and Sloan near Las Vegas, Nevada. The test consist was run through a series of eleven left and right curves ranging from 2 to 6 degrees of curvature. The test was run in an uphill direction with a grade of approximately 1%. The test was run at speeds 10 mph below equilibrium speed for each curve in the test zone. Actual speed varied from 24 mph to 38 mph for the test run.
Department of Transportation Federal Data Bases
* Truck Design Optimization Project (TDOP) Phase II Type 1 Truck Performance Test, Test Run 003A (PB81-181711/XDD) (See NTIS)
Sixteen field tests were performed by Wyle Laboratories, Colorado Springs to measure the performance characteristics of a Type 1 freight car truck. Reel 3 contains test run 3b. (When more than one try was required to obtain a successful run it is denoted with a letter suffix.) A pair of ASF ride control trucks were placed under an empty 100-ton open hopper carbody. New AAR 1/20 wheel profiles were used. The object of the test was to provide performance data during curve negotiation. The test was performed on February 12, 1980 on Union Pacific track near Las Vegas, Nevada. Ninety-six channels of data were acquired to measure car speed, automatic location detection, lateral/vertical wheel-rail forces, wheel/rail angle of attack, axle rotation position, accelerations and displacements at critical points on the truck and carbody. This test run was made over mainline curved track between Arden and Sloan near Las Vegas, Nevada. The test consist was run through a series of eleven left and right curves ranging from 2 to 6 degrees of curvature. The test was run in an uphill direction with a grade of approximately 1%. The test was run at speeds near equilibrium speed for each curve in the test zone. Actual speed varied from 34 mph to 48 mph for the test run.
Department of Transportation Federal Data Bases
* Truck Design Optimization Project (TDOP) Phase II Type 1 Truck Performance Test, Test Run 004C (PB81-181729/XDD) (See NTIS)
Sixteen field tests were performed by Wyle Laboratories, Colorado Springs to measure the performance characteristics of a Type 1 freight car truck. Reel 4 contains test run 4c. (When more than one try was required to obtain a successful run it is denoted with a letter suffix.) A pair of ASF ride control trucks were placed under an empty 100-ton open hopper carbody. New AAR 1/20 wheel profiles were used. The object of the test was to provide performance data during curve negotiation. The test was performed on February 13, 1980 on Union Pacific track near Las Vegas, Nevada. Ninety-six channels of data were acquired to measure car speed, automatic location detection, lateral/vertical wheel-rail forces, wheel/rail angle of attack, axle rotation position, accelerations and displacements at critical points on the truck and carbody. This test run was made over mainline curved track between Arden and Sloan near Las Vegas, Nevada. The test consist was run through a series of eleven left and right curves ranging from 2 to 6 degrees of curvature. The test was run in an uphill direction with a grade of approximately 1%. The test was run at speeds 7 mph above equilibrium speed for each curve in the test zone. Actual speed varied from 41 mph to 55 mph for the test run. At the completion of the test run a controlled sequence of train line brake application was applied to characterize performance during braking.
Department of Transportation Federal Data Bases
* Truck Design Optimization Project (TDOP) Phase II Type 1 Truck Performance Test, Test Run 005B (PB81-181737/XDD) (See NTIS)
Sixteen field tests were performed by Wyle Laboratories, Colorado Springs to measure the performance characteristics of a Type 1 freight car truck. Reel 5 contains test run 5b. (When more than one try was required to obtain a successful run it is denoted with a letter suffix.) A pair of ASF ride control trucks were placed under an empty 100-ton open hopper carbody. New AAR 1/20 wheel profiles were used. The object of the test was to provide performance data during curve negotiation. The test was performed on February 12, 1980 on Union Pacific track near Las Vegas, Nevada. Ninety-six channels of data were acquired to measure car speed, automatic location detection, lateral/vertical wheel-rail forces, wheel/rail angle of attack, axle rotation position, accelerations and displacements at critical points on the truck and carbody. This test run was made over mainline curved track between Arden and Sloan near Las Vegas, Nevada. The test consist was run through a series of eleven left and right curves ranging from 2 to 6 degrees of curvature. The test was run in a downhill direction with a grade of approximately 1%. The test was run at speeds near equilibrium speed for each curve in the test zone. Actual speed varied from 34 mph to 48 mph for the test run. At the completion of the test run a controlled sequence of train line brake application was applied to characterize performance during braking.
Department of Transportation Federal Data Bases
* Truck Design Optimization Project (TDOP) Phase II Type 1 Truck Performance Test, Test Run 006A (PB81-181745/XDD) (See NTIS)
Sixteen field tests were performed by Wyle Laboratories, Colorado Springs to measure the performance characteristics of a Type 1 freight car truck. Reel 6 contains test run 6a. (When more than one try was required to obtain a successful run it is denoted with a letter suffix.) A pair of ASF ride control trucks were placed under an empty 100-ton open hopper carbody. New AAR 1/20 wheel profiles were used. The object of the test was to provide performance data during curve negotiation. The test was performed on February 13, 1980 on Union Pacific track near Las Vegas, Nevada. Ninety-six channels of data were acquired to measure car speed, automatic location detection, lateral/vertical wheel-rail forces, wheel/rail angle of attack, axle rotation position, accelerations and displacements at critical points on the truck and carbody. This test run was made over mainline tangent bolted jointed rail between Arden and Boulder Junction near Las Vegas, Nevada. The tests were run in a downhill direction with a grade of approximately 0.9%. The tests were conducted in 5 mph steps between 40 and 79 mph. At the completion of the test run a controlled sequence of train line brake application was used to bring the consist to a stop.
Department of Transportation Federal Data Bases
* Truck Design Optimization Project (TDOP) Phase II Type 1 Truck Performance Test, Test Run 007 (PB81-181752/XDD) (See NTIS)
Sixteen field tests were performed by Wyle Laboratories, Colorado Springs to measure the performance characteristics of a Type 1 freight car truck. Reel 7 contains test run 7. (When more than one try was required to obtain a successful run it is denoted with a letter suffix.) A pair of ASF ride control trucks were placed under an empty 100-ton open hopper carbody. New AAR 1/20 wheel profiles were used. The object of the test was to provide performance data during curve negotiation. The test was performed on January 24, 1980 on Union Pacific track near Las Vegas, Nevada. Ninety-six channels of data were acquired to measure car speed, automatic location detection, lateral/vertical wheel-rail forces, wheel/rail angle of attack, axle rotation position, accelerations and displacements at critical points on the truck and carbody. This test run was made over mainline tangent bolted jointed rail between Arden and Boulder Junction near Las Vegas, Nevada. The tests were run in a downhill direction with a grade of approximately 0.9%. The tests were conducted in 5 mph steps between 79 and 40 mph. At the completion of the test run a controlled sequence of train line brake application was used to bring the consist to a stop.
Department of Transportation Federal Data Bases
* Truck Design Optimization Project (TDOP) Phase II Type 1 Truck Performance Test, Test Run 007 (PB81-181752/XDD) (See NTIS)
Sixteen field tests were performed by Wyle Laborat information publications. Date of coverage: current tax year.
Department of the Tr8)
* US International Air Travel Statistics
Office of the Secretary (P-24)
US Department of Transportation
400 7th St., SW
Washington, DC 20590 (202) 366-4000
The system contains records of passengers on all international flights arriving at or departing from US gateways, number of US citizens and aliens, city and country names. Reports include total passengers between each US port and foreign country, detailing service type, city pair, and citizen percentage; and a geographical summary subtotal listing of passengers by world area, and country. Monthly, quarterly, and annual reports are published by Transportation Systems Center, US DOT, Kendall Square, 55 Broadway, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02142, (617) 494-2000, hard copy or magnetic tapes.
Department of Transportation Federal Data Bases
* Vessel Characteristics System
James E. Saari, FOI Officer
Office of Information Resources Management
Maritime Administration
US Department of Transportation
400 7th St., SW
Washington, DC 20590 (202) 366-5807
Vessel characteristics are collected and reported by this system. Requests for access to this data base, developed for use by the Maritime Administration, may be subject to Privacy Act regulations.
Department of Transportation Federal Data Bases
* Vessel Itinerary System
James E. Saari, FOI Officer
Office of Information Resources Management
Maritime Administration
US Department of Transportation
400 7th St., SW
Washington, DC 20590 (202) 366-5807
Information is provided on worldwide vessel movements based on information collected by Lloyds of London Press. Requests for access to this data base, developed for use by the Maritime Administration, may be subject to Privacy Act regulations.
Department of Transportation Federal Data Bases
* Vessel Movement System (VMS Data Base)
Maritime Administration
Office of Trade Analysis and Insurance
Division of Statistics
US Department of Transportation
400 7th St., SW
Washington, DC 20590 (202) 366-2400
This machine readable data base includes the following elements: the date entered or cleared the US port; the number of passengers; the US customs district; the US port code; the file or manifest number; the vessel name, flag of registry, type of service, rig, NRT, number, and draft; the ballast or cargo code; the country and subdivision of origin or destination; US census cargocode; the entrance or clearance code; and the operator code and nationality. Data is updated monthly from census data. Contact the office listed above.
Department of Transportation Federal Data Bases
* Weather Reporting Locations
Supervisor, Data Systems Section
Federal Aviation Administration
National Flight Data Center, ATO-253
US Department of Transportation
800 Independence Avenue, SW
Washington, DC 20591 (202) 267-9268
This data base describes all US and select foreign locations that provide the following weather reports: Area Forecasts (FA), Winds and Temperature aloft (FD), Aviation Terminal Forecast (FT), Notice to Airman (NOTAM), Surface Area (SA), Aircraft Report (UA), Transcribed Weather Broadcast (TWEB), etc. Information includes identifier of reporting facility, state/country, city, latitude/longitude, elevation, weather reporting services provided (UA, SA, TWEB, NOTAM, etc.), collectives, and affected areas. The data base is available to the public on magnetic tape. Upon written request to the above address, FAA-owned reels will be sent to you to copy and return. The charge for a one-time order is $36; subscription orders are also available.
Department of Transportation Federal Data Bases
Transportation Data File Available from the National Archives
Margaret Adams
Archives Specialist
Reference Service
Center for Electronic Records (NNXA)
National Archives and Records Administration
8th and Pennsylvania Ave., NW
Washington, DC 20408
(202) 523-6771
The following data file is a subset of electronic data sets (i.e., computer-readable data files) in the custody of the National Archives and Records Administration. The standard charge for a copy of an electronic data set (one data set not to exceed one magnetic reel of output) is $90. Ordering information is available upon request. For further information please contact the office above.
Listed below are data files available from the National Technical Information Service. Call the office above for ordering and cost information.
Department of Transportation Federal Data Bases
* Air Route Traffic Control Center (ARTCC) Communications Frequency (See NTIS)
The file contains information on frequencies and their location used in communication with each ARTCC, including remote sites tied to an ARTCC. Source is FAA records. Publications; ADP printout. Inquire about availability of data on punched cards or printouts. Contact the Federal Aviation Administration, US Department of Transportation, Washington, DC 20591, (202) 366-4000, for content information.
Department of Transportation Federal Data Bases
* Airspace Obstruction -- 1973 and Ongoing (See NTIS)
This ongoing file covers airspace obstructions within all FAA regions, described in terms of physical characteristics and location. Contact the Federal Aviation Administration, US Department of Transportation, Washington, DC 20591, (202) 366-4000, for content information.
Department of Transportation Federal Data Bases
* Friction Snubber Force Measurement System. Data Tape, Test Runs 3 and 4 (PB81-122772/XDD) (See NTIS)
Department of Transportation Federal Data Bases
* Friction Snubber Force Measurement System. Data Tape, Test Runs 5 and 6 (PB81-122780/XDD) (See NTIS)
Department of Transportation Federal Data Bases
* Friction Snubber Force Measurement System. Data Tape, Test Runs 7 and 8 (PB81-122798/XDD) (See NTIS)
Department of Transportation Federal Data Bases
* Friction Snubber Force Measurement System. Data Tape, Test Runs 9 and 10 (PB81-122806/XDD) (See NTIS)
Department of Transportation Federal Data Bases
* Friction Snubber Force Measurement System. Data Tape, Test Runs 11 and 12 (PB81-122814/XDD) (See NTIS)
Department of Transportation Federal Data Bases
* Friction Snubber Force Measurement System. Data Tape, Test Runs 1 and 2 (PB81-122764/XDD) (See NTIS)
Twelve field test runs were performed to measure friction snubber forces using a device developed by Wyle Laboratories, Colorado Springs. Reel 1 contains test runs 001 and 002. Four devices were installed on a Type 1 truck (the Barber S-2) which was placed under the B-end of an empty open hopper car. Forty-eight channels of data were acquired on friction snubber force, car speed, automatic location detection, acceleration, and displacement at critical points on the truck and car body. The first test run was made over branchline class 2 track on the Blue Diamond Spur near Las Vegas, Nevada. The test zone included both tangent and curved jointed rail with an uphill grade of approximately 1.8%. The test run starts at 20 mph at milepost 5 and continues until milepost 7, where the speed starts decreasing down to 2 mph at the end of the test at milepost 8.2. The second test run was made over mainline class 4 track with a downhill grade of approximately 0.8%. The test run starts at 50 mph at milepost 322 and continues until milepost 324.5, where the speed starts decreasing down to 5 mph at the end of the test at milepost 326.8. The significant test parameters associated with these two tests are: Car Type - 100-ton open hopper; Car Orientation - B-end forward; Car Tare Weight - 63,600 pounds; Tare Weight 149,300 pounds; Type of Lading - empty; Truck Center -40 feet, 6 inches; No. of Loco's - 1; No. of Cars Fore - 2; No. of Cars Aft - 2; Truck type - Barber 70-ton; Wheel Base - 68 inches; Springs Group Out - 7 D5; Spring Group In - 4 D5; Stat Spring Comp - 11 inches; Center Plate Diameter - 14 inches; Center Plate Lub - Moly Disulfide; Side Bear B-End - Stucki Double; Side Bear Clear - 0.23 inches; Snubber Type - load varying; Snubber Springs - 2 Barber B432.
Department of Transportation Federal Data Bases
* Friction Snubber Force Measurement Systeon was used to bring the consist to a stop.
Department of Transportation Federal Data Bases
* Truck De
* T-9 Nonstop Market Data
Marjorie Saccoccio
Center for Transportation Information
Transportation Systems Center
US Department of Transportation
Cambridge, MA (617) 494-2450
This file includes totals of passenger and cargo ton enplanements and deplanements for each pair of points served or scheduled to be served by a single stage of at least one flight within the reported time period. Each record contains information regarding the reporting carrier, aircraft type flown, revenue class of service, and classification of cargo flown. Data are available from October 1980 to present. For technical information, contact: US Department of Transportation, Research and Special Programs Administration, Washington, DC 20590, (202) 366-4372.
Department of Transportation Federal Data Bases
* Tanker Data Base
James E. Saari, FOI Officer
Office of Information Resources Management
Maritime Administration
US Department of Transportation
400 7th St., SW
Washington, DC 20590 (202) 366-5746/4181
Information is provided on physical, financial, and employment characteristics of privately-owned US flag tanker fleet. Requests for access to this data base, developed for use by the Maritime Administration, may be subject to Privacy Act regulations.
Department of Transportation Federal Data Bases
* Terminal Communications Services (Air Traffic Control Towers)
Supervisor, Data Systems Section
Federal Aviation Administration
National Flight Data Center, ATO-253
US Department of Transportation
800 Independence Avenue, SW
Washington, DC 20591 (202) 267-9268
This data base describes all airports with terminal communications. This includes airports with manned Visual Flight Rule (VFR) or Instrument Flight Rule (IFR) towers and airports having terminal communications provided by a Flight Service Station, Air Route Traffic Control Center, or another airport's air traffic control tower. Information includes location data, hours of operation, Airport Surveillance Radar (ASR) and Direction Finding (DF) antenna positional data, tower owner/operator, services provided, frequency assignments and their use, types of radar, identification of facility providing approach and departure control, satellite airports and their frequencies. The data base is available to the public on magnetic tape. Upon written request to the above address, FAA-owned reels will be sent to you to copy and return. The charge for a one-time order is $36; subscription orders are also available.
Department of Transportation Federal Data Bases
* The Section 15 Data Base: National Urban Mass Transportation Statistics (July 1, 1978 - )
UMTA Office of Technical Assistance
Information Services, URT-7
US Department of Transportation
400 7th St., SW
Washington, DC 20590 (202) 366-4000
Section 15 provides for establishment by the US Department of Transportation of a uniform system of transit accounts and records plus a reporting system for the collection and dissemination of public mass transportation financial and operating data by uniform categories. The Section 15 data base contains all validated information submitted by approximately 400 Section 15 reporters. Aggregate and individual agency statistics are available in the following data categories: capital (System Summary), including passenger and special transit fares, revenues from school bus service, charter service, auxiliary transportation, and non-transportation, freight tariffs, taxes levied directly by transit system, federal, state, and local cash grants and reimbursements, and state and local special fare assistance, among others. Data for each fiscal year will be available in the spring of the following calendar year. Other outputs of the Section 15 data base include public use tapes with supporting documentation and ad hoc, customized statistical reports.
Department of Transportation Federal Data Bases
* Ticket Dollar Value O & D (Data Bank 1A)
Marjorie Saccoccio
Center for Transportation Information
Transportation Systems Center
US Department of Transportation
Cambridge, MA (617) 494-2450
This file includes a 10 percent sample of all passenger itineraries as represented by tickets collected by certificated carriers in scheduled passenger service for the quarter of the file date. Up to 24 points can be shown for each routing. The total number of passengers in the sample who flew an identical itinerary for the same fare is contained in each record. The data are available from the third quarter 1978 to present. For technical information, contact: US Department of Transportation, Research and Special Programs Administration, Washington, DC 20590, (202) 366-4372.
Department of Transportation Federal Data Bases
* Title XI Characteristics Data Base
James E. Saari, FOI Officer
Office of Information Resources Management
Maritime Administration
US Department of Transportation
400 7th St., SW
Washington, DC 20590 (202) 366-5807
This historical file of all MarAd's Title XI applications includes detailed vessel characteristic data. Requests for access to this data base, developed for use by the Maritime Administration, may be subject to Privacy Act regulations.
Department of Transportation Federal Data Bases
* Title XI Covenant Monitor System
James E. Saari, FOI Officer
Office of Information Resources Management
Maritime Administration
US Department of Transportation
400 7th St., SW
Washington, DC 20590 (202) 366-5807
This system is used to monitor and track contractor compliance with MarAd contract covenant. Requests for access to this data base, developed for use by the Maritime Administration, may be subject to Privacy Act regulations.
Department of Transportation Federal Data Bases
* Title XI Potential Custodial Listing
James E. Saari, FOI Officer
Office of Information Resources Management
Maritime Administration
US Department of Transportation
400 7th St., SW
Washington, DC 20590 (202) 366-5807
This is an information system of potential custodians for harboring Title XI vessels. Requests for access to this data base, developed for use by the Maritime Administration, may be subject to Privacy Act regulations.
Department of Transportation Federal Data Bases
* Transit Systems Material Information Bank, 1975-Present
Transportation Systems Center
US Department of Transportation
Kendall Square
55 Broadway
Cambridge, MA 02142 (617) 494-2000
The project is developing and maintaining an information bank on the various types of structural and non- structural materials used in transit systems with respect to their flammability, smoke production, toxic gas production, and other characteristics related to fire safety. Data include identification of the various types of analyses and tests by which candidate materials may be ranked. This project has established a materials consulting service for UMTA and the transit industry to establish standards for fire safety to be applied to federally funded procurement of transit vehicles. Contact the office listed above.
This file, stored on paper copy and disk, is a cross-modal computerized data directory classified by mode of transportation and data subject, providing information on the content, storage medium, distribution, data collection and compilation method, frequency of update, etc. Storage is on DEC-10 disk. The documentation shows examples of searches and possible applications to transportation statistical research and policy planning. Contact the above office for access to data.
Department of Transportation Federal Data Bases
* Urban Mass Transportation Abstracts -- Cumulative Bibliography, 1974 -
Transportation Research Board
Urban Mass Transportation Research Information Service (UMTRIS)
2101 Constitution Ave., NW
Washington, DC 20418 (202) 366-1217
This bibliography, updated twice a year, contains citations and indexing for citations added to the Transportation Research Information Service (TRIS) data base since 1974. Volume I: Abstracts contains the citations arranged in 28 categories. Volume 2: Index contains more than 3400 subject terms used for the indexing along with appropriate cross references to citations to Volume 1. Contact the office listed above for subscription information.
Department of Transportation Federal Data Bases
* Urban Mass Transportation Research Information System (UMTRIS)
Suzanne D. Crowther
UMTRIS - US Department of Transportation
Transportation Research Board
490 L'Enfant Plaza E., SW
Washington, DC 20594 (202) 334-3251/2933
This system provides transportation administrators, researchers, planners, designers, engineers, economists, operators, and government agencies rapid access to information about ongoing and completed transit and transit-related activities. Approximately 19,000 citations are available and 2,500 more are added to the file annually. UMTRIS is one of the active subfiles of the Transportation Research Information Services data base which coordinates more than 200,000 citations on modes such as highways, railroads, maritime, and aviation. Fee for literature searches is done on case by case basis. UMTRIS also is available commercially through DIALOG. An electronic bulletin board is being considered.
Department of Transportation Federal Data Bases
* US Flag Fleet Annual Lay-Down Capacity
James E. Saari, FOI Officer
Office of Information Resources Management
Maritime Administration
US Department of Transportation
400 7th St., SW
Washington, DC 20590 (202) 366-5807
This is a data base of lay-down capacity of the US Merchant Fleet and 5-6 year projections. Requests for access to this data base, developed for use by the Maritime Administration, may be subject to Privacy Act regulations.
Department of Transportation Federal Data Bases
* US Flag Fleet Forecast
James E. Saari, FOI Officer
Office of Information Resources Management
Maritime Administration
US Department of Transportation
400 7th St., SW
Washington, DC 20590 (202) 366-5807
Forecasting data here pertains to US flag ships. Requests for access to this data base, developed for use by the Maritime Administration, may be subject to Privacy Act regulations.
Department of Transportation Federal Data Bases
* US Foreign Trade Data Base
James E. Saari, FOI Officer
Office of Information Resources Management
Maritime Administration
US Department of Transportation
400 7th St., SW
Washington, DC 20590 (202) 366-5746/4181
This support file to the US Foreign Trade Forecast data base, lists US foreign flag ships. Requests for access to this data base, developed for use by the Maritime Administration, may be subject to Privacy Act regulations.
Department of Transportation Federal Data Bases
* US Foreign Trade Forecast
James E. Saari, FOI Officer
Office of Information Resources Management
Maritime Administration
US Department of Transportation
400 7th St., SW
Washington, DC 20590 (202) 366-5807
Forecasting data is included on foreign and domestic trade for general cargo, dry bulk, and tanker fleet. Requests for access to this data base, developed for use by the Maritime Administration, may be subject to Privacy Act regulations.
Department of Transportation Federal Data Bases
reign flag ships. Requests for access to this data base, developed for use by the Maritime Administration, may be subject to Privacy Act regulations.
Department of Transportation Federal Data Bases
de; Side Bear B-End - Stucki Double; S
* Safety Recommendation Information System (SRIS)
J. Richard Vanwoerkom
National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB)
Office of Safety Recommendations, 490 L'Enfant Plaza E., SW
Washington, DC 20594 (202) 382-6817
This interactive online data base contains information about all federal safety recommendations issued by NTSB regarding transportation. The system consists of 10-20 categories for each of the following modes of transportation: aircraft, marine, pipeline, highway and railroad. Special studies and evaluations of federal transportation measures and practices are also stored. SRIS can be searched by keywords such as: type of operation, vehicle or accident; human and casual factors; and type of recommendation. The system was started in 1976 with information back to 1967 and contains 7800 safety recommendations. It is updated monthly or more often. Searches and printouts are available free of charge.
Department of Transportation Federal Data Bases
* Seamen's Employment Analysis System
Maritime Administration
Office of Maritime Labor and Training
US Department of Transportation
400 7th St., SW
Washington, DC 20590 (202) 366-5755
This system, updated annually, produces statistical reports on the composition of the US merchant marine workforce. Reports on the number of active seamen by age, job skills, days worked, training sources, attrition rates, reentry rates, licensing, and other characteristics are generated. Contact the office listed above for machine readable data.
Department of Transportation Federal Data Bases
* Service Segment Data
Marjorie Saccoccio
Center for Transportation Information
Transportation Systems Center
US Department of Transportation
Cambridge, MA (617) 494-2450
This file includes totals of passenger and cargo ton enplanements and deplanements for each pair of points served or scheduled to be served by a single stage of at least one flight within the reported time period. Each record contains information regarding the reporting carrier, aircraft type flown, revenue or non- revenue status, class of service flown, classification of cargo flown and points served subsequent to the segment reported in the record. Data are available from July 1970 to present. For technical information, contact: US Department of Transportation, Research and Special Programs Administration, Washington, DC 20590, (202) 366-4372.
Department of Transportation Federal Data Bases
* Shipbuilding Evaluation and Analysis System (SEAS)
James E. Saari, FOI Officer
Office of Information Resources Management
Maritime Administration
US Department of Transportation
400 7th St., SW
Washington, DC 20590 (202) 366-5807
SEAS generates regular status reports on utilization and workforce trends and assesses the capability of US shipyards to accomplish mobilization tasks. Requests for access to this data base, developed for use by the Maritime Administration, may be subject to Privacy Act regulations.
Department of Transportation Federal Data Bases
* Ship Change File
James E. Saari, FOI Officer
Office of Information Resources Management
Maritime Administration
US Department of Transportation
400 7th St., SW
Washington, DC 20590 (202) 366-5807
This is an interactive system containing a data base of ship histories. Requests for access to this data base, developed for use by the Maritime Administration, may be subject to Privacy Act regulations.
Department of Transportation Federal Data Bases
* Ship Data Cards
James E. Saari, FOI Officer
Office of Information Resources Management
Maritime Administration
US Department of Transportation
400 7th St., SW
Washington, DC 20590 (202) 366-5807
This system collects and maintains a historical record of all world-merchant fleet vessels over 1,000 gross tons in size. Requests for access to this data base, developed for use by the Maritime Administration, may be subject to Privacy Act regulations.
Department of Transportation Federal Data Bases
* Ship Data Systems (SDS/VCS) Master File System
Maritime Administration
Office of Trade Analysis and Insurance
Division of Statistics
US Department of Transportation
400 7th St., SW
Washington, DC 20590 (202) 366-2400
The SDS is an automated file of ship characteristics data pertaining to the US- and foreign-flag fleets. Information is used to produce a wide variety of data, published and unpublished. The principal subject matter covered is merchant vessel characteristics. Data include vessel ID, vessel name, flag of registry, owner, owner ID, type and class of vessel, NRT, DWT, date constructed, and employment status. The machine readable data are available to MARAD, other government agencies, private industry, and unions. Contact the office listed above.
Department of Transportation Federal Data Bases
* Ship Weight Analysis Program (SWAP)
James E. Saari, FOI Officer
Office of Information Resources Management
Maritime Administration
US Department of Transportation
400 7th St., SW
Washington, DC 20590 (202) 366-5807
SWAP contains a breakdown of ship weight components for 100 vessels; it is used to predict weight of new designs. Requests for access to this data base, developed for use by the Maritime Administration, may be subject to Privacy Act regulations.
Department of Transportation Federal Data Bases
* Shipper Information System
James E. Saari, FOI Officer
Office of Information Resources Management
Maritime Administration
US Department of Transportation
400 7th St., SW
Washington, DC 20590 (202) 366-5807
This system stores, sorts, retrieves data obtained through calls made by OMD staff on exporters and importers. Requests for access to this data base, developed for use by the Maritime Administration, may be subject to Privacy Act regulations.
Department of Transportation Federal Data Bases
* Shippers Information
James E. Saari, FOI Officer
Office of Information Resources Management
Maritime Administration
US Department of Transportation
400 7th St., SW
Washington, DC 20590 (202) 366-5807
Commerce Department data is used to conduct shipper surveys to assist carriers capture more imported/exported tonnage. Requests for access to this data base, developed for use by the Maritime Administration, may be subject to Privacy Act regulations.
Department of Transportation Federal Data Bases
* Shipyard Reporting and Information
James E. Saari, FOI Officer
Office of Information Resources Management
Maritime Administration
US Department of Transportation
400 7th St., SW
Washington, DC 20590 (202) 366-5807
This is an historical ship construction of conversion data base managed on an individual ship level. Requests for access to this data base, developed for use by the Maritime Administration, may be subject to Privacy Act regulations.
Department of Transportation Federal Data Bases
* Special Use Airspace
Supervisor, Data Systems Section
Federal Aviation Administration
National Flight Data Center, ATO-253
US Department of Transportation
800 Independence Avenue, SW
Washington, DC 20591 (202) 267-9268
The data base covers alert areas, military operation areas, prohibited areas, restricted areas, and warning areas. Information includes scheduling and controlling agency, times of use, altitude usage, any area, altitude or airspace exclusions, and a point-to-point, latitude/longitude description of the polygon that forms the airspace boundary. The data base is available to the public on magnetic tape. Upon written request to the above address, FAA-owned reels will be sent to you to copy and return. The charge for a one-time order is $36; subscription orders are also available.
Department of Transportation Federal Data Bases
* Standard Instrument Departures
Supervisor, Data Systems Section
Federal Aviation Administration
National Flight Data Center, ATO-253
US Department of Transportation
800 Independence Avenue, SW
Washington, DC 20591 (202) 267-9268
Data includes point-to-point, latitude/longitude descriptions of the basic SID; any paths from the transition fix to the enroute airspace system; all airports adapted for use of the SID; and computer identifier for the SID. It does not include SIDs for multiple main body aircraft or those with no computer ID. The data base is available to the public on magnetic tape. Upon written request to the above address, FAA-owned reels will be sent to you to copy and return. The charge for a one- time order is $36; subscription orders are also available.
Department of Transportation Federal Data Bases
* Standards and Statistics Data Base
Management Standards and Statistics Division
Federal Aviation Administration
US Department of Transportation
800 Independence Ave., SW
Washington, DC 20591 (202) 267-8060
The FAA maintains several computerized data files on a variety of aviation-related subjects such as: aviation safety, air traffic, aviation schools, commercial and government ownership and operation of aircraft, aircraft repair stations, FAA facilities, and procurement. While the FAA does not conduct searches of these files for anyone outside the agency, they will copy any file you designate onto a blank tape that you provide for $38.c
Department of Transportation Federal Data Bases
* Standard Terminal Arrival Routes (STAR)
Supervisor, Data Systems Section
Federal Aviation Administration
National Flight Data Center, ATO-253
US Department of Transportation
800 Independence Avenue, SW
Washington, DC 20591 (202) 267-9268
Data includes point-to-point, latitude/longitude descriptions of the path(s) for each transition from the enroute airspace system to the basic STAR, a point-to-point description of the basic STAR, and location information for each airport adapted for use of the STAR. The data base is available to the public on magnetic tape. Upon written request to the above address, FAA-owned reels will be sent to you to copy and return. The charge for a one-time order is $36; subscription orders are also available.
Department of Transportation Federal Data Bases
* Strategic Petroleum Reserve System
James E. Saari, FOI Officer
Office of Information Resources Management
Maritime Administration
US Department of Transportation
400 7th St., SW
Washington, DC 20590 (202) 366-5807
Information regarding shipments of oil cargoes for the Strategic Petroleum Reserve are stored in this data base. Requests for access to this data base, developed for use by the Maritime Administration, may be subject to Privacy Act regulations.
Department of Transportation Federal Data Bases
ice of Information Resources Management
Maritime Administration
US Department of Transportatio DC 20590 (202) 366-5807
Forecasting data is included on foreign and domestic trade for general cargo, dry bulk, and tanker fleet. Requests for access to this data base, developed for use by the Maritime Administration, may be subject to Privacy Act regulations.
* Parachute Jump Areas
Supervisor, Data Systems Section
Federal Aviation Administration
National Flight Data Center, ATO-253
US Department of Transportation
800 Independence Avenue, SW
Washington, DC 20591 (202) 267-9268
This data base provides a general description of all jump circles, with the center point being defined based on a distance and direction from a navigational aid. Information includes associated airport, times of use, charting, user group name, location, and altitude restrictions. The data base is available to the public on magnetic tape. Upon written request to the above address, FAA-owned reels will be sent to you to copy and return. The charge for a one-time order is $36; subscription orders are also available.
Department of Transportation Federal Data Bases
* Piers
James E. Saari, FOI Officer
Office of Information Resources Management
Maritime Administration
US Department of Transportation
400 7th St., SW
Washington, DC 20590 (202) 366-5746/4181
This data base stores, sorts and retrieves statistical data on US imports and exports. Requests for access to this data base, developed for use by the Maritime Administration, may be subject to Privacy Act regulations.
Department of Transportation Federal Data Bases
* Pipeline Safety
Office of Pipeline Safety (OPS)
Research and Special Programs Administration
US Department of Transportation
400 7th Street, SW
Washington, DC 20590 (202) 366-4572
OPS establishes and enforces safety standards for the transportation of gas and other hazardous materials by pipeline. A computerized reporting system is maintained to collect and analyze accident and incident data from pipeline operators. Accident reports include the operator's name, the hazardous material involved, description of the accident, and results. For data base searches, contact the office listed. There may be a charge.
Department of Transportation Federal Data Bases
* Pollution Incident Reporting System (PIRS)
Ms. Mary Robey
Pollution Incident Reporting System (PIRS)
Commandant (G-MP-5)
US Department of Transportation
US Coast Guard
2100 Second Street, S.W.
Washington, DC 20590 (202) 267-0452
PIRS provides tracking and analysis of oil or chemical spills in US waters. Subsequent modifications of PIRS were made to permit the inclusion of additional data on clean up (response) activities and penalty actions. Data is available for most data elements since 1973. Standard reports are published from PIRS data. Products available by special request include printouts.
Department of Transportation Federal Data Bases
* Port Characteristics System
James E. Saari, FOI Officer
Office of Information Resources Management
Maritime Administration
US Department of Transportation
400 7th St., SW
Washington, DC 20590 (202) 366-5807
Summary US port administration cargo, and facility information is provided. Requests for access to this data base, developed for use by the Maritime Administration, may be subject to Privacy Act regulations.
Department of Transportation Federal Data Bases
* Port Facility Inventory System
James E. Saari, FOI Officer
Office of Information Resources Management
Maritime Administration
US Department of Transportation
400 7th St., SW
Washington, DC 20590 (202) 366-5807
This system contains port facility information on major US inland and ocean ports. Requests for access to this data base, developed for use by the Maritime Administration, may be subject to Privacy Act regulations.
Department of Transportation Federal Data Bases
* Port Pricing System
James E. Saari, FOI Officer
Office of Information Resources Management
Maritime Administration
US Department of Transportation
400 7th St., SW
Washington, DC 20590 (202) 366-5807
Utilizing port costs, this system evaluates and determines port changes for management and planning efforts at US ports. Requests for access to this data base, developed for use by the Maritime Administration, may be subject to Privacy Act regulations.
Department of Transportation Federal Data Bases
* Preferred and Tower Enroute Control (TEC) Routes
Supervisor, Data Systems Section
Federal Aviation Administration
National Flight Data Center, ATO-253
US Department of Transportation
800 Independence Avenue, SW
Washington, DC 20591 (202) 267-9268
All high, low, special high and low, high and low single directional, and TEC routes are covered. Data includes identifier of origin and destination facilities, effective hours, altitude restrictions, and a sequential description (by navaid facility or airspace fix identifier) of the route(s) from origin to destination. The data base is available to the public on magnetic tape. Upon written request to the above address, FAA-owned reels will be sent to you to copy and return. The charge for a one-time order is $36; subscription orders are also available.
Department of Transportation Federal Data Bases
* Price Trends for Federal-Aid Highway Construction
Federal-Aid Division, HNG-13
Federal Highway Administration
US Department of Transportation
400 7th St., SW
Washington, DC 20590 (202) 366-9488
This data base, updated quarterly, includes charts and tables showing average contract price (per unit) and index prices for common excavation and surfacing and for structural materials annually for last 20 years and quarterly for current year to date and previous 2 years; and quarterly for past 8 years for rural, urban, and total highway construction. Some reports include an additional table showing trends in annual productivity indexes, contractors' costs indexes, or composite price indexes for component materials, 1950's-1970's. Contact the office listed above for data available in microform or paper copy.
Department of Transportation Federal Data Bases
* Property Management Inventory System
James E. Saari, FOI Officer
Office of Information Resources Management
Maritime Administration
US Department of Transportation
400 7th St., SW
Washington, DC 20590 (202) 366-5807
This system is an inventory of property owned or leased by MarAd. Requests for access to this data base, developed for use by the Maritime Administration, may be subject to Privacy Act regulations.
Department of Transportation Federal Data Bases
* Quarterly Report on the Status and Development of the Interstate and Defense Highway System
Federal-Aid Division, HNG-13
Federal Highway Administration
US Department of Transportation
400 7th St., SW
Washington, DC 20590 (202) 366-9488
This data base presents quarterly data, by state, on allocations and completion status for highways and projects financed under the federal-aid highway program. Data is available approximately 2 months after end of quarter covered. Contents include narrative highlights with a map of the interstate and defense highways and 4 tables. Contact the office listed above for data available in microform or paper copy.
This tape presents results from the railroad accident/incident reporting system. There are over 50 fields which include information on location, time, highway user, railroad equipment, environment (weather), train and track, crossing warning, motorist action, and highway vehicle and rail equipment casualties. The tape is updated annually. Contact the office listed above for data available on tape.
Department of Transportation Federal Data Bases
* Railroad Accident Data Base
Public Inquiries
National Transportation Safety Board
800 Independence Ave., SW
Washington, DC 20594 (202) 382-6735
This data base contains information on railroad accident investigation data. Although NTSB does not provide direct computer access to the data base, it does provide the information in tape or hard copy form. For more information, contact the office above.
Department of Transportation Federal Data Bases
* Railroad Accident/Incident Reporting System (RAIRS)
Bruce George
Office of Safety RRS-21
Federal Railroad Administration
US Department of Transportation
400 Seventh Street, SW
Washington, DC 20590 (202) 366-0533
RAIRS presents historical data on rail-highway crossing accidents/incidents for 1979 through 1988. It combines information from the rail-highway crossing accident/incident file with data in the National Rail-Highway Crossing Inventory and highlights relationships between certain grade-crossing characteristics and accident frequencies. It also gives the physical and operational statistics for all public, at-grade rail-highway crossings, described in the National Inventory of May 1985. The principal data elements includes railroad codes, casualty information, damage costs, location of the accident, train speed, weather, and other grade crossing information. Reports containing detailed tables are available. These statistics are published in various reports by the Federal Railroad Administration and can be obtained by contacting the above office or any of the public information offices located in the FRA regional and division offices around the country.
Department of Transportation Federal Data Bases
* Regulated Persons Index Master List
Joseph C. Polking, Secretary
Federal Maritime Commission (FMC)
US Department of Transportation
Washington, DC 20573 (202) 523-5773
This is an alphabetized listing of entities subject to FMC regulation including vessel operating common carriers, non-vessel operating common carriers, marine terminal operators and licensed freight forwarders. This data base is available at a modest charge in either hard copy or floppy format. Other files available from this office include: Regulated Persons Index - a listing of vessel operating common carriers; Regulated Persons Index - a listing of non vessel operating common carriers and a Listing of Licensed Freight Forwarders.
Department of Transportation Federal Data Bases
* RRF Regulatory Body Inspection Due Dates
James E. Saari, FOI Officer
Office of Information Resources Management
Maritime Administration
US Department of Transportation
400 7th St., SW
Washington, DC 20590 (202) 366-5807
This data base tracks American Bureau of Shipping and US Coast Guard inspection due dates for all Ready Reserve Force (RRF) vessels. Requests for access to this data base, developed for use by the Maritime Administration, may be subject to Privacy Act regulations.
Department of Transportation Federal Data Bases
on carriers; Regulated Persons Index - a listing of non vessel operating common carriers and a Listing of Licensed Freight Forwarders.
Department of Transportation Federal Data Bases
re stored in this data basP
* Nationwide Personal Transportation Study, 1977: [United States] (ICPSR 7992)
Inter-University Consortium for Political and Social Research
Institute for Social Research
P.O. Box 1248
Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (313) 763-5010
The Nationwide Personal Transportation Study (NPTS) was designed to collect information on all trips taken during a designated 24-hour period and some additional detail on trips of 75 miles or more during the preceding 14-day period. Data was also gathered on the availability and use of public transportation, types of motorized vehicles available to the household, characteristics of the trips taken including mode, purpose, miles traveled, time required, and persons on the trip.
Department of Transportation Federal Data Bases
* Nationwide Personal Transportation Study, 1983: [United States] (ICPSR 8661)
Inter-University Consortium for Political and Social Research
Institute for Social Research
P.O. Box 1248
Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (313) 763-5010
This data collection supplies national data on the nature and characteristics of travel. Information is provided for all types of personal trips taken during a designated 24-hour period, or travel day. Additional data are available for trips of 75 miles or further (one-way) that were taken during the preceding 14-day travel period. Trips and travel are described by purposed, mode of transportation, trip length, day of the week, time of day, vehicle used, and vehicle occupancy. Data about long trips include the date on which the trip started and ended. The Household File contains items on family income, number of household vehicles, availability of public transit, number of licensed drivers in the household, and number and length of trips taken. The Person File provides demographic characteristics of members of the household as well as variables on carpooling, distance to work, work-related travel, seatbelt use, and child safety restraints. The Day Trip and the Period Trip Files offer information on the length and purposes of trips and the means of transportation used, while the Vehicle File details vehicle make and model, seating capacity, type of fuel used, and safety devices in vehicle.
Department of Transportation Federal Data Bases
* NHTSA Auto-Safety Hotline
National Highway Traffic Safety Administration
Auto-Safety Hotline
US Department of Transportation
400 Seventh St., SW (800) 424-9393
Washington, DC 20590 (202) 336-0123
NHTSA maintains a data base of safety information about automobiles manufactured in the past 10 years. The system can be searched by car make, model, year, or equipment. Retrievable information includes: crash test results; repairability and damage statistics; safety recall information; insurance and accident costs; consumer complaints filed about a car; used-car information; and tire treadwear and skid resistance. The data base was started in 1972 and is updated daily. Searches and printouts are available free of charge. Unless your request is complex, you can get the data you need quickly by calling the Hotline. An operator will conduct a search while you are still on the phone and a printout will be mailed within 24 hours. NHTSA encourages individuals to call the Hotline whenever they want to register a safety complaint about the automobile. Often NHTSA will investigate the complaint and if necessary contact the manufacturer on the owner's behalf.
Department of Transportation Federal Data Bases
* NSA/RRF-- General Files
James E. Saari, FOI Officer
Office of Information Resources Management
Maritime Administration
US Department of Transportation
400 7th St., SW
Washington, DC 20590 (202) 366-5807
This file maintains current information regarding MARAD agents and bank account. Requests for access to this data base, developed for use by the Maritime Administration, may be subject to Privacy Act regulations.
Department of Transportation Federal Data Bases
* NSA/RRF -- Milestone Charts
James E. Saari, FOI Officer
Office of Information Resources Management
Maritime Administration
US Department of Transportation
400 7th St., SW
Washington, DC 20590 (202) 366-5807
This system maintains milestone charts of audits per vessel/agent. Requests for access to this data base, developed for use by the Maritime Administration, may be subject to Privacy Act regulations.
Department of Transportation Federal Data Bases
* OBSC #6 Title XI Characteristics Data Base
James E. Saari, FOI Officer
Office of Information Resources Management
Maritime Administration
US Department of Transportation
400 7th St., SW
Washington, DC 20590 (202) 366-5807
This program allows updating and reporting from a data file with principal characteristics, financial data, contract and construction data on ships whole Title XI Mortgage Guar. Insurance Applications have been received. Requests for access to this data base, developed for use by the Maritime Administration, may be subject to Privacy Act regulations.
Department of Transportation Federal Data Bases
* OBSC #7 Vessel Characteristics Data Base
James E. Saari, FOI Officer
Office of Information Resources Management
Maritime Administration
US Department of Transportation
400 7th St., SW
Washington, DC 20590 (202) 366-5807
This data base contains data on all ships of 1000 tons and up in the world fleet. Requests for access to this data base, developed for use by the Maritime Administration, may be subject to Privacy Act regulations.
Department of Transportation Federal Data Bases
* O & D City Pair Summary (Data Bank 6)
Marjorie Saccoccio
Center for Transportation Information
Transportation Systems Center
US Department of Transportation
Cambridge, MA (617) 494-2450
This file contains passenger and passenger-mile data for the quarter of the file date and totals of these data for the 12 months (4 quarters) including the quarter of the file date, for all directional city pairs. Outbound and inbound passengers and passengers generated are stored for each city as a base city. Distance for each city pair is included. The data are crossposted, meaning each city pair appears in the file twice, with each city as the base city once and the reference city in the other case. Data are available from first quarter 1972 to present. For technical information, contact: US Department of Transportation, Research and Special Programs Administration, Washington, DC 20590, (202) 366-4372.
Department of Transportation Federal Data Bases
James E. Saari, FOI Officer
Office of Information Resources Management
Maritime Administration
US Department of Transportation
400 7th St., SW
Washington, DC 20590 (202) 366-5807
ODS maintains milestone charts of subsidy rates, IG audits, and prepared vouchers for ODS companies. Requests for access to this data base, developed for use by the Maritime Administration, may be subject to Privacy Act regulations.
Department of Transportation Federal Data Bases
* ODS Liner
James E. Saari, FOI Officer
Office of Information Resources Management
Maritime Administration
US Department of Transportation
400 7th St., SW
Washington, DC 20590 (202) 366-5807
This is a spread sheet report with individual and combined income status. Requests for access to this data base, developed for use by the Maritime Administration, may be subject to Privacy Act regulations.
Department of Transportation Federal Data Bases
* Offshore Drill Rig Data Base
James E. Saari, FOI Officer
Office of Information Resources Management
Maritime Administration
US Department of Transportation
400 7th St., SW
Washington, DC 20590 (202) 366-5807
Drill rig characteristics, employment and contract data are covered in this data base. Requests for access to this data base, developed for use by the Maritime Administration, may be subject to Privacy Act regulations.
Department of Transportation Federal Data Bases
* Offshore Service Vessel Data Base
James E. Saari, FOI Officer
Office of Information Resources Management
Maritime Administration
US Department of Transportation
400 7th St., SW
Washington, DC 20590 (202) 366-5807
This data base contains offshore service vessel characteristics and employment data. Requests for access to this data base, developed for use by the Maritime Administration, may be subject to Privacy Act regulations.
Department of Transportation Federal Data Bases
* Online O & D (Data Bank 4)
Marjorie Saccoccio
Center for Transportation Information
Transportation Systems Center
US Department of Transportation
Cambridge, MA (617) 494-2450
This file contains passenger and passenger-mile data for all online flight segments (segments on which the same carrier serves all contiguous coupon segments) for the quarter of the file date and the three immediately preceding quarters. There are data in separate fields for outbound and inbound, local and connecting traffic. Data are available from first quarter 1972 to present. For technical information, contact: US Department of Transportation, Research and Special Programs Administration, Washington, DC 20590, (202) 366-4372.
Department of Transportation Federal Data Bases
* Operational Statistics System (OPSTAT)
Plans and Programs Staff (G-OP)
US Department of Transportation
2100 Second St., SW
Washington, DC 20593 (202) 267-2229
The system, updated quarterly, exists to produce statistical reports of aircraft, boats, and cutters for each district. These reports reflect the activities within current Coast Guard programs and represent a bona fide method for planning, programming, and budgeting Coast Guard programs. Principal data elements are cumulative hours expended in operation of aircraft, boats, and cutters within current Coast Guard programs, i.e. search and rescue. There is currently no query capability. Contact the office listed above for information on magnetic tape and hard copy.
Department of Transportation Federal Data Bases
* Operator Sailing Schedules
James E. Saari, FOI Officer
Office of Information Resources Management
Maritime Administration
US Department of Transportation
400 7th St., SW
Washington, DC 20590 (202) 366-5746/4181
This system collects advertised sailing schedules of time service operator's vessels. Requests for access to this data base, developed for use by the Maritime Administration, may be subject to Privacy Act regulations.
Department of Transportation Federal Data Bases
* Origin and Destination Survey City/Airport Nomenclature (Data Bank 5)
Marjorie Saccoccio
Center for Transportation Information
Transportation Systems Center
US Department of Transportation
Cambridge, MA (617) 494-2450
This file contains the letter alphabetic codes, numeric codes, full name spelling (up to 30 characters), abbreviated name spelling (up to 20 characters), and geographic coordinates for all cities in flight itineraries reported in the Passenger Origin and Destination Survey. Data are available from the first quarter 1968 to present. For technical information, contact: US Department of Transportation, Research and Special Programs Administration, Washington, DC 20590, (202) 366-4372.
Department of Transportation Federal Data Bases
tation Federal Data Bases
* Origin and Destination Survey City/Airport Nomenclature (Data Bank 5)
Marjorie Saccoccio
Center for Transportation Information
Transportation Systems Center
US Department of Transportation
* Maritime Docket Hearing
James E. Saari, FOI Officer
Office of Information Resources Management
Maritime Administration
US Department of Transportation
400 7th St., SW
Washington, DC 20590 (202) 366-5807
This system produces reports in support of subsidy hearings for ODS program. Requests for access to this data base, developed for use by the Maritime Administration, may be subject to Privacy Act regulations.
Department of Transportation Federal Data Bases
* Market Information System
James E. Saari, FOI Officer
Office of Information Resources Management
Maritime Administration
US Department of Transportation
400 7th St., SW
Washington, DC 20590 (202) 366-5807
This system provides information on cargo carried by each US - flag liner operator. Requests for access to this data base, developed for use by the Maritime Administration, may be subject to Privacy Act regulations.
Department of Transportation Federal Data Bases
* Merchant Fleets of the World -- Characteristics of Given Ships
Maritime Administration
Office of Trade Analysis and Insurance
Division of Statistics
US Department of Transportation
400 7th St., SW
Washington, DC 20590 (202) 366-2400
The machine readable file is a quarterly review of all US and foreign flag ships (1,000 gross tons and over) which comprise the world's merchant fleet. The file provides data as to the registry, type, class, and physical characteristics of each ship. Also included is information relative to merchant ships (1,000 gross tons and over) that are under construction and/or on order. Data provided include characteristics of ships, scheduled delivery dates, country of construction, and flag of intended registration.
Department of Transportation Federal Data Bases
* Merchant Vessels of the United States
Information and Analysis Staff (G-MA)
US Department of Transportation
2100 Second St., SW
Washington, DC 20593 (202) 267-2229
This data base is an annual listing of all American merchant vessels and yachts registered, including vessels lost, abandoned, transferred to aliens, or removed from registration. The file contains foreword, glossary, listings, and indexes. For registered vessels, listing shows official number, call letters, rig, name, tonnage, dimensions, hull type, when and where built, horsepower, service, owner, and home port. For vessels removed or subject to removal, listings show official number, rig, name of vessel, gross tons, and disposition. A monthly supplement (published 1867-present) presenting data on new registrations and changes is also issued. Contact the office listed above for data on microform or paper.
Department of Transportation Federal Data Bases
* Military Training Routes
Supervisor, Data Systems Section
Federal Aviation Administration
National Flight Data Center, ATO-253
US Department of Transportation
800 Independence Avenue, SW
Washington, DC 20591 (202) 267-9268
The data base provides a point-to-point, latitude/longitude description of all Instrument Flight Rule (IFR) and Visual Flight Rule (VFR) military training routes; who is responsible for their use; and when they are in use. It also includes textual descriptions of special operating procedures, route width limitations, and terrain following instructions. The data base is available to the public on magnetic tape. Upon written request to the above address, FAA-owned reels will be sent to you to copy and return. The charge for a one-time order is $36; subscription orders are also available.
This system promotes exchanges of information on transit topics. Anyone can access the system and place messages or read information for free. Information on the board covers technical training opportunities, report availability and ordering, software reviews and comments, rural transit issues, urban transit issues, management, planning, maintenance, and microcomputer applications.
Department of Transportation Federal Data Bases
* Monthly Motor Gasoline Reported by States
Federal Highway Administration
US Department of Transportation
400 7th St., SW
Washington, DC 20590 (202) 366-0180
This data base stores monthly data from taxation reports on gasoline (including gasohol) consumption by state. Data are current to 2-4 months preceding issue date, as state reports become available. Contents include daily average consumption, monthly gasoline consumption for last 4 months and cumulative for the calendar year, monthly and cumulative gasohol consumption, and 12-month moving total of gasoline sales. Contact the office listed above for data available on magnetic tape.
Department of Transportation Federal Data Bases
* Motor Carrier Census Identification
Federal Highway Administration
Bureau of Motor Carrier Safety, HMC-12
US Department of Transportation
400 7th St., SW
Washington, DC 20590 (202) 366-2971
This online system, updated daily, contains data, such as name, address, type and area of operation, commodities (including hazardous materials transported), compliance ratings, numbers of vehicles and drivers used, mileage operated, and audit dates for approximately 190,000 interstate motor carriers subject to BMCS jurisdiction. Contact the office listed above concerning availability of data.
Department of Transportation Federal Data Bases
* National Accident Sampling System 1985
Grace Hazzard
National Center for Statistics and Analysis (NRD-32)
National Highway Traffic Safety Administration
400 7th Street, S.W.
Washington, DC 20590 (202) 366-4820
This numeric (microdata) file contains data on police- reported highway traffic accidents in the United States. Data are used to evaluate motor vehicle and highway safety standards, to assess changes in the motor vehicle environment, and to measure societal loss due to traffic accidents. Data were collected throughout 1985 from police accident reports, site investigations, interviews, medical records, etc., dealing with a clustered, stratified random sample of all US police-reported highway traffic accidents. There are more than 350 variables for each of 11,000 cases. The file is available from the US Department of Transportation, Transportation Systems Center, Kendall Square, Cambridge, MA 02142 for $150.
Department of Transportation Federal Data Bases
* National Airspace System Operational Information
Office of Management Systems
Federal Aviation Administration, AMS-220
US Department of Transportation
800 Independence Avenue
Washington, DC 20590 (202) 366-4000
This information source is used to produce the aeronautical charts, flight publications, and operational data used in operating the national airspace system. Information is about airports (identification, location, physical characteristics, and services), obstructions, navigational aids and communications facilities (locations, operational characteristics), the configuration of the airspace, airway and route descriptions, airway/route fixes, holding patterns, terminal flight procedures, and special use airspace descriptions. A substantial amount of the information is in machine-readable form and can be queried. For machine-readable data or published reports, contact the office listed above.
Department of Transportation Federal Data Bases
* National Assessment Report System
James E. Saari, FOI Officer
Office of Information Resources Management
Maritime Administration
US Department of Transportation
400 7th St., SW
Washington, DC 20590 (202) 366-5807
This system contains port, trade, vessel, facility, and ownership data on the US Port industry. Requests for access to this data base, developed for use by the Maritime Administration, may be subject to Privacy Act regulations.
Department of Transportation Federal Data Bases
* National Cargo Shipping System (NACSA)
James E. Saari, FOI Officer
Office of Information Resources Management
Maritime Administration
US Department of Transportation
400 7th St., SW
Washington, DC 20590 (202) 366-5807
NACSA stores, retrieves and sorts information on Federally sponsored cargo shipments of ocean vessels. Requests for access to this data base, developed for use by the Maritime Administration, may be subject to Privacy Act regulations.
Department of Transportation Federal Data Bases
* National Driver Register
National Driver Register (NTS-24)
Traffic Safety Programs
National Highway Traffic Safety Administration
US Department of Transportation
400 7th Street SW, Room 5119
Washington, DC 20590 (202) 366-4800
The National Driver Register is a central, computerized index of state records on drivers whose operator licenses have been revoked, denied, or suspended for more than 6 months. Data includes name, birthdate, height, weight, eye color, date and reason for action, and date of reinstatement. Applications for driver licenses are routinely checked against the register, and states exchange information via an electronic system.y
Department of Transportation Federal Data Bases
* National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA)
John F. Mitchell, DTS-32
DOT/Transportation Systems Center
Kendall Square
Cambridge, MA 02142 (617) 494-2455
NHTSA data are available in numerous formats. The major files are available on tape and, in the case of CRASH3, can be obtained on diskette. The cost of most tapes is $150 per tape per year unless otherwise noted. The mainframe version ($170 per tape) and the microcomputer version ($220 per diskette) include manuals.
* Fatal Accident Reporting System (FARS), yearly update
* National Accident Sampling Survey (NIECE), yearly update
* National Crash Severity Study (NCSS)
* Pedestrian Injury Causation Study (PICS)
* Calspan Reconstruction of Accident Speeds on the Highway (CRASH3)
Department of Transportation Federal Data Bases
* National Rail Network Data Base
Federal Railroad Administration
Chief Information and Systems Division
400 7th Street, SW, Room 8300A-(RRP-22)
Washington, DC 20590
This data base schematic digital representation of the US railroad network, consists of 16,000 nodes and 20,000 links; geographic node attributes allow for graphic display and plotting provided suitable software is available. Write to the office above for further information.
Department of Transportation Federal Data Bases
* Nationwide Personal Transportation Survey
Highway Statistics Division
Office of Highway Planning
Federal Highway Administration
US Department of Transportation
Washington, DC 20590 (202) 366-0180
The NPTS is a recurring travel survey which is designed to provide comprehensive data on travel and transportation patterns in the United States. This survey is conducted by the Bureau of Census under joint sponsorship of FHWA, NHTSA, UMJA, and OST. To date surveys were conducted in 1969, 1977, and 1983, and update once in each 10 years. Data is collected on trips taken during a designated 24-hour period (travel day) and certain additional details on long trips taken during the preceding 14-day period (travel period), along with the related social-economic characteristics of the trip maker. Contact the office listed above for data available on public use tape.
Department of Transportation Federal Data Bases
* Nationwide Personal Transportation Survey
Highway Statistics Division
Office of Highway Planning
Federal Highway Administration
US Department of Transportation
Washington, DC 20590 (202) 366-0180
The NPTS is a recurring travel survey which is dy no query capability. Contact the office listed above for information on magnetic tape and hard co
* Highway Traffic Safety Records
Technical Reference Division (NAD-52)
Office of Administrative Operations
National Highway Traffic Safety Administration
US Department of Transportation
400 7th Street, SW
Washington, DC 20590 (202) 366-2768
NHTSA reports and records are available for public inspection at this location, and data base searches can be requested for a fee. Holdings include vehicle research and test reports; investigation reports on accidents and defects; recall information; compliance reports; consumer complaints; consumer advisories; filmed records of research and tests; NHTSA Technical Reports; engineering specifications; and certification information. Both light and heavy highway vehicles are covered. Call ahead to ensure that the records you need will be on hand.
Department of Transportation Federal Data Bases
* Holding Patterns
Supervisor, Data Systems Section
Federal Aviation Administration
National Flight Data Center, ATO-253
US Department of Transportation
800 Independence Avenue, SW
Washington, DC 20591 (202) 267-9268
This data base provides a general description of each holding pattern: the fix or navigational aid the holding pattern is based on, altitude assignments at various flight speeds, and charting information. The data base is available to the public on magnetic tape. Upon written request to the above address, FAA-owned reels will be sent to you to copy and return. The charge for a one-time order is $36; subscription orders are available.
Department of Transportation Federal Data Bases
* Infotap-Transportation Bulletin Board
Philip McDonald
Institute of Transportation Studies
107 McLaughlin Hall
University of California at Berkeley Modem Number: (415) 642-7088
Berkeley, CA 94720 Voice Number: (415) 642-1008
This electronic bulletin board offers support resources for transit professionals. These include current listings of upcoming transportation and public works seminars and professional training courses in the region, listings of software sources and catalog, survey of microcomputer user groups covering a range of professional interests, and a selection of software reviews. Infotap also lists text files, programs and software available.
Department of Transportation Federal Data Bases
* Instrument Landing System
Federal Aviation Administration
US Department of Transportation
Washington, DC 20591 (202) 366-4000
The file covers instrument landing systems used in the national airspace system in terms of components (localizer; glideslope; inner, middle, and outer markers and compass locators), their locations, frequencies, identifiers, and other related data. This information is depicted on aeronautical charts and publications. This area of coverage is the US and its possessions. For data on magnetic tape or printouts, contact the FAA office above.
Department of Transportation Federal Data Bases
* Instrument Landing Systems
Supervisor, Data Systems Section
Federal Aviation Administration
National Flight Data Center, ATO-253
US Department of Transportation
800 Independence Avenue, SW
Washington, DC 20591 (202) 267-9268
The data base describes the landing systems -- ILS, Localizer, Localizer-Type Directional Aid (LDA), or Simplified Directional Facility (SDF) -- for each runway end. Included are localizer, glide slope, distance measuring equipment (DME), and outer/middle/inner marker positional data. The data base is available to the public on magnetic tape. Upon written request to the above address, FAA-owned reels will be sent to you to copy and return. The charge for a one-time order is $36; subscription orders are also available.
Department of Transportation Federal Data Bases
* Interim Marine Safety Information System
US Coast Guard Planning, Coordination, and Analysis Staff (G-WP)
US Department of Transportation
2100 Second St., SW
Washington, DC 20593 (202) 267-2229
The system was developed to provide the history of Coast Guard contact with merchant vessels, to include results of boardings, violations found, pollution, and casualty data. All US ports, including Hawaii, Alaska, Guam, Virgin Islands, and Puerto Rico, are incorporated in this system. Other principal data elements are vessel name and registry, vessel characteristics such as propulsion type and tonnage, all involved parties, certificate of inspection data, and, where applicable, letter of compliance. The system is updated daily on disk. Contact the office above regarding availability.
Department of Transportation Federal Data Bases
* Landing Facilities (Airports)
Supervisor, Data Systems Section
Federal Aviation Administration
National Flight Data Center, ATO-253
US Department of Transportation
800 Independence Avenue, SW
Washington, DC 20591 (202) 267-9268
Data includes all private and public use landing facilities (airports, heliports, gliderports, etc.), including location, services, runway, lighting, administrative, and textual remark information. The data base is available to the public on magnetic tape. Upon written request to the above address, FAA-owned reels will be sent to you to copy and return. The charge for a one-time order is $36; subscription orders are also available.
Department of Transportation Federal Data Bases
* Liquid Pipeline Carrier Accident Report System
US Department of Transportation
Research and Special Programs Administration
Information System Branch
400 7th St., SW
Room 8112, DHM-63
Washington, DC 20590 (202) 366-4555
This data base contains information on liquid pipeline system failures. It contains information on the name and address of the carrier, date, time and location of the accident, part of the carrier system involved and physical location; origin of liquid or vapor released; cause of the accident, fatalities and injuries of the carrier's employees and other persons. It also includes information of property damage and dollar values; commodity being transported, estimated loss in barrels and whether there was a fire or explosion.
Department of Transportation Federal Data Bases
* LNG Report
James E. Saari, FOI Officer
Office of Information Resources Management
Maritime Administration
US Department of Transportation
400 7th St., SW
Washington, DC 20590 (202) 366-5807
This periodic report on LNG project activity maintains tables of data and statistics on various LNG projects and vessels throughout the world. Requests for access to this data base, developed for use by the Maritime Administration, may be subject to Privacy Act regulations.
Department of Transportation Federal Data Bases
* Location Identifiers
Supervisor, Data Systems Section
Federal Aviation Administration
National Flight Data Center, ATO-253
US Department of Transportation
800 Independence Avenue, SW
Washington, DC 20591 (202) 267-9268
This data base includes one record for each identifier assigned to an active facility, describing all facilities (airports, instrument landing systems, navigational aids, Flight Service Stations, Air Route Traffic Control Centers, and special use) assigned to that identifier. It also includes Canadian and Department of Defense overseas identifiers. The data base is available to the public on magnetic tape. Upon written request to the above address, FAA-owned reels will be sent to you to copy and return. The charge for a one-time order is $36; subscription orders are also available.
Department of Transportation Federal Data Bases
* Longshore Productivity Analysis
James E. Saari, FOI Officer
Office of Information Resources Management
Maritime Administration
US Department of Transportation
400 7th St., SW
Washington, DC 20590 (202) 366-5807
Census commodity movement input is used to calculate port tonnages. Requests for access to this data base, developed for use by the Maritime Administration, may be subject to Privacy Act regulations.
Department of Transportation Federal Data Bases
* Lump Sum Repair Limitations
James E. Saari, FOI Officer
Office of Information Resources Management
Maritime Administration
US Department of Transportation
400 7th St., SW
Washington, DC 20590 (202) 366-5807
A listing of companies with respective financial limitations is produced by this data base. Requests for access to this data base, developed for use by the Maritime Administration, may be subject to Privacy Act regulations.
Department of Transportation Federal Data Bases
* Maradata Charter Fixture Library
James E. Saari, FOI Officer
Office of Information Resources Management
Maritime Administration
US Department of Transportation
400 7th St., SW
Washington, DC 20590 (202) 366-5807
This system provides online access to internationally reported charter fixtures for shipping. Requests for access to this data base, developed for use by the Maritime Administration, may be subject to Privacy Act regulations.
Department of Transportation Federal Data Bases
* Maradata Vessel Characteristics Library
James E. Saari, FOI Officer
Office of Information Resources Management
Maritime Administration
US Department of Transportation
400 7th St., SW
Washington, DC 20590 (202) 366-5807
Online access to vessel characteristics of the world's merchant fleet is provided by this system. Requests for access to this data base, developed for use by the Maritime Administration, may be subject to Privacy Act regulations.
Department of Transportation Federal Data Bases
* Maradata Vessel Movements Library
James E. Saari, FOI Officer
Office of Information Resources Management
Maritime Administration
US Department of Transportation
400 7th St., SW
Washington, DC 20590 (202) 366-5807
This system gives online access to vessel movements worldwide. Requests for access to this data base, developed for use by the Maritime Administration, may be subject to Privacy Act regulations.
Department of Transportation Federal Data Bases
* Marine Pollution Retrieval System
Mary Robey
Pollution Incident Reporting System
US Coast Guard Headquarters
US Department of Transportation
2100 Second St., SW
Washington, DC 20593 (202) 267-0460
This system contains information about all spills of hazardous materials, oil and other pollutants that have been reported to the US Coast Guard since 1973. Data are used for management, statistical and public information purposes. Records contain the following type of data: spill dates, location, type, affected resources, cause, source, and quantity; cleanup party, materials, duration, and cost; and penalty action and results. Environmental impact statements are also stored. Begun in 1973, this system contains 160,000 records and is updated monthly by approximately 1,000 reports. Special reports for individual analysis and research are produced upon request. Searches and printouts are available for a fee. Requests must be made in writing.
Department of Transportation Federal Data Bases
porting System
US Coast Guard Headquarters
US Department of od (travel day) and certain additional details on long trips taken during the preceding 14-day period (travel period), along with the related social-economic characteristics of the trip maker. Contact the office listed above for data available on public use tape.
* Fee Rates
James E. Saari, FOI Officer
Office of Information Resources Management
Maritime Administration
US Department of Transportation
400 7th St., SW
Washington, DC 20590 (202) 366-5807
A listing and calculations of each company with two years financial information are included. Requests for access to this data base, developed for use by the Maritime Administration, may be subject to Privacy Act regulations.
Department of Transportation Federal Data Bases
* Financial Statements Log
James E. Saari, FOI Officer
Office of Information Resources Management
Maritime Administration
US Department of Transportation
400 7th St., SW
Washington, DC 20590 (202) 366-5807
Financial data submissions from each company are listed in logsheet form. Requests for access to this data base, developed for use by the Maritime Administration, may be subject to Privacy Act regulations.
Department of Transportation Federal Data Bases
* Financial Statements Requirements
James E. Saari, FOI Officer
Office of Information Resources Management
Maritime Administration
US Department of Transportation
400 7th St., SW
Washington, DC 20590 (202) 366-5807
A listing in spread sheet format indicating company and required submissions by month is produced by this data base. Requests for access to this data base, developed for use by the Maritime Administration, may be subject to Privacy Act regulations.
Department of Transportation Federal Data Bases
* Flight Service Stations
Supervisor, Data Systems Section
Federal Aviation Administration
National Flight Data Center, ATO-253
US Department of Transportation
800 Independence Avenue, SW
Washington, DC 20591 (202) 267-9268
All FAA Flight Service Stations and Air/Ground Stations are covered. Information includes location, administrative, related navigational aids and communications outlets, and all assigned frequencies. The data base is available to the public on magnetic tape. Upon written request to the above address, FAA-owned reels will be sent to you to copy and return. The charge for a one-time order is $36; subscription orders are also available.
Department of Transportation Federal Data Bases
* Foreign Exchange Rates
James E. Saari, FOI Officer
Office of Information Resources Management
Maritime Administration
US Department of Transportation
400 7th St., SW
Washington, DC 20590 (202) 366-5807
Foreign exchange rates are kept and reported weekly for seven countries. Requests for access to this data base, developed for use by the Maritime Administration, may be subject to Privacy Act regulations.
Department of Transportation Federal Data Bases
* Foreign Flag Competition System
James E. Saari, FOI Officer
Office of Information Resources Management
Maritime Administration
US Department of Transportation
400 7th St., SW
Washington, DC 20590 (202) 366-5807
This data base produces foreign-flag competition report in support of ODS program. Requests for access to this data base, developed for use by the Maritime Administration, may be subject to Privacy Act regulations.
Department of Transportation Federal Data Bases
* Foreign Trade Projections
Office of Policy and Plans
Maritime Administration
US Department of Transportation
400 7th St., SW
Washington, DC 20590 (202) 366-4468
The administration produces forecasts for major import and export commodity groups in five year intervals based on census data. Computer printouts contain projections of commodity flows by major trade routes and by world trading regions. The projections are updated annually. Contact the office listed above.
Department of Transportation Federal Data Bases
* Form 41 Reports -- Schedule T-2
Marjorie Saccoccio
Center for Transportation Information
Transportation Systems Center
US Department of Transportation
Cambridge, MA (617) 494-2450
Each record contains totals, for a quarter, of traffic (such as revenue passenger miles and revenue ton-miles for all classes of passengers and cargo), capacity (such as available seat-miles and available ton-miles), and certain aircraft statistics (such as aircraft-hours and fuels and oils issued) for one aircraft type flown by the reporting carrier. Data are available from first quarter 1969 to present. For technical information, contact: US Department of Transportation, Research and Special Programs Administration, Washington, DC 20590, (202) 366-4372.
Department of Transportation Federal Data Bases
* Form 41 Reports -- Schedule T-3
Marjorie Saccoccio
Center for Transportation Information
Transportation Systems Center
US Department of Transportation
Cambridge, MA (617) 494-2450
Each record contains totals for the reporting carrier, for a quarter for one airport served, of departures and passenger and cargo traffic enplaned, in both scheduled and nonscheduled service, as well as departures by each aircraft type which served the airport. Data are available from third quarter 1970 to present. For technical information, contact: US Department of Transportation, Research and Special Programs Administration, Washington, DC 20590, (202) 366-4372.
Department of Transportation Federal Data Bases
* General Cargo and Dry Bulk Data Base
James E. Saari, FOI Officer
Office of Information Resources Management
Maritime Administration
US Department of Transportation
400 7th St., SW
Washington, DC 20590 (202) 366-5807
Information is provided on physical, financial, and employment characteristics of the privately-owned US flag dry cargo and dry bulk fleet. Requests for access to this data base, developed for use by the Maritime Administration, may be subject to Privacy Act regulations.
Department of Transportation Federal Data Bases
* Grade Crossing Inventory System (GCIS)
Office of Management Systems
US Department of Transportation
400 7th St., SW
Washington, DC 20590 (202) 366-0431
For all types of crossings, information such as identification number, railroad, railroad division, subdivision, milepost and branch, state, county, city or nearest city, street or highway, and crossing type is available. In addition, for public at grade crossings, information includes number of daily train movements, train speeds, type and number of tracks, details of crossing protection both active and passive, crossing angle, number of traffic lanes, daily highway traffic volume, pavement markings, advance warning signs, crossing surface, highway system, percentage of trucks and other items. The system is updated continuously. For data on tape, cards, or hard copy, contact the office listed above.
Department of Transportation Federal Data Bases
* Guarantee Fee Program
James E. Saari, FOI Officer
Office of Information Resources Management
Maritime Administration
US Department of Transportation
400 7th St., SW
Washington, DC 20590 (202) 366-5807
This program calculates amount of fee ($) using bond amounts, escrow fund amounts, percentages and number of days. Requests for access to this data base, developed for use by the Maritime Administration, may be subject to Privacy Act regulations.
Department of Transportation Federal Data Bases
* Hazardous Material Shipper Census/Identification
Bureau of Motor Carrier Safety, HMC-10
Federal Highway Administration
US Department of Transportation
400 7th St., SW
Washington, DC 20590 (202) 366-2971
This online system, updated daily, contains data, such as name, address, and types of hazardous materials shipped on approximately 21,000 shippers of hazardous materials. Data is for internal use and will be made available to the public as authorized by the Administration.
Department of Transportation Federal Data Bases
* Highway Performance Monitoring System (HPMS)
Program Management Division, HHP-12 or
Highway Statistics Division, HHP-42
US Department of Transportation
400 7th St., SW
Washington, DC 20590
Each state's HPMS data set includes universe data containing a small amount of information for each highway in the state, together with additional data on physical characteristics and performance for sample roadway sections within the state. The sample data are statistically valid for each functional classification for rural, small urban, and urbanized areas. Principal reports are the Biennial Report to Congress and the annual Highway Statistics publication.
Department of Transportation Federal Data Bases
* Highway Statistics System
Federal Highway Administration
Highway Statistics Division
US Department of Transportation
400 7th St., SW
Washington, DC 20590 (202) 366-0180
State data includes numbers and characteristics of registered vehicles, drivers' licenses, motor fuel consumed, tax and other highway related revenue, highway bonding, toll financing, roadway extent and characteristics, expenditures by type of governmental highway activity and highway travel. National summary includes highway statistics, national truck characteristics report, drivers' licenses, highway taxes and fees, road user and property fees, and special hardcopy reports as required. Data are primarily byproducts of state and local planning, accounting, and administrative data files and are updated on an ongoing basis. Contact the Highway Statistics Division, listed above.
Department of Transportation Federal Data Bases
* Highway Technical Information Management System (HTIMS)
Bob Ellington, HTIMS Administrator
Office of Operations
Office of Research Development and Technology
Federal Highway Administration
6300 Georgetown Pike
McLean, VA 22101 (703) 285-2104
This file contains current information on active in-house and contract programs conducted within and by the Office of Research and Development as well as all other federally funded highway research and development activities. The research in progress records consist of the title, performing agency, investigator, funding agency and summary statement. Request for specific types of information are accepted through the public affairs office. Searches and printouts are usually free.
Department of Transportation Federal Data Bases
* Highway Technical Information Management System partment of Transportation Federal Data Bases
* Domestic Trade
James E. Saari, FOI Officer
Office of Information Resources Management
Maritime Administration
US Department of Transportation
400 7th St., SW
Washington, DC 20590 (202) 366-5807
This system uses input data tapes purchased form US Army Corp of Engineers to produce reports of domestic waterborne cargo movements in a variety of formats. Requests for access to this data base, developed for use by the Maritime Administration, may be subject to Privacy Act regulations.
Department of Transportation Federal Data Bases
* Domestic Waterborne Commerce of the United States
Maritime Administration
Office of Trade Analysis and Insurance
Division of Statistics
US Department of Transportation
400 7th St., SW
Washington, DC 20590 (202) 366-2400
This system is a comprehensive data base from which information can be extracted to support market development in the 3 domestic trade areas: domestic oceans, great lakes, and inland waterways. The principal subject matter covered is commodity movements in the US domestic waterborne trade. Data include vessel type, traffic type, service type, NRT, vessel operator, vessel ID, shipping and receiving dates, COE shipping and receiving channel, commodity code and name, shipping and receiving coastal districts, and shipping and receiving ports. The machine readable data is updated annually. Contact the office listed above.
Department of Transportation Federal Data Bases
* Driver License Administration Requirements and Fees
Highway Statistics Division
Federal Highway Administration
US Department of Transportation
400 7th St., SW
Washington, DC 20590 (202) 366-0180
Data cover the administrative requirements and qualifications necessary to obtain drivers' licenses in the 50 states and D.C. and Canada. This system contains narrative summary and 10 detailed tables showing data by state, including requirements for regular licenses and classified licenses; training; examination and renewal; license reciprocity; fees; and suspension, revocation, and reinstatement provisions. Data is updated biennially. Contact the office listed above.
Department of Transportation Federal Data Bases
* Early Warning Statements
James E. Saari, FOI Officer
Office of Information Resources Management
Maritime Administration
US Department of Transportation
400 7th St., SW
Washington, DC 20590 (202) 366-5807
This is a list of companies in log form. THe system monitors the accountant assigned to each company, date of report completion and result of analysis. Requests for access to this data base, developed for use by the Maritime Administration, may be subject to Privacy Act regulations.
Department of Transportation Federal Data Bases
* Economic Support Shipping
James E. Saari, FOI Officer
Office of Information Resources Management
Maritime Administration
US Department of Transportation
400 7th St., SW
Washington, DC 20590 (202) 366-5807
Data is included for domestic and foreign trade and shipping requirements/forecasts for cargo, dry bulk, and tanker fleets in a maritime scenario for the year 1990. Requests for access to this data base, developed for use by the Maritime Administration, may be subject to Privacy Act regulations.
Department of Transportation Federal Data Bases
* Employment Report of United States Flag Merchant Fleet
Maritime Administration
Office of Trade Analysis and Insurance
Division of Statistics
US Department of Transportation
400 7th St., SW
Washington, DC 20590 (202) 366-2400
The machine readable file system provides details of all US flag merchant ships (1,000 gross tons and over), both government and privately-owned, for comparison and analysis purposes. The data consist of pertinent physical characteristics (gross and deadweight tonnage, bale cubic capacity, length, beam, draft, etc.) of all ships registered under US flag. In addition it also reflects the area of operation for those ships which are active and identifies those which are inactive. Contact the office listed above.
Department of Transportation Federal Data Bases
* EUSC Dry Bulk Fleet
James E. Saari, FOI Officer
Office of Information Resources Management
Maritime Administration
US Department of Transportation
400 7th St., SW
Washington, DC 20590 (202) 366-5807
This is a data base of the effective US Control Fleet. Requests for access to this data base, developed for use by the Maritime Administration, may be subject to Privacy Act regulations.
Department of Transportation Federal Data Bases
* EUSC Tanker Fleet
James E. Saari, FOI Officer
Office of Information Resources Management
Maritime Administration
US Department of Transportation
400 7th St., SW
Washington, DC 20590 (202) 366-5807
Physical data is provided on coated and uncoated tankers of the EUSC Fleet. Requests for access to this data base, developed for use by the Maritime Administration, may be subject to Privacy Act regulations.
Department of Transportation Federal Data Bases
* Exporter/Importer Data Sheet
James E. Saari, FOI Officer
Office of Information Resources Management
Maritime Administration
US Department of Transportation
400 7th St., SW
Washington, DC 20590 (202) 366-5807
Summaries of the international activity of an importers/exporters are contained in this data base. Requests for access to this data base, developed for use by the Maritime Administration, may be subject to Privacy Act regulations.
Department of Transportation Federal Data Bases
* FAA Air Agency Information
Flight Standards Technical Division (AAC-280)
FAA Aeronautical Center
US Department of Transportation
Oklahoma City, OK 73125
This data base identifies the various aviation-related schools, repair stations, and commercial operators that are certificated by FAA. The information is obtained from the individual application for the certificate. This file describes non-airperson certificate holders, including air taxi/commercial operators, aviation maintenance technical schools, and flight engineer schools. The information includes the certificate holding agency's name and business address, certificate number, and specialized ratings. Contact the office listed above for machine readable copy or printout.
Department of Transportation Federal Data Bases
* FAA Aircraft Information System
Flight Standard Service Division, FAA
US Department of Transportation
Washington, DC 20591 (202) 366-4000
This data base provides statistical and operational information about the characteristics, ownership, and operation of aircraft comprising the US Civil Aircraft Fleet. Information is included about aircraft ownership, recordation, liens, and leases; type and airworthiness certifications; mechanical reliability; aircraft and operators inspection and surveillance; engines, propellers, and other aviation appliances/components; and types and categories of aircraft operations. machine readable data and published reports. Contact the office above for machine readable data and published reports.
Department of Transportation Federal Data Bases
* FAA Aviation Forecasts -- Fiscal Years 1982-1993
Office of Aviation Policy and Plans
Federal Aviation Administration
US Department of Transportation
800 Independence Avenue, SW
Washington, DC 20591 (202) 366-4000
This report contains the fiscal years 1982 to 1993 Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) forecasts of aviation activity at FAA facilities. These include airports with FAA control towers, air route traffic control centers, and flight service stations. Detailed forecasts were made for the four major users of the national aviation system: air carriers, air taxi/commuters, general aviation, and the military. Data is available on microfiche or paper copy.
Department of Transportation Federal Data Bases
* Fatal Accident Reporting System (FARS)
National Center for Statistics and Analysis
US Department of Transportation
Fatal Accident Reporting System
Washington, DC 20590 (202) 366-4820
FARS is a census of data on all fatal traffic accidents within the 50 states, the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico. To be included in the system the accident must involve a motor vehicle traveling on a traffic way customarily open to the public and result in the death of a person (occupant of a vehicle or non-motorist) within 30 days of the accident. The FARS file contains descriptions, in a standard format, or each fatal accident reported. Each accident has upwards of 90 different coded data elements that characterize the accident, the vehicles and the people involved. Specific data elements may be modified slightly each year to conform to changing user needs, vehicle characteristics and highway safety emphasis areas. Printouts are available at no charge and response time is normally within two weeks. Data are also available on computer tape.
FEBBS provides information on FHWA topics including traffic, highways, construction, paving and other related subjects. 24 hours/day; 7 days/week. Sysop: Carl Shea.
Department of Transportation Federal Data Bases
* Federal Transportation Financial Data Base
Phil Barbado
Office of the Secretary of Transportation
P-36, Room 10309
Washington, DC 20590 (202) 366-5427
This system contains information on all federal government transportation-related programs and obligation, outlays and collections for fiscal years 1977 through 1987. The figures are nationwide. However, the data are detailed down to the program level. The historical description of transportation programs and accompanying time series of revenues, obligations and expenditures will be useful and informative to a variety of persons ranging from federal, state, and local transportation planners and policy developers to academia and students of transportation and community planning.
Department of Transportation Federal Data Bases
* Federal Transportation Financial Data Base
Phil Barbado
Office of the Secretary of Transportation
P-36, Room 10309
Washingnvestigator, funding agency and summary statement. Request for specific types of information are ac^\
* Census Validation System
James E. Saari, FOI Officer
Office of Information Resources Management
Maritime Administration
US Department of Transportation
400 7th St., SW
Washington, DC 20590 (202) 366-5807
This system edits and validates all tapes received from Bureau of the Census, including import/export data. Requests for access to this data base, developed for use by the Maritime Administration, may be subject to Privacy Act regulations.
Department of Transportation Federal Data Bases
* Combined T-9 and ER-586 Data -- Non-Restricted
Marjorie Saccoccio
Center for Transportation Information
Transportation Systems Center
US Department of Transportation
Cambridge, MA (617) 494-2450
This system includes totals of passengers enplaned and transported for each pair of points served or scheduled to be served by a single stage of at least one flight within the reported time. Each record contains information regarding the reporting carrier, aircraft type flown, and revenue class of service flown. Data are available from August 1981 to present. For technical information, contact: US Department of Transportation, Research and Special Programs Administration, Washington, DC 20590, (202) 366-4372.
Department of Transportation Federal Data Bases
* Commercial Vessel Casualty Data File
US Coast Guard
Office of Merchant Marine Safety
Information and Analysis Staff (G-MA)
US Department of Transportation
2100 Second St., SW
Washington, DC 20593 (202) 267-2229
This computerized bank contains information on merchant ship casualties since 1963, updated annually. Reports on casualties are filed with local marine safety offices and are then investigated. The report is entered into the file. Data in the file cover all US-flag ships and all non-US-flag ships in US territorial waters. Particulars of the data include: vessel ID and code; time of day; weather and sea conditions; ship's particulars; personnel; location of casualty; geographical location; cause; estimate of the dollar damages, pollution, and whether or not there was a total loss. Inquiries are answered preferably by letter that the Coast Guard can maintain on file. For data in machine readable form, contact the office listed above.
Department of Transportation Federal Data Bases
* Commercial Vessel Inspections
Merchant Vessel Inspection and Documentation Division
Office of Marine Safety, Security, and Environmental Protection
US Coast Guard
US Department of Transportation
2100 2nd St., SW, Room 1400
Washington, DC 20590-0001 (202) 267-2978
The Coast Guard administers and enforces safety standards for the design, construction, equipment and maintenance of commercial vessels and offshore structures on the Outer Continental Shelf. Foreign vessels subject to US jurisdiction must also meet the required standards. Boardings are conducted to detect and prevent violations. Safety regulations cover such ship characteristics as hull structure, watertight integrity, fire safety, and navigation instrumentation. Records, mostly computerized, are kept on these inspections at district Coast Guard offices. For general information or referral to a records inspection facility near you, contact the division listed.
Department of Transportation Federal Data Bases
* Commodity Movement -- Month (CMM Data Base)
Maritime Administration
Office of Trade Analysis and Insurance
Division of Statistics
US Department of Transportation
400 7th St., SW
Washington, DC 20590 (202) 366-2400
The data elements in this machine readable file include inbound/outbound code, type of service, US customs district, US port, foreign port, commodity code by census schedule A or B, country of ultimate destination for exports in transit, country from which the commodity was last shipped, flag of vessel, COE channel, US coastal district, year, month, manifest number, dollar value of the commodity, and weight of cargo in pounds. There is also a CM -- annual system that produces a number of yearly reports on commodity shipments and tonnage by type service, port, trade route, foreign port, coastal district, and direction. Contact the office listed above.
Department of Transportation Federal Data Bases
* Communications Outlets
Supervisor, Data Systems Section
Federal Aviation Administration
National Flight Data Center, ATO-253
US Department of Transportation
800 Independence Avenue, SW
Washington, DC 20591 (202) 267-9268
All remote communications outlets (RCO) and enroute flight advisory service (EFAS) outlets associated with Flight Service Stations are covered. This system includes location information for the outlet, associated navaid information (where applicable), and assigned frequencies. The data base is available to the public on magnetic tape. Upon written request to the above address, FAA-owned reels will be sent to you to copy and return. The charge for a one-time order is $36; subscription orders are also available.
Department of Transportation Federal Data Bases
* Commuter Air Carrier Statistics -- Online O & D
Marjorie Saccoccio
Center for Transportation Information
Transportation Systems Center
US Department of Transportation
Cambridge, MA (617) 494-2450
This system includes the number of passengers and amount of mail and cargo transported by commuter air carriers between city pairs, in scheduled service. Disclosure of data in this file is restricted for a period of 12 months after the close of the year to which the data relates, from 1971 to the present. For technical information, contact: US Department of Transportation, Research and Special Programs Administration, Washington, DC 20590, (202) 366-4372.
Department of Transportation Federal Data Bases
* Commuter Air Carrier Statistics: Online O & D and Flight & Traffic Statistics
Richard S. Strite
US Department of Transportation
Research and Special Programs Administration
Washington, DC 20590 (202) 366-9058
Online O&D (origination and destination) contains the number of passengers and amount of mail and cargo transported by commuter air carriers between city pairs in scheduled services. Flight and Traffic Statistics provide data on the number of aircraft hours, miles, departures, revenue passenger-miles, available seat-miles, revenue ton-miles and available ton-miles transported by commuter air carriers in scheduled service. The disclosure of data on the file is restricted for a period of 12 months after the close of the year to which the data relate from 1971 to the present. Customized reports are available from these files upon written request. Data tapes are available for a fee.
Department of Transportation Federal Data Bases
* Commuter Air Carrier Statistics -- Report of Flight and Traffic Statistics
Marjorie Saccoccio
Center for Transportation Information
Transportation Systems Center
US Department of Transportation
Cambridge, MA (617) 494-2450
This system includes the number of aircraft hours, aircraft miles, departures, revenue passenger-miles, available seat-miles, revenue ton-miles, and available ton-miles transported by commercial air carriers in scheduled service. Data are available from third quarter 1974 to present. For technical information, contact: US Department of Transportation, Research and Special Programs Administration, Washington, DC 20590, (202) 366-4372.
Department of Transportation Federal Data Bases
* Consumer Complaint File
Office of Defects Investigation
National Highway Traffic Safety Administration
US Department of Transportation
400 7th St., SW (800) 424-9393
Washington, DC 20590 or (202) 426-0123
This file lists complaints made by vehicle owners and others; it was compiled to aid in researching possible safety-related defects in groups of vehicles. This file provides a list of complaints by vehicle manufacturer, make, model, and model year, with failed vehicle component and failure type. The file contains complaints received by ODI since September, 1968 and is updated continuously on magnetic tape. Contact the office listed above for data.
This annual publication with quarterly update exhibits total containerized foreign trade information by trade route, for vessels 1,000 or more gross registered tonnage which are carrying 25 or more 8 X 8 X 20 foot (twenty foot equivalent units [TEU]) cargo containerized/trailers units. Textual discussions about commodities and their activities are included. To obtain the report in hard copy or on magnetic tape, contact the office listed above. The hardcopy report is also available from the Superintendent of Documents, US Government Printing Office.
Department of Transportation Federal Data Bases
* Cost Estimating System
James E. Saari, FOI Officer
Office of Information Resources Management
Maritime Administration
US Department of Transportation
400 7th St., SW
Washington, DC 20590 (202) 366-5807
Historic data is presented in a manner readily usable in estimating new construction costs. Requests for access to this data base, developed for use by the Maritime Administration, may be subject to Privacy Act regulations.
Department of Transportation Federal Data Bases
* Data Resources, Inc. Timesharing
James E. Saari, FOI Officer
Office of Information Resources Management
Maritime Administration
US Department of Transportation
400 7th St., SW
Washington, DC 20590 (202) 366-5807
This system offers interactive statistical analyses, data bases and forecasts necessary for decision making. Requests for access to this data base, developed for use by the Maritime Administration, may be subject to Privacy Act regulations.
Department of Transportation Federal Data Bases
* Depreciation Program
James E. Saari, FOI Officer
Office of Information Resources Management
Maritime Administration
US Department of Transportation
400 7th St., SW
Washington, DC 20590 (202) 366-5807
This system calculates amount of depreciation, depreciated cost and maximum guarantee of each vessel. Requests for access to this data base, developed for use by the Maritime Administration, may be subject to Privacy Act regulations.
Department of Transportation Federal Data Bases
* Directional O & D (Domestic) (Data Bank 2C)
Marjorie Saccoccio
Center for Transportation Information
Transportation Systems Center
US Department of Transportation
Cambridge, MA (617) 494-2450
This file contains outbound and inbound passenger totals for the quarter of the file date and the three immediately preceding quarters, for domestic routings which have been classified as unidirectional by applying trip breaking criteria to all ticketed routings. The same passenger data for domestic portions of international routings are stored in separate fields as well as being included in the totals mentioned above. All downline points in the directional routing are identified. Data are available from first quarter 1972 to present. For technical information, contact: US Department of Transportation, Research and Special Programs Administration, Washington, DC 20590, (202) 366-4372.
Department of Transportation Federal Data Bases
* Directional O & D (International/ Territorial) (Data Bank 2A)
Marjorie Saccoccio
Center for Transportation Information
Transportation Systems Center
US Department of Transportation
Cambridge, MA (617) 494-2450
This file contains outbound and inbound passenger totals for the quarter of the file date and the three immediately preceding quarters, for international routings which have been classified as unidirectional by applying trip breaking criteria to all ticketed routings. Ticketed origin and destination, as well as all downline points in the directional routing, are identified. Data are available from first quarter 1972 to present. Tapes may be ordered for any quarter dating back to first quarter 1972. However, 1986 tapes will be produced quarterly, but must be purchased on a yearly subscription basis. For technical information, contact: US Department of Transportation, Research and Special Programs Administration, Washington, DC 20590, (202) 366-4372.
Department of Transportation Federal Data Bases
ie Saccoccio
Center for Transportation Information
Transportation Systems Center
US Department of Transportation
Cambridge, MA (617) 494-2450
This file contains outbound and inbion, paving and other related subjects. 24 hours/day; 7 days/week. Sysop: Carl Shea.
Department of Transportation F
* Aviation Accident Data Base
Public Inquiries
National Transportation Safety Board
800 Independence Ave., SW
Washington, DC 20594 (202) 382-6735
This data base contains information on aviation accident investigation data. Although NTSB does not provide direct computer access to the data base, it does provide the information in tape or hard copy form. For more information, contact the office above.
Department of Transportation Federal Data Bases
* Aviation Activity Information
Office of Management Systems
Federal Aviation Administration
US Department of Transportation
Washington, DC 20590 (202) 366-4000
Input includes monthly activity reports from each FAA facility; annual aircraft registration revalidations; and Civil Aeronautics Board, Immigration and Naturalization Service, and FAA survey data. Air traffic activity data include data such as airport operations and instrument operations at towers, departures and aircraft handled by FAA Air Route Traffic Control Centers, and aircraft contacted, pilot briefs, and flight plans originated for FAA flight service stations. Statistical data on total registered aircraft, active aircraft, aircraft by base airport, aircraft make and model, and type of aircraft (such as fixed-wing piston engine) are collected. Enplaned passenger data reflect passengers enplaned at US airports by certificated route air carriers, supplemental air carriers, foreign flag air carriers, commuter air carriers, and air taxi and commercial operators. The data are updated annually. Contact the office listed above for tapes or reports.
Department of Transportation Federal Data Bases
* Aviation Policy
Information Systems Branch
Policy Analysis Division, APO-130
Office of Aviation Policy and Plans
Federal Aviation Administration
US Department of Transportation
800 Independence Ave., SW, Room 937C
Washington,DC 20591 (202) 267-3374
Reports and other data are generated by approximately 18 data bases to aid in aviation policy decisions on such matters as the activities of airlines, seat belt configurations, and the number of airports in the United States.
Department of Transportation Federal Data Bases
* Barge Register System
James E. Saari, FOI Officer
Office of Information Resources Management
Maritime Administration
US Department of Transportation
400 7th St., SW
Washington, DC 20590 (202) 366-5807
This is an inventory of all US firms that own LASH and SEABEE barges. Requests for access to this data base, developed for use by the Maritime Administration, may be subject to Privacy Act regulations.
Department of Transportation Federal Data Bases
* BMCS Roadcheck Compliance Summary
Bureau of Motor Carrier Safety, HMC-10
US Department of Transportation
400 7th St., SW
Washington, DC 20590 (202) 366-2519
The system, updated daily, collects data from the MCS- 63 Driver-Vehicle Examination Reports and produces a master file for display of a summary of a given motor carrier's driver/vehicle inspection experience, usually by calendar year, while in the "display" mode of the motor carrier census system. Data is for internal use and will be made available to the public as authorized by the Administration. Contact the office listed above.#
Department of Transportation Federal Data Bases
* Boating Accident Report (BAR)
Policy Planning and Evaluation Staff (G-BP)
US Department of Transportation
2100 Second St., SW
Washington, DC 20593 (202) 267-2229
The system, updated monthly, provides annual statistical summaries on motorboat accidents. The principal data elements are case number, date, state, county, cause, facilities, injuries, operator age, vessel types, time, and environmental conditions. Thirty-two annual reports are generated by this system. One of them is The Coast Guard Boating Statistics. Coast Guard Boating Statistics is available upon request. Other data for internal use only.
Department of Transportation Federal Data Bases
* Boating Statistics
Policy Planning and Evaluation Staff (G-BP)
US Department of Transportation
2100 Second St., SW
Washington, DC 20593 (202) 267-2229
Boating Statistics reports on recreational boating activity in the United States and other areas under the jurisdiction of the US each year. Statistics on numbered vessels and reported accidents are included along with an estimate of the recreational vessel population. Only accidents involving death, injury, or more than $200 damage to property are reportable. The major statistics are the fatality count rate and damage, the type and cause of the accidents, and the national total of numbered vessels. Tables showing characteristics of the boats and operators involved in the accidents and the environment at the time of the accident are also included. Reports generated by this system are publicly available. Contact the office listed above.
Department of Transportation Federal Data Bases
* Canadian Transshipments
James E. Saari, FOI Officer
Office of Information Resources Management
Maritime Administration
US Department of Transportation
400 7th St., SW
Washington, DC 20590 (202) 366-5807
The volume of US imports and exports being shipped overseas through Canadian ports are profiled. Requests for access to this data base, developed for use by the Maritime Administration, may be subject to Privacy Act regulations.
Department of Transportation Federal Data Bases
* Cargo Preference System (CPS)
Maritime Administration
Office of Market Development
US Department of Transportation
400 7th St., SW
Washington, DC 20590 (202) 366-5517
The data elements in this base include the MARAD identification number, name of the vessel, its flag of registry, the date of loading, port of loading, port of discharge, a commodity description, the cargo weight in pounds, the total ocean freight revenue, the type of service operator, and the program identification. It is updated as information becomes available. For data in machine readable form, contact the office listed above.
Department of Transportation Federal Data Bases
* Catalog Master Record File FAA/DF-74/002
Federal Aviation Administration
Data Services Division, AAC-342
US Department of Transportation
PO Box 25082
Oklahoma City, OK 73125 (405) 680-3201
The Catalog Master Record File consists of the following directories: air taxi operators, pilot flight and ground schools, repair stations, aviation maintenance technical schools, parachute lofts, inspection authorization, designated mechanic examiner, and parachute rigger examiner. Contact the office listed above regarding copies of data on magnetic tape.
Department of Transportation Federal Data Bases
* CDS -- Prorated CDS Repayments
James E. Saari, FOI Officer
Office of Information Resources Management
Maritime Administration
US Department of Transportation
400 7th St., SW
Washington, DC 20590 (202) 366-5807
This system calculates the prorated CDS repayments required for each vessel operated in either the Alaskan-Panama oil trade or under Section 614 of the Act. Requests for access to this data base, developed for use by the Maritime Administration, may be subject to Privacy Act regulations.
Department of Transportation Federal Data Bases
* CDS -- Reconciliation Files
James E. Saari, FOI Officer
Office of Information Resources Management
Maritime Administration
US Department of Transportation
400 7th St., SW
Washington, DC 20590 (202) 366-5807
This system reconciles prorated CDS repayments required with CDS repayments received by MARAD for each vessel operated under Sec. 614 or in the Alaska-Panama oil trade. Requests for access to this data base, developed for use by the Maritime Administration, may be subject to Privacy Act regulations.
Department of Transportation Federal Data Bases
* CDS -- Total Unamortized CDS
James E. Saari, FOI Officer
Office of Information Resources Management
Maritime Administration
US Department of Transportation
400 7th St., SW
Washington, DC 20590 (202) 366-5807
From input data, this system calculates the total amount of unamortized CDS by vessel as of a specific date. Requests for access to this data base, developed for use by the Maritime Administration, may be subject to Privacy Act regulations.
Department of Transportation Federal Data Bases
* CDS -- Vessel Status
James E. Saari, FOI Officer
Office of Information Resources Management
Maritime Administration
US Department of Transportation
400 7th St., SW
Washington, DC 20590 (202) 366-5807
This data base monitors the status of Sec. 614 and Alaskan oil vessels. Requests for access to this data base, developed for use by the Maritime Administration, may be subject to Privacy Act regulations.
Department of Transportation Federal Data Bases
* CEN/DF-73-020 Truck Inventory and Use Survey, 1987 (In Progress)
Bureau of the Census
Data User Services Office
Washington, DC 20233 (202) 763-4100
Summary information is given on a sample of American trucks covering all 50 states and the District of Columbia, in complete detail except where individual operations would be revealed. Data include year of truck model, registered weight, state of registration, major use, principal products carried, annual and lifetime miles, vehicle body type and size, axle arrangement, maintenance, area of operation, size class, leasing arrangements and allied items. Data is available from the Census Office, listed above. The 1967 data is complete, and 1987 data is in progress.
Department of Transportation Federal Data Bases
* Census of US Civil Aircraft, 1964 - Present
Office of Management Systems
Federal Aviation Administration
US Department of Transportation
800 Independence Avenue
Washington, DC 20590 (202) 366-4000
This data base summarizes and analyzes annually all civil aircraft registered with FAA as of December 31 by type, manufacturers and model, state, county, and other characteristics. Data include detailed tabulations for air carrier aircraft, general aviation aircraft, and ten-year forecasts of aircraft counts. There are two master tabulations: total eligible and ineligible aircraft by manufacturer, and eligible civil aircraft by type, by state, and by county. Several graphs showing trends in aircraft counts are also included. Contact the office listed above for data available in microform or paper copy.
Department of Transportation Federal Data Bases
health services
Environmental management
toxic testing
Environmental sciences
toxicological research, testing and development
Transportation, Research and Special Programs Administration, Washington, DC 20590, (202) 366-4372.
* Accidents of Motor Carrier of Property
Bureau of Motor Carrier Safety, HMC-10
US Department of Transportation
400 7th St., SW
Washington, DC 20590 (202) 366-2519
This system, updated daily, enables online entry and retrieval of motor carrier accident data obtained from approximately 35,000 reports of accidents filed with BMCS annually by motor carriers subject to BMCS jurisdiction. Data is online for internal use and will be made available to the public as authorized by the Administration.
Department of Transportation Federal Data Bases
* Air Carrier Market Data and Statistics
Public Reference Room
Research and Special Programs Administration
US Department of Transportation
400 7th Street, SW, Room 4201
Washington, DC 20590 (202) 366-4888
Start with this office for market data financial information, and traffic statistics on air carrier passenger and cargo operations. Information is compiled by DOT from schedules that air carriers file, and some data is stored in a computerized data base. For the publication, Air Carrier Traffic Statistics, contact the Transportation Systems Center in Cambridge.
Department of Transportation Federal Data Bases
* Aircraft Designators
Supervisor, Data Systems Section
Federal Aviation Administration
National Flight Data Center, ATO-253
US Department of Transportation
800 Independence Avenue, SW
Washington, DC 20591 (202) 267-9268
The data base covers designators assigned to US as well as foreign-manufactured aircraft. Included is aircraft performance information along with model and manufacturer name. The data base is available to the public on magnetic tape. Upon written request to the above address, FAA-owned reels will be sent to you to copy and return. The charge for a one-time order is $36; subscription orders are also available.
Department of Transportation Federal Data Bases
* Aircraft Monthly Supplemental File
Federal Aviation Administration
Data Services Division, AC-340
US Department of Transportation
PO Box 25082
Oklahoma City, OK 73125 (405) 680-3201
This supplemental file to the Aircraft Registration Master File contains only the transactions (additions, changes, and cancellations) for a specific month. Only most recent file is available. Send written request to the office listed above to obtain copies of data.
Department of Transportation Federal Data Bases
* Aircraft Registration Master File
Federal Aviation Administration
Data Services Division, AC-340
US Department of Transportation
PO Box 25082
Oklahoma City, OK 73125
The file contains a listing of all civil aircraft registered in the United States. Information given includes data on the aircraft, the engine, the registrant, the base airport, the airworthiness, operation, use, and avionics equipment capability of the aircraft. Printouts are available at 25 cents per page from FAA, Flight Standards Technical Division, Aircraft Registration Branch, PO Box 25082, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73125 (Attn. AAC 250). To obtain copy on magnetic tape, send a written request to the Data Services Division, listed above.
Department of Transportation Federal Data Bases
* Air Industry Data Base System
Office of the Secretary, TAD-25
US Department of Transportation
400 7th St., SW
Washington, DC 20590 (202) 366-4000
The data, available in machine readable form, provide a record for each month for each flight segment of every commercially scheduled airline flight. They describe the originating and destination terminals, detail the aircraft configuration, and report upon utilization of the aircraft. Machine readable reports on activities between city pairs by frequency of flight, load factors, and number of people traveling are generated. Airborne and ground delay time reports are also produced. Contact the office listed above.
Department of Transportation Federal Data Bases
* Airline Data
Office of Aviation Information Management
Research and Special Program Administration
US Department of Transportation
400 7th Street, SW,, Room 4125
Washington, DC 20590 (202) 366-9059
The Aviation Information Management Agency (AIM) program collects information on the financial operations of air carriers. Government, industry, and the general public may access this information. Data base functions are housed at the Transportation Systems Center (see entry) but this office can serve as liaison for access to air carrier reports and data requiring DOT approval for release.#
Department of Transportation Federal Data Bases
* Airman Certificate Data
Federal Aviation Administration
Data Services Division, AAC-340
US Department of Transportation
PO Box 25082
Oklahoma City, OK 73125 (405) 680-3201
Information deals with the operation and performance of certificated airmen -- pilots, other flight crew members, instructors, mechanics, parachute riggers, control tower operators, and dispatchers. It includes accident involvement, violations, and written and practical examination results. Principal reports are: Airman Directory (hardcopy and machine-readable certification information), FAA Statistical Handbook of Aviation, US Civil Airmen Statistics, and listings of designated examiners (hard copy). To obtain copies of the data tape, send written request to the office listed above.
Department of Transportation Federal Data Bases
* Airman Directory File - 1973
Federal Aviation Administration
Data Services Division, AAC-340
US Department of Transportation
PO Box 25082
Oklahoma City, OK 73125 (405) 680-3201
The Airman Directory File, prepared semi-annually, gives residence, class of medical certificate, and class of airman certificate for each certified airman who has been issued a valid medical certificate within the past 25 months. Source documents are Federal Aviation Administration airman medical certificates and airman certificates. Contact above office in writing to obtain a copy of the file on magnetic tape.
Department of Transportation Federal Data Bases
* Air Route Traffic Control Center (ARTCC) Boundaries
Supervisor, Data Systems Section
Federal Aviation Administration
National Flight Data Center, ATO-253
US Department of Transportation
800 Independence Avenue, SW
Washington, DC 20591 (202) 267-9268
High and low boundaries that define each ARTCC's airspace are included. Data is presented in a point-to-point, latitude/longitude sequence. Also included are Oceanic Control Area/Flight Information Region (CTA/FIR) boundaries for US border areas. The data base is available to the public on magnetic tape. Upon written request to the above address, FAA-owned reels will be sent to you to copy and return. The charge for a one-time order is $36; subscription orders are also available.
Department of Transportation Federal Data Bases
* Air Route Traffic Control Center (ARTCC) Facilities and Frequencies
Supervisor, Data Systems Section
Federal Aviation Administration
National Flight Data Center, ATO-253
US Department of Transportation
800 Independence Avenue, SW
Washington, DC 20591 (202) 267-9268
Data includes all ARTCCs, their related facilities (Airport Route Surveillance Radar [ARSR], Remote Communications Air/Ground [RCAG], Center Radar Approach Control [CERAP], Secondary Radar [SECRA]), and frequencies used by those facilities. The data base is available to the public on magnetic tape. Upon written request to the above address, FAA-owned reels will be sent to you to copy and return. The charge for a one-time order is $36; subscription orders are also available.
Department of Transportation Federal Data Bases
* Airspace Fixes
Supervisor, Data Systems Section
Federal Aviation Administration
National Flight Data Center, ATO-253
US Department of Transportation
800 Independence Avenue, SW
Washington, DC 20591 (202) 267-9268
Named and numbered radio fixes used in airway navigation are covered. Data includes waypoints; reporting points; turning points; military fixes; ARTCC boundary crossing points; airway intersections; and positional, charting, and fix facility makeup. The data base is available to the public on magnetic tape. Upon written request to the above address, FAA-owned reels will be sent to you to copy and return. The charge for a one-time order is $36; subscription orders are also available.
Department of Transportation Federal Data Bases
* Airways
Supervisor, Data Systems Section
Federal Aviation Administration
National Flight Data Center, ATO-253
US Department of Transportation
800 Independence Avenue, SW
Washington, DC 20591 (202) 267-9268
Jet, Victor, and Colored airways for the United States and select border areas are included. Data is presented in a point-to-point, latitude/longitude sequence. It includes the navigation aid or airspace fix that defines the point, altitude information, and changeover points. The data base is available to the public on magnetic tape. Upon written request to the above address, FAA-owned reels will be sent to you to copy and return. The charge for a one-time order is $36; subscription orders are also available.
Department of Transportation Federal Data Bases
* Alaska North Slope Crude Oil Loadings
James E. Saari, FOI Officer
Office of Information Resources Management
Maritime Administration
US Department of Transportation
400 7th St., SW
Washington, DC 20590 (202) 366-5807
This is a record of tankers employed in Alaska North Slope Trade since 1983. Requests for access to this data base, developed for use by the Maritime Administration, may be subject to Privacy Act regulations.
Department of Transportation Federal Data Bases
* American Intermodal Inventory System
James E. Saari, FOI Officer
Office of Information Resources Management
Maritime Administration
US Department of Transportation
400 7th St., SW
Washington, DC 20590 (202) 366-5807
This is an inventory of all owned and leased equipment. Requests for access to this data base, developed for use by the Maritime Administration, may be subject to Privacy Act regulations.
Department of Transportation Federal Data Bases
* Automated Ship Design System
James E. Saari, FOI Officer
Office of Information Resources Management
Maritime Administration
US Department of Transportation
400 7th St., SW
Washington, DC 20590 (202) 366-5807
This is a system of computer programs covering ship design and ship economics calculations; analyses; and geometric, structural, statistic and dynamic considerations. Requests for access to this data base, developed for use by the Maritime Administration, may be subject to Privacy Act regulations.
Department of Transportation Federal Data Bases
Department of Transportation
400 ed items. Data is available from the Census Office, listed above. The 1967 data is complete, and 1987 data is in progress.
Department of Transportation Federal Data Bases
* Foreign Living Costs--Allowances and Differentials Program
Erle Curtis
Allowances Staff
US Department of State
Washington, DC 20520 (703) 875-6855
This system measures cost of living, cost of permanent housing, cost of temporary lodging, and cost of dependents education in foreign areas where US government employees are assigned. Based on analysis of costs, appropriate rates of allowances and travel per diem are established to reimburse employees for extraordinary costs of living. Basic reports contain 700 prices for 200 different items. About 700 foreign locations are rated. Information available to the public through publications include: US Department of State Indexes of Living Costs Abroad, Quarterly Allowances, Hardship Differentials, Standardized Regulations (Government Civilians, Foreign Areas), and Maximum Per Diem Allowances for Foreign Areas.
Department of State Federal Data Bases
* Foreign Service Institute Cost Accounting System (MCAS)
Joan Martin
Project Manager
US Department of State Foreign Service
1800 North Kent St., Room 1100
Rosslyn, VA 22209 (703) 524-1188
Accounting, budgeting, property, reimbursements, and enrollment data are contained in one integrated system. The system provides for periodic input and update information. Data elements cover the detailed information from student application forms, test information, and cost factors from budgetary, allotment and accrual accounting. Requests for information contained in the data base must be made through the Freedom of Information Act Office. The costs for obtaining the information is charged according to a fee schedule of: professional time at $12.00 per hour, clerical time at $7.00 and reproduction of documents at $.10 per page.
Department of State Federal Data Bases
* Immigrant Control and Reporting System (ICARS)
Bureau of Consular Affairs
US Department of State
2201 C St., NW, CA/EX Room 4820A
Washington, DC 20520 (202) 647-1272
The data base contains the demand for immigrant numbers worldwide qualified applicants, and the total immigrant visa allocations for each foreign country and is accumulated from the immigrant visa demand reports submitted monthly by the Foreign Service posts abroad and the Immigration and Naturalization Service. Requests for information contained in the data base must be made through the Freedom of Information Act Office. The costs for obtaining the information is charged according to a fee schedule of: professional time at $12.00 per hour, clerical time at $7.00 per hour and reproduction of documents at $.10 per page.
Department of State Federal Data Bases
* Immigrant Visa Applicant Control System (IVACS)
Bureau of Consular Affairs
US Department of State
2201 C St., NW, CA/EX Room 4820 A
Washington, DC 20520 (202) 647-1272
The data base contains administrative and personal data about prospective immigrants to the United States, including principal country for quota chargeability, visa classification, required background checks, and visa processing actions. Requests for information contained in the data base must be made through the Freedom of Information Act Office. The costs for obtaining the information is charged according to a fee schedule of : professional time at $12.00 per hour, clerical time at $7.00 per hour and reproduction of documents at $.10 per page.
Department of State Federal Data Bases
* Immigration and Naturalization Service Financial Accounting Control System
Wayne Judkins
Chief, Reports and Systems Section
Office of the Comptroller
Department of Justice
Immigration and Naturalization Service
425 I St., NW, Room 6321
Washington, DC 20536 (202) 633-3400
The records in this system reflect the monetary results of financial transactions classified as to resources, liabilities, government equity, and income and expenditures for the current fiscal year. Reports reflect financial results of operations, status of the appropriation and selective financial data. Contact the office above for more information on this system.
Department of State Federal Data Bases
* Immigrant and Naturalization Service Work Measurement Report System
Robert Warren
Director, Statistical Analysis
Immigration and Naturalization Service
425 I St., NW, Room 6100
Washington, DC 20536 (202) 376-3008
The data in this system are collected from the daily activity and time reports maintained by individual employees and other agency records. Handwritten statistical reports are prepared monthly, semiannually, and annually. Field operations are summarized by district, sector, region, and servicewide. Contact the office above for more information on this system.
Department of State Federal Data Bases
* Munitions Control Data Base System
James DePalma
Office of Munitions Control
Bureau of Politico-Military Affairs
US Department of State
Washington, DC 20520 (703) 875-7391
The system is designed to record licenses issued authorizing the export of US munitions, list equipment to foreign countries and international organizations, and record the exports against said licenses. Information in the system pertaining to equipment authorized for export includes applicant/licensee, license number, date issued/shipped, quantity, and commodity value. Requests for information contained in the data base must be made through the Freedom of Information Act Office. The cost of obtaining the information is charged according to a fee schedule of: professional time at $12.00 per hour, clerical time at $7.00 and reproduction of documents at $.10 per page.#
Department of State Federal Data Bases
* Nonimmigrant Visa Computer-Assisted Processing System
Bureau of Consular Affairs
US Department of State
2201 C St., NW, CA/EX Room 4820A
Washington, DC 20520 (202) 647-1272
The input for this system consists of visa applications including name, date of birth, passport country, type of visa issued, or reason for refusal. Data on applications for the most recent month are online and immediately retrievable. Data are maintained on tape for one year or longer. Requests for information contained in the data base must be made through the Freedom of Information Act office. The costs for obtaining the information is charged according to a fee schedule of; professional time at $12.00 per hour, clerical time at $7.00 per hour and reproduction of documents at $.10 per page.
Department of State Federal Data Bases
* Overseas Security Advisory Council
Bureau of Diplomatic Security
US Department of State
2201 C St., NW
Washington, DC 20520 (202) 647-2762
Overseas Security Advisory Council was established to promote security for American business interests abroad. Besides regular meetings to plan and exchange information, OSAC also sends threat advisories and general security information to more than 700 companies, and is now providing this information through a computer information data base.
Department of State Federal Data Bases
* Passport Files Miniaturization Project (PFM)
Bureau of Consular Affairs
US Department of State
2201 C St., NW, CA/EX Room 4820A
Washington, DC 20520 (202) 647-1272
The system consists of citizenship and personal data, including a photograph supplied by the passport applicant. The key elements of this data are:name, sex, date of birth, place of birth, date passport was issued, and passport number. Query capability is by passport number or bearer's name. The rate of passport applications is projected at approximately 3.6 million yearly and 10% annual rate of growth. Requests for information contained in the data base must be made through the Freedom of Information Act office. The costs for obtaining the information is charged according to a fee schedule of: professional time at $12.00 per hour, clerical time at $7.00 per hour and reproduction of documents at $.10 per page.
Department of State Federal Data Bases
* Travel Document Issuance System (TDIS)
Bureau of Consular Affairs
US Department of State
2201 C St., NW, CA/EX Room 4820A
Washington, DC 20520 (202) 647-1272
This file is designed to facilitate the clearance process and associated issuance of a US passport to eligible American citizens and nationals. The name, date and place of birth,sex and mailing address of the passport application are entered into the system. Requests for information contained in TDIS must be made through the Freedom of Information Act office by contacting: Information and Privacy Act Office, Room 1239 at the address above.
Department of State Federal Data Bases
State Data File Available from NTIS
National Technical Information Service
US Department of Commerce
Springfield, VA 22161
(703) 487-4807
FAX (703) 321-8547
Listed below is a data file available from the National Technical Information Service. Call the office above for ordering and cost information.
Department of State Federal Data Bases
* Registration List of Munitions Manufacturers and Exporters (PB87-194403/XDD) (See NTIS)
The Registration List of the Manufacturers and Exporters of Munitions contains the names of companies which have registered with the Department of State in accordance with the provisions of the Arms Export Control Act and the International Traffic in Arms Regulations (ITAR). The companies in theRegistration List are those which have obtained licenses for the manufacture or export of munitions or both as required by the ITAR. In addition to the Registration List, the following lists are included: (1) Washington area representatives of munitions manufacturers and exporters; (2) associations connected to munitions manufacture and export; (3) US customs offices; (4) military offices related to munitions export; and (5) foreign embassies.
Department of State Federal Data Bases
Department of Transportation Fed
Transportation Federal Data Bases
* A-76 Cost Comparison Form
James E. Saari, FOI Officer
Office of Information Resources Management
Maritime Administration
US Department of Transportation
400 7th St., SW
Washington, DC 20590 (202) 366-5807
From input data, this system calculates all subcosts and all total costs related to the A-76 Cost Comparison Form. Requests for access to this data base, developed for use by the Maritime Administration, may be subject to Privacy Act regulations.
Department of Transportation Federal Data Bases
Department of Transportation Fed
Federal Mediation and Conciliati
* Accident Data, Federal Railroad Administration
US Department of Transportation
Federal Railroad Administration
400 7th St., SW
Washington, DC 20590 (202) 366-0895
These tapes, updated annually, include the following information: train code, district, road number, class of accident, damages to equipment and track, train speed, number of train cars, method of operation, kind of defect, explosives, cause of accident, day of week, hour, weather, part of train struck, crossing and operation protection, visibility, illumination, auto speed, stalled or stopped, motor carrier act, defect or negligence, trespassers killed or hurt, trainmen killed or hurt, other employees on duty killed or hurt, and passengers killed or hurt. A summary report is published annually. Contact the office listed above.
Department of Transportation Federal Data Bases
* Accident Data, Federal Railroad Administration
US Department of Transportatition Federal Data Bases
* Aviation Policy
Information Sy4b
* Industry Labor Turnover - National: 1930 to Date (Updated Monthly) (PB82-948400/XDD) (See NTIS)
The Labor Turnover program produces data through a cooperative Federal-State venture. Each month State employment security agencies collect data on labor turnover actions from a sample of establishments drawn from a list of those subject to State unemployment insurance programs. Labor turnover refers to the gross movement of wage and salary workers into and out of employed status with respect to individual establishments. Series for accessions and separations express these actions as a rate per 100 employees. Separate rate are computed for component items of these series: new hires and recalls, quits and layoffs. Almost 1,600 published monthly series are available for 248 manufacturing industries and for 12 mining and communication industries. Rates are available for manufacturing from 1930 and for telephone and telegraph from 1943. For industry groups and individual industries in the manufacturing and mining divisions, all series begin in 1958. Seasonally adjusted series for manufacturing, commencing in 1930 complete the published series.
Department of Labor Federal Data Bases
* Labor Force - National: 1948 to Date (Updated Monthly) (PB82-948000/XDD) (See NTIS)
The Current Population Survey (CPS) produces information about employment, unemployment, and non-participation in the labor force, classified by a variety of demographic, social and economic characteristics. The CPS is a nation-wide monthly sample of households and is designed to represent the civilian non=institutional population, 16 years and older. These data are compiled and aggregated by personal and labor force characteristics. Presently, there are approximately 25,000 labor force series available each month. Major employment status series - civilian labor force, employed, unemployed, and the unemployment rate - are defined by race, age, sex, industrial and occupational classification, class of worker and other characteristics. Also available are selected series for total and civilian non-institutional population and the status of those not in the labor force.
Department of Labor Federal Data Bases
* National Labor Surplus Area (LSA) Zip Code File, January 1985 (PB85-157360/XDD) (See NTIS)
The labor surplus area (LSA) program gives preference or priority to businesses located in areas with high unemployment in the award of Federal contracts. The Labor Surplus Area Zip Code Reference file makes it possible to use the zip code in a firm's address as a way of determining LSA eligibility. The US Department of Labor (DOL) supplied the list of LSAs used to prepare this file. This list consists of areas classified as LSA's by DOL. The automated source for zip code was the Federal Information Processing Standards Publication 55 (FIPS PUB 55) dated February 2, 1982. Its title is Codes for Named Populated Places and Related Entities of the States of the United States. Data obtained from the FIPS PUB 55 is subject to the limitations stated in that document. In addition, there was also a need for a manual source for zip codes, and the United States Postal Service Zip Code Directory for 1983 was used for that purpose. This reference is only as accurate as the sources from which it was drawn. Properly used, it can be a helpful tool in making LSA set-aside and subcontracting decisions. Users are cautioned not to rely solely on the zip code in determining a firm's eligibility. Zip codes and labor surplus areas do not always share the same boundaries. For example, a zip code can include parts of two counties, one of which is classified as a LSA and one of which is not. Therefore, it is possible hat a firm which has a zip code appearing in this reference may not actually be in an LSA. In addition, a zip code may identify a businesses' headquarters offices which are located in an LSA, while the actual point of production or plant facility may or may not be in an LSA. Therefore, this list should be used as a starting point in locating eligible LSA firms. Businesses which have been identified by use of this list should be contacted to verify their LSA status.
Department of Labor Federal Data Bases
* Pennsylvania Continuous Wage and Benefit History (PB-289 909/4/XDD) (See NTIS)
The Pennsylvania Continuous Wage and Benefit History (PA-CWBH) data is drawn from the administrative records maintained by the Pennsylvania Bureau of Employment Security. This data base contains detailed longitudinal histories of both the employment and unemployment experience of 0.6 percent of the workers who claimed unemployment insurance benefits in Pennsylvania from 1966 to 1968. Work histories describe employment and earnings for 1967-1970. Claim histories describe benefits paid for claims established in 1966-1968. Over 4.000 workers are included in the file. The data are contained on one reel of magnetic tape. The data tape is 9 track, EBCDIC, 1600 bpi, with standard labels suitable for use with IBM and most other computers. A code book which describes the data set in detail accompanies the tape.
Department of Labor Federal Data Bases
* Producer Price Index: 1947 to Date (Updated Monthly) (PB82-948600/XDD) (See NTIS)
The Producer Price Index (PPI) is a measure of price changes for goods sold in primary markets in the United States. The universe for the PPI covers manufactured and processed goods and the output of industries classified as manufacturing, agriculture, forestry, fishing, mining, gas and electricity, public utilities and goods competitive with those made in the producing sector, such as waste and scrap materials. To the extent possible, the prices used in constructing the PPI are those that apply to the first significant commercial transaction in the United States. The classification system follows commodity lines. Products are grouped by similarity of end-use or material composition. The PPI classification does not match any other standard classification. BLS collects over 10,000 price quotations each month covering 2,700 commodities and commodity groups, most beginning in 1974 or earlier. these data are obtained from reports submitted by individual producers supplemented with information appearing in trade publications or obtained through programs of other government agencies.
Department of Labor Federal Data Bases
* Productivity and Safety Data for 535 Coal Mines, 1975-79 (PB82-191701/XDD) (See NTIS)
The first ten files contain Mine Safety and Health Administration raw data for the period 1975-1979covering address and employment at each mine and accident and injury records. The last file is a SAS data set used in the report The Effects of Mine Safety and Health Administration Enforcement on the Cost of Underground Coal Mining.
Department of Labor Federal Data Bases
* Standard Occupational Classification Manual 1980 (SOC) (PB81-162513/XDD) (See NTIS)
The SOC provides a statistical classification system for occupations that should make statistics compiled by different agencies much more comparable, as the Standard Industrial Classification does for industries. This 548-page Manual was developed to fill the need for a standard classification to be used in Federal and other programs in which occupational data were collected. The SOC, with over 600 occupational groups, in four levels, is not expected to meet all the needs of all agencies but rather it is intended to be used as the framework which all surveys should use to provide comparability at some level with other occupational statistics. The system includes all occupations in which work is performed for pay or profit including family members in family-operated businesses. The SOC can be related to Dictionary of Occupational Titles, which was developed primarily for job placement and job analysis.
Department of Labor Federal Data Bases
* Unemployment and Labor Force - State and Area: 1974 to Date (Updated Monthly) (PB82-948300/XDD) (See NTIS)
Unemployment estimates for States and local areas are developed by State employment security agencies to measure local labor market conditions under a Federal-State cooperative program. These estimates are derived from a variety of sources including unemployment insurance claims and ratios reflecting historical relationships between covered unemployment and covered employment, and between entrants into the labor force and the experienced unemployed and experienced labor force. Monthly Unemployment and Labor Force series are available for approximately 5,600 geographic areas, including cities over 25,000 population, countries, SMSA's, States, and special administrative areas. For each area, the following estimates are presented: total civilian labor force, total number of people employed, total number of people unemployed, and unemployment rate. These series begin in 1975 for State-wide data, 1979 for administrative areas, and 1975 for all other sub-State areas.
Department of Labor Federal Data Bases
Department of State Federal Data
State Federal Data Bases
* Automated Visa Lookout System (AVLOS)
Betty Swope
US Department of State
Bureau of Consular Affairs
2201 C St., NW, CA/EX Room 4820A
Washington, DC 20520 (202) 647-3118
This system includes persons previously denied visas, persons in whom US security and law enforcement agencies have an interest, or violators of the Immigration and Nationality Act. AVLOS is a computerized file of some 2.0 million names. The system lists the individual's name, date of birth, place of birth, reasons for entry and office which entered the name into the system on request. Requests for information contained in the data base must be made through the Freedom of Information Act office. The costs for obtaining the information is charged according to a fee schedule of: professional time at $17.00 per hour, clerical time at $8.00 per hour and reproduction of documents at $.10 per page.
Department of State Federal Data Bases
Department of State Federal Data
Export-Import Bank of the US
Government Printing Office
* Case Act Compliance
Sondra Foggie
Office of Legal Advisor
US Department of State
2201 C St., NW, Room 5420
Washington, DC 20520 (202) 647-4452
The system provides the texts of international agreements other than treaties concluded by the United States. The agreements, concluded on a wide variety of subjects (sales of agricultural commodities, aviation, scientific and technical cooperation, and trade, etc.), may consist of exchanges of notes or be signed agreements. In 1983, 335 agreements were added to the system. Request for information contained in the data base must be made through the Freedom of Information Act office. The costs for obtaining the information is charged according to a fee schedule of: professional time at $12.00 per hour, clerical time at $7.00 per hour and reproduction of documents at $.10 per page.
Department of State Federal Data Bases
* Citizen Services System
Information & Privacy Coordinator
Bureau of Consular Affairs
US Department of State
2201 C St., NW, CA/EX Room 4820A
Washington, DC 20520 (202) 647-6620
This system contains data on American citizens residing or visiting foreign countries. The files are maintained to enable the post to notify citizens in emergencies and to record services provided to citizens. The data base contains administrative and personal details about citizens. The formal registration file is maintained for five years after the last activity in the file. In addition to report capabilities, the system can generate lists of citizens registered at each post. Requests for information contained in the data base must be made through the Freedom of Information Act Office. Costs for obtaining the information is charged according to a fee schedule of: professional time at $17.00 per hour, clerical time at $8.00 per hour and reproduction of documents at $.10 per page.
Department of State Federal Data Bases
* Consular Arrest System
US Department of State
Bureau of Consular Affairs
2201 C St., NW, CA/EX Room 4820A
Washington, DC 20520 (202) 647-1272
This data base maintains current information on Americans in prison in foreign countries in order to respond to requests for this information from the Congress, other federal government agencies, and the public. The file contains up to 71 data elements covering personal identity data, arrest information, judicial status of the case, and reports on the personal welfare of the prisoner. There are approximately 21,000 active and inactive cases in the data file. Requests for information contained in the data base must be made through the Freedom of Information Act office. The cost for obtaining the information is charged according to a fee schedule of: professional time at $12.00 per hour, clerical time at $7.00 per hour, and reproduction of documents at $.10 per page.
Department of State Federal Data Bases
* Consular Package
Bureau of Consular Affairs
US Department of State
2201 C St., NW, CA/EX Room 4820A
Washington, DC 20520 (202) 647-1272
This data base contains a worldwide statistical composite of the State department's overseas consular workload, used as a management tool to review consular workloads in the field. The principal output is a composite consular package prepared annually for the appropriate fiscal year budget submission. All data are available through manual extraction by post, geographic areas, or worldwide. Requests for information contained in the data base must be made through the Freedom of Information Act Office. The costs for obtaining the information is charged according to a fee schedule of: reproduction time at $12.00 per hour, clerical time at $7.00 and reproduction of documents at $.10 per page.
Department of State Federal Data Bases
* Financial Management System
Joan Martin
Project Manager
US Department of State
1800 North Kent St., Room 1100
Rosslyn, VA 22209 (703) 524-1188
The system provides management with financial data for acquiring and effectively managing the Department's resources. Source documents are processed daily and fed into the Department's Financial Management System from which daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, and annual reports are prepared. Documents consisting of funds, obligations, and liquidations are also processed at the US foreign posts or through one of the three overseas regional finance centers located in Paris, Bangkok, and Mexico City. Requests for information contained in the data base must be through the Freedom of Information Act Office. The costs for obtaining the information is charged according to a fee schedule of: professional time at $12.00 per hour, clerical time at $7.00 per hour and reproduction of documents at $.10 per page.
Department of State Federal Data Bases
* Foreign Affairs Information System (FAIS)
Sidney Blakely
Information Technology Planning Staff
US Department of State
3005 Massachusetts Ave., NW, Room 205
Washington, DC 20008 (202) 673-6394
This system is an automated central repository for the text and indices to virtually all Department of State documents, including telegrams, and indices (called citations) to those telegrams, as well as indices to paper based correspondence such as airgrams, letters, memos, and diplomatic notes. Requests for information contained in the data base must be made through the Freedom of Information Act Office. The costs for obtaining the information is charged according to a fee schedule of: professional time at $12.00 per hour, clerical time at $7.00 per hour and reproduction of documents at $.10 per page.
Department of State Federal Data Bases
* Foreign Affairs Information System (FAIS)
Sidney Blakely
Information Technology Planning Staff
US Department of State
3005 Massachusetts Ave., NW, Room 205
Washington, DC 20008 (202) 673-6394
This system is an automated central repository for the text and indices to virtu
* Work Stoppages, 1953-1981, Historical File: Private and Public Sector Strikes
Department of Labor Federal Data Bases
Labor Data Files Available from NTIS
National Technical Information Service
US Department of Commerce
Springfield, VA 22161
(703) 487-4807
FAX (703) 321-8547
Listed below are data files available from the National Technical Information Service. Call the office above for ordering and cost information.
Department of Labor Federal Data Bases
* Arizona Employment and Unemployment Data of the Continuous Wage and Benefit History (PB-291 001/6/XDD) (See NTIS)
The Arizona Employment and Unemployment Data Set (AZEUD) is made up of information drawn from the administrative records of government agencies in two separate samples: A 20% sample of workers who applied for unemployment insurance (UI) in Arizona from 1963 to 1971; A 1% sample of the Arizona labor force from 1957 to 1972. The 20% sample is drawn from the Continuous Wage and Benefit History (CWBH) data set maintained by the Arizona Bureau of Employment Security. This data base contains detailed longitudinal histories of both the employment and unemployment experience of workers who claimed UI benefits in Arizona from 1963 to 1971. About 40,000 workers are included in the file. The 1% sample is derived from the Social Security Administration's Longitudinal Employee-Employer Data file (LEED). The data base contains detailed longitudinal histories of the employment experience of workers covered by Social Security who were employed in Arizona from 1957-1972. There is no explicit indicator of whether or not this sample claimed unemployment insurance. About 25,000 workers are included in this file. The data are contained in two reels of magnetic tape. The data tapes are 9 track, EBCDIC, 1600 bpi, with standard labels suitable for use with IBM and most other computers. A code book which describes the data set in detail accompanies the tapes. Only the CWBH data is available from NTIS. The LEED data must be obtained directly from the Center for Naval Analyses.
Department of Labor Federal Data Bases
* CLMS (Continuous Longitudinal Manpower Survey) Public Use Tape of Selected March 1976 CPS Data (CPS-1) (PB80-211352/XDD) (See NTIS)
The CPS-1 public use data tape is one of three sets of tapes containing data from the Continuous Longitudinal Manpower Survey (CLMS) being released in July 1980. The CLMS is the major data development effort of the US Department of Labor for evaluation of the decentralized employment and training programs funded under the Comprehensive Employment and Training Act (CETA). The CPS-1 tape contains approximately 80,000 person records selected from the annual demographic file of the March 1976 Current Population Survey (CPS). To the records on the file, annual earnings (1951-1977) as reported to the Social Security Administration have been appended. This file may be used to develop comparison groups for estimates of CETA's impacts.
Department of Labor Federal Data Bases
* Consumer Price Index: 1913 to Date (Updated Monthly) (PB82-948500/XDD) (See NTIS)
The Consumer Price Index (CPI) is a statistical measure of change, over time, of the prices of goods and services in major expenditure groups - such as food, housing, apparel, transportation, and health and recreation - typically purchased by urban consumers. Essentially, it measures the purchasing power of consumers' dollars by comparing what a sample market basket of goods and services costs with what the same sample market basket cost at an earlier reference date. This reference date is designated as the base period. The revised CPI introduced by the BLS in 1978 includes indexes for two populations: urban wage earners and clerical workers; and all urban consumers. The urban wage earners and clerical workers index represents the buying habits of about 40 percent of the noninstitutional, civilian population. The all urban consumers index covers about 80 percent of the population by including the following groups: the self-employed; professional, managerial, and technical workers; short-term workers; the unemployed; retirees; and other not in the labor force. US average indexes for both populations are available monthly for 357 consumer items and groups of items. Indexes for both populations are available for 28 urban places for 64 items. Regional indexes for both populations are available for four regions with about 100 items. Five city-size indexes for both populations are available with 89 items and groups per class.
Department of Labor Federal Data Bases
* Data Tape for Battelle Study of "Employment Related Health Benefits in Private Non-farm Business Establishments in the US" (PB81-211104/XDD) (See NTIS)
The data were collected for a study which set out to analyze the factors that determine whether firms offer group health plans to their employees and to describe the characteristics of firms with and without plans. The findings present characteristics of the health benefits offered to employees and of employees covered and not covered by group health plans.
Department of Labor Federal Data Bases
* Dictionary of Occupational Titles, 4th Edition, and 1986 DOT Supplement (PB87-194528/XDD) (See NTIS)
This is the master file for the fourth edition of the Dictionary of Occupational Titles (available from GPO, SN 029-013-00079-9). It is a comprehensive compilation of 12,099 coded (9-digits) job definitions classified in nine defined major categories, 82 defined 2-digit divisions, and 559 defined 3-digit groups. More than 28,800 job titles are in the file. Also included are master titles and definitions, term titles and definitions, glossary terms, and 220 industry designation definitions. Each job definition is rated for estimated interests, aptitudes, general educational development, specific vocational preparation, and temperaments worker traits requirements, and for the physical demands and environmental conditions of the job. The file also includes 6-digit codes of Guide for Occupational Exploration groupings, the 3-digit 1970 Census of Population Occupation codes, and the 4-digit 1977 Standard Occupational Classification codes. Titles appear also in Guide for Occupational Exploration and Selected Characteristics of Occupations published by US Department of Labor and in Standard Occupational Classification Manual published by US Department of Commerce.
Department of Labor Federal Data Bases
* Employee Welfare Benefit Plans and Plan Sponsors in the Private Non-farm Sector in the US, 1978-79 (PB82-191719) (See NTIS)
The data were collected for a study performed by Battelle Human Affairs Research Centers. The purpose of the study was to collect comprehensive data on the sponsors of employee welfare benefit plans and types of benefits offered. The study surveyed 2,400 sponsors of welfare plans in 1978-79 and examined the characteristics of their plans. According to the study, employee benefit plans currently provide a broader range of major medical, dental, eye care, prescription drug, and X-ray benefits to workers than they did in 1974. In addition, 70 percent of all private US workers were covered by employee welfare benefit plans in 1978-79. An estimated 1.7 million employers, employee organization and joint union-management boards sponsored these plans.
Department of Labor Federal Data Bases
* Employment Opportunity Pilot Project (EOPP), Employer and Household Data Base (PB83-251181/XDD) (See NTIS)
The tape is data base for two projects: (1) Baseline Household Surveys for the Employment Opportunity Pilot Projects (EOPP) DLETA 20-24-79-23. The tape contains the household baseline data. The survey covered 10 pilot sites and 10 control sites that were chosen to match each pilot site. Approximately 1,900 families were interviewed in the pilot sites and 900 more families were interviewed at each control site for a total of 29,620 families. (2) Labor Market Effects of the Employment Opportunity Pilot Projects, DLETA 20-06-80-11. The tape contains the information from employers in ten locations throughout the United States who were surveyed to determine their hiring behavior of low-income individuals.
Department of Labor Federal Data Bases
* Export and Import Price Indexes: 1970 to Date (Updated Quarterly) (PB82-948900/XDD) (See NTIS)
The export price indexes measure price changes for products produced in the US and sold to residents of other countries. The import price indexes measure changes in the prices paid by US residents for goods produced in other countries and imported into the US. The products covered are concentrated in machinery and equipment, chemicals, crude materials, and some intermediate products. Plans are to extend coverage to all major categories of US imports and exports in the next few years. Price data are obtained directly from exporters and importers residing in the US and represent transaction pries in the third month of each calendar quarter for the products which are reported. Export and import product samples yield quarterly price indexes publishable at the 4- and 5-digit level and higher level aggregates of the Standard International Trade Classification System, a product classification scheme developed by the United Nations. Export and/or import price indexes, with a combined total of about 100 commodities, are available on a quarterly basis beginning in 1974. Index series for June of each year covering the period before 1974 are available for most series. Also available are over-the-quarter percent change series.
Department of Labor Federal Data Bases
* FSB Follow-Up Study Public Use File (1975-77) (PB-294 476/7/XDD) (See NTIS)
The data tape contains data on 1,500 Federal Supplemental Benefits (FSB) recipients and 500 Extended Benefits (EB) recipients who collected these benefits in 1975. Data on these individuals labor market activity, unemployment compensation receipt and household income were collected in two interviews. One interview was conducted in March 1976 and one in November 1977. The labor market data cover an approximately three year time period for each individual. The sample came from 15 states and was chosen to be representative of the National FSB and EB populations.
Department of Labor Federal Data Bases
* FSB/SUA Public Use File (1975-76) (PB-294 478/3/XDD) (See NTIS)
The data tape contains data on approximately 12,000 recipients of Federal Supplemental Benefits (FSB) or Special Unemployment Assistance (SUA) during 1975. The data comes from state records and an interview conducted in March 1976. Extensive data is available on labor market activity, unemployment compensation receipt and household income.
Department of Labor Federal Data Bases
* Imports - By Tariff Commodity Class: 1968 to Date (Updated Quarterly) (PB82-948800/XDD) (See NTIS)
BLS receives reports (IM-145) from the Bureau of the Census containing the value and quantity of imported commodities classified by the 7-digit Tariff Schedules of the United States Anisor Statis StatisStatisatis StatisStatisnotated (TSUSA). These reports of customs values and quantities of imports are summarized to quarterly and annual measures on a TSUSA basis. Beginning with statistics for 1978, the timing of the statistical month for recording imports was changed from the date of entry (DOE) - the date the documents were filed - to the date of importation (DOI) - the date the shipment actually entered the US. Therefore, caution should be used in comparing current data with data for 1977 and prior years.
Department of Labor Federal Data Bases
* Imports - Industrial Commodity Classes (1972 SIC): 1972 to Date (Updated Quarterly) (PB83-948700/XDD) (See NTIS)
BLS receives reports (IM-145) from the Bureau of the Census containing the value and quantity of imported commodities classified by the Tariff Schedules of the United States Annotated (TSUSA). These reports are summarized by customs value to quarterly and annual commodity measures on a 4-digit 1972 Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) basis. Value-based ratios of imports to new supply (US product shipments plus imports) are calculated annually for 4-digit SIC-based commodity import groups. Beginning with statistics for 1978, the timing of the statistical month for recording imports was changed from the date of entry (DOE) - filing date of documents - to the date of importation (DOI) - date the shipment actually entered the United States. Therefore, caution should be exercised in relating current data with data for 1977 and prior years. The import industrial commodity classes survey, based on the 1972 SIC, has 414 quarterly and annual import value series on a 4-digit SIC basis, beginning in 1975. Annual ratios of imports to new supply for 347 4-digit (1972) SIC manufacturing commodity import groups are available beginning in 1972.
Department of Labor Federal Data Bases
* Industry Employment, Hours, and Earnings - National: 1909 to Date (Updated Monthly) (PB82-948100/XDD) (See NTIS)
The Current Employment Statistics Program provides employment, hours of work, and earnings information on a national basis in considerable industrial detail. BLS cooperates with State agencies in collecting data each month from a sample of establishments in all non-agricultural activities including government. The data include series for total employment, number of women employed, number of production or non-supervisory workers, average hourly earnings, average weekly hours, average weekly earnings, and average weekly overtime hours in manufacturing industries. A sample of about 160,000 employer units covering 40 percent of total payroll employment is utilized for this monthly mail survey. For hours and earnings of production or non-supervisory workers in private non-agricultural industries, the sample contains 145,000 employer units. All employment, hours and earnings series are classified according to the 1972 Standard Industrial Classification (SIC).
Department of Labor Federal Data Bases
* Industry Employment, Hours, and Earnings - State and Area: 1939 to Date (Updated Monthly) (PB82-948200/XDD) (See NTIS)
The Current Employment Statistics program, as a joint Federal-State undertaking, generates State and area statistics on employment, hours, and earnings. State agencies collect data each month from a sample of establishments in all non-agricultural activities including government. From these data, a large number of series on employment, hours, and earnings in considerable industrial detail are published monthly by each of the 50 States and the District of Columbia. Those industries which reflect significant economic activities are selected for publication. All employment, hours, and earnings series, State and area, are classified according to the 1972 standard industrial classification (SIC). For total payroll employment, over 8,800 series of monthly data are available. They cover each State and 241 major labor areas, most of which are Standard Metropolitan Statistical Areas (SMSA). About 10,000 monthly series covering production or non-supervisory workers' average weekly earnings, average weekly hours, and average hourly earnings for each State and 206 major labor areas are reported.
Department of Labor Federal Data Bases
ment of Labor Federal Data Bases
ormation is charged according to a fee schedule of: professional time at $12.00 per hour, clerical time at $7.00 per hour and reproduction of documents at $.10 per page.
Department of State Federal Data Bases
* Productivity: Foreign Productivity and Labor Cost Statistics
Bureau of Labor Statistics
US Department of Labor
441 G Street, NW
Washington, DC 20212 (202) 523-7827
This is available on a diskette. It includes annual indexes of manufacturing labor productivity, unit labor costs, and related measures for the United States and 11 other industrial countries from 1950, and annual indexes of unit labor costs and related measures for Korea and Taiwan, from 1970. All are to the most recent year for which data are available. $38 (1) $61 (2). For information on the subject matter contact Christopher Kask, (202) 523-9301.
Department of Labor Federal Data Bases
* Productivity: Major Sector Labor and Multifactor Productivity
Bureau of Labor Statistics
US Department of Labor
441 G Street, NW
Washington, DC 20212 (202) 523-7827
This is available on a diskette. It contains sixty-three quarterly labor productivity and cost measures for business, nonfarm business, nonfinancial corporations, and manufacturing from 1947 to the most recent quarter. It also contains 24 annual multifactor productivity measures (output per unit of combined labor and capital inputs) and related measures for private business, private nonfarm business, and manufacturing from 1948 to the most recent year. $38 (1) $198 (8). For information on the subject matter contact Lawrence Fulco, (202) 523-9261.
Department of Labor Federal Data Bases
* Productivity and Cost Indexes
Bureau of Labor Statistics
US Department of Labor
441 G Street, NW
Washington, DC 20212 (202) 523-7827
This is available on magnetic tape and cartridge tape. It contains 1977-based indexes of 15 labor productivity and cost measures are available for business; nonfarm business; nonfinancial corporations; manufacturing, durable goods; and manufacturing, nondurable goods. Approximately 200 series, most quarterly and some annual only, begin with data for 1947. Multifactor productivity indexes for private business, private nonfarm business and manufacturing also are included. All inquiries may be addressed to: Office of Productivity and Technology, Bureau of Labor Statistics, Room S4325, Frances Perkins Building, Washington, DC 20212.
Department of Labor Federal Data Bases
* Productivity: Federal Government
Bureau of Labor Statistics
US Department of Labor
441 G Street, NW
Washington, DC 20212 (202) 523-7827
This is available on magnetic tape and cartridge tape. Five measures, beginning in 1967, are available for the total sample and 28 functional areas such as legal and judicial activities, natural resources and environmental management, medical services, and equipment maintenance.
Department of Labor Federal Data Bases
* Productivity: Industry
Bureau of Labor Statistics
US Department of Labor
441 G Street, NW
Washington, DC 20212 (202) 523-7827
This is available on magnetic tape and cartridge tape. For 146 industries, productivity measures are available that relate industry output to total employment, production workers, nonproduction workers, and the hours of each group. From 3 to 13 series are available for each industry. Many of these annual measures begin in 1947; the remainder begin more recently.
Department of Labor Federal Data Bases
* Seasonal Agricultural Services (SAS) Farmworker Research File, Case Tracking Files, Name Index, USDOL/ASP
John Bergstrom
Assistant Secretary for Policy
US Department of Labor
Frances Perkins Building
200 Constitution Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20210 (202) 523-6295
The information held in this system will be used exclusively by the Department of Labor for the estimate of the supply of workers needed in Fiscal Years, 1990, 1991, 1992 and 1993 as prescribed by IRCA (section 303). The data will not be used for enforcement activities. The system will contain records of the employment history of SAS farmworkers and their families. It will also contain information about the wages, working conditions and recruitment procedures experienced by SAS farmworkers. The records will contain the name, social security number (SSN), and addresses of the respondents in the SAS Farmworker Survey.
Department of Labor Federal Data Bases
* Semi-Annual Lists of Hired Employees System
Tony Massey
Bureau of Labor Management Relations and Cooperative Programs
US Department of Labor
Room N-5402, Frances Perkins Building
200 Constitution Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20210 (202) 523-6231
The purpose of this system is to assist covered carriers in verifying job applicants' protected status. The categories of records in this system include lists of protected employees' names, social security numbers (if available), occupational specialties, dates or hire for each position filled, and reporting covered air carrier. These records are retrieved by name of employee and case control number, if any.
Department of Labor Federal Data Bases
* Special Litigation Division System
Miriam Miller
Office of the Solicitor (O/SOL)
US Department of Labor
Room N-2428, Frances Perkins Building
200 Constitution Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20210 (202) 523-8188
The purpose of this system is to maintain investigatory and related litigation files pertaining to the Teamsters' Central States, Southeast and Southwest Areas Health and Welfare and Pension Funds, as well as other matters within the Mission and functions of the special Litigation Division. The system contains records gathered by the Special Litigation Division in connection with the Central States litigation. The records may be derived from materials filed with the Department of Labor, court records, articles from publications, published financial data, information received from employee benefit plans, business organizations and individuals, statements of witnesses, information received from federal, state, local and foreign regulatory and law enforcement organizations and from other sources. The records are retrieved by name.
Department of Labor Federal Data Bases
* State and Area CPS and Research Data Base System
Local Area Unemployment Statistics
US Department of Labor
Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS)
2 Massachusetts Ave., NE
Washington, DC 20212 (202) 606-6392
This system is designed to provide current population survey (CPS) benchmarked for local area unemployment statistics (LAUS) estimates and to support publication of detailed labor force data by state and area, and also to support research in methods for estimating state and area unemployment. The system provides information on state and area employment and unemployment including CPS data by demographic, social, economic characteristics, and unemployment insurance (UI) based data for research analysis. BLS provides a number of services including: the release of certain categories of unpublished data, development of special surveys and tabulations; customized data files are available on a cost recovery basis. Diskettes or magnetic tapes as well as statistical software programs can be purchased from the Division of Planning and Financial Management, Room 1077 BLS, Department of Labor, 441 G Street, NW, Washington, DC 20212.
Department of Labor Federal Data Bases
* Table Producing Language System (TPL)
Bureau of Labor Statistics
US Department of Labor
441 G Street, NW
Washington, DC 20212 (202) 523-7827
This is available on magnetic tape and cartridge tape. TPL is a computer software product which is widely used in the Bureau to produce statistical tables for analysis and inclusion in various Bureau publications, such as the Monthly Labor Review. TPL includes the Print Control language, which can be used to change the format of the normal TPL output. A set of five user manuals and an installation guide completely document TPL. The TPL software is distributed on magnetic tape. The price of the TPL system, including magnetic tape and user guides, is $600.00 The set of five user guides may be purchased separately for $35.00. Contact the office above for cost and ordering information.
Department of Labor Federal Data Bases
* Unemployment Insurance Data Base
Office of Legislation and Actuarial Services
Employment and Training Administration
US Department of Labor
200 Constitution Ave., NW, Room S4519
Washington, DC 20210 (202) 535-0630
The UI Data Summary is produced quarterly from state-reported data contained in the Unemployment Insurance Data Base. For more information on this data base, contact the office above.
Department of Labor Federal Data Bases
* Union Address Data Tape
Gene Coffey
Mine & Safety Health Administration
Office of Assessments
US Department of Labor
Denver Federal Center
Denver, CO 80225 (303) 236-2631
This tape was developed to provide union address data in automated form for interested parties. The tape contains mine ID, union ID, union name, local number, representative's name and an address. Selection options are: coal mines only; metal/nonmetal mines only; both coal and metal/nonmetal mines; all mines except abandoned mines; and all mines including abandoned mines. Estimated cost is $50.00.
Department of Labor Federal Data Bases
* US Export and Import Price Indexes
Bureau of Labor Statistics
US Department of Labor
441 G Street, NW
Washington, DC 20212 (202) 523-7827
This is available on a diskette. It contains quarterly export and import price indexes for over 400 Standard International Trade Classification categories for the most recent eight quarters. Indexes are also available by BEA end-use categories. $38 (1) $107 (4). For information on the subject matter contact Bill Alterman, (202) 272-5020.
Department of Labor Federal Data Bases
* Work Injuries and Illnesses -- Supplementary Data System (SDS)
John Anderson, Supervisory Statistician
Bureau of Labor Statistics
US Department of Labor
601 D Street, N.W., Room 4014
Washington, DC 20212 (202) 272-3463
SDS contains information about the major characteristics of injuries and illnesses for various occupations and industries. Data were collected in 1976-1981, in 1983 and in 1985 from Workers' Compensation reports supplied by a varying number of participating states and territories, which are identified. Data elements include age, date of occurrence, extent of disability, compensation, medical cost, industry, occupation, weekly wages, etc. SDS isavailable through the National Technical Information Service.
Department of Labor Federal Data Bases
* Work Stoppages Historical File, 1953-1981 [United States] (ICPSR 8156)
Member Services
Inter-University Consortium for Political and Social Research
P.O. Box 1248
Ann Arbor, MI 38106 (313) 763-5010
The Work Stoppage Historical File, 1953-1981, contains data for work stoppages that began in 1952 and continued into 1953; all work stoppages, private and public for 1953-1977; and all public work stoppages for 1978-1981.
Department of Labor Federal Data Bases
Labor Data File Available from the National Archives
Margaret Adams
Archives Specialist
Reference Service
Center for Electronic Records (NNXA)
National Archives and Records Administration
8th and Pennsylvania Ave., NW
Washington, DC 20408
(202) 523-6771
The following file is a subset of electronic data sets (i.e., computer-readable data files) in the custody of the National Archives and Records Administration. The standard charge for a copy of an electronic data set (one data set not to exceed one magnetic reel of output) is $90. Ordering information is available upon request. For further information please contact the office above.
Department of Labor Federal Data Bases
Department of Labor Federal Data Bases
or areas, most of which are Standard Metropolitan Statistical Areas (SMSA). About 10,000 monthly series covering production or non-suHC
* Occupational Accident/Injury/Illness Reporting System (AIIRS) File
John Bergstrom
Office of the Ass't Secretary for Admin. and Management (OASAM)
US Department of Labor
Room N-1301, Frances Perkins Building
200 Constitution Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20210 (202) 523-6295
This system is used (a) to provide a documented record of accidents, injuries, and illnesses for the purpose of measuring safety and health program's effectiveness; (b) to provide an information source for compliance with the Occupational Safety and Health Act; (c) to provide summary data of injury, illness and property loss information to departmental agencies in a number of formats for analytical purposes in establishing programs to reduce or eliminate loss producing problem areas; (d) to provide listings of individual cases to departmental agencies to ensure that accidents occurring are reported through the accident/injury/illness reporting system; and (e) adjudicating tort and employee claims. The categories of records in this system include reports of on-the-job accident, injuries, and illnesses generated as a result of filing a DL 1-440 Supervisor's Report of Accident/Injury/Illness form. Records are retrieved by any record element, including name.
Department of Labor Federal Data Bases
* Occupational Employment Statistics
Bureau of Labor Statistics
US Department of Labor
441 G Street, NW
Washington, DC 20212 (202) 523-7827
This system is available on magnetic tape and cartridge tape. Data are available for national occupational employment (and, in some cases, for the research and development component of the occupation) for all manufacturing and nonmanufacturing industries at the 2- and 3-digit Standard Industrial Classification level beginning in 1977. Contact the office above for cost and ordering information.
Department of Labor Federal Data Bases
* Occupational Employment Statistics (OES) Survey
Mr. Michael McElroy, Economist
Division of Occupational and Administrative Statistics Survey
US Department of Labor
G.A.O. Building, Room 2913
441 George Street, N.W.
Washington, DC 20212 (202) 523-1684
This is a numeric (aggregate) file containing data on the current and historical wage and salary estimates by 2 or 3 digit Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) industry codes. Data are gathered from reports sent to all employers with over 250 employees and from 20 percent random sample of those with fewer than this number. Both hospitals and other healthcare agencies are included in this data base. Hospital data was gathered during 1984; data from other healthcare agencies was gathered during 1985. There are 190 variables for each of 22,751 observations. Coverage of the file is nationwide; States and regions are identified; individual respondents are anonymous. Data have been collected every three years since 1971. Tapes are available for 1977, 1980 and 1983. File may be purchased from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, United States Department of Labor, at a price to be determined. Data are released in final estimates format only, depending on data specified by requestor. BLS-OES data are primarily released in published format.
Department of Labor Federal Data Bases
* Occupational Injury and Illness Incidence Rates
Bureau of Labor Statistics
US Department of Labor
2 Massachusetts Ave., NE
Washington, DC 20212 (202) 606-6170
This system is available on magnetic tape and cartridge tape. It contains annual incidence rates of work-related injuries and illnesses, beginning in 1976 for three categories: injury and illness combined, injury only, and illness only. Rates are developed for more than 780 industries, based on the 1972 Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) Manual and are available at the 2-digit SIC level in agriculture, forestry, and fishing; the 4-digit level in manufacturing; and the 3-digit level in other industries. For various severity classifications, the incidence rates are available for total recordable cases, nonfatal cases without lost workdays, lost workday cases, and lost workdays. Lost workday cases are further classified into cases involving days away from work and cases involving days of restricted work activity.
Available on a diskette: Annual number of work-related injuries and illnesses or lost workdays per 100 full-time employees from 1981 to most recent year for which data are available. $38 (1). For information on the subject matter contact Ethel Jackson, (202) 272-3470.
Department of Labor Federal Data Bases
* Occupational Safety and Health Administration Federal Agency Reporting System (FARS)
John A. Katalinas
Director, Office of Management Data Systems
Occupational Safety and Health Administration
US Department of Labor
200 Constitution Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20210 (202) 523-7008
Now a subset of the IMIS data base described below, FARS provides the Office of Federal Agency Programs with information on the effectiveness of the safety programs in the federal agencies. Data are collected by mail from all federal agencies quarterly, keypunched, edited for validity and added to the master file. A smaller master file contains names and addresses of federal agencies. Standard reports are produced annually for all agencies as well as an annual summary in hard copy showing injuries/illnesses and rates calculated for these items. OSHA will extract data for individuals upon request. The charges depends upon the amount of information requested.
Department of Labor Federal Data Bases
* Occupational Safety and Health Administration Integrated Management Information System (IMIS)
John A. Katalinas
Director, Office of Management Data Systems
US Department of Labor
Occupational Safety and Health Administration
200 Constitution Ave., NW
Washington, DC 20210 (202) 523-7008
This system provides managers of OSHA's federal compliance program at the national, regional and area levels with information about how the compliance effort is being implemented. It also tracks the time spent by the compliance officers on different program activities. The OSHA 18(b) State System subset, described below, stores information on the compliance activity of states receiving grants under Section 18(b) of the Act. Data are collected by mail from OSHA's field offices and participating 18(b) states weekly, keypunched and edited for validity, and the master files updated monthly. Data are stored and searchable by date of inspection and include Standard Industrial Classification Code, establishment size, state, city, and county codes. Individual requests for searches of the data base are accepted. Data on the compliance activity of Federal agencies is stored in the OSHA-FARS subset, described above. There may be a charge depending on the amount of information requested.
Department of Labor Federal Data Bases
* Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs Complaint Files
Dorothy Chester
Employment Standards Administration (ESA)
US Department of Labor
Room S-3013C, Frances Perkins Building
200 Constitution Ave., NW
Washington, DC 20210 (202) 523-8447
The purpose of this system is to maintain information and to provide information to other Federal agencies, Congressional staff and/or to an individual in response to a request from that agency or person regarding information gathered during the course of OFCCP's operations. The categories of records in this system include medical records, investigative reports, contract coverage information, employment applications, time and attendance records. These records are retrieved by name or OFCCP control number.
Department of Labor Federal Data Bases
* Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs Management Information System (OFCCP/MIS)
Dorothy Chester
Employment Standards Administration (ESA)
US Department of Labor
Room S-3013C, Frances Perkins Building
200 Constitution Ave., NW
Washington, DC 20210 (202) 523-8447
The purpose of this system is to maintain information and to provide information to other Federal agencies, Congressional staff and/or to an individual in response to a request from that agency or person regarding information gathered during the course of OFCCP's operations. The categories of records in this system include individual complaints, Federal procurement data (listing of Federal contractors and contract information), listings of contractor's establishments, records of enforcement/litigation actions. These records are retrieved by name, OFCCP control number, contractor establishment number.
Department of Labor Federal Data Bases
* Office of Workers' Compensation Programs, Federal Employees' Compensation Act File
Dorothy Chester
Employment Standards Administration (ESA)
US Department of Labor
Room S-3013C, Frances Perkins Building
200 Constitution Ave., NW
Washington, DC 20210 (202) 523-8447
These records provide information and verification about covered employees' work related injuries, on which entitlement to medical treatment and vocational rehabilitation, and entitlement to and computation of continuation of pay, compensation and survivors' benefits under the FECA, and certain other statutes, are based. The categories of records in this system include reports of injury by employee and employing establishment, authorization for medical treatment, medical records, medical and transportation bills, compensation payment records, formal order for or against payment of compensation, vital statistics such as birth, death, and marriage certificates, and information related to vocational rehabilitation plans and progress reports.
Department of Labor Federal Data Bases
* Office of Workers' Compensation Programs, Longshore and Harbor Workers' Compensation Act Case Files
Dorothy Chester
Employment Standards Administration (ESA)
US Department of Labor
Room S-3013C, Frances Perkins Building
200 Constitution Ave., NW
Washington, DC 20210 (202) 523-8447
The purpose of this system is to monitor the actions of insurance carriers, employers, and injured workers with respect to injuries reported under the Longshore and Harbor Workers' Compensation Act and related acts to ensure that eligible claimants receive appropriate benefits as provided by the Act. The categories of records in this system include reports of injury by employees and employers; authorization for medical care, medical reports; medical and transportation bills; formal orders for or against payment of compensation, vocational rehabilitation plans, awards and progress reports; vital statistics such as birth, marriage, and death certificates; and enrollment and attendance records at educational institutions. Case files are retrieved after identification by coded file number, which is cross-referenced to injured worker by name.
Department of Labor Federal Data Bases
* Office of Workers' Compensation Programs, Longshore and Harbor Workers' Compensation Act Special Fund System
Dorothy Chester
Employment Standards Administration (ESA)
US Department of Labor
Room S-3013C, Frances Perkins Building
200 Constitution Ave., NW
Washington, DC 20210 (202) 523-8447
This system provides a record of payments to claimants, their qualified dependents, or providers of services to claimants from the Special Fund established pursuant to section 44 of the Act. The categories of records in this system include medical and vocational rehabilitation reports, bills, vouchers and records of payment for compensation and related benefits, statements of employment status, and formal orders for payment of compensation. Case files are retrieved after identification by injured worker's name.
Department of Labor Federal Data Bases
* OSHA 18(B) State System
John A. Katalinas
Director, Office of Management Data Systems
Occupational Safety and Health Administration
US Department of Labor
200 Constitution Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20210 (202) 523-7008
This is a subset of the IMIS data base (above) that provides the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) with information about the level of compliance activity conducted by states receiving grants from OSHA under section 18(B) of the Act and not submitting data to OSHA's compliance management information system. The data are reported by SIC code and are an aggregation of the following: numbers of inspections, employees covered, citations issued, penalties assessed and paid, complaints received and investigated, hours worked, and cases contested. Three quarterly reports are generated monthly: a detailed list, by SIC, for each state submitting data; a synopsis of the state's compliance activity; and a summary of all state's activity comparing its compliance posture with the federal compliance program. Individual requests for customized searches are accepted. There may be a charge depending on the amount of information requested.
Department of Labor Federal Data Bases
* Physicians and Health Care Providers Excluded under the Federal Employees' Compensation Act
Dorothy Chester
Employment Standards Administration (ESA)
US Department of Labor
Room S-3013C, Frances Perkins Building
200 Constitution Ave., NW
Washington, DC 20210 (202) 523-8447
These records provide information on treatment, billing and other aspects of a medical provider's actions, and/or documentation relating to the debarment of the medical care provider under another Federal or state program. The information is used in any debarment action initiated under the Federal Employees' Compensation Act. The categories of records in this system include copies of letters, lists and documents from Federal and state agencies concerning the administrative debarment of providers from participation in programs providing benefits similar to those of the Federal Employees' Compensation Act, documents relative to reinstatement of providers, materials concerning the conviction of providers for fraudulent activities in connection with any Federal or state program for which payments are made to providers for similar medical services; all letters, memoranda and other documents regarding the consideration of a provider's exclusion. The records are retrieved either by the name of the provider, a case citation, or date of release.
Department of Labor Federal Data Bases
* Producer Price Index
Bureau of Labor Statistics
US Department of Labor
441 G Street, NW
Washington, DC 20212 (202) 523-7827
This system is available on magnetic tape and cartridge tape. It contains monthly price indexes for about 3,200 individual commodities and additional commodity groupings are available; many begin in 1947 or earlier. These include 15 major commodity groups, nearly 90 subgroups, and approximately 300 product classes. Indexes by stage of processing and by durability of product are available back to 1947. Additional data are available for special commodity groupings, a few services, and for bituminous coal and refined petroleum by region, and, for selected series, seasonally adjusted. Annual averages are also available. Contact the office above for cost and ordering information.
Available on a diskette: Selected commodity groupings of 225 series by stage of processing for the most recent 13 months. $38 (1) $290 (12). For information on the subject matter contact Elliott Rosenberg, (202) 272-5118.
Department of Labor Federal Data Bases
* Producer Price Index Revision (PPIR)
Bureau of Labor Statistics
US Department of Labor
441 G Street, NW
Washington, DC 20212 (202) 523-7827
This system is available on magnetic tape and cartridge tape. Monthly price indexes and annual averages are available for virtually all of the 493 mining and manufacturing industries and individual products made within these industries. While many industry and product series only include data for the last 10 years or less, some series have been linked to traditional commodity indexes that have much longer historical records. Beginning in 1985, indexes for 2- or 3-digit SIC groups are also available. Contact the office above for cost and ordering information.
Department of Labor Federal Data Bases
* Productivity: Industry Labor and Multifactor Productivity and Federal, State, and Local Government Productivity
Bureau of Labor Statistics
US Department of Labor
441 G Street, NW
Washington, DC 20212 (202) 523-7827
This is available on a diskette. It contains annual indexes showing change over time in output, employee hours, and output per employee hour by industry. It also contains annual indexes showing change over time in multifactor productivity, output, combined inputs, labor, capital, and intermediate purchases for selected industries. Data start in 1958 and go through the most recent year. Annual Federal Government indexes showing the change over time in the output, employee years, and output per employee year for 28 Government functions from FY 1967 to the most recent fiscal year. Also, annual indexes of output, employee years, and output per employee year for selected State and local government services for FY 1967 to the present. Two diskette package for $38. For information on the subject matter contact Edna Falk, (202) 523-9321
Department of Labor Federal Data Bases
ups are also available. Contact the office above for cost and ordering information.
Department of Labor Federal Data Bases
* Productivity: Industry electr
* Industry Employment, Hours, and Earnings: National
Bureau of Labor Statistics
US Department of Labor
441 G Street, NW
Washington, DC 20212 (202) 523-7827
This system is available on magnetic tape and cartridge tape. It contains nearly 1,600 published monthly employment series are available from the Current Employment Statistics Survey (establishment survey) for all employees, women, and production or nonsupervisory workers. The series for all employees include almost 600 industries at various levels of aggregation. About 1,700 published monthly series are available for production workers' average weekly earnings, average hourly earnings, and average weekly hours, and in manufacturing, average weekly overtime. Hours and earnings data are available for more than 450 industries. Most series begin in either 1958 or 1972; some are available from 1909. Employment by industry division is available from 1919. Contact the office above for cost and ordering information.
Department of Labor Federal Data Bases
* Industry Employment, Hours, and Earnings: States and Areas
Bureau of Labor Statistics
US Department of Labor
441 G Street, NW
Washington, DC 20212 (202) 523-7827
This system is available on magnetic tape and cartridge tape. It contains over 11,000 series of monthly data are available for total payroll employment, covering each State and 274 major labor areas, most of which are MSA's. Many of these series begin in 1939. About 9,320 monthly series, covering production or nonsupervisory workers' average weekly hours, average hourly earnings, and average weekly earnings, for each State and 170 major labor areas begin in 1947 or later. Contact the office above for cost and ordering information.
Department of Labor Federal Data Bases
* Industry - Occupational Matrix, 1986 and 2000
Bureau of Labor Statistics
US Department of Labor
441 G Street, NW
Washington, DC 20212 (202) 523-7827
This system is available on magnetic tape and cartridge tape. It includes national occupational employment distribution by industry for those two years. Contact the office above for cost and ordering information.
Department of Labor Federal Data Bases
* Industry Wage Survey: Hospitals and Nursing Homes
Ms. Sandra King
Bureau of Labor Statistics
US Department of Labor
601 D St., NW, Room 4014
Washington, DC 20212 (202) 523-1268
This is a numeric (aggregate) file containing information about occupational wages and related benefits in nonfederal hospitals and nursing homes. Data were collected from interviews conducted by the Bureau for a probability sample of all private, state, and local government hospitals that employ 100 or more workers in 22 major metropolitan areas and private nursing homes in 21 metropolitan areas. This survey was conducted in 1985. Data for hospitals pertain to 22 major metropolitan areas throughout the United States and data on nursing homes pertain to 21 major metropolitan areas throughout the United States. States and Cities are identified. File is available from the US Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics at a price to be determined. Generally, the entire file is not released. Usually, the data will be tailored to the users requests. Individual reports are available on each of the included metropolitan areas.
Department of Labor Federal Data Bases
* Injury Correspondence Data Files
June Patron
Pension and Welfare Benefits Admin. (PWBA)
US Department of Labor
Room N-5670, Frances Perkins Building
200 Constitution Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20210 (202) 523-6999
These records are used to take action on or respond to inquiries and responses from members of Congress, Senators, and private citizens. The categories of records in this system include general and congressional inquiries and correspondence regarding all aspects of pension and welfare benefit plans and the status of individuals under these plans. Inquiries and responses from Members of Congress, Senators and private citizens are indexed alphabetically by last name.
Department of Labor Federal Data Bases
* International Labor and Price Trend Comparisons
Bureau of Labor Statistics
US Department of Labor
441 G Street, NW
Washington, DC 20212 (202) 523-7827
This system is available on magnetic tape and cartridge tape: This file contains five series: (1) annual labor force, employment, unemployment, and related measures, approximating US concepts for 10 countries, beginning in 1959 for most series; (2) annual indexes of manufacturing labor productivity, hourly compensation, unit labor costs, and related measures for 12 countries beginning in 1950 and annual indexes of unit labor costs and related measures for Korea and Taiwan from 1970; (3) consumer prices indexes--annually from 1950 for 13 countries and monthly or quarterly from 1982 for 10 countries; (4) annual work stoppage statistics from 1955 for 15 countries; and (5) annual data for the total economy on capital investment, excluding residential construction, as a percent of output for 11 countries for 1960-1982, when the program ended. Special data tapes can be prepared for two additional international comparisons series. Hourly compensation costs--average hourly earnings adjusted for supplementary benefits--for production workers in total manufacturing and 29 component industries are available for 34 countries from 1975. Relative levels and trends of real gross domestic product per capita and per employed person are available for 13 countries for selected years from 1950. Contact the office above for cost and ordering information.
Department of Labor Federal Data Bases
* International Prices Program
Information Services
US Department of Labor
Bureau of Labor Statistics
2 Massachusetts Ave., NE
Washington, DC 20212 (202) 606-7100
The purpose of this system is to provide measures of price changes for US exports and imports, and to analyze these price trends in world markets. The fundamental data in the system are price indexes for over 5,000 detailed commodities sold in the primary markets in the United States. Price data are collected monthly from producers for more than 50,000 items covering more than 5,000 commodities. Data tapes and diskettes are available for all published producer price indexes.
Department of Labor Federal Data Bases
* Job Corps Management Information System (JCMIS) File
Patsy Files
Employment and Training Administration (ETA)
US Department of Labor
Room N-4671, Frances Perkins Building
200 Constitution Ave., NW
Washington, DC 20210 (202) 535-0695
The purpose of this system is to provide information to users in order to assist them in the management of their programs; to provide descriptive information about the youth served by the programs and their outcomes; and to support evaluation and research about the Job Corps program and its enrollees. The categories of records in this system include personal information about the trainees; pre-enrollment status, such as number of months since enrolled in school, home address, etc.; characteristics, such as age, race/ethnic group, sex, etc.; summarization of basic education and vocational training received in Job Corps; and initial placement status (entry into employment, school, military service, or other status) after termination from the program. Records are retrieved by social security number.
Department of Labor Federal Data Bases
* Job Corpsmember Records
Patsy Files
Employment and Training Administration (ETA)
US Department of Labor
Room N-4671, Frances Perkins Building
200 Constitution Ave., NW
Washington, DC 20210 (202) 535-0695
These records are maintained to ensure that all appropriate documents of the corpsmember's stay in Job Corps (covering entrance to placement and/or termination) are retained and are available to those officials who have a legitimate need for the information in performing their duties and to serve the interest of the corpsmembers in accordance with 29 U.S.C. 1691 et. seq. The categories of records in this system include records which contain information kept about the corpsmembers, such as separate running accounts of the corpsmembers general biographical data; educational training, vocational training; counseling; recreational activities; dormitory logs; health (dental, medical, mental health records); administrative records covering data pertaining to enrollment allowances and allotments, leave records, resume of corpsmember's qualification (640); and Center Standards Officer's disciplinary records. Corpsmembers files are retrieved by name (alphabetized), social security number of the individual corpsmembers on whom they are maintained and date of corpsmember entry.
Department of Labor Federal Data Bases
* Labor Force
Bureau of Labor Statistics
US Department of Labor
441 G Street, NW
Washington, DC 20212 (202) 523-7827
This file is available on magnetic tape and cartridge tape. File contains approximately 32,000 monthly and quarterly labor force series, in unadjusted and seasonally adjusted form, plus annual averages from the Current Population Survey (household survey). Data are available from the inception of the series (often 1948) through the current month. Major employment and unemployment series are available by age, sex, race, Hispanic origin, full- and part-time status, industry, class of worker, and occupation. Unemployment data also are available by duration of and reason for unemployment. The file contains selected data on the civilian noninstitutional population, the resident Armed Forces, Vietnam-era veterans, and persons not in the labor force. Special data on the labor force and other socioeconomic variables are available from the Current Population Survey individual record (micro) tapes which contain records of the responses to the survey questionnaire. These microtapes are available for all months since January 1976 and for various months in prior years. Contact the office above for cost and ordering information.
Available on a diskette: Monthly and annual average employment and unemployment data by age, sex, and race, obtained from the Current Population Survey (household survey) for 282 series for the current year to date and the prior 3 years. $38 (1) $290 (12). For information on the subject matter contact Gloria Green, (202) 523-1959.
Department of Labor Federal Data Bases
* Labor Organization Reporting System (LORS)
George Studds
Office of Labor-Management Standards
US Department of Labor
200 Constitution Ave., NW
Washington, DC 20210 (202) 523-7327
The primary purpose of LORS is to provide financial data on labor organizations. Other information includes: organization identification number, affiliation codes, affiliation/organization name, unit name, designation name, charter city and state, area office, mailing address, fiscal year date, date of next election, financial data, and miscellaneous indicators. The file contains 68,000 records and is updated weekly. Data can be extracted from the data base upon individual request. Projects are billed on a cost-reimbursable basis.
Department of Labor Federal Data Bases
* Labor Statistics (LABSTAT)
Connie DiCesare, Chief
Division of Information Services
US Department of Labor
Bureau of Labor Statistics
2 Massachusetts Ave., NE
Washington, DC 20212 (202) 606-5886
LABSTAT is the overall system for storing, retrieving and manipulating BLS data. The data base contains historic time series data which are generally aggregated at the macro level. The system is the repository for data collected from 20 different broad surveys providing data on the labor force, Consumer Price Index, Producer Price Index, Occupational Safety and Health, productivity data for industry and government, international labor comparisons, unemployment data and more. Information is retrievable by numerous categories. LABSTAT contains 140,000 historical time series records and two million variable records with time series data. The system is updated 20 times a month. Each BLS division is responsible for data retrieval in its subject area, so contact the appropriate office for the data you need. Some offices may not be familiar with the term LABSTAT; therefore, it's best to simply request the information you need. The office will then try to assist you by consulting its data files, which are actually part of LABSTAT. Depending on the office and your request, you may or may not be charged a fee. To order data tapes, contact the Division of Planning and Financial Management, Room 1077, Bureau of Labor Statistics, Department of Labor, 441 G Street, NW, Washington, DC 20212.
Department of Labor Federal Data Bases
* Lists of Airline Employees Protected Under the Rehire Program
Tony Massey
Bureau of Labor Management Relations and Cooperative Programs
US Department of Labor
Room N-5402, Frances Perkins Building
200 Constitution Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20210 (202) 523-6231
The lists will assist covered air carriers in verifying job applicants' protected status. The categories of records in this system include lists that contain employees' names, social security numbers (if available), occupational specialties and reporting covered carrier. These records are retrieved alphabetically by covered carrier and name of employee.
Department of Labor Federal Data Bases
* Local Area Unemployment Statistics (LAUS)
Bureau of Labor Statistics
US Department of Labor
441 G Street, NW
Washington, DC 20212 (202) 523-7827
This system is available on magnetic tape and cartridge tape. Monthly estimates of the labor force, employment (by place of residence), unemployment, and unemployment rates are available for States, metropolitan statistical areas (MSA's), small labor market areas, counties, and cities with populations of 25,000 or more. Data for States are available from January 1978. Sub-State data are available for the current year-to-date and the prior 2 years. Inquiries regarding these estimates may be addressed to Division of Local Area Unemployment Statistics, Bureau of Labor Statistics, Room 2083, GAO Building, Washington, DC 20212.
Available on a diskette: Monthly and annual average labor force statistics by State and metropolitan area for the previous 2 years and the current year to date. $38 (1) $290 (14). For information on the subject matter contact For information on the subject matter contact Gloria Green, (202) 523-1959.
Department of Labor Federal Data Bases
* Mine Information Data Tape
Gene Coffey
Mine & Safety Health Administration
Office of Assessments
US Department of Labor
Denver Federal Center
Denver, CO 80225 (303) 236-2631
This tape was developed to provide mine element data in automated form for interested parties. It contains mine ID, owner beginning and ending dates, type of operation codes, status code, status date, city/town location, FIPS state and county codes, enforcement sub-district codes, SIC codes, mine name, controlling company ID and name when applicable, operating company ID when applicable, operator name and the operator's address. Selection options are: (1) Mine type options: coal mines only, metal/nonmetal mines only, both coal and metal/nonmetal mines; (2) Mine status options: all mines except abandoned mines, all mines including abandoned mines; (3) Ownership options: current or last known ownership periods only, all ownership periods; (4) Controller/operator options: ownership periods with controller and operator ID's assigned, ownership periods regardless of whether a controller or operator ID have been assigned. Note: one option must be selected under each of items 1 through 4. Contact the office above for a fee estimate.
Department of Labor Federal Data Bases
* News Release Online
BLS Electronic News Release Service
Bureau of Labor Statistics
US Department of Labor
441 G St. NW
Washington, DC 20212 (202) 606-5902
Economic indicators from the Bureau of Labor Statistics are available electronically at the time of their release. BLS makes its news releases available online through a commercial contractor. There is no charge for the data. Users pay only for the actual computer time used, at a rate of about $7.50 per hour for local access and about $20 per hour anywhere in the country. More than 100 releases a year are available online, including monthly releases on consumer and producer prices, earnings, and employment and unemployment, and quarterly releases on productivity, employment costs, collective bargaining, and import and export price indexes. Users may access part or all of a release, paying only for actual computer time used. There are no minimum or contracting fees.
Department of Labor Federal Data Bases
tronic News Release Service
Bureau of Labor Statistics
FY 1967 to the most recent fiscal year. Also, annual indexes of output, employee years, and output per employee year for selected State and local government services for FY 1967 to the present. Two diskette package for $38. For information on the subject matter contact Edna Falk, (202) 523-9321
* Directorate of Civil Rights Discrimination Complaint Case Files
John Bergstrom
Office of the Ass't Secretary for Admin. and Management (OASAM)
US Department of Labor
Room N-1301, Frances Perkins Building
200 Constitution Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20210 (202) 523-6295
These records are used to initiate a complaint with, or to investigate and resolve discrimination complaints filed with the Department of Labor against recipients of financial assistance from the Department. The categories of records in this system include materials such as complainants' statements of alleged discrimination, respondents' statements, witnesses' statements, names and addresses of complainants and respondents, personal, employment or program participation information, medical records, conciliation and settlement agreements, related correspondence, and initial and final determinations. These are retrieved by various combination of office case number, complainant's name, fiscal year, current status of complaint, state, basis code, and program code.
Department of Labor Federal Data Bases
* DOL/ETA Evaluation, Research, Pilot or Demonstration Contractors' Project Files
Patsy Files
Employment and Training Administration (ETA)
US Department of Labor
Room N-4671, Frances Perkins Building
200 Constitution Ave., NW
Washington, DC 20210 (202) 535-0695
These records are used solely for statistical research or evaluation and are not used in any way for making any determination about an identifiable individual. Records in the system may include characteristics of program participants, description of program activities, services received by participants, program outcomes and participant follow-up information obtained after the completion of the program. Records are retrieved by participant characteristics, not by individual identifiers.
Department of Labor Federal Data Bases
* Economic and Employment Projections to 2000
Bureau of Labor Statistics
US Department of Labor
2 Massachusetts Ave., NE
Washington, DC 20212 (202) 606-5711
This system is available on magnetic tape and cartridge tape. It includes input-output tables and final demand for 1977, 1982, 1985, and 2000. It also has annual output, total employment, hours and wage and salary employment by industry for 1958-1986 with projections for 1987 through 2000. Contact the office above for cost and ordering information.
Available on a diskette: Historical output data - average annual output, in current and constant dollars (base year--1982), for 220 industries for 1958 through 1988. $38 (1). Historical employment data: annual total employment, hours, and wage and salary employment for 1958 through 1988 for 200 industries. $38 (1). Projections: annual output, total employment, hours, and wage and salary employment for 1988 through 2000 for 200 industries. $38 (1). For information on the subject matter contact Valerie Personick, (202) 272-5327.
Department of Labor Federal Data Bases
* Educational Policy and Development System
US Department of Labor
Mine Safety and Health Administration
Qualification and Certification Service
P.O. Box 25367
Denver, CO 80225 (303) 236-2791
The purpose of this system is to provide data for a historical data base of coal and metal/nonmetal miner training information. The system input is derived from the information provided by district managers on: record of training, physical qualifications for mine rescue work, certification and qualification program, new and experienced miner training and certification of electrical experience. The system contains 800,000 records. List of mine identification with address, by district, state and country are provided free as requested.
Department of Labor Federal Data Bases
* Employee Benefits in Medium and Large Firms, and in State and Local Governments
Bureau of Labor Statistics
US Department of Labor
441 G Street, NW
Washington, DC 20212 (202) 523-7827
This system is available on magnetic tape and cartridge tape. The expanded 1988 survey of 2,500 employers in the private sector contains detailed employee benefit plan provisions and participation data for each of three occupational groups (professional-administrative, technical-clerical, and production workers). The survey expansion to smaller establishments and more service industries provides representative data for 31 million full-time employees, an increase of 50 percent from prior private industry surveys. The 1987 survey of 869 government units, including 24 States and 845 local government establishments, contains similar data for teachers, police officers and firefighters, and regular employees. Information is available for benefits paid for, at least in part, by the employer: health, life, sickness and accident, and long-term disability insurance; private retirement and capital accumulation plans and paid time-off provisions such as rest time, holidays, vacations, and sick leave. Data are available for State and local governments for 1987 and for medium and large firms for 1981-1986 and 1988 by region, type of establishment, and establishment employment size for most items. It is possible to obtain data for one benefit area only (e.g., health insurance).
Department of Labor Federal Data Bases
* Employee Benefits Survey (EBS)
John Thompson
Bureau of Labor Statistics
US Department of Labor
G.A.O. Building, Room 2913
441 G Street, NW
Washington, DC 20212 (202) 523-1051
EBS contains information about employee benefits including employer-health financed insurance plans and paid time-off vacations, sick leave, etc., in the United States. Types of data include limits and eligibility. Data are for broad industry and establishment size groups. Data were collected through site visits and telephone calls to health insurance plan sponsors. Coverage of the file is nationwide. Employee Benefits Survey (formerly entitled Level of Benefits Survey) is conducted annually. Machine-readable data files are available for the years since 1981. The file may be purchased from the Bureau of Labor Statistics at a cost of $300. Identity of responding firms is scrambled to protect confidentiality.
Department of Labor Federal Data Bases
* Employee Related Health Benefits in Private Non-Farm Business Establishments in the US
US Department of Labor
Office of Policy Planning and Research
Washington, DC 20210
This numeric (microdata) file was designed to determine whether firms offer group health plans to their employees and to describe the characteristics of firms with and without such plans. Findings present characteristics of the health benefits offered and of employees covered and not covered. Data pertain to 1978. The file may be purchased from the National Technical Information Service, 5285 Port Royal Road, Springfield, VA 22161, (703) 487-4763 at a price of $175. Access Number PB81-211104/HAE.
Department of Labor Federal Data Bases
* Employment Cost Index
Bureau of Labor Statistics
US Department of Labor
2 Massachusetts Ave., NE
Washington, DC 20212 (202) 606-6203
This system is available on magnetic tape and cartridge tape. Index numbers as well as annual and quarterly percent changes for various occupational and industrial series are stored for private industry workers (excluding farm and household workers), and State and local government workers. For private industry, data are also available for four geographic regions, union/nonunion breakdowns, and metropolitan/nonmetropolitan area. Private industry wage and salary data are available since September 1975; compensation data, since December 1979. State and local government data are available beginning June 1981. Contact the office above for cost and ordering information.
Available on a diskette: Quarterly measures of change in total compensation (wages, salaries, and employer costs for employee benefits), wages and salaries only, and benefits only: 407 series beginning in 1980-81 and 138 series from 1975 to the most recent quarter. $38 (1) $107 (4). For information on the subject matter contact Albert Schwenk, (202) 523-1220.
Department of Labor Federal Data Bases
* Employment Hours and Earnings
Albert Schwank
Information Services
US Department of Labor
2 Massachusetts Ave., NE
Washington, DC 20212 (202) 606-6203
This program provides current employment, hours and earnings by industry for the nonagricultural sector of the economy. Data provided are fundamental inputs into the economic decision process at all levels of government, private enterprise and organized labor. It includes a sample of 210,000 nonagricultural establishments, monthly information on employment, wages received and the number of paid hours. Bureau of Labor Statistics provides a number of services upon request for users of statistical data. These include release of certain categories of unpublished data; development of special surveys and tabulations; duplication of machine-readable data files on either diskettes or magnetic tapes; and sales of statistical software programs. Customized data files are available on a cost-of-service basis.
Department of Labor Federal Data Bases
* Employment Hours, and Earnings: National
Bureau of Labor Statistics
US Department of Labor
441 G Street, NW
Washington, DC 20212 (202) 523-7827
This system is available on a diskette. It contains monthly and annual average payroll employment, hours, and earnings data, derived from the Current Employment Statistics Survey (establishment survey) for 249 industrial series for the current year to date and the prior 3 years. $38 (1) $290 (12). For information on the subject matter contact For information on the subject matter contact Gloria Green, (202) 523-1959.
Department of Labor Federal Data Bases
* Export-Import Price Indexes
Bureau of Labor Statistics
US Department of Labor
441 G Street, NW
Washington, DC 20212 (202) 523-7827
This system is available on magnetic tape and cartridge tape. It contains US Export and Import Price Indexes, with a combined total of over 400 series by SITC classification, are available on a quarterly basis. While the all-import commodities index extends back only to September 1982, and the all-export series only began in September 1983, both series have selected detailed data for earlier periods, some as early as 1974. Data are also available by end-use and SIC-based classifications. Foreign Currency and Exchange Rate Indexes are available beginning with first quarter 1985. Selected International Service Price Indexes are also available, as well as comparisons of US Export Price Indexes with equivalent data for Japan and West Germany. Contact the office above for cost and ordering information.
Department of Labor Federal Data Bases
* Federal Committee on Apprenticeship System (FCA)
Patsy Files
Employment and Training Administration (ETA)
US Department of Labor
Room N-4671, Frances Perkins Building
200 Constitution Ave., NW
Washington, DC 20210 (202) 535-0695
The purpose of this system is for ready access in preparing Advisory Committee reports as required by the Federal Advisory Committee Act and GSA's Interim Rule on Advisory Committee management. The categories of records in this system include membership file listing name, address, occupation, committee name, and term of appointment. Biographical information on committee members and applicants.
Department of Labor Federal Data Bases
* Food and Fuel, Average Prices
Bureau of Labor Statistics
US Department of Labor
441 G Street, NW
Washington, DC 20212 (202) 523-7827
This system is available on magnetic tape and cartridge tape. Average consumer prices are calculated for household fuel, motor fuel, and food items from prices collected for the Consumer Price Index (CPI) program. Prices are collected monthly by BLS representatives in the urban areas represented in the CPI geographic sample. Fuel prices are available for the US city average, 15 urban areas, 4 regions, and 14 region/size class groupings. Food prices are available for the US city average and four regions. Annual averages are not available. Price data are updated monthly. Contact the office above for cost and ordering information.
Department of Labor Federal Data Bases
* Foreign Labor Force Statistics
Bureau of Labor Statistics
US Department of Labor
441 G Street, NW
Washington, DC 20212 (202) 523-7827
This system is available on a diskette. It contains annual average levels of the total and civilian labor force, employment, unemployment, and related measures for the Unites States and nine foreign countries, from 1959 to the most recent year for which data are available, $38 (1) $61 (2). For information on the subject matter contact Christopher Kask, (202) 523-9301.
Department of Labor Federal Data Bases
* Freedom of Information/Privacy Acts Records System
Pam Davis
Office of the Inspector General (OIG)
US Department of Labor
Room S-5506, Frances Perkins Building
200 Constitution Ave., NW
Washington, DC 20210 (202) 523-6747
This system of records is maintained in order to accurately reflect the identity of requestors, the substance of each request, the responses made by the OIG and in order to comply with the reporting and accounting requirements of the Freedom of Information and Privacy Acts. Materials within this system also reflects the reasons for the disclosure and/or denial of requests or portions of requests and any further action on requests which may be appealed and/or litigated. The system contains (a) copies of all correspondence and internal memorandums related to the Freedom of Information Act and Privacy Act requests, and related records necessary to the processing of such requests; (b) copies of all documents relevant to appeals and lawsuits under the Freedom of Information and Privacy Acts. A record is retrieved by the name of the individual or person making a request for access or correction of records or by other subject matter covered by the request.
Department of Labor Federal Data Bases
* General Investigative Files, Case Tracking Files, and Subject/Title Index, USDOL/OIG
Pam Davis
Office of the Inspector General (OIG)
US Department of Labor
Room S-5506, Frances Perkins Building
200 Constitution Ave., NW
Washington, DC 20210 (202) 523-6747
This system is established and maintained to fulfill the purposes of the Inspector General Act of 1978 and to fulfill the responsibilities assigned by that Act concerning investigative activities. The OIG initiates investigations on individuals, entities and programs and maintains information received and developed in this system during the time the investigation is performed and after each investigation is completed. This system is the repository of all information developed during the course of investigations. The system contains records related to administrative, civil and criminal investigations which include: Statements and other information from subjects, targets, and witnesses; material from governmental investigatory or law enforcement organizations (federal, state, local or international) and intelligence information. The written case records are indexed by case number, while file cards are indexed by subject name. Automated records are retrieved by case number, case name, subject, or, batch retrieval applications.
Department of Labor Federal Data Bases
and related records necessary to the processing of such requests; (b) copies of all documents relevant to appeals and lawsuits under the Freedom of Information and Privacy Acts. A record is retrieved by the name of the individual or person making a request for access or correction of records or by other subject matter covered by the request.
* Consumer Expenditures, 1972-1973
Bureau of Labor Statistics
US Department of Labor
441 G Street, NW
Washington, DC 20212 (202) 523-7827
The following data files are available from the Bureau of Labor Statistics.
Department of Labor Federal Data Bases
* Diary Survey, Original
This survey is available on magnetic tape and cartridge tape. It contains detailed data on individual family weekly expenditures for food, alcoholic beverages, tobacco, personal care products, housekeeping supplies, nonprescription drugs, gasoline, and heating and cooking fuels, as well as family member demographic and economic characteristics. Contact the office above for cost and ordering information.
Department of Labor Federal Data Bases
* Diary Survey, Food Quantity
Diary Survey: Integrated Adjusted Tape. This survey is available on magnetic tape and cartridge tape. It is used in combining results of the Diary and Interview Surveys. Contact the office above for cost and ordering information.
Department of Labor Federal Data Bases
* Interview Survey, Summary
This survey is available on magnetic tape and cartridge tape. It includes expenditure groupings. Contact the office above for cost and ordering information.
Department of Labor Federal Data Bases
* Interview Survey, Detailed
This survey is available on magnetic tape and cartridge tape. It includes more expenditure item detail. Contact the office above for cost and ordering information.
Department of Labor Federal Data Bases
* Interview Survey, Clothing and Household Textiles
This survey is available on magnetic tape and cartridge tape. It shows quantity and cost. Contact the office above for cost and ordering information.
Department of Labor Federal Data Bases
* Interview Survey, Consumer Durables
This survey is available on magnetic tape and cartridge tape. It contains inventory of consumer durables, including major and minor household equipment, furniture, and family vehicles. Contact the office above for cost and ordering information.
Department of Labor Federal Data Bases
* Consumer Expenditures, 1984, 1982-83, 1980-81
Bureau of Labor Statistics
US Department of Labor
441 G Street, NW
Washington, DC 20212 (202) 523-7827
The following data files are available from the Bureau of Labor Statistics.
Department of Labor Federal Data Bases
* Interview Survey
This survey is available on magnetic tape and cartridge tape. It includes consumer expenditures, income, and characteristics collected from the Interview component of the ongoing Consumer Expenditure Survey. The data, collected from samples of approximately 5,000 households each year, include monthly expenditures for housing, apparel and services, transportation, health care, entertainment, personal care, reading, education, food, alcoholic beverages, tobacco, cash contributions, and personal insurance and pensions. Also provided are income and socioeconomic characteristics of each household. Contact the office above for cost and ordering information.
Department of Labor Federal Data Bases
* Diary Survey
This survey is available on magnetic tape and cartridge tape. It includes weekly expenditures on frequently purchased items such as food at home, food away from home, alcoholic beverages, tobacco products and smoking supplies, personal care products and services, nonprescription drugs and supplies, housekeeping supplies, and energy items. Detailed and summary data are available on this tape. Household characteristics and income also are included. Both Interview and Diary Survey data are published in BLS bulletins and news releases. Contact the office above for cost and ordering information.
Department of Labor Federal Data Bases
* Integrated Interview and Diary Survey Data for 1984, 1985, 1986, and 1987
These data are available on a diskette. This survey provides a complete accounting of consumer expenditures and income. These data are not comparable to those on earlier diskettes, which showed information from the Interview and Diary surveys separately. Interview survey data include average annual out-of-pocket expenditures for housing, apparel and services, transportation, health care, entertainment, personal care, reading, education, cash contributions, personal insurance, and pensions. Diary survey data include average weekly expenditures on frequently purchased items such as food at home, food away from home, alcoholic beverages, tobacco products and smoking supplies, personal care products and services, and nonprescription drugs and supplies. Integrated Interview and Diary survey data are classified by quintiles of income, income class, age, size, composition of consumer unit, number of earners, housing tenure, race, region, urban or rural area, and occupation. Integrated Interview and Diary tables are available for 1984, 1985, 1986, and 1987 on separate diskettes, $38, or combined on one high-density diskette, $60. High-density diskettes can be used only on machines with high-density disk drives (i.e., an IBM-AT). For users without this capability, standard diskettes are offered as a package at the same cost as the high-density diskette, $60. The 1986-87 integrated survey data for selected Metropolitan Statistical Areas are available on one diskette, $38. For information on the subject matter contact Consumer Expenditure Survey, (202) 272-5060.
Department of Labor Federal Data Bases
* Consumer Price Index (CPI)
Bureau of Labor Statistics
US Department of Labor
441 G Street, NW
Washington, DC 20212 (202) 523-7827
This system is available on magnetic tape and cartridge tape. It contains US city average indexes for two populations--All Urban Consumers (CPI-U) and Urban Wage Earners and Clerical Workers (CPI-W)--are available for 355 consumer items and groups of items, all on a single tape. In addition, many of these series have been seasonally adjusted. Indexes are monthly, with some beginning in 1913. Area indexes for both populations are available for 27 urban places. For each area, indexes are published for 60 items or groups. The indexes are monthly for 5 areas, bimonthly for 10, and semiannual for the remaining 12. Some indexes begin as early as 1914. Regional indexes for both populations are available for four regions. For each region, 97 items or groups are available; indexes are bimonthly prior to 1987 and monthly thereafter. City-size indexes for both populations are available for four size classes. For each size-class, 97 items or groups are available; indexes are bimonthly prior to 1987 and monthly thereafter. Region/city-size indexes for both populations are available for 14 cross-classifications of regional and city-size classes. For each cross-classification, 59 items or groups are available; indexes are bimonthly prior to 1987 and monthly thereafter.
Available on a diskette: US city averages for 104 selected items; all Items Indexes for 54 selected areas for the current year to date and the previous year. $38 (1) $290 (12). For information on the subject matter contact Sharon Gibson, (202) 504-2053.
Department of Labor Federal Data Bases
* Contractor Accident Injury/Employment System
Richard Smith, Chief
Manager Safety and Health Technology Center
US Department of Labor
Division of Mining Information Systems
PO Box 25367, DFC, Federal Building
Denver, CO 80025-0367 (303) 231-5449
This system collects, edits, updates, stores and reports information pertaining to contractor identification, employment, accidents, injuries and fatalities chargeable to mine, coal metal/non-metal contractors. The information published from this system, including incidence rates and other statistical data, i.e., coal production in tons, is used by many mine industry related organizations, as well as by government personnel. The system is used to store and report contractor identification, address, accident, injury and illness information and statistics computed from these data. Individualized search requests are accepted. Searches are free as long as the information can be extracted easily and is reasonable quantity. Current data is kept for two years. Large projects are accepted and charged a fee under Freedom of Information Act. Data files are also available to purchase for complex projects.
Department of Labor Federal Data Bases
* Cooperative Information Clearinghouse Data Base (CIC)
Cooperative Information Clearinghouse
US Department of Labor/BLMRCP
200 Constitution Ave., NW, Room N-5402
Washington, DC 20210 (202) 523-6481
The CIC is a computer data base containing information on more than 400 successful labor-management and employee involvement efforts. It is expanding as the number of cooperative efforts increases. Using the CIC, employers, labor organizations, and other interested in joint programs and processes can learn from the experiences of those directly involved in cooperative arrangements. CIC information is available without charge upon request. CIC information can be accessed easily according to: Type of industry and employer size, Geographic area, Program type/features, Program scope and workplace issues addressed, Union involvement (where applicable), Year program began.
Department of Labor Federal Data Bases
* Cost of Living of Industrial Workers in the United States and Europe, 1988-1890 (ICPSR 7711)
Member Services
Inter-University Consortium for Political and Social Research
P.O. Box 1248
Ann Arbor, MI 38106 (313) 763-5010
These data were gathered in order to determine the cost of living as well as the cost of production in selected industries in the United States and several Western European countries. The study is comprised of nine industries (cotton and woolen textiles, glass, pig iron, bar iron, steel, bituminous coal, coke, and iron ore) and contains family-level information on the household composition, income and expenditures of workers in these industries. Additional topics covered include sources of income, ages and sexes of children, detailed occupation of the household head, detailed expenditures for food and nonfood items, and characteristics of the family's dwelling units.
Department of Labor Federal Data Bases
* Credit Data on Individual Debtors System
John Bergstrom
Office of the Secretary (O/SECY)
US Department of Labor
Room N-1301, Frances Perkins Building
200 Constitution Ave., NW
Washington, DC 20210 (202) 523-6295
The purpose of this system is to assemble in one system information on individuals who are indebted to the Department of Labor for the purpose of determining collectibility of debts and taking appropriate actions to collect or otherwise resolve the debts. The categories of records in this system include commercial credit reports, correspondence to and from the debtor, information or records relating to the debtor's current whereabouts, assets, liabilities, income and expenses, debtor's personal financial statements, and other information such as social security number, address, nature, amount and history of the debt, and other records and reports relating to the implementation of the Debt Collection Act of 1982, including any investigative reports or administrative review matters.
Department of Labor Federal Data Bases
US Department of Labor
Room N-1301, Frances Perkins Buitee reports as required by the Federal Advisory Committee Act and GSA's Interim Rule on Advisory Committee management. The categories of records in this system include membership file listing name, address, occupation, committee name, and term of appointment. Biographical information on committee members and applicants
* US Department of Justice Legislative File
Assistant Attorney General
Office of Legislative Affairs
US Department of Justice
Washington, DC 20530 (202) 633-2141
The file contains records to and from Congress, the Office of Legislative Affairs, other divisions within the Department, as well as sections within the Justice Management Division on proposed legislation. Included are comments and suggestions from the time a bill is introduced until final outcome. The files originate from 1980. A Freedom of Information Act request is required to receive information.
Department of Justice Federal Data Bases
* US Department of Justice Personnel
Gary Peterson
Land and Natural Resources Division
US Department of Justice
P.O. Box 7754
Washington, DC 20044 (202) 272-9888
The file contains administrative information regarding promotion eligibility date, within-grade dates, personnel actions requested and implemented, information pertaining to awards, training reports, attrition rate reports, and monthly and weekly status reports. Reports are distributed within the Department.
Department of Justice Federal Data Bases
* US Marshals' Monthly Activity Report (USM-7)
Office of Legal Counsel
US Marshals Service
600 Army Navy Drive
Arlington, VA 22202-4210 (202) 307-9000
These files contain data on the number of hours expended by personnel in the US Marshals Service. The system is updated about once a month. To obtain a printout, send a written Freedom of Information request to the above office.
Department of Justice Federal Data Bases
* US Trustee Automated Case Management System
Betty Tripodo
Executive Office for US Trustees
US Department of Justice
320 First Street, NW, Room 812
Washington, DC 20530 (202) 724-3304
The system contains data on bankruptcy cases, including case tracking data (i.e., case name and number, file date, and closing date). No financial information is included. The Department has 81 offices throughout the country. To obtain information from the data base, contact the office having jurisdiction over the case involved. Tapes are not sold, but selected information will be retrieved on request.#
Department of Justice Federal Data Bases
Justice Data Files Available from the National Archives
Margaret Adams
Archives Specialist
Reference Service
Center for Electronic Records (NNXA)
National Archives and Records Administration
8th and Pennsylvania Ave., NW
Washington, DC 20408
(202) 523-6771
The following list is a subset of electronic data sets (i.e., computer-readable data files) in the custody of the National Archives and Records Administration. The standard charge for a copy of an electronic data set (one data set not to exceed one magnetic reel of output) is $90. Ordering information is available upon request. For further information please contact the office above.
* Deportations, 1975-1983
* Derivative Citizenship, 1975-1983
* Lawful Immigrants, 1972-1982
* Naturalizations, 1972-1983
* Required Departures, 1974-1983
Department of Justice Federal Data Bases
Justice Data File Available from NTIS
National Technical Information Service
US Department of Commerce
Springfield, VA 22161
(703) 487-4807
FAX (703) 321-8547
Listed below is a data file available from the National Technical Information Service. Call the office above for ordering and cost information.
Department of Justice Federal Data Bases
* Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) Registration File - Active (PB88-912800/XDD) (See NTIS)
Department of Justice Federal Data Bases
Department of Labor Federal Data
Labor Federal Data Bases
* Applicant Race and National Origin (ARNO) System, Form 618.
Debera Solis
Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS)
US Department of Labor
Room 2100, GAO Building
441 G Street, NW
Washington, DC 20212 (202) 523-1971
The purpose of this system is to comply with the data collection requirements of the Luevano V. Devine decree (November 19, 1981) for applicants. See Civil Service Action Number 79-0271. The categories of records in this system include applicant race and national origin data; records which contain name, social security number, grade, title of position, location of position, race, occupational code, date received, RNO Code, title of announcement, number of announcement, authorization number. These records are retrieved by any element, including name and social security number.
Department of Labor Federal Data Bases
* Apprenticeship Management System (AMS)
Patsy Files
Employment and Training Administration (ETA)
US Department of Labor
Room N-4671, Frances Perkins Building
200 Constitution Ave., NW
Washington, DC 20210 (202) 535-0695
Records of individual apprentice/trainee and apprenticeship/trainee program sponsors are used for the operation and for the management of the apprenticeship system of training. The categories of records include the following identifying information on apprentice/trainees such as social security number, ATR Code, program number, State Code, DOT Code, Job Title, name, birth date, sex, ethnic code, Veteran code, accession date, previous experience date, expected completion date, apprenticeship school link. Records are retrieved by the name or social security number of the apprentice/trainee by program type.
Department of Labor Federal Data Bases
* Area Wage Surveys
Bureau of Labor Statistics
US Department of Labor
441 G Street, NW
Washington, DC 20212 (202) 523-7827
This system is available on magnetic tape and cartridge tape. The Bureau of Labor Statistics conducts two area-related occupational wage survey programs. The Area Wage Survey (AWS) program provides earnings data annually for 32 large metropolitan areas and biennially for 58 other metropolitan areas on a rotating basis. The Service Contract Act (SCA) survey program provides similar data in approximately another 125 metropolitan and nonmetropolitan areas on an annual or biennial basis. The surveys cover a variety of office clerical jobs, a limited number of professional and technical occupations, and a selection of maintenance, toolroom, powerplant, material movement, and custodial occupations. Selected information from these cross-industry surveys is available on magnetic tape in four quarterly installments. The installments are sent to users in late January, April, July, and October, and each includes results from survey reports issued in the preceding quarter. The magnetic file provides location and date of surveys, job titles, number of workers, and earnings means, medians, and middle ranges (when applicable) for all industries combined and each published sub-break. Contact the office above for cost and ordering information.
Department of Labor Federal Data Bases
* Case Development Records System
Pam Davis
Office of the Inspector General (OIG)
US Department of Labor
Room S-5506, Frances Perkins Building
200 Constitution Ave., NW
Washington, DC 20210 (202) 523-6747
This system of records is maintained as a repository for: (1) Records created as a result of targeting, surveys and projects for the development of cases and investigations for the Office of Investigations and for the Office of Labor Racketeering; (2) intelligence information concerning individuals identified as potential violators of criminal, labor and labor-related laws and other individuals associated with them; and (3) for other research and analysis. The categories of records in this system include intelligence and other background information; statements and other material from subjects and witnesses; information from government investigatory or law enforcement organizations (federal, state, local or international); investigative notes and reports; summary information for indexing and cross-referencing; other evidence and background materials existing in any form (e.g. audio or video tape, photographs, computer tapes or disks). The records are retrieved by name of individual subject, other personal identifiers and other non-personal elements.
Department of Labor Federal Data Bases
* Coal and Metal and Nonmetal Mine Accident and Injury System
Richard Baker
Mine Safety and Health Admin. (MSHA)
US Department of Labor
Room 727, Ballston Towers #3
4015 Wilson Boulevard
Arlington, VA 22203 (703) 235-1470
The collection of this data provides MSHA timely information for making decisions on improving safety and health enforcement programs, improving education and training efforts, and establishing priorities in technical assistance activities in the mining industry. The categories of records in this system include accident, injury, and occupational illness data which includes the mine name and identification number; date, time, and place of occurrence; type and description of accident; and name and social security number of injured miner. For 1978 and subsequent years, only the last four digits of the social security number are in the records. They are indexed and filed by mine identification number and date of accident and injury occurrence or illness diagnosis, and accessed by mine identification, date of accident and social security number of individual(s) involved.
Department of Labor Federal Data Bases
* Coal Mine Respirable Dust Program System
Richard Baker
Mine Safety and Health Admin. (MSHA)
US Department of Labor
Room 727, Ballston Towers #3
4015 Wilson Boulevard
Arlington, VA 22203 (703) 235-1470
The primary purpose of the records is to determine compliance with mandatory respirable dust standards. These records contain data concerning mine identification, mine section, name of individual and occupation sampled, social security number, date of sample, and concentration of respirable dust contained in the person sampler. The records are indexed by mine identification number, and social security number for individual coal miners sampled prior to 1981 and for all part 90 miners. This information is available on computer printouts.
Department of Labor Federal Data Bases
* Coal Mine Safety and Health Management Information System
Richard Baker
Mine Safety and Health Admin. (MSHA)
US Department of Labor
Room 727, Ballston Towers #3
4015 Wilson Boulevard
Arlington, VA 22203 (703) 235-1470
The purpose of this system is to record time utilization of Coal Mine Safety and Health personnel, maintain information on characteristics of mining operations and monitor action taken on plans submitted by mine operators. The categories of records in this system include operational characteristics of surface and underground coal operations; identification of key officials at individual mines; functional time utilization information for all coal mine Safety and Health personnel; location categorization of all time utilized by inspection personnel for on-site visits to individual mines; violation information on individual mines, and information on plans and other documents submitted by coal mine operators. These records are retrieved by mine identification number, social security number for noninspection personnel, by Authorized Representative number for inspection personnel, by organization code, and by violation number.
Individual search requests are accepted for easily accessible information. Complex requests are charged a fee under the Freedom of Information Act.
Department of Labor Federal Data Bases
* Compliance Safety and Health Officer Manpower File
Richard Baker
Mine Safety and Health Admin. (MSHA)
US Department of Labor
Room 727, Ballston Towers #3
4015 Wilson Boulevard
Arlington, VA 22203 (703) 235-1470
These records are maintained to document the amounts of time spent by OSHA compliance safety and health officers on their various compliance-related activities. The data compiled from the time sheets are used to analyze program activity by producing such activity measures as time spent on each of various types of compliance-related activities; the data are used by key agency officials to assist in measuring the effectiveness of OSHA's enforcement activities. These records are retrieved by compliance safety and health officer identifying number or by inspection/investigation number.
Department of Labor Federal Data Bases
* Consumer Expenditures, 1960-61
Bureau of Labor Statistics
US Department of Labor
441 G Street, NW
Washington, DC 20212 (202) 523-7827
This system is available on magnetic tape and cartridge tape. The Consumer Expenditure Survey general-purpose tape contains 42 items identifying the survey consumer units. 125 expenditure items, 19 items describing changes in assets and liabilities, and 12 income items. Contact the office above for cost and ordering information.
Department of Labor Federal Data Bases
Street, NW
Washington, DC 20212 (202) 523-7827
This system is available on magnetic tape and cartridge tape. The Coditional topics covered include sources of income, ages and sexes of children, detailed occupation of the household head, detailed expenditures for food and nonfood items, and characteristics of the family's dwelling units.
* State and Local Prosecution and Civil Attorney Systems, 1976 (ICPSR 7674)
National Archive of Criminal Justice Data
P.O. Box 1248 (800) 999-0960
Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (313) 763-5011
The study is a census of all state and local prosecutors and civil attorney systems. The data were collected in late 1976 by the US Bureau of the Census for the Bureau of Justice Statistics. The study includes information concerning jurisdiction, funding and operation, employment, compensation, policies, and number and type of employees. There are 43 variables for 9,229 agencies.
Department of Justice Federal Data Bases
* Survey of Inmates of Local Jails, 1983: [United States] (ICPSR 8274)
National Archive of Criminal Justice Data
P.O. Box 1248 (800) 999-0960
Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (313) 763-5011
The Survey of Inmates of Local Jails, 1983 data were collected by the Bureau of the Census for the Bureau of Justice Statistics. The 5,785 respondents were selected from a universe of 3,600 institutions housing 190,000 male and 13,000 female inmates. The sample included 400 institutions, 4,300 male and 1,800 female inmates. The survey consists of information regarding socioeconomic characteristics and demographics of respondents; previous military service; prior criminal history; jail activities; drug and alcohol use; health care; and current offenses.
Department of Justice Federal Data Bases
* Survey of Inmates of State Correctional Facilities, 1979 (ICPSR 7856)
National Archive of Criminal Justice Data
P.O. Box 1248 (800) 999-0960
Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (313) 763-5011
Designed by the Bureau of Justice Statistics and conducted by the Bureau of the Census, this survey was one of a series of data-gathering efforts undertaken during the 1970s to assist policymakers in assessing the nation's correctional institutions and in formulating measures to overcome any deficiencies. Under the terms of the Crime Control Act of 1976, the Law Enforcement Assistance Administration (LEAA) was authorized by Congress to survey existing and future needs in federal, state, and local correctional facilities. The Survey of Inmates of State Correctional Facilities gathered extensive information on demographic, socioeconomic, and criminal history characteristics. Also obtained were details of inmates' military service records such as era and branch of service, eligibility for benefits, type of discharge, and contact with veterans' groups. Other variables include age, ethnicity, education, life-time drug use, drinking pattern prior to arrest, prior incarceration record, and pre-arrest annual income. All information was provided by inmates who participated in personal interviews on a voluntary basis.
Department of Justice Federal Data Bases
* Survey of Inmates of State Correctional Facilities, 1986: [United States] (ICPSR 8711)
National Archive of Criminal Justice Data
P.O. Box 1248 (800) 999-0960
Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (313) 763-5011
The purpose of this survey was to obtain data collection information on the characteristics of persons confined to state prisons, their current and past offenses, and the circumstances or conditions of their confinement. This information, which is not available on a national basis from any other source, is intended to assist the criminal justice community and other researchers in analysis and evaluation of correctional issues. The collection focuses on topics and issues of current concern in research and policy within the field of corrections. Chief among these are the characteristics of the inmate population, criminal histories of inmates, and inmate backgrounds. Also included is extensive information on inmates' drug and alcohol use, program participation, and the victims of the inmates' most recent offenses. This file contains 11,397 cases and 31 records per case.
Department of Justice Federal Data Bases
* Survey of Inmates of State Correctional Facilities and Census of State Adult Correctional Facilities, 1974 (ICPSR 7811)
National Archive of Criminal Justice Data
P.O. Box 1248 (800) 999-0960
Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (313) 763-5011
This collection is comprised of two distinct files: part 1, the Survey of Inmates of State Correctional Facilities, 1974, and part 2, Census of State Adult Correctional Facilities, 1974. These surveys were conducted for the Bureau of Justice by the US Bureau of the Census. The data for part 1 were collected in face-to-face interviews with 9,040 inmates. The 432 variables include socio-economic and demographic characteristics of the inmates, the length of time in prison, type of offense, participation in programs of the correctional facility and drug usage. There is one record for each of the 9,040 inmates interviewed. Part 2 includes all state correctional facilities known to the Bureau of the Census in 1974. Each facility is classified into one of ten categories such as community center, prison farm, road camp, or reception center.
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Department of Justice Federal Data Bases
* Survey of Jail Inmates, 1972 (ICPSR 7668)
National Archive of Criminal Justice Data
P.O. Box 1248 (800) 999-0960
Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (313) 763-5011
This survey was conducted for the National Criminal Justice Information and Statistics Service by the Demographic Survey Division, United States Bureau of the Census. The data were obtained in personal interviews, from a sample of the inmates of local jails. There is information about 4,238 inmates, including: basic demographic data, income and employment data, reasons for incarceration, bail status, dates of admission and sentencing, length and type of sentence, and previous incarceration history. The file contains 4,238 cases; 3 records per case.
Department of Justice Federal Data Bases
* Survey of Jail Inmates, 1978 (ICPSR 7751)
National Archive of Criminal Justice Data
P.O. Box 1248 (800) 999-0960
Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (313) 763-5011
In February of 1978, locally operated jails were surveyed on a national scale. Of the more than 158,000 persons who were estimated to be held in these jails at that time, a sample of 5247 inmates was drawn. Information was gathered regarding type of facility, availability of health care in the facility, personal and educational backgrounds, reasons for incarceration, sentencing, numbers of offenses and inmate drug use. There are 579 variables for 5,247 cases.
Department of Justice Federal Data Bases
* Survey of Youths in Custody, 1987: [United States] (ICPSR 8992)
National Archive of Criminal Justice Data
P.O. Box 1248 (800) 999-0960
Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (313) 763-5011
This data collection is the first survey of youths confined to long-term state-operated institutions and was undertaken to complement existing Children in Custody censuses. It also serves as a companion to the Surveys of State Prisons, allowing comparisons between adult and juvenile populations. The survey provides detailed information on the characteristics of those youths held primarily in secure settings within the juvenile justice system. The data contain information on criminal histories, descriptions of family situations, drug and alcohol use, and peer group activities. For youths committed for violent acts, data are available on the victims of their crimes and on weapon use. The file contains 2,621 cases and 1 record per case.
Department of Justice Federal Data Bases
* Uniform Crime Reporting Program Data [United States], 1966-1976 (ICPSR 7676)
National Archive of Criminal Justice Data
P.O. Box 1248 (800) 999-0960
Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (313) 763-5011
For the years 1966-76, the data are in two files per year. The data included in Part I are arranged in 11 files, one for each year, with 1129 variables per year. There are also eleven files of data in Part II, one file for each year, with eleven variables per year.
Department of Justice Federal Data Bases
* Uniform Crime Reporting Program Data: [United States] (ICPSR 9028)
National Archive of Criminal Justice Data
P.O. Box 1248 (800) 999-0960
Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (313) 763-5011
The files in this collection contain counts of arrests and offenses for UCR index crimes: murder, rape, robber, assault, burglary, larceny, auto theft, and arson. County populations are also reported.
Department of Justice Federal Data Bases
* Uniform Crime Reporting Program Data [United States]: County Level Arrest and Offenses Data, 1977-1983 (ICPSR 8703)
National Archive of Criminal Justice Data
P.O. Box 1248 (800) 999-0960
Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (313) 763-5011
The files in this collection contain counts of arrests and offenses for UCR index crimes: murder, rape, robber, assault, burglary, larceny, auto theft, and arson. County populations are also reported.
Department of Justice Federal Data Bases
* Uniform Crime Reporting Program Data [United States]: County Level Arrest and Offenses Data, 1984 (ICPSR 8714)
National Archive of Criminal Justice Data
P.O. Box 1248 (800) 999-0960
Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (313) 763-5011
The files in this collection contain counts of arrests and offenses for UCR index crimes: murder, rape, robber, assault, burglary, larceny, auto theft, and arson. County populations are also reported.
Department of Justice Federal Data Bases
* Uniform Crime Reports, 1985-1969, and County and City Data Books, 1962, 1967, 1972: Merged Data (ICPSR 7715)
National Archive of Criminal Justice Data
P.O. Box 1248 (800) 999-0960
Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (313) 763-5011
This data set includes selected variables and cases from the Federal Bureau of Investigations's Uniform Crime Reports, 1958-1969, and the County and City Data Books for 1962, 1967, and 1972. Data are reported for all US cities with a population of 75,000 or more in 1960. The data were taken from a data set originally created by Alvin L. Jacobson, with further processing by Colin Loftin. They were prepared for use in the ICPSR's Workshop on Data Processing and Data Management in the Criminal Justice Field during the summer of 1978. Data taken from the Uniform Crime Reports include numbers for each year on: the number of homicides, forcible rapes, robberies, aggravated assaults, burglaries, larcenies over $50, and auto theft.
Department of Justice Federal Data Bases
* Uniform Crime Reports: County Level Arrest and Offense Data, 1986 (ICPSR 9119)
National Archive of Criminal Justice Data
P.O. Box 1248 (800) 999-0960
Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (313) 763-5011
The files in this collection contain counts of arrests and offenses for UCR index crimes: murder, rape, robber, assault, burglary, larceny, auto theft, and arson. County populations are also reported.
Department of Justice Federal Data Bases
* Uniform Crime Reports, 1966-1976 Data Aggregated by Standard Metropolitan Statistical Areas (ICPSR 7743)
National Archive of Criminal Justice Data
P.O. Box 1248 (800) 999-0960
Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (313) 763-5011
The files in this collection contain counts of arrests and offenses for UCR index crimes: murder, rape, robber, assault, burglary, larceny, auto theft, and arson. County populations are also reported.
Department of Justice Federal Data Bases
* US Attorney's Docket and Reporting Central Caseload and Collections System
Jim Hopson
Executive Office for US Attorneys
US Department of Justice
Patrick Henry Building
601 D St., NW, Room 6332
Washington, DC 20530 (202) 272-6346
The system provides statistics on the workload of US Attorneys. Record data include case number, subjectname, offense, status changes, court docket number, prosecuting attorney, judge, fine or judgement amounts, and case milestone dates. Printouts on all current cases opened and closed during the month are produced.
Department of Justice Federal Data Bases
larceny, auto theft, and arson. County populations are also reported.
Department of Justice Federal Data Bases
of various types of compliance-related activities; the X
* Offender Based Transaction Statistics (OBTS), 1984: Alaska, California, Delaware, Georgia, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Virginia (ICPSR 8675)
National Archive of Criminal Justice Data
P.O. Box 1248 (800) 999-0960
Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (313) 763-5011
The Offender Based Transaction Statistics (OBTS) consist of data which allow examination of offender characteristics and patterns of court action and case disposition. Collected by individual states from existing data, the data set includes all cases which reached disposition during the calendar year. Using the individual adult offender as the unit for analysis, selected information is provided about the offender and his or her arrest, prosecution, and court disposition. Examples of variables included are: arrest and level of arrest charge, date of arrest, charge filed by the prosecutor, prosecutor or grand jury disposition, type of counsel, type of trial, court disposition, sentence type, and minimum and maximum sentence length.
Department of Justice Federal Data Bases
* Offender Based Transaction Statistics (OBTS), 1985: Alaska, California, Delaware, Georgia, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, New York, Pennsylvania, and Virginia (ICPSR 8911)
National Archive of Criminal Justice Data
P.O. Box 1248 (800) 999-0960
Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (313) 763-5011
The Offender Based Transaction Statistics (OBTS) consist of data which allow examination of offender characteristics and patterns of court action and case disposition. Collected by individual states from existing data, the data set includes all cases which reached disposition during the calendar year. Using the individual adult offender as the unit for analysis, selected information is provided about the offender and his or her arrest, prosecution, and court disposition. Examples of variables included are: arrest and level of arrest charge, date of arrest, charge filed by the prosecutor, prosecutor or grand jury disposition, type of counsel, type of trial, court disposition, sentence type, and minimum and maximum sentence length.
Department of Justice Federal Data Bases
* Offender Based Transaction, Statistics (OBTS), 1980: California, Ohio, New York and Pennsylvania (ICPSR 8248)
National Archive of Criminal Justice Data
P.O. Box 1248 (800) 999-0960
Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (313) 763-5011
The Offender Based Transaction Statistics (OBTS) consist of data which allow examination of offender characteristics and patterns of court action and case disposition. Collected by individual states from existing data, the data set includes all cases which reached disposition during the calendar year. Using the individual adult offender as the unit for analysis, selected information is provided about the offender and his or her arrest, prosecution, and court disposition. Examples of variables included are: arrest and level of arrest charge, date of arrest, charge filed by the prosecutor, prosecutor or grand jury disposition, type of counsel, type of trial, court disposition, sentence type, and minimum and maximum sentence length.
Department of Justice Federal Data Bases
* Offender Based Transaction Statistics (OBTS), 1981: California, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Utah, Minnesota, New York, and Virginia (ICPSR 8277)
National Archive of Criminal Justice Data
P.O. Box 1248 (800) 999-0960
Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (313) 763-5011
The Offender Based Transaction Statistics (OBTS) consist of data which allow examination of offender characteristics and patterns of court action and case disposition. Collected by individual states from existing data, the data set includes all cases which reached disposition during the calendar year. Using the individual adult offender as the unit for analysis, selected information is provided about the offender and his or her arrest, prosecution, and court disposition. Examples of variables included are: arrest and level of arrest charge, date of arrest, charge filed by the prosecutor, prosecutor or grand jury disposition, type of counsel, type of trial, court disposition, sentence type, and minimum and maximum sentence length.
Department of Justice Federal Data Bases
* Offender Based Transaction Statistics (OBTS), 1982: California, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Utah, Minnesota, New York, Virginia, Virgin Islands (ICPSR 8408)
National Archive of Criminal Justice Data
P.O. Box 1248 (800) 999-0960
Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (313) 763-5011
The Offender Based Transaction Statistics (OBTS) consist of data which allow examination of offender characteristics and patterns of court action and case disposition. Collected by individual states from existing data, the data set includes all cases which reached disposition during the calendar year. Using the individual adult offender as the unit for analysis, selected information is provided about the offender and his or her arrest, prosecution, and court disposition. Examples of variables included are: arrest and level of arrest charge, date of arrest, charge filed by the prosecutor, prosecutor or grand jury disposition, type of counsel, type of trial, court disposition, sentence type, and minimum and maximum sentence length.
Department of Justice Federal Data Bases
* Offender Based Transaction Statistics (OBTS), 1983: California, Minnesota, Nebraska, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Utah, Virgin Islands, and Virginia (ICPSR 8449)
National Archive of Criminal Justice Data
P.O. Box 1248 (800) 999-0960
Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (313) 763-5011
The Offender Based Transaction Statistics (OBTS) consist of data which allow examination of offender characteristics and patterns of court action and case disposition. Collected by individual states from existing data, the data set includes all cases which reached disposition during the calendar year. Using the individual adult offender as the unit for analysis, selected information is provided about the offender and his or her arrest, prosecution, and court disposition. Examples of variables included are: arrest and level of arrest charge, date of arrest, charge filed by the prosecutor, prosecutor or grand jury disposition, type of counsel, type of trial, court disposition, sentence type, and minimum and maximum sentence length.
Department of Justice Federal Data Bases
* Offender Based Transaction Statistics (OBTS), 1979: Hawaii (ICPSR 8042)
National Archive of Criminal Justice Data
P.O. Box 1248 (800) 999-0960
Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (313) 763-5011
The Offender Based Transaction Statistics (OBTS) consist of data which allow examination of offender characteristics and patterns of court action and case disposition. Collected by individual states from existing data, the data set includes all cases which reached disposition during the calendar year. Using the individual adult offender as the unit for analysis, selected information is provided about the offender and his or her arrest, prosecution, and court disposition. Examples of variables included are: arrest and level of arrest charge, date of arrest, charge filed by the prosecutor, prosecutor or grand jury disposition, type of counsel, type of trial, court disposition, sentence type, and minimum and maximum sentence length.
Department of Justice Federal Data Bases
* Parole Decision Making System
Sheldon Adelbert
Parole Commission
5550 Friendship Blvd.
Chevy Chase, MD 20815 (301) 492-5980
This data base includes information on prisoners released from federal custody in 1978. Each record contains over 200 items concerning personal history and prior criminal record as well as data on criminal behavior during a specific period following release from custody. Output also includes statistical information regarding parole risk. Data is out-of-date, and is available only on specific need.
Department of Justice Federal Data Bases
* Personnel Information Network System (PINS)
Federal Bureau of Investigation
J. Edgar Hoover FBI Building
10th and Pennsylvania Ave., NW
Washington, DC 20535 (202) 324-3000
This system contains personnel information on FBI employees and former FBI employees, including records of personnel actions, life insurance, pay changes, retirement, and intra-agency memoranda. Requests for access shall be made in writing and clearly marked "Privacy Access Request." Address request to the Director, at the above address.
Department of Justice Federal Data Bases
* Program Accountability Library (PAL)
Larry Kruhm
Office of Justice Programs
US Department of Justice
633 Indiana Ave. NW, Room 1200
Washington, DC 20531 (202) 724-5829
This system provides timely and accurate data on the grants, contracts and interagency agreements awarded by the Office of Justice Programs. Information for each project awarded includes project number, award amount, award date, duration of the project, recipient name and address, title of project, project description, and subjective key words which allow retrieval on subject of award and criminal justice area affected. Contact the office above for obtaining information from the system.
Department of Justice Federal Data Bases
* Property Management System
Larry Kruhm
Office of Justice Programs
US Department of Justice
633 Indiana Ave., NW, Room 1200
Washington, DC 20531 (202) 724-5820
This system tracks personal property at the US Department of Justice including that held by contractors. Reports are generated on a monthly basis. The various types of formats include reports by document number, address location, and serial number. Contact the office above for obtaining information from the system.
Department of Justice Federal Data Bases
* Prosecutors' Management Information System
Jim Hopson
Executive Office for US Attorneys
US Department of Justice
Patrick Henry Building
601 D St., NW, Room 6332
Washington, DC 20530 (202) 272-6346
The system provides a method for tracking litigation through the Office of the US Attorneys, Washington, D.C., from the arrest of a defendant to disposition of the case. This data base contains the defendant's history for other pending cases, status of cases, defendant's address, time, date, and charge. Data are obtained from the master file keyed into the system from pending litigation. The One Day Misdemeanor Calendar, the One Day Preliminary Hearing Calendar, the Misdemeanor Specially Assigned Cases, and the Felony Specially Assigned Cases are principal output.
Department of Justice Federal Data Bases
* Recidivism Among Young Parolees: A Study of Inmates Released from Prison in 22 States, 1978 (ICPSR 8673)
National Archive of Criminal Justice Data
P.O. Box 1248 (800) 999-0960
Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (313) 763-5011
This study examines the criminal activities of a group of young offenders after their release from prison to parole supervision. Previous studies have examined recidivism using arrests as the principal measure, whereas this study examines a variety of factors, including length of incarceration, age, sex, race, prior arrest record, prosecutions, length of time between parole and rearrest, parolees not prosecuted for new offenses but having their parole revoked, rearrests in states other than the paroling states, and the nature and location of rearrest charges. Parolees in the 22 states covered in this study, account for 50% of all state prisoners paroled in the United States in 1978.
Department of Justice Federal Data Bases
* Routine Correspondence Prepared Without File Yellow
Federal Bureau of Investigation
J. Edgar Hoover FBI Building
10th and Pennsylvania Ave., NW
Washington, DC 20535 (202) 324-3000
Pertinent information from correspondence received by the FBI from citizens is temporarily stored in this computerized data base, retrievable by name, locality and date. Access by written request directed to Director, FBI, Washington, DC 20535.
Department of Justice Federal Data Bases
* Security Access Control System (SACS)
Federal Bureau of Investigation
J. Edgar Hoover FBI Building
10th and Pennsylvania Ave., NW
Washington, DC 20535 (202) 324-3000
SACS is a data base of individuals, both FBI employees and outside visitors, who have been granted access to the J. Edgar Hoover Building. Data includes name, access badge number and data and time of entry. Routine use is by FBI management and security personnel. Inquiries must be made in writing to the Director at the above address.
Department of Justice Federal Data Bases
* State and Local Probation and Parole Systems, 1976 (ICPSR 7673)
National Archive of Criminal Justice Data
P.O. Box 1248 (800) 999-0960
Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (313) 763-5011
This study is a census of all state and local probation and parole systems. It was conducted in late 1976 by the United States Bureau of the Census for the Bureau of Justice Statistics. The data contain information on each agency, including: jurisdiction, funding and operation, employment, and client case-load. There are 93 variables for 3587 agencies.
Department of Justice Federal Data Bases
0) 999-0960
Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (313) 763-5011
This study is a census of all state and local probation and parole systems. It wasistical Areas (ICPSR 7743)
National Archive of Criminal Justice Data
P.O. Box 1248 (800) 999-0960
Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (313) 763-5011
The files in this collection contain counts of arrests and offenses for UCR index crimes: murder, rape,
* National Crime Surveys: Reverse Record Check Studies: Washington, D.C., San Jose, and Baltimore, 1970-1971 (ICPSR 8693)
National Archive of Criminal Justice Data
P.O. Box 1248 (800) 999-0960
Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (313) 763-5011
These surveys were part of a series of pretests conducted during the early 1970s to reveal problems associated with doing a nationwide study on victimization. They were done to determine the most effective reference period to use when questioning respondents in order to gain the fullest and most reliable information, to measure the degree to which respondents move incidents occurring outside the reference period into that period when questioned, and to explore the possibility of identifying incidents by a few broad general questions as opposed to a series of more specific probing questions.
Department of Justice Federal Data Bases
* National Crime Surveys: Victim Risk Supplement, 1983 (ICPSR 8316)
National Archive of Criminal Justice Data
P.O. Box 1248 (800) 999-0960
Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (313) 763-5011
This special one-time survey was conducted in conjunction with the larger National Crime Survey and designed to collect data on non-interviewed and interviewed persons reporting household victimizations. The Supplement was administered in February, 1984 for a one-month period in place of the National Crime Survey. The purpose of the Supplement was to collect data on people's life-styles in order to determine whether certain life-styles are related to crime victimization.
Department of Justice Federal Data Bases
* National Criminal Justice Reference Service (NCJRS)
Stephanie Greenhouse
National Institute of Justice
Box 6000 (301) 251-5500
Rockville, MD 20850 (800) 851-3420
This system contains abstracts of documents on law enforcement and criminal justice and bibliographic source information. General topics include in the data base are criminology, law enforcement, corrections, victims services, adjudication, citizen crime prevention, juvenile justice and alternative dispute resolution. Topical searches cost $5.00. Topical bibliographic searches can be done for $17.50. Customized searches which are more specific cost $48.00 per topic. The data base is available commercially on DIALOG.
Department of Justice Federal Data Bases
* National Jail Census 1970 (ICPSR 7641)
National Archive of Criminal Justice Data
P.O. Box 1248 (800) 999-0960
Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (313) 763-5011
The study was conducted for the National Criminal Justice Information and Statistics Service by the Government's Division of the United States Bureau of the Census. Counties and municipalities with a 1960 population of 1,000 or more were surveyed to determine the presence of a jail. Data were collected for jails which were operated by the local jurisdiction and which confined inmates for 48 hours or more. There are data for 4,037 local jails. Data include: jail population by reason being held, age (juvenile or adult), and sex; maximum sentence that can be served in the facility; type of security available; facility capacity; age, construction, and renovation of the facility; employment; and operating expenditures.
Department of Justice Federal Data Bases
* National Jail Census, 1972 (ICPSR 7638)
National Archive of Criminal Justice Data
P.O. Box 1248 (800) 999-0960
Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (313) 763-5011
The survey was conducted for the National Criminal Justice Information and Statistics Service by the Demographic Survey Division, United States Bureau of the Census. The survey covers jails that had been identified in the National Jail Census, 1970, an were still in existence in 1972. There are 3,580 records, one for each jail. Data include: number of inmates held, types of accommodations, number of different types of staff personnel, procedures for segregating certain types of inmates, selected facilities and programs and services.
Department of Justice Federal Data Bases
* National Jail Census, 1978 (ICPSR 7737)
National Archive of Criminal Justice Data
P.O. Box 1248 (800) 999-0960
Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (313) 763-5011
The National Jail Census was conducted in early 1978 by the US Bureau of the Census for the Bureau of Justice Statistics. The Census was taken of all locally administered county and municipal jails which had the authority to hold prisoners more than 48 hours. Data are presented for 3,493 jails in 45 states. Excluded are Connecticut, Delaware, Hawaii, Rhode Island, and Vermont. Information includes: Jail population by legal status; age and sex of prisoners; maximum sentence; admissions and releases; available services; structure and capacity; expenditure and employment.
Department of Justice Federal Data Bases
* National Jail Census, 1983 (ICPSR 8203)
National Archive of Criminal Justice Data
P.O. Box 1248 (800) 999-0960
Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (313) 763-5011
The National Jail Census was conducted by the US Census Bureau for the Bureau of Justice Statistics. The Census was taken of all locally administered county and municipal jails which had the authority to hold prisoners for more than 48 hours. Data are presented for 3,338 jails in 45 states. Excluded are Connecticut, Delaware, Hawaii, Rhode Island, and Vermont. Information includes jail population by legal status, age and sex of prisoners, maximum sentence, admissions and releases, available services, structure and capacity, expenditure, and employment. There are 452 variables.
Department of Justice Federal Data Bases
* National Justice Agency List, 1980 (ICPSR 7858)
National Archive of Criminal Justice Data
P.O. Box 1248 (800) 999-0960
Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (313) 763-5011
The National Justice Agency List is a master name and address file created and maintained by the Bureau of the Census for the Bureau of Justice Statistics. The file was first created in 1970 and the Bureau of the Census has continued to maintain and expand the file. The master file contains information for ten separate sectors: Prosecution and Civil Attorney Sector, Public Defender Sector, Law Enforcement Sector, Court Sector, Probation and Parole Sector, Juvenile Corrections Sector, Local Adult Corrections Sector, State Adult Corrections Sector, Other Justice Agencies Sector, and Federal and Indian Tribal Sector. The ICPSR has separated the master file into ten subfiles, corresponding to the ten sectors in the master file. Every file has variables containing the names and addresses of agencies in that sector and information relevant only to the agencies within the sector.
Department of Justice Federal Data Bases
* National Justice Agency List, 1985 (ICPSR 8489)
National Archive of Criminal Justice Data
P.O. Box 1248 (800) 999-0960
Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (313) 763-5011
The National Justice Agency List, 1985 is a master name and address file created and maintained by the Bureau of the Census for the Bureau of Justice Statistics. The file contains information for the Prosecution and Civil Attorney Section, Public Defender Section, Law Enforcement Section, Court Section, Probation and Parole Section, Juvenile Corrections Section, Local Adult Corrections Section, Other Justice Section, and Federal and Indian Tribal Section. The file contains 60,826 cases; 1 record per case.
Department of Justice Federal Data Bases
* National Justice Agency List, 1986 (ICPSR 8692)
National Archive of Criminal Justice Data
P.O. Box 1248 (800) 999-0960
Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (313) 763-5011
This list has been updated by adding various surveys conducted in the past three years. They are: the 1984 State Correctional Facilities Survey, the 1986 Juvenile Detention and Correctional Facilities Survey, the 1986 Directory Survey of Law Enforcement Agencies, and the 1986 Directory Survey of General Jurisdiction Courts. The prison sector has also been updated using the recently published American Correctional Association directory. the populations section has been updated by replacing the old populations with 1984 populations for cities and townships and 1985 estimated populations for the remaining agencies. The file contains 59,975 cases; 1 record per case.
Department of Justice Federal Data Bases
* National Survey of Court Organization: Courts and Court Division, 1971-1972 (ICPSR 7640)
National Archive of Criminal Justice Data
P.O. Box 1248 (800) 999-0960
Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (313) 763-5011
The study was conducted for the Bureau of Justice Statistics by the Government's Division of the Bureau of the Census. Its purpose was to document the existing organization of courts in the 50 states and the District of Columbia as of 1971-1972. The survey covers all appellate courts, courts of general jurisdiction, special courts, and other courts of limited jurisdiction. Excluded were justices of the peace and similar magistrates whose compensation is solely on a direct fee basis, and courts of limited or special jurisdiction located in municipalities or townships with a 1960 population of less than 1,000. The data are stored in a hierarchical fashion with two levels: courts and subdivision. There are 17,061 records for courts and 20,799 records for subdivisions.
Department of Justice Federal Data Bases
* National Survey of Jails: Jurisdiction-Level and Jail-Level Data, 1985 (ICPSR 8687)
National Archive of Criminal Justice Data
P.O. Box 1248 (800) 999-0960
Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (313) 763-5011
The Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS) sponsors the Sample Survey of Jails as part of a series of statistical programs measuring the correctional population. A complete census of local jails is conducted every five years and in the intervening years this Sample Survey provides basic data about the national jail population. The first Sample Survey was conducted in 1982 and was followed by a complete census of jails in 1983. Sample Surveys have been conducted in 1984 and, most recently, in 1985.
Department of Justice Federal Data Bases
* National Survey of Jails: Jurisdiction-level and Jail-Level Data, 1986 (ICPSR 8871)
National Archive of Criminal Justice Data
P.O. Box 1248 (800) 999-0960
Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (313) 763-5011
This data collection provides annual data on jail populations across the nation and examines the "spillover" effect on local jails resulting from the dramatic growth in Federal and state prison populations. These data permit an assessment of the demands placed on correctional resources. Information is available on the number of inmates by sex, race, adult or juvenile status, reason being held, and cause of death.
Department of Justice Federal Data Bases
* National Victim Resource Center (NVAC)
Stephanie L. Greenhouse
Office of Justice Assistance, Research and Statistics
US Department of Justice
Box 6000 AIQ (301) 251-5525
Rockville, MD 20850 or (301) 251-5519
This system is a computerized national program data base containing description of all types of victim assistance programs throughout the country. A legislative data base has been developed to track pending and enacted legislation on victim assistance and compensation programs. It also collects and makes literature available (i.e., books, articles, reports and audiovisual materials). This system has access to more than 7,000 victim related books and articles. Information specialists can help you with the federally sponsored victim related research studies, national victimization statistics and information on State victims compensation programs.
Department of Justice Federal Data Bases
* Naturalization Service Statistical Reporting System (SRS)
Lisa Roney
Director of Planning and Analysis
Immigration and Naturalization Service
425 I St., N.W., Room 6100
Washington, DC 20536 (202) 633-3242
This system contains statistical information regarding naturalization activity. Persons who derive citizenship or who become naturalized are tabulated by district, sex, age, marital status, occupation, city or state or residence, by nationality and other categories. Special searches and computer tapes are available by special arrangement.
Department of Justice Federal Data Bases
* NCJRS Electronic Bulletin Board (NIJNET)
National Institute of Justice
Box 6000 (800) 851-3420
Rockville, MD 20850 (301) 251-5500
(modem) (301) 738-8895, 300 to 2400 band
This electronic bulletin board provides access to current news, announcements, publication briefs, conference calendars and publication announcements from National Institute of Justice, Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention, Office for Victims of Crime, Bureau of Justice Statistics, Bureau of Justice Assistance. First time callers are given a unique user name and password.
Department of Justice Federal Data Bases
uter tapes are available by special arrangement.
Department of Justice Federal Data Bases
h agency, including: jurisdiction, funding and operation, employment, and client case-load. There are 93 variables for 3587 agencies.
* National Asset Seizure and Forfeiture System
Office of Legal Counsel
US Marshal Service
600 Army Navy Drive, Suite 1090
Arlington, VA 22202-4210 (202) 307-9221
The system maintains a complete inventory of property seized by the government and placed in the custody of the US Marshals Service. The system will also maintain a complete record of all funds expended to maintain and dispose of the property. Output includes inventory listings, summary reports on inventory items by category and financial reports. To obtain a printout, send a written Freedom of Information request to the above office.
Department of Justice Federal Data Bases
* National Automated Immigration Lookout System (NALS)
Joyce Leonard
Assistant Immigration Inspector
Immigration and Naturalization Service
425 I St., NW, Room 7123
Washington, DC 20536 (202) 633-3242
This system provides information for the detection of inadmissable persons and others of particular interest to the Immigration and Naturalization Service and other law enforcement agencies. The scope of the system is nationwide at several ports of entry. The file contains some 40,000 records. The period covered is indefinite. The system was initiated in 1983. Output is obtained from online inquiry screens and variable format printed reports.
Department of Justice Federal Data Bases
* National Center for the Analysis of Violent Crime
Federal Bureau of Investigation
Training Division, FBI Academy
Behavioral Science Unit
Quantico, VA 22135 (703) 640-6131
The NCAVC maintains case investigation reports on all forms of solved and unsolved violent crimes. Records cover individuals who relate in any manner to FBI investigations of violent crimes; individuals who are the subject or source of unsolicited information relative to violent crime; and those who are the subject of violent crime research studies. Requests for access to these records must be made in writing and clearly marked "Privacy Access Request." Address request to the Director, FBI, Washington, DC 20535.
Department of Justice Federal Data Bases
* National Corrections Reporting Program, 1983; [United States] (ICPSR 8363)
National Archive of Criminal Justice Data
P.O. Box 1248 (800) 999-0960
Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (313) 763-5011
This study was conducted to provide a consistent and comprehensive description of convicted person' entrances into and departures from correctional custody and correctional supervision. In order to accomplish this goal, data were gathered on previous admissions, prisons releases, and parole releases.
Department of Justice Federal Data Bases
* National Corrections Reporting Program, 1984: [United States] (ICPSR 8497)
National Archive of Criminal Justice Data
P.O. Box 1248 (800) 999-0960
Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (313) 763-5011
In 1983 the National Prisoners Statistics program on admissions and releases (NPS) and the Uniform Parole Reports (UPR) were combined into one reporting system, the National Corrections Reporting Program (NCRP). The NCRP evolved from the need to improve and consolidate data on corrections at the national level. Its objective is to provide a consistent and comprehensive description of prisoners entering and leaving the custody of supervision of state and federal authorities. Thirty-four states reported data in 1984, an increase from the 30 that reported in 1983. In addition to the states reporting, data from the Federal Prison System were added in 1984. Data refer only to those prisoners admitted to prison, released from prison, or released from parole in 1984.
Department of Justice Federal Data Bases
* National Crime Information Center
Criminal Justice Services Division
Technical Services Division
Federal Bureau of Investigation
10th & Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20535 (202) 324-2606
NCSI provides information online to criminal justice agencies concerning wanted persons, missing persons, stolen property and computerized criminal histories. Input and retrieval are performed via federal, state and local computer/terminal interface with a central FBI computer. Retrievable data includes information on criminal careers and permits authorities to track criminals through the criminal justice system. The system contains more than nine million records and updates are performed on a 24-hour day online basis. Searches and printouts are free and restricted to criminal justice agencies.
Department of Justice Federal Data Bases
* National Crime Surveys: Cities Attitude Sub-sample, 1972-1975 (ICPSR 7663)
National Archive of Criminal Justice Data
P.O. Box 1248 (800) 999-0960
Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (313) 763-5011
The National Crime Surveys were designed by the Bureau of Justice Statistics to obtain detailed information about crime and its victims, and consequences. This sub-sample is a study of personal and household victimization, with victimization being measured on the basis of six selected crimes (including attempts); rape, robbery, assault, burglary, larceny, and motor vehicle theft. The research design consists of a survey of households in twenty-six major US cities.
The National Crime Surveys were designed by the Bureau of Justice Statistics to obtain detailed information about crime and its victims and consequences. The data were collected by the US Bureau of the Census from 1972-1975 in 26 different cities. Interviews were conducted with household members in each household sampled and detailed information about each household or personal victimization was recorded. The data include type of crime, description of offender, severity of crime, injuries, or losses, and demographic characteristics of the household. For each year, the data are organized by city into 39 separate data sets. Each data set is hierarchically structured in three levels. There are 43 variables for an average of 6,028 households, 38 variables for an average of 9,039 persons, and 199 variables for an average of 3,128 incidents per city per year.
The Archive has also completed a person-level subset file from the National Crime Surveys: Cities Sample, 1972-1975 (Complete Sample) data set. This subset was created in order to provide users with a file which is easier to work with but which preserves the characteristics of the Cities Sample data. In creating this person-level file, a full sample of victims and a ten percent sample of non-victims for up to four incidents was employed. Thus, a maximum of four incidents per victim have been retained in the subset file; the remainder of the incidents were dropped from the file. In the entire Cities sample, approximately 97% of the respondents in each quarter report four or fewer incidents. These data are in a rectangular, or flattened, file so that for each incident retrieved for a respondent all of the variables in the incident record are repeated as many times as there are incidents.
Department of Justice Federal Data Bases
* National Crime Surveys: National Sample, 1973-1983 (Complete Sample) (ICPSR 7635)
National Archive of Criminal Justice Data
P.O. Box 1248 (800) 999-0960
Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (313) 763-5011
The National Crime Surveys were designed by the Bureau of Justice Statistics to obtain detailed information about crime, its victims, and consequences. The data were collected by the United States Bureau of the Census using a national sample of households drawn with a stratified multistage cluster procedure. Rotating subsamples were re-interviewed at six month intervals from 1973 to the present. Interviews were conducted with each household member 12 years of age and older and detailed information about each household and personal victimization was recorded. The data include type of crime, description of offender, severity of crime, injuries or losses, and demographic characteristics of household members and neighborhood. The data are organized by collection quarter into 18 separate data sets. Each data set is hierarchically structured into three levels. There are 103 variables for an average of 35,000 households per quarter, 102 variables for an average of 65,000 persons per quarter, and 310 variables for an average of 8,000 incidents per quarter. Data up through 1983 are currently contained in this data collection.
Department of Justice Federal Data Bases
* National Crime Surveys: National Sample, 1973-1983 (Incident Level File) (ICPSR 7635)
National Archive of Criminal Justice Data
P.O. Box 1248 (800) 999-0960
Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (313) 763-5011
The Archive has created an incident-level National Sample extract file from the entire National Sample of the National Crime Surveys. The purpose of this is to provide users with a file which is easier to handle than the complete file but which preserves the characteristics of the National Sample data. The incident-level data set is a rectangular, or flattened file, file containing each incident record which appears in the full sample file, the victim's personal record, and the victim's household information. As expected, these data include personal and household information for victims only. There are 337 variables in each file, with one extract file for each year of the Complete National Sample, 1973-1983. These data are appropriate for analyses of incidents or incident rates.
Department of Justice Federal Data Bases
* National Crime Surveys: National Sample, 1973-1980 (Person Level File) (ICPSR 7635)
National Archive of Criminal Justice Data
P.O. Box 1248 (800) 999-0960
Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (313) 763-5011
Another subset file has also been created. This subset is a person-level file that provides users with a file which is easier to handle but which preserves the characteristics of the National Sample data. In generating this person-level file, a full sample of victims and a ten percent sample of non-victims for up to four incidents was employed. Thus, a maximum of four incidents per victim has been retained in the subset file; the remainder of the incidents were dropped from the file. In the complete National Sample file, the majority of victims report only one incident, and approximately 98% of the victims have had four or fewer incidents; there is, however, one respondent who has up to 21 reported incidents. These data are in a rectangular, or flattened, file so that for each incident, retrieved for a respondent, all of the variables for incidents are repeated for as many incidents as occurred. For respondents with fewer than four incidents, the incident record variables contain missing data when incidents did not occur. There is one person-level subset file for each interview quarter of the complete National Sample, 1973-1980. The person-level file is appropriate for the analysis of victims or personal victimization. The data contain 935 variables.
Department of Justice Federal Data Bases
* National Crime Surveys: National Sample, 1979-1987 [Revised Questionnaire] (ICPSR 8608)
National Archive of Criminal Justice Data
P.O. Box 1248 (800) 999-0960
Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (313) 763-5011
The purpose of the National Crime Surveys is to provide data on the level of crime victimization in the United States and to collect data on the characteristics of crime incidents and victims. Interviews were conducted with each household member twelve years of age and older and detailed information about each household and personal victimization was recorded. The data included type of crime, description of the offender, severity of crime, injuries or losses, and demographic characteristics of household members
Department of Justice Federal Data Bases
* National Crime Surveys: National Sample of Rape Victims, 1973-1982 (ICPSR 8625)
National Archive of Criminal Justice Data
P.O. Box 1248 (800) 999-0960
Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (313) 763-5011
The purpose of this study was to provide an in-depth look at rapes and attempted rapes in the United States. The collection contains variables regarding the characteristics of the crime, such as the setting, the relationship between the victim and offender, the likelihood of injury, and the reasons why rape is not reported to police.
Department of Justice Federal Data Bases
* National Crime Surveys: Redesign Data, 1975-1979 (ICPSR 8484)
National Archive of Criminal Justice Data
P.O. Box 1248 (800) 999-0960
Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (313) 763-5011
These data are a product of the National Crime Surveys Redesign Project. The purpose of the data collection was to create several different data files from existing public-use National Crime Surveys files. For each crime, information is gathered on the victim's housing unit and household as well as the incident itself. A personal history and interview are also included. Several data files contain National Crime Survey and Uniform Crime Report data on the following index crimes: robbery, larceny-theft, burglary, motor vehicle theft, rape, and aggravated assault.
Department of Justice Federal Data Bases
and password.
Department of Justice Federal Data Bases
* Offender Based Transaction Sh
* Identification Division Records System
Federal Bureau of Investigation
J. Edgar Hoover FBI Building
10th and Pennsylvania Ave., NW
Washington, DC 20537-9700 (202) 324-3362
This data base contains information on individuals fingerprinted as a result of arrest, incarceration, federal employment, military service, alien registration and naturalization, or voluntary request. Criminal history records known as "rap sheets" are maintained in this system, which is operated for criminal and non-criminal justice agencies. Inquiries must be made in writing to the Identification Division Records System Manager at the address above. An individual is permitted to access his own identification record.
Department of Justice Federal Data Bases
* Individual Report System
Todd Baldau
Management Assistant
Bureau of Justice
US Department of Justice
633 Indiana Ave., NW
Washington, DC 20531 (202) 724-5974
This subgrant tracking system contains descriptive, quantitative, and time frame information on subgrants made to individual states from the Antidrug Abuse Act of 1988. Types of information available include: how much grant money a state received, how the money is being spent, and the target population. Information can be given over the phone, or the system can be queried and a printout provided.
Department of Justice Federal Data Bases
* International Criminal Police Organization-United States National Central Bureau Records System (INTERPOL)
Beverly Sweatman
US Department of Justice
Washington, DC 20530 (202) 272-6999
This system contains the criminal and non-criminal case file for INTERPOL-USNCB. The files contain fingerprint records, photographs, criminal investigative reports, radio-messages, log sheets, computer printouts, letters, memoranda, and statements of witnesses and parties to litigation. Sources of information contained in this system include investigative reports of federal, state, local and foreign law enforcement agencies. Only police agencies conducting investigations can request information from INTERPOL.
Department of Justice Federal Data Bases
* Jail Contracting Management System
US Marshals Service
600 Army Navy Drive
Arlington, VA 22202 (202) 307-9320
This system monitors performance of approximately 800 contracts with local jails, as well as the financial aspects of these contracts. It contains such information as costs and obligation, population trends and jail inspection data. It produces hard copy reports on an as-required basis on jail and cost information on as well as allowing interactive file/record query.
Department of Justice Federal Data Bases
* Justice Retrieval and Inquiry System (JURIS)
Richard J. Krips
Director, Legal and Information Systems Staff
US Department of Justice
425 I St., NW, Room 129
Washington, DC 20530 (202) 633-5682
JURIS is a computerized legal information retrieval system designed and maintained by the US Department of Justice. Originally for in-house use only, the availability of JURIS has expanded to include the federal legal community. It is a full text retrieval system. The complete text of federal cases and other legal materials is available for retrieval and display in response to search requests transmitted by the user. It currently contains over 13 billion characters including the full text of 250,000 federal cases; the headnotes of 500,000 state decisions; the full text of the United States Code, Public Laws, United States' Treaties, and the Code of Federal Regulations; Department of Justice briefs; Shepard's Citations; and the full text of a variety of administrative and regulatory materials. Funding for the system is based on a cost reimbursement basis whereby all the users share the cost of operation, data base management and improvements.
Department of Justice Federal Data Bases
* Juvenile Detention and Correctional Facility Census, 1971 (ICPSR 7637)
National Archive of Criminal Justice Data
P.O. Box 1248 (800) 999-0960
Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (313) 763-5011
The study was designed by the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare and the Bureau of Justice Statistics and conducted by the United States Bureau of the Census. The census includes juvenile detention and correctional facilities that were operated by state or local governments in October, 1971, and had been in operation at least a month prior to June 30, 1971, and had a resident population of at least 50 percent juveniles. There are 722 records one for each juvenile detention or correctional facility. Each is classified into one of six categories; detention centers; shelters; reception or diagnostic centers; training schools; ranches, forestry camps and farms; halfway houses and groups homes.
Department of Justice Federal Data Bases
* Juvenile Detention and Correctional Facility Census, 1973 (ICPSR 7639)
National Archive of Criminal Justice Data
P.O. Box 1248 (800) 999-0960
Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (313) 763-5011
The study was designed by the Bureau of Justice Statistics and conducted by the United States Bureau of the Census. The census includes juvenile detention and correctional facilities that were operated by state or local governments in November, 1973, and had been in operation at least a month prior to June 30, 1973. There are 794 records, one for each juvenile detention or correctional facility. Each is classified into one of six categories: detention centers; shelters; reception or diagnostic centers; training schools; ranches, forestry camps and farms; halfway houses; and group homes.
Department of Justice Federal Data Bases
* Juvenile Detention and Correctional Facility Census, 1974 (ICPSR 7706)
National Archive of Criminal Justice Data
P.O. Box 1248 (800) 999-0960
Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (313) 763-5011
The study was designed by the Bureau of Justice Statistics and conducted by the United States Bureau of the Census. The census includes juvenile detention and correctional facilities that were operated by state or local governments in November, 1974, and had been in operation at least a month prior to June 30, 1974. There are 829 records, one for each juvenile detention or correctional facility. Each is classified into one of eight categories: detention centers; shelters; reception or diagnostic centers; training schools; ranches; forestry camps and farms; halfway houses; group homes; and non-residential community programs.
Department of Justice Federal Data Bases
* Juvenile Detention and Correctional Facility Census, 1975 (ICPSR 7707)
National Archive of Criminal Justice Data
P.O. Box 1248 (800) 999-0960
Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (313) 763-5011
The study was designed by the Bureau of Justice Statistics and conducted by the United States Bureau of the Census. The census includes juvenile detention and correctional facilities that were operated by state or local governments in November, 1975, and had been in operation at least a month prior to June 30, 1975. There are 874 records, one for each juvenile detention or correctional facility. Each is classified into one of seven categories: detention centers; shelters; reception or diagnostic centers; training schools; ranches, forestry camps and farms; halfway houses; and group homes.
Department of Justice Federal Data Bases
* Juvenile Detention and Correctional Facility Census, 1977 (ICPSR 7758)
National Archive of Criminal Justice Data
P.O. Box 1248 (800) 999-0960
Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (313) 763-5011
The Juvenile Detention and Correctional Facility Census, 1977, is the fifth in a series of surveys of state and local public residential facilities in the juvenile justice system. The census was designed by the Bureau of Justice Statistics and conducted by the US Bureau of the Census. The variables included are: type of facility; level of government responsible for administering the agency; number of admissions by type of offense and sex; quarterly resident population by detention status and sex; number of residents adjudged delinquent or declared in need of supervision by offense and sex; facility capacity; statistics on the age of residents by sex; average length of stay; number of full- and part-time staff; staff vacancies by type of position and payroll status, and facility expenditures. The 1977 survey has 992 records in the data file, with 227 variables for each record. Comparable data were collected in 1971, 1973, 1974,and 1975.
Department of Justice Federal Data Bases
* Juvenile Detention and Correctional Facility Census, 1979 (ICPSR 7846)
National Archive of Criminal Justice Data
P.O. Box 1248 (800) 999-0960
Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (313) 763-5011
The Juvenile Detention and Correctional Facility Census is conducted biannually by the US Bureau of the Census for the Bureau of Justice Statistics. In 1979, 1,015 facilities responded to the survey which asked questions about expenditures, personnel, and resident populations. The data include the number of full- and part-time staff, operating and capital expenditures, physical size of facilities, number of admissions and types of offenses for resident juvenile population, sex and average age, detention status, and average length of stay for committed juveniles. The collection contains 238 variables for the 1,015 facilities and has a logical record length of 716 characters.
Department of Justice Federal Data Bases
* Juvenile Detention and Correctional Facility Census, 1982-1983 (ICPSR 8205)
National Archive of Criminal Justice Data
P.O. Box 1248 (800) 999-0960
Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (313) 763-5011
The Juvenile Detention and Correctional Facility Census, 1982-1983 is the seventh in a series of surveys conducted by the Bureau of the Census. It contains information on state and local public residential facilities which the juvenile justice system operated during the fiscal year 1982. The previous surveys covered the years 1972, 1973, 1974, 1975, 1977, and 1979, and they are included in the ICPSR archive. Each data record is classified into one of six categories: (1) detention center; (2) shelter; (3) reception or diagnostic center; (4) training school; (5) ranch, forestry camp, or farm; and (6) halfway house or group home. Data include state, county, and city identification; level of government responsible for the facility; type of agency; agency identification; resident population by sex, age range, detention status, and offense; and admissions and departures of population.
Department of Justice Federal Data Bases
* Juvenile Detention and Correctional Facility Census, 1984-1985 (ICPSR 8495)
National Archive of Criminal Justice Data
P.O. Box 1248 (800) 999-0960
Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (313) 763-5011
This survey provides information on the characteristics and administration of juvenile detention and correctional facilities. Six types of facilities are covered: (1) detention centers, (2) shelters, (3) reception or diagnostic centers, (4) training schools, (5) ranches, forestry camps, and farms, and (6) halfway houses and group homes. Survey items include facility capacity, number of full-time and part-time staff, number of admissions and discharges, average quarterly population, and expenditures by the facility. Data for facility residents include age, sex, and average length of stay. The file contains 1,040 cases and 10 records per case.
Department of Justice Federal Data Bases
* Juvenile Detention and Correctional Facility Census, 1986-1987; Public Facilities (ICPSR 8973)
National Archive of Criminal Justice Data
P.O. Box 1248 (800) 999-0960
Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (313) 763-5011
The purpose of this data collection is to provide information on the number and type of juveniles placed in state and local residential facilities for juvenile offenders and to facilitate the development of programs under the Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Act of 1974. The collection augments information currently available on the adequacy and needs of the nation's juvenile correctional system. Six types of public facilities are covered: (1) detention centers, (2) shelters, (3) reception or diagnostic centers, (4) training schools, (5) ranches, forestry camps, and farms, and (6) halfway houses and group homes. Data are provided in this collection on the number of juveniles held according to age, sex, race, ethnic origin, reason for custody, facility type, and number of staff and educational programs. The file contains 1,107 cases and 1 record per case.
Department of Justice Federal Data Bases
* Lands Docket Tracking System (LDTS)
Dodie Steenland
Lands Division
US Department of Justice
9th and Pennsylvania Ave., NW
Washington, DC 20530 (202) 272-8487
This system contains information about open and closed cases involving public lands. The cases include condemnation proceedings, disputes over Indian lands and hazardous waste cases. Information is provided on the amount of the claim as well as the names of the department handling the case and the opposing party. Printouts are available and there may be a charge depending on the request. LDTS handles criminal cases as well as civil cases. It current contains 1.5 million records.
Department of Justice Federal Data Bases
* Litigation Support System
Kenneth Zwick
Civil Division
US Department of Justice
550 11th St., NW
Washington, DC 20530 (202) 633-4552
This series of data bases manages a large number of litigation documents for such case topics as asbestos, radiation, student loan, and toxic substances. This is a multi-year effort involving millions of records, many of which are restricted. Sources of input are biographically-coded data from documents including but not limited to depositions, trial exhibits, correspondence, reports, specification, commercial fraud, patent infringement, immigration, asbestos, radiation, student loans, and toxic substances. This is a multi-year effort involving millions of records, many of which are restricted. Sources of input are biographically-coded data from documents including but not limited to depositions, trial exhibits, correspondence, reports, specification, and memoranda related to the cases. Contact the office above for obtaining information from the system.
Department of Justice Federal Data Bases
St., NW
Washington, DC 20530 (202) 633-4552
This series of data bases manages a large number of litigation documents for such case topics as asbesral Data Bases
* National Crime Surveys: Cities Attitude Sub-sample, 197
* Census of State Felony Courts, 1985: [United States] (ICPSR 8667)
National Archive of Criminal Justice Data
P.O. Box 1248 (800) 999-0960
Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (313) 763-5011
The purpose of this study was to update the directory listing of felony courts in this country, and to provide a universe from which a sample of courts could be selected based on a felony caseload. The study includes information on all state felony courts in the United States, including the number of cases filed and disposed by conviction, acquittal, dismissal, or other means. Court administrators were asked to indicated the manner in which cases filed and disposed were counted, such as by defendant, charge, or indictment/information. The total number of cases disposed during the period was also collected for juvenile delinquents and for traffic offenses (moving violations,) where applicable. Finally, data were gathered on whether felonies reduced to misdemeanors were included in the felony count and whether felonies reduced to misdemeanors were included in the felony count and whether lower courts in the jurisdiction accept guilty pleas to felonies. The file contains 3,590 cases; 3 records per case.
Department of Justice Federal Data Bases
* Central Index System (CIS)
Immigration and Naturalization Service
425 I St., NW, Room 6100
Washington, DC 20536 (202) 633-4035
The purpose of the system is the relay operational information regarding the location of aliens. The scope of the operation is for nationwide mission support. The subsystems are legal permanent residence, naturalization, deportation, alien document information, wanted cards, and violators. The period covered is from 1958 to the present. Input consists of client applications and visas. Contact the office above for obtaining information from the system.
Department of Justice Federal Data Bases
* Civil Division Attorney Time Keeping System
John Fay
Civil Division
US Department of Justice
Washington, DC 20530 (202) 724-7293
The system contains quantitative data on the expenditure of attorney and paralegal time. It is an ongoing system that collects daily time data from over 350 participants. The system, which started in 1981, generates weekly and monthly reports on employee participation, summaries of employee and case activities, and analyses of time devoted to the litigation of specific types of cases. Contact the office above for obtaining information from the system.
The Commercial Victimization Surveys were collected as a component of the larger National Crime Surveys. These surveys were collected by the US Bureau of the Census for the Bureau of Justice Statistics. Their purpose was to obtain current and reliable measures of serious crime in the United States by relying on the public for information, not law enforcement agencies. These surveys focus on two crimes relative to business establishments, burglary and robbery. All types of business establishments are included in the survey; political, cultural, and religious organizations. The Cities Sample includes data for 26 cities. Interviews were conducted between 1972 through 1975. The data are fixed-length with a total of 119,301 cases. The logical record length of both the business records and the incident records is 181. There are 172 variables and 39 files. The National Sample data collection has 18 files. The total number of cases is 188,271. The data are fixed-length with a logical record length of 230 characters. There are a total of 203 variables.
Department of Justice Federal Data Bases
* Controlled Substances Act Registration System
Gene R. Haislip
Deputy Assistant Administrator for Diversion Control
Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA)
1405 I St., NW
Washington, DC 20537 (202) 633-1172
This system contains information on legal handlers of controlled substances including name, address, DEA registration number, business activity, initial issue date of registration, expiration date of registration, and drug schedules authorized. Contact the office above for obtaining information from the system.
Department of Justice Federal Data Bases
* Decision Recording and Monitoring (DRAM)
Sheldon Adelberg, Parole Commission
5550 Friendship Blvd.
Chevy Chase, MD 20815 (301) 492-5980
This system includes a data base consisting of records of all individual paroling considerations, including hearings, appeals, reopenings, and reviews on the record, codefendant checks. Each record contains approximately 40 items including sentence length and type of offense severity. Output includes reports regarding codefendant equity, quality control, workload analysis and issues related to parole. Available only for specific need.
Department of Justice Federal Data Bases
* Directory of Law Enforcement Agencies, 1986: [United States] (ICPSR 8696)
National Archive of Criminal Justice Data
P.O. Box 1248 (800) 999-0960
Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (313) 763-5011
This data set was collected by the Bureau of the Census for the Bureau of Justice Statistics. It is a list of law enforcement agencies and contains variables regarding employment categories such as total full-time, part-time, sworn-in and other employees. It also contains FIPS codes and populations. The file contains 16,708 cases with 20 variables, 148 unit long record; 1 record per case.
Department of Justice Federal Data Bases
* Expenditure and Employment Data for the Criminal Justice System: Annual Files, 1971-1979 (ICPSR 7618)
National Archive of Criminal Justice Data
P.O. Box 1248 (800) 999-0960
Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (313) 763-5011
The data were collected by the United States Bureau of the Census for the Bureau of Justice Statistics. There is a separate data set for each fiscal year beginning in 1970-1971. Data were collected for all state and county governments, all municipal governments with a population over 10,000, and a sample of municipal governments with a population under 10,000. The survey was accomplished using both field compilation and mail canvass. The variables include identification of each government, number of full- and part-time employees, level of full-and part-time payroll, current expenditures, capital outlay, and intergovernmental expenditures for six sectors: police protection, judicial, legal services and prosecution, public defense, corrections and other. There are approximately 8,000 records in each file.
Department of Justice Federal Data Bases
* Expenditure and Employment Data for the Criminal Justice System: Full File and Extract File, 1985 (ICPSR 8650)
National Archive of Criminal Justice Data
P.O. Box 1248 (800) 999-0960
Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (313) 763-5011
This data set presents public expenditure and employment data on criminal justice activities in the United States. Information on employment, payroll, and expenditures is provided for police, courts, prosecutors' offices, and corrections agencies. Specific variables are identification of each government, number of full- and part-time employees, level of full- and part-time payroll, current expenditures, capital outlay, and intergovernmental expenditures.
Department of Justice Federal Data Bases
* Expenditure and Employment Data for the Criminal Justice System: Longitudinal File, 1971-1979 (ICPSR 7636)
National Archive of Criminal Justice Data
P.O. Box 1248 (800) 999-0960
Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (313) 763-5011
In order to facilitate cross-temporal analysis, the ICPSR has merged variables common to each yearly Employment and Expenditure file into a single data set. Units for which there is no coverage in a particular year have missing data codes padded for that year's variables.
Department of Justice Federal Data Bases
* Expenditure and Employment Data for the Criminal Justice System [United States]: Extract File, 1982 (ICPSR 8382)
National Archive of Criminal Justice Data
P.O. Box 1248 (800) 999-0960
Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (313) 763-5011
These data are taken from a special compilation of data and sources available from the Census Bureau's 1982 Census of Governments. The census on governmental and public employment provides data on expenditure and employment, by function, of Federal, State, and local governments (counties, cities, townships, school districts, and other special districts). Information is included on total employment, total police protection, police protection with arrest powers, other police protection, judicial-legal employment, corrections employment, total, expenditures, police protection expenditures, judicial-legal expenditures, and corrections expenditures. The data are contained in one file which has a logical record length of 803 characters. There are 80 variables and 321 cases.
Department of Justice Federal Data Bases
* Expenditure and Employment Data for the Criminal Justice System [United States]: Extract File, 1983 (ICPSR 8455)
National Archive of Criminal Justice Data
P.O. Box 1248 (800) 999-0960
Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (313) 763-5011
These data were compiled from the United States Census Bureau's 1983 surveys of governmental finances and employments, which provide information on expenditures and employments, by function, of the federal, state and local governments. Federal government financial data for this collection was obtained from those contained in the Budget of the United States for the Fiscal year 1985. State and large county and city finances statistics were compiled by Census Bureau representatives from official reports and records. Federal government civilian employment data were gathered from records maintained by the United States Office of Personnel Management. A mail survey generated the data for state and local government. The file contains 321 cases; 13 records per case.
Department of Justice Federal Data Bases
* FBI Central Records System
Federal Bureau of Investigation
J. Edgar Hoover FBI Building
10th and Pennsylvania Ave., NW
Washington, DC 20535 (202) 324-5520
This system maintains the FBI investigative, personnel, applicant, administrative and general files. A supporting abstract system facilitates processing and accountability of all important mail. Covered persons include those who relate in any manner to FBI investigations; FBI applicants and current or former employees; applicants and appointees to sensitive government positions; individuals who are the subject or the source of unsolicited information or who make inquiries to the FBI; and any individuals associated with FBI administrative operations. Information is disclosed primarily to those who have need of it for performance of official duties; however, in cases of acute need by private citizens (i.e., locating missing children) records may be queried. The office has published a free 50-page booklet titled Conducting Research in FBI Records which explains what type of information is available and how to us it. The booklet is available from : Research Unit, FBI Office Public Affairs, 10th Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, Room 7350, Washington, DC 20535, (202) 324-5611. A request for access shall be made in writing and clearly marked "Privacy Access Request." Address inquiry to the FBI headquarters above or the field division where the information is retained.
Department of Justice Federal Data Bases
* FBI Mailing Lists
Federal Bureau of Investigation
J. Edgar Hoover FBI Building
10th and Pennsylvania Ave., NW
Washington, DC 20535 (202) 324-5520
Names, addresses, and businesses (if any) of individuals who have requested receipt of bureau mailings (generally law enforcement or related entities) or who assist in FBI efforts are listed in this data base. To access, address a written request to Director, FBI at the above address.
Department of Justice Federal Data Bases
* Financial Management Information System/Justice
William Berglie
Assistant Director FASSG
US Department of Justice
Patrick Henry Building
601 D St., NW, Room 4200
Washington, DC 20530 (202) 272-4471
This system contains internal budget data received from the individual bureaus. The data are arranged by program, type of fund, decision package, and object class and provides information on funds, personnel and work years. Contact the office above for obtaining information from the system.
Department of Justice Federal Data Bases
r related entities) or who assist in FBI efforts are listed in this data base. To access, address a written request to Director, FBI at the above address.
Department of Justice Federal Data Bases
de condemnation proceedings, disputes over Indian lands and hazardous waste cases. Information is provided on the amount of the claim as well as the names of the department handling the case and the opposing party. Printouts are available and there may be a charge depending on the request. LDTS handles criminal cases as well as civil cases. It current contains 1.5 million reco
* Spectrographic and Chemical Analyses of Stream Sediment and Rocks from the Proposed Additions to the Scapegoat Wilderness, Powell and Lewis and Clark Counties, Montana (PB-253 190/3/XDD) (See NTIS)
This tape contains two files: (1) rocks: samples 1-480; 40 variables; (2) stream sediments: samples 481-600; 43 variables. Sample localities, description of samples and discussion of analyses are available in US Geological Survey open-file report 76-225 entitled Mineral Resources of the Proposed Additions to the Scapegoat Wilderness, Powell and Lewis and Clark Counties, Montana, by Robert L. Earhart, David J. Grimes, and Reinhard W. Leinz, US Geological Survey and Lawrence Y. Marks, US Bureau of Mines.
Department of Interior Federal Data Bases
* Spectrographic and Chemical Analysis of Stream Sediments, Rocks, and Soils from the Scotchman Peak Wilderness Study Area, Lincoln and Sanders Counties, Montana, and Bonner County, Idaho (PB-254 972/3/XDD) (See NTIS)
This tape contains three files: (1) rocks: 205 samples; 41 variables; (2) stream sediments: 100 samples; 41 variables; (3) soils: 22 samples; 12 variables. Sample localities, description of samples and discussion of analyses are available in US Geological Survey open-file report 76-entitled Mineral Resources of the Scotchman Peak Wilderness Study Area, Lincoln and Sanders Counties, Montana, and Bonner County, Idaho.
Department of Interior Federal Data Bases
* Spectrographic and Chemical Analysis of Rock, Stream-Sediment, and Concentrate Samples from the Teton Wilderness and Adjacent Study Areas, Teton, Fremont, and Park Counties, Wyoming (PB83-198069/XDD) (See NTIS)
This tape contains spectrographic and chemical analyses and locations for geochemical samples collected from the Teton Wilderness and Adjacent Areas, Wyoming.
Department of Interior Federal Data Bases
* Spectrographic and Chemical Analyses of Rock, Stream-Sediment, and Concentrate Samples from Walker Lake 2 Quadrangle, California and Nevada (PB81-233967/XDD) (See NTIS)
This magnetic tape contains spectrograph and chemical analyses, and locations for 2936 geochemical samples collected from the Walker Lake 1 x 2 quadrangle, California and Nevada.
Department of Interior Federal Data Bases
* Spectrographic and Chemical Analyses of Geochemical Samples from the Washakie Wilderness and Nearby Roadless Areas, Park County, Wyoming (PB85-161594/XDD) (See NTIS)
This tape consists of 30 files. The first file, 115 records, gives a detailed explanation of each of the remaining files, 2 through 30, with respect to the data record format, variable identifiers, and analytical descriptors.
Department of Interior Federal Data Bases
* Spectrographic and Chemical Analyses of Stream Sediments, Rocks, and Panned Concentrates from the West Elk Wilderness and Vicinity, Delta and Gunnison Counties, Colorado (PB-261-855/1/XDD) (See NTIS)
This tape contains four files: (2) rocks--317 samples; 38 variables; (2) stream sediments--785 samples; 36 variables; (3) pan concentrates--32 samples; 32 variables; (4) miscellaneous--181 samples; 32 variables. Sample localities, description of samples and discussion of analyses are available in US Geological Survey open-file report entitled Mineral resources of the West Elk Wilderness and vicinity Delta and Gunnison counties, Colorado.
Department of Interior Federal Data Bases
* Stream-Sediment Geochemical Survey of the Bureau of Land Management's American Flats-Silverton Planning Unit in Southwest Colorado (PB81-212912/XDD) (See NTIS)
A mineral assessment was undertaken by Barringer Research, Inc. on behalf of the Bureau of Land Management covering the American Flats-Silverton Planning unit in southwest Colorado. A total of 1203 stream-sediment samples were collected with 1195 of these subsequently being analyzed by Barringer Research, Inc. The Bureau of Land Managements staff geologists collected 89 rock chip samples and 157 talus samples that were also analyzed. A hard copy of this text, data files, and associated maps has been open-filed with the USGeological Survey.
Department of Interior Federal Data Bases
* Three-Minute Average Digital ElevationModel of Costa Rica (PB87-194486/XDD) (See NTIS)
A 3-minute average digital elevation model of Costa Rica has been recorded on a 9-track magnetic tape at a density of 1,600 bpi. The blocksize is 4,000 and the record length is 40 ASCII standard characters. The tape contains two files: the first file provides a description of the report and the tape contents and the second file is comprised of the data set consisting of about 3,000 average elevations, gridded at 3-minute intervals. Average elevations were determined for 3-minute compartments covering the area of Costa Rica and vicinity within the region bounded by 8.0 deg - 11.5 deg N latitude and 82.5 deg - 86.0 deg w longitude.
Department of Interior Federal Data Bases
* Trace Element Data for Bedrock Geochemical Samples from the West Chicagof-Yakobi Wilderness Study Area, Southeastern Alaska (PB82-191842/XDD) (See NTIS)
The Wilderness Act (Public Law 88-577, September 3, 1964) and related acts require the US Geological Survey and the US Bureau of Mines to survey certain area on Federal lands to determine their mineral resource potential. The act provides that areas under consideration for wilderness designation be studied for suitability for incorporation into the wilderness system. Results must be made available to the public and be submitted to the President and the Congress. This report provides background data for a mineral survey of some national forest lands on western Chicagof and Yakobi Islands, southeastern Alaska, that are being considered for wilderness designation. The area studied is within the Tongass National Forest, about 25 miles (40 km) northeast of the town of Sitka. To assist with the evaluation of the mineral resources of the study area, a reconnaissance geochemical sampling program was conducted during 1978 and 1979. This magnetic computer tape contains the analytic data for, and locations of, 2230 bedrock geochemical samples collected during this study.
Department of Interior Federal Data Bases
Department of Justice Federal Da
Justice Federal Data Bases
* Alien Address Reports, [United States]: 1980 Public Use File (ICPSR 7998)
Member Services
Inter-University Consortium for Political and Social Research
P.O. Box 1248
Ann Arbor, MI 38106 (313) 763-5010
This data set is a collection of the records gathered through the INS's alien address reporting program for 1980. The data include certain demographic characteristics, entry and residence information, and the current status of the aliens. Names and addresses have been omitted for confidentiality purposes. There are 5,381,082 cases and 13 variables. This collection was made available to ICPSR by the National Chicano Research Network located in the Survey Research Center of the Institute for Social Research, The University of Michigan.
Department of Justice Federal Data BasesM
Department of Justice Federal Da
Department of the Treasury Feder
Equal Employment Opportunity Com
National Aeronautics and Space A
National Labor Relations Board
* Antitrust Management Information System (AMIS)
Carl Anderson
Antitrust Division
US Department of Justice
10th and Constitution Ave., NW
Washington, DC 20530 (202) 724-3031
This system provides descriptive and status information on all Antitrust Division matters. Subsystems include: a) a data base that contains all matters assigned to the division, 2) a workload data base that contains records of attorney and professional hours spent on each matter, and 3) a cost data base that contains needs other than direct labor costs for each matter. The period covered is from 1963 to the present. The system produces hard copy monthly activity reports. Ad hoc reports are produced as required. Summary reports are produced on a yearly basis.
Department of Justice Federal Data Bases
* Art Theft FBI Data Base
Laboratory Division
Federal Bureau of Investigation
US Department of Justice
9th St. and Pennsylvania Ave., NW
Washington, DC 20535 (202) 324-4545
The National Stolen Art File is a data base which lists all currently missing works of art reported as stolen from either public or private collections in the United States. Contact the office above for obtaining information from the system.
Department of Justice Federal Data Bases
* Attorney Time Report
Gary Peterson
Land and Natural Resources Division
US Department of Justice
PO Box 7754
Washington, DC 20044 (202) 272-9888
This system produces a computerized monthly statistical compilation of the hours spent by the attorneys in the Land and Natural Resources Division on various categories of activities. Compilations contain the following reports: 1) time on cases by attorneys, 2) time on cases by section, 3) time on cases and categories by attorney, and 4) time on cases and categories by section. Contact the office above for obtaining information from the system.
Department of Justice Federal Data Bases
* Census of State Adult Correctional Facilities, 1979 (ICPSR 7852)
National Archive of Criminal Justice Data
P.O. Box 1248 (800) 999-0960
Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (313) 763-5011
This study was designed by the Bureau of Justice Statistics and conducted by the United States Bureau of the Census. The census includes all state correctional facilities known to the Bureau of the Census in 1979. Each facility is classified into one of ten categories such as community center, prison farm, road camp, or reception center. Data for 1979 include: number of inmates by security classification and sex; number of full and part-time staff; number of paid and volunteer staff broken down by position, age, pay and education; number and age of facilities; type of facilities provided in each cell by size of cell; hospital facilities available; programs provided for the inmates; job training and inmate IQ scores.
Department of Justice Federal Data Bases
* Census of State Adult Correctional Facilities, 1984 (ICPSR 8444)
National Archive of Criminal Justice Data
P.O. Box 1248 (800) 999-0960
Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (313) 763-5011
This study contains a descriptive analysis of confinement facilities and state-operated community-based correctional facilities nationwide. Decision-makers, practitioners, and researchers may use the Census to analyze the current conditions and needs of state correctional facilities for adults. Variables of interest include physical security, age of facilities, functions of facilities, programs, inmate work assignments, staff employment, facilities under court order/consent decree for conditions of confinement, capital and operational expenditures, custody level of residents/inmates, one-day and average daily population counts, race/ethnicity of inmates, inmate work assignments, inmate deaths, special inmate counts, and assaults and incidents by inmates. The institution is the unit of analysis.
Department of Justice Federal Data Bases
e of facilities; type of facilities provided in each cell by size of cell; hospital facilities available; programs provided for the inmates; job training and inmate IQ scores.
Department of Justice Federal Data Bases
* Seismic Data from Downhole Array Near San Francisco Bay, California (PB-254 971/5/XDD) (See NTIS)
This tape contains data from the downhole seismometer array described in US Geological Survey Open-File Report No. 76-296, Analysis of seismograms from a downhole array in sediments near San Francisco Bay, by William B. Joyner, Richard E. Warrick, and Adolph A. Oliver III, April 1976. Each data record on the tape is written in the Format (8F10.2) and corresponds to the output in microvolts, at one instant of time, of channels 1 through 8 of the array. Channel No. 1 is the vertical component at 186 meters depth; No. 2 is the vertical component at 40 meters; No. 3 is the vertical component at 12 meters; No. 4 is the vertical component at the surface; No. 5 is the north component at 186 meters; No. 6 is the north component at 40 meters; No. 7 is the north component at 12 meters; and No. 8 is the north component at the surface. Successive records represent successive instants of time at a sample rate of 50 samples per second. File No. 1 contains the Bear Valley, California, earthquake of September 4, 1972, origin time 18 04 40.8 GMT, magnitude 4.7. The file contains 7000 records representing 140 seconds of data beginning about 70 seconds before the first P arrival. File No. 2 contains the San Fernando, California, earthquake of February 9, 1971, origin time 14 00 41.6 GMT, magnitude 6.6. The file contains 18,000 records representing 360 seconds of data beginning about 100 seconds before the calculated first P arrival.
Department of Interior Federal Data Bases
* Seismic Data for 15 Earthquakes Recorded on a Downhole Array in Sediments Near San Francisco Bay, California (PB-275 360/6/XDD) (See NTIS)
This tape contains data from the downhole seismometer array described in Analysis of seismograms from a downhole array in sediments near San Francisco Bay, by William B. Joyner, Richard E. Warrick, and Adolph A. Oliver III, Bull. of the Seis. Soc. of America, vol. 66, no. 3, pages 937-958, June 1976. Each data record on the tape is written in the Format (12F10.2) and corresponds to the output in microvolts, at one instant of time, of channels 1 through 12 of the array. Successive records represent successive instants of time. The first two files are system response tests (see appendix of above reference). The remaining fifteen files contain recorded earthquakes, in the order shown on the attached list. The tape contains data from 15 earthquakes and two system response tests recorded on a downhole array established by the USGS on the SW shore of the SF Bay. Output is given for the vertical and two horizontal components at the surface, at depths of 12 and 40 meters within the sediments, and just below the top of the bedrock at a depth of 186 meters. The data may be used to study the effect of soft sediments on low-amplitude seismic ground motion.
Department of Interior Federal Data Bases
* Semiquantitative Spectrographic Analyses of Detrital Ilmenite from the Inner Piedmont Belt, North Carolina and South Carolina (PB-238 412/1/XDD) (See NTIS)
This tape contains a card-image format of analytical data in 383 rows of 64 variables (data columns). The data matrix contains the following parameters: row identifiers (field numbers), laboratory numbers, latitudes, longitudes, state codes, county codes, and chemical variables for samples of detrital ilmenite from the Inner Piedmont belt of North and South Carolina. Fe, Mg, Ca, Ti, Al, K, and P are in percent; the 52 other elements reported are in parts per million. The tape is 7 track, no label, odd parity, card image, 800 bpi, EBCDIC, record length 80 and block size 1920 (blocked 24 to 1).
Department of Interior Federal Data Bases
* Semiquantitative Spectrographic Analyses of Rock Samples, Coeur d'Alene District, Shoshone County, Idaho (PB-235 078/3/XDD) (See NTIS)
Semiquantitative spectrographic analyses are given in percent for Fe, Mg, Ca, and Ti, and in parts per million for Mn, Ag, B, Ba, Co, Cr, Cu, La, Mo, Ni, Pb, Sc, Sr, V, Y, Zn, and Zr. Atomic absorption analyses in parts per million are given for Zn, Ag, Cd, Te, Co, Pb, Hg, Au, Na, and K. In addition, latitude, longitude and rock type for each sample are listed for eight files. The tape containing this analytical data has eight data files as follows: total analyses, 3979 X 39; Wallace 993 X 39; Burke 402 X 39; Revett 455 X 39; St. Regis 839 X 39; Prichard 727 X 39; Monzonite 106 X 39; Belt undivided 446 X 39.
Department of Interior Federal Data Bases
* Spectrographic and Chemical Analyses of Rock and Stream Sediment Samples from the Granite Fiords Wilderness Study Area, Alaska (PB-232 049/7/XDD) (See NTIS)
This tape contains 2 files: file No. 1, 625 stream sediment samples; file No. 2, 877 rock samples; 38 variables; input ID-All. Sample localities, descriptions of selected samples, and discussion of analyses will be released in a US Geological Survey report (Bulletin) entitled, Mineral Resources of the Granite Fiords Wilderness Study Area, Alaska, by Henry C. Berg, Raymond L. Elliott, and James G. Smith, US Geological Survey and Thomas L. Pittman and Arthur L. Kimball, US Bureau of Mines, with a section on Aeromagnetic Interpretation, by Andrew Griscom, US Geological Survey. All of the analytical results obtained by the US Geological Survey during the mineral study are included.
Department of Interior Federal Data Bases
* Spectrographic and Chemical Analyses of Stream Sediments and Rock from the Alpine Lakes Study Area and Additions, Washington (PB-240 487/9/XDD) (See NTIS)
This tape contains one file: rock and stream sediments, 4,665 samples, 47 variables, input ID-All. Sample localities, description of samples and discussion of analyses are available in US Geological Survey Open-File Report 75-3 entitled Mineral Resources of Additions to the Alpine Lakes Study Area, Chelan, King, and Kittitas Counties, Washington, by J.L. Gualtieri, US Geological Survey and H.K. Thurber, M.S. Miller, A.B. McMahan, and F.F. Federspiel, US Bureau of Mines.
Department of Interior Federal Data Bases
* Spectrographic and Chemical Analyses of Stream Sediment and Rock from the Beartooth Primitive Area and Vicinity, Montana and Wyoming (PB-245 403/1/XDD) (See NTIS)
Sample of localities, description of samples, and discussion of analyses are available in the US Geological Survey Open-file report released on November 15, 1973 entitled Mineral Resources of the Beartooth Primitive Area and Vicinity, Carbon, Park, Stillwater, and Sweet Grass Counties, Montana, and Park County, Wyoming, by F.S. Simons and T.J. Armbrustmacher, US Geological Survey, and R.M. Van Noy, US Bureau of Mines. All of the analytical results obtained by the US Geological Survey during the mineral survey are included.
Department of Interior Federal Data Bases
* Spectrographic and Chemical Analyses of Stream Sediments and Rocks from the Chama-Southern San Juan Mountains Wilderness Study Area, Mineral, Rio Grande, Archuleta, and Conejos Counties, Colorado (PB-264 854/4/XDD) (See NTIS)
This tape contains two files: (2) rocks; samples 1-483; 42 variables; (2) stream sediments; samples 484-1180; 36 variables. Sample localities, description of samples and discussion of analyses are available in the US Geological Survey open-file report of the same title.
Department of Interior Federal Data Bases
* Spectrographic and Chemical Analyses of Rocks and Stream-Sediments for the Choteau 2 Quadrangle, Montana (PB81-233959/XDD) (See NTIS)
This tape contains 32 spectrographic and chemical analyses, and locations for geochemical samples from the Choteau 2 quadrangle, Montana. The tape file consists of two files, rocks, and stream sediments. The first five records of each data set give the data set name, number of samples and variables and all variable identifiers; e.g. an identifier of S-Fe% indicates spectrographic analysis of iron in percent. An identifier of AA-AU-P indicates atomic absorption of gold, in parts per million, using a partial digestion. Each sample is comprised of five records; 10 variables each on records 1, 2, and 3; two variables each on records 4 and 5. Records 1 through 4 have a data format of 10(A1, F6.0). Record 5 is 2F14.5. All have the sample identifier, A8, in columns 71-78 and the record sequence number 11 in column 80.
Department of Interior Federal Data Bases
* Spectrographic, Chemical and Radioactivity Analyses of Rock, Stream-Sediment, and Soil Samples from the Hell's Canyon Study Area, Wallowa County Oregon, and Idaho and Adams Counties, Idaho (PB83-255059/XDD) (See NTIS)
This tape contains spectrographic and chemical analyses and locations for geochemical samples collected from the Hell's Canyon study area, Oregon and Idaho.
Department of Interior Federal Data Bases
* Spectrographic and Chemical Analyses of Stream Sediment and Rock from the Indian Peaks Study Area, Colorado (PB-246 033/5/XDD) (See NTIS)
This tape contains four files: stream sediments, 292 samples, 42 variables, input ID-Strsed; Fresh rock, 271 samples, 42 variables, input ID-Fresh; Altered rock, 128 samples, 42 variables, input ID-Altered; Mineralized rock, 237 samples, 42 variables, input ID-Mineral. Sample localities, description of samples, and discussion of analyses will be released by the US Geological Survey in a bulletin report entitled Mineral Resources of the Indian Peaks study area, Boulder and Grand Counties, Colorado, by R.C. Pearson, US Geological Survey, and C.N. Speltx, US Bureau of Mines and Gordon Johnson, US Geological Survey.
Department of Interior Federal Data Bases
* Spectrographic and Chemical Analyses of Mineralized Rock and Stream Sediments from the Laramie Peak Study Area, Wyoming (PB-255 795/7/XDD) (See NTIS)
This tape contains five files: stream sediments, 422 samples, 41 variables, input ID-Stmsed; all rocks, 205 samples, 41 variables, input ID-Rock; rocks - dike, 88 samples, 41 variables, input ID-Rock-D; rocks - granitic, 74 samples, 41 variables, input ID-Rock-G; rocks - other, 41 samples, 41 variables, input ID-Rock-S. Sample localities, description of samples, and discussion of analyses are in US Geological Survey Bulletin entitled, Mineral Resources of the Laramie Peak Study Area, Albany and Converse Counties, Wyoming, by Kenneth Segerstrom, US Geological Survey, and R.C. Weisner, US Bureau of Mines, with a section on Aeromagnetic Interpretation, by M. Dean Kleinkopf, US Geological Survey. All of the analytical results obtained by the US Geological Survey during the mineral survey are included.
Department of Interior Federal Data Bases
* Spectrographic and Chemical Analyses of Stream Sediments and Rocks from the Lone Peak Wilderness Study Area, Utah and Salt Lake Counties, Utah (PB-244 133/5/XDD) (See NTIS)
This tape contains two files: (1) rocks: samples 1-167, 33 variables; (2) stream sediments: samples 168-468, 31 variables. Sample localities, description of samples and discussion of analyses are available in the US Geological Survey Open-File report 75-382 entitled Mineral Resources of the Lone Peak Wilderness Study area, Utah and Salt Lake Counties, Utah, by Calvin S. Bromfield, US Geological Survey and Lowell L. Patten, US Bureau of Mines, with a section on Interpretation of Aeromagnetic Data, by Don R. Mabey.
Department of Interior Federal Data Bases
* Spectrographic and Chemical Analyses of Stream Sediments and Rocks from the Mabesna Quadrangle, Alaska (PB-240 488/7/XDD) (See NTIS)
This tape contains one file: rock and stream sediments, 2005 samples, 41 variables, from Mabesna quadrangle, Alaska.
Department of Interior Federal Data Bases
* Spectrographic and Chemical Analyses of Stream-Sediment and Rock Samples from the Minarets Wilderness and Adjacent Areas, California (PB-286 959/2/XDD) (See NTIS)
This tape contains three files of analyses. (1) 1007 stream-sediment samples. (2) 102 unmineralized rocks. (3) 33 mineralized rocks. Card image format: the 1st 70 card columns contain data with a Fortran format of 10(Al, F6.0). Card columns 71-78 and 79-80 are row identifiers and card sequence numbers respectively. The variables in the data matrix are listed as "Selected Column Identifiers" on the attached sheets. Each card contains 10 variables; thus, for example, a stream sediment sample with 33 variables is listed on 3 lines (records) of 10 variables and 1 line of 3 variables. A sample locality map and discussion and evaluation of the analytical results will be published by the US Geological Survey in a report entitled Mineral Resources of the Minarets Wilderness and Adjacent Areas, Madera and Mono Counties, California.
Department of Interior Federal Data Bases
* Spectrographic and Chemical Analyses of Stream Sediments and Rocks from the North Absaroka Study Area, Park and Sweet Counties, Montana (PB-252 214/2/XDD) (See NTIS)
This tape contains three files: (1) stream sediments: 1,113 samples; (2) others: 67 samples; (3) rocks: 931 samples. Card image format: The first 70 card columns contain data with a FORTRAN format of 10(Al,F6.0). Card columns 71-78 and 79-80 are row identifiers and card sequence numbers, respectively. The data matrix contains 34 variables listed as "STATPAC COLUMN IDENTIFIERS" on attached sheet. Each card contains 10 variables; thus, each sample is listed on three lines (records) of 10 variables and one line of four variables.
Department of Interior Federal Data Bases
of Interior Federal Data Bases
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National Labor Relations Board
* Magnetic Tape Containing Spectrographic and Chemical Analyses of Rocks, Stream Sediments, and Panned Concentrates from the Du Noir Addition, Washakie Wilderness, Fremont County, Wyoming (PB-235 001/5/XDD) (See NTIS)
This tape contains one file: rocks, stream sediments, and panned concentrates, 382 samples, 29 variables, input ID-total. Sample localities, description of samples, and discussion of analyses will be released in open file by the US Geological Survey in a report entitled, Mineral Resources of the Du Noir Addition, Washakie Wilderness, Fremont County, Wyoming, by H. J. Prostka, and J.C. Antweiler, US Geological Survey, and C.L. Bieniewski, US Bureau of Mines, with a section on Aeromagnetic Survey, by M.D. Kleinkopf, US Geological Survey. All of the analytical results obtained by the US Geological survey during the mineral survey are included.
Department of Interior Federal Data Bases
* Magnetic Tape Containing Spectrographic and Chemical Analyses of Stream Sediment, Rock, Soil, and Concentrates from the Sawtooth National Recreation Area, Idaho (PB-224 872/2/XDD) (See NTIS)
* Magnetic Tape Containing Stream- Sediment Analytical Data, Central Maine (with Description) (PB-213 036/7/XDD) (See NTIS)
The file contains analyses of 6155 soil samples from central Maine, generally between 44 degrees and 46 degrees N latitude. For each sample the concentrations of 28 different chemical determinations are given. X and y coordinates for each sample are also given. The report provides a summary of the arrangement of the data on the tape and a physical description of the tape.
Department of Interior Federal Data Bases
* Master Environmental Control and Mine System Design Simulator for Underground Coal Mining-Test Data File (PB-264 777/4/XDD) (See NTIS)
The data sets on this tape are test data for the computer programs comprising the Master Environmental Control and Mine System Design Simulator for Underground Coal Mining. The programs are on BuMines Tape 1-77 (MDS-5). The Master Design Simulator is completely documented in an 11-volume report available through NTIS (Report No. PB-272 032). These test data correspond to example applications of each of the subsystems of the simulator which are found in the report. The Master Design Simulator has a wide range of possible applications in the design and evaluation of underground coal mining systems from the standpoints of health and safety, productivity, and mine environment. It consists of nine free-standing function-oriented subsystems linked together into an integrated, comprehensive model of an entire mining system. The subsystems which make up the Simulator are Geology and Reserves, Methane Generation, Roof Support, Subsidence, Production, Rail Haulage, Cost, Water Generation, and Ventilation. In addition to these, there is a Dynamic subsystem in which the production, rail haulage, methane generation and roof support subsystems function interactively on a continuous basis to simulate a mining operation.
A 1965 nationwide area and agency inventory of public outdoor recreation supply covers federal, state, county, and city jurisdictions. It includes acreage, facilities, and visitation data. (Cities under 50,000 population were sampled.)
The Bureau of Mines Nonferrous Metals Supply/Demand Data Diskette contains an 11-year time series of data for 26 nonferrous metals, the 15 rare-earth metals as a single group, the platinum-group metals, and 5 of the 6 individual platinum-group metals - iridium, palladium, platinum, rhodium, and ruthenium. The data comes from the Bureau of Mines Automated Minerals Information System (AMIS) and are published annually in the publication Mineral Industry Surveys. The diskette is produced on an IBM-PC. Data for each commodity are in individual ASCII files.
Department of Interior Federal Data Bases
* Ohio Magnetic Data at Elevations 1000 ft Above Ground and 2000 ft Above Sea Level in a Gridded Format (PB84-125905/XDD) (See NTIS)
Two digital gridded magnetic data sets of Ohio at elevations 1000 (305 m) ft above ground and 2000 (610 m) ft above sea level are contained on the magnetic tape described in this report. The data were gridded at a spacing of 1 km (0.62 mi) and projected using a Lambert conformal projection (standard parallels of 33N and 45N, central meridian of 83W, and base latitude of 0 degrees).
Department of Interior Federal Data Bases
* Oil Shale Fischer Assay Data for Coreholes in the Piceance Creek Basin, Colorado (PB-230 607/4/XDD) (See NTIS)
The magnetic tape consists of oil shale Fischer assay data as determined by the US Bureau of Mines, Laramie, Wyoming, for core holes in the Piceance Creek basin, Colorado. A supplementary tape of similar data for Utah and Wyoming will be released at a later date. These tapes serve as a data base for the Oil-Shale Data Analysis Program and the Bargraph Program designed by the Geological Survey. (Author)
Department of Interior Federal Data Bases
* Oil-Yield Resources for Oil-Shale Sequences in Core from the Piceance Creek Basin, Colorado, that Average 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, and 40 Gallons per Ton (PB82-134883/XDD) (See NTIS)
The Oil Shale Data Analysis Program developed by the US Geological Survey (Pitman and others, 1972) was designed primarily for the computation of resource estimates from Fischer assay and saline mineral data. Recently, the program was revised by the addition of an algorithm that will compute more systematic and accurate resource values than were previously reported (Watts and VanTrump, 1976). The data on the tape were generated from the algorithm, and consist of tables of oil-shale sequences that maintain specific average oil yields for oil-shale cores in the Piceance Creek Basin, Colorado. Each file corresponds to one well core, and contains a 60 line/page formatted printout of these tables. The tables consist of thickness value, and resource for oil-shale sequences that maintain an average oil yield of 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, and 40 gallons per ton. Excluded from averages are sequences of lean oil shale greater than 10 feet thick whose minimum oil yield is generally 15 gallons per ton or less. The Fischer assay data used to generate these tables are on magnetic tape available through NTIS report PB-230 607/AS and (Pitman, 1981). In addition to resource evaluation, these data should be useful for delineating minable zones of oil shale that maintain a certain thickness, grade, and resource.
Department of Interior Federal Data Bases
* Physical Properties Testing of Soils and Rocks, 1967-1974 (PB-235 002/3/XDD) (See NTIS)
The physical properties data set consists of descriptive and analytical data generated by the US Geological Survey at Denver, Colorado. The data are for the most part, made up of data on tuffaceous material from the Nevada Test Site. However, the data set also includes information on a variety of other rock and soil types from several states. The descriptive data, such as rock (or soil) type and geologic age, are coded according to a scheme presented later in this report. Analytic data, such as compressive strength, are stored as numeric variables with the specified dimension.
Department of Interior Federal Data Bases
* Pilot Test of Frequency Methods for Ungaged Watersheds by Water Resources Council's Hydrology Committee (PB82-164237/XDD) (See NTIS)
The Water Resources Council's Committee on Hydrology conducted a pilot test of procedures used to determine peak flow frequency values at ungaged locations. The primary objective of the pilot test was to permit the efficient designing and conducting of a nationwide test. To accomplish this objective, nine procedures were tested on a sample of 70 watersheds, 42 in the northern midwest and 28 in the Pacific Northwest. The data set in files 1 on this tape contains the peak flow frequencies for the 50-, 10-, and 1-percent chance events. In file 2, this information has been combined to provide information on the bias, reproducibility, and time required to apply each procedure at each watershed.
Department of Interior Federal Data Bases
* Primary Water Resources Data Base (See NTIS)
This contains comprehensive nationally consistent data base for 21 water resources regions of the US The data base has additional information for 106 water assessment subregions that provide more localized information. Monthly water, however, is not contained in the file.
For more information contact the Office of Water Research and Analysis, US Department of Interior, Washington, DC 20037, (703) 487-4807.
Department of Interior Federal Data Bases
* Principal Facts for Gravity Stations in and Adjacent to the Dillon 1 deg and 2 deg Quadrangle, Montana and Idaho, 1977- 1985 (PB86-197407/XDD) (See NTIS)
Principal facts for 2,896 gravity stations on and near the Dillon 1 degree x 2 degrees quadrangle, Montana and Idaho, are given on magnetic tape. Gravity values are referenced to the International Gravity Standardization Net 1971 (Morelli and others, 1974). The 1967 formula of the Geodetic Reference System (International Association of Geodesy, 1971) is used. Terrain and curvature corrections extend to 166.7 km from each station. Bouguer gravity anomalies were reduced at a density of 2.67 g/cu cm. The magnetic tape is 9-track, unlabeled, has a block size of 4,000 bytes and a logical record length of 80 ASCII characters written at 1600 bpi. The tape contains five data files written with a Fortran program on a VAX/VMS 11/750 computer. Each record gives the principal facts for one station in the following order: id, longitude, latitude, free air anomaly, complete Bouguer gravity anomaly, elevation, inner terrain correction, outer terrain correction, observed gravity. The computer format used to write each read is: a8, 2f9.4, 2f8.2, f7.0, 2f6.2, f10.2.
Department of Interior Federal Data Bases
* Principal Facts of About 64,000 Gravity Stations in the State of California (PB82-168287/XDD) (See NTIS)
The principal facts for about 64,000 gravity stations within the State of California are contained on this 9-track magnetic tape. Tape blocksize is 8000 with logical record lengths of eighty ASCII characters written at 1600 bpi density. The tape contains a leading explanatory file followed by 28 data files arranged by 1 degree by 2 degree sheets. The gravity datum is that of Woollard and Rose (1963) as used by Chapman (1966). The International Gravity Formula of 1930 is used. Airy-Heiskanen isostatic anomalies are included, computed for an average crustal thickness of 25 km, density of topography 2.67 g/cc and a lower crust-upper mantle density of 0.4 g/cc, in addition to complete Bouguer anomalies reduced at a density of 2.67 g/cc. Terrain corrections extend to 166.7 km from each station. The data from several sources are correct to the best of our abilities and resources, but may still contain discrepancies unknown to the authors.
Department of Interior Federal Data Bases
* Puerto Rico Seismic Program. Seismological Data Report, July 1, 1975-December 31, 1977 (PB-296 549/9/XDD) (See NTIS)
The purpose of this report is to compile and make available preliminary data acquired from the Puerto Rico Seismographic Network in order to facilitate current studies of earthquake occurrence. Record interpretation, data processing, and collation of hypocenter data and related event parameters were performed by the US Geological Survey, Golden, Colorado. Hypocenter solution data are given for all solved earthquakes and blasts, and hypocenter data for teleseisms and unsolved earthquakes are summarized. Hypocenter solutions for local earthquakes are designated either "fixed depth solution" or "free depth solution" for all computations except those designated "probable blast," the dept is allowed to go free from the starting depth if the data are of sufficiently good quality; if not, the depth remains fixed at the starting value (15 km), the nominal depth for the specific source area, or the depth is fixed at the value yielding the best solution. Teleseisms are designated "teleseismic solution."
Department of Interior Federal Data Bases
* Results of Spectrographic and Chemical Analyses of Geochemical Samples from the McCarthy Quadrangle, Alaska (PB-266 902/6/XDD) (See NTIS)
This tape contains nine files of data from the McCarthy Quadrangle, Alaska. The files are as follows: stream sediments, rocks, glacial debris, oxalic leachates, heavy mineral concentrates and ferromagnetic minerals, Willow vegetation and Moose pellet feces.
Department of Interior Federal Data Bases
Results of Spectrographic and Chemical Analyses of Geochemical Samples from the McCarthy Quadrangle, Alaska (PB-266 902/6/XDD) (See NTIS)
This tape contains nine files of data from the McCarthy Quadrangle, Alaska. The files are as follows: stream sediments, rocks, glacial debris, oxalic leachates, heavy minera
* Magnetic, and Radiometric Data of Liberia, West Africa, Area Block 2 - 1967-68 (PB-223 209/8/XDD) (See NTIS)
Department of Interior Federal Data Bases
* Magnetic, and Radiometric Data of Liberia, West Africa, Area Block 3 - 1967-68 (PB- 223 210/6/XDD) (See NTIS)
Department of Interior Federal Data Bases
* Magnetic, and Radiometric Data of Liberia, West Africa, Area Block 4 - 1967-68 (PB- 223 211/4/XDD) (See NTIS)
Department of Interior Federal Data Bases
* Magnetic, and Radiometric Data of Liberia, West Africa, Area Block 5 - 1967-68 (PB- 223 212/2/XDD) (See NTIS)
Department of Interior Federal Data Bases
* Magnetic, and Radiometric Data of Liberia, West Africa, Area Block 6 - 1967-68 (PB- 223 213/0/XDD) (See NTIS)
Department of Interior Federal Data Bases
* Magnetic, and Radiometric Data of Liberia, West Africa, Area Block 7 - 1967-68 (PB- 223 214/8/XDD) (See NTIS)
Department of Interior Federal Data Bases
* Magnetic, and Radiometric Data of Liberia, West Africa, Area Block 8 - 1967-68 (PB- 223 215/5/XDD) (See NTIS)
Department of Interior Federal Data Bases
* Magnetic, and Radiometric Data of Liberia, West Africa, Area Block 9 - 1967-68 (PB- 223 216/3/XDD) (See NTIS)
Department of Interior Federal Data Bases
* Magnetic, and Radiometric Data of Liberia, West Africa, Area Block 10 - 1967-68 (PB- 223 217/1/XDD) (See NTIS)
Department of Interior Federal Data Bases
* Magnetic, and Radiometric Data of Liberia, West Africa, Area Block 1 - 1967-68 (PB- 223 208/0/XDD) (See NTIS)
Aeromagnetic and total count gamma radiation data were observed over Liberia, West Africa, in 1967-68. These data have been digitized, gridded and additionally processed and are presented here in magnetic tape suitable for computer plotting or additional processing. The data are referenced to the Liberian Hotine Rectified Skew Orthomorphic projection and rectangular coordinates indicated on published maps of Liberia. The five files of data consist of: (1) Total count gamma radiation, (2) total magnetic intensity relative to an arbitrary datum, (3) regional magnetic component (with main earths field removed), (4) near surface (residual) magnetic component, and (5) correlation function (near-surface magnetic-total count gamma radiation). The magnetic data have been analyzed using the method of Spector and Grant (1970); the correlation function was calculated by a method developed by A. Spector.
Department of Interior Federal Data Bases
* Magnetic Computer Tape Containing Analytical Data from Rock, Stream- Sediment, and Stream-Sediment Heavy- Mineral Concentrate Samples from Bradfield Canal, Southeastern Alaska (PB81-108631/XDD) (See NTIS)
The report contains a Magnetic Computer Tape containing analytical data from rock, stream-sediment, and stream-sediment heavy-mineral concentrate samples from Bradfield Canal, Southeastern Alaska.
Department of Interior Federal Data Bases
* Magnetic Data for a Gridded Format for Conterminous US and Adjacent Marine Areas (PB87-126017/XDD) (See NTIS)
Magnetic data for the conterminous US and adjacent marine areas in a gridded format are contained on a 9-track magnetic tape described in the report. The 1600 bpi tape contains one file with 3107 records of 6260 ASCII characters each. The grid was created at 2 km intervals from digitization of an updated version of US Geological Survey Map GP-954A (Zietz, 1982), scale 1:2,500,000, east of long 96 deg W and from 1:1,000,000 scale unpublished compilation maps of the western United States (Bond and Zietz, in press) west of long 96 deg W.
Department of Interior Federal Data Bases
* Magnetic Tape Containing Oil-Shale Fischer Assay Data for Coreholes in the Uinta Basin, Utah (PB-238 682/9/XDD) (See NTIS)
The magnetic tape contains Fischer Assay data and is arranged with the following format; EBCDIC (IBM compatible), card image, blocksize 1920 (blocked 24 to 1), record length 80, odd parity, 800 bpi, 9-track, no label tape.#
Department of Interior Federal Data Bases
* Magnetic Tape Containing Results of Semiquantitative Spectrographic Analyses of the Magnetic Fractions of 680 Alaskan Alluvial Concentrates (PB-229 947/7/XDD) (See NTIS)
This tape contains a card-image format of analytical data arranged in 680 rows of 35 variables (data columns) followed by 54 replicate analyses of one of the samples. Data in parts per million are presented for Ag, As, An, B, Ba, Be, Bi, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, La, Mn, Mo, Nb, Ni, Pb, Sb, Sc, Sn, Sr, V, W, Y, Zn, and Zr; data in percent are given for Al, Ca, Fe, Mg, and Ti. In addition, the Alaskan File No., latitude and longitude, and map code for each sample are listed. Map code refers to a list of 43 topographic quadrangles, at 1:250,000 scale, in which Alaskan Detrital concentrates were collected. The tape is 7-track, no-label, even-parity, card-image, 800 bpi, record length 80, and block size 1600. It was recorded in IBM 360-65.
Department of Interior Federal Data Bases
* Magnetic Tape Containing Results of Semiquantitative Spectrographic Analysis of 1069 Alaskan Alluvial Concentrates (PB-231 246/0/XDD) (See NTIS)
Data in percent are given for Al, Ca, Fe, Mg, and Ti; data in parts per million are listed for Ag, As, Au, B, Ba, Be, Bi, Cd, Ce, Co, Cr, Cu, Eu, Gd, Ge, Hf, In, La, Li, Mn, Mo, Nb, Ni, Pb, Pd, Pt, Sb, Sc, Sn, Sr, Ta, Te, Th, Tl, U, V, W, Y, Zn, and Zr. In addition, the Alaskan File No., latitude and longitude, and map code (for 43 topographic quadrangles at 1:250,000 scale, in which samples were collected) for each sample are listed. The tape is 7-track, no-label, even-parity, card-image, 800 bpi, record length 80, and block size 1600.
Department of Interior Federal Data Bases
* Magnetic Tape Containing Semiquantitative Spectrographic and Chemical Analyses of Rocks and Stream Sediments from the Gila Wilderness, Gila Primitive Area and Vicinity, New Mexico (PB-211 684/6/XDD) (See NTIS)
The tape contains four files: Unaltered rocks, 533 samples, 36 variables, input ID-Unalterd; Altered rocks, 574 samples, 36 variables, input ID-Altered; Stream sediments, 1375 samples, 36 variables, input ID-Stmsed; Pan concentrates, 177 samples, 36 variables, input ID-Pancon. Sample localities, description of samples, and discussion of analyses will be released in open file by the US Geological Survey.
Department of Interior Federal Data Bases
, and block size 1600.
Department of Interior Federal Data Bases
* Magnetic Tape Containing Semiquanty of 2.67 g/cc. Terrain corrections extend to 166.7 km from e
* FCC M3 Map Data File (PB81-211567/XDD) (See NTIS)
Separate maps of the United States, Canada, and Mexico have been developed which show estimated conductivity regions within each country. The area within the national boundaries is divided into sectors which have each been assigned a value of ground conductivity ranging from 0.5 mmhos/m to 40 mmhos/m. For signal propagation studies seawater is assigned a conductivity of 5000 mmhos/m. The Canadian soil map also contains regions labeled "unknown" or "conductivity based on limited data."
Department of Interior Federal Data Bases
* Ferrous Metals, Nonferrous Metals, and Industrial Minerals Supply/Demand Data, 1974-1984 (for Microcomputers) (PB86-217361/XDD) (See NTIS)
The Bureau of Mines has produced an 11-year time series of supply/demand data on diskette for three files. The data comes from the Bureau of Mines Automated Minerals Information System (AMIS) and are published annually in the publication Mineral Industry Surveys. The diskette is produced on an IBM-PC using the PC-DOS 2.1 operating system. The files in the set include: Ferrous Metals Supply/Demand Data, 1974-1984: data for 14 commodities, including manganese, molybdenum, nickel, rhenium, silicon, steel, tantalum, tungsten, and vanadium. Nonferrous Metals Supply/Demand Data, 1974-184: data for 26 nonferrous metals, the 14 rare-earth metals as a single group, the platinum group metals, and 5 of the 6 individual platinum-group metals - iridium, palladium, platinum, rhodium, and ruthenium. Industrial Minerals Supply/Demand Data, 1974-1984: data for 39 industrial minerals and world production capacity by country for 33 industrial minerals. In addition to the set, individual files can be purchased separately.
The Bureau of Mines Ferrous Metals Supply/Demand Data Diskette contains an 11-year time series of data for 14 commodities, including chromium, cobalt, columbium, ferroalloys, iron ore, manganese, molybdenum, nickel, rhenium, silicon, steel, tantalum, tungsten, and vanadium. The data comes from the Bureau of Mines Automated Minerals Information System (AMIS) and are published annually in the publication Mineral Industry Surveys. The diskette is produced on an IBM-PC using the PC-DOS 2.1 operating system. Data for each commodity are in individual ASCII files.
Department of Interior Federal Data Bases
* Geochemical Data for Colorado (PB-300 544/4/XDD) (See NTIS)
The data on this NTIS tape have been retrieved from the US Geological Survey's geochemical data file called RASS (Rock Analysis Storage System), designed and used for storage and retrieval of geochemical data generated in the laboratories of the US Geological Survey. Data are predominately from rocks, but include other materials. The material classification and number of samples in each class are Igneous rocks (3,637 samples), Metamorphic rocks (796), Sedimentary rocks (5,464), Unconsolidated sediments (688), Single mineral (1,273), Soil (2,018), Water (121), Plants (621), Organic fuels or related substances (263), Miscellaneous (355), Other (702).
Department of Interior Federal Data Bases
* Geochemical Data for New Mexico (PB-300 543/6/XDD) (See NTIS)
The data on this NTIS tape have been retrieved from the US Geological Survey's geochemical data file called RASS (Rock Analysis Storage System), designed and used for storage and retrieval of geochemical data generated in the laboratories of the US Geological Survey. Data are predominately from rocks, but include other materials. The material classification and number of samples in each class are Igneous rocks (1,037 samples), Metamorphic rocks (50), Sedimentary rocks (1,186), Unconsolidated sediments (1,070), Single mineral (244), Soil (441), Water (4), Plants (265), Organic fuels or related substances (214), Miscellaneous (154), Other (393).
Department of Interior Federal Data Bases
* Geochemical Data for Rock Samples from the Petersburg and Parts of the Port Alexander, and Sumdum Quadrangles, Southeastern Alaska (PB84-234426/XDD) (See NTIS)
The file contains data from 6974 rock samples. Data includes analyses for up to 31 elements by emission spectroscopy and up to five elements by atomic absorption techniques and geodetic coordinates in decimal degrees. Rock samples are labeled with the rock type sampled, geologic map unit, geologic age, whether visibly mineralized or not, and geochemical affinity grouping. Text (22 pages) describes sampling procedures and lists references.
Department of Interior Federal Data Bases
* Geochemical Data in the Eastern Part of the Upper Peninsula of Michigan, 1972- 73 (PB-243 454/6/XDD) (See NTIS)
A study in the Michigan part of the Army Map Service Sault Ste. Marie, Michigan, US, Ontario, Canada, 2 degrees quadrangle evaluated geochemical analyses of soil samples from a glaciated region as an aid to finding target areas that have potential for ores of metals. Most of the samples are soil from the upper 30 cm (12 in) of unconsolidated debris overlying bedrock, but some samples of bedrock, stream sediments, beach sands, peat, and mulch were analyzed. Bedrock overburden ranges from none in areas of bedrock outcrops to as much as 133 m (436 ft) and is composed of clayey silt to fine sand of lacustrine origin clayey till to boulder till of glacier origin, sand to boulders of fluioglacial origin and recently formed peat and muck. Analytical results indicate that soil samples from overburden of unknown thickness and composition in a glaciated region likely will not indicate target areas if overburden is more than 1 1/2 - 2 m (5-7 ft) thick. This is especially true if overburden is clayey silt or clayey till.
Department of Interior Federal Data Bases
* Geologic Names (GEONAMES) of the United States through 1986 (PB88-172275/XDD) (See NTIS)
The GEONAMES data base is an annotated index lexicon of formal geologic nomenclature of the United States, its territories and possessions. The data base was compiled by R.W. Swanson, M.L. Hubert, G.W.Luttrell, and V.M. Jussen and was published in 1981 as Geologic names of the United States through 1975; US Geological Survey Bulletin 1535, 643 p. This version of GEONAMES has been updated based on information published through 1986, and it contains approximately 30,000 records relating to more than 18,000 names. Data are entered in 10 fixed fields containing up to 115 characters of information for each record. The fields are: (1) location of unit; (2) geologic age; (3 name of unit; (4) USGS usage; (5) lithology; (6) geologic province; (7) thickness at type section; (8) location of type section; (9) lexicon reference; (10) unique identifier.
Department of Interior Federal Data Bases
* GEOTHERM Data Tape Giving Geochemistry of Geothermal Springs, Wells in the US (PB84-107705/XDD) (See NTIS)
The data tape contains 10405 records which give location, temperature, and geochemistry for fluid samples from geothermal springs, wells, and fumaroles found in the United States. Records may contain up to 118 items but can also contain only a few variables. Condensate, gas, and water analyses may be present. Concentrations for commonly reported solutes may be given as well as results of stable isotope analyses. All numeric fields use the following format: c (blank)999 where c = qualification code which is always present. Entries include: L = less than, G = greater than, T = trace (not followed by number), Q = qualified (other data in qualification field), E = estimated, R = midpoint of range (actual range in qualification field), pad character = 12-7-9 multi-punch. The pad character is present when a data value is unqualified. The "999" is a number of varying precision but it always contains a decimal point. See Bliss, J.D., and Raport, A., 1983, GEOTHERM: the US Geological Survey geothermal information system: Computers & Geosciences, v. 9, no. 1, p. 35-39, for additional information.
Department of Interior Federal Data Bases
* Gravity Data for the State of Washington (PB85-163301/XDD) (See NTIS)
Washington state gravity data in ASCII format are contained on a 9-track magnetic tape described in this report. The tape was written at a density of 1600 bpi and contains one file of 24,526 records of 80 ASCII characters each. The data consists of station identification, latitude, longitude, free air anomaly, Bouguer anomaly reduced at a density of 2.67 g/cc, Bouguer anomaly reduced at a density of 2.54 g/cc, elevation of the station, terrain correction, and observed gravity for each station. Although the data have been extensively edited, a few erroneous values may remain.
Department of Interior Federal Data Bases
* Grazing Rental Appraisal Data (PB84-237262/XDD) (See NTIS)
The Public Rangeland Improvement Act of 1978 required the Secretaries of Agriculture and the Department of Interior to conduct a study of grazing fees in the Western United States and make recommendations for alternative fee systems before January 1986. The Grazing Rental Appraisal was a part of the overall study. This appraisal was conducted throughout the Western United States and includes information obtained in 17 states. The states covered all or in part are: AZ, CA, CO, ID, KS, MT, NE, NV, NM, ND, OK, OR, SD, TX, UT, WA, and WY. The purpose of the appraisal was to estimate fair market rental value of grazing on the public rangelands, as administered by the BLM and the FS. Information contained on the computer tape reflects results of individual interviews with parties to grazing lease transactions both in the private and public sectors. It also contains the results of interviews with State, corporate, and other Federal or governmental entities. The data identifies terms and conditions of the various leases, as well as acreages, distances from lease properties, improvements, availability of stock water, class, kind and type of stock grazed, and who is responsible for maintenance and repair and day to day care of stock, i.e., doctoring, salt and movement to and from the lease. Also, who controls access, hunting, predator control and other uses. The conclusions in the appraisal were based in part on the analysis of the information contained on this computer tape.
Department of Interior Federal Data Bases
* Hurricane Allen Data, August 1980 (PB86-123676/XDD) (See NTIS)
Aircraft flights through Hurricane Allen resulted in the recording of inertial navigation system data, radiometer data, scatterometer data and rain radar data. From the radiometer data estimates of rain rate and surface wind speed were made. The data plus these estimates are required as average values with in time increments of 0.004 hr.
Department of Interior Federal Data Bases
* Hydrologic Data for Soldier Creek Basin, Kansas (PB-292 892/7/XDD) (See NTIS)
Selected hydrologic data collected in Soldier Creek Basin, Kansas, are available on magnetic tape in card-image format. Data on the tape includes water discharge in fifteen-minute and daily time intervals; rainfall in fifteen-minute and daily time intervals; suspended sediment in concentrations and particle-sizes; bed material in particle-sizes; ground-water levels; and chemical quality of water in concentrations of selected constituents.
The Bureau of Mines Industrial Minerals Supply/Demand Data Diskette contains an 11-year time series of data for 39 industrial minerals and world production capacity by country for 33 industrial minerals. The data comes from the Bureau of Mines Automated Minerals Information System (AMIS) and are published annually in the publication Mineral Industry Surveys. The diskette is produced on an IBM-PC using the PC-DOS 2.1 operating system. Data for each commodity are in individual ASCII files.
Department of Interior Federal Data Bases
* Input/Output Data for a Digital Computer Model of the Basin-Fill Aquifer in Smith Creek Valley, Lander County, Nevada (PB87-142907/XDD) (See NTIS)
A ground-water flow model was constructed as part of the hydrologic analysis of Smith Creek Valley. The report documents the input data and output for computer simulations of the basin-fill aquifer in which (1) the aquifer is at equilibrium (ground-water outflow equals inflow), and (2) the aquifer is under stress (ground-water outflow exceeds inflow). The organization of the input data for the Smith Creek Model follows the organization of the published ground-water computer program.
Department of Interior Federal Data Bases
* Lithologic, Petrographic and Resource Data to Accompany Report on Estimation of Uranium Endowment in the Westwater Canyon Member, Morrison Formation, San Juan Basin, Colorado Plateau (PB83-255042/XDD) (See NTIS)
The gridded data used to evaluate the geologic favorability of uranium concentration and consequently, to estimate the undiscovered uranium endowment in the Westwater Canyon Member, Morrison Formation, San Juan Basin, Colorado Plateau in a report by McCammon and others (1983) have been stored on magnetic tape. Interpreted data describing the lithologic and petrographic characteristics of the Westwater, exploration intensity and discovered uranium endowment were generated for a grid made up of 5292 4 km square cells. The data base is in GRASP output format. In addition to the interpreted data, the ternary transformations and ternary-transformed data used to evaluate the favorability within each cell with respect to 9 different regionalized deposit models for uranium have also been stored. These data are in a form that can be read by the PREPRO program described by Bridges and others (1983) to create the matarray for the NCHARAN program described by McCammon and others (1983) that was used to generate the estimates in the report. The names and descriptions of all the variables used are stored as part of the file.
Department of Interior Federal Data Bases
ck, no label tape.#
Department of Interior Federal Data Bases
* Magnetic, and Radiometric Data of Liberia, West Africa, Area Block 1 - 1967-68 (PB-
* Yukon Flats National Wildlife Refuge
US Fish and Wildlife Service
Office of Information Resources Management,
Region 7
1011 East Tudor Road
Anchorage, AK 99503 (907) 786-3324
Yukon Flats National Wildlife Refuge in Central Interior Alaska; contains data for lakes, streams, wildlife distribution, landcover, elevation, slope and aspect from EROS Data Center.
Department of Interior Federal Data Bases
Interior Data Files Available from NTIS
National Technical Information Service
US Department of Commerce
Springfield, VA 22161
(703) 487-4807
FAX (703) 321-8547
Listed below are data files available from the National Technical Information Service. Call the office above for ordering and cost information.
Department of Interior Federal Data Bases
* Aeromagnetic Data for Western Central Sierra Nevada, California, January 1986 (PB86-197415/XDD) (See NTIS)
The principal facts for about 30,000 aeromagnetic values in western central Sierra Nevada, California, are contained on the 9-track magnetic tape. The tape consists of 2 files, an information file and a data file containing the digitized aeromagnetic values. The record size is 40 characters, the blocksize is 4,000, and the density is 1600 bpi. The data file contains digital contour-line values of total magnetic intensity digitized from maps at a scale of 1:62,500 purchased from US Steel. Sources of error include inaccuracies in digitizing and errors in flight navigation of the 1956 aeromagnetic survey. Thus, caution should be exercised in using the data at scales larger than 1:62,500.
Department of Interior Federal Data Bases
* Aeromagnetic Data from Southeastern Missouri (PB83-220814/XDD) (See NTIS)
An aeromagnetic survey of an area in southeastern Missouri was flown by the US Geological Survey in late 1979 and early 1980. The survey was carried out as part of a mineral resource assessment of the Irish Wilderness Area. Total field magnetic data were acquired using a Geometrics Proton Magnetometer G-803 installed in a Heli-Porter aircraft. Radar altimeter data were also collected. The survey was flown at a barometric altitude of 1200' above sea level along 37 flight lines oriented in a north-south direction at a mean spacing of 1/2 mile (805 m). The magnetic data were corrected for diurnal drift and the regional magnetic field was removed. Ground elevation was calculated from the radar altimeter data and the nominal flight altitude. The radar altimeter, corrected total field magnetic, and ground elevation data are stored with position coordinates in the data file described by this report.
Department of Interior Federal Data Bases
* Aeronautical Navigational Aid (NAVAID) Data, Test Distribution, September 26, 1985 (Magnetic Tape) (PB86-949700/XDD) (See NTIS)
The aeronautical navigational aid file contains current information on over 4500 radio aids to navigation located within the continental United States, Alaska, Hawaii, Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands. The purpose of the aeronautical navigation aid file is to provide the aviation community with accurate and reliable, time sensitive navigation aid data to support aviation flight planning and enroute navigation. The scope and coverage is based on the airspace update cycle, every 56 days. Publications produced in part from the aeronautical navigational aid file include: The Controller Chart Supplement and numerous US Government aeronautical charts and related publications, critical for flight operations within the United States National Airspace System.
Department of Interior Federal Data Bases
* Analyses of Natural Gases, 1917-1986 (PB87-157855/XDD) (See NTIS)
The tape contains routine analyses and related source data for 14518 natural gas samples. These samples were collected as a part of a continuous survey of the free world for occurrences of helium. The survey has been conducted in the United States by the Bureau of Mines since 1917. In late 1965, the study was expanded to include foreign gasfields. Samples released for publication have been published in a series of USBM bulletins and information circulars. The tape contains samples received through December 31, 1986 that were released for publication. There is one record on the tape for each sample analysis. The tape does not contain a label, standard or non-standard. The tape is a nine-track, 1600 bpi, odd parity, ASCII tape. Each record contains 365 characters. The records are blocked 1 (one) per block. Helium Field Operations of the Bureau of Mines, located in Amarillo, Texas, may be contacted for further information.
Department of Interior Federal Data Bases
* Analytical Results for Rocks, Soils, Stream- Sediments, and Heavy-Mineral Concentrate Samples Collected from the Butte 1 x 2 Degree Quadrangle, Montana (PB86-119484/XDD) (See NTIS)
The tape contains spectrographic and chemical analysis and locations for geochemical samples taken from the Butte 1 degree x 2 degrees quadrangle, Montana.
Department of Interior Federal Data Bases
* Analytical Results for Rock and B-Horizon Soil Samples Collected from the Ely Greenstone Belt, Northeastern Minnesota (PB88-103668/XDD) (See NTIS)
The tape contains spectrographic analyses and location for geochemical samples taken from the Ely Greenstone belt, Northeastern Minnesota.
Department of Interior Federal Data Bases
* Analytical Results from Rock and Stream- Sediment Samples Collected in Ketchikan and Prince Rupert Quadrangles, Southeastern Alaska (PB-276 777/0/XDD) (See NTIS)
This tape contains two files of data for geochemical samples. File 1 contains data from 731 rock samples; file 2 contains data from 2667 stream-sediment samples.
Department of Interior Federal Data Bases
* Analytical Results for Stream-Sediment and Non-Magnetic Heavy-Mineral- Concentrate Samples Collected from the Sherbrooke and Lewiston 1 x 2 degree Quadrangles and the White Mountain Wilderness Study Areas, Maine, New Hampshire, and Vermont (PB85-195493/XDD) (See NTIS)
This tape contains spectrographic and chemical analyses and locations for geochemical samples taken from the Sherbrooke and Lewiston 1 x 2 degree quadrangles and selected adjacent areas, Maine, New Hampshire, and Vermont.
Department of Interior Federal Data Bases
* Analytical Results of Stream-Sediment and Non-Magnetic Heavy-Mineral- Concentrate Samples from Portions of the Challis 1 x 2 Quadrangle, Idaho (PB85-103109/XDD) (See NTIS)
This tape contains spectrographic and chemical analyses, mineralogical analysis, and locations for geochemical samples collected from the Challis 1 x 2 quadrangle, Idaho.
Department of Interior Federal Data Bases
* Analytical Results for Stream-Sediment Concentrate, Sieved Stream-Sediment, Rock, and Water Samples from the Silver City 1 x 2 Degree Quadrangle, Arizona and New Mexico (PB83-220863/XDD) (See NTIS)
This tape contains spectrographic and chemical analyses and locations for geochemical samples taken from the Silver City 1 x 2 degree quadrangle, Arizona and New Mexico.
Department of Interior Federal Data Bases
* Coal Mines, Topography, Surface Features, and Geology of the Newcastle Area, King County, Washington (PB88-212493/XDD) (See NTIS)
The tape contains primarily data (xxx.DAT) and annotation (xxx.ANN or xxx.CPY) files in ASCII Code for an area located between Newcastle and Issaquah Areas, King CO., WA between Washington Stte Plan Coordinates (code 5601), 1,672,000 and 1,699,000 and 191,000 and 203,000 (Area 1:Xmin, Xmax;Ymin, Ymax=6,672,000; 1,685,000, 194,500, 203,000; Area 2: Xmin, Xmax, Ymin, Ymax-1,685,000; 1,699,000, 191,000, 199,000) in T. 24 N., R. 5 and 6 E. File numbers sequentially relate to original names, which relate to file topics.
Department of Interior Federal Data Bases
* Computer Tape Containing Geologic, Geochemical and Remote Sensing Data for the Ely and Rowe Canyon Study Areas, Nevada (PB81-160111/XDD) (See NTIS)
The purpose of this report is to present the data used in the characteristic analysis of Ely and Rowe Canyon study areas in east-central Nevada. The data consist of information obtained from geologic maps, geochemical surveys, and remote-sensing imagery. The data is stored in a raw form and in a gridded array. The special data arrays required as input for characteristic analysis are also on the tape. All gridded data sets were reduced to ternary form by using a second derivative technique in the characteristic-analysis data-preparation system, PREP (Hanley, unpub, data, 1979).
Department of Interior Federal Data Bases
* Digital Land Cover Classification of the Washington Urban Area Derived from LANDSAT Data, 1972 and 1973 (PB-264 650/3/XDD) (See NTIS)
This digital tape named 'WED 029' contains precision geometrically corrected land cover classification of the Washington urban area, D.C., MD, and VA. Prepared by USGS Land Information and Analysis Office in cooperation with National Aeronautics and Space Administration and US Department of the Interior Earth Resources Observation Systems (EROS) Program. The classification is derived by machine-processing of digital multispectral scanner data for two contrasting Landsat scenes, October 11, 1972 (frame E-1080-15192),and April 9, 1973 (frame E-1260-15201), combined. The window defined by N-230, W-434, S-1018, and E-1418 corresponds to an area 60km by 60km as defined on maps published in USGS folio I-858. Each data point (pixel) is about 76m north-south and 61m west-east, and covers 0.464 hectare (1.14 acre). Each 8 bit byte represents a binary integer from 1-26 and 64. Numbers 1-26 represent the land cover classes listed below. Number 64 describes the background surrounding the precision geometrically corrected area.
Department of Interior Federal Data Bases
* Digitized Coastline and Border of Costa Rica (PB87-193652/XDD) (See NTIS)
The coastline and border of Costa Rica were digitized and placed on magnetic tape. The tape contains about 6,000 digitized points. The coastline and border were digitized from 1:200,000-scale topographic maps of Costa Rica. The digitized data are stored on a 9-track unlabeled magnetic tape, at a density of 1,600 bpi (bits per inch). The blocksize is 4,000 with a logical record length of 40 ASCII standard characters. The tape contains two files. The first file contains header information, including the title and data format. The second file contains the digitized points. The digital data are arranged such that points can be connected by a line-segment (using a simple plotting program) to form the coastline and border of Costa Rica.
Department of Interior Federal Data Bases
* Digitized Coastline and Border of Costa Rica (PB87-193652/XDD) (See NTIS)
The coastline and border of Costa Rica were digitized and placed on magnetic tape. The tape contains abo
Aircraft flights through Hurricane Allen resulted in the recording of inertial navigation system d(
* US Geological Survey Topographic Map Names Data Base
Roger Payne
Manager, GNIS
US Geologic Survey
523 National Center
Reston, VA 22092 (703) 648-4544
This data base contains descriptive information and the official names for approximately 55,000 topographical maps prepared by the USGS, including out-of-print maps. Data includes current and historical names for each map, geographic coordinates, map scale, name of state, and other descriptive information. Printouts and searches are available on a cost recovery basis.
Department of Interior Federal Data Bases
* USGS ISD Bulletin Board System
US Department of the Interior
US Geological Survey Data: (703) 648-4168
Reston, VA 22092 Voice: (703) 648-7127
The board has three conferences: sysops, dBase, and CD-ROM. Although geared toward USGS and government employees, the board is open to the public in the CD-ROM conference. In addition to the conferences, the board has the typical uses of messaging and file transfers, with the sysop looking out for software that would benefit the USGS or its employees.
Department of Interior Federal Data Bases
* US National Atlas Digital Data Base -- Graphic Format
Eastern Mapping Center-NCIC
US Geological Survey
507 National Center
Reston, VA 22091 (703) 860-6045
This contains map image data digitized from scale-stable map plates, in the form of lines defined by latitude/longitude. Format is in 20-character ASCII, compatible with USGS version of CAM plotting software; digital data. Uses: computer mapping, small scale. $100 per overlay, $6300 for complete data base, plus $25 for tape, handling.
Department of Interior Federal Data Bases
* US Strat Data File
Mr. James J. Lacey, Coordinator
National Energy Technology Data Center
US Department of Energy
Pittsburgh Energy Technology Center
P.O. Box 10940, MS 58-105
Pittsburgh, PA 15236 (412) 892-6944
This system contains stratigraphic or geological information on US coal seams, including items such as coal seam thickness and depth.
Department of Interior Federal Data Bases
* Velocity Data Cells (VELCELL)
Users Service
EROS Data Center
Sioux Falls, SD 57198 (605) 594-6151
The current data are on disk, and the historical data are on tape. The contents are various velocity representations of the seismic wavelet as derived from data supplied by contractor and permittee (seismic signal). Contact R.H. Metairie at (504) 838-0706 for further information.
Department of Interior Federal Data Bases
* Voyager Image Data (Voyager EDR)
Users Service
EROS Data Center
Sioux Falls, SD 57198 (605) 594-6151
This is a collection of raw image data collected from Voyager satellite. Subject coverage is currently Jupiter and Saturn satellites. An index provides entry into desired coverage. Contact Lynda B. Sowers at (602) 527-7105 for further information.
Department of Interior Federal Data Bases
* Washita National Wildlife Refuge
US Fish and Wildlife Service
Chief, Resource Planning
P.O. Box 1306
Albuquerque, NM 87103 (505) 766-5935
This is a random access data base; contains various number of files of geographical reference data for roads, pipelines, fences, ponds, streams, lakes, canals, levees, soil types, wetland types, vegetation, recreational areas, trails, observation towers, historical sites, archaeological sites, public use areas, hunting areas, fishing areas, cities, counties, management areas, buildings, etc. Source of data was refuge managers, SCS soil surveys, USGS quads and National Wetland inventory maps. Data is available on magnetic tape, 7 or 9 track, 800, 1600 or 6250 bpi; labeled or unlabeled; blocked or unblocked; EBCDIC, ASCII or BCD; fixed or variable length format. It is also available on punch cards or listings. Cost and ability to transfer data must be decided by individual request.
Department of Interior Federal Data Bases
* Waterfowl Harvest Surveys Data Base
Paul Gissler
US Department of the Interior
US Fish and Wildlife Service
Migratory Bird Management Office
Laurel, MD 20708 (301) 498-0401
The Waterfowl data base has two components: (1) Records from the Annual Waterfowl Parts (wing and tail) Collection Survey; and (2) Records from the Annual Male Questionnaire Survey of Waterfowl Hunters. The files are used to determine estimates of waterfowl kill by species, annual production, and a variety of facts about waterfowl kill and hunter activity on a regional and national basis. The data base supports and analyses of the most important waterfowl species in North America in terms of abundance and annual harvest. The data base is used to emphasize international understanding of the population dynamics of waterfowl species, the status of the population and factors affecting their dynamics. The Parts Collection Survey file contains 1,798,200 records, and the Male Questionnaire file has two million records. The data base was started in 1961 and is updated monthly. Searches and printouts are available. Depending upon the nature of your request, you may or may not be charged a fee. Some information in the data base is restricted under the Privacy Act.
Department of Interior Federal Data Bases
* Water Quality Data File (QWFILE)
Users Service
EROS Data Center
Sioux Falls, SD 57198 (605) 594-6151
The file is the primary repository for all water quality data collected by the water resources division (WRD). Each record is variable length and consists of a water sample or analysis. Contact David V. Maddy at (703) 860-6871 for further information.
Department of Interior Federal Data Bases
* Water Resources Scientific Information Center (WRSIC)
Raymond Jensen
Water Resources Scientific Information Center
US Department of the Interior
US Geological Survey
Reston, VA 22092 (703) 648-6820
WRSIC maintains a bibliographic data base covering all scientific and technical information of interest to the water resources community. Abstracts, indexes and bibliographic citations are provided for materials in the following fields: nature of water; resources data; water cycles; engineering works; water supply augmentation and conservation; water quality management, control and protection; manpower, grants and facilities; and scientific and technical information. The bibliographic data base includes more than 140,000 references covering literature dating back to 1968. Approximately 10,000 new items are added yearly. The current research projects data base contains an average of 12,000 research summaries. The WRSIC is also available on DIALOG and CD ROM.
Department of Interior Federal Data Bases
* Well File, Gulf of Mexico--OCS
Users Service
EROS Data Center
Sioux Falls, SD 57198 (605) 594-6151
This contains information about well production in the Gulf of Mexico. The data are used to monitor the rate of depletion of a reservoir. Contact Joseph J. Chedotal at (504) 838-0729 for further information.
Department of Interior Federal Data Bases
* Well History Production File, Gulf of Mexico--OCS
Users Service
EROS Data Center
Sioux Falls, SD 57198 (605) 594-6151
This contains information about well production in the Gulf of Mexico. Some of the data elements are field, lease, operator, well name, date of production, quantity of oil, quantity of gas, quantity of water, gravity, and days produced. Data are collected at the well level.
Department of Interior Federal Data Bases
* Western Geoscience
Users Service
EROS Data Center
Sioux Falls, SD 57198 (605) 594-6151
This contains digitized coverage of the western US basin and range province, including overlays of granite rock, basalt, shale, tuff, intrusives, alluvial/bedrock, volcanics, faults, energy resources, and mining. Contact Kenneth A. Sargent at (303) 234-4118 for further information.
Department of Interior Federal Data Bases
* Wichita Mountains Wildlife Refuge
US Fish and Wildlife Service
Chief, Resource Planning
P.O. Box 1306
Albuquerque, NM 87103 (505) 766-5935
This is a random access data base; contains various number of files of geographical reference data for roads, pipelines, fences, ponds, streams, lakes, canals, levees, soil types, wetland types, vegetation, recreational areas, trails, observation towers, historical sites, archaeological sites, public use areas, hunting areas, fishing areas, cities, counties, management areas, buildings, etc. Source of data was refuge managers, SCS soil surveys, USGS quads and National Wetland inventory maps. Data is available on magnetic tape, 7 or 9 track, 800, 1600 or 6250 bpi; labeled or unlabeled; blocked or unblocked; EBCDIC, ASCII or BCD; fixed or variable length format. It is also available on punch cards or listings. Cost and ability to transfer data must be decided by individual request.
Department of Interior Federal Data Bases
* Winter Waterfowl Survey Data Base
Henry Bourne
Office of Migratory Bird Management
Patuxent Wildlife Research Center
Laurel, MD 20708 (301) 498-0377
This survey monitors the distribution of waterfowl, the numbers using specific areas, and the condition of wintering habitat. It provides supplementary data on the status of various species for which breeding ground surveys are unsatisfactory or have not been developed such as for swans, geese, and brant. Winter survey data also provide useful information for selecting migration habitat, preparing environmental statements andconducting research. Surveys are conducted in all major migration and wintering areas of the US and key areas in Mexico. Search requests are accepted through state agencies and University Land Grant programs.
Department of Interior Federal Data Bases
* WRD/MIS Projects Information System
Users Service
EROS Data Center
Sioux Falls, SD 57198 (605) 594-6151
This contains Water Resources Division (WRD) project description data and descriptions of water resources and investigations performed by other federal, state, or local agencies as reported to the US Geologic Survey Office of Water Data Coordination (OWDC). The information consists of text, codes, and numeric data. Contact Susan Lowell at (703) 860-6861 for further information.
Department of Interior Federal Data Bases
areas of the US and key areas in Mexico. Search requests are accepted through state agencies and University Land Grant programs.
Department of Interior Federal Data Bases
* Time of Travel File (TT File)
Users Service
EROS Data Center
Sioux Falls, SD 57198 (605) 594-6151
The file was created to perform regression analysis to relate velocity and dispersion characteristics to stream channel characteristics. Contact George R. Dempster at (703) 860-6871 for further information.
Department of Interior Federal Data Bases
* Tishomingo National Wildlife Refuge
US Fish and Wildlife Service
Chief, Resource Planning
P.O. Box 1306
Albuquerque, NM 87103 (505) 766-5935
This is a random access data base; contains various number of files of geographical reference data for roads, pipelines, fences, ponds, streams, lakes, canals, levees, soil types, wetland types, vegetation, recreational areas, trails, observation towers, historical sites, archaeological sites, public use areas, hunting areas, fishing areas, cities, counties, management areas, buildings, etc. Source of data was refuge managers, SCS soil surveys, USGS quads and National Wetland inventory maps. Data is available on magnetic tape, 7 or 9 track, 800, 1600 or 6250 bpi; labeled or unlabeled; blocked or unblocked; EBCDIC, ASCII or BCD; fixed or variable length format. It is also available on punch cards or listings. Cost and ability to transfer data must be decided by individual request.
Department of Interior Federal Data Bases
* Topographic Maps
Users Service
EROS Data Center
Sioux Falls, SD 57198 (605) 594-6151
GNIS provides a rapid means of organizing and summarizing current information about named cultural or physical geographic name entities. The data base contains a separate file for each state, the District of Columbia, and territories containing all 7.5-min maps published or planned. Contact Roger L. Payne at (703) 860-6262 for further information.
Department of Interior Federal Data Bases
* Trace Metals Analyses (TRMETS)
Users Service
EROS Data Center
Sioux Falls, SD 57198 (605) 594-6151
This contains environmental assessment information, with 16 fields plus a key field to enable linkage to a sample collection information data set called STA004. Contact Norman G. Bailey at (617) 548-8700, Ext. 175 for further information.
Department of Interior Federal Data Bases
* Travelers Research Corporation Tape of Small Rural Watershed Data
Users Service
EROS Data Center
Sioux Falls, SD 57198 (605) 594-6151
The tape is a summary of 678 records of data on small rural watersheds furnished by the Travelers Research Corporation. Contact Donald J. Dolnack at (703) 860-6031 for further information.
Department of Interior Federal Data Bases
* T1X
Users Service
EROS Data Center
Sioux Falls, SD 57198 (605) 594-6151
This contains one record for every 7.5-min, 15-min, and 1:250,000-scale map and country series of amps in the conterminous US. Each record contains codes identifying each special-interest area and special-interest agency within the area covered, along with state and county information. Contact David J. Murray at (703) 860-6215 for further information.
Department of Interior Federal Data Bases
* United States Terrestrial Heat Flow
Users Service
EROS Data Center
Sioux Falls, SD 57198 (605) 594-6151
This contains heat flow data for points within the US, northern Mexico, southern Canada, and Pacific Coast Waters. Contact Vaugh Marshal at (415) 323-8111, Ext. 2270 for further information.
Department of Interior Federal Data Bases
* Unit Values File
Users Service
EROS Data Center
Sioux Falls, SD 57198 (605) 594-6151
The file was developed to store all the unit values data that were previously stored in the "short- and long-term" rainfall runoff files. Contact George R. Dempster at (703) 860-6871 for further information.
Department of Interior Federal Data Bases
* US Chem Data File
Mr. James J. Lacey, Coordinator
National Energy Technology Data Center
US Department of Energy
Pittsburgh Energy Technology Center
P.O. Box 10940, MS 58-105
Pittsburgh, PA 15236 (412) 892-6944
This system contains information on 4043 coal samples covering 92 parameters including major, minor, and trace element analyses.
Department of Interior Federal Data Bases
* US Coal Data File
Mr. James J. Lacey, Coordinator
National Energy Technology Data Center
US Department of Energy
Pittsburgh Energy Technology Center
P.O. Box 10940, MS 58-105
Pittsburgh, PA 15236 (412) 892-6944
This is a comprehensive estimate of US coal resources at 1974. It is also known as the "Identified Resource Base".
Department of Interior Federal Data Bases
* US Geodata 1:2 Million Digital Planimetric Data
Earth Science Information Center
US Geological Survey
507 National Center
Reston, VA 22092 (703) 860-6045
This contains digital data; planimetric map features digitized from USGS National atlas sectional maps; data is available in three categories: 1) boundaries: includes state and country boundaries, and federally administered lands. 2) transportation: includes roads, railroads, and airports. 3) hydrography: includes streams and water bodies. These three categories may be purchased individually, and they may be combined with any of the other categories, or selected data in those categories. It is available on 9 track tape, 1600. Boundary layer $100 per section, transportation layer $100 per section.
Department of Interior Federal Data Bases
* US Geodata Tapes
US Geodata tapes are computer tapes containing cartographic data in digital form. The data are available in two forms. The graphic form can be used to generate computer-plotted maps. The topologically-structured form is suitable for input to geographic information systems for use in spatial analysis and geographic studies. Tapes are available for the entire US, including Alaska and Hawaii, and are sold in 4 thematic layers: boundaries, transportation, hydrography and US Public Land Survey System. Each of the four layers can be purchased individually. US Geodata tapes can be ordered through any Earth Science Information Center (ESIC) office.
4230 University Dr., Rm. 101
Anchorage, AK 99508-4664
(907) 561-5555/FTS (907) 271-4320
Anchorage, ESIC
US Courthouse, Rm. 113
222 W. 7th Ave., Box 53
Anchorage, AK 99513-7546
(907) 271-4307/FTS (907) 271-4307
169 Federal Bldg.
1961 Stout St.
Denver, CO 80294
(303) 844-4169/FTS 564-4169
Box 25046, Federal Center
Denver, CO 80225
(303) 236-5829/FTS 776-5829
Los Angeles-ESIC
7638 Federal Bldg.
300 N. Los Angeles St.
Los Angeles, CA 90012
(213) 894-2850/FTS 798-2850
Menlo Park-ESIC
Rm. 3128, Bldg. 3 (MS 532)
345 Middlefield Rd.
Menlo Park, CA 94025
(415) 329-4390/FTS 459-4390
507 National Center
Reston, VA 22092
(703) 860-6045/FTS 959-6045
1400 Independence Rd.
Rolla, MO 65401
(314) 341-0851/FTS 277-0851
Salt Lake City-ESIC
8105 Federal Bldg.
125 S. State St.
Salt Lake City, UT 84138
(801) 524-5652/FTS 588-5652
San Francisco-ESIC
504 Custom House
555 Battery St.
San Francisco, CA 94111
(415) 556-5627/FTS 556-5627
678 US Courthouse
W. 920 Riverside Ave.
Spokane, WA 99201
(509) 456-2524/FTS 439-2524
Stennis Space Center-ESIC
Bldg. 3101
Stennis Space Center, MS 39529
(601) 688-3544/FTS 494-3544
Washington, DC-ESIC
Dept. of the Interior Bldg.
18th & C Sts., NW, Rm. 2650
Washington, DC 20240
(202) 343-8073/FTS (202) 343-8073
Department of Interior Federal Data Bases
* US Geological Survey
Nancy Soderberg
Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico Geology
Office of Marine Geology
Computer Applications Branch
US Department of the Interior
Quissett Campus
Woods Hole, MA 02543 (508) 548-8700
Baseline data and topical data are available in this file. Major categories of data include: navigation, seismicity, grab-samples and cores, photo and scanner information, gravity and magnetics, chemical and physical oceanography and cruise management. Geochemical and sedimentological analysis which includes pollutant-related data are also included. Searches or tapes of the data base can be obtained by contacting Ms. Soderberg.
Department of Interior Federal Data Bases
* US Geological Survey Bibliographic References (CITATN)
Elizabeth Wingate - Publications and Editing
Geologic Division
Office of Energy and Marine Geology
US Geological Survey
US Department of the Interior
Quissett Campus
Woods Hole, MA 02543 (508) 548-8700, ext. 289
CITATN contains bibliographic references for publications authored by a member of the US Geological Survey or paid for by USGS money. It permits statistical information for various reports on output and status. It contains some 5800 records. Bibliographic searches by author or title and printouts are available.
Department of Interior Federal Data Bases
* US Geological Survey Library Data Base
USGS Main Library
National Center, MS 950
12201 Sunrise Valley Drive
Reston, VA 22092 (703) 648-4302/4303
The USGS Library is one of the largest earth-science libraries in the world. The Library System contains more than 1 million monographs, serials, maps, and microforms covering chemistry, environmental studies, geology, geothermal energy, mineralogy, oceanography, paleontology, physics, planetary geology, remote sensing, soil science, cartography, water resources, and zoology. Library staff and users may access the online catalog from terminals at each of the 4 USGS libraries. The data base can be searched by author, title, key words, subjects, call numbers, and corporate/conference names. The Library System staff at all locations will conduct literature searches using various data bases. Computer-related costs are charged if applicable. Regional libraries are located in Denver, CO; Flagstaff, AZ; and Menlo Park, CA. The USGS Library Data base is available on CD-ROM from OCLC, Inc.
Department of Interior Federal Data Bases
* US Geological Survey Publication Manuscripts System (PUBMANUS)
Earth Science Information Center
US Geological Survey
US Department of the Interior
507 National Center (800) USA-MAPS
Reston, VA 22092 (703) 648-6045
This data base provides referral to all Geological Survey publications. Flexible search techniques enable users to find information in numerous ways. Currently search requests are accepted through the US Geological Survey Public Inquiries Division. There is no charge.
Department of Interior Federal Data Bases
are located in Denver, CO; Flagstaff, AZ; and Menlo Park, CA. The USGS Library Data base is available on CD-ROM from OCLC, Inc.
Department of Interior Federal Data Bases
s more than 140,000 references c
* Selected Water Resources Abstracts (SWRA)
Raymond Jensen
Water Resources Scientific Information Center
US Department of the Interior
US Geological Survey
Reston, VA 22092 (703) 648-6820
The data base offers a comprehensive range of water-related topics in the life, physical and social services as well as the engineering and legal aspects of the conservation, control, use and management of water. It includes 170,000 citations with approximately 8,000 added annually. Subject coverage includes: nature and properties of water, water supply augmentation and conservation, water quality management and control, water resource planning and legal ramifications. SWRA contains abstracts for journals, monographs, reports, patents, conference proceedings, court cases submitted to the Office of Water Research and Technology. It covers the period from 1968 to present. The data base can be leased and/or batch processed profile searches are provided for a fee. SWRA is available commercially on DIALOG and NERAC.
Department of Interior Federal Data Bases
* Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge
US Fish and Wildlife Service
Chief, Resource Planning
P.O. Box 1306
Albuquerque, NM 87103 (505) 766-5935
This is a random access data base; contains various number of files of geographical reference data for roads, pipelines, fences, ponds, streams, lakes, canals, levees, soil types, wetland types, vegetation, recreational areas, trails, observation towers, historical sites, archaeological sites, public use areas, hunting areas, fishing areas, cities, counties, management areas, buildings, etc. Source of data was refuge managers, SCS soil surveys, USGS quads and National Wetland inventory maps. Data is available on magnetic tape, 7 or 9 track, 800, 1600 or 6250 bpi; labeled or unlabeled; blocked or unblocked; EBCDIC, ASCII or BCD; fixed or variable length format. It is also available on punch cards or listings. Cost and ability to transfer data must be decided by individual request.
Department of Interior Federal Data Bases
* Seston Sample Analyses - Part 1 and Part 2
Users Service
EROS Data Center
Sioux Falls, SD 57198 (605) 594-6151
This contains water column information and environmental studies. SESTON samples were collected at sea during scientific cruises and analyzed at laboratories of the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution under contract with the US Geologic Survey. Contact Norman G. Bailey at (617) 548-8700 for further information.
Department of Interior Federal Data Bases
* Sevilleta National Wildlife Refuge
US Fish and Wildlife Service
Chief, Resource Planning
P.O. Box 1306
Albuquerque, NM 87103 (505) 766-5935
This is a random access data base; contains various number of files of geographical reference data for roads, pipelines, fences, ponds, streams, lakes, canals, levees, soil types, wetland types, vegetation, recreational areas, trails, observation towers, historical sites, archaeological sites, public use areas, hunting areas, fishing areas, cities, counties, management areas, buildings, etc. Source of data was refuge managers, SCS soil surveys, USGS quads and National Wetland inventory maps. Data is available on magnetic tape, 7 or 9 track, 800, 1600 or 6250 bpi; labeled or unlabeled; blocked or unblocked; EBCDIC, ASCII or BCD; fixed or variable length format. It is also available on punch cards or listings. Cost and ability to transfer data must be decided by individual request.
Department of Interior Federal Data Bases
* State and Tribal Support System (STATSS)
Ken Madson
Royalty Management Program
Minerals Management Service
US Department of the Interior
PO Box 25165
Denver, CO 80225 (303) 236-2152
The STATSS provides States, Tribes and the BIA with access to AFS data through communication links between microcomputers located at the user's facility and the RMP mainframe computer. The STATSS participants may make online data base inquiries, monitor payment status, request a variety of system reports, and transmit messages. Nine states, 10 Tribes, and 14 BIA sites have established access to STATSS. Planning efforts continue to identify and implement user-requested refinements, providing additional data access. Although this data base is not available to private individuals, responses to specific requests for non-proprietary data are made.
Department of Interior Federal Data Bases
* Station Header File
Users Service
EROS Data Center
Sioux Falls, SD 57198 (605) 594-6151
The file provides a single source of station identification information for all Watstore data processing programs. The record contains identifiers that locate and describe the station, such as latitude and longitude, state code, agency code, and station name. Contact Charles F. Merk at (703) 860-6871 for further information.
Department of Interior Federal Data Bases
* Station/Sample Collection (STA004)
Users Service
EROS Data Center
Sioux Falls, SD 57198 (605) 594-6151
This contains environmental assessment information, with 17 fields plus a key field to enable linkage to various analytical data sets. Contact Norman G. Bailey at (617) 548-8700 for further information.
Department of Interior Federal Data Bases
* Stream Discharge Measurement File (RATFIL)
Users Service
EROS Data Center
Sioux Falls, SD 57198 (605) 594-6151
The file contains fixed-length records of all field measurements of stream discharge made by Ohio Water Resources Division District personnel. Contact Vance Nichols or Michael R. Hathaway at (614) 469-5533 for further information.
Department of Interior Federal Data Bases
* Stream Flow Basin Characteristics File
Users Service
EROS Data Center
Sioux Falls, SD 57198 (605) 594-6151
This file contains a maximum of 200 stream flow and drainage basin characteristics for about 13,000 stream gaging sites. The file was created by the surface water branch of the water resources division by using data obtained for the surface water data evaluation study of 1970. Contact George R. Dempster at (703) 860-6871 for further information.
Department of Interior Federal Data Bases
* Surface Water Index File
Users Service
EROS Data Center
Sioux Falls, SD 57198 (605) 594-6151
The file contains data on instrumentation and details on historical data collected at surface water sites in Florida. It also contains drainage area, river mileage, and stream magnitude information. Contact James D. Simmons at (904) 386-1118 for further information.
Department of Interior Federal Data Bases
* Suspended Matter (SUSMAT)
Users Service
EROS Data Center
Sioux Falls, SD 57198 (605) 594-6151
This contains water column information and environmental studies, with 19 fields of information plus a key field for linkage to a sample collection data set named STA004. Contact Norman G. Bailey at (617) 548-8700 for further information.
Department of Interior Federal Data Bases
* Suspended Sediments (SUSED)
Users Service
EROS Data Center
Sioux Falls, SD 57198 (605) 594-6151
This contains water column information and environmental studies, with 15 fields of data plus a key field for linkage to a sample collection data set called STA004. Contact Norman G. Bailey at (617) 548-8700 for further information.
Department of Interior Federal Data Bases
* Tape Archive Marine Data Base (TAM)
Users Service
EROS Data Center
Sioux Falls, SD 57198 (605) 594-6151
This contains navigation, magnetic, and bathymetry data collected during USGS cruises in Pacific and Arctic oceans and Bering Sea. In original (raw) state and in varying states of analysis. Raw data and initial analyses data are in individual files. Processed data are combined with navigation data. Contact William C. Steele at (415) 323-8111, Ext. 2073 for further information.
Department of Interior Federal Data Bases
* Tetlin National Wildlife Refuge
US Fish and Wildlife Service
Office of Information Resources Management,
Region 7
1011 East Tudor Road
Anchorage, AK 99503 (907) 786-3324
This contains digital data; Tetlin National Wildlife Refuge in East-Central Interior Alaska; contains data for landstatus, lakes, streams, fire, infrastructure, wildlife distribution; contains elevation, slope aspect, and landcover data from EROS Data Center.
Department of Interior Federal Data Bases
* Texas Point (SEARIM) National Wildlife Refuge
US Fish and Wildlife Service
Chief, Resource Planning
P.O. Box 1306
Albuquerque, NM 87103 (505) 766-5935
This is a random access data base; contains various number of files of geographical reference data for roads, pipelines, fences, ponds, streams, lakes, canals, levees, soil types, wetland types, vegetation, recreational areas, trails, observation towers, historical sites, archaeological sites, public use areas, hunting areas, fishing areas, cities, counties, management areas, buildings, etc. Source of data was refuge managers, SCS soil surveys, USGS quads and National Wetland inventory maps. Data is available on magnetic tape, 7 or 9 track, 800, 1600 or 6250 bpi; labeled or unlabeled; blocked or unblocked; EBCDIC, ASCII or BCD; fixed or variable length format. It is also available on punch cards or listings. Cost and ability to transfer data must be decided by individual request.
Department of Interior Federal Data Bases
* Tiber Reservoir, Montana
Bureau of Reclamation
Remote Sensing Section D-1524
P.O. Box 25007
Denver Federal Center
Denver, CO 80225 (303) 236-4298
This contains the land net (sections, townships), noxious weeds (eight categories), resource management units, resource uses, study area boundary, and the 3000 ft. floodpool elevation; method of spatial referencing of data is latitude/longitude indirectly via ESL GES geoblock coordinates; source of data is color infrared aerial photography, scale of digitized source materials is 1:12,000; 15,400 records. It is available on nine track tape with 800, 1600 or 6250 bpi, unlabeled with variable record length and ESL GES format files only.
Department of Interior Federal Data Bases
Department of Interior Federal Data Bases
or title and printouts are available.
Department of Interior Federal Data Bases
* Pacific/Arctic Multichannel Data (PAMCD)
Users Service
EROS Data Center
Sioux Falls, SD 57198 (605) 594-6151
Raw field tapes contain processed, 2400 percent multichannel seismic data for sections for the West Coast of the US from the Mexican border to the Beaufort Sea. Contact Dennis Mann at (415) 323-8111, Ext. 2070 for further information.
Department of Interior Federal Data Bases
* Partial and Full-State Digitized Hydrologic Unit Lines and Data Base (PTSTBASE)
Users Service
EROS Data Center
Sioux Falls, SD 57198 (605) 594-6151
This is a series of uniform, nationally consistent state hydrologic unit maps that accurately delineate the hydrographic boundaries of major US river basins. Contact Gloria Stiltner at (703) 860-6872 for further information.
Department of Interior Federal Data Bases
* Peak Flow File (PKFIL)
Users Service
EROS Data Center
Sioux Falls, SD 57198 (605) 594-6151
This contains the annual maximum discharge and the annual maximum gauge height values obtained at surface water sites. The file consists of fixed-length records containing site identification and name, state code, drainage area, gage datum, date of annual maximum discharge and gauge heights, and remarks codes for maximum discharge and gage heights. Contact George R. Dempster at (703) 860-6872 for further information.
Department of Interior Federal Data Bases
* Permian Basin Well and Reserve File (PBW/RF)
Users Service
EROS Data Center
Sioux Falls, SD 57198 (605) 594-6151
There are data on 49 variables for each of the 208,000 wells. These variables include hole location, operator spud and completion dates, lake class, depth, flow rates, computer intervals, field code, name code, and show code. This information is used to forecast future rates of discover of petroleum deposits in the Permian basin. Contact Lawrence J. Drew at (703) 860-6446 for further information.
Department of Interior Federal Data Bases
* Petroleum Data System
US Geological Survey
Branch of Petroleum Geology
Denver Federal Center
Denver, CO 80225 (303) 236-5711
This system consists of three separate files: (1) the crude oil analysis file which is a small file of chemical analysis data on producing oil wells in the United States; (2) the natural gas analysis file which contains chemical analysis data on producing natural gas wells in the United States; and (3) the oil and gas data file which consists of over 80,000 records containing publicly available data on production of all field and pools. Data for each state are updated annually with production, well counts, and new discoveries from state records, supplemented with commercial and federal data sources.
Department of Interior Federal Data Bases
* Petroleum Well History Control System (WHCS)
Users Service
EROS Data Center
Sioux Falls, SD 57198 (605) 594-6151
The petroleum well history control system is an historic file of more an 1,024,000 records, each representing data obtained in drilling wells for petroleum products. The system is updated monthly from records submitted by industry cooperatives. Contact Ronald J. Walton at (303) 234-6488 for further information.
Department of Interior Federal Data Bases
* Photo Retrieval Data Base
Bureau of Reclamation
MID Pacific Region
2800 Cottage Way, Federal Building
Sacramento, CA 95825 (916) 484-4623
This is a computer file describing aerial and photography projects includes administrative and technical information on about 2000 records for over 200 projects.
Department of Interior Federal Data Bases
* Production Accounting and Auditing System (PAAS)
Ken Madson
Royalty Management Program
Minerals Management Service
US Department of the Interior
PO Box 25165
Denver, CO 80225 (303) 236-2152
This system compares reported dispositions of production with sales information reported to the AFS, allowing MMS to identify potential underpayment of royalties for producing leases and incorrect reporting by industry to the AFS; provides production information to the MMS Offshore Lease Management Offices and to the BLM and BIA for onshore Federal and Indian leases; provides available production information to States, Indian Tribes, and other Federal agencies; identifies potential audit targets for MMS auditors. Although this data base is not available to private individuals, responses to specific requests for non-proprietary data are made.
Department of Interior Federal Data Bases
* Public Domain Forest Inventory System (PD)
Bill Williams
Bureau of Land Management
US Department of Interior
Denver Federal Center Building 50
P.O. Box 25047
Denver, CO 80225 (303) 236-0158
This system provides information for management of timber resources through analysis and interpretation of forest inventory data. It provides ADP support to forest inventory data collected from national resource lands (excluding Oregon and California railroad grant lands). PD contains a broad range of inventory data including county, state, Bureau of Land Management district, forest type, soil and past cuttings. There are presently five reports available and approximately 200 various data elements maintained. The data describe individual trees and stands of trees including locations. Hard copy reports are available on request which provide information on tree sites, and measurements. Individual searches and printouts are provided for a fee.
Department of Interior Federal Data Bases
* Reservoir File, Gulf of Mexico--OCS
Users Service
EROS Data Center
Sioux Falls, SD 57198 (605) 594-6151
This contains information about reservoirs in the Gulf of Mexico. There are data elements for field, reservoir, effective data, maximum efficient rate, and reservoir clearance. Contact Joseph J. Chedotal at (504) 838-0729 for further information.
Department of Interior Federal Data Bases
* Rock Analysis Storage System (RASS)
George Van Trump
US Geological Survey
US Department of the Interior
Geological Division
Box 25046, MS 973
Denver Federal Center
Denver, CO 80225 (303) 236-5518
The system was developed to store and retrieve chemical analyses using geologic and location attributes as query parameters. Some attributes include material, sample type, sample source, rock type, geologic age, rock name, formation, and latitude and longitude or, in some cases, UTM. Parameters of the coding scheme permit only certain characteristics of the sample and do not provide for a full description. All analytical results for each element are stored separately according to the method and unit of measure. These data are consequently used in statistical analysis, plotting routines, and terminal graphics. Geographical coverage consists of the US (including Puerto Rico) and offshore. Tape as well as searches and printouts of RASS are available to the public.
Department of Interior Federal Data Bases
* Salt Plains National Wildlife Refuge
US Fish and Wildlife Service
Chief, Resource Planning
P.O. Box 1306
Albuquerque, NM 87103 (505) 766-5935
This is a random access data base; contains various number of files of geographical reference data for roads, pipelines, fences, ponds, streams, lakes, canals, levees, soil types, wetland types, vegetation, recreational areas, trails, observation towers, historical sites, archaeological sites, public use areas, hunting areas, fishing areas, cities, counties, management areas, buildings, etc. Source of data was refuge managers, SCS soil surveys, USGS quads and National Wetland inventory maps. Data is available on magnetic tape, 7 or 9 track, 800, 1600 or 6250 bpi; labeled or unlabeled; blocked or unblocked; EBCDIC, ASCII or BCD; fixed or variable length format. It is also available on punch cards or listings. Cost and ability to transfer data must be decided by individual request.
Department of Interior Federal Data Bases
* San Bernardino National Wildlife Refuge
US Fish and Wildlife Service
Chief, Resource Planning
P.O. Box 1306
Albuquerque, NM 87103 (505) 766-5935
This is a random access data base; contains various number of files of geographical reference data for roads, pipelines, fences, ponds, streams, lakes, canals, levees, soil types, wetland types, vegetation, recreational areas, trails, observation towers, historical sites, archaeological sites, public use areas, hunting areas, fishing areas, cities, counties, management areas, buildings, etc. Source of data was refuge managers, SCS soil surveys, USGS quads and National Wetland inventory maps. Data is available on magnetic tape, 7 or 9 track, 800, 1600 or 6250 bpi; labeled or unlabeled; blocked or unblocked; EBCDIC, ASCII or BCD; fixed or variable length format. It is also available on punch cards or listings. Cost and ability to transfer data must be decided by individual request.
Department of Interior Federal Data Bases
* San Bernard National Wildlife Refuge
US Fish and Wildlife Service
Chief, Resource Planning
P.O. Box 1306
Albuquerque, NM 87103 (505) 766-5935
This is a random access data base; contains various number of files of geographical reference data for roads, pipelines, fences, ponds, streams, lakes, canals, levees, soil types, wetland types, vegetation, recreational areas, trails, observation towers, historical sites, archaeological sites, public use areas, hunting areas, fishing areas, cities, counties, management areas, buildings, etc. Source of data was refuge managers, SCS soil surveys, USGS quads and National Wetland inventory maps. Data is available on magnetic tape, 7 or 9 track, 800, 1600 or 6250 bpi; labeled or unlabeled; blocked or unblocked; EBCDIC, ASCII or BCD; fixed or variable length format. It is also available on punch cards or listings. Cost and ability to transfer data must be decided by individual request.
Department of Interior Federal Data Bases
* San Francisco Volcanic Field (SFVF)
Users Service
EROS Data Center
Sioux Falls, SD 57198 (605) 594-6151
This contains chemical analyses of rock specimens taken from the San Francisco volcanic field in Arizona. Analyses include raw major element compositions, adjusted major element composition, trace element composition, normative minerals, potassium argon dating, and rubidium-strontium ratios. Contact George Ulrich at (602) 527-7149 for further information.
Department of Interior Federal Data Bases
* Santa Ana National Wildlife Refuge
US Fish and Wildlife Service
Chief, Resource Planning
P.O. Box 1306
Albuquerque, NM 87103 (505) 766-5935
This is a random access data base; contains various number of files of geographical reference data for roads, pipelines, fences, ponds, streams, lakes, canals, levees, soil types, wetland types, vegetation, recreational areas, trails, observation towers, historical sites, archaeological sites, public use areas, hunting areas, fishing areas, cities, counties, management areas, buildings, etc. Source of data was refuge managers, SCS soil surveys, USGS quads and National Wetland inventory maps. Data is available on magnetic tape, 7 or 9 track, 800, 1600 or 6250 bpi; labeled or unlabeled; blocked or unblocked; EBCDIC, ASCII or BCD; fixed or variable length format. It is also available on punch cards or listings. Cost and ability to transfer data must be decided by individual request.
Department of Interior Federal Data Bases
US Fish and Wildlife Service
Chief, Resource Planning
P.O. Box 1306
Albuquerque, NM 87103 (505) 766-5935
This is a random access data base; contains various number of files of gquads and National Wetland inventory maps. Data is available on magnetic tape, 7 or 9 track, 800, 1600 or 6250 bpi; labeled or unlabeled; blocked or unblocked; EBCDIC, ASCII or BCD; fixed or 6
* Nebraska Sandhills Lakes Files (NSLF)
Users Service
EROS Data Center
Sioux Falls, SD 57198 (605) 594-6151
The file contains information on altitude, alkalinity, drainage type, and name. Contact Donald E. Schild at (402) 471-5082 for further information.
Department of Interior Federal Data Bases
* Nebraska Test Holes File (NTF)
Users Service
EROS Data Center
Sioux Falls, SD 57198 (605) 594-6151
The file contains locations of test holes drilled in Nebraska. Information is stored in the ABC card format and contains depth to bedrock for some testholes. Contact Donald E. Schild at (402) 471-5082 for further information.
Department of Interior Federal Data Bases
* Nebraska Water Level File (NWLF)
Users Service
EROS Data Center
Sioux Falls, SD 57198 (605) 594-6151
The file consists of well information such as altitude, depth, diameter, owner, latitude and longitude, pre-development level, aquifer, and measuring point. In addition, data on water levels for these wells are stored. Contact Donald E. Schild at (402) 471-5082 for further information.
Department of Interior Federal Data Bases
* Nebraska Well Schedule File (NWSF)
Users Service
EROS Data Center
Sioux Falls, SD 57198 (605) 594-6151
The file contains information similar to that contained in the ABC card format for information on USGS form 9-1642. This information includes data concerning use, depth, measuring point, altitude of land surface, water level, and pump type. Contact Donald E. Schild at (402) 471-5082 for further information.
Department of Interior Federal Data Bases
* Newlands Project, Nevada
Bureau of Reclamation
Remote Sensing Section D-1524
P.O. Box 25007
Denver Federal Center
Denver, CO 80225 (303) 236-4298
This consists of the study area boundary, the land net, bench land and bottom land, water right lands and irrigated lands. Available on nine track tape 800, 1600 or 6250 bpi, unlabeled; variable record length and ESL GES format files only.
Department of Interior Federal Data Bases
* Norfolk Harbor and Channels Deepening Project Bathymetric Data
US Fish and Wildlife Service
NCET-Technical Applications Section
1010 Gause Blvd. NASA/SCC
Slidell, LA 70458 (504) 646-7564
Data is bathymetric data for the lower Chesapeake Bay and was derived from NOAA National Ocean Survey data; data contains approximately 10,000 sample points; file structure is sequential; available on nine track tape, 800 bpi or 1600 bpi, labeled, blocked, EBCDIC, ASCII, with fixed record length; listing and subsets of the main file or custom formats are also available; no documentation available.
Department of Interior Federal Data Bases
* Norfolk Harbor and Channels Deepening Project Bottom Sediment Data
US Fish and Wildlife Service
NCET-Technical Applications Section
1010 Gause Blvd. NASA/SCC
Slidell, LA 70458 (504) 646-7564
This contains bottom sediment data for the lower Chesapeake Bay and derived from a study carried out by the Virginia Institute of Marine Science. Source of data is Virginia Institute of Marine Science. Structure is sequential; available on nine track tape with 800 or 1600 bpi, Unlabeled, blocked, EBCDIC or ASCII, fixed record length.
Department of Interior Federal Data Bases
* Norfolk Harbor and Channels Deepening Project Salinity Data
US Fish and Wildlife Service
NCET-Technical Applications Section
1010 Gause Blvd. NASA/SCC
Slidell, LA 70458 (504) 646-7564
This contains salinity data for the lower Chesapeake Bay, data is available for 125 sample stations at surface and bottom depths for seasonal characteristics; data represents pre-project (1960's) and post-project salinities. File structure is sequential; available on nine track tape, 800 or 1600 bpi, unlabeled, blocked, EBCDIC or ASCII with fixed record length; listings available as well as subsets of the main file or custom formats.
Department of Interior Federal Data Bases
* Northeast Alaska Hydrography
US Geological Survey
Earth Science Information Center
4230 University Dr.
Anchorage, AK 99508-4664 (907) 271-4159
This contains digital data: stream networks digitized from USGS quadrangles. Files edited visually on a tectronics screen.
Department of Interior Federal Data Bases
* Oakes Area, North Dakota
Bureau of Reclamation
Remote Sensing Section D-1524
P.O. Box 25007
Denver Federal Center
Denver, CO 80225 (303) 236-4298
This contains standard user land classification data for irrigation suitability for 33 sections in the defined study area; data is stored in 3 overlays. It is available in nine track tape with 800, 1600 or 6250 bpi, unlabeled, and variable record length, ESL GES format files only.
Department of Interior Federal Data Bases
* Office of Water Data Coordination (OWDC) Data
Office of Water Data Coordination
US Department of the Interior
US Geological Survey
417 National Center
Reston, VA 22092 (703) 860-6931
OWDC has lead responsibility for coordinating Federal water data acquisition activities under the Office of Management and Budget Circular A-67. The Office maintains the Catalog of Information on Water Data, a computer file containing over 400,000 entries. Computer printouts are available.
Department of Interior Federal Data Bases
* Oil Shale Data System
Users Service
EROS Data Center
Sioux Falls, SD 57198 (605) 594-6151
The data base consists of over 400 sets of Fischer assay and saline mineral data for well cores from Colorado and Utah. Much of the information is held on a confidential basis. Each file consists of chemical analyses for one well core. Contact Janet K. Pitman at (303) 234-5121 for further information.
Department of Interior Federal Data Bases
* Oil Spill Trajectory Analysis Model Files (OSTA)
Users Service
EROS Data Center
Sioux Falls, SD 57198 (605) 594-6151
The model analyzes the probability that oil spills from outer continental shelf oil production will occur and contact vulnerable environmental resources. The data base for this model covers most of the US outer continental shelf. Contact Kenneth J. Lanfear at (703) 860-6730 for further information.
Department of Interior Federal Data Bases
* Optima National Wildlife Refuge
US Fish and Wildlife Service
Chief, Resource Planning
P.O. Box 1306
Albuquerque, NM 87103 (505) 766-5935
This is a random access data base; contains various number of files of geographical reference data for roads, pipelines, fences, ponds, streams, lakes, canals, levees, soil types, wetland types, vegetation, recreational areas, trails, observation towers, historical sites, archaeological sites, public use areas, hunting areas, fishing areas, cities, counties, management areas, buildings, etc. Source of data was refuge managers, SCS soil surveys, USGS quads and National Wetland inventory maps. Data is available on magnetic tape, 7 or 9 track, 800, 1600 or 6250 bpi; labeled or unlabeled; blocked or unblocked; EBCDIC, ASCII or BCD; fixed or variable length format. It is also available on punch cards or listings. Cost and ability to transfer data must be decided by individual request.
Department of Interior Federal Data Bases
* Outdoor Recreation Survey, 1977: Federal Estate Survey (ICPSR 7680)
Member Services
Inter-University Consortium for Political and Social Research
P.O. Box 1248
Ann Arbor, MI 38106 (313) 763-5010
This survey was conducted by the Department of the Interior in the summer of 1977, when visitors to 153 Federal land management areas were interviewed, and in the following fall and winter when other individuals were queried at 35 additional areas. The purposes of the study were to determine the importance of outdoor recreation to the American people, patterns of recreational land use, trends in recreation, the users of Federal land, and the deterrents, satisfactions, and preferences for outdoor recreation. This data set contains 6 decks of data for each of the 11,549 persons interviewed, for a total of 69,294 records. There are approximately 400 variables recording respondents' feelings about the specific Federal recreation area in which they were interviewed, as well as background information about each of the respondents. The data are available in card-image format.
Department of Interior Federal Data Bases
* Outdoor Recreation Survey, 1977: General Population Survey (ICPSR 7679)
Member Services
Inter-University Consortium for Political and Social Research
P.O. Box 1248
Ann Arbor, MI 38106 (313) 763-5010
This telephone survey was conducted by the Department of the Interior in June 1977, when a representative national sample of 4,079 persons was selected and interviewed. The purpose of the study was to determine the importance of outdoor recreation to the American people, patterns of recreational land use, trends in recreation, the users of Federal land, and the deterrents, satisfactions, and preferences for outdoor recreation. This data file, which includes nine decks of data for each of the 4,029 respondents, has 36,261 records.
Department of Interior Federal Data Bases
* Outdoor Recreation Survey, 1977: General Population Survey (ICPSR 7679)
Member Services
Inter-University Consortium for Political and Social Research
P.O. Box 1248
Ann Arbor, MI 38106 (313) 763-5010
This telephoV
* Natural Resource Digital Data Base for Big Bend National Park Surrounding Region
US National Park Service
Geographic Information Systems Division
12795 West Alameda Parkway
Box 25287 GISD
Denver, CO 80225-0287 (303) 969-2590
This contains digital data; cellular; major themes are: unprocessed aircraft scanner data, spectral classes, DMA data, and twenty-six class vegetation/landcover. Uses: landcover analysis; natural resources analysis. General area covered: Southwest Texas.
Department of Interior Federal Data Bases
* Natural Resource Digital Data Base for Big Thicket National Preserve and Surrounding Region
US National Park Service
Geographic Information Systems Division
12795 West Alameda Parkway
Box 25287 GISD
Denver, CO 80225-0287 (303) 969-2590
This contains digital data; cellular; major themes are unprocessed landsat data (2 seasons of coverage); eighteen-class vegetation/land cover, NFDRS fuel models, boundaries; organized regionwide, by theme, one theme to a file. It is available on 9-track magnetic tape. General area covered: Beaumont, Texas.
Department of Interior Federal Data Bases
* Natural Resource Digital Data Base for Death Valley National Monument and Surrounding Region
US National Park Service
Geographic Information Systems Division
12795 West Alameda Parkway
Box 25287 GISD
Denver, CO 80225-0287 (303) 969-2590
This is a digital data base; cellular; major themes are unprocessed landsat data, unlumped spectral classes, geology/vegetation/landcover; source is landsat. It is available on 7 or 9-track magnetic tape. General area covered: Death Valley, California.
Department of Interior Federal Data Bases
* Natural Resource Digital Data Base for the Great Smokies
US National Park Service
Geographic Information Systems Division
12795 West Alameda Parkway
Box 25287 GISD
Denver, CO 80225-0287 (303) 969-2590
This contains digital data; base line; source is USGS quad. Major themes covered are: streams, boundaries, park facilities, roads, trails, historical sites and structures, watershed boundaries, monitoring stations and Kudzu sites. General area covered: East Tennessee and Western North Carolina.
Department of Interior Federal Data Bases
* Natural Resource Digital Data Base for Great Smokies National Park and Surrounding Region
US National Park Service
Geographic Information Systems Division
12795 West Alameda Parkway
Box 25287 GISD
Denver, CO 80225-0287 (303) 969-2590
This is a digital data base; cellular; source is aircraft MSS and DMA; organized by slope, aspect, and elevation; regionwide (750,000 acres). Major themes include unprocessed aircraft scanner data, unprocessed DMA data, spectral classes, vegetation/landcover, elevation, slope, aspect, fuel models, and soils; available on 9-track magnetic tape. General area covered: East Tennessee and Western North Carolina.
Department of Interior Federal Data Bases
* Natural Resource Digital Data Base for Imagery Coverage of Yellowstone, Great Smokies, Glacier, Olympic, Big Thicket, Big Bend, Sequoia/Kings Canyon, Organ Pipe, and Rocky Mountain Parks
US National Park Service
Geographic Information Systems Division
12795 West Alameda Parkway
Box 25287 GISD
Denver, CO 80225-0287 (303) 969-2590
This is a digital data base; describes aerial photography imagery coverage of the following parks: Yellowstone, Great Smokies, Glacier, Olympic, Big Thicket, Big Bend, Sequoia/Kings Canyon, Organ Pipe, and Rocky Mountain (one map file for each park); size is approximately 4000 accessions; major themes are aerial photography accessions at EROS Data Center; data available on 9-track magnetic tape. General area covered: United States.
Department of Interior Federal Data Bases
* Natural Resource Digital Data Base for North Cascades National Park and Surrounding Region
US National Park Service
Geographic Information Systems Division
12795 West Alameda Parkway
Box 25287 GISD
Denver, CO 80225-0287 (303) 969-2590
This contains digital data; cellular; source is landsat MSS and DMA; organized one theme to a file, each theme covering the entire three-quarter-million-acre region. Uses: vegetation/landcover studies; boundary delineations, natural resources analysis. General area covered: Northern Washington.
Department of Interior Federal Data Bases
* Natural Resource Digital Data Base for Olympic National Park and Surrounding Region
US National Park Service
Geographic Information Systems Division
12795 West Alameda Parkway
Box 25287 GISD
Denver, CO 80225-0287 (303) 969-2590
This is a digital data base; cellular; organized by theme; themes include: unprocessed landsat data, DMA data, spectral classes; nine class vegetation/land cover; twenty-one class vegetation/land cover; elevation, slope, aspect, geographic zones, NFDRS fuel models, potential fire hazard model and park boundary. Data available on 9-track magnetic tape. General area covered: Northwest Washington.
Department of Interior Federal Data Bases
* Natural Resource Digital Data Base for Saratoga National Historical Park
US National Park Service
Geographic Information Systems Division
12795 West Alameda Parkway
Box 25287 GISD
Denver, CO 80225-0287 (303) 969-2590
This is a digital data base; line type; organized by park unit. Data available on 9-track magnetic tape. Uses: vegetation studies; land cover analysis; natural resources analysis. General area covered: Schuylerville, New York.
Department of Interior Federal Data Bases
* Natural Resource Digital Data Base for Shenandoah National Park
US National Park Service
Geographic Information Systems Division
12795 West Alameda Parkway
Box 25287 GISD
Denver, CO 80225-0287 (303) 969-2590
This is a digital data base; cellular; organized regionwide, by theme; one theme to a file; region includes a one-million-acre area surrounding the park; available on magnetic tape-7 or 9- track. Uses: vegetation/land cover studies; boundary, roads and trail delineations; natural resources analysis. General area covered: Northern Virginia.
Department of Interior Federal Data Bases
* Natural Resource Digital Data Base for Upper Delaware River
US National Park Service
Geographic Information Systems Division
12795 West Alameda Parkway
Box 25287 GISD
Denver, CO 80225-0287 (303) 969-2590
This contains digital data base; line; organized by study-corridor-wide with some themes to township boundaries; major themes include land use, land cover, transportation, utilities, geology, soils, zoning by type and density, floodprone areas, prime agricultural lands, ownership, recreation zones, political boundaries. Data available on 9-track magnetic tape. General area covered: Delaware River-Upper.
Department of Interior Federal Data Bases
* Natural Resource Digital Data Base for Yellowstone National Park US National Park Service
Geographic Information Systems Division
12795 West Alameda Parkway
Box 25287 GISD
Denver, CO 80225-0287 (303) 969-2590
This contains digital data; base line; major themes are cover type, geology and habitat type. It is available on 9-track magnetic tape. Uses: land cover; habitat type studies; natural resources analysis.
Department of Interior Federal Data Bases
* Natural Resource Digital Data Base for Yosemite National Park and Surrounding Region
US National Park Service
Geographic Information Systems Division
12795 West Alameda Parkway
Box 25287 GISD
Denver, CO 80225-0287 (303) 969-2590
This contains digital data base; cellular; organized by slope, aspect, and elevation; regionwide (one million acres), one theme to a file. Available on 9-track magnetic tape. Uses: landcover analysis; fire studies; natural resources analysis. General area covered: East Central California.
Department of Interior Federal Data Bases
* Natural Resource Digital Data Base for Yosemite National Park in the NCIC Master File
US National Park Service
Geographic Information Systems Division
12795 West Alameda Parkway
Box 25287 GISD
Denver, CO 80225-0287 (303) 969-2590
This contains digital data; line; organized by 24 fifteen minute quadrants; major themes are 1930 cover type with major source being 1930 cover-type map of 1:125,000 scale.
This contains data on stream measurements. These include data, number of cross sections, method, areas, velocity, width, discharge, air temperature, water temperature, specific conductance, rating, shift, percent difference, measurer's name, and remarks. Contact Donald E. Schild at (402) 471-5082 for further information.
Department of Interior Federal Data Bases
* Nebraska Registered Well File (NRWL)
Users Service
EROS Data Center
Sioux Falls, SD 57198 (605) 594-6151
The file contains information on approximately 63,000 registered irrigation, industrial, and municipal wells in Nebraska. This information includes depth, static water level, dynamic water level, diameter, and latitude and longitude. Contact Donald E. Schild at (402) 471-5082 for further information.
Department of Interior Federal Data Bases
rge, air temperature, water temperature, specific conductance, rating, shift, percent difference, measurer's name, and remarks. Contact Donald E. Schild at (402) 471-5082 for further information.
Department of Interior Federal Data Bases
* National Digital Cartographic Data Base - Land Use/Land Cover
Users Service
EROS Data Center
Sioux Falls, SD 57198 (605) 594-6151
This contains selected US regional coverage of land use and land cover data in either topologically structures polygon or gridded data format. Contact Thomas Dempsey at (703) 860-6336 for further information.
Department of Interior Federal Data Bases
* National Digital Cartographic Data Base - Large/Intermediate Scale
Users Service
EROS Data Center
Sioux Falls, SD 57198 (605) 594-6151
This contains selected US regional coverage of planimetric map features digitized source-map scales. The largest amount of coverage exists for the Public Land Survey System (PLSS) and boundary data categories. Contact Thomas Dempsey at (703) 860-6336 for further information.
Department of Interior Federal Data Bases
* National Digital Cartographic Data Base - Small Scale Planimetric
Users Service
EROS Data Center
Sioux Falls, SD 57198 (605) 594-6151
This contains nationwide coverage of planimetric features digitized from the National Atlas. Contact the Earth Science Information Center for documentation, availability of specific coverage, output formats, and current price. The data are not available for general online access. Contact EROS Data Center at (605) 594-6151 for further information.
Department of Interior Federal Data Bases
* National Digitized Hydrologic Unit Lines Data Base (NATLBASE)
Users Service
EROS Data Center
Sioux Falls, SD 57198 (605) 594-6151
This is a series of uniform, nationally consistent state hydrologic unit maps that accurately delineate the hydrographic boundaries of major US river basins. Contact Gloria Stiltner at (703) 860-6935.
Department of Interior Federal Data Bases
* National Earthquake Catalog (NEQCAT)
Users Service
EROS Data Center
Sioux Falls, SD 57198 (605) 594-6151
This is a collection of all available statistics on all reported earthquake activity in the US. Historical data are indexed primarily on data and time of earthquake. Contact James N. Taggart at (303) 234-5079 for further information.#
Department of Interior Federal Data Bases
* National Earthquake Information Center (NEIC)
National Earthquake Information Center
US Geological Survey
Box 25046, Federal Center, Mail Stop 967
Denver, CO 80225
Voice Number (303) 236-1500
Modem Number (800) 358-2663 (300 baud)
This Center compiles, computes and distributes digital and analog data on earthquakes that have occurred around the world. The data base contains information on the time, location, depth, magnitude and other characteristics of each earthquake. NEIC receives information by real-time direct transmission from monitoring stations, telecommunications from monitoring centers, by airmail delivery from stations outside the United States and by direct computer link. In 1985, NEIC assumed responsibility for filming and distributing microfiche copies of Worldwide Seismic Station Network (WWSSN) seismograms. Data are also published in the Preliminary Determination of Epicenter (PDE) monthly listing and through Quick Epicenter Determinations (QED). Quick Epicenter Determinations are now available to individuals and groups having access to a 300 baud modem.
Department of Interior Federal Data Bases
* National Ecology Center Geographic Information System (GIS)OC
US Fish and Wildlife Service
National Ecology Center
2627 Redwing Road, Creekside One
Fort Collins, CO 80526-5363 (303) 226-9363
The National Ecology Center has developed about 200 data sets for geographic information system applications. Most are used for management and planning purposes.
Department of Interior Federal Data Bases
* National Gravity Data Set (DMA Data)
Users Service
EROS Data Center
Sioux Falls, SD 57198 (605) 594-6151
This contains gravity data for the conterminous US. It contains data in both point (latitude/longitude) and grid (albers projection) formats. Contact Ronald Sweeney (303) 234-5526 for further information.
Department of Interior Federal Data Bases
* National Recreation Survey, 1982- 1983: [United States] (ICPSR 8296)
Member Services
Inter-University Consortium for Political and Social Research
P.O. Box 1248
Ann Arbor, MI 38106 (313) 763-5010
Respondents' recreational habits are examined in this study. Questions concerning participation in recreational activities include outdoor recreational activities enjoyed, favorite activities, and amount of time and money spent on activities. The study also probes respondents' reasons for not participating in recreational activities, and the use of national parks. Demographic questions include living quarters, motor vehicles owned, telephone use, income, ethnicity, race, sex, age, education, and employment. The data collection consists of one file containing 6,270 records and approximately 725 variables. The logical record length is 1,380.
Department of Interior Federal Data Bases
* National Stream Quality Accounting Network (NASQAN) Data Base System
Users Service
EROS Data Center
Sioux Falls, SD 57198 (605) 594-6151
The NASQAN data base system contains all water quality data collected since 1972 for 445 stations constituting the national stream quality accounting network. Data in the system include field measurements, common constituents, and some pesticide and radiochemical constituents. Contact James C. Schronick Jr. at (703) 860-6834 for further information.
Department of Interior Federal Data Bases
* National Uranium Resource Evaluation Data
EROS Data Center
User Services
US Geological Survey
Sioux Falls, SD 57198 (605) 594-6151
This data base contains over 7 years of geologic, geophysical and geochemical data which can be used in earth-science research. Nearly all the data can be retrieved by reference to a rectangular grid system that corresponds to the National Topographic Map Series 1:250,000 scale quadrangle used by the US Geological Survey. Data are available on magnetic tape.
Department of Interior Federal Data Bases
* National Water Data Exchange (NAWDEX)
Mr. Owen Williams
National Water Data Exchange (NAWDEX)
US Department of the Interior
US Geological Survey
421 National Center
Reston, VA 22092 (703) 648-5684
NAWDEX has been developed as a confederation of organizations working together to improve access to water data. It assists users of water and water related information in gathering, identifying, locating and acquiring needed data. Information about the sites at which water data are acquired. This includes information about the geographic location of each site, the operating organization, types of data acquired, period of time, major water data parameters, frequency of measurement and the media in which data are stored. The Water Data Sources Directory is a computerized data base containing information about organizations that are sources of water and water-related data and services, are members of NAWDEX, and/or are active in programs relevant to the water resources community. NAWDEX products involve services such as access to major water data bases and data source identification. Data search assistance is free. Charges are assessed, however, for services requiring computer time, extensive personnel time, duplicating services and the like.
Department of Interior Federal Data Bases
* National Water Data Storage Retrieval System (WATSTORE)
Mary Bell Peters
National Water Data Exchange (NAWDEX)
US Geological Survey
US Department of the Interior
421 National Center
Reston, VA 22092 (703) 648-5663
This system contains the following subfiles on surface water and ground water: 1) Stations Header File contains an index of 320,000 water data storage sites; 2) Daily Value File provides more than 240,000 daily parameters such as streamflow, ground-water levels, and water temperatures; Peak Flow File includes 460,000 records on annual maximum stream flow and gauge height values; 3) Water Quality Files contains 2,300,000 analytical results that describe biological, chemical and physical water; and 4) Ground Water Site Inventory File contains descriptive information about ground water sites. Computer printouts, tables, graphs, digital plots and machine readable formats are available. Data search assistance is available free. Charges are assessed for services requiring computer costs, personnel time or duplication services.
Department of Interior Federal Data Bases
* National Wetlands Inventory Data Base
US Fish and Wildlife Service
National Wetlands Inventory
9720 Executive Center Drive
St. Petersburg, FL 33702 (813) 893-3624
This contains digitized wetland feature boundaries and labels, as classified by US Fish and Wildlife Service. There are potentially three files per map: one each for polygon, linear and point features.
Department of Interior Federal Data Bases
* National Wetlands Inventory Data (1070's)
US Fish and Wildlife Service
NCET-Technical Applications Section
1010 Gause Blvd. NASA/SCC
Slidell, LA 70458 (504) 646-7305
Data is wetlands habitat information with upland areas interpreted; method of classification used for wetlands was the cowardin et. al., classification developed for the US Fish and Wildlife Service. File structure is sequential; source of data is color infrared photography; available on nine track tape, 800 bpi or 1600 bpi, unlabeled, blocked, EBCDIC or ASCII, fixed record lengths; listings, user's guide for the wetland classification, and subsets of the main file or custom formats are also available. Within reasonable limits, digitized data are available to service staff on request from James Johnston. File also available for 1950's.
Department of Interior Federal Data Bases
* National Wetlands Research Center
US Fish and Wildlife Service
US Department of the Interior
NASA/Slidell Computer Complex
1010 Gause Blvd.
Slidell, LA 70458 (504) 646-7564
The system provides information on species and ecological communities in various types of coastal habitats. It provides oil and gas contamination of wildlife refuges and biological community modeling. Information is used to review permits for projects with potential ecological impact and to protect endangered/migratory species.
Department of Interior Federal Data Bases
1010 Gause Blvd.
Slidell, LA 70458 (504) 646-7564
The system provinalysis. General area covered: East Central California.
Department of Interior Federal Data Bases
* Master Water Data Index (MWDI)
Users Service
EROS Data Center
Sioux Falls, SD 57198 (605) 594-6151
The data base identifies hydrologic sites for which water data are available. It maintains identification information and a detailed description of each site, including latitude, state, county, hydrologic unit, site type, and identification of the operating agency. Contact Owen O. Williams at (703) 860-6031 for further information.
Department of Interior Federal Data Bases
* MCELMO Creek Unit, Colorado
Bureau of Reclamation
Remote Sensing Section D-1524
P.O. Box 25007
Denver Federal Center
Denver, CO 80225 (303) 236-4298
This contains digital data; contains land cover (14 categories), surface soil types (3 categories), surface salt deposits, and boundaries of the US Geological Survey. It is available on 9 track tape with 800 bpi or 16500 bpi, unlabeled with variable record length and ESL GES format files only. $200 per tape.
Department of Interior Federal Data Bases
* McFaddin National Wildlife Refuge
US Fish and Wildlife Service
Chief, Resource Planning
P.O. Box 1306
Albuquerque, NM 87103 (505) 766-5935
This is a random access data base; contains various number of files of geographical reference data for roads, pipelines, fences, ponds, streams, lakes, canals, levees, soil types, wetland types, vegetation, recreational areas, trails, observation towers, historical sites, archaeological sites, public use areas, hunting areas, fishing areas, cities, counties, management areas, buildings, etc. Source of data was refuge managers, SCS soil surveys, USGS quads and National Wetland inventory maps. Data is available on magnetic tape, 7 or 9 track, 800, 1600 or 6250 bpi; labeled or unlabeled; blocked or unblocked; EBCDIC, ASCII or BCD; fixed or variable length format. It is also available on punch cards or listings. Cost and ability to transfer data must be decided by individual request.
Department of Interior Federal Data Bases
* Measurements at Low Flow, Partial Record Stations, Miscellaneous Sites and Spring
Users Service
EROS Data Center
Sioux Falls, SD 57198 (605) 594-6151
This stores information for miscellaneous stations and springs in Tennessee. Information for each site includes downstream order number, hydrologic unit, quadrangle sheet, county, latitude and longitude, agency, state, district, purpose, drainage area, river mile, name, location, low-flow statistics, and discharge date. Contact V.J. May at (615) 251-5424 for further information.
Department of Interior Federal Data Bases
* Mineral Availability System Nonconfidential (MASNC)
Mineral Availability Field Office
US Department of the Interior
DFC, Building 20
Denver, CO 80225 (303) 236-5210
The publicly available portion of the minerals availability system (MAS) data base contains data on over 200,000 mineral deposits worldwide from 1970 to present; data includes mineral industry location system. Data for more than 135,000 mineral locations and processing plants in the US; data includes name, location, mineral commodity, type of operations, bibliography, cross reference for each property or prospect, published reserves and their assays; also contains data on geometry of the mineralized zone; lithology, rock types and mineralogy of the deposit. Data available on nine track tape, 800, 1600 or 6250 bpi, unlabeled, blocked, fixed record length EBCDIC format; data also available in listings; estimated annual growth is one to five percent; documentation is available.
Department of Interior Federal Data Bases
* Mineral Resources Data Base
Users Service
EROS Data Center
Sioux Falls, SD 57198 (605) 594-6151
In general, MRDB consists of a set of records on the mineral deposits and mineral commodities of the US and, to a certain extent, of the world. The file is arranged to accept the basic information needed to describe a mineral deposit or a group of related deposits, such as mining district. Contact Antoinette Medlin at (703) 860-6455 for further information.
Department of Interior Federal Data Bases
* Mineral Resources Data Systems
Donald F. Huber
US Department of the Interior
Branch of Resource Analysis
345 Middlefield Rd., Mail Stop 984
Menlo Park, CA 94025 (415) 329-5358
This system serves as a storage and retrieval facility for mineral commodity data, data resulting from the two degree sheet studies, data contributed by other organizations under various types of contracts, and other sources. This system makes it possible on a short notice to search out and synthesize great quantities of diverse data on mineral resources and on individual deposits. Data are available in five versions to public users. Where interest is in less than 10 or less data items, tables or listing can be provided for the desired geographical areas or commodities. Printouts of full or practical versions are available. Computer generated maps can also be made. For large data set requests, the data are provided in tape and diskette form.
Department of Interior Federal Data Bases
* Monte Carlo Evaluation Files (MONTCAR)
Users Service
EROS Data Center
Sioux Falls, SD 57198 (605) 594-6151
The purpose of the Monte Carlo system is to aid in the decision to accept or reject high bids for blocks in OCS lease offerings. The following data are gathered and input: current prices for oil and gas, tract number, transportation costs, pipeline costs, exploration costs, number of wells necessary, water depth, etc. Contact Gary Lore at (703) 860-7567 for further information.
Department of Interior Federal Data Bases
* Mourning Dove Data Base
David Dolton
Office of Migratory Bird Management
US Department of Interior
US Fish and Wildlife Service
Patuxent Wildlife Research Center
Laurel, MD 20708 (301) 498-0306
This data base contains records from the results of the Annual Call-Count Survey, which are collected according to various ecological strata. The records are used to produce a meaningful index of the size of the mourning dove breeding population and to set annual mourning dove hunting regulations. It is updated annually. Searches and printouts are available. Depending upon the nature of your request, you may or may not be charged a fee. Some information in the data base is restricted under the Privacy Act. A States report is produced each year.
Department of Interior Federal Data Bases
* MSHA Data File
Mr. James J. Lacey, Coordinator
National Energy Technology Data Center
US Department of Energy
Pittsburgh Energy Technology Center
P.O. Box 10940, MS 58-105
Pittsburgh, PA 15236 (412) 892-6944
This is a comprehensive list of US coal mines, and their coal production by quarter.
Department of Interior Federal Data Bases
* Muleshoe National Wildlife Refuge
US Fish and Wildlife Service
Chief, Resource Planning
P.O. Box 1306
Albuquerque, NM 87103 (505) 766-5935
This is a random access data base; contains various number of files of geographical reference data for roads, pipelines, fences, ponds, streams, lakes, canals, levees, soil types, wetland types, vegetation, recreational areas, trails, observation towers, historical sites, archaeological sites, public use areas, hunting areas, fishing areas, cities, counties, management areas, buildings, etc. Source of data was refuge managers, SCS soil surveys, USGS quads and National Wetland inventory maps. Data is available on magnetic tape, 7 or 9 track, 800, 1600 or 6250 bpi; labeled or unlabeled; blocked or unblocked; EBCDIC, ASCII or BCD; fixed or variable length format. It is also available on punch cards or listings. Cost and ability to transfer data must be decided by individual request.
Department of Interior Federal Data Bases
* National Atlas
US Geological Survey
National Mapping Division
523 National Center
Reston, VA 22092 (703) 860-6261
This system is utilized with the geographic names information system (GNIS) of the USGS; consists of variable length records containing data recorded in the index to the National Atlas of the US; this information refers to well-known places, physical features and administrative areas such as national parks; information consists of text, numeric data and codes; topics covered are name, feature, class, geographic coordinates, population, state, county and key reference to a map in national atlas.
Department of Interior Federal Data Bases
* National Cartographic Information System Topographic Quadrangle
Users Service
EROS Data Center
Sioux Falls, SD 57198 (605) 594-6151
The NCICTQ is helpful in providing information for maps in the intermediate scale. Updates to the file of 52,245 records are made periodically. Contact Doreen M. Prevatte at (703) 860-6508 for further information.
Department of Interior Federal Data Bases
* National Coal Resources Data Systems
Bill Miller
US Geological Survey
956 National Center
Reston, VA 22092 (703) 648-6721
This data base correlates and standardizes coal data from federal and state agencies, universities, and the private sector. The system is constantly updated and expanded to serve current and future needs in US coal-resource inventory and analysis. Online access is available commercially through the Tymnet network.
Department of Interior Federal Data Bases
* National Digital Cartographic Data Base - Digital Elevation Model
Users Service
EROS Data Center
Sioux Falls, SD 57198 (605) 594-6151
This contains selected US regional coverage of digital elevation models consisting of sampled arrays of elevation values covering a single 7.5-min topographic quadrangle. The data are resampled to a ground position interval of 30m. Contact Thomas Dempsey at (703) 860-6336 for further information.
Department of Interior Federal Data Bases
* National Digital Cartographic Data Base - DMA Digital Elevation Model
Users Service
EROS Data Center
Sioux Falls, SD 57198 (605) 594-6151
This contains selected US regional coverage of digital elevation models consisting of sampled arrays of elevation values covering a single one degree by one degree block. Contact EROS Data Center at (605) 594-6151 for further information.
Department of Interior Federal Data Bases
National Digital Cartographic Data Base - DMA Digital Elevation Model
Users Service
EROS Data Center
Sioux Falls, SD 57198 (605) 594-6151
This contains selected US regional coverage of digital elevation models consisting of samp search assistance is available free. Charges are assessed for services requiring computer costs, personnel time or duplication services.
* Land Cover Data from Landsat of Puget Sound, Washington, 1975
US Geological Survey
National Mapping Division
NASA Ames Research Center 240-B
Moffitt Field, CA 94035 (415) 965-6368
This contains digital data; Geological Survey national mapping division data base; deals with land cover of the puget sound region of Washington mapped from landsat multispectral scanner data during a landsat pass on July 23, 1975; available on magnetic tape; 2,578 records in data base; hardware is IBM 360/67; PL/1 programming language used; source of data is computer processing of landsat multispectral scanner data.
Department of Interior Federal Data Bases
* Land Cover Data from Landsat of Washington, DC, 1973
US Geological Survey
National Mapping Division
NASA Ames Research Center 240-B
Moffitt Field, CA 94035 (415) 965-6368
This contains digital data; Geological Survey national mapping division data base; contains land cover data of the Washington, DC urban area mapped from landsat multispectral scanner data acquired in 1972 and 1973; data registered to UTM projection; 11 land cover classes were identified; available on magnetic tape; contains 787 records; hardware used is IBM 360/67 and PL/1 programming language.
Department of Interior Federal Data Bases
* Land Cover Data from Landsat of Western Washington State, 1974
US Geological Survey
National Mapping Division
NASA Ames Research Center 240-B
Moffitt Field, CA 94035 (415) 965-6368
This contains digital data; Geological Survey national mapping division data base; contains land cover data of Western Washington and adjacent parts of Oregon and British Columbia acquired from landsat multispectral scanner data dated 13 June 1974; output media is magnetic tape and hardware consists of IBM 360/67; 7,925 records in data base; PL/1 programming language used.
Department of Interior Federal Data Bases
* Landslide Information Center
Donald R. Nichols
Chief, Landslife Information Center
US Department of the Interior
US Geological Survey
Denver Federal Center, Box 25046
M.S. 966
Denver, CO 80225 (303) 236-1599
This system contains references (maps and reports) to documents pertaining to landslides, primarily topical research maps. It also includes landslide reduction regulations (grading ordinances, codes and legislation) as well as newspaper clipping and photographs. It currently contains approximately 7300 references and some 6000 new records will be added in the near future. Search requests are provided for free at this time. In the future, there will either be a charge for searches or the data base will be available from a commercial data base vendor. By the end of 1989 data should be available on floppy disk.
Department of Interior Federal Data Bases
* Land Use, Land Cover Digital Data
Earth Science Information Center
US Geological Survey
507 National Center
Reston, VA 22092 (703) 860-6045
This contains digital data; includes urban or built up lands. Agricultural land, rangeland, forest land, water, wetland, barren land, tundra and perennial snow and ice. It is available on 9 track tape. Data users guide is available free of charge. $100 land use/land cover (polygon), $50 census tracts, $35 political boundaries, $35 hydrologic units, $35 federal land ownership, $250 composite (grid cell). Add service charge of $25 per tape for each tape ordered. Pre-payment is required.
Department of Interior Federal Data Bases
* Land Use, Land Cover Digital Data in Polygon Form
Earth Science Information Center
US Geological Survey
507 National Center
Reston, VA 22092 (703) 860-6045
This contains structured digital files of polygon data digitized from land use/land cover maps. It includes political units, census county subdivisions, hydrologic units, land use/land cover. Some areas have federal ownership.
Department of Interior Federal Data Bases
* Las Vegas National Wildlife Refuge
US Fish and Wildlife Service
Chief, Resource Planning
P.O. Box 1306
Albuquerque, NM 87103 (505) 766-5935
This is a random access data base; contains various number of files of geographical reference data for roads, pipelines, fences, ponds, streams, lakes, canals, levees, soil types, wetland types, vegetation, recreational areas, trails, observation towers, historical sites, archaeological sites, public use areas, hunting areas, fishing areas, cities, counties, management areas, buildings, etc. Source of data was refuge managers, SCS soil surveys, USGS quads and National Wetland inventory maps. Data is available on magnetic tape, 7 or 9 track, 800, 1600 or 6250 bpi; labeled or unlabeled; blocked or unblocked; EBCDIC, ASCII or BCD; fixed or variable length format. It is also available on punch cards or listings. Cost and ability to transfer data must be decided by individual request.
Department of Interior Federal Data Bases
* Lease Data File, Gulf of Mexico--OCS
Users Service
EROS Data Center
Sioux Falls, SD 57198 (605) 594-6151
The file contains information about the operation of oil, gas, salt, and sulphur leases in the Gulf of Mexico. As soon as a lease sale has been completed, information about the new lease is added to the file. Contact James Williams (504) 838-0729 for further information.
Department of Interior Federal Data Bases
* Lease Sale Data File, Gulf of Mexico--OCS
Users Service
EROS Data Center
Sioux Falls, SD 57198 (605) 594-6151
Shortly after a lease sale, data on the sale are entered into this data base. Some of the data elements in the file are sale date, sale number, state, number of acres, number of bids, number of acres receiving bids, total amount of all bids, tracts offered, high bid, low bid, and tracts sold. Contact James Williams at (504) 838-0729 for further information.
Department of Interior Federal Data Bases
* Lincoln Valley Area, North Dakota
Bureau of Reclamation
Remote Sensing Section D-1524
P.O. Box 25007
Denver Federal Center
Denver, CO 80225 (303) 236-4298
This contains user land classification for irrigation suitability for 55 sections in the defined study area. Data are stored in 4 overlays and have a total of 191 land classes. It is available on nine track tape with 800, 1600 or 6250 bpi, unlabeled, and variable record length, ESL GES format files only.
Department of Interior Federal Data Bases
* Lower Rio Grande Valley Corridor
US Fish and Wildlife Service
Chief, Resource Planning
P.O. Box 1306
Albuquerque, NM 87103 (505) 766-5935
This is a random access data base; contains various number of files of geographical reference data for roads, pipelines, fences, ponds, streams, lakes, canals, levees, soil types, wetland types, vegetation, recreational areas, trails, observation towers, historical sites, archaeological sites, public use areas, hunting areas, fishing areas, cities, counties, management areas, buildings, etc. Source of data was refuge managers, SCS soil surveys, USGS quads and National Wetland inventory maps. Data is available on magnetic tape, 7 or 9 track, 800, 1600 or 6250 bpi; labeled or unlabeled; blocked or unblocked; EBCDIC, ASCII or BCD; fixed or variable length format. It is also available on punch cards or listings. Cost and ability to transfer data must be decided by individual request.
Department of Interior Federal Data Bases
* Lunar Consortium (LUNARCON)
Users Service
EROS Data Center
Sioux Falls, SD 57198 (605) 594-6151
This includes geochemical, geophysical, and geological measurements of the moon on a global scale. The types of data include gamma ray spectra, X-ray fluorescence spectra, relative age, gravity, magnetics, electron reflection, broad-band albedo, narrow-bank spectral reflectivity, and laser altimetry. Contact Laurence A. Soderblom at (602) 527-7018 for further information.
Department of Interior Federal Data Bases
* Main Image File (MIF)
Users Service
EROS Data Center
Sioux Falls, SD 57198 (605) 594-6151
The data base name is actually a misnomer. Rather than one file, it is a group of data structures that are logically related. These data structures are the accession, source locator list, and source data sets. This data set is used mainly for research and inquiry purposes. Contact Tom Holm at (605) 594-6141 for further information.
Department of Interior Federal Data Bases
* Map and Chart Information System
US Geological Survey
Earth Science Information Center (ESIC)
507 National Center, Room 1-C-402 (800) USA-MAPS
Reston, VA 22092 (703) 648-6045
This data base stores, retrieves and displays information about domestic maps and charts. Information is gathered both from known translatable computer files and from physically encoding descriptors from selected source material. Data descriptors include title, scale, producer, geographic area, insert information, grids, contour intervals, and microfilm storage location. Staff will search the data base for out-of-print maps. There is a charge of $2.00 for each microfiche ordered.
Department of Interior Federal Data Bases
* MARS Consortium (MARSCON)
Users Service
EROS Data Center
Sioux Falls, SD 57198 (605) 594-6151
MARS data sets include maps of geology, volcanic units, channels, wind features, topography, gravity, Viking approach and apoapsis color, predawn temperature residuals, thermal inertia, radiometric and solar albedo, water vapor abundance, 1.4-micron albedo, crater abundance, earth-based radar and photographic telescope observations, and terrestrial spectral observations. Contact Hugh Kieffer at (602) 527-7175 for further information.
Department of Interior Federal Data Bases
* Index of Active Florida Water Data Collection Stations (FINDEX)
Users Service
EROS Data Center
Sioux Falls, SD 57198 (605) 594-6151
The records for each site contain the identification number, name location, type of site, and county, as well as information concerning funding and data collection. Contact James D. Simmons at (904) 386-1118 for further information.
Department of Interior Federal Data Bases
* Index to Geologic Maps
Users Service
EROS Data Center
Sioux Falls, SD 57198 (605) 594-6151
The index has been developed as a data base and information management system that provides three main capabilities. Geoindex consists of fixed-length records that supply the following information on published maps: unique numeric identifier, state, author, year, title, county or counties, publisher, series, emphasis, area covered by the map, coverage in latitude and longitude, center point in latitude and longitude, depositories, type of base map, and plate number. Contact Yula Sakss at (703) 860-7297 for further information.
Department of Interior Federal Data Bases
* Interagency Data Base Verification System (IDVS)
Ken Madson
Royalty Management Program
Minerals Management Service
US Department of the Interior
PO Box 25165
Denver, CO 80225 (303) 236-2152
The IDVS is an automated system designed to compare selected lease data maintained in the Bureau of Land Management's (BLM) Automated Land and Minerals Record System (ALMRS) with data maintained in the MMS, AFS and BRASS. The system provides exception reports for review by agency staff members to ensure that certain select lease data elements associated with case recordation maintained on BLM and MMS data bases are consistent and accurate. Although this data base is not available to private individuals, responses to specific requests for non-proprietary data are made.
Department of Interior Federal Data Bases
* Internal Fish and Wildlife Service
Kathi McCloskey
US Fish and Wildlife Service
18th and C Sts., NW, RF Room 2356
Washington, DC 20240 (202) 343-1350
This data base contains information about the wetland management counties, the national wildlife refugees, the administrative sites and the national fish hatcheries. It contains the name and address of each of these sites, the state in which they are located and the data they were established. Printouts are available free of charge. Diskettes are also available if you provide a disk.
Department of Interior Federal Data Bases
* International Phosphate Resource Data Base
Users Service
EROS Data Center
Sioux Falls, SD 57198 (605) 594-6151
This file is an international phosphate resource data base. Its unit of entry is phosphate occurrence. Data will include objective data of location and name, interpretive data of age and depositional environment, resource data, and economic data. A subfile giving bibliographic references will document the file. Also, subfiles will be available for recording chemical data, stratigraphic data, and other geologic data. Contact Nancy J. Bridges at (406) 449-5263 for further information.
Department of Interior Federal Data Bases
* Inventory of Multichannel Seismic Data
Users Service
EROS Data Center
Sioux Falls, SD 57198 (605) 594-6151
This is an inventory of multichannel seismic data profiles from the East Coast margin. This file contains multichannel seismic data profiles generated by Digicon, Teledyne and Geophysical Services Inc. The data include storage location of profile, first and last shot point locations, and a small amount of processing information. Contact Joseph M. Botbol at (617) 548-8700 for further information.
Department of Interior Federal Data Bases
* Inventory of Published Maps (T-70)
Users Service
EROS Data Center
Sioux Falls, SD 57198 (605) 594-6151
The inventory of published maps file contains descriptor records of NMD published maps, Defense Mapping Agency and Bureau of Land Management maps. The map location is given by the latitude and longitude of the southeast corner of the quadrangle. Contact Edward E. Hill at (703) 860-6216 for further information.
Department of Interior Federal Data Bases
* Inventory of Published Maps
Earth Science Information Center
US Geological Survey
507 National Center
Reston, VA 22092 (703) 860-6045
This contains an inventory of published maps file contains descriptor records of NMD published maps, defense mapping agency and Bureau of Land Management. The map location is given by the latitude and longitude of the Southeast (lower right) corner of the quadrangle. Series, location, scale, contour interval, survey, publication and revision dates are specified. Topographic map inventory data elements include map series, altitude and longitude, edition, survey, publication and revision dates, type of mapping, contour intervals, published name, major and minor states covered, and square miles of coverage. It is available on 9 track tape, 1600 or 6250 bpi, ASCII, labelled or unlabelled.
Department of Interior Federal Data Bases
* Kenai River Digital Hydrography File
US Geological Survey
Earth Science Information Center
4230 University Dr.
Anchorage, AK 99508-4664 (907) 271-4159
This is a digitized channel of the Kenai River as seen on the 15" series maps. It is available in raster and vector format.
Department of Interior Federal Data Bases
* Kodiak National Wildlife Refuge
US Fish and Wildlife Service
Office of Information Resources Management,
Region 7
1011 East Tudor Road
Anchorage, AK 99503 (907) 786-3324
Kodiak National Wildlife Refuge contains data for land status, lakes, streams, landcover, landforms, infrastructure, subsistence use, slope, elevation and aspect; random access file structure; data available on 9 track, 800 or 1600 bpi, unlabeled, binary or ASCII. It is available with data manual documentation.
Department of Interior Federal Data Bases
* Kofa National Wildlife Refuge
US Fish and Wildlife Service
Chief, Resource Planning
P.O. Box 1306
Albuquerque, NM 87103 (505) 766-5935
This is a random access data base; contains various number of files of geographical reference data for roads, pipelines, fences, ponds, streams, lakes, canals, levees, soil types, wetland types, vegetation, recreational areas, trails, observation towers, historical sites, archaeological sites, public use areas, hunting areas, fishing areas, cities, counties, management areas, buildings, etc. Source of data was refuge managers, SCS soil surveys, USGS quads and National Wetland inventory maps. Data is available on magnetic tape, 7 or 9 track, 800, 1600 or 6250 bpi; labeled or unlabeled; blocked or unblocked; EBCDIC, ASCII or BCD; fixed or variable length format. It is also available on punch cards or listings. Cost and ability to transfer data must be decided by individual request.
Department of Interior Federal Data Bases
* Laguna Atascosa National Wildlife Refuge
US Fish and Wildlife Service
Chief, Resource Planning
P.O. Box 1306
Albuquerque, NM 87103 (505) 766-5935
This is a random access data base; contains various number of files of geographical reference data for roads, pipelines, fences, ponds, streams, lakes, canals, levees, soil types, wetland types, vegetation, recreational areas, trails, observation towers, historical sites, archaeological sites, public use areas, hunting areas, fishing areas, cities, counties, management areas, buildings, etc. Source of data was refuge managers, SCS soil surveys, USGS quads and National Wetland inventory maps. Data is available on magnetic tape, 7 or 9 track, 800, 1600 or 6250 bpi; labeled or unlabeled; blocked or unblocked; EBCDIC, ASCII or BCD; fixed or variable length format. It is also available on punch cards or listings. Cost and ability to transfer data must be decided by individual request.
Department of Interior Federal Data Bases
* Lakes in the Minneapolis - St. Paul Metropolitan Area (LAKEHYD)
Users Service
EROS Data Center
Sioux Falls, SD 57198 (605) 594-6151
This data base contains information on the hydrology and hydrogeology of 949 lakes in Minneapolis - St. Paul metropolitan area of Minnesota. Contact James E. Jacques at (612) 725-7841 for further information.
Department of Interior Federal Data Bases
* Land Acquisition Management Information System
Chief of Land Resources Division
US National Park Service
PO Box 37127
Washington, DC 20013 (202) 523-5252
This system contains statistical data on the tracts required by the US National Park Service, their acreage, the method of acquisition, appraised value, the purchase price and other information about acquired land. It contains information on approximately 364 parks and is updated weekly. It can be searched by name of park or location. Tapes and printouts are available upon request. Simple requests are free of charge but there is a charge for more extensive reports.C
Department of Interior Federal Data Bases
* Land Cover Data from Landsat of Boise, Idaho, 1975 (LCLS-Boise75)
Users Service
EROS Data Center
Sioux Falls, SD 57198 (605) 594-6151
Land cover of the Boise, Idaho quadrangle was mapped from Landsat Multispectral scanner data acquired during a Landsat pass on August 5, 1975. Contact Leonard J. Gaydos at (415) 965-6368 for further information.
Department of Interior Federal Data Bases
* Land Cover Data from Landsat of Phoenix, Arizona, 1973
Users Service
EROS Data Center
Sioux Falls, SD 57198 (605) 594-6151
Land cover of Phoenix, Arizona and surrounding Maricopa County was mapped from multi-emporal Landsat Multispectral scanner data acquired October 16, 1972 and May 2, 1963. Contact Leonard J. Gaydos at (415) 965-6368 for further information.
Department of Interior Federal Data Bases
Sioux Falls, SD 57198 (605) 594-6151
Land cover of the Boise, Idaho quadrangle was mapped from Landsat Multispectral scanner data acquired during a Landsat pass on August 5, 1975. Contact Leonard J. Gaydos at (415) 965-6368 for further information.
Department of Interior Federal Data Bases
* Geophysical Mapping System (GMS)
Users Service
EROS Data Center
Sioux Falls, SD 57198 (605) 594-6151
Geophysical mapping system (GMS) is a cartographic data base and mapping system for base maps used for lease-tract evaluation for any area. Contact Terrance Aalund at (213) 688-2046 for further information.
Department of Interior Federal Data Bases
* Geothermal Resources
Users Service
EROS Data Center
Sioux Falls, SD 57198 (605) 594-6151
Geothermal resources is an operational data base containing geothermal resources information. There are three files covering geothermal fields, wells, and point sources of warm water in the US and some other countries. Information on locality, geology, and physical and chemical characteristics of the waters is stored in the system. Contact Amy Rapport at (415) 323-8111, Ext. 2906 for further information.
Department of Interior Federal Data Bases
* Grain Size Analyses
Users Service
EROS Data Center
Sioux Falls, SD 57198 (605) 594-6151
The GRSIZE data set contains environmental assessment information, with 21 fields plus a key field that enables linking to a sample collection data set called STA004. Contact Norman G. Bailey at (617) 548-8700, Ext. 175 for further information.
Department of Interior Federal Data Bases
* Grand Canyon Multidate Riparian Vegetation Inventory
Bureau of Reclamation
Remote Sensing Section D-1524
P.O. Box 25007
Denver Federal Center
Denver, CO 80225 (303) 236-4298
This contains information on vegetation associations in two zones (closest to the river and above the old high water line) were outlined. File structure is random access; available on nine track tape with 800, 1600 or 6250 bpi, unlabeled and variable record length with ESL GES format files only.
Department of Interior Federal Data Bases
* Grand Valley Unit, Colorado
Bureau of Reclamation
Remote Sensing Section D-1524
P.O. Box 25007
Denver Federal Center
Denver, CO 80225 (303) 236-4298
This contains information on land cover (24 categories), the study area boundary, canals, laterals, canal drainage basins, and subhydrologic drainage basins; Method of spatial referencing of data is latitude/longitude indirectly via ESL GES geoblock coordinates; source of data is color infrared aerial photography. Available on nine track tape with 800, 1600 or 6250 bpi, unlabeled with variable record length, ESL GES format files only.
Department of Interior Federal Data Bases
* Green Bear River Basins of Wyoming
Bureau of Reclamation
Remote Sensing Section D-1524
P.O. Box 25007
Denver Federal Center
Denver, CO 80225 (303) 236-4298
This contains digital data; manual delineations of irrigated fields in twenty-six 7.5 minute quads of the Bear River Basin of Wyoming and one hundred and twenty-six 7.5 minute quads of the Green River Basin of Wyoming.
Department of Interior Federal Data Bases
* Groundwater Site Inventory (GWSI)
Users Service
EROS Data Center
Sioux Falls, SD 57198 (605) 594-6151
This provides storage and retrieval facilities for all groundwater data. As many as 200 data elements per site are stored. It includes pertinent information that thoroughly describes a well or spring. Contact Charles O. Morgan at (703) 860-6871 for further information.
Department of Interior Federal Data Bases
* Hagerman National Wildlife Refuge
US Fish and Wildlife Service
Chief, Resource Planning
P.O. Box 1306
Albuquerque, NM 87103 (505) 766-5935
This is a random access data base; contains various number of files of geographical reference data for roads, pipelines, fences, ponds, streams, lakes, canals, levees, soil types, wetland types, vegetation, recreational areas, trails, observation towers, historical sites, archaeological sites, public use areas, hunting areas, fishing areas, cities, counties, management areas, buildings, etc. Source of data was refuge managers, SCS soil surveys, USGS quads and National Wetland inventory maps. Data is available on magnetic tape, 7 or 9 track, 800, 1600 or 6250 bpi; labeled or unlabeled; blocked or unblocked; EBCDIC, ASCII or BCD; fixed or variable length format. It is also available on punch cards or listings. Cost and ability to transfer data must be decided by individual request.
Department of Interior Federal Data Bases
* Havasu National Wildlife Refuge
US Fish and Wildlife Service
Chief, Resource Planning
P.O. Box 1306
Albuquerque, NM 87103 (505) 766-5935
This is a random access data base; contains various number of files of geographical reference data for roads, pipelines, fences, ponds, streams, lakes, canals, levees, soil types, wetland types, vegetation, recreational areas, trails, observation towers, historical sites, archaeological sites, public use areas, hunting areas, fishing areas, cities, counties, management areas, buildings, etc. Source of data was refuge managers, SCS soil surveys, USGS quads and National Wetland inventory maps. Data is available on magnetic tape, 7 or 9 track, 800, 1600 or 6250 bpi; labeled or unlabeled; blocked or unblocked; EBCDIC, ASCII or BCD; fixed or variable length format. It is also available on punch cards or listings. Cost and ability to transfer data must be decided by individual request.
Department of Interior Federal Data Bases
* High Plains Landsat Irrigated Lands Data
US Geological Survey
National Mapping Division
NASA Ames Research Center 240-B
Moffitt Field, CA 94035 (415) 965-6368
This covers irrigated lands data from landsat by individual frames and by grid cells 1 degree latitude by 1 degree longitude. Output media is batch computer printout and interactive image display.
Department of Interior Federal Data Bases
* High Resolution Seismic Data, Gulf of Mexico (HIRESGOM)
Users Service
EROS Data Center
Sioux Falls, SD 57198 (605) 594-6151
This data file consists of contractor-supplied 800 bpi nine-track magnetic tapes of high-resolution geophysical data acquired by the minerals management service in support of hazards studies and lease-sale activities in the Gulf of Mexico. Contact R.H. Yang at (504) 838-0706 for further information.
Department of Interior Federal Data Bases
* Historic Information Data Base
National Register of Historic Places
Interagency Resources Division
US National Park Service
US Department of the Interior
1100 L St., NW
Washington, DC 20005 (202) 343-9500
The National Register of Historic Places is administered by the Interagency Resources Division of NPS. Along with the Preservation Assistance Division, this office administers the Historic Preservation Fund grants-in-aid to states and the National Trust for Historic Preservation. A data base of historic information is maintained. Contact the office above for more information.
Department of Interior Federal Data Bases
* Hydrocarbons
Users Service
EROS Data Center
Sioux Falls, SD 57198 (605) 594-6151
This contains environmental assessment information with 15 fields plus a key field to enable linkage to a sample collection information data set called STA004. Contact Norman G. Bailey at (617) 548-8700, Ext. 175 for further information.
Department of Interior Federal Data Bases
* Hydrogeology Subfile (HY)
Users Service
EROS Data Center
Sioux Falls, SD 57198 (605) 594-6151
This is a file of hydrogeology that is used to store the inactive site information that is not in the well header site. Contact George W. Hawkins at (516) 938-8830 for further information.
Department of Interior Federal Data Bases
* Hypocenter Data File
Users Service
EROS Data Center
Sioux Falls, SD 57198 (605) 594-6151
This data base is an historical archived file of located earthquake hypocenters published by SEDAS and its predecessors from approximately 3000 B.C. to the present. The majority of the data have been recorded since the mid-20th century. Hypocenter information consists of earthquake hypocenter, magnitude, and other characteristics of each earthquake.
Department of Interior Federal Data Bases
* Imperial National Wildlife Refuge
US Fish and Wildlife Service
Chief, Resource Planning
P.O. Box 1306
Albuquerque, NM 87103 (505) 766-5935
This is a random access data base; contains various number of files of geographical reference data for roads, pipelines, fences, ponds, streams, lakes, canals, levees, soil types, wetland types, vegetation, recreational areas, trails, observation towers, historical sites, archaeological sites, public use areas, hunting areas, fishing areas, cities, counties, management areas, buildings, etc. Source of data was refuge managers, SCS soil surveys, USGS quads and National Wetland inventory maps. Data is available on magnetic tape, 7 or 9 track, 800, 1600 or 6250 bpi; labeled or unlabeled; blocked or unblocked; EBCDIC, ASCII or BCD; fixed or variable length format. It is also available on punch cards or listings. Cost and ability to transfer data must be decided by individual request.
Department of Interior Federal Data Bases
US Fish and Wildlife Service
Chief, Resource Planning
P.O. Box 1306
Albuquerque, NM 87103 (505) 766-5935
This is a rrt
Department of Interior Federal Data Bases
* Lakes in the Minneapolis - St. Paul Metrop
* Earth Science Information Center (ESIC)
Earth Science Information Center
US Geological Survey
507 National Center, Room 1-C-402 (800) USA-MAPS
Reston, VA 22092 703-648-6045
Contact the ESIC nearest you. There are approximately 58 state affiliates. Consult your telephone book under US Govt., Department of the Interior, USGS.
The Earth Science Information Office operates a nationwide information and sales service for earth science research, maps, products and publications from both governmental and private sources. This network of ESICs (formerly known as National Cartographic Information Centers) provide information about geologic, hydrologic, topographic and land-use maps and publications; aerial, satellite and radar images and related products; cartographic data in digital form (see GeoData entry); and geodetic data. Some of the information dates back to 1700, and the Center has access to EROS Center data bases of aerial/space imagery. ESIC staff will search these vast computerized records of cartographic data at your request. Several of the individual USGS data bases are described in this section. Most of ESIC's research services are free, and many materials are available for order through ESIC. For others, you will be referred to the proper source.
Department of Interior Federal Data Bases
* Environmental Operations Section Data
Ms. Gail Rainey
Leasing and Environment Office (LE-2)
US Department of the Interior
Minerals Management Service
Gulf of Mexico OCS Region
1201 Elwood Park Boulevard
New Orleans, LA 70123-2394 FTS 680-9792
The purpose of this Office is to maintain information on monitoring of environmental effects of Outer Continental Shelf oil and gas exploration and development/production operations; and to develop information for program management and policy formulation.
Department of Interior Federal Data Bases
* Environmental Studies Section (LE-4) Data
Dr. Dick Defenbaugh
Environmental Studies Section (LE-4)
US Department of the Interior
Minerals Management Service
Gulf of Mexico OCS Region
Leasing and Environment (LE)
1201 Elwood Park Boulevard
New Orleans, LA 70123-22394 (504) 735-2896
This section supports agency's oil and gas leasing program in the Gulf of Mexico, especially in the area of providing data for NEPA documentation. Its purpose is to develop ocean environmental information against which to assess potential and actual impacts of Continental Shelf oil and gas exploration. It contains information on a full range of oceanographic and socioeconomic information of all disciplines pertinent to impacts of offshore oil and gas operations on coastal zone infrastructure. Reports, computer models, data and referrals are available.#
Department of Interior Federal Data Bases
* Environmental Studies Section Data
Dr. Frederick M. Piltz
Chief of Environmental Studies Section
US Department of the Interior
Pacific Outer Continental Shelf Region
Minerals Management Service
1340 West Sixth Street, (MS-300)
Los Angeles, CA 99017 (213) 688-7120
The purpose of this office is to conduct environmental studies in support of agency's program in the Pacific/OCS region. It provides management of information for outer continental shelf lease and development programs (oil and gas, sand and gravel, hard minerals) to aid prediction, assessment and management. It contains information on physical oceanography - distribution of pollutants, wind data, air quality model, chronic hydrocarbon effects on fish, birds and marine mammals, mud and cutting effects, baseline and long term monitoring, benthic studies, intertidal studies, time series, marine mammal and bird baseline studies, geohazards studies, and significant socio-economic impact. Reports, data and data syntheses are available.
Department of Interior Federal Data Bases
* Environmental Studies Section Data
Environmental Studies Section Chief
Alaska Outer Continental Shelf Region
Minerals Management Service
949 E. 36th Avenue, Room 110 (907) 261-4620
Anchorage, AK 99508-4302 (907) 261-4080
This Section conducts environmental studies in support of bureau's programs in the Alaska OCS region. Its purpose is to provide management of information of Outer Continental Shelf offshore oil and gas leasing programs to aid in prediction, assessment, management, mitigation and monitoring of potential effects on the environment. The type of data available includes physical oceanography (salinity, temperature, depth and current); meteorology (winds); hydrocarbon effects on fish, birds and marine mammals; oil spill modeling; environmental monitoring, ecosystems, benthic and intertidal studies; endangered species, marine mammals, sea bird and fisheries studies, geology, permafrost, ice, oil-in-ice studies; and social economic and cultural analysis. Final reports by contractors and reports available from NTIS and scientific digital data stored in NODC are available.
Department of Interior Federal Data Bases
* EROS Data Center
Users Service
EROS Data Center
Sioux Falls, SD 57198 (605) 594-6151
EOSAT Corporation
4300 Forbes Boulevard (800) 344-9933
Lanham, MD 20706 (301) 552-9933
More than 7 million aerial photographs and 2.8 million satellite images are offered by this Center which provides access to NASA's Landsat imagery and photography and the US Department of Interior's aerial photography, cartographic and earth science data of the earth's surface. Staff will send you a listing of the Center's holding for a specific geographical area (specify longitude and latitude if possible). User-assistance and training are also offered by the Center. Information and tapes are available directly from the EROS Data Center or any of the Earth Science Information Centers (ESIC). These files are on magnetic tapes that can be purchased, as well as in other formats, including online. There are also many other files which are available in different formats other than magnetic tapes. (Note: Cost of tapes vary.) Landsat data are now mainly available from EOSAT Corporation, a government contractor. The EROS Data Center can also refer you to your closest EROS Application Assistance Facility.
Department of Interior Federal Data Bases
* Fish and Wildlife Reference Service (FWRS) Data Base
Department of the Interior
US Fish and Wildlife Service
Washington, DC 20240 (800) 582-3421
FWRS operates a bibliographic data base containing indexed fish and wildlife-related documents from the following sources: the Federal Aid in Fish and Wildlife Restoration Program; the Adronomous Fish Conservation Program; the Endangered Species Grants program; work done at the Cooperative Fishery and Wildlife Agencies. Documents are selected for their research value to biologists in more than one state. Indexed materials include reports, published papers, technical publications, theses, and special materials such as endangered species recovery plans. Subject coverage includes birds, botany, fish management, hunting and fishing, water resources, pesticides, land use, habitat management and many other topics. The data base has 15,000 records, some dating back to 1945, and is updated continually. Bibliographic searches and documents can be obtained from FWRS. Individuals working on projects funded by FWRS contributors and full-time employees of state fish and wildlife agencies are eligible for "cooperator" status. Free literature searches are performed for "cooperators" and they are not charged for photocopying and microfiche services unless the cost exceeds $10.00. All others termed "clients" are charged a flat fee of $30.00 for a new literature search, 10 cents per page for copies of searches on file and 50 cents per fiche for copies of reports. FWRS may become commercially available on DIALOG.
Department of Interior Federal Data Bases
* Flood Plain Simulation Facility Data (FPDATA)
Users Service
EROS Data Center
Sioux Falls, SD 57198 (605) 594-6151
Hydrologic data are collected as part of a research program investigating flow in wide, low-gradient flood plains under controlled conditions. Contact Verne R. Schneider at (601) 688-3350 for further information.
Department of Interior Federal Data Bases
* Full State Digitized Hydrologic Unit Lines Data Base
Users Service
EROS Data Center
Sioux Falls, SD 57198 (605) 594-6151
This is a series of uniform, nationally consistent state hydrologic unit maps that accurately delineate the hydrographic boundaries of major US river basins. Contact Gloria Stiltner at (703) 860-6935 for further information.
Department of Interior Federal Data Bases
* Garrison Project-North Dakota, South Dakota National Refuge
Bureau of Reclamation
Remote Sensing Section D-1524
P.O. Box 25007
Denver Federal Center
Denver, CO 80225 (303) 236-4298
Aquatic submergent and emergent vegetation categories were interpreted and digitized to evaluate the trends in four national wildlife refuges along the James River. It is available on nine track tape 800 bpi, 1600 bpi, or 6250 bpi, unlabeled.
Department of Interior Federal Data Bases
* Geographic Information Retrieval and Analysis System (GIRAS)
US Geological Survey
Earth Science Information Center (ESIC)
507 National Center
Room 1-C-402 (800) USA-MAPS
Reston, VA 22092 (703) 648-6045
The US Geological Survey produces land use and land cover maps and associated overlays for the United States. These maps have been digitized, edited and incorporated into a digital data base. The data is available to the public in both graphic and digital form and statistics derived from the data are published. Users are able to search for either locations or attributes. To obtain information from this data base, contact ESIC.
Department of Interior Federal Data Bases
* Geographic Names Information System (GNIS)
Roger Payne
Manager, GNIS
US Geological Survey
523 National Center
Reston, VA 22092 (703) 648-4544
GNIS is an automated data system developed by USGS to standardize and disseminate information on geographic names. Primary information is provided for all know places, features, and areas in the US identified by a proper name. The system is composed of 3 data bases: National Geographic Names Data Base (NGN), USGS Topographic Map Names Data Base, and Generic Data Base. The Generic Data Base defines the terms used by USGS for 63 broad categories of feature types found in the NGN Data Base (i.e., "stream" is used for rivers, creeks, brooks, etc.). It also contains annotated bibliographic listings of sources used to create the NGN Data Base. NGN and USGS Topographic Map Names Data Base are described in separate entries in this section. Printouts and searches from GNIS are available on a cost recovery basis.
Department of Interior Federal Data Bases
Geologic Division
US Geological Survey
907 National Center
Reston, VA 22092 (703) 648-4383
GEOINDEX consists of bibliographic and location data for all published geologic maps of the US and its territories. Indexed are individual maps; maps in books, journals and guidebooks; USGS Open-File Reports; and maps published by states, universities, societies, and commercial publishers. Maps now out of print are included. Fields include author, date, title, publisher, series, scale, county or region, latitude and longitude extremes and centers, area, and notes. GEOINDEX is available commercially on CDROM from OCLC, Inc.
Department of Interior Federal Data Bases
* Geologic Names
Users Service
EROS Data Center
Sioux Falls, SD 57198 (605) 594-6151
The rock stratigraphic names in good usage in the United States have been coded by the US Geologic Survey in accordance with the standard stratigraphic code adopted by the American Association of Petroleum Geologists. Each contains the state in which the unit occurs, its geologic age, a four-letter mnemonic code of the name, a two-digit sequence number to help identify that record, the geologic sequence number to help identify that record, the geologic name of the unit, lithology, thickness, color, type locality, and reference. Contact Gwendolyn W. Luttrell at (703) 860-6511 for further information.
Department of Interior Federal Data Bases
* Geologic Names of the United States (GEONAMES)
Geologic Division
US Geologic Survey
907 National Center
Reston, VA 22092 (703) 648-4383
GEONAMES is an annotated index of the formal geologic nomenclature of the United States and its territories. Data reflects distribution, geologic age, USGS usage, lithology, thickness, type locality, and a reference to the naming paper. Printouts are not available. Diskettes containing data for 2 or more adjacent states are available from USGS Open-File and Publications, Box 25425 Federal Center, Denver, Colorado 80225 (303) 236-7476. Magnetic tapes can be obtained from NTIS.
Department of Interior Federal Data Bases
* Geomagnetism (GEOMAG)
Jill Caldwell or Norm Petty
Branch of Global Seismology and Geomagnetism
US Geological Survey
Box 25046, Federal Center, Mail Stop 968
Denver, CO 80225 (303) 236-1369
GEOMAG contains current and historical magnetic-declination information for the United States. It provides historical and current values of declination. Current or historical values back to 1945 can be obtained over the telephone at no charge by calling (800) 358-2663. To access the full program via modem, contact the above office for hook-up instructions. There is no subscription fee.
Department of Interior Federal Data Bases
236-13rior Federal Data Bases
* Index to Geologic Maps
Users Service
EROS Data Center
Sioux Falls, SD 57198 (605) 594-6151
The index has been developed as a data base and information management system that provides t6
* Chemical Analyses on Major, Minor and Trace Elements of US Coal Beds (US CHEM)
National Coal Resources Data System (NCRDS)
US Geological Survey (USGS)
956 National Center
Reston, VA 22092 (703) 648-6438
The system maintains major, minor and trace element analyses on coal beds analyzed by laboratories. Standard Bureau of Mines analyses are included for many samples. Data are located by latitude and longitude coordinates. Data elements include state, county, coal field, geologic age and formation, rank, thickness of coal, thickness of overburden, and reliability of data. This data base is part of a continuing USGS Coal Geochemical Program. Analyses on coal and related rocks will be added to the file as they are reported. To obtain information from the data base, contact the NCRDS User Support telephone number listed above.
Department of Interior Federal Data Bases
* Clay Mineralogy Analyses
Users Service
EROS Data Center
Sioux Falls, SD 57198 (605) 594-6151
This contains environmental assessment information, with 14 fields plus a key field to enable linkage to a sample collection data set called STA004. Contact Norman G. Bailey at (617) 548-8700, Ext. 175 for further information.
Department of Interior Federal Data Bases
* Congressional District Quadrangle File (CONGR)
US Geological Survey
National Mapping Division
513 National Center
Reston, VA 22092 (703) 860-6751
This is a US Geological Survey National Mapping Division data base; a file containing records describing parts of 7.5 min cells in the 48 conterminous states; each record represents that part of the quadrangle that covers a particular state, county and congressional district subdivision. Source of data is Office of Plans and Program Development of the National Mapping Division who created and maintains the data; documentation consists only in the form of memoranda.
Department of Interior Federal Data Bases
* Conterminous US Terrain Digital Data Base
Users Service
EROS Data Center
Sioux Falls, SD 57198 (605) 594-6151
This contains terrain elevation data in 30-S, 1-min, and 3-min average terrain values. It contains values for the entire conterminous US. Data are contained in three separate files. Contact Ronald Sweeny at (303) 234-5526 for further information.
Department of Interior Federal Data Bases
* Corpus Christi Project (Nueces Marsh)
US Fish and Wildlife Service
Chief, Resource Planning
P.O. Box 1306
Albuquerque, NM 87103 (505) 766-5935
This is a random access data base; contains various number of files of geographical reference data for roads, pipelines, fences, ponds, streams, lakes, canals, levees, soil types, wetland types, vegetation, recreational areas, trails, observation towers, historical sites, archaeological sites, public use areas, hunting areas, fishing areas, cities, counties, management areas, buildings, etc. Source of data was refuge managers, SCS soil surveys, USGS quads and National Wetland inventory maps. Data is available on magnetic tape, 7 or 9 track, 800, 1600 or 6250 bpi; labeled or unlabeled; blocked or unblocked; EBCDIC, ASCII or BCD; fixed or variable length format. It is also available on punch cards or listings. Cost and ability to transfer data must be decided by individual request.
Department of Interior Federal Data Bases
* Daily Values File (DVFILE)
Users Service
EROS Data Center
Sioux Falls, SD 57198 (605) 594-6151
The file contains daily values for stream flow, reservoir levels, water temperature, specific conductance, and sediment discharge, plus several other quality parameters that either are measured by means of monitoring equipment or result from analyses of samples collected on a daily basis. Contact Neil G. Stuthmann at (703) 860-6871 for further information.
Department of Interior Federal Data Bases
* Data Bank on Abundance of Breeding Birds in Different Habitats
Migratory Bird & Habitat Research Lab
US Fish & Wildlife Service
Laurel, MD 20811 (301) 776-4880, ext. 281
This is a computer data base of bird population, data by species, habitat type, dominant plant species, geographic area; latitude, longitude, elevation, age of stand; computer data base search/retrieval; digital data.
Department of Interior Federal Data Bases
* Delta, Utah
Bureau of Reclamation
Remote Sensing Section D-1524
P.O. Box 25007
Denver Federal Center
Denver, CO 80225 (303) 236-4298
This is comprised of land net (sections, townships) and land cover (eight classes); method of spatial referencing of data is latitude/longitude indirectly via ESL GES geoblock coordinates. It is available on nine track tape with 800, 1600 or 6250 bpi, unlabeled with variable record length and ESL GES format file only.
Department of Interior Federal Data Bases
* Digital Elevation Models
Earth Science Information Center
507 National Center
Reston, VA 22092 (703) 860-6045
This contains digital data; digital elevations digitized from 1:250,000 DMA source maps, available in 1 degree by 1 degree blocks covering the East or West half of 250,000 scale quadrangle maps; available on 9 track tape, 1600 or 6250 bpi, labelled or unlabelled. Data users guide is available free of charge. $75 per 1 degree by 1 degree block, add service charge of $25 per tape for each tape ordered; pre-payment is required. General area covered: United States, including Alaska.
Department of Interior Federal Data Bases
* Digital Geographic Names File
US Geological Survey
Earth Science Information Center
507 National Center
Reston, VA 22092 (703) 860-6336
This contains digital files by state of place names derived from 7.5 minute topographic map series; shows geographic locations. All states and territories to eventually be covered.
Department of Interior Federal Data Bases
* Direct Access Data Input/Output File of Spatial Time Series Data for Numerical Simulation Modeling (DADIO)
Users Service
EROS Data Center
Sioux Falls, SD 57198 (605) 594-6151
The subject coverage is hydrologic, oceanographic, and meteorologic information. Contact Robert A. Baltzer at (703) 860-6947 for further information.
Department of Interior Federal Data Bases
* Dirty Devil River, Utah
Bureau of Reclamation
Remote Sensing Section D-1524
P.O. Box 25007
Denver Federal Center
Denver, CO 80225 (303) 236-4298
This contains irrigated cropland, phreatophyte vegetation, salt sources, and river reaches. It is available on nine track tape with 800, 1600 or 6250 bpi, unlabeled; variable record length and ESL GES format files only.
Department of Interior Federal Data Bases
* DMA-DEMS From Eros Alaska Field Office
US Geological Survey
Earth Science Information Center
4230 University Drive
Anchorage, AK 99508-4664 (907) 271-4159
This contains digital elevation data includes slope, aspect and some with solar illumination, registered to 50 meter UTM map grid. Elevation, slope, aspect, or solar illumination data by itself are priced at $150.00. Any combination of two terrain variables is priced at $200.00. Any combination of three variables is priced at $250.00, and all four variables are priced at $300.00 per quadrangle.
Department of Interior Federal Data Bases
* Drainage Areas of Illinois Streams
Users Service
EROS Data Center
Sioux Falls, SD 57198 (605) 594-6151
The file contains information on all sites within Illinois where drainage areas have been determined by the USGS. The information is stored sequentially by site in downstream order and includes drainage are size in square miles, site name, stream rank, USGS gaging station number, latitude, longitude, 1/4 section, township, range, topographic quadrangle, county, and hydrologic unit number. Contact Richard W. Healy at (217) 398-5365 for further information.
Department of Interior Federal Data Bases
* Duck Breeding Ground Survey Data Base
Thomas J. Dwyer, Acting Chief
Office of Migratory Bird Management
US Department of the Interior
US Fish and Wildlife Service
Washington, DC 20240 (703) 358-1714
This survey provides data tables for use in estimating the size of waterfowl populations. It uses a master file of aerial survey data collected each year in July. It provides an index to the number of broods produced and the number of adult birds that are still on nesting territories. Data on age class and number of young per brood are recorded to determine progress and success of the nesting season. Information from this survey is most reliable for the most abundant and widely distributed species such as the mallard; it is less so for species of low abundance or for those species whose nesting range is partly outside the survey area. Information is public, and questions will be answered for members of the general public. Search requests are accepted through state agencies and University Land Grant Programs.
Department of Interior Federal Data Bases
* Earth Science Data Directory (ESDD)
C. R. Baskin
ESDD Project Manager
US Geological Survey
801 National Center
Reston, VA 22092 (703) 648-7112
ESDD is designed to identify earth science and natural resource data bases maintained by government agencies, academic institutions, and private sector entities. Users can locate indices, systems, files, documents, maps and other data sets. Data bases referenced include those storing information on geologic, hydrologic, cartographic, biologic and conservation sciences. A computer terminal equipped with a modem can access ESDD with no on-line access charge. Menus, cross-referencing, and powerful search features make using the data base easy. It is available on CD from OCLC (614-764-6000) in combination with GEOINDEX and USGS LIBRARY. Contact Mr. Baskin to arrange online use.
Department of Interior Federal Data Bases
* Earth Science Data Directory (ESDD)
C. Rame of the unit, lithology, thickness, color, type locality, and reference. Contact Gwendolyn W. Luttrell at (703) 860-6511 for further information.
Department of Interior Federal Data Bases
* Borehole and Completion File, Gulf of Mexico - OCS (BHCP)
Users Service
EROS Data Center
Sioux Falls, SD 57198 (605) 594-6151
This contains borehole and completion information about each well in the Gulf of Mexico. Some of the data elements are field name, lease number, well name, and operator. Contact Joseph J. Chedotal at (504) 838-0729 for further information.
Department of Interior Federal Data Bases
* Bosque Del Apache National Wildlife Refuge
US Fish and Wildlife Service
Chief, Resource Planning
P.O. Box 1306
Albuquerque, NM 87103 (505) 766-5935
This is a random access data base; contains various number of files of geographical reference data for roads, pipelines, fences, ponds, streams, lakes, canals, levees, soil types, wetland types, vegetation, recreational areas, trails, observation towers, historical sites, archaeological sites, public use areas, hunting areas, fishing areas, cities, counties, management areas, buildings, etc. Source of data was refuge managers, SCS soil surveys, USGS quads and National Wetland inventory maps. Data is available on magnetic tape, 7 or 9 track, 800, 1600 or 6250 bpi; labeled or unlabeled; blocked or unblocked; EBCDIC, ASCII or BCD; fixed or variable length format. It is also available on punch cards or listings. Cost and ability to transfer data must be decided by individual request.
Department of Interior Federal Data Bases
* Bottomland Hardwoods Project (Caddo Lake)
US Fish and Wildlife Service
Chief, Resource Planning
P.O. Box 1306
Albuquerque, NM 87103 (505) 766-5935
This is a random access data base; contains various number of files of geographical reference data for roads, pipelines, fences, ponds, streams, lakes, canals, levees, soil types, wetland types, vegetation, recreational areas, trails, observation towers, historical sites, archaeological sites, public use areas, hunting areas, fishing areas, cities, counties, management areas, buildings, etc. Source of data was refuge managers, SCS soil surveys, USGS quads and National Wetland inventory maps. Data is available on magnetic tape, 7 or 9 track, 800, 1600 or 6250 bpi; labeled or unlabeled; blocked or unblocked; EBCDIC, ASCII or BCD; fixed or variable length format. It is also available on punch cards or listings. Cost and ability to transfer data must be decided by individual request.
Department of Interior Federal Data Bases
* Boundaries of Gauged River Basins
Bureau of Reclamation
Remote Sensing Section D-1524
P.O. Box 25007
Denver Federal Center
Denver, CO 80225 (303) 236-4298
This contains basin boundaries for the following gauged watersheds: Rock Creek above Arbuckle Dam, OK; Salt River near Roosevelt Dam; AZ; Tonto Creek above Gun Creek, AZ; San Gabriel River at San Gabriel Dam, CA; Santa Anita Creek at Santa Anita Dam, CA; San Dimas Creek at San Dimas Dam, CA; Eaton Wash at Eaton Wash Dam, CA; Santa Margarita River near Fallbrook, CA; Live Oak Creek at LIve Oak Dam, CA; and Tujunga Creek at Big Tujunga Dam, CA. $200.00 per tape.
Department of Interior Federal Data Bases
* Brazoria National Wildlife Refuge
US Fish and Wildlife Service
Chief, Resource Planning
P.O. Box 1306
Albuquerque, NM 87103 (505) 766-5935
This is a random access data base; contains various number of files of geographical reference data for roads, pipelines, fences, ponds, streams, lakes, canals, levees, soil types, wetland types, vegetation, recreational areas, trails, observation towers, historical sites, archaeological sites, public use areas, hunting areas, fishing areas, cities, counties, management areas, buildings, etc. Source of data was refuge managers, SCS soil surveys, USGS quads and National Wetland inventory maps. Data is available on magnetic tape, 7 or 9 track, 800, 1600 or 6250 bpi; labeled or unlabeled; blocked or unblocked; EBCDIC, ASCII or BCD; fixed or variable length format. It is also available on punch cards or listings. Cost and ability to transfer data must be decided by individual request.
Department of Interior Federal Data Bases
* Breeding Birds Survey Data Base
Sam Droege
US Department of Interior
US Fish and Wildlife Service
Patuxent Wildlife Research Center
Laurel, MD 20708 (301) 498-0330
This data base contains records from the Annual National Bird Survey of the population of non-game birds. The records are used to analyze population changes from year to year, and to produce range, distribution and abundance maps for non-game bird species. The data base currently contains 1,700,000 records and is updated quarterly. Searches and printouts are available free of charge. Depending upon the nature of your request, you may or may not be charged a fee. Some information is restricted under the Privacy Act.
Department of Interior Federal Data Bases
* Brownsville Area Project
US Fish and Wildlife Service
Chief, Resource Planning
P.O. Box 1306
Albuquerque, NM 87103 (505) 766-5935
This is a random access data base; contains various number of files of geographical reference data for roads, pipelines, fences, ponds, streams, lakes, canals, levees, soil types, wetland types, vegetation, recreational areas, trails, observation towers, historical sites, archaeological sites, public use areas, hunting areas, fishing areas, cities, counties, management areas, buildings, etc. Source of data was refuge managers, SCS soil surveys, USGS quads and National Wetland inventory maps. Data is available on magnetic tape, 7 or 9 track, 800, 1600 or 6250 bpi; labeled or unlabeled; blocked or unblocked; EBCDIC, ASCII or BCD; fixed or variable length format. It is also available on punch cards or listings. Cost and ability to transfer data must be decided by individual request.
Department of Interior Federal Data Bases
* Buffalo Lake National Wildlife Refuge
US Fish and Wildlife Service
Chief, Resource Planning
P.O. Box 1306
Albuquerque, NM 87103 (505) 766-5935
This is a random access data base; contains various number of files of geographical reference data for roads, pipelines, fences, ponds, streams, lakes, canals, levees, soil types, wetland types, vegetation, recreational areas, trails, observation towers, historical sites, archaeological sites, public use areas, hunting areas, fishing areas, cities, counties, management areas, buildings, etc. Source of data was refuge managers, SCS soil surveys, USGS quads and National Wetland inventory maps. Data is available on magnetic tape, 7 or 9 track, 800, 1600 or 6250 bpi; labeled or unlabeled; blocked or unblocked; EBCDIC, ASCII or BCD; fixed or variable length format. It is also available on punch cards or listings. Cost and ability to transfer data must be decided by individual request.
Department of Interior Federal Data Bases
* Cabeza Prieta National Wildlife Refuge
US Fish and Wildlife Service
Chief, Resource Planning
P.O. Box 1306
Albuquerque, NM 87103 (505) 766-5935
This is a random access data base; contains various number of files of geographical reference data for roads, pipelines, fences, ponds, streams, lakes, canals, levees, soil types, wetland types, vegetation, recreational areas, trails, observation towers, historical sites, archaeological sites, public use areas, hunting areas, fishing areas, cities, counties, management areas, buildings, etc. Source of data was refuge managers, SCS soil surveys, USGS quads and National Wetland inventory maps. Data is available on magnetic tape, 7 or 9 track, 800, 1600 or 6250 bpi; labeled or unlabeled; blocked or unblocked; EBCDIC, ASCII or BCD; fixed or variable length format. It is also available on punch cards or listings. Cost and ability to transfer data must be decided by individual request.
Department of Interior Federal Data Bases
* California Regional Gravity Data
Users Service
EROS Data Center
Sioux Falls, SD 57198 (605) 594-6151
The principal facts for about 64,000 gravity stations within the state of California are contained on this 9-track magnetic tape. Contact David B. Snyder at (415) 323-8111, Ext. 2784 for further information.
Department of Interior Federal Data Bases
* Camera Calibration Data Bank (CCDB)
US Geological Survey
National Mapping Division
526 National Center
Reston, VA 22092 (703) 860-6279
This contains calibration data on entries of aerial camera- lens-magazine combinations; included are 6 directories containing lists of 118 owners, 10 manufacturers, 26 camera types, 32 lens types, 3 calibration agencies and 4 nominal focal lengths; data bank entries may be retrieved by using up to 11 key codes in conjunction with a batch computer run from any USGS terminal; retrieval data may be printed or punched and hardware is AMD.
Department of Interior Federal Data Bases
* Cape Cod National Seashore (CACO)
US National Park Service
Geographic Information Systems Division
12795 West Alameda Parkway, Box 25287 GISD
Denver, CO 80225-0287 (303) 969-2590
This contains digital data; includes the following themes: Browntail moth infestation; gypsy moth infestation; vegetation. Release of rare/critical vegetation data is by permission of G. Wagonner or CACO only.
Department of Interior Federal Data Bases
* Carbon Content Analyses
Users Service
EROS Data Center
Sioux Falls, SD 57198 (605) 594-6151
This contains environmental assessment information, with nine fields plus a key field to enable linkage to a sample collection information data set called STA004. Contact Norman G. Bailey at (617) 548-8700, Ext. 175 for further information.
Department of Interior Federal Data Bases
* Carbon 14 Dates
Users Service
EROS Data Center
Sioux Falls, SD 57198 (605) 594-6151
This contains environmental assessment information, with eight fields plus a key field to enable linkage to a sample collection data set called STA004. Contact Norman G. Bailey at (617) 548-8700, Ext. 175 for further information.
Department of Interior Federal Data Bases
* Catalog of Information on Water Data
Mary Bell Peters
National Water Data Exchange (NAWDEX)
US Geological Survey
US Department of Interior
421 National Center
Reston, VA 22090 (703) 648-5684
This computer file contains over 400,000 entries on streams, lakes, reservoirs, estuaries, and ground water. It contains sources, measurement locations, parameter types, frequency of measurement, and periods of record for data-acquisition programs of Federal/non-Federal agencies and organizations. It also contains water-data collection techniques for surface water, ground water, sediment, biological sediment, soil water, drainage basin characteristics, snow and ice and hydrometeorological observations. Computer printouts, maps, catalogues, referrals and publications are available.
Department of Interior Federal Data Bases
* Central California Microearthquake
Users Service
EROS Data Center
Sioux Falls, SD 57198 (605) 594-6151
This contains fundamental parameters for the small earthquakes that occur daily in the coast ranges of Central California. The following data are given for each event: time, epicenter in latitude and longitude, depth, magnitude, number of P and S arrivals, gap, distance to nearest station, RMS error of time residuals, standard error of epicenter, standard error of depth, solution quality of hypocenter, and quadrangle name. Contact F.W. Lester at (415) 323-8111, Ext. 2149 for further information.
Department of Interior Federal Data Bases
California. The following data are given for each event: time, epicenter in latitude and longitude, depth, magniy combination of two terrain variables is priced at $200.00. Any combination of three variables is priced at $250.00, and all four variables are priced at $300.00 per quadrangle.
Department of Interior Feder.
* Anahuac National Wildlife Refuge
US Fish and Wildlife Service
Chief, Resource Planning
P.O. Box 1306
Albuquerque, NM 87103 (505) 766-5935
This is a random access data base; contains various number of files of geographical reference data for roads, pipelines, fences, ponds, streams, lakes, canals, levees, soil types, wetland types, vegetation, recreational areas, trails, observation towers, historical sites, archaeological sites, public use areas, hunting areas, fishing areas, cities, counties, management areas, buildings, etc. Source of data was refuge managers, SCS soil surveys, USGS quads and National Wetland inventory maps. Data is available on magnetic tape, 7 or 9 track, 800, 1600 or 6250 bpi; labeled or unlabeled; blocked or unblocked; EBCDIC, ASCII or BCD; fixed or variable length format. It is also available on punch cards or listings. Cost and ability to transfer data must be decided by individual request.
Department of Interior Federal Data Bases
* Annual Observation Well File (AOWF)
Users Service
EROS Data Center
Sioux Falls, SD 57198 (605) 594-6151
This is a historical file of groundwater level measurements and producing formations for all declared groundwater basins in New Mexico. Contact James Hudson at (505) 766-2011 for further information.
Department of Interior Federal Data Bases
* Arkansas National Wildlife Refuge
US Fish and Wildlife Service
Chief, Resource Planning
P.O. Box 1306
Albuquerque, NM 87103 (505) 766-5935
This is a random access data base; contains various number of files of geographical reference data for roads, pipelines, fences, ponds, streams, lakes, canals, levees, soil types, wetland types, vegetation, recreational areas, trails, observation towers, historical sites, archaeological sites, public use areas, hunting areas, fishing areas, cities, counties, management areas, buildings, etc. Source of data was refuge managers, SCS soil surveys, USGS quads and National Wetland inventory maps. Data is available on magnetic tape, 7 or 9 track, 800, 1600 or 6250 bpi; labeled or unlabeled; blocked or unblocked; EBCDIC, ASCII or BCD; fixed or variable length format. It is also available on punch cards or listings. Cost and ability to transfer data must be decided by individual request.
Department of Interior Federal Data Bases
* Atlantic Outer Continental Shelf Seismic Data
Users Service
EROS Data Center
Sioux Falls, SD 57198 (605) 594-6151
The data base includes a regional grid of common depth point (CDP) seismic reflection data covering the offshore East Coast of the United States. Contact David J. Taylor at (303) 234-5008 for further information.
Department of Interior Federal Data Bases
* Attwater Prairie Chicken National Wildlife Refuge
US Fish and Wildlife Service
Chief, Resource Planning
P.O. Box 1306
Albuquerque, NM 87103 (505) 766-5935
This is a random access data base; contains various number of files of geographical reference data for roads, pipelines, fences, ponds, streams, lakes, canals, levees, soil types, wetland types, vegetation, recreational areas, trails, observation towers, historical sites, archaeological sites, public use areas, hunting areas, fishing areas, cities, counties, management areas, buildings, etc. Source of data was refuge managers, SCS soil surveys, USGS quads and National Wetland inventory maps. Data is available on magnetic tape, 7 or 9 track, 800, 1600 or 6250 bpi; labeled or unlabeled; blocked or unblocked; EBCDIC, ASCII or BCD; fixed or variable length format. It is also available on punch cards or listings. Cost and ability to transfer data must be decided by individual request.
Department of Interior Federal Data Bases
* Auditing and Financial System (AFS)
Ken Madson
Royalty Management Program
Minerals Management Service
US Department of the Interior
PO Box 25165
Denver, CO 80225 (303) 236-2152
This system accounts for all mineral revenues reported, collected, and disbursed in a system of double entry accounts; processes royalties reported by payors in a prompt, efficient manner; distributes mineral revenues monthly to States, Indians, other Federal agencies, and general treasury accounts; identifies late reporting and payment of royalties, under-reporting of royalty payments, and non-reporting; bills, collects, and distributes interest and penalty payments, where appropriate, to States and Indians; provides royalty accounting and statistical information to States and Indian Tribes; establishes and maintains a data base that can effectively match reported sales volume with production data in the PAAS; creates an automated billing process for all receivables generated by the system. Although this data base is not available to private individuals, responses to specific requests for non-proprietary data are made.
Department of Interior Federal Data Bases
* Automated Minerals Information System (AMIS)
Michael Kaas, Chief
Division of Minerals Information Systems
Bureau of Mines
2401 E St., NW
Washington, DC 20241 (202) 634-1117
AMIS is an interactive data base with technical, statistical and bibliographic information about minerals. The system covers domestic and foreign mineral data with emphasis on production, consumption and technological information about approximately 90 commodities. Retrievable data ranges from detailed information about a specific commodity to overall production trends. AMIS capabilities include answering queries, producing statistical and analytical reports, and graphically displaying reference and integrated information from a variety of sources, such as foreign and domestic mineral surveys, mineral deposits evaluations, public-land appraisals, mineral research activities, the United Nations, the World Bank and the US Geological Survey. AMIS contains in excess of two million records, some dating back to 1960. The system is updated monthly. Searches and printouts are available. Simple requests are answered free of charge, while more complicated projects are assessed a cost-recovery fee.
Department of Interior Federal Data Bases
* Automatic Digital Recorder Tapes (ADR)
Users Service
EROS Data Center
Sioux Falls, SD 57198 (605) 594-6151
Water data such as river stages, temperature, groundwater levels, specific conductivity, and dissolved oxygen are punched on paper tape in the file in raw form. Contact Charles R. Showen at (703) 860-6871 for further information.
Department of Interior Federal Data Bases
* Average Topographic Elevations in California and Adjacent Regions
Users Service
EROS Data Center
Sioux Falls, SD 57198 (605) 594-6151
This contains average elevations of 1x1- and 3x3-minute compartments in California and vicinity. Contact Howard Oliver at (415) 323-8111, Ext. 2255 for further information.
Department of Interior Federal Data Bases
* Basic Well Data for Professional Paper 796
Users Service
EROS Data Center
Sioux Falls, SD 57198 (605) 594-6151
The coverage is of spatial distribution of permeability for the Atlantic Coastal Plain from North Carolina to New York. Contact Donald J. Dolnack at (703) 860-6031 for further information.
Department of Interior Federal Data Bases
* Bernardo State Wildlife Refuge
US Fish and Wildlife Service
Chief, Resource Planning
P.O. Box 1306
Albuquerque, NM 87103 (505) 766-5935
This is a random access data base; contains various number of files of geographical reference data for roads, pipelines, fences, ponds, streams, lakes, canals, levees, soil types, wetland types, vegetation, recreational areas, trails, observation towers, historical sites, archaeological sites, public use areas, hunting areas, fishing areas, cities, counties, management areas, buildings, etc. Source of data was refuge managers, SCS soil surveys, USGS quads and National Wetland inventory maps. Data is available on magnetic tape, 7 or 9 track, 800, 1600 or 6250 bpi; labeled or unlabeled; blocked or unblocked; EBCDIC, ASCII or BCD; fixed or variable length format. It is also available on punch cards or listings. Cost and ability to transfer data must be decided by individual request.
Department of Interior Federal Data Bases
* Bird Banding Data Base
John Tautin
Bird Banding Laboratory
US Fish and Wildlife Service
Laurel, MD 20708-4037 (301) 498-0423
This data base contains information about game and non-game birds banded and/or recovered since the Banding Program began in 1921. Records exist on all birds banded in North America as well as their recovery from all over the world. The data base is international in scope, as birds have been recovered by participants in countries such as Russia, Brazil and India. The data base is used to produce quarterly reports to the person who bands the bird and certificates of appreciation to band reporters. It is also used for extensive data analysis of migratory bird populations. The data base contains 2.6 million banding records. Searches and printouts are available. Depending upon the nature of your request, you may or may not be charged a fee. There is no determined fee schedule.
Department of Interior Federal Data Bases
* Bitter Lake National Wildlife Refuge
US Fish and Wildlife Service
Chief, Resource Planning
P.O. Box 1306
Albuquerque, NM 87103 (505) 766-5935
This is a random access data base; contains various number of files of geographical reference data for roads, pipelines, fences, ponds, streams, lakes, canals, levees, soil types, wetland types, vegetation, recreational areas, trails, observation towers, historical sites, archaeological sites, public use areas, hunting areas, fishing areas, cities, counties, management areas, buildings, etc. Source of data was refuge managers, SCS soil surveys, USGS quads and National Wetland inventory maps. Data is available on magnetic tape, 7 or 9 track, 800, 1600 or 6250 bpi; labeled or unlabeled; blocked or unblocked; EBCDIC, ASCII or BCD; fixed or variable length format. It is also available on punch cards or listings. Cost and ability to transfer data must be decided by individual request.
Department of Interior Federal Data Bases
* Black Hills Hydrologic System Data Base
Users Service
EROS Data Center
Sioux Falls, SD 57198 (605) 594-6151
Multiple spatial data sets have been compiled into a hydrologic information data base for the Black Hills of South Dakota and Wyoming. Contact Donna Scholz at (605) 594-6114 for further information.
Department of Interior Federal Data Bases
* Board on Geographic Names (GNIS/BGN)
US Geological Survey
National Mapping Division
523 National Center
Reston, VA 22092 (703) 860-6261
This contains digital data; Geological Survey national mapping division data base; organizes and summarizes current information about named cultural or physical geographic name entities; consists of variable-length records containing decisions or problems requiring special research by the board on geographic names; topics covered are officially approved names, type of feature, geographic coordinates, state, county and variant names, dates of decision and textual description; interactive and batch access method; output media; magnetic tape, batch computer printout and interactive terminal; storage media is disk.
Department of Interior Federal Data Bases
* Bonus and Rental Accounting Support System (BRASS)
Ken Madson
Royalty Management Program
Minerals Management Service
US Department of the Interior
PO Box 25165
Denver, CO 80225 (303) 236-2152
This system generates courtesy notices to lessees advising when annual rents are due; collects, deposits, and accounts for annual rental payment and deferred bonus payments; generates bills for deferred bonus and accounts for lease bonuses; provides revenue and lease status data to BLM State offices that manage the leases; supports monthly distribution and disbursement requirements; and provides lease data to the AFS when leases enter production. Although this data base is not available to private individuals, responses to specific requests for non-proprietary data are made.
Department of Interior Federal Data Bases
* Bonus and Rental Accounting Support System (BRASS)
Ken Madson
Royalty Management Program
Minerals Management Service
US Department of the Interior
PO Box 25165
Denver, CO 80225 (303) 236-2152
This system generates courtesy notices to lessee@<!
* Treasury Reporting
John Murphy
Office of Information Policies & Systems
Department of Housing and Urban Development
451 7th Street, SW, Room 4142
Washington, DC 20410 (202) 755-6374 This system receives data from the various Title I and Title II Insurance In Force, Notes Servicing PremiumReceivable and Refund Distribution Systems to reconcile schedule deposits, disbursements, and deposit tickets/certificates of deposits with Treasury confirmed transactions. The system produces SF-224 reports and magnetic tape output representing confirmed deposits for forwarding to the Treasury Department. Geographical elements are HUD Field Office, State. Data base maintained is Treasury Reporting. The IPS/Field Office responsible for this system is the Administrative Systems Division. Sensitivity: Serious Risk. Price: Variable.
Department of Housing and Urban Development Federal Data Bases
* Urban Homesteading Program Management Information System
John Murphy
Office of Information Policies & Systems
Department of Housing and Urban Development
451 7th Street, SW, Room 4142
Washington, DC 20410 (202) 755-6374
This system generates listings of available properties for disposal by HUD, under Section 810, HCDA of 1974, as amended, and tracks projects within approved local units of government from initiation through project completion and closeouts, including financial data on property acquisition, rehabilitation, and conveyance to qualified homesteaders, within approved Local Urban Homesteading Agencies (LUHAS). Reviews legislative requirements impose monitoring of all local governments, single family, and FHA, VA, and FMHA properties. Geographical elements are State Numeric Code, Locality/Place Name, Address, Census Tract, Regional Office Codes, and Field Office Codes. Data base maintained are C45 UHPMIS Master, C45, C24 extract master file, and C45, 312 Extract Master File. The IPS/Field Office responsible for this system is the Departmental Systems Division. Sensitivity: Minor risk. Price: Variable.
Department of Housing and Urban Development Federal Data Bases
This system monitors VAMA activity and reporting in Field Offices, serves as a tool to measure the progress in affirmative marketing and facilitates greater efficiency in the management of the national program. Geographical elements are State Name, Regional Office Name, and Field Office Name. Data base maintained are VAMA Data Base. The IPS/Field Office responsible for this system is the Departmental Systems Division. Sensitivity: Negligible risk. Price: Variable.
Department of Housing and Urban Development Federal Data Bases
Housing and Urban Development Data File from National Archives
Margaret Adams
Archives Specialist
Reference Service
Center for Electronic Records (NNXA)
National Archives and Records Administration
8th and Pennsylvania Ave., NW
Washington, DC 20408
(202) 523-6771
The following data file is a subset of electronic data sets (i.e., computer-readable data files) in the custody of the National Archives and Records Administration. The standard charge for a copy of an electronic data set (one data set not to exceed one magnetic reel of output) is $90. Ordering information is available upon request. For further information please contact the office above.
Department of Housing and Urban Development Federal Data Bases
* Rehabilitation Loans and Grants, 1968-1979
Department of Housing and Urban Development Federal Data Bases
Housing and Urban Development Data File from NTIS
National Technical Information Service
US Department of Commerce
Springfield, VA 22161
(703) 487-4807
FAX (703) 321-8547
Listed below is a data file available from the National Technical Information Service. Call the office above for ordering and cost information.
Department of Housing and Urban Development Federal Data Bases
* HUD Residential Solar Demonstration Program Data (PB82-132341/XDD) (See NTIS)
The Residential Solar Data Center (SDC) at the National Bureau of Standards was responsible for the establishment and operation of a computerized data base containing data collected from the DOE/HUD Solar
Heating and Cooling Demonstration Program. This card-image tape contains the files which comprised the solar data base including: grant, grantee reports, technical descriptions, technical concerns, marketing survey; and utility consumption. NBSIR 81-2369, Residential Solar Data Center; Data Resources and reports, describes these files in detail.
Department of Housing and Urban Development Federal Data Bases
Department of Interior Federal D
Interior Federal Data Bases
* Abandoned Land Mines
George Stone, Branch Chief
National Inventory Update Committee
US Department of the Interior, Office of Surface Mining
1951 Constitution Ave., Room 120-51B
Washington, DC 20240 (202) 208-2999
This system provides an inventory of all abandoned mined lands in the United States so that land reclamation may be complete and systematic. For each abandoned mine problem area the following information is provided: location, general features, cost of reclamation and financing to date. The data base can be searched by individual states or problem areas. Searches are available upon request and there is no charge.
Department of Interior Federal Data Bases
Department of Interior Federal D
Office of Management and Budget
* Adopt-A-Horse Data System
Dick Stark
Bureau of Land Management
Denver Federal Center, Building 50
US Department of the Interior
PO Box 25047
Denver, CO 80225-0047 (303) 236-0157
This data base supports the Wild Horse and Burro Program. It maintains a listing of several thousand individuals who have applied to adopt wild horses or burrows. The listing includes names, addresses, and telephone numbers of each applicant; the species, number and sex of the animals. It also maintains a listing of adopters, their adopters, their addresses, and telephone numbers, and the individual identification numbers for animals obtained and the agency offices approving the adoptions. The data are updated when adopted animals die or are reassigned to other adopters and when titles of ownership are transferred to the adopters. Searches are provided upon request for a fee. Hard copy reports are produced showing applicants or adopters, mailing addresses and related information as requested.
Department of Interior Federal Data Bases
* Aerial Photography Information System (APIS)
US Geological Survey
National Mapping Division
511 National Center
Reston, VA 22092 (703) 860-6218
This data describes the aerial photography procured for NMD's mapping centers quadrangle mapping of authorized areas and production of county, state and special maps; available on 9 track magnetic tape; sources of data are Office of Research and Technical Standards, NMD, NMD's mapping center. No documentation available; access method is batch; output is batch computer printout.
Department of Interior Federal Data Bases
* Aerial Photography Summary Record System (APSRS)
US Geological Survey
National Mapping Division
501 National Center
Reston, VA 22092 (703) 860-6509
This contains digital data; Geological Survey National Mapping Division data base; spatial and sorted sequential; uses polygon data type with latitude/longitude coordinate system; file contains contributor-supplied information on domestic aerial photographs; data elements include agency code, geographic coverage, exposure date, film format, image class, focal length and project code; file is used to produce index maps and listings via specialized retrieval and standard com fiche.
Department of Interior Federal Data Bases
* Aeromagnetic Surveys
Users Service
EROS Data Center
Sioux Falls, SD 57198 (605) 594-6151
This contains readings taken from aircraft along flight line. Included are aeromagnetic values, barometric altitude, aircraft course, latitude and longitude, sample number. Contact Richard H. Godson at (303) 234-2623 for further information.
Department of Interior Federal Data Bases
* Alaska Land Cover Tapes
US Geological Survey
Ames Research Center, 242-4
Moffitt Field, CA 94035 (415) 694-6368
This contains digital land cover data, derived from landsat multi spectral scanner data in grid cell format. Uses: Land management; wildlife habitat.
Department of Interior Federal Data Bases
* Alaskan Aeromagnetic Data Base
Users Service
EROS Data Center
Sioux Falls, SD 57198 (605) 594-6151
This contains low-altitude aeromagnetic flight line survey in Alaska. It contains total field readings, gradient information, and reduced and corrected data. Flights were made over oil fields, gas fields, and wildlife conservation areas. Contact Patricia T. Eliason at (601) 779-3311, Ext. 1312 for further information.
Department of Interior Federal Data Bases
* Alaska Seismic Studies
Users Service
EROS Data Center
Sioux Falls, SD 57198 (605) 594-6151
This contains card image records of earthquake activity in South-central Alaska. These are developed from seismic data telemetered continuously from field instruments to a central site at the NOAA Alaska Tsunami Warning Center where a Teledyne Geotech Develocorder produces films that are shipped to Menlo Park, read, and hand digitized into card image formats giving P- and S-phase values. The cards provide full earthquake location, duration, and intensity information. Contact John Lahr at (415) 323-8111, Ext. 2510 for further information.
Department of Interior Federal Data Bases
instruments to a central site a
* Black Hills Hydrologic System Data Base
Users Service
EROS Data Center
Sioux Falls, SD 57198 (605) 594-6151
Multiple spatial data sets have been compiled into a hydrologic information data base for the Black Hills of South Dakota and Wyoming. Contact Donna Scholz at (605) 594-6114 for further informa&
* Single Family Insurance Activities
John Murphy
Office of Information Policies & Systems
Department of Housing and Urban Development
451 7th Street, SW, Room 4142
Washington, DC 20410 (202) 755-6374
This system reports on single family insurance activities by Section of the Act. The monthly report contains current month and cumulative data. Case counts and mortgage amounts are given for the various activities. Geographical elements are State Name. Data base maintained are Master Activities. The IPS/Field Office responsible for this system is the Housing Systems Division. Sensitivity: Minor risk. Price: Variable.
Department of Housing and Urban Development Federal Data Bases
* Single Family Insurance System
John Murphy
Office of Information Policies & Systems
Department of Housing and Urban Development
451 7th Street, SW, Room 4142
Washington, DC 20410 (202) 755-6374
This system maintains a data base of more than ten million single family case records. There is one record for every active HUD single family insured case, and on record for each case terminated since 1970. Geographical elements are Census Tract, City, Federal County Code, Federal State Code, Filing Identification Code, HUD Field Office, HUD Regional Office, MSA, Neighborhood Code, State, Street Address, Subdivision, Zip Code. Data bases maintained are Single Family Insurance Data base (A43). The IPS/Field Office responsible for this system is the Mortgage Insurance Accounting System Division. Sensitivity: Major Risk. Price: Variable.
Department of Housing and Urban Development Federal Data Bases
* Single Family Insurance System-Claims Subsystem
John Murphy
Office of Information Policies & Systems
Department of Housing and Urban Development
451 7th Street, SW, Room 4142
Washington, DC 20410 (202) 755-6374
This system supports the Department's Single Family Claim payment processes. It provides online update and inquiry capability to Single Family Insurance and Claims data bases and to cumulative history files. Geographical elements are State Name, State Numeric Code, County Numeric Code, Census Locality/Place Code, City, Locality/Place Code, Address, Zip Code, Census Tract, Regional Office Code, Field Office Name. Data bases maintained are Single Family Claims DB, Single Family Insurance in Force DB. The IPS/Field Office responsible for this system is the Mortgage Insurance Accounting Systems Division. Sensitivity: Major Risk. Price: Variable.
Department of Housing and Urban Development Federal Data Bases
* Single Family Mortgage Insurance Case Binder
John Murphy
Office of Information Policies & Systems
Department of Housing and Urban Development
451 7th Street, SW, Room 4142
Washington, DC 20410 (202) 755-6374
This system provides a record of all Insurance Case Binders stored in the Headquarters of the Federal Records Center. As case binders are retrieved from the storage site, a record is created to show the location of the binder and the organizational element responsible for the binder until it is returned to storage. Data bases maintained are Current Year Case Binder File, Case Binder Inventory File, and Activity Counts File. The IPS/Field Office responsible for this system is the Housing Systems Division. Sensitivity: Negligible risk. Price: Variable.
Department of Housing and Urban Development Federal Data Bases
* Single Family Premium Collections
John Murphy
Office of Information Policies & Systems
Department of Housing and Urban Development
451 7th Street, SW, Room 4142
Washington, DC 20410 (202) 755-6374
This system records, controls, reconciles, and monitors mortgage insurance premium payments received from servicing mortgagees. The system also provides for preparation of notices for advance annual premiums, and for late charges due, extraction of collection data entry in the general books of accounts, and production of mortgagee and program performance reports. The majority of the premium payment data is received via daily automated lockbox transmission. Geographical elements are none. Data bases maintained are Summary Master File, Accounts Receivable Historical File, and Suspense File. The IPS/Field Office responsible for this system is the Mortgage Insurance Accounting Systems Division. Sensitivity: Serious Risk. Price: Variable.
Department of Housing and Urban Development Federal Data Bases
* Solar Technology and Other Research Program
John Murphy
Office of Information Policies & Systems
Department of Housing and Urban Development
451 7th Street, SW, Room 4142
Washington, DC 20410 (202) 755-6374
This system calculates solar contributions for solar heating and domestic hot water systems for residential applications. It is a solar economic modeling system that is used as an analysis tool for study of the economics and financing of active residential solar energy systems. Costs are computed, energy savings are forecast, and other economic information is made available. The results are provided in a variety of different reports. This system is used increasingly for generalized research, predominately by the Office of Research (TR). Geographical elements are State Name and City. Data base maintained are none. The IPS/Field Office responsible for this system is the Departmental Systems Division. Sensitivity: Minor risk. Price: Variable.
Department of Housing and Urban Development Federal Data Bases
* Supportive Housing System
John Murphy
Office of Information Policies & Systems
Department of Housing and Urban Development
451 7th Street, SW, Room 4142
Washington, DC 20410 (202) 755-6374
This system provides a data recording system for applications made under the Transitional Housing Program and the Permanent Housing Program. It also provides a tool to aid in selecting applicants, recording funding levels and tracking fund balances. Geographical elements are Address and Congressional District. Data base maintained are SHS Master Data Base and SHS Management Data Base. The IPS/Field Office responsible for this system is the Housing Systems Division. Sensitivity: Minor risk. Price: Variable.
Department of Housing and Urban Development Federal Data Bases
* Survey of Mortgage Lending Activity
John Murphy
Office of Information Policies & Systems
Department of Housing and Urban Development
451 7th Street, SW, Room 4142
Washington, DC 20410 (202) 755-6374
The purpose of this system is to process monthly mortgage survey data and produce quarterly analysis reports. The survey data is supplied by various lending institutes. There are eleven types of institutes including Commercial Banks, Mutual Savings Banks, and Mortgage Companies, which provide input consisting of monthly Mortgage Lending Activity data. Geographical elements are none. Data base maintained are none. The IPS/Field Office responsible for this system is the Housing Systems Division. Sensitivity: Negligible risk. Price: Variable.
Department of Housing and Urban Development Federal Data Bases
* System for Management Information Retrieval Public Housing
John Murphy
Office of Information Policies & Systems
Department of Housing and Urban Development
451 7th Street, SW, Room 4142
Washington, DC 20410 (202) 755-6374
SMIRPH offers automated preparation of HUD-HQ-required reports for the field Offices; assistance in the analysis of information; and automated processing of various work functions, including Management Operation Control Charts, Audit/Debit Tracking, Financial Statistics, Program Utilization, Insurance, Performance Profiles, Comprehensive Improvement Assistance Programs, Management Plans, Performance Funding, and Utilities. Geographical elements are Public Housing Authority Name and/or Code. Data base maintained are Project Master, (PHA) Public Housing Authority master, (MOCC) Management Operations Control Charts, and (CIAPP) Comprehensive Improvement Assistance Program. The IPS/Field Office responsible for this system is the Departmental Systems Division. Sensitivity: Minor risk. Price: Variable.
Department of Housing and Urban Development Federal Data Bases
* Telephone Directory and Locator System
John Murphy
Office of Information Policies & Systems
Department of Housing and Urban Development
451 7th Street, SW, Room 4142
Washington, DC 20410 (202) 755-6374
This system provides for the immediate update and retrieval of names, locations, organizations, and phone numbers of all personnel assigned to HUD headquarters. It is used to assist the locator personnel in responding to HUD directory assistance calls and to produce the HUD phone directory. Geographical element is Headquarters. Data base maintained is Master Name/Location Name. The IPS/Field Office responsible for this system is the Administrative Systems Division. Sensitivity: Negligible risk. Price: Variable.
Department of Housing and Urban Development Federal Data Bases
* Tenant Data Summary and Payment System
John Murphy
Office of Information Policies & Systems
Department of Housing and Urban Development
451 7th Street, SW, Room 4142
Washington, DC 20410 (202) 755-6374
This system performs automatic calculation of total tenant and housing assistance payment. The data provided by this system includes: Elderly Status, Social Security Number, Number in Household, Head of Household, Birth Date of Head, Sex Code (N/F), Admission Date, Application Date, Amount of Income, Housing Payment, Assets, etc. Geographical elements are HQ, RO and FO. Data base maintained are TDSPS Documentation file, F58-1.DBF, F58-6.DBF, and STATE.DBF. The IPS/Field Office responsible for this system is the Departmental Systems Division. Sensitivity: Negligible risk. Price: Variable.
Department of Housing and Urban Development Federal Data Bases
* Title I Insurance and Claims
John Murphy
Office of Information Policies & Systems
Department of Housing and Urban Development
451 7th Street, SW, Room 4142
Washington, DC 20410 (202) 755-6374
This system provides operational and management support for the execution of the Title I Property Improvement and Mobile Home Loan Program. It provides online inquiry and updating to support day-to-day operations. This includes loan inventory maintenance, billing, premium collection and reconcilement, claim processing, and Title I reserves maintenance and accounting. A user report writing capability is also available. Geographical elements are State Name, County Name, City, and Zip Code. Data base maintained are Insured Loan, Institution Reserves, Claims, Billing/Premium Receivable, Disbursing, Schedule of Collection. The IPS/Field Office responsible for this system is the Mortgage Insurance Accounting Systems Division. Sensitivity: Serious risk. Price: Variable.
Department of Housing and Urban Development Federal Data Bases
* Title I Notes Servicing (Debt Management Collection System)
John Murphy
Office of Information Policies & Systems
Department of Housing and Urban Development
451 7th Street, SW, Room 4142
Washington, DC 20410 (202) 755-6374
The Title I Note Servicing System utilizes an outside contractor whose proprietary package, called Debt Management Collection System (DMCS), is used to support Title I defaulted property improvement and mobile home loans which have been assigned to HUD by the lender after payment of the Title I insurance claim. Geographical elements are City, County, Field Office, State, and Zip Code. Data base maintained are Housing Auto-Call Address, Phone Numbers. The IPS/Field Office responsible for this system is the Mortgage Insurance Accounting Systems Division. Sensitivity: Serious risk. Price: Variable.
Department of Housing and Urban Development Federal Data Bases
* Title VI Compliance System for PHAs
John Murphy
Office of Information Policies & Systems
Department of Housing and Urban Development
451 7th Street, SW, Room 4142
Washington, DC 20410 (202) 755-6374
The underlying principle of this system is to accomplish the task of assuring that the various types of housing projects HUD insures or subsidizes are not located or operated so as to cause or perpetuate patterns of residential segregation. This task is specified as HUD responsibility in Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Geographical elements are Census Tract, Regional Office and State. Data base maintained are Title VI Compliance (MAPPER) Data Base. The IPS/Field Office responsible for this system is the Departmental Systems Division. Sensitivity: Negligible risk. Price: Variable.
Department of Housing and Urban Development Federal Data Bases
* Title VIII Tracking System
John Murphy
Office of Information Policies & Systems
Department of Housing and Urban Development
451 7th Street, SW, Room 4142
Washington, DC 20410 (202) 755-6374
The OGC Title VIII Case Tracking System is designed to track and monitor the cases referred from the Office of Fair Housing & Equal Opportunity to determine 'reasonable cause' or 'non-reasonable cause' determinations for complaints of discrimination in housing. Geographical elements are Headquarters, Regional Office Code. Data base maintained are none. The IPS/Field Office responsible for this system is the Departmental Systems Division. Sensitivity: Serious risk. Price: Variable.
Department of Housing and Urban Development Federal Data Bases
* Treasury Check Writing
John Murphy
Office of Information Policies & Systems
Department of Housing and Urban Development
451 7th Street, SW, Room 4142
Washington, DC 20410 (202) 755-6374
This system is used by Regional Accounting Divisions and Headquarters. On-site Honeywell terminals are used for data entry to capture payment data in an online mode from source documents. Data is stored in files and transferred to a tape, verified and forwarded to US Treasury for processing. Payment checks are generated and disbursed through the US Treasury Regional Disbursing Offices. Geographical elements are City, Address, Metropolitan Statistical Area Code, Zip Code, Field Office Name. Data base maintained is Name and Address Master. The IPS/Field Office responsible for this system is the Administrative Systems Division. Sensitivity: Major Risk. Price: Variable.
Department of Housing and Urban Development Federal Data Bases
* Treasury Check Writing
John Murphy
Office of Informatids, and wildlife conservation areas. Contact Patricia T. Eliason at (601) 779-3311, Ext. 1312 for further information.
Department of Interior Federal Data Bases
* PHA Statement of Operating Receipts and Expenditures
John Murphy
Office of Information Policies & Systems
Department of Housing and Urban Development
451 7th Street, SW, Room 4142
Washington, DC 20410 (202) 755-6374
This system provides annual statements covering the operating receipts and expenditures of each Public Housing Authority by its fiscal year. These statements include per unit-month accounting figures and totals covering the last year. The system also includes significant accounting data on the operating reserves of each Authority and percent distributions of operating receipts. Geographical elements are State Name, Regional Office Name, and Field Office Name. Data base maintained are PHA Expenditures Master. The IPS/Field Office responsible for this system is the Departmental Systems Division. Sensitivity: Negligible risk. Price: Variable.
Department of Housing and Urban Development Federal Data Bases
* PIH Fund Assignment System
John Murphy
Office of Information Policies & Systems
Department of Housing and Urban Development
451 7th Street, SW, Room 4142
Washington, DC 20410 (202) 755-6374
This system determines the allocation of all funds for the Field Offices, based on need and priorities. These funds are used for development of housing projects and extensions of building contracts. Geographical elements are Field Office, PHA. Data base maintained are none. The IPS/Field Office responsible for this system is the Departmental Systems Division. Sensitivity: Negligible risk. Price: Variable.
Department of Housing and Urban Development Federal Data Bases
* PIH Minority Contract Activity System
John Murphy
Office of Information Policies & Systems
Department of Housing and Urban Development
451 7th Street, SW, Room 4142
Washington, DC 20410 (202) 755-6374
The main objective of this system is to provide an automated system that will enable the Assistant Secretary for PIH to monitor minority contracting efforts in a timely and responsible manner. The data processed by this system includes: Prime Contractor, Subcontractor, Ethnics, Type of Trade, Contractor Name, Technical Specialty, Contractor ID, Sex (M/F, Amount of Contract, etc. Geographical elements are Headquarters, Regional Office Name, Field Office Name. Data base maintained are MBE. The IPS/Field Office responsible for this system is the Departmental Systems Division. Sensitivity: Negligible risk. Price: Variable.
Department of Housing and Urban Development Federal Data Bases
* Previous Participation Review
John Murphy
Office of Information Policies & Systems
Department of Housing and Urban Development
451 7th Street, SW, Room 4142
Washington, DC 20410 (202) 755-6374
This system will support the automated reporting and examination of applicants for participation in multifamily programs. The system will identify, for external manual review, those applications of principals who are either debarred, suspended, pending investigation, or have been flagged by the system because of unresolved criteria. Geographical elements are State Numeric Code, Regional Office Code, and Field Office Code. Data base maintained are PPRS Data base and PPRS History. The IPS/Field Office responsible for this system is the Housing Systems Division. Sensitivity: Serious risk. Price: Variable.
Department of Housing and Urban Development Federal Data Bases
* Public Affairs Address
John Murphy
Office of Information Policies & Systems
Department of Housing and Urban Development
451 7th Street, SW, Room 4142
Washington, DC 20410 (202) 755-6374
This system maintains a file of names and addresses for various news media; publications, associations, and organizations receiving HUD mailings and produces mailing lists and labels for the Office of Public Affairs selectively, dependent upon the type or scope of the mailing desired. Geographical elements are State Name, Zip Code, Regional Office Code. Data base maintained are Public Affairs Address Master and Public Affairs Selection Master. The IPS/Field Office responsible for this system is the Departmental Systems Division. Sensitivity: Negligible risk. Price: Variable.
Department of Housing and Urban Development Federal Data Bases
* Public Affairs Information Retrieval System
John Murphy
Office of Information Policies & Systems
Department of Housing and Urban Development
451 7th Street, SW, Room 4142
Washington, DC 20410 (202) 755-6374
The Public Affairs Information Retrieval System is designed to collect, edit and report on data pertaining to speeches written for the Secretary and for publications. Geographical elements are none. Data base maintained are Speech-Speech.DBF and Publication-Publicat.DBF. The IPS/Field Office responsible for this system is the Departmental Systems Division. Sensitivity: Negligible risk. Price: Variable.
Department of Housing and Urban Development Federal Data Bases
* Public Housing Fiscal Data Survey
John Murphy
Office of Information Policies & Systems
Department of Housing and Urban Development
451 7th Street, SW, Room 4142
Washington, DC 20410 (202) 755-6374
The Fiscal Data Survey is an annual report on PHA operating subsidy obligations, Performance Funding System (PFS) eligibility and reserve levels. It is the only source of such data on a National level and by Region and Field office, as well as by individual PHA's. Geographical elements are State Name, Regional Office Name, and Field Office Name. Data base maintained are Yearly Fiscal Data Survey. The IPS/Field Office responsible for this system is the Departmental Systems Division. Sensitivity: Negligible risk. Price: Variable.
Department of Housing and Urban Development Federal Data Bases
* Region X Telephone Directory
John Murphy
Office of Information Policies & Systems
Department of Housing and Urban Development
451 7th Street, SW, Room 4142
Washington, DC 20410 (202) 755-6374
This system produces a telephone directory from data downloaded from the Personnel and Payroll System operating at the National Finance Center (NFC) and local detail files. The directory is ordered alphabetically by name and by organization. Geographical elements are Regional Office Name and Field Office Name. Data base maintained are Employee detail file. The IPS/Field Office responsible for this system is the Management Information Division-Seattle. Sensitivity: Negligible risk. Price: Variable.
Department of Housing and Urban Development Federal Data Bases
* Resource Allocation Guideline System
John Murphy
Office of Information Policies & Systems
Department of Housing and Urban Development
451 7th Street, SW, Room 4142
Washington, DC 20410 (202) 755-6374
RAGS provides management with reports which detail office productivity and the corresponding time expenditure. For key work outputs, it maintains an historical pattern of productivity nationally, for each Region, and for each Office. Geographical elements are HUD Locality/Place Code, Headquarters, Regional Office Code, and Field Office Code. Data base maintained is RAGS Master File. The IPS/Field Office responsible for this system is the Administrative Systems Division. Sensitivity: Minor Risk. Price: Variable.
Department of Housing and Urban Development Federal Data Bases
* Sarabond Survey System
John Murphy
Office of Information Policies & Systems
Department of Housing and Urban Development
451 7th Street, SW, Room 4142
Washington, DC 20410 (202) 755-6374
This system is designed to track data on PHA projects built between 1965 and 1980 to determine if Sarabond products were used in the construction. It provides query and report capabilities based on the value of any field. Geographical elements are State Alpha Code, Address, Zip Code, Public Housing Authority Name and/or Code, and Regional Office Code. Data base maintained are SASS.DBF, PHA.DBF, FIELDS.DBF, and PROJ.DBF. The IPS/Field Office responsible for this system is the Departmental Systems Division. Sensitivity: Negligible risk. Price: Variable.
Department of Housing and Urban Development Federal Data Bases
* Secretary's Discretionary Fund Management Information System
John Murphy
Office of Information Policies & Systems
Department of Housing and Urban Development
451 7th Street, SW, Room 4142
Washington, DC 20410 (202) 755-6374
The system provides tracking, monitoring, evaluation, workloads, scheduling, and fiscal year program information for Secretary Fund programs. Financial data on disbursements and obligations are also furnished. Geographical elements are State Numeric Code, Locality/Place Name, Locality/Place Code, Headquarters, Regional Office Codes, Field Office Codes. Data base maintained are SDFMIS data base. The IPS/Field Office responsible for this system is the Departmental Systems Division. Sensitivity: Minor risk. Price: Variable.
Department of Housing and Urban Development Federal Data Bases
* Section 8 Accounting
John Murphy
Office of Information Policies & Systems
Department of Housing and Urban Development
451 7th Street, SW, Room 4142
Washington, DC 20410 (202) 755-6374
This system is an automated system for the accounting and reporting of disbursements associated with the Public Housing Section 8 Program. Geographical elements are Regional Office Name, Regional Office Code, Field Office Name, Field Office Code, and Organization Code. Data bases maintained are Project Disbursement Obligations, Offsets, History, and Offset. The IPS/Field Office responsible for this system is the Administrative Systems Division. Sensitivity: Serious Risk. Price: Variable.
Department of Housing and Urban Development Federal Data Bases
* Section 8 Management Information
John Murphy
Office of Information Policies & Systems
Department of Housing and Urban Development
451 7th Street, SW, Room 4142
Washington, DC 20410 (202) 755-6374
This system provides interactive project tracking and management information for the Section 8 program. The system is designed to support the data requirements of Housing. Financial and occupancy data, project status, and characteristics are available to Headquarters and Field Offices through standard reports and interactive retrieval capability. Geographical elements are Area Code, Census Tract, City, Congressional District, County, Enumeration District, HUD Locality, Region, SMSA, State, and Zip Code. Data base maintained are Regional Section 8 Data Bases and National Section 8 Data Base. The IPS/Field Office responsible for this system is the Housing Systems Division. Sensitivity: Minor risk. Price: Variable.
Department of Housing and Urban Development Federal Data Bases
* Section 202 Elderly/Handicapped Loan Program
John Murphy
Office of Information Policies & Systems
Department of Housing and Urban Development
451 7th Street, SW, Room 4142
Washington, DC 20410 (202) 755-6374
This system processes Section 202 Elderly and Handicapped loan activity and maintains loan records from the initial reservation phase, through disbursement and collections on construction loans and finally through repayment of permanent loans, accruement of interest and bills for principal and interest due, provides inquiry and ad hoc reporting on outstanding loan liabilities and moneys disbursed by HUD, collected by HUD, and due to HUD. Geographical elements are City, Address, Metropolitan Statistical Area Code, Zip Code, Headquarters, Regional Office Codes, and Field Office Codes. Data base maintained is Section 202 Elderly/Handicapped Loans (One data base per Region). The IPS/Field Office responsible for this system is the Administrative Systems Division. Sensitivity: Serious Risk. Price: Variable.
Department of Housing and Urban Development Federal Data Bases
* Simplified Procurement
John Murphy
Office of Information Policies & Systems
Department of Housing and Urban Development
451 7th Street, SW, Room 4142
Washington, DC 20410 (202) 755-6374
This system centralizes control of requisition processing as relates to simplified procurement actions which are usually less than $25,000. It also provides information concerning HUD's small purchases procurement activities to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) by interfacing with OMB's Federal Procurement Data System (FPDS) via the OPC Management Information System. Geographical element is Address. Data bases maintained are SPS HUD 10.4 Data File and SPS Purchase Order Data File. The IPS/Field Office responsible for this system is the Administrative Systems Division. Sensitivity: Minor Risk. Price: Variable.
Department of Housing and Urban Development Federal Data Bases
* Single Family Distributive Shares and One- Time Refunds
John Murphy
Office of Information Policies & Systems
Department of Housing and Urban Development
451 7th Street, SW, Room 4142
Washington, DC 20410 (202) 755-6374
This system accepts and processes payments data for terminated HUD insured mortgages which participate in HUD's Mutual Mortgage Insurance Fund. Geographical elements are HUD Field Office. Data base maintained are Home Mortgage Distributive Shares Master. The IPS/Field Office responsible for this system is the Mortgage Insurance Accounting Systems Division. Sensitivity: Serious risk. Price: Variable.
Department of Housing and Urban Development Federal Data Bases
ta for ty in Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Geographical elements are Census Tract, Regional Office and State. Data base maintained are Title VI Compliance (MAPPER) Data Base. The IPS/Field Office responsible for this system is the Departmental Systems Division. Sensitivity: Negligible risk. Price: Variable.
* Multifamily Insured and Direct Loan Information System
John Murphy
Office of Information Policies & Systems
Department of Housing and Urban Development
451 7th Street, SW, Room 4142
Washington, DC 20410 (202) 755-6374
This system provides the Field and Headquarters with the capability of tracking projects throughout the insured and direct loan project life cycle and also provides for tracking critical dates and actions for the nine major phases of the life cycle. Geographical elements are Census Tract, City Zip Code, Congressional District, County, HUD Field Office, HUD Locality, and State. Data base maintained are Regional Data Base and National Data Base. The IPS/Field Office responsible for this system is the Housing Systems Division. Sensitivity: Minor risk. Price: Variable.
Department of Housing and Urban Development Federal Data Bases
* Multifamily Insurance
John Murphy
Office of Information Policies & Systems
Department of Housing and Urban Development
451 7th Street, SW, Room 4142
Washington, DC 20410 (202) 755-6374
This system provides automated online, interactive support in a data base environment for HUD's multifamily mortgage insurance programs. It accurately maintains the inventory of multifamily insurance in force cases, and all pertinent and historical data. It produces premium bills and new account receivables monthly. Geographical elements are County, Field Office, Locality Code, Mortgagor Address, Property Address, Regional Office and State. Data base maintained are Multifamily Insurance Projects, Multifamily Accounts Receivable, and Multifamily Payment Schedules. The IPS/Field Office responsible for this system is the Mortgage Insurance Accounting Systems Division. Sensitivity: Major Risk. Price: Variable.
Department of Housing and Urban Development Federal Data Bases
* Multifamily Property Management System
John Murphy
Office of Information Policies & Systems
Department of Housing and Urban Development
451 7th Street, SW, Room 4142
Washington, DC 20410 (202) 755-6374
This system provides HUD's Office of Multifamily Projects with a computerized Property Management System. Headquarters and certain Field Office Staff are able to inquire the status of multifamily properties through remote terminals connected with PMS. Geographical elements are Locality/Place Name, FIPS Locality/Place Code, HUD Locality/Place Code, Address, Metropolitan Statistical Area Name, Metropolitan Statistical Area Code, Regional Office Name, and Regional Office Codes. Data base maintained are HUD Owned Multifamily Projects/Mortgagee in Possession Projects. The IPS/Field Office responsible for this system is the Mortgage Insurance Accounting Systems Division. Sensitivity: Serious risk. Price: Variable.
Department of Housing and Urban Development Federal Data Bases
* Multifamily Tenant Characteristics System
John Murphy
Office of Information Policies & Systems
Department of Housing and Urban Development
451 7th Street, SW, Room 4142
Washington, DC 20410 (202) 755-6374
Currently, the MTCS system is collecting tenant characteristics for Public and Indian Housing Projects. It will also collect Civil Rights Occupancy Data for the Fiscal year 1989. The data will be used to strengthen assisted housing program management and monitoring; to support HUD's assisted housing policy and budget decisions; and to satisfy inquiries from Congress, the Office of Management and Budget, and various organizations in the private sector. Geographical elements are HUD Field Office, HUD Locality, HUD Regional Office, MSA, and State. Data base maintained are Project and Tenant Data (RDMS-1100). The IPS/Field Office responsible for this system is the Departmental Systems Division. Sensitivity: Serious risk. Price: Variable.
Department of Housing and Urban Development Federal Data Bases
* National Credit Bureau Referral
John Murphy
Office of Information Policies & Systems
Department of Housing and Urban Development
451 7th Street, SW, Room 4142
Washington, DC 20410 (202) 755-6374
The primary objective of this system is to establish the capability to prepare each month a computer magnetic tape containing data on debtors who are delinquent in payment of debts to HUD and data on delinquent debtors who have resolved their delinquency problems with HUD. The computer magnetic tape, containing debtor data from all HUD programs, must be copiable (a maximum of 6 copies) and transferable to National Credit Bureaus doing business with HUD. The tape sent to the credit bureaus will contain a consolidation of all HUD programs, since the individual HUD programs, such as Section 312, will be prohibited from transmitting data directly to credit bureaus. Geographical elements are State Name, Locality/Place Name. Data bases maintained are none. The IPS/Field Office responsible for this system is the Administrative Systems Division. Sensitivity: Serious Risk. Price: Variable.
Department of Housing and Urban Development Federal Data Bases
* OGC Case Tracking Systems Menu
John Murphy
Office of Information Policies & Systems
Department of Housing and Urban Development
451 7th Street, SW, Room 4142
Washington, DC 20410 (202) 755-6374
This system provides the Office of General Counsel (OGC) with an automated status tracking capability for: defensive and affirmative litigation cases; regulations from the time a rule is proposed until approved by Congress as a final; Multifamily Foreclosures from the time foreclosure action has been initiated through settlement; all Department Issuance and Executive Orders; Semi-Annual Agenda (SAA), a report of all rules making that the Department must submit every six months to Office of Management and budget (OMB) that will be published in the Federal Register; and the Congressional Schedule. All the modules provide OGC management with advance notice of critical dates and events coming due. The system also provides online and ad hoc query capability and report generation in the form of Xerox or hard copy. Geographical elements are Headquarters, Regional Office Name, and Field Office Code. Data base maintained are MAPPER. The IPS/Field Office responsible for this system is the Departmental Systems Division. Sensitivity: Minor risk. Price: Variable.
Department of Housing and Urban Development Federal Data Bases
* OIG Audit Findings
John Murphy
Office of Information Policies & Systems
Department of Housing and Urban Development
451 7th Street, SW, Room 4142
Washington, DC 20410 (202) 755-6374
This system tracks on-site operational performance evaluation review information and the status of findings. The search is performed in a microcomputer data base of narrative information. Statistical information is compiled in a narrative format. Geographical elements are none. Data base maintained are dBase III Plus. The IPS/Field Office responsible for this system is the Departmental Systems Division. Sensitivity: Negligible risk. Price: Variable.
Department of Housing and Urban Development Federal Data Bases
* OIG Audit Planning and Operations
John Murphy
Office of Information Policies & Systems
Department of Housing and Urban Development
451 7th Street, SW, Room 4142
Washington, DC 20410 (202) 755-6374
This system provides accurate and timely information concerning OIG audits. It tracks the status of ongoing audits and provides statistics on audit trends and patterns. The system also provides data for Departmental management and for semi-annual report to Congress. Geographical elements are Headquarters, Regional Office Codes. Data base maintained are APOS Master, APOS Report Request, and APOS Audit Trail. The IPS/Field Office responsible for this system is the Departmental Systems Division. Sensitivity: Negligible risk. Price: Variable.
Department of Housing and Urban Development Federal Data Bases
* OIG Automated Audits Management
John Murphy
Office of Information Policies & Systems
Department of Housing and Urban Development
451 7th Street, SW, Room 4142
Washington, DC 20410 (202) 755-6374
This system provides HUD program managers and OIG management with timely information on status and control of all audit recommendations. The system analyzes the recommendations in the audit reports and permits systematic identification and classification of these recommendations. The reports produced by the system aid the OIG in resolution of problems uncovered in these audits. Geographical elements are State Alpha Code, State Numeric Code, Locality/Place Name, HUD Locality/Place Code, City, Headquarters, Regional Office Names, Regional Office Codes, Field Office Names, Field Office Codes, and Organization Code. Data base maintained are AAMS Master, AAMS History, AAMS Report Request, and AAMS Audit Trail. The IPS/Field Office responsible for this system is the Departmental Systems Division. Sensitivity: Negligible risk. Price: Variable.
Department of Housing and Urban Development Federal Data Bases
* OIG Investigate Complaint File
John Murphy
Office of Information Policies & Systems
Department of Housing and Urban Development
451 7th Street, SW, Room 4142
Washington, DC 20410 (202) 755-6374
This system tracks the status of ongoing investigations, provides information on current and past investigations and statistics on investigative trends and patterns. Provides data for the semi-annual report to Congress. Geographical elements are State Name, City, Regional Office Name. Data base maintained are ICMS Master. The IPS/Field Office responsible for this system is the Departmental Systems Division. Sensitivity: Negligible risk. Price: Variable.
Department of Housing and Urban Development Federal Data Bases
* OIG Investigative Case Management
John Murphy
Office of Information Policies & Systems
Department of Housing and Urban Development
451 7th Street, SW, Room 4142
Washington, DC 20410 (202) 755-6374
This system tracks the status of ongoing investigations, provides information on current and past investigations and statistics on investigative trends and patterns. Provides data for the semi-annual report to Congress. Geographical elements are State Name, City, Regional Office Name. Data base maintained are ICMS Master. The IPS/Field Office responsible for this system is the Departmental Systems Division. Sensitivity: Negligible risk. Price: Variable.
Department of Housing and Urban Development Federal Data Bases
* OIG Name Indices
John Murphy
Office of Information Policies & Systems
Department of Housing and Urban Development
451 7th Street, SW, Room 4142
Washington, DC 20410 (202) 755-6374
This system provides the OIG with the capability to input the name of a person, company or organization connected with an OIG investigation and to retrieve all the identifying information, including HUD case number. Geographical elements are State Name and City. Data base maintained are ONIS - G07. The IPS/Field Office responsible for this system is the Departmental Systems Division. Sensitivity: Major risk. Price: Variable.
Department of Housing and Urban Development Federal Data Bases
* OPC Management Information
John Murphy
Office of Information Policies & Systems
Department of Housing and Urban Development
451 7th Street, SW, Room 4142
Washington, DC 20410 (202) 755-6374
This system provides a procedure and reporting structure to monitor procurement actions in both Pre-Award and Post-Award phases of contract development and execution. It also provides information concerning HUD's procurement activities for use in OMB's Federal Procurement Data System (FPDS). Awards in excess of $25,000 are reported individually and awards of lesser amounts are reported in summary form. Geographical elements are FIPS Locality/Place Code, Address, Organization Code. Data bases maintained are Pre-Award Master File, Post-Award Master File, Contractor Address Master File, and Edit/Dictionary Master File. The IPS/Field Office responsible for this system is the Administrative Systems Division. Sensitivity: Minor Risk. Price: Variable.
Department of Housing and Urban Development Federal Data Bases
* PD&R Management Information
John Murphy
Office of Information Policies & Systems
Department of Housing and Urban Development
451 7th Street, SW, Room 4142
Washington, DC 20410 (202) 755-6374
This system enhances the management and control of contract and assistance awarded activities of the Office of Policy Development and Research (PD&R) to ensure timely and effective contract developments. The System aids in budget development and execution and tracks the reservation and obligation of PD&R's research appropriations. It serves as the source of data and analysis of all of HUD's research activities. Geographical elements are Address. Data base maintained are PD&R Contracts Monitoring File (GTRs) and PD&R MIS: Budgeted/Obligated Funds. The IPS/Field Office responsible for this system is the Departmental Systems Division. Sensitivity: Minor risk. Price: Variable.
Department of Housing and Urban Development Federal Data Bases
* PDR American Housing Survey
John Murphy
Office of Information Policies & Systems
Department of Housing and Urban Development
451 7th Street, SW, Room 4142
Washington, DC 20410 (202) 755-6374
This system processes data from American Housing Survey (AHS) interviews for government and public use in understanding housing markets and evaluating HUD programs. Two online data bases and 20 loaded-on-request from tape data bases are maintained for use by PD&R researchers. Simple tabular reports can be generated directly by the menu driven system. Geographical elements are State Name, County Name, Census Locality/Place Code, City, Metropolitan Statistical Area Name, and Census Tract. Data base maintained are American Housing Survey (22 separate data bases). The IPS/Field Office responsible for this system is the Departmental Systems Division. Sensitivity: Minor risk. Price: Variable.
Department of Housing and Urban Development Federal Data Bases
* PDR Multifamily Inquiry
John Murphy
Office of Information Policies & Systems
Department of Housing and Urban Development
451 7th Street, SW, Room 4142
Washington, DC 20410 (202) 755-6374
This is an HUD-oriented file merger and report generator. It can merge any tenant, project, and sponsor (e.g., PHA's) level data which have a common project number, and aggregate these data by project sponsor, locality, state, or region. It is especially valuable in linking files for research projects where data from multiple files are needed. The system will calculate means, standard deviation, media, and other percentile breaks in addition to counting families and projects. Geographical elements are State Name, County Numeric Code, Locality/Place Name, City, Metropolitan Statistical Area Name, Zip Code, Congressional District, Census Tract, Public Housing Authority Name and/or Code, Regional Office Name. Data base maintained are Public Housing Section 8, Levels: Tenant, Project, Public Housing Authority, and Section 226 & Rent Supplement. The IPS/Field Office responsible for this system is the Departmental Systems Division. Sensitivity: Minor risk. Price: Variable.
Department of Housing and Urban Development Federal Data Bases
and Urban Development Federal Data Bases
* PDR Multifamily Inquiry
John Murphy
Office of Information Policies & Systems
Department of Housing and Urban Development
451 7th Street, SW, Room 4142
Washington, DC 20410
* Indian/Public Housing Authority Tracking - Region 9
John Murphy
Office of Information Policies & Systems
Department of Housing and Urban Development
451 7th Street, SW, Room 4142
Washington, DC 20410 (202) 755-6374
This system enables the Regional Housing Management staff to track HUD's monitoring of PHA/IHAs. It tracks the processing of applications in the Modernization Program and the submissions of required paperwork from FHAs/IHAs. The system also performs comparative analysis of PHA/IHA financial status. Geographical elements are State Name, City, and Zip Code. Data base maintained are Regional System 2000 Data Base. The IPS/Field Office responsible for this system is the Management Information Division-San Francisco. Sensitivity: Minor risk. Price: Variable.
Department of Housing and Urban Development Federal Data Bases
* Institution Master File
John Murphy
Office of Information Policies & Systems
Department of Housing and Urban Development
451 7th Street, SW, Room 4142
Washington, DC 20410 (202) 755-6374
This system maintains a file of institutions (mortgagees) which have been approved by HUD to participate in Mortgage Insurance Programs. This file is used for all mortgagee insurance accounting processing for validation of institutional identification/approval; the validated data and address information is also used for the CHUMS System. It is used by Housing's Office of Management to produce labels for mailing HUD publications and letters to all approved mortgagees. It provides Field Offices with reports which enable them to determine whether a mortgagee is approved to do business with HUD. Geographical elements are State Name, Zip Code, Regional Office Name, and Field Office Name. Data base maintained are Institution Master File (Title I and Title II Lender Files). The IPS/Field Office responsible for this system is the Housing Systems Division. Sensitivity: Negligible risk. Price: Variable.
Department of Housing and Urban Development Federal Data Bases
* Insurance in Force Premium Liquidations and Control
John Murphy
Office of Information Policies & Systems
Department of Housing and Urban Development
451 7th Street, SW, Room 4142
Washington, DC 20410 (202) 755-6374
This system controls the liquidation for the Department's FHA insurance premium accounts receivable due from mortgagees for Single Family Servicemen billings. Geographical elements are Address, Organization Code. Data base maintained is Premium Receivable. The IPS/Field Office responsible for this system is the Office of Finance and Accounting. Sensitivity: Minor Risk. Price: Variable.
Department of Housing and Urban Development Federal Data Bases
* International Affairs Information Retrieval System
John Murphy
Office of Information Policies & Systems
Department of Housing and Urban Development
451 7th Street, SW, Room 4142
Washington, DC 20410 (202) 755-6374
This system will provide tracking, monitoring, and evaluation data for disbursing and receiving delegations and visitors to and from foreign countries. Itineraries, travel arrangements, activities, associated costs and expenses, and types of HUD international programs will be monitored. Geographical elements are State Name, State Alpha Code, State Numeric Code, County Name, County Numeric Code, FIPS Locality/Place Code, Zip Code, and Headquarters. Data base maintained are Itinerary data base file. The IPS/Field Office responsible for this system is the Departmental Systems Division. Sensitivity: Negligible risk. Price: Variable.
Department of Housing and Urban Development Federal Data Bases
* Interstate Land Sales Registration
John Murphy
Office of Information Policies & Systems
Department of Housing and Urban Development
451 7th Street, SW, Room 4142
Washington, DC 20410 (202) 755-6374
This system provides information on the progress, status, and accuracy of developers' disclosure statements in the administration of the Interstate Land Sales Full Disclosure Act. The system also provides the basis for statistical information and enforcement follow-up. Geographical elements are State Name and Zip Code. Data base maintained are OILSR Master. The IPS/Field Office responsible for this system is the Housing Systems Division. Sensitivity: Serious risk. Price: Variable.
Department of Housing and Urban Development Federal Data Bases
* Inventory of Automated Systems
John Murphy
Office of Information Policies & Systems
Department of Housing and Urban Development
451 7th Street, SW, Room 4142
Washington, DC 20410 (202) 755-6374
This system is dedicated to providing information about all of the Department's ADP systems: this includes both Functional and Utility systems, mainframe systems located at other facilities and in house, and minicomputer and microcomputer systems which provide service to the Department as a whole whether administrative functions or programmatic services to the field. Geographical elements are Computer Interface and Acquisition, Contacts, Historical Events, Input and Output Information, Key Words, Purpose, Sponsor, Status Code, System Code, System Interface Information, System Name, Utilization. Data base maintained is IAS Data base. The IPS/Field Office responsible for this system is the Systems Engineering Group. Sensitivity: Minor Risk. Price: Variable.
Department of Housing and Urban Development Federal Data Bases
* Labor Relations Automation Program
John Murphy
Office of Information Policies & Systems
Department of Housing and Urban Development
451 7th Street, SW, Room 4142
Washington, DC 20410 (202) 755-6374
This system will help streamline operations in the Offices of Labor Relations across the nation by automating information storage, retrieval, maintenance, querying and reporting functions. It will assist in rapid retrieval of information, automate 11 manually maintained logs, provide up-to-the-minute reports, provide an automated clearance check for Debarred and Suspended contractors, automatically calculate wage restitution due employees and liquidated damages, track HUD insured and direct loan projects, track housing authorities and block grantees enforcement files, monitor operational reviews, track and monitor complaints, investigations, reports of wage restitution and appeals, monitor contractors on all projects, provide management reports, provide a multi-level security system, provide statistics for trend analysis, increase accuracy and currency of information within and outside of HUD. Geographical elements are Public Housing Authority Name and/or Code. Data base maintained are Agency Info DB, Appeal of Findings DB, Contract Award DB, Contractor Case DB, Employee Case DB, Contractor Info DB, 308 Request DB, General Wage Determination DB, HUD Job Classification DB, HUD Determined Wage DB, Legal Opinions DB, Notices/Transmittals DB, Office Parameters DB, Contractor Payroll DB, Pre-Construction Conference DB, Project/Contract DB, Wage Restitution DB, Speaking & Training DB, DB/Index Files DB, Document Types DB, Users Info DB, and Wage Request DB. The IPS/Field Office responsible for this system is the Departmental Systems Division. Sensitivity: Negligible risk. Price: Variable.
Department of Housing and Urban Development Federal Data Bases
* Letter of Credit Control
John Murphy
Office of Information Policies & Systems
Department of Housing and Urban Development
451 7th Street, SW, Room 4142
Washington, DC 20410 (202) 755-6374
The Letter of Credit Control System (LOCCS) was developed to control Departmental disbursements in accordance with directives from Treasury and OMB Circular A-127. The system is HUD's primary vehicle for cash management. LOCCS can make check payments and wire transfer funds to recipients. LOCCS utilizes both the Treasury Financial Communications System (TFCS) and the Automated Clearing House (ACH) payment mechanisms to make wire transfer payments. Geographical elements are State Numeric Code, County Numeric Code, HUD Locality/Place Code, City, Address, Regional Office Code, and Field Office Code. Data bases maintained are Letter of Credit/Direct Disbursement Authorization Data Base, Account (Project/Grant) Data Base, Rental Rehabilitation Management Information Data Base, Public Housing Budget and Payment Schedule Data Base, and Disbursement Data Base. The IPS/Field Office responsible for this system is the Administrative Systems Division. Sensitivity: Major Risk. Price: Variable.
Department of Housing and Urban Development Federal Data Bases
* Low Rent Housing System LRH Security Ledger
John Murphy
Office of Information Policies & Systems
Department of Housing and Urban Development
451 7th Street, SW, Room 4142
Washington, DC 20410 (202) 755-6374
This system supports the accounting for Low Rent Housing construction loans made to Public Housing Authorities (PHAs). The system automatically computes interest adjustments indicated as necessary by internal editing and testing, to ensure consistency in report from each PHA. The system also has the ability to adjust automatically the interest rate or contracts to the "going Federal rate of interest," as established semi-automatically by the Treasury Department in those cases where the interest rate is determined by legislative provision. Geographical elements are State Name, Regional Office Name, Field Office Name. Data base maintained is Security Ledger. The IPS/Field Office responsible for this system is the Administrative Systems Division. Sensitivity: Serious Risk. Price: Variable.
Department of Housing and Urban Development Federal Data Bases
* Mailing List - Region 6
John Murphy
Office of Information Policies & Systems
Department of Housing and Urban Development
451 7th Street, SW, Room 4142
Washington, DC 20410 (202) 755-6374
This system provides a single source for any office within the Region to produce mailing labels. Each record contains multiple designations of user organizations and addresses types allowing retrieval of the mailing labels for a specific organization or an addressee type, or a combination of both organization and addressee type. Geographical elements are State Alpha Code, County Name, County Numeric Code, Address, Regional Office Code, and Field Office Code. Data base maintained are MALIS File. The IPS/Field Office responsible for this system is the Management Information Division-Fort Worth. Sensitivity: Negligible risk. Price: Variable.
Department of Housing and Urban Development Federal Data Bases
* MIA Diversified Payments
John Murphy
Office of Information Policies & Systems
Department of Housing and Urban Development
451 7th Street, SW, Room 4142
Washington, DC 20410 (202) 755-6374
MIADPS is a voucher payment system. Payments can be made by check tape or ACH tape via an interface with the Treasury Check Writing System (A94). Geographical elements are State Numeric Code, Address, Regional Office Code, and Field Office. Code. Data base maintained are none. The IPS/Field Office responsible for this system is the Administrative Systems Division. Sensitivity: Serious risk. Price: Variable.
Department of Housing and Urban Development Federal Data Bases
* Modernization Approval Data
John Murphy
Office of Information Policies & Systems
Department of Housing and Urban Development
451 7th Street, SW, Room 4142
Washington, DC 20410 (202) 755-6374
Its function is tracking modernization funds expended by the individual Public and Indian Housing Authorities. It is responsible for maintaining the current status of funding for active modernization and individual projects, tracking those individual projects with unobligated funds past the funds obligation due date, and archiving those modernization projects that are closed out. Geographical elements are State Name, Regional Office Name, Field Office Name. Data base maintained are 149 various data bases. The IPS/Field Office responsible for this system is the Departmental Systems Division. Sensitivity: Minor risk. Price: Variable.
Department of Housing and Urban Development Federal Data Bases
* Mortgagee Performance Monitoring
John Murphy
Office of Information Policies & Systems
Department of Housing and Urban Development
451 7th Street, SW, Room 4142
Washington, DC 20410 (202) 755-6374
This system provides the Assistant Secretary for Housing with an automated capability for monitoring mortgagee performance. The system compares mortgagee foreclosure rates against national norms. This permits special analysis and attention to mortgagees with abnormal performance. The comparison is made on a selected, contiguous time frame that may vary from one quarter to five years. Standard processing is on a quarterly basis. Geographical elements are State Name and Field Office. Data base maintained are none. The IPS/Field Office responsible for this system is the Housing Systems Division. Sensitivity: Minor risk. Price: Variable.#
Department of Housing and Urban Development Federal Data Bases
* Multifamily Assessment System
John Murphy
Office of Information Policies & Systems
Department of Housing and Urban Development
451 7th Street, SW, Room 4142
Washington, DC 20410 (202) 755-6374
This system supports research to generate an accurate information base and analytic capacity that will help HUD to anticipate and systematically access changes in the FHA insured multifamily inventory, device timely responses to protect public investment and low-income households, and evaluate policy alternatives. Key products will be a probability sample of properties, an integrated data base, modeling and indicators suitable for future policy analyses by HUD, and specific analyses of under maintenance, mortgage failure, prepayment, and Section 8 opt outs. Geographical elements are none. Data base maintained are none. The IPS/Field Office responsible for this system is the AISDC. Sensitivity: Minor risk. Price: Variable.
Department of Housing and Urban Development Federal Data Bases
* Multifamily Excess Rental Income
John Murphy
Office of Information Policies & Systems
Department of Housing and Urban Development
451 7th Street, SW, Room 4142
Washington, DC 20410 (202) 755-6374
This system maintains amounts due and amounts paid to HUD as required by Section 236 of the National Housing Act of 1968 regarding the administration of the Multifamily Excess Rental Income Program. Geographical elements are Address. Data bases maintained are A25 Master File and A25 Audit History File. The IPS/Field Office responsible for this system is the Administrative Systems Division. Sensitivity: Serious Risk. Price: Variable.
Department of Housing and Urban Development Federal Data Bases
* Multifamily Information Processing
John Murphy
Office of Information Policies & Systems
Department of Housing and Urban Development
451 7th Street, SW, Room 4142
Washington, DC 20410 (202) 755-6374
This system will consolidate and replace the functions of the Multifamily Insured Direct Loan Information System, Office of Loan Management System and Computerized Underwriting Processing System. In addition, the system will also interface with other HUD multifamily systems to provide a comprehensive National Data Base of multifamily activities. Geographical elements are Census Tract, Congressional District, HUD Field Office, HUD Locality Code, HUD Regional Office and State. Data base maintained are MIPS National Data base, Field MIPS Local Data base, and Field MIPS Underwriting Data base. The IPS/Field Office responsible for this system is the Housing Systems Division. Sensitivity: Minor risk. Price: Variable.
Department of Housing and Urban Development Federal Data Bases
ice of Information Policies & Systems
Department of Housing and Urban Development
451 7th Street, SWrm. Geographical elements are FIPS Locality/Place Code, Address, Organization Code. Data bases maintained are Pre-Award Master File, Post-Award Master File, Contractor Address Master File, and Edit/Dictionary Master File. The IPS/Field Office responsible for this system is the
* Distribution and Mailing List
John Murphy
Office of Information Policies & Systems
Department of Housing and Urban Development
451 7th Street, SW, Room 4142
Washington, DC 20410 (202) 755-6374
This system automates the Department's distribution labeling and mailing list. It replaces old equipment formerly used by the Printing and Visual Arts Division. Geographical elements are State Name, County Name, Locality/Place Name, Headquarters, Regional Office Name, Field Office Name. Data base maintained is DMLS S2K Master File(s). The IPS/Field Office responsible for this system is the Administrative Systems Division. Sensitivity: Minor Risk. Price: Variable.
Department of Housing and Urban Development Federal Data Bases
* Employees Time Reporting System
John Murphy
Office of Information Policies & Systems
Department of Housing and Urban Development
451 7th Street, SW, Room 4142
Washington, DC 20410 (202) 755-6374
This system applies time expended against HUD programs by Headquarters, Regional, and Field Office. It produces detailed reports to assist managers in tracking personnel expenditures by program area against projected program budgets. Data are produced for use in budget formulation and execution, monitoring staff resource expenditures against staff allocations, work measurement, productivity analysis, and the billing of other Federal agencies for reimbursable work performed. Geographical elements are HUD Field Office, HUD Headquarters, and HUD Regional Office. Data bases maintained are Location Code Translation File, Location Summary Master File, Skill Code Translation File, Time Master File, Time Reporting Code Translation File, and Organization Code Translation File. The IPS/Field Office responsible for this system is the Administrative Systems Division. Sensitivity: Serious risk. Price: Variable.
Department of Housing and Urban Development Federal Data Bases
* Enterprise Zone Management Information System
John Murphy
Office of Information Policies & Systems
Department of Housing and Urban Development
451 7th Street, SW, Room 4142
Washington, DC 20410 (202) 755-6374
This system provides basic information used to select applications for the Enterprise Zone Program. Ranks data for applications and produces reports. Geographical elements are State Name, County Name, HUD Locality/Place Code, Metropolitan Statistical Area Name. Data base maintained are Application Data base, Audit Data base, and Rankrep. The IPS/Field Office responsible for this system is the Departmental Systems Division. Sensitivity: Negligible risk. Price: Variable.
Department of Housing and Urban Development Federal Data Bases
* Fair Share Allocations/Commitments Tabulation - Region 5
John Murphy
Office of Information Policies & Systems
Department of Housing and Urban Development
451 7th Street, SW, Room 4142
Washington, DC 20410 (202) 755-6374
This system develops a "fair share" or allocation factor to reflect the relative amount of need for housing assistance for each county (and MSA central city) within the jurisdiction of the Field Office, and translates that factor into an appropriate dollar amount in housing assistance for the current funding cycle. Geographical elements are State Name, County Name, City, Locality/Place Code, Metropolitan Statistical Area Name, and Regional Office Name. Data base maintained are FACTS Data Base. The IPS/Field Office responsible for this system is the Management Information Division-Chicago. Sensitivity: Minor Risk. Price: Variable.
Department of Housing and Urban Development Federal Data Bases
* Federal Assistance Award Data
John Murphy
Office of Information Policies & Systems
Department of Housing and Urban Development
451 7th Street, SW, Room 4142
Washington, DC 20410 (202) 755-6374
This system gathers information from Department-wide program systems to satisfy a mandate by the Office of Management and Budget (OMB). This information is provided to OMB via computer tape quarterly. OMB forwards the FAADS data to the States. The system provides the data by discrete quarters for HUD's grants or project awards. Information collected provides data on expenditures or obligations to Congress, Executive Branch, and other political and private interest groups. Geographical elements are State Name, County Name, Locality/Place Name, Zip Code, Congressional District. Data bases maintained are none. The IPS/Field Office responsible for this system is the Administrative Systems Division. Sensitivity: Serious Risk. Price: Variable.
Department of Housing and Urban Development Federal Data Bases
* FHEO Complaints and Compliance Review
John Murphy
Office of Information Policies & Systems
Department of Housing and Urban Development
451 7th Street, SW, Room 4142
Washington, DC 20410 (202) 755-6374
This system is a management information and reporting system designed to meet the major needs of the Assistant Secretary for Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity with respect to evaluation and management of the complaint and compliance program. For each complaint processed and compliance review conducted, the system contains the data necessary to track compliance activities through their critical stages, as well as descriptive information regarding the issues and programs involved. Geographical elements are State Name, County Name, and Regional Office Name. Data base maintained are Title VIII Compliance Review Master E02ABA, Title VI & Sec 109 Complaint and Compliance Review Master E02ACA, EEO Contract Clause Complaint and Compliance Review Master E02ADA, Section 3 Complaint and Compliance Review Master E02AEA, and Title VIII Complaint Master E02AAA. The IPS/Field Office responsible for this system is the Departmental Systems Division. Sensitivity: Negligible risk. Price: Variable.
Department of Housing and Urban Development Federal Data Bases
* FHEO Entitlement Monitoring System
John Murphy
Office of Information Policies & Systems
Department of Housing and Urban Development
451 7th Street, SW, Room 4142
Washington, DC 20410 (202) 755-6374
This system provides FHEO with a tool to assure fair housing and equal opportunity in all HUD programs and is used in Headquarters for policy making, program review, assessments and evaluations, and resource allocation. In the field it is used for compliance reviews and monitoring of Community Development Block Grants (CDBG) Entitlements, HUD-administered Small Cities and Urban Development Action Grants (UDAG), and subsidized housing. Geographical elements are none. Data base maintained are EMS Data base. The IPS/Field Office responsible for this system is the Departmental Systems Division. Sensitivity: Negligible risk. Price: Variable.
Department of Housing and Urban Development Federal Data Bases
* Field Office Reporting and Management/ Community Planning & Development
John Murphy
Office of Information Policies & Systems
Department of Housing and Urban Development
451 7th Street, SW, Room 4142
Washington, DC 20410 (202) 755-6374
This system provides key information necessary to track Community Development Block Grants and Urban Development Action Grants. Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity data associated with the administration of these programs are also tracked. Geographical elements are State Alpha Code, Locality/Place Name, Locality/Place Name, FIPS Locality/Place Code, HUD Locality/Place Code, Census Locality/Place Code, Metropolitan Statistical Area Code, Congressional District, Census Tract, Regional Office Name, and Field Office Name. Data base maintained is Field Office System 2000 Data Base. The IPS/Field Office responsible for this system is the Department Systems Division. Sensitivity: Minor Risk. Price: Variable.
Department of Housing and Urban Development Federal Data Bases
* Flexible Subsidy System
John Murphy
Office of Information Policies & Systems
Department of Housing and Urban Development
451 7th Street, SW, Room 4142
Washington, DC 20410 (202) 755-6374
The Flexible Subsidy System is used by the HUD Regional Accounting Divisions (RADs) to accrue interest and calculate principal balance for flexible subsidy loans and to produce various reports concerning the status of those loans. Geographical elements are State Name, Address, Field Office Names, and Field Office Codes. Data bases maintained are Project File and Transaction File. The IPS/Field Office responsible for this system is the Administrative Systems Division. Sensitivity: Serious Risk. Price: Variable.
Department of Housing and Urban Development Federal Data Bases
* Geographic Code System
John Murphy
Office of Information Policies & Systems
Department of Housing and Urban Development
451 7th Street, SW, Room 4142
Washington, DC 20410 (202) 755-6374
This system contains geographic codes for approximately 41,000 named locality records. Included are records for counties, incorporated and unincorporated municipalities, and other geographically definable localities where HUD projects, contracts, grants, and other activities are located. The system provides tools to relate data in other HUD systems, whether automated or manual, to specific geographic entities such as municipalities, counties, Metropolitan Statistical Areas (MSAs), Congressional Districts, and States. It contains Federal Information Processing Standards (FIPS) codes for States, MSAs, counties, and places; but it uses standard HUD codes for other geographic entities. Most of the locality records also contain 1980 population data. Geographical elements are State Name, State Alpha Code, State Numeric Code, County Name, County Numeric Code, Locality/Place Name, FIPS Locality/Place Code, HUD Locality/Place Code, Census Locality/Place Code, Metropolitan Statistical Area Code, Congressional District, Regional Office Names, Regional Office Codes, Field Office Name, Field Office Code, Field Office Names, and Field Office Codes. Data base maintained are Geographic Code Master File (ASCII) and Geographic Code Master File (FIELDATA). The IPS/Field Office responsible for this system is the Administrative Systems Division. Sensitivity: Minor risk. Price: Variable.
Department of Housing and Urban Development Federal Data Bases
This system provides the GNMA Office of Mortgage-Back Securities with information necessary to evaluate issuer requests for new commitments and to determine if the net worth of an issuer is sufficient to guarantee a new security. Geographical elements are Locality/Place Name, Address. Data bases maintained are Mortgage-Backed Securities Data Base (DMS1100) and Issuer Name & Address File. The IPS/Field Office responsible for this system is the Departmental Systems Division. Sensitivity: Serious Risk. Price: Variable.
Department of Housing and Urban Development Federal Data Bases
* Government Transportation Request Control
John Murphy
Office of Information Policies & Systems
Department of Housing and Urban Development
451 7th Street, SW, Room 4142
Washington, DC 20410 (202) 755-6374
This system provides administrative control over the issuance of Government Transportation Requests (GTRs). It assists in avoiding fraud and abuse and ensures that employees do not leave the Department with GTRs charged to them. Geographical elements are Organization Code. Data bases maintained are GTR Master File and Organization Code File. The IPS/Field Office responsible for this system is the Administrative Systems Division. Sensitivity: Minor Risk. Price: Variable.
Department of Housing and Urban Development Federal Data Bases
* GPA Diversified Payments Disbursements
John Murphy
Office of Information Policies & Systems
Department of Housing and Urban Development
451 7th Street, SW, Room 4142
Washington, DC 20410 (202) 755-6374
This system features direct input of voucher information via key-to-tape data entry media and produces, in check format, data for sending to the Treasury Department's Disbursing Office for issuance of checks. It also accumulates records of the disbursements that are reportable to the Internal Revenue Service and provides a periodic report by IRS/ID number of amounts subject to tax regulations under Section 6041 of the Internal Revenue Code. Geographical elements are HUD FIeld Office, HUD Regional Office, State. Data base maintained is Accumulated Daily. The IPS/Field Office responsible for this system is the Administrative Systems Division. Sensitivity: Serious Risk. Price: Variable.
Department of Housing and Urban Development Federal Data Bases
* Homeless Assistance Management Information System
John Murphy
Office of Information Policies & Systems
Department of Housing and Urban Development
451 7th Street, SW, Room 4142
Washington, DC 20410 (202) 755-6374
This system provides microcomputer support for CPD's Emergency Shelter Grant Program. It covers grant applications, post approval monitoring and grantee performance reporting. It also provides support for other CPD activities pertaining to (1) homeless people and (2) general support for the Interagency Council on the Homeless. Geographical elements are State Name, Locality/Place Name, HUD Locality/Place Code, Address, Regional Office Codes, Field Office Codes. Data base maintained are Grantee (ESGP), FIPS, Shelter Facilities (ESGP), Shelter Financing (ESGP), Plan (Homeless), Actual (Homeless), FIPS (Homeless), Shelter Description, and SEC.DBF. The IPS/Field Office responsible for this system is the Departmental Systems Division. Sensitivity: Negligible risk. Price: Variable.
Department of Housing and Urban Development Federal Data Bases
* Housing Development Grant Information System
John Murphy
Office of Information Policies & Systems
Department of Housing and Urban Development
451 7th Street, SW, Room 4142
Washington, DC 20410 (202) 755-6374
This system supports the automated collection of data on applicants applying for consideration by the Housing Development Grant Program. The system also supports the selection process by ranking the application according to weighted evaluation criteria. In addition, the system handles ad hoc online queries, as well as tracking and monitoring the progress of the program. Geographical elements are County Code, HUD Field Office, HUD Regional Office, MSA Code, and State. Data base maintained are HDGIS Master Data Base for each FY starting with FY 84 and HDGIS Management Data Base. The IPS/Field Office responsible for this system is the Housing Systems Division. Sensitivity: Minor risk. Price: Variable.
Department of Housing and Urban Development Federal Data Bases
* HUD User Online
HUD User
P.O. Box 6091 (800) 245-2691
Rockville, MD 20850 (301) 251-5154
HUD User Online, the only data base devoted to housing and urban development, is produced by HUD User and made available through BRS/SEARCH Service. The data base contains bibliographic references to approximately 5,500 reports, articles, case studies, and manuals. The majority of documents in the data base have been produced or sponsored by Federal Government agencies - in particular, HUD's Office of Policy Development and Research and other HUD divisions. A small number of commercially published books and journal articles are also included. Each entry contains complete bibliographic information and an abstract.
Department of Housing and Urban Development Federal Data Bases
ta Bases
* HUD User Online
HUD User
P.O. Box 6091 (800) 245-2691
Rockville, MD 20850 (301) 251-5154
policy analyses by HUD, and specific analyses of under maintenance, mortgage failure, prepayment, and Section 8 opt
* Commercial Bank Mortgages Survey
John Murphy
Office of Information Policies & Systems
Department of Housing and Urban Development
451 7th Street, SW, Room 4142
Washington, DC 20410 (202) 755-6374
This system is used by the Office of Financial Management, Housing, to survey originations, purchase, sales, repayments, and holdings of mortgage loans by commercial banks. The commercial bank survey, when combined with similar surveys for savings and loan associations, mortgage companies and life insurance companies, provides the only comprehensive source of data on developments in the national market. Geographical elements are Headquarters. Data base maintained are Current month plus previous month's master and history. The IPS/Field Office responsible for this system is the Housing Systems Division. Sensitivity: Serious Risk. Price: Variable.
Department of Housing and Urban Development Federal Data Bases
* Community Development Block Grant - Contract Activity (CCAS)
John Murphy
Office of Information Policies & Systems
Department of Housing and Urban Development
451 7th Street, SW, Room 4142
Washington, DC 20410 (202) 755-6374
This system provides the Field and Headquarters staff with the capability of reporting and evaluating the effectiveness of the Minority Business Enterprise (MBE) program throughout the Department. MBE goals are assigned to the regions each fiscal year; it is the region's responsibility to report contract and subcontract dollars awarded. The Minority Contract dollars reported will be compared to the goals and evaluated by Headquarters. Geographical elements are County Code, FIPS Locality Code, HUD Locality. Data base maintained are CDBG Contract Activity Data Base, Contractor Master File (at each PC site), and Contract Activity File (at each PC site). The IPS/Field Office responsible for this system is the Departmental Systems Division. Sensitivity: Minor Risk. Price: Variable.
Department of Housing and Urban Development Federal Data Bases
* Community Planning and Development Information
Office of Data Systems and Statistics
Housing and Urban Development
451 Seventh St., SW, Room 7236
Washington, DC 20410 (202) 755-7390
This data base contains information concerning all the grant programs under Community Planning and Development. The Programs include Community Development Block Grants, Section 108 Loan Guarantees, Emergency Shelter Grants, Urban Development Action Grants, Rehabilitation Loans, Urban Homesteading, Rental Rehabilitation Grants, and Relocation and Acquisition. Information is available regarding who received funds, the amount of the grant, when the grant was awarded, and some general information regarding how the money was spent.
Department of Housing and Urban Development Federal Data Bases
* Complaint and Compliance Review
John Murphy
Office of Information Policies & Systems
Department of Housing and Urban Development
451 7th Street, SW, Room 4142
Washington, DC 20410 (202) 755-6374
Formerly known as Substantially Equivalent Agencies Local/State (SEALS) System, this system provides an automated method for updating and reporting the processing status and final results of complaints filed under Title VIII of the Civil Rights Act of 1968, handled by Substantially Equivalent Local and State Agencies as well as HUD Regional FHEO Offices. It also maintains and reports complaints filed under Executive Order 11063 handled only by HUD Regional FHEO Offices. Geographical elements are State Name, County Name, and Regional Office Name. Data base maintained are SEALS Agency Master E088A and SEALS Complaint Master E088A. The IPS/Field Office responsible for this system is the Departmental Systems Division. Sensitivity: Minor Risk. Price: Variable.
Department of Housing and Urban Development Federal Data Bases
* Computerized Homes Underwriting Management System
John Murphy
Office of Information Policies & Systems
Department of Housing and Urban Development
451 7th Street, SW, Room 4142
Washington, DC 20410 (202) 755-6374
This system assists and supports Field staff in the processing of single family mortgage insurance applications from initial receipt through endorsement. In addition to tracking and processing assistance, it provides automated assistance in appraisal and mortgage credit evaluation. Geographical elements are State Name, State Alpha Code, State Numeric Code, County Numeric Code, Locality/Place Name, Census Locality/Place Code, Address, Zip Code, Census. Data base maintained are Case Master File, Endorsed Cases File, Property Reject File, Field Office Accounting File, High-Cost County File, Title II Institution Master File, Zip Code Master File, Property Address Master File, Staff Characteristic File, and Firm Commitment File. The IPS/Field Office responsible for this system is the Housing Systems Division. Sensitivity: Minor Risk. Price: Variable.
Department of Housing and Urban Development Federal Data Bases
* Computerized Homes Underwriting Management, CHUMS Lender Access System
John Murphy
Office of Information Policies & Systems
Department of Housing and Urban Development
451 7th Street, SW, Room 4142
Washington, DC 20410 (202) 755-6374
The Computerized Homes Underwriting Management System (CHUMS) Lender Access System (CLAS) is a microcomputer based software package for use by lending institutions authorized to process single family mortgage loan applications under the Federal Housing Administrative (FHA) program of the US Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). The actual applications processing is done by CHUMS. CLAS is only a conduit between lender offices and CHUMS. CLAS provides a lender with a quick and efficient means to transfer needed loan application information via an electronic mailbox to local HUD Field Offices in order to obtain case numbers and appraiser assignments for new mortgage applications and the current processing status of existing FHA mortgage applications. Geographical elements are State Alpha Code, County Numeric Code, Address, and Zip code. Data base maintained are F17 CHUMS - A DB is maintained on each PC. The IPS/Field Office responsible for this system is the Housing Systems Division. Sensitivity: Negligible Risk. Price: Variable.
Department of Housing and Urban Development Federal Data Bases
* Computerized Underwriting Processing System
John Murphy
Office of Information Policies & Systems
Department of Housing and Urban Development
451 7th Street, SW, Room 4142
Washington, DC 20410 (202) 755-6374
This system is designed to facilitate the underwriting processes of costing for projects from conception through property appraisal, mortgage credit analysis, and final endorsement. Geographical elements are HUD Field Office, State. Data base maintained are Project Master, Insured Project, and Comparables. The IPS/Field Office responsible for this system is the Housing Systems Division. Sensitivity: Minor Risk. Price: Variable.
Department of Housing and Urban Development Federal Data Bases
* Consolidated Single Family Statistical
John Murphy
Office of Information Policies & Systems
Department of Housing and Urban Development
451 7th Street, SW, Room 4142
Washington, DC 20410 (202) 755-6374
This system consolidates statistical data collection and storage for all automated single family systems, including: Appraisal and Statistical Collection, Congressional Reporting, Single Family Insurance Activities, Single Family Statistical Reporting, Single Family Trends Data, Ten-Year Statistical, Fiscal Control, Single Family Default Monitoring System, and Mortgagee Performance Monitoring System. Geographical elements are Census Tract, Regional Office Name, and Field Office Name. Data base maintained are Default master file, Portfolio/Delinquency Master file, Mortgagee Master file, Insurance in Force, and Composite Master File. The IPS/Field Office responsible for this system is the Housing Systems Division. Sensitivity: Serious Risk. Price: Variable.
Department of Housing and Urban Development Federal Data Bases
* Consumer Complaint & Inquiry Handling
John Murphy
Office of Information Policies & Systems
Department of Housing and Urban Development
451 7th Street, SW, Room 4142
Washington, DC 20410 (202) 755-6374
This system controls and tracks complaint-type correspondence to improve the handling of consumer complaints. Analysis of this information identifies possible HUD problem areas. Nature of complaints received through this system are furnished to the Secretary, Under Secretary, Assistant Secretaries, and principal Departmental staff. Timeliness and responsiveness to consumers and to their problems are monitored by this system. Geographical elements are City, HUD Regional Office, and State. Data base maintained are Consumer Complaint Master and Consumer Complaint Monthly Summary. The IPS/Field Office responsible for this system is the Housing Systems Division. Sensitivity: Serious Risk. Price: Variable.
Department of Housing and Urban Development Federal Data Bases
* CPD/Management Information Retrieval System
John Murphy
Office of Information Policies & Systems
Department of Housing and Urban Development
451 7th Street, SW, Room 4142
Washington, DC 20410 (202) 755-6374
This system collects and complies data used to track the allotment of expenditures and services provided through grants made available by the Office of the CPD. It is used to evaluate the Indian CDBG program. It measures activities planned versus completed. Geographical elements are State Name, HUD Locality/Place Code, Metropolitan Statistical Area Name, Indian Housing Authority Name and/or Code, Regional Office Name, Field Office Name. Data base maintained are INFRST 1, LANDACQ 1, Project, REHAB 1, REHAB 2, ACTCODE, Grant, FIPS, and Comment. The IPS/Field Office responsible for this system is the Departmental Systems Division. Sensitivity: Negligible risk. Price: Variable.
Department of Housing and Urban Development Federal Data Bases
* Credit Alert Interactive Voice Response
John Murphy
Office of Information Policies & Systems
Department of Housing and Urban Development
451 7th Street, SW, Room 4142
Washington, DC 20410 (202) 755-6374
This system is to inform lenders whether or not a borrower (or co-borrower) is currently in default or has had a claim on a FHA mortgage in the last (3) years and if so, the FHA case numbers associated with the claim default. Geographical elements are none. Data base maintained are Mortgage ID Numbers and Social Security Numbers of Borrowers/Co-Borrowers with Claims Defaults in 3 years. The IPS/Field Office responsible for this system is the Housing Systems Divisions. Sensitivity: Minor Risk. Price: Variable.
Department of Housing and Urban Development Federal Data Bases
* Critical Path Processing
John Murphy
Office of Information Policies & Systems
Department of Housing and Urban Development
451 7th Street, SW, Room 4142
Washington, DC 20410 (202) 755-6374
The system provides HUD's Property Disposition function with an automated means for inventory control and monitoring. It is a field reporting system designed to provide a wide variety of management reports to HUD's Regional Offices and Headquarters with the intent of promoting orderly and timely processing of acquired home properties from the time of the acquisition to sales closing. Geographical elements are State Name, City, Census Tract, and Regional Office Name. Data base maintained are Case Master, Tax Master, Area Management Broker Master, Tax Authority Master, Bid Sales Master, and Demolition Contracts Master. The IPS/Field Office responsible for this system is the Housing Systems Division. Sensitivity: Major Risk. Price: Variable.
Department of Housing and Urban Development Federal Data Bases
* Davis-Bacon Wage Rate Determination System - Region 10
John Murphy
Office of Information Policies & Systems
Department of Housing and Urban Development
451 7th Street, SW, Room 4142
Washington, DC 20410 (202) 755-6374
This system calculates determination of wage rates subject to the Davis-Bacon Act from survey information. Geographical elements are Market Area. Data base maintained are none. The IPS/Field Office responsible for this system is the Management Information Division -Seattle. Sensitivity: Negligible risk. Price: Variable.
Department of Housing and Urban Development Federal Data Bases
* Declarations of Trust System
John Murphy
Office of Information Policies & Systems
Department of Housing and Urban Development
451 7th Street, SW, Room 4142
Washington, DC 20410 (202) 755-6374
The Declarations of Trust (DOT) Tracking System maintains a data base of all DOTs in the Regional and Field Offices, current and historical. The data base provides reporting capabilities on all projects in the data base and a status report for each project assigned to a Public Housing Authority. Geographical elements are Regional Office Code, Field Office Code. Data base maintained are dBase III+ Microcomputer. The IPS/Field Office responsible for this system is the Departmental Systems Division. Sensitivity: Minor Risk. Price: Variable.
Department of Housing and Urban Development Federal Data Bases
* Delinquent Data Control
John Murphy
Office of Information Policies & Systems
Department of Housing and Urban Development
451 7th Street, SW, Room 4142
Washington, DC 20410 (202) 755-6374
The system is an online system that tracks and reports claims due to HUD, and a batch system that produces reports. Any terminal connected to the Unisys 1100 may be used to access the system. The user selects the desired transaction and the data base is updated as the transaction necessitates. All data is entered via prompts from the system and checked for validity. Geographical elements are City, Zip Code, Headquarters, Regional Office Name, Regional Office Code, Field Office Name, Field Office Code, and Organization Code. Data base maintained is DDCS Data Base. The IPS/Field Office responsible for this system is the Administrative Systems Division. Sensitivity: Serious Risk. Price: Variable.
Department of Housing and Urban Development Federal Data Bases
* Demographic Eligibility and Allocations
John Murphy
Office of Information Policies & Systems
Department of Housing and Urban Development
451 7th Street, SW, Room 4142
Washington, DC 20410 (202) 755-6374
This system allocates appropriated funds to localities which HUD determines to be eligible, based upon population and other demographic characteristics attributable to the various eligible communities. The allocation system uses mathematical formulae in which in which each community's characteristics are compared with those of all such eligible communities to determine its relative share of the funds to be allocated. The specific formulae are set forth in the legislation. The system also allocates discretionary funds among geographical areas. Rental Rehabilitation Grants are determined from the Census demography data by formulae set forth in Rental Rehabilitation Legislation. Low/Moderate income reports are generated for use in defining activity areas. Geographical elements are State Name, State Numeric Code, County Name, County Numeric Code, Locality/Place Name, HUD Locality/Place Code, Census Locality/Place Code, City Metropolitan Statistical Area Name, and Metropolitan Statistical Area Code. Data bases maintained are CDBG Census Master, CDBG Entitlement Master, Scientific Information Retrieval (SIR) Data Bases, CDBG Rental Rehabilitation Master, and UDAG Evaluation P. C. Data Base. The IPS/Field Office responsible for this system is the Departmental Systems Division. Sensitivity: Serious Risk. Price: Variable.
Department of Housing and Urban Development Federal Data Bases
ive Systems Division. Sensitivity: Serious Risk. Price: Variable.
Department of Housing and Urban Development Federal Data Bases
ng Systems Division. Sensitivity: Minor risk. Price: Variable.
* Administrative Law Judges Case Tracking System
John Murphy
Office of Information Policies & Systems
Department of Housing and Urban Development
451 7th Street, SW, Room 4142
Washington, DC 20410 (202) 755-6374
This system provides a more efficient and effective way of collecting and maintaining data generated from the case inventory, evaluating and balancing judicial workloads and identifying concerns as they arise within the CASES inventory. CASES has the capacity to utilize a variety of critical elements and compile current status reports of both cases and corresponding action items as well as assigned judicial workloads. Geographical elements are Headquarters. Data base maintained is dBase III+ Microcomputer. The IPS/Field Office responsible for this system is the Departmental Systems Division. Sensitivity: Serious Risk. Price: Variable.
Department of Housing and Urban Development Federal Data Bases
* ADP Billing/Resource Monitoring
John Murphy
Office of Information Policies & Systems
Department of Housing and Urban Development
451 7th Street, SW, Room 4142
Washington, DC 20410 (202) 755-6374
This system accounts for the utilization and user chargeback of ADP resources as required by OMB Circular A-130. The system provides ADP users with ADP cost and resource consumption levels and the Office of Finance and Accounting with reports of ADP costs. Geographical elements are none. Data base maintained is BRMS Master File. The IPS/Field Office responsible for this system is the Administrative Systems Division. Sensitivity: Negligible risk. Price: Variable.
Department of Housing and Urban Development Federal Data Bases
* Affirmative Action
John Murphy
Office of Information Policies & Systems
Department of Housing and Urban Development
451 7th Street, SW, Room 4142
Washington, DC 20410 (202) 755-6374
The purpose of the system is to produce reports for the Affirmative Action Staff that are mandated by the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEDC), and the Office of Personnel Management (OPM). Also, this system produces reports for HUD managers to show progress toward affirmative action goals. Geographical elements are Field Office, Headquarters. Data base maintained is Selected TOPPS data on Sperry PC. The IPS/Field Office responsible for this system is the Departmental Systems Division. Sensitivity: Major Risk. Price: Variable.
Department of Housing and Urban Development Federal Data Bases
* Annual Contributions
John Murphy
Office of Information Policies & Systems
Department of Housing and Urban Development
451 7th Street, SW, Room 4142
Washington, DC 20410 (202) 755-6374
This system processes Low Rent Housing accounting data to produce monthly annual contribution obligation vouchers, obligation and refund summary listings, annual contributions, accounts payable, ledger trial balances, unliquidated obligations, net disbursements by State, status of appropriations, and authorization for annual contributions to Public Housing Authorities. Geographical elements are State Name, Regional Office Name, Field Office Name. Data bases maintained are Name/Address, Obligation/Refund Summaries, Annual Contributions, Accounts Payable, Unliquidated Obligations. The IPS/Field Office responsible for this system is the Administrative Systems Division. Sensitivity: Serious Risk. Price: variable.
Department of Housing and Urban Development Federal Data Bases
* Annual Housing Survey Data Project Data Files
Project Manager
ABT Associates, Inc.
55 Wheeler Street
Cambridge, MA 02138 (617) 492-7100
Sponsored by the US Department of Housing and Urban Development, the Annual Housing Survey (AHS) collects data every other year on the Nation's people and homes. AHS interviews ask about age, sex, income, highrises, houses, mobile homes, vacant homes, etc. Depending on the kind of home, the AHS queries homeowners about repairs and mortgages, recent movers about the home they left and why they moved, workers about their commute. To help analyze changes over time, the national survey tapes from 1974-83 can be purchased either separately or merged, with the 9 years of data on each home linked together. All tape prices include machine readable list of variable names and format statements. The most current version of the data released by the Census Bureau and HUD is used to prepare orders, the files may therefore be updated from time to time. The AHS Data Project, however, will not replace, free of charge, orders filled prior to the update. Furthermore, neither the AHS Data Project nor Abt Associates certifies the accuracy of the data obtained from the Census Bureau. Note: Lower Density Tapes (800 or 1600 bpi) - per tape, $50.
Department of Housing and Urban Development Federal Data Bases
* 1973-83 National Survey: Single year file ($800)
Department of Housing and Urban Development Federal Data Bases
* 1973-83 National Survey: Additional years beyond the first - linked or unlinked ($300 for each additional year)+
Department of Housing and Urban Development Federal Data Bases
* 1973-83 National Survey: Master file ($2,400)
Department of Housing and Urban Development Federal Data Bases
* 1973-83 National Survey: Reference file ($400)
Department of Housing and Urban Development Federal Data Bases
* 1973-83 National Survey: Baby file ($150)
Department of Housing and Urban Development Federal Data Bases
* 1973-83 Metropolitan Surveys: Single year file ($850)
Department of Housing and Urban Development Federal Data Bases
* 1973-83 Metropolitan Surveys: additional years beyond the first - linked or unlinked ($450 for each additional year)
Department of Housing and Urban Development Federal Data Bases
* Annual Report to Congress
John Murphy
Office of Information Policies & Systems
Department of Housing and Urban Development
451 7th Street, SW, Room 4142
Washington, DC 20410 (202) 755-6374
This system provides analysis of CDBG Entitlement statements for use in the CDBG annual report to Congress. The system assembles detailed data on entitlement cities and produces statistical reports. This system also enables the Department to conduct cost effective rapid turnaround studies, to assess the impact to program changes, and to respond to information inquiries from program offices, the Secretary, OMB, GAO, and the Congress. Geographical elements are Census Tract, City, County, State. Data bases maintained are Scientific Information Retrieval (SIR) Data Base, Summary Level Historical Scientific Information Retrieval (SIR) Data Bases, Status of Funds (at PC), and Low/Mod Data Retrieval (at PC). The IPS/Field Office responsible for this system is the Departmental Systems Division. Sensitivity: Minor Risk. Price: Variable.
Department of Housing and Urban Development Federal Data Bases
* Assisted Housing Accounting
John Murphy
Office of Information Policies & Systems
Department of Housing and Urban Development
451 7th Street, SW, Room 4142
Washington, DC 20410 (202) 755-6374
This system is a uniform automated accounting system for: (1) the recording and reporting of the assignments and subassignments of loan, contract, and budget authority, (2) the recording and reporting of the reservation of the loan, contract, and budget authority for the Section 8 Housing Assistance Payments Program (Section 8 HAP), the traditional Public Housing Programs, and the Modernization Program, and (3) the recording and reporting of contracted obligations for the traditional Public Housing Section 8 and Section 23 Programs. Geographical elements are City, Address, Metropolitan Statistical Area Code, Zip Code, Headquarters. Data bases maintained are Project Master File, Assignment/Sub-Assignment Master File, and Year-to-date Reservation Master File. The IPS/Field Office responsible for this system is the Administrative Systems Division. Sensitivity: Serious Risk. Price: Variable.
Department of Housing and Urban Development Federal Data Bases
* Bonds Direct Deposit/Electronic Funds Transfer
John Murphy
Office of Information Policies & Systems
Department of Housing and Urban Development
451 7th Street, SW, Room 4142
Washington, DC 20410 (202) 755-6374
This is a centralized system that prepares 3,000 payments per month for Electronic Funds Transfer deposits to 500 Fiscal Agent banks servicing New Housing Authority Bonds for approximately 1,500 Public Housing Agencies. Geographical elements are State Name, State Numeric Code, City, Address, Zip Code. Data bases maintained is Fiscal Agent Master. The IPS/Field Office responsible for this system is the Administrative Systems Division. Sensitivity: Major risk. Price: Variable.
Department of Housing and Urban Development Federal Data Bases
* Budget Management System
John Murphy
Office of Information Policies & Systems
Department of Housing and Urban Development
451 7th Street, SW, Room 4142
Washington, DC 20410 (202) 755-6374
This system provides the Office of Information Policies and Systems with the capability to construct, maintain, and report the status of its congressional and operating budget as represented at either the object or sub-object levels for quarterly, annual or multi-year operating plans. Funds reservations for specific products and services are tracked at the sub-object level. Data bases maintained are Reservation Transaction Files and Budget Management System Master Files. The IPS/Field Office responsible for this system is the Administrative Systems Division. Sensitivity: Negligible risk. Price: Variable.
Department of Housing and Urban Development Federal Data Bases
* Budget Management System
John Murphy
Office of Infornt of Housing and Urban Development Federal Data Bases
* Credit Alert Interactive Voice Respons
* Supplementary Data System, Microdata File, File 3, 1980 (PB83-154948/XDD) (See NTIS)
Tape contains 343,445 records of individual occupational injuries and illnesses for 1980 from 7 States: Colorado, Delaware, Idaho, Montana, New York, North Carolina, and Wisconsin. Cases which closed or reached final determination during 1980 are included. Cases which involved death or permanent disability were included by all States. Idaho and North Carolina provided cases which included medical expense, whether or not indemnity compensation was paid, in addition to cases involving 6 or more days of disability for Idaho and 8 or more days of disability for North Carolina. The other States provided only cases which involved indemnity compensation paid for 4 or more days of disability in Colorado, Delaware, and Wisconsin; 6 or more lost workdays (generally equivalent to 8 or more days of disability) in Montana; and 8 or more days of disability in New York. The data were obtained from workers' compensation records through a Federal-State cooperative program called the Supplementary Data System. Data are limited to employments covered by State workers' compensation acts. Injury and illness factors were classified in accordance with standard definitions used in the Supplementary Data System. Each case record describes the injury or illness according to nature and source, part of body affected, and type of accident or exposure; occupation, industry, age, sex, and the year, month, and day of occurrence; and the extent of disability and amount of indemnity compensation paid. Associated object or substance is provided by Colorado, Delaware, New York, and North Carolina. Time of accident is provided by Colorado, Delaware, Idaho, and North Carolina. Colorado also provides lapsed time (the hour of shift during which the accident occurred). Length of service of injured or ill employee is provided by Colorado, Delaware, and North Carolina. Weekly wage of injured or ill employee is provided by all States except Colorado. Idaho and North Carolina provide the amount of medical expense. Technical documentation is available: PB83-133553, Supplementary Data System, Microdata Files, User's Guide, 1980 Edition.
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
* Supplementary Data System, Microdata File, File 1, 1981 (PB84-120062/XDD) (See NTIS)
File 1 contains 319,485 records of individual occupational injuries and illnesses for 1981 from 9 jurisdictions: Hawaii, Idaho, Maine, Montana, Nebraska, Utah, Vermont, Virgin Islands, and Wyoming. Cases which involve medical treatment are included, whether or not time was lost from work. There is no information in the records to indicate whether or not a particular case involved loss of time from work. Some cases supplied by Wyoming have weights greater than one because they are part of a sample. Total weighted cases is 325,440. The data were obtained from workers' compensation records through a Federal-State cooperative program called the Supplementary Data System. Data are limited to employments covered by State workers' compensation acts. Injury and illness factors were classified in accordance with standard definitions used in the Supplementary Data System. Each case record describes the injury or illness according to nature and source, part of body affected, and type of accident or exposure; occupation, industry, and sex of the injured or ill employee; and the year, month, and day of occurrence. Age of the injured or ill employee was provided by all jurisdictions except Utah. Associated object or substance (object, substance, or person with respect to which measures could have been introduced to prevent the accident or mitigate the injury or illness) was provided by Maine, Utah, Vermont, and Wyoming. Lapsed time (the hour of shift during which the accident occurred) is available for Nebraska, Virgin Islands, and Wyoming. Length of service of injured or ill employee is provided by Maine, and Wyoming. Weekly wage of employee is provided by Montana, Nebraska, and the Virgin Islands. Kind of insurance carried by employers of injured or ill employees is available for Idaho, Maine, Nebraska, and Utah. Technical documentation is available: PB83-133553, Supplementary Data System, Microdata Files, User's Guide, 1980 Edition.
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
` X * Supplementary Data System, Microdata File, File 2, 1981 (PB84-120088/XDD) (See NTIS)
File 2 contains 671,416 records of individual occupational injuries and illnesses for 1980 from 16 States. The minimum number of days of disability before a report of a case is included in the file varies: 1 day for Alaska, California, and Indiana; 2 days for Kentucky; 3 days for Minnesota; 4 days for Colorado, Iowa, Maryland, Missouri, Oregon, and Wisconsin; 6 days for Mississippi; 7 days for Michigan; and 8 days for Arizona, New Mexico, and Tennessee. However, the records do not indicate the number of days of disability for any particular case. Some cases supplied by California and Minnesota have weights greater than one because they are part of a sample. Total weighted cases is 884,628. The data were obtained from workers' compensation records through a Federal-State cooperative program called the Supplementary Data System. Data are limited to employments covered by workers' compensation acts. Injury and illness factors were classified in accordance with standard definitions used in the Supplementary Data System. Each case record describes the injury or illness according to nature and source, part of body affected, and type of accident or exposure; occupation, industry, age, and sex of the injured or ill employee; and the year, month, and day of occurrence. Associated object or substance (object, substance, or person with respect to which measures could have been introduced to prevent the accident or mitigate the injury or illness) was supplied by California, Iowa, Kentucky, Maryland, Minnesota, New Mexico, and Wisconsin. Lapsed time (the hour of shift during which the accident occurred) was provided by Alaska and Iowa. Length of service of injured or ill employee is provided by California, Colorado, Indiana, Iowa, Maryland, Mississippi, and New Mexico. Weekly wage of employee was supplied by Alaska, Indiana, Iowa, Kentucky, Maryland, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Oregon, Tennessee, and Wisconsin. Kind of insurance carried by employers of injured or ill employees is available for Alaska, Colorado, Iowa, Mississippi, and Oregon. Cases which resulted in fatalities were identified by California, New Mexico, and Oregon. Technical documentation is available: PB83-133553, Supplementary Data System, Microdata Files, User's Guide, 1980 Edition.
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
* Supplementary Data System, Microdata File, File 3, 1981 (PB84-120054/XDD) (See NTIS)
File 3 contains 317,934 records of individual occupational injuries and illnesses for 1981 from 9 States: Arkansas, Colorado, Delaware, Idaho, Iowa, Montana, New York, North Carolina, and Wisconsin. Cases which closed or reached final determination during 1981 are included. Cases which involved death or permanent disability were included by all States. Idaho and North Carolina provided cases which included medical expense, whether or not indemnity compensation was paid. The other States provided only cases which involved indemnity compensation (paid for 4 or more days of disability in Colorado, Delaware, Iowa, and Wisconsin; 8 or more days in Arkansas and New York; and 6 or more lost workdays in Montana). The data were obtained from workers' compensation records through a Federal-State cooperative program called the Supplementary Data System. Data are limited to employments covered by State workers' compensation acts. Injury and illness factors were
classified in accordance with standard definitions used in the Supplementary Data System. Each case record describes the injury or illness according to nature and source, part of body affected, and type of accident or exposure; occupation, industry, age, and sex of the injured or ill employee; and the year, month and day of occurrence. Associated object or substance (object, substance, or person with respect to which measures could mitigate the injury or illness) was provided by Arkansas, Delaware, Iowa, New York, and Wisconsin. Lapsed time (the hour of shift during which the accident occurred) was provided only by Iowa. Length of service of injured or ill employee was provided by Arkansas, Colorado, Delaware, Iowa, and North Carolina. Weekly wage of employee was provided by every State except Colorado and Idaho. Kind of insurance carried by employers of injured or ill employees is available for Colorado, Delaware, Idaho, and Iowa. Arkansas, Idaho, Iowa, and North Carolina provided the amount of medical expense. Technical documentation is available: PB83-133553, Supplementary Data System, Microdata Files, User's Guide, 1980 Edition.
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
* Supplementary Data System, Microdata File, Occupational Injuries/Illnesses, File 1, 1983 (PB85-238152/XDD) (See NTIS)
File 1 contains 266,014 records of individual occupational injuries and illnesses for 1983 from 8 jurisdictions: Hawaii, Maine, Montana, Nebraska, Utah, Vermont, Virgin Islands, and Wyoming. Cases which involve medical treatment are included, whether or not time was lost from work. There is no information in the records to indicate whether a particular case involved loss of time from work. Some cases supplied by Wyoming have weights greater than one because they are part of a sample. The file has a total of 270,633 weighted cases. The data were obtained from workers' compensation records through a Federal-State cooperative program called the Supplementary Data System. Injury and illness factors were classified in accordance with standard definitions used in the Supplementary Data System. Each case record describes the injury or illness according to nature and source, part of body affected, and type of accident or exposure; occupation, industry, and sex of the injured or ill employee; and the year, month, and day of occurrence. Age of the injured or ill employee was provided by all jurisdictions except Utah. Associated object or substance (object, substance, or person with respect to which measures could have been introduced to prevent the accident or mitigate the injury or illness) was supplied by Maine, Utah, Vermont, and Wyoming. Lapsed time (the hour of shift during which the accident occurred) is available for Nebraska, Virgin Islands, and Wyoming. Length of service of injured or ill employee was provided by Maine, Virgin Islands, and Wyoming. Weekly wage was supplied by Montana, Nebraska, and the Virgin Islands. Kind of insurance carried by employers of injured or ill employees is available for Maine and Nebraska. Technical documentation is available: PB83-133553, Supplementary Data System, Microdata Files, User's Guide, 1980 Edition.
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
* Supplementary Data System, Microdata File, Occupational Injuries/Illnesses, File 2, 1983 (PB85-238178/XDD) (See NTIS)
File 2 contains 696,258 records of individual occupational injuries and illnesses for 1983 from 17 States. The data were obtained from workers' compensation records through a Federal-State cooperative program called the Supplementary Data System. Data are limited to employments covered by State workers' compensation acts. The minimum number of days of disability before a report of a case is included in the file varies: 1 day for Alaska, California, and Indiana; 2 days for Kentucky; 3 days for Minnesota; 4 days for Colorado, Iowa, Maryland, Missouri, Oregon, and Wisconsin; 6 days for Mississippi; 7 days for Michigan and 8 days for Arizona, New Mexico, Tennessee, and Virginia. There is no information in the records to indicate the number of days of disability for any particular case. Some California cases and all Virginia cases have weights greater than one because they are part of a sample. The file has a total of 896,828 weighted cases. Injury and illness factors were classified in accordance with standard definitions used in the Supplementary Data System. Each case record describes the injury or illness according to nature and source, part of body affected, and type of accident or exposure; occupation, industry, age, and sex of the injured or ill employee; and the year, month, and day of occurrence. Associated object or substance (object, substance, or person with respect to which measures could have been introduced to prevent the accident or mitigate the injury or illness) was supplied by California, Iowa, Kentucky, Maryland, Minnesota, New Mexico, Virginia, and Wisconsin. Lapsed time (the hour of shift during which the accident occurred) is available for Alaska, Iowa, Kentucky, and Oregon. Length of service of injured or ill employee was provided by Alaska, California, Colorado, Indiana, Iowa, Kentucky, Maryland, Mississippi, New Mexico, Oregon, and Virginia. Weekly wage was provided by Alaska, Indiana, Iowa, Kentucky, Maryland, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Oregon, Tennessee, Virginia, and Wisconsin. Kind of insurance carried by employers of injured or ill employees is available for Alaska, Colorado, Iowa, Mississippi, Missouri, Oregon, and Virginia. Technical documentation is available: PB83-133553, Supplementary Data System, Microdata Files, User's Guide, 1980 Edition.
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
* Supplementary Data System, Microdata File, Occupational Injuries/Illnesses, File 3, 1983 (PB85-238160/XDD) (See NTIS)
File 3 contains 324,896 records of individual occupational injuries and illnesses for 1983 from 9 States: Arkansas, Colorado, Delaware, Iowa, Montana, New York, North Carolina, Oregon, and Wisconsin. Cases which closed or reached final determination during 1983 are included. Cases which involved death or permanent disability were included by all States. North Carolina provided cases which included medical expense, whether or not indemnity compensation was paid. The other States provided only cases which involved indemnity compensation (paid for 4 or more days of disability in Colorado, Delaware, Iowa, Oregon, and Wisconsin; 8 or more days in Arkansas and New York; and 6 or more lost workdays in Montana). The data were obtained from workers' compensation records through a Federal-State cooperative program called the Supplementary Data System. Injury and illness factors were classified in accordance with standard definitions used in the Supplementary Data System. Each case record describes the injury or illness according to nature and source, part of body affected, and type of accident or exposure; occupation, industry, age, and sex of the injured or ill employee; and the year, month, and day of occurrence. Associated object or substance (object, substance, or person with respect to which measures could have been introduced to prevent the accident or mitigate the injury or illness) was supplied by Arkansas, Delaware, Iowa, New York, and Wisconsin. Lapsed time (the hour of shift during which the accident occurred) was provided by Iowa and Oregon. Length of service of injured or ill employee was provided by Maine, Virgin Islands, and Wyoming. Weekly wage was provided by Arkansas, Colorado, Delaware, Iowa, North Carolina, and Oregon. Weekly wage was provided by every State except Colorado. Kind of insurance carried by employers of injured or ill employees is available for Arkansas, Colorado, Delaware, Iowa, and Oregon. Arkansas, Iowa, North Carolina, and Oregon provided the amount of medical expense. Technical documentation is available: PB83-133553, Supplementary Data System, Microdata Files, User's Guide, 1980 Edition.
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
* Supplementary Data System, Microdata Disability, File A, 1985 (PB89-121503/XDD) (See NTIS)
File A contains 766,505 records of individual occupational injuries and illnesses for 1985 from 21 States. The data were obtained from workers' compensation records through a Federal-State cooperative program called the Supplementary Data System. Data are limited to employments covered by State workers' compensation laws. Since some States opt to provide a sample of cases, the file contains 986,331 weighted cases. Injury and illness factors are classified in accordance with standard definitions used in the Supplementary Data System. Each case record describes the injury or illness according to nature and source of injury or illness, part of body, and type of accident or exposure; occupation, industry, age, and sex of the injured or ill employee; and the date of occurrence. Associated object or substance (the object, substance, or person with respect to which measure could have been introduced to prevent the accident or mitigate the injury or illness), hour of shift during which the accident occurred, duration of employment of the injured or ill employee, weekly wage, and kind of insurance carried by employers of injured or ill employees are available for certain States.
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
* Supplementary Data System, Microdata Closed, File B, 1985 (PB89-121511/XDD) (See NTIS)
File B contains 312,634 records of individual occupational injuries and illnesses from 8 States for cases which reached final determination upon which indemnity compensation cost estimates could be based or closed after reaching end-of-payments during 1985. The data were obtained from workers' compensation records through a Federal-State cooperative program called the Supplementary Data System. Data are limited to employments covered by State workers' compensation laws. All States provided a universe of cases. Injury and illness factors are classified in accordance with standard definitions used in the Supplementary Data System. Each case record describes the injury or illness according to nature and source of injury or illness, part of body, and type of accident or exposure; occupation, industry, age, and sex of the injured or ill employee; and the date of occurrence. Associated object or substance (the object, substance, or person with respect to which measure could have been introduced to prevent the accident or mitigate the injury or illness), hour of shift during which the accident occurred, duration of employment of the injured or ill employee, weekly wage, and kind of insurance carried by employers of injured or ill employees are available for certain States.
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
* University Group Diabetes Program Data File (PB83-129122/XDD) (See NTIS)
The University Group Diabetes Program Data was long-term prospective clinical trail designed to evaluate the efficacy of two different oral hypoglycemic agents and two different dosage schedules of insulin compared to diet alone in preventing or delaying vascular complications in patients with non-insulin dependent diabetes. This study was funded by the NIAMDD and included 12 Clinical Centers and 1,027 patients. It was initiated in 1960. Data collection ended in 1975 and funding terminated April 30, 1982. A data file containing all values of the measurements and observations obtained at scheduled quarterly and annual examinations as well as the special eye, heart, kidney, and peripheral vascular examinations during the entire period of study for each of the 1,027 patients who were entered into the University Group Diabetes Program has been prepared. The Variables included on this data file are those for which results have been presented in the majority of University Group Diabetes Program publications.
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
* US Cancer Mortality Rates and Trends 1950-1979 (PB84-196914/XDD) (See NTIS)
The report contains cancer mortality rates and changes in rates for counties of the United States for 1950-1959, 1960-1969, and 1970-1979. This report includes the number of deaths and cancer mortality rates age-adjusted to the 1970 US population for each of 35 site-specific cancers for four race-sex groups. Further, counties are ranked nationally by percentile for 1970-1979 age-adjusted death rates and for percent change from 1950-1959 to 1970-1979.
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
* WIN II Program Evaluation - Data Tape for Public Use Data Base (1954-75) (PB-284 229/2/XDD) (See NTIS)
The data base contains WIN program experience, welfare histories and employment information for a sample of WIN participants and registrants collected during a comprehensive, longitudinal evaluation of the WIN program. The data has been merged from three sources -personal interviews and WIN/welfare records from local offices. Up to three completed questionnaires are available for each of the 6,555 respondents corresponding to one of the three waves of personal interviews. Information on the client's participation in the WIN program was recorded during the original sample selection in 1974 and the second-run site visits in 1975. The client's welfare history was coded from records at local welfare offices.
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
* X-Ray Exposure Study: 1964 (PB-232 434/1/XDD) (See NTIS)
The principal objective of the study was to provide estimates of US population exposure to x-ray examinations or procedures, for a variety of demographic and x-ray facility characteristics. The data collected were intended to guide the development of programs aimed at promoting more efficient use of x-rays in medical and dental practice; to develop hypotheses and identify population groups for further research; and to establish a baseline for evaluating the effectiveness of program efforts. The design of the study included a household interview survey of a representative sample of the US population and a mail followup to the x-ray facilities involved.
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
Department of Housing and Urban
Housing and Urban Development Federal Data Bases
* Acquired Home Property Phase II
John Murphy
Office of Information Policies & Systems
Department of Housing and Urban Development
451 7th Street, SW, Room 4142
Washington, DC 20410 (202) 755-6374
This system maintains records of all expenses incurred incident to the acquisition, maintenance, and sale of properties acquired by HUD as a result of mortgage insurance claims and mortgage foreclosures. Profit and loss data is provided monthly, via tape interface, to the Single Family Insurance System for claims terminated cases. Geographical elements are State Name, Regional Office Code, Field Office Code. Data bases maintained are AHP II Master and AHP II History. The IPS/Field Office responsible for this system is the Mortgage Insurance Accounting Systems Division. Sensitivity: Major Risk. Price: Variable.
Department of Housing and Urban Development Federal Data Bases
Department of Housing and Urban
Small Business Administration
* Action Grant Information System
John Murphy
Office of Information Policies & Systems
Department of Housing and Urban Development
451 7th Street, SW, Room 4142
Washington, DC 20410 (202) 755-6374
This system covers the information needs of Community Plan and Development for the management of the Urban Development Action Grant (UDAG) Program. Geographical elements are State Alpha Code, State Numeric Code, County Name, County Numeric Code, Locality/Place Name, HUD Locality/Place Code, Census Locality/Place Code, Metropolitan Statistical Area Code, Congressional District, Regional Office Codes, and Field Office Codes. Data bases maintained are Small Cities Application Data Base, Metro Cities Application Data Base, Action Grant Tracking Data Base, History Data Base, and Monitor Data Base. The IPS/Field Office responsible for this system is the Departmental Systems Division. Sensitivity: Minor Risk. Price: Variable.
Department of Housing and Urban Development Federal Data Bases
of Information Policies & Systems
Department of Housing and Urban Development
451 7th Street, SW, Room 4142
Washington, DC 20410 (202) a bases maintained are Project Master File, Assignment/Sub-Assignment Master File, and Year-to-date Reservation Master File. The IPS/Field Office responsible for this system is the Administrative Systems Division. Sensitivity: Serious Ri
* Supplementary Data System, Microdata File, Vermont, 1978 (PB80-158363/XDD) (See NTIS)
Tape contains records of individual occupational injuries and illnesses. Selected injury and illness factors were classified in accordance with standard definitions used in the Supplementary Data System of the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Each case record contains year, month and day of occurrence; nature of injury or illness, part of body affected, type of accident or exposure, and source of injury of illness; and occupation, industry, age, sex, length of service, and weekly wages of injured or ill employee. Technical documentation is available: PB80-149982, Supplementary Data System, Microdata Files, User's Guide, 1978-79. Data were compiled by the Vermont Department of Labor from records of workers' compensation cases involving one or more lost workdays and/or medical treatment which were reported during the year. Data include cases arising in private and public employments with these principal exceptions: Certain public employees for whom coverage is voluntary or by self-insurance; certain agricultural workers; domestic servants, amateur sports employees, and partners in partnership. In addition, Federal, railroad and maritime employments are not covered by the State act and cases involving such employees are not included in these data.
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
* Supplementary Data System, Microdata File, Virgin Islands, 1976 (PB-291 271/5/XDD) (See NTIS)
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
* Supplementary Data System, Microdata File, Virgin Islands, 1977 (PB-292 468/6/XDD) (See NTIS)
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
* Supplementary Data System, Microdata File, Virgin Islands, 1978 (PB80-188600/XDD) (See NTIS)
Data were compiled by the Virgin Islands Department of Labor from records of workers' compensation cases that were received during 1978 and involved one or more lost workdays and/or medical treatment. Data include cases arising in public employments, and in private employments with the exception of domestic servants, religious and/or charitable organizations, and casual employees in a private home. In addition, Federal, railroad and maritime employments are not covered by the State act and cases involving such employees are not included in these data.
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
* Supplementary Data System, Microdata File, Wisconsin, 1976 (PB-291 320/0/XDD) (See NTIS)
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
* Supplementary Data System, Microdata File, Wisconsin, 1977 (PB80-115702/XDD) (See NTIS)
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
* Supplementary Data System, Microdata File, Wisconsin, 1978 (PB81-165771/XDD) (See NTIS)
Tape contains records of individual occupational injuries and illnesses. Selected injury and illness factors were classified in accordance with standard definitions used in the Supplementary Data System of the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Each case record contains year, month and day of occurrence; nature of injury or illness, part of body affected, type of accident or exposure, and source of injury of illness; and occupation, industry, age, sex, length of service, and weekly wages of injured or ill employee; and extent of disability and indemnity compensation. Data were compiled by the Wisconsin Department of Industry, Labor, and Human Relations from records of workers' compensation cases. Tables are based either on cases which occurred during 1978, or compensated cases which closed during 1978 regardless of the date of occurrence. Data include cases arising in public and private employments with these principal exceptions: certain private nonfarm employments with two or fewer employees, household workers, and certain casual employees, for which voluntary coverage is permitted, railroad and Federal employees, and longshorepersons and other employees covered under Federal compensation laws.
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
* Supplementary Data System, Microdata File, Wyoming, 1976 (PB-291 321/8/XDD) (See NTIS)
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
* Supplementary Data System, Microdata File, Wyoming, 1977 (PB-292 473/6/XDD) (See NTIS)
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
* Supplementary Data System, Microdata File, Wyoming, 1978 (PB80-158371/XDD) (See NTIS)
Tape contains records of individual occupational injuries and illnesses. Selected injury and illness factors were classified in accordance with standard definitions used in the Supplementary Data System of the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Each case record contains year, month and day of occurrence; nature of injury or illness, part of body affected, type of accident or exposure, and source of injury of illness; and occupation, industry, age, sex, length of service, and weekly wages of injured or ill employee. Technical documentation is available: PB80-149982, Supplementary Data System, Microdata Files, User's Guide, 1978-79. Data were compiled by the Wyoming Department of Labor from records of workers' compensation cases occurring during 1978 which involved fatalities, illnesses, and injuries involving loss of consciousness, restriction of work or motion, transfer to another job or termination, or medical treatment other than first aid. Data include cases arising in extra-hazardous occupations. Injuries and illnesses to workers in casual and domestic service, ranch, farm, agricultural, and horticultural labor, and stock raising are not included in the data. In addition, Federal, railroad and maritime employments are not covered by the State act and cases involving such employees are not included in these data.
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
* Supplementary Data System, Microdata File, File 1, 1979 (PB82-179318/XDD) (See NTIS)
Tape contains 442,701 records of individual occupational injuries and illnesses for 1979 from 10 jurisdictions: Hawaii, Idaho, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, South Dakota, Utah, Vermont, Virgin Islands, and Wyoming. Cases which involve medical treatment are included, whether or not time was lost from work. There is no information in the records to indicate whether a particular case involved loss of time from work. Injury and illness factors were classified in accordance with standard definitions used in the Supplementary Data System. Each case record describes the injury or illness according to nature and source, part of body affected, and type of accident or exposure; occupation, industry, age, sex, and weekly wage of the injured or ill employee; the year, month, and day of occurrence. Time of accident is provided by Hawaii, Idaho, South Dakota, Utah, Virgin Islands, and Wyoming; while lapsed time (the hour of shift during which the accident occurred) is available only for Nebraska. Length of service of injured or ill employee is provided by all jurisdictions except Hawaii, Missouri, Nebraska, and Vermont. Weekly wage of employee is provided by all jurisdictions except South Dakota, Vermont, and Wyoming.
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
* Supplementary Data System, Microdata File, File 2, 1979 (PB82-186180/XDD) (See NTIS)
Tape contains 709,913 records of individual occupational injuries and illnesses for 1979 from 16 States. The minimum number of days of disability before a report of a case is included in the tape varies by State as follows: 1 day for Alaska, California, Massachusetts, and New Jersey; 2 days for Indiana, Iowa, and Kentucky; 3 days for Minnesota; 4 days for Colorado, Maryland, Oregon, and Wisconsin; 7 days for Arizona and Michigan; and 8 days for New Mexico and Tennessee. However, there is no information in the records to indicate the total number of days of disability for any particular case. Some or all of the cases supplied by California, Minnesota, and New Jersey have weights greater than one because they are part of a sample. Total weighted cases is 1,012,442. The data were obtained from workers' compensation records by means of a Federal-State cooperative program called the Supplementary Data Program. Data are limited to employments covered by workers' compensation acts. Alaska, Iowa, Maryland, Michigan, and Minnesota provided cases which occurred during 1979. The remaining States provided cases for which notification was received by their workers' compensation agencies during 1979. Injury and illness factors were classified in accordance with standard definitions used in the Supplementary Data System. Each case record describes the injury or illness according to nature and source, part of body affected, and type of accident or exposure; industry, age, and sex of the injured or ill employee; and the year of occurrence. Occupation of the injured or ill employee and the month of occurrence are available for all States except Massachusetts. All States except California and Massachusetts provide day of occurrence. Time of accident is provided by Alaska, Colorado, Indiana, Iowa, Kentucky, Maryland, and New Mexico. Length of service of injured or ill employee is provided by Alaska, Colorado, Indiana, Iowa, Kentucky, Maryland, Massachusetts, and New Mexico. Weekly wage of employee is provided by Alaska, Colorado, Indiana, Iowa, Kentucky, Maryland, Minnesota, New Mexico, Tennessee, and Wisconsin.
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
* Supplementary Data System Microdata File, File 3, 1979 (PB82-179243/XDD) (See NTIS)
Tape contains 284,739 records of individual occupational injuries and illnesses for 1979 from 7 States: Colorado, Delaware, Montana, New York, North Carolina, Virginia, and Wisconsin. Cases which closed or reached final determination during 1979 are included. The data were obtained from workers compensation records by means of a Federal-State cooperative program called the Supplementary Data System. Data are limited to employments covered by State workers compensation acts. Injury and illness factors were classified in accordance with standard definitions used in the Supplementary Data System. Each case record describes the injury or illness according to nature and source, part of body affected, and type of accident or exposure; occupation, industry, age, sex, and weekly wage of the injured or ill employee; the year, month, and day of occurrence; and the extent of disability and amount of indemnity compensation paid.
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
* Supplementary Data System, Microdata File, File 1, 1980 (PB83-154963/XDD) (See NTIS)
Tape contains 440,216 records of individual occupational injuries and illnesses for 1980 from 10 jurisdictions: Hawaii, Idaho, Maine, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, Utah, Vermont, Virgin Islands, and Wyoming. Cases which involve death, permanent disability, days lost from work, or medical treatment whether or not time was lost from work, are included. There is no information in the records to indicate whether or not a particular case involved loss of time from work. The data were obtained from workers' compensation records through a Federal-State cooperative program called the Supplementary Data System. Data are limited to employments covered by State workers' compensation acts. Hawaii, Utah, Vermont, and Virgin Islands provided cases for which notification was received by their workers' compensation agencies during 1980. The remaining jurisdictions provided cases which occurred during 1980. Injury and illness factors were classified in accordance with standard definitions used in the Supplementary Data System. Each case record describes the injury or illness according to nature and source, part of body affected, and type of accident or exposure; occupation, industry, age, and sex of the injured or ill employee; and the year of occurrence. Month and day of occurrence are available for all States except Missouri and Utah. Associated object or substance is provided by Maine, Utah, and Vermont. Time of accident is provided by Hawaii, Idaho, Maine, Utah, and Wyoming; while lapsed time (the hour of shift during which the accident occurred) is available for Nebraska, Virgin Islands, and Wyoming. Length of service of injured or ill employee is provided by Maine, Utah, and Wyoming. Weekly wage of employee is provided by all jurisdictions except Hawaii, Maine, Vermont, and Wyoming. Kind of insurance is provided by Maine, Nebraska, and Utah. Technical documentation is available: PB83-133553, Supplementary Data System, Microdata Files, User's Guide, 1980 Edition.
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
{ * Supplementary Data System, Microdata File, File 2, 1980 (PB83-154955/XDD) (See NTIS)
Tape contains 693,997 records of individual occupational injuries and illnesses which involve death, permanent disability, or days of disability for 1980 from 17 States. The minimum number of days of disability before a case is included is: 1 day for Alaska, California, Indiana, Massachusetts, and New Jersey; 2 days for Kentucky; 3 days for Minnesota; 4 days for Colorado, Iowa, Maryland, Oregon, and Wisconsin; 6 days for Mississippi; 7 days for Michigan; and 8 days for Arizona, New Mexico, and Tennessee. However, the records do not indicate the total number of days of disability for any particular case. Some California, Minnesota, and New Jersey cases have weights greater than one due to sampling. Total weighted cases is 976,778. The data were obtained from workers' compensation records through a Federal-State cooperative program called the Supplementary Data System. Data are limited to employments covered by State workers' compensation acts. Alaska, Maryland, Michigan, and Minnesota provided cases which occurred during 1980. The remaining States provided cases for which notification was received by their workers' compensation agencies during 1980. Injury and illness factors were classified in accordance with standard definitions used in the Supplementary Data System. Each case record describes the injury or illness according to nature and source, part of body affected, and type of accident or exposure; occupation, industry, age, and sex of the injured or ill employee; and the year, and month of occurrence. Occupation and day of occurrence are available for all States except Massachusetts. Associated object or substance is provided by California, Colorado, Iowa, Maryland, Minnesota, and New Mexico. Lapsed time (the hour of shift during which the accident occurred) is provided by Alaska, Colorado, and Iowa. Length of service is provided by California, Colorado, Indiana, Iowa, Maryland, Massachusetts, Mississippi, and New Mexico. Weekly wage is provided by Alaska, Indiana, Iowa, Kentucky, Maryland, Minnesota, Mississippi, Tennessee, and Wisconsin. Kind of insurance is provided for Alaska, Mississippi and Oregon. Fatalities for California are also provided. Technical documentation is available: PB83-133553, Supplementary Data System, Microdata Files, User's Guide, 1980 Edition.
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
s except Hawaii, Maine, Vermont, and Wyoming. Kind of insurance is provided by Maine, Nebraska, and Utah. Technical documentation is available: PB83-133553, Supplementary Data System, Microdata Files, User's Guide, 1980 Edition.
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
* Supplementary Data System, Microdata File, Oregon, 1976 (PB-291 319/2/XDD) (See NTIS)
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
* Supplementary Data System, Microdata File, Oregon, 1977 (PB-291 268/1/XDD) (See NTIS)
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
* Supplementary Data System, Microdata File, Oregon, 1978 (PB80-160567/XDD) (See NTIS)
Tape contains records of individual occupational injuries and illnesses. Selected injury and illness factors were classified in accordance with standard definitions used in the Supplementary Data System of the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Each case record contains year, month and day of occurrence; nature of injury or illness, part of body affected, type of accident or exposure, and source of injury of illness; and occupation, industry, age, sex, length of service, and weekly wages of injured or ill employee. Technical documentation is available: PB80-149982, Supplementary Data System, Microdata Files, User's Guide, 1978-79. Data were compiled by the Oregon Workmen's Compensation Board from records of workers' compensation cases received during 1978 which involved fatalities, other compensable injuries and illnesses, and all other cases involving medical services, loss of consciousness, lost work time, restriction of work or motion, transfer to another job, or termination. Data include cases arising in private and public employments with these principal exceptions: Public employees of cities over 200,000 who have equivalent workers' compensation coverage; certain domestic employees, casual workers, and nonwage employees of religious, charitable, or relief organizations. In addition, Federal, railroad and maritime employments are not covered by the State act and cases involving such employees are not included in these data.
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
* Supplementary Data System, Microdata File, South Carolina, 1976 (PB-293 668/0/XDD) (See NTIS)
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
* Supplementary Data System, Microdata File, South Carolina, 1977 (PB80-108772/XDD) (See NTIS)
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
* Supplementary Data System, Microdata File, South Dakota, 1976 (PB-291 262/4/XDD) (See NTIS)
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
* Supplementary Data System, Microdata File, South Dakota, 1977 (PB-292 467/8/XDD) (See NTIS)
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
* Supplementary Data System, Microdata File, South Dakota, 1978 (PB80-168164/XDD) (See NTIS)
Tape contains records of individual occupational injuries and illnesses. Selected injury and illness factors were classified in accordance with standard definitions used in the Supplementary Data System of the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Each case record contains year, month and day of occurrence; nature of injury or illness, part of body affected, type of accident or exposure, and source of injury of illness; and occupation, industry, age, sex, length of service, and weekly wages of injured or ill employee. Technical documentation is available: PB80-149982, Supplementary Data System, Microdata Files, User's Guide, 1978-79. Data were compiled by the South Dakota State Department of Health from records of workers' compensation cases which occurred during 1978. Data include cases arising in public employments except for elected or appointed State, county, or local officials; and in private employments with these principal exceptions: Certain farm workers, domestic servants, and casual workers unless covered voluntarily; persons whose employment is not in the usual course of the trade, business, occupation, or profession of the employer; and executive officers of non-profit corporations. Workers' compensation coverage is voluntary for the preceding categories. In addition, Federal, railroad and maritime employments are not covered by the State act and cases involving such employees are not included in these data.
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
* Supplementary Data System, Microdata File, Tennessee, 1976 (PB-292 480/1/XDD) (See NTIS)
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
* Supplementary Data System, Microdata File, Tennessee, 1977 (PB80-108764/XDD) (See NTIS)
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
* Supplementary Data System, Microdata File, Tennessee, 1978 (PB81-143349/XDD) (See NTIS)
Tape contains records of individual occupational injuries and illnesses. Selected injury and illness factors were classified in accordance with standard definitions used in the Supplementary Data System of the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Each case record contains year, month and day of occurrence; nature of injury or illness, part of body affected, type of accident or exposure, and source of injury of illness; and occupation, industry, age, sex, length of service, and weekly wages of injured or ill employee. Technical documentation is available: PB80-149982, Supplementary Data System, Microdata Files, User's Guide, 1978-79. Data were compiled by the Tennessee Department of Labor from records of workers' compensation cases resulting in death, permanent-partial disability, or eight or more lost workdays which were received during 1978. Data include cases arising in public and private employments with these principal exceptions: Agricultural employees, household workers, casual employees, and employments with fewer than five workers, for which voluntary coverage is permitted. In addition, Federal, railroad and maritime employments are not covered by the State act and cases involving such employees are not included in these data.
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
* Supplementary Data System, Microdata File, Utah, 1976 (PB-291 322/6/XDD) (See NTIS)
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
* Supplementary Data System, Microdata File, Utah, 1977 (PB-297 796/5/XDD) (See NTIS)
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
* Supplementary Data System, Microdata File, Utah, 1978 (PB80-160575/XDD) (See NTIS)
Tape contains records of individual occupational injuries and illnesses. Selected injury and illness factors were classified in accordance with standard definitions used in the Supplementary Data System of the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Each case record contains year, month and day of occurrence; nature of injury or illness, part of body affected, type of accident or exposure, and source of injury of illness; and occupation, industry, age, sex, length of service, and weekly wages of injured or ill employee. Technical documentation is available: PB80-149982, Supplementary Data System, Microdata Files, User's Guide, 1978-79. Data were compiled by the Utah Industrial commission from records of reported workers' compensation cases which occurred during 1978 and which involved fatalities or medical expense or treatment beyond first aid. Data include cases arising in public employments; and in private employments with these principal exceptions: Casual employees, certain agricultural employees, domestic employees, and proprietors or partners, for whom voluntary coverage is permitted. In addition, Federal, railroad and maritime employments are not covered by the State act and cases involving such employees are not included in these data.
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
* Supplementary Data System, Microdata File, Vermont, 1976 (PB-291 324/2/XDD) (See NTIS)
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
* Supplementary Data System, Microdata File, Vermont, 1977 (PB-291 269/9/XDD) (See NTIS)
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
/2/XDD) (See NTIS)
ADMINISTRATION FOR Can Services Federal Data Bases
* Supplementary Data System, Microdata File, Montana, 1976 (PB-292 481/9/XDD) (See NTIS)
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
* Supplementary Data System, Microdata File, Montana, 1977 (PB-292 478/5/XDD) (See NTIS)
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
* Supplementary Data System, Microdata File, Montana, 1978 (PB80-160559/XDD) (See NTIS)
Tape contains records of individual occupational injuries and illnesses. Selected injury and illness factors were classified in accordance with standard definitions used in the Supplementary Data System of the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Each case record contains year, month and day of occurrence; nature of injury or illness, part of body affected, type of accident or exposure, and source of injury of illness; and occupation, industry, age, sex, length of service, and weekly wages of injured or ill employee. Technical documentation is available: PB80-149982, Supplementary Data System, Microdata Files, User's Guide, 1978-79. Data were compiled by the Montana Department of Labor and Industry from records of workers' compensation cases which either occurred during 1978, or which closed during 1978 regardless of the year of occurrence. Data include cases arising in private and public employments with these principal exceptions: domestic and casual employment, family members, sole proprietors, partners, designated corporate officers, and persons performing services for aid and sustenance only. In addition, Federal, railroad and maritime employments are not covered by the State act and cases involving such employees are not included in these data.
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
* Supplementary Data System, Microdata File, Nebraska, 1976 (PB-291 267/3/XDD) (See NTIS)
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
* Supplementary Data System, Microdata File, Nebraska, 1977 (PB-292 476/9/XDD) (See NTIS)
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
* Supplementary Data System, Microdata File, Nebraska, 1978 (PB80-158348/XDD) (See NTIS)
Tape contains records of individual occupational injuries and illnesses. Selected injury and illness factors were classified in accordance with standard definitions used in the Supplementary Data System of the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Each case record contains year, month and day of occurrence; nature of injury or illness, part of body affected, type of accident or exposure, and source of injury of illness; and occupation, industry, age, sex, length of service, and weekly wages of injured or ill employee. Technical documentation is available: PB80-149982, Supplementary Data System, Microdata Files, User's Guide, 1978-79. Data were compiled by the Nebraska Workmen's Compensation Court from records of workers' compensation cases which involved fatalities, illnesses, or injuries requiring medical treatment other than first aid, loss of consciousness, restriction of work or motion, or transfer to another job, which occurred during 1978. Data include cases arising in private and public employments with these principal exceptions: Domestic servants, and farm and ranch labor, for which voluntary coverage is permitted. In addition, Federal, railroad and maritime employments are not covered by the State act and cases involving such employees are not included in these data.
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
* Supplementary Data System, Microdata File, New Jersey, 1976 (PB-291 325/9/XDD) (See NTIS)
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
* Supplementary Data System, Microdata File, New Jersey, 1977 (PB-292 475/1/XDD) (See NTIS)
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
* Supplementary Data System, Microdata File, New Jersey, 1978 (PB80-158389/XDD) (See NTIS)
Tape contains records of individual occupational injuries and illnesses. Selected injury and illness factors were classified in accordance with standard definitions used in the Supplementary Data System of the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Each case record contains year, month and day of occurrence; nature of injury or illness, part of body affected, type of accident or exposure, and source of injury of illness; and occupation, industry, age, sex, length of service, and weekly wages of injured or ill employee. Technical documentation is available: PB80-149982, Supplementary Data System, Microdata Files, User's Guide, 1978-79. Data were compiled by the New Jersey Department of Labor and Industry from records of workers' compensation cases received during 1978 which involved fatalities, workers less than 18 years of age, and/or one or more lost workdays. Data include cases arising in public employment, for which workers' compensation is compulsory, and private employment, for which coverage is elective. In addition, Federal, railroad and maritime employments are not covered by the State act and cases involving such employees are not included in these data.
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
* Supplementary Data System, Microdata File, New Mexico, 1976 (PB-291 261/6/XDD) (See NTIS)
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
* Supplementary Data System, Microdata File, New Mexico, 1977 (PB-291 263/2/XDD) (See NTIS)
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
* Supplementary Data System, Microdata File, New Mexico, 1978 (PB80-160518/XDD) (See NTIS)
Tape contains records of individual occupational injuries and illnesses. Selected injury and illness factors were classified in accordance with standard definitions used in the Supplementary Data System of the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Each case record contains year, month and day of occurrence; nature of injury or illness, part of body affected, type of accident or exposure, and source of injury of illness; and occupation, industry, age, sex, length of service, and weekly wages of injured or ill employee. Technical documentation is available: PB80-149982, Supplementary Data System, Microdata Files, User's Guide, 1978-79. Data were compiled by the New Mexico Labor and Industrial Commission from records of workers' compensation cases involving eight or more lost workdays which were reported during 1978. Data include cases arising in private and public employments with these principal exceptions: Private employers with three or fewer employees, farm labor, domestic servants, and students employed by educational institutions to help defray the cost of tuition, for which workers' compensation is voluntary, and casual workers. In addition, Federal, railroad and maritime employments are not covered by the State act and cases involving such employees are not included in these data.
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
* Supplementary Data System, Microdata File, New York, 1978 (PB81-151227/XDD) (See NTIS)
Tape contains records of individual occupational injuries and illnesses. Selected injury and illness factors were classified in accordance with standard definitions used in the Supplementary Data System of the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Each case record contains year, month and day of occurrence; nature of injury or illness, part of body affected, type of accident or exposure, and source of injury of illness; and occupation, industry, age, sex, length of service, and weekly wages of injured or ill employee. Technical documentation is available: PB80-149982, Supplementary Data System, Microdata Files, User's Guide, 1978-79. Data were compiled by the New York Workers' Compensation Board from records of workers' compensation cases closed during 1978 which involve death, eight or more lost workdays, or volunteer firefighters. Data include cases arising in private and public employments with these principal exceptions: Local government employees in non-hazardous occupations, public school teachers in cities of over a million inhabitants, certain agricultural employees, household workers, and employees in religious, charitable, or educational institutions and corporations, railroad and maritime workers, and other employees covered under Federal compensation laws.
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
* Supplementary Data System, Microdata File, North Carolina, 1976 (PB-291 343/2/XDD) (See NTIS)
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
* Supplementary Data System, Microdata File, North Carolina, 1977 (PB-292 477/7/XDD) (See NTIS)
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
* Supplementary Data System, Microdata File, North Carolina, 1978 (PB80-158397/XDD) (See NTIS)
Tape contains records of individual occupational injuries and illnesses. Selected injury and illness factors were classified in accordance with standard definitions used in the Supplementary Data System of the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Each case record contains year, month and day of occurrence; nature of injury or illness, part of body affected, type of accident or exposure, and source of injury of illness; and occupation, industry, age, sex, length of service, and weekly wages of injured or ill employee. Technical documentation is available: PB80-149982, Supplementary Data System, Microdata Files, User's Guide, 1978-79. Data were compiled by the North Carolina Department of Labor from records of workers' compensation cases closed during 1978 for which indemnity compensation and/or medical benefits were paid. Indemnity compensation was paid for cases in which disability exceeded seven days. Employers were allowed to report cases involving only medical treatment which cost less than $100 in a summary report; such cases are not included in these data. Data include cases arising in public employments, and in private employments with these principal exceptions: Those employed by employers with less than four employees, domestic servants, and farm labor. Injuries and illnesses to employees of such employers are not included in the data except for those employers who voluntarily elected coverage. In addition, Federal, railroad and maritime employments are not covered by the State act and cases involving such employees are not included in these data.
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
* Supplementl
* Supplementary Data System, Microdata File, Iowa, 1977 (PB-292 472/8/XDD) (See NTIS)
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
* Supplementary Data System, Microdata File, Iowa, 1978 (PB80-158405/XDD) (See NTIS)
Tape contains records of individual occupational injuries and illnesses. Selected injury and illness factors were classified in accordance with standard definitions used in the Supplementary Data System of the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Each case record contains year, month and day of occurrence; nature of injury or illness, part of body affected, type of accident or exposure, and source of injury of illness; and occupation, industry, age, sex, length of service, and weekly wages of injured or ill employee. Technical documentation is available: PB80-149982, Supplementary Data System, Microdata Files, User's Guide, 1978-79. Data were compiled by the Iowa Bureau of Labor from reports to the Bureau of cases which occurred during 1978 and which involved fatalities or two or more lost workdays, not including the day of injury. Data include cases arising in private and public employments with the exception of mining operations and Federal, railroad and maritime employments.
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
* Supplementary Data System, Microdata File, Kentucky, 1976 (PB-292 482/7/XDD) (See NTIS)
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
* Supplementary Data System, Microdata File, Kentucky, 1977 (PB80-108780/XDD) (See NTIS)
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
* Supplementary Data System, Microdata File, Kentucky, 1978 (PB80-160526/XDD) (See NTIS)
Tape contains records of individual occupational injuries and illnesses. Selected injury and illness factors were classified in accordance with standard definitions used in the Supplementary Data System of the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Each case record contains year, month and day of occurrence; nature of injury or illness, part of body affected, type of accident or exposure, and source of injury of illness; and occupation, industry, age, sex, length of service, and weekly wages of injured or ill employee. Technical documentation is available: PB80-149982, Supplementary Data System, Microdata Files, User's Guide, 1978-79. Data were compiled by the Kentucky Department of Labor from records of workers' compensation cases involving fatalities or more than one day of disability. Data include cases arising in private and public employments with these principal exceptions: Some domestic servants, casual workers, and partners and sole proprietors. In addition, Federal, railroad and maritime employments are not covered by the State act and cases involving such employees are not included in these data.
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
* Supplementary Data System, Microdata File, Maryland, 1976 (PB-291 266/5/XDD) (See NTIS)
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
* Supplementary Data System, Microdata File, Maryland, 1977 (PB80-108814/XDD) (See NTIS)
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
* Supplementary Data System, Microdata File, Maryland, 1978 (PB80-158330/XDD) (See NTIS)
Tape contains records of individual occupational injuries and illnesses. Selected injury and illness factors were classified in accordance with standard definitions used in the Supplementary Data System of the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Each case record contains year, month and day of occurrence; nature of injury or illness, part of body affected, type of accident or exposure, and source of injury of illness; and occupation, industry, age, sex, length of service, and weekly wages of injured or ill employee. Technical documentation is available: PB80-149982, Supplementary Data System, Microdata Files, User's Guide, 1978-79. Data were compiled by the Maryland Department of License and Regulation from records of reported workers' compensation cases which occurred during 1978. Data include cases arising in private and public employments with these principal exceptions: Some farm workers, domestic servants, and casual workers. In addition, Federal, railroad and maritime employments are not covered by the State act and cases involving such employees are not included in these data.
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
* Supplementary Data System, Microdata File, Michigan, 1976 (PB-293 669/8/XDD) (See NTIS)
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
* Supplementary Data System, Microdata File, Michigan, 1977 (PB80-108806/XDD) (See NTIS)
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
* Supplementary Data System, Microdata File, Michigan, 1978 (PB80-160591/XDD) (See NTIS)
Tape contains records of individual occupational injuries and illnesses. Selected injury and illness factors were classified in accordance with standard definitions used in the Supplementary Data System of the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Each case record contains year, month and day of occurrence; nature of injury or illness, part of body affected, type of accident or exposure, and source of injury of illness; and occupation, industry, age, sex, length of service, and weekly wages of injured or ill employee. Technical documentation is available: PB80-149982, Supplementary Data System, Microdata Files, User's Guide, 1978-79. Data were compiled by the Michigan Bureau of Safety and Regulations from workers' compensation reports of cases which occurred during 1978 and which resulted in death or seven or more lost workdays. Data include cases arising in private and public employments with these principal exceptions: Those employed by certain non-agricultural employers with less than three employees; those employed by agricultural employers of less than three regular employees; those employed by certain agricultural employers with three or more employees; and certain household domestic servants. In addition, Federal, railroad and maritime employments are not covered by the State act and cases involving such employees are not included in these data.
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
* Supplementary Data System, Microdata File, Minnesota, 1977 (PB80-108798/XDD) (See NTIS)
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
* Supplementary Data System, Microdata File, Minnesota, 1978 (PB80-160583/XDD) (See NTIS)
Tape contains records of individual occupational injuries and illnesses. Selected injury and illness factors were classified in accordance with standard definitions used in the Supplementary Data System of the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Each case record contains year, month and day of occurrence; nature of injury or illness, part of body affected, type of accident or exposure, and source of injury of illness; and occupation, industry, age, sex, length of service, and weekly wages of injured or ill employee. Technical documentation is available: PB80-149982, Supplementary Data System, Microdata Files, User's Guide, 1978-79. Data were compiled by the Minnesota Department of Labor and Industry from records of workers' compensation cases which occurred in 1978 and which involved fatalities, serious injuries, three or more lost workdays, or permanent disability. Data include cases arising in private and public employments with these principal exceptions: employees of the State legislature, elected or appointed officials unless covered by ordinance or resolution of their political subdivisions, and some agricultural, domestic and household workers. In addition, Federal, railroad and maritime employments are not covered by the State act and cases involving such employees are not included in these data.
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
* Supplementary Data System, Microdata File, Missouri, 1976 (PB-291 265/7/XDD) (See NTIS)
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* Supplementary Data System, Microdata File, Missouri, 1977 (PB-292 479/3/XDD) (See NTIS)
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
* Supplementary Data System, Microdata File, Missouri, 1978 (PB80-202567/XDD) (See NTIS)
Tape contains records of individual occupational injuries and illnesses. Selected injury and illness factors were classified in accordance with standard definitions used in the Supplementary Data System of the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Each case record contains year, month and day of occurrence; nature of injury or illness, part of body affected, type of accident or exposure, and source of injury of illness; and occupation, industry, age, sex, length of service, and weekly wages of injured or ill employee. Technical documentation is available: PB80-149982, Supplementary Data System, Microdata Files, User's Guide, 1978-79. Data were compiled by the Missouri Division of Workers' Compensation from records of workers; compensation cases which occurred during 1978. Data include cases arising in public employments, and in private employments with these principal exceptions: Employers with five or fewer regular employees, and some farm labor and domestic servants. Injuries and illnesses to workers in these categories are not included in the data except for those employers who voluntarily elect coverage. In addition, Federal, railroad and maritime employments are not covered by the State act and cases involving such employees are not included in these data.
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
* Supplementary Data System, Microdata File, North Carolina, 1976 (PB-291 343/@
* Supplementary Data System, Microdata File, Colorado, 1977 (PB-292 465/2/XDD) (See NTIS)
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
* Supplementary Data System, Microdata File, Colorado, 1978 (PB80-202559/XDD) (See NTIS)
Tape contains records of individual occupational injuries and illnesses. Selected injury and illness factors were classified in accordance with standard definitions used in the Supplementary Data System of the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Each case record contains year, month and day of occurrence; nature of injury or illness, part of body affected, type of accident or exposure, and source of injury of illness; and occupation, industry, age, sex, length of service, and weekly wages of injured or ill employee. Technical documentation is available: PB80-149982, Supplementary Data System, Microdata Files, User's Guide, 1978-79. Data were compiled by the Colorado Department of Labor and Employment from records of workers' compensation cases which were received in 1978. Data include cases arising in private and public employments with these principal exceptions: employees of farms and ranches with a calendar-year payroll of less than $10,000, and some casual, domestic, non-profit, religious, and charitable workers. In addition, Federal, railroad and maritime employments are not covered by the State act and cases involving such employees are not included in these data.
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
* Supplementary Data System, Microdata File, Connecticut, 1977 (PB-291 323/4/XDD) (See NTIS)
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
* Supplementary Data System, Microdata File, Connecticut, 1978 (PB80-160542/XDD) (See NTIS)
Tape contains records of individual occupational injuries and illnesses. Selected injury and illness factors were classified in accordance with standard definitions used in the Supplementary Data System of the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Each case record contains year, month and day of occurrence; nature of injury or illness, part of body affected, type of accident or exposure, and source of injury of illness; and occupation, industry, age, sex, length of service, and weekly wages of injured or ill employee. Technical documentation is available: PB80-149982, Supplementary Data System, Microdata Files, User's Guide, 1978-79. Data were compiled by the Connecticut Labor Department from records of workers' compensation cases which were received during 1978. Data include cases arising in private and public employments with these principal exceptions: Elected or appointed officials; casual workers; certain domestic servants and family members; outworkers; and corporate officials. In addition, Federal, railroad and maritime employments are not covered by the State act and cases involving such employees are not included in these data.
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
* Supplementary Data System, Microdata File, Delaware, 1976 (PB-291 270/7/XDD) (See NTIS)
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
* Supplementary Data System, Microdata File, Delaware, 1977 (PB-292 469/4/XDD) (See NTIS)
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
* Supplementary Data System, Microdata File, Delaware, 1978 (PB80-160500/XDD) (See NTIS)
Tape contains records of individual occupational injuries and illnesses. Selected injury and illness factors were classified in accordance with standard definitions used in the Supplementary Data System of the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Each case record contains year, month and day of occurrence; nature of injury or illness, part of body affected, type of accident or exposure, and source of injury of illness; and occupation, industry, age, sex, length of service, and weekly wages of injured or ill employee. Technical documentation is available: PB80-149982, Supplementary Data System, Microdata Files, User's Guide, 1978-79. Data were compiled by the Delaware Department of Labor from records of workers' compensation cases involving four or more lost workdays closed during 1978. Data include cases arising in public employments for which coverage is elective, and in private employments with the principal exceptions of farm-workers and certain domestic and casual workers. In addition, Federal, railroad and maritime employments are not covered by the State act and cases involving such employees are not included in these data.
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
* Supplementary Data System, Microdata File, Hawaii, 1977 (PB-295 972/4/XDD) (See NTIS)
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
* Supplementary Data System, Microdata File, Hawaii, 1978 (PB80-160534/XDD) (See NTIS)
Tape contains records of individual occupational injuries and illnesses. Selected injury and illness factors were classified in accordance with standard definitions used in the Supplementary Data System of the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Each case record contains year, month and day of occurrence; nature of injury or illness, part of body affected, type of accident or exposure, and source of injury of illness; and occupation, industry, age, sex, length of service, and weekly wages of injured or ill employee. Technical documentation is available: PB80-149982, Supplementary Data System, Microdata Files, User's Guide, 1978-79. Data were compiled by the Hawaii Department of Labor and Industrial Relations from reports of workers' compensation cases which were received during 1978 and which resulted in absence for 1 day or more or which required medical services other than first aid. Data include cases arising in public employments; and in private employments with these principal exceptions: Certain domestic and casual workers; and students working for colleges in return for room, board, and tuition. In addition, Federal, railroad and maritime employments are not covered by the State act and cases involving such employees are not included in these data.
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
* Supplementary Data System, Microdata File, Idaho, 1976 (PB-292 466/0/XDD) (See NTIS)
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
* Supplementary Data System, Microdata File, Idaho, 1977 (PB-296 022/7/XDD) (See NTIS)
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
* Supplementary Data System, Microdata File, Idaho, 1978 (PB81-240350/XDD) (See NTIS)
Tape contains records of individual occupational injuries and illnesses. Selected injury and illness factors were classified in accordance with standard definitions used in the Supplementary Data System of the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Each case record contains year, month and day of occurrence; nature of injury or illness, part of body affected, type of accident or exposure, and source of injury of illness; and occupation, industry, age, sex, length of service, and weekly wages of injured or ill employee. Technical documentation is available: PB80-149982, Supplementary Data System, Microdata Files, User's Guide, 1978-79. Data were compiled by the Idaho Industrial Commission from records of workers' compensation cases which occurred during 1978. Data include cases arising in public employments; and in private employments with the following principal exceptions for which voluntary coverage is permitted: Agricultural workers, domestic servants, casual employees, and outworkers. In addition, Federal, railroad and maritime employments are not covered by the State act and cases involving such employees are not included in these data.
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
* Supplementary Data System, Microdata File, Indiana, 1976 (PB-292 483/5/XDD) (See NTIS)
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
* Supplementary Data System, Microdata File, Indiana, 1977 (PB-292 464/5/XDD) (See NTIS)
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
* Supplementary Data System, Microdata File, Indiana, 1978 (PB80-197445/XDD) (See NTIS)
Tape contains records of individual occupational injuries and illnesses. Selected injury and illness factors were classified in accordance with standard definitions used in the Supplementary Data System of the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Each case record contains year, month and day of occurrence; nature of injury or illness, part of body affected, type of accident or exposure, and source of injury of illness; and occupation, industry, age, sex, length of service, and weekly wages of injured or ill employee. Technical documentation is available: PB80-149982, Supplementary Data System, Microdata Files, User's Guide, 1978-79. Data were compiled by the Indiana Industrial Board from records of workers' compensation cases which were reported during 1978. Data include cases arising in private and public employments with these principal exceptions: Agricultural employees, domestic servants, casual employees, and executive officers of non-profit corporations for whom coverage is voluntary. In addition, Federal, railroad and maritime employments are not covered by the State act and cases involving such employees are not included in these data.
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
* Supplementary Data System, Microdata File, Iowa, 1976 (PB-291 264/0/XDD) (See NTIS)
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
ith standard definitions used in the Supplementary Data System of the Bureau oth and Human Services Federal Data Bases
* Supplementary Data System, Microdata File, Minnesota, 1978 (PB80-160583/XDD) (See NTIS)
Tape contains r
* Poison Control Inquiry Data Base (1962-80) (PB80-202534/XDD) (See NTIS)
This data base is a computerized listing of the 5 x 8 Poison Control Product Cards which the Division of Poison Control makes available to the poison control centers. Each product is identified by a numeric code and a product category. Also information concerning symptoms that can be expected from a poisoning caused by each product and suggested acceptable treatments are included.
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
* Puerto Rico Fertility and Family Planning Assessment, 1982 (PB85-209591/XDD) (See NTIS)
The Puerto Rico Fertility and Family Planning Assessment (PRFFPA) was a multi-purpose island-wide social, demographic, and maternal/child health study of women 15-49 years of age living in Puerto Rico in 1982. The PRFFPA is a data set designed for both social/demographic researchers and public health program administrators. The PRFFPA is one of the few large-scale studies that has collected retrospective event-history data from reproductive age women. Event-history data were collected on fertility, marriage, migration, education, and employment, and contraceptive use since 1978. The data set also includes more detailed fertility and family planning information than has been previously available for Puerto Rico. The new data in the PRFFPA include information on the planning status of each pregnancy event, women's intentions with regard to future births, prenatal care, birth weight, and contraceptive use by method and source at the health region level. The tape contains two data files: (1) a Respondent File containing the data from the individual respondent questionnaires for the 3,175 women with completed interviews, and (2) a Household File containing the data for each of the 4,500 households that were in the sample.
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
* RTECS (Registry of Toxic Effects Chemical Substances) Regulatory Subfile. Regulations, Recommendations and Assessments (for Microcomputers) (PB89-121487/XDD) (See NTIS)
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
* RTECS (Registry of Toxic Effects Chemical Substances) Regulatory Subfile. Regulations, Recommendations and Assessments (for Microcomputers) (PB88-934400/XDD) (See NTIS)
Regulations, Recommendations and Assessments Extracted from RTECS, contains 4277 chemical substances which must have had one or more of the following data lines: OSHA standards, MSHA standards, DOT shipping regulations, NIOSH recommendations, ACGIH TLV, IARC assessments indicating positive or suspected carcinogenic activity in animals and/or man, and NTP positive carcinogenesis test results. Substances are listed in alphabetical order by the prime entry name. The data file can be searched by RTECS accession number, CAS Registry Number, or fragment of name or synonym. Diskettes were created in dBase III Plus format, using DOS 3.1 and are in the Backup format.
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
* Short-Stay Hospital Medicare Provider and Beneficiary File, 1981 (PB85-238186/XDD) (See NTIS)
The patient origin tape file contains 5,820 short-stay hospital provider records and 727,553 Medicare beneficiary records. The beneficiary records include the zip code, State of residence, number of discharges and days of care provided to beneficiaries by the provider as well as total discharges and days of care by all providers for that zip code. The file is hierarchical with two record types: one record type provides the location and selected characteristics for each provider; the second type provides one or more provider/beneficiary zip code level records as trailers for each provider record. No money amounts for charges or reimbursements are shown. the data are useful for patient origin and hospital market area studies. A hospital's share of Medicare discharges of days of care for a particular set of zip codes and other hospitals' shares for the same set of zip codes can be determined from the data. The geographic extent of the hospital's market is also available.
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
* Simulated Tax and Transfer System (Stats) - Social Security Unit (1970-71) (PB-221 653/9/XDD) (See NTIS)
The Stats social security unit file used the Stats unit file to determine if a unit is eligible for social security benefits and, if eligible, who in the unit is (are) receiving such benefits. In addition, the Stats person file and the Stats family file were used to determine which of the approximate 35 combinations of social security beneficiary units the particular unit is. This Stats social security unit file contains 57,797 records. The income reported is for calendar year 1970 and the population is reported as of March 1971.
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
* Simulated Tax and Transfer System: Stats- Family (1970-71) (PB-221 651/3/XDD) (See NTIS)
The Stats-Family file contains demographic and income information for each household interviewed during the March 1971 Current Population Survey (CPS) conducted by the Bureau of the Census. The demographic and income information is a selected, direct transfer of data from the CPS file. This Stats-Family file contains 48,354 records. The income reported is for calendar year 1970 and the population is reported as of March 1971.
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
* Simulated Tax and Transfer Systems: Stats-Person (1970-71) (PB-221 650/5/XDD) (See NTIS)
The Stats-Person file contains demographic and income information for each person who was a member of a household interviewed during the March 1971 Current Population Survey conducted by the Bureau of the Census. The demographic and income information is a selected direct transfer of data from the Current Population Survey file. This Stats-Person file contains 147,027 records. The income reported is for calendar year 1970 and population is reported as of March 1971.
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
* Simulated Tax and Transfer System (Stats) - Unit (1970-71) (PB-221 652/1/XDD) (See NTIS)
The Stats-unit file contains selected information formed by merging the Stats family file and the Stats person file. Unit is defined as the minimum economic unit that is eligible for public transfer payment (Social Security, public assistance, public pension, etc.). This Stats unit file contains 57,797 records. The income reported is for calendar year 1970 and the population is reported as of March 1971.
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
* Supplementary Data System, Microdata File, Alaska, 1976 (PB-292 471/0/XDD) (See NTIS)
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
* Supplementary Data System, Microdata File, Alaska, 1977 (PB-292 470/2/XDD) (See NTIS)
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
* Supplementary Data System, Microdata File, Alaska, 1978 (PB80-188022/XDD) (See NTIS)
Tape contains records of individual occupational injuries and illnesses. Selected injury and illness factors were classified in accordance with standard definitions used in the Supplementary Data System of the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Each case record contains year, month and day of occurrence; nature of injury or illness, part of body affected, type of accident or exposure, and source of injury of illness; and occupation, industry, age, sex, length of service, and weekly wages of injured or ill employee. Technical documentation is available: PB80-149982, Supplementary Data System, Microdata Files, User's Guide, 1978-79.
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
* Supplementary Data System, Microdata File, California, 1976 (PB-291 273/1/XDD) (See NTIS)
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
* Supplementary Data System, Microdata File, California, 1977 (PB80-111107/XDD) (See NTIS)
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
* Supplementary Data System, Microdata File, California, 1978 (PB80-196439/XDD) (See NTIS)
Tape contains records of individual occupational injuries and illnesses. Selected injury and illness factors were classified in accordance with standard definitions used in the Supplementary Data System of the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Each case record contains year, month and day of occurrence; nature of injury or illness, part of body affected, type of accident or exposure, and source of injury of illness; and occupation, industry, age, sex, length of service, and weekly wages of injured or ill employee. Technical documentation is available: PB80-149982, Supplementary Data System, Microdata Files, User's Guide, 1978-79. Data were compiled by the California Department of Industrial Relations from records of workers' compensation cases involving fatalities, or one or more lost workdays, which were reported during 1978. Data include cases arising in private and public employments with the exception of some domestic servants, casual employees, part-time gardeners, volunteer or charitable workers, and uncompensated athletes. In addition, Federal, railroad and maritime employments are not covered by the State act and cases involving such employees are not included in these data.
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
* Supplementary Data System, Microdata File, Colorado, 1976 (PB-291 272/3/XDD) (See NTIS)
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
se data.
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
* Supplementary Data System, Microdata File, Colorado, 1976 (PB-291 272/3/XDD) (See
* Vital Statistics, Mortality, Local Area Summary, 1968- 1985
Mortality, underlying cause-of-death data, include all deaths occurring within the United States. Deaths of US civilians and deaths of members of the Armed Forces occurring outside the United States are not included. Data are obtained from certificates filed for deaths occurring in each State. Data were obtained from all certificates for 1968-71 and for 1973-85. Data were obtained from a 50 percent sample of certificates for 1972. Causes of death for 1968-78 were coded according to the Eighth Revision, International Classification of Diseases, Adapted. Causes of death for 1979-85 were coded according to the Ninth Revision, International Classification of Diseases. NCHS Contacts: Joseph D. Farrell, (301) 436-8900 or Harry M. Rosenberg, Ph.D., (301) 436-8884.
Data year; Accession No.; Price
1968; PB-238827; $200.00
1969; PB80-126618; $200.00
1970; PB80-108749; $200.00
1971; PB80-126642; $200.00
1972; PB80-126667; $200.00
1973; PB80-133374; $200.00
1974; PB80-126683; $200.00
1975; PB80-134158; $200.00
1976; PB80-134117; $200.00
1977; PB80-131675; $200.00
1978; PB81-100232; $200.00
1979; PB83-143230; $200.00
1980; PB83-261636; $200.00
1981; PB84-212992; $200.00
1982; PB85-163913; $400.00
1983; PB86-120482; $400.00
1984; PB86-125639; $400.00
1985; PB88-101357; $400.00
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
Mortality, multiple cause-of-death data, include all deaths occurring within the United States. Deaths of US civilians and deaths of members of the Armed Forces occurring outside the United States are not included. Data are obtained from certificates filed for deaths occurring in each State. Data were obtained from all certificates for 1968-71, 1973-80, and 1983-85. Data were obtained from a 50 percent sample of certificates for 1972. Multiple cause data for 1981 and 1982 were obtained from a 50 percent sample of certificates from 19 registration areas, and for the other States, data were obtained from all certificates. The user must be aware that the multiple cause files and the underlying cause files for 1981 and 1982 differ in that the underlying cause files were processed on a 100 percent basis. A detailed data tape file is available for each year. NCHS Contact: Joseph D. Farrell, (301) 436-8900, or Harry M. Rosenberg, Ph.D., (301) 436-8884.
Data year; Accession No.; Price
1968; PB82-191800; $1100.00
1969; PB82-155011; $1100.00
1970; PB82-121716; $1100.00
1971; PB82-142654; $1100.00
1972; PB82-191966; $500.00
1973; PB82-191644; $1100.00
1974; PB82-186156; $1100.00
1975; PB82-157322; $1100.00
1976; PB81-186827; $1400.00
1977; PB81-217382; $1400.00
1978; PB82-105743; $1100.00
1979; PB83-153031; $1700.00
1980; PB84-112200; $700.00
1981; PB85-153617; $1700.00
1982; PB85-224202; $1700.00
1983; PB86-138831; $1660.00
1984; PB87-161030; $1700.00
1985; PB87-235057; $1700.00
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
* Vital Statistics, Natality, Detail, 1968-85
Natality data include all births occurring within the United States. Births occurring to US citizens outside the United States are not included. Data are obtained from certificates filed for births occurring in each State. Data were obtained from a 50 percent sample of certificates during 1968-71. Starting in 1972 all records were included for States that participated in the Vital Statistics Cooperative Program (VSCP). The number of States participating in the VSCP increased from 6 in 1972 to 46 in 1984; beginning in 1985, all States and the District of Columbia participated. NCHS Contacts: Joseph D. Farrell, (301) 436-8900 or Robert L. Heuser, (301) 436-8954.
Data Year; Accession No.; Price
1968; PB-238700; $700.00
1969; PB-238698; $1300.00
1970; PB80-107006; $1200.00
1971; PB80-107741; $1200.00
1972; PB80-107766; $1200.00
1973; PB80-107642; $1200.00
1974; PB80-107683; $1300.00
1975; PB80-170808; $1500.00
1976; PB80-117153; $1600.00
1977; PB-301360; $1800.00
1978; PB80-188618; $1600.00
1979; PB82-132325; $1400.00
1980; PB83-154831; $1400.00
1981; PB84-136159; $1400.00
1982; PB85-153633; $1400.00
1983; PB86-106275; $1400.00
1984; PB86-233129; $1900.00
1985; PB87-230694; $1900.00
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
* Vital Statistics, Natality, Local Area Summary, 1968- 1985
Natality data include all births occurring within the United States. Births occurring to US citizens outside the United States are not included. Data are obtained from certificates filed for births occurring in each State. Data were obtained from a 50 percent sample of certificates during 1968-71. Starting in 1972 all records were included for States that participated in the Vital Statistics Cooperative Program (VSCP). The number of States participating in the VSCP increased from 6 in 1972 to 46 in 1984; beginning in 1985, all States and the District of Columbia participated. NCHS Contacts: Joseph D. Farrell, (301) 436-8900 or Robert L. Heuser, (301) 436-8954.
Data Year; Accession No.; Price
1968; PB-238701; $200.00
1969; PB80-186299; $200.00
1970; PB80-107550; $300.00
1971; PB80-107709; $300.00
1972; PB80-107576; $300.00
1973; PB80-107519; $300.00
1974; PB80-107535; $300.00
1975; PB80-107725; $400.00
1976; PB80-107667; $400.00
1977; PB80-107782; $400.00
1978; PB80-186372; $300.00
1979; PB82-132283; $200.00
1980; PB83-154872; $200.00
1981; PB84-136118; $200.00
1982; PB85-153625; $400.00
1983; PB86-105897; $200.00
1984; PB86-233087; $400.00
1985; PB88-102322; $400.00
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
* Vital Statistics, Natality, State Summary, 1968-85
Natality data include all births occurring within the United States. Births occurring to US citizens outside the United States are not included. Data are obtained from certificates filed for births occurring in each State. Data were obtained from a 50 percent sample of certificates during 1968-71. Starting in 1972 all records were included for States that participated in the Vital Statistics Cooperative Program (VSCP). The number of States participating in the VSCP increased from 6 in 1972 to 46 in 1984; beginning in 1985, all States and the District of Columbia participated. NCHS Contacts: Joseph D. Farrell, (301) 436-8900 or Robert L. Heuser, (301) 436-8954.
Data year; Accession No.; Price
1968; PB-235643; $200.00
1969; PB-235644; $200.00
1970; PB-300426; $200.00
1971; PB-300428; $200.00
1972; PB-300430; $200.00
1973; PB-300584; $200.00
1974; PB-300588; $200.00
1975; PB-300586; $200.00
1976; PB-300590; $200.00
1977; PB-300592; $200.00
1978; PB80-186315; $200.00
1979; PB82-132309; $200.00
1980; PB83-154856; $200.00
1981; PB84-136134; $200.00
1982; PB85-153591; $200.00
1983; PB86-105608; $200.00
1984; PB86-233103; $200.00
1985; PB88-100433; $200.00
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
* National Cooperative Gallstone Study: Chenodiol for Dissolution of Gallstones (PB82-134891/XDD) (See NTIS)
The National Cooperative Gallstone Study was a controlled clinical trial of the efficacy and safety of chenodiol for dissolution of cholesterol gallstones. The tape contains four SAS data sets. SAS (the Statistical Analysis System) is a software package provided by the SAS Institute, Inc. (Cary, NC) which includes a flexible data management facility and a variety of statistical procedures for the analysis of data. The four data sets are named ANALYSIS, COVAR, F311, and RADIOL. Although these data sets can be read using an IBM utility, it is recommended that the data sets be read using the statistical analysis system itself. The advantage of a SAS file is that SAS maintains a directory of each variable on the file according to the assigned variable name, and variables may thus be referenced and documented by name rather than physical location in the data file. The Statistical Analysis System is described by Barr, et al, SAS User's Guide, Cary, NC: SAS Institute, Inc.; 1979.
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
* National Cooperative Gallstone Study, SAS Data Sets, Chenodiol, Hepatoxicity, Liver Biopsy (PB82-205071/XDD) (See NTIS)
The National Cooperative Gallstone Study was a controlled clinical trail of the efficacy and safety of Chenodeoxycholic Acid (chenodiol) for dissolution of cholesterol gallstones. The treatment of chenodiol led to concern about its possible hepatoxicity. This study was performed to evaluate whether gross or specific morphologic abnormality occurred after the treatment of chenodiol. The results of the study and detailed statistical analyses are included in an NTIS document. To accompany that document this tape has been prepared to include the actual data files employed for the statistical analyses. The specifications of the tape is on NTIS-PB82-205089. The tape contains five SAS data sets. SAS (the Statistical Analysis System) is a software package provided by the SAS Institute, Inc. (Cary, NC) which includes a flexible data management facility and data sets are named B1617C, BIOP2, BIOP3, BIOP11, MICR01. Although these data sets can be read using an IBM utility, it is recommended that the data sets be read using the statistical analysis system itself. The advantage of a SAS file is that SAS maintains a directory of each variable on the file according to the assigned variable name, and variables may thus be referenced and documented by name rather than physical location in the data file. The Statistical Analysis System is described by Barr, et al., SAS User's Guide, Cary, NC: SAS Institute, Inc.,; 1979.
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
* National Drug Code Directory, September 1986-February 1987 (PB87-186482/XDD) (See NTIS)
Reel 001ECI as standard 1600 epi which contains 173,441 variable length records, there are 4 record types. Type 1 records contain basic information including the NDC, trade name, labeler, route of administration, dose form, etc. Type 2 records contain information about packaging such as package code, type and size. Type 3 records contain information about ingredients. The printed directory includes a maximum of 3 ingredients; the data tape includes all active ingredients. Type 4 records contain information about the drug class.
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
* National Health Related Items Code Tape (PB-245 660/2/XDD) (See NTIS)
The National Health Related Items Code (NHRIC) Directory Magnetic Tape contains medical device (health related items) product information supplied to FDA by medical device firms cooperating in the implementation of the NHRIC system. Each product is assigned a 10 digit code. The first four digits identify the Labeler (manufacturer, repackager or distributor) and the next six digits the product. Information on approximately 22,000 medical device products marketed by 80 firms is included in this tape edition.
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
* National Hospital Discharge Survey, 1981 (PB85-152338/XDD) (See NTIS)
The National Hospital Discharge Survey (NHDS) provides data on the utilization of non-Federal short-stay hospitals. The NHDS is a continuous survey based on a sample of medical records of patients discharged from a national sample of these hospitals. The survey obtains information on the patients' demographic characteristics (sex, date of birth, age, race, marital status), dates of admission and discharge, discharge status, diagnoses, procedures performed, expected source of payment, and hospital characteristics of bedsize, ownership, and region of the country. The medical information is coded using the International Classification of Diseases, 9th Revision, Clinical Modification (ICD-9-CM). In 1981 about 226,000 medical records were sampled from the 428 hospitals participating in the survey. This sample represents approximately 0.6 percent of the estimated 38 million discharges in 1981.
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
* National Medical Care Expenditure Survey Health Insurance/Employer Survey Data: Person Record SAS (Statistical Analysis System) File (January-December 1977) (PB86-194669/XDD) (See NTIS)
Data in these files were obtained from the Health Insurance/Employer Survey (HIES) component of the 1977 National Medical Care Expenditure Survey (NMCES). HIES data were collected from employers and insurance companies of persons who signed permission forms from among the 40,320 person NMCES sample, which represents the US civilian, noninstitutional population. The tape contains two Statistical Analysis System (SAS) data files of one record per person. The first file contains data on insurance status, premiums, and sources of payment for all persons in the sample, and the second file contains health insurance benefit provisions for privately insured sample members 65 or older. A SAS format library files, files containing codebooks for each of the two data sets, and a file containing documentation for the tape are provided. The data files have the capacity to link to each other and to the NMCES person-level household SAS data set, NTIS No. PB83-198077. The documentation contains descriptions of HIES and NMCES; information on sample design, population weights, variance estimation, and imputation of missing data, a description of file structure and content and programming information. The data sets are also available as Extended Binary Code Decimal Interchange Code (EBCDIC) files. National Medical Care Expenditure Survey Health Insurance/Employer Survey Data: Person Record EBCDIC File (January-December 1977) (PB86-194685/XDD).
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
* National Medical Care Expenditure Survey Household Data: Event Record Files
This numeric (microdata) file contains detailed data on health service use by the non-institutionalized US population. Data include such items as event dates, procedures performed, charges for care and source of payment, reason for contact including medical conditions, provider type/specialty, waiting and travel time and length of contact. Coverage of the file is nationwide. Latest date of survey is 1987.
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
* National Sample Survey of Licensed Practical/Vocational Nurses (PB85-249662) (See NTIS)
This is a numeric (microdata) file containing information on the demographic, educational and occupational characteristics of individuals having current licenses to practice as practical/vocational nurses in the country. Data are nationwide; states identified. Data pertain to November, 1983.
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
* National Sample Survey of Registered Nurses (PB86-224623) (See NTIS)
This is a numeric (microdata) file containing information on the demographic, educational, and professional employment characteristics of all individuals having current licenses to practice as registered nurses in the country. Data are nationwide; State identified. Data pertain to November, 1984. Prior files in the series are available for September 1977 and November 1980.
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
* Natural Toxicants Literature File through 1975 (PB-262 496/3/XDD) (See NTIS)
The Food and Drug Administration Natural Toxicants Literature file is maintained to provide a current awareness of published investigations and reviews. The file provides the means to search and retrieve information on selected topics. The data base is accumulated by routine scanning of: Current Contents Life Science; Current Contents Agriculture, Biology and Environmental Sciences; Chemical Abstracts; Current Abstracts of Chemistry and Index Chemicus; Automatic Subject Citation Alert (ASCA) service provided by the Institute for Scientific Information from a weekly scan of their literature acquisitions that match an interest profile provided by us; and documents acquired by personal contacts. The interest profile covers all natural toxicants, and related disciplines with an emphasis on mycotoxins. Hard copy of all titles is obtained and scanned for determination of appropriate search codes and keys. This copy is kept in a central reference file in the FDA laboratories. Titles are entered as acquired to maintain current awareness and search capabilities.
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
* New Medical Care Delivery System Data Tape, Kaiser Foundation Research Institute (PB-246 630/8/XDD) (PB-246 630/8/XDD) (See NTIS)
The two files of data contained on this tape are from a study, conducted at the Kaiser Permanente Health Plan in Oakland, California, to test and evaluate a new medical care delivery system that was designed to provide efficient utilization of physicians, paramedical personnel, and technology. the objectives were: (1) to improve accessibility by reducing waiting time for new patients; (2) to provide prompt entry work-ups using minimum doctor time; (3) to systematize the work-up and improve its comprehensiveness and efficiency; (4) to effectively determine patient health needs and match need with appropriate resources; (5) to provide an effective program for continuity of health care; and (6) to develop a new mode of access that is cost-effective and acceptable to patients and staff. The first file contains utilization data of sample patients in the new medical care delivery system and the traditional medical system. The second file contains information on patient satisfaction in both the new medical care delivery system and the traditional medical system.
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
* New Medical Care Delivery System Data Tape, Kaiser Foundation Research Institute (PB-246 630/8/XDD) (PB-246 630/8/XDD) (See NTIS)
The two files of data contained on this tap
* National Master Facility Inventory, Nursing Homes and Other Health Facilities, 1971, 1973, 1976, 1980, and 1982
Data year; Accession No.; Price
1973; PB-287268; $200.00
1976; PB-287230; $200.00
1980; PB83-178459; $200.00
1982; PB86-237872; $200.00
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
* National Medical Care Utilization Expenditure Survey
NMCUES was a panel survey designed to collect data about the US civilian non-institutionalized population in 1980. Information was obtained on health, access to and use of medical services, associated charges and sources of payment, and health insurance coverage. NCHS Contact: Ronald Biggar, (301) 436-7100.
Data year; Accession No.; Price
NMCUES, 1980; PB83-229542; $700.00
1980 NMCUES family data tape; PB87-172326; $200.00
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
* National Mortality Survey, 1966-68
The 1966-68 National Mortality Survey (NMS) collected data on the smoking habits of decedents aged 35-84. Further information was gathered on household composition, family income, and assets for decedents aged 50 and over. Only a combined tape is available for the 1966-68 NMS. NCHS Contact: Natality Statistics Branch, (301) 436-8954.
1966-68; PB80-117138; $200.00
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
* National Natality Surveys, 1964-66, 1967-69, and 1972
All of the surveys in this group are called "followback" surveys because they follow back one or more informants identified on vital records. There are three National Natality Surveys (NNS's) which cover births to married women in the years 1964-66, 1967-69, and 1972. The 1964-66 NNS includes such topics as pregnancy history, birth expectations, family composition, employment status, health insurance coverage, and selected socioeconomic variables. In the 1967-69 NNS, several new variables were introduced, including additional items relative to employment of the mother, religious preference, prenatal and postnatal care, and cigarette smoking. In 1968 and 1969 a variable was added on whether or not the mother had wanted to become pregnant with the sample child. The 1972 NNS is similar in content to the 1964-66 NNS and 1967-69 NNS but does not include items on employment status, religious preference, or cigarette smoking. However, the 1972 NNS includes new data on maternal and infant health available from questionnaires sent to physicians and hospitals. NCHS Contact: Natality Statistics Branch, (301) 436-8954.
Data year; Accession No.; Price
1964-66; PB-237326; $200.00
1967; PB-300997; $200.00
1968; PB-301157; $200.00
1969; PB-300999; $200.00
1972; PB-301358; $200.00
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
* National Natality Survey and National Fetal Mortality Survey
In the 1980 National Natality Survey and 1980 National Fetal Mortality Survey (NNS/NFMS), four groups associated with the sampled deliveries-married mothers, hospitals, attendants at delivery, and other medical providers of radiation during pregnancy-responded to questionnaires. The medical data were collected for married and unmarried mothers in the NNS/NFMS. The 1980 NNS and NFMS are only available on one combined tape, and cannot be purchased separately. A list of over 100 papers or reports utilizing the data is available from the Natality Statistics Branch. These findings include electronic fetal monitoring in relation to cesarean section delivery, trends in maternal and infant health factors associated with low infant birth weight, radiation procedures performed during pregnancy, infant health consequences of childbearing by teenagers and older mothers, social and clinical correlates of postpartum sterilization, and maternal smoking and drinking behavior before and during pregnancy. Certain additional infant mortality information obtained from the National Death Index is not on the public use tape, but is available through the Natality Statistics Branch. NCHS Contact: Natality Statistics Branch, (301) 436-8954.
1980; PB84-177310; $200.00
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
* National Nursing Home Survey, 1969, 1973-74, and 1977
The National Nursing Home Survey (NNHS) is a continuing series of national sample surveys of nursing homes, their residents, and their staff. To date, three nursing home surveys have been conducted, the first in 1973-74, the second in 1977, and the third in 1985. These three surveys were preceded by a series of surveys between 1963 and 1969 which were called the "resident places" surveys. While each of these past surveys emphasized different topics, they all provided some common basic information about nursing homes, their residents, and their staff. The two most recent surveys, 1985 and 1977, were similar in scope in that they both included nursing care homes, personal care homes (with and without nursing), and domiciliary care homes. These surveys represent a broadening in scope over that of the 1973-74 survey which excluded facilities providing only personal care or domiciliary are. However, because personal and domiciliary care homes constitute such a small proportion of the 1977 and 1985 surveys, no special adjustments need to be made when comparing the three surveys. Besides providing national estimates of nursing homes, the 1977 NNHS was supplemented with additional nursing homes to provide reliable estimates for selected States. The States for which estimates are available (California, Illinois, Massachusetts, New York, and Texas) cover one-third of the nursing home population. Data from the three previous surveys of nursing homes, conducted during May through December 1977, August 1973 through April 1974, and June through August 1969, are also available. The data were sampled using a stratified two-stage probability design. The first stage was a selection of facilities; the second was a selection of residents and employees of the sample facilities. In the 1985 survey, only registered nurses were sampled. The sampling frame for residents was the total number of residents on the register of the facility on the evening prior to the day of the survey. The sampling frame for employees was the list of all staff members including those employed by contract. Only staff members involved in direct patient care (administrative, medical, therapeutic, and nursing staff) were sampled. Survey data were collected using a combination of personal interview and self-enumerated forms. Additional information about both current and discharged residents was obtained in a telephone interview with a relative. The 1985 and 1977 NNHS differed from previous surveys by the inclusion of an additional sample of discharges from the nursing home during the preceding year. The sample of discharges (both alive and dead) was included in the NNHS to provide information on duration of stay in nursing homes and the characteristics of persons spending a relatively short time in the facility. NCHS Contact: Esther Hing, (301) 436-8830.
Data year; Accession No.; Price
1969; Available from NCHS; $500.00
1973-74; Available from NCHS; $500.00
1977; PB80-188030; $500.00
1977, 5-State; PB80-188717; $500.00
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
* National Nursing Home Survey, 1985
This is a numeric (microdata) file containing national data on the characteristics of nursing homes and their services, on the costs incurred by the facilities in providing care by major groupings, and on certification for participation in Medicare and Medicaid, as well as on nursing home staff members and patients. The survey, conducted in 1985, has a stratified two-stage probability sample design. First stage was a selection of facilities and the second was a selection of each of the following: residents, persons discharged, and staff. File is hierarchical and contains approximately 1,100 records for nursing homes, 5,200 records for residents, 2,800 records for staff, and 6,000 records for discharges. As indicated above, the files are available from the National Center for Health Statistics and the National Technical Information Service, respectively. Contact Ester Hing, Statistician, National Center for Health Statistics, US Department of Health and Human Services, 3700 East-West Highway, Room 2-43, Hyattsville, MD 20782, (301) 436-8830, for content information.
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
* National Reporting System for Family Planning Services (NRSFPS)
This file was designed to gather information on family planning visits to non-military family planning sites. Data were collected in 1980 by a mail survey from 1,381 family planning clinics. Coverage of the file is nationwide. Census regions, States, and counties are identified.
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
* National Survey of Family Growth, 1973, 1976, and 1982
The National Survey of Family Growth was initiated to provide current information on childbearing, contraception, and closely related aspects of maternal and child health. Topics covered in the interview include: the month and year of first intercourse (Cycle III only); pregnancy, contraceptive, and marital histories; employment; occupation; child care; fecundity and sterility; prenatal medical care; family planning services; birth expectations; ethnicity; education; religion; and income. Information on contraception was obtained for each pregnancy interval, and detailed contraception information was obtained for each month in the 3 years before the interview. A series of questions was also asked to establish whether or not each pregnancy was wanted by the husband and wife just before conception. NCHS Contacts: William Mosher, Marjorie Horn, or Elsie Pamuk, (301) 436-8731.
Data year; Accession No.; Price
1973; PB-277054; $200.00
1976; PB-294480; $200.00
1976 couple; PB80-168206; $200.00
1976 combined; PB80-219702; $200.00
1982 combined respondent and interval file; PB85-100022; $200.00
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
* National Survey of Personal Health Practices and Consequences
The National Survey of Personal Health Practices and Consequences (NSPHPC) was conducted by the National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS) as part of the effort to meet the data needs of the prevention initiative of the US Department of Health and Human Services. Data are included on diet and exercise; sleeping; smoking; drinking of alcoholic beverages; weight status; dental hygiene; use of seat belts; changes in preventive health behavior due to illness; perceived health status and energy level; concern about health and feelings about capability of taking acre of one's own health; use of preventive health services; use of medical and hospital care; behavior with respect to high blood pressure; disability status; frequency of colds and headaches; limitations on usual activities because of health; family heritage of longevity; work status, conditions of work with respect to hazards, stress, physical demands, and sick leave; participation in social groups and religious services; enjoyment of free time; number and closeness of friends and relatives; general psychological well-being; recent stressful life events; and sociodemographic information, such as age, sex, marital status, educational level, race, and family income. NCHS Contact: Patricia M. Golden, (301) 436-7032.
Waves I and II; PB83-104323; $200.00
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
* National Survey of Personal Health Practices and Consequences (NSPHPC), Waves I and II
The survey covered in this numeric (microdata) file was designed to measure the extent and distribution in the US population of positive personal health practices, their stability over time, and their relationship to morbidity and mortality. Questions covered a wide range of health practices and attitudes and selected socio-demographic variables. Data were collected via telephone survey. Coverage of the file is nationwide. Census regions are identified. Data pertain to 1979 and 1980. Contact Ms. Pat Golden, National Center for Health Statistics, Public Health Services, US Department of Health and Human Services, Center Building, Room 2-27, 3700 East-West Highway, Hyattsville, MD 20782, (301) 436-7032, for information on content.
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
* Vital Statistics, Divorce, Detail, 1968-85
Divorce data include all divorces occurring in States that meet reporting criteria for inclusion in the divorce-registration area. Divorces occurring outside the divorce-registration area are not included. Data are obtained from certificates of divorces occurring in each registration State. Records of each State in the divorce-registration area were sampled at one of five sampling rates used in processing 1968-85 data. Data are weighted, based on the sampling fraction of the reporting State. One detailed data tape file is available for each year. NCHS Contacts: Joseph D. Farrell, (301) 436-8900, or Robert L. Heuser, (301) 436-8954.
Data year; Accession No.; Price
1968; PB-238824; $200.00
1969; PB-238825; $200.00
1970; PB80-186745; $200.00
1971; PB80-187164; $200.00
1972; PB80-187180; $200.00
1973; PB80-187149; $200.00
1974; PB80-187123; $200.00
1975; PB80-186786; $200.00
1976; PB80-186760; $200.00
1977; PB80-186729; $300.00
1978; PB81-100216; $300.00
1979; PB81-238800; $200.00
1980; PB83-242644; $200.00
1981; PB84-164185; $200.00
1982; PB85-179430; $200.00
1983; PB86-165248; $200.00
1984; PB87-125506; $200.00
1985; PB88-127865; $200.00
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
* Vital Statistics, Marriage, Detail, 1968-85
Marriage data include all marriages occurring in States that meet reporting criteria for inclusion in the marriage-registration area. Marriages occurring outside the marriage-registration area are not included. Data are obtained from certificates of marriages occurring in each registration State. Records of each State in the marriage-registration area were sampled at one of five sampling rates used in processing 1968-85 data. Data are weighted, based on the sampling fraction of the reporting State. One detailed data tape file is available for each year. NCHS Contacts: Joseph D. Farrell, (301) 436-8900, or Robert L. Heuser, (301) 436-8954.
Data year; Accession No.; Price
1968; PB-235645; $200.00
1969; PB-235646 $200.00
1970; PB80-186331; $200.00
1971; PB80-186356; $200.00
1972; PB80-185887; $300.00
1973; PB80-186273; $300.00
1974; PB80-185846; $300.00
1975; PB80-185903; $400.00
1976; PB80-185861; $400.00
1977; PB80-185804; $400.00
1978; PB81-164733; $400.00
1979; PB81-238743; $200.00
1980; PB83-261610; $200.00
1981; PB84-164201; $200.00
1982; PB85-221646; $200.00
1983; PB86-185923; $400.00
1984; PB87-197109; $400.00
1985; PB88-181987; $400.00
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
* Vital Statistics Mortality
This is a numeric (microdata) file designed to collect uniform data on all deaths in the United States. Data includes one record for each death in the country for the year. Demographic and medical data includes classification by place of occurrence and residence, age, race, sex and cause of death. Data were taken from death certificates file during the year. Census regions, States, and counties are identified. Data are contained in 4 data files: 3 include only underlying cause of death -- a detail file, a local area summary file, and a cause-of-death summary file, and the fourth is a multiple cause-of-death, detail file. The file has been produced annually in machine-readable form since 1968. These files are also available.
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
Mortality, underlying cause-of-death data, include all deaths occurring within the United States. Deaths of US civilians and deaths of members of the Armed Forces occurring outside the United States are not included. Data are obtained from certificates filed for deaths occurring in each State. Data were obtained from all certificates for 1968-71 and for 1973-85. Data were obtained from a 50 percent sample of certificates for 1972. Causes of death for 1968-78 were coded according to the Eighth Revision, International Classification of Diseases, Adapted. Causes of death for 1979-85 were coded according to the Ninth Revision, International Classification of Diseases. NCHS Contacts: Joseph D. Farrell, (301) 436-8900 or Harry M. Rosenberg, Ph.D., (301) 436-8884.
Data year; Accession No.; Price
1968; PB80-126550; $300.00
1969; PB80-133358; $300.00
1970; PB80-133333; $300.00
1971; PB80-133317; $300.00
1972; PB80-133275; $200.00
1973; PB80-126576; $300.00
1974; PB80-133291; $300.00
1975; PB80-134133; $300.00
1976; PB80-134091; $300.00
1977; PB80-126592; $300.00
1978; PB81-100257; $300.00
1979; PB83-132373; $200.00
1980; PB83-261578; $300.00
1981; PB84-213032; $300.00
1982; PB85-163764; $500.00
1983; PB86-120466; $900.00
1984; PB87-129680; $600.00
1985; PB88-101332; $600.00
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
* Vital Statistics, Mortality, Detail, 1968-85
Mortality, underlying cause-of-death data, include all deaths occurring within the United States. Deaths of US civilians and deaths of members of the Armed Forces occurring outside the United States are not included. Data are obtained from certificates filed for deaths occurring in each State. Data were obtained from all certificates for 1968-71 and for 1973-85. Data were obtained from a 50 percent sample of certificates for 1972. Causes of death for 1968-78 were coded according to the Eighth Revision, International Classification of Diseases, Adapted. Causes of death for 1979-85 were coded according to the Ninth Revision, International Classification of Diseases. NCHS Contacts: Joseph D. Farrell, (301) 436-8900 or Harry M. Rosenberg, Ph.D., (301) 436-8884.
Data year; Accession No.; Price
1968; PB-300800; $1100.00
1969; PB-299676; $1000.00
1970; PB-299679; $1000.00
1971; PB-300802; $1000.00
1972; PB-300885; $ 600.00
1973; PB-300805; $1100.00
1974; PB-300807; $1100.00
1975; PB-300809; $1100.00
1976; PB-300811; $1100.00
1977; PB-300798 $1000.00
1978; PB81-125106; $900.00
1979; PB83-132357; $500.00
1980; PB83-261552; $500.00
1981; PB84-213016; $300.00
1982; PB85-163897; $500.00
1983; PB86-120441; $900.00
1984; PB87-129706; $900.00
1985; PB88-101316; $900.00
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
* Vital Statistics, Mortality, Detail, 1968-85
Mortality, underlying cause-of-death.
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
* National Ambulatory Medical Care Survey, 1973, 1975- 81, and 1985
The National Ambulatory Medical Care Survey (NAMCS) is a nationwide survey designed to meet the needs for objective, reliable information about the provision and use of ambulatory medical care services in the United States. Findings are based on a sample representative of all ambulatory office visits to physicians in the United States who are engaged in patient care in an office setting; physicians who are not engaged in patient care in an office setting, physicians in government service, and physicians in the specialties of anesthesiology, pathology, and radiology are excluded from the survey. NCHS Contact: Ray Gagnon, (301) 436-7132.
Data year; Accession No.; Price
1973; PB-293900; $200.00
1975; PB-290478; $200.00
1976; PB-291152; $200.00
1977; PB80-130230; $200.00
1978; PB80-204092; $200.00
1979; PB82-122029; $200.00
1980; PB82-191941; $200.00
1981; PB84-188960; $200.00
1985; PB88-103676; $200.00
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
* National Ambulatory Medical Care Survey, Drug Mentions, 1980-81, and 1985
The "drug tape" is a collection of data concerning only those office visits where one or more medications were ordered, administered, or provided. Data are arranged by drug record, one for each drug mentioned or entered on the encounter forms. A single office visit in 1985 could have up to five drugs mentioned on the encounter form, and thus have up to five separate records on the drug tape. On the other hand, if there were no drugs mentioned on the encounter form for a particular visit there will be no record on the drug tape for that office visit. Each drug record is a complete description of the office visit containing all the items in the following summary, including the statistical weight for inflating the drug mention sample to reflect (drug) annual utilization in private office-based practice in the United States. All data on the tape are in EBCDIC code. Each data tape package contains one tape volume and the necessary documentation. NCHS Contact: Ray Gagnon, (301) 436-7132.
Data year; Accession No.; Price
1980; PB83-154799; $200.00
1981; PB83-199570; $200.00
1985; PB88-146113; $200.00
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
* National Family Planning Reporting System
The National Center for Health Statistics maintains a computer file of the 1980 sample survey called the National Reporting System for Family Planning Services (NRSFPS). The NRSFPS covers all family planning visits to nonmilitary sites in the United States and some of its territories that offer medical family planning services. Begun in 1972, the NRSFPS collected data on visits to family planning service sites in the United States and some of its territories. From 1972 through June 1977, the survey was conducted as a complete enumeration, collecting information for every family planning visit at every participating site. From July 1, 1977, through 1980, however, the system was conducted as a sample survey. The data tape of the NRSFPS includes medical family planning visits occurring in nonmilitary clinics.
1980; PB83-215582; $200.0
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Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
* National Health Interview Survey, 1969-86
The National Health Interview Survey is a continuing nationwide survey of the US civilian non-institutionalized population conducted in households. Information is obtained on the number of restricted-activity days, bed days, work- or school-loss days, and all physician visits occurring during the 2-week period prior to the week of the interview. Data are also obtained on the acute and chronic conditions that were responsible for these days or visits. Respondents are asked about long-term limitation of activity and the chronic conditions related to this disability. All conditions are coded according to the International Classification of Diseases, using the limited diagnostic detail available from a household respondent. Data are obtained on all hospital episodes during the prior 12 months, including length of stay and whether or not surgery was performed.
Data Year; Accession No.; Price
1969; PB-235543; $700.00
1970; PB-237322; $700.00
1971; PB-238524; $700.00
1972; PB-285460; $800.00
1973; PB-285511; $700.00
1974; PB-285517; $700.00
1975; PB-281126; $700.00
1976; PB-300423; $700.00
1977; PB80-203953; $700.00
1978; PB81-179285; $700.00
1979; PB82-157173; $700.00
1980; PB83-248922; $700.00
1981; PB84-111657; $700.00
1982; PB85-236172; $600.00
1983; PB86-138856; $700.00
1984; PB87-121547; $700.00
1985; PB87-148144; $700.00
1986; PB88-146139; $700.00
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
* First National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, 1971-75
The first NHANES program (NHANES I) was conducted from 1971-75 on a sample of the US population aged 1-74 years. (Unlike the previous NHES cycles, NHANES includes a very wide age range in each program.) Four different kinds of data were collected to make this nutritional assessment: (1) dietary intake information, (2) hematological and biochemical tests, (3) body measurements, and (4) clinical assessments. Some limited information on general health status, health care needs, and treatment was also obtained. The information included examination findings and medical history on eye conditions, skin conditions, and dental health. Further data on health status and medical care needs were obtained through more detailed examinations and history for a subsample of adults aged 25-74 years. Particular consideration was given to cardiovascular, respiratory, arthritic, and auditory conditions.
NHANES I-Pulmonary Diffusion, TB, Chest X-Ray Planimetry, Heart Size, and Lung and Heart Pathology, Ages 25-74 years (Tape No. 4251); PB87-126009; $200.00
NHANES I; Water Supplement and Water Chemical Assessment, Ages 25-74 years (Tape No. 4277); Available only from NCHS; $160.00
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
* NHANES I Epidemiologic Followup Study, 1982-84
The NHANES I Epidemiologic Followup Study 1982-84 (NHEFS) was jointly initiated by the National Center for Health Statistics and the National Institute on Aging in collaboration with other National Institutes of Health and Public Health Service agencies. The primary purpose of the followup study is to investigate the relationships between physiological, nutritional, behavioral, and demographic characteristics collected at the NHANES I interview (1971-75) and subsequent morbidity or mortality from specific diseases and conditions. The followup study was conducted between the years 1982 and 1984. The study population included the 14,407 persons aged 25-74 years at the time of the NHANES I survey. Tracing was successfully completed on 93 percent of the cohort. Personal interviews including weight, pulse, and blood pressure, measurements were conducted with traced, surviving subjects. Interviews with proxy respondents were conducted if the subject was deceased or incapacitated. Hospital and nursing home records were collected for all subjects and death certificates were obtained for decedents. NCHS Contact: Christine S. Cox, (301) 436-5978.
Vital and Tracing Status; PB88-102264; $200.00
Interview; PB88-121298; $200.00
Health Care Facility Record; PB88-102280; $200.00
Mortality; PB88-102306; $200.00
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
* Second National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, 1976-80
In NHANES II, examinations were conducted from February 1976 through February 1980. Because much of the content of NHANES II was planned to be identical to that of NHANES I, data from this later survey provide the first look at change in the health and nutrition status of the population over time. Additional tests and procedures were also included to provide data on diabetes, kidney disease, heart disease, hypertension, certain allergies, disk degeneration, pulmonary function, and hearing and speech problems.
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
* National Health Examination Survey, Cycle 1, 1959-62
NHES I was conducted on a nationwide probability sample of approximately 7,800 persons ages 18-79 years in the adult civilian non-institutionalized population of the conterminous United States. The survey began in October 1959 and was completed in December 1962. Information for all examined persons was obtained by means of a household interview, a medical history, a medical examination, a dental examination, an X ray, EKG readings, laboratory blood tests, vision and hearing tests, and anthropometric measurements. NCHS Contact: Dale Hitchcock, (301) 436-7080.
NHES I-Demographic Data Tape (Tape No. 1001); PB-293134; $200.00
NHES I-Summary of Psychological Distress (Tape No. 1002); PB-293126; $200.00
NHES I-Osteoarthritis and Rheumatoid Arthritis (Tape No. 1005); PB-293130; $200.00C
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
* National Health Examination Survey, Cycle II, 1963-1965
NHES was conducted on a nationwide probability sample of 7,417 children ages 6-11 years in the civilian non-institutionalized population of the conterminous United States. The survey began in July 1964 and was completed in December 1965. Information for all examined children was obtained by means of detailed, structured questionnaires on medical and developmental histories from a household adult, usually the mother; a school questionnaire; medical, dental, and psychological examinations, vision and hearing tests; and anthropometric measurements. NCHS Contact: Dale Hitchcock, (301) 436-7080.
Integrated Data (Tape No. 21DT); PB-293124; $200.00
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
* National Health Examination Survey, Cycle III, 1966-1970
NHES III was conducted on a nationwide probability sample of 7,514 youths 12-17 years of age in the civilian non-institutionalized population of the conterminous United States. The survey began in March 1966 and was completed in March 1970. Information was obtained for each examined youth by means of a household interview; detailed questionnaires for medical and developmental histories; a school questionnaire; medical, dental, and psychological examinations; vision and hearing tests; anthropometric measurements; and certain x rays and laboratory tests. NCHS Contact: Dale Hitchcock, (301) 436-7080.
Extended Health Examination of Youths 12-17 years (Tape No. 3EDT); PB-296025; $200.00
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
* National Health Interview Survey, 1987
This numeric (microdata) file contains national data on the incidence of acute conditions, the number of persons reporting limitation of activity, number of persons injured, hospital episodes, disability days, and the frequency of dental and physician visits for the US civilian non-institutionalized populations. Data were collected by a household survey. Tapes are available for each year from 1969 through 1983. File may be purchased from the National Technical Information Service, 5285 Port Royal Road, Springfield, VA 22161, (703) 487-4807. File is to be used only for statistical analysis.
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
* National Hospital Discharge Survey, 1970-86
The National Hospital Discharge Survey is a continuous nationwide survey of inpatient utilization of short-stay hospitals. Survey data are abstracted from the face sheets of sampled medical records of inpatients discharged from a national sample of non-Federal short-stay hospitals. Medical record data include age, sex, race, marital status, expected source of payment (1977 on), discharge status, admission and discharge dates, and length of stay for discharged patients. Hospital characteristic include region of the country, bedsize, and type of ownership. Diagnostic data include up to five diagnoses per patient from 1970-78, and up to seven diagnoses after 1978. Data on procedures include a maximum of three procedures per patient from 1970-78 and up to four procedures after 1978. From 1970 to 1978 diagnoses and procedures were coded according to the Eighth Revision International Classification of Diseases, Adapted for Use in the United States (ICDA), with certain modifications. Beginning in 1979, the International Classification of Diseases, Ninth Revision, Clinical Modification (ICD-9-CM) was used to code diagnoses and procedures. NCHS Contact: Robert Pokras, (301) 436-7125.
Data year; Accession No.; Price
1970; PB-270763; $200.00
1971; PB-270765; $200.00
1972; PB-270767; $200.00
1973; PB-270769; $200.00
1974; PB-270771; $200.00
1975; PB-270773; $200.00
1976; PB82-179227; $200.00
1977; PB82-179326; $200.00
1978; PB82-179342; $200.00
1979; PB82-179334; $200.00
1980; PB83-126318; $200.00
1981; PB85-152338; $200.00
1982; PB85-153658; $200.00
1983; PB85-152304; $200.00
1984; PB86-107737; $200.00
1985; PB87-125613; $200.00
1986; PB88-129440; $200.00
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
* National Hospital Discharge Survey (NHDS) 1987
This is a numeric (microdata) file containing data on the utilization of nonfederal short-stay hospitals in the US Data were collected from sample of the medical records of patients discharged from such hospitals. Information includes patients' demographic characteristics, dates of admission and discharge, discharge status, diagnoses, and surgery performed. Coverage of the file is nationwide. Census regions are identified. The National Hospital Discharge Survey is conducted annually; files for earlier years going back through 1970 are also available. File is available from the National Technical Information Service, 5285 Port Royal Road, Springfield, VA 22161, (703) 487-4807. Contact Robert Pokras, Statistician, National Center for Health Statistics, Public Health Service, US Department of Health and Human Services, Center Building, Room 2-43, 3700 East-West Hwy., Hyattsville, MD 20782, (301) 436-7125, for information on content.
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
* National Infant Mortality Survey, 1964-66
A 1964-66 National Infant Mortality Survey (NIMS) was patterned closely after the 1964-66 NNS, which also provides denominators for the 1964-66 NIMS. Because the data tapes contain multiple records per sample child, the number of records is not the same as the number of sample children or single cases. NCHS Contact: Natality Statistics Branch, (301) 436-8954.
1964-66; PB-238560; $200.00
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
* National Inventory of Family Planning Services, 1974 and 1975
NCHS maintains a computer file of selected characteristics of facilities providing medical and nonmedical family planning services. This file is called the National Inventory of Family Planning Services. It is a comprehensive listing of all facilities or service sites (excluding private physicians' offices) in which some type of family planning service, whether medical or nonmedical, is provided. The file is maintained on computer tape and contains the name and address for each facility. Data are given on the physical location of the service sites, their primary purpose and operating responsibility, the number of patients served, medical and ancillary services provided, and the contraceptive methods available. Data are based on a mail survey taken by the National Inventory of Family Planning Services of 11,340 known family planning service providers. NCHS Contact: Genevieve Strahan, (301) 436-8830.
1974; Available from NCHS
1975; Available from NCHS
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
* National Master Facility Inventory, Hospitals, 1971-76
NCHS maintains a computer file of selected characteristics of inpatient health facilities. This file, called the National Master Facility Inventory (NMFI), is a comprehensive list of facilities in the United States that provide medical, nursing, personal, or custodial care to groups of unrelated persons on an inpatient basis. Earlier files included hospital, nursing and related care homes, and other inpatient health facilities. The most recent files include only nursing and related care homes. Each file contains the name and address of the facility. Other data items vary by type of facility. NCHS Contact: Al Sirrocco, (301) 436-8830.
Data year; Accession No.; Price
1971; PB-284912; $200.00
1972; PB-284914; $200.00
1973; PB-284916; $200.00
1974; PB-284918; $200.00
1975; PB-284920; $200.00
1976; PB-284922; $200.00
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
cility Inventory, Hospitals, 1971-76
NCHS maintains a computer file of selected characteristics0466; $900.00
1984; PB87-129680; $600.00
1985; PB88-101332; $600.00
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
* ICD-9-CM Adjunct Materials - Codes and Abbreviated Titles (PB82-186057/XDD) (See NTIS)
The ICD-9-CM sex-specific codes with abbreviated titles magnetic tape provides the abbreviated titles for each sex-specific code in the published Tabular Lists of ICD-9-CM, Volume 1, Diseases and Volume 3, Procedures. Sex-specific means that they are to be used only for females or only for males. Use of this tape will allow simple edits to prevent use of erroneous data, e.g., females having male-specific diagnoses or procedures, or vice versa. Abbreviated titles contain up to 24 alphabetic characters in the form of shortened words. A particular shortened word may refer to more than one full nomenclature word, e.g., def = defect, deficiency, deformity. Conversely, one nomenclature word may be referred to by similar shortened words containing a variable number of characters, e.g., lac, lacerat, lacer = laceration. Individual abbreviations must be interpreted only in the context of the titles in which they appear. This tape also contains the procedure classes as defined by the Uniform Hospital Discharge Data Set. Valid disease codes may be 3, 4, or 5 digits in length. Valid procedure codes may be 3 or 4 digits in length. Footnote references are used (1) to identify titles that should not be used since the code is further divided and (2) to identify inapplicable codes where application of fifth digits to a series of categories results in illogical titles.
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
* ICD-9-CM Adjunct Materials - Codes and Full Titles (PB82-179300/XDD) (See NTIS)
The ICD-9-CM sex-specific codes with full titles magnetic tape provides the full titles for each sex-specific code in the published Tabular Lists of ICD-9-CM, Volume 1, Diseases and Volume 3, Procedures. Sex-specific means that they are to be used only for females or only for males. Use of this tape will allow simple edits to prevent use of erroneous data, e.g., females having male-specific diagnoses or procedures, or vice versa. Valid disease codes may be 3, 4, or 5 digits in length. Valid procedure codes may be 3 or 4 digits in length. Footnote references are used (1) to identify titles that should not be used since the code is further divided and (2) to identify inapplicable codes where application of fifth digits to a series of categories results in illogical titles.
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
* ICD-9-CM Adjunct Materials - Diagnosis Conversion Table ICD-9-CM to ICDA-8 (PB82-179284/XDD) (See NTIS)
The ICD-9-CM to ICDA-8 Diagnosis Table magnetic tape provides for the conversion of diagnostic information recorded in ICD-9-CM rubrics to the equivalent rubrics in ICDA-8. The greater specificity of ICD-9-CM does not permit a reverse conversion. The Conversion Table lists only "valid" codes in both classifications. The codes are sequenced according to the ICD-9-CM code. Valid diagnosis codes for ICD-9-CM may be 3, 4, or 5 digits in length. Valid diagnosis codes for ICDA-8 may be 3 or 4 digits in length. The majority of ICD-9-CM codes will convert to a single ICDA-8 code. In some cases, two ICDA-8 codes are required for accurate conversion from ICD-9-CM because the ICD-9-CM code contains more information than is present in the equivalent ICDA_8 code - sometimes an exact conversion is not possible and the choice of the most likely equivalent must be made. This tape also includes four appendices which address the problem areas and give the results of the arbitration process employed in creation of the tables.
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
* ICD-9-CM Adjunct Materials - Diagnosis Conversion Table ICD-9-CM to ICD-9 (PB82-186073/XDD) (See NTIS)
The ICD-9-CM to ICD-9 Diagnosis Conversion Table magnetic tape provides for the conversion of diagnostic information recorded in ICD-9-CM rubrics to the equivalent rubrics in ICD-9. The greater specificity of ICD-9-CM does not permit a reverse conversion. The Conversion Table lists only "valid" codes in both classifications. The codes are sequenced according to the ICD-9-CM code. Valid diagnosis codes for ICD-9-CM may be 3, 4, or 5 digits in length. Valid diagnosis codes for ICD-9 may be 3 or 4 digits in length. There are footnote references for these areas in ICD-9 where provision is made for optional use of fifth digits. (These fifth digits are mandatory in ICD-9-CM). An additional footnote is used with ICD-9-CM code E 849. This code is unique to ICD-9-CM; it does not appear in ICD-9. All valid ICD-9-CM codes are listed in the Conversion Tables. There were no codes that did not convert.
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
* ICD-9-CM Adjunct Materials - Editing Aids, Sex Specific Codes and Abbreviated Titles (PB82-186099/XDD) (See NTIS)
The ICD-9-CM codes with abbreviated titles magnetic tape provides an abbreviated title for each code contained in the published Tabular Lists of ICD-9-CM Volume 1, Diseases and Volume 3, Procedures. Use of this tape will allow computer generated data displays to translate ICD-9-CM codes into English. This tape will permit the entry of a code into the computer, which will generate the code and abbreviated title for the code. Abbreviated titles contain up to 24 alphabetic characters in the form of shortened words. This tape also contains the procedure classes as defined by the Uniform Hospital Discharge Data Set. Valid disease codes may be 3, 4, or 5 digits in length. Valid procedure codes may be 3 or 4 digits in length. Footnote references are used (1) to identify titles that should not be used since the code is further divided and (2) to identify inapplicable codes where application of fifth digits to a series of categories results in illogical titles.
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
* ICD-9-CM Adjunct Materials - Editing Aids, Sex Specific Codes and Full Titles (PB82-179268/XDD) (See NTIS)
The ICD-9-CM codes with full titles magnetic tape provides the full title for each code contained in the published Tabular Lists of ICD-9-CM Volume 1, Diseases and Volume 3, Procedures. Use of this tape will allow computer generated data displays to translate ICD-9-CM codes into English. This tape will permit the entry of a code into the computer, which will generate display of the code and full title for the code. For example, entry of 474.0 will return: 474.0 Chronic tonsillitis. Valid disease codes may be 3, 4, or 5 digits in length. Valid procedure codes may be 3 or 4 digits in length. Footnote references are used (1) to identify titles that should not be used since the code is further divided and (2) to identify inapplicable codes where application of fifth digits to a series of categories results in illogical titles.
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
* Indianapolis Fertility Survey, 1941 Study of Social and Psychological Factors Affecting Fertility (PB84-177302/XDD) (See NTIS)
This data file contains 4,725 variables based on interviews concerning fertility and social, economic, and psychological characteristics with a sample of 1444 couples interviewed in Indianapolis, Indiana, between April 1, 1941 and January 31, 1942. The couple were fecund, native white, Protestant, with at least an elementary school education, married in 1927-1929 when the wife was under age 30 and the husband was under 40, and neither was previously married.
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
* Industrial Audiometric Data (PB88-227916/XDD) (See NTIS)
A computer tape of industrial audiometric data was produced under contract to NIOSH for the purpose of providing researchers with a data base for developing and validating measures of the effectiveness of industrial hearing conservation programs by evaluating the hearing threshold trends of noise-exposed employees. The tape includes data from twenty-two companies representing different types of industries from different areas of the USA and Canada. the tape includes several control groups of low-noise or non-noise-exposed individuals. Six data sets each include at least 100 employees with noise exposures below a TWA of 85 dBA on their first four audiograms. One other data set consists entirely of low-noise or non-noise exposed employees. Another data set includes employees with a TWA of 87 dBA who consistently wear hearing protection devices. Additional data for each employee include age and sex (al 22 data sets), race (12 data sets), and non-occupational or medical hearing factors (5 data sets).
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
* Medical Device Establishment Registration Master File (PB88-162979/XDD) (See NTIS)
The device registration and listing tapes contain the information required to be submitted by owner/operators of medical device establishments in accordance with Section 510 of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act. The registration information is necessary so the FDA knows what firms are engaged in medical device activities and to what extent. The author's field staff is responsible for inspecting the registered locations periodically. The information collected as part of registration includes: the name and location of the establishment site, the name and address of the owner/operator of the firm, the name, address, and phone number of the official correspondent for the firm, any other business trading names used, and the type of operation carried on by the firm.
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
* Medical Device Establishment Registration Master File (PB88-034300/XDD) (See NTIS)
The Medical Device Establishment Registration Master File contains the required information submitted by owner/operators of medical device establishments in accordance with Section 510 of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act. The data enables the FDA to know what firms and to what extent these firms engage in medical device activities. Included are: the name and location of the establishment site, the name and address of the owner/operators, other business trading names, and name and classification of the device. The required listing information has where the medical devices are manufactured and/or processed. Listing information is not specific to brand name or model number.
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
* MeSH (Medical Subject Headings) Vocabulary File (PB82-113788/XDD) (See NTIS)
MeSH Vocabulary File (Medical Subject Headings Vocabulary File) is an online vocabulary file of the 14,000 Medical Subject Headings that are used for indexing and retrieving references and for subject cataloging. also includes are approximately 22,000 chemical records. Specific chemicals with their associate Registry Numbers or Enzyme Commission Numbers and MeSH index terms will then be extracted from the vocabulary records and inserted into the MEDLINE unit records as they appear in indexed articles. The file consists of a complete description of each main heading and qualifier including such information as cross references, cope notes, and date of entry into the system.
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
* National Ambulatory Medical Care Survey for Drug Mentions, 1985 (PB88-146113/XDD) (See NTIS)
The National Ambulatory Medical Care Survey (NAMCS) provides data on ambulatory medical care rendered in physicians' offices. The NAMCS is a continuous survey based on a sample of patient visits to a national sample of office-based physicians. The survey obtains information on the volume of office visits by age, race, and sex of the patient and by selected physician characteristics such as type of specialty and practice and geographic location. Data describing the clinical substance of the visits include the patient's problem or complaint, prior visit status, referral status, major reason for visits, ethnicity of the patient, physician's diagnosis, diagnostic and therapeutic services provided, disposition, and duration of the visit. In 1980 and 1981, and in 1985, the NAMCS collected information on all drugs/medicine ordered, administered or provided during the visit. To facilitate analysis of these drug data, a data tape has been prepared which includes a separate record for each drug entered on each sample encounter form. This particular tape, for 1985, called the drug mention tape, contains information on 71,182 drugs mentioned in the national sample of 71,594 patient visits. The information contained in the drug mention tape is derived from two major sources.
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
* National Center for Health Statistics (See NTIS)
The National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS) is the primary source of vital and health statistics for the United States. Over 600 public use data files, representing most of the NCHS data collection programs, are available for purchase and use. NCHS data systems include a national vital registration program; household interview and health examination surveys; surveys of hospitals, nursing homes, physicians, and other health care providers; and other periodic or occasional data collection activities to produce a wide spectrum of health and health-related data.
Each public use data tape has a fixed content and a fixed format and comes with a complete documentation package. The data are in 9-track code, either extended binary coded decimal interchange code (EBCDIC) alone or in combination with binary code. Tapes are available at 1600 or 6250 bytes per inch (bpi) as specified by the requestor. NCHS does not convert the data tapes to any other code formats. NCHS tapes are sold by the National Technical Information Service (NTIS) and, with one exception, are not available from NCHS. The Special Topics data tapes of the National Health Interview Survey are available for purchase only from NCHS directly. The prices shown are for tapes at 1600 bpi. NTIS will quote prices for tapes at 6250 bpi. For those wishing to review a file before purchasing it, documentation can be purchased separately. Requestors should contact NTIS and request the documentation by magnetic tape file number. For microcomputer users, NCHS data files are also available from NTIS on diskette, in ASCII or formatted in one of the major data base programs. NTIS can provide the full file, or a subset, on disk and will process the order on an individual basis. Check with NTIS for a price quote and to order a file on disk.
For general information on the NCHS data tape program, tapes currently available, schedule of release of upcoming data files, or published information, contact:
Scientific and Technical Information Branch
National Center for Health Statistics
3700 East-West Highway, Room 1-57
Hyattsville, MD 20782 (301) 436-8500
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
* Hispanic Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, 1982-1984 (See NTIS)
In Hispanic HANES, examinations were conducted from July 1982 through December 1984. Hispanics were included in past health and nutrition examinations, but not in sufficient numbers to produce estimates of the health of Hispanics in general nor specific data for Puerto Ricans, Mexican-Americans, or Cuban-Americans. All examinees had a medical history, dental exam, body measurements, a dietary interview, and numerous laboratory tests on blood and urine specimens. Children six and over had vision and hearing tests. Most of the other specialized tests, such as gallbladder ultrasound, glucose tolerance, electrocardiogram, and liver disease tests, were given to a selection of those 20 years or older.
HIHANES; Dental Health, Ages 6 months-74 years, Version 2 (Tape No. 6505); PB88-103643; $200.00;
HIHANES; Body Measurements, Ages 6 months-74 years, Version 1 (Tape No. 6501) ; PB87-152757; $200.00
HIHANES; Dietary Practices, Food Frequency, and Total Nutrient Intake (Tape No. 6525); PB87-152716; $200.00
HIHANES; Adolescent and Adult History Questionnaire, Ages 6 months -74 years (Tape No. 6525); PB87-182440; $200.00
HIHANES; Alcohol Consumption data, Ages 12-74 years, Version 1 (Tape No. 6533); PB87-231304; $200.00
HIHANES; Child History Questionnaire Ages 6 months-11 years, Version 2 (Tape No. 6522); PB87-182424; $200.00
HIHANES; Drug Abuse, Ages 12-74 years Version 1 (Tape No. 6543); PB87-231288; $200.00
HIHANES; Measures of Depression, Ages 20-74 years, Version 2 (Tape No. 6523); PB87-100391; $200.00
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
* International Classification of Diseases - 9th Revision
The National Center for Health Statistics maintains a computer file of adjunct materials for use with ICD-9-CM in classifying and reporting morbidity statistics. There are six data tapes in this file. NCHS Contact: Delray Green, (301) 436-7019.
ICD-9-CM, Adjunct Materials: Codes and Full Titles; PB82-179300; $200.00
ICD-9-CM, Adjunct Materials: Codes and Abbreviated Titles; PB82-186057; $200.00
ICD-9-CM, Adjunct Materials: Diagnosis/Conversion Tables ICD-9-CM to ICDA-8; PB82-179284; $200.00
ICD-9-CM, Adjunct Materials: Editing Aids and Sex-Specific Codes, and Abbreviated Titles; PB82-186099; $200.00
ICD-9-CM, Adjunct Materials: Editing Aids and Sex-Specific Codes, and Full Titles; PB82-179268; $200.00
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
* Mortality Surveillance System, 1968-83
The mortality surveillance project was initiated to develop a national mortality and population data base from which differential mortality trends can be easily and efficiently examined. The resulting Mortality Surveillance System (MSS) is a county-level national mortality and population data base spanning the years 1968-83, which is the period covered by the 8th Revision and the first 5 years of the 9th Revision of the International Classification of Diseases (ICD). The mortality data base of the MSS is derived from the US micro-data death records from the National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS) for this period. The 31 million 159-160 byte records were reduced to 13 million 23-byte records. The variables included on the condensed file are: 1) county of residence, 2) year of death, 3) color (white, all other), 4) sex, 5) age group at death (15 age groups), and 6) underlying cause of death (4-digit ICD code). The population data base is derived from annual estimates for each US county by age, color, and sex, and is prepared by the Bureau of the Census, with modifications by NCHS. NCHS Contacts: Deborah D. Ingram, (301) 436-7037, and Mitchell B. Pierre, Jr., (301) 436-5975.
1968-83; PB87-120333; $900.00
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
* Mortality Surveillance System, 100.00
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
* Area Resource File System (ARFS) (See NTIS)
ARFS is a county level health resources data base covering over 7000 health professions and related data. The system includes 104 separate state reports. Each report contains health resources, trends and socio-demographic information for each state and its counties. Each state report contains two volumes: Selected Geographic Resources and Geographic Trends in Resources. The first volume includes summary material on key measures related to health care resources and delivery for the state and its counties and contains a ranking profile of how each state and county compare on over 30 measures. The trends volume contains time-series tables for health professions supply, population, vital statistics and health facilities. Also included is a detailed profile are physicians by specialty. All 104 separate state reports are for sale from NTIS as are diskettes and tapes. Contact Inga Franklin, US Department of Health and Human Services, Public Health Service, Office of Health Professions Analysis and Research (OHPAR), 5600 Fishers Lane, Parktown Room 847, Rockville, MD 20857, (301) 443-6920 for further information.
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
* CATLINE (CATalog onLine) (PB82-113796/XDD) (See NTIS)
CATLINE (CATalog onLine) contains about 200,000 references to books and serials cataloged at NLM since 1965. CATLINE gives medical libraries in the network immediate access to authoritative cataloging information, thus reducing the need for these libraries to do their own original cataloging. Libraries also find this data base a useful source of information for ordering books and journals and for providing reference and interlibrary loan services. (Available in MARC-compatible format)
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
* Chemical Carcinogenesis Research Information System (CCRIS) Data Bank, 1981-June 1986 (1988 Version) (PB88-173588/XDD) (See NTIS)
CCRIS is a scientifically evaluated and fully referenced data bank, developed and maintained by the National Cancer Institute (NCI), containing carcinogenicity, tumor promotion, and mutagenicity test results. Data are derived from the scanning of primary journals, current awareness tools, and a special core set of sources, including a wide range of NCI reports. Test results have been reviewed by experts in carcinogenesis. CCRIS File Structure: CCRIS data fields are arranged in two broad subject categories plus a category for administrative information: Administrative Information, Substance Identification/Use, Carcinogenicity/Tumor Promotion/Mutagenicity Studies. The three data fields within category 2 and the information contained therein are: Carcinogenicity Studies: Species; Strain/Sex; Route; Dose; Tumor site/Type of lesion; Results; Reference. Tumor Promotion Studies: Species; Strain/Sex; Promoter Route; Target tissue/Type of lesion, Promoter Doses, Carcinogen Route; Carcinogen Doses; Reference. Mutagenicity studies: Test System; Strain/Indicator; Metabolic Activation; Method; Dose range; Reference. A new file dictionary has been enclosed that is a result of minor changes to the file structure. All other documentation on file at the NTIS is still applicable.
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
* Consumers' Perceptions of Adverse Reactions from Cosmetics (PB-250 758/0/XDD) (See NTIS)
Ten thousand households in the United States kept diaries of cosmetic usage for three months (September-November 1974) and reported perceived injuries. Reports were investigated by dermatologists for cosmetic-relatedness and severity of injury. Primary purpose of study was to obtain an estimate of the number and types of cosmetic injuries relative to usage patterns for a selected panel of consumers. Data file includes only information given by the 703 people who reported cosmetic-related injuries. The bound two-volume copy of the final survey report is available from NTIS, Accession No. PB-242 479-SET/.
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
* Continuing Survey of Food Intakes by Individuals (CSFII): Four Days of Food Intake Data for Low-Income Women and their children 1-5 Years of Age, 1985 (PB88-245121/XDD) (See NTIS)
The data set contains 4 days of food and nutrient intake data for low-income woman 19 to 50 years of age and their children 1 to 5 years of age collected from April 1985 through March 1986 as part of the Continuing Survey of Food Intakes by Individuals (CSFII) conducted by the US Department of Agriculture. The data set contains the following files: an introduction that describes the survey methodology and provides references and a glossary; data set characteristics and format; control counts for selected variables; 4-day food and nutrient intake data; a 51-character food description file; and manual of food codes used for translating food intakes into nutrient intakes. The microfiche that comes with the data set contains copies of the survey instruments (interviewer's instructions manual, screening forms and questionnaires, and a food instruction booklet).
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
* Cooperative Thyrotoxicosis Therapy Follow- Up Study (1946-1964) (PB-229 867/7/XDD) (See NTIS)
The thyrotoxicosis study was initiated in 1961 to test for an increase in the incidence of leukemia in hyperthyroid patients treated with iodine-131. Twenty-two study centers representing twenty-six medical institutions submitted records on 36,000 patients treated for hyperthyroidism in the period January 1946 through December 1964. Source documents are questionnaires sent to twenty-two study centers which represented twenty-six medical institutions. Data were thereby acquired on 36,000 patients treated for hyperthyroidism.
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
* COSTART - Coding Symbols for Thesaurus of Adverse Reaction Terms (PB86-189792/XDD) (See NTIS)
This is a machine readable version of COSTART. The Primary purpose of COSTART is to provide a basis for vocabulary control of reports of adverse reactions associated with drugs received from a diversity of sources and a multitude of reporters. Such control is a necessary first step in the effective use of the computer to store and retrieve mass data without imposing unnecessary first restrictions of language upon the data sources. It is advisable to use Mark IV file management on this hierarchical file because of the copyrighted nature of the handling of the lower level segments of the record.
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
* Data Tape of Medical Malpractice Closed Claims (1976) (PB80-111271/XDD) (See NTIS)
This is a user's tape consisting of data items from 4,126 medical malpractice closed claims between July 1, 1976 and October 31, 1976. The purpose of the data collection effort was to construct a file of closed claims data for analysis of injuries and compensations. Westat, Inc. conducted the data processing tasks necessary to build the data file and performed the analyses of the data. The results of that analysis are reported in the Medical Malpractice Closed Claims Study, 1976.
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
* Diabetic Retinopathy Study Data (PB84-112507/XDD) (See NTIS)
The Diabetic Retinopathy Study (DRS) was a multicenter clinical trail to evaluate the efficacy of photocoagulation, (argon laser and xenon arc) in the treatment of proliferative diabetic retinopathy. This randomized, controlled study involved 1,758 patients enrolled at 15 medical centers. Photocoagulation with either argon laser of xenon arc, as used in the study, was found to be effective in reducing the risk of severe visual loss and in inhibiting the progression of retinopathy. These effects were apparent in all stages of diabetic retinopathy studied: proliferative, severe nonproliferative, and background. also found were some deleterious effects of treatment, namely small losses of visual acuity and constriction of the peripheral visual field. The accompanying tape contains eight data sets produced by the DRS Coordinating Center. The first four data sets contain, in order, information from the (1) eye examinations, (2) medical examinations, (3) fundus photographs, and (4) treatment specifications. The second four data sets contain Fortran language programs to produce printouts for each patient - there is one program for each of the four information files. The program files are in the same order as the information files.
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
* Dose Translation Study - 1964 (PB-232 435/8/XDD) (See NTIS)
Based on the exposure data collected in a 1964 X-ray exposure study, the gonad dose and the genetically significant dose for the US population have been estimated in the dose translation study. The application of several models was required in the process, including a model to estimate skin exposure as a function of reported technical parameters, and a dose model to estimate gonad dose from radiographic examinations, with the knowledge of the exposure to any portion of the body. An additional model was developed for estimating gonad dose from fluoroscopic examinations.
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
* Effect of MEDICAID on Health Care of Low-Income Persons (1968-69) (PB-234/ 587/4/XDD) (See NTIS)
Survey questions include ones designed to ascertain sources and kinds of health care utilization patterns, attitudes and knowledge and health, health care services, and sources of care, knowledge about the use of free health care services, including Medicaid, and extant of out-of-pocket expenditures for health care services. Data have been collected from a national sample of 5,382 low income families covering 15,405 individuals living in low income enumeration districts. the survey was conducted between November 1968 and June 1969. The magnetic tape contains 12 files with standard IBM header and trailer records. There are 36 tape marks through out the tape separating these files.
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
* End Stage Renal Disease (ESRD) Facility Survey, 1987 (PB88-245238/XDD) (See NTIS)
ESRD Facility Survey data are collected annually by HCFA from all facilities certified to provide Medicare covered renal dialysis or transplantation. The survey, which includes the entire United States, uses HCFA Form 2744 and it encompasses the full calendar year. Geographical data are included to the level of zip code for the facility. Each record contains information about the facility itself and information about the number of patients served, the number of dialysis treatments provided, and the number of transplants performed. The data include services to both Medicare and non-Medicare patients.
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
* Gastrointestinal Chemical Absorption Data Base, 1985-1987 (PB88-245188/XDD) (See NTIS)
The update for 1985-1987 covers 863 articles on the absorption, distribution, metabolism, and excretion of chemicals for oral routes of administration in laboratory animals or in humans. Quantitative and qualitative studies are included. Extracted data fields include number of figures, CAS registry number, chemical name, chemical type, chemical characteristics, study purpose, organism class, species name, strain, test duration, and route/method. Articles were selected from a literature search of Chemical Abstracts from May 1985-December 1987. A correction file to previous data is also included in the tape. The update brings the total data file to 4941 articles and approximately 3000 chemicals for the period 1967-1987.
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
* HCFA (Health Care Financing Administration) Common Procedure Coding System (HCPCS), 1988 (PB88-172333/XDD) (See NTIS)
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
* HCFA (Health CHealth and Human Services Federal Data Bases
* State Behavior Risk Factor Surveys, 1981-1983
Terry Zobeck, Research Analyst
Alcohol Epidemiologic Data System, CSR, Inc.
Suite 600, 1400 Eye Street, N.W.
Washington, DC 20005 (202) 842-7600
This is a numeric (aggregate) file containing data on health behaviors associated with the risk of chronic disease. Data includes hypertension, physical exercise, types of recreation, diet, stress, smoking, alcohol use, pregnancy and contraception, and personal and demographic information. Data were taken from 27 states and the District of Columbia, which returned a core survey as well as a sample of the remainder of the US population over 18 years of age. There are 47 variables for each of the approximately 21,000 respondents. Data are nationwide. States are identified. Data pertain from 1981-1983. File contains data for approximately 21,000 respondents.
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
* State Data on Pesticide Residues in Foods (FOODCONTAM)
Gerald Deighton
Freedom of Information Staff HFI-35
US Food and Drug Administration
5600 Fishers Lane
Rockville, MD 20857 (301) 443-6310
This is a national system to compile and summarize existing data on state analysis of food samples for pesticide and industrial chemical residues. Currently includes about 15,000 sample results from the states of California, Florida, Massachusetts, New York, Virginia, and Wisconsin. Years covered are 1986-1988. For more information contact Heinz G. Wilms at (301) 443-3360.
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
* Substance Abuse Data Bases
National Health Information Clearinghouse
PO Box 11133 (800) 336-4797
Washington, DC 20012-1133 (301) 565-4167
The Clearinghouse publishes Healthfinder: Online Health Information which identifies data bases, many of which contain news about recent medical research and studies on addiction such as DRUGINFO. This online system, available from BRS produced by the College of Pharmacy at the University of Minnesota, covers drug and alcohol use and abuse, including educational, sociological, and psychological aspects and therapies.
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
* Surveillance, Epidemiology and End Results (SEER) Program (ICPSR 8001)
Dr. John Young
Demographic Analysis Section
Biometry Branch
National Cancer Institute
National Institute on Health
US Department of Health and Human Services
9000 Rockville Pike
Bethesda, MD 20892-4200 (301) 427-8829
This is a numeric (microdata) data set containing information about the demographic characteristics, type of treatment, and outcomes for cancer patients. Data are collected to estimate the annual cancer incidence in the US, to monitor trends in type of cancer and patient survival rates and to identify casual factors. Data are collected from a sample of selected states and metropolitan areas are obtained from hospital records, laboratory records, tumor registries, and death certificates. Data are nationwide. Selected states and metropolitan areas are identified. Data pertain to 1973-1984. Data are available from NCI at a price to be determined. Data for 1973-1977 can also be obtained through ICPSR.
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
* Survey of Low Income Aged and Disabled (SLIAD)
Confidentiality Policy Project
Office of Research and Statistics
Office of Policy
Social Security Administration, Room 205
4301 Connecticut Ave., NW
Washington, DC 20008 (202) 282-7217
This survey was a two-stage panel study conducted in 1973 and 1974. The purposes of the survey were to provide the research data necessary to describe and assess the effect of SSI on its target population, and to provide baseline data for analyses of SSI policy and program changes. Data were collected via personal interviews with a national sample of about 18,000 aged, blind, and disabled low-income persons representing four separate populations: aged welfare recipients, disabled welfare recipients, aged persons in the general population, and disabled persons in the general population. The file contains information on income, assets, debts, household expenditures, health, mobility, housing, employment, social interaction, living arrangements, and biographical data relating to previous jobs, marriage, children, and education. Except for the biographical material, virtually identical questions were asked of the same persons in both years of the study, thus providing a before and after view of the circumstances of the initial SSI recipients.
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
* Survey of Medical Device Manufacturers
Louis Harris and Associates, Inc.
US Food and Drug Administration (FDA)
Bureau of Medical Devices
5600 Fishers Lane
Rockville, MD 20857 (301) 443-4690
This is a numeric (microdata) file which contains information on the impact of FDA regulations on the industry as well as reactions of manufacturers to those regulations. Data include trends since 1972 in number of employees, capital investment, innovation, and changes in management along with the effects of the FDA regulations. Data were obtained from in-person interviews of 515 establishments and 29 corporate headquarters with senior company officials responsible for regulatory matters. Data were collected September 1 through December 17, 1982. Coverage of the file is nationwide. States are identified. File may be purchased from the Louis Harris Data Center, order number is 83-4-016. Contact Ms. Diana McDuffee at the Louis Harris Data Center, University of North Carolina, Manning Hall -026A, Chapel Hill, NC, 27514, (919) 966-3346.
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
* SSI One-Percent Sample
Confidentiality Policy Project
Office of Research and Statistics
Office of Policy
Social Security Administration, Room 205
4301 Connecticut Ave., NW
Washington, DC 20008 (202) 282-7217
This is an SSI microdata file consisting of 852 character records extracted monthly from the Supplemental Security Record (SSR) with case inclusion based on digital selection criteria applied to Social Security numbers. For each person included in the file there is information on payment status, living arrangement, marital status, optional State supplementation code, essential person indicator, concurrent eligibility for other benefits, chargeable income, deemed income, and earned and unearned income sources and amounts. The universe filefrom which the sample is created consists of approximately 8,000,000 SSI current pay, denial, nonpay, and terminated cases housed in the SSR. The SSI One-Percent Sample provides the flexibility to obtain in a timely manner statistical information not available in other data systems. Also, by matching files for different months a limited amount of longitudinal information such as movements of recipients into or out of payment status can be derived. It has been available since June 1981.
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
* State-Administered Program File
Confidentiality Policy Project
Office of Research and Statistics
Office of Policy
Social Security Administration, Room 205
4301 Connecticut Ave., NW
Washington, DC 20008 (202) 282-7217
Legislation authorized the SSI program to provide State payments as a supplement to the basic Federal SSI payment to aged, blind, and disabled persons who were formerly public assistance recipients and on the rolls on December 31, 1973, and subsequently transferred to the SSI program January 1, 1974. Payments are either federally administered - by SSA at the request of the State - or directly administered by the State or local government. These data are collected and published monthly and quarterly.
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
* Views of Informed Consent and Decision Making: Parallel Surveys of Physicians and the Public
Ms. Diana McDuffee
Louis Harris Data Center
University of North Carolina
Manning Hall - 026A
Chapel Hill, NC 27514
This data file contains data about the survey sought to ascertain valid and reliable information from the public and practitioners concerning information disclosure, informed consent, therapeutic decision making and decisions to forego treatment. The survey was conducted on a nationwide sample of 1,251 adults and 805 physicians by in-person interviews in 1982. States are identified. Order number is 81-2-041. Purchase from above address.
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
* Voluntary Correction Reporting System
Gerald Deighton
Freedom of Information Staff HFI-35
US Food and Drug Administration
5600 Fishers Lane
Rockville, MD 20857 (301) 443-6310
This is a multi-year file that includes voluntary corrections observed during FDA and state contract inspections, investigations, etc. It specifies problem type, correction type, and estimated cost of correction. Covers 1982 to present and is updated monthly. For more information contact John Lechus at (301) 443-2155.
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
Health and Human Services Data Files from the National Archives
Margaret Adams
Archives Specialist
Reference Service
Center for Electronic Records (NNXA)
National Archives and Records Administration
8th and Pennsylvania Ave., NW
Washington, DC 20408
(202) 523-6771
The following list is a subset of electronic data sets (i.e., computer-readable data files) in the custody of the National Archives and Records Administration. The standard charge for a copy of an electronic data set (one data set not to exceed one magnetic reel of output) is $90. Ordering information is available upon request. For further information please contact the office above.
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
Health and Human Services Data Files Available from NTIS
National Technical Information Service
US Department of Commerce
Springfield, VA 22161
(703) 487-4807
FAX (703) 321-8547
Listed below are data files available from the National Technical Information Service. Call the office above for ordering and cost information.
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
* 1982 National Survey of Family Growth (See NTIS)
Numeric data is provided on factors related to fertility, infertility, contraceptive use and efficacy, use of family planning and infertility services, and aspects of maternal and infant health that are closely related to childbearing for women 15-44 years of age in the noninstitutional population of the coterminous US Data include dates of birth, menarche, first intercourse, pregnancies, etc. Coverage of the file is nationwide. Census regions are identified. Data files are available for 1973, 1976 and 1982. The 1988 data file is in progress. Users of the Public Use Computer tape must sign an agreement that the data will be used "solely for statistical research."
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
* Alcohol and Drug Abuse Services (MDC 20) Study Public Use Tape (PB88-245246/XDD) (See NTIS)
ADAMHA, ASPE, and HCFA staff recently completed collaborative work to resolve questions raised concerning the grouping of Medicare cases in MDC 20 (alcohol and drug abuse services). The methodology used to collect the data for the project, having the hospital xerox and mail in select portions of the medical record, proved to be highly successful. The data provided the basis for the analysis done by ASPE and replicated by HCFA, and was instrumental in restructuring the MDC 20 DRGs and removing the exemption from the Prospective Payment System (PPS) for alcohol and drug abuse providers. The tape includes data collected and abstracted from the medical records of participating providers, MEDPAR data for FY 1984, Provider of Service data for 1985, and select data from the American Hospital Association (AHA) for 1985.
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
* Approved Drug Products with Therapeutic Equivalence Evaluations (PB88-910500/XDD) (See NTIS)
The data file was created to allow computer processing of data from the Approved Drug Products with Therapeutic Equivalence Evaluations (ADP). Each record contains the information required to identify a particular drug product. Other information regarding conventions and use of the data is contained in the preface to the ADP. To facilitate processing, there is some duplication of information among records so that each record contains all identifying information. In addition, for each record one NDA or ANDA number is included although more than one may apply to the particular drug product identified. The possibility of multiple numbers exists because the applicant may have more than one NDA or ANDA approved for the same drug product within the context of the data in the ADP. The distinguishing information may be package size, excipients, distributors, etc.
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
* Approved Prescription Drug Products with Therapeutic Equivalence Evaluations (See NTIS)
Updated quarterly since 1983, this numeric (microdata) file contains a list of all currently marketed, approved prescription drug products, including dosage form, routes of administration, trade names, applicant holders, and therapeutic equivalence evaluations for multisource products. Data are taken from new drug applications, abbreviated new drug applications, forms 5 and 6. There are 30 variables for each of the 9,000 observations. Coverage of the file is nationwide. Contact the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA), US Department of Health and Human Services, 5600 Fishers Lane, Rockville, MD 20857, (301) 443-8491 for information on content.
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
* Approved Prescription Drug Products with Therapeutic Equivalence Evaluations (See NTIS)
Updated quarterly since 1983, this numeric (microdata) file contains a list of all currentl
* Prioritization Data Base (PDB)
Gerald Deighton
Freedom of Information Staff HFI-35
US Food and Drug Administration
5600 Fishers Lane
Rockville, MD 20857 (301) 443-6310
This is a data base of medical device priority scores and data used to calculate priority scores. The data base covers 1986 to present and is updated annually. For more information contact C. Furfine at (301) 443-4874.
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
* Priority-Based Assessment of Food Additives (PAFA)
Gerald Deighton
Freedom of Information Staff HFI-35
US Food and Drug Administration
5600 Fishers Lane
Rockville, MD 20857 (301) 443-6310
This is a system which contains summaries of the data in 1586 files known as food additive safety profiles. It provides an on-line storage and retrieval computer system to maintain and display ranking of additives based on safety concerns. Years covered are 1980 to present, and updates are weekly. For more information contact Allen Wolfe at (202) 245-6063.
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
* Problem Reporting Program (PRP)
Gerald Deighton
Freedom of Information Staff HFI-35
US Food and Drug Administration
5600 Fishers Lane
Rockville, MD 20857 (301) 443-6310
PRP collects medical device problem reports submitted voluntarily to the agency through a contractor or directly to CDRH. It is updated daily and covers 1973 to present. For more information contact Chester Reynolds at (301) 427-8156.
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
* Product Defect Reporting
Freedom of Information Staff, HFW-35
Food and Drug Administration
5600 Fishers Lane
Rockville, MD 20857
This data base contains information on drug product defects reported to the FDA. It only covers drugs produced in the US. Retrievable data include: drug name, manufacturer, type of defect. The system was started in 1974 and contains several thousand records. Searches are done on a cost recovery basis for a minimum fee of $50.00. Requests must be made in writing.
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
* Products Covered File
Gerald Deighton
Freedom of Information Staff HFI-35
US Food and Drug Administration
5600 Fishers Lane
Rockville, MD 20857 (301) 443-6310
This contains information on products that were observed during the last inspection of each establishment. It also includes the bioresearch monitoring (BIMO) inventory (clinical investigators, IRC/IRB's, etc.). The data base is updated monthly and covers 1977 to present. For more information contact John Lechus at (301) 443-2155.
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
* Program Oriented Data System (PODS)
Gerald Deighton
Freedom of Information Staff HFI-35
US Food and Drug Administration
5600 Fishers Lane
Rockville, MD 20857 (301) 443-6310
This contains field office operational accomplishments/resource expenditures by fiscal year in four files: inspections, sample collections, sample examinations, and general operations (investigations, recall, research, etc.) from FY 1982. Updated monthly. For more information contact John Lechus at (301) 443-2155.
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
* Project Share
Ms. Joseph, Project Manager
Project Share
PO Box 2309 (301) 231-9539
Rockville, MD 20852 (800) 537-3784
This data base has bibliographic citations and abstracts of literature about improving the delivery and management of human services. Topics include: long-term care, substance abuse, transportation, cost effectiveness, vocational rehabilitation, juvenile delinquency, health insurance, grants, fundings and group homes. Cited materials are geared toward managers, supervisors and policy-makers. The data base contains 15,000 records on current literature. It is updated frequently. Most searches, with printouts, cost $45.00. Several standard searches are available for $10 each.
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
* Protein Identification Resource
Kathryn E. Sidman
National Biomedical Research Foundation
Georgetown University Medical Center
3900 Reservoir Rd., NW
Washington, DC 20007 (202) 687-2121
The National Biomedical Research Foundation together with the National Institutes of Health have developed an online resource for protein identification used in biomedical research. This resource includes protein and nucleic acid sequences data bases and a powerful computer system for protein identification and for retrieval of associated information. Data are distributed on magnetic tapes or accessible via direct dial-up.
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
* Radiation Experience Data (RED)
Ralph Bunge
US Food and Drug Administration (HFZ-250)
5600 Fishers Lane
Rockville, MD 20857 (301) 443-1002
This statistical data base contains raw data about patient x-rays, nuclear medicine and ultrasound exams performed in 80 sample hospitals nationwide. Data from 1980 surveys contain numbers and types of exams, and patient age and sex. Approximately four million individual records are in RED. Simple searches and printouts are available free of charge. A cost recovery fee will be assessed for detailed searches.
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
* Recall Monitoring (REC)
Gerald Deighton
Freedom of Information Staff HFI-35
US Food and Drug Administration
5600 Fishers Lane
Rockville, MD 20857 (301) 443-6310
This system tracks product recalls from their initial classification as potential recalls through the completion of any necessary product recall and verification by FDA field personnel. Years covered are 1972-1988. For more information contact James Merritt at (301) 427-8100.
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
* Regulatory Action System (RACS)
Gerald Deighton
Freedom of Information Staff HFI-35
US Food and Drug Administration
5600 Fishers Lane
Rockville, MD 20857 (301) 443-6310
This contains field office initiated/recommended domestic regulatory actions such as NAF and regulatory letters, seizures, prosecutions, injunctions, citations, and administrative actions by fiscal year. The data base is updated monthly and covers 1985 to present. For more information contact John Lechus at (301) 443-2155.
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
* Retirement History Study
Confidentiality Policy Project
Office of Research and Statistics
Office of Policy
Social Security Administration, Room 205
4301 Connecticut Ave., NW
Washington, DC 20008 (202) 282-7217
This is a six-wave biennial national longitudinal survey of persons aged 58-63 beginning in 1969; data are available for the 1969, 1971, 1973, 1975, 1977 and 1979 waves of the study. The study was designed to investigate the reasons for early retirement and the changes in the economic and social characteristics of older persons as they approach and attain retirement status. The substantive topics covered include recent work experience, health, living arrangements, financial resources and assets, expenditures, leisure activities, retirement plans, family composition, travel, life satisfaction, spouse's work history, and basic demographic descriptors.
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
* Revised Management Information Counts System (REMICS)
Confidentiality Policy Project
Office of Research and Statistics
Office of Policy
Social Security Administration, Room 205
4301 Connecticut Ave., NW
Washington, DC 20008 (202) 282-7217
This SSI data file summarizes each month the microdata extracted from the SSR on a 100-percent basis. In particular, REMICS data cells present extensive count and limited dollar amount information by State and county and by SSI payment category for the following topical areas: payments, payment status, income, resources, living arrangements, age, race, sex, and marital status. The microdata universe from which REMICS is created consists of approximately 8,000,000 SSI current-pay, denial, nonpay, and terminated cases housed in the SSR. REMICS is used for SSI program statistics for ORS publications and data inquiries from other components of SSA, HHS, other Federal agencies and Congressional staff. In its current version, REMICS has existed since 1976, and at that time, it replaced a similar data base developed in 1974. To meet the needs of users, a parameter driven program with REMICS data cells as input and the user's desired SSI table as output has been developed.
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
* Smoking and Health Data Base
Pat Healy
Office on Smoking and Health
Public Health Service
US Department of Health and Human Services
Technical Information Center
Park Building, Room 1-16
5600 Fishers Lane
Rockville, MD 20857
The Clearinghouse maintains a bibliographic data base with abstracts on all aspects of smoking. Contents are largely technical reports collected from worldwide sources, and topics range from the physical effects of smoking to cessation programs. The system currently holds more than 60,000 references and is updated bimonthly. Searches and printouts are available free of charge.
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
* Social Security Longitudinal Earnings Public Use File, 1937-1975 (ICPSR 7617)
Inter-University Consortium for Political and Social Research
Institute for Social Research
P.O. Box 1248
Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (313) 763-5010
The data file was developed for use as part of the Social Security Administration Exact Match Study [ICPSR 7616]. The data were collected in 1976, and therefore offer an updated version of those data collected for the Current Population Survey, 1973, and the Exact Match File provided by the Internal Revenue Service/Social Security Administration. Records are provided for each of the 90,174 CPS persons 14 years of age or older for whom SSA earnings extracts were included in the CPS-IRS-SSA. There are 7,515 physical records and approximately 70 variables.
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
* State Alcoholism and Drug Abuse Profile (SADAP)
David S. Sanchez, Computer Systems Analyst
Division of Biometry and Epidemiology
NIAAA, Public Health Service
US Department of Health and Human Services
Room 14C-26, Parklawn Building
5600 Fishers Lane
Rockville, MD 20857 (301) 443-4897
This is a numeric (aggregate) file containing data voluntarily submitted by the 50 states, Puerto Rico, and the Virgin Islands during state fiscal year 1985 on their alcoholism and drug abuse treatment, research, and prevention programs. There are 100 variables for 52 observations. Coverage of the file is nationwide; States are identified. Data pertain to fiscal year 1985. This file may be purchased from the Alcohol Epidemiologic Data System, CSR, Inc., Suite 600, 1400 Eye St., NW, Washington, DC 20005, (202) 847-7600 or National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism at a price to be determined.
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
nd Drug Abuse Profile (SADAP)
David S. Sanchez, Computer Systems Analyst
Division of Biometry and Epione NDA or ANDA approved for the same drug product within the context of the data in the ADP. The distinguishing information may be package size, excipients, distributors, etc.
Department of Health and H
* New Beneficiary Survey (NBS)
Confidentiality Policy Project
Office of Research and Statistics
Office of Policy
Social Security Administration, Room 205
4301 Connecticut Ave., NW
Washington, DC 20008 (202) 282-7217
This is a national cross-sectional survey designed to gather information necessary to perform program evaluation using data not otherwise available from the Social Security system. The sample was drawn from SSA's MBR and includes retired workers, disabled workers, and aged wives and widows who received a first benefit payment from mid-1980 through mid-1981. The survey instrument contained questions about household composition, employment, health, income and assets, marital history, child care, program knowledge, and spouse. This cohort of new beneficiaries provides data useful for investigating how well program provisions are meeting societal needs, and for estimating how changes in the Social Security program during the 1980's will affect future beneficiaries.
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
* New NEXT (NX2)
Gerald Deighton
Freedom of Information Staff HFI-35
US Food and Drug Administration
5600 Fishers Lane
Rockville, MD 20857 (301) 443-6310
The new NEXT (Nationwide Experience in X-ray Trends) system is designed to collect data gathered in states on the performance of X-ray equipment used in radiographic exams measuring exposure values in real life situations. The data base is updated annually and covers the years 1984 to present. For more information contact Fred Rueter at (301) 443-3446.
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
* NIDA Behavioral Teratology Information
Gerald Deighton
Freedom of Information Staff HFI-35
US Food and Drug Administration
5600 Fishers Lane
Rockville, MD 20857 (301) 443-6310
This contains information related to behavioral impairments and neuropathological alterations after chronic marijuana smoke inhalation. The data base is updated daily and covers 1984 to present. For more information contact Ron Barsh at (703) 790-4257.
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
* NIMH (National Institute of Mental Health)
BRS Information Technologies
1200 Route 7
Latham, NY 12110 (800) 345-4BRS
This contains international coverage of the mental health literature. Date of coverage: 1969-.
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
Bill Bennett
Information Acquisition Data Systems
National Institute of Occupational Safety & Health
4676 Columbia Pkwy.
Cincinnati, OH 45226 (513) 533-8317
NIOSHTIC contains bibliographic citations and abstracts of occupational safety and health materials. Input is gathered from US and foreign literature, the personnel files of several distinguished researchers in the field. The system currently contains more than 150,000 records and is increasing by 500 a month. This data base dates back to 1860. Currently searches and printouts are available free of charge. This data base is available commercially from DIALOG, Pergamon and Orbit.
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
* Nocturnal Oxygen Therapy Trial (NOTT)
Biostatistics Research Branch
Division of Epidemiology and Clinical Applications
National Heart, Lung & Blood Institute
Federal Building, Room 2A11
Bethesda, MD 20892 (301) 496-5905
NOTT presents baseline data and findings from follow-up visits. The tape may be obtained by writing the above office. There is a charge of $50.00 for the tape and documentation.
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
* Official Establishment Inventory
Gerald Deighton
Freedom of Information Staff HFI-35
US Food and Drug Administration
5600 Fishers Lane
Rockville, MD 20857 (301) 443-6310
This is a current inventory, updated monthly, of establishments or individuals whose activities fall under jurisdiction of FDA. Includes name, address, establishment types, industries' date of last inspection, classification, date of last violative inspection, etc. For more information contact K. Sterk Larson at (301) 443-3630.
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
* One-Percent Old-Age Survivors, and Disability Insurance Sample File
Confidentiality Policy Project
Office of Research and Statistics
Office of Policy
Social Security Administration, Room 205
4301 Connecticut Ave., NW
Washington, DC 20008 (202) 282-7217
Starting in January 1985, a monthly 1-percent sample file has been generated using extracts from the MBR. The file contains a wide range of data fields - date of birth, sex, age, race, date of entitlement, monthly benefit amount, primary insurance amount, State and county code, date of filing and information on awards, conversions, and terminations of benefits.
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
* ORA Registration File
Gerald Deighton
Freedom of Information Staff HFI-35
US Food and Drug Administration
5600 Fishers Lane
Rockville, MD 20857 (301) 443-6310
This is an inventory of establishments registered with FDA by district, last three registration dates, status (voluntary, active, cancelled, etc.) for each of the centers. For more information contact John Lechus at (301) 443-2155.
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
* Pathology
Gerald Deighton
Freedom of Information Staff HFI-35
US Food and Drug Administration
5600 Fishers Lane
Rockville, MD 20857 (301) 443-6310
This is a data base containing gross, clinical, and microscopic pathology information on animals after removal from test. It contains information such as species, sex dependency, systemic dependency, and benign versus malignant. Part of TDMS. The data base covers 1973 to present and is updated daily. For more information contact Ron Barsh at (703) 790-4257.
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
Gerald Deighton
Freedom of Information Staff HFI-35
US Food and Drug Administration
5600 Fishers Lane
Rockville, MD 20857 (301) 443-6310
This is a collection of data, updated quarterly, on behavior of pesticides through FDA multi-residue analytical methods. The information in PESTDATA is scheduled to be combined with PESTRAK during FY 89 in an expanded data base to be maintained in a microcomputer format. For more information contact Bernadette McMahon at (202) 245-1152.
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
* Pesticide Status Guide
Gerald Deighton
Freedom of Information Staff HFI-35
US Food and Drug Administration
5600 Fishers Lane
Rockville, MD 20857 (301) 443-6310
This is a chemist's guide to pesticide analytical behavior studies. For more information contact Marion G. Clower, Jr., at (202) 245-1036.
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
Gerald Deighton
Freedom of Information Staff HFI-35
US Food and Drug Administration
5600 Fishers Lane
Rockville, MD 20857 (301) 443-6310
This is a data base on overall capability of FDA programs to monitor for pesticide residues. PESTRAK is scheduled to be combined with PESTDATA during FY 89 in an expanded data base to be maintained in a microcomputer format. For more information contact Bernadette McMahon at (202) 245-1152.
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
* Pharmacopeial Forum Track (PFTRAC)
Gerald Deighton
Freedom of Information Staff HFI-35
US Food and Drug Administration
5600 Fishers Lane
Rockville, MD 20857 (301) 443-6310
This system tracks revisions to United States pharmacopeia monographs, proposed in Pharmacopeial Forum, which have been sent to appropriate agency offices with a request for review and evaluation. For more information contact Meade North at (301) 295-8104.
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
* Physicians Data Query Cancer Information System (PDQ)
International Cancer Information Center
National Cancer Institute
National Institutes of Health
US Department of Health and Human Services
International Cancer Research Program
R.A. Bloch Building
9030 Old Georgetown Rd.
Bethesda, MD 20892 (301) 496-5583
Files are hierarchial and must be obtained together. Files are menu driven. A version of PDQ has been developed which uses a MUMPS-based retrieval system which can run on either mini or micro computers. Data on 87 treatments, 12,000 physicians, 1,500 organizations, 1,000 protocols are included in these files. Each file updated monthly. Data are updated monthly. However, addition of chemotherapeutic agents, dose modification and AIDS treatment information limits comparability of current and historical data.
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
* Policy Research on Aging and Mental Health Services (PRAMHS) (ICPSR 9043)
Philip W. Roeder
US Department of Health and Human Services
200 Independence Avenue, SW
Washington, DC 20201 (202) 245-0724
There are four numeric (microdata) files describing the results of nationwide mail surveys done on all Community Mental Health Centers (CMHS), and Area Agencies on Aging (AAA), as well as data collected by the PRAMHS project State Unit on Aging, and the PRAMHS State Mental Health Agencies mail surveys. Data includes delivery of mental health services to the elderly, specialized services for the elderly, referrals to mental health programs, priority given to mental health issues, factors influencing delivery and coordination of mental health services to the elderly, and efforts of the elderly to influence policy decisions. States and Cities are identified. Data pertain to 1979-1980. The file is available from ICPSR. The file will be provided free to individuals at affiliated institutions; fees will be charged to individuals at non-affiliated institutions. Contact Member Services, ICPSR, P.O. Box 1248, Ann Arbor, MI, 48106, (313) 763-5010.
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
* Policy Research on Aging and Mental Health Services (PRAMHS) (ICPSR 9043)
Philip W. Roeder
US Department of Health and Human Services
200 In
* Modified Life Table Analysis System for Cohort Studies
Dr. Frank Stern, Supervisory Epidemiologist
National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health
Mail Stop R-15
4676 Columbia Parkway
Cincinnati, OH 45226 (513) 841-4411
This is a collection of about 30 textual-numeric data files designed to compare morbidity or mortality of a worker population with a controlled population to determine if there is an excess rise in disease or death. Data were taken from personnel records, death records, medical records, and questionnaires from a representative sample of an industry-wide population to be compared with a controlled populations. Data, updated continuously, cover 1940 to present. The file is free from the US National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health.
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
* Molecular Biology Data Base and Bulletin Board
IntelliGentics, Inc.
700 E. El Camino Rd.
Suite 300
Mountain View, CA 94040 (415) 962-7337
The National Institutes of Health has provided funding for an online data base and information exchange network for those interested in molecular biology. Complete access to the data base and software costs $400 per year. Access to the bulletin board and communications forum cost $100 per year. Both subscriptions include access to a local Uninet telephone number.
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
Gerald Deighton
Freedom of Information Staff HFI-35
US Food and Drug Administration
5600 Fishers Lane
Rockville, MD 20857 (301) 443-6310
This is a data base of precision parameters of nutrient and related substances in foods/feeds, covering 1915 to present. For more information contact William Horwitz at (202) 245-1057.
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
* National Clearinghouse for Alcohol & Drug Information
National Clearinghouse for Alcohol Information
PO Box 2345
Rockville, MD 20852 (301) 468-2600
This data base contains information, collected from worldwide sources, about alcohol and alcoholism. The focus is primarily on the training of personnel and the prevention, treatment and research aspects of the drug and its effects. Bibliographic citations and abstracts are stored for scientific, technical and programmatic documents in areas such as physiology, biochemistry, medicine, public health, psychology, animal research, treatment and therapies, mental health, legislation and criminal justice, safety, sociology, prevention and education, and statistics. The data can be searched by field, author, time period and 70 different subject areas. The system was started in 1973 and is updated monthly, and currently contains 60,000 entries. Searches, printouts and some documents are available free of charge.
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
* National Clearinghouse for Family Planning Information
Family Life Information Exchange
PO Box 30436
Bethesda, MD 20814 (301) 907-8198
The Clearinghouse maintains a collection of family planning materials and serial publications. Stored text, citations and abstracts are geared primarily toward public and professional education. Examples of topics covered include: human sexuality, reproductive health, population concerns, abortion and family planning for the mentally or physically impaired. The data base has 10,000 records and is updated continually. The Clearinghouse will compile bibliographies for the general public free.
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
* National Clearinghouse on Child Abuse and Neglect Information
National Clearinghouse on Child Abuse and Neglect
P.O. Box 1182
Washington, DC 20013 (703) 821-2086
The Clearinghouse's data base contains information about child maltreatment, including: abstracts of literature published since 1965, descriptions of programs in the US that serve child abuse and neglect victims, descriptions of ongoing research in the field, information about available audiovisual items, and child abuse and neglect laws. Spanish-language materials are also cited. The system became operational in 1975 and currently contains 15,000 records. It is updated every six months. Staff will do searches for approximately $10 for those individuals not having access to the Clearinghouse's Child Abuse and Neglect Data base on DIALOG.
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
* National Diabetes Information Clearinghouse (NDIC)
National Diabetes Information Clearinghouse
9000 Rockville Pike
Bethesda, MD 20892 (301) 468-2162
This online data base contains citations and abstracts of diabetic patient education materials including books, audiovisuals, teaching manuals and journal articles. Basic information about diabetes, its complications, and information about programs designed for diabetics and health professionals is also stored. The data base is patient oriented and does not include highly technical, clinical or research materials. The system became operational in 1985 and contains 6,000 records. It is updated monthly. NDIC will do searches and provide a bibliographic printout (with abstracts and acquisition source free of charge). It is also available commercially through CHID (Combined Health Data base).
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
* National Drug and Alcoholism Treatment Utilization Survey (NDATUS)
Lorrain Ferguson
US Department of Health and Human Services
Alcohol, Drug Abuse, and Mental Health Administration
5600 Fishers Lane
Rockville, MD 20857 (301) 443-6637
This biennial voluntary survey contains all alcohol and drug abuse treatment, prevention and service facilities in the US. It services as an inventory of privately and publicly funded facilities. The following information is available from each facility: unit identification data, type and scope of services provided, client census and funding information. National and state level reports as well as a National Directory of Treatment and Prevention Programs are produced from this system. Special reports are produced upon written request. Services are normally free but there may be a fee depending on the complexity of the request. Information requests can be filled by reports, tables, charts, and other displays in a hard copy format or by computer tape.
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
* National Household Survey on Drug Abuse 1985
Betsy Stay
National Institute of Drug Abuse
Public Health Service
US Department of Health and Human Services
Parklawn Building, Room 11A-55
5600 Fishers Lane
Rockville, MD 20857 (301) 443-6689
This microdata file contains the results of a household survey concerning the nonmedical use and abuse of drugs including alcohol, tobacco, marijuana, PCP, stimulants, inhalants and depressants. Households were selected by a multi-stage probability samples, and one person in the household was included in the study. Data were obtained by in-person interviews and self-administered questionnaires. Coverage of the file is nationwide. Census regions and states are identified. Data for 1988 are also in progress. To obtain data tapes, contact NIDA for price and remit with written request to address listed above.
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
* National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS)
Ron Brown
Information Resources Management Branch
Office of the Director, Room 904
NINDS/National Institutes of Health
US Department of Health and Human Services
7550 Wisconsin Ave.
Bethesda, MD 20205 (301) 496-9244
This office has program data on NINCDS' grants/awards, contracts and intramural projects. Retrievable information includes title of research efforts, recipient's name and address, award period and facilities. Searches and printouts available on a cost recovery basis.
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
* National Long-Term Care Survey, 1982-1984 (ICPSR 8654)
Member Services
Inter-University Consortium for Political and Social Research
P.O. Box 1248
Ann Arbor, MI 38106 (313) 763-5010
The 1982-1984 National Long-Term Care Survey (NLTCS) was designed to provide a data base describing the population of chronically disabled elderly persons in the United States in terms of their health and functional status, their patterns of use of Medicare, hospital care, home health services, and institutional care.
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
* National Long-Term Care Channeling Evaluation, 1982-1984 (ICPSR 8683)
Member Services
Inter-University Consortium for Political and Social Research
P.O. Box 1248
Ann Arbor, MI 38106 (313) 763-5010
The US Department of Health and Human Services initiated this survey to demonstrate and evaluate the cost savings and effectiveness of channeling community-based long-term care services to the frail elderly through a case management approach. The goal of case management is to coordinate and direct community, medical, and informal long-term care services to the frail elderly as an alternative to institutionalization. The four main areas of evaluation are: (1) the use of hospitals, nursing homes, and other formal medical services, (2) public and private expenditures on formal community services including case-management, housing, and income transfers, (3) informal care by family and friends, and (4) individual outcomes, including quality of life, physical functioning, unmet service needs, and mortality of the elderly sample members.
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
* National Medical Care Utilization and Expenditure Survey, 1980 (ICPSR 8239)
Member Services
Inter-University Consortium for Political and Social Research
P.O. Box 1248
Ann Arbor, MI 38106 (313) 763-5010
The National Medical Care Utilization and Expenditure Survey (NMCUES), 1980 was designed to produce a data base of detailed information on the country's health status, patterns of health care utilization, charges for services received, and methods of payment. The NMCUES files contain respondent data from the National Household Survey (HHS) and include information on utilization, expenditures, conditions, disabilities, and demographic characteristics. The first six files in the collection provide information on medical visits, dental visits, hospital stays, prescribed medicines, and health conditions for all persons residing in the sample households at each of five interview sessions. The seventh (Family) file contains data from the first six files on key family reporting units or RUs (defined as an individual or group of persons related to each other by blood, marriage, adoption, or foster parent/child relationship, whose usual residence was the assigned sample housing unit) for which there were longitudinal data on (1) eligible residents at the time of the round one interview, their nonresident unmarried college students, and babies born into the families or members who returned from the military, institutions, or abroad during the year and (2) new RUs formed by such key members during the year.
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
* National Study of Internal Medicine, Physician Practice Study, Phase III, 1981 (ICPSR 8301)
Member Services
P.O. Box 1248
Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (313) 763-5010
Conducted by Mary Kay Schleiter and Alvin R. Tarlov under grants from the Health Resources and Services Administration, Public Health Services, Department of Health and Human Services, and the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. A numeric (microdata) file containing information on the practice of young internists in order to understand the determinants of different practice styles and to compare the practices of four groups of physicians; general internists with traditional residencies, general internists who received their residency training in special primary care tracks, family physicians, and subspecialty internists. The study provides information about current positions, activities, patients and physician-patient relationships, demographic characteristics and family backgrounds, and educational training histories of cohort of young physicians. Data were collected from a national sample of residents and fellows in training during 1976-1977. There are 1,341 variables for each of the approximately 22,000 records. The file is available from ICPSR. The file will be provided free to individuals at affiliated institutions; fees will be charged to individuals at non-affiliated institutions.
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
* National Survey on Drug Abuse
Betsy Stay
National Institute on Drug Abuse
Public Health Service
US Department of Health and Human Services
Room 11A-55, Parklawn Building
5600 Fishers Lane
Rockville, MD 20857 (301) 443-6689
This numeric (aggregate) file contains data on attitudes and behavior regarding the use of alcohol, marijuana and other drugs. Data includes attitudes on drug laws and penalties, settings of use, psychological and behavioral effects, and frequency and quantity of consumption of various narcotic and over-the-counter drugs as well as socioeconomic, demographic, and educational data on the respondent. Data were collected from two groups of respondents; 1) youths between the ages of 11 and 17, and 2) adults 18 and over. Coverage of the file is nationwide. Regions are identified. Data pertain to 1985. The National Survey on Drug Abuse was also conducted in 1971, 1972, 1975-75, 1975-76, 1977 and 1979-82 files for these years are also available. Data for 1988 are in progress.
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
* Nationwide Examination of X-Ray Trends (NEXT)
Fred Rueter
National Center for Devices and Radiological Health
US Food and Drug Administration
US Department of Health and Human Services
5600 Fishers Lane
Rockville, MD 20857 (301) 443-2436
NEXT contains statistical data and exposure/dose information about diagnostic medical and dental x-rays taken nationwide. Quality assurance data is included since 1984. Tabulations can be done according to hospitals, private facilities, geographic areas, x-ray techniques and body organs. Started in 1973, NEXT currently holds 100,000 records. It is updated continuously. Searches and printouts are available free of charge.
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
* Nationwide Examination of X-Ray Trends (NEXT)
Fred Rueter
National Center for Devices and Radiologicalfforts of the elderly to influence policy decisions. States and Cities
HSDB (Hazardous Substances Data Bank) is a scientifically reviewed and edited data base containing toxicological information enhanced with additional data related to the environment, emergency situations and regulatory issues. Data is derived from a variety of documents including government publications, and special reports organized by chemical name. The file contains over 4,100 records.
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
MEDLINE includes citations to nearly 5,000,000 articles from approximately 3,200 biomedical journals published in the US and abroad. An English abstract, if published with the article, is frequently included. Citations are indexed using NLM's controlled vocabulary, MeSH (Medical Subject Headings). MEDLINE contains all citations published in Index Medicus and corresponds in part to the International Nursing Index and the Index to Dental Literature. It covers the years 1966 to the present. It is updated monthly with 20,000 to 25,000 or more records added monthly. The citations for each month's update are also searchable in a separate online data base called SDILINE (Selected Dissemination of Information online).
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
MESH VOCABULARY FILE is an online dictionary of 15,000 Medical Subject Headings (MeSH Heading), Subheadings, and Chemical Terms used in indexing and searching several NLM files including MEDLINE. Records for MeSH Headings include the scope of the heading, its position in the MeSH hierarchical structure and other useful information.
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
NAME AUTHORITY FILE is available for some 300,000 names, series, and uniform titles used as headings in bibliographic records resident in CATLINE and AVLINE. These authority records may be used in the cataloging process to identify personal, conference, or corporate names and series to be used as a heading in a bibliographic record.
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
PDQ (Physician Data Query) contains data on advances in state-of-the-art treatment and clinical trials. An editorial board of 70 experts maintains the currency and accuracy of this data bank which give detailed summaries of all major tumor types including prognosis, staging, cellular classification, and state-of-the-art treatment options. Also in this data base are the names, addresses, telephone numbers, medical specialties and affiliations of some 10,000 physicians who devote a major portion of their clinical practice to the treatment of cancer.
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
POPLINE (Population Information Online) provides bibliographic citations relating to human fertility, contraceptive methods, community-based services, program evaluation, demography, censuses, vital statistics, and related health, law and policy issues. It contains over 160,000 citations and abstracts to a variety of materials including newspaper articles, monographs, technical reports and unpublished works. It is produced in cooperation with the Population Information Program of the John Hopkins University, the Center for Population and Family Health of Columbia University, Population Index, Library/Information Program of Princeton University and the Carolina Population Center of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
RTECS (Registry of Toxic Effects of Chemical Substances) currently contains toxicity data for more than 92,000 substances and is NLM's online version of the National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) annual compilation of substances with toxic activity. The information in RTECS is structured around chemical substances with toxic action, and thus provides a single source for basic toxicity information. Also included are threshold limit values, air standards, NTP carcinogenic review information, status under Federal regulations, compound classification and NIOSH Criteria Document availability. The file can be searched by chemical identifiers, type of effect or other criteria.
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
SDILINE (Selective Dissemination of Information online) contains the current month's input to the MEDLINE data base including all citations to the forthcoming printed edition of the monthly Index Medicus.
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
SERLINE (Serials Online) contains bibliographic and preservation information for about 70,000 serial titles, including all journals which are on order or cataloged for the NLM collection. For many of these, SERLINE has locator information for the user to determine which US medical libraries own a partial journal. SERLINE is used by librarians to obtain information needed to order journals and to refer inter-library loan requests. It also contains a limited number of serials not in the NLM collection.
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
TOXLINE (Toxicology Information Online) is a bibliographic data base covering the pharmacological biochemical, physiological, and toxicological effects of drugs and other chemicals. Almost all references have abstracts and/or indexing terms and Chemical Abstracts Service (CAS) Registry Numbers. This data base contains over 800,000 citations. TOXLINE contains recent references, while older information is available in the back files.
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
TOXNET (Toxicology Data Network) is a computerized system which includes a variety of modules used by NLM to build and review records. For outside users, TOXNET permits efficient access to data on toxic and otherwise hazardous chemicals. Currently operating on TOXNET are the following three files: HSDB (Hazardous Substances Data Bank), CCRIS (Chemical Carcinogenesis Research Information System) and RTECS (Registry of Toxic Effects of Chemical Substances).
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
* Mental Health Abstracts/National Institute of Mental Health
DIALOG Information Services
Marketing Department
3460 Hillview Avenue
Palo Alto, CA 94304 (800) 334-2564
This data base indexes and abstracts documents from the worldwide literature pertaining to mental health. In addition to journal articles, there are audiovisuals, dissertations, government documents, and reports. Produced by National Institute of Mental Health, US Public Health Service, Parklawn Building, Room 15C-05, 5600 Fishers Lane, Rockville, MD 20857.
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
* Mental Health Demographic Profile System (MHDPS)
Dr. Harold Goldsmith
Chief of Applied Demography Program
National Institute of Mental Health
US Department of Health and Human Services
5600 Fishers Lane
Rockville, MD 20857 (301) 443-2908
This is a numeric (microdata) file designed to identify high-risk target populations in terms of mental health and general health service needs, as well as to describe the social and economic structure of both mental health service in other small geographic areas. Data were collected from 1980 US Census of Population and Housing. Coverage of the file is nationwide; states are identified. File is compiled every 10 years. File for 1970 is also available. File may be purchased from the National Institute of Mental Health.
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
* Mental Health Research Grants Application System
National Institute on Mental Health
Alcohol, Drug Abuse and Mental Health Admin.
Parklawn Building Room 15-81
5600 Fishers Lane
Rockville, MD 20857 (301) 443-3104
This management information system provides data for use in research grant analysis, planning, and administration. It covers all National Institute on Mental Health (NIMH) research grant applications. The file consists of all administrative facts about applications including: title, investigator, budget, project dates, sponsoring institution, location, review action, and funding. A yearly sourcebook is produced. Searches and printouts for specific grant information can be arranged.
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
* Mexican Origin People in the United States: Austin (Texas) Pilot Survey, 1978-1979 (ICPSR 7965)
Member Services
Inter-University Consortium for Political and Social Research
P.O. Box 1248
Ann Arbor, MI 38106 (313) 763-5010
This study was conducted for the purpose of testing and improving field procedures prior to beginning the Chicano Survey of 1979. It was jointly funded by the National Institute of Mental Health and the University of Texas at Austin. Interviews were conducted in Travis County, Texas, from November 1978 to February 1979. The final sample size was 70 respondents. There are 569 variables concerned with family structure, education and ethnicity, employment, income, language spoken, and attitudes towards language as well as interviewer observations. The data have a logical record length of 794. This collection was made available to ICPSR by the National Chicano Research Network located in the Survey Research Center of the Institute for Social Research, The University of Michigan.
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
* Microbial Information System (MICRO-IS)
Dr. Micah Krishevsky
Microbial Systematics Sec.
National Institute of Dental Research
National Institute of Health
US Department of Health and Human Services
Bethesda, MD 20892 (301) 496-9750
This system contains a wide variety of retrieval, management and editing functions used for marine pollution and related food safety data, and maintains some Alaska Outer Continental Shelf Environmental Assessment Program data for the National Oceanographic Data Center. It currently contains over 700,000 records of morphological, physiological, biochemical and chromatographic data describing microbial strains. Upon personal request to the program office, individuals may obtain data printouts, magnetic tapes, summaries, syntheses, plots, charts and models. The response time varies with the complexity of the request.
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
* Microbial Information System (MICRO-IS)
Dr. Micah Krishevsky
Microbial Systematics Sec.
National Institute of Dental Research
National Institute of Health
US Department of Health and Human Services
Bethesda, MD 20892 (301) 496-9750
This system contains a wide variety of retrieval, management and editing functioellows in training during 1976-1977. Ther
* Medicare Beneficiary File System of the Prospective Payment and Analytic Support Studies Data Base
Catherine A. Joseph, Core Data Base Manager
Abt Associates, Inc.
55 Wheeler Street
Cambridge, MA 02138 (617) 492-7200, ext. 5311
This is a collection of 8 numeric (microdata and aggregate) data files designed to support time-series analysis of health care utilization of Medicare beneficiaries. File system includes beneficiary utilization, hospital inpatient and skilled nursing facility stays, charges, Medicare reimbursement, types of services, location of services, and demographic information. Generally, microdata on individual claims and beneficiaries, and inpatient stay data and aggregations by hospital, county, Zip Code, etc. are available. Data were obtained from Medicare claims (bill and payment records) during 1987 from a universe of all Medicare beneficiaries. Samples used vary from file to file. The number of variables varies from 30 to 500 and the number of records varies from 25,000 to 16 million. Data are nationwide. Census Regions, states, MSAs, county and Zip Code areas are identified. Data pertain to 1986. The system is contained in 8 data files. The file may be purchased from Abt Associates, Inc. on approval of HCFA's Office of Statistics and Data Management. The price depends on the number of files desired.
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
* Medicare Provider File System of the Prospective Payment and Analytic Support Studies Data Base
Catherine A. Joseph, Core Data base Manager
Abt Associates, Inc.
55 Wheeler Street
Cambridge, MA 02138 (617) 492-7200, ext. 5311
This is a collection of 4 general types of textual-numeric data files describing the characteristics and services of individual Medicare providers (e.g., hospitals, skilled nursing facilities, home health agencies). Information on these providers includes revenue, expenditures, admissions/discharges, beds, staff location, etc. Data from these files can be linked to American Hospital Association (AHA) data using the Master Identification Number Crosswalk. Data were collected in 1987 for all Medicare certified providers from Medicare cost reports and the Medicare provider certification system. The number of variables and the number of records vary from file to file. The system is contained in 4 general types of data files. Some of the files are available in SAS. The file may be purchased from Abt Associates, Inc. on approval of HCFA's Office of Statistics and Data Management. The price depends on the number of files desired.
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
* MEDLARS - National Library of Medicine Computer Literature Retrieval Services
MEDLAR's Regional Library in your area for information or referral to your nearest MEDLAR's search service.
Region 1: Greater Northeastern Regional Medical Library Program (Connecticut, Delaware, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Vermont and Puerto Rico): The New York Academy of Medicine, 2 East 103rd St., New York, NY 10029 (212) 876-8763.
Region 2: Southeastern/Atlantic Regional Medical Library Services (Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Maryland, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Virginia, West Virginia, and District of Columbia): University of Maryland, Health Sciences Library, 111 South Greene St., Baltimore, MD 21201 (301) 528- 2855.
Region 3: Greater Midwest Regional Medical Library Network (Iowa, Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Michigan, Minnesota, North Dakota, Ohio, South Dakota, and Wisconsin): University of Illinois at Chicago, Library of the Health Sciences, Health Sciences Center, P.O. Box 7509, Chicago, IL 60680 (312) 996-2464.
Region 4: Mid-Continental Regional Medical Library Program (Colorado, Kansas, Missouri, Nebraska, Utah, and Wyoming): University of Nebraska, Medical Center Library, 42nd and Dewey Ave., Omaha, NE 68105 (402) 559-4326.
Region 5: South Central Regional Medical Library Program (Arkansas, Louisiana, New Mexico, Oklahoma and Texas): University of Texas, Health Science Center at Dallas, 5323 Harry Hines Blvd., Dallas, TX 75235-9049.
Region 6: Pacific Northwest Regional Health Sciences Library Service (Alaska, Idaho, Montana, Oregon, and Washington): Health Sciences Library and Information Center, University of Washington, Seattle, WA 98195 (206) 543-8262.
Region 7: Pacific Southwest Regional Medical Library Service (Arizona, California, Hawaii and Nevada): UCLA Biomedical Library, Center for the Health Sciences, Los Angeles, CA 90024
MEDLARS (Medical Literature Analysis and Retrieval System) is an online network of more than 20 bibliographic data bases covering in excess of 11,500,000 documents published worldwide after 1965. References may be retrieved by searching one or a combination of the 14,000 designated Medical Subject Headings used by NLM in indexing and cataloging materials. Requestors may obtain a complete record for each reference retrieved - including subject headings and abstracts - or a less detailed format including only the elements necessary to locate the item: author, title, and publication source. Online search service is available directly from the National Library of Medicine (cost is $25.00 per hour during prime time), any of its seven Regional Medical Libraries, or through a nationwide NLM network at more than 20,000 universities, medical schools, hospitals, government agencies, and commercial organizations. To locate the nearest online center, or how your institution can become a center, write the Regional Library (noted above). At many online centers, the librarian will do the search for you; at others you may be encouraged to do your own searching after some preliminary instruction. The charge for services varies among centers. Some absorb all or most of the costs, other levy a nominal fee. For online access contact NLM or a Regional Library to obtain an application form. Cost is $15.00 minimum per month and MEDLARS offers a free three day training program to subscribers.
Data Bases Available on the MEDLARS Online Network include:
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
AIDSLINE (AIDS information online) is a Bibliographic file of published literature on AIDS, focusing on the clinical and research aspects of the disease, epidemiology, and health policy issues. Updated semimonthly, AIDSLINE contains approximately 13,000 citations.
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
AVLINE (Audiovisuals Online) contains all audiovisuals cataloged by NLM since 1975. It includes over 17,000 teaching materials in clinical medicine, including a wide range of subjects from anatomy to zoonoses It is updated weekly with approximately 100 records added per month. Media types include: motion pictures, video cassettes, slide/cassette and filmstrip/cassette programs. It includes bibliographic data for some of the archival motion pictures which form the basis of the NLM's National Historical Film Program. Selected citations in the data base include abstracts.
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
BIOETHICSLINE contains citations to documents which discuss ethical questions arising in health care or biomedical research. It is a comprehensive, cross-disciplinary collection of references to print and unpublished materials on bioethical topics. Among the publication types included in the data base are journal and newspaper articles, monographs, analysis, court decisions, and audiovisual materials. The data base contains over 25,000 citations from 1973 to date. Citations in BIOETHICSLINE appear also in the Bibliography of Bioethics, an annual publication of the Center of Bioethics, Kennedy Institute of Ethics, Georgetown University, the producer of the data base.
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
CANCERLIT (Cancer Literature) is sponsored by NIH's National Cancer Institute (NCI) and contains more than 580,000 references dealing with various aspects of cancer. All references have English abstracts. Over 5,000 US and foreign journals, as well as books, reports, and meeting abstracts are abstracted for inclusion in CANCERLIT.
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
CANCERPROJ (Cancer Research Projects) provides summaries of ongoing cancer research project descriptions, provided by cancer scientists in many countries, for both clinical and laboratory research. In addition to brief descriptions of the objectives, experimental design, and preliminary results, addresses and telephone numbers for the principal investigator are given. Descriptions include federally and privately supported grants and from the US, countries represented by the Pan American Health Organization, several European countries, Canada, Australia, and Japan.
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
CATLINE (Catalog Online) contains about 630,000 references to books and serials cataloged at NLM. CATLINE gives medical libraries in the network immediate access to authoritative bibliographic information, thus reducing the need for these libraries to do their own original cataloging. Libraries also find this data base a useful source of information for ordering books and journals and for providing reference and inter-library loan services.
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
CHEMLINE is an online chemical dictionary with over 790,000 records. It contains chemical names, synonyms, CAS Registry , molecular formulas and NLM file locators. Where applicable, each record contains ring information including the number of component ring systems, ring sizes, elemental composition and component line formulas. CHEMLINE assists the user in searching the other MEDLARS data bases by providing synonyms and CAS Registry Numbers, the use of which can significantly increase retrieval in those data bases. CHEMLINE can also be searched to locate classes of chemical substances.
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
CLINTPROT (Clinical Cancer Protocols) is another NCI data base designed primarily as a reference tool for clinical oncologists but it is also useful to other clinicians interested in new cancer treatment methods. CLINTPROT contains summaries of clinical investigations of new anti-cancer agents and treatment methods. It provides descriptions of the clinical trials, including patient entry criteria, therapy regimen and special study parameters.
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
DIRLINE (DIRectory of information resources online) is a directory of organizations providing information in specific subject areas. (Such organizations respond to public inquiries, may have their own publications and libraries, or may provide other services. They can provide users with information not necessarily available in bibliographic and data files.) Over 14,000 resource centers are described in DIRLINE including technical libraries, professional societies, federal and state agencies, university centers, and voluntary associations. Records contain name, address and description on these information resources.
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
DOCUSER (DOCument delivery USER) contains descriptive information about libraries and other organizations which use NLM's interlibrary loan (ILL) services or are a part of the regional document delivery network. It contains over 10,000 records for primarily US biomedical libraries, DOCUSER contains the following categories of information: institutional identification, interlibrary loan services, regional medical library participation and SERHOLD (national biomedical SERials HOLDings data base). Two subsidiary online files that support the bibliographic data bases are: Name Authority File and MeSH Vocabulary File.
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
HEALTH PLANNING AND ADMIN (Health Planning and Administration) is produced cooperatively by NLM and the American Hospital Association. It contains over 400,000 references to literature on health planning, organization, financing, management, manpower, and related subjects. The references are from journals indexed for MEDLINE and Hospital Literature Index, selected for their emphasis on health care matters. It covers from 1975 to present with 2,500 - 3,000 records added monthly.
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
HISTLINE (History of Medicine Online) has citations to monographs, journal articles, symposia, congresses, and similar composite publications for the Library`s Bibliographic of the History of Medicine. The scope includes the history of medicine and related sciences, specialties, professions, individuals, institutions, drugs and diseases of given chronological periods and geographical areas. HISTLINE includes over 83,000 citations.
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
to monographs, journthe National Chicano Research Network located in the Survey Research Center of the Institute for Social Research, The University of Michigan.
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
* Laser Products and Test Data (LASR)
Gerald Deighton
Freedom of Information Staff HFI-35
US Food and Drug Administration
5600 Fishers Lane
Rockville, MD 20857 (301) 443-6310
The Laser Products and Test Data file, updated weekly, maintains data concerning laser products subject to the Radiation Control for Health and Safety Act. For more information contact Karen Moss at (301) 427-8086.
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
* LMS Compliance Data R.S./Additives in Food (LMS)
Gerald Deighton
Freedom of Information Staff HFI-35
US Food and Drug Administration
5600 Fishers Lane
Rockville, MD 20857 (301) 443-6310
This system captures food additive analytical findings, methodology and method performance data on samples analyzed by field laboratories. For more information contact Dave Winters at (703) 684-3501.
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
* LMS Compliance Data R.S./Aflatoxins in Foods and Feeds
Gerald Deighton
Freedom of Information Staff HFI-35
US Food and Drug Administration
5600 Fishers Lane
Rockville, MD 20857 (301) 443-6310
This system captures mycotoxin analytical findings, methodology and method performance data on samples analyzed by FDA field laboratories. For more information contact Dave Winters at (703) 684-3501.
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
* LMS Compliance Data R.S./Colors in Foods and Cosmetics (LMS)
Gerald Deighton
Freedom of Information Staff HFI-35
US Food and Drug Administration
5600 Fishers Lane
Rockville, MD 20857 (301) 443-6310
This system captures color additive results and methodology from analyses conducted on foods and cosmetics by FDA field laboratories. For more information contact Dave Winters at (703) 684-3501.
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
* LMS Compliance Data R.S./Infant Formula Survey (LMS)
Gerald Deighton
Freedom of Information Staff HFI-35
US Food and Drug Administration
5600 Fishers Lane
Rockville, MD 20857 (301) 443-6310
This system captures infant formula nutrient analytical findings, methodology and method performance data on samples analyzed by FDA's ACNA laboratory. For more information contact Dave Winters at (703) 684-3501.
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
* LMS Compliance Data R.S./Metals in Dinnerware (LMS)
Gerald Deighton
Freedom of Information Staff HFI-35
US Food and Drug Administration
5600 Fishers Lane
Rockville, MD 20857 (301) 443-6310
The system principally captures lead and cadmium (and other metals) results from analyses of housewares (mainly imported ceramic ware) by FDA field laboratories. For more information contact Dave Winters at (703) 684-3501.
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
* LMS Compliance Data R.S./Nutrition Sample Data (NARS)
Gerald Deighton
Freedom of Information Staff HFI-35
US Food and Drug Administration
5600 Fishers Lane
Rockville, MD 20857 (301) 443-6310
The system captures nutrient analytical findings, methodology and method performance data on import and domestic foods analyzed by FDA's ACNA laboratory. For more information contact Dave Winters at (703) 684-3501.
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
* LMS Compliance Data R.S./Pesticides and Metals in Foods and Feeds (LMS)
Gerald Deighton
Freedom of Information Staff HFI-35
US Food and Drug Administration
5600 Fishers Lane
Rockville, MD 20857 (301) 443-6310
The system captures pesticide, industrial chemical, and metals (contaminant) analytical findings, methodology and method performance data on samples analyzed by FDA field and some state laboratories. For more information contact Dave Winters at (703) 684-3501.
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
* LMS Compliance Data R.S./Radionuclides in Food (LMS)
Gerald Deighton
Freedom of Information Staff HFI-35
US Food and Drug Administration
5600 Fishers Lane
Rockville, MD 20857 (301) 443-6310
The system captures radionuclide findings, method performance data and methodology on samples analyzed by FDA's WEAC laboratory. For more information contact Dave Winters at (703) 684-3501.
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
* LMS Compliance Data R.S./Salmonella in Foods and Cosmetics (LMS)
Gerald Deighton
Freedom of Information Staff HFI-35
US Food and Drug Administration
5600 Fishers Lane
Rockville, MD 20857 (301) 443-6310
The system captures salmonella/serotype findings of samples analyzed by FDA field laboratories and found positive for salmonella contamination. For more information contact Dave Winters at (703) 684-3501.
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
* LMS Compliance Data R.S./Total Diet Result Reporting System (BFDTDIET)
Gerald Deighton
Freedom of Information Staff HFI-35
US Food and Drug Administration
5600 Fishers Lane
Rockville, MD 20857 (301) 443-6310
Two parts: (1) Current component -- maintained by ORA, captures total diet program analytical results. (2) Historical component -- maintained by CFSAN, contains data from 1982 to present on the level of pesticides and some metals and minerals in foods. For more information contact Dave Winters at (703) 684-3501.
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
* Low Acid Canned Foods (LACF)
Gerald Deighton
Freedom of Information Staff HFI-35
US Food and Drug Administration
5600 Fishers Lane
Rockville, MD 20857 (301) 443-6310
The file, updated monthly, contains all low acid canned products and processes registered for use in the US by domestic and foreign firms. Process data is not available to the public. For more information contact Sharon Schoen at (202) 245-1420.
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
* Manufacturing Plants and Chemical Registry
National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health
Division of Surveillance Hazard Evaluation
4676 Columbia Parkway
Cincinnati, OH 45226 (513) 841-4491
NIOSH maintains two data bases, the National Occupational Hazard Survey Data bases I and II, which contain surveys of 5,000 manufacturing plants each. NIOSH administers a questionnaire, investigates health and safety programs, and conducts an inventory of chemicals. Through the data bases, NIOSH can identify potential exposure agents, describe health and safety programs, and by chemical can develop estimates of number of people exposed.
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
* Mass Spectral Search System
Chemical Information Systems, Inc.
7215 York Road
Baltimore, MD 21212 (301) 321-8440
The system contains information on mass spectra for over 42,227 different substances. Date of coverage: 1966-.
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
* Master Beneficiary Record Extracts
Confidentiality Policy Project
Office of Research and Statistics
Office of Policy
Social Security Administration, Room 205
4301 Connecticut Ave., NW
Washington, DC 20008 (202) 282-7217
Each year, extracts are taken from the MBR, which contains a record for each beneficiary (currently 36 million). The data contain such information as type of benefit, age, sex, race, zip code, state and county, and benefit amount. All data are on a 100 percent basis. because of the volume of records, tape files are kept for only 1 year, but other printed data are available from 1980 to present. Some publication data have been retained from the onset of the Social Security program. Although the file does not currently contain everything that is contained on SSA's primary record of beneficiaries, additional information can be added or deleted as needed.
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
* Medical Device Reporting System (MDR)
Gerald Deighton
Freedom of Information Staff HFI-35
US Food and Drug Administration
5600 Fishers Lane
Rockville, MD 20857 (301) 443-6310
The system collects reports of deaths, injuries, and malfunctions related to the use of medical devices. The data base is updated daily and covers 1984 to present. For more information contact Chester Reynolds at (301) 427-8156.
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
file does not currently contain everything that is contained on SSA's primary record of beneficiaries, additional information can be added or deleted as needed.
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
* Medical Device Reporting System (MDR)
Gean Services Federal Data Bases
* Health Insurance Experiment - Health Status and Attitude Series
Jacqueline McGee, Data Facility Administrator
The RAND Corporation
1700 Main Street
P.O. Box 2138
Santa Monica, CA 90406-2138 (213) 393-0411
This numeric (aggregate) file contains variables that include measures used to determine how different levels of insurance affect patients state of health and satisfaction with health care. Health status has six dimensions: physical, mental, social, physiologic, health habits and attitudes toward medical and dental care. Data were collected by various methods over an eight year period, 1974-1982, from six identified sites. The experiment was conducted by the Rand Corporation under a grant from the US Department of Health and Human Services. Tapes may be purchased from the RAND Corporation.
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
* Health Insurance Experiment - Insurance Preference Files
Jacqueline McGee, Data Facility Administrator
The RAND Corporation
1700 Main Street
P.O. Box 2138
Santa Monica, CA 90406-2138 (213) 393-0411
Designed to determine the amount experiment participants were willing to spend on health insurance, this data was gathered using two self-administered questionnaires. Data were collected in 1982, from six identified sites. The experiment was conducted by the Rand Corporation under a grant from the US Department of Health and Human Services. Tapes may be purchased from the RAND Corporation.
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
* Health Insurance Experiment - Master Sample Series
Jacqueline McGee, Data Facility Administrator
The RAND Corporation
1700 Main Street
P.O. Box 2138
Santa Monica, CA 90406-2138 (213) 393-0411
Demographic and socioeconomic data for both baseline and enrolled Health Insurance Experiment (HIE) participants include insurance status, basic medical and dental provider data, etc. Data were collected by various methods over an eight year period, 1974-1982, from six identified sites. The experiment was conducted by the Rand Corporation under a grant from the US Department of Health and Human Services. Tapes may be purchased from the RAND Corporation.
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
* Health Insurance Experiment - Medical Disorders Series
Jacqueline McGee, Data Facility Administrator
The RAND Corporation
1700 Main Street
P.O. Box 2138
Santa Monica, CA 90406-2138 (213) 393-0411
Information includes status of disorder, impact of disorder results of medical tests, etc. and were monitored at enrollment and exit. Data were collected by various methods over an eight year period, 1974-1982, from six identified sites. The experiment was conducted by the Rand Corporation under a grant from the US Department of Health and Human Services. Tapes may be purchased from the RAND Corporation.
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
* Health Insurance Experiment - Medical History Questionnaire Series
Jacqueline McGee, Data Facility Administrator
The RAND Corporation
1700 Main St.
PO Box 2138
Santa Monica, CA 90406-2138 (213) 393-0411
This file documents a series of survey instruments that gather self-reported health status and health satisfaction data. The survey instrument generally consists of 2 forms. Data were collected by various methods over an eight year period, 1974-1982, from six identified sites. The experiment was conducted by the Rand Corporation under a grant from the US Department of Health and Human Services. Tapes may be purchased from the RAND Corporation.
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
* Health Planning and Administration
DIALOG Information Services
Marketing Department
3460 Hillview Avenue
Palo Alto, CA 94304 (800) 334-2564
Users can access information on health care planning, organization, financing, management, and manpower; health promotion and education; and issues of national policy. Many of the articles are also found in MEDLINE, but not all. In addition, this data base includes some government reports and other monographs that relate to health planning, administration, and education. Produced by National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD 20894 (in conjunction with the American Hospital Association).
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
* Human Nutrition Research Information
Gerald Deighton
Freedom of Information Staff HFI-35
US Food and Drug Administration
5600 Fishers Lane
Rockville, MD 20857 (301) 443-6310
Management System (HNRIMS)
This contains descriptions of all federally sponsored nutrition research projects compiled by NIH annually since 1983. Non-federal users do not have access to financial data. For added information contact Lynn A. Larsen at (202) 245-1064, or HNRIM System Coordinator, Nutrition Coordinating Committee, NIH, Bldg. 31, Room 4B59, 9000 Rockville Pk., Bethesda, MD 20205. Phone: (301) 496-9281.
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
* Import Detention System (IDS)
Gerald Deighton
Freedom of Information Staff HFI-35
US Food and Drug Administration
5600 Fishers Lane
Rockville, MD 20857 (301) 443-6310
This system maintains daily information on detentions of imported products by fiscal year, from 1982 to present. Some portions of information cannot be released. For more information contact Marvin Blumberg at (301) 443-6553.
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
* Industrial Chemical Residues
Gerald Deighton
Freedom of Information Staff HFI-35
US Food and Drug Administration
5600 Fishers Lane
Rockville, MD 20857 (301) 443-6310
This contains information on analytical properties of industrial chemical residues, updated annually. For more information contact Marion O. Clower, Jr., at (202) 245-3138.
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
* Industrial Chemicals Repository System
Gerald Deighton
Freedom of Information Staff HFI-35
US Food and Drug Administration
5600 Fishers Lane
Rockville, MD 20857 (301) 443-6310
This is an inventory of industrial chemicals, updated every three years. For more information contact Ivan J. Egry at (202) 245-1081.
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
* Infant Formula Monitoring System
Gerald Deighton
Freedom of Information Staff HFI-35
US Food and Drug Administration
5600 Fishers Lane
Rockville, MD 20857 (301) 443-6310
This system monitors contents and labeling of various infant formulas. The data base covers 1980-1987. For more information contact Dennis B. Wilson at (202) 485-0077.
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
* Information for Management Planning Analysis and Coordination (IMPAC)
Bob Moore
Information Systems Branch
Reports Analysis Presentation Section
National Institute of Health
US Department of Health and Human Services
Bethesda, MD 20892 (301) 496-7401
IMPAC supports the grant programs of the Public Health Service by providing services in the areas of grant application and referral, initial review, council review, award processing, and grant accounting. Principal areas covered include: applications and awards for biomedical research, training and construction grants, research fellowships, and research career programs and grants. Specific requests for data are given depending on workload and user requirements. Copies of specified data sets on magnetic tape are provided as well as the option of diskette.
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
* Inlife
Gerald Deighton
Freedom of Information Staff HFI-35
US Food and Drug Administration
5600 Fishers Lane
Rockville, MD 20857 (301) 443-6310
This system contains data captured on an experimental animal during its lifetime, including weight, raw data for food or water consumption calculations, observations and animal removal data. The data base covers 1986 to present and is updated daily. For more information contact Ron Barsh at (703) 790-4257.
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
* Intermittent Positive Pressure Breathing (IPPB)
Biostatistics Research Branch
Division of Epidemiology and Clinical Applications
National Heart, Lung & Blood Institute
Federal Building, Room 2A11
Bethesda, MD 20892 (301) 496-5905
Baseline data and follow-up measurements are presented in IPPB. The data tape may be obtained by writing the above office. There is a charge of $50.00 for the tape and documentation.
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
* Inventory of Mental Health Organization and General Hospital Mental Health Services, 1986
This numeric file contains information about the expenditures, utilization, patients, and staffing of the psychiatric services offered by general hospitals and mental health organizations in the United States. Data were collected in 1986 by a survey of all general hospitals and mental health organizations offering such services. Approximately 5000 mental health providers are included. Coverage of the file is nationwide; states are identified. The survey is updated every two years, and was conducted by the American Hospital Association with grant support from the National Institute of Mental Health. The file may be purchased from the National Institute of Mental Health or the American Hospital Association.
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
* Lab Testing of TV Products (TV)
Gerald Deighton
Freedom of Information Staff HFI-35
US Food and Drug Administration
5600 Fishers Lane
Rockville, MD 20857 (301) 443-6310
The Laboratory Test Results for Television Products System maintains data collected since 1980 to determine compliance of TV and video display terminals with television standards for ionizing radiation. Some data is exempt from release. This system is used mainly for internal information, but also provides data to respond to inquiries from manufacturers and the public. Updates are daily. For more information contact Art Ball at (301) 427-7178.
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
em maintains data collected since 1980 to determine compliangram. Although the file does not currently contain everything that is contained on SSA's primary record of beneficiaries, additional information can be added or deleted as needed.
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
* Drug Registration and Listing System (DRLS)
Gerald Deighton
Freedom of Information Staff HFI-35
US Department of Health and Human Services
US Food and Drug Administration
5600 Fishers Lane
Rockville, Maryland 20857 (301) 443-6310
The Food and Drug Administration maintains a listing of imported and US manufactured drugs. The data base is searchable by drug name, manufacturer, and geographical location. The data base, which was started 20 years ago, contains several hundreds of thousands of records and is updated daily. Searches are done on a cost recovery basis (minimum fee is $50). All searches and information requests must be submitted in writing to the FOI staff.
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
* Efficacy of Antenatal Steroid Therapy in Prevention of Neonatal RDS
Biostatistics Research Branch
Division of Epidemiology and Clinical Applications
National Heart, Lung & Blood Institute
Federal Building, Room 2A11
Bethesda, MD 20892 (301) 496-5905
Maternal and infant entry and follow-up data are presented in this data base. The data tape may be obtained by writing the above office. There is a charge of $50.00 for the tape and documentation.
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
* Emergency Medicine and Crisis Care (EMCC)
Bruce Yamasaki
Parklawn Health Library
5600 Fishers Lane, Room 13-12 (301) 443-2673
Rockville, MD 20857 or (301) 436-6147
The EMIC data base contains bibliographic citations and abstracts of emergency medical services (EMS) literature. Data entered from 1973 through 1980 cover all aspects of EMS, ranging from detailed studies about setting up regional EMS systems nationwide to research and education in the field. Literature cited during that period was gathered from numerous government contracted reports, Public Health Service works, conference proceedings, and both published and unpublished materials. Data input after 1981 consist largely of journal articles and selected unpublished reports pertaining only to the administration of EMS. The system was started in 1972 and currently contains 10,600 records. Approximately 300 records are added yearly. Searches and printouts are available free of charge.
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
* Establishment Registration (RGN)
Gerald Deighton
Freedom of Information Staff HFI-35
US Food and Drug Administration
5600 Fishers Lane
Rockville, MD 20857 (301) 443-6310
Information gathered on these firms includes firm name, address, type of activity, owner/operator name and address, official correspondent name and address, and phone number and other business trading names. Years covered are 1977 to present, and updates are daily. For more information contact Ann C. Tornese at (301) 427-7190.
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
* Family Violence Information
Clearinghouse on Family Violence Information
PO Box 1182
Washington, DC 20013 (703) 821-2086
This clearinghouse has information on spouse, child, and elder abuse. They have an in-house data base from which they can retrieve reference materials and organizations involved with family violence.
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
* FDA Animal Feed Contaminant Data System (FACS)
Gerald Deighton
Freedom of Information Staff HFI-35
US Food and Drug Administration
5600 Fishers Lane
Rockville, MD 20857 (301) 443-6310
This system contains information from several data bases incorporating a variety of data resources on contaminants in animal feeds, information from FEEDCON, FOODCON, sections of LMS (FDA's laboratory management system), and information on water quality and soil monitoring. For more information contact Lea McGovern at (301) 443-5362.
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
* FDA Import Alert Retrieval System (FIARS)
Gerald Deighton
Freedom of Information Staff HFI-35
US Food and Drug Administration
5600 Fishers Lane
Rockville, MD 20857 (301) 443-6310
This system contains current information on import alerts and import bulletins (approximately 220) accessible through "keyword" or "text" search. For more information contact John Browne at (301) 443-6553.
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
* Firm Profile File (MPQA)
Gerald Deighton
Freedom of Information Staff HFI-35
US Food and Drug Administration
5600 Fishers Lane
Rockville, MD 20857 (301) 443-6310
This file contains current compliance status for all drug and medical device manufacturers and repackers for each profile class (manufacturing process) and date of last GMP inspection of each process. For more information contact Anna M. Colandreo at (301) 443-3590.
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
* A Follow-Up Survey of Optometry Graduates to Determine Practice Patterns 1982
Stuart Bernstein, Deputy Chief
HPAB, DADHP, Bureau of Health Professions
Health Resources and Services Administration
US Department of Health and Human Services
Parklawn Building, Room 8C-02
5600 Fishers Lane
Rockville, MD 20857 (301) 443-6763
Data were collected in 1982 by means of mail questionnaires sent to all who graduated from optometry schools between the years 1979 and 1981 in the US; there were 2,275 respondents. The file includes information about factors that affect the establishment of optometric practice, dates of graduation and licensure, and the personal and practice characteristics of recent graduates. The file is available from the Division of Associated and Dental Health Professions, Bureau of Health Professions, US Department of Health and Human Services.
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
* Food and Drug Administration's Electronic Bulletin Board
Eva Kemper, Press Office
US Department of Health and Human Services
US Food and Drug Administration
5600 Fishers Lane
Rockville, MD 20857 (301) 443-3285
Bryson Donoghue
Federal Systems Division
6120 Executive Blvd. Suite 150
Rockville, MD 20852 (301) 770-4280
This Electronic Bulletin Board provides subscribers with direct access to the latest official FDA information. The program is easily accessible by telephone through a word processor, computer or other terminal. Users have access to more than a dozen files including: ENFORCE, containing weekly recall information along with seizure items, prosecution actions, injunction actions, and health fraud notices; VETNEWS focuses on veterinary medicine; APPROVALS contains the complete text of the Drug and Device Product Approvals list; ANSWERS is comprised on responses to current questions arising as a result of news stories; LATEST alerts users to new, important material to the bulletin board. FDA's Electronic Bulletin Board is established with Dialcom, and access is available only to Dialcom subscribers. Users are charged a minimum monthly fee of $25.00 and an hourly connect rate of about $25.00 between the hours of 8am and 6pm.
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
* Food Biotechnology -- Experts' Predictions 1987
Gerald Deighton
Freedom of Information Staff HFI-35
US Food and Drug Administration
5600 Fishers Lane
Rockville, MD 20857 (301) 443-6310
This system contains data from a 1987 inquiry of over 100 food biotechnology experts. It includes predictions on prospective food products and processes that will be affected by advances in biotechnology. Hard copy reports are available. This was a one-time study. Data is not being updated. There are no personal or organizational identifiers in the data base. For more information contact Marsha Alperin at (301) 443-1527.
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
* Food Biotechnology -- Industry Profile 1987
Gerald Deighton
Freedom of Information Staff HFI-35
US Food and Drug Administration
5600 Fishers Lane
Rockville, MD 20857 (301) 443-6310
This is an industry profile of products and processes drawn from 1986 and 1987 biotechnology directories, which covers R & D efforts undertaken in order to commercialize food biotechnology products. This data base was created for a particular study and is not being updated. For more information contact Paul Jones at (301) 443-1527.
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
* Head Start Evaluation, Synthesis and Utilization Project
Al Smith
Head Start Bureau
US Department of Health and Human Services
330 C St., SW
Washington, DC 20201 (202) 245-0566
This annotated bibliographic data base contains 1800 references of reported Head Start research findings, legislation and policy statements. The primary data source for references have been the ERIC system. Documents included in the system include those with qualitative or quantitative data about Head Start organizations. Tapes are available through the Head Start Bureau.
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
* Health Insurance Experiment - Aggregate Claims Series
Jacqueline McGee, Data Facility Administrator
The RAND Corporation
1700 Main Street
P.O. Box 2138
Santa Monica, CA 90406-2138 (213) 393-0411
This data base presents aggregate data from the claims line-item files of the Health Insurance Experiment (HIE). It includes fee-for-service (FFS) annual expenditure and visit counts file documents, yearly health care expenditures, and visit totals for each HIE participant who used private, fee-for-service medical or dental care during the course of the HIE. Data were collected by various methods over an eight year period, 1974-1982, from six identified sites. The experiment was conducted by the Rand Corporation under a grant from the US Department of Health and Human Services. Tapes may be purchased from the RAND Corporation.
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
* Health Insurance Experiment - Claims Line-Item Series
Jacqueline McGee, Data Facility Administrator
The RAND Corporation
1700 Main Street
P.O. Box 2138
Santa Monica, CA 90406-2138 (213) 393-0411
This is a numeric (microdata) file documenting data taken from insurance claims submitted by fee-for-service (FFS) and Health Maintenance Organization (HMO) medical and dental providers for services, drugs and supplies rendered to Health Insurance Experiment (HIE) participants. Data were collected by various methods over an eight year period, 1974-1982, from six identified sites. The experiment was conducted by the Rand Corporation under a grant from the US Department of Health and Human Services. Tapes may be purchased from the RAND Corporation.
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
* Health Insurance Experiment - Dental Examinations
Jacqueline McGee, Data Facility Administrator
The RAND Corporation
1700 Main Street
P.O. Box 2138
Santa Monica, CA 90406-2138 (213) 393-0411
This numeric (microdata) file contains data on dental examinations that were administered to many of the participating families at enrollment and exit. These examinations were conducted to help analyze the effects of different levels of health insurance on the use and quality of dental care. Data collection focused on the prevalence and adverse consequences of dental caries, tooth decay and peridontal disease. Data were collected by questionnaire in 1974 and again in 1982 from six identified sites. The experiment was conducted by the Rand Corporation under a grant from the US Department of Health and Human Services. Tapes may be purchased from the RAND Corporation.
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
* Health Insurance Experiment - Dental Examinations
Jacqueline McGee, Data Facility Administrator
The RAND Corporation
1700 Main Street
P.O. Box 2138
Santa Monica, CA 90406-2138 (213) 393-0411
This numeric (microdata) file contains data on dental examinations that were administered to manycharge of $50.00 for the tape and documentation.
* Dental Health Related and Process Outcomes Associated With Prepaid Dental Care
Tuilio F. Albertini, D.D.S., M.P.H., Chief
Parklawn Building, Room 8C-02
5600 Fishers Lane
Rockville, MD 20857 (301) 443-6763
Summary statistics in this data base present information about people in the US with dental plan coverage: how covered people differed from non-covered people, how coverage affected utilization of dental service, and how coverage affects oral status. Data were collected in 1981 by means of personal interviews, self administered questions, and oral examinations of a national area probability sample of households. The file is available through the Division of Associated and Dental Health Professions, Bureau of Health Professions.
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
* Dental Research Projects
Deane Hill
Grants: Ron Ruben or Carla Flora
National Institute of Dental Research (NIDR)
Research Data and Management Information Section
5333 Westbard Ave., Room 707
Bethesda, MD 20814 (301) 496-7843
NIDR maintains a data bank of information about nationwide research activities in all areas of dental health. The data set is called Dental Proj. The research projects range from very basic to very applied, and most of the listings are NIDR-supported grants, contracts, or in-house projects. Retrievable data include: project title and number; name and address of the principle investigator; grant or contract specialists; project funding plus dates of commencement and completion; and a brief description of the project. Limited information is also available on worldwide dental research activities. Records go back to 1972. The contracts file, which is updated monthly, currently contains 100 active reports. The grants file presently holds 3,600 records and is updated daily. Searches and printouts are available free of charge and only from NIDR. Data will be available online through the National Library of Medicine in the future.
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
* Device Experience Network (DEN)
Jay Rachlin, Chief
Medical Branch
US Food and Drug Administration
1901 Chapman Avenue
Rockville, MD 20057 (301) 443-4600
This is a textual-numeric data file containing reports of deaths, injuries, malfunctions, or hazards in medical devices. The nature of the problem, date, device involved, and location are included. There are two data sets. The Practitioner's Problem Reporting (PPR) Program set includes reports voluntarily filed by physicians and other health professionals. The Medical Device Reporting (MDR) Program set includes reports that manufacturers are legally required to file. Data are nationwide. The PPR data set began in 1973; the MDR data set began in 1984. The data base is updated continuously. Data are available from the FDA under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA).
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
* Device Listing System (LST)
Gerald Deighton
Freedom of Information Staff HFI-35
US Food and Drug Administration
5600 Fishers Lane
Rockville, MD 20857 (301) 443-6310
The device listing data base collects data for medical devices manufactured by domestic or foreign manufacturers for sale in the United States. Years covered are 1977 to present, and updates are monthly. For more information contact Ann C. Tornese at (301) 427-7190.
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
* Diagnostic X-Ray Field Test (DXR)
Gerald Deighton
Freedom of Information Staff HFI-35
US Food and Drug Administration
5600 Fishers Lane
Rockville, MD 20857 (301) 443-6310
This system, updated daily, processes data collected through field testing of diagnostic X-ray systems. Data contains routine compliance test results from nationwide testing. Coverage is 1974 to present. For more information contact Henry Knox at (301) 427-7222.
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
* Diet and Health Surveys
Gerald Deighton
Freedom of Information Staff HFI-35
US Food and Drug Administration
5600 Fishers Lane
Rockville, MD 20857 (301) 443-6310
This is an analysis of national consumer attitudes towards diet and health, updated every two years since 1982. For more information contact Alan S. Levy at (202) 245-1457.
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
* Digestive Diseases Information Clearinghouse
Patricia Danver
National Digestive Diseases and Information Clearinghouse
Bethesda, MD 20892 (301) 468-6344
The Clearinghouse's full-text data base contains patient-oriented literature about diseases such as heartburn, gallstones, ulcers, colitis and constipation. The state-of-the-art materials, ranging from fact sheets to brochures are geared toward both the lay person and health professional. The Clearinghouse will search its data base for free. The data can also be accessed online through the commercial vendor BRS Combined Health Information Data Base.
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
* Disease Staging: A Clinically Based Approach to Measurement of Disease Severity, Volumes 1-6
Dr. Rosanna M. Coffey
National Center for Health Services Research
Public Health Service/DHHS
5600 Fishers Lane
Rockville, MD 20857 (301) 443-5706
Disease Staging is a software system intending to provide more accurate statistical representations of the severity of the diseases that hospitals treat. This system expands the application of the Disease Staging concept originally developed for some diseases, especially cancer, to more than 400 different conditions. Abstract data can be translated into the staging classifications for each patient using the software tape provided. A review version, available from SysteMetrics, also corrects coding translation errors and includes some modifications to the clinical criteria. Basic software is available from National Technical Information Service, 5825 Port Royal Road, Springfield, VA 22161, (301) 487-4763 (NTIS No: PB83-254649). The revised version is available from SysteMetrics, Inc. Tanda Jennings, McGraw-Hill, Inc., 104 W. Ana Pamu, Santa Barbara, CA 93101, (800) 533-1230 (Release 3.0).
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
* Document Information Directory System (DIDS)
Gail Grooms
Information Acquisitions and Data Systems
National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH)
4676 Columbia Parkway
Cincinnati, OH 45226 (513) 533-8317
DIDS contains a listing of all materials produced by the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH). The system includes: technical assistance reports, contract and grants reports, health-hazard evaluations, current intelligence bulletins, criteria documents, and testimonies by NIOSH officials. DIDS is updated monthly and presently contains more than 8,679 materials. Printouts are provided free of charge and include: document title, NIOSH publication number, and, if applicable, the document's NTIS or GPO number and price. Upon request, NIOSH will send any document it stocks free of charge.
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
* Drug Abuse Warning Network (DAWN), 1980-Present
Mr. Edgar Adams, Acting Director
Division of Epidemiology & Statistical Analysis
US National Institute on Drug Abuse
US Department of Health and Human Services
Parklawn Building, Room 11A55
5600 Fishers Lane
Rockville, MD 20857 (301) 443-6504
Information is provided on drug-abuse-related hospital emergency room visits and deaths in 26 metropolitan areas located throughout the country. Data are used to identify substances associated with drug-abuse-related morbidity and mortality and to monitor drug abuse trends. Data were taken from questionnaires. A DAWN machine-readable file for 1976-1979 is also available. The data base is updated continuously and may be purchased from the US National Institute on Drug Abuse.
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
* Drug Abuse Warning Network (DAWN) Facility History File
Mr. Edgar Adams, Acting Director
Division of Epidemiology & Statistical Analysis
US National Institute on Drug Abuse
US Department of Health and Human Services
Parklawn Building, Room 11A55
5600 Fishers Lane
Rockville, MD 20857 (301) 443-6504
This is a numeric file designed to evaluate patterns of drug abuse and to monitor national drug abuse trends. Data include total number of patient visits, deaths, and contacts, as well as the number of drug episodes, and the number of drug types. Data were taken from a sample of 1,500 hospital emergency room, medical examiner, and crisis intervention centers' reports. The DAWN Facility History file in machine-readable form is produced annually. All files are available. Microdata is available from 1972. Aggregate data is available from 1976. The data base may be purchased from the US National Institute on Drug Abuse at a price to be determined. Requestor of the data must copy file and return original tape.
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
* Drug and Substance Abuse Prevention Data Base
National Clearinghouse for Alcohol and Drug Information
PO Box 2345
Rockville, MD 20852 (301) 468-2600
The office, created by the Anti-Drug Abuse Act, promotes and distributes prevention materials throughout the country. It develops materials and distributes information from its data base on prevention, intervention, and treatment for a wide variety of audiences. Contact the office above for more information.
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
* Drug Experience Reporting System (Veterinary) (DERS)
Gerald Deighton
Freedom of Information Staff HFI-35
US Food and Drug Administration
5600 Fishers Lane
Rockville, MD 20857 (301) 443-6310
This system tracks DER's during the review process, index of submissions. It contains data on nature of submission, quantity of drug distributed, outcome of review. The data base is updated monthly. For more information contact Phil Whitney at (301) 443-3045.
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
* Drug Listing (Veterinary)
Gerald Deighton
Freedom of Information Staff HFI-35
US Food and Drug Administration
5600 Fishers Lane
Rockville, MD 20857 (301) 443-6310
This is a list of all animal drugs on the market, updated every two months. For more information contact Norm Turner at (301) 443-4093.
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
* Drug Product Identification System (DPIS)
Gerald Deighton
Freedom of Information Staff HFI-35
US Food and Drug Administration
5600 Fishers Lane
Rockville, MD 20857 (301) 443-6310
This is an automated service for rapidly identifying unknown solid dosage forms. This data base contains comprehensive information on the physical characteristics of solid dosage forms. For more information contact Leon Drapkin at (301) 295-8086.
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
* Drug Quality Reporting System (DQRS)
Gerald Deighton
Freedom of Information Staff HFI-35
US Food and Drug Administration
5600 Fishers Lane
Rockville, MD 20857 (301) 443-6310
Nation's pharmacists reporting on the quality of drugs, both RX and OTC, in the US marketplace. (Replaced the former Drug Product Problem Reporting System.) Years covered are 1971 to present. For more information contact George R. Bolger at (301) 443-6044.
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
Freedom of Information Staff HFI-35
US Food and Drug Administration
5600 Fishers lth and Human Services. Tapes may be purchased from the RAND Corporation.
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
* Cardiac Pacemaker Registry (CPR)
Gerald Deighton
Freedom of Information Staff HFI-35
US Food and Drug Administration
5600 Fishers Lane
Rockville, MD 20857 (301) 443-6310
This registry contains data on all pacemakers and leads paid for under Medicare since April of 1985. Some information cannot be released. For more information contact Mac Chapin at (301) 427-8086.
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
* Characteristics of Dental Hygiene Practice in Non-Traditional Settings
Donald Blandford, Deputy Chief
Dental Health Branch
Division of Associated & Dental Health Professions
Bureau of Health Professions, HRSA
US Department of Health and Human Services
Parklawn Building, Room 8-C-15
5600 Fishers Lane
Rockville, MD 20857 (301) 443-6837
This is a numeric (microdata) file designed to identify and define the range of non-traditional settings in which dental hygenists practice. Data includes functions performed, supervision requirements, patients or populations served, other important characteristics. Data were taken from 1,000 hygienists who work in non-traditional settings nationwide. There are 60 variables. Data pertain to 1983. The file may be purchased from the US Bureau of Health Professions.
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
* Chemistry System
Gerald Deighton
Freedom of Information Staff HFI-35
US Food and Drug Administration
5600 Fishers Lane
Rockville, MD 20857 (301) 443-6310
This is a system which collects and stores data pertaining to the chemical analysis of feed, water, bedding, and any type of analysis that is required by the principal investigator. The data base covers 1976 to present and is updated weekly. For more information contact Ron Barsh at (703) 790-4257.
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
* Chernobyl Radionuclide R. S.
Gerald Deighton
Freedom of Information Staff HFI-35
US Food and Drug Administration
5600 Fishers Lane
Rockville, MD 20857 (301) 443-6310
This captures radionuclide data results, country of origin, data collection, results for import samples related to the Chernobyl incident. Coverage is 1986 to present. For more information contact John Marzilli at (301) 443-3320.
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
* Child Abuse and Neglect
DIALOG Information Services
Marketing Department
3460 Hillview Avenue
Palo Alto, CA 94304 (800) 334-2564
Many types of information are included in this data base: research project descriptions, service program descriptions, descriptions of audiovisual materials, legal references, and bibliographic references. Conference proceedings and abstracts of court case decisions can be found here too. Produced by Clearinghouse on Child Abuse and Neglect, US Department of Health and Human Services, P.O. Box 1182, Washington, DC 20013.
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
* Cholesterol and Smoking Data Base
Information Services
Cholesterol/Smoking Information Center
Building 31-A, Room 4A-21
Bethesda, MD 20892 (301) 230-1340
This center maintains a data base and materials on blood cholesterol and smoking geared to the public, health professionals and issues pertaining to the workplace.
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
* Clearinghouse on Health Indexes
Jennifer Erickson
Clearinghouse on Health Indexes
Office of Analysis and Epidemiology
3700 East-West Hwy., Room 227
Hyattsville, MD 20782 (301) 436-7035
The Clearinghouse's data base contains bibliographic citations and abstracts of literature about health indexes. The system includes both published and unpublished materials in a variety of languages; book reviews; information about forthcoming conferences, meetings, seminars, etc., relating to the development and/or application of health measures; and a bulletin board file with information pertaining to the development of health indexes such as forthcoming books, libraries, and technical information centers. "Health indexes" refers to the overall health of an individual or group, and concerns measures of health, not disease. Examples of topics covered include: number of cancer deaths, life expectancy, quality of life, biometry. The data base contains multi-disciplinary materials in fields such as sociology, psychology, economics and political science. The system was started in 1973, holds over 5,000 citations, and is updated continually. The Bibliography on Health Indexes is published quarterly.
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
* Client Oriented Data Acquisition Process (CODAP)
Mr. Edgar Adams, Acting Director
Division of Epidemiology & Statistical Analysis
US National Institute on Drug Abuse
US Department of Health and Human Services
Parklawn Building, Room 11A55
5600 Fishers Lane
Rockville, MD 20857 (301) 443-6504
This is a numeric (microdata) file containing data on the usage of legal and illegal drugs by persons admitted to inpatient or outpatient programs. Admission, discharge, demographic, and drug-specific data such as frequency, use, year first used and reasons for continuing use are included in the file. Data were taken from facility records. There are approximately 30 variables. Data are available for each year since 1976. The file may be purchased from the US National Institute on Drug Abuse. The requestor of the data must copy the file and return the original tape.
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
* Client Oriented Data Acquisition Process (CODAP) Expanded Cumulative Master (CMR) File
Mr. Edgar Adams, Acting Director
Division of Epidemiology & Statistical Analysis
US National Institute on Drug Abuse
US Department of Health and Human Services
Parklawn Building, Room 11A55
5600 Fishers Lane
Rockville, MD 20857 (301) 443-6504
This is a numeric (microdata) file containing matched admission and discharge records information from drug treatment or rehabilitation units. Drugs, drug specific information, demographic, educational, and socioeconomic factors are included. The file is cumulative. There are approximately 80 variables. Data are collected from states voluntarily participating in the CODAP program. Data pertain to 1987. The survey was conducted every year since 1976 although differences in the agencies reporting limit comparability of the data across years. The file may be purchased from the US National Institute on Drug Abuse. Requestor of the data must copy the file and return the original tape.
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
* Client Oriented Data Acquisition Process (CODAP) Expanded Cumulative Master (CMR) File: Federally Funded Facilities
Mr. Edgar Adams, Acting Director
Division of Epidemiology & Statistical Analysis
US National Institute on Drug Abuse
US Department of Health and Human Services
Parklawn Building, Room 11A55
5600 Fishers Lane
Rockville, MD 20857 (301) 443-6504
This is a numeric (microdata) file containing matched admission and discharge records information from nationwide drug treatment or rehabilitation units receiving federal funds. Drugs, drug specific information, demographic, educational, and socioeconomic factors are included. This is a cumulative file. Data pertain to 1980. Other surveys with the same name were conducted in 1977, 1978, and 1979. These files are also available. The file may be purchased from the US National Institute on Drug Abuse.
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
* 1986 Client/Patient Sample Survey of Inpatient, Outpatient and Partial Care Programs
Ronald Manderschied
National Institute on Mental Health
Division of Biometry and Applied Sciences
Public Health Services
US Department of Health and Human Services
5600 Fishers Lane, Room 18C-07
Rockville, MD 20857 (301) 443-3343
Aggregate data in this file covers characteristics of patients admitted to private psychiatric hospitals, VA psychiatric centers, state and county mental hospitals, and non-federal general hospital psychiatric inpatient units nationwide. Under-care and discharge samples are also included in the survey, which is updated every two years. To purchase the file, contact Mr. Manderschied at the National Institute on Mental Health office listed above.
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
* CNMR (Carbon-13 Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectral Search System)
Chemical Information Systems, Inc.
7215 York Road
Baltimore, MD 21212 (301) 321-8440
This contains non-bibliographic data on spectra pertaining to 11,693 compounds.
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
* Combined Health Information Data Base (CHID)
BRS Information Technologies
1200 Route 7
Latham, NY 12110 (800) 345-4BRS
CHID has information on organizations, publications, and programs. Topics covered are health promotion and education, digestive diseases, arthritis, and diabetes. The unifying concept here is health information and education resources. Produced by Center for Health Promotion and Education, CDC; National Digestive Diseases Information Clearinghouse; National Arthritis, Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases Clearinghouse; National Diabetes Information Clearinghouse; ODPHP National Health Information Center. For more information write Box NDIC/CHID, Bethesda, MD 20892.
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
* Computer Retrieval of Information on Scientific Projects (CRISP)
Research Documentation Section
Statistics and Analysis Branch
Division of Research Grants
Westwood Room, Building 148
National Institutes of Health
Bethesda, MD 20892 (301) 496-7543
CRISP contains in-depth scientific information about research projects supported by grants and contracts from the Public Health Service, and projects carried out at the National Institutes of Health and the National Institute of Mental Health. Data are also available about campus-based research receiving both public and private funding. As CRISP can subdivide projects into their individual research components, detailed information is retrievable for sub-projects of large parts. The NIH system contains records dating back to 1972. Currently NIH runs searches and printouts free of charge for individuals and non-profit organization, and on a cost-recovery basis for profit-making institutions. By arrangement with NTIS, online access to selected data from the latest fiscal year files is also now available to individual or groups outside NIH through subscription to FEDRIP (Federal Research In Progress). FEDRIP is accessible to users of DIALOG.
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
* Continuing Survey of Food Intakes by Individuals (CSFII)
Gerald Deighton
Freedom of Information Staff HFI-35
US Food and Drug Administration
5600 Fishers Lane
Rockville, MD 20857 (301) 443-6310
This is an annual nationwide food consumption survey of men and women 19-50 and children 1-5 conducted by USDA. Survey began in 1985. It provides data on food and nutrient intakes (up to six non-consecutive days) and vitamin/mineral supplement use. It contains companion food composition data. For more information contact Youngmee K. Park at (202) 485-0089.
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
* Continuous Disability History Sample (CDHS)
Ms. Audrey Coe, Mathematical Statistician
Office of Research, Statistics and International Policy
Social Security Administration
US Department of Health and Human Services
6401 Security Blvd.
Baltimore, MD 21235 (301) 965-0113
This data base was designed to provide descriptive studies of allowed and denied applicants and to evaluate the operation of the disability program. Data includes changes in beneficiary status. There are approximately 200 variables for each of the 300,000 applicants. Data pertain to 1985 and are available for each year since 1975. The file may be purchased from the Social Security Administration, Office of Research, Statistics, and International Policy. The provisions of the Privacy Act apply.
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
* Continuous Disability History Sample (CDHS)
Ms. Audrey Coe, Mathematical Statistician
Office of Research, Statistics and International Policy
Social Security Administration
US Department of Health a:
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
* Adverse Reaction Reporting System (ARRS)
Gerald Deighton
Freedom of Information Staff HFI-35
US Food and Drug Administration
5600 Fishers Lane
Rockville, MD 20857 (301) 443-6310
This system maintains data files from 1969 to present consisting of adverse reactions to marketed drugs and biologics as reported by manufacturers, hospitals, physicians, and contracted collection efforts for the Division of Epidemiology and Surveillance (DES). For more information contact Michael W. Dreis at (301) 443-4580.
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
* AIDS Prevention Data Base
National AIDS Information Clearinghouse
PO Box 6003
Rockville, MD 20850 (301) 762-5111
A Center for Disease Control service, this clearinghouse has publications, posters, and videos dealing with AIDS which are free of charge. They have two online data bases; one dealing with organization, and the other lists unpublished educational materials (no journals).
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
* AMS National Arthritis & Muscular Skeletal Information Clearinghouse
Laura Handy
National Arthritis and Skin Disease Information Clearinghouse
Bethesda, MD 20892 (301) 468-6555
AMS is an information storage and retrieval system containing indexes, abstracts, and bibliographies about arthritis and related musculoskeletal and skin diseases. The primary focus of the data base is patient care and patient, public, or professional education. Information about community demonstration programs and federal activities is also stored. Education materials include audiovisuals, patient-compliance information, literature about coping with arthritis, continuing education programs, and curricula for establishing programs in patient education and staff development. AMS contains 6500 items and is updated continually.
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
* Annual Census of Additions and Resident Patients in State and County Mental Hospitals 1987
Joanne Atay, Statistical Assistant
National Institute of Mental Health
Division of Biometry and Applied Sciences
Public Health Service
US Department of Health and Human Services
5600 Fishers Lane, Room 18C-07
Rockville, MD 20857 (301) 443-3343
This is a numeric (aggregate) file containing data on the number of additions and resident patients in all state and county mental hospitals nationwide at the end of the reporting year by age, sex, and diagnosis. Data were collected by survey of all such hospitals in the United States. There are approximately 396 variables for about 180 hospital records. Files are available going back to 1969. The tape may be purchased from the National Institute of Mental Health.
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
* Annual Indian Health Service Contract General Hospital Inpatient Data File 1986: Births and Deaths
Aaron Hanler, Chief
Vital Events Staff
Indian Health Service
US Department of Health and Human Services
5600 Fishers Lane, Room 6A-30
Rockville, MD 20857 (301) 443-1160
Data in this numeric (microdata) file include general purpose statistics on all American Indian and Alaska Native births and deaths during the year taken from state birth and death certificates. There are 25 variables for each of approximately 36,000 records of birth and 12 variables for each of approximately 6,000 records of death. Data pertain to those States served by the Indian Health Service (28 reservations). States, Indian Health Service Areas, and counties are identified. Files are available for each year since 1970. To obtain, contact the Program Statistics Branch of the Indian Health Service. Release is restricted to requestors having an approved research protocol.
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
* Annual Indian Health Service Contract General Hospital Inpatient Data File, 1988: Patient Characteristics & Diagnoses
Stephen Kaufman, Chief
Patient Care Statistics Staff
Indian Health Service
US Department of Health and Human Services
5600 Fishers Lane, Room 6A-30
Rockville, MD 20857 (301) 443-1180
Prepared annually, this numeric (microdata) file contains data on patient characteristics and diagnoses for Indian Health Service recipients seen nationwide at community hospitals with which the Indian Health Service has contracted for services. Data are drawn continuously from the medical records of all IHS recipients discharged from such hospitals. There are approximately 100 variables for each of approximately 115,000 cases. Files for the previous ten years are also available. To obtain the machine-readable data file, contact the Indian Health Service. Release is restricted to requestors having an approved research protocol as required by the provisions of the Privacy Act of 1974.
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
* Annual Indian Health Service Hospital Inpatient Data File, 1988
Stephen Kaufman, Chief
Patient Care Statistics Staff
Indian Health Service
US Department of Health and Human Services
5600 Fishers Lane, Room 6A-30
Rockville, MD 20857 (301) 443-1180
This numeric (microdata) file contains data on patient characteristics and diagnoses of patients seen at Indian Health Service hospitals nationwide. Data were collected from the medical records of all patients discharged from such hospitals. There are approximately 100 variables for each of approximately 115,000 per case. The file, produced each year, is available from the Program Statistics Branch of the Indian Health Service. Release is restricted to requestors having an approved research protocol. The previous 10 years are also available.
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
* Antibiotics in Animal Feed Literature Data Base
Gerald Deighton
Freedom of Information Staff HFI-35
US Food and Drug Administration
5600 Fishers Lane
Rockville, MD 20857 (301) 443-6310
This is a searchable, bibliographic collection of subject-matter related citations, many with abstracts. The data base covers 1966 to present and is updated quarterly. For more information contact Patsy Gardner at (301) 443-4940.
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
* Approved Prescription Drugs
Gerald Deighton
Freedom of Information Staff HFI-35
US Department of Health and Human Services
US Food and Drug Administration
5600 Fishers Lane
Rockville, MD 20857 (301) 443-6310
The Food and Drug Administration maintains a data base of approved prescription drugs. The following data are retrievable for each drug: trade and generic name, manufacturer, and date of FDA approval. Started in 1964 and updated daily, the data base contains several thousand records. Searches are done on a cost recovery basis for a minimum fee of $50.00 All search and information requests must be made in writing.
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
Inter-University Consortium for Political and Social Research
P.O. Box 1248
Ann Arbor, MI 38106 (313) 763-5010
This study was conducted to determine whether the daily administration of at least one gram of aspirin to persons who had suffered one document myocardial infarction (heart attack) or more would result in a significant reduction in total mortality over a three-year period. Secondary objectives were to evaluate the effects of aspirin in this group on the incidence of coronary heart disease mortality, coronary incidence, fatal or nonfatal strokes, and intermittent cerebral ischemic attacks.
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
* Augmented Individual Income Tax Model Exact Match File, 1972 (ICPSR 7667)
Inter-University Consortium for Political and Social Research
Institute for Social Research
P.O. Box 1248
Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (313) 763-5010
The Tax Model data set contains information from a file of over 100,000 federal income tax returns subsampled from the Statistics of Income sample of tax forms 1040 and 1040A, merged with demographic information (including such variables as the race, sex, and age of the primary taxpayer) from the Social Security Administration's longitudinal summary earnings files. The data are weighted and consist of approximately 180 variables for 21,317 cases.
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
* 1982 Beneficiary Survey
Joel Packman
2B2 Operations Building
Social Security Administration
US Department of Health and Human Services
6401 Security Boulevard
Baltimore, MD 21235 (301) 965-5530
This numeric (microdata) file contains information about the social, demographic, and economic characteristics and the histories of employment, pension coverage, marriage, and child rearing of non-institutionalized US Social Security beneficiaries and their spouses 1 1/2-2 years after the first benefit payment and of eligible non-beneficiaries receiving Medicare benefits. Coverage of the file is nationwide. Data pertain to fall-winter 1982-83. An update is planned for 1990. File may be purchased from the Social Security Administration office listed above.
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
Division of Epidemiology and Clinical Applications
National Heart, Lung & Blood Institute
Federal Building, Room 2A11
Bethesda, MD 20892 (301) 496-5905
The BHAT public use tape contains most baseline endpoint data and findings from 3 annual visits. The tape may be obtained by writing the above office. There is a charge of $50.00 for the tape and documentation.
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
* Biologics Defect Reporting System (BDRS)
Gerald Deighton
Freedom of Information Staff HFI-35
US Food and Drug Administration
5600 Fishers Lane
Rockville, MD 20857 (301) 443-6310
This system contains information transcribed from reports of defects, errors, and fatalities ascribed to the use of biological products and tracks the review of those reports. System runs at DCRT and on a PS/2. The data base is updated monthly and covers 1973 to present. For more information, contact Herbert Dorsey at (301) 443-1976.
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
* Breeding Information (BIS)
Gerald Deighton
Freedom of Information Staff HFI-35
US Food and Drug Administration
5600 Fishers Lane
Rockville, MD 20857 (301) 443-6310
This system contains detailed information on breeder cycles, litter information, and matings. Data is updated daily and covers 1973 to present. For more information contact Ron Barsh at (703) 790-4257.
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
* Cancer Surveillance and Epidemiology in the United States and Puerto Rico, 1973-1977 (ICPSR 8001)
Member Services
Inter-University Consortium for Political and Social Research
P.O. Box 1248
Ann Arbor, MI 38106 (313) 763-5010
This data set, also known as Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results (SEER), contains demographics and information on cancer which was gathered from hospitals, clinics, private laboratories, private practitioners, nursing/convalescent homes, autopsies, and death certificates. The data contain information on diagnosis, primary site, histologic type, laterality, multiplicity within primary site at first episode, and diagnostic confirmation of cancer. There are 381,026 records, each with a logical record length of 57, for each of the 20 variables.
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
* Cancer Surveillance and Epidemiology in the United States and Puerto Rico, 1973-1977 (ICPSR 8001)
Member Services
Inter-University Consortium for Political and Social Research
P.O. Box 1248
Ann Arbor, MI 38106 (313) 763-5010
This data set, also known as Surveill
* Short-Term Integrated Forecasting System (STIFS) (See NTIS)
STIFS is the system used to produce the forecasts published in the quarterly Short-Term Energy Outlook. Forecasts are produced for up to 8 quarters for demand, production, imports, and stock changes of major fuels. The system consists of a price forecasting model, a demand simulation model, and an integrating model which combines data to project balances for petroleum, natural gas, coal, electricity and total energy. Semi-annual tapes are available for mainframe use. Contact the Energy Markets and End Use Office, Energy Analysis and Forecasting Division, Supply Analysis and Integration Branch EI-622, Energy Information Administration, US Department of Energy, Washington, DC 20585, (Supply: Paul Kondis, (202) 586-1469, Demand: David Costello, (202) 586-1468) for content information.9
Department of Energy Federal Data Bases
* State Energy Data System (SEDS) Public Use Tape, 1960-1985 (available on diskette) (PB87-222295/XDD) (See NTIS)
The tape contains all of the data of the State energy Data System (SEDS). The data are used to estimate annual energy consumption by principal energy source (coal,natural gas, petroleum), by major end-use sectors (residential, commercial, industrial, transportation, and electric utilities), and by state. Data on the file are organized alphabetically by energy source, by end-use sector or energy activity, by type of data, and by state. Twenty six data values are associated with each fuel-sector-type-state grouping representing, positionally, the years 1960 through 1985. Data values in the file are expressed either as physical units, British thermal units (Btu), physical to Btu conversion factors, or share factors. The published output of SEDS is the State Energy Data Report. State Energy Data System (SEDS), United States, 1960-1986 (available on diskette) (PB88-251285/XDD), State Energy Data System (SEDS), Census Div 1, 1960-1986 (available on diskette) (PB88-251293/XDD), State Energy Data System (SEDS), Census Div 2, 1960-1986 (available on diskette) (PB88-251301/XDD), State Energy Data System (SEDS), Census Div 3, 1960-1986 (available on diskette) (PB88-251319/XDD), State Energy Data System (SEDS), Census Div 4, 1960-1986 (available on diskette) (PB88-251327/XDD), State Energy Data System (SEDS), Census Div 5, 1960-1986 (available on diskette) (PB88-251335/XDD), State Energy Data System (SEDS), Census Div 6, 1960-1986 (available on diskette) (PB88-251343/XDD), State Energy Data System (SEDS), Census Div 7, 1960-1986 (available on diskette) (PB88-251350/XDD), State Energy Data System (SEDS), Census Div 8, 1960-1986 (available on diskette) (PB88-251368/XDD), State Energy Data System (SEDS), Census Div 9, 1960-1986 (available on diskette) (PB88-251376/XDD).
Department of Energy Federal Data Bases
* State Energy Price and Expenditure Data System, 1970-1984 (available for diskette) (PB87-22311/XDD) (See NTIS)
The State Energy Price and Expenditure Data System (SEPEDS) data base contains annual energy price, consumption, and expenditure estimates for 1970 through 1984. Consumption information used for developing the expenditures estimates are derived from the State Energy Data System (SEDS) file that covered 1960-1984. The consumption data included are the data used to produce the expenditure estimates. The price data are unique to the SEPEDS, and the methodologies used to derive them are presented in the documentation section of the publication, State Energy Price and Expenditure Report 1984, which was released by the energy Information Administration in December 1986, report number DOE/EIA-0376(84). Expenditure estimates were calculated from the price and consumption estimates. State Energy Price and Expenditure Data System, 1970-1985 (PB88-129507/XDD), State Energy Price and Expenditure Data System, 1970-1985 (available on diskette) (PB88-137435/XDD), State Energy Price and Expenditure Data System, 1960-1986 (PB88-214333/XDD), State Energy Price and Expenditure Data System (SEPEDS), 1970-1986 (PB89-133623/XDD).
Department of Energy Federal Data Bases
* Statistics of Interstate Natural Gas Pipeline Companies, 1981-85 (FERC2) (PB87-176210/XDD) (See NTIS)
The tape is prepared from data reported in the FERC Form 2 by interstate natural gas pipeline companies subject to the accounting and reporting requirements of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission. Included on the tape are financial and operational data on major interstate natural gas pipeline companies as defined by FERC classification. Statistics of Interstate Natural Gas Pipeline Companies, 1982-1986 (FERC2) (PB88-129515/XDD).
Department of Energy Federal Data Bases
* Statistics of Privately Owned Electric Utilities Financial Statistics (See NTIS)
This system provides financial and operations information for privately owned electric utilities. The file contains such information as balance sheet and income statement items. Also included are operating expenses for privately-owned electric utilities whose revenues account for 78 percent of the total electric revenues of the US electric utility industry. The information is available in report form from NEIC. Contact Utilities Financial Statistics, National Energy Information Center (NEIC), US Department of Energy, 1000 Independence Ave., SW, Washington, DC 20585, (202) 586-8800, for content information.
Department of Energy Federal Data Bases
* Statistics of Publicly Owned Electric Utilities 1964-1982 (See NTIS)
Annual financial and operation information about publicly owned utilities operating in the United States and Puerto Rico are presented in a series dating back to 1946. Covered are major municipals and Federal projects by kind of plant, income source, disposition, class of customers, type of and class of production. Composite statements for major municipals and for federal projects cover balance sheet data; income accounts; customers; expenses; balance sheet relationships; and income account relationships. The data file is made available for public use on computer readable magnetic tape and on 5 1/4" floppy diskette for IBM-PC compatible microcomputers. Contact NTIS for cost.
Department of Energy Federal Data Bases
* Steam-Electric Plant Air and Water Quality Control Data 1974-1980/(Form EIA-767) (PB83-254094/XDD) (See NTIS)
The files consist of data from pages 2, 5, 9 and 9(a) of FPC Form 67 and its successor Form EIA-767. The data from 1974-1980 came from electric generating plants with a steam-electric generating capacity of 25 megawatts or greater. Data for 1981 came from plants whose steam-electric capacity was 100 megawatts or greater. Page 2 data are fuel consumption and quality by month per plant. Page 5 data are fuel consumption by month by boiler and boiler operation load data. Page 9 data are equipment design parameters per boiler which include design fuel consumption, percent boiler efficiency and air flow at 200 percent load. Page 9(a) data concern boiler ability to burn alternate fuels.
Department of Energy Federal Data Bases
* Steam-Electric Plant Operation and Design Report, 1982 (Form EIA-767) (PB86-181104/XDD) (See NTIS)
The file contains the 1982 data from 713 electric generating plants whose fossil or nuclear steam generating nameplate rating is 100 megawatts or larger. These plants represent 207 utilities. Data include plant information and individual equipment design parameters and annual operational data for boilers, generators, cooling systems, flue gas particulate collectors, flue gas desulfurization units, flue, and stacks. Steam-Electric Plant Operation and Design Report, 1985 (Form EIA-767) (PB87-175998/XDD), Steam-Electric Plant Operation and Design Report, 1986 (Form EIA-767) (PB88-166400/XDD), Steam-Electric Plant Operation and Design Report, 1984 (Form EIA-767) (PB88-172317/XDD).
Department of Energy Federal Data Bases
* Typical Net Monthly (Electric) Bills (EIA-213) (PB85-167328/XDD) (See NTIS)
The EIA-213 is submitted to the Department of Energy each year by electric utilities in the US and Puerto Rico serving residential communities of 2,500 population or larger, or serving commercial or industrial communities of 50,000 population or larger. The data contained on these forms consist of net monthly bills for residential, commercial and industrial services throughout the country. Typical Net Monthly (Electric) Bills, 1984 (EIA-213) (available on diskette) (PB85-212090/XDD), Typical Net Monthly (Electric) Bills, 1986 (EIA-213) (PB88-217666/XDD), Typical Net Monthly (Electric) Bills, 1987 (EIA-213) (PB88-217674/XDD).
Department of Energy Federal Data Bases
* US Coal Production and Related Data, 1979-1985 (PB87-229258/XDD) (See NTIS)
Comprehensive annual US coal production and related data from 1979 to 1985. Contains data on coal production, the number of mines, price productivity, employment, daily productive capacity, reserves and stocks. Data were obtained annually from Form EIA-7A, Coal Production Report, a survey of companies owning and or operating mining operations that produced, processed or prepared coal in the US Each year the data are published in Energy Information Administration publication DOE/EIA-0118/(85), Coal Production. The file is updated annually.
This is the second of decennial series of nationwide food consumption surveys conducted by USDA. It provides three-day data on food and nutrient intakes, drinking water, and vitamin/mineral supplement use. It contains companion food consumption data. For more information contact Youngmee K. Park at (202) 485-0089.
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases~
* 1978 Survey of Disability and Work
Confidentiality Policy Project
Office of Research and Statistics
Office of Policy
Social Security Administration, Room 205
4301 Connecticut Ave., NW
Washington, DC 20008 (202) 282-7217
This is a national sample of civilian non-institutionalized adults aged 18-64 and is a two-panel stratified sample design. One panel is the 1976 cohort of the Health Interview Survey, which was an activity of the National Center for Health Statistics, and the other panel is a selection from the SSA's MBR. Mainly, the data include information on the economic, medical, and social circumstances of the disabled in order to assess the public knowledge of governmental programs for the disabled, to determine work incentives and their influence on labor market participation and benefit application, and to provide linkage between levels of medical severity and levels of work limitation.
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
* 1978 Survey of Hospital Inpatient Education
American Hospital Association for US Center for Disease Control,
Bureau of Health Education
US Department of Health and Human Services
5600 Fisher Lane
Rockville, MD 20857 (301) 443-2610
This is a numeric (microdata) file containing data on the number and types of inpatient education programs with written goals and objectives available or planned in US community hospitals. Data include baseline information on the coordination and budgeting of inpatient education programs and on the use of electronic media. Data were collected in November 1978 to March 1, 1979, by a mail survey of all US community hospitals, to which 80 percent responded. There are up to approximately 130 variables per case. Coverage of the file is nationwide. Census regions, States, counties, SMSAs, and cities are identified. Data pertain to 1978. The File for the similar 1975 survey is also available. To obtain the tape, contact Ollie Williams, Hospital Information Services, American Hospital Association, 840 North Lake Short Drive, Chicago, IL 60611, (312) 280-5991.
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
Marion Hall
ABLEDATA (by grant from the US Department of Health and Human Resources)
Newington Children's Hospital
181 East Cedar St. (800) 344-5405
Newington, CT 06111 (203) 667-5405
ABLEDATA is a national catalog of rehabilitation devices and aids useful to the disabled. The following data are provided for each product listed: cost and purchasing information; equipment description and manufacturer's instructions; information evaluations from users; and abstracts of available product research and testing. ABLEDATA is searchable by a device's generic name (sport-wheel chairs, overhead bookholders, etc.). The data base was started in 1980 and currently has records on over 15,000 products produced by 25,000 manufacturers. It is updated by 250 entries monthly. The system is accessible through the 800 number nationwide. Online access is available commercially through BRS.
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
* Administrative Award and Termination Records
Confidentiality Policy Project
Office of Research and Statistics
Office of Policy
Social Security Administration, Room 205
4301 Connecticut Ave., NW
Washington, DC 20008 (202) 282-7217
Each month a record is produced of all new Social Security awards and all terminations. The data are received as part of an extract that is made while the MBR is being updated. These data are summarized and used for research and publication on a monthly, quarterly, and yearly basis. Approximately 7 million records are received annually. The records contain data such as type of benefit, age, sex, race, State, date of entitlement, and benefit amount. Data are received on a 100-percent basis and tape files are kept for several years. The data records are approximately 80 characters in length and therefore only contain selective data from the MBR.
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
* Adverse Drug Reaction (Veterinary) (ADR)
Gerald Deighton
Freedom of Information Staff HFI-35
US Food and Drug Administration
5600 Fishers Lane
Rockville, MD 20857 (301) 443-6310
Summary of all reported adverse drug reactions to veterinary drugs is contained in a searchable and retrievable system. Individual FDA analysis reports are not released. Years covered are 1987 to present, and updates are monthly. For more information contact Walt Sessions at (301) 443-4093.
Department of Health and Human Services Federal Data Bases
g Administration
5600 Fishers Lane
Rockville, MD 20857 (301) 443-6310
Summary of all reported adverse drug reactions to veterinary drugs is contained in a searchable and retrievable system. Individual FDA aHealth and Human Services Federal Data Bases
* Production of Onshore Lower 48 Oil and Gas (PROLOG) (See NTIS)
The model is designed to produce independent estimates of future crude oil and natural gas production for six onshore regions of the lower 48 states for use in energy planning and policy formulation. It forecasts gas and oil production by region. Future production possibilities are established as functions of anticipated profitability compared to alternative investment opportunities, the amount of exploration drilling undertaken and its success. It is operable on a mainframe computer. Contact Sam Cohen, Energy Information Administration, US Department of Energy, 1000 Independence Ave., SW, Washington, DC 20585, (202) 586-2396, for content information.
Department of Energy Federal Data Bases
* Publicly Owned Electric Utilities in the United States, Form 3 (1974-1976, 1978-1982) (PB84-196872/XDD) (See NTIS)
Annual financial and operation information about publicly-owned utilities operating in the United States and Puerto Rico are presented in a series dating back to 1946. The statistics were issued up to 1977 by the Federal Power Commission; since 1977, they have been published by the Energy Information Administration (EIA). Publicly-owned refers to electric utilities operated by municipalities and Federal powered agencies, which develop, transmit, or distribute power. Data are given for 25 municipal wholesaler electric utilities whose revenues from sales for resale are 51% or more of total electric operating revenue; 456 municipal retailer electric utilities whose revenues from sales for resale are 51% or less of total electric operation revenues from sales for resale are 51% or less of total electric operating revenues; and 79 Federal projects. covered are financial and operational data for major municipals and for Federal projects by kind of plant, by income source, by disposition, by class of customers, by type of, and by class of production. Composite statements for major municipals for Federal projects cover balance sheet data; income accounts; number of electric customers, kilowatt-hour sales, and revenues from sales; electric operation and maintenance expenses; in service costs by type of electric utility plant and by type of power generation; electric energy generated and received by type of plant; balance sheet relationships, and income account relationships. The last three sections of this report contain summary tables and separately detailed tabulations of financial data, by company and by State/location for municipal wholesalers, municipal retailers, and for Federal projects. An index lists by the name of each reporting publicly-owned utility of Federal project and the States) in which it operates. Document preface explains format, the regulations governing data compilation , and a list of companion reports published by the EIA. Other narrative sections briefly summarize tables. Publicly Owned Electric Utilities in the United States, Form (1964-1973) (PB84-196864/XDD)
Department of Energy Federal Data Bases
* Publicly Owned Electric Utilities in the United States, 1983 (PB85-193952/XDD) (See NTIS)
Annual financial and operation information about publicly owned utilities operating in the United States and Puerto Rico are presented in a series dating back to 1946. The statistics were issued up to 1977 by the Federal Power Commission; since 1977, they have been published by the energy Information Administration (EIA). Data are given for 25 municipal wholesaler electric utilities whose revenues from sales for resale are 51% or more of total electric operating revenue; 456 municipal retailer electric utilities whose revenues from sales for resale are 51% or less of total electric operating revenues; and 79 Federal projects. Covered are financial and operational data for major municipal and for Federal projects by kind of plant, by income source, by disposition, by class of customers, by type of, and by class of production. Composite statements for major municipal and for Federal projects cover balance sheet data; income accounts; number of electric customers, kilowatt hour sales, and revenues from sales; electric operation and maintenance expenses; in service costs by type of electric utility plant and by type of power generation; electric energy generated and received, by type of plant, balance sheet relationships, and income account relationships. The last three sections of this report contain summary tables and separately detailed tabulations of financial data, by company and by State/location for municipal wholesalers, municipal retailers, and for Federal projects. An index lists the name of each reporting publicly-owned utility of Federal project and the States(s) in which it operates. Publicly Owned Electric Utilities in the United States, 1984 (EIA 412) (PB86-185881/XDD), Publicly Owned Electric Utilities in the United States, 1985 (EIA 412) (PB87-193579/XDD), Publicly Owned Electric Utilities in the United States, 1983 (available on diskette) (PB87-22261/XDD), Publicly Owned Electric Utilities in the United States, 1985 (EIA 412) (PB88-172291/XDD).
Department of Energy Federal Data Bases
* Public Use Energy Statistics Data Base (Annual Data 1949-1984, Monthly Data 1985-1988) (PB88-202346/XDD) (See NTIS)
The Energy Information Administration (EIA) has released a new version of its monthly statistical data base, the Public Use Energy Statistics Data Base (PUESDB). The PUESDB is a data base of energy related time series data and metadata whose main purpose is to provide a machine readable transcription of published energy information in an efficient and timely manner. The PUESDB is produced using the same data base and system that produces the published data. The PUESDB currently focuses on two publications, the Monthly Energy Review (MER) and the Annual Energy Review (AER). The MER data are updated on a monthly basis. The most recent AER data are from the 1984 publication. The MER and AER were selected for inclusion because of their significance to the overall EIA energy data scheme.
Department of Energy Federal Data Bases
* Quarterly Coal Report Data, 1980-1985 (PB87-229241/XDD) (See NTIS)
The quarterly Coal Report provides comprehensive information about coal production, exports, imports, prices, receipts, consumption, and stocks for entire United States. The data is aggregated primarily by State and by end Use Sector (electric utilities, coke plants, other industrials, and residential/commercial users). Information is available by quarter from 1980 through 1985.
Department of Energy Federal Data Bases
* Report of Oil Imports into the United States and Puerto Rico, 1977-1985 (Form EIA-814/EIA-815) (PB87-147781/XDD) (See NTIS)
Form EIA-814 is used in monthly surveys of firms importing crude oil, unfinished oil, and finished petroleum products into the United States and Puerto Rico. It is used to collect data on prot of entry, country of origin, location of refinery, quantity of crude or product in barrels, and sulfur content. participation in the survey is mandatory under P.L. 93-275. The respondent universe consisted of approximately 1,200 firms as of January 1, 1984. However, only a selected 250 importers must report each month regardless of import activity. All others must report only for a month in which they actually had imports. Data collected in the surveys are published in aggregate form. Report of Oil Imports into the United States and Puerto Rico, 1986-1987 (Form EIA-814) (PB88-218946/XDD).
Department of Energy Federal Data Bases
* Residential Energy Consumption Survey, 1982 and Residential Transportation energy Consumption Survey, 1983: Public Tape (PB85-221760/XDD) (See NTIS)
The tape contains data from the 1982 Residential Energy Consumption Survey (RECS) and the 1983 Residential Transportation Energy Consumption Survey (RTECS). The surveys have been designed by the energy Information Administration to provide information concerning energy consumption in the residential sector. The Public Use Tape consists of thirteen files. Residential Energy Consumption Survey, 1985 and Residential Transportation energy Consumption Survey, 1983: Public Tape (PB87-186540/XDD)
Department of Energy Federal Data Bases
* Residential Energy Consumption Survey: Consumption and Expenditures, 1980- 1981, Monthly Billing Data (PB84-166230/XDD) (See NTIS)
This tape presents files of billing period energy consumption and expenditures data for households from the 1980 Residential energy Consumption Survey (RECS). The RECS have been designed by the Energy Information Administration (EIA) to provide information concerning energy consumption within the residential sector. the billing data files contain data for electricity, fuel oil, liquefied petroleum gas, and natural gas as well as corresponding weather data (14 bases). The most frequent billing period is a month. Included in these files are households that paid directly to the utility company for all uses of the fuel. This tape supplements a previously issued tape, Residential Energy Consumption Survey: Housing Characteristics, 1980 and Consumption and Expenditures, April 1980 through March 1981 which contains the household interview data and annualized fuel consumption and expenditures data (excluding transportation fuel) derived form this billing data provide by the households' fuel suppliers. Households from Alaska and Hawaii were removed from the billing data files as part of the steps taken to present possible identification of survey respondents. The data, therefore, represent only the contiguous United States. The technical documentation describes the billing data files and provides specifications concerning the field location of each variable. Detailed information concerning the survey is available in the documentation for the household interview tape, which this tape supplements, and in Residential Energy Consumption Survey: Consumption and Expenditures, April 1980 through March 1981 Part 1: National Data (available from the EIA).
Department of Energy Federal Data Bases
* Residential Energy Consumption Survey: Household Screener Survey, 1979-1980, Household Characteristics and Annualized Consumption, Public Use Data Tapes (PB82-114877/XDD) (See NTIS)
This computer tape contains data and attendant file definition information for the Household Screener Survey conducted by the Energy Information Administration, US Department of Energy for the period 1979-1980. The tape is comprised of three files. The first file contains full SPSS data definition information; the second contains COBOL file definition information and the third file contains the data proper. The data file contains 4,033 records, the data record for each sample household. An accompanying User's Guide contains full technical specifications for the tape as well as brief discussions of issues pertaining to the interpretation of the data.
Department of Energy Federal Data Bases
* Residential Energy Consumption Survey: Household Transportation Panel Monthly Gasoline Purchases and Vehicle and Household Characteristics, June 1979- September 1981 (PB84-162452/XDD) (See NTIS)
The Household Transportation Panel is a data set of gasoline purchases by month for a national sample of households from the contiguous United States for the period June 1979 to September 1981. The data set is part of a series of Energy Information Administration surveys on Residential Energy Consumption. the Transportation Panel was designed to enable the analysis of residential vehicle fuel consumption at the household level on both a monthly and annual basis. The predominant design of the transportation panel was 2-4-2 that is,households were in the panel for two months, out for four months, and then in for another two months. For each household, data include the number of vehicles used regularly. For each vehicle, data include year, make, model, gallons of fuel purchased in month, gallons of fuel consumed in month, cost of fuel purchased, tank capacity and beginning and end of month odometer readings. The finest geographic identification available is Census region. The public use tape has 2 files. File 1 contains the survey data. It is a hierarchical file. File 2 is a file description in Table Producing Language format. The tape documentation includes a complete description of the data file and the survey.
Department of Energy Federal Data Bases
* Residential Energy Consumption Survey: Housing Characteristics, and Annualized Consumption and Expenditures, 1980 through 1981 (PB83-199554/XDD) (See NTIS)
This tape presents data from the 1980 Residential Energy Consumption Survey. The Residential Energy Consumption Surveys have been designed by the residential sector. The Public Use Tape represents the survey data, an SPSS file program, a Table Producing Language (TPL) file program, a TPL codebook and frequencies of the categorical variables from the data file. The data file contains basic data concerning housing unit characteristics from the interview questionnaire and annualized (April 1980-March 1981) fuel consumption and expenditures (excluding transportation fuel) derived from the records of the households' fuel suppliers. Also included are weather variables, marginal electricity rates, and a weighting variable.
Department of Energy Federal Data Bases
* Residential Energy Consumption Survey (RECS): Housing Characteristics, 1981, Consumption and Expenditures April 1981 through March 1982, and Monthly Billing Data (PB84-120476/XDD) (See NTIS)
This tape presents data from the 1981 Residential Energy Consumption Survey. The Residential Energy Consumption Surveys have been designed by the Energy Information Administration to provide information concerning consumption in the residential sector. The Public Use Tape represents the survey data file, an SPSS file program, a Table Producing Language (TPL) file program, a TPL codebook and files of the monthly billing data used to produce the survey data file annual consumption and expenditures data. The survey data file contains basic data concerning housing unit characteristics from the interview questionnaire and annualized (April 1981 - March 1982) fuel consumption and expenditures (excluding transportation fuel) derived from the records of the households' fuel suppliers. Also included are weather variables, marginal electricity rates, and a weighing variable. The file contains 6,204 sample households form the contiguous US These households represent 82.7 million weighted households. The smallest unit of analysis is the individual household. However, the finest geographic identification available for each household is Census division.
Department of Energy Federal Data Bases
* Residential Energy Consumption Survey: National Interim Energy Consumption Survey, 1978-1979, Household Monthly Energy Consumption and Expenditures (PB82-114901/XDD) (See NTIS)
This computer tape consists of 12 files divided into three sets of four files each. The first set of files contains full SPSS data definition; the second set of files contains COBOL file definition information; the third set of files contains the data proper. One file in each set is for one of the four major fuels--electricity, utility gas, fuel oil, and kerosene and liquid petroleum gas (LPG). Each file contains 4,081 records, one record for each household in the NIDCS sample. Each file may be analyzed separately; the individual fuel files may be merged and analyzed simultaneously; for the files may be merged with the data from the NIDCS Household Interview file.
Department of Energy Federal Data Bases
* Residential Energy Consumption Survey (RECS): National Interim Energy Consumption Survey, 1978-1979, Household Monthly Energy Consumption and Expenditures. Shoppers Guide (PB82-114927/XDD) (See NTIS)
This document is intended to serve as a general introduction to the Household Monthly Energy Consumption and Expenditures (HMECE) data from the National Interim Energy Consumption Survey (NIECS) which is now available to the public on machine-readable magnetic tapes. The document includes brief overview of the Residential Energy Consumption Survey as a whole and of the NIECS in particular; a brief description of each of the files included in this tape; and a list of the variables in the data set. Appended to this document is a copy of the fuel supplier record form used to collect consumption and expenditure data for each of the sample households.
Department of Energy Federal Data Bases
* Resource Allocation and Mine Costing Model (See NTIS)
The model is designed to develop coal supply curves. Thirty coal type categories, defined by BTU and sulfur content ranges, are considered. The potential annual production and minimum acceptance price of each mine category are calculated, and the production is ordered by price to produce the supply curve. Prices are based on the cost of five surface mine types and four underground mine types, and adjusted for regional factors. The model data originate back to 1974 and the file program is currently being updated. Searches and printouts are available. Contact the National Energy Information Center, US Department of Energy, 1000 Independence Ave., SW, Room 1F-048, Washington, DC 20585, (202) 252-8800, for content information.
Department of Energy Federal Data Bases
* Sales for Resale, Revenue from Transportation of Gas of Others, Field and Mainline Sales, and Transmission Peak Days, 1978-1986 (FERC Forms 2 and 2A, Supplement) (PB88-171459/XDD) (See NTIS)
The Forty-three (43) companies filed for the year 1986. Major companies are those companies handling sales of 50 billion cubic feet (bcf) of gas per year. The FERC Form 2A is the sales filing from gas companies with transactions less than 50 billion cubic feet of gas per year. Data from forty-three (43) pipelines filing Form 2 and eleven (11) pipelines filing Form 2A are included on this tape. Data include four parts of the filing: Field and Mainline Sales (records identified as 'Main'); Sales for Resale - Natural Gas (records identified as 'Resale'); Revenue from Transportation of Gas of Others (records identified as 'Tran'); Transmission system Peak Days (records identified as 'Peakdays'). Field and Mainline Sales include sales of natural gas to industrial customers served other than from the local distribution system operated by the respondent.
Department of Energy Federal Data Bases
ndependence Ave., SW, Room 1F-048, Washington, DC 20585, (202) 252-8800, for content information.
Department of Energy Federal Data Bases
, etc.). The data base was started in 1980 and currently has records on over 15,000 products produced by 25,000 manufacturers. It is upd
* Large Combustor Energy Consumption Data Base 1979 (PB83-120477/XDD) (See NTIS)
This tape provides questionnaire-level data on energy consumption in establishments and large combustors as reported on the 1980 Manufacturing Industries Energy consumption Study and Survey of Large Combustors (EIA-463). Four data files are included on the tape: (1) establishment-level data; (2) combustor-level data; (3) selected information on smaller combustors by standard Industrial Classification (SIC), and (4) selected information on smaller combustors by region. For the purposes of maintaining confidentiality of respondents, there is no way of matching combustor data to establishments. These data bases are all independent. Several types of data are included. Fuel consumption by fuel type is reported in btu for both establishments and boilers. These data have been rendered confidential by the introduction of a small amount of random error into each reported value. This scrambling procedure does not significantly alter covariate relationships within the data, however. Information is also provided on the SIC and geographic region of the combustor/establishment. Other information includes the maximum design firing rate of combustors, electricity and steam generation of establishments, the capability to burn alternative fuels in combustors, the consumption of waste gases, etc. Documentation is provided with the tape.
Department of Energy Federal Data Bases
* Lifestyles and Household Energy Use: 1973 and 1975 National Surveys (PB-272 448/2/XDD) (See NTIS)
The Energy and Lifestyles data documentation and file are a compilation of data collected in two national housing unit surveys. The first survey conducted In May 1973 collected data for 1455 households and the housing units in which those households resided. The sample was designed to provide an oversampling of low income households. The survey was repeated in 1975 for 3140 households of which approximately 1000 were repeat households from the 1973 survey. Therefore, on a record dump, some households will have a large block of data, whereas, others will have some blanks for the missing information either from 1973 or 1975. Among the variables collected on the survey are: (1) characteristics, size, construction, and amenities of housing units; (2) economic and demographic data on households; (3) actual consumption and cost of electricity and natural gas in residential use; and estimated cost of fuel; (4) characteristics of equipment used for space heating and cooling, as well as water heating; (5) auto ownership and usage; (6) personal transportation behavior; (7) possession of appliances and other energy using household conveniences; and (8) changes in energy-related behavior and attitudes toward energy consumption since energy shortages first came to widespread public attention.
Department of Energy Federal Data Bases
* Monthly Report of Electric Energy, Capability, and Peak Load (Form EIA 119M) January 1976-December 1982) (PB84-125178/XDD) (See NTIS)
The purpose of Form EIA-119M, formerly Form EP-119M, ERA 119M, and Form FPC 12E-2, Monthly report of Electric Energy, Capability, and Peak Load is to collect data necessary to fulfill regulatory responsibility and provide monthly data on system net generation, net energy for load, and system net capability.
Department of Energy Federal Data Bases
* National Coal Model (See NTIS)
The purpose of the model is to forecast the supply of coal by region and coal type in 1990 and 1995. Supply-price relationships are developed for 30 coal types, plus engineering estimates of mining costs on five surface mine types and four deep mine types. The model is designed to forecast coal consumption, and prices and to analyze coal-related public policy issues. Contact the National Energy Information Center, US Department of Energy, Room 1F-048, Washington, DC 20585, (202) 586-8800, for content information.
Department of Energy Federal Data Bases
* Natural Gas Pipeline Co. Monthly Statement (January 1983-September 1984). FERC-11 (PB85-182061/XDD) (See NTIS)
The computer data tape specified herein contains two (2) files consisting of FERC Form 11 respondent data from Jan. 83 through Sept. 84. Each file is identical in format and consists of company revenue data, income data operation and maintenance data and other selected data. Revenue data is reported in thousands of dollars and sales volume data is reported in millions of cubic feet (se file format for field sizes and record layout). These files will be updated each quarter to reflect company resubmission and filing errors found during data validation.
Department of Energy Federal Data Bases
* Natural Gas Policy Act Notices of Determination, Monthly Cumulative December 1978 to Date (FERC Form 121) (PB86-106549/XDD) (See NTIS)
The FERC 121 Interim Price Tracking System Tape contains information from the FERC Form 121 for those wells for which jurisdictional agencies have made determinations of maximum lawful prices under Sections 102 (new natural gas), 103 (new onshore production wells), 107 (high cost natural gas), and 108 (striper wells) of the Natural Gas Policy Act of 1978. For each well, the tape contains such information as the well name, API number, field, location and purchaser. It also contains the FERC receipt date and control number for each determination. Users should note that the tape contains seller codes in lieu of seller names. The retrospective master tape contains information on the determinations received by FERC between December 26, 1978 and the present. The master tape is updated monthly.
Department of Energy Federal Data Bases
* Natural Gas Policy Act Notices of Determination - FERC Form 121 (Biweekly) (PB84-174770/XDD) (See NTIS)
The FERC 121 Interim Price Tracking System tape contains information from the FERC Form 121 for those wells for which jurisdictional agencies have made determinations of maximum lawful prices under Sections 102 (new natural gas), 103 (new onshore production wells), 107 (high cost natural gas), and 208 (stripper wells) of the Natural Gas Policy Act of 1978. For each well, the tape contains such information as the well name, API number, field, location and purchaser. It also contains the FERC receipt date and control number for each determination. Users should note that the tape contains seller codes in lieu of seller names. This is the biweekly tape file which covers data for a two week period only. Dates of coverage are on the file.
Department of Energy Federal Data Bases
* NIECS (National Interim Energy Consumption Survey) Household Interview File (PB81-108714/XDD) (See NTIS)
The data file contains information about 4,081 weighted households selected as a probability sample of all households in the 48 contiguous states and interviewed in the fall 1978. The information includes: (1) the structural features of the house such as size, insulation, and openings; the heating and cooling systems; fuels used and the major use made of each fuel; recent installation of types of insulation and equipment to conserve energy; household appliances and vehicles; and demographic data on the household; (2) an annual amount of dollars expended, quantity consumed ( or delivered in the case of fuel oil, kerosene, and LPG), and Btu equivalents for electricity, natural gas, fuel oil and kerosene, and LPG used by each household; (3) long-term average annual heating and cooling degree days for the NOAA division in which the household is located adjusted on a regional basis to reflect the weather for 1978-1979; (4) half-sample indicators for 32 half samples used in calculating the variance for sample statistics through pseudoreplication techniques. There ar four files on this tape. The first is a card image file containing this memo. The second is a card image file containing an SPSS file of the data. The third is a card image file containing the COBOL Data description. The fourth is the data proper (HH Interview File). Together these files comprise a preliminary version of the National Interim Energy Consumption Survey (Residential).
Department of Energy Federal Data Bases
* Nonresidential Buildings Energy Consumption Survey: Building Characteristics 1979 and 1983 (PB88-245162/XDD) (See NTIS)
The tape contains data collected in the 1979 and 1983 Nonresidential Buildings Energy Consumption Survey (NBECS). The tape replaces all previous NBECS public use data tapes. The NBECS provides information on energy-related characteristics of buildings, such as size, principal building activity, geographic location, energy sources, and type of heating and cooling equipment, as well as the total consumption of, and expenditures for, energy supplied to the building. The tape contains 8 files: File 1 is the 1979 NBECS data; File 2 is the 1984 NBECS data; File 3 is a longitudinal linkage file for the 1979 and 1983 data; Files 4, 5, and 7 contain the code to create a SAS versions of Files 1-3 respectively; File 6 is the SAS library code to be used with files, 4, 5, and 7; File 8 is a copy of the documentation for the tape.
Department of Energy Federal Data Bases
* Oil and Gas Field Code Master List (1986) and Oil and Gas Invalid Field Record List (PB87-140125/XDD) (See NTIS)
Oil and Gas FIELD CODE MASTER LIST (Master List) EIA has developed a system of codification of the oil and gas fields throughout the United States, the Oil and Gas Field Master List. It is intended to provide an unique standard code for all oil and/or gas fields. The Master List is organized by State, with fields sorted alphabetically by name within each individual State. fields located in the Federal Offshore area are listed with the adjacent State. The fields listed are geologic fields as defined by EIA. The six-digit field code is unique to the field name, regardless of whether one or several fields exist nationwide with that particular name. The Oil and Gas Field Code Master List is available on computer tape and is updated semi-annually. The Oil and Gas Invalid Field Record List are those records of field names and codes which were found to be technically incorrect or the fields nonexistent and therefore removed form the master list. Oil and Gas Field Code Master List (1987) and Oil and Gas Invalid Field Record List (PB88-161666/XDD).
Department of Energy Federal Data Bases
* Oil Market Simulation Model (OMS) (See NTIS)
The OMS Model is a dynamic model that simulates world crude oil supplies and demands by regions (US, Canada, Japan, Europe) on an annual basis through the year 2000. The model consists of regional crude oil supply and demand equations with oil demand determined as a function of both prices and income. The model can be used to simulate OPEC production given a projection of the world crude oil prices, or to estimate world crude oil prices for given levels of OPEC production capacity. Contact Dan Butler, Energy Markets and End Use Office, International and Contingency Information Division
Analysis Branch, US Department of Energy, Energy Information Administration, Washington, DC 20585, (202) 586-9503, for content information.
Department of Energy Federal Data Bases
* Petroleum Marketing Monthly Public Use Tape, 1978 to Date (PB86-192101/XDD) (See NTIS)
The data on the tape is extracted from data published in the Petroleum Marketing Monthly, the primary source of government statistics on petroleum marketing. It includes data collected from energy Information Administration surveys of petroleum refiners, natural gas plant operators, petroleum product resellers and retailers, purchasers of domestic crude oil and importers of crude oil and petroleum products. Data are aggregated. Geographic units represented include: (a) National, Petroleum Administration for Defense (PADD), Sub-PADD, and State for petroleum products and first purchases of domestic crude oil and (b) various petroleum producing countries for crude oil imports. Data are monthly (some yearly data covering 1978 - 1984 are included). Each month data for the current month are added. Data for the current month are preliminary; all other values are final except for data collected from the EIA-856 survey -the most recent two months are preliminary; all other values are final. The Petroleum Marketing Monthly Public Use Tape is available on computer tape and is updated monthly. Documentation is included on the tape.
Department of Energy Federal Data Bases
* Petroleum Supply Annual, 1983-1987 (PB88-218953/XDD) (See NTIS)
The Petroleum Supply Monthly Public Use Tape contains aggregated data from EIA surveys of producers, transporters, storage facilities, and importers of crude oil and petroleum, and data from the Census Bureau and from State agencies. Data are aggregated according to a specific set of rules. Geographic units represented on the tape are at the level of Petroleum Administration for Defense District (PADD), refinery district, sub-PADD, or higher, including US totals. In a few cases, state-level data are represented. Data are monthly (including all months-to-date for the current year), which are preliminary figures, or annual (all months of the preceding year), which are final figures. Petroleum Supply Monthly Cumulative, 1988 (PB88-223615/XDD)
Department of Energy Federal Data Bases
* Power Plant Report - Historical (1972-1980) (PB82-150459/XDD) (See NTIS)
Purpose of FPC Form 4, Power Plant Report is to collect data necessary to fulfill regulatory responsibility; ensure power reliability; and measure fuel consumption and power production. This data tape contains the data collected by the survey. specific data collected in the survey are class of ownership, code, company code, plant code, company name, plant name, current capacity, fuel name, old capacity, effective data - month, year, status, multistate code, current year, generation, consumption, stocks electric plant code, NERC code. The data are given for each year from 1972 through 1980.
Department of Energy Federal Data Bases
* Power Plant Report - Historical. Part 1, 1977-1983 (PB84-187509/XDD) (See NTIS)
The purpose of Form EIA-759 formerly FPC-4, Power Plant Report is to collect data necessary to fulfill regulatory responsibility; ensure power reliability; and measure fuel consumption and power production. This data tape contains the data collected by the survey. Specific ownership code, prime mover code, kind of fuel code, company code, plant name, current capacity, fuel name, old capacity, effective data - month/year, status, multistate code, current year, generation, consumption, stocks, electric plant code, NERC code. Power Plant Report - Historical. Part 2, 1970-1976 (PB84-186972/XDD), Power Plant Report, 1984 (EIA-759) (PB85-200376/XDD), Power Plant Report, 1984 (EIA-759) (available on diskette) (PB85-212777/XDD), Power Plant Report, 1985 (Form 759) (PB86-174547/XDD), Power Plant Report, 1986 (Form EIA-759) (PB87-176610/XDD), Power Plant Report, Monthly Cumulative for 1988 (EIA-759) (PB88-184916/XDD), Power Plant Report, 1987 (Form EIA-759) Historic (PB88-184924/XDD).
Department of Energy Federal Data Bases
* Privately Owned Electric Utilities, (Form 1), 1974-1982, Historic, Part 2 (PB84-188572/XDD) (See NTIS)
Data are tabulated from annual reports filed with the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission by 192 Classes A and B utilities. Class A utilities are those having annual electric operating revenues of $2.5 million or more. Class B utilities are those with annual electric operating revenues of $ million or more, but less than $2.5 million. The Class A and B utilities listed comprise nearly 100% of the privately-owned sector of the electric light and power industry. Data include: (1) financial and operational balance sheets; (20 income and retained earnings statements; (30 statements of changes in financial position; (4) capital stock and long-term debt; (5) electric operating revenues, customers, and sales by classes of service; (6) electric operation and maintenance expenses; (7) data per type of utility plant; (8) physical quantities (capacity by type of utility plant); (9) rates of return on electric utility rate base and rates return on common equity; (10) schedule of investment tax credits generated and utilized (since 1962); (11) research, development, and demonstration (for the three most recent years); (12) sales expense, customer service and information expense, and general advertising expense; (13) environmental protection facilities and expenses. Part 1 of this historic file (PB84-188614) covers the period 1964-1973. Privately Owned Electric Utilities, 1964-1973, Historic, Part 1 (Form 1). (PB84-188614/XDD), Privately Owned Electric Utilities, 1983 (Form 1) (PB85-194322/XDD), Privately Owned Electric Utilities, 1983 (Form 1) (PB86-167517/XDD), Privately Owned Electric Utilities, 1984 (Form 1) (PB86-185899/XDD), Privately Owned Electric Utilities, 1985 (Form 1) (PB87-294221/XDD), Privately Owned Electric Utilities, 1986 (Form 1) (PB88-172283/XDD).
Department of Energy Federal Data Bases
* Privately Owned Electric Utilities, (Form 1), 1974-1982, Historic, Part 2 (PB84-188572/XDD) (See NTIS)
Data are tabm used to collect consumption and expenditure data for each of the sample households.
Department of Energy Federal Data Bases
* Coke Plant Report (See NTIS)
This system provides a quarterly and annual census of US coke plants. Information for counties, states and the nation is collected quarterly and classified as to: coal receipts, consumption, and stocks, and on code and breeze production, distribution and stocks. Annually data are collected on coke oven status; production, distribution and stocks of crude coal chemicals; and origin of coal receipts. Contact Bruce Quaid, Survey Manager Coal Division - Data Systems Branch Energy Information Administration Washington, DC 20585, (202) 254-5461, for content information.
Department of Energy Federal Data Bases
* Cost and Quality of Fuels for Electric Utilities Form 423, Historic (1972-1983) (PB84-1942240/XDD) (See NTIS)
Information on the cost and quality of fossil fuels for electric utility plants on a plant-by-plant basis grouped on a State and regional basis permits comparisons of prices for similar fuels delivered to other plants in the sample state and region. Data are limited to electric utility/generating plants in the United States with a combined capacity of 25 megawatts or greater. The report is a continuation of the annual series by the same title that originated in the Federal Power Commission. Fossil fuels include oil, coal, and natural gas. Reported are data on fuels delivered to peaking units such as combustion turbines, to internal combustion units, to steam-electric plants, and to fossil fuel plants. Aggregates include each of the Census Regions, Bureau of Mines Co.) Producing Districts, and total United States. Pennsylvania anthracite is shown separately. There are data on imports by country of origin and State of destination. Also provided are data for comparing 1978 Sulfur Regulations with sulfur content of coal delivered. The report is arranged in five parts each containing a narrative that explains the data and highlights trends. Five of the seven appendices are devoted to data on the 20 largest electric utility companies. 60 tables. Cost and Quality of Fuels for Electric Utilities Form 423, 1983 (available on diskette) (PB85-212512/XDD), Cost and Quality of Fuels for Electric Utilities Form 423, (available on diskette) (PB86-167608/XDD), Cost and Quality of Fuels for Electric Utilities Form 423, 1987 Historic (PB88-234273/XDD), Cost and Quality of Fuels for Electric Utilities Form 423, Monthly Cumulative for 1988 (PB88-246558/XDD), Cost and Quality of Fuels for Electric Utilities Form 423, 1984-1987, Historic (PB89-106934/XDD).
Department of Energy Federal Data Bases
* Electric Power Use by Industries (Monthly Cumulative from 1972 to Current) (PB85-246395/XDD) (See NTIS)
The electric power data are collected in a monthly survey conducted by the Federal Reserve System. The statistics are based on reports of power sold by the electric utilities, and of power generated by industrial plants. These data have been classified by type of industrial establishment according to the 1977 edition of the SIC. The data are published as index numbers (1977-100) and use for estimating a significant number of the individual series in the industrial production index. The indexes of the seasonally adjusted electric power use by industries and the nonseasonally adjusted indexes comprise tables 9-A and 9-B respectively of the G12.3 Federal Reserve Board statistical release.
Department of Energy Federal Data Bases
* Electric Utilities Monthly Sales and Revenue Report (EIA-826), Current (PB88-217591/XDD) (See NTIS)
The purpose of Form EI-826 formerly FERC-5, Electric Utility Company Monthly Statement, is to collect data necessary to fulfill regulatory responsibility; identify near-term trends in energy use; and contingency analysis. The form is filed monthly by approximately 150 electric utilities. All privately owned electric utilities with annual electric operating revenues of $100,000,000 or more must respond. In addition, the sample includes other selected electric utilities. The reported data is expanded by factors, calculated using annual data from a previous period, to give electric sales data by state and sector. Other information collected includes data gathered on depreciation, construction, net income before taxes, and extraordinary items.
Department of Energy Federal Data Bases
* Electric Utilities Sales and Revenue Monthly Report (EIA-826), 1987 (PB89-113450/XDD) (See NTIS)
The purpose of Form EI-826 formerly FERC-5, Electric Utility Company Monthly Statement, is to collect data necessary to fulfill regulatory responsibility; identify near-term trends in energy use; and contingency analysis. The form is filed monthly by approximately 150 electric utilities. All privately owned electric utilities with annual electric operating revenues of $100,000,000 or more must respond. In addition, the sample includes other selected electric utilities. the reported data is expanded by factors, calculated using annual data from a previous period, to give electric sales data by state and sector. Other information collected includes data gathered on depreciation, construction, net income before taxes, and extraordinary items.
Department of Energy Federal Data Bases
* Electric Utility Company Monthly Statement, 1984 (EIA-826) (PB85-200384/XDD) (See NTIS)
The purpose of Form EIA-826 formerly FERC-5, Electric Utility Company Monthly Statement, is to collect data necessary to fulfill regulatory responsibility, identify near-term trends in energy use, and contingency analysis. This form is filed monthly by approximately 150 electric utilities. All privately owned electric utilities with annual electric operating revenues of $100,000,000 or more must respond. In addition, the sample includes other selected electric utilities. This reported data is expanded by factors, calculated using annual data from a previous period, to give electric sales data by state and sector. other information collected includes data gathered on depreciation, construction, net income before taxes, and extraordinary items. Electric Utility Company Monthly Statement, 1975-1983 (EIA-826) (PB86-151280/XDD), Electric Utility Company Monthly Statement, Monthly Cumulative for 1986 (EIA-826), Expanded Version (PB86-202769/XDD), Electric Utility Company Monthly Statement, 1985 (EIA-826) (PB86-211513/XDD), Electric Utility Company Monthly Statement, 1986 (EIA)-826) (PB88-220598/XDD).
Department of Energy Federal Data Bases
* End Use Energy Consumption Data Base: Transportation Sector; EIA Format (PB81-112161/XDD) (See NTIS)
In general, the End Use Energy Consumption Data Base includes estimates which simultaneously provide a breakdown of transportation fuel by mode, fuel type, sector, carrier, range, use, region and state for the years 1967 through 1976. The estimates are almost entire derived from data that has already been collected by government, trade association, or survey firms. Products of the data base are a report which contains methods, summary results and documentation for data tapes and retrieval programs; two data tapes, the EIA tape and the ORNL tape which contain the same data but are recorded in different formats; and a retrieval program tape and user's manual. The data tapes contain the results of all estimating methods developed as well as all totals that can be computed by summing the data over one or more breakdowns. The EIA tape records an energy consumption estimate for all years on a single record, whereas the ORNL tape devotes a separate record to each year. End Use Energy Consumption Data Base: Transportation Sector; ORNL Format (PB81-112195/XDD).
Department of Energy Federal Data Bases
* Energy Data Base (See NTIS)
This is a multidisciplinary file containing references to the world's scientific and technical literature on energy. It contains over 1 million citations with approximately 150,000 added annually. All unclassified information processed at the Office of Scientific and Technical Information of the Department of Energy is included. Subject coverage includes: fossil and synthetic fuels, renewable energy sources, nuclear energy, energy storage and conversion, advanced energy systems, energy policy, energy conservation and fusion energy. The following commercial data base vendors offer this data base online: DIALOG, Mead Data Central, and NERAC, Inc. (Batch processing only.)
Department of Energy Federal Data Bases
* FERC 11: Natural Gas Pipeline Co. Monthly Statement (January 1980-August 1983) (PB84-156025/XDD) (See NTIS)
The computer data tape specified herein contains four (4) files consisting of FERC Form-11 respondent data from Jan. 1980 through Aug. 1983. Each file is identical in format and consist of company revenue data, income data operation and maintenance data and other selected data. Revenue data is reported in thousands of dollars and sales volume data is reported in millions of cubic feet. These files will be updated each quarter to reflect company submission and filing errors found during data validation.
Department of Energy Federal Data Bases
* Fischer Assay Oil-Shale Data (1940-June 1983) (PB84-110881/XDD) (See NTIS)
The Fischer Assay procedure developed and standardized by the University of Wyoming Research Corporation (Laramie Energy Technology Center) is an empirical method of estimating the amount of oil which might be produce from a sample of oil-shale by some commercial process. Throughout the last 40 years wells have been drilled in the United States, primarily Colorado, Utah and Wyoming, which sampled the major oil-shale deposits. the Fischer Assay Oil-Shale Data Base contains the analyses of the samples taken from these wells. Each file int he data base corresponds to a well and its samples. There are approximately 1500 files in the data base. The record of each sample within a well (file) contains the following information: year of assay, beginning depth of the sample, ending depth of the sample, percent by weight of oil, percent by weight of water, percent by weight of spent shale, percent by weight of gas, loss, gallons per ton of oil, gallons per ton of water specific gravity, and tendency to coke.
Department of Energy Federal Data Bases
* FPC Form 67: Steam-Electric Plant Air and Water Quality Control Data (1974-1976) (PB83-257147/XDD) (See NTIS)
The data are all the information collected by FERC Form 67, Steam-Electric Plant Air and Water Quality Control Data, for the years 1974-1976 submitted by each plant operated by an electric utility with a steam-electric generating capacity of 25 megawatts or grea ter during the year covered. Part III data started in 1973. Files are organized by year.
Department of Energy Federal Data Bases
* GAMTAB; Radioactive-Decay Gamma-Ray Catalog (DE83048637/XDD) (See NTIS)
This package contains a two-part catalog of gamma rays emitted by nuclides in radioactive decay and a list of corresponding references. The first part lists the gamma rays in order of ascending energy. This listing consists of gamma-ray energy and uncertainty, abundance, half-life, production mode, and the energies of two of the more abundant associated gamma rays. The second part of the catalog lists up to 50 of the more abundant gamma rays for each nuclide. The listing for each nuclide includes half-life, production mode, possible genetic relationships, and references. This listing is followed by the energy, uncertainty in energy, and abundance of each gamma ray. References available through May 1973 corresponding to the reference keys listed for each nuclide in part 2 are listed as the third file. IBM360. (ERA citation 08:026954)
Department of Energy Federal Data Bases
* Generating Unit Reference File (GURF), 1900-1983 (available on diskette) (PB86-151602/XDD) (See NTIS)
Inventory of electric power-generating plants in the United States is provided, including existing, standby, out-of-service, retired and projected plants. The data are arranged in three separate sections: No. 1. CN6501.PRJ.GURF.Public Data, which contains individual unit data, No. 2. CN6501.PRJ.GURF.CIF.Data the company information file links the company identification code in file 1, No. 3. CN6501.PRJ.GURF.JOF.Data the jointly owned file links the jointly owned plant code in file 1. File No. 1, includes company identification number, county code, company name, unit identification and number, nameplate rate, type of unit, primary fuel consumed, alternate fuel capability, status date. File No. 2., includes company identification number, company mailing address, type of ownership, class of utility, and regional office are. file No. 3, includes company identification number, joint ownership code, and the companys' percentage share of unit capacity. The three files are linked through the company identification number. This particular version of the data file is contained on 5 1/4" floppy disks formatted for the IBM PC microcomputer and PC-compatible microcomputers.
Department of Energy Federal Data Bases
* Historical Plant Cost and Annual Production Expense, 1979-1984 (PB86-185873/XDD) (See NTIS)
Historical plant cost of selected hydroelectric, fossil-fueled steam electric, gas-turbine, and nuclear steam electric plants in commercial operation by electric utilities. It also shows the annual cost (exclusive of annual fixed charges) to electric utilities of producing electric power at these plants. These data are for plants that were selected mainly on the basis of their net generation. Data are for 100 percent of plant ownership unless indicated otherwise by a footnote. contains data on installed generating capacity, net generation, net capability, historical plant cost, production expenses, fuel consumption, physical and operating plant characteristics, and other relevant statistical information for selected plants. Data in the detailed plant-levels tables are arranged alphabetically by State, utility, and plant. Historical Plant Cost and Annual Production Expense, 1985 (PB88-100417/XDD).
Department of Energy Federal Data Bases
* Interstate Natural Gas Pipeline Companies/Historic. Form 2 (PB82-186131/XDD) (See NTIS)
This file presents financial and operational statistics of interstate natural gas pipeline companies in the United States and the District of Columbia. The data are tabulated from annual reports filed with the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) by 86 Class A and B companies (all interstate natural gas pipeline companies with annual gas operating revenues of $1 million or more). The summary section of the report reviews the more significant results of operations for covered companies. All data are for the most recent calendar year unless otherwise noted. Data includes the financial and operational balance sheet; income accounts; statement of changes in financial position; gas operating revenues, customers, and sale quantities; gas operation and maintenance expenses; data per type of utility plant; gas accounts; and physical quantities for gas reserves, storage gas, producing wells, and miles of pipeline. Included for each company is a record of investment tax credits generated and utilized since 1962, and gas prepayments and undelivered gas obligations for the most recent two years. For years 1964-1980.
Department of Energy Federal Data Bases
* Interstate Pipeline's Annual Report of Gas Supply, 1981-1983 (FERC-15) (PB85-128064/XDD) (See NTIS)
The computer data tape specified herein contains three files consisting of FERC-15 respondent data for years 1981 through 1983, respectively. Each file is identical in format and consists principally of reserves and production data reported in the Synopsis of Gas Supply, Schedule I,and Schedule II of the FERC-15. The Synopsis of Gas Supply and Schedule I contain summary level reserves and production data reflective of the detail information contained in Schedule II. The Synopsis of Gas Supply and Schedule I consists of a single page each. all volumes reported on these two forms are on a dry basis at a pressure base of 14.73 psi and 60 degrees Fahrenheit. Each unique source of supply is reported in Schedule II. the schedule II format allows a maximum of five unique sources to be reported on each page therefore, Schedule II submission may vary from one page to many. The data contained within each file are sorted ascendingly by company code, page number, and line number. Interstate Pipeline's Annual Report of Gas Supply, 1984 (FERC-15) (PB86-146222/XDD), Interstate Pipeline's Annual Report of Gas Supply, 1985 (FERC-15) (PB87-142444/XDD), Interstate Pipeline's Annual Report of Gas Supply, 1986 (FERC-15) (PB88-149562/XDD).
Department of Energy Federal Data Bases
* Interstate Pipeline's Annual Report of Gas Supply, 1981-1983 (FERC-15) (PB85-128064/XDD) (See NTIS)
The computer data tape specified herein contains three files consisting of FERC-15 respondent data for years 1981 through 1983, respectively. Each file is identical in format and consists principally of reserves $R+
* Shipment Data File
Mr. James J. Lacey, Coordinator
National Energy Technology Data Center
US Department of Energy
Pittsburgh Energy Technology Center
P.O. Box 10940, MS 58-105
Pittsburgh, PA 15236 (412) 892-6944
This system contains annual data on US utility coal shipments, covering 6 basic parameters including cost on all shipments from roughly 2000 coal mines to 405 electric plants.
Department of Energy Federal Data Bases
* Strategic Petroleum Reserve Program
Hal Delaplane
US Department of Energy
Forrestal Building, Room 3G-029
1000 Independence Avenue, S.W.
Washington, DC 20285 (202) 252-4730
The purpose of this program is to support agency's program in the Gulf of Mexico and to provide information related to environmental effects of ocean disposals of brine from salt used for oil storage. It contains information on biological, physical, chemical oceanographic parameters; regional shrimp fishery surveys, and biological modeling. Reports, data (hard copy or digital), and summaries are available.
Department of Energy Federal Data Bases
* Surface Mining and Land Reclamation Information System
Argonne National Laboratory
Environmental Impact Studies Division
9700 S. Cass Avenue
Argonne, IL 60439 (708) 972-3724
This is a System 2000 data base being developed to store and retrieve data from state on surface mining permit forms.
Department of Energy Federal Data Bases
* Transportation and Refining of International Petroleum (TRIP)
Dan Butler
Energy Markets and End Use Office
International and Contingency Information Division
Energy Information Administration
US Department of Energy
Washington, DC 20585 (202) 586-9503
This mainframe model is used to quantify the level of petroleum imports from OPEC and other sources for use in supply vulnerability analysis and to simulate supply interruption scenarios. The model is currently set up to simulate different cases for any given year from now to 1995 under a given demand scenario. The model calculates shortfalls in imports from each supply source, and simulates world trade before and during a supply interruption. This includes calculations for sharing or reallocating among International Energy Agency members in the event of an embargo. The model is available on tape from NEIC.
Department of Energy Federal Data Bases
* Transportation Information Management System (TIMS)
Battelle Human Affairs Research Center
4000 NE 41st Street
Seattle, WA 98105 (200) 525-3130
DOE is developing an issue management system for the high-level waste transportation program. This system, the Transportation Information Management System (TIMS), is designed to summarize and organize information about issues, organizations and events by abstracting appropriate documents. TIMS will contain pertinent information from DOE technical reports, other Federal documents, correspondence, professional journals, popular literature, newspapers, legislation and testimony.
Department of Energy Federal Data Bases
* Transportation Legislative Data Base (TLDB)
Richard Wood
Office of Transportation Systems and Planning
Battelle Project Management Division
505 King Avenue (614) 424-5606
Columbus, OH 43201-2693 FTS 976-5606
The TLDB is a comprehensive source of accurate, concise information on Federal and State regulation of radioactive materials transportation that is dedicated to serving the information needs of DOE, other Federal agencies, State, Tribal and local governments, the hazardous materials transportation industry and interested members of the general public. The following information products and services are produced utilizing information from the TLDB and are offered at no charge to interested organizations and individuals: Legal Developments Reports, Issue-Oriented Reports, Individual Responses to Specific Information Requests, Online Access.
Department of Energy Federal Data Bases
* Utility Data File
Mr. James J. Lacey, Coordinator
National Energy Technology Data Center
US Department of Energy
Pittsburgh Energy Technology Center
P.O. Box 10940, MS 58-105
Pittsburgh, PA 15236 (412) 892-6944
Sixteen parameters provide insight into the fossil fuel consumption, operational efficiency, and SO2 emissions of 1200 boilers at 450 US electric power plants. This is also known as the EIA "767" file.
Department of Energy Federal Data Bases
* Washability Data File
Mr. James J. Lacey, Coordinator
National Energy Technology Data Center
US Department of Energy
Pittsburgh Energy Technology Center
P.O. Box 10940, MS 58-105
Pittsburgh, PA 15236 (412) 892-6944
This system contains up to 312 washability parameters on 975 US coal samples, describing the beneficial effects of coal preparation technology.
Department of Energy Federal Data Bases
Energy Data Files Available from NTIS
National Technical Information Service
US Department of Commerce
Springfield, VA 22161
(703) 487-4807
FAX (703) 321-8547
Listed below are data files available from the National Technical Information Service. Call the office above for ordering and cost information.
Department of Energy Federal Data Bases
* Alternative Fuel Demand Due to Natural Gas Deficiencies/EIA-50 (April 1, 1981-March 21, 1982) (PB83-257162/XDD) (See NTIS)
This computer tape consists of four files. The files are broken into the Schedule 1C, Part II, Part 2 SUPP and Schedules. These files contain data relative to natural gas deliveries, deficiencies and alternative fuel demand due to deficiencies (for more specific content see the legend below. These data can be retrieved on a company and state basis, and can be shown on a sector by sector basis u.r., Residential, Utilities, Commercial, Industrial and other. Alternative Fuel Demand Due to Natural Gas Deficiencies/EIA-50 (April 1980-March 1980 (PB83-257154/XDD), Alternative Fuel Demand Due to Natural Gas Deficiencies, 1983 (EIA-50), Alternative Fuel Demand Due to Natural Gas Deficiencies, (EIA-50), April 1983-March 1984 (PB85-144772/XDD), Alternative Fuel Demand Due to Natural Gas Deficiencies, (EIA-50) April 1, 1984-March 31, 1985 (PB86-131018/XDD), Alternative Fuel Demand Due to Natural Gas Deficiencies, (EIA-50) (available on diskette) (PB87-222279/XDD).
Department of Energy Federal Data Bases
* Annual Electric Generator Report, 1986 (Form EIA-860) (PB88-161658/XDD) (See NTIS)
The product contains data on the status of electric generating plants and associated equipment in operation and those scheduled to be in operation within 20 years of the current reporting period, in the United States and Puerto Rico. The data are contained in three files: (2) Generator level data; (2) Plant level data; (3) Utility level data.
Department of Energy Federal Data Bases
* Annual Electric Utility Report, 1984 and 1985 (PB87-197125/XDD) (See NTIS)
The files contain 1984 and 1985 data from approximately 3200 electric utilities in the United States, its territories, or Puerto Rico. For the purpose of the reports, an electric utility is a corporation, person, agency, authority, or other legal entity or instrumentality that owns and/or operates facilities within the United States, its territories, or Puerto Rico for the generation, transmission, distribution, or sale of electric energy primarily for use by the public. Data include utility information and identification, peak loads, source and disposition of energy, revenues form utility and non-utility activities, sales of electric energy by state, and utility ownership. Annual Electric Utility Report, 1986 (PB88-172309/XDD).
Department of Energy Federal Data Bases
* Annual Survey of Domestic Oil and Gas Reserves, Extracted Data from Form EIA- 23: Operator/Address, (2981, 1984), Field Operator Data (1984) (PB86-130176/XDD) (See NTIS)
Operator. Data 82 Label 1-Extracted from Form EIA-23, Annual Survey of Domestic Oil and Gas Reserves, 1982, this field contains the State abbreviation, DOE field code and name of each large (Category I and II) operator operating in a particular field. Operator. Address. Data 82 Label 2-Extracted from Form EIA-23, Annual Survey of Domestic Oil and Gas Reserves, 1982, this file contains all probably known oil and gas operators sorted alphabetically. Field. Operator. Data 84 Label 3-Extracted from Form EIA-23, Annual Survey of Domestic Oil and Gas Reserves, 1984, this file contains the State abbreviation, DOE field code and name of each large (Category I and II) operator operating in a particular field. Operator. Address. Date 84 Label 4-Extracted from Form EIA-23, Annual Survey of Domestic Oil and Gas Reserves, 1984,this file contains all probable known oil and gas operators sorted alphabetically. Each record has the operator name, address with zip code, and size category.
Department of Energy Federal Data Bases
* Automated Energy Respondent Reporting System (AERRS) (See NTIS)
This system is designed to maintain and process name and address files for the coal survey conducted by the Energy Information Administration. Each survey has a unique file name. A portion of each file is standard - respondent name, address, phone number - among all surveys, allowing the same programs to update and generate standard outputs for all surveys. The system produces name and address printouts, a status of response report, and a non-respondent report. Contact Bruce Quaid, Survey Manager, Coal Division - Data Systems Branch, Energy Information Administration, Washington, DC 20585, (202) 254-5461, for content information.
Department of Energy Federal Data Bases
* Coal Consumption-Manufacturing Plants (See NTIS)
This information system provides a quarterly census of coal consumption by US manufacturing plants. The data are derived from coal receipts, consumption and stocks. Contact Bruce Quaid, Survey Manager, Coal Division - Data Systems Branch, Energy Information Administration, Washington, DC 20585, (202) 254-5461. for contenct information.
Department of Energy Federal Data Bases
* Coal Distribution Data, 1980-1986 (EIA Form 6) (PB87-203923/XDD) (See NTIS)
Includes information on the distribution (shipments in tons) of US coal by coal-producing district of origin, consumer end-use category state of destination and method of transportation. Destinations are domestic (by State) or foreign (the total amount of coal shipped for export. Data are reported quarterly. Data are collected from US companies that owned or purchased and distributed in excess of 50,000 tons of coal during a year. These companies include coal mining companies, wholesale coal dealers, and retail coal dealers. Coal Distribution Data, 1987 (EIA Form 6) (PB88-243134/XDD).
Department of Energy Federal Data Bases
domestic (by State) or foreignM PC microcomputer and PC-compatible microcomputers.
Department of Energy Federal Data Bases
* FPC Form 67: Steam-Electric
* National Institute for Petroleum and Energy Research (NIPER) Data Bases
National Institute for Petroleum and Energy Research (NIPER)
P.O. Box 2128
Bartlesville, OK 74005 (918) 337-4375
Data bases on crude oil analyses, alternative fuels, enhanced oil recovery are maintained, and the public has free access to them. Contact this office for more information and accessing information on the Institute's data bases.
Department of Energy Federal Data Bases
* National Solar Technical Audience File (NSTAF)
Solar Energy Research Institute
Suzanne Grundstrom
Technical Information Center
1617 Cole Blvd.
Golden, CO 80401 (303) 231-1921
The data base contains a list of 10,000 individuals who have indicated an interest in solar energy. The file can be searched by 13 technologies (i.e., alcohol fuels, biomass energy, photovoltaics). Upon request, SERI will add your name free of charge to the system. Staff also will do searches and supply a printout or mailing labels for a charge of $.07 per name.
Department of Energy Federal Data Bases
* National Uranium Resource Evaluation (NURE) Data Base
US Department of Energy
P.O. Box 2567
Grand Junction, CO 81502
US Geological Survey
EROS Data Center
Sioux Falls, SD 57198 (605) 594-6511 ext. 158
This consists of radiometric data from aerial surveys, magnetic data from aerial surveys, geochemical data from waters and sediments, raw spectral data, statistical and summary analysis of spectral data.
Department of Energy Federal Data Bases
* Natural Gas Division Management Information System (MIS)
Larine Moore
US Department of Energy
Natural Gas Division
Economic Regulatory Administration
1000 Independence Ave., SW
Washington, DC 20580 (202) 586-9478
This online system contains information about all US imports/exports of natural gas. Retrievable data include: a summary of contract terms for all current and pending import/export authorization, who is authorized and information about current cases. Case information includes importer/exporter, contract provisions, price, volume, point of entry, time frame of authorization, and more. It is updated continually. Searches and printouts are now available upon special request.
Department of Energy Federal Data Bases
* NOx Data File
Mr. James J. Lacey, Coordinator
National Energy Technology Data Center
US Department of Energy
Pittsburgh Energy Technology Center
P.O. Box 10940, MS 58-105
Pittsburgh, PA 15236 (412) 892-6944
This contains the 1985 estimate of US power plant NOx emissions, based upon fuel nitrogen content, and burner type.
Department of Energy Federal Data Bases
* Nuclear Operations Analysis Center Data Base
Nuclear Operations Analysis Center
Oak Ridge National Laboratory
P.O. Box 2009, Mail Stop 8065
Oak Ridge, TN 37831 (615) 574-0398
The data base contains a comprehensive file of US reactor operating events. These so-called Licensee Event Reports each contain about 1,800 descriptions of safety documents. The data base is searchable by keyword. It was started in 1965 and contains nearly 2,000 descriptions but the computerized system no longer is being updated. Searches are available free to government agencies and their contractors/grantees. Others are charged on a cost recovery basis. Utility companies can obtain free searches by contacting the Institute for Nuclear Power Operations in Atlanta, GA.
Department of Energy Federal Data Bases
* Nuclear Science Abstracts
DIALOG Information Services, Inc.
3460 Hillview Avenue
Palo Alto, CA 94304 (800) 334-2564
This contains comprehensive international information on nuclear science technology. Date of coverage: 1948-1976.
Department of Energy Federal Data Bases
* OCRWM Product Record System
US Department of Energy
Office of Civilian Radioactive Waste Management
ERAP/ISD (RW043)(Product Record System)
Washington, DC 20585 (202) 586-5722
The OCRWM Product Record System (PRS) is a computerized data base that provides access to a complete catalog of printed products, exhibits and audiovisual materials and a means for ordering desired OCRWM products. The Publications Catalog and the Audiovisual Directory are also maintained on the PRS. Users need a computer terminal or a personal computer and telephone modem. Each user will also be required to have a computer account and access code. For information on accessing the PRS, contact the above office.
Department of Energy Federal Data Bases
* Office of Scientific & Technical Information (OSTI)
Ms. M. C. Grissom
Office of Scientific & Technical Information (OSTI)
US Department of Energy
P.O. Box 62
Oak Ridge, Tennessee 37831 (615) 576-1175
This office manages information from DOE research, builds and maintains energy data bases, publishes energy information and develops specialized information products and services. It has complete files of energy technology information for DOE and other government agencies and maintains national and international sources of energy literature: types of energy (fossil, solar, nuclear, etc.); related technologies (environmental and biomedical sciences). Literature searches, abstracts, publications, data bases, summaries, computer programs and SDI services are all available.
Department of Energy Federal Data Bases
DIALOG Information Services, Inc.
3460 Hillview Avenue
Palo Alto, CA 94304 (800) 334-2564
This contains a complete text of news releases, mainly business and financial. Date of coverage: 1950-.
Department of Energy Federal Data Bases
* Production Data File
Mr. James J. Lacey, Coordinator
National Energy Technology Data Center
US Department of Energy
Pittsburgh Energy Technology Center
P.O. Box 10940, MS 58-105
Pittsburgh, PA 15236 (412) 892-6944
This system contains annual data on US coal production. It is also known as the EIA "7A" file.
Department of Energy Federal Data Bases
* Properties Data File
Mr. James J. Lacey, Coordinator
National Energy Technology Data Center
US Department of Energy
Pittsburgh Energy Technology Center
P.O. Box 10940, MS 58-105
Pittsburgh, PA 15236 (412) 892-6944
This system contains information on 568 US coal samples, covering up to 316 coal characteristic parameters including petrographic and trace element analyses.
Department of Energy Federal Data Bases
* Radioactive Materials Packaging Data Base (RAMPAC)
Science Applications International Corporation
P.O. Box 2501
800 Oak Ridge Turnpike
Oak Ridge, TN 37831 (615) 482-9031
RAMPAC was developed to organize information on packaging from three government agencies into a computerized data base. RAMPAC contains descriptive entries of packaging models certified by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC), DOE and those covered by a US Department of Transportation (DOT) Certificate of Competent Authority for international shipments. With the information available from this data base, users can determine which packaging can be used to transport specific materials, and/or obtain information on certificates such as expiration dates and other users of the packaging, as well as specific information on the packaging design and usage. RAMPAC includes information on over 650 packagings, and the data for each entry may include the following information: certificate number; the type of packaging (Type A, B or S); the fissile class of the materials the package may carry; the kind of packaging (drum, cask, etc.); the authorized contents (e.g., irradiated fuel, plutonium special form); the gross weight; the payload; the mode of transport allowed (air, highway, rail, water); cavity dimensions; exterior dimensions; the model name of the packaging; the type of license issued; the issue and expiration dates of the certificate; package shielding; package contents; and potential contacts for the packaging.
Department of Energy Federal Data Bases
* Remote Bulletin Board System
US Department of Energy-Germantown
Washington, DC 20545 Data: (301) 353-4892
Voice: (301) 353-2500
DOE RBBS offers information and public domain utility software for microcomputer users. RBBS allows users to look at bulletins and listings, download information, and post or read messages. 8:30 am to 5:00 pm, Monday-Friday.
Department of Energy Federal Data Bases
* Reserve Data File
Mr. James J. Lacey, Coordinator
National Energy Technology Data Center
US Department of Energy
Pittsburgh Energy Technology Center
P.O. Box 10940, MS 58-105
Pittsburgh, PA 15236 (412) 892-6944
This is a characterization of US coal seams via 15 parameters for 1431 averaged samples, including estimated coal reserves at 1974. It is also known as the "Demonstrated Reserve Base".
Department of Energy Federal Data Bases
* Residential Energy Conservation Data Base
Office of Energy Markets and End Use
Energy End Use Division
Energy Information Administration
US Department of Energy
1000 Independence Ave., SW, Room 1F-093
Washington, DC 20585 (202) 586-1122
The data base, Technical Documentation, 1984 Residential Energy Consumption Survey and 1985 Residential Transportation Energy Consumption Survey, contains data concerning energy consumption in the US residential sector. The RECS data file contains basic data concerning housing unit characteristics, including weather and weighing variables. The file contains 5,611 sample households from the contiguous US representing 85.8 million weighted households. The 1985 RTECS data provide information on how energy is used in households for personal transportation based on the number and type of vehicles per household and, for each vehicle, annual miles traveled, gallons of fuel consumed, type of fuel used, price paid for fuel, and vehicle miles-per-gallon. Contact this office for more information on these data bases.
Department of Energy Federal Data Bases
e "Demonstrated Reserve Base".
Department of Energy Federal Data Bases
* Residential Energy Conservation Data Base
Office of Energy Markets and End Use
* Energy Industry Financial Reporting System
National Energy Information Center
US Department of Energy
1000 Independence Ave., SW
Washington, DC 20585 (202) 586-1441
This system will support a wide range of studies concerning the competitive structure and financial performance of energy companies. The financial reports for each company provide data on revenues, profits, cash flows, and investments. The Economic and Statistics Division will search the file for non-sensitive data for qualified users at a cost recovery basis.
Department of Energy Federal Data Bases
* Environmental Mutagen, Carcinogen and Teratogen Information Program
Environmental Mutagen, Carcinogen & Teratogen Information Program
Oak Ridge National Laboratory
P.O. Box 2008, Bldg. 2001
Oak Ridge, TN 37831-6050 (615) 574-7871
The EMCT Information Department maintains a data base with technically-indexed master files available from the National Library of Medicine's TOXLINE, related EMCT in-house files, and indexed bibliographies. The bibliographic files contain information about worldwide literature evaluating the mutagenic, carcinogenic, and/or teratogenic potential of environmental agents such as food and food additives, drugs, and agricultural and industrial chemicals. In-house files include: the Environmental Information Center Mutagen File containing information on 20,000 chemical agents and reports relating to teratogenic potential of dietary deficiencies and chemical, physical and biological agents in vertebrates; Environmental Carcinogenesis Information Center File containing a collection of information on chemically and physically induced vivo and in vitro carcinogenesis; Evaluated Data File from each Center; an Agent Registry File with preferred names and synonyms, Chemical Abstracts Service Registry Numbers, and Wiswesser line formula notations; the Animal Information File, with data on colony origins, tumor incidence, genetic and physiologic characteristics of research animals; and an Aneuploidy File with data on mechanisms of aneuploid induction, assay system, for its detection, inductions by environmental agents, and its significance in human disease. All of these files are linked and can be searched on an in-house computer system for environmental agents, organisms tested, assay systems, or any one of many other fields. The EMCT data files are updated regularly. Searches of EMCT's data base files are available free of charge and are done on a time available basis. The Center's main data bases EMIC and ETIC are part of the National Library of Medicine's (NLM) TOXLINE and TOXNET system.
Department of Energy Federal Data Bases
* Federal Energy Regulatory Commission Issuance Posting System (CIPS)
Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
Washington, DC 20426 Data: (202) 357-8997
Voice: (202) 357-5570
CIPS provides the full text of the FERC daily issuances, press releases, the Commission agenda, and a daily listing of all filings made to the Commission. 23 hours/day (down 8 am - 9 am) Monday - Friday. Sysop: Sid Barinder.
Department of Energy Federal Data Bases
Michael Morgan
Federal Information Exchange
13230 Executive Park Terrace
Germantown, MD 20874 (301) 353-9537
FEDIX is a system of online data bases providing information on Federal Government programs of interest to colleges and universities. The system currently contains information on the Department of Energy's energy-related equipment program, DOE research and development programs, faculty/student education programs, and DOE's minority assistance programs. DOE's sub-system is referred to as DOEINFO.
Department of Energy Federal Data Bases
Office of Fossil Energy
US Department of Energy Data: (202) 586-6496
Washington, DC 20585 Voice: (202) 586-6503
FE TELENEWS is a free online service for coal, oil, gas and petroleum reserves information, including news announcements, congressional testimony, fact sheets, speeches, federal research and development programs facts. A free user guide is available from TELENEWS Staff, FE-10, Room 4G-085 at the above address. 24 hours/day, 7 days/week.
Department of Energy Federal Data Bases
* Generating Unit Reference File (GURF)
National Energy Information Center
US Department of Energy
1000 Independence Ave., SW (202) 586-6535
Washington, DC 20585 or (202) 586-8800
This data base contains the physical characteristics of all existing and currently planned electrical generating units in the United States. The system maintains such information as power plants per utility by type of unit, power source, and capacity. Computer tapes are available for a small fee to cover costs. Customized computer listings are available upon request.
Department of Energy Federal Data Bases
* Highway
Transportation Technology Group
Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Mail Stop 227, Building 4505
P.O. Box 2008
Oak Ridge, TN 37831-6227 (615) 576-2068
Highway provides a flexible tool for predicting highway routes for transporting radioactive materials in the United States. The Highway data base is essentially a computerized road atlas that currently describes over 245,000 miles of highways, identifying some 20,100 highway segments which connect approximately 13,200 intersections. The data base includes a description of the Interstate Highway System and essentially all US highways. Most of the principal State highways and a number of local and county highways are also identified. Recent additions to the data base include the locations of nuclear facilities and major airports. Highway's normal output includes a brief summary showing the origin, destination, departure and arrival times, estimated driving time and total distance for a given route. Mileage driven in each State is also listed along with the mileage traveled on the various highway types. Even more detailed information can be obtained when needed.
Department of Energy Federal Data Bases
* Historical Data Base for Tornadic Storms
Argonne National Laboratory
Environmental Impact Studies Division
9700 S. Cass Avenue
Argonne, IL 60439 (708) 972-3759
This is a numerical data base of all reported tornado occurrences in the US since 1951. It includes, where known, "FPP."
Department of Energy Federal Data Bases
* Historical Data Base of All Weather Stations in the USA
Argonne National Laboratory
Environmental Impact Studies Division
9700 S. Cass Avenue
Argonne, IL 60439 (708) 972-3759
This system contains three hour reports of weather conditions at all class "A" stations 1949-1976.
Department of Energy Federal Data Bases
* Information on Nuclear Sites
Argonne National Laboratory
Environmental Impact Studies Division
9700 S. Cass Avenue
Argonne, IL 60439 (708) 972-3724
This is a system to support efforts of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) to develop site evaluation guidelines, to establish a general base of information for use by the NRC in other regulatory activities.
Department of Energy Federal Data Bases
* Integrated Technical Information System (ITIS)
Office of Science and Technical Information
US Department of Energy
P.O. Box 62
Oak Ridge, TN 37831 (615) 576-1272
The Integrated Technical Information System (ITIS), an online system developed by the DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information, provides access to DOE data bases and electronic mail service among DOE and contractor offices. Data bases available on ITIS include the most recent 12 months of the Energy Data Base, reports Holding File, DOE Research in Progress, National Energy Software, etc. ITIS, which was established when DOE/RECON was discontinued in 1986, is available only to DOE and contractor employees.
Department of Energy Federal Data Bases
* Interline
Transportation Technology Group
Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Mail Stop 227, Building 4505
P.O. Box 2008
Oak Ridge, TN 37831-6227 (615) 576-2068
Interline is an interactive program designed to simulate routing practices on the US rail system. Because the rail industry is divided into a large number of independent competing companies, Interline divides the US rail network into 95 separate subnetworks to better simulate the routing practices of an individual company. An important element of the data base is a file indicating where traffic may move from one rail line to another. This information is important because transfers between railroads involve additional cost and delay. The data base assigns penalties to these transfer points to replicate the tendency to keep traffic on a single railroad's lines when possible.
Department of Energy Federal Data Bases
* International Data File
Mr. James J. Lacey, Coordinator
National Energy Technology Data Center
US Department of Energy
Pittsburgh Energy Technology Center
P.O. Box 10940, MS 58-105
Pittsburgh, PA 15236 (412) 892-6944
This contains international coal characteristics information, 6 parameters, 909 samples.
Department of Energy Federal Data Bases
* Joint Petroleum Reporting System
US Department of Energy
Energy Information Administration
Washington, DC 20585 (202) 586-4361
This is a microdata file comprised of records, each corresponding to a US petroleum refinery, which contain data on the production, stocks, receipts, inputs and shipments or crude oil and petroleum products and related data items. File is not distributed for outside use due to the possible disclosure of confidential information. Special tabulations may be prepared.
Department of Energy Federal Data Bases
* Levelized Nuclear Fuel Cost Model (LNFCC-PC)
Laurence Sanders
Nuclear and Alternative Fuel Division
Energy Information Administration
1000 Independence Ave., SW
Washington, DC 20585 (202) 586-1268
This Department of Energy model estimates the cost of commercial nuclear reactor fuel for all cycle services from natural uranium through the enrichment services fabrication to spent fuel disposition. The model is self documenting, in that the parameters are initially listed with their default values, and the user is asked to specify name and values to the parameters. It is designed purely as an accounting model. Inputs can be categorized by 1) physical characteristics of the reactor and fuels design, 2) physical and engineering characteristics of the fuel processing, and 3) unit prices for fuel cycle services. The model is available for use on an IBM PC. Contact Mr. Sanders to obtain the model.
Department of Energy Federal Data Bases
* National Energy Technology Data Center
Mr. James J. Lacey, Coordinator
National Energy Technology Data Center
US Department of Energy
Pittsburgh Energy Technology Center
P.O. Box 10940, MS 58-105
Pittsburgh, PA 15236 (412) 892-6944
The National Energy Technology Data Center performs computer-related studies and information management services in support of the Pittsburgh Energy Technology Center's lead program areas. The data center's staff can manipulate each of these data files to present pertinent information in a variety of formats. A bibliographic data base has also been assembled, cataloging nearly 100,000 documents. All technology areas are covered. The data base allows for computer-searching and fast retrieval of DOE/PETC sponsored research reports, as well as items of historical significance in the field of coal utilization technology. To maximize efficiency, and to avoid unnecessary duplication, the data center cooperates with outside data bases. These include organizations such as the US Energy Information Administration, the US Geological Survey and DOE's Office of Scientific and Technical Information. This cooperation has had the effect of creating an extensive energy information network, in furtherance of the Federal government's technology transfer mission. If you need coal-related information, please feel free to contact the data center by writing to the address above.
Department of Energy Federal Data Bases
* National Energy Technology Data Center
Mr. James J. Lacey, Coordinator
National Energy Technology Data Center
US Department of Energy
Pittsburgh Energy Technology Center
P.O. Box 10940, MS 58-105
Pittsburgh, PA 15236 (412) 892-6944
The National Energy Technology Data Center performs computer-related stuoal characteristic parameters including petrographic and trace
Department of Energy Federal Dat
Energy Federal Data Bases
* Acid Deposition Data Network (ADDNET) Data Base
US Department of Energy
Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Box X, Building 1505
Oak Ridge, TN 37831 (615) 574-7819
This is an integrated data base containing 65 data files and 1200 variables. It contains the following certified data sets: ambient ozone concentrations; acid deposition system, NAPAP emissions inventory; historic emissions of sulphur dioxide and acidification chemistry information data base; soils; fish information network, Adirondack watershed data. Data base contains 2-3 million records with projected growth of 50% over next four years. File structure is sequential (SAS format) and requires est. 10,000 MB storage. Data available on 9 track tape, 1600 or 6250 bpi labelled or unlabelled, blocked, EBCDIC or ASCII or SAS format, fixed record length. It is also available on 5 1/4" floppy disk or in listing format.
Department of Energy Federal Data Bases
ble @
Department of Energy Federal Dat
Federal Election Commission
National Foundation on the Arts
Securities and Exchange Commissi
* Airport
Transportation Technology Group
Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Mail Stop 227, Building 4505
P.O. Box 2008
Oak Ridge, TN 37831-6227 (615) 576-2068
Airport is an airport locator program developed to provide DOE quick access to emergency response information in responding to incidents that may involve radioactive materials. The program includes a data base listing approximately 800 commercial and military airports in the continental United States that could be used in transporting specialized equipment and/or personnel to a particular site. The data base includes a description of the major runways at each airport, including information on geographic coordinates, instrument approach capabilities and length, width, surface and weight-bearing capacity of runways. If desired, several constraints specifying airport capabilities can be included, and only the airports which satisfy these constraints will be reported. The user-specified constraints may include minimum runway length, instrument approach capability and aircraft landing weight.
Department of Energy Federal Data Bases
* Annual Petroleum Supply Reporting System
National Energy Information Center
US Department of Energy
Room 1F-048
Washington, DC 20585 (202) 586-8800
This system assembles statistical data on an annual basis on liquid hydrocarbon products. It provides data measuring current and sustainable capacity of the significant facilities at all refineries located in the United States, and US Territories. Data are collected on type of plant, storage capacity by product, type of refining facility and capacity. Historical data are available from 1970 to present in automated form.
Department of Energy Federal Data Bases
* Carbon Dioxide Bibliographic Information System
Raymond Millemann
Carbon Dioxide Information Center (CDIC)
Oak Ridge National Laboratory
P.O. Box 200B, Building 1000
Oak Ridge, TN 37831-6335 (615) 574-0390
CDIC maintains a specialized bibliographic data base on carbon dioxide and climate. Subject areas covered include: carbon cycling, carbon dioxide, and climate. (Note: the Center is in the process of putting online an inventory of numeric data for carbon dioxide research). CDBIS contains more than 9900 citations. The Center currently conducts searches free of charge. Written requests are preferred and letters should be specific. The system is now available on DOE-RECON (described later).
Department of Energy Federal Data Bases
* Coal Data Base for Bureau of Mines Reserve and Analytic Data
Argonne National Laboratory
Environmental Impact Studies Division
9700 S. Cass Avenue
Argonne, IL 60439
Analytic data coals in locations throughout the US as well as data on known coal reserves, also in the US data base is accessible in a batch environment. A smaller, interactive version is also available with IBM's TSO command language.
Department of Energy Federal Data Bases
* Coal Use Technology Data Base
Pittsburgh Energy Technology Center
P.O. Box 10940
Pittsburgh, PA 15236 (412) 892-6144
Contact this office for information on its data base on emerging coal use technologies.
Department of Energy Federal Data Bases
* Conservation and Renewable Energy Iniquity and Referral Service (CEIRS)
Paul Coombs
Renewable Energy Center
Box 8900
Silver Spring, MD 20907
CEIRS provides information on basic aspects of renewable energy technologies and energy conservation. The data base covers active and passive solar energy, wind, fuel efficiency, wood heating, ocean energy, geothermal energy, alcohol fuels, comparisons of energy sources, and much more. Designed to help staff answer public inquiries, CEIRS contains standardized responses to the most frequently asked questions, bibliographic citations and abstracts, and referrals to appropriate public and private organizations. While staff uses the CEIRS data base to respond to public inquiries, they do not perform specialized searches.. The Center has prepared bibliographies on 50 different topics numerous fact sheets and documents for public use. All services and materials are available free of charge.
Department of Energy Federal Data Bases
* Controlled Fusion Atomic Data Center Bibliographic Data Base
Ron Phaneuf
P.O. Box 2008
Controlled Fusion Atomic Data Center
Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Building 6003
Oak Ridge, TN 38371-6372 (615) 574-4700
The CFADC maintains a computerized data base with bibliographic information, including abstracts and evaluations, on more than 120 fusion-related numeric journals. Searches can be done by author, reactants, and reaction process. Started in 1950, the data base currently contains 200,000 records. It is updated daily. Simple searches are done free of charge. The data base is not available on any other system.C
Department of Energy Federal Data Bases
* County Level Data
US Department of Energy
Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL)
P.O. Box X, Building 1505
Oak Ridge, TN 37831 (615) 574-7819
Data base contains a single representative county value for these categories: agriculture--crop and livestock sales, yields, etc. Base data--state and county names, federal and state landownership, etc. Climate--monthly average (temperature, precipitation), growing season length, etc. Vegetation--tree species ranges, potential and adjusted vegetation, etc. Forestry--major types, sawtimber volumes, growing stock volumes. Data format is tabular--statistical analysis system (SAS) format.
Department of Energy Federal Data Bases
* Crude Oil Production
Bartlesville Project Office
US Department of Energy
P.O. Box 1398
Bartlesville, OK 74001 (918) 336-2400
This Center is involved with research and engineering in petroleum and natural gas, including the improvement and demonstration of technologies in exploration, producing, refining, and use. A data base on crude oil production and marketed fuel properties is also maintained. Contact this office for information on the data base.
Department of Energy Federal Data Bases
* Data Base of Historical and Archaeological Sites in the USOC
Argonne National Laboratory
Environmental Impact Studies Division
9700 S. Cass Avenue
Argonne, IL 60439 (708) 972-3724
This contains digital Data; primary use of this data base is in the assessment of environmental impacts of accidents, construction and operation of nuclear facilities. It also consists of all the historical and archaeological sites listed in the federal register over the past 20 years.
Department of Energy Federal Data Bases
* Decommissioning Nuclear Facilities
Remedial Action Program Information Center
Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL)
P.O. Box 2008, Building 2001
Oak Ridge, TN 37831-6050 (615) 576-0568
The Nuclear Facility Decommissioning and Site Remedial Action data base serves as a comprehensive source of technical information relevant to the DOE Remedial Action Program, under which nuclear facilities are decommissioned and cleaned up. Computerized literature searches of RAPIC data bases are available upon request at no charge.
Department of Energy Federal Data Bases
* Duct Survey Data File
Mr. James J. Lacey, Coordinator
National Energy Technology Data Center
US Department of Energy
Pittsburgh Energy Technology Center
P.O. Box 10940, MS 58-105
Pittsburgh, PA 15236 (412) 892-6944
This system contains information on the ductwork of 340 coal-fired utility boilers in the US, to assess the retrofit feasibility of duct injection technology for SO2 control.
Department of Energy Federal Data Bases
* EDB (DOE Energy Data Base)
DIALOG Information Services, Inc.
3460 Hillview Avenue
Palo Alto, CA 94304 (800) 334-2564
This contains international literature on energy and related fields. Date of coverage: 1974.
Department of Energy Federal Data Bases
* Eligible Equipment Grant Access Data System (EEGADS)
Dr. Larry Barker
ER-44 FORSTL, 3F-061
US Department of Energy
Washington, DC 20585 (202) 586-8947
EEGADS provides data on the grants of used energy-related laboratory equipment to universities, colleges and other non-profit educational institutions for use in energy-oriented educational programs. Included are a general overview of program requirements; information on eligibility; mailing addresses for equipment items at various DOE facilities; terms and conditions of grants awarded under the program; and guidelines for developing a proposal for submission to the program. For technical assistance in accessing the system, call (301) 353-9542, Monday through Friday, 8:30am to 4;30pm. A User's Guide is available. The computer (data) access telephone number is (301) 353-9520.
Department of Energy Federal Data Bases
* Eligible Equipment Grant Access Data System (EEGADS)
Dr. Larry Barker
ER-44 FORSTL, 3F-061
US Department of Energy
Washington, DC 20585 (202) 586-8947
EEGADS provides data on the grants of used energy-related laboratory equipment to universities, colleges and other non-profit educational institutions for
* School District Reference File
US Department of Education
National Center for Education Statistics
Washington, DC 20202
This is a geographic reference file which is comprised of records, each corresponding to a school district and related census bureau statistical area. Data items include census and school district geocodes, type of school and area percentage. File contains fixed-length records.
Department of Education Federal Data Bases
* State Non-Fiscal Reports on Public Elementary and Secondary Education, Fall 1983 through Fall 1986
Education Information Branch
Information Services
Office of Educational Research and Improvement
US Department of Education
555 New Jersey Ave., NW (800) 424-1616
Washington, DC 20208-5641 (202) 626-9854
This contains State aggregate data on public school staff, student membership, and high school graduates for school years 1983-84 through 1986-87. Data are from the 50 States, the District of Columbia, and outlying areas under US jurisdiction.
Department of Education Federal Data Bases
* State Summary of School District Finance
Education Information Branch
Information Services
Office of Educational Research and Improvement
US Department of Education
555 New Jersey Ave., NW (800) 424-1616
Washington, DC 20208-5641 (202) 626-9854
This file includes State summary information for aggregate public school revenues, current expenditures, and average daily attendance, as reported by Local Education Agencies. The file contains data from all 50 States, the District of Columbia, and outlying areas for fiscal years 1983, 1984 and 1985.
Department of Education Federal Data Bases
* Statewide Higher Education Desegregation Study
William L. Smith
Acting Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights
US Department of Education
400 Maryland Ave., SW
Washington, DC 20202 (202) 732-1213
This data base includes annual reports for 13 states that have made progress in implementing their Statewide Higher Education Desegregation Plans. The states are Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Virginia, Oklahoma, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Texas, West Virginia, Missouri, Kentucky and Maryland. These plans are gradually expiring. There are two states (Maryland and the University of North Carolina) remaining in the 1988-89 Survey. The system includes three million entries. Searches and printouts are not available but annual reports by state can be obtained at a charge of $.10 per photocopied page. Tapes cost between $30.00 and $50.00.#
Department of Education Federal Data Bases
* Table Print File
Education Information Branch
Information Services
Office of Educational Research and Improvement
US Department of Education
555 New Jersey Ave., NW (800) 424-1616
Washington, DC 20208-5641 (202) 626-9854
This file contains approximately 40 pages of tabular summaries of all 1980 Census data for each local school district. The data is available only in printed form and by individual school district.
Department of Education Federal Data Bases
* Tate Summary of Non-Fiscal Data 1983-85
Education Information Branch
Information Services
Office of Educational Research and Improvement
US Department of Education
555 New Jersey Ave., NW (800) 424-1616
Washington, DC 20208-5641 (202) 626-9854
This file contains State summary non-fiscal data for all 50 States, the District of Columbia, and the outlying areas. Data include enrollment, by grade level; number of teaching, administrative and support staff; and the number of graduates in the previous year.
Department of Education Federal Data Bases
* Teacher Demand and Shortage 1983-84
Education Information Branch
Information Services
Office of Educational Research and Improvement
US Department of Education
555 New Jersey Ave., NW (800) 424-1616
Washington, DC 20208-5641 (202) 626-9854
Data items include: headcount figures for position openings; positions unfilled; new and continuing certified and uncertified teachers employed; full-time-equivalent figures for employed teachers who were certified or uncertified within assignment fields; and candidate shortages by subject area and instructional level.
Department of Education Federal Data Bases
* US Department of Education Contracts Information System
Delevay Miner
Management Analyst
O.M. Grants and Contracts Service
US Department of Education
Mail Stop 3341
Washington, DC 20202 (202) 732-2804
The system contains a list of contracts awarded by the Department. Records are kept on contracts from 1980 to 1985 that exceed $10,000 and on contracts since 1986 that exceed $25,000.00. Retrievable information includes the name of the contractor, purpose of the contract, the period of performance and the amount of the award. Pre-formatted printouts are available free of charge. Some of the data can be searched by state or by contractor's name. Only written requests accepted for copies of actual documents, but you can call to determine if a specific organization has contracted with the Department.
Department of Education Federal Data Bases
* US Department of Education Investigative Case Tracking System
John Hendrickson
Office of the Inspector General
US Department of Education
330 C St., SW
Washington, DC 20202-1510 (202) 205-8772
The system contains data on criminal cases and criminal allegations involving all federal education programs. Many of the investigations pertain to possible abuses in the government's student loan and college air programs. Records are kept of allegations, criminal cases and their outcomes. Statistics on the number of ongoing investigations, the number of indictments and other relevant information are maintained. The information dates back to 1980 and is updated daily. Semi-annual reports containing statistical information are available free of charge. Staff will share other statistical data but will not release information about specific cases.
Department of Education Federal Data Bases
* Veterans Cost-of-Instruction Payments
Neil McArthur
US Department of Education
400 Maryland Ave., SW, Room 3022
Washington, DC 20202 (202) 732-4406
This system contains data on the veteran enrollment at institutions of higher education and information about veterans affairs offices, tutorial and remedial services and other programs for veterans who are educationally or physically handicapped. Information on legislation that affects this program are also included in this file. The data base dates back to 1983 and contains over 10,000 records. It can be searched by geographic location, the amount of money spent at the institution and also bill number. Extracted information may be available upon request (up to 700 institutions in the past).
Department of Education Federal Data Bases
* Vocational Education Civil Rights Survey
William Smith
Acting Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights
US Department of Education
400 Maryland Ave., SW
Washington, DC 20202
VECRS contains data on racial, ethnic, sex and handicapped makeup on institutions providing vocational education programs. The system contains 7,000 records. Statistics are available for 1979 and 1984 but there is no fixed date for future surveys. Printouts containing state and national summaries are available at a basic charge of $.10 per photocopied page. Only written requests accepted.
Department of Education Federal Data Bases
* Vocational Rehabilitation Case Service Report
John Chapman
Rehabilitation Services Administration
Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services
US Department of Education
330 C St., SW
Washington, DC 20202 (202) 732-1290
This data base contains information on individuals who participated in the State Federal Program of Vocational Rehabilitation, but for one reason or another, have dropped out, in some cases because the individual successfully completed the job training program. The file contains information on each closed case including the age, sex, race, marital and economic status of the individual. Information is also available on the dates the person was active in the program, the person's occupation and the services he or she received. Staff will delete social security numbers from the cases if requests are made for information from this file. The file dates back to 1971 and contains approximately 700,000 cases that are closed each year. The data base can be searched by state agency, by target group (such as blind or deaf), by age and other ways. Tapes, printouts and annual reports are available free of charge.
Washington, DC 20202 (202) 732-1402This system contains aggregate information on the clients who have applied to participate in State-Federal program of Vocational Rehabilitation. Statistics are maintained on the number of applicants, the number who had applied previously, the number applying for the first time, the number accepted and rejected, and the number of pending applications. Information is also available on the number of individuals who were rehabilitated, those unsuccessful in this jobs training program for the disabled, and the total served as well as the number of participants severely handicapped. The system stores information on 1.4 million applicants who apply for services each year dating back to 1982. Annual reports and printouts are free.
Department of Education Federal Data Bases
@ - Education Data Files Available from the National Archives
Margaret Adams
Archives Specialist
Reference Service
Center for Electronic Records (NNXA)
National Archives and Records Administration
8th and Pennsylvania Ave., NW
Washington, DC 20408
(202) 523-6771
The following list is a subset of electronic data sets (i.e., computer-readable data files) in the custody of the National Archives and Records Administration. The standard charge for a copy of an electronic data set (one data set not to exceed one magnetic reel of output) is $90. Ordering information is available upon request. For further information please contact the office above.
* Academic Areas, 1969-1984
* Compensatory Education Roster
* Comprehensive Test of Basic Skills General Analysis File (Spring)
* Comprehensive Test of Basic Skills Handovr Files (Below-Level Reading: Spring)
* Comprehensive Test of Basic Skills Handovr Files (At-Level Math: Fall)
* Comprehensive Test of Basic Skills Handovr Files (At-Level Reading: Spring)
* Comprehensive Test of Basic Skills Handovr Files (Below-Level Math: Spring)
* Comprehensive Test of Basic Skills Handovr Files (Below-Level Math: Fall)
* Comprehensive Test of Basic Skills General Analysis File (Fall)
* Comprehensive Test of Basic Skills Handovr Files (At-Level Reading: Fall)
* Comprehensive Test of Basic Skills Handovr Files (Below-Level Reading: Fall)
* Comprehensive Test of Basic Skills Handovr Files (At-Level Math: Spring)
* District Questionnaires
* Effects of Coaching on Standardized Admission Examinations (Effect of Coaching), 1974-1977 Study
* Elementary and Secondary School Civil Rights Survey, 1968-1976
* Equality of Education Opportunity Study, 1966
* Higher Education Civil Rights Survey, 1968-1978
* Household Information Questionnaire
* National Assessment of Educ. Prog. Sample Surveys of 9/13/17 Yr Olds & Adults, Varied Safe School Study Data, 1976-1977
* Practical Achievement Scale
* Principal Questionnaire* Student Background Checklist
* School Characteristics File
* Student Participation and Attendance Record-Reading/Math Spring
* Student-School Linkages
* Student-Teacher Linkage Roster
* Summer Activity Slipsheet
* Sustaining Effects Study, 1975-1979
* Teacher Questionnaires
Department of Education Federal Data Bases
Education Data File Available from NTIS
National Technical Information Service
US Department of Commerce
Springfield, VA 22161
(703) 487-4807
FAX (703) 321-8547
Listed below is a data file available from the National Technical Information Service. Call the office above for ordering and cost information.
Department of Education Federal Data Bases
* Ethnic Minorities IQ Data File (PB-265 813/6/XDD) (See NTIS)
The data for the Ethnic Minority IQ file was collected primarily from individual student records in schools and boards of education in communities across the country. Some of the data items collected were sex, date of birth, ethnicity of student and of father and mother, student test data, and father and mother's birthplace and occupation. Among general problems associated with collecting thedata were (1) determining of the ethnicity of the students where such data were not available in the school records, (2) selecting among IQ scores where several were available, and (3) determining the occupational category of the student's parents from their job descriptions, where the latter were available. These problems were resolved and are discussed in a paper made available with the data file.
Department of Education Federal Data Bases
ion Service
US Department of Commerce
Springfield, VA 22161
(703) 487-4807
FAX (703) 321-8547
Listed below is a data file available from the National Technical Information Service. Call the office above for ordering and cost information.
Department of Education Federal Data Bases
* Public and Private School Libraries and Media Centers 1985-86
Education Information Branch
Information Services
Office of Educational Research and Improvement
US Department of Education
555 New Jersey Ave., NW (800) 424-1616
Washington, DC 20208-5641 (202) 626-9854
The public school data was augmented to provide estimates, by State Media Center data, collected from school librarians, include information on library staff, expenditures, collections, services, usage, technology, and facilities. Ninety-three percent of public schools and seventy-five percent of private schools had media centers.
Department of Education Federal Data Bases
* Public Elementary and Secondary School Revenues and Current Expenditures FY 87: Final Data; and FY 86: Revised Final Data
Education Information Branch
Information Services
Office of Educational Research and Improvement
US Department of Education
555 New Jersey Ave., NW (800) 424-1616
Washington, DC 20208-5641 (202) 626-9854
Tape includes revenues by local, State, Intermediate and Federal sources, and current expenditures by the categories of instruction, support services, and non-instructional services. The tape also provides data on average daily attendance and on fixed charges.
Department of Education Federal Data Bases
* Public Libraries (LIBGIS)
Education Information Branch
Information Services
Office of Educational Research and Improvement
US Department of Education
555 New Jersey Ave., NW (800) 424-1616
Washington, DC 20208-5641 (202) 626-9854
This is a stratified random sample of 1,349 public libraries in the US and outlying areas. Includes name and location of service outlets, population of area served, number of volumes of books and serial stocked, circulation, number of interlibrary bulk loans, number of positions filled by library staff, operating receipts, and expenditures during the fiscal year. Years available are FY 1974, FY 1978 and FY 1982.
Department of Education Federal Data Bases
* Public Libraries Universe
Education Information Branch
Information Services
Office of Educational Research and Improvement
US Department of Education
555 New Jersey Ave., NW (800) 424-1616
Washington, DC 20208-5641 (202) 626-9854
This file covers the complete universe approximately 8,000 libraries and includes name, location, population of area served, ED STate code, and SMSA code. Years available are 1973, 1977 and 1981.
Department of Education Federal Data Bases
* Public School Districts
Education Information Branch
Information Services
Office of Educational Research and Improvement
US Department of Education
555 New Jersey Ave., NW (800) 424-1616
Washington, DC 20208-5641 (202) 626-9854
This file includes name, mailing address, country, grade span, number of schools, and fall enrollment for approximately 16,000 public school districts. The data for enrollment and number of schools are from the previous year. Years available are 1968-69 through 1986-87 (except 74-75).
Department of Education Federal Data Bases
* Public School Universe
Education Information Branch
Information Services
Office of Educational Research and Improvement
US Department of Education
555 New Jersey Ave., NW (800) 424-1616
Washington, DC 20208-5641 (202) 626-9854
This file includes name, address, district, high grade, low grade, school type, number of teachers, and pupils enrolled in over 86,000 public schools. Most survey years lack some elements which were not submitted by certain States. Years available are 1969-72 (4-year summary) 1977-78 through 1984-85.
Department of Education Federal Data Bases
* Public School Universe 1987-88
Education Information Branch
Information Services
Office of Educational Research and Improvement
US Department of Education
555 New Jersey Ave., NW (800) 424-1616
Washington, DC 20208-5641 (202) 626-9854
The file contains information compiled by the States in Fall 1987 on approximately 85,000 public elementary and secondary schools in the 50 States, the District of Columbia and five outlying areas. The tape contains the name of the school, mailing address, telephone number, grade span, and code for type of school, number of students by grade, and the total number of students eligible for free lunch program. Other data include a code representing the relative urbanicity of the school's location and the count of students by five racial/ethnic categories.
Department of Education Federal Data Bases
* Recent College Graduates
Education Information Branch
Information Services
Office of Educational Research and Improvement
US Department of Education
555 New Jersey Ave., NW (800) 424-1616
Washington, DC 20208-5641 (202) 626-9854
This file includes data from a national sample of about 16,000 bachelor's and 2,000 master's degree recipients a year after graduation. The emphasis is on the education and employment of graduates newly qualified to teach, and beginning teachers. Years available are 1974-75, 1976-77, 1979-80 and 1983-84.
Department of Education Federal Data Bases
* Residence and Migration
Education Information Branch
Information Services
Office of Educational Research and Improvement
US Department of Education
555 New Jersey Ave., NW (800) 424-1616
Washington, DC 20208-5641 (202) 626-9854
This file covers first-time and new transfer student enrollment classifications, by residence status, home State, and sex, for about 3,400 schools. Years available are 1975, 1979, 1981, 1984 and 1986.
Department of Education Federal Data Bases
* Revenues and Current Expenditures for Public Schools: FY 1982-86
Education Information Branch
Information Services
Office of Educational Research and Improvement
US Department of Education
555 New Jersey Ave., NW (800) 424-1616
Washington, DC 20208-5641 (202) 626-9854
This contains data about aggregate public school. revenues, current expenditures, and average daily attendance reported by local education agencies to the States. State reports are final for FY 82 through 85 and preliminary for FY 86.
Department of Education Federal Data Bases
* Revised High School and Beyond Parent File
Education Information Branch
Information Services
Office of Educational Research and Improvement
US Department of Education
555 New Jersey Ave., NW (800) 424-1616
Washington, DC 20208-5641 (202) 626-9854
The Revised Parent File (1984) contains questionnaire responses from the parents of about 3,600 sophomores and 3,600 seniors who are in the Student File. Each record on the Parent File contains a total of 307 variables. Data in this file include parents' aspirations and plans for their children's post-secondary education. The revised Parent File augments the original file with the addition of 22 analytically constructed variables, half of which are new measured of income and wealth.
Department of Education Federal Data Bases
* Rehabilitation Services Administration
Nel C. Carney, Commissioner
Rehabilitation Services Administration
US Department of Education
330 C St., SW, Room 3030
Washington, DC 20202
John Chapman, Systems Analyst (202) 732-1290
Larry Mars (202) 732-1404
RSA administers the State-Federal Program of Vocational Rehabilitation which is designed to help disabled people retain or find jobs. Extensive demographic and other data is available on all clients served whose cases were closed for each fiscal year. also, counts on all clients served, cases closed, and costs associated are available. In addition, client counts and services provided during the fiscal year is available for the Independent Living Program. RSA has limited resources, but it will respond to formal, written requests for tapes or printed tabulations. Requests must include description of data sought and how data will be used. Cost: Free of charge. Written requests are preferred. To expedite your request, also send a copy of your letter to John Chapman in Room 3218 at the above address.
Department of Education Federal Data Bases
* School District Census Data
Education Information Branch
Information Services
Office of Educational Research and Improvement
US Department of Education
555 New Jersey Ave., NW (800) 424-1616
Washington, DC 20208-5641 (202) 626-9854
This file contains standard 1970 census data tabulated by 3,500 school district boundaries for districts in which NLS-72 samples members attended high school. These data can be linked to the student records by the common high school code number.
Department of Education Federal Data Bases
* School District Finance
Education Information Branch
Information Services
Office of Educational Research and Improvement
US Department of Education
555 New Jersey Ave., NW (800) 424-1616
Washington, DC 20208-5641 (202) 626-9854
This file includes revenues, by fiscal year, from local, State and Federal sources; non-revenue receipts; expenditures, by types; capital outlay; debt service; and average daily attendance. The early surveys sample approximately 6,000 school districts. The 1976-77 and 1978-79 surveys cover all LEAs (approximately 16,000). Years available are 1967-68 through 1979-80.
Department of Education Federal Data Bases
* School District Non-Fiscal Data
Education Information Branch
Information Services
Office of Educational Research and Improvement
US Department of Education
555 New Jersey Ave., NW (800) 424-1616
Washington, DC 20208-5641 (202) 626-9854
This file includes name, number of schools, students enrolled, teachers, instructional aides, and administrative support staff in FTE of assignment for approximately 16,000 school districts. Years available are 1981-82, 1982-83, 1983-84, 1984-85.
Department of Education Federal Data Bases
Educatios approximately 700,000 cases that are closed each year. The data base can be searched by state agency, by target group (such as blind or deaf), by age and other ways. Tapes, printouts and annual reports are available free of charge.
Department of Education Federal Data Bases
* National Assessment of Education Progress Data Base
Eugene Owen
NAEP Project Officer
National Center for Education Statistics
555 New Jersey Ave., NW
Washington, DC 20208-5653 (202) 357-6761
This system contains the findings from a project which documents achievements of students in certain categories. The students in the survey are 9, 13, and 17 years old. Adults are also periodically assessed. Data are maintained on the academic achievements of 10 million students in 10 subject areas. Retrievable information includes their attitudes towards school, sex, race, region of the country, parents education and the achievement level. The information has been collected every other year since 1969. Searches are available by geographic location, subject area, sex and race of the students. Tapes are available for $120.00 and printed reports are available for $2.00 and up.C
Department of Education Federal Data Bases
* National Clearinghouse for Bilingual Education Bibliographic Abstracts
National Clearinghouse for Bilingual Education
George Washington University
Center for Applied Linguistics
1118 22nd St., NW (800) 321-6223
Washington, DC 20037 (202) 467-0867
The system contains citations to print and unpublished materials pertaining to all aspects of minority language education. The data bases's holding are divided into three categories: curricular documents, including instructional materials for use in bilingual-English as a second language classes and teacher training; non-curricular material, including research reports, conference papers, bibliographics, reference materials, state-of-the-art reviews and program description; and abstracts of journal articles from minority language related journals. Printouts and searches are available free of charge.
Department of Education Federal Data Bases
* National Institute of Education Information System
Eila Jones
Office of Educational Research and Improvement
US Department of Education
555 New Jersey Ave., NW
Washington, DC 20208 (202) 357-6525
This data base keeps information about grants and contracts awarded by the Office of Education Research and Improvement for research projects. The education research activities pertain to diverse issues such as adult illiteracy in high schools. In 1985, the Institute made 250 research awards for a total of $54 million. Searches can be done on any subject area, title of the project, keywords, geographic location and recipient. Printouts are available free of charge. Presently there are 3,500 projects with funds of $60 million.
Department of Education Federal Data Bases
* National Longitudinal Study (NLS) of the High School
Education Information Branch
Information Services
Office of Educational Research and Improvement
US Department of Education
555 New Jersey Ave., NW (800) 424-1616
Washington, DC 20208-5641 (202) 626-9854
This system provides 3,524 variables on each of the sample 22,652 respondents from the 1972 high school graduating class. The base-year segment contains: student personal family background; education and work experience; post-secondary plans, aspirations, attitudes; test results of verbal and nonverbal ability; and items from student high school records. Follow-up data (1973, 1974, 1976, 1979 and 1986 includes respondents' activity status, education and career plans, aspirations and attitudes.
Department of Education Federal Data Bases
* NLS-72 Post-Secondary Transcript File
Education Information Branch
Information Services
Office of Educational Research and Improvement
US Department of Education
555 New Jersey Ave., NW (800) 424-1616
Washington, DC 20208-5641 (202) 626-9854
This file contains data on transcripts from NLS-72 senior cohort members who reported attending a post-secondary institution after leaving high school. The information recorded in the 1984 file includes: the major and minor fields of study, periods of enrollment, specific courses taken, credits earned, grades received, and credential earned in two-year and four-year public and private vocational and non-vocational, foreign, and otherwise unclassified post-secondary institutions.
Department of Education Federal Data Bases
* NRIC (National Rehabilitation Information Center)
National Rehabilitation Information Center
National Institute on Disabled and Rehabilitation Research
Macro Systems, Inc.
8455 Colesville Rd., Suite 935
Silver Spring, MD 20910 (800) 34-NARIC
This bibliographic data base contains abstracts of materials on all aspects of disability and rehabilitation. Appropriate research and proceedings reports, books, journals and audiovisual materials are referenced. Examples of subject areas covered include: accessibility, behavior modification, de-institutionalization, funding, statistics, and workers' compensation. The data base contains more than 21,000 items, some dating back to the 1950s. It is updated continually. The Center will search its own data base and several other commercially available data bases. The basic charge is $10 for the first 100 citations, and $5.00 for the next 100. No one will be denied access to these resources because of inability to pay. This data base is available commercially on BRS.
Department of Education Federal Data Bases
* OPE Institutional Data System (OPE-DIS)
Jim Booland
Office of Post-Secondary Education
US Department of Education
400 Maryland Ave., SW
Washington, DC 20202 (202) 732-4854
The OPE-DIS is a single far-reaching data base which contains participatory information on a universe of approximately 11,000 post-secondary educational institutions and 28,000 lender and guarantee agencies. It contains information regarding institutions participating in student and institutional assistance programs administered by the Office of Post-Secondary Education. It includes the former system CASPER.
Department of Education Federal Data Bases
* OPEnet
US Department of Education
Office of Postsecondary Education
OPEnet Coordinator
c/o Dialcom Services
6120 Executive Blvd., Suite 150
Rockville, MD 20852 (301) 770-4280
The Office of Postsecondary Education network provides information exchange with financial aid services and administrators, institutions, and the U.S. Department of Education. Included are regulations, notices of proposed rulemaking, news bulletins, calendars, workshop and meeting notices, press releases, and messaging. Subscription required.
Department of Education Federal Data Bases
* Participation in Adult Education
Education Information Branch
Information Services
Office of Educational Research and Improvement
US Department of Education
555 New Jersey Ave., NW (800) 424-1616
Washington, DC 20208-5641 (202) 626-9854
This file is a national sample of 58,000 households, conducted for CES by the Bureau of the Census as part of the Current Population Survey. It includes data on adult education Years. Available are 1969, 1972, 1975, 1978 and 1984.
Department of Education Federal Data Bases
* Physical Facilities
Education Information Branch
Information Services
Office of Educational Research and Improvement
US Department of Education
555 New Jersey Ave., NW (800) 424-1616
Washington, DC 20208-5641 (202) 626-9854
This file includes number of square feet of physical plant space, by type of room, function of room, organizational unit, and instructional program. The 1978 survey is a random sample of approximately 700 schools, and includes data pertaining to Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 -- student housing for the mobility impaired, handicapped enrollment. Years available are 1971-72, 1974-75 and 1978-79.
Department of Education Federal Data Bases
* Post-Secondary Career School Survey
Education Information Branch
Information Services
Office of Educational Research and Improvement
US Department of Education
555 New Jersey Ave., NW (800) 424-1616
Washington, DC 20208-5641 (202) 626-9854
This file includes name, address, parent institution; type of control; enrollment, by attendance status and sex; vocational programs and occupational fields; accreditation status and Federal program eligibility for 9,300 active schools, Data compare with those found in the Directory of Post-Secondary Schools with Occupational Programs. Years available are 1973-74, 1975-76, 1977-78, 1979-80 and 1981-82.
Department of Education Federal Data Bases
* Post-Secondary Education Transcript Data for 1980 Sophomores Now Added to Available High School and Beyond Data Tape and Files
Education Information Branch
Information Services
Office of Educational Research and Improvement
US Department of Education
555 New Jersey Ave., NW (800) 424-1616
Washington, DC 20208-5641 (202) 626-9854
In 1980, more than 30,000 high school sophomores completed an initial survey to provide base year data. Every two years there have been follow-up surveys. The information provides major and minor fields of study, periods of enrollment, specific courses, grades, and credentials earned.
Department of Education Federal Data Bases
* Post-Secondary Student Aid Field Test
Education Information Branch
Information Services
Office of Educational Research and Improvement
US Department of Education
555 New Jersey Ave., NW (800) 424-1616
Washington, DC 20208-5641 (202) 626-9854
This file provides data on financial aid and school costs on a sample of 3,774 students from 118 schools in the 1985- 86 academic year. Records contain information from the student's school registrar's office records, the student financial aid office record, and the student questionnaire. Years available are 1985-86.
Department of Education Federal Data Bases
* Private School Universe
Education Information Branch
Information Services
Office of Educational Research and Improvement
US Department of Education
555 New Jersey Ave., NW (800) 424-1616
Washington, DC 20208-5641 (202) 626-9854
This file includes name, mailing address, school district, type, affiliation, enrollment, graduates, and classroom teachers, for approximately 23,000 private school. Years available are 1970-71, 1976-77, 1976-80 (4-year summary).
Department of Education Federal Data Bases
* Private Schools and Teachers Survey 1985-86
Education Information Branch
Information Services
Office of Educational Research and Improvement
US Department of Education
555 New Jersey Ave., NW (800) 424-1616
Washington, DC 20208-5641 (202) 626-9854
School data, collected from the school administrators associated with the sample school, include information on: tuition, enrollment, minority enrollment, staffing, advanced placement programs, graduates applying to college, and use of aides and volunteers. Teacher data include information on training, experience, subjects being taught, assistance of aides and volunteers, teaching salary, working hours, additional employment, teachers' opinions, age, sex and race ethnicity.
Department of Education Federal Data Bases
* Programs and Enrollments in Non-Collegiate Post-Secondary Schools
Education Information Branch
Information Services
Office of Educational Research and Improvement
US Department of Education
555 New Jersey Ave., NW (800) 424-1616
Washington, DC 20208-5641 (202) 626-9854
This file contains 1980 data collected from 3 post-secondary education survey forms. It covers: (a) schools from the Post-Secondary Career School Survey; (b) a sample of approximately 5,300 schools that includes program enrollment, charges, length and output, student racial/ethnic origins, age and sex, and staff, by sex and assignments; and (c) data for 62 correspondence schools.
Department of Education Federal Data Bases
Department of Education Federal Data Bases
944 651 through 1944 700 FmHA Instruction 1944 N Regulations are available from FmHA State offices INFORMATION CONTACTS Regional or Local Office Consult your local telephone directory for FmHA District Office number If no listing contact appropriate FMHA State office listed in Appendix IV of the Catalog Headquarters Office Multiple Family Housing Processing Division Farmers Home Administration Department of Agriculture Washington DC 20250 Telephone 202 720 1606 Use the same number for FTS RELATED
Department of Educ
* High School and Beyond Senior Class of 1980
Education Information Branch
Information Services
Office of Educational Research and Improvement
US Department of Education
555 New Jersey Ave., NW (800) 424-1616
Washington, DC 20208-5641 (202) 626-9854
This file expands on the base-year file by adding 1982 and 1984 follow-up data on approximately 12,000 seniors. it is similar to the Merged Sophomore file and includes post-secondary education and work history.
Department of Education Federal Data Bases
* High School and Beyond Sophomore Class of 1980, First Follow-Up
Education Information Branch
Information Services
Office of Educational Research and Improvement
US Department of Education
555 New Jersey Ave., NW (800) 424-1616
Washington, DC 20208-5641 (202) 626-9854
This file expands the base-year file by adding 1982 data for the approximately 30,000 sophomores only. First follow-up students included those who (1) remained in the same school since their sophomore years, (2) transferred to another high school, (3) graduated from high school, or (4) dropped out of high school before spring 1982.
Department of Education Federal Data Bases
* High School and Beyond Sophomore Class of 1980, Second Follow-Up
Education Information Branch
Information Services
Office of Educational Research and Improvement
US Department of Education
555 New Jersey Ave., NW (800) 424-1616
Washington, DC 20208-5641 (202) 626-9854
This file expands on the base-year and first follow-up file by adding 1984 (second follow-up) questionnaire data and composite variables for approximately 15,000 sophomores (these 15,000 students have high school transcript data). Post secondary and work history variables are included on this merged file.
Department of Education Federal Data Bases
* High School and Beyond Teacher Comments File
Education Information Branch
Information Services
Office of Educational Research and Improvement
US Department of Education
555 New Jersey Ave., NW (800) 424-1616
Washington, DC 20208-5641 (202) 626-9854
At sophomore and senior grade levels teachers had the opportunity to answer questions about HS&B sampled students who had been in their classes. The typical student in the sample was rated by an average of 4 different teachers. The files contains approximately 76,000 teacher observations of sophomores and about 67,000 teacher observations of seniors.
Department of Education Federal Data Bases
* High School and Beyond Twin Sibling File
Education Information Branch
Information Services
Office of Educational Research and Improvement
US Department of Education
555 New Jersey Ave., NW (800) 424-1616
Washington, DC 20208-5641 (202) 626-9854
The Twin and Sibling File contains responses from sampled twins and triplets; augmented data on twins and triplets of sample members; and responses from siblings in the sample. This file (2,718 records) includes the same variables that are in the HS&B Student Base-Year File, plus 2 additional variables (family ID and SETTYPE-type of twin or siblings).
Department of Education Federal Data Bases
* Impact Aid Data Base
Charles Hansen
Acting Director of Impact Aid
US Department of Education
400 Maryland Ave., SW
Washington, DC 20202-6244 (202) 732-4984
This data base maintains a list of local jurisdictions that receive money to offset the cost of educating the children of federal employees in areas where there are military bases or other significant federal properties. The system contains a list of federal properties in the United States and the number of federal employees' children being educated in nearby schools and how much money was sent to each school system or jurisdiction for educating these children. The system can be searched by geographic location, by military base, by federal property or by school district. Searches can cost anywhere from one dollar to thousands of dollars depending upon the request.
Department of Education Federal Data Bases
* Institutional Aid Programs
Caroline Gillin
US Department of Education
Division of Institutional Development
400 Maryland Ave., SW, ROB 3, Room 3042
Washington, DC 20202 (202) 732-3308
This data base contains information about institutions of higher education which have grants for Institutional Aid Programs. Such programs provide federal funds to be used to help institutions strengthen their curricula or improve their administrative offices. Retrievable information includes the name of the institutions participating in the programs, the programs they are involved in, the amount of the grant, the duration of the grant, the type of institution being served, and the racial and ethnic makeup of the institution. Searches are available upon request.
Department of Education Federal Data Bases
* Institutional Characteristics
Education Information Branch
Information Services
Office of Educational Research and Improvement
US Department of Education
555 New Jersey Ave., NW (800) 424-1616
Washington, DC 20208-5641 (202) 626-9854
This file includes institution name, address, telephone number, congressional district, type of control, level of offerings, type of programs, accreditation, and previous year's enrollment for about 3,400 schools. Data are comparable with those found in the Education Directory. Colleges and Universities, available from the Government Printing Office. Years available 1969-70 through 1985-86.
Department of Education Federal Data Bases
* Institutional Characteristics of Post-Secondary Institutions, 1987-1988
Education Information Branch
Information Services
Office of Educational Research and Improvement
US Department of Education
555 New Jersey Ave., NW (800) 424-1616
Washington, DC 20208-5641 (202) 626-9854
The tape includes data such as address, telephone number, control of institution, highest level of offering, and tuition and required fees, as well as FICE identification code for colleges and universities eligible for inclusion in the universe of higher education institutions. It also includes data on the calendar system, admission requirements, student services, availability of library facilities, and eligibility for student financial aid programs.
Department of Education Federal Data Bases
* Integrated Post-Secondary Education Data Systems (IPED)
Acting Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights
US Department of Education
Office of Civil Rights
400 Maryland Ave., SW
Washington, DC 20202 (202) 732-1574
This data base contains information about the race, ethnicity and sex of graduates of most accredited institutions of higher education in the United States. Printouts containing state and national summaries are available free of charge. Computer tapes are available for $35.00.
Department of Education Federal Data Bases
* Interagency Rehabilitation Research Information System
BRS Information Technologies
1200 Route 7
Latham, NY 12110 (800) 345-4BRS
Recent and ongoing research involving rehabilitation are included with information on principal investigators, performing organization, funding agency and amounts, a detailed abstract, and more. Produced by Interagency Committee on Handicapped Research, US Department of Education, Mary E. Switzer Building, 330 C Street SW, Mail Stop 2305, Washington, DC 20202.
Department of Education Federal Data Bases
* Library Networks 1985-86
Education Information Branch
Information Services
Office of Educational Research and Improvement
US Department of Education
555 New Jersey Ave., NW (800) 424-1616
Washington, DC 20208-5641 (202) 626-9854
This file contains data collected from a stratified sample of 760 library networks. The data include: sponsorship, types of library participants, services provided, communication systems used, areas served, staffing patterns, and funds received, by source.
Department of Education Federal Data Bases
* Master Area Reference File, (MARF) 3
Education Information Branch
Information Services
Office of Educational Research and Improvement
US Department of Education
555 New Jersey Ave., NW (800) 424-1616
Washington, DC 20208-5641 (202) 626-9854
Identification of each block group and enumeration district used for tabulating 1980 Census data, with the school district in which it is located, are contained in this file. This file also includes selected population and housing counts. There are approximately 400,000 block-group and enumeration- district records.
Department of Education Federal Data Bases
* Master Area Reference File, (MARF) 4
Education Information Branch
Information Services
Office of Educational Research and Improvement
US Department of Education
555 New Jersey Ave., NW (800) 424-1616
Washington, DC 20208-5641 (202) 626-9854
This file identifies each city block and enumeration district used for tabulating 1980 Census data with the school district in which it is located. It also contains selected population and housing counts. Approximately 2.5 million city blocks and enumeration-district records are included.
Department of Education Federal Data Bases
* Merged Federal Files
Education Information Branch
Information Services
Office of Educational Research and Improvement
US Department of Education
555 New Jersey Ave., NW (800) 424-1616
Washington, DC 20208-5641 (202) 626-9854
This file combines data from the CES school district universe; Census of Governments survey of local government's finances; Office for Civil Rights elementary/secondary education civil rights compliance survey; Department of Education Section 437 State-administered Federal programs; Equal Employment Opportunity Commission elementary/secondary staff survey; equalized property value; and the National Institute of Education special tabulations of 1970 census data for school districts. This data file includes financial, students, staff, and population characteristics for the more than 16,000 school districts in the United States. Years available are 1976-77 and 1978-79.
Department of Education Federal Data Bases
* Military Personnel Records 1984-86
Education Information Branch
Information Services
Office of Educational Research and Improvement
US Department of Education
555 New Jersey Ave., NW (800) 424-1616
Washington, DC 20208-5641 (202) 626-9854
This file contains data extracted from personnel records for men who enlisted, or applied in the Armed Forces after high school. The file includes data on date of entry, branch, enlistment term, entry pay grade, Armed Forces Qualifying Test score, demographic measures, and educational attainment. It also contains career data.
Department of Education Federal Data Bases
(800) 424-1616
Washington, DC 20208-5641 (202) 626-9854
This file contlected from 3 post-secondary education survey forms. It covers: (a) schools from the Post-Secondary Career School Survey; (b) a sample of approximately 5,300 schools that includes program enrollment, charges, length and output, student racial/ethnic origins, age and sex, and staff, by sex and assignments;*F-
* Fall Enrollment in Post-Secondary Institutions, 1986
Education Information Branch
Information Services
Office of Educational Research and Improvement
US Department of Education
555 New Jersey Ave., NW (800) 424-1616
Washington, DC 20208-5641 (202) 626-9854
The first Integrated Post-Secondary Education Data System (IPEDS) enrollment survey is the 1986 Fall Enrollment survey. For all schools, information is for total enrollment by race and sex of student. For two-year and four-year schools, data also include level of enrollment, and for four-year schools, enrollment by selected fields of study is also included. The IPEDS data supersedes the Higher Education General Information System (HEGIS) surveys.
Department of Education Federal Data Bases
* FICE Codes
Education Information Branch
Information Services
Office of Educational Research and Improvement
US Department of Education
555 New Jersey Ave., NW (800) 424-1616
Washington, DC 20208-5641 (202) 626-9854
This file contains the Standard Federal Interagency Committee on Education (FICE) identifying numbers for all 4,300 post-secondary institutions active in the 1972-79 period. (Appendix C.11 of the Student File Users Manual.) These can be used to link institutional data to the NLS-72 sample members who attend these institutions.
Department of Education Federal Data Bases
* Financial Aid Supplement Data for 1980 Sophomores Added to Available High School and Beyond Data Tapes and Files
Education Information Branch
Information Services
Office of Educational Research and Improvement
US Department of Education
555 New Jersey Ave., NW (800) 424-1616
Washington, DC 20208-5641 (202) 626-9854
Data includes post-secondary financial aid experiences for academic years 1982-83 through 1985-86. Financial aid data were collected from three sources: Federal records of the Guaranteed Student Loan (GSL) program; Federal records of the Pell Grant program; and GSL disbursement data from guarantee agencies participating in the GSL program. This information may be linked to other data files from the same series of surveys.
Department of Education Federal Data Bases
* Financial Statistics
Education Information Branch
Information Services
Office of Educational Research and Improvement
US Department of Education
555 New Jersey Ave., NW (800) 424-1616
Washington, DC 20208-5641 (202) 626-9854
This file presents current fund revenues, by source; expenditures, by functions; physical plant assets, by type and value; indebtedness on physical plant; endowment revenues; and changes in fund balance for about 3,400 schools. Years available are 1965-66 through 1984-85.
Department of Education Federal Data Bases
* Guaranteed Student Loan Information System
Pat Bridges
Guaranteed Student Loan Branch
Office of Post-Secondary Education
US Department of Education
7th and D Sts. SW
Washington, DC 20202 (202) 708-8242
This data base contains information on the amount of money the US government paid to private guarantee agencies for defaulted student loans. Statistical records are kept on the number of loans made under this program, the number of loans each guarantee agency has guaranteed, the banks participating in the program and the number of defaulted student loans each year. Information on individuals is not available to the public. However, inquiries by borrowers about their loans will be honored. Printouts are free for simple requests. Customized computer tapes are available for about $140.00.
Department of Education Federal Data Bases
* High School and Beyond (HS&B) Base Year
Education Information Branch
Information Services
Office of Educational Research and Improvement
US Department of Education
555 New Jersey Ave., NW (800) 424-1616
Washington, DC 20208-5641 (202) 626-9854
This nationally representative data base contains data on sophomore and senior high school students from the class of 1980. The base-year file contains information on personal backgrounds, education and work experience, post-secondary plans and aspirations, and verbal and non-verbal cognitive test scores.
Department of Education Federal Data Bases
* High School and Counselor Data
Education Information Branch
Information Services
Office of Educational Research and Improvement
US Department of Education
555 New Jersey Ave., NW (800) 424-1616
Washington, DC 20208-5641 (202) 626-9854
This data file contains 504 variables from the high school file and counselor questionnaire responses. The 1972 school questionnaire gathered information on school organization and enrollment, course offerings, special services and programs, library and other resources, time scheduling, and grading systems. Counselor variables include workloads, counseling practices and facilities, experience with student financial aid programs, age, sex, race/ethnicity, training, and counseling experience.
Department of Education Federal Data Bases
* High School and Beyond Financial Aid (1980 Seniors)
Education Information Branch
Information Services
Office of Educational Research and Improvement
US Department of Education
555 New Jersey Ave., NW (800) 424-1616
Washington, DC 20208-5641 (202) 626-9854
These files contain data on post-secondary financial aid experiences for academic years 1980-1981, 1981-82, 1982-83, 1983-84. Data were collected from post-secondary institutions, the Guaranteed Student Loan (GSL) program, and the Pell Grant program. The number of seniors listed depends on the availability of the post-secondary school name or social security number of the student.
Department of Education Federal Data Bases
* High School and Beyond Friend File
Education Information Branch
Information Services
Office of Educational Research and Improvement
US Department of Education
555 New Jersey Ave., NW (800) 424-1616
Washington, DC 20208-5641 (202) 626-9854
The 1980 Friend File contains identification numbers of students in the HS&B sample who were named as being friends of other HS&B sample students. Each record contains the ID of sampled students and IDs of up to 3 friends. Linkages among friends can be used to investigate the sociometry of friendship structures, including reciprocity of choices among students in the sample, and for tracing friendship networks.
Department of Education Federal Data Bases
* High School and Beyond Language File
Education Information Branch
Information Services
Office of Educational Research and Improvement
US Department of Education
555 New Jersey Ave., NW (800) 424-1616
Washington, DC 20208-5641 (202) 626-9854
The language file contains 1980 information on each student who said he or she had experience in a language other than English. This file contains 11,303 records (sophomores and seniors combined), 42 variables for each student.
Department of Education Federal Data Bases
* High School and Beyond Local Labor Market Indicator
Education Information Branch
Information Services
Office of Educational Research and Improvement
US Department of Education
555 New Jersey Ave., NW (800) 424-1616
Washington, DC 20208-5641 (202) 626-9854
The 1980 Local Labor Market Indicator File contains information on country, SMSA, and State indicators of labor market activity for the 1,015 high schools in the HS&B sample.
Department of Education Federal Data Bases
* High School and Beyond Offerings and Enrollment File
Education Information Branch
Information Services
Office of Educational Research and Improvement
US Department of Education
555 New Jersey Ave., NW (800) 424-1616
Washington, DC 20208-5641 (202) 626-9854
The 1982 Offerings and Enrollment File contains information on course offerings and enrollment for most of the schools in the HS&B sample.
Department of Education Federal Data Bases
* High School and Beyond Pell Grant File
Education Information Branch
Information Services
Office of Educational Research and Improvement
US Department of Education
555 New Jersey Ave., NW (800) 424-1616
Washington, DC 20208-5641 (202) 626-9854
The Pell Grant File contains data for 2,916 HS&B seniors who were Pell Grant recipients between high school graduation in 1980 and the first follow-up survey in 1982. These data were derived from the Recipient History and Roster Master Files for school years 1980-1981 and 1981-82 in the Pell Grant Information System. Only available in Statistical Analysis System (SAS) format.
Department of Education Federal Data Bases
* High School and Beyond Post-Secondary School Transcript File
Education Information Branch
Information Services
Office of Educational Research and Improvement
US Department of Education
555 New Jersey Ave., NW (800) 424-1616
Washington, DC 20208-5641 (202) 626-9854
This 1984 file contains data on 9,385 transcripts from 7,7765 HS&B senior cohort members who reported attending a post-secondary institution after leaving high school. The information recorded in the file includes the major and minor fields of study, periods of enrollment, specific courses taken, credits earned, grades received, and credentials earned in two-year and four-Year public and private vocational and non-vocational, foreign and otherwise unclassified post-secondary institutions.
Department of Education Federal Data Bases
* High School and Beyond School File
Education Information Branch
Information Services
Office of Educational Research and Improvement
US Department of Education
555 New Jersey Ave., NW (800) 424-1616
Washington, DC 20208-5641 (202) 626-9854
The School File contains school questionnaire responses that were provided by administrators in 1,015 public, Catholic, and other private school. Characteristics covered include type and organization, enrollment, faculty composition, instructional programs, course offerings, specialized programs, participation in Federal programs, faculty characteristics, funding sources, discipline problems, teacher organization (e.g., unions), and grading systems. This file contains the 1980 data and the 1982 update.
Department of Education Federal Data Bases
* High School and Beyond Secondary School Transcript File
Education Information Branch
Information Services
Office of Educational Research and Improvement
US Department of Education
555 New Jersey Ave., NW (800) 424-1616
Washington, DC 20208-5641 (202) 626-9854
The 1982 transcript file contains complete high school transcript information (including specific course information, such as: course name, grade received, year taken, and credits earned) for 15,941 students from the sophomore file.
Department of Education Federal Data Bases
on Services
Office of Educational Research and Improvement
US Department of Education
555 New Jersey Ave., NW (800) 424-1616
Washington, DC 20208-5641 (202) 626-9854
The 1982 transcript file containsnd enumeration- district records.
Department of Education Federal Data Bases
* Central Disbursement System for Pell Grants
Gray L. Crayton, Chief of Pell Grant Branch
US Department of Education
P.O. Box 23791
Washington, DC 20026 (202) 732-3693
This data base contains information on the amount of money each state received for Pell Grants, which are awards given to low and middle income students attending post-secondary institutions. The system also keeps records on the types of schools that received the grants and the number of students who received awards. Searches and printouts are available free of charge for simple requests.
Department of Education Federal Data Bases
* Characteristics of Students in Non-Collegiate Post-Secondary Schools
Education Information Branch
Information Services
Office of Educational Research and Improvement
US Department of Education
555 New Jersey Ave., NW (800) 424-1616
Washington, DC 20208-5641 (202) 626-9854
This is a sample file of approximately 6,800 students drawn from the Post-Secondary Career School universe of schools. It includes age, sex, race/ethnicity, military status, previous vocational training plans, previous and current work experience, and future work plans. Years available are 1977, 1979 and 1981.
Department of Education Federal Data Bases
* College and University Libraries
Education Information Branch
Information Services
Office of Educational Research and Improvement
US Department of Education
555 New Jersey Ave., NW (800) 424-1616
Washington, DC 20208-5641 (202) 626-9854
This file includes resources, physical facilities, staffing patterns, salaries and wages, number of employees, level of educational attainment, current expenditures, and number of learning resource centers for about 3,400 school. Salary data cells for fewer than 3 persons are suppressed. Years available are 1968-69, 1971-72, 1973-74, 1975-76, 1976-77, 1977-78, 1978-80, 1982-83, 1985-86.
Department of Education Federal Data Bases
* College Entrance Examination Board Institutional Data Base
Education Information Branch
Information Services
Office of Educational Research and Improvement
US Department of Education
555 New Jersey Ave., NW (800) 424-1616
Washington, DC 20208-5641 (202) 626-9854
This file contains 84 variables on 4,139 post-secondary institutions (ordered by FICE code) from 4 sources: the Application Data File, the 1972-73 HEGIS Finance Survey and the 1972 American Council on Education institutional characteristics file.
Department of Education Federal Data Bases
* Directory of Post-Secondary Institutions
Education Information Branch
Information Services
Office of Educational Research and Improvement
US Department of Education
555 New Jersey Ave., NW (800) 424-1616
Washington, DC 20208-5641 (202) 626-9854
This 1986 file presents characteristics for 7,474 respondents of the 13,630 survey recipients. These characteristics include IPEDS identification control number, highest level of offering, enrollment, and tuition and required fees. Only the IPEDS identification number, name, address, and an assigned control code are available for the remaining 6,156 non-responding institutions.
Department of Education Federal Data Bases
* Distribution of State Administered Federal Education Funds
Ray Hoy
US Department of Education
Federal Office Building #6
400 Maryland Ave., SW, Room 3114
Washington, DC 20202 (202) 732-1850
This data base contains information on state administered federal programs, including Chapter I programs for migrants and the handicapped as required by the General Education Provision Act (Section 406A). Records are maintained on local jurisdictions that receive funds for these programs and the amount of those grants. The system is updated annually and is used to generate a yearly report which is submitted to Congress.
Department of Education Federal Data Bases
* Earned Degrees Conferred
Education Information Branch
Information Services
Office of Educational Research and Improvement
US Department of Education
555 New Jersey Ave., NW (800) 424-1616
Washington, DC 20208-5641 (202) 626-9854
This file covers bachelor's, master's, doctor's, and first professional degrees received in major disciplines and sub-fields, as well as degrees and awards received for less than 4 years work beyond high school, by sex, for about 3,400 schools. The 1976-77, 1978-79, 1980-81 and 1982-83 surveys contains racial/ethnic data within major disciplines. The number of subject fields was greatly increased starting with the 1982-83 survey. Years available are 1968-69 through 1984-85.
Department of Education Federal Data Bases
* Education Chapter I State Performance Report
Carlos Martinez
Compensatory Education Programs
Office of Elementary and Secondary Education
US Department of Education
400 Maryland Ave., SW
Washington, DC 20202 (202) 732-4705
The Chapter I State Performance Report contains information about age, sex, grade level and ethnicity of students enrolled in programs under Chapter I of the Education Consolidation and Improvement Act. Data are also kept on the number of students who receive assistance in each subject matter. The data base can be searched by geographic location, subject matter, grade level or by year. Printouts are available for simple searches and are free of charge. More extensive searches will be charged on a cost recovery basis. Computer tapes cost about $80.00.
Department of Education Federal Data Bases
* Education Grants Management System
Marilyn Walsh
US Department of Education
OM Grants and Contracts Service
Mail Stop 4725
Washington, DC 20202 (202) 732-2501
This data base contains information about every application made to the Department of Education for competitive discretionary grants, as well as these awarded on a formula basis. The system keeps records on the funds requested, the amount obligated for the applicant, and other pertinent information about the project. The system can be searched by geographic location of the project, the ending date of the grant and the amount of the award. Printouts are available and generally are free of charge.
Department of Education Federal Data Bases
* Elementary and Secondary School Civil Rights Survey
William L. Smith
Acting Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights
US Department of Education
400 Maryland Ave., SW
Washington, DC 20202 (202) 732-1559
The E&S Survey data base contains data on racial, ethnic, sex and handicapped enrollment in public elementary and secondary schools. The system contains records for approximately 15,000 districts from 1968-1986. Not all districts were sampled in every biennial survey. Printouts containing state, national, and district summaries are available at a charge of $.10 per photocopied page. Tapes cost $35.00. Only written requests accepted.
Department of Education Federal Data Bases
ORI, Inc.
4350 East-West Highway, Suite 1100
Bethesda, MD 20814-4475 (301) 656-9723
Under a special authorization by the US Department of Education, magnetic tape copies of the files of the Educational Resources Information Center (ERIC) are offered for public sale. The ERIC files represent virtually complete coverage of significant developments in educational research and practice. The document literature is covered from 1966 and the journal literature from January 1969. These files have been assembled by a unique network of cooperating activities, including the US Department of Education, 16 subject-specialized Clearinghouses (operated by universities and professional organizations), and several commercial contractors. All tapes are prepared on 9 track tapes at the customer's choice of 1600 bpi (bits per inch) or 6250 bpi. The tapes are generated in IBM Operating System (OS) format, without internal labels. The data are available in all upper case or upper/lower case. The initial order for all ERICTAPES includes full documentation of tape format and content.
Department of Education Federal Data Bases
Report Resume Linear Files
These files consist of resumes of reports on educational research and practice. All ED-numbered documents announced in Resources in Education (RIE) will be found on the file. Each resume includes full descriptive cataloging, indexing, and an abstract.
TRMM16US; RIE Single Month, 1600 bpi, Upper Case Only; $ 75
TRMM62US; RIE Single Month, 6250 bpi, Upper Case Only; $ 75
TRMK16US; RIE Single Quarter, 1600 bpi, Upper Case Only; $ 75
TRMK62US; RIE Single Quarter, 6250 bpi, Upper Case Only; $ 75
Department of Education Federal Data Bases
Journal Resume Linear Files
These files consist of resumes of journal articles dealing with education selected from over 750 educational and education-related journals. All EJ-numbered accessions announced in Current Index to Journals in Education (CIJE) will be found on the file. These resumes are in the same format as the ERIC report resumes, except that the abstract is replaced by a 30 to 50 word annotation.
TCMM16US; CIJE Single Issue, 1600 bpi, Upper Case Only; $ 75
TCMM62US; CIJE Single Issue, 6250 bpi, Upper Case Only; $ 75
TCMK16US; CIJE Single Quarter, 1600 bpi, Upper Case Only; $ 75
TCMK62US; CIJE Single Quarter, 6250 bpi, Upper Case Only; $ 75
Department of Education Federal Data Bases
Peripheral Files
Extending the usefulness of the linear (Accession Number Sequence) master files of the ERIC data base, six peripheral files are offered for sale as ERICTAPES. Each of the five postings files is an inverted (term sequence) file. Each is on tape at either 1600 or 6250 bpi (bits per inch) and in IBM OS (Operating System) Format. As with the Main Files, documentation is provided with each initial shipment.
Descriptor Postings (RIE and CIJE Versions)
Identifier Postings (RIE and CIJE Versions)
Source Postings
Thesaurus Entries
Department of Education Federal Data Bases
* Faculty Salaries
Education Information Branch
Information Services
Office of Educational Research and Improvement
US Department of Education
555 New Jersey Ave., NW (800) 424-1616
Washington, DC 20208-5641 (202) 626-9854
Salary, tenure, and fringe benefits of full-time instructional faculty, by sex, rank, length of contract, and type of institutional unit for about 3,400 schools are covered in this file. The 1972-73 and 1976-77 surveys also collected the number of part-time, full-time, and non-faculty employees, by manpower resource category. The Privacy Act of 1974 forbids public dissemination of data on salary and fringe benefits for individuals and/or administrators. Years available are 1971-72 through 1985-86 (No 1983-84).
Department of Education Federal Data Bases
* Fall Enrollment in Institutions of Higher Education
Steve Moore
Office for Civil Rights
US Department of Education
400 Maryland Ave., SW
Washington, DC 20202 (202) 732-1559
This data base maintains information on the race, ethnicity and sex of students enrolled in the fall in most accredited institutions of higher education in the country. The information dates back to 1968 and is updated every even year. Printouts containing state and national summaries are available generally free of charge. Computer tapes cost $35.00.
Department of Education Federal Data Bases
yland Ave., SW
Washington, DC 20202 (202) 732-1559
This data base maintains information on the race, ethnicity and sex of students enrolled in the fall in most accredited institutions of higher eical Analysis System (SAS) format.
Department of Education Federal Data Bases
* Defense Technical Information Center Collection Data Banks (DTIC Online, DROLS) (See NTIS)
DTIC maintains data banks with information about planned, ongoing, and completed DOD-related research and development activities. The collection is multi-disciplinary in scope and spans all fields of science and technology, covering topics such as: aeronautics, missile technology, navigation, space and technology, nuclear science, biology, chemistry, environmental science, oceanography, computer science, and human factors engineering. The four principle data banks are: the Technical Reports (TR) Program which contains bibliographic information on classified/unclassified reports generated by federally sponsored research; the Research and Technology Work Unit Information System (WUIS) containing information about current research being performed; the Research and Development Planning (R&DPP) data base, consisting of information about proposed projects; and the Independent Research & Development (IR&D) data bank with information contractors have supplied DOD regarding their independent research efforts. The DTIC collection currently contains two million records and is updated continually. Universities, US government agencies and associated contractors, subcontractors, and grantees are eligible for most DTIC services. In addition, research and development organization without current contracts may become eligible for service by obtaining a military service authorization under the defense potential contractors programs. If you are registered user for DTIC services, you can obtain direct online access to the DTIC system, have searches and printouts done free of charge, and purchase DTIC documents for a minimal fee - generally $1.50 to $3.00. If you are not DTIC-eligible, you can contact the National Technical Information Service (NTIS) to obtain a limited search of DTIC's Technical Reports Program data base. NTIS charges for its services.
Department of Defense Federal Data Bases
* Navy Corrected Geostrophic Wind Data for the Gulf of Mexico, Wind Stress Subset (PB88-129432/XDD) (See NTIS)
The Navy Corrected Geostrophic Winds are the results of a Navy effort to obtain a Gulf of Mexico wind field with the proper temporal and spatial resolution necessary to resolve the highly variable Gulf wind field. The report that documents the techniques used and results obtained is a NORDA Technical Note titled Navy Corrected Geostrophic Wind Set for the Gulf of Mexico, NORDA, NSTL Station, Mississippi, 39529. The wind stresses were calculated from the Navy corrected geostrophic wind data set using constant atmospheric density and a drag coefficient equal to .0013. The delivered data set consists of 17 files (blocksize 2400 and record length 80) on 3 tapes. The first file on the first tape contains an internally documented Fortran 77 program for reading any of the other 16 files. All other files contain the geostrophic wind data on a 1 degree grid with each file corresponding to one years worth of data from 1967-1982.
Department of Defense Federal Data Bases
* Stock Number User Directory (SNUD) Master File (PB88 234943/XDD) (See NTIS)
The stock number user directory (SNUD) file is a tailored product used primarily by Air Force activities as a research tool to assist in locating retail lateral support. SNUD consists of all stock numbers (SNs), for which participating activities have established user interest. The type of Stock Numbers available are National Stock Numbers (NSNs), Kit (K), Non-cataloged (NC) or Non Designated (ND) numbers. Activities are identified by a Stock Record Account Number (SRAN) or an assigned user account.
Department of Defense Federal Data Bases
* World Data Bank 1 (PB-223-178/5/XDD) (See NTIS)
World Data Bank 1 (Wdb 1) is a digital representation of the coastlines and boundaries of the world for use in automated mapping systems. The first two files consist of 100k individual coordinate points arranged sequentially to describe each linear feature. The third field is an index to the linear features in Wdb 1. This data bank can be use independently or in conjunction with the Cam program, PB-238 358/6 (documentation) and PB-238 357/8 (tape), which will output this data in 16 different map projections.
Department of Defense Federal Data Bases
Department of Education Federal
Education Federal Data Bases
* 1987 National Post-Secondary Student Aid Study (NPSAS)
Education Information Branch
Information Services
Office of Educational Research and Improvement
US Department of Education
555 New Jersey Ave., NW (800) 424-1616
Washington, DC 20208-5641 (202) 626-9854
The first data tape from the 1987 NPSAS, this tape contains data on 43,617 students from 1,074 post-secondary institutions who were sampled both aided and non-aided, and who responded to the student survey. The data were also gathered from institutional registration and financial aid office records, as well as from the student survey.
Department of Education Federal Data Bases
Department of Education Federal
General Services Administration
* 1987 National Post-Secondary Student Aid Study--Parent Survey Supplement File
Education Information Branch
Information Services
Office of Educational Research and Improvement
US Department of Education
555 New Jersey Ave., NW (800) 424-1616
Washington, DC 20208-5641 (202) 626-9854
This is a supplement to the data listed above. The parent sample was based on the type and control of institution, the student's age, dependency status, and financial aid status. The sample primarily included parents of dependent, non-aided students,and excluded parents of students who were 25 or older. There are data on 13,423 parents.
Department of Education Federal Data Bases
* 1987 Recent College Graduates Study on 1985-86 College Graduates One Year After
Education Information Branch
Information Services
Office of Educational Research and Improvement
US Department of Education
555 New Jersey Ave., NW (800) 424-1616
Washington, DC 20208-5641 (202) 626-9854
This contains data on 16,878 college graduates sampled from 400 higher education institutions. It includes educational experiences, financial status, and post-degree employment of persons one year after obtaining their bachelor's or master's degree.
Department of Education Federal Data Bases
* 1987-88 Universe of Public Education Agencies
Education Information Branch
Information Services
Office of Educational Research and Improvement
US Department of Education
555 New Jersey Ave., NW (800) 424-1616
Washington, DC 20208-5641 (202) 626-9854
The information was compiled by State education agencies on approximately 17,000 public agencies responsible for providing elementary and secondary education services. For the first time this file includes phone numbers as well as names, addresses, and types of agency. It also provides information on country, grade span, number of schools, classroom teachers, pupil enrollment, and graduates.
Department of Education Federal Data Bases
* Administrator and Teacher Survey (1984) of the High School and Beyond Study
Education Information Branch
Information Services
Office of Educational Research and Improvement
US Department of Education
555 New Jersey Ave., NW (800) 424-1616
Washington, DC 20208-5641 (202) 626-9854
Both the data set and user's manual for the High School and Beyond Administrator and Teacher Survey from 1984 are available. The surveys measure school goals and processes that the effective schools literature indicates are important in achieving effective education.
Department of Education Federal Data Bases
* Adult and Continuing Education
Education Information Branch
Information Services
Office of Educational Research and Improvement
US Department of Education
555 New Jersey Ave., NW (800) 424-1616
Washington, DC 20208-5641 (202) 626-9854
This file is a sample of 484 reporting units. It covers non-credit activities in higher education institutions, by major academic and/or administrative unit; and number of non-credit registrations, by field of instruction. Years available are 1977-78 and 1979-80.
Department of Education Federal Data Bases
* Automated Case Information Management System
Paul Fairley
US Department of Education
Office for Civil Rights
330 C St., SW
Washington, DC 20202 (202) 732-1606
This data base contains information about discrimination complaints made against educational institutions that receive federal funds. The complaints involve alleged discrimination because of race, national origin, age, sex or handicap. Information is available about actions taken on each case. The system also maintains records of compliance reviews of the institution receiving federal assistance. Searches can be made by the name of the institution allegedly in violation and the reason why the case was closed. Names of individuals who filed complaints are not available to the public. Searches and printouts are available and may include a fee.
Department of Education Federal Data Bases
* Bilingual Education Management Information System (BEMIS)
Office of Bilingual Education and Minority Languages Affairs
US Department of Education
330 C St., SW
Washington, DC 20202 (202) 205-5463
The system contains information about English education programs for students who do not speak fluent English. Retrievable information includes the name and addresses of the grantees, the period of the grant, the amount of the grant, the native languages of the students served, the number of students in the program, the grade levels of the students, and the school and districts that participate in the program. Searches can be done in a variety of ways. Tapes are not available, but printouts can be ordered. Simple requests are free of charge but the office will charge on a cost recovery basis for more extensive searches.
Department of Education Federal Data Bases
* Campus Based Programs System
Robert Coats
Chief of Campus Based Programs
Office of Post-Secondary Education
US Department of Education
400 Maryland Ave., SW, ROB-4636
Washington, DC 20202 (202) 708-9711
The system contains records on how 4,800 colleges and universities distribute money for three student aid programs, Perkins Loan Program, College Work Study and Supplemental Education Opportunity Grants. Retrievable information includes how much the institution received for each program, how much was used to administer the program, and how much went to students, the cost of tuition at the school and the amount of fee revenue the institution received. Statistics are also kept on family incomes, the number of students who are graduates and undergraduates, the number who are dependent and independent of their families and the enrollment of the institution. The data base can be searched by the Institution's name, by state and by the type of institution. National summaries are available. Printouts are free of charge as long as the search is fairly simple. If extensive searches are requested, the department will allow people to borrow tapes. Customized tapes are available.
Department of Education Federal Data Bases
* Census of Population and Housing 1980: File 1F
Education Information Branch
Information Services
Office of Educational Research and Improvement
US Department of Education
555 New Jersey Ave., NW (800) 424-1616
Washington, DC 20208-5641 (202) 626-9854
Data for all school districts in the country (approximately 16,000), including country components of school districts, are contained in this file. It has complete count data on population and housing characteristics.
Department of Education Federal Data Bases
* Census of Population and Housing 1980: File 3F
Education Information Branch
Information Services
Office of Educational Research and Improvement
US Department of Education
555 New Jersey Ave., NW (800) 424-1616
Washington, DC 20208-5641 (202) 626-9854
Data for all school districts in the country (approximately 16,000), including country components of school districts, are contained in this file. The data are based on sample estimates covering population, income, employment, education attainment, and housing characteristics.
Department of Education Federal Data Bases
as complete count data on population and housing characteristics.
Department of Education Federal Data Bases
Department of Education Federal Data Bases
* AMRL Anthropometric Data Bank Library, Volume III, 1965 Survey of USAF Personnel (AD-A056 156/3/XDD) (See NTIS)
A survey of USAF male personnel was conducted during the spring and summer of 1965. In the first portion of the survey 549 officers (396 pilots and navigators; 153 non-flyers), 4 Warrant Officers and 683 Enlisted men were measured. In the second half, 2632 men (2203 white, 412 black, 17 other) undergoing basic training and one Sergeant were measured at Lackland AFB. Of this Lackland group 106 men had ranks other than basic trainee. The contents of this tape are also described along with Volumes 1, II, IV, and V of the AMRL Anthropometric Data Bank Library in the report The AMRL Anthropometric Data Bank Library: Volume 1-V, AMRL-TR-77-1, October 1977. This contains the complete survey in the fully edited form.
Department of Defense Federal Data Bases
* AMRL Anthropometric Data Bank Library, Volume IV, 1950 Survey of USAF Flying Personnel (AD-A056 157/1/XDD) (See NTIS)
An anthropometric study of flying personnel was conducted in 1950 at 14 Air Force bases in MA, MI, CO, WA, CA, TX, and LA. The original statistical analyses were the initial activity of the Anthropology Research Project. The results, reported in TR-52-321, were carried out prior to the availability of modern computer facilities; since publication of that report, the data have been modernized. Millimeter figures for most variables originally recorded but not punched were incorporated into the data. This tape includes data for 4000 subjects and 161 variables, variables 1-132 are body size values, 133 is age, 134-146 are somatotype ratings (those listed as somatotype are ratings done by Dupertuis using Sheldons method). A statistical comparison of the body typing methods of Hooton and Sheldon is provided in SADC TR 56-366 (AD-097 205). The contents of this tape are also described along with Volumes I-III and Volume V of the AMRL Anthropometric Data Bank Library in the report The AMRL Anthropometric Data Bank Library: Volume 1-V, AMRL-TR-77-1, October 1977. This contains the complete survey in the fully edited form.
Department of Defense Federal Data Bases
* AMRL Anthropometric Data Bank Library, Volume V. US Correlations (AD-A063 682/9/XDD) (See NTIS)
Correlation matrices based on data from USAF Anthropometric surveys of women (1968, 127 variables), flying personnel (1950, 128 variables; 1967, 190 variables), and basic trainees (1965, 161 variables); a US Army survey of women separatees (1946, 60 variables); the Health Examination Survey of civilian adults (1960-1972, 18 variables); and a survey of law enforcement officers (1974, 23 measurements) are presented for use by engineers who need them in solving design problems and for anthropologists and statisticians whose analyses and understanding of the interrelationships of body size data depend significantly on these coefficients. Sample sizes in these surveys ranged from almost 2000 upward. Sample means and standard deviations are presented for all variables involved. The contents of this tape are also described in the report, Intercorrelations of Anthropometric Measurements: A Source Book for USA Data, Churchill, E., P. Kikta, and T. Churchill, AMRL-TR-77-2 (AD-A058 616), Aerospace Medical Research Laboratories, WPAFB OH, May 1978. Complete data from the four USAF surveys are described in the AMRL Anthropometric Data Bank Library, Volumes I-V, Churchill, E., P. Kikta, and T. Churchill, AMRL-TR-77-1 (AD-A047 314), Aerospace Medical Research Laboratories, WPAFB OH, October 1977, and on magnetic computer tapes available from NTIS. AD numbers for these tapes are: (1968) AD-A056 154/AS, (1967) AD-A056 155/AS, (1965) AD-A056 156/AS, and (1950) Ad-A056 157/AS. (Author)
Department of Defense Federal Data Bases
* Army Master Data File (AMDF): Army Retrieval Microform System (ARMS), and Interchangeable and Substitute (I and S) Group Data (PB87-191896/XDD) (See NTIS)
Purpose: The ARMS Monthly AMDF provides Army users with the most commonly used supply management data required to perform logistics functions relating to their mission responsibilities. Among the functions supported are the following: supply management, stock control, acquisition, disposal, storage, and distribution. Source: Data contained in this file are extracted from the Army Central Logistics Data Bank (ACLDB) Master Data Record (MDR). This data is maintained in the ACLDB by the Army managing activities. Content: The ARMS Monthly AMDF contains data for all active items of supply which are used and/or managed by the Army. Inactive items which were deleted within the last two years or for which an active replacement item exists.
Department of Defense Federal Data Bases
* Defense Logistics Service Center Data Files (See NTIS)
The following data files are provided in various formats on magnetic tape. The following files are available to the public.
Department of Defense Federal Data Bases
* Management List - Consolidated
The Management List - Consolidated (ML-C) is designed to provide users with supply management data on all National Stock Numbers (NSNs) recorded in the Catalog Management Data segment of the Defense Integrated Data System (DIDS) Total Item Record and contains the following: Publication Action Code (ACT); National Stock Number (NSN); Service/Agency (S/N); Source of Supply (SOS); Acquisition Advice Code (AAC); Quantity Unit Pac (QUP); Unit of Issue (UI); Unit of Price; Shelf Life Code (SLC); Physical Security/Pilferage Code (SEC); Repairability Code (RC); Management Control; Demilitarization Code (DML); Item Name; Phrase Code (PC).c
Department of Defense Federal Data Bases
* Master Cross Reference List (MCRL)
Part 1 of the Master Cross Reference List is a Master List of Logistics Reference Numbers cross referenced to their applicable National Stock Number(s) in the Federal Catalog system. It contains nine basic elements of data: 1. Logistics Reference Number assigned by the manufacturers; 2. Manufacturers Code; 3. Reference Number Variation Code; 4. National Stock Number/Permanent System Control Number; 5. Reference Number Category Code; 6. Item Standardization Code; 7. Service/Agency Designator Code; 8. Description Availability; 9. Item Name. The file is updated quarterly. There are three separate parts to this file. Cost: 1600 bpi: Domestic: $2,300.00; 6250 bpi: Domestic: $1,200.00
Department of Defense Federal Data Bases
* H4/H8 Commercial and Government Entity (CAGE) Publication
Section A: U.S. and Canada Manufacturers/Non-Manufacturers Name to Cage Code (Consolidates and replaces H4-1 and H8-1). Section B: Cage Code to U.S. and Canada Manufacturer/Non-manufacturers. Section C: NATO Manufacturers Name to Nato Cage Code. Section D: NATO Cage Code to NATO Manufacturers Name. The H4/H8 (Sections A and B), reflects codes assigned to organizations located world-wide. These codes are assigned by the U.S. and support various functions throughout the Federal Government. It contains the contractor's name, geographical location, former name/address, when application, the assigned CAGE code, status code (i.e. active, obsolete, cancelled with or without a replacement) and type code (i.e. manufacturer or non-manufacturer). This Section (Section A) is in contractor name sequence. The file is updated bi-monthly.
Department of Defense Federal Data Bases
* Defense Integrated Data System (DIDS) Total Item Record (TIR) Segments A, B, C, E, and H
This extract contains the following segments from the DIDS TIR data: Segment A: Identification Date; Segment B: Major Organizational Entity (MOE) Rule Data; Segment C: Reference Number Data; Segment E: Standardization Decision Data; Segment H: Catalog Management Data. Items with Publications/Security restrictions will be excluded from this extract. Items which are considered Limited Rights will contain all above segments but in lieu of Segment V characteristics data the following statement will appear, "Descriptive Data Contains Limited Rights Information." Cost: 1600 bpi: $5,000.00; 6250 bpi: $3,000.00
Department of Defense Federal Data Bases
* Defense Integrated Data Systems (DIDS) Total Item Record (TIR) Segment V
This extract contains the following segment from the DIDS TIR data: Segment V: Coded Item Characteristics Data. Items with Publications/Security restrictions will be excluded from this extract. Items which are considered Limited Rights will contain all above segments but in lieu of Segment V characteristics data the following statement will appear, "Descriptive Data Contains Limited Rights Information." Cost: 1600 bpi: T99 $3,000.00; 6250 bpi: T99 $1,725.00
Department of Defense Federal Data Bases
* Defense Integrated Data Systems (DIDS) Total Item Record (TIR) Master Requirements Directory (MRD)
The Master Requirements Directory (MRD) is required to decode the Segment V coded Item characteristics data. The MRD consists of the following sections: Alphabetic Listing of Primary Address Codes (PACs) by Key Word; Alphabetic Listing of PACs; Reply Tables; L Mode Code Tables; Identified Secondary Address Codes Control File; Identified Secondary Address Codes Tables; Format Requirements for Mode Codes H and J. File is updated quarterly.
Department of Defense Federal Data Bases
* Federal Item Name Directory (FIND) H6 Basic
The Federal Item Name Directory (FIND) for the Federal Catalog system is divided into two sections (H6-A and H6-B). Section A contains all Basic Names, Colloquial Names, and Approved Item Names (AINS) with their associated Federal Supply Classifications (FSCs), Condition codes, Federal Item Identification Guides (FIIGs) and Item Name Codes (INCs). Section B is divided into two subsections. Subsection 1 contains all AINs sequenced numerically by INC, referenced to the related FIIG, FSC and Condition Code. Subsection 2 contains an alpha-numerically sequenced listing of all FIIGs referenced to their related INCs. This handbook is produced on tape annually.
Department of Defense Federal Data Bases
* Defense Integrated Data System (DIDS) Total Item Record (TIR): Master Requirements Directory (MRD) (PB88-934200/XDD) (See NTIS)
The Master Requirements Directory (MRD) is required to decode the Segment V coded item characteristics data. The MRD consists of the following sections: (a) Section 1 - Alphabetic Listing of Primary Address Codes (PACs) by Key Word; (b) Section 2 - alphabetic Listing of PACs; (c) Section 3 - Reply Tables; (d) Section 5 - L Mode code tables; (e) Section 6 - Part I - Identified Secondary Address Codes Control File; (f) Section 6 - Part II - Identified Secondary Address Codes Tables; (g) Section 7 - Format Requirements for Mode Codes H & J. The data file is issued quarterly.
Department of Defense Federal Data Bases
* Defense Integrated Data System (DIDS) Total Item Record (TIR): Segments A, B, C, E, and H (PB88-934000/XDD) (See NTIS)
The extract contains the following segments from the DIDS TIR data: (a) Segment A - Identification Data; (b) Segment B - Major Organizational Entity (MOE) Rule data; (c) Segment C - Reference Number Data; (d) Segment E - Standardization Decision Data; (e) Segment H - Catalog Management Data. Items with Publications/Security restrictions will be excluded from the extract. Items which are considered Limited Rights will contain all above segments but in lieu of Segment V characteristics data the following statement will appear, "Descriptive Data Contains Limited Rights Information".
Department of Defense Federal Data Bases
* Defense Integrated Data System (DIDS) Total Item Record (TIR): Segment V (PB88-934100/XDD) (See NTIS)
The extract contains the following segment from the DIDS TIR data: Segment V - Coded Item Characteristics Data. Items with Publications/Security restrictions will be excluded from the extract. Items which are considered Limited Rights will contain all above segments but in lieu of Segment V characteristics data the following statement will appear, "Descriptive Data Contains Limited Rights Information". In order to decode segment V, user will need to purchase DIDS TIR: Master Requirements Directory (PB87-131074). The file is issued quarterly.
Department of Defense Federal Data Bases
* Defense Mapping Agency Hydrographic/Topographic Center Data Base (DMAHTC) (See NTIS)
The DMAHTC data base has maps and data about most of the earth's surface, including: terrain, rivers, coastal and ocean areas, lighthouses, buildings and city plans. Data are retrievable in hard copy or digital form. DMAHTC will perform searches for government contractors, universities, government employees, and selected others. The searches are done on a cost recovery basis and requests must be in writing. Contact Victor Lewicke, Chief, Data Automation, DMAHTC, 6500 Brookes Lane, Washington, DC 20315, (202) 227-2375. All others must contact NTIS for access to DMAHTC information.
Department of Defense Federal Data Bases
Department of Defense Federal Data Bases
udents, and the school and districts that participate in the program. Searches can be done in a variety of ways. Tapes are not available, but printouts can be ordered. Simple requests are free of charge but the office will charge on a cost recovery basis for more extensive searches.
* Small Computer Technical Center
Department of the Air Force
Scott Air Force Base Data: (618) 256-6510
Base, IL 62225 Voice: (618) 256-4206
This board provides an information exchange network for users of small computers. Discussions usually focus on how to enhance the productivity of computer hardware and software. There is no military information exchanged on the board. 24 hours/day; 7 days/week.c
Department of Defense Federal Data Bases
* Software Engineering Bibliographic Data Base (SEBD)
Steven Kelly
Data and Analysis Center for Software (DACS)
Rome Air Development Center (RADC)
Griffiss AFB, NY 13441 (315) 336-0937
DACS, a DOD-sponsored information analysis center, maintains a bibliographic data base for technical literature pertaining to software engineering. Sources include technical reports from DOD and other government agencies; industry and academic institutions; journal articles; and conference proceedings. The scope of the data base includes software costs, development and maintenance tools and techniques, software quality, and software complexity. The system can be searched by subject matter, author, title, sponsoring agency and a few other indicators. SEBD contains 35,000 records and is updated frequently. Searches and printouts are available for a flat fee of $50.00.
Department of Defense Federal Data Bases
* Software Engineering Lifecycle Data Base (SELD)
Robert Vienneau
Data Analysis Center for Software (DACS)
Rome Air Development Center
Griffiss AFB, NY 13441 (315) 336-0937
DACS, a DOD sponsored information center, maintains a data base with information about many software development and maintenance programs. SELD contains data relevant to software reliability; software errors, faults and failures; software costs and productivity; and methodologies and tools for software development maintenance. It contains 44,000 records and is updated frequently. Searches and printouts are available for a flat fee of $50.00. Searches which return no references are only $20.00.
Department of Defense Federal Data Bases
* Software Engineering Research Projects Data Base (SERP)
Steven Kelly
Data & Analysis Center for Software
Griffiss AFB, NY 13441 (315) 336-0937
SERP contains description of research projects designed to further the state-of-the-art in software engineering. Projects relating to data collection and analysis, development of quality metrics, analyses of developmental methodologies, the development or evaluation of programming languages, and model validation are representative of those included in the data base. An effort has been made to include those projects which are of a production rather than a research nature.
Department of Defense Federal Data Bases
* Soil Mechanics Information and Analysis Center Data Base (SMIAC)
Commander and Director
US Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station
PO Box 631
Vicksburg, MS 39180-0631 (601) 634-2734
This system provides information on soil mechanics, engineering geology, rock mechanics, soil dynamics, earthquake engineering, earth and rockfill dams, levees, earth retaining structures and building foundations, and laboratory testing of soils and rocks.
Department of Defense Federal Data Bases
* Soils Information Retrieval System
US Army Corps of Engineers
ETIS Support Center
1003 West Nevada St.
Urbana, IL 61801 (217) 333-1369
SOILS provides interaction data retrieval of soils series data. The data is compiled from the Department of Agriculture's Soil Conservation Services (SCS) reports on the characteristics and interpretive properties of all soils in the United States. Examples of soil information include use restrictions, potential habitat, description of soil and much more. Information is organized only by soil series. The data base and be accessed directly by remote terminal. SIRS currently contains 16,000 soil series and over 175,000 soil mapping units in the US. Approximately 4,000 charges are made monthly to the data. Direct access is available to ETIS subscribers for $200 a year, plus $90.00 per hour of connect time. Anyone can become an ETIS subscriber and, thereby, also gain access to three other data bases maintained by ETIS. ETIS will conduct searches for non-subscribers. A cost recovery fee, based on $90.00 and staff time is charged. The average search generally takes 10 minutes. ETIS and SOILS subscriptions and assistance are available from ETIS of the University of Illinois, Department of Urban and Regional Planning. SOILS is a cooperative venture between ETIS, the Department of Urban and Regional Planning at the University of Illinois in Urbana-Champaign, the US Army Construction Engineering Laboratory (USA-CERL) and the US Department of Agriculture, Soil Conservation Services (USDA-SCS). USA-CERL obtains updated data tapes from the Statistical Laboratory at Iowa State University in Ames, IA.
Department of Defense Federal Data Bases
* Survivability/Vulnerability Information Analysis Center Data Base (SURVIAC)
Survivability/Vulnerability Information Analysis Center
Wright-Patterson AFB, OH 45433 (513) 255-4840
SURVIAC is the DOD focal point for non-nuclear survivability/vulnerability data, information, methodologies, models and analysis relating to US and foreign aeronautical and surface systems. SURVIAC scope covers the survivability of friendly systems to threat weapons and the effectiveness of US weapons against foreign systems. Non-nuclear weapons include conventional missiles and guns, directed energy weapons, and chemical/biological weapons. Data holdings in the weapon area include, as applicable, acquisition, detection, tracking, launch, fly-out and fuzing characteristics, the countermeasures and counter-countermeasures employed, and terminal effects.
Department of Defense Federal Data Bases
* Tactical Technology Center Data Base (TACTEC)
Battelle Columbus Division
Tactical Technology Center (TACTEC)
505 King Avenue
Columbus, OH 43201-2693 (614) 424-5047
The IAC holds over 55,000 items covering the technology of tactical warfare from incipient insurgency through tactical nuclear warfare. Tactical technology is assumed to include: surveillance, target acquisition and engagement; detection; guidance systems; position location; communications and electronics; countermeasures and counter-countermeasures to include disguises, decoys and aerosols; weapons and munitions; armor and protective devices; mobility and logistics; aircraft and air operations analysis training; survivability; military operations of operations analysis; and chemical warfare/defense.
Department of Defense Federal Data Bases
* Tactical Weapons Guidance and Control Information Analysis Center Data Base (GACIAC)
IIT Research Institute
10 West 35th St.
Chicago, IL 60616 (312) 567-4345
GACIAC is a Department of Defense Information Analysis Center which maintains a bibliographic data base of technical information related to the guidance and control of tactical contact weapons. These include missiles, rockets, bombs, submunitions, projectiles and munition-dispensing canisters. Technical areas covered include: theoretical performance calculations, guidance laws, systems stimulation, control actuators, aerodynamics and reaction jet control techniques, development of computational techniques and hardware, manufacturing process development, operational service ability, environmental protection, materials and much more. GACIAC's data base contains 36,000 records and is updated frequently. The data base is available online to anyone having access to the DTIC online data base. The Center serves only Department of Defense agencies and government contractors. Generally, the Center will perform one free search for a contractor needing information. Qualified organizations can subscribe to the Center's services for an annual fee. This entitles them to all the Center's products and four hours of free computer time.
Department of Defense Federal Data Bases
* US Army Corps of Engineers, Portland District Data Base
Mr. Steve Chesser
US Army Corps of Engineers, Portland District
US Department of the Army
P.O. Box 2946
Portland, OR 97208
ATTN: CENPP-PL-CH (503) 221-6465
This office develops environmental information in support of planning for Corps and Corps-permitted water development projects in the Northwest region. It contains information on data related to dredge material disposal: analysis of dredged material, physical, chemical, biological, geological data on disposal sites and coastal physical data. Information provided by other agencies in Environmental Impact Statement procedures. Pollutant statistics for disposal sites is also available. The Columbia River estuary data base is on AMDAHL tapes.
Department of Defense Federal Data Bases
* Waterways Experiment Station Data Base (WES)
Billy Parket Waterways Experiment Station
Army Corps of Engineers
US Department of Defense
Vicksburg, MS 39180 (601) 634-3451
The WES computer facilities store an undetermined but voluminous amount of research data from laboratory projects. The Hydraulics Lab studies practical application of experimental hydraulics, including river, tidal, waterways and structural hydraulics. The Environmental Lab Investigates the effects of man's activities on the environment as well as the effects of the environment on military operations. Environmental resource management studies include recreation planning, fisheries development and water quality evaluation. Tapes, reports, maps, graphics and printouts all are available.
Department of Defense Federal Data Bases
Defense Data Files Available from the National Archives
Margaret Adams
Archives Specialist
Reference Service
Center for Electronic Records (NNXA)
National Archives and Records Administration
8th and Pennsylvania Ave., NW
Washington, DC 20408
(202) 523-6771
The following list is a subset of electronic data sets (i.e., computer-readable data files) in the custody of the National Archives and Records Administration. The standard charge for a copy of an electronic data set (one data set not to exceed one magnetic reel of output) is $90. Ordering information is available upon request. For further information please contact the office above.
Department of Defense Federal Data Bases
Defense Data Files Available from NTIS
National Technical Information Service
US Department of Commerce
Springfield, VA 22161
(703) 487-4807
FAX (703) 321-8547
Listed below are data files available from the National Technical Information Service. Call the office above for ordering and cost information.
Department of Defense Federal Data Bases
* Air Force Interchangeable and Substitution (I and S) Report (PB88-910600/XDD) (See NTIS)
The tape contains interchangeability and substitution relationship information for stock numbered items in which the USAF has established an interest. Data contained in the stock list is a compilation of item relationships developed and maintained by the AFLC I&S activities having cataloging and standardization responsibility for the items listed. I&S relationships are contained in the D043 System and published only after careful research, technical comparison, and assurance that the relationships revealed are within acceptable engineering practices and meet functional, physical, qualitative, and prescribed performance requirements. Section 1 contains a list of all I&S grouped items and all X-File item identifier items. Section 2 lists the I&S groups in master item NSN sequence and reflects the order-of-use for each item in the group. The nomenclature and specification, if any, of the I&S group master item are also shown along with the identity of the responsible activity. Section 3 contains the X-File which is a listing of I&S exception relationship decisions input to the USAF I&S System by the I&S activity. If exception conditions are resolved, these relationships are entered into Section 2 I&S Groups.
Department of Defense Federal Data Bases
* AMRL Anthropometric Data Bank Library, Volume 1, 1968 Survey of USAF Women (AD-A056 154/8/XDD) (See NTIS)
The survey of women of the Air Force was made in the Spring of 1968 by the Anthropology Branch, Aerospace Medical Research Laboratory, Wright-Patterson AFB, Ohio and the Anthropology Research Project (then at Antioch College, Yellow Springs, Ohio). A description of the survey and the results are published in Anthropometry of Air Force Women (AD-743-113), 1972. Data for age (variable 1), 123 body size measurements (variables 2-214), and grip strength (variable 125) were obtained from a sample of 1905 women. 13 measurements were repeated on 1513 subjects with the subjects wearing foundation garments (variables 126-138). The contents of this tape are also described along with Volumes II-V of The AMRL Anthropometric Data Bank Library in the report The AMRL Anthropometric Data Bank Library: Volume 1-V, AMRL-TR-77-1, October 1977. This contains the complete survey in the fully edited form.
Department of Defense Federal Data Bases
* AMRL Anthropometric Data Bank Library, Volume II, 1967 Survey of USAF Flying Personnel (AD-A056 155/5/XDD) (See NTIS)
An anthropometric survey was conducted during the first three months of 1967. Measuring was carried out at almost 20 bases spread over the country. Summary statistics and a description of measuring techniques for most variables are reported in a review of anthropometric data of German Air Force and United Air Force Personnel 1967-68, published as AGARD-AG-205, 1975. The contents of this tape are also described along with Volume 1 and Volumes III-V of the AMRL Anthropometric Data Bank Library in the report The AMRL Anthropometric Data Bank Library: Volume 1-V, AMRL-TR-77-1, October 1977. This contains the complete survey in the fully edited form.
Department of Defense Federal Data Bases
s were repeated on 1513 subjects with the subjects wearing foundation garments (variables 126-138). The contents of this tape are also described along with Volumes II-V of The AMRL Anthropometric Data Bank Library in the report The AMRL Anthropometric Data Bank Library: Volume 1-V, AMRL-TR-77-1, October 1977. This contains the complete survey in the fully edited form.
* Metal Matrix Composites Information Analysis Center Data Base (MMCIAC)
Kaman Tempo
816 State Street
PO Drawer QQ
Santa Barbara, CA 93102
Manager - Center Operations (805) 963-6482
This system provides information on metal matrix composite materials and technology including matrix materials, (e.g., aluminum, magnesium, copper, beryllium, titanium, lead) and MMC Systems (e.g., graphite/aluminum; boron/aluminum; silicon-carbide/aluminum, graphite/magnesium), continuous and discontinuous reinforcements, (e.g., whiskers, filaments, fibers, particulates, wires), reinforcement or fiber materials, (e.g., silicon carbide, graphite, alumina, boron, silicon nitride, borsic), metal matrix composites properties (e.g., mechanical, physical, electrical, chemical, wear, corrosional, dynamical).
Department of Defense Federal Data Bases
* Metals and Ceramics Information Center Data Base (MCIC)
Perdue University
2595 Yeager Rd.
West Lafayette, IN 47906 (317) 494-9393
MCIC, a DOD-sponsored Information Center, maintains a bibliographic data base for worldwide literature pertaining to metals and ceramics technologies. Major emphasis is placed on structural alloys, and retrievable information includes citations, abstracts, and analyses of technical documents from government reports and worldwide open literature. The scope includes selected metals, ceramics, and composite materials of interest to DOD and its contracts and material suppliers. Information cited on all three types of materials covers coatings, environmental effects, physical properties, materials applications, test methods, sources/suppliers, specifications, design characteristics, and various strength steels, and superalloys. Ceramics covered include borides, carbides, carbon/graphite, nitrides, oxides, sulfides, silicides, selected glass, and glass ceramics. MCIC maintains both a computerized and manual data base. The computerized portion was started in 1975 and has access to more than 130,000 records. It is updated daily. MCIS will do searches for all sectors of government and industry. Simple searches are done free of charge, while more complex requests are assessed at a cost recovery fee. DOD agencies and contractors can get direct access to the data base through the Defense Technical Information Center's DTIC online system (DROLS) which is described earlier in this section.
Department of Defense Federal Data Bases
* Natural Resource Management System (NRMS)
Judy Rice
US Army Corps of Engineers
20 Massachusetts Ave., NW
Washington, DC 20314-1000 (202) 272-1796
NRMS contains information and statistics on about 400 recreational areas in the US. Information provided about each site includes data on: camping, picnicking, boating, fishing, land and water resources, facilities, location and travel distance, ownership, use by month in recreation days, staffing, activities pursued by visitors, fees charged and much more. Information can be retrieved by site name, geographical areas and other data cited. NRMS contains approximately 672 records. Data are collected annually and is available from 1978 to present. Searches and printouts are available free of charge. The Corps of Engineers also has free attractive brochures with maps and information about each of its sites.
Department of Defense Federal Data Bases
* Naval Aviation News Computer Information (NANci)
Department of the Navy
The Pentagon Data: (202) 475-1173
Washington, DC 20350 Voice: (202) 433-4407
NANci provides a source of aviation news and historical facts for naval buffs. Messaging is available. Access is sometimes limited during working hours. 24 hours/day, 7 days/week. Sysop: Commander John A. Norton.
Department of Defense Federal Data Bases
* Naval Environmental Protection Support Service Data Files (NEPSS)
Naval Energy and Environmental Support Activity
US Department of the Navy
Port Hueneme, CA 93043 (805) 982-5210
This system contains over 10 years of data on environmental monitoring including hazardous waste, PCBs, oil spills, and air emissions. Types of data available include: hazardous materials cleanup and disposal; assessment and control of installation restorations; chemical spill cleanups and effects; oily waste management, cleanup and effects; ship-to-shore pollutant discharge; wastewater management; air emissions; legislative reviews; and impact analysis. Reports, technical guide, graphical data, hard copy and machine readable data are available at a nominal cost.
Department of Defense Federal Data Bases
* Naval Operations Systems Center Data Files
Robert K. Johnson
Marine Environmental Support Office
Code 522
Naval Ocean Systems Center (619) 553-5330
San Diego, CA 92152 (619) 553-2775
Information available from this system include baseline data consisting of water, sediment and biological samples from Navy harbors. It provides the Navy with the scientifically sound and legally defensible capability to deal with and solve problems concerning marine/environmental quality. Data are available on real-time and discrete methods of measuring Navy contaminant in seawater, advanced bioassay techniques and permitting procedures. The system contains over 50,000 observations pertaining to physical, chemical and biological data for Navy harbors. Printouts and computer tapes are available on a cost recovery basis.
Department of Defense Federal Data Bases
* Navigational Information Network Data (NAVINFONET)
Defense Mapping Agency (DMA)
Hydrographic/Topographic Center
US Department of Defense
Washington, DC 20315-0030 (202) 227-3122
NAVINFONET contains the data used to produce the weekly Notice to Mariners and other information useful to the mariner. Currently included are chart corrections, Broadcast Warnings, MARAD Advisories, Defense Mapping Agency List of Lights, Anti-Shipping Activities Messages, Oil Drill Rig locations, corrections to DMA Hydrographic Product Catalogs, and Coast Guard Light Lists. The only costs incurred by the user are those charged by the provider of the telecommunications service. U.S. access numbers are (301) 227-3351 (300 band), (301) 227-5295 (12000 band, and (301) 227-4360 (2400 band). International access numbers are (301) 227-3457 (300 band) and (301) 227-3458 (300, 1200, 2400 band).
Department of Defense Federal Data Bases
* Navy Regional Data Automation Center Remote Bulletin Board System (NARDAC RBBS)
Navy Regional Data Automation Center (804) 445-1121
Department of the Voice: (804) 445-4157
Navy, VA 23511 (804) 445-1627
NARDAC RBBS is designed to promote the dissemination and exchange of microcomputer-based public domain software for the Department of the Navy. Included are Navy applications, data base management systems, word processing, communications, electronic spreadsheets, barcoding and system utilities. The latest information on the microcomputer contracts and conferences can be accessed.
Department of Defense Federal Data Bases
* Nondestructive Testing Information Analysis Center Data Base (NTIAC)
Southwest Research Institute
6220 Culebra Road
PO Drawer 28510
San Antonio, TX 78274 (512) 522-2362
This system provides information on all nondestructive testing (NDT) and/or evaluation techniques and processes, involving material/energy interaction phenomena such as radiographic, holographic, acoustic, magnetic, etc. Other information of concern to NTIAC includes economic aspects of the Nondestructive Evaluation (NDE) industry, economic considerations with respect to selection of techniques and processes; industry trends in applying current NDE technologies in research and development, production, maintenance, safety monitoring, failure prevention of in-service material, and life assurance.
Department of Defense Federal Data Bases
* Oceanography Department Data Base
Dr. Eugene Haderlie
Oceanography Department
US Department of the Navy
Naval Postgraduate School
Monterey, CA 93940 (408) 646-3251
This Department provides education of Naval Officers, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Corps officers, Federal employees and faculty research. The office has information on largely master's Thesis level research project reports, some faculty projects on pesticides, sewage, thermal effluent, runoff, petroleum, antifouling paint effects, sediment dynamics and baseline oceanographic data for site-specific areas. Reports, data, and referrals are available.
Department of Defense Federal Data Bases
* Parts Control Automated Support System (PCASS)
Carl Muncy
1507 Wilmington Pike
Dayton, OH 45444 (513) 296-8207
PCASS contains a federally appointed advisory group's (MPCAG's) recommendations about electronic parts to be used in new US defense systems. Historical information about approvals/disapprovals of non-standard/standard electronic devices such as microcircuits, transistors, and diodes is stored. Data include input from parts manufacturers, electronic equipment, manufacturers, major defense system contractors and design activities. PCASS also stores information about the purpose and content of military specifications for electronic parts and the current status of items on the US military Qualified Products List (QPL). Begun in the mid 1970s, PCASS currently holds 700,000 decisions about 900 programs; two million drawings; and 6,000 military specifications, standards, handbooks and QPLs. Searches are done on a cost recovery basis, and results are printed on microfiche. Hard copy is also available. A Freedom of Information Act request is necessary to access data.
Department of Defense Federal Data Bases
* Pavements and Soil Trafficability Information Analysis Center Data Base (PSTIAC)
US Army Corps of Engineers
Waterways Experiment Station
3909 Halls Ferry Rd.
Vicksburg, MS 39180 (601) 634-2504
A component of the Geotechnical Lab, the Pavements and Soil Trafficability Information Analysis Center (PSTIAC) provides products and specialized reference services to the public. The staff can be tasked to provide evaluative engineering and/or analytical service on pavements, trafficability, vehicle mobility, and terrain, primarily relevant to military needs. Data base searches are performed on a cost recovery basis, and requests are approved on a case by case basis. Time on the Center's super computer is available for sale to academic researchers.
Department of Defense Federal Data Bases
* PLASTEC Automated Bibliographic Services
Suseela Chandresekar
Plastics Technical Evaluation Center (PLASTEC)
US Army Armament Research Development Center
Dover, NJ 07801 (201) 724-2778
PLASTEC, a DOD-sponsored information and analysis center, maintains a bibliographic data base with abstracts for worldwide technical literature related to plastics, adhesives and organic matrix composites. References cover all plastic-related technology from applied research through fabrication, with emphasis on properties and performance. Subject areas include structural, electrical, electronic and packaging applications. Data bases containing millions of citations, abstracts or research summaries can be searched. It is updated every two months and approximately 3,000 new citations are added yearly. In addition to its own bibliographic data base, online access to PLASTEC is available only to government agencies, contractors and the defense community through OTIC, NASA STI, DIALOG and SOC. The center maintains a staff of materials specialists who provide a wide range of services.
Department of Defense Federal Data Bases
* Plastics Technical Evaluation Center Data Bases
Plastics Technical Evaluation Center
US Army Armament Research, Development and Engineering Center (ARDEC)
Building 355-N
Picatinny Arsenal, NJ 07806-5000 (201) 724-4021
Computerized data bases are maintained on the compatibility of polymers with propellants and explosives and on materials deterioration. To arrange for services or to get information, contact PLASTEC at the number listed above.
Department of Defense Federal Data Bases
* Reliability Analysis Center Data Bases (RAC)
Gina Nash
Reliability Analysis Center
PO 4700
Rome, NY 13440-8200 (315) 330-4151
RAC maintains six data bases with bibliographic and technical information pertaining to the reliability characteristics of components and systems. The data bases are: VLSI, on very large scale circuits; IC, on integrated circuits; Hybrid Circuits; Non-Electronic Devices; and Failures Related to Static Electricity (FRSC). Non-operating reliability data base equipment is not operational. The scope includes reliability and failure mode/mechanism information that is generated during all phases of component fabrication, testing, equipment assembly, and operation. Information and data on research and development studies, process control, quality analysis practices, screening and burn-in, qualification and environmental testing, failure analysis, reliability protection methods, reliability demonstrations, and field testing and mission deployment are incorporated in the data bases. The IC data base covers 10,000 devices and has records on 50,000 test results; VLSI covers 300 devices; Hybrid 1,000 devices; FRSE 5,000 devices; and Non- Electric 2,000. Searches and printouts are available on a cost recovery basis. Generally, a bibliographic search runs about $125 to $150.00.
Department of Defense Federal Data Bases
* Report of Patients at Air Force Medical Treatment Facilities RCS: [HAF-SGS(M) 7118 Machine-Readable Data File (MRDF)]
Chief Biostatistics Branch
Brooks Air Force Base, TX 78235 (512) 536-3981
This is a numeric (aggregate) file containing reports of all patient visits to outpatient services at Air Force Medical Treatment Facilities worldwide, and providing bed days for admissions by category of entitlement to care at those facilities. File is a basic source of management and command data for resources determination, utilization, allocation, and productivity. Data are drawn each month from patient medical records. There are two million records. Releases are primarily for use by the US Department of Defense, other data may be requested under the Freedom of Information Act from SGSB, Brooks Air Force Base.
Department of Defense Federal Data Bases
ment as well as the effects of the environment on military operations. Environmental resource management studies include recreation planning, fisheries development and water quality evaluation. Tapes, reports, maps, graphics and printouts all are available.
* Defense Logistics Studies Information Exchange System
James L. Kirkland, Director
US Army Logistics Management College
Defense Logistics Studies Information Exchange
Fort Lee, VA 23801 (804) 734-4255
This system is a collection of information relating to logistics studies, models, management information and related documents which may be of benefit to the DOD Logistics management and research community. Currently a dial-up system is available at remote locations for DOD personnel.
Department of Defense Federal Data Bases
* Defense Pest Management Information Analysis Center Data Base (DPMIAC)
Bob Wardwell, Chief
Defense Pest Management Information
Analysis Center
Forest Glenn Section, WRAMC
Washington, DC 20307 (301) 427-5365
DPMIAC, a Department of Defense sponsored center, maintains a bibliographic data base for worldwide literature in the field of pest management and natural resources. Currently 85 percent of the citations cover military and medical entomology, but the natural resource entries are increasing. Citations are provided for published epidemiologic, laboratory, clinical and statistical data collected from information sources ranging from published reports to research in progress. Covered topics include: entomology, pest control, pesticides, toxicology, arthropod vectors of disease, venomous organisms, land management, forestry, fish and wildlife, and agronomy. As of April 1983, the data banks contained 115,000 records, dating from 1962 to present. The data base is updated continually, with approximately 3,500 records added yearly. US government agencies and certified contractors are eligible for free searches and printouts. Searches are performed for others by the Center, but only on a cost-recovery basis.
Department of Defense Federal Data Bases
* DOD Nuclear Information and Analysis Center Data Files (DASIAC)
Defense Nuclear Agency
Attn: CSTI
6801 Telegraph Road
Alexandria, VA 22310-3398 (202) 325-7042
This system provides information on nuclear weapon explosion phenomena, nuclear weapons damage effects on military strategic and tactical systems/components, military survey hardening design procedures, survivability/vulnerability analysis, nuclear weapon safety and physical security, military tactics and doctrine, nuclear weapons effects testing, and advanced (SDI) weapons system hardening and lethality.
Department of Defense Federal Data Bases
* Domestic Technology Referral Data Base
Defense Technical Information Center
Cameron Station, DTIC-BC
Alexandria, VA 22304-6145 (202) 274-6434
The Defense Technical Information Center maintains a Domestic Technology Referral Data Base, supplying a broad referral to federal laboratories and their areas of expertise. The service is available to all legitimate requesters; the requester need not be a "registered user." Call or write for information.
Department of Defense Federal Data Bases
* Environmental Impact Computer System (EICS)
US Army Construction Engineering
Research Laboratory (CERL)
ETIS Support Center
1003 West Nevada St.
Urbana, IL 61801 (217) 333-1369
EICS identifies the consequences of changes in activities occurring in a region and guides the discussion of these consequences in an environmental assessment and impact statement. Using data supplied by the planner, EICS builds a "need to consider" matrix of likely environmental problems associated with the proposed activity. The matrix highlights those areas which require special attention. Information provided by EICS includes: identification of potential environmental impacts; ramification remarks, which elaborate on each of the impacts of an activity or attribute; and mitigation statements, which provide techniques for minimization, abatement, or avoidance of significant environmental areas such as ecology, health science, air quality, and energy and resource conservation; and 806 basic human activities grouped into nine broad areas such as construction, training and research, development testing and evaluation. The data base does not contain records but does contain 776 attributes and 800 activities that can be combined in a matrix to provide more than 500,000 potential impacts. Direct access via a remote terminal is available to ETIS subscribers for $200.00 a year. Anyone can become an ETIS subscriber and thereby also obtain direct access to three other data bases maintained by ETIS. ETIS will conduct searches for non-subscribers. A cost recovery fee, based on $90.00 per hour computer time and $25.00 per hour staff time is charged. The average search generally takes ten minutes.
Department of Defense Federal Data Bases
* Environmental Technical Information System (ETIS)
US Army Construction Engineering (CERL)
ETIS Support Center
1003 West Nevada St.
Urbana, IL 61801 (217) 333-1369
This system was developed by the US Army Corps of Engineers' Construction Engineering Research Laboratory (CERL). ETIS is comprised of four major systems that provide information resources and analysis tools designed as aids in environmental planning and impact statements. The Interactive systems are: the Environmental Impact Computer System (EICS), the Economic Impact Forecast System (EIFS), the Computer-aided Environmental Legislative Data System (CELDS), and Soil Systems (SOILS). The ETIS structure also contains numerous experimental systems under development by CERL. The systems are all interactive and can be directly accessed by remote terminals. Direct access to all ETIS systems is available to the general public for an annual subscription fee of $200.00 a year. Subscribers receive a users manual and can access the system via a terminal in their home or office at their convenience. A free guest account can be established for organizations and individuals wanting to use the system on a trial basis. ETIS will conduct searches for non-subscribers. A cost-recovery fee, based on $90.00 per hour computer time, is charged. The average search generally takes 10 minutes.
Department of Defense Federal Data Bases
* Export License Status Advisor (ELISA) Bulletin Board
US Department of Defense
Trade Security Policy Data: (202) 697-6109
Washington, DC 20301-2600 Voice: (202) 697-7840
The status of export license applications referred to the Department of Defense by the Departments of Commerce and State is available via this remote bulletin board system. No proprietary data is displayed. Included are application number, date received, date closed and status. Users must have their export license applications numbers in order to access information. The board also displays other useful information such as new publications useful to exporters.
Department of Defense Federal Data Bases
* Export License Status Advisor II (ELISA II) Bulletin Board
ELISA II is an advice line, a source of information, and an electronic means by which exporters can network with Defense Department licensing officials and with each other. The board offers information useful to exporters who want to avoid license application delays caused by insufficient information.
Department of Defense Federal Data Bases
* Foreign Geographic Names
Chief, Geographic Names Branch (GNB)
Defense Mapping Agency
Hydro-Graphic Topal-Graphic Center
Washington, DC 20315
This data base manages information about all standardized foreign geographic names approved by GNB. The system is searchable by foreign country and its subdivisions such as listing of a particular country's rivers, populated places, or valleys. Retrievable data include proper name and spelling, longitude/latitude, and type of feature (i.e., city, mountain, administrative area, etc). In the near future, records will exist on all foreign countries. Searches and printouts are expected to be available on a cost recovery basis.
Department of Defense Federal Data Bases
* Government-Industry Data Exchange Program System (GIDEP)
Jim Richards, Program Director
GIDEP Operations Center
Corona, CA 91720-5000 (714) 736-4677
GIDEP is a data interchange system whereby participating government agencies and industries exchange information regarding the research, design, development, production, and operational phases of systems and equipment. Currently 725 US, Canadian and European organizations participate. Most organizations willing to contribute information to GIDEP are eligible for membership and access to GIDEP's four data bases. The major data interchanges are: engineering, reliability-maintainability, metrology, failure- experience, and manufacturers test data reports. The system is updated daily and contains more than 200,000 items. Searches, printouts, and various special services are available to participants only. Membership and services are both free.
Department of Defense Federal Data Bases
* Gravity Library Data Base
Library Operations
DMA Aerospace Center
Attn: DSGA
3200 South Second Street
St. Louis, MO 63118-3399 (314) 263-8410
The official depository for all DOD gravity data, the Library maintains a massive data base on gravity. It has on file more than 20 million point gravity anomaly (PGA) measurements. In addition to collecting this data from its own surveys, DOD also acquires information through informal exchange agreement with scientific organizations, individual scientists and oil and geophysical companies. The Library's tapes and data are only available to those willing to exchange data, and DOD will protect the information it receives. Price varies depending on request.
Department of Defense Federal Data Bases
* Guidance and Control Information Analysis Center Data Base (GACIAC)
IIT Research Institute
10 West 35th Street
Chicago, IL 60616 (312) 567-4345
GACIAC is responsible for the dissemination and exchange of technical information related to the guidance and control of tactical weapons. Technical areas covered include: theoretical performance calculations, guidance laws, systems simulation, seeker and sensor development and testing, inertial component and system development, target signature data, radar cross section data, control actuators, aerodynamics and reaction jet control techniques, development of computational techniques and hardware, component design criteria, manufacturing process development, operational serviceability, environmental protection, and materials.
Department of Defense Federal Data Bases
* High Temperature Materials Information Analysis Center Data Base (HTMIAC)
Jim Chaney
Cindas/Purdue University
HTMIAC - US Department of Defense
2595 Yeager Road
West Lafayette, IN 47906 (317) 494-9393
HTMIAC is a data base of mechanical, thermophysical and electronic properties of certain materials under high temperature. File content is actual property data, not bibliographic references, and users can access it in graphic or tabular formats. The data base will be online in October 1989. Searches and printouts can be arranged by calling Mr. Chaney. Cost varies with extent of search requested.
Department of Defense Federal Data Bases
* Infrared Information and Analysis Center Data Base (IRIA)
Mildred Denecke
Environmental Research Institute of Michigan
Box 8618
Ann Arbor, MI 48107 (313) 994-1200, ext. 2214
IRIA maintains a data base with bibliographic citations and abstracts for technical literature pertaining to electro-optics technology, with emphasis on military infrared research and development. The scope of the data base includes radiation sources emitting in the ultraviolet through the infrared regions; radiation characteristics of natural and man-made targets; optical properties of materials; detection materials and elements; masers and lasers; image tubes; optical systems and components; detector coolers; atmospheric absorption, emissions and scattering; and search, homing tracking, ranging, countermeasures, reconnaissance, and other military infrared and laser systems. The data base contains 45,000 items and is updated continually. The general public can obtain searches and printouts of unclassified information stored in IRIA's data base. US government agencies and contractors with a need to know can obtain searches of the entire data base. A cost recovery fee is assessed for individuals and organizations that are not subscribers to IRIA's services.
Department of Defense Federal Data Bases
* Inpatient Data System - Disposition File 1985
Commander, Naval Medical Command
Washington, DC 20372 (202) 653-1823
This is a numeric (microdata) file containing data for all patients treated in naval medical inpatient facilities worldwide. Data are used by naval medical commands for planning, budgeting, allocating resources, utilization review, and quality assurance. They are drawn each month from the Inpatient Admission/Disposition Records NAVMED 6300/5. There are 98 variables for each of the 234,446 cases. Data are for all inpatients treated in naval inpatient treatment facilities worldwide. Data pertain to 1985. File is available through the Naval Medical Command. File contents are subject to the Privacy Act of 1974, and protection is afforded in accordance with Secretary of the Navy Instruction (SECNAVINST) 5211.5.
Department of Defense Federal Data Bases
* Manufacturing Technology Information Analysis Center Data Base (MTIAC)
MTIAC Operations
10 West 35th Street
Chicago, IL 60616 (312) 567-4730
MTIAC is responsible for the collection, analysis and dissemination of manufacturing technology information and data in the following areas: metals, non-metals, inspection and test, electronics and munitions, Computer Aided Design/Computer Aided Manufacturing (CAD/CAM).
Department of Defense Federal Data Bases
tion Analysis Center Data Base (MTIAC)
MTIAC Operations
10 West 35th Street
med on a cost recovery basis, and requests are approved on a case by case basis. Time on the Center's super computer is available for sale to academic researchers.
Department of Defense Federal Data Bases
Department of Defense Federal Da
Defense Federal Data Bases
* Ada Information Bulletin Board
Ada Information Clearinghouse
The Pentagon Data: (202) 694-0215
US Department of Defense (301) 459-3865
Washington, DC 20301-3081 Voice: (703) 685-1477
The Ada Information Bulletin Board is a publicly available source of information on the US Department of Defense's programming language, Ada, and on Ada activities. The bulletin board is used to announce current events, general activities and the status of various Ada compiler efforts. There are currently seven directories available: Ada Information, Language Reference, Ada-Commentaries, Rationale, CAIS, Newsletter, and CREASE.
Department of Defense Federal Data Bases
Department of Defense Federal Da
Federal Reserve System
US Arms Control and Disarmament
Copyright Royalty Tribunal
* Aerospace Structures Information Analysis Center Data Base (ASIAC)
Richard Scibetta, Information Specialist
Wright Patterson Air Force Base
Dayton, OH 45433 (513) 255-6688
ASIAC maintains a data base which provides bibliographic information about computer programs, books, journals and conference reports relating to aerospace structures. The Center can search its data base and several commercial systems to provide literature surveys, abstracts, state-of-the-art reviews, technical answers and referrals. ASIAC's most frequently searched topics include: structural analysis, fracture mechanics, fatigue, dynamic response, buckling, vibrations, damping, use of composite materials, stress, strain and loading. Materials date back to 1940 and citations are stored for more than 10,200 hard copy and 27,000 microfiche items. Records are added monthly. Free searches, printouts and documents are available to US government agencies, contractors and non-government companies upon special request. In addition to its own data base, ASIAC frequently searches DIALOG, DTIC and CIRC (foreign information). Other services provided by the Center include consulting, loaning of documents an distribution of more than 67 computer software programs designed by DOD. ASIAC will also help people resolve any problems they may have running the computer software.
Department of Defense Federal Data Bases
* Armed Forces Institute of Pathology System (AFIP)
Bill Dormer
US Department of the Army
Armed Forces Institute of Pathology (AFIP)
14th and Alaska Ave., NW
Washington, DC 20306 (202) 576-2800
This system provides a means of accessing, indexing and managing pathology cases referred to AFIP for consultation, education and research. It currently contains over one million cases. Two systems function within this data base: The Standard Nomenclature of Disease and Operations (SNDO) System provides the means for processing cases prior to 1970. The Pathology Natural Language Retrieval System (PANLARS) provides information on cases after 1970. Demographic, clinical and diagnostic information is provided for each case. Cases may be retrieved on any logical combination of words.
Department of Defense Federal Data Bases
* Automated Data Service
US Naval Observatory
Time Services Department
Department of the Navy
34th & Mass. Ave., NW Data: (202) 653-1079
Washington, DC 20392-5100 Voice: (202) 653-1522
ADS is designed to provide a means for the exchange of information among members of the precise time community. The data available on ADS provide measurements of the offsets of various systems of precise time transfer from the U.S. Naval Observatory Master Clock and information about the operational status of these systems.
Department of Defense Federal Data Bases
* Automated Inpatient Data System (AIDS) RCS: HAF-SGS(AR) 7109
Chief, Biostatistics Branch
US Department of the Air Force
Brooks Air Force Base, TX 78235 (512) 536-2946
This data base presents summary statistics recording time lost for medical reasons, and information about the episodes of illness, for all active duty military patients excused from duty for medical treatment plus patients hospitalized or dead on arrival at Air Force medical treatment facilities world-wide. Information includes the procedures used and the type of providers. Data are drawn each month from patient medical records. There are 85 variables. The data base is updated each year, since 1970 and files for the previous 10 years are also available. Data may be requested under the Freedom of Information Act from AFOMS/SGSB, Brooks Air Force Base.
Department of Defense Federal Data Bases
* Center for Information and Numerical Data Analysis and Synthesis System (CINDAS)
Purdue University
2595 Yeager Rd.
West Lafayette, IN 47906 (317) 494-9393
This is a comprehensive and authoritative bibliographic data system on the properties of materials, which contains more than 250,000 pertinent worldwide scientific and technical documents. It includes the following subsystems; the thermophysical and electronic properties data base on engineering materials; the data base on dielectric materials, the thermophysical, optical, and mechanical properties data base on aerospace structural composites; and a data base on fluids.
Department of Defense Federal Data Bases
* Chemical Propulsion Resource Center Data Bases
The John Hopkins University
Applied Physics Laboratory
Chemical Propulsion Information Agency (CPIA)
Johns Hopkins Rd.
Laurel, MD 20707 (301) 992-7307
CPIA provides data base searches on all areas of chemical propulsion. Note that this service is primarily for DOD contractors.
Department of Defense Federal Data Bases
* Chemical Warfare/Chemical and Biological Defense Information Analysis Center Data Bases (CBIAC)
Battelle Edgewood Operations
2113 Emmorton Park Road, Suite 200
Edgewood, MD 21040 (301) 676-9030
The CBIAC was established August 15, 1986 to serve as the DOD focal point for CW/CBD technology. It is responsible for the collection, review, analysis, appraisal and summary of available CW/CBD information and data and providing these data to all interested users in support of the DOD CW/CBD research and development program. To do this, the CBIAC is developing and maintaining several data bases and has access to a number of other CW/CBD data bases. The CBIAC is concerned with all areas of CW/CBD technology and provides technological assistance in such areas as: physical & chemical properties of agents & simulants; agent/simulant persistence on vegetation, terrain, material & equipment; agent/simulant effects on personnel, material, and equipment; environmental transport & fate of agents & simulants; combined/synergistic effects on personnel, targets, and equipment; medical effects, prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of casualties and others.
Department of Defense Federal Data Bases
* Civil Works Information System
John Micik
US Department of the Army
Headquarters, Corps of Engineers
Washington, DC 20314-1000 (202) 272-0299
This system provides the following information on every active project of the Army Corps of Engineers: kinds of project, title, state, district, cost estimate, and amount of money allocated to date. It consists of 8 separate but related automated files which serve such major functions as: management of recreational monetary authorizations, the Civil Works Five Year Construction Program, flood plain management and information on other projects and/or activities that have been or may be accomplished under the Civil Works Program. A hard copy is published by Congress titled Balance to Complete Report. Searches are available at no charge.
Department of Defense Federal Data Bases
* Coastal Engineering Information Analysis Center Data Bases (CEIAC)
Commander and Director
Coastal Engineering Research Center
US Army Corps of Engineers
Waterways Experiment Station
PO Box 631
Vicksburg, MS 39181-0631 (601) 634-2012
CEIAC maintains several data bases including a large bibliographic holding of some 250,000 books, journals, reports, unpublished matter, and other data pertaining to coastal engineering. Subject coverage includes ocean wave records, coastal regions, beaches, erosion, ecology, environments, oceanography, tides, estuaries, inlets and hydrodynamics. CEIAC also maintains the Littoral Environment Observation (LEO) data base which contains data such as wave height, period, direction, wind speed of over 200 locations along the coasts of the US. The Photographic Data base consists of over 50,000 slides and photographs of coastal scenes and projects including waves, beaches, jetties, seawalls, harbors, and damage to coastal structures resulting from storms. Searches and printouts are available, generally free of charge. A reproduction fee may be charged for lengthy printouts. The center will loan materials and has thousands of computer software programs available to the public on a cost-recovery basis. CEIAC also provides consulting services to domestic and foreign governments, and information referrals to private companies and individuals.
Department of Defense Federal Data Bases
* Cold Regions Science and Technology Information Analysis Center Data Bases (CRSTIAC)
US Army Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory
72 Lyme Road
Hanover, NH 03755-1290
Ms. Nancy Liston (603) 646-4221
This system provides information on cold regions science and technology, the design construction and maintenance of military facilities in cold regions and the conduct of snow, ice and frozen ground investigations.
Department of Defense Federal Data Bases
Armament Research and Development Center
US Army Armament Munitions Chemical Command
SMCAR-AET-O Building B 355N
Dover, NJ 07806-5000 (201) 724-3189
COMPAT, a computerized retrieval program developed by PLASTEC, provides rapid access to compatibility data covering the effects of energetic materials (explosives, propellants, pyrotechnics, etc.) on inert materials (polymers, metals, adhesives, coatings, sealants, etc.) and vice versa. Retrieval information includes qualitative answers to compatibility, information on tests used and results, and bibliographic references. COMPAT also contains a supplemental program called HAZARD-FAILURE, which gives information on known deficiencies or problems of polymers, derived from actual experience. Both data bases bring together conflicting data from various report sources. The systems can be accessed easily via remote terminal with a conventional telephone/teletype link. COMPAT covers more than 9,000 items and is updated frequently. HAZARD-FAILURE is a new and growing data base currently containing thousands of records. PLASTEC's services are available to the general public with a verified "need-to-know" on a cost-recovery basis. Use of COMPAT/HAZARD-FAILURE is available either by annual subscription or by single inquiry. An annual subscription, entitling users to unlimited computer access is available for a fee and results transmitted by telephone and/or mail response. The COMPAT program has user friendly menus and requires minimal training.
Department of Defense Federal Data Bases
* Concrete Technology Information Analysis Center Data Bases (CTIAC)
US Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station
P.O. Box 631
Vicksburg, MS 39180-0631
Director (601) 634-3264
This system provides information on concrete, reinforced concrete, reinforcing materials, cements, mixtures, construction materials, aging (materials), fracture (mechanics), deformation, degradation, chemical analysis, repair, evaluation, maintenance, rehabilitation.
Department of Defense Federal Data Bases
* Data and Analysis Center for Software Data Base (DACS)
Rome Air Development Center
Attn: COEE
Griffiss AFB, NY 13441-5700 (315) 330-4476
DACS maintains a computer data base for data collected on software development and maintenance programs. This data base contains data relevant to software reliability; software errors, faults, and failures; software cost and productivity; and methodologies and tools used for software development and maintenance. Subsets of the data are available for research purposes and can be obtained in hard copy and magnetic tape form.
Department of Defense Federal Data Bases
* Defense Energy Information System
Jim Carnes
Office of the Deputy Assistant Secretary for Defense (Logistics)
US Department of Defense
Pentagon, Room 1D760
Washington, DC 20301-8000 (202) 697-2500
The Defense Energy Information System (DEIS) is an internal Department of Defense data base which collects data on energy uses. DEIS is divided into two sub-data bases. DEIS I, the petroleum data base, provides wholesale quarterly issues of petroleum products by the Defense Fuel Supply Center. DEIS II, the utility data base, provides monthly energy consumption Defense installation by installation. This includes electricity, natural gas, steam, heating oil and coal.
Department of Defense Federal Data Bases
se which collects dae Navy Instruction (SECNAVINST) 5211.5.
Department of Defense Federal Data Bases
* High Temperature Materials Information Analysis CeF{/
* National Travel Survey, 1967 (XEN/DF-73/057/XDD) (See NTIS)
Summaries of United States domestic travel are presented by census regions, type of trip and vehicle, states visited, traveling group size, type of traveler, and season. Data are given on socioeconomic status, age, color, and sex of travelers, and lodging.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Navigational Aids Digital Data File (NAVAIDS) (See NTIS)
Digital data file of aids to air navigation contains the geographic position, the type navigation aid, and a unique identifier for every aid to air navigation in the United States, Puerto Rico, and the Virgin Islands. These data are chart independent and can be used in association with current NOAA charts. Data is "government certified" and is compatible with the federal air route traffic control center. A new digital data file is issued every 56 days.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Norwegian Remote Sensing Experiment (NORSEX), 1979: Airborne Microwave Scatterometer (AMSCAT) Information, NERDAS Parameters, Camera Control Information, PRT-5 and Environmental Information (PB88-122296/XDD) (See NTIS)
These data are described in NASA Contractor Report 165967 entitled NORSEX 79 Microwave Remote Sensing Data Summary Report - September 29 - October 12, 1979. The tapes contain NERDAS parameters, camera control information, PRT-5 and environmental information, and Airborne Microwave Scatterometer (AMSCAT) information. The time, latitude, and longitude records within a file are continuous with a sample rate of 0.5 seconds. Missing parameters are filled in with dummy variables. Real dummy variables are 9999.99 and 99.9999. Integer dummy values are -9999. The data is airborne microwave remote sensing measurements obtained by the Langley Research Center in support of the 1979 Norwegian Remote Sensing Experiment (NORSEX). Objectives were to investigate the capabilities of an active/passive microwave system to measure ice concentration and type in the vicinity of the marginal zone near Svalbard, Norway and to apply microwave techniques to the investigation of a thermal oceanic front near Bear Island, Norway. The instruments used by Langley during the experiment include the Stepped Frequency Microwave Radiometer (SFMR), the AMSCAT, the Precision Radiation Thermometer (PRT-5), and metric aerial photography.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Norwegian Remote Sensing Experiment (NORSEX), 1979: Stepped Frequency Microwave Radiometer (SFMR) Data (PB88-124375/XDD) (See NTIS)
These data are described in NASA Contractor Report 165967 entitled NORSEX 79 Microwave Remote Sensing Data Summary Report - September 29 - October 12, 1979. The tapes contain Stepped Frequency Microwave Radiometer (SFMR) data for all six days of the 1979 Norwegian Remote Sensing Experiment (NORSEX) Mission. The sample rate varies for these data and there are no dummy values. The data are airborne microwave remote sensing measurements obtained by NASA Langley Research Center in support of NORSEX. Objectives were to investigate the capabilities of an active/passive microwave system to measure ice concentration and type in the vicinity of the marginal zone near Svalbard, Norway and to apply microwave techniques to the investigation of a thermal oceanic front near Bear Island, Norway. The instruments used by Langley during the experiment include the Airborne Microwave Scatterometer (AMSCAT), the SFMR, the Precision Radiation Thermometer (PRT-5), and metric aerial photography.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* NTIS Bibliographic Data Base (Government Reports Announcements) (NTIS/DF-73/004/XDD) (See NTIS)
The bibliographic data base of the National Technical Information Service is available for lease. The file contains all current abstracts of Government-sponsored research and analyses, from which the periodicals Weekly Government Abstracts, Government Reports Announcements, and Government Reports Index are prepared. Current issue tapes are released on a bi-weekly basis. Back issues are available from July 1, 1964 through current year. The files are in the NTIS version of the COSATI Implementation of the Draft Ansi Standard (Z39.2-1968) for a Format for Bibliographic Information Interchange on Magnetic Tape. The character code is convertible to the standard ASCII code (columns 2, 3, 4, 5), with four exceptions, by adding hex 20 to each six-bit code. (Binary zero is a legal code - thus the file can be written only as odd parity with NTIS IBM equipment). For testing purposes, copies of the most recently available updated issue tape (currently for the updated GRA volume) may be ordered separately. Specify desired track and density and odd parity.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Planetary Image Videodisc (PB83-223131/XDD) (See NTIS)
The Planetary Image Videodisc is an analog-encoded optical disc containing more than 100,000 black and white images of Mercury, Venus, Mars, and Jupiter taken during the Mariner, Viking, and Voyager planetary missions. An equivalent number of 8- x 10-in. photographs would require nearly 300 cubic feet of storage space (14 cabinets containing 666 binders). More than a year of effort went into organizing, labelling, and photographing the individual images on 35-mm film. The film was transferred to videotape, then a master videodisc was produced, and copies for distribution were made. The disc represents the first full-scale use of videodisc technology for storage and retrieval of an image archive and a significant step toward our ultimate goal of widespread dissemination of space science data to both the scientific and educational communities. The disc can be played on Laser Disc Players made by Sony, Discovision, Pioneer, and Magnavox.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Planetary Image Videodisc. Volume 1 (PB85-144756/XDD) (See NTIS)
The Planetary Image Videodisc is an analog-encoded optical disc containing more than 100,000 black and white images of Mercury, Venus, Mars, and Jupiter taken during the Mariner, Viking, and Voyager planetary missions. An equivalent number of 8- x 10-in. photographs would require nearly 300 cubic feet of storage space (14 cabinets containing 666 binders). More than a year of effort went into organizing, labelling, and photographing the individual images on 35-mm film. The film was transferred to videotape, then a master videodisc was produced, and copies for distribution were made. Response from the scientific community has been overwhelmingly favorable both to the instantaneous access to images provided by videodisc technology and to the overall quality of the images on the disc. The disc represents the first full-scale use of videodisc technology for storage and retrieval of an image archive and a significant step toward our ultimate goal of widespread dissemination of space science data to both the scientific and educational communities. The disc can be played on Laser Disc Players made by Sony, Discovision, Pioneer, and Magnavox.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Planetary Image Videodisc. Volume 2 (PB85-144764/XDD) (See NTIS)
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Primary Water Resources Data Base for the Second National Water Assessment (Magnetic Tape) (PB80-125339/XDD) (See NTIS)
The Second National Water Assessment by the US Water Resources Council presents a comprehensive nationally consistent data base for the 21 water resources regions of the United States, published in report format in four volumes as The Nation's Water Resources - 1975-2000 (December 1978, through GPO). The magnetic tape contains much of the data presented in Volume 3, Analytical Data. Information is presented not only for the 21 water resources regions, but for 106 water assessment subregions that provide more localized information. Information is presented for present (1975) and future (1985 and 2000) conditions. All basic data (45,000 items) from the report is on the tape except: (1) derived analytical results; (2) monthly details of water data; and (3) dry conditions data. Monthly water data will be available at a future date (400,000 items).
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Standard Abbreviations and Codes for States and Outlying Areas of the US (FIPS PUB 5-1) and Counties and County Equivalents of the States of the United States and the District of Columbia (FIPS PUB 6-3) (PB85-152288/XDD) (See NTIS)
This tape contains two files: FIPS PUB 5-1 (incl. change notices 1-4), Standard Abbreviations and Codes for States and Outlying Areas of the US, and FIPS PUB 6-3 (including change notices 1-4), Counties and County Equivalents of the States of the United States and the District of Columbia. Records in File 1 are sequenced in alphabetic order of the states (incl. D.C.), followed by the major outlying areas in alphabetic order, followed by the minor areas in alphabetic order. progression of the numeric state code is consistent with alphabetic order of the states and major outlying areas. Minor outlying areas have no postal abbreviations and, in these cases, positions 51 and 52 of each records are blank. Records in File 2 are sequenced in alphabetic order of county name, within each state and outlying area. Progression of the numeric county code is consistent with alphabetic order of the counties within each state. States (incl. D.C.), and the major outlying areas do not appear in File 2, as they have no county equivalent.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Standard Industrial Classification Manual, 1987 (PB87-100020/XDD) (See NTIS)
The Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) is the statistical classification standard underlying all establishment-based Federal economic statistics classified by industry. The SIC is used to promote the comparability of establishment data describing various facets of the US economy. The classification covers the entire field of economic activities and defines industries in accordance with the composition and structure of the economy. It is revised periodically to reflect the economy's changing industrial organization. The manual incorporates the first major revision since 1972. Available on diskette, IBM and MacIntosh compatible.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) (PB87-100020/HAL) (See NTIS)
The Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) is the statistical classification standard underlying all establishment-based Federal economic statistics classified by industry. The SIC is used to promote the comparability of establishment data describing various facets of the US economy. The classification covers the entire field of economic activities and defines industries in accordance with the composition and structure of the economy. Available in: 9 track 1600 or 6250 bpi, $210.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) Manual (for Microcomputers) (See NTIS)
The Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) is the statistical classification standard underlying all establishment-based Federal economic statistics classified by industry. The SIC is used to promote the comparability of establishment data describing various facets of the US economy. The classification covers the entire field of economic activities and defines industries in accordance with the composition and structure of the economy. Available in: 5 1/4 inch diskette, IBM-PC compatible, order number PB87-199568/HAL, $275; 5 1/4 inch diskette, AT-compatible (1.2 Mb), order number PB87-199576/HAL, $175; 3 1/2 inch diskette, Apple MacIntosh, order number PB87-199584/HAL, $425.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Standard Occupational Classification (PB81-162513/HAL) (See NTIS)
The SOC provides a statistical classification system for occupations that should make statistics compiled by different agencies much more comparable, as the Standard Industrial Classification does for industries. The system includes all occupations in which work is performed for pay or profit including family members in family-operated businesses. Available in: 9 track 1600 or 6250 bpi, $210.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* State Estimates of Output, Employment and Payrolls, 1967 (PB-237 702/4/XDD) (See NTIS)
This file includes estimates of state industry outputs, employment, and payrolls for 1967, definitionally consistent with the input-output (I/O) industrial classification formulated by the Bureau of Economic Analysis. State output (valued in current dollars, 1963 dollars, and 1958 dollars), employment and payroll statistics have been constructed for 80 input-output industries: IO-1 through IO-73, IO-75 through IO-79, IO-84, and IO-86.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* US Industrial Outlook, 1988 (ASCII, EBCDIC) (PB88-212501/XDD) (See NTIS)
This is an industry-by-industry overview of the US economy, with analysis and projections by ITA industry analysts in the framework of the general economic outlook as developed by the Under Secretary for Economic Affairs of the US Department of Commerce. The coverage includes more than 350 manufacturing and services industries; about 80 percent of the Nation's manufacturing output, plus emerging industries advanced materials, fiber optics and superconductors, biotechnology, and space commercialization. The types of data include industry shipments (in current and constant dollars), revenues, trade flows, employment and earnings, from 1972 to most current. The forecast period is 1988 with projections to 1992.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* US Industrial Outlook, 198S Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station
P.O. Box 631
Vicksburg, MS 39180-0631
Director (601) 634-3264
This system provides information on concrete, reinforced concrete, reinforcing materials, cements,
* Income Survey Development Program (ISDP) 1979, Wave 5, Final Version (PB84-217397/XDD) (See NTIS)
The file contains updated information on labor force participation and recipiency of income, asset ownership, and associated amounts. Supplemental topics include net worth and pension and retirement coverage. This file also reflects the addition of fields containing edited Food Stamp, Medicaid and AFDC variables and the identification of AFDC, Food Stamp, and Medicaid units.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Income Survey Development Program (ISDP). 1979 Research Panel: Wave 6 Data File (PB83-244806/XDD) (See NTIS)
The Income Survey Development Program (ISDP) was designed to test data collection materials, procedures, and processing systems necessary to handle the ongoing Survey of Income and Program Participation (SIPP) scheduled to be implemented in the early 80's. The ISDP (and subsequently the SIPP) was intended, among other things, to provide annual and subannual measures of income and income change and to provide data necessary to evaluate the impact of policy changes regarding Federal and state tax, welfare, and various benefit programs. This file contains updated information on labor force participation and recipiency of income, asset ownership, and associated amounts. supplemental tapes include net worth and pension and retirement coverage. These tapes are preliminary and final tapes with family units, program units and recipiency edits will be issued by October 1983.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Income Survey Development Program (ISDP). 1979 Research Panel Working Files, Linking Index and Extract File (PB83-244749/XDD) (See NTIS)
The Income Survey Development Program (ISDP) was designed to test data collection materials, procedures, and processing systems necessary to handle the ongoing Survey of Income and Program Participation (SIPP) scheduled to be implemented in the early 80's. The ISDP (and subsequently SIPP) was intended, among other things, to provide annual and subannual measures of income and income change and to provide data necessary to evaluate the impact of policy changes regarding Federal and state tax, welfare, and various benefit programs. These tapes are preliminary and final tapes with family units, program units and recipiency edits will be issued by October 1983. This set contains the 6 interview waves of the 1979 Research Panel along with the Extract File from Wave 5 Questionnaire and the Linking Index File for Matching Individual Waves.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Industrial Production Index Tape (Monthly Cumulative January 1919 to Current) (PB85-217602/XDD) (See NTIS)
The industrial production index is a measure of the physical output of the Nations's factories, mines, and electric and gas utilities expressed as a percentage of production in a base period, currently 1967. The 235 individual series represent Standard Industrial Classification codes 10-14, 19-39, 49, and 91 (part). There are two files on the tape: (1) seasonally adjusted, and (2) not seasonally adjusted.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Information Economy (PB-264 172/8/XDD) (See NTIS)
This file contains the underlying data base used by the Office of Telecommunications during its research into the information sector of the national economy. The data include input-output tables at the 108 and 190 industry level; and the corresponding A-coefficient and Inverse matrices. Industry byu Occupation employee compensation tables, for the years 1967 and 1970, are also included. These tables contained details for 422 occupations and 108 industries. The tape is fully documented in User's Guide to the complete Data Base (on magnetic tape), Office of Telecommunications Special Report 77-12-9.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Los Angeles Reactive Pollutant Program Data Archive, Feb-Jun 1975 (PB-244 297/8/XDD) (See NTIS)
This file contains the LARPP second level archive collection of data records concatenated in strict time sequence. Several operations are stored on a single magnetic tape with a physical 'file mark' defining the end of data for a given operation and a double 'file mark' indicating the end of all data on the tape. The data for each operation on the tape is preceded by a label containing the operation number and date. There are twenty-six types of records in the file. A full description of each record type is included in the user's guide, PB-244 295. Los Angeles Reactive Pollutant Program Data Archive, September 1973-November 1973 (PB-255 506/8/XDD).
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Management Data List - Consolidated (ML -C) (PB84-240225/XDD) (See NTIS)
The Management List - Consolidated (ML-C) is designed to provide users with supply management data on all National Stock Numbers recorded in the Catalog Management Data segment of the Defense Integrated Data System Total Item Record.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Master Cross Reference List, Part 1 (Defense Logistics Services Center) (PB84-118009/XDD) (See NTIS)
Part 1 of the Master Cross Reference List is a Master List of Logistics Reference Numbers cross-referenced to their applicable National Stock Number(s) in the Federal Catalog System. It contains nine basic elements of data: Logistics Reference Number assigned by the manufacturers; Manufacturers Code, identifying the manufacturer; Reference Number variation Code, indicating whether the reference number is item identifying or requires additional data to correctly identify the item of supply; National Stock Number/Permanent System Control Number; Reference Number Category Code, that designates the relationship of reference number to an item of supply; Item Standardization Code indicates if the item is authorized or not for procurement; Service/Agency Designator Code, delineates the S/A that accepted a National Stock Number that was ordered as a substitute for an item; Description Availability, will indicate whether or not the item has a description in the DLSC Master File; and Item Name is the approved name given to this item.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Master Cross Reference List, Part 2 (Defense Logistics Service Center) (PB84-217249/XDD) (See NTIS)
Part 2 of the Master Cross Reference List is a Master List of National Stock Number(s) cross-referenced to their applicable Logistics Reference Number in the Federal Catalog System. It contains nine basic elements of data: (1) National Stock Number/Permanent System Control Number; (2) Item Standardization Code indicates if the item is authorized or not for procurement; (3) Logistics Reference Number assigned by the manufacturers; (4) Manufacturers Code, identifying the manufacturer; (5) Reference Number Variation Code, indicating whether the reference number is item identifying or requires additional data to correctly identify the item of supply; (6) Reference Number Category Code, that designates the relationship of reference number to an item of supply; (7) Service/Agency Designator Code, delineates the S/A that accepted a National Stock Number that was ordered as a substitute for an item; (8) Description Availability, will indicate whether or not the item has a description in the DLSC Master File; and (9) Item Name is the approved name given to this item.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Master Cross Reference List, Part 3 (Defense Logistics Service Center) (PB84-217156/XDD) (See NTIS)
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Metropolitan Tracer Experiment (METREX) (PB87-204913/XDD) (See NTIS)
Several perflurocarbon gas tracers were released at regular intervals for 1 year just outside the Washington, DC metropolitan area. Continuous 8h air samples were collected at a central downtown site and two adjacent suburban locations. Monthly air samples were collected throughout the region. Meteorological measurements were made on five towers instrumented for the experiment. The data tape contains all the air concentration data and meteorological data collected during the field program.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Monthly Household and Family Composition (PB84-215417/XDD) (See NTIS)
The file is the result of Mathematica Policy Research's effort to determine living arrangements of the sample members by month for the period covered by the first 5 waves of the 1979 Income Surveys Development Program Research Test Panel (ISDP). The file contains one record per person for each month the individual was present in the sample. In each record there is an indicator of the household, family and food stamp unit to which the individual belonged. Each person is uniquely identified by the constructed variable called the link index. If the user desires to use this data set in conjunction with the public use cross-sectional ISDP files, he/she would first need to merge the link-index to those cross-sectional tapes. The link index and the variables necessary to merge it to the public use files are contained in the master link-index file issued by NTIS.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* MSA: Metropolitan Statistical Areas Data Tape (PB85-161115/HAL) (See NTIS)
A total of 257 MSAs are recognized. In addition, there are 23 CMSAs, consisting of 78 PMSAs. This tape contains computer files documenting titles, components and Federal Information Processing Standards (FIPS) codes for Metropolitan Statistical Areas and related statistical areas. It includes two computer files to convert titles, components, and FIPS codes from SMSA to MSA definitions. Available in: 9 track 1600 or 6250 bpi, $210.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* MSA: Metropolitan Statistical Areas Data Tape, February 1985 Version. (PB85-16115/XDD) (See NTIS)
The Office of Management and Budget (OMB) announced revised definitions of the nation's metropolitan statistical areas (MSAs) effective June 30, 1983. Based on demographic data derived from the 1980 decennial census, a comprehensive review was undertaken by the Federal Committee on MSAs, which advises OMB on MSA matters. The previous term "Standard Metropolitan Statistical Area (SMSA)" has been shortened to "Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA)". Under the new standards, an area qualifies for recognition as an MSA in one of two ways: if there is a city of at least 50,000 population, or an urbanized area of at least 50,000 with a total metropolitan population of at least 100,000. If an area has more than 1 million population and meets certain other specified requirements, it now will bed termed a 'Consolidated Metropolitan Statistical Area' (CMSA), consisting of major components recognized as 'Primary Metropolitan Statistical Areas' (PMSAs). A total of 257 MSAs are recognized. In addition, there are 23 CMSAs, consisting of 78 PMSAs. This tape contains computer files documenting titles, components and Federal Information Processing standards (FIPS) codes for Metropolitan Statistical Areas and related statistical areas. It includes two computer files to convert titles, components, and FIPS codes for Standard Metropolitan Statistical Areas to June 30, 1983 MSA definitions.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* National Marine Fisheries Service Species/Mercury Data (PB-283 265/7/XDD) (See NTIS)
The tape contains total mercury data (ppm) for 79 species and/or categories of fish and shellfish representing all major commercial and recreational species of the US collected during 1971-73. The majority of the data was provided by the national marine Fisheries Service (NMFS). Other contributors were: the Michigan Department of Natural Resources and the New York State Department of Conservation for data on freshwater species, and Fisheries and Environment Canada for swordfish data. For each species information is given on the location of catch, month and year caught, weight in grams and mercury concentration in ppm.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* National Technical Information Service Bibliographic Data Base (See NTIS)
The NTIS data base contains abstracts and bibliographic citations of reports and publications resulting from government sponsored research and development. Most materials are available to the public and cover numerous topics ranging from technology to business procedures. National, state and local government reports are cited along with the works of grantees, contractors and foreign agencies. Searches can be done by title, keyword, corporate source and category. The system currently holds 2,000,000 citations spanning 1964 to the present. 65,000 entries are added to the data base each year. NTIS must be accessed commercially through DIALOG, BRS, ORBIT, DATA STAR, and ESA/IRS. NERAC, Inc. does batch processing. CD ROM is available from DIALOG and OCLC.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* National Technical Information Service Bibliographic Data Base (See NTIS)
The NTIS data base contains abstracts and bibliographic citations of reports and publicathe SOC provides a statistical classification system for occupations that should make statistics compiled by different agencies much more comparable, as :
* Federal Survey of PCBs (Polychlorinated Biphenyls) in Atlantic Coast Bluefish, 1984-1986 (available on diskette) (PB87-142881/XDD) (See NTIS)
The data base provides all data collected of a two year study on the levels of PCBs in east coast bluefish. the file in the data base entitled BIOREL.DAT includes the total fork and standard lengths (in millimeters), total body weight (in grams), sex and stage of maturity (determined where applicable), and gonads excised and weighed (in tenths of grams) for each fish collected. Also included are appropriate coding labels for each fish and location/type of capture for each fish.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
Contains codes for names populated places, primary county divisions, and other locational entities of the United States and outlying areas. Includes complete listing of populated places from the geographic names information system (GNIS) of the USGS report contains an exhaustive list of counties, incorporated places, census designated places (CDP's), primary county division, and Indian and Alaskan native area. Also included are unincorporated places, military bases, national parks, airports, and ground transportation points. Each entity is identified by the county (or counties) and metropolitan statistical area in which it is located.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* FIPS State/County Code Tape (PB85-152288/HAL) (See NTIS)
This tape contains two files: FIPS PUB 5-1 (incl. change notices 1-4) Standard Abbreviations and Codes for States and Outlying Areas of the US and FIPS PUB 6-3 (incl. change notices 1-4), Counties and County Equivalents of the States of the United States and the District of Columbia. Records in File 1 are sequenced in alphabetic order of the states (incl. D.C.), followed by the major outlying areas. Records in File 2 are sequenced in alphabetic order of county name, within each state and outlying area. Progression of the numeric county code is consistent with alphabetic order of the counties within each state. Available in: 9 track 1600 or 6250 bpi, $210.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Greenland Remote Sensing Experiment, 1979, over the Greenland Ice Cap: NERDAS Parameters, PRT-5 and Environmental Information, and Airborne Scatterometer (AMSCAT) Information (PB88-122296/XDD) (See NTIS)
The data described in NASA Technical Memorandum 84751 entitled Greenland 1979 Microwave Remote Sensing Data Catalog Report - October 14 and 15, 1979. The tapes contain NERDAS parameters, PRT-5 and environmental information, and Airborne Microwave Scatterometer (AMSCAT) information. The time, latitude, and longitude records within a file are continuous with a sample rate of 0.50 seconds. Missing parameters are filled in with dummy variables. Real dummy variables are 9999.99 and 99.9999. Integer dummy values are -9999. The data is airborne microwave remote sensing measurements obtained by the Langley Research Center in support of the 1979 Greenland Remote Sensing Experiment over the Greenland ice cap. The remote sensing objective of the experiment was to investigate microwave properties of the Greenland ice cap. The instruments used by Langley during the experiment include the AMSCAT, the Stepped Frequency Microwave Radiometer (SFMR), and the Precision Radiation Thermometer (PRT-5).
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Greenland Remote Sensing Experiment, 1979: Stepped Frequency Microwave Radiometer (SFMR) Data (PB88-124391/XDD) (See NTIS)
These data are described in NASA Technical Memorandum 84751 entitled Greenland 1979 Microwave Remote Sensing Data Catalog Report - October 14 and 15, 1979. The tapes contain Stepped Frequency Microwave Radiometer (SFMR) information. The sample rate varies for these data and there are no dummy values. These data are airborne microwave remote sensing measurements obtained by the Langley Research Center in support of the 1979 Greenland Remote Sensing Experiment over the Greenland ice cap. The remote sensing objective of the experiment was to investigate microwave properties of the Greenland ice cap. The instruments used by Langley during the experiment include the SFMR, The Airborne Microwave Scatterometer (AMSCAT), and the Precision Radiation Thermometer (PRT-5).
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* H4/H8 Commercial and Government Entity (CAGE) Publication, Section A: US and Canada Manufacturers/Non- Manufacturers Name to Cage Code (PB87-945100/XDD) (See NTIS)
The H4/H8 reflects codes assigned to organizations located world-wide. It contains the contractors name, geographical location, former name, if applicable, assigned CAGE Code, and status code; (i.e., active, obsolete, cancelled with or without a replacement). Titles/Symbols: G Government; C Canadian organization; (Blank) Domestic US organization; Update summary - new entry or update since publication of the previous edition; (Blank) No change; S Status designator - reflects the status condition of the contractor. Suppliers name and address - a listing of contractors, in name sequence, their geographical location and applicable attribute data. CAGE - Federal code - The Cage Code assigned to the contractor. T - Type of O.E. code: A = manufacturer, F = non-manufacturer. CAO - A DODAAD code which identifies the office/agency administering the contract. ADPP - A DODAAD code which identifies the automatic data processing point for applicable contract administration office.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* H4/H8 Commercial and Government Entity (CAGE) Publication, Section B: CAGE Code to US and Canada Manufacturers/Non-Manufacturer (PB87-945200/XDD) (See NTIS)
The H4/H8 reflects codes assigned to organizations located world-wide. It contains the contractors name, geographical location, former name, if applicable, assigned CAGE Code, and status code; (i.e., active, obsolete, cancelled with or without a replacement). Titles/Symbols: G Government; C Canadian organization; (Blank) Domestic US organization; Update summary - new entry or update since publication of the previous edition; (Blank) No change; S Status designator - reflects the status condition of the contractor. Suppliers name and address - a listing of contractors, in name sequence, their geographical location and applicable attribute data. CAGE - Federal code - The Cage Code assigned to the contractor. T - Type of O.E. code: A = manufacturer, F = non-manufacturer. CAO - A DODAAD code which identifies the office/agency administering the contract. ADPP - A DODAAD code which identifies the automatic data processing point for applicable contract administration office.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* H4/H8 Commercial and Government Entity (CAGE) Publication, Section C: NATO Manufacturers Name to NATO CAGE Code (PB87-945300/XDD) (See NTIS)
The H4/H8 reflects codes assigned to organizations located world-wide. It contains the contractors name, geographical location, former name, if applicable, assigned CAGE Code, and status code; (i.e., active, obsolete, cancelled with or without a replacement). Titles/Symbols: G Government; C Canadian organization; (Blank) Domestic US organization; Update summary - new entry or update since publication of the previous edition; (Blank) No change; S Status designator - reflects the status condition of the contractor. Suppliers name and address - a listing of contractors, in name sequence, their geographical location and applicable attribute data. CAGE - Federal code - The Cage Code assigned to the contractor. T - Type of O.E. code: A = manufacturer, F = non-manufacturer. CAO - A DODAAD code which identifies the office/agency administering the contract. ADPP - A DODAAD code which identifies the automatic data processing point for applicable contract administration office.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* H4/H8 Commercial and Government Entity (CAGE) Publication, Section D: NATO CAGE Code to NATO Manufacturers Name (PB87-945400/XDD) (See NTIS)
The H4/H8 reflects codes assigned to organizations located world-wide. It contains the contractors name, geographical location, former name, if applicable, assigned CAGE Code, and status code; (i.e., active, obsolete, cancelled with or without a replacement). Titles/Symbols: G Government; C Canadian organization; (Blank) Domestic US organization; Update summary - new entry or update since publication of the previous edition; (Blank) No change; S Status designator - reflects the status condition of the contractor. Suppliers name and address - a listing of contractors, in name sequence, their geographical location and applicable attribute data. CAGE - Federal code - The Cage Code assigned to the contractor. T - Type of O.E. code: A = manufacturer, F = non-manufacturer. CAO - A DODAAD code which identifies the office/agency administering the contract. ADPP - A DODAAD code which identifies the automatic data processing point for applicable contract administration office.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Implementation of ANSI (American National Standards Institute) Codes for the Representation of Names of Countries, Dependencies, and Areas of Special Sovereignty for Information Interchange (FIPS PUB 104) (PB85-226918/XDD) (See NTIS)
The file contains data from Table 1, updated, of FIPS PUB 104, Implementation of ANSI Codes for the Representation of Names of Countries, Dependencies, and Areas of Special Sovereignty for Information Interchange. The file contains the names, alphabetic two-character codes, and alphabetic three-character codes of each entity listed in FIPS PUB 104. Lack of a code is shown by hyphens (-- or---). In addition, asterisks for some records indicate whether there is a reserved code for the entity in ISO 3166. A comment field gives additional information about entity, including its name in ISO 3166, if different from that used in FIPS PUB 104. The comments are condensed from the printed version of FIPS PUB 104. Entities are sequenced in alphabetic order of their names as they appear in FIPS PUB 104. All names and codes are represented in Upper Case. Comments appear in Mixed Case, unless they are alternate names, which appear in Upper Case. US BGN is an abbreviation for US Board on Geographic Names.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Income Survey Development Program (ISDP). 1979 Research Panel, Extract File from Wave 5 Questionnaire (PB83-244822/XDD) (See NTIS)
The Income Survey Development Program (ISDP) was designed to test data collection materials, procedures, and processing systems necessary to handle the ongoing Survey of Income and Program Participation (SIPP) scheduled to be implemented in the early 80's. The ISDP (and subsequently the SIPP) was intended, among other things, to provide annual and subannual measures of income and income change and to provide data necessary to evaluate the impact of policy changes regarding Federal and state tax, welfare, and various benefit programs. This file contains interest, dividend and rental income records as recorded on the questionnaire. These responses can be used by interested users to reimpute asset values for Wave 5. (Preliminary asset imputations and measures of net worth are currently appended to the Wave Public Use File.) These tapes are preliminary and final tapes with family units, program units and recipiency edits will be issued by October 1983.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Income Survey Development Program (ISDP). 1979 Research Panel, Linking Index File for Matching Individual Waves (PB83-244814/XDD) (See NTIS)
The Income Survey Development Program (ISDP) was designed to test data collection materials, procedures, and processing systems necessary to handle the ongoing Survey of Income and Program Participation (SIPP) scheduled to be implemented in the early 80's. The ISDP (and subsequently the SIPP) was intended, among other things, to provide annual and subannual measures of income and income change and to provide data necessary to evaluate the impact of policy changes regarding Federal and state tax, welfare, and various benefit programs. This file will be used to match individual wave files to form a concentrated file for the entire 1979 Research Panel of the Income Survey Development Program. See Survey documentation for details. These tapes are preliminary and final tapes with family units, program units and recipiency edits will be issued by October 1983.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Income Survey Development Program (ISDP), 1979 Research Panel Wave 1, Final Version (PB84-220086/XDD) (See NTIS)
The file contains initial core data on labor force participation and recipiency of income, asset ownership, and associated amounts. It also reflects the addition of fields containing edited Food Stamp, Medicaid and AFDC variables and the identification of AFDC, Food Stamp, and Medicaid units.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Income Survey Development Program (ISDP) 1979, Wave 2, Final Version (PB84-217389/XDD) (See NTIS)
The file contains updated information on labor force participation and recipiency of income, asset ownership, and associated amounts. Supplemental topics include program eligibility. This file also reflects the addition of fields containing edited Food Stamp, Medicaid and AFDC variables and the identification of AFDC, Food Stamp, and Medicaid units.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Income Survey Development Program (ISDP), 1979 Research Panel, Wave 3, Final Version (PB84-220078/XDD) (See NTIS)
The file contains updated information on labor force participation and recipiency of income, asset ownership, and associated amounts. Supplemental topics include attitudinal questions and personal history (migration, work history, marital history, etc.). This file also reflects the addition of fields containing edited Food Stamp, Medicaid and AFDC variables and the identification of AFDC, Food Stamp, and Medicaid units.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Income Survey Development Program (ISDP). 1979 Research Panel Wave 4, Final Version (PB84-220060/XDD) (See NTIS)
The file contains updated information on labor force participation and recipiency of income, asset ownership, and associated amounts. Supplemental topics include child care and educational enrollment and expenses. This file also reflects the addition of fields containing edited Food Stamp, Medicaid and AFDC variables and the identification of AFDC, Food Stamp, and Medicaid units.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
fields containing edited Food Stamp, Medicaid and AFDC variables and the identification of AFDC, Food Stamp, and Medicaid units.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Codes for Named Populated Places, Primary Country Divisions and Other Locations Entities of the US (PB87-1424326/HAL) (See NTIS)
This ninth update of the Federal Information Processing Standard (FIPS) 55 data file provides a two-character State code and five-character numeric place code to uniquely identify each listed entity. Areas of the United States covered are the fifty states, the District of Columbia, and all outlying territories with significant self-administration. An exhaustive list is carried of incorporated places, census designated places (CDP's), primary county divisions (such as townships, New England towns, and census county divisions), recognized Indian reservations and Alaska Native villages, and counties. The listing also includes unincorporated places, military bases, National parks, airports, and ground transportation points. A two-character class code distinguishes over seventy entity types. Each entity is identified by the county or counties in which it is located. Zip codes are provided for all Post Offices. Available in: 9 track 1600 or 6250 bpi, $525.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Codes for Named Populated Places, Primary County Divisions, and other Locations Entities of the United States (Sixth Update); FIPS PUB 55. (PB84-162742/XDD) (See NTIS)
This sixth update of the Federal Information Processing Standard (FIPS) 55 data file provides a two character State code and five character numeric place code to uniquely identify each listed entity. Areas of the United States covered are the fifty States, the District of Columbia, and all outlying territories with significant self-administration. An exhaustive list is carried of incorporated places, census designed places (CDPs), primary county divisions (such as townships, New England towns, and census county divisions), recognized Indian reservations and Alaska Native villages, and counties. The listing also includes unincorporated places, military bases, national parks, airports, and ground transportation points. A two character class code distinguishes over seventy entity types. Each entity is identified by the county or counties in which it is located. All exhaustive categories and military bases are identified by Congressional District and, in most cases, by metropolitan statistical areas. Incorporated places, CDPs, and Indian and Alaska Native areas, are cross-referenced to US Bureau of the Census files. Zip codes are provided for all Post Offices. Codes for Named Populated Places, Primary County Divisions, and other Locations Entities of the United States (FIPS PUB 55), 9th Update (PB87-142436/XDD).
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Codes for Named Populated Places, Primary County Divisions, Other Locational Entities of the United States (See NTIS)
Complete update of post office names and zip codes. Metropolitan statistical area codes have been updated also. Identification of postal facilities and update of zip codes are based on the US Postal Zip Code Directory and its related computer update tapes for approximately 38 thousand five-digit zip codes.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Contribution to Computer Typesetting Techniques. 9 Track ASCII (PB-263 925/9/XDD) (See NTIS)
This tape consists of two files. The first file contains tables of coordinates which make it possible to generate 1277 different alphabetic and graphic characters on either COM devices or on digital plotters. The characters can be generated on vector plotters by connecting the points given in these tables. This method of digitizing graphic arts characters allows them to be generated on any device which can plot vectors of arbitrary length and direction. The tables are those published in NTIS documentation PB-251 845 entitled: A Contribution to Computer Typesetting Techniques: Tables of Coordinates for Hershey's Repertory of Occidental Type Fonts and Graphic Symbols. A copy of this publication is included in this tape package. Contribution to Computer Typesetting Techniques, 7 track BCD (PB-263 926/8/XDD), Contribution to Computer Typesetting Techniques (available on diskette) (PB85-212082/XDD).
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Countries, Dependencies, and Areas of Special Sovereignty (PB85-222859/HAL) (See NTIS)
The file contains data from Table 1 of Federal Information Processing Standard Publication (FIPS PUB) 10-3 Countries, Dependencies, Areas of Special Sovereignty, and Their Principal Administrative Divisions including its change notices 1 and 2. The file includes the names and alphabetic two-character codes of each basic entity. In addition, it includes the name and four-character code of each principal division for those basic entities whose divisions are included in FIPS-PUB 10- 3. Records are sequenced in alphabetic order by basic entity. A typical entry consists of the country (basic entity) code and name and, if the basic entity is subdivided, the principal division codes and names. Available in: 9 track 1600 or 6250 bpi, $210.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Countries, Dependencies, Areas of Special Sovereignty, and Their Principal Administrative Divisions (FIPS PUB 10-3) (PB85-222859/XDD) (See NTIS)
The file contains data from Table 1 of Federal Information Processing Standard Publication (FIPS PUB) 10-3, Countries, Dependencies, Areas of Special Sovereignty, and Their Principal Administrative Divisions including its change notices 1 and 2. The file includes the names and alphabetic two-character codes of each basic entity. In addition, it includes the name and four-character code of each principal division for those basic entities whose divisions are included in FIPS PUB 10-3. Records are sequenced in alphabetic order by basic entity. A typical entry consists of the country (basic entity) code and name, an if the basic entity is subdivided, the principal division codes and names. When printed out, each entry consists of the basic entity code and name on one line, followed by the principal division codes and names,one to each line. On lines with basic entity names, the last two characters of the code field are blank. Not that basic entity names are represented in Upper Case, while principal division names are in Mixed Case. Some principal divisions also have entries for conventional or former names. Conventional names are enclosed in (parentheses), while former names are enclosed in 'quotation marks'. Diacritics are not represented.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Dictionary of Occupational Titles, 4th Edition, and 1986 DOT Supplement (PB87-194528/HAL) (See NTIS)
This is the master file for the fourth edition of the Dictionary of Occupational Titles. it is comprehensive compilation of 12,099 coded (9-digits) job definitions classified in nine defined major categories, 82 defined 2 digit divisions, and 559 defined 3 digit groups. More than 28,800 job titles are in the file. Also included are master titles and definitions, term titles and definitions, glossary terms and 220 industry designation definitions. Available in: 9 track, 1600 or 6250 bpi, $210.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Digital Magnetic Tapes of Single Channel Seismic Reflection Profiles on the Continental Shelf and Slope between Bering Strait and Barrow, Alaska, and MacKenzie Bay, Canada (PB-232 345-SET/XDD) (See NTIS)
Approximately 2600 miles of single channel seismic reflection data were collected in the Beaufort and Chukchi Seas and digitally recorded on 67 reels of magnetic tape. The tapes were recorded in standard IBM-compatible, 9-track, NRZI, 800 bpi mode. Each record consists of a 20 word (320 bit) header, followed by data collected at a 2 millisecond interval. Most records are 4 seconds long resulting in a record length of 4040 or 4800 records. Data on each tape is listed and details on format are given.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Directory of Computerized Data Files Tape. (PB85-101665/XDD) (See NTIS)
The Directory of Computerized Data Files Tape contains descriptive information on the content of the data files which are available from NTIS. The Directory is published for the convenience of potential users of the almost 1,000 data files described on the tape. The abstracts are subdivided into 27 subject categories in three principal areas: Economics, Social Services, and Science and Technology. Subject categories range from Agricultural Economics to Vital Statistics, from Demography to Transportation. The tape is in the COSATI character set.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* DOECTZDATA; California Sixteen-Zone Weather Data (DE83048982/XDD) (See NTIS)
DOECTZDATA is a collection of hourly weather data for each of 365 days in a year for sixteen different California thermal zones representing Eureka, Santa Rosa, San Francisco, Santa Cruz, Santa Barbara, Los Angeles, San Diego, Santa Ana, Pasadena, San Bernardino, Red Bluff, Sacramento, Fresno, Daggett, Brawley, and Tahoe. The data presented are in the form of the WBAN Hourly Surface Observation data used by the National Climatic Center, Asheville, North Carolina. They include the sky condition, visibility, weather and/or obstruction to vision information, sea level pressure, dew point temperature, wind direction and speed, station pressure, dry and wet bulb temperature, relative humidity, and cloud and obscuring phenomena information. IBM360; OS/360. (ERA citation 08:025223)
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Economic Development Administration Industrial Location Planning System (ILPS) -Summary Data Tape (COM-74-11095/8/XDD) (See NTIS)
A planning system has been designed to match resources of under-developed and declining areas eligible for EDA aid with perceived industrial locational requirements. As part of this system, EDA conducted a survey of 2,950 leading manufacturing firms in 254 (5-digit product class) growth industries during the latter half of 1971. In order to distinguish between historic and current locational requirements, data were gathered on both the locational and operating characteristics of plants in operation in 1970, and the industrial location needs of companies contemplating expansion during 1971-75. EDA published two statistical summaries of the data for 223 industries, Industrial Location Determinants, 1971-75, and Manufacturing Plant Characteristics, 1970, in February and June, 1973.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* EPA Bibliographic Data File (1969-1977 issue 6) (PB-274 624/6/XDD) (See NTIS)
The data file contains complete Agency bibliographic citations, with abstracts, for all US Environmental Protection Agency and its predecessor agencies' reports entered into the NTIS collection from 1969 through NTIS issue 6 of 1977. EPA Bibliographic Data File (1977 issues 1 through 6) (PB-274 625/3/XDD), EPA Bibliographic Data File (1977 issues 7 through 13) (PB-274 626/1/XDD), EPA Bibliographic Data File (1977 issues 14 through 19) (PB-274 627/9/XDD), EPA Bibliographic Data File (1977 issues 20 through 26) (PB-274 628/7/XDD).
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Federal Item Name Directory (FIND) for Supply Classification (H6 Basic) (PB87-153219/XDD) (See NTIS)
The Federal Item Name Directory (FIND) for the Federal Catalog System is divided into two sections (H6-A and H6-B). Section A contains all Basic Names, Colloquial Names, and Approved Item Names (AINs) with their associated Federal Supply Classifications (FSCs), Condition Codes, Federal Item Identification Guides (FIIGs) and Item Name Codes (INCs). Section B is divided into two subsections. Subsection 1 contains all AINs sequenced numerically by INC, referenced to the related FIIG, FSC and Condition Code. Subsection 2 contains an alphanumerically sequenced listing of all FIIGs referenced to their related INCs. The handbook is produced on tape annually. It is maintained between annual editions by numbered cumulative updates, titled, H2/H6 Advance Notice, published bi-weekly on microfiche and monthly on hard copy.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Federal Item Name Directory (FIND) for Supply Classification (H6 Basic) (PB88-161674/XDD) (See NTIS)
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Federal Supply Code for Manufacturers, US and Canada, Code Sequence (PB86-911000/XDD) (See NTIS)
The magnetic tape contains Organizational Entities (O.E.s) that are manufacturers or maintain design control of items of supply procured and cataloged by agencies of the Federal Government. These coded Organizational Entities are in O.E. Code sequence and record such information as the name of the coded O.E., its geographical location, former name and/or location, if applicable, assigned O.E. code, status of coded O.E.; i.e., active, obsolete, canceled with or without replacement. In some instances, the replacement O.E. will be located in a North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) member nation, or other participating friendly foreign country, such as Australia. In this instance, refer to the NATO Supply Code for Manufacturers, Excluding United States and Canada (H4-3) for the applicable replacement O.E. Code data.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Federal Supply Code for Manufacturers, US and Canada, Name Sequence (PB86-910900/XDD) (See NTIS)
The magnetic tape contains Organizational Entities (O.E.s) that are manufacturers or maintain design control of items of supply procured and cataloged by agencies of the Federal Government. These coded Organizational Entities are in alphabetical sequence by name and record such information as the geographical location, former name and/or location, if applicable, assigned O.E. code, status of coded O.E.; i.e., active, obsolete, canceled with or without replacement. In some instances, the replacement O.E. will be located in a North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) member nation, or other participating friendly foreign country, such as Australia. In this instance, refer to the NATO Supply Code for Manufacturers, Excluding United States and Canada (H4-3) for the applicable replacement O.E. Code data.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
Federal Supply Code for Manufacturers, US and
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Income Survey Development Program (ISDP). 1979 Research Panel: Wave 6 Data File (PB83-244806/XDD) (See NTIS)
The Income Surv
* Weather Modification Reporting Program
Shawn Bennett
NOAA/US Department of Commerce
Weather Modification Reporting Program
6010 Executive Boulevard
Rockville, MD 20852 (301) 427-2465
The system obtains, assembles and reports records of weather modification activities (i.e., seeding clouds) both operational and experimental projects throughout the US The data base currently has 600 activities. Each program is required to file an initial and final report with NOAA. Included in each report is: purpose, sponsor, operator, technique used, number of modification days, and the target area. Searches of program reports can be arranged and many modification activities are regularly submitted to the Weather Modification Journal.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Wind, Current and Camp Position Data
World Data Center-A for Glaciology (Snow and Ice)
CIRES, Box 449
University of Colorado (303) 492-1824
Boulder, CO 80309 (303) 492-5171
During the summer of 1975, AIDJEX maintained four manned camps on ice floes in the Arctic Ocean. Instrumentation located at those camps, or deployed on floating data buoys, recorded surface and geostrophic winds, ocean current velocity at 2 and 30 meter depths, and camp (ice floe) position. These data are available as daily average values for each camp, as well as in ice velocity and smooth position files. Available on 1 reel of magnetic tape, the cost of this data set is $60. Also available are the surface pressure and geostrophic wind data at 6-hourly intervals, on 1 reel of magnetic tape, for $60.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Wind Energy Resource Information System (TD-9793)
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
National Climatic Data Center
Federal Building
Asheville, NC 28801-2969 (704) 259-0682
The Pacific Northwest Laboratory, Battelle Memorial Institute, Richland, Washington integrated regional wind resource assessment data into a computerized data base in 1981-1982. Through the application of various techniques, wind data from 975 selected stations were converted into resource assessment estimates of wind power class at exposed sites. The major source of wind data that went into the resource assessments was NCDC's digital file TD-3280. Analyses of each stations's data were performed on each period of record during which the anemometer height, anemometer location, and frequency of observation remained constant. Data are variable records for each station during the period January 1, 1948 through December 31, 1978. Copies are available on magnetic tape. For more information, including cost, contact the office above.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Women in Development IV
Customer Services
Bureau of the Census
Washington, DC 20233 (301) 763-4100
The file contains national-level data concerning female/male differentials over a range of demographic and socioeconomic variables for each nation. Breakdowns by age and urban-rural residence are frequently included. Data come primarily from censuses and reliable surveys and constitute the most recently available information at the time of collection (1979-1980). The data time span is 1980 or earlier, depending on the country. The geographic areas covered are 120 countries. The file is available on one tape reel at 1600 or 6250 bpi.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Women in the American Economy (P-23, No. 146)
Data Access and Use Staff
Data User Services Division
Bureau of the Census
Washington, DC 20233 (301) 763-2074
The file shows changes in the economic status of women for the last two decades. The book focuses on women in the workforce, including occupation and wage gains relative to men; poverty status; economic outcome of changes in trends related to living arrangements, education, marriage and fertility; and differences according to age, race, and ethnic groups where applicable. The data time span is 1985, with comparative data for earlier years. Substantial excerpts from this report are available online, through CENDATA, the Census Bureau's online data system. For information about CENDATA content and online services, contact CompuServe (800-848-8199) or DIALOG Information Services (800-334-2564). For file content information only, contact the office above.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* World Data Centers
Dr. Pembroke J. Hart
World Data Center A - Coordinating Office
National Academy for Sciences
2101 Constitution Ave., NW
Washington, DC 20418 (202) 334-3368
The World Data Centers conduct international exchange of geophysical observations. The centers collect data and publications for the following disciplines: glaciology, meteorology, oceanography, rockets and satellites, solar-terrestrial physics, solid earth geophysics, marine geology and geophysics. The US National Academy of Sciences has overall responsibility for World Data Center A.
WDCA has nine subcenters:
Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental
Campus Box 449
University of Colorado
Boulder, CO 80309 (303) 492-5171
Marine Geology and Physics
325 Broadway
Boulder, CO 80303 (303) 497-6487
National Climatic Center
Federal Building
Asheville, NC 28801 (704) 259-0395
National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration
1825 Connecticut Ave., NW, Room 406
Washington, DC 20235 (202) 673-5546
Rockets and Satellites
NASA, Goddard Space Flight Center
Code 630.2
Greenbelt, MD 20771 (301) 286-6695
Rotation of the Earth
Time Service Department
US Naval Observatory
Washington, DC 20392-5100 (202) 653-0590
Solar-Terrestrial Physics
325 Broadway
Boulder, CO 80303 (303) 497-6323
Solid-Earth Geophysics
325 Broadway
Boulder, CO 80303 (303) 497-6521
USGS, MS-967
Box 25046
Denver Federal Center
Denver, CO 80225 (303) 236-1510
The data available from these centers are usually held in many forms, including microfilm, magnetic tapes, yearbooks and bulletins. While data copies are available by mail, working visits to the Data Centers are strongly encouraged.#
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* World Population
Peter Johnson
Center for International Research
Scuderi Building, Room 407
US Census Bureau
Washington, DC 20233 (301) 763-4811
The system contains population data for the overall world, its regions (i.e., Latin America, Asia) and 200 individual countries. Population statistics include: total population, estimated projections, growth rate, migratory rate, and crude (number per 1,000).
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* World Population 1983 - Recent Demographic Estimates for the Countries and Regions of the World (ISP-WP-83)
Data Access and Use Staff
Data User Services Division
Bureau of the Census
Washington, DC 20233 (301) 763-2074
The file presents general demographic statistics, such as population estimates for 1950-1985, annual population growth, birth and death rates, infant mortality, percent literate, percent urban, and percent of labor force in agriculture. This supersedes the advance report, ISP-WP-83(A). This report was prepared under a Resources Support Services Agreement with the Bureau for Science and Technology, Agency for International Development. The data time span is 1981 to 1983. The geographic areas covered are continents, regions, and 202 countries and territories of the world. Substantial excerpts from this report are available online through CENDATA, the Census Bureau's online data system. For information about CENDATA content and online services, contact CompuServe (800-848-8199) or DIALOG Information Services (800-334-2564). For file content information only, contact the office above.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* World Wide Airfield Summaries - Print Image (TD-9647)
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
National Climatic Data Center
Federal Building
Asheville, NC 28801-2969 (704) 259-0682
This file is a compilation of climatological data compiled from numerous sources, including foreign publications, and assembled on magnetic tape by the US Air Force, Air Weather Service. It consists of summaries for approximately 4,000 stations and climatic areas in which they are located. This file was used to prepare a related file, the 12 volume publication entitled World-Wide Airfield Summaries. A utility program (number NO3A17) may be required to select and list data from this file. Data are variable using periods of data before 1974. Copies are available on magnetic tape. For more information, including cost, contact the office above.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* World Wide Consolidated Tropical Cyclones (TD-9636)
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
National Climatic Data Center
Federal Building
Asheville, NC 28801-2969 (704) 259-0682
This World Wide Consolidated Tropical Cyclone data file, which was derived from many data sources, contains storm data for 6 separate ocean basins. The sources used different definitions, analysis techniques, and periods of record. Conflicts occurred in comparing the same storm from two different sources; some duplicate tracks varied only slightly in movement while others varied by several degrees. Judgments were made as to which intensity to code when the intensity varied between data sources. A few duplicate storms will appear in the data because they varied enough between sources so that they could not be detected as one storm. Some storms were never detected or reported during the earlier years. The major parameters that make up this file for each ocean basin are constructed; sequential number of the storm, time, location, highest stage of storm, direction, and speed of movement, type of movement, maximum wind speed, and source of data. Data are from January 1871 through December 1982 (updated periodically). Copies are available on magnetic tape. For more information, including cost, contact the office above.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* World Wide Marine Geological Holdings
National Geophysical Data Center
325 Broadway (303) 497-6215
Boulder, CO 80303 Fax: (303) 497-6513
NGDC archives analyses of over 148.500 seafloor sediment and rock samples worldwide. Reports and data bases are summarized in and searchable through the Marine Geology Digital Inventory (GEOLIN). Call for price information.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* World Wide Ocean Water Color/Water Transparency Data
National Oceanographic Data Center
User Service Branch
Washington, DC 20235 (202) 673-5549
The National Oceanographic Data Center (NODC) announces the availability of a special data set containing worldwide ocean water color and water transparency data. At NODC oceanographic station data from worldwide sources is stored in an archive format such that each observation (station) comprises 160 characters of master (header) information, plus 80 characters for temperature, salinity, and other data reported at each depth level. The water color and transparency observations (if taken) are recorded in the master records. The NODC water color/water transparency data derived from the NODC Oceanographic Station Data File are held on one magnetic tape. Magnetic tape characteristics are: 9 track, 1600 bpi, ANSI/ASCII, non-labelled, fixed block, record length = 160 bytes, 20 records (3200 bytes) per physical block.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Zip Code Equivalency File (MARF 5)
Customer Services
Bureau of the Census
Washington, DC 20233 (301) 763-4100
The file associates the zip codes with the smallest level of census geography on the file - block group or enumeration district. This equivalency file was developed for use with the standard 1980 census Summary Tape Files (STF's) 1A and 3A, and for release following the issuance of STF 3B for all States. The data time span is 1980. The geographic areas covered are States, counties, minor civil divisions (MCD's) or census county divisions (CCD's), places or place segments within MCD's/CCD's or remainder of MCD/CCD, census tracts or block numbering areas (BNA's), block groups (BG's) or, for areas that are not block numbered, enumeration districts (ED's), and zip code areas. The file is available on one tape reel at 1600 or 6250 bpi per State. All States are available on 2 reels at 6250 bpi or 6 reels at 1600 bpi.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
Commerce Data Files Available from the National Archives
Margaret Adams
Archives Specialist
Reference Service
Center for Electronic Records (NNXA)
National Archives and Records Administration
8th and Pennsylvania Ave., NW
Washington, DC 20408
(202) 523-6771
The following list is a subset of electronic data sets (i.e., computer-readable data files) in the custody of the National Archives and Records Administration. The standard charge for a copy of an electronic data set (one data set not to exceed one magnetic reel of output) is $90. Ordering information is available upon request. For further information please contact the office above.
* Annual Exports Data Bank
* Census of Adult Correctional Facilities
* Census of Agriculture, 1949, 1959, 1964
* Census of Governments, 1977, Bargaining Units
* Census of Governments, 1977, Employment, File A: Individual Governments
* Census of Governments, 1977, Employment, File B: County Summaries
* Census of Governments, 1977, Employment, File C: State Summaries and US Summary
* Census of Governments, 1972, Employment, File A: Individual Governments
* Census of Governments, 1972, Employment, File B: County Summaries
* Census of Governments, 1972, Employment, File C: US State Summaries and US Summary
* Census of Governments, 1977, Finance, File A: Individual Governments
* Census of Governments, 1977, Finance, File B: County Summaries
* Census of Governments, 1977, Finance, File C: State Summaries and US Summary
* Census of Governments, 1972, Finance, File A: Individual Governments (1972 CGOV Finance)
* Census of Governments, 1972, Finance, File B: County Summaries
* Census of Governments, 1972, Finance, File C: US State Summaries and US Summary
* Census of Governments, 1977, Work Stoppages
* Census of Juvenile Detention and Correctional Facilities, 1971-1982
* Census of Manufactures, 1972, Summary Statistics
* Census of Merchandise Line Sales, 1972
* Census of Mineral Industries, 1972
* Census of National Jails, 1978, 1983
* Census of Population and Housing, 1970
* Census of Population and Housing, 1970, GBF/DIME Software: Correction, Update, Extension Tape Cue
* Census of Population and Housing, 1970, GBF/DIME Software: Special Program Information Tape (SPIT)
* Census of Population and Housing, 1970, Master Enumeration District List
* Census of Population and Housing, 1970, Public Use Sample, Neighborhood 5%
* Census of Population and Housing, 1970, Public Use Sample, Neighborhood 15%
* Census of Population and Housing, 1970, Public Use Sample, Puerto Rico 20%
* Census of Population and Housing, 1970, Summary Tape File
* Census of Population and Housing, 1960, Public Use Sample
* Census of Population and Housing, 1960, Public Use Sample
* Census of Population and Housing, 1960, Public Use Sample
* Census of Population and Housing, 1960, Summary Statistics
* Census of Population and Housing, 1950, Public Use Sample
* Census of Population and Housing, 1950, Summary Statistics
* Census of Population and Housing, 1940, Public Use Sample
* Census of Population and Housing, 1940, Summary Statistics
* Census of Population, 1900, Public Use Sample
* Census of Population, 1970, Extracts from the Public Use Sample, County 15%
* Census of Retail Trade, 1972
* Census of Selective Services, 1972
* Census of Wholesale Trade, 1972
* County Business Patterns
* County-City Data Book, 1952-
* County-City Data Book, Consolidated
* Current Population Survey
* Exports Between the US and US Possessions, Trade Summaries
* Export Concordance Master File
* Federal Assistance Award Data System
* Imports Data Bank, Annual
* Imports Concordance Master File
* Imports Data Bank, Monthly
* Nautical Chart Data Base, National Ocean Survey, Hydrographic
* Nautical Chart Data Base, National Ocean Survey, Topographic
* Survey of Criminal Justice, 1979, Employment and Expenditures
* Survey of Criminal Justice, 1978, Employment and Expenditures
* Survey of Governments, 1979, Employment
* Survey of Governments, 1979, Finance
* Survey of Governments, 1978, Finance
* Survey of Governments, 1977, Finance
* Survey of Governments, 1976, Finance
* Survey of Governments, 1975, Finance
* Survey of Governments, 1974, Finance
* Survey of Governments, 1973, Finance
* Survey of Governments, 1972, Finance
* Survey of Governments, 1971, Finance
* Survey of Governments, 1970, Finance
* Survey of Governments, 1967, Finance
* Survey of Manufactures, 1976
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
Commerce Data Files Available from NTIS
National Technical Information Service
US Department of Commerce
Springfield, VA 22161
(703) 487-4807
FAX (703) 321-8547
Listed below are data files available from the National Technical Information Service. Call the office above for ordering and cost information.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Chilton Light Truck Data File (PB81-184830/XDD) (See NTIS)
This tape contains data on the physical operating performance and market characteristics of light trucks for the model years 1955-1977. Information was collected from published and unpublished sources with extrapolation and correlations being made when raw data was unavailable. Vehicles are reported by model year and grouped by manufacturer, using production volume, model, body type, engine displacement, transmission and GVWR class attributes as criteria to select representative vehicle configurations. Models which are essentially duplicated by more than one division of a manufacturer - i.e., Chevrolet C-10 and GMC C-1500 - are represented by attributes of only one of the duplicate models. Production volume for both models is then combined. Characteristics are documented for vehicles representative of total US sales of domestic and imported light trucks for the model years indicated.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
) 321-8547
Listed below are data files available from the National Technical Information Service. Call the office above for ordering and cost information.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
tlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) member nation,
* US Merchandise Trade: Exports and Imports by End-Use Category, Quarterly
Economics and Statistical Analysis
Bureau of Economic Analysis - BE-53
US Department of Commerce
Washington, DC 20230 (202) 523-0777
The Bureau of Economic Analysis provides basic information on such key issues as economic growth, inflation, regional development, and the Nation's role in the world economy. This file contains quarterly end-use detail (not seasonally adjusted) on a Census basis for exports and imports for 70 countries and areas. Series begin in 1978. It is updated quarterly, and is available from ESA/BEA: US Merchandise Exports, Quarterly. Computer tape - Accession No. BEA BPD 86-003, $100.00. US Merchandise Imports, Quarterly. Computer tape - Accession No. BEA BPD 86-004, $100.00.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* US Merchandise Trade: Exports and Imports by End-Use Category, Annually
Economics and Statistical Analysis
Bureau of Economic Analysis - BE-53
US Department of Commerce
Washington, DC 20230 (202) 523-0777
The Bureau of Economic Analysis provides basic information on such key issues as economic growth, inflation, regional development, and the Nation's role in the world economy. This file contains annual end-use detail on a Census basis for exports and imports for 70 countries and areas. Series begin in 1978. It is updated annually, and is available from ESA/BEA: US Merchandise Exports, Annually. Computer tape - Accession No. BEA BPD 86-005, $100.00. US Merchandise Imports, Annually. Computer tape - Accession No. BEA BPD 86-006, $100.00.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* US Navy - NOAA Joint Ice Center (JIC) Digital Sea Ice Data, 1972 to the present
World Data Center-A for Glaciology (Snow and Ice)
CIRES, Box 449
University of Colorado (303) 492-1824
Boulder, CO 80309 (303) 492-5171
This file is digitized in the World Meteorological Organization's SIGRID (sea ice grid) format from the weekly JIC ice charts. 2 tapes, 6250 bpi. This is a National Snow and Ice Data Center data set. Distribution restrictions may apply.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* US Patent Data Base - Patent Technology Reports (PAT-PTR)
Jane Myers
Office of Documentation Information (ODI)
US Patent and Trademark Office
Washington, DC 20231 (703) 557-0400
The PAT data base contains information about patents approved by the US Government since 1790. Data include: rate and origin of patenting; ownership of patent by category (i.e., US corporation, foreign individual) and specific name; patent number and title, and the name and address of "independent" inventors. Upon request, ODI will search the data base to produce Customized Patent Technology Reports. The documents are generally statistical in nature, and the most common include: 1) Technology Profile Reports, providing a detailed overview of patents in a specific technology or groupings of technology; 2) Organizational Profile Reports, which detail patent activity across the classes and sub-classes of the US Patent classification system; 3) Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) Product Field Reports. The data base currently has records on about 5 million patents. Approximately 35,000 records are added every six months. ODI services are available only in the form of Patent Technology Reports. The Reports cost a minimum of $100, which generally entitles you to information about 1,000 to 2,000 patents. Portions of the PAT data base are also online with BRS, DIALOG, MEAD DATA CENTRAL, PERGAMON ORBIT INFOLINE, and Questel. At this time, commercial services provide mainly bibliographic citations and abstracts of specific patents, whereas ODI's reports provide statistics and overviews of patents in specific fields, company patent activities, etc.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* US Statistics at a Glance (a Statistical Abstract supplement)
Data Access and Use Staff
Data User Services Division
Bureau of the Census
Washington, DC 20233 (301) 763-2074
The file presents monthly data, with annual supplements, for key social and economic indicators. Condensed to the size of a postcard, this summary covers such topics as manufacturing, business, construction, housing, and foreign trade. It also features data on income, education, and other characteristics of the population. In addition to Census Bureau data, it reviews prices, unemployment, and other indicators from other Federal agencies. The card shows data for current month, prior month, and a year ago for economic indicators; it also includes 1970, 1975, 1980 and latest survey for population and housing indicators. Comparable data are available online each month through CENDATA, the Census Bureau's online data system. For information about CENDATA content and online services, contact CompuServe (800-848-8199) or DIALOG Information Services (800-334-2564). For file content information only, contact the office above.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* US Waterborne Exports and Outbound In- Transit Shipments (SM-705/705-IT)
Customer Services
Bureau of the Census
Washington, DC 20233 (301) 763-4100
The file provides data on the shipping weight and value by type of vessel service by customs district and port of lading by foreign port or country/area of unlading by Schedule E, and by country of destination. The report presents percentage of containerized cargo. Outbound in-transit record also shows country of origin detail. The geographic areas covered are the United States, US Customs districts and ports of lading, foreign ports or country/areas of unlading, and countries of origin and destination. The SM-705/705-IT is available on computer tape as part of a package with the SM-305/305-IT; both tabulations are available together monthly at 1600 or 6250 bpi in a yearly subscription for $4,200.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* US Waterborne General Imports and Inbound In-Transit Shipments (SM-305/305-IT)
Customer Services
Bureau of the Census
Washington, DC 20233 (301) 763-4100
The file provides data on the shipping weight and Customs value by type of vessel service by Customs district and port of unlading, by foreign port of lading, by Schedule A, and by country of origin. The report presents percentage of containerized cargo. Inbound in-transit record also presents country of destination detail. the geographic areas covered are the United States, US Customs districts and ports of unlading, countries of origin and destination, and foreign ports of lading. The SM-305/305-IT is available on computer tape as part of a package with SM-705/705-IT; both tabulations are available together monthly at 1600 or 6250 bpi in a yearly subscription for $4,200.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Vertical Temperature Profile Radiometer (VTPR) (Early NOAA Series-pre-Tiros-N)
Satellite Data Services Division
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
National Climatic Data Center
Princeton Executive Center, Room 100
Washington, DC 20233 (301) 763-8400
Each magnetic tape contains one weekly of VTPR data in three files: Raw Radiance, which contains time and earth location tags, and calibrated radiances from each channel for all original scan spots; Clear Column Radiances, which contains time and earth location tags, and clear column radiances for each channel; and Derived Soundings, which contains time and earth location tags, and temperature and humidity profiles for each set of clear column radiances. Digital-users may obtain data on 9-track, odd parity, magnetic tape at 1600 or 6250 bytes per inch density and, in most cases, the mode may be ASCII or EBCDIC. The cost is $80.00 per input tape plus $12.00 per output tape plus $11.00 shipping and handling per order. For additional information on data available, contact the office above.
The VISSR archive file consists of a series of VISSR frames wherein each frame contains the visible and IR data from one complete view of the earth from one GOES satellite. The documentation contained in the VISSR data includes earth location references, and sensor calibration information is available separately. Data are from 1978 to present, updated daily. Digital-users may obtain data on 9-track, odd parity, magnetic tape at 1600 or 6250 bytes per inch density and, in most cases, the mode may be ASCII or EBCDIC. The cost is $80.00 per input tape plus $12.00 per output tape plus $11.00 shipping and handling per order. For additional information on data available, contact the office above.
Each monthly magnetic tape contains a single file consisting of a series of records containing individual sets of cloud motion vector information. Each set of cloud motion vector information describes one measurement, and includes a year-month-day hour time tag, latitude and longitude, pressure altitude, measured or computed cloud motion speed and direction, and automated/manual indicator, and quality information. Data are from 1974 to present, updated monthly. Digital-users may obtain data on 9-track, odd parity, magnetic tape at 1600 or 6250 bytes per inch density and, in most cases, the mode may be ASCII or EBCDIC. The cost is $80.00 per input tape plus $12.00 per output tape plus $11.00 shipping and handling per order. For additional information on data available, contact the office above.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Volcano Data
National Geophysical Data Center
325 Broadway
Boulder, CO 80303 (303) 497-6474
This is a digital listing of names and locations of about 500 active volcanoes. Full file retrieval. It is available in magnetic tapes, printouts or punched cards. Uses: geology, geophysics. General area covered: worldwide.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Voting and Registration in the Election of November 1986 (P-20, No. 414)
Data Access and Use Staff
Data User Services Division
Bureau of the Census
Washington, DC 20233 (301) 763-2074
The file provides data showing the number and changes in voter turnout and registration, cross-classifying voters and nonvoters by race, Spanish origin, and socioeconomic characteristics, by sex and age group for the November 1986 election. A detailed section evaluating the quality of the voting data is also included. Data are based on persons of voting age in the Current Population Survey conducted two weeks after the election. The data time span is November 1986, with limited data for congressional and Presidential election years 1964 to 1984. The geographic areas covered are the United States, regions, and States. Excerpts from this report are available online, through CENDATA, the Census Bureau's online data system. For information about CENDATA content and online services, contact CompuServe (800-848-8199) or DIALOG Information Services (800-334-2564). For file content information only, contact the office above.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Water Use in Mineral Industries (MIC82-S-4)
Data Access and Use Staff
Data User Services Division
Bureau of the Census
Washington, DC 20233 (301) 763-2074
The file presents statistics on water intake by source, kind, and purpose; water recirculated and reused, and gross water used, by purpose; water discharged, treated and untreated, by point of discharge and last use; water discharged by method of treatment and last use; and assets and operating costs for pollution abatement. These data are presented by industry groups and industries. The data time span is 1983, with some comparative data since 1968. The geographic areas covered are the United States, States, and water use regions. Limited excerpts from this report are available online through CENDATA, the Census Bureau's online data system. For information about CENDATA content and online services, contact CompuServe (800-848-8199) or DIALOG Information Services (800-334-2564). For file content information only, contact the office above.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Wealth
Economics and Statistical Analysis
Bureau of Economic Analysis - BE-53
US Department of Commerce
Washington, DC 20230 (202) 523-0777
The Bureau of Economic Analysis provides basic information on such key issues as economic growth, inflation, regional development, and the Nation's role in the world economy. This contains annual estimates through 1988 of gross and net stocks, depreciation, and discards for fixed nonresidential private and residential capital, durable goods owned by consumers, and fixed capital owned by governments. The estimates are in historical-cost, constant-cost, and current-cost valuations. It also includes stock series similar to those used by the Bureau of Labor Statistics to derive measures of capital input for multifactor productivity studies. The investment series through 1988 used to derive all of these estimates are also included, in the same detail as the stock estimates, in historical-cost and constant-cost valuations. It is updated annually, and is available from ESA/BEA on computer tape: Accession No. BEA NIW 88-001, $100.00
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Weather Duration (TD-3292)
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
National Climatic Data Center
Federal Building
Asheville, NC 28801-2969 (704) 259-0682
This file contains weather duration data that are taken primarily by National Weather Service operated stations and recorded on MF1-10B forms. In 1984 there were approximately 284 active stations processed for inclusion in this file. The major parameters that make up this file are time of beginning and time of ending of various weather types. The weather types included are; thunderstorms, tornado, squall, rain, rain showers, freezing rain, rain squalls, drizzle, freezing drizzle, snow, snow pellets, ice crystals, snow showers, snow squalls, snow grains, sleet, sleet showers, hail, fog, blowing dust, blowing sand, smoke, haze, smoke and haze, dust, blowing snow, blowing spray, and ice pellets. Data are from January 1, 1984 through the present (updated monthly). Copies are available on magnetic tape. For more information, including cost, contact the office above.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
le from ESA/BEA on computer tape: Accession No. BEA NIW 88-001, $100.00
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
more than one division of a manufacturer - i.e., Chevrolet C-10 and GMC C-1500 - are represented by attributes of only one of the dupl
* United States Population Estimates, by Age, Sex, and Race: 1980 to 1987 (P-25, No. 1022)
Data Access and Use Staff
Data User Services Division
Bureau of the Census
Washington, DC 20233 (301) 763-2074
The file provides estimates of the population by age, sex, and race. Estimates are shown for the total population including Armed Forces overseas, the resident population, and the civilian population. The report contains three charts which highlight selected data. Limited excerpts from this report is available online, through CENDATA, the Census Bureau's online data system. For information about CENDATA content and online services, contact CompuServe (800-848-8199) or DIALOG Information Services (800-334-2564). For file content information only, contact the office above.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* University of Washington/Polar Science Center Arctic Ocean Buoy Network Data, 1979 to present
World Data Center-A for Glaciology (Snow and Ice)
CIRES, Box 449
University of Colorado (303) 492-1824
Boulder, CO 80309 (303) 492-5171
This system includes twelve-hourly atmospheric pressure and temperature, ice velocity interpolated to fixed grid points, and daily buoy positions. 3 tapes, 6250 bpi.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Unpublished Building Permit Data
Customer Services
Bureau of the Census
Washington, DC 20233 (301) 763-4100
The file presents unpublished data, in photocopied form, with more detail for all permit-issuing places and other areas than are covered in the published reports described in the abstract Housing Units Authorized by Building Permits. Tables include States and metropolitan areas as well as individual permit issuing places since 1979. The frequency of issue is monthly and annual. These data are available on microcomputer diskettes. Contact Customer Services for subscription and other ordering information.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Upper Air Monthly Statistics Alias WARMFLUX (TD-9711)
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
National Climatic Data Center
Federal Building
Asheville, NC 28801-2969 (704) 259-0682
This file is a by-product of the routine processing of the NCDC US Upper Air (TD-6201) file. These upper air statistics are computed monthly for each standard pressure level for approximately 117 upper air stations. The 1200 GMT observations for each station are utilized with few exceptions when the 0000 GMT observation is the only one of the day. Up to 37 levels form the surface to 2-millibars are possible for each station. The major parameters that make up this file for each standard pressure level include monthly; sums and sums squared of the x and y wind components, and means of vector wind direction. Data are from January 1967 through December 1984 (updated monthly). Copies are available on magnetic tape. For more information, including cost, contact the office above.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* US Direct Investment Abroad: 1982 Benchmark Survey Data
Economics and Statistical Analysis
Bureau of Economic Analysis - BE-53
US Department of Commerce
Washington, DC 20230 (202) 523-0777
The Bureau of Economic Analysis provides basic information on such key issues as economic growth, inflation, regional development, and the Nation's role in the world economy. This contains results of BEA's latest benchmark survey of over 2,000 US multinational companies and their 17,000 foreign affiliates. It presents a detailed account of US direct investment abroad in 1982, including data on balance sheets; income statements; employment; employee compensation; US merchandise trade; sales of goods and services; research and development expenditures; property, plant, and equipment; and taxes. Data are classified by country and industry of affiliate and industry of US parent. (1985). Computer Tape - Available from ESA/BEA: Accession No. BEA IID 86-001, $100.00.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* US Direct Investment Abroad, Country by Industry Estimates, 1950-87
Economics and Statistical Analysis
Bureau of Economic Analysis - BE-53
US Department of Commerce
Washington, DC 20230 (202) 523-0777
The Bureau of Economic Analysis provides basic information on such key issues as economic growth, inflation, regional development, and the Nation's role in the world economy. This contains annual estimates of the US direct investment position abroad and of selected capital and income flows between US parent companies and their foreign affiliates. Estimates are for 56 countries by 7 industries for 1950-65, 56 countries by 14 industries for 1966-76, 76 countries by 15 industries for 1977-81, and 80 countries by 15 industries for 1982-88. It is available from ESA/BEA: Computer Tape - Accession No. BEA IID 50-002, $100.00.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* US Direct Investment Abroad: Operations of US Parent Companies and Their Foreign Affiliates
Economics and Statistical Analysis
Bureau of Economic Analysis - BE-53
US Department of Commerce
Washington, DC 20230 (202) 523-0777
The Bureau of Economic Analysis provides basic information on such key issues as economic growth, inflation, regional development, and the Nation's role in the world economy. This file contains results of BEA's annual survey of the worldwide operations of US multinational companies. It contains information on the financial structure and operations of both US parent companies and their foreign affiliates. Data are classified by country and industry of foreign affiliate and by industry of US parent. It is updated annually, and is available from ESA/BEA: US Direct Investment Abroad: Operations of US Parent Companies and Their Foreign Affiliates, Preliminary 1986 Estimates (1988). Diskette - Accession No. BEA IID 88-404, $80.00 (four diskettes). US Direct Investment Abroad: Operations of US Parent Companies and Their Foreign Affiliates, Revised 1985 Estimates (1988). Diskette - Accession No. BEA IID 88-403, $80.00 (four diskettes).
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* US Export by State/Region of Origin
Customer Services
Bureau of the Census
Washington, DC 20233 (301) 763-4100
The file presents data in three series as follows: Export Value by State of Origin by 2-digit SIC and Country of Destination; Export Value and Weight by Region of Origin by 3-digit or 4-digit SITC by Port of Export and Country of Destination by Mode of Transportation; Total Export Value and Weight by State of Origin, Port of Export and Country of Destination by Mode of Transportation. The geographic areas covered are regions, States, and ports of export origin and countries of destination. Annual subscriptions to these quarterly data series on computer tape are available as follows: any one of three, $3,800; any two of three, $5,100; all three, $6,400.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* US Exports
Foreign Trade Division/Trade Information Branch
US Department of Commerce
Bureau of the Census
Washington, DC 20233 (301) 763-5140
This system contains foreign trade statistics for all commodities imported or exported by the US Information is generally retrieved by specific commodity, and data can be provided about quantity shipped, dollar value, country involved, time period and customs district. Information dates back to 1946 and the system, which is updated yearly, currently holds 800,000 records. Simple searches (for data going back five years or less) and printouts are available free of charge. More complex searches are done on a cost recovery basis. The system is also available commercially through DIALOG.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* US Exports (EM-522)
Customer Services
Bureau of the Census
Washington, DC 20233 (301) 763-4100
The file presents each month data on the net quantity, value, and shipping weight for Schedule B by number, by country of destination, by Customs district of exportation, and by method of transportation. Tables show domestic and foreign merchandise separately. The geographic areas covered are the United States, US Customs districts of exportation, and countries of destination. Data are available on computer tape monthly at 1600 or 6250 bpi at a yearly subscription of $2,100.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* US Exports (EA-622)
Customer Services
Bureau of the Census
Washington, DC 20233 (301) 763-4100
The file constitutes the annual edition of US Exports issued monthly under EM-522. The data time span is 1987. The 1987 data are available on computer tape at 1600 bpi for $525 or 6250 bpi for $350.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* US Imports for Consumption and General Imports (IM-145 and 145-A)
Customer Services
Bureau of the Census
Washington, DC 20233 (301) 763-4100
The file presents each month data on the net quantity and value of imports for consumption and general imports by Tariff Schedules of the United States Annotated by country of origin, by Customs district, by rate provision, by type, and by economic class for all methods of transportation combined (c.i.f. import values). The frequency of issue is monthly. The geographic areas covered are the United States, US Customs districts of entry and unlading, and countries of origin. Data for 1987 are available on computer tapes monthly at 1600 bpi at a yearly subscription of $4,200 or at 6250 bpi at a yearly subscription of $2,100.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* US Imports for Consumption and General Imports (IA-245 and IA-245-A)
Customer Services
Bureau of the Census
Washington, DC 20233 (301) 763-4100
The file presents the annual summary of US Imports for Consumption and General Imports which is issued monthly under IM-145. The data time span is 1987. Data for 1987 are available on computer tapes for $1,400 at 1600 bpi or $525 at 6250 bpi.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* US Industrial Outlook Data Base
Office of Business Analysis
Business Statistics and Information Systems Division
US Department of Commerce
Washington, DC 20230 (202) 377-4450
Data from the latest annual US Industrial Outlook (US Department of Commerce, International Trade Administration) is also now available in electronic format. Data for manufacturing industries as it appears in the Outlook is available in computer tape and PC disk formats:
Computer tape:
Complete, detailed US Industrial Outlook Data base (OBA-INO-01); $115.00
PC disk:
Complete, detailed US Industrial Outlook Data base (OBA-INO-02); $80.00
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* US Merchandise Trade Data
Economics and Statistical Analysis
Bureau of Economic Analysis - BE-53
US Department of Commerce
Washington, DC 20230 (202) 523-0777
The Bureau of Economic Analysis provides basic information on such key issues as economic growth, inflation, regional development, and the Nation's role in the world economy. This contains seasonally adjusted and unadjusted exports and imports for the end-use categories used by BEA to derive trade totals on a Census basis. Series begin in 1979. It is updated monthly or quarterly, and is available from ESA/BEA on a subscription basis: US Merchandise Trade Data, Monthly. Diskette - Accession No. BEA BPD 86-401, $200.00 per year.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* US Merchandise Trade: Exports and Imports by End-Use Category, Monthly
Economics and Statistical Analysis
Bureau of Economic Analysis - BE-53
US Department of Commerce
Washington, DC 20230 (202) 523-0777
The Bureau of Economic Analysis provides basic information on such key issues as economic growth, inflation, regional development, and the Nation's role in the world economy. This file contains monthly end-use detail (not seasonally adjusted) on a Census basis for exports and imports for 70 countries and areas. Series begin in 1978. It is updated monthly, and is available from ESA/BEA: US Merchandise Exports, Monthly. Computer tape - Accession No. BEA BPD 86-001,. $100.00. US Merchandise Imports, Monthly. Computer tape - Accession No. BEA BPD 86-002, $100.00.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* US Merchandise Trade: Exports and Imports by End-Use Category, Monthly
Economics and Statistical Analysis
Bureau of Economic Analysis - BE-53
US Department of Commer
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Wind, Current and Camp Position Data
World Data Center-A for Glaciology (Snow and Ice)
CIRES, Box 449
University of Colorado (303) 492-1824
* Topography Data Base
National Geophysical Data Center
NOAA, Code E/GC1
325 Broadway
Boulder, CO 80303 (303) 497-6900
This system contains a variety of topography and terrain data sets available for use in geoscience applications. The data were obtained from US government agencies, academic institutions, and private industries. Data coverage is regional to worldwide; data collection methods encompass map digitization to satellite remote sensing.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Tornado Data (TD-9714)
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
National Climatic Data Center
Federal Building
Asheville, NC 28801-2969 (704) 259-0682
The primary sources of data that make up this file are; confirmed and selected tornado reports received from State Climatologists and National Weather Service Offices which are published by the NCDC in a related file STORM DATA monthly publication, and digital output of tornado reports received by the National Weather Service, National Severe Storm Forecast Center. The major parameters that make up this file are: beginning and ending points of tornadoes, characteristics of the tornado including the number of states and counties the tornado path crossed, tornado intensity, total injuries and fatalities, damage class, and source of the report (coded). Data are from January 1, 1950 through the present (updated periodically). Copies are available on magnetic tape. For more information, including cost, contact the office above.
The TOVs Sounding Product is divided into weekly data sets, with each set consisting of a Housekeeping file, and a series of Data files. The Housekeeping file contains directory information. Each Data file contains a group of sounding product sets, which include the following parameters: data, time, latitude and longitude, and solar zenith angle, land/sea indicator, surface temperature, estimated surface pressure, quality information, pressure bounds and layer mean temperature for 15 vertical layers in the atmosphere, etc. Data is from 1979 to present, updated weekly. Digital-users may obtain data on 9-track, odd parity, magnetic tape at 1600 or 6250 bytes per inch density and, in most cases, the mode may be ASCII or EBCDIC. The cost is $80.00 per input tape plus $12.00 per output tape plus $11.00 shipping and handling per order. For additional information on data available, contact the office above.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Trademark Contractor's Report (7) of Status Listings on Paper
US Patent and Trademark Office
Office of Electronic Data Conversion and
Office of the Director
Crystal Park 2 - Suite 914
Washington, DC 20231 (703) 557-6154
This file contains seven reports entitled: 1) Contractor's Suspended Case Report; 2) Contractor's Abandonment Report; 3) Contractor's TTAB Proceedings Report; 4) Contractor's Post-Registration Report; 5) Contractor's Report--Cases Withdrawn from Publication; 6) Contractor's Misassigned Serial Number Report; and 7) Contractor's Revival/Reinstatement Report. It contains average of 40,000 status changes per update file. The time period covered per issue is the current month only. This data base is available for $820 per year, (12 monthly issues) from the PTO office above. Write for agreement and technical specifications. It is also available through Thomson & Thomson (617) 479-1600 and Trademark Service Corporation (212) 421-5730.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Trademark Image File
US Patent and Trademark Office
Office of Electronic Data Conversion and
Office of the Director
Crystal Park 2 - Suite 914
Washington, DC 20231 (703) 557-6154
The Trademark Image File contains approximately 325,000 trademark application drawings and registrations from March 31, 1988 to the present. It contains approximately 500 Trademark Images per update. It is available for $2,230 per year, with updates weekly or more often, from the PTO office above. Write for agreement and technical specifications. Thomson and Thomson offers commercial searching through DIALOG, Inc. (800) 227-7229. Also contact Trademark Service Corporation (212) 421-5730.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Trademark Listing of Applications for Renewal of Registrations
US Patent and Trademark Office
Office of Electronic Data Conversion and
Office of the Director
Crystal Park 2 - Suite 914
Washington, DC 20231 (703) 557-6154
This listing provides a report of all applications for renewal of trademark registrations filed within a given calendar month. It contains approximately 480 applications for renewal per month. It is available for $3,210 per year (12 monthly issues) from the PTO office above. Write for agreement and technical specifications. It is also available through Thomson & Thomson (617) 479-1600 and Trademark Service Corporation (212) 421-5730.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Trademark Magnetic Extract of Status Changes on all Registrations and Pending Applications File
US Patent and Trademark Office
Office of Electronic Data Conversion and Dissemination
Office of the Director
Crystal Park 2 - Suite 914
Washington, DC 20231 (703) 557-6154
This file contains the most current status code and date of the status code change of each trademark that has occurred within a given calendar month. It contains an average of 40,000 status changes per update. It is available for $2,040 per year (12 monthly issues) from the PTO office above. Write for agreement and technical specifications. It is also available through Trademark Service Corporation (212) 421-5730.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Trademark New Pending Application File
US Patent and Trademark Office
Office of Electronic Data Conversion and
Office of the Director
Crystal Park 2 - Suite 914
Washington, DC 20231 (703) 557-6154
The file contains the following information on each trademark application: serial number, filing date, word mark, mark drawing code, date published for opposition, owner name and address, and other data. It contains approximately 1,200 Trademark Applications per update. The time period covered is January 19, 1988 to present. The file is available for $6,030 per year, with weekly updates, from the PTO office above. Write for agreement and technical specifications. Thomson and Thomson offers commercial searching through DIALOG, Inc. (800) 227-7229.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Trademark Official Gazette (O.G.) (REF-1) File
US Patent and Trademark Office
Office of Electronic Data Conversion and
Office of the Director
Crystal Park 2 - Suite 914
Washington, DC 20231 (703) 557-6154
The file contains the following information on each trademark registration: serial number, registration number, filing date, word mark, mark drawing code, date published for opposition, owner name and address and other data. It contains approximately 1,200 Trademark Registrations. The time period covered is September 9, 1985 to the present. Trademark O.G. is available for $3,380 per year, with weekly updates, from the PTO office above. Write for agreement and technical specifications. Thomson and Thomson offers commercial searching through DIALOG, Inc. (800) 227-7229. Maxwell Online also offers online searching (703) 442-0900.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Trade Opportunities Program (TDP)
US Department of Commerce
The Economic Bulletin Board
Office of Business Analysis
Washington, DC 20230 (202) 482-3870
For Information:
Information Management Division
US Department of Commerce
Room 1322
Washington, DC 20230 (202) 482-0727
Your nearest US District Office of the International
Trade Administration.
TDP provides subscribers with up-to-date information about short-term and immediate trade opportunities with foreign agents (governments and companies). The system can be searched by country of interest, type of opportunity, notice of listing, and agent or distributor. Collected information is immediately passed to subscribers. Approximately 50 to 100 reports are added daily and rolled over. Data are archived. Only TDP subscribers are eligible for services which cost $25.00 (one-time fee) to establish an account and then $37.50 for the first 50 leads you receive. Bulletin and computer tapes can also be purchased.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Tropical Ocean and Global Atmosphere Programme Tropical Subsurface Data Set
National Oceanographic Data Center
User Service Branch
Washington, DC 20235 (202) 673-5549
The TOGA Tropical Subsurface Data Centre in Brest operates within the framework of both the IOC's International Oceanographic Data Exchange (IODE) system and the Joint IOC-WMO Integrated Global Ocean Services System (IGOSS). The Centre collects subsurface ocean observations for the tropical oceans (30 degrees North-30 degrees South) from several sources, including: tropical oceans observations from the IGOSS network; additional vertical temperature profiles from XBT's and from drifting or moored buoys with thermistor chains, not sent over the GTS. WDC-A receives Level II-B data sets from the Subsurface Data Centre in Brest for both Atlantic and Indian Oceans data, as previously described. Magnetic tape copies of these data sets are available at the cost of tape reproduction.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Truck Inventory and Use Survey Microdata File (TC82-T(T))
Customer Services
Bureau of the Census
Washington, DC 20233 (301) 763-4100
The file provides data on the physical and operational characteristics of the Nation's trucks. It is based on a probability sample of private and commercial trucks registered (or licensed) in States during 1982. The data time span is 1982. The file is available on one tape reel at 1600 or 6250 bpi.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Truck Trailers (M37L)
Data Access and Use Staff
Data User Services Division
Bureau of the Census
Washington, DC 20233 (301) 763-2074
The file presents data on quantity and value of shipments of truck trailers, by type of trailer and shipments of truck trailer vans, by type of materials. The number of companies reporting shipments are also shown for each product. Included is a summary showing quantity and value of shipments of principal types of complete truck trailers for the current month and each of 24 preceding months. This report also contains data comparing domestic output, exports, and imports of truck trailers. Substantial excerpts from this report are available online, through CENDATA, the Census Bureau's online data system. For information about CENDATA content and online services, contact CompuServe (800-848-8199) or DIALOG Information Services (800-334-2564). For file content information only, contact the office above.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Tsunami Data Base
National Geophysical Data Center
325 Broadway (303) 497-6215
Boulder, CO 80303 Fax: (303) 497-6513
This data base includes tide gauge records from 1850, publications such as United States Tsunamis 1690-1988, and a photo file showing tsunamis and their results. Call for price information.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Turbidity Data File (TD-9789)
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
National Climatic Data Center
Federal Building
Asheville, NC 28801-2969 (704) 259-0682
This file contains discrete observations of turbidity data taken at various times during the day. Major parameters included are sunphotometer wavelength measurements, calibration factors corresponding to the wavelengths of the sunphotometer, Tau values, diopter, and meter value in nanometers of sunphotometer. Data are from January 1, 1972 to the present (updated annually). Copies are available on magnetic tape. For more information, including cost, contact the office above.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Typical Meteorological Year (TD-9734)
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
National Climatic Data Center
Federal Building
Asheville, NC 28801-2969 (704) 259-0682
The Typical Meteorological Year (TMY) tapes comprise specific calendar months selected from the entire recorded span for a given station as the most representative, or typical, for that station month. For example, a single January is chosen from the 23 Januarys for which data were recorded from 1953 through 1975. The data for the 26 rehabilitated stations are hourly but all other stations are hourly only if the year/month selected was from January 1953 through December 1964. All other year/month selections from January 1965 through December 19753 are 3-hourly data. Data are twelve months selected from January 1, 1953 through December 31, 1975. Copies are available on magnetic tape. For more information, including cost, contact the office above.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
National Climatic Data Center
Federal Building
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* US Navy - NOAA Joint Ice Center (JIC
* Survey of Natural and Social Scientists and Engineers: 1986
Customer Services
Bureau of the Census
Washington, DC 20233 (301) 763-4100
The file presents data on the characteristics of persons engaged in natural science, social science, engineering, or related fields. Characteristics include formal and supplemental education and training, current employment characteristics, and job history. The geographic areas covered are Census divisions. The file is available on one tape reel at 1600 or 6250 bpi. A combined longitudinal file is also available on 1600 or 6250 bpi.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Survey of Plant Capacity: 1986 (MQ-C1)
Data Access and Use Staff
Data User Services Division
Bureau of the Census
Washington, DC 20233 (301) 763-2074
The file presents data on capacity utilization rates, the reasons plants operated at less than 100 percent of capacity, and the time required to expand to capacity. The capacity utilization rates are shown by industry (including four-digit SIC categories). The data time span is fourth quarters of 1985 and 1986, with fourth quarter comparative data for earlier years. Substantial excerpts from this survey (also known as Plant Capacity Utilization) are available online through CENDATA, the Census Bureau's online data system. For information about CENDATA content and online services, contact CompuServe (800-848-8199) or DIALOG Information Services (800-334-2564). For file content information only, contact the office above.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) (NASA SEASAT)
Satellite Data Services Division
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
National Climatic Data Center
Princeton Executive Center, Room 100
Washington, DC 20233 (301) 763-8400
The SAR is an active imaging radar system operating at a frequency of 1.37 Ghz. Radar responses are converted to a depiction in image form of surface roughness. Each magnetic tape contains 100km by 100km scene for a single file. The data are from July to October 1978. Digital-users may obtain data on 9-track, odd parity, magnetic tape at 1600 or 6250 bytes per inch density and, in most cases, the mode may be ASCII or EBCDIC. The cost is $80.00 per input tape plus $12.00 per output tape plus $11.00 shipping and handling per order. For additional information on data available, contact the office above.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Taxable Property Values and Assessment- Sales Price Ratios (GC82(2))
Data Access and Use Staff
Data User Services Division
Bureau of the Census
Washington, DC 20233 (301) 763-2074
The file includes data for the amount of assessed value for local general property taxation, for counties and for each city having a July 1978 estimated population of 50,000 or more, with totals for States and their SMSA and non-SMSA components. Also included for a group of large assessing jurisdictions are estimates of locally assessed realty distributed among major use categories. The data time span is 1981 and 1982. The geographic areas covered are the United States, States, standard metropolitan statistical areas (SMSA's), counties, selected major cities, and selected local areas. Limited excerpts from this report are available online through CENDATA, the Census Bureau's online data system. For information about CENDATA content and online services, contact CompuServe (800-848-8199) or DIALOG Information Services (800-334-2564). For file content information only, contact the office above.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Technology Assessment and Forecast Program (TAF)
Jane S. Myers
Director, Office of Documentation Information
Technology Assessment and Forecast Program
CM2 - Suite 304
Washington, DC 20231 (703) 557-5652
This data base is a computer-readable file of statistical and other data relating to patents granted by the US Patent and Trademark Office (PTO). It was created by the PTO as part of its overall effort to disseminate information on worldwide technological development as viewed through patent activity. The TAF data base currently holds 1.8 million records with approximately 40,000 records added per semiannual update. The information contained in the data base is obtained from the general PTO patent file. Retrieval of data from the TAF data base is possible using any single category or combination of categories of information contained therein. Data can be manipulated and presented in a number of formats including lists, tables, graphs, and charts. Several standard special-report programs have been developed to facilitate extraction and presentation of a wide variety of data for specific groupings of patents. Selective data may also be obtained on magnetic tape and other media. These services are available on a cost recoverable basis subject to the availability of Office resources.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Telephone Contacts for Data Users, Bureau of the Census
Data Access and Use Staff
Data User Services Division
Bureau of the Census
Washington, DC 20233 (301) 763-2074
The file lists the names and telephone numbers of Census Bureau specialists in dozens of specific areas of demographic and economic statistics, geography and statistical research, and user services. This report is available online through CENDATA, the Census Bureau's online data system. For information about CENDATA content and online services, contact CompuServe (800-848-8199) or DIALOG Information Services (800-334-2564). For file content information only, contact the office above.c
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Tennessee Valley Authority Selected Housing Tallies for Zip Code Areas
Customer Services Bureau of the Census
Washington, DC 20233 (301) 763-4100
Data are presented for approximately 1,050 5-digit zip code areas within Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) States (Alabama, Georgia, Kentucky, Mississippi, North Carolina, Tennessee, and Virginia). Variables such as tenure, units in structure, househeating fuel, and household income are cross tabulated by air conditioning, heating equipment, and water heating fuel. The file is available on 1 computer tape at 6250 bpi.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Test Reference Year-TRY (TD-9706)
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
National Climatic Data Center
Federal Building
Asheville, NC 28801-2969 (704) 259-0682
This file was developed in support of site selected design. The Test Reference Years were selected on the basis of monthly mean temperatures by an American Society of Heating, Refrigerating, and Air-Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE) approved procedure. The test reference year (TRY) is determined in the following manner: The extreme months are arranged in order of importance for energy comparisons. Hot Julys and cold Januarys are assumed to be the most important. All months are ranked by alternating between the warm half (May to October) and the cold half (November to April) of the year, with the months closest to late July or late January given priority. Data are from a year selected from the years 1948 through 1975. Copies are available on magnetic tape. For more information, including cost, contact the office above.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Textile Agreement Monitoring System (TAMS)
Office of Textiles and Apparel
International Trade Administration
US Department of Commerce
14th and Constitution Ave., NW
Washington, DC 20230 (202) 377-4212
TAMS monitors imports of textiles and textile products from which the US has textile trade agreements. A cumulative file of imports is summarized by major product codes, and by major countries. The file currently has approximately 18,000 records and can be searched by product, or country and figures can be obtained for calendar year, to date, or year ending. The Major Shippers Report is produced monthly and available by subscription. Individualized searches are not available but requests for specific data from TAMS can be arranged by contacting the Office of Textiles and Apparel.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Thunderstorm Beginning and Ending Times (TD-9945)
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
National Climatic Data Center
Federal Building
Asheville, NC 28801-2969 (704) 259-0682
This file consists of thunderstorm beginning and ending times in a 24-hour clock format for 450 stations for the general period January 1, 1948 through December 31, 1977. Storm times were extracted from the original manuscript records of surface weather observations taken by selected National Weather Service, Federal Aviation Administration, US Air Force, and US Navy stations, coded, keyed to magnetic tape, and quality controlled. Data are from January 1, 1948 through December 31, 1977. Copies are available on magnetic tape. For more information, including cost, contact the office above.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Tidal Zoning - Area Prediction Factors
Tidal Datums Section (N/OMA123)
National Ocean Service
US Department of Commerce
6001 Executive Boulevard
Room 609, WSC-1
Rockville, MD 20852 (301) 443-8467
Tidal Zoning is a category of tide data that provides the tidal corrections for predicting height and time over large areas of US and Caribbean coastal and Continental Shelf waters. Tidal corrections, in the form of time differences in minutes and tide height factors, determined by historical tidal characteristics and comparing observed tide data which has been related to the 19-year Metonic cycle. These corrections when applied to the tide predictions for a control tide station determine the predicted time and height of tides over the area. Computations based on tide behavior at tide station locations are prepared by the National Ocean Service on request and prices are quoted on a case by case basis.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Tide Observation Station Lists
Tidal Datums Section (N/OMA123)
National Ocean Service
US Department of Commerce
6001 Executive Boulevard
Room 609, WSC-1
Rockville, MD 20852 (301) 443-8807
The index of tide stations, updated annually, provides information by state for the tide observation stations maintained by the National Ocean Service (NOS) for the US and its territories. Each list includes the station number, name, latitude, longitude, dates of observations, benchmark sheet publication date, and the tidal epoch. Other station information is available upon request. Specialized tide observation station lists include the National Tide Observation Network (NTON), composed of all NOS long-term operating stations. The index is free to federal, state, and local agencies, waterborne commerce, port authorities, marinas, coastal industries, engineering, surveying, constructions firms, law firms, and academia.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Tides - Hourly Heights
Tidal Datums Section (N/OMA123)
National Ocean Service
US Department of Commerce
6001 Executive Boulevard
Room 609, WSC-1
Rockville, MD 20852 (301) 443-8467
Tidal hourly heights are the records of the height of the water level (in feet) for each hour of each day at tide observation stations. All heights are referenced to a datum. All tide data are processed in monthly increments and added to the station data file. Users of this data include: federal, state, and local agencies, waterborne commerce, port authorities, marinas, coastal industries, engineering, surveying, construction firms, law firms, academia and foreign governments. The records for stations in the National Tide Observation Network (NTON) are available on hard copy and on tape with costs determined by format and amount of information ordered.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* TIGER/Line Prototype File: Boone County, Missouri 1988
Customer Services
Bureau of the Census
Washington, DC 20233 (301) 763-4100
The file provides a prototype for a computer-readable mapping file that, when complete, will cover the entire United States. It is designed for data users who wish to develop experience with a computer mapping and geocoding data base that will become available in 1989. It enables users to plan and test their own software on actual geographic data. The file is available on one tape reel at 1600 or 6250 bpi.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Time Biased Corrected Divisional Temperature-Precipitation-Drought Index (TD-9640)
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
National Climatic Data Center
Federal Building
Asheville, NC 28801-2969 (704) 259-0682
Since 1931, each monthly average temperature within a climate division has been calculated by giving equal weight to each station reporting both temperature and precipitation within a division. In the US, observers at cooperative stations often take one observation per day and the ending time of the climatological day at any station can vary from station to station as well as year-to-year. Differences of the 24-hour period over which each observer reports his maximum and minimum temperatures as well as the average temperature [(max + min)/2] affects the calculated monthly mean temperature. The major parameters that make up this file are sequential "time biased corrected" State Climatic Division monthly average temperatures, precipitation, and Palmer Drought Indices. Data are from January 1931 through December 1985. Copies are available on magnetic tape. For more information, including cost, contact the office above.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* TIROS Operational Vertical Sounder (TOVS) (TIROS-N/NOAA series Polar Orbiters)
Satellite Data Services Division
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
National Climatic Data Center
Princeton Executive Center, Room 100
Washington, DC 20233 (301) 763-8400
Each TOVS data set contains data from one of the three TOVS instruments in the form of a sequence of earth scans. Each data set contains the scans for that instrument for one full earth orbit. Data are from 1979 to present, updated daily. Digital-users may obtain data on 9-track, odd parity, magnetic tape at 1600 or 6250 bytes per inch density and, in most cases, the mode may be ASCII or EBCDIC. The cost is $80.00 per input tape plus $12.00 per output tape plus $11.00 shipping and handling per order. For additional information on data available, contact the office above.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* TIROS Operational Vertical Sounder (TOVS) (TIROS-N/NOAA series Polar Orbiters)
Satellite Data Services Division
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
National Climatic Data Center
Princeton Executive Center, Room 100
Washington, DC 20233 (301) 763-8400
Each TOVS data set contains data from one of the three Te content
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Current File
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Current File
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Current File
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Current File
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end of file
Current File
{\rtf1\ansi \deff4\deflang1033{\fonttbl{\f4 \froman\fcharset0\fprq2 Times New Roman;}{\f5 \fswiss\fcharset0\fprq2 Arial;}} }
* Summary Tape File 5C - Population
Customer Services
Bureau of the Census
Washington, DC 20233 (301) 763-4100
The file provides 358 tables of highly detailed sample and complete-count data on the total population. Data are presented for three State components: rural; inside SMSA's; and inside SMSA central cities. After being presented for the total population, most tabulations are repeated for four race groups (White; Black; American Indian, Eskimo, and Aleut; and Asian and Pacific Islander) and persons of Spanish origin. Data are presented for three components for the United States, regions, divisions, and States; rural; inside standard metropolitan statistical areas (SMSA's); and inside SMSA central cities. The data time span is 1980. The geographic areas covered are the United States, regions, divisions, states, and standard consolidated statistical areas (SCSA's). The file is available on 47 tape reels at 1600 bpi or 14 tape reels at 6250 bpi. (Subfiles can be purchased.)
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Summary Tape File 5C - Housing
Customer Services
Bureau of the Census
Washington, DC 20233 (301) 763-4100
The file provides 284 samples of highly detailed sample housing data. Together, the population and housing portions of STF 5A contain over 100,000 cells of data. After being presented for the total population, most tabulations are repeated for four race groups (White; Black; American Indian, Eskimo, and Aleut; and Asian and Pacific Islander) and persons of Spanish origin. Data presented for three components for the United States, regions, divisions, and States: rural; inside standard metropolitan statistical areas (SMSA's); and inside SMSA central cities. The data time span is 1980. The geographic areas covered are the United States, regions, divisions, states, and standard consolidated statistical areas (SCSA's). The file is available on 18 tape reels at 1600 bpi or 6 tape reels at 6250 bpi. (No subfiles).
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Summary Tape File 5 - Puerto Rico
Customer Services
Bureau of the Census
Washington, DC 20233 (301) 763-4100
The file is similar to STF 5 - Population and STF 5 - Housing combined. Tables have been modified to reflect data-gathering or presentation procedures unique to Puerto Rico. The data time span is 1980. The geographic areas covered are Puerto Rico, standard metropolitan statistical areas (SMSA's), municipios of 50,000 or more inhabitants, places (zonas urbanas and aldeas) of 50,000 or more inhabitants, and central cities of SMSA's. The file is divided into two sets of tabulations: population and housing. Each set of tabulations is on one reel at 1600 or 6250 bpi.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Surface Airways Hourly (TD-3280)
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
National Climatic Data Center
Federal Building
Asheville, NC 28801-2969 (704) 259-0682
This file contains hourly, or 3-hourly, surface weather observation data that are measured primarily by National Weather Service, Federal Aviation Administration, and US Military operated stations and recorded on MF1-10 forms. The major parameters that make up this file are; ceiling height, horizontal visibility, weather, wind direction, wind speed, dry bulb, wet bulb, and dewpoint temperatures, relative humidity, sea level pressure, station pressure, total sky cover and total opaque sky cover. Data are from January 1, 1945 through the present (updated monthly). Copies are available on magnetic tape. For more information, including cost, contact the office above.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Surface Current Data System (SCUDS)
User Services Branch
National Oceanographic Data Center
US Department of Commerce
1825 Connecticut Ave., NW
Washington, DC 20235 (202) 673-5549
Although not updated since 1974, this data base is still available for data retrieval. SCUDS contains over 4 million surface current observations, almost all obtained by the ship drift method. Data, data source, position (not latitude-longitude, but geographic grid numbers to six-minute by six-minute squares), and current direction and speed are recorded for each observation. With the exception of about 5,100 observations taken using the Geomagnetic Electrokinetograph (GEK), these are not instrument-measured current data. Rather, they are indirect determinations of ocean surface currents based on the ship drift method. Data may be selectively retrieved by the NODC "cruise-file", geographic area and time period. Data can be provided to requestors on magnetic tape in the standard data storage format. In addition, data can be provided as formatted listings, summaries, analyses, and other data products. Charges depend on actual computer time, materials, and associated labor costs.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Surface/Land, Daily Cooperative Summary of the Day (TD-3200)
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
National Climatic Data Center
Federal Building
Asheville, NC 28801-2969 (704) 259-0682
This file is a compilation of daily observations initially obtained from state universities, state cooperatives, and the National Weather Service. Currently, there are approximately 8,000 active stations, known as cooperative observers, but data are in these files for approximately 23,000 stations for various years. Data are from the 1850's through the present (updated monthly). Copies are available on magnetic tape. For more information, including cost, contact the office above.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Surface/Land Summary of the Month (TD-3220)
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
National Climatic Data Center
Federal Building
Asheville, NC 28801-2969 (704) 259-0682
The Surface Land Summary of the Month (SOM) data file is a compilation of the daily weather observations initially obtained from State Universities, State Cooperatives, and the National Weather Service. Prior to 1948, most data were collected from State Universities and organizations. Data are available in this file for approximately 23,000 stations for varying periods of record and include National Weather Service first order stations. The major parameters that make up this file are monthly; maximum and minimum temperatures, mean temperature with departure from normal, total precipitation with departure from normal, total snowfall, maximum snowdepth, extreme high and low temperatures, freeze data, evaporation, and heating-degree and cooling-degree days. Data are from January 1, 1885 to the present (updated monthly). See microfiche inventory TD-3220 for the period of record for each station. Copies are available on magnetic tape. For more information, including cost, contact the office above.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Surface Marine Observations (TD-1129)
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
National Climatic Data Center
Federal Building
Asheville, NC 28801-2969 (704) 259-0682
This data file contains surface marine observational data obtained from numerous and varied sources. The major parameters that make up this file are ship position, wind direction, wind speed, visibility, present and past weather, sea level pressure, dry bulb, wet bulb, dewpoint, sea surface temperature, air-sea temperature difference, total cloud amount, and wave and sea swell heights and periods. Data are from January 1, 1970 through the present (updated monthly). Copies are available on magnetic tape. For more information, including cost, contact the office above.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Survey of Fishing, Hunting, and Wildlife- Associated Recreation, 1980
Customer Services
Bureau of the Census
Washington, DC 20233 (301) 763-4100
The file presents microdata on individuals involved in fishing, hunting, and other wildlife-associated recreation, such as wildlife observation, photography and feeding. Data include States, wildlife region, or foreign country in which these activities occurred; number of trips taken; duration of trips; and expenditures for food, lodging, transportation, and equipment. Data are also provided on membership in conservation or wildlife-related organizations. The survey was conducted by the Census Bureau for the Fish and Wildlife Service, Department of the Interior, which prepares printed reports in this field. The data time span is 1980. The geographic areas covered are States, wildlife regions within States, and selected foreign countries. The file is available on 5 tape reels at 1600 bpi or 2 tape reels at 6250 bpi.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Survey of Governments, 1986: Annual Employment Statistics
Customer Services
Bureau of the Census
Washington, DC 20233 (301) 763-4100
The file provides data on full- and part-time employment, and payroll statistics by type of government, and payroll statistics by type of government (i.e., State, county, city, township, special district, and school district) and by function. The geographic areas covered are State and local governmental units. The file is available on 2 tape reels at 1600 bpi or 1 tape reel at 6250 bpi.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Survey of Governments, 1986: Annual Finance Statistics
Customer Services
Bureau of the Census
Washington, DC 20233 (301) 763-4100
The file provides, in a three-file set, finance data on revenue, expenditure, indebtedness and debt transactions, and cash and security holdings. Revenue data are provided by source; expenditures are shown by function such as education, highways, and public welfare, and also by type including intergovernmental, current operation, and capital outlay. The geographic areas covered are State and local governmental units. Files A, B, and C are on 4 tape reels at 1600 bpi or 1 tape reel at 6250 bpi. Limited excerpts from this report are available online through CENDATA, the Census Bureau's online data system. For information about CENDATA content and online services, contact CompuServe (800-848-8199) or DIALOG Information Services (800-334-2564). For file content information only, contact the office above.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Survey of Income and Program Participation (SIPP): 1984 Panel: Annual Weight File
Customer Services
Bureau of the Census
Washington, DC 20233 (301) 763-4100
The file is available on one tape reel at 6250 bpi or 1600 bpi.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Survey of Income and Program Participation (SIPP): 1984 Panel: Wave 8. Rectangular Core and Topical Module Microdata File
Customer Services
Bureau of the Census
Washington, DC 20233 (301) 763-4100
The file is available on 2 tape reels at 6250 bpi or 7 tape reels at 1600 bpi.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Survey of Income and Program Participation (SIPP): 1985 Panel. Wave 1: Rectangular Microdata File (Core Data only)
Customer Services
Bureau of the Census
Washington, DC 20233 (301) 763-4100
The file is available on 2 tape reels at 6250 bpi or 5 tape reels at 1600 bpi.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Survey of Income and Program Participation (SIPP) Waves 1-9
Customer Services
Bureau of the Census
Washington, DC 20233 (301) 763-4100
The file provides microdata records for 20,000 households - 5,000 per month - for each interview period (generally 4 months), called a "wave." (Wave 1 interviews were conducted October 1983-January 1984; Wave 2, February-April 1984; Wave 3, May-August 1984; Wave 4, September-December 1984; Wave 5, January-April 1985; Wave 6, May-August 1985; Wave 7, September-December 1985; Wave 8, January-April 1986; and Wave 9, May-August 1986. The microdata records contain basic demographic and social characteristics data for each member of the household. The data time span is 1983 - 1986. Contact Customer Services for information on tape reels.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Survey of Income and Program Participation (SIPP) Waves 1-9
Customer Services
Bureau of the Census
Washington, DC 20233 (301) 763-4100
The file prov
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Summary Tape File 3C
Customer Services
Bureau of the Census
Washington, DC 20233 (301) 763-4100
The file provides 150 tables with 1,126 cells of population and housing data estimated from the sample. It includes data shown in the PHC80-3 (part) and PHC80-4 (part) reports. It is released by State, and for Puerto Rico and the outlying areas. The data time span is 1980. The geographic areas covered are the United States, census regions, census divisions, States, standard consolidated statistical areas (SCSA's), standard metropolitan statistical areas (SMSA's), urbanized areas (UA's), counties, places of 10,000 or more population, towns/townships of 10,000 or more population (in 11 States only), and congressional districts (96th and 97th Congresses). The file is available on 3 tape reels at 1600 bpi or one tape reel at 6250 bpi.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Summary Tape File 3D
Customer Services
Bureau of the Census
Washington, DC 20233 (301) 763-4100
The file provides 150 tables with 1,126 cells of population and housing data estimated from the sample. It includes data shown in the PHC80-3 (part) and PHC80-4 (part) reports. It is released by State, and for Puerto Rico and the outlying areas. This file summarizes data for the congressional districts of the 98th Congress and reflects redistricting based on 1980 census results. The data time span is 1980. The geographic areas covered are States, congressional districts of the 98th Congress; within congressional districts: counties or portions of counties, places of 10,000 or more population or portions of places, minor civil divisions (MCD's) of 10,000 or more population or portions of MCD's (11 selected States). The file is available on one tape reel per State at 1600 or 6250 bpi. All States can be stacked on 4 tape reels at 1600 bpi or 2 tape reels at 6250 bpi.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Summary Tape File 3F
Customer Services
Bureau of the Census
Washington, DC 20233 (301) 763-4100
The file provides 150 tables with 1,126 cells of population and housing data estimated from the sample. It includes data shown in the PHC80-3 (part) and PHC80-4 (part) reports. It is released by State, and for Puerto Rico and the outlying areas. STF 3F is, like STF 1F, the school district file. The data time span is 1980. The geographic areas covered are school districts and counties within school districts. The file is available on one tape reel per State at 1600 or 6250 bpi. All States can be stacked on 8 tape reels at 1600 bpi or 2 tape reels at 6250 bpi.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Summary Tape File 3G
Customer Services
Bureau of the Census
Washington, DC 20233 (301) 763-4100
The file provides 150 tables with 1,126 cells of population and housing data estimated from the sample. It includes data shown in the PHC80-3 (part) and PHC80-4 (part) reports. It is released by State, and for Puerto Rico and the outlying areas. STF 3G, like STF 1G, is the file for the Neighborhood Statistics Program (NSP). The data time span is 1980. The geographic areas covered are Neighborhood Publication Areas and neighborhoods. The file is available on one tape reel at 1600 or 6250 bpi for each State and Puerto Rico. All States can be stacked on 8 tape reels at 1600 bpi or 3 tape reels at 6250 bpi.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Summary Tape File 3H
Customer Services
Bureau of the Census
Washington, DC 20233 (301) 763-4100
This file is the same as for Summary Tape File 3D, except only presented for the following 10 States which have newly defined congressional districts for the 99th Congress: California, Hawaii, Louisiana, Maine, Mississippi, Montana, New Jersey, New York, Texas, and Washington. The data time span is 1980. The file is available on one tape reel per State at 1600 bpi or 6250 bpi.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Summary Tape File 4A
Customer Services
Bureau of the Census
Washington, DC 20233 (301) 763-4100
The file provides 462 tables with approximately 8,400 cells of population and housing data estimated from the sample. It includes data shown in the PHC80-2 (part), PC80-1-C, and HC80-1-B reports. It is released by State and for Puerto Rico. There are some differences for Puerto Rico, discussed separately. The data time span is 1980. The geographic areas covered are standard metropolitan statistical areas (SMSA's) or tracted remainder of State, counties or county equivalents, places of 10,000 or more population or remainder of county, census tracts, and total for split tracts. The file is available on tape reels at 1600 or 6250 bpi.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Summary Tape File 4A - Puerto Rico
Customer Services
Bureau of the Census
Washington, DC 20233 (301) 763-4100
The file is similar to STF 4A. Tables have been modified to reflect data-gathering or presentation procedures unique to Puerto Rico. The data time span is 1980. The geographic areas covered are standard metropolitan statistical areas (SMSA's), municipios, places (zonas urbanas or aldeas) of 10,000 or more population, and census tracts and totals for split tracts. The file is available on one tape reel at 1600 or 6250 bpi.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Summary Tape File 4B
Customer Services
Bureau of the Census
Washington, DC 20233 (301) 763-4100
The file provides 462 tables with approximately 8,400 cells of population and housing data estimated from the sample. It includes data shown in the PHC80-2 (part), PC80-1-C, and HC80-1-B reports. It is released by State and for Puerto Rico. There are some differences for Puerto Rico, discussed separately. The data time span is 1980. The geographic areas covered are the same as for Summary Tape File (STF) 2B, except for (1) addition of rural farm summaries for States, standard consolidated statistical areas (SCSA's), standard metropolitan statistical areas (SMSA's), and counties; and (2) only places of 2,500 or more population are included. The file is available on tape reels at 1600 or 6250 bpi.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Summary Tape File 4B - Correction Matrices
Customer Services
Bureau of the Census
Washington, DC 20233 (301) 763-4100
The file supplies correction matrices to be used in adjusting Summary Tape File (STF) 4B. The data time span is 1980. The file is available on 4 tape reels at 1600 bpi or two tape reels at 6250 bpi.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Summary Tape File 4B - Puerto Rico
Customer Services
Bureau of the Census
Washington, DC 20233 (301) 763-4100
The file is similar to STF 4B. Tables have been modified to reflect data-gathering or presentation procedures unique to Puerto Rico. The data time span is 1980. The geographic areas covered are similar to Summary Tape File (STF) 2B, except (1) includes rural farm summaries down to the municipio level and (2) excludes places smaller than 2,500 population. The file is available on one tape reel at 1600 bpi or 6250 bpi.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Summary Tape File 4G
Customer Services
Bureau of the Census
Washington, DC 20233 (301) 763-4100
The file provides 462 tables with approximately 8,400 cells of population and housing data estimated from the sample. It includes data shown in the PHC80-2 (part), PC80-1-C, and HC80-1-B reports. It is released by State and for Puerto Rico. Tables often include data for metropolitan/non-metropolitan and urban/rural/rural farm components of the areas reported. STF 4C presents data on characteristics for a maximum of 38 race, Spanish-origin and/or ancestry categories. The data time span is 1980. The geographic areas covered are the same as for the Summary Tape File (STF) 2C, with the addition of rural farm summaries for States, standard consolidated statistical areas (SCSA's), standard metropolitan statistical areas (SMSA's), and counties. The file is available on 434 tape reels at 1600 bpi or 109 tape reels at 6250 bpi. (Subfiles can be purchased.)
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Summary Tape File 5A - Population
Customer Services
Bureau of the Census
Washington, DC 20233 (301) 763-4100
The file provides 358 tables of highly detailed sample and complete-count data on the total population. Data are presented for three State components: rural; inside SMSA's; and inside SMSA central cities. Together, the population and housing portions of Summary Tape File (STF) 5A contain over 100,000 cells of data. After being presented for the total population, most tabulations are repeated for four race groups (White; Black; American Indian, Eskimo, and Aleut; and Asian and Pacific Islander) and persons of Spanish origin. STF 5A - Population includes data shown in the PC80-1-D reports. The data time span is 1980. The geographic areas covered are States; standard metropolitan statistical areas (SMSA's); counties, places, and minor civil divisions (MCD's) (in 11 selected States) of 50,000 or more population; and central cities of SMSA's. The file is available on tape reels at 1600 or 6250 bpi.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Summary Tape File 5A - Housing
Customer Services
Bureau of the Census
Washington, DC 20233 (301) 763-4100
The file provides 284 samples of highly detailed sample housing data. Together, the population and housing portions of STF 5A contain over 100,000 cells of data. After being presented for the total population, most tabulations are repeated for four race groups (White; Black; American Indian, Eskimo, and Aleut; and Asian and Pacific Islander) and persons of Spanish origin. STF 5A - Housing includes data shown in the HC80-2 reports. The data time span is 1980. The geographic areas covered are States; standard metropolitan statistical areas (SMSA's); counties, places, and minor civil divisions (MCD's) (in 11 selected States) of 50,000 or more population; and central cities of SMSA's. The file is available on tape reels at 1600 or 6250 bpi.
STRING getFileList(
"Files" =
Current File
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
sel = selectedTextLines
Pfile =
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"Section" =
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"rfield" =
c / 100 =
Q(c / 100)
= default
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Pfile =
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+Arial;}} }"
c = 0
s = 0
"nortf" =
& " \b0 " &
(" " &
(" " &
txt =
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w = "
w = "
"Section" =
) > 32
"rfield" =
c / 100 =
Q(c / 100)
= default
sel = selectedTextLines
Pfile =
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+Arial;}} }"
c = 0
s = 0
"nortf" =
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(" " &
(" " &
txt =
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w = "
w = "
"Section" =
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"rfield" =
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Q(c / 100)
= default
sel = selectedTextLines
Pfile =
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+Arial;}} }"
c = 0
s = 0
"nortf" =
& " \b0 " &
(" " &
(" " &
txt =
w =
title = ""
w = "
w = "
"Section" =
) > 32
"rfield" =
c / 100 =
Q(c / 100)
= default
sel = selectedTextLines
Pfile =
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c = 0
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"nortf" =
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(" " &
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) > 32
"rfield" =
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Q(c / 100)
= default
) > 32
"rfield" =
c / 100 =
Q(c / 100)
= default
* Summary Tape File 1C
Customer Services
Bureau of the Census
Washington, DC 20233 (301) 763-4100
The file provides 321 cells of complete-count population and housing data, organized in 59 tables, for each area. It includes the 1980 data shown in the PHC80-1, PHC80-3 (part), PHC80-4 (part), and PC80-1-A reports, as well as additional data. Population items tabulated include age, race, sex, marital status, Spanish origin, household type, and household relationship. Housing items tabulated include occupancy/vacancy status, tenure, contract rent, value, condominium status, number of rooms, and plumbing facilities. Selected aggregates, means, and medians are also provided. The data time span is 1980. The geographic areas covered are the United States, census regions, census divisions, States, standard consolidated statistical areas (SCSA's), standard metropolitan statistical areas (SMSA's), urbanized areas (UA's), counties, places of 10,000 or more population, towns/townships of 10,000 or more population (in 11 States only), and congressional districts (96th and 97th Congresses). The file is available on one tape reel at 1600 or 6250 bpi.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Summary Tape File 1D
Customer Services
Bureau of the Census
Washington, DC 20233 (301) 763-4100
The file provides 321 cells of complete-count population and housing data, organized in 59 tables, for each area. It includes the 1980 data shown in the PHC80-1, PHC80-3 (part), PHC80-4 (part), and PC80-1-A reports, as well as additional data. Population items tabulated include age, race, sex, marital status, Spanish origin, household type, and household relationship. Housing items tabulated include occupancy/vacancy status, tenure, contract rent, value, condominium status, number of rooms, and plumbing facilities. Selected aggregates, means, and medians are also provided. This file summarizes data for the congressional districts of the 98th Congress and reflects redistricting based on 1980 census results. The data time span is 1980. The geographic areas covered are States, congressional districts of the 98th Congress; within congressional districts: counties or portions of counties, places of 10,000 or more population or portions of places, minor civil divisions (MCD's) of 10,000 or more population or portions of MCD's (11 selected States). The file is available on one tape reel per State at 1600 or 6250 bpi. All States can be stacked on 3 tape reels at 1600 bpi or 1 tape reel at 6250 bpi.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Summary Tape File 1E
Customer Services
Bureau of the Census
Washington, DC 20233 (301) 763-4100
The file provides 321 cells of complete-count population and housing data, organized in 59 tables, for each area. It includes the 1980 data shown in the PHC80-1, PHC80-3 (part), PHC80-4 (part), and PC80-1-A reports, as well as additional data. Population items tabulated include age, race, sex, marital status, Spanish origin, household type, and household relationship. Housing items tabulated include occupancy/vacancy status, tenure, contract rent, value, condominium status, number of rooms, and plumbing facilities. Selected aggregates, means, and medians are also provided. The data time span is 1980. The geographic areas covered are North Dakota: State, counties, and census county divisions (CCD's). The file is available at 1600 or 6250 bpi.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Summary Tape File 1F
Customer Services
Bureau of the Census
Washington, DC 20233 (301) 763-4100
The file provides 321 cells of complete-count population and housing data, organized in 59 tables, for each area. It includes the 1980 data shown in the PHC80-1, PHC80-3 (part), PHC80-4 (part), and PC80-1-A reports, as well as additional data. Population items tabulated include age, race, sex, marital status, Spanish origin, household type, and household relationship. Housing items tabulated include occupancy/vacancy status, tenure, contract rent, value, condominium status, number of rooms, and plumbing facilities. Selected aggregates, means, and medians are also provided. This file is a school district file providing complete-count data; STF 3F provides sample data. The data time span is 1980. The geographic areas covered are school districts and counties within school districts. The file is available on one tape reel per State at 1600 or 6250 bpi. All States can be stacked on 8 tape reels at 1600 bpi or 2 tape reels at 6250 bpi.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Summary Tape File 1G
Customer Services
Bureau of the Census
Washington, DC 20233 (301) 763-4100
The file provides 321 cells of complete-count population and housing data, organized in 59 tables, for each area. It includes the 1980 data shown in the PHC80-1, PHC80-3 (part), PHC80-4 (part), and PC80-1-A reports, as well as additional data. Population items tabulated include age, race, sex, marital status, Spanish origin, household type, and household relationship. Housing items tabulated include occupancy/vacancy status, tenure, contract rent, value, condominium status, number of rooms, and plumbing facilities. Selected aggregates, means, and medians are also provided. This file is the file for the Neighborhood Statistics Program (NSP), which was developed to assist localities requesting statistics for recognized subareas, generally called neighborhoods. The data time span is 1980. The geographic areas covered are Neighborhood Publication Areas and neighborhoods. The file is available on one tape reel at 1600 or 6250 bpi for each State and Puerto Rico. All States can be stacked on 8 tape reels at 1600 bpi or 2 tape reels at 6250 bpi.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Summary Tape File 1H
Customer Services
Bureau of the Census
Washington, DC 20233 (301) 763-4100
The file provides 321 cells of complete-count population and housing data, organized in 59 tables, for each area. It includes the 1980 data shown in the PHC80-1, PHC80-3 (part), PHC80-4 (part), and PC80-1-A reports, as well as additional data. Population items tabulated include age, race, sex, marital status, Spanish origin, household type, and household relationship. Housing items tabulated include occupancy/vacancy status, tenure, contract rent, value, condominium status, number of rooms, and plumbing facilities. Selected aggregates, means, and medians are also provided. The data time span is 1980. The geographic areas covered are the same as for Summary Tape File 1D, except only presented for the following 10 States which have newly defined congressional districts for the 99th Congress: California, Hawaii, Louisiana, Maine, Mississippi, Montana, New Jersey, New York, Texas, and Washington. The file is available on one tape reel per State at 1600 bpi or 6250 bpi.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Summary Tape File 2A
Customer Services
Bureau of the Census
Washington, DC 20233 (301) 763-4100
The file provides 132 tables with 2,292 cells of detailed complete-count population and housing characteristics data, of which 962 are repeated for race and/or Spanish-origin groups (Total; White; Black; American Indian; Eskimo, and Aleut; Asian and Pacific Islander; Other; and Spanish origin) present in the tabulation area. The data time span is 1980. The geographic areas covered are standard metropolitan statistical areas (SMSA's) or tracted remainder of State, counties or county equivalents, places of 10,000 or more population or remainder of county, census tracts, and total for split tracts. The file is available on tape reels at 1600 or 6250 bpi.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Summary Tape File 2A - Correction Matrices
Customer Services
Bureau of the Census
Washington, DC 20233 (301) 763-4100
The file supplies correction matrices to be used in adjusting Summary Tape File (STF) 2A. The data time span is 1980. The file is available on two tape reels at 1600 bpi or 1 tape reel at 6250 bpi.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Summary Tape File 2A - Puerto Rico
Customer Services
Bureau of the Census
Washington, DC 20233 (301) 763-4100
The file presents complete-count data in 132 tables for 2,256 cells. Nine tables referring to race and Spanish origin on Summary Tape File (STF) 2A for the United States were omitted from the Puerto Rican STF 2A. Other tables have been modified to reflect data-gathering and/or presentation procedures unique to Puerto Rico. However, the Puerto Rican STF 2A maintains the same table-numbering scheme used for comparable summary tape files for the States. Tables include data for metropolitan/non-metropolitan areas. The data time span is 1980. The geographic areas covered are standard metropolitan statistical areas (SMSA's), municipios, places (zonas urbanas or aldeas) of 10,000 or more population, and census tracts and totals for split tracts. The file is available on one tape reel at 1600 or 6250 bpi.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Summary Tape File 2B
Customer Services
Bureau of the Census
Washington, DC 20233 (301) 763-4100
The file provides 132 tables with 2,292 cells of detailed complete-count population and housing characteristics data, of which 962 are repeated for race and/or Spanish-origin groups (Total; White; Black; American Indian; Eskimo, and Aleut; Asian and Pacific Islander; Other; and Spanish origin) present in the tabulation area. Tables often include data for metropolitan/non-metropolitan and urban/rural components of the areas reported. For places, MCD's, and CCD's of 2,500 or more population, STF 2B presents data on characteristics for 27 race and Spanish-origin categories. For smaller places, MCD's and CCD's, it displays data for the same 7 race and Spanish-origin categories as does STF 2A. The data time span is 1980. The geographic areas covered are States, standard consolidated statistical areas (SCSA's), standard metropolitan statistical areas (SMSA's), urbanized areas, counties, minor civil divisions (MCD's) or census county divisions (CCD's), places of 1,000 or more population, American Indian reservations and their county components, and Alaskan Native villages and their county components. (Also released for Puerto Rico - discussed separately.) The file is available on tape reels at 1600 or 6250 bpi.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Summary Tape File 2B - Correction Matrices
Customer Services
Bureau of the Census
Washington, DC 20233 (301) 763-4100
The file supplies correction matrices to be used in adjusting Summary Tape File (STF) 2B. The data time span is 1980. The file is available on four tape reels at 1600 bpi or 2 tape reels at 6250 bpi.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Summary Tape File 2B - Puerto Rico
Customer Services
Bureau of the Census
Washington, DC 20233 (301) 763-4100
The file presents complete-count data in 132 tables for 2,256 cells. Nine tables referring to race and Spanish origin on Summary Tape File (STF) 2A for the United States were omitted from the Puerto Rican STF 2A. Other tables have been modified to reflect data-gathering and/or presentation procedures unique to Puerto Rico. However, the Puerto Rican STF 2A maintains the same table-numbering scheme used for comparable summary tape files for the States. Tables include data for metropolitan/non-metropolitan areas. Data for most areas are reported for urban/rural and metropolitan/non-metropolitan components. The data time span is 1980. The geographic areas covered are Puerto Rico, standard consolidated statistical areas (SCSA's), standard metropolitan statistical areas (SMSA's), urbanized areas, municipios, minor civil divisions (MCD's) or census county divisions (CCD's) and places (zonas urbanas or aldeas) of 1,000 or more population. The file is available on one tape reel at 1600 or 6250 bpi.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Summary Tape File 2C
Customer Services
Bureau of the Census
Washington, DC 20233 (301) 763-4100
The file contains the same tables for this national file as for Summary Tape File (STF) 2A plus 27 allocation tables. Tables often include data for metropolitan/non-metropolitan and urban/rural components of the areas reported. STF 2C presents data on characteristics for the same 27 race and Spanish-origin categories as does STF 2B. The data time span is 1980. The geographic areas covered are the United States; regions; census divisions; States; standard consolidated statistical areas (SCSA's); standard metropolitan statistical areas (SMSA's); urbanized areas (UA's); SCSA, SMSA, or UA portions within each State (if more than one State included); counties; places of 10,000 or more population; the urban portions of any places that have been split into urban and rural components; minor civil divisions (MCD's) of 10,000 or more inhabitants (11 States only); American Indian reservations and their county components; and Alaska Native villages and their county components. The file is available on 81 tape reels at 1600 bpi or 22 tape reels at 6250 bpi.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Summary Tape File 3A
Customer Services
Bureau of the Census
Washington, DC 20233 (301) 763-4100
The file provides 150 tables with 1,126 cells of population and housing data estimated from the sample. It includes data shown in the PHC80-3 (part) and PHC80-4 (part) reports. It is released by State, and for Puerto Rico and the outlying areas. There are some differences for Puerto Rico and the outlying areas; Summary Tape File (STF) 3A's for these areas are discussed separately below. The data time span is 1980. The geographic areas covered are States, counties, minor civil divisions (MCD's) or census county divisions (CCD's), places or place segments within MCD's/CCD's and remainders of MCD's/CCD's, census tracts or block numbering areas (BNA's), block groups (BG's) or enumeration districts (ED's), places, and congressional districts (96th and 97th Congresses). (Also released for Puerto Rico and the outlying areas - discussed separately.) The file is available on tape reels at 1600 or 6250 bpi.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Summary Tape File 3A - Puerto Rico
Customer Services
Bureau of the Census
Washington, DC 20233 (301) 763-4100
The file presents data in 125 tables for 912 cells. Thirty tables referring to race and Spanish origin on Summary Tape File (STF) 3A for the United States were omitted from the Puerto Rican STF 3A. Other tables have been modified to reflect data-gathering and/or presentation procedures unique to Puerto Rico. However, the Puerto Rican STF 3A maintains the same table-numbering scheme used for comparable summary tape files for the States. The data time span is 1980. The geographic areas covered are Puerto Rico; municipios; minor civil divisions (barrios, ciudades, or pueblos); places (zonas urbanas or aldeas) or place segments within minor civil division (MCD), or remainder of MCD; census tracts or block numbering areas (BNA's) or untracted segments (within place, place segment, or remainder of MCD); block groups (BG's) or BG segments; enumeration districts (ED's); and a place summary. The file is available on one tape reel at 1600 or 6250 bpi.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Summary Tape File 3A - Outlying Areas
Customer Services
Bureau of the Census
Washington, DC 20233 (301) 763-4100
The file provides population and housing data for most subject items. There is a separate file for each outlying area. All individuals enumerated were asked all questions indicated for their outlying areas. Population and housing items tabulated include essentially those listed in STF 3A; however, race and Spanish origin are given for the Virgin Islands of the United States only. Selected aggregates, means, and medians are also provided. The data time span is 1980. The geographic areas covered are State equivalents (American Samoa, Guam, the Northern Mariana Islands, the remainder of the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands, and the Virgin Islands of the United States), county equivalents, minor civil divisions (MCD's) or MCD equivalents, places or place segments within MCD or remainder of MCD, enumeration districts, and places. The file is available on one tape reel at 1600 or 6250 bpi.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
eration districts (ED's); and a place summary. The file is available on one tape reel at 1600 or 6250 bpi.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Summary
* State Data Center Bulletin Board
State and Regional Program Staff
Data User Services Division
Bureau of the Census
US Department of Commerce
Washington, DC 20233 (301) 763-1580
This free electronic bulletin board system is open to the public with some restrictions. Depending on need, other organizations may qualify. The 24-hour system can be used to request answers to technical questions, place orders for computer tapes and books, locate training opportunities and seminars related to demographic data, copy free public domain software, read Census Bureau press releases, and obtain statistical information. Available census data include: county population estimates for the entire country; statistical profiles for each state; and ranking files for each states, in 40 to 50 statistical categories.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* State Data Center Program Lead Agencies List
Data Access and Use Staff
Data User Services Division
Bureau of the Census
Washington, DC 20233 (301) 763-2074
The file lists organization name, address, and telephone number of lead agencies and locates affiliates in each State. The report is available online through CENDATA. For information about CENDATA content and online services, contact CompuServe (800-848-8199) or DIALOG Information Services (800-334-2564). For file content information only, contact the office above.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Station Historical File, Alias History of Cooperative Stations; Alias Substation History File (TD-9767)
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
National Climatic Data Center
Federal Building
Asheville, NC 28801-2969 (704) 259-0682
The Station History File is a description of all stations for which an alphanumeric station number has been assigned. The History indicates whether or not data are in digitized form; it is maintained for all alphanumeric numbered stations either active or closed. The major parameters that make up this file include state number, substation number, state climatic division number, station name, station type, latitude and longitude, elevation, year and month records begin and end, WBAN station number, and indicators for types of data recorded. Copies are available on magnetic tape. For more information, including cost, contact the office above.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Statistical Abstract of the United States: 1988 (108th Annual Edition)
Data Access and Use Staff
Data User Services Division
Bureau of the Census
Washington, DC 20233 (301) 763-2074
The file presents a comprehensive selection of statistics from the publications and records of governmental and private agencies. This one-volume basic reference source, issued annually since 1878, is the standard summary of statistics on the social, political, and economic organization of the United States. The data time span is selected years from 1790 to 1987, with emphasis on recent years. It also includes projections. The geographic areas covered are primarily the United States, with selected data for regions, divisions, States, metropolitan statistical areas, cities, and foreign countries. Limited excerpts from this report are available online through CENDATA. For information about CENDATA content and online services, contact CompuServe (800-848-8199) or DIALOG Information Services (800-334-2564). For file content information only, contact the office above.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Storm Transfer and Response Experiment (STREX) (TD-9683)
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
National Climatic Data Center
Federal Building
Asheville, NC 28801-2969 (704) 259-0682
STREX was an international effort shared by the United States and Canada, the lead agencies being the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration and the Canadian Atmospheric Environment Service. The catalogue is designed to provide information on the availability of STREX data that has been transferred to the NCDC archives and the Canadian Climate Centre by the designated STREX collection and processing centers throughout the United States and Canada. The catalogue also provides information on how to obtain data that is being held by Principal Investigators. Data are from November 1, 1980 through December 15, 1980. Copies are available on magnetic tape. For more information, including cost, contact the office above.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Storm (Tropical Cyclone) Tracks (TD-9697)
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
National Climatic Data Center
Federal Building
Asheville, NC 28801-2969 (704) 259-0682
The typical cyclone tracks represented in this file are the "best tracks." Best tracks are constructed by the National Weather Service, National Hurricane Center during post-analysis and all available information including aircraft reconnaissance fixes, satellite imagery, land based radar fixes, ship reports, station reports, and ocean buoy reports, are considered. Duplications and some discrepancies are found by the analyst and subjective interpretations are made and then smoothed to draw the "best tracks." The tracks are then digitized into three record images for each storm; Title record, Data record, and Storm Classification record. The major parameters that make up this file include; time, number of days the storm lasted, storm identification and position, and wind speed. Data are from the: Eastern Pacific January 1949 through December 1980; Northwest Pacific January 2946 through December 1983; Northeast Pacific January 1949 through December 1985; North Atlantic January 1886 through December 1985 (updated periodically). Copies are available on magnetic tape. For more information, including cost, contact the office above.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Strong Earthquake Ground Motion File
National Geophysical Data Center
325 Broadway
Boulder, CO 80303 (303) 497-6474
This is a digital file of strong earthquake ground motion records from 400 US events: full file retrieval: available in magnetic tapes or punched cards for each event. It is available at cost of copying, or on exchange basis: contact NGSDC for prices.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Strong Motion Catalog
National Geophysical Data Center
325 Broadway (303) 497-6215
Boulder, CO 80303 Fax: (303) 497-6513
This is a PC based data base containing 29 fields of information which document triggering event, station characteristics, and peak recorded ground motion values. Call for price information.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Summary 6-Hourly Observation (TD-3290)
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
National Climatic Data Center
Federal Building
Asheville, NC 28801-2969 (704) 259-0682
This file contains 6-hourly summary data that are measured primarily by National Weather Service operated stations and recorded on MF1-10B forms. In 1984, there were approximately 284 stations processed for inclusion in this file. The major parameters that make up this file are 6-hourly; maximum and minimum temperatures, precipitation, snowfall, and snowdepth. Data are from January 1, 1984 through the present (updated monthly). Copies are available on magnetic tape. For more information, including cost, contact the office above.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Summary of Digital Marine Geophysical Data Holdings
Marine Geology and Geophysics Division
Mail Code E/GC3
325 Broadway
Boulder, CO 80303
Bathymetric data associated with oceanographic surveys are described along with coastal NOS hydrographic survey data in flier 1980. Uses: geophysics, oceanography, ocean engineering, hydrographic surveying. General area covered: worldwide.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Summary of the Day/Month Observations (Global CEAS) (TD 9618)
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
National Climatic Data Center
Federal Building
Asheville, NC 28801-2969 (704) 259-0682
Summarized data were extracted from surface synoptic weather observations exchanged on the Global Telecommunications System (GTS) that are received by the National Meteorological Center. An automated decode of daily maximum and minimum temperatures and accumulated precipitation is performed according to the World Meteorological code manuals. All data are summarized on a Greenwich Mean (GMT) time basis to current operational requirements related to the assessment of crop and energy production. No attempt is made to convert reports to local time. If the maximum or minimum temperatures are not reported, they are estimated from reported air temperatures in the regular synoptic reports when sufficient data exists. Accumulated precipitation or extreme temperatures reported on a particular GMT date will be stored and summarized for that date even though they actually occurred on the previous GMT date. The major parameters that make up this file include time, station location, station identification, 24 hour maximum and minimum temperatures, 24 hour precipitation, weather, monthly mean temperature, monthly extreme precipitation, snowfall and snow depth, and water equivalent of snow or ice. Data are from October 1, 1977 to the present (updated monthly). Copies are available on magnetic tape. For more information, including cost, contact the office above.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Summary Tape File 1A
Customer Services
Bureau of the Census
Washington, DC 20233 (301) 763-4100
The file provides 321 cells of complete-count population and housing data, organized in 59 tables, for each area. It includes the 1980 data shown in the PHC80-1, PHC80-3 (part), PHC80-4 (part), and PC80-1-A reports, as well as additional data. Population items tabulated include age, race, sex, marital status, Spanish origin, household type, and household relationship. Housing items tabulated include occupancy/vacancy status, tenure, contract rent, value, condominium status, number of rooms, and plumbing facilities. Selected aggregates, means, and medians are also provided. The data time span is 1980. The geographic areas covered are States, counties, minor civil divisions (MCD's) or census county divisions (CCD's), places or place segments within MCD's/CCD's and remainders of MCD's/CCD's, census tracts or block numbering areas (BNA's), block groups (BG's) or enumeration districts (ED's), places, and congressional districts (96th and 97th Congresses). (Also released for Puerto Rico and the outlying areas - discussed separately.) The file is available on tape reels at 1600 or 6250 bpi.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Summary Tape File 1A - Puerto Rico
Customer Services
Bureau of the Census
Washington, DC 20233 (301) 763-4100
The file presents, in 52 tables, 256 cells of data. Seven tables referring to race and Spanish origin on Summary Tape File (STF) 1A for the United States were omitted from the Puerto Rican STF 1A. Other tables have been modified to reflect data-gathering and/or presentation procedures unique to Puerto Rico. However, the Puerto Rican STF 1A maintains the same table-numbering scheme used for comparable summary tape files for the States and the District of Columbia. The data time span is 1980. The geographic areas covered are Puerto Rico; municipios; minor civil divisions (barrios, ciudades, or pueblos); places (zonas urbanas or aldeas) or place segments within minor civil division (MCD), or remainder of MCD; census tracts or block numbering areas (BNA's) or untracted segments (within place, place segment, or remainder of MCD); block groups (BG's) or BG segments; enumeration districts (ED's); and a place summary. The file is available on one tape reel at 1600 or 6250 bpi.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Summary Tape File 1 - Outlying Areas
Customer Services
Bureau of the Census
Washington, DC 20233 (301) 763-4100
The file provides 336 cells of complete-count population and housing data in 62 tables. There is a separate file for each outlying area. Population items tabulated include age, race (for the Virgin Islands of the United States only), sex, marital status, Spanish origin (for the Virgin Islands of the United States only), household type, and household relationship. Housing items tabulated include occupancy/vacancy status, tenure, contract rent, value, condominium status, number of rooms, and plumbing facilities. Selected aggregates, means, and medians are also provided. The data time span is 1980. The geographic areas covered are State equivalents (American Samoa, Guam, the Northern Mariana Islands, the remainder of the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands, and the Virgin Islands of the United States), county equivalents, minor civil divisions (MCD's) or MCD equivalents, places or place segments within MCD or remainder of MCD, enumeration districts, and places. The file is available on one tape reel at 1600 or 6250 bpi.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Summary Tape File 1B
Customer Services
Bureau of the Census
Washington, DC 20233 (301) 763-4100
The file provides 321 cells of complete-count population and housing data, organized in 59 tables, for each area. It includes the 1980 data shown in the PHC80-1, PHC80-3 (part), PHC80-4 (part), and PC80-1-A reports, as well as additional data. Population items tabulated include age, race, sex, marital status, Spanish origin, household type, and household relationship. Housing items tabulated include occupancy/vacancy status, tenure, contract rent, value, condominium status, number of rooms, and plumbing facilities. Selected aggregates, means, and medians are also provided. The data time span is 1980. The geographic areas covered are States, standard metropolitan statistical areas (SMSA's), non-SMSA remainder of State, counties, minor civil divisions (MCD's) within counties (20 States), places within MCD's within counties (20 States) or places within counties (remaining 30 States), census tracts or block numbering areas (BNA's), block or (for non-BNA's) enumeration districts (ED's), and block numbered portions of all geographic areas (only the portion of an SMSA within a State is shown). (Also released for Puerto Rico - discussed separately.) The file is available on tape reels at 1600 or 6250 bpi.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Summary Tape File 1B - Puerto Rico
Customer Services
Bureau of the Census
Washington, DC 20233 (301) 763-4100
The file presents, in 52 tables, 256 cells of data. Seven tables referring to race and Spanish origin on Summary Tape File (STF) 1A for the United States were omitted from the Puerto Rican STF 1A. Other tables have been modified to reflect data-gathering and/or presentation procedures unique to Puerto Rico. However, the Puerto Rican STF 1A maintains the same table-numbering scheme used for comparable summary tape files for the States and the District of Columbia. The data time span is 1980. The geographic areas covered are Puerto Rico; standard metropolitan statistical areas (SMSA's), municipios, minor civil divisions (MCD's) within municipios, places within MCD's within municipios, census tracts or block numbering areas (BNA's), block or (for non-BNA's) enumeration districts (ED's), and partially block numbered portions of all geographic levels. The file is available on one tape reel at 1600 or 6250 bpi.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
d for Puerto Rico - discussed separately.) The file is available on tape reels at 1600 or 6250 bpi.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
n and rural components; minor civil divisions (MCD's) of 10,000 or more inhabitants (11 States only); American Indian reservations and their
* SOWM Parameterized Data (TD-9786)
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
National Climatic Data Center
Federal Building
Asheville, NC 28801-2969 (704) 259-0682
The primary source of data used to produce this file was magnetic tape TD-9782 files. This file is intended to provide the design, scientific, and operational communities computer compatible data that more accurately represents the overall wave climate of ocean areas than is available from other sources. The major parameters that make up this file include wind direction, wind speed, significant wave height, wave slope, primary wave direction and secondary wave direction. Data are from the North Atlantic Ocean January 8, 1956 to December 30, 1975; and the North Pacific Ocean September 1, 1964 to February 23, 1977. Copies are available on magnetic tape. For more information, including cost, contact the office above.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* S-page Data
Economics and Statistical Analysis
Bureau of Economic Analysis - BE-53
US Department of Commerce
Washington, DC 20230 (202) 523-0777
The Bureau of Economic Analysis provides basic information on such key issues as economic growth, inflation, regional development, and the Nation's role in the world economy. These are series shown in the S-pages (or blue pages) of the current issue of the Survey of Current Business. They are updated monthly, and are available online through the Economic Bulletin Board. The diskettes are available from ESA/BEA on a subscription basis: Accession No. BEA CBA 87-401, price $200.00 per year.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Spanish Surname List
Customer Services
Bureau of the Census
Washington, DC 20233 (301) 763-4100
The file lists Spanish surnames used to code the 1980 census. the list identifies a particular surname as Spanish if it has a geographic distribution like that of the Hispanic population. The data time span is 1980. The file is available on one tape reel at 1600 or 6250 bpi.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Special Sensor Microwave/Imager (SSM/I) Cryospheric Data
World Data Center-A for Glaciology (Snow and Ice)
CIRES, Box 449
University of Colorado (303) 492-1824
Boulder, CO 80309 (303) 492-5171
This data is from the SSM/I sensor on the Defense Meteorological Satellite Program (DMSP) F9 satellite, launched in July 1987. Gridded sea ice concentration and ice edge data are produced from brightness temperatures. Data will be distributed on CD-ROM. This is a National Snow and Ice Data Center data set. Distribution restrictions may apply.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Special Tabulations for the Department of Defense
Customer Services
Bureau of the Census
Washington, DC 20233 (301) 763-4100
The file comprises three tabulations. Tabulation 1 (Mobilization Analysis), containing 15 tables, provides data for 503 occupations and specified labor force status groups. Tabulation 2 (Recruitment Analysis), containing 18 tables, features major occupation groups and labor force status by age, sex, Spanish origin and race, years of school completed, veteran status, and earnings in 1979. Tabulation 3 (EEO by Age), containing 1 table, features detailed occupations (504 categories) for the civilian labor force by sex. The data time span is 1980. The geographic areas covered are Tabulation 1 contains data for the US regions, and divisions. Tabulation 2 contains data for States, counties, and "recruiting areas." Tabulation 3 contains data for States and counties. Tabulation 1 is contained on 3 reels at 1600 bpi or 1 reel at 6250 bpi. Tabulation 2 is contained on 6 reels at 1600 bpi or 2 reels at 6250 bpi. Tabulation 3 is contained on 15 reels at 1600 bpi or 5 reels at 6250 bpi.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Spectral Ocean Wave Model - Hindcast (TD-9782)
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
National Climatic Data Center
Federal Building
Asheville, NC 28801-2969 (704) 259-0682
The Spectral Ocean Wave Model is a deep water model that produces estimates of wave conditions from a wind field. Historical wind fields were constructed by blending wind and pressure data. The Spectral Ocean Wave Model data are not observations. The major parameters that make up this file are wind direction, wind speed, friction velocity, array elements, array position, and wave energy. Data are from the Atlantic Ocean; January 8, 1956 through December 30, 1975 and the Pacific Ocean; September 1, 1964 through February 23, 1977. Copies are available on magnetic tape. For more information, including cost, contact the office above.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Spectral Ocean Wave Model-Hindcast (TD-9783)
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
National Climatic Data Center
Federal Building
Asheville, NC 28801-2969 (704) 259-0682
The grid points used in the SOWM are based on an icosahedralgnomic projection. The icosahedron is oriented around the globe so as to minimize the number of faces required to cover the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. Therefore, the poles of the projection do not correspond to the poles on the globe. Also, the direction that corresponds with North on each face will not coincide with North on the globe. Local North on the faces of the projection is perpendicular to one of the sides of each face. Each face of the projection contains 325 grid points. Data are from the Atlantic Ocean; January 8, 1956 through December 30, 1975 and the Pacific Ocean; September 1, 1964 through February 23, 1977. Copies are available on magnetic tape. For more information, including cost, contact the office above.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Spectral Ocean Wave Model-Operational (TD-9791)
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
National Climatic Data Center
Federal Building
Asheville, NC 28801-2969 (704) 259-0682
The Spectral Ocean Wave Model (SOWM) data are not observations. The major parameters that make up this file are wind direction, wind speed, friction velocity, white caps, array elements, and wave energy. The data array contains a maximum of 180 values. Data are from October 1, 1975 through December 31, 1985. Copies are available on magnetic tape. For more information, including cost, contact the office above.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Stability Array-Star (TD-9773)
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
National Climatic Data Center
Federal Building
Asheville, NC 28801-2969 (704) 259-0682
STAR was born from the work of Pasquill (1951), Turner (1964), and Martin and Tidvart (1968). It provides, at least roughly, the diffusion characteristics for the lowest part of the atmosphere and biosphere. It is an objective method of determining stability from readily available surface meteorological observations utilizing only the variables of ceiling height, total sky cover, and wind direction and speed as input. The major parameters that make up this file are wind direction, stability class, wind speed frequencies, station ID, and beginning and ending year. Data are not time dependent. Copies are available on magnetic tape. For more information, including cost, contact the office above.C
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Standard Abbreviations and Codes for States and Outlying Areas
National Bureau of Standards
Office of ADP Standards (703) 487-4807
Washington, DC 20234 FTS 737-4807
Avail. From:
National Technical Information Service
5285 Port Royal Road (703) 487-4807
Springfield, VA 20234 FTS 737-4807
This is a summary file containing standard geocodes, names, and related identifiers for each state or outlying area. Each record corresponds to a state or outlying area. File contains federal information processing standards (FIPS) codes for states and outlying areas. File contains fixed-length 80 character records: digital data.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Standard Industrial Classification (SIC)
US Department of Commerce
National Technical Information Service
Springfield, VA 22161 (703) 487-4807
The Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) is the statistical classification standard underlying all establishment-based Federal economic statistics classified by industry. The SIC is used to promote the comparability of establishment data describing various facets of the US economy. The classification covers the entire field of economic activities and defines industries in accordance with the composition and structure of the economy. It is available in: 9 track 1600 or 6250 bpi, order number PB87-100020/HAL, at a cost of $210. It is also available in: 5 1/4 inch diskette, IBM-PC compatible, order number PB87-199568/HAL at a cost of $275; 5 1/4 inch diskette, AT-compatible (1.2 Mb), order number PB87-199576/HAL, at a cost of $175; 3 1/2 inch diskette, Apple MacIntosh, order number PB87-199584/HAL, at a cost of $425.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Standard Metropolitan Statistical Areas
National Bureau of Standards
Office of ADP Standards (703) 487-4807
Washington, DC 20234 FTS 737-4807
Avail. From:
National Technical Information Service
5285 Port Royal Road (703) 487-4807
Springfield, VA 22161 FTS 737-4807
This is a summary field containing standard geocodes, names and related identifiers for each US standard metropolitan statistical area (SMSA). Each record corresponds to a SMSA. File contains FIPS codes for SMSA's and fixed-length 80 character records.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Standard Occupational Classification
US Department of Commerce
National Technical Information Service
Springfield, VA 22161 (703) 487-4807
The SOC provides a statistical classification system for occupations that should make statistics compiled by different agencies much more comparable, as the Standard Industrial Classification does for industries. The system includes all occupations in which work is performed for pay or profit including family members in family-operated businesses. It is available in: 9 track 1600 or 6250 bpi, order number PB81-162513/HAL, at a cost of $210.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Standard Reference Data Bases
Joan Sauerwein
Office of Standard Reference Data
National Institute of Standards and Technology
Room A323 - Physics Building
US Department of Commerce
Gaithersburg, MD 20899 (301) 975-2208
Data bases of physical and chemical properties prepared by NIST (formerly NBS) Standard Reference Data Program are available in magnetic tape and diskette format under a license agreement. There are three types of licenses, applicable to an individual user, to a distributor, and to a subscription search service. Contact the office above for specific ordering information and for information on additional data bases available. Below is a list of some data bases available from the office above.
NIST Chemical Kinetics Data Base
NIST Positive and Negative Ion Energetics
NIST X-Ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS)
NIST/CARB Biological Macromolecule Crystallization Data Base
NIST Thermodynamic Properties of Refrigerants and Refrigerant Mixtures (REFPROP)
NIST Atomic Transition Probabilities Data File (ATP)
NIST Vibrational Electronic Energy Levels of Small Polyatomic Molecules (VEEL)
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* State and Metropolitan Area Data Book, 1986, Files on Diskette
Bureau of the Census
Data User Services Division,
Customer Services (Tapes)
Washington, DC 20233 (301) 763-4100
This file contains digital data; summary statistics. There are three file sets (states, MSAs and their component counties, and MSAs with their central cities). Files provide data from the 1980 census of population and housing, the 1982 economic census, the 1982 census of agriculture, and other data from a number of federal government and private agencies. Data include the following general areas: area and population, households, vital statistics, health, social security, supplemental security income, crime, housing, journey to work, education, labor force, personal income, money income, government employment and finances, manufactures, wholesale and retail trade, service industries, banking elections and agriculture. This file provides data for the United States, 50 states and the District of Columbia, Metropolitan and non-metropolitan state total.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* State and Metropolitan Area Data Book, 1982 Tape File
Customer Services
Bureau of the Census
Washington, DC 20233 (301) 763-4100
The file summarizes data from the 1980 Census of Population and Housing, 1977 Economic Censuses, and current surveys. The file also includes data from various government and private agencies. The tape includes all of the data from tables A (SMSA's), B (central cities), and C (States) of the State and Metropolitan Area Data Book: 1982, as well as data for the components of items calculated for the book. The data time span is 1970 to 1980, with some comparative data for earlier years. The geographic areas covered are the United States, regions, divisions, States, District of Columbia, standard consolidated statistical areas (SCSA's), standard metropolitan statistical areas (SMSA's) or New England county metropolitan areas, and component counties. The file is available on one tape reel at 1600 or 6250 bpi.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
and agriculture. This file provides data for the United States, 50 states and the District of Columbia, Metropolitan and non-metropolitan state total.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Sea Grant Network Information System (SGNET)
Mrs. Barbara A. Rotondi, SGNET Manager
Sea Grant Network Information System (SGNET)
US Department of Commerce
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
6010 Executive Boulevard
Rockville, MD 20852 (301) 443-8401
This service is available to Sea Grant Institutions with valid ID's and other NOAA timeshare users with valid ID's. Bibliographic searches can also be requested from the National Sea Grant Depository located at the University of Rhode Island on the Narrangansett Bay Campus. The two major components of SGNET are the Project Summary data base and the Sea Grant Depository bibliographic data base. Currently, the Project Summary data base consists of over 2,500 project records, going back to 1982, and the Sea Grant depository data base consists of over 25,000 references to publications produced by the various Sea Grant Institutions since its inception in 1968. Literature searches and project summary searches are available.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Sea Ice Data Base (TD-9938)
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
National Climatic Data Center
Federal Building
Asheville, NC 28801-2969 (704) 259-0682
These data are digitized from weekly charts prepared at the NOAA/Navy Joint Polar Ice Center (JTC) and converted into a digital format (SIGRID) prescribed by the World Meteorological Organization. The major parameters that are used in this file include; total ice concentration, partial concentration-ice, partial concentration, stage of development-thickest ice, form of ice-thickest ice, predominant form of ice, secondary form of ice. Data are from Antarctic-January 1, 1973 through December 31, 1982; Arctic-January 1, 1972 through December 31, 1982 (updated periodically). Copies are available on magnetic tape. For more information, including cost, contact the office above.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Sea Surface Temperature (SST) (TIROS- N/NOAA Series Polar Orbiters)
Satellite Data Services Division
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
National Climatic Data Center
Princeton Executive Center, Room 100
Washington, DC 20233 (301) 763-8400
The SST products are produced from Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer and TIROS Operational Vertical Sounder data collected by the TIROS-N/NOAA 6/7/8 series of polar orbiting environmental satellites. Each observation includes a date-time tag, earth location, SST measurement, reliability flag, and other information. Data are from 1979 to the present, updated weekly and monthly. Digital-users may obtain data on 9-track, odd parity, magnetic tape at 1600 or 6250 bytes per inch density and, in most cases, the mode may be ASCII or EBCDIC. The cost is $80.00 per input tape plus $12.00 per output tape plus $11.00 shipping and handling per order. For additional information on data available, contact the office above.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Selected Metalworking Operations (MC82-S-8)
Data Access and Use Staff
Data User Services Division
Bureau of the Census
Washington, DC 20233 (301) 763-2074
The file includes data on the number of establishments and production workers in selected metalworking operations, by industry and operation. The data time span is 1982. The geographic area covered is the United States, with some data for States. Limited excerpts from this report are available online through CENDATA, the Census Bureau's online data system. For information about CENDATA content and online services, contact CompuServe (800-848-8199) or DIALOG Information Services (800-334-2564). For file content information only, contact the office above.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Sequal/Focal Data Sets
National Oceanographic Data Center
User Service Branch
Washington, DC 20235 (202) 673-5549
These sets describe and model the dominant physical processes responsible for the seasonal redistribution of heat, mass, and salt. The SEQUAL/FOCAL data held by NODC are available on 7 magnetic tapes: 1 tape of XBT data from both SEQUAL and FOCAL, 4 tapes of the remaining SEQUAL data (NODC Accession No. 8700111), and 2 tapes of the remaining FOCAL data (NODC Accession No. 8700150). Copies of these data are provided on magnetic tapes with the following characteristics: 9-track, 1600 bpi, ANSI/ASCII, unlabelled.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Sex, Race, Age, and Place of Birth for Selected Areas in the United States
Customer Services
Bureau of the Census
Washington, DC 20233 (301) 763-4100
This special tabulation presents sex, by race, by Spanish origin, by age (18 groupings), by place of birth (all States, Puerto Rico, outlying areas, Canada and Mexico), for nine special research areas: Connecticut, Hawaii, Iowa, Utah, New Mexico, Detroit, San Francisco-Oakland, Atlanta, and Puget Sound. The file is available on 1 tape reel at 6250 bpi.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Shipments of Merchandise From the United States to Puerto Rico and US Virgin Islands, and Shipments From Puerto Rico to the United States (EM-594)
Customer Services
Bureau of the Census
Washington, DC 20233 (301) 763-4100
The file presents data on the net quantity, value, and shipping weight by Schedule B commodity by country of designation, by Customs district of exportation, and by method of transportation. The geographic areas covered are the United States, US Customs districts of exportation, Puerto Rico, and the US Virgin Islands. Data for 1987 are available on computer tapes monthly at a yearly subscription of $2,100 at 1600 or at 6250 bpi.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Shipments of Merchandise From the United States to Puerto Rico and US Virgin Islands, and Shipments From Puerto Rico to the United States (EM-694)
Customer Services
Bureau of the Census
Washington, DC 20233 (301) 763-4100
The file presents the annual summary of Shipments of Merchandise From the United States to Puerto Rico and US Virgin Islands, and Shipments From Puerto Rico to the United States, which is issued as a monthly under EM-594. The 1987 data are available on computer tape at 1600 or 6250 bpi for $175.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Shipping Master Tape
Customer Services
Bureau of the Census
Washington, DC 20233 (301) 763-4100
The file provides data on shipping by Schedule A code, Schedule E code, and Schedule A and E short and long alphabetic descriptions. This file also furnishes data by flag and foreign port. The data time span is 1987. The geographic areas covered are districts, ports, and countries. An annual summary is available for $175 at 1600 or 6250 bpi.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Short Duration Maximum Precipitation (TD-9649)
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
National Climatic Data Center
Federal Building
Asheville, NC 28801-2969 (704) 259-0682
Historically, the primary source of short duration maximum precipitation has been National Weather Service first order stations who were equipped with instruments that record precipitation for short time periods. Currently, there are approximately 284 National Weather Service stations so equipped and whose data are entered into this file monthly. The major parameters that make up this file are 5, 10, 15, 20, 30, 45, 60, 100, 120, 150, and 180 minute precipitation, greatest 24-hour precipitation, and date, greatest 24-hour snowfall, and date, greatest 24-hour snowdepth and date, monthly total snowfall, and quality control flags for each of these fields. Data are from January 1, 1973-December 31, 1979 and January 1, 1984 to the present (updated monthly). Copies are available on magnetic tape. For more information, including cost, contact the office above.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Solar and Upper Atmosphere Data
National Geophysical Data Center
325 Broadway (303) 497-6215
Boulder, CO 80303 Fax: (303) 497-6513
Included in this category are solar flare, solar radio noise, sunspot, interplanetary phenomena, aurora, cosmic ray, and total solar irradiance data. Call for price information.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Solar Indices Bulletin
National Geographic Data Center
325 Broadway
Boulder, CO 80303 (303) 497-6346
This file includes prompt summary of solar activity, arrives before many observations are one month old. It includes daily Ottawa 2800 MHz flux measurements, plus 8 additional fluxes, and sunspot numbers with up to date solar cycle predictions. It is available on magnetic tape, diskettes for IBM compatible personal computers, or optical disk (CDROM).
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* SOLDAY-Daily Solar Radiation (TD-9739)
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
National Climatic Data Center
Federal Building
Asheville, NC 28801-2969 (704) 259-0682
To satisfy the need for long-term insolation data, the NCDC rehabilitated and reformatted daily solar radiation data by removing all known procedural and instrumental errors and by including all available meteorological elements. Rehabilitated hourly data stations were not chosen for inclusion in this format. These are 26 different stations. The meteorological data in this file are metric conversions of parameters available in the TD-3210 file. The major parameters that make up this file include; sunrise/sunset, extraterrestrial radiation and global radiation on a horizontal surface. Copies are available on magnetic tape. For more information, including cost, contact the office above.C
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* SOLMET-Hourly Solar Radiation Plus Surface Meteorological Observations (TD-9724)
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
National Climatic Data Center
Federal Building
Asheville, NC 28801-2969 (704) 259-0682
SOLMET is a common tape record that was designed to provide solar energy users with quality controlled hourly solar radiation and collateral meteorological data in a single FORTRAN compatible tape. Solar values are hourly for the period of record but the meteorological parameters may be 3-hourly after December 1964. Data are primarily from July 1952 through December 1976. Copies are available on magnetic tape. For more information, including cost, contact the office above.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* SOLMET-Unedited Hourly Solar Radiation (TD-9794)
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
National Climatic Data Center
Federal Building
Asheville, NC 28801-2969 (704) 259-0682
Funding to provide complete processing and quality control of solar radiation data was terminated January 1, 1981. Although this data file adds to related historical SOLMET data files TD-9724 and TD-9736, most of this file consists of data that are unedited, of poor quality, and includes periods of missing values. Data are from January 1, 1981 through October 31, 1985. Copies are available on magnetic tape. For more information, including cost, contact the office above.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Southern Oceans Data Set
National Oceanographic Data Center
User Service Branch
Washington, DC 20235 (202) 673-5549
The RNODC/Southern Oceans (RNODC/SOC) was created in order to provide a regional data management and data information service for Southern Oceans physical and chemical oceanographic data. The RNODC/SOC data set contains data for all available oceanographic stations for the Southern Oceans between 50 degrees and the Antarctic Continent. Data for a total of 9,161 oceanographic stations taken during 248 Southern Oceans cruises are included in the data set. Seasonally, the data totals are 1,714 observations taken during the Austral Winter (April-September) and 7,447 observations taken during the Austral Summer (October-March). Southern Oceans observational data taken by 14 countries have been received by the RNODC.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Southern Oceans Data Set
National Oceanographic Data Center
User Service Branch
Washington, DC outlying area. File contains federal information processing standards (FIPS) codes for states and outlying areas. File contains fixed-length 80 character records: digital data.
* Remote Sensing Data
National Geophysical Data Center
325 Broadway (303) 497-6215
Boulder, CO 80303 Fax: (303) 497-6513
NGDC has several satellite data sets including, GEOSAT, MAGSAT, SEASAT, DMSP, GOES III, TRIOS and GOES. Data vary from space environment, gravity, near earth magnetic field to sea surface height. Call for price information.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Research and Development in Industry, 1958-1983
Customer Services
Bureau of the Census
Washington, DC 20233 (301) 763-4100
The file presents data for each year, 1958 through 1983, for many 2-digit, 3-digit, and combinations of 4-digit Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) codes for total, company, and Federal research and development (R&D) expenditures. It also gives, by SIC, the number of full-time-equivalent research and development scientists and engineers. The statistics cover all manufacturing industries and those non-manufacturing industries known to conduct or finance R&D. The data time span is 1958 to 1983. The geographic areas covered are the United States, regions, and States. The file is available on one tape reel at 1600 or 6250 bpi.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Residential Finance Survey, 1981 Microdata File
Customer Services
Bureau of the Census
Washington, DC 20233 (301) 763-4100
The file provides detailed information on the financing of homeowner and condominium residential properties, including characteristics of the mortgages (type, status, origin, source, amount), properties (value, year structure built, number of rooms, etc.), and property owners (age, sex, race, Spanish origin, income, etc.). The data time span is 1980 and 1981. The geographic areas covered are the United States, census regions, and two States (California and New York). The file is available on one tape reel at 1600 or 6250 bpi.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Rocketsonde Observations (TD-5850)
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
National Climatic Data Center
Federal Building
Asheville, NC 28801-2969 (704) 259-0682
This rocketsonde data file is comprised of a network of approximately 42 stations located globally. Data for agency networks are forwarded to respective agency collection points where high speed computers are used to uniformly reduce and tape the observations. Although extensive machine and personnel quality controls were and are still applied, experience has shown that erroneous values still contaminate this file to some extent. As the state of the art has progressed, changes in observing and recording methods have necessitated many program modification. Poor and improper documentation of measure units is also a constant problem. The basic observational data set contains the observation time in hours and minutes and details of methods used, i.e., the time difference between rocketsonde and rawinsonde, the types of wind and thermodynamic sensors used, any special sensors, the types of wind and thermodynamic correction methods, the boundary altitudes of questionable data, the rawinsonde instrument used, the release point of the rawinsonde from the rocket launch point, and the altitude, pressure, and temperature of the base data used. Data are January 1957 through the present (updated annually). Copies are available on magnetic tape. For more information, including cost, contact the office above.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Sample Digital Data Set of NOS Automated Nautical Charting System
Department of Commerce
NOAA/NOS Nautical Chart Div. N/CG21
6001 Executive Blvd.
Rockville, MD 20852
This file contains three 5-minute blocks of nautical chart data of Tampa Bay and Key West, Florida; sample area of Tampa Bay at 1:40,000 scale, contains 5,069 records and represents over 30 different types of nautical charting features.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Satellite Anomaly Data Base
National Geophysical Data Center
325 Broadway (303) 497-6215
Boulder, CO 80303 Fax: (303) 497-6513
This data base is a comprehensive collection of satellite events showing patterns of anomalous events, possibly caused by solar activity. Call for price information.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Satellite Data Services Division
Satellite Data Services Division
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
National Climatic Data Center
Princeton Executive Center, Room 100
Washington, DC 20233 (301) 763-8400
NOAA's Satellite Data Services Division collects retrospective meteorological and oceanographic satellite data. Digital-users may obtain data on 9-track, odd parity, magnetic tape at 1600 or 6250 bytes per inch density and, in most cases, the mode may be ASCII or EBCDIC. The cost is $80.00 per input tape plus $12.00 per output tape plus $11.00 shipping and handling per order. For additional information on data available, contact the office above.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Satellite Magnetic Survey Data
National Geophysical Data Center
325 Broadway
Boulder, CO 80303 (303) 497-6474
This is a digital file of about 68,000 selected magnetic observations from orbiting satellites: full file retrieval or selected area search. It is available in magnetic tapes or listings. General area covered: worldwide.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Savannah River Experiment (TD-9790)
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
National Climatic Data Center
Federal Building
Asheville, NC 28801-2969 (704) 259-0682
This sampling program was designed to take advantage of the Krypton-85 plume produced by routine emissions from the operation of chemical separation facilities at the Savannah River Plant. These data were collected from a cryogenic air sampling network of 13 stations surrounding the Savannah River Plant. The major parameters that make up this file include; hourly wind speed, wind direction, and directional range at one to three levels, ambient temperature, dewpoint temperature, vertical temperature, gradient, sea level and station pressure and precipitation. Data are from March 3, 1975 through September 20, 1977. Copies are available on magnetic tape. For more information, including cost, contact the office above.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Scanning Multichannel Microwave Radiometer
World Data Center-A for Glaciology (Snow and Ice)
CIRES, Box 449
University of Colorado (303) 492-1824
Boulder, CO 80309 (303) 492-5171
The World Data Center-A for Glaciology [Snow and Ice] (WDC), University of Colorado, Boulder has completed development of a data set containing Scanning Multichannel Microwave Radiometer (SMMR) data covering both polar regions. This data product was extracted from the complete orbital data set. The Scanning Multichannel Microwave Radiometer (SMMR) is one of several sensor packages on NIMBUS 7. This satellite was launched 23 October 1978; the SMMR failed in August 1987. The SMMR package consists of a ten-channel microwave radiometer producing polarized antenna temperatures at 6.6, 10.7, 18.0, 21.0, and 37.0 GHz for both horizontal and vertical polarizations. Geophysical parameters are calculated by algorithms using brightness temperature from the different frequencies. These parameters include sea ice concentration and multi-year ice fraction. The data set consists of individual cryospheric parameters for regions north of 30 degrees North and south of 50 degrees South latitudes. The data are available in orbital and mapped format. The temporal coverage for each format varies: daily orbital data; 4-day integrated mapped data (2 data days per 3-4 calendar days); and monthly averages of sea ice concentration only. Currently only two years of data, October 1978 - November 1980, are available in this format. The data output is on magnetic tape.
Each magnetic tape contains data from one or more passes. Data from each pass includes a Sensor File and a Geophysical File. Sensor Files contain earth location and date-time tags, scanning geometry, calibration information, and data values for each of the SMMR channels. Geophysical Files geophysical parameters computed from sensor data on a 150 km grid mesh. Data is from July to October 1978. Digital-users may obtain data on 9-track, odd parity, magnetic tape at 1600 or 6250 bytes per inch density and, in most cases, the mode may be ASCII or EBCDIC. The cost is $80.00 per input tape plus $12.00 per output tape plus $11.00 shipping and handling per order. For additional information on data available, contact the office above.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Scatterometer (SASS-SEASAT a Scatterometer System) (NASA SEASAT)
Satellite Data Services Division
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
National Climatic Data Center
Princeton Executive Center, Room 100
Washington, DC 20233 (301) 763-8400
SASS Sensor files contain earth location and data-time tags, instrument calibration information, spacecraft orbit and altitude, and basic sensor data. SASS Geophysical files contain earth location and time tags, surface wind stress, surface wind vectors, and fully corrected backscatter coefficients. Data are from July to December 1978. Digital-users may obtain data on 9-track, odd parity, magnetic tape at 1600 or 6250 bytes per inch density and, in most cases, the mode may be ASCII or EBCDIC. The cost is $80.00 per input tape plus $12.00 per output tape plus $11.00 shipping and handling per order. For additional information on data available, contact the office above.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* School District Equivalency File (MARF 3)
Customer Services
Bureau of the Census
Washington, DC 20233 (301) 763-4100
The file associates the school district identification number(s) with the smallest level of census geography on the file - block group or enumeration district. This geographic cross-reference file was developed for use with the 1980 census Summary Tape Files (STF's) 1A and 3A to prepare STF's 1F and 3F, which present data for school districts. The data time span is 1980. The geographic areas covered are States, counties, minor civil divisions (MCD's) or census county divisions (CCD's), places or place segments within MCD's/CCD's or remainder of MCD/CCD, census tracts or block numbering areas (BNA's), block groups (BG's) or, for areas that are not block numbered, enumeration districts (ED's), and school districts. The file is available on one tape reel at 1600 or 6250 bpi per State.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* School District Equivalency File (MARF 4)
Customer Services
Bureau of the Census
Washington, DC 20233 (301) 763-4100
The file is the same as for School District Equivalency File (MARF 3) except that the smallest level of census geography on the file is the block or enumeration district and the geographical levels on these files are in the same sequence as Summary Tape File (STF) 1B. The data time span is 1980. The geographic areas covered are States, standard metropolitan statistical areas (SMSA's), non-SMSA remainder of State, counties, minor civil divisions (MCD's) within counties (20 specified States), or places within counties (remaining 31 States), census tracts or block numbering areas (BNA's), block or, for areas that are not block numbered, enumeration districts (ED's), and school districts. The file is available on one tape reel at 1600 or 6250 bpi.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* School Enrollment - Social and Economic Characteristics of Students: October 1985 and 1984 (P-20, No. 426)
Data Access and Use Staff
Data User Services Division
Bureau of the Census
Washington, DC 20233 (301) 763-2074
The file presents data on trends in school and college trends enrollment. Based on the Current Population Survey, the data are limited to enrollment of the civilian noninstitutional population 3 years old and over in regular schools, that is, nursery school, kindergarten, elementary school, high school, college and professional school. It excludes enrollment in special schools, vocational schools, and adult education classes. The data time span is October 1984 and 1985, with some comparative data for earlier years. Substantial excerpts from this report are available online, through CENDATA, the Census Bureau's online data system. For information about CENDATA content and online services, contact CompuServe (800-848-8199) or DIALOG Information Services (800-334-2564). For file content information only, contact the office above.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Sea Grant Management Information System (SEAGRANT)
Sea Grant College Program
US Department of Commerce
6010 Executive Boulevard, Room 804
Rockville, MD 20852 (301) 443-8401
SEAGRANT provides information on sea grants and projects primarily in the coastal and great lakes states. The file contains information on 2200 projects and grants. Information available relates to previous and current funding, matching funds, major and minor fields of efforts, personnel involved and title and duration of the project. Data are stored for the current and two prior years. It is updated as projects are initiated and completed. It also provides an electronic mail system between grantees and the central offices. An annual listing by state of project reports is produced. A search of state and/or project classifications can be obtained from various state universities. The national Sea Grant office will refer you to the participating university in your area and, in the event there is no university locally, this office will run searches and provide printouts.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
-2564). For file content information only, contact the office above.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Sea Grant Management Information System
* Population (1986) and Per Capita Income (1985) Estimates: Governmental Units Diskette File
Customer Services
Bureau of the Census
Washington, DC 20233 (301) 763-4100
The file presents for each of the 39,000 general-purpose governments population estimates as of July 1, 1986 and per capita income estimates for 1985. In addition, the diskette gives the corrected population (census complete-count) as of April 1, 1980 and the per capita income in 1979 (census sample). The data time span is 1979 to 1986. The geographic areas covered are States, counties, incorporated places, and functioning minor civil divisions (MCD's) in 20 specified States. The file is available on 11 diskettes. The cost is $60 for the first diskette in an order. Each additional diskette is $12. The complete set of 11 is $180.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Population Estimates Bulletin Board
Chief, State and Local Estimates Branch
Population Division
US Bureau of Census Voice: (301) 763-7722
Washington, DC 20233 Modem: (301) 763-5225
Information and news about population and demographic estimates are provided on this access bulletin board. It is designed especially for use by members of the Federal-State Cooperative for Population Estimates and members of the Federal-State Cooperative for Population Projections. Hours of operation are 5pm to 6:30am Monday through Thursday, and 24 hours from 5pm Thursday to 6:30am Monday.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Population Estimates by County with Components of Change, 1981 - 1986 (Provisional)
Customer Services
Bureau of the Census
Washington, DC 20233 (301) 763-4100
The file provides the provisional population estimates for July 1, 1986; revised population estimates for July 1, 1981 - 1985; and the corrected 1980 census population figures. In addition, figures are shown for 1980-86 period on births, deaths, and residual migration. The file is available as follows: 1981-1985: one tape reel at 1600 or 2 tape reels at 6250 bpi. 1986: one tape reel at 1600 or 2 tape reels at 6250 bpi.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Population Estimates Software
Customer Services
Bureau of the Census
Washington, DC 20233 (301) 763-4100
The file contains a population estimates software package that includes a series of programs, internal documentation, and a practice set of county-level data for the State of New Jersey. The package enables the users to do their own population estimates using several Census Bureau approved methods. The file is available on 3 diskettes. The cost is $60 for the first diskette in an order. Each additional diskette is $12. The complete set is $84.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Post 1976 Hourly Solar Radiation (TD-9736)
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
National Climatic Data Center
Federal Building
Asheville, NC 28801-2969 (704) 259-0682
This file is a tape format designed to provide, in a single Fortran compatible tape, hourly solar radiation data and collateral meteorological data. These data are a by-product of data processing for a related publication MONTHLY SUMMARY, SOLAR RADIATION DATA file. The major parameters that make up this file are hourly and include extraterrestrial radiation, and edited and observed solar radiation. Data are from January 1, 1977 through December 31, 1980. Copies are available on magnetic tape. For more information, including cost, contact the office above.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Preliminary Epicenter Determination Data
National Geophysical Data Center
325 Broadway
Boulder, CO 80303 (303) 497-6474
This file is a chronological listing of earthquakes giving date, time, location, epicentral region, damage, depth, magnitude and number of stations observing: chronological retrieval only: It is available in magnetic tapes, listings and map graphics: digital data. It is available at cost of copying, or on exchange basis: contact NGSDC for prices. General area covered: worldwide.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Price Index of New One-Family Houses Sold (Current Construction Reports, C27)
Data Access and Use Staff
Data User Services Division
Bureau of the Census
Washington, DC 20233 (301) 763-2074
The file contains information on the price index of new one-family houses sold during the current quarter. The report also shows some comparative data for earlier years. The price index is designed to measure changes over time in the sales prices of new one-family houses sold which have the same 10 important physical characteristics as the houses sold in 1982. The characteristics used are floor area, number of stories, number of bathrooms, presence of central air conditioning, presence of a fireplace, type of parking facility, type of foundation, size of lot, geographic division within region, and metropolitan area location. The frequency of issue is quarterly. The geographic areas covered are the United States and regions. A quarterly press release presenting selected C27 data is also issued and is available online through CENDATA, the Census Bureau's online data system. For information about CENDATA content and online services, contact CompuServe (800-848-8199) or DIALOG Information Services (800-334-2564). For file content information only, contact the office above.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Product and Materials File (MC82-I(T))
Customer Services
Bureau of the Census
Washington, DC 20233 (301) 763-4100
The file provides industry-specific (approximately 450 industries) summary statistics on the quantity and value of product shipments, and the quantity and cost of materials consumed, by kind. The data time span is 1982. The file is available on one tape reel at 1600 or 6250 bpi.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Production Data Base
Office of Business Analysis
Business Statistics and Information Systems Division
US Department of Commerce
Washington, DC 20230 (202) 377-4450
The OBA Production Data Base consists of annual measures of shipments, inventories by stage of fabrication (raw materials, work-in-process, and finished goods), and output. These data currently cover the years 1958-1987. All data through 1986 are on a 1972 SIC basis, except for 1987 which currently is on a 1987 basis (this anomaly will be corrected in 1990). Fourteen basic time series are produced for each industry: industry shipments, industry output, total inventories-beginning of year, raw materials inventories-beginning of year, work in process inventories-beginning of year, finished good inventories-beginning of year, total inventories-end of year, raw materials inventories-end of year, work in process inventories-end of year, finished goods inventories-end of year, total inventories-annual change, raw materials inventories-annual change, work in process inventories-annual change, finished goods inventories-annual change.
Computer tape: All 42 data series are provided for each industry.
Computer file containing OBA Production data for 446 4-digit SIC manufacturing industries (OBA-PRO-04); $345.00
Computer file containing OBA Production data for 143 3-digit SIC manufacturing industries (OBA-PRO-05); $210.00
Computer file containing OBA Production data for 20 2-digit SIC manufacturing industries, durable and nondurable goods producers, and total manufacturing (OBA-PRO-06); $115.00
PC Disks: All 42 data series are provided for each industry.
Computer file containing OBA Production data for 445 4-digit SIC manufacturing industries (OBA-PRO-07); $190.00
Computer file containing OBA Production data for 143 3-digit SIC manufacturing industries (OBA-PRO-08); $175.00
Computer file containing OBA Production data for 20 2-digit SIC manufacturing industries, durable and nondurable goods producers, and total manufacturing (OBA-PRO-09); $80.00
Other, special tabulations in computer tape, and PC disk formats are available.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Profile: National Automated Minority Business Source List Service
James L. Thomas
Information Clearinghouse
Minority Business Development Agency, Room 6708
US Department of Commerce
Washington, DC 20230 (202) 482-2414
This system serves as a minority business locator system established for government purchasing agents. The data base contains information about more than 27,000 minority-owned businesses nationwide. It can be searched by specific minority ownership (i.e., black, veteran, etc.), type of firm, size, geographic location and product or service supplied. Retrievable data include contact information and a short profile of the firm describing its capabilities, services, gross sales, and more. It is updated continually. Access is limited.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Projections of the Population of the United States by Age, Sex, and Race: 1983 to 2080
Customer Services
Bureau of the Census
Washington, DC 20233 (301) 763-4100
The file presents 30 series of population projections classified by age, sex, and race for July 1 of each year, 1983 to 2080. Projections are provided for 102 age categories and 3 race categories (total, White, and Black). In addition, data are provided on births and deaths. Immigration projections are provided for each year by age, sex, and race. The file is available on one tape reel at 1600 or 6250 bpi.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Projections of the Spanish Origin Population of the United States: 1983 to 2080
Customer Services
Bureau of the Census
Washington, DC 20233 (301) 763-4100
The file presents data on Spanish origin (Hispanic) population and Spanish origin immigration. For July 1 of each year, 1983 to 2080, it provides 30 series of population projections classified by age, sex and race. Projections are provided for 102 age categories (yearly total, individual years 0 to 99, 100 years and over) and 3 race categories (total, White, and Black). In addition, data are provided on births and deaths. Immigration projections are presented for each year by age, sex, and race. The file is available on one tape reel at 1600 or 6250 bpi.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Public-Use Microdata Samples
Customer Services
Bureau of the Census
Washington, DC 20233 (301) 763-4100
The file contains records for a sample (drawn from long-form questionnaires) of housing units with information on the characteristics of each unit and the people in it. The data time span is 1980. The A Sample identifies divisions, States, selected standard metropolitan statistical areas (SMSA's) of 100,000 or more population, most counties of 100,000 or more population, selected places of 100,000 or more population, and selected county groups. The B Sample identifies some States, SMSA's of 100,000 or more population, selected counties of 100,000 or more population, selected places of 100,000 or more population, selected county groups, and a metropolitan/non-metropolitan breakdown. The C Sample identifies divisions, some States, selected places of 100,000 or more population, selected urbanized areas, and an urban/rural breakdown. Each Sample is also available for Puerto Rico. The number of tape reels per State at 1600 or 6250 bpi for Sample A is varied. For samples B and C, only California and New York require 2 tape reels at 1600 bpi; the number of tape reels per State for all other States at 1600 bpi and for all States at 6250 bpi is 1. For Puerto Rico, Samples A, B, and C together are on 2 tape reels at 1600 bpi and 1 reel at 6250 bpi. The estimated number of tape reels for nationwide samples are 90 at 1600 bpi and 22 at 6250 bpi for A Sample, 19 at 1600 bpi and 4 at 6250 bpi for B Sample, 19 at 1600 bpi and 6 at 6250 bpi for C Sample, and 2 at 1600 bpi and 1 at 6250 bpi for the 0.1-percent Sample (A, B, and C).
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Public-Use Microdata Samples County Group Equivalency File
Customer Services
Bureau of the Census
Washington, DC 20233 (301) 763-4100
The file contains area names, numeric codes, and 1980 census population counts for the components (counties, minor civil divisions (MCD's), and place parts within counties) or each A and B sample group used in the 1980 census microdata files. Each county group is identified by a unique five-digit State and county group code combination. Different sets of county groups are used for the A and B samples. The data time span is 1980. The geographic areas covered are States, county groups, counties, minor civil divisions (MCD's) and selected places. The file is available on 1 tape reel at 1600 or 6250 bpi.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Rand Corporation's Monthly Mean Global Snow Depth Data
World Data Center-A for Glaciology (Snow and Ice)
CIRES, Box 449
University of Colorado (303) 492-1824
Boulder, CO 80309 (303) 492-5171
This file includes all available mean-monthly snow depth climatologies combined into a 4 degree latitude by 5 degree longitude grid. 1 360K floppy disk.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Receipts of Selected Noncash Benefits: 1985 (P-60, No. 155)
Data Access and Use Staff
Data User Services Division
Bureau of the Census
Washington, DC 20233 (301) 763-2074
The file presents data on persons, households, and civilian wage and salary workers receiving benefits other than cash. For these recipients, the report shows number of households, poverty status and income level, and median income. The data on benefits other than cash apply to specific programs whether they require a means test or not. Benefits covered include food stamps, school lunches, public or other subsidized rental housing, Medicare, Medicaid, and employer-provided pension and health plans. The geographic areas covered are the United States and regions. Substantial excerpts from this report are available online, through CENDATA, the Census Bureau's online data system. For information about CENDATA content and online services, contact CompuServe (800-848-8199) or DIALOG Information Services (800-334-2564). For file content information only, contact the office above.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
titude by 5 degree longitude grid. 1 360K floppy disk.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Receipts of Selected Noncash Benefits: 1r
* Patent Attorney Roster File
US Patent and Trademark Office
Office of Electronic Data Conversion and Dissemination
Office of the Director
Crystal Park 2 - Suite 914
Washington, DC 20231 (703) 557-6154
The file contains records for attorneys and/or agents who are registered to practice before the Patent and Trademark Office who also wish to have their names and addresses published in the yearly publication which lists them. It contains names and addresses in the last name, first name sequence. It contains approximately 12,500 records per file. The file is updated as requested and is available from the PTO office above for $300. Write for agreement and technical specifications.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Patent Bibliographic File
US Patent and Trademark Office
Office of Electronic Data Conversion and Dissemination
Office of the Director
Crystal Park 2 - Suite 914
Washington, DC 20231 (703) 557-6154
The file contains the front page information of each patent exclusive of the drawings. Some of the fields in each patent record include: abstract; patent title; inventor's name and address; filing date; assignee; classification information; and related US patent documents. It contains approximately 1,000,000 patents with 75,000 added each year (1,600 per issue). The time period covered is January 1975 to present and updates are weekly. Patent Bibliographic File is available for $7,130 per year from the PTO office above. Write for agreement and technical specifications. It is also available for online commercial searching from the Bibliographic Retrieval Service (BRS), (800) 833-4707.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Patent Bibliographic File with Exemplary Claims
US Patent and Trademark Office
Office of Electronic Data Conversion and Dissemination
Office of the Director
Crystal Park 2 - Suite 914
Washington, DC 20231 (703) 557-6154
The file contains the bibliographic information of each patent as it appears in the patent Official Gazette, exclusive of the drawings. Some of the fields in each patent record include: abstract; patent title; inventor's name and address; filing date; assignee; classification information; related US patent documents; and one claim. It contains approximately 1,000,000 patents with 75,000 added each year (1,600 per issue). The time period covered is January 1975 to present. The file, updated weekly, is available for $7,130 per year from the PTO office listed above. Write for agreement and technical specifications. It is also available for online commercial searching through: IFI/Plenum and their agreement with DIALOG Information Services (800) 227-1960; Pergamon International Information Corp. (703) 442-0900. Batch services are available from the New England Research Application Center (NERAC) (203) 486-4533.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Patent Class Index File
US Patent and Trademark Office
Office of Electronic Data Conversion and Dissemination
Office of the Director
Crystal Park 2 - Suite 914
Washington, DC 20231 (703) 557-6154
The Class Index File alphabetically lists patents by subject headings to specific patent classification as they are assigned to the US Patent Classification system. The file is available for $430 per year, with bi-monthly updates, from the PTO office above. Write for agreement and technical specifications. It is also available for online commercial searching on Mead Data Central's LEXPAT System (202) 785-3550.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Patent Full Text File
US Patent and Trademark Office
Office of Electronic Data Conversion and Dissemination
Office of the Director
Crystal Park 2 - Suite 914
Washington, DC 20231 (703) 557-6154
The file, updated weekly, contains the full text of each patent exclusive of the drawings. Some of the fields in each patent record include: filing date; serial number; patent number; patent title; issue date; inventor's name; assignee; tables; and claims. It contains approximately 1,000,000 patents with 75,000 added each year (1,600 per issue). The time period covered is January 1975 to present. Patent Full Text is available for $8,980 per year from the PTO office above. Write for agreement and technical specifications. The data base is also available for online commercial searching on Mead Data Central's LEXPAT System (202) 785-3550.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Patent Image File
US Patent and Trademark Office
Office of Electronic Data Conversion and Dissemination
Office of the Director
Crystal Park 2 - Suite 914
Washington, DC 20231 (703) 557-6154
This file contains more than 4,000,000 patent certificate images as they appear when issued. It contains approximately 4,000,000 patent numbers. The time period covered is 1790 to present. The Image file is available for $13,510 per year, with weekly updates, from the PTO office above. Write for agreement and technical specifications.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Patent Master Classification File (MCF)
US Patent and Trademark Office
Office of Electronic Data Conversion and Dissemination
Office of the Director
Crystal Park 2 - Suite 914
Washington, DC 20231 (703) 557-6154
The Master Classification File contains the more than 100,000 patent classification codes and subclasses required to classify patents to their appropriate technology. The patent classes are cross-referenced to patent numbers or vice versa. It contains 4,000,000 patent numbers. The time period covered is 1790 to present, and updates are semi-annual. MCF is available for $510 per year from the PTO office above. Write for agreement and specifications. The following firms offer commercial searching: Pergamon Infoline (703) 442-0900; IFI/Plenum and their agreement with DIALOG Information Services, Inc. (800) 227-7229; Derwent, Inc. (800) 421-7229. Batch services are available from NERAC, Inc. (203) 486-4533. Patent Depository Libraries may search the MCF directly from the PTO through the CASSIS System (703) 557-0400.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Patent Subclass Index File
US Patent and Trademark Office
Office of Electronic Data Conversion and Dissemination
Office of the Director
Crystal Park 2 - Suite 914
Washington, DC 20231 (703) 557-6154
The Subclass Index File alphabetically lists patents by subject headings to specific patent classification subclasses as they are assigned to the US Patent Classification system. The file is available for $430 per year, with bi-monthly updates, from the PTO office above. Write for agreement and technical specifications. It is also available for online commercial searching on Mead Data Central's LEXPAT system (202) 785-3550.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Personal Census Records Service System
Census History Staff
US Bureau of the Census
Washington, DC 20233 (301) 763-7936
A personal search of census records is available upon proof of authorized representation (parent, spouse, sibling [sibling -- a named individual or authorized representative heir with proof of death]). A staff of employees provide personal data from census records for those individuals who lack documents of birth or citizenship. Extracts of these records are accepted as evidence of age, place of birth, social security benefits, passports and other purposes. The data files contain complete historical census reports since 1920. Personal search requests cost $15.00.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Person and Housing Unit Counts for Tracts and Minor Civil Divisions
Customer Services
Bureau of the Census
Washington, DC 20233 (301) 763-4100
The file contains counts for total population, population in group quarters, total housing units, and occupied housing units. The data time span is 1980. The geographic areas covered are minor civil divisions (MCD's), census county divisions (CCD's), and census tracts. The file is available on one tape reel at 1600 or 6250 bpi.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Personnel
Bureau of the Census
US Department of Commerce Data: (301) 763-4574
Washington, DC 20233 Voice: (301) 763-7448
This service lists Bureau vacancies and describes the positions giving pay plan and other information. Users may leave a message with their name and phone number. 24 hours/day; 7 days/week. Sysop: Nevins Frankel.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Phase Diagram Data Bases
Institute for Materials Science and Engineering
National Institute of Standards and Technology
B309 Materials Bldg.
Gaithersburg, MD 20899 (301) 975-5658
The Institute for Materials Science and Engineering works with professional societies to develop phase diagram data bases that will help improve processing control and use of metals, ceramics, and polymers. For more information, contact this Institute.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Physical/Chemical Oceanographic Data
National Oceanographic Data Center
User Services Branch
Washington, DC 20235 (202) 673-5549
BODC receives worldwide physical/chemical oceanographic data from government agencies, academic institutions, and other organizations in the United States and in dozens of other countries; NODC's data holding provide global coverage of basic ocean properties such as temperature, salinity, surface currents, and satellite-sensed ocean winds and waves.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Pilot Chart-Sums of Global Atlas MSQ's (TD-9757)
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
National Climatic Data Center
Federal Building
Asheville, NC 28801-2969 (704) 259-0682
The primary source of data used to create this file was TD-9760 Marine Atlas Data file. The period of record summarized for each MSQ 1-degree and 5-degree subsquare varied depending on the ocean basin. The mean latitude/longitude location within each specified quadrant was determined by accumulating the sum of each latitude and longitude of those observations reporting both air temperature and wind fields. The number of observations represents only those observations which included wind and temperature. Data are from January 1, 1850 through December 31, 1970. Copies are available on magnetic tape. For more information, including cost, contact the office above.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* P.L. 94-171 Population Counts
Customer Services
Bureau of the Census
Washington, DC 20233 (301) 763-4100
The file provides population tabulations for all States for legislative reapportionment and redistricting. The file, prepared in accordance with Public Law (P.L.) 94-171, was issued on a State-by-State basis. It contains the final population counts classified by race and Spanish origin. The data time span is 1980. The geographic areas covered are States, counties, minor civil divisions (MCD's) or census county divisions (CCD's), incorporated places or place segments within MCD's/CCD's and remainders of MCD's/CCD's, election precincts (in States or portions of States that participate in the voluntary program with the Census Bureau), census tracts or block numbering areas (BNA's), block groups (BG's) and blocks, and enumeration districts (ED's) in areas that are not block numbered. The file is available on one tape reel at 1600 or 6250 bpi per State. All the data can be purchased on 12 tape reels at 1600 bpi or 4 tape reels stacked at 6250 bpi.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Population (1984) and Per Capita Income (1983) Estimates: Governmental Units
Customer Services
Bureau of the Census
Washington, DC 20233 (301) 763-4100
The file includes the geographic code identifier and name of each governmental unit; total population (census complete-count) as of April 1, 1980; per capita income in 1979 (census sample); July 1, 1982 and 1984 population estimates; and per capita income estimates for 1981 and 1983. The data time span is 1980 to 1984. The geographic areas covered are all functioning general-purpose governmental units; that is, counties, incorporated places, and, in 20 specified States, minor civil divisions (towns and townships). The file is available on one tape reel at 1600 or 6250 bpi.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Population (1984) and Per Capita Income (1983) Estimates: Governmental Units
Customer Services
Bureau of the Census
Washington, DC 20233 (301) 763-4100
The file includes the geographic code identifier and name of each govr
* Occupational Characteristics
Customer Services
Bureau of the Census
Washington, DC 20233 (301) 763-4100
The file presents sample statistics from the 1980 Census of Population on the occupational characteristics of persons 16 years and older. Tabulations give the occupation, industry, and class of worker (e.g., private wage and salary worker) cross-classified by economic characteristics such as work status, weeks worked, and usual hours worked per week in 1979, earnings and wage and salary income in 1979, and by labor force status and hours worked last week, as well as by year last worked. The data time span is 1980. The file is available on one tape reel at 1600 or 6250 bpi.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Occupation by Industry
Customer Services
Bureau of the Census
Washington, DC 20233 (301) 763-4100
The file presents sample data from the 1980 census on detailed occupation cross-classified by detailed industry for employed persons. Less detailed cross-classifications of occupation by industry show data by race (total, White, Black), Spanish origin, sex, age groups, educational attainment, and class of worker. The data time span is 1980. The geographic areas covered are the United States, regions, divisions, and States. The High File (US, regions, divisions) is available on 3 reels at 1600 bpi or 1 reel at 6250 bpi. The Low File (all States) is available on 4 reels at 1600 bpi or 2 reels at 6250 bpi.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Ocean Assessments Division (OAD)
Dr. Andrew Robertson
Ocean Assessments Division (OAD)
US Department of Commerce
Office of Oceanography and Marine Assessment
Rockwall Building, Room 652
Rockville, MD 20852 (301) 443-8933
The purpose of this service is to provide national leadership on ocean resource assessment. It compiles, synthesizes and disseminates systematic data and information on environmental quality, living resources and human activities in the Nation's coastal zone and Exclusive Economic Zone, conducts strategic assessments of multiple ocean resource uses and develops improved assessment methodologies; bivalve mollusks and sediments from stations nationwide and determines environmental quality trends. Data bases are available.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Oceanographic Station Data
National Oceanographic Data Center
1825 Connecticut Ave., NW
Washington, DC 20235 (202) 673-5549
This system contains worldwide physical-chemical oceanographic data recorded at discrete depth levels. Most of the observations were made using multi-bottle Nasen casts or other types of water samplers. Cruise information (e.g. ship, country, institution), position, date, and time are reported for each station. Each station contains the measurements taken at observed depth levels, and also includes data values interpolated to a set of standard depth levels. This file is maintained in both cruise file and geofile versions. Data can be provided to individuals on magnetic tape in the standard data storage format. In addition, data can be provided as formatted listings, summaries, analyses and other data products. Charges depend on actual computer time, materials and labor costs.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Ocean Pollution Data and Information Network (OPDIN)
Branch Manager
OPDIN, Central Coordination and Referral Office
US Department of Commerce
1825 Connecticut Avenue, NW, Room 415
Washington, DC 20235 (202) 673-5539
OPDIN facilitates access to the marine pollution data and information generated by 11 participating Federal departments and agencies. To provide a national perspective to marine pollution issues, OPDIN's Central Office maintains a directory of systems and services, lists of scientists and managers, a catalog of projects and programs, and access to data and information bases. Local perspectives are provided through regional offices in Woods Hole, MA; Miami, FL; La Jolla, CA; Seattle, WA and Anchorage, AK. OPDIN provides direct and referral access to marine pollution related inventories, catalogs bibliographies and data bases. Marine pollution products include national plans, inventories, catalogs, published and unpublished articles. Network services include data management expertise, referrals, interagency coordination and communication and technology transfer efforts. There is no charge for services, copies of Network reports and related informal publications. Requester is referred to specific agency contact where request may involve costs for computer searches, extensive reports, publications and other services.
This system was designed to provide for an exchange of information between Bureau employees and other users of office automation. Members share ideas and experience about word processing, graphics, electronics and other utilities. 24 hours/day; 7 days/week. Sysop: Nevins Frankel.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Office of Business Analysis
Office of Business Analysis
Business Statistics and Information Systems Division
US Department of Commerce
Washington, DC 20230 (202) 377-4450
The Office of Business Analysis (OBA) develops and maintains economic statistics necessary for the study of the industrial structures of the US economy. The statistics are used to conduct economic research and analysis in support of the mission of Under Secretary of Economics Affairs. OBA also provides access to its economic information data base to other private and public-sector researchers. Data are available in the form of printed tables, on computer tape, and on PC disks. The printed tables generally contain a subset of the more important statistics contained in each data base. The computer tape files contain all measures collected for specific industries. Computer files are written according to specifications provided by the user whenever possible.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Office of Program Planning and Evaluation Bulletin Board
Office of Program Planning and Evaluation
US Department of Commerce Data: (202) 377-1423
Washington, DC 20230 Voice: (202) 377-2949
Designed as an internal communications mechanism for Commerce Department budget and planning officers, bulletins contain information on schedules, staff assignments, and related information. It is also used to transmit documents and spreadsheets to and from Bureaus outside the H.C. Hoover Building. The board is open and users may leave messages requesting help in identifying appropriate contact persons for Commerce Department matters. 24 hours/day; 7 days/week. Sysop: Patricia Spencer.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* OMSD Electronic Bulletin Board
Microcomputer Census Information Center
Bureau of the Census
Washington, DC 20233 (301) 763-4951
Modem Number (301) 763-4576
Designed for general microcomputer users, this 24-hour free bulletin board provides census-related microcomputer census-related news, software and hardware reviews, public domain software, and announcements of training programs for Census Bureau and Department of Commerce personnel.
The purpose of the Laboratory is to develop and provide information on data processes that affect the input distribution, transport and fate of natural and anthropogenic materials in estuarine and coastal systems. It provides reduced data on physical and chemical properties of Puget Sound, the Bering Sea and Cook Inlet. Current meter data from Puget Sound are also included. Data is available from NODC. Technical Memoranda, Technical Reports and Data Reports provide summaries for various regions and special studies. There is no cost to NOAA users. For others there are NODC standard charges.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Pacific Office
Dr. Howard Harris
Pacific Office
US Department of Commerce
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
Ocean Assessments Division
7600 Sand Point Way, N.E.
Seattle, WA 98115 (206) 526-6343
The purpose of this office is to conduct, analyze and disseminate results of research related to the quality of the western US coastal and estuarine marine environment. The information available includes physical, geological, chemical, biological data/information: baseline data, levels/sources/fates/effects of contaminants in sediments and biota. Have or can provide access to all of the 1976 through 1982 Marine Ecosystems Analysis (MESA) Puget Sound Project data, and 1983-1985 OAD data. Highly interactive with all related Federal, state, local and academic activity in the area. Reports, tapes and prints of processed and unprocessed data are available.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Pacific Sea Surface Temperature (TD-9792)
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
National Climatic Data Center
Federal Building
Asheville, NC 28801-2969 (704) 259-0682
This Pacific sea surface temperature set (Namias-Born) was compiled by the Scripps Institution of Oceanography and was sent to the NCDC in October 1982. These data represent a gridded 9 by 25 latitude/longitude array with 9 latitude rows from 60 degrees North to 20 degrees North and 25 longitude columns from 110 degrees West to 130 degrees East. There are no known data problems in this file. The major parameters that make up this file are gridded monthly mean sea surface temperatures for each month of each year. The values are monthly means in tenths of degrees Fahrenheit centered on 5-degree latitude-longitude intersections. Data are from January 1947 through December 1981. Copies are available on magnetic tape. For more information, including cost, contact the office above.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Paint, Varnish, and Lacquer (M28F)
Data Access and Use Staff
Data User Services Division
Bureau of the Census
Washington, DC 20233 (301) 763-2074
The file provides figures for architectural coatings, product finishes for original equipment manufacturers, and special coatings for paint, varnish, and lacquer. The data shown are for the current month and each of 24 preceding months. Also included is a comparison of domestic output, exports, and imports of selected paints. The annual report shows detailed information on quantity and value of shipments of architectural castings, product finishes for original equipment manufacturers, special purpose coatings, putty and allied products, and miscellaneous paint products for all establishments with 20 or more employees. The monthly report is available online, through CENDATA, the Census Bureau's online data system. For information about CENDATA content and online services, contact CompuServe (800-848-8199) or DIALOG Information Services (800-334-2564). For file content information only, contact the office above.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Paleoclimatological Data
National Geophysical Data Center
325 Broadway (303) 497-6215
Boulder, CO 80303 Fax: (303) 497-6513
This file includes tree ring data, site inventories for ice core and sediment varve data and bibliographies of related research. Call for price information.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Palmer Drought (TD-9658)
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
National Climatic Data Center
Federal Building
Asheville, NC 28801-2969 (704) 259-0682
These data are filed on one magnetic tape each for the monthly drought indices, and monthly and weekly drought analyses. Data are sorted on each tape by State number, State Climatic Division, year, month, (week for the weekly analyses). The digital files of the monthly drought indices and monthly drought analyses ended in 1982. Monthly drought indices (Palmer Drought Severity Index, Palmer Hydrological Drought Indices, and Palmer Z Index) are now computed and filed in the TD-9640 files. Beginning with January 1983, the monthly drought analyses are work files only, but printouts are stored in the NCDC archives. Data are from; Monthly drought indices; January 1931-December 1982, Monthly drought analyses; July 1965-December 1982, and Weekly drought analyses; January 1973 through the present (updated monthly). Copies are available on magnetic tape. For more information, including cost, contact the office above.
Office of Electronic Data Conversion and Dissemination
Office of the Director
Crystal Park 2 - Suite 914
Washington, DC 20231 (703) 557-6154
The file contains the following information about the assignments: patent number, brief codes, brief text, recording date, assignee, assignor, and other data. It contains approximately 1,000,000 patents with 75,000 added each year (1,600 per issue). The time period covered is January 1975 to present. A current copy of Patent Assignment File (without updates) is available for $640 from the PTO office above. An update subscription is available for $2400 per year. Write for agreement and technical specifications. It is also available for online commercial searching through IFI/Plenum (800) 227-1960 and Mead Data Central's LEXPAT (202) 785-3550.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
ssignment File/Patent Assignment File Updates
US Patent and Trademark Office
Office of Electronic Data Conversion and Dissemination
Office of the Director
Crystal Park 2 - Suite 914
Washington, DC 20231 (703) 557-6154
tic tape. For more information, including cost, contact the office above.
* NMC Global GTS Surface Marine (TD-6105)
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
National Climatic Data Center
Federal Building
Asheville, NC 28801-2969 (704) 259-0682
The National Meteorological Center (NMC) Global Telecommunications System (GTS) is a collection of those observations used to initialize the NMC global forecast model. The major parameters that make up this file are; sea level and station pressure, wind direction, wind speed, temperature, dewpoint temperature depression, previous 24-hour maximum and minimum temperatures, weather, total sky cover, and past 6 and 24 hour precipitation totals. Data are from February 11, 1975 to the present (updated monthly). Copies are available on magnetic tape. For more information, including cost, contact the office above.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* NMC Global GTS Upper Air (TD-6103)
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
National Climatic Data Center
Federal Building
Asheville, NC 28801-2969 (704) 259-0682
The National Meteorological Center (NMC) Global Telecommunication System (GTS) data is a collection of those observations used to initialize the NMC global forecast model. The major parameters that make up this file are mandatory constant pressure data, various pressure data, and tropopause data. The primary difference of each file is in the source of the data. Heights of pressure levels are in geopotential meters, temperatures in tenths of degrees C, wind direction in degrees, and wind speed in knots. Data are from January 1, 1973 through the present (updated monthly). Copies are available on magnetic tape. For more information, including cost, contact the office above.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* NMC Pepmerge Grid and Analyses (TD-9606, 9609)
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
National Climatic Data Center
Federal Building
Asheville, NC 28801-2969 (704) 259-0682
The National Meteorological Center uses binary packed data set organization when storing gridded data files. Different grid sizes are available (octagonal mercator and polar sterographic) for both the Northern and Southern Hemisphere. This binary format is used for storage of arrays of data, of typically gridded fields. In this format, fullword (32 bit 360/195) floating numbers are scaled and stored as halfword (16 bit) integers. The first 12 fullwords (48 bytes or 384 bits) of this format are the label portion, which services two purposes: 1) it uniquely identifies the data field so that it can be retrieved from the data set where it is stored, and 2) it contains the count and scaling information so that the data, which is stored in the remainder of the format, may be unpacked and converted back to a field of floating numbers. Data are from January 1, 1973 through the present (updated weekly). Copies are available on magnetic tape. For more information, including cost, contact the office above.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* NMC Satellite Winds (TD-6107)
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
National Climatic Data Center
Federal Building
Asheville, NC 28801-2969 (704) 259-0682
The National Meteorological Center (NMC) Global Telecommunication System (GTS) data is a collection of those observations used to initialize the NMC global forecast model. The major parameters that make up this file are mandatory constant pressure data, various pressure data, and tropopause data. The primary difference of each file is in the source of the data. Heights of pressure levels are in geopotential meters, temperatures in tenths of degrees C, wind direction in degrees, and wind speed in knots. Data are from January 1, 1973 through the present (updated monthly). Copies are available on magnetic tape. For more information, including cost, contact the office above.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* NOAA Atmospheric Handbook-Data Tables (TD-9796)
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
National Climatic Data Center
Federal Building
Asheville, NC 28801-2969 (704) 259-0682
Atmospheric data tables stored in this file are described in World Data Center-A for Meteorology and World Data Center-A for Solar Terrestrial Physics REPORT UAG-89. This report will be furnished with all orders for this file. Data areas cover Attenuation Coefficients for the Atmosphere and H(2)0; 1962 Standard Atmospheres; Cloud Drop Size Distributions for Water and Ice Spheres; Solar Spectral Irradiance; Sky Spectral Radiance; Rayleigh Coefficients for Air; Refractive Indices for Air, Ice, Liquid H(2)0 and various Atmospheric Aerosols; and Relative Reflectance for Ice and H(2)0. Data are variable from 1896 through 1980. Copies are available on magnetic tape. For more information, including cost, contact the office above.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* NOAA/National Ocean Survey Water Level Gage Ice Reports
World Data Center-A for Glaciology (Snow and Ice)
CIRES, Box 449
University of Colorado (303) 492-1824
Boulder, CO 80309 (303) 492-5171
This file contains daily observations of ice conditions at up to 80 water level gage sites on the Great Lakes, 1955-56 to the present. Photocopies are available for selected years, months, or stations. A location map is provided, with coordinates of each gage site listed. The entire 31-year data base is available on one reel of magnetic tape, updated annually.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* NOAA/NESS Northern Hemisphere Digitized Snow and Ice Cover Data Base, 1966-1985
World Data Center-A for Glaciology (Snow and Ice)
CIRES, Box 449
University of Colorado (303) 492-1824
Boulder, CO 80309 (303) 492-5171
This file was digitized at the University of Nebraska from the NOAA/NESS weekly snow and ice charts, on an 89 x 89 element grid box. 1 tape, 6250 bpi.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* NOAA/PMEL Bering-Air-Sea-Ice Study (BASICS), 1981, 1982; and Marginal Ice Zone Experiment (MIZEX-West) 1983
World Data Center-A for Glaciology (Snow and Ice)
CIRES, Box 449
University of Colorado (303) 492-1824
Boulder, CO 80309 (303) 492-5171
Sea ice drift data include time and position as well as air temperature. 1 tape, 6250 bpi.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* NODC Marine Toxic Substances and Pollutants Data File
National Oceanographic Data Center
User Service Branch
Washington, DC 20235 (202) 673-5549
A substantial quantity of data on toxic substances and pollutants in the marine environment is now available from the National Oceanographic Data Center (NODC). These data include measurements of hydrocarbons, heavy metals, organochloride pesticides, polychlorinated biphenyls, and other pollutants detected in the water column, in sediments, and in samples taken from marine organisms. Data from this file can be selectively retrieved to meet user specifications such as geographic area, particular chemical substance, or specific cruise/data set. Selected data can be provided as a computer printout or on magnetic tape. Using its automated data inventory system, NODC can provide users with information on the amount of data available that meets their requirements.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* NODC Master Data Files
National Oceanographic Data Center
User Service Branch
Washington, DC 20235 (202) 673-5549
NODCs Mater Data Files hold numerous individual data sets of physical/chemical and biological oceanographic information. In addition to data submissions that are stores in standard NODC archive formats, NODC also holds a number of data sets in originator formats representing data from completed projects or special compilations. Examples of subject coverage are temperature-depth data, salinity, marine chemistry, water physics, seawater pressure, currents, meteorology and wave spectra, pollutants, wind/wave data, sediment, benthic organisms, fish/shellfish, marine organisms and habitats, marine birds and mammals, pathological conditions, and microbiology. All NODC data products are provided at cost and are described in detail in the free NODC Users Guide. Some of the individual data sets are described in this directory. Data in standard NODC archive format can be retrieved selectively. Data in originator format can be provided only as whole data tapes. Contact the User Services Branch (listed above) to access printouts or tapes.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* North Atlantic Atlas Contours - Volume 1 (TD-9937)
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
National Climatic Data Center
Federal Building
Asheville, NC 28801-2969 (704) 259-0682
The primary sources of data utilized to produce this file were the Marine Surface Observation files and the Marine Atlas file. The major parameters that make up this file are monthly means and frequencies exceeding cut-off values of air and sea surface temperatures, dewpoint temperature, relative humidity, wind speed, visibility, precipitation, clouds, wave heights, sea level pressure, and Tropical Cyclone occurrence and mean 12-hour movement. Copies are available on magnetic tape. For more information, including cost, contact the office above.
The data in this file were constructed by digitizing extratropical cyclone movements from the national Meteorological Center 6-hourly Northern Hemisphere cyclone positions, however, the tape format contains the 12-hour positions. The direction of movements and speed were then computed based on the digitized 12-hourly positions. Also computed were the 10-degree squares. Manual quality control was accomplished to insure the quality of the digitizing. There are no known data quality problems. The major parameters that make up this file are 12-hour positions, 10-degree square number, direction of movement, previous 10-degree square number, center movement, and speed of movement. Data are from May 1965 through December 1974. Copies are available on magnetic tape. For more information, including cost, contact the office above.
This file contains monthly sea ice concentration on a standard one-degree grid. 1 tape, 1600 bpi.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* NOS Hydrographic Data Base
National Geophysical Data Center
325 Broadway (303) 497-6215
Boulder, CO 80303 Fax: (303) 497-6513
The data base consists of 38.8 million records of digital bathymetric data for the coastal waters of the Continental US, Alaska, Hawaii and Puerto Rico. Records are comprised of depths, hazardous features and bottom characteristics. Call for price information.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* NOS Hydrographic Data Base/Digital Bathymetry of US Coast
National Geophysical Data Center
325 Broadway
Boulder, CO 80303 (303) 497-6376
This file contains digital data; provides accurate and extensive digital bathymetric data coverage available for the coastal water of the continental US; Alaska, Hawaii, and Puerto Rico; depths, hazardous features, and bottom characteristics from surveys conducted by the National Ocean Service for Nautical Charting have been sorted into 681 files covering one-degree-square areas. It is available on 7 or 9 track tape, 800, 1600, or 6250 bpi, unlabeled, blocked, EBCDIC, ASCII or BCD format; fixed record length; complete data is available for 1930-1965, partial to 984; data is updated as surveys are received. Data should not be used for navigation.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Number of Workers by County of Residence by County of Work
Customer Services
Bureau of the Census
Washington, DC 20233 (301) 763-4100
The file provides information on number of workers identified by areas of residence and work. The data time span is 1980. The geographic areas covered are counties or equivalent areas in the non-New England States, the District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico. Also included are minor civil divisions in Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, and Connecticut. The file is available on one tape reel at 1600 or 6250 bpi.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
hould not be used for navigation.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Number of Workerer 1982, and Weekly drought analyses; January 1973 throu2a5
* NIST Activity and Osmotic Coefficients of Aqueous Electrolyte Solutions (GAMPHI)
Joan Sauerwein
Office of Standard Reference Data
National Institute of Standards and Technology
Room A323, Physics Building
US Department of Commerce
Gaithersburg, MD 20899 (301) 975-2208
This data base provides values of activity (C(j)) and osmotic (U) coefficients of binary aqueous electrolyte solutions at 298.15 K together with a collection of subroutines for utilizing this data base. The data are contained in FORTRAN DATA statements which for each binary electrolyte solution, contain the name of the cation and anion in the binary salt, the literature reference, the minimum and maximum molality, an internal data base name, and other parameters. With the interactive version, the user can also search the data base for a given salt, for all of the salts of a specified cation or anion, and for the literature references. Data are available for lease to the public under various types of agreements. The exact terms and cost of the data base depend on the nature of use. For information on prices and ordering procedure, contact Ms. Sauerwein.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* NIST Chemical Thermodynamics Data Base (NBS Tech Note 270)
Joan Sauerwein
Office of Standard Reference Data
National Institute of Standards and Technology
Room A323, Physics Building
US Department of Commerce
Gaithersburg, MD 20899 (301) 975-2208
This data base contains recommended values for selected thermodynamic properties for more than 15,000 inorganic substances. Each compound entry contains the recommended values as well as the physical state and crystal structure as appropriate. Data are available for lease to the public under various types of agreements. The exact terms and cost of the data base depend on the nature of use. For exact information on prices and ordering procedure, contact Ms. Sauerwein.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* NIST Corrosion Performance Data Base
Joan Sauerwein
Office of Standard Reference Data
National Institute of Standards and Technology
Room A323, Physics Building
US Department of Commerce
Gaithersburg, MD 20899 (301) 975-2208
These are two PC data bases on the corrosion performance of metals and of non-metallics. Cor-Sur Volume 1 has data for 25 metallic materials exposed to about 1000 corrosive environments at various temperatures and concentrations. Cor-Sur Volume 2 has similar data for 36 elastomers, polymers and composites. Retrieved data can be displayed in tables and graphs. Data are available for lease to the public under various types of agreements. The exact terms and cost of the data base depend on the nature of use. For information on prices and ordering procedure, contact Ms. Sauerwein.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* NIST Crystal Data Identification File
Joan Sauerwein
Office of Standard Reference Data
National Institute of Standards and Technology
Room A323, Physics Building
US Department of Commerce
Gaithersburg, MD 20899 (301) 975-2208
This file contains crystallographic information useful to characterize more than 60,000 crystalline materials. The data include the reduced cell parameters, reduced cell volume, space group number and symbol, the calculated density, classification by chemical type, chemical formula and chemical name. Each entry has an associated literature reference. Data are available for lease to the public under various types of agreements. The exact terms and cost of the data base depend on the nature of use. For exact information on prices and ordering procedure, contact Ms. Sauerwein.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* NIST Electron and Positron Stopping Powers of Materials (EPSTAR)
Joan Sauerwein
Office of Standard Reference Data
National Institute of Standards and Technology
Room A323, Physics Building
US Department of Commerce
Gaithersburg, MD 20899 (301) 975-2208
This data base, also known as EPSTAR, contains data related to the electron and positron stopping powers of various materials. Included in EPSTAR are collision, radiative, and total stopping powers; ranges; radiation yields and auxiliary information. Data are included for electrons in 285 materials, and for positrons in 29 materials, at energies from 10 keV to 10 GeV. Data are available for lease to the public under various types of agreements. The exact terms and cost of the data base depend on the nature of use. For exact information on prices and ordering procedure, contact Ms. Sauerwein. (Note: A PC version is also available.)
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* NIST/EPA/MSDC Mass Spectral Data Base
Joan Sauerwein
Office of Standard Reference Data
National Institute of Standards and Technology
Room A323, Physics Building
US Department of Commerce
Gaithersburg, MD 20899 (301) 975-2208
The data base contains ionization mass compounds spectra of 50,000 different compounds. Each spectrum has a "quality index" associated with it, the Chemical Abstracts Service (CAS) name, synonyms, the molecular weight and formula, and the CAS registry number. Other types of information included in the data base are instrument parameters, measurement data, and sample purity. The PC Version consists of the data base of 50,000 electron ionization mass spectra, various "index" files for rapid data retrieval and related software for searching the data base in several ways. Data are available for lease to the public under various types of agreements. The exact terms and cost of the data base depend on the nature of use. For exact information on prices and ordering procedure, contact Ms. Sauerwein.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* NIST JANAF Thermochemical Tables
Joan Sauerwein
Office of Standard Reference Data
National Institute of Standards and Technology
Room A323, Physics Building
US Department of Commerce
Gaithersburg, MD 20899 (301) 975-2208
The JANAF Thermochemical Tables provide a compilation of critically evaluated thermodynamic properties of approximately 1800 substances over a wide range of temperature. Recommended temperature-dependent values are provided for chemical thermodynamic properties of inorganic substances and for organic substances containing only one or two carbon atoms. The properties tabulated are heat capacity, entropy, Gibbs energy function, enthalpy, enthalpy of formation, Gibbs energy of formation, and the logarithm of the equilibrium constant for formation of each compound from the elements in their standard reference states. Data are available for lease to the public under various types of agreements. The exact terms and cost of the data base depend on the nature of use. For information on prices and ordering procedure, contact Ms. Sauerwein.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* NIST Mixture Property Program - DDMIX
Joan Sauerwein
Office of Standard Reference Data
National Institute of Standards and Technology
Room A323, Physics Building
US Department of Commerce
Gaithersburg, MD 20899 (301) 975-2208
DDMIX is an interactive computer program which calculates various thermodynamic and transport properties of mixtures of fluids selected from any of 17 possible pure components. The emphasis of the program is on density prediction (especially for CO(2) rich mixtures) but it will provide accurate results for other properties and mixtures. Data are available for lease to the public under various types of agreements. The exact terms and cost of the data base depend on the nature of use. For information on prices and ordering procedure, contact Ms. Sauerwein.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* NIST/Sandia/ICDD Electron Diffraction
Joan Sauerwein
Office of Standard Reference Data
National Institute of Standards and Technology
Room A323, Physics Building
US Department of Commerce
Gaithersburg, MD 20899 (301) 975-2208
Designed for phase characterization by electron, neutron or x-ray diffraction methods, this data base contains chemical, physical and crystallographic information on a wide variety of materials including minerals, metals, intermetallics and general inorganic compounds. The data for each entry include: the conventional cell, reduced cell, lattice type, space group, calculated or observed d-spacings, chemical name, chemical and empirical formulas, materials class indicators, references and other parameters. Data are available for lease to the public under various types of agreements. The exact terms and cost of the data base depend on the nature of use. For information on prices and ordering procedure, contact Ms. Sauerwein.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* NIST Thermophysical Properties of Fluids - MIPROPS
Joan Sauerwein
Office of Standard Reference Data
National Institute of Standards and Technology
Room A323, Physics Building
US Department of Commerce
Gaithersburg, MD 20899 (301) 975-2208
These interactive programs compute thermophysical properties of 12 pure fluids: helium, argon, parahydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, nitrogen trifluoride, ethylene, methane, ethane, propane, isobutane, and normal butane. The program returns values for pressure, temperature, density, internal energy, enthalpy, entropy, specific heats at constant volume and pressure and sound velocity. Viscosity, thermal conductivity and dielectric constants are given for some of the fluids. Data are available for lease to the public under various types of agreements. The exact terms and cost of the data base depend on the nature of use. For information on prices and ordering procedure, contact Ms. Sauerwein.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* NIST Thermophysical Properties of Hydrocarbon Mixtures (Supertrapp)
Joan Sauerwein
Office of Standard Reference Data
National Institute of Standards and Technology
Room A323, Physics Building
US Department of Commerce
Gaithersburg, MD 20899 (301) 975-2208
This data base is actually software which allows the interactive prediction of thermophysical properties of hydrocarbon mixtures. The properties calculated include density, viscosity, and thermal conductivity. The model used is valid over a wide range of pressure and temperature conditions and covers hydrocarbons up to C(20), plus several other common fluids. Data are available for lease to the public under various types of agreements. The exact terms and cost of the data base depend on the nature of use. For exact information on prices and ordering procedure, contact Ms. Sauerwein.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* NIST Thermophysical Properties of Water (STEAM)
Joan Sauerwein
Office of Standard Reference Data
National Institute of Standards and Technology
Room A323, Physics Building
US Department of Commerce
Gaithersburg, MD 20899 (301) 975-2208
This data base consists of an interactive program which calculates the thermodynamic and transport properties of fluid H(2)O (liquid and vapor) using the formulation as approved by the International Association for the Properties of Steam (IAPS) at its Tenth International Conference in 1984. Data are available for lease to the public under various types of agreements. The exact terms and cost of the data base depend on the nature of use. For information on prices and ordering procedure, contact Ms. Sauerwein.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* NIST X-ray and Gamma-ray Attenuation Coefficients and Cross Sections (XGAM)
Joan Sauerwein
Office of Standard Reference Data
National Institute of Standards and Technology
Room A323, Physics Building
US Department of Commerce
Gaithersburg, MD 20899 (301) 975-2208
This data base, also called XGAM, provides photon cross sections (interaction coefficients) and attenuation coefficients for any substance. Interactive software is provided which enables the user to obtain data by entering chemical formulas or other measure of composition for a mixture of component materials. The user may also select the energy range over which data are desired. Data are available for lease to the public under various types of agreements. The exact terms and cost of the data base depend on the nature of use. For exact information on prices and ordering procedure, contact Ms. Sauerwein.C
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* NMC Bogus Upper Air (TD-6108)
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
National Climatic Data Center
Federal Building
Asheville, NC 28801-2969 (704) 259-0682
The National Meteorological Center (NMC) Global Telecommunication System (GTS) data is a collection of those observations used to initialize the NMC global forecast model. The major parameters that make up this file are mandatory constant pressure data, various pressure data, and tropopause data. The primary difference of each file is in the source of the data. Heights of pressure levels are in geopotential meters, temperatures in tenths of degrees C, wind direction in degrees, and wind speed in knots. Data are from January 1, 1973 through the present (updated monthly). Copies are available on magnetic tape. For more information, including cost, contact the office above.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* NMC Global GTS Aircraft (TD-6106)
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
National Climatic Data Center
Federal Building
Asheville, NC 28801-2969 (704) 259-0682
The National Meteorological Center (NMC) Global Telecommunication System (GTS) data is a collection of those observations used to initialize the NMC global forecast model. The major parameters that make up this file are mandatory constant pressure data, various pressure data, and tropopause data. The primary difference of each file is in the source of the data. Heights of pressure levels are in geopotential meters, temperatures in tenths of degrees C, wind direction in degrees, and wind speed in knots. Data are from January 1, 1973 through the present (updated monthly). Copies are available on magnetic tape. For more information, including cost, contact the office above.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* NMC Global GTS Surface Land (TD-6104)
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
National Climatic Data Center
Federal Building
Asheville, NC 28801-2969 (704) 259-0682
The National Meteorological Center (NMC) Global Telecommunications System (GTS) is a collection of those observations used to initialize the NMC global forecast model. The major parameters that make up this file are; sea level and station pressure, wind direction, wind speed, temperature, dewpoint temperature depression, previous 24-hour maximum and minimum temperatures, weather, total sky cover, and past 6 and 24 hour precipitation totals. Data are from January 1, 1973 to the present. Copies are available on magnetic tape. For more information, including cost, contact the office above.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* NMC Global GTS Surface Land (TD-6104)
Nationalen sorted into 681 files covering one-degree-square areas. It is available on 7 or 9 track tape, 800, 1600, or 6250 bpi, unlabeled, blocked, EBCDIC, ASCII or BCD format; fixed record length; complete data is availab
* National Seagrant Depository Data Base
Joyce Winn, Loan Officer
National Seagrant Depository - NOAA
University of Rhode Island
Bay Campus - Pell Library
Narragansett, RI 02882 (401) 792-6114
Copies of all publications generated by individual Seagrant university programs are housed in this depository. Staff will search the data base of marine science topics upon request and make the publications available for 30-day loans. The collection includes books, technical reports, general public brochures, conference proceedings and other Seagrant publications related to Coastal and Great Lakes issues. Up to 15 titles may be requested for loan at one time.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* National Snow and Ice Data Center
World Data Center-A for Glaciology (Snow and Ice)
CIRES, Box 449
University of Colorado (303) 492-1824
Boulder, CO 80309 (303) 492-5171
World Data Center (WDC)-A for Glaciology (Snow and Ice) in Boulder, Colorado, is one of three international data centers serving the discipline. Co-located with WDC is the National Snow and Ice Data Center (NSIDC) established by NOAA in 1982. This center functions as a national information and referral center for the snow and ice community. Many of the data sets held are common to both the WDC and NSIDC although some are only available within the latter organization framework. WDC/NSIDC archives digital data on numerous areas of snow and ice research. The majority of data sets are of snow cover and sea ice, but there are also data relating to glacial geophysics, Great Lakes ice-related environmental studies, and satellite microwave research.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* National Standard Reference Data System (NSRDS)
Joan Sauerwein
Office of Standard Reference Data
A 320 Physics Building
National Institute of Standards & Technology
Gaithersburg, MD 20899 (301) 975-2208
Appropriate NSRDS Data Center listed below.
NSRDS contains data bases of evaluated physical and chemical properties of substances. The system supports NBS' responsibility to promote numerical data in the physical sciences. The evaluations are carried out through a national network of 22 NSRDS Centers and special projects conducted by universities, government laboratories and industry. Each center is responsible for a well-defined technical scope and for compiling a comprehensive indexed bibliographic file with analyses of the world literature within its scope. The Centers assess the accuracy of the data reported in the literature, prepare compilations and recommend best values. The resulting bibliographic and numeric physical, chemical and property data bases are then made available through publications, magnetic tapes and online systems. The Center's activities are aggregated into three application-oriented program areas: 1) Energy and Environmental Data, which includes data from fields such as chemical kinetics, spectroscopy, and radiation physics and chemistry which have application to energy-related R&D and environmental modeling; 2) Industrial Process Data, which covers primarily thermodynamic and transport properties of substances important to the chemical and related industries; and 3) Materials Properties Data, which includes structural, electrical, optical and mechanical properties of solid materials of broad interest. Information about searches, printouts, publications and tapes is available from NSRDS' Gaithersburg Office. Searches are also available from the 22 Centers listed below. A cost recovery fee may be charged for services.
NSRDS Data Centers:
Alloy Phase Diagram Data Center
Dr. Neville Pugh
Institute for Materials Science and Engineering
Materials Building, Room B261
National Bureau of Standards
Gaithersburg, MD 20899 (301) 975-6040
Aqueous Electrolyte Data Center
Dr. David Neumann
Center for Chemical Physics
Chemistry Building, Room A164
National Bureau of Standards
Gaithersburg, MD 20899 (301) 975-2525
Atomic Collision Cross Section Information Center
Dr. W.L. Morgan
Joint Institute for Laboratory Astrophysics
University of Colorado
Boulder, CO 80309 (303) 492-8089
Atomic Energy Levels Data Center
Dr. W.C. Martin
Center for Radiation Research
Physics Building, Room A167
National Bureau of Standards
Gaithersburg, MD 20899 (301) 975-3212
Atomic Transition Probabilities Data Center
Dr. W.L. Wiese
Center for Radiation Research
Physics Building, Room A267
National Bureau of Standards
Gaithersburg, MD 20899 (301) 975-3200
Fluid Mixtures Data Center
Mr. W.M. Haynes
Center for Chemical Engineering
Mail Code 774.00
National Bureau of Standards
Boulder, CO 80303 (303) 497-3257
Fundamental Constants Data Center
Dr. Barry N. Taylor
Center for Basic Standards
Metrology Building, Room B258
National Bureau of Standards
Gaithersburg, MD 20899 (301) 975-4220
Fundamental Particle Data Center
Dr. Thomas Trippe
Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory
University of California
Berkeley, CA 92720 (415) 486-5885
Ion Energetics Data Center
Dr. Sharon Lias
Center for Chemical Physics
Chemistry Building, Room A147
National Bureau of Standards
Gaithersburg, MD 20899 (301) 975-2562
Isotopes Project
Dr. Edgar Browne
Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory
University of California
Berkeley, CA 94720 (415) 486-6152
Center for Information and Numerical Data Analysis
and Synthesis (CINDAS)
Dr. C.Y. Ho
Purdue University/CINDAS
2595 Yeager Road
West Lafayette, IN 47906 (317) 494-6300
Direct inquiries to Mr. W.H. Shafer
Chemical Kinetics Information Center
Dr. John T. Herron
Center for Chemical Physics
Chemistry Building, Room A241
National Bureau of Standards
Gaithersburg, MD 20899 (301) 975-2569
Chemical Thermodynamics Data Center
Dr. David Garvin
Center for Chemical Physics
Chemistry Building, Room A158
National Bureau of Standards
Gaithersburg, MD 20899 (301) 975-2526
Crystal Data Center
Dr. A. D. Mighell
Institute for Materials Science and Engineering
Materials Building, Room A221
National Bureau of Standards
Gaithersburg, MD 20899 (301) 975-6254
Molecular Spectra Data Center
Dr. F.J. Lovas
Center for Chemical Physics
Physics Building, Room B265
National Bureau of Standards
Gaithersburg, MD 20899 (301) 975-2385
Molten Salts Data Center
Dr. G.J. Janz
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Department of Chemistry
Troy, NY 12181 (518) 276-6344
National Center for Thermodynamic Data of
Dr. John Haas, Jr.
Geological Survey
US Department of Interior
959 National Center
Reston, VA 22092 (703) 860-6911
Phase Diagrams for Ceramists Data Center
Dr. Stephen Freiman
Institute for Materials Science and Engineering
Materials Building, Room A229
National Bureau of Standards
Gaithersburg, MD 20899 (301) 975-5761
Photon and Charged-Particle Data Center
Dr. Martin J. Berger
Center for Radiation Research
Radiation Physics Building, Room C311
National Bureau of Standards
Gaithersburg, MD 20899 (301) 975-5551
Radiation Chemistry Data Center
Dr. Alberta B. Ross
University of Notre Dame
Radiation Laboratory
Notre Dame, IN 46556 (219) 239-6527
FTS 333-8220
Thermodynamics Research Center
Dr. Kenneth Marsh
Thermodynamics Research Center
Texas A & M University
College Station, TX 77843 (409) 845-4971
Corrosion Data Center
Dr. David Anderson
Institute of Materials Science and Engineering
Materials Building, Room B266
National Bureau of Standards
Gaithersburg, MD 20899 (301) 975-6026
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* NCAR World Monthly Weather Records - Upper Air (TD-9648)
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
National Climatic Data Center
Federal Building
Asheville, NC 28801-2969 (704) 259-0682
The major source of data in this file are monthly reports provided by stations in the WMO network to the NCDC that are published in a related MONTHLY CLIMATIC DATA FOR THE WORLD file. Individual countries prepare their data for NCDC according to WMO agreement. These data are then quality controlled and digitized by the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR). The major parameters that make up this file are monthly mean values of; height, temperature, dewpoint temperature depression, and vector wind for the surface and constant pressure levels of 850-, 700-, 500-, 300-, 200-, 150, 100-, 50-, and 30-millibars. Vector wind data are not in this file prior to about 1960. Data are January 1950 through December 1984 (updated periodically). Copies are available on magnetic tape. For more information, including cost, contact the office above.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* NCAR World Weather Records-Surface (TD-9645)
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
National Climatic Data Center
Federal Building
Asheville, NC 28801-2969 (704) 259-0682
This data file was developed by the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) and contains climatological data for approximately 3600 stations worldwide. Data for some stations go back as far as 1741. A great amount of data were obtained from the NCDC historical files. However, much of these data prior to 1951 came from John Wolbach of the Harvard College Observatory. Sharon Nicholson, Florida State University, provided African precipitation data to extend the records of over 250 stations. Dennis Shea, NCAR, has been a valuable source for data obtained directly from various countries. The ship reports in this file contain sea temperatures. The spatial and temporal density of reporting stations is highly variable, with the oldest stations in Europe, and most reports from land areas in the Northern Hemisphere. The data quality of this file is considered very good. Related files include Monthly Climatic Data for the World and World Weather Records. Data are from 1741-1983 (updated periodically). Copies are available on magnetic tape. For more information, including cost, contact the office above.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* NCDC GTS AFGWC Upper Air (TD-6203)
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
National Climatic Data Center
Federal Building
Asheville, NC 28801-2969 (704) 259-0682
Data in TD-6202 were collected from the National Meteorological Center (NMC) digital files--data in TD-6203 were collected primarily from the NMC digital files, with missing data filled from the US Air Force Global Weather Center digital files. Both of these files were converted from previous NCDC files. The actual amount of observational data in these files will vary from station to station. Southern Hemisphere stations are usually not available until July 1966. The major parameters that make up this file include observation time in GMT, number of levels, level quality indicator, pressure of level, geopotential height of level, temperature, relative humidity of level, wind direction of level, and wind speed. Data are from September 1, 1963 through December 31, 1970. Copies are available on magnetic tape. For more information, including cost, contact the office above.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* NCDC GTS Upper Air (TD-6202)
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
National Climatic Data Center
Federal Building
Asheville, NC 28801-2969 (704) 259-0682
Data in TD-6202 were collected from the National Meteorological Center (NMC) digital files--data in TD-6203 were collected primarily from the NMC digital files, with missing data filled from the US Air Force Global Weather Center digital files. Both of these files were converted from previous NCDC files. The actual amount of observational data in these files will vary from station to station. Southern Hemisphere stations are usually not available until July 1966. The major parameters that make up this file include observation time in GMT, number of levels, level quality indicator, pressure of level, geopotential height of level, temperature, relative humidity of level, wind direction of level, and wind speed. Data are from September 1, 1963 through December 31, 1970. Copies are available on magnetic tape. For more information, including cost, contact the office above.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* NCDC US Upper Air Alias US Rawinsonde Observation (TD-6201)
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
National Climatic Data Center
Federal Building
Asheville, NC 28801-2969 (704) 259-0682
Data in this file are produced form original rawinsonde observation forms and digital output of Automatic Raob stations. From the beginning of record through 1984, this file was converted from previous digital files. These data are currently processed through a combined computer edit and manual edit. The processing system relies primarily on computer editing procedures. Data are subjected to internal consistency checks, and suspect data are returned to a verifier for manual correction. The major parameters that make up this file include observation time in GMT, number of levels, level quality indicator, elapsed time since release, pressure of level, geopotential height of level, temperature of level, relative humidity of level, wind direction of level, and wind speed of level. Data are from January 1, 1946 through the present (updated monthly). Copies are available on magnetic tape. For more information, including cost, contact the office above.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* NDBO Buoy Observations Archive Format (TD-1138)
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
National Climatic Data Center
Federal Building
Asheville, NC 28801-2969 (704) 259-0682
Forecasts and the issuances of watches and warnings by the National Weather Service (NWS) in the marine and coastal areas of the United States depend, for the most part, on meteorological observations. The major parameters that make up this file are; air and dewpoint temperature, sea level pressure, wind direction, wind speed, current weather, visibility, precipitation, solar radiation, sea surface temperature, significant wave height, and average wave period. Data are from October 1, 1979 through the present (updated monthly). Copies are available on magnetic tape. For more information, including cost, contact the office above.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Nearshore Sediment Transport Study (NSTS) Santa Barbara Experiment
National Oceanographic Data Center
User Service Branch
Washington, DC 20235 (202) 673-5549
The Nearshore Sediment Transport Study is a national project sponsored by the Office of Sea Grant, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, US Department of Commerce. Its objective is development of improved engineering prediction techniques for sediment transport by waves and currents in the nearshore region. The NSTS Santa Barbara Experiment took place at Leadbetter Beach, Santa Barbara, California. The experiment began in October 1979 with the start of a 14-month sediment trap study during which accumulation of sediment within Santa Barbara Channel was measured at approximately six-week intervals. During this period the incident wave climate was measured at least every six hours. Copies of the Santa Barbara Experiment data set are available on 28 2400-foot magnetic tapes, recorded at 1600 bpi on nine-track tapes. Data are recorded on the tapes as unformatted binary integers.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Nearshore Sediment Transport Study (NSTS) Torrey Pines Experiment
National Oceanographic Data Center
User Service Branch
Washington, DC 20235 (202) 673-5549
The Nearshore Sediment Transport Study is a national project sponsored by the Office of Sea Grant, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, US Department of Commerce. Its objective is development of improved engineering prediction techniques for sediment transport by waves and currents in the nearshore region. The NSTS Torrey Pines Experiment took place at Torrey Pines Beach, San Diego, California, on 19 days from 4 through 24 November 1978 with a follow-on sand tracer experiment on 6 December 1978. During this period an intensive measurement program was conducted with the aim of defining surf zone dynamics. Copies of the Torrey Pines Experiment data set are available on eight 2400-foot magnetic tapes, recorded at 1600 bpi on nine-track tapes. Data are recorded on the tapes as unformatted binary integers.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Neighborhood Equivalency File
Customer Services
Bureau of the Census
Washington, DC 20233 (301) 763-4100
The file indicates the correspondence between the over 28,000 locally defined neighborhoods of the Neighborhood Statistics Program (NSP) and 1980 census geographic areas (i.e., State, county, minor civil division (MCD)/census county division (CCD), place, census tract/block numbering area (BNA), block group, and block). There is a file for each State, the District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico. The data time span is 1980. The geographic areas covered are locally defined Neighborhood Publication Areas (NPA's) and their component neighborhoods identified in approximately 1,250 communities that chose to participate in the Census Bureau's Neighborhood Statistics Program (NSP). The file is available on one tape reel at 1600 or 6250 bpi per State.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* NGDC Digital Grain Size/Geotechnical Data Base
National Geophysical Data Center
325 Broadway
Boulder, CO 80303 (303) 497-6339
This file contains digital data; contains grain size analysis of ocean sediment samples in world; analyses may be general. Entire data base is available only on an exchange basis.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* NGS Gravity Data Base
National Geodetic Information Branch
N/CG174 Rockwall Bldg., Room 24
National Geodetic Survey, NOAA
Rockville, MD 20852 (301) 443-8631
Price depends on quantity and format. This file is available to public as a special product. It includes point values and evaluations on land, and point gravity values from ship tracks. Most land data sources have been merged, edited, and validated. General areas covered: United States, Canada and United States offshore. There are approximately 1,500,000 gravity stations in the set.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* NIMBUS-7 SMMR Brightness Temperature Grids for the Northern Hemisphere
World Data Center-A for Glaciology (Snow and Ice)
CIRES, Box 449
University of Colorado (303) 492-1824
Boulder, CO 80309 (303) 492-5171
The National Snow and Ice Data Center (NSIDC announces the availability of Scanning Multichannel Microwave Radiometer (SMMR) brightness temperature grids for the North Polar region on CD-ROM. The first CD-ROM in the series contains grids for the period 29 October 1978 through 31 January 1980. Approximately give subsequent CD-ROMs will contain the Northern Hemisphere grids for 1 February 1980 through mid-August 1987, when the SMMR became inoperative. Following completion of the North Polar region series, South Polar region swath data will be processed into the grid and mastered on CD-ROM as well. The best estimate of South Polar grid availability is early 1991; please inquire for a current status report.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
d data sources have been merged, edited, and validated. General areas covered: United States, Canada and United States offshore. There are approximately 1,500,000 gravity stations in the set.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* MSA: Metropolitan Statistical Areas Data Tape
US Department of Commerce
National Technical Information Service
Springfield, VA 22161 (703) 487-4807
A total of 257 MSAs are recognized. In addition, there are 23 CMSAs, consisting of 78 PMSAs. This tape contains computer files documenting titles, components and Federal Information Processing Standards (FIPS) codes for Metropolitan Statistical Areas and related statistical areas. It includes two computer files to convert titles, components, and FIPS codes from SMSA to MSA definitions. Available in: 9 track 1600 or 6250 bpi, order number PB85-161115/HAL at a cost of $210.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Multi-Channel Common Depth Point (CDP) Seismic Data
National Geophysical Data Center
325 Broadway
Boulder, CO 80303 (303) 497-6474
This is a digital file of velocity profiles and shot point listings for six tracks across the Atlantic Continental Shelf. Retrieval is by numbered line or as a group. It is available in digital tapes with map documentation, or sepia or block line copies of sections. Uses: hydrography, oceanography, geology, geophysics. General area covered: Atlantic Continental Shelf.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* NASA Global Atmospheric Sampling Program (GASP) (TD-9704)
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
National Climatic Data Center
Federal Building
Asheville, NC 28801-2969 (704) 259-0682
The objectives of the NASA Global Atmospheric Sampling Program are to provide baseline data of selected atmospheric constituents in the upper troposphere and lower stratosphere and to document and analyze these data to 1) provide a better understanding of the dynamics of the atmosphere in the region where commercial aircraft fly, and 2) provide initial value boundary conditions for atmospheric models being used to assess potential adverse effects from aircraft exhaust emissions on the natural atmosphere. The major parameters that make up this file are beginning and ending times of the flight, ambient ozone, cabin ozone, water vapor, clouds, carbon monoxide, and filter samples of sulfate, nitrates, chlorides, and fluorides. Data are from March 1975 through December 1983 (new files added periodically). Copies are available on magnetic tape. For more information, including cost, contact the office above.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center Arctic Microwave Sea Ice Data From the NIMBUS-5 Electrically Scanning Microwave Radiometer (ESMR), 1973-1976
World Data Center-A for Glaciology (Snow and Ice)
CIRES, Box 449
University of Colorado (303) 492-1824
Boulder, CO 80309 (303) 492-5171
This file includes monthly and 3-day data. It is available on 3 reels, 6250, bpi. This is a National Snow and Ice Data Center data set. Distribution restrictions may apply.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center Northern Hemisphere Scanning Multichannel Microwave Radiometer (SMMR) Sea Ice Data, 1978-1985
World Data Center-A for Glaciology (Snow and Ice)
CIRES, Box 449
University of Colorado (303) 492-1824
Boulder, CO 80309 (303) 492-5171
This file includes Sea Ice concentration and multi-year ice fraction calculated from polarized antenna temperatures. North of 30 degrees North (and south of 50 degrees South, data are available in orbital format and are now being processed into the SSM/I grid format. [Original orbital data are available from the National Space Sciences Data Center (NSSDC), Code 601, Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, MD 20771.] This is a National Snow and Ice Data Center data set. Distribution restrictions may apply.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center Scanning Multichannel Microwave Radiometer (SMMR) Northern Hemisphere Brightness Temperatures, 1978-1987
World Data Center-A for Glaciology (Snow and Ice)
CIRES, Box 449
University of Colorado (303) 492-1824
Boulder, CO 80309 (303) 492-5171
Brightness temperatures are gridded to the SSM/I grid and distributed on CD-ROM with software/documentation diskette. First CD-ROM spans 29 October 1978 - 31 January 1980. Subsequent CD-ROMs will contain entire North Polar region data set. Inquire for current availability. This is a National Snow and Ice Data Center data set. Distribution restrictions may apply.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* National Energy Accounts
Office of Business Analysis
Business Statistics and Information Systems Division
US Department of Commerce
Washington, DC 20230 (202) 377-4450
OBA's National Energy Accounts show energy use by 122 sectors of the economy, by 64 energy products, and by 28 functional use categories for 1958-1985. The data are largely consistent with the concepts and conventions of the economic interindustry accounts (US Input-Output Tables) maintained by the Bureau of Economic Analysis. The data are also consistent with the production and consumption data at the US Department of Energy, Energy Information Administration (EIA). Major, primary inputs to the National Energy Accounts include Census' Annual Survey of Manufacturing and the 1985 EIA Manufacturing Energy Consumption Survey.
Complete, detailed NEA Sources and Inventory Accounts. (OBA-NEA-09); $85.00
Complete, detailed National Energy Accounts (items 05 and 06 above). (OBA-NEA-10); $235.00
Other, special tabulations in computer tape, and PC disk formats are available.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* National Environmental Data and Referral Service (NEDRES)
Mr. Gerald S. Barton
National Environmental Data and Referral Service
US Department of Commerce/NOAA
NEDRES Program Office
1825 Connecticut Avenue, N.W. FTS 673-5404
Washington, DC (202) 673-5404
NEDRES is a NOAA service that provides access to a broad range of environmental information through the NEDRES online computer directory. NEDRES is a network of Federal, state, academic and private organizations cooperating to improve access to environmental data. The NEDRES data base is a computer catalog of environmental data and it identifies the existence, location, characteristics and availability of environmental data. It contains only descriptions, not actual data, and refers the user to the holder of the data. Users may access the NEDRES data base using their own computer terminal or Personal Computer. There is worldwide access to the data base via national and international telecommunications networks. Accounts are available from BRS Information Technologies 800-345-4BRS, or from the NEDRES Program Office. Occasional users may request that searches be done for them by the NEDRES staff. Public and academic libraries that have accounts with BRS provide access to the data base. The approximate cost is $54.00 per connect hour (prorated) plus $0.35 per record printed off-line.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* National Geodetic Information System
National Geodetic Information Branch
N/CG174 Rockwall Bldg., Room 24
National Geodetic Survey, NOAA
Rockville, MD 20852 (301) 443-8631
This file contains positional and cartographic information for more than a million control points that compose the National Geodetic Networks. Approximately 70% of this data has been put on magnetic tape. Related data are also provided e.g., gravity values, astronomic positions, and universal transverse mercator coordinates. The file contains data for the nation, states, SMSA's counties, and cities.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* National Geophysical Data Center (NGDC)
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
National Geophysical Data Center
325 Broadway (303) 497-6215
Boulder, CO 80303 Fax: (303) 497-6513
NGDC archives and disseminates geologic and geophysical data in the solid earth, marine and solar disciplines. Cost varies according to data and format.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* National Geographic Data Center Data on CD ROMS
National Geophysical Data Center
325 Broadway (303) 497-6215
Boulder, CO 80303 Fax: (303) 497-6513
NGDC distributes four CD ROMS; they are:
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
Geomagnetic and Solar Data GLORIA Side Scan Data (produced in cooperation with the USGS and NASA) Deep Sea Drilling Project Data (2 vol. set) Geophysics of North America
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* National Income and Product Accounts
Economics and Statistical Analysis
Bureau of Economic Analysis - BE-53
US Department of Commerce
Washington, DC 20230 (202) 523-0777
The Bureau of Economic Analysis provides basic information on such key issues as economic growth, inflation, regional development, and the Nation's role in the world economy. This contains most NIPA tables with estimates from 1929 to the present. It is available from ESA/BEA: Accession No. BEA NIW 86-424, $480.00 (24 diskettes). (Diskettes can be ordered individually; for information write or call the National Income and Wealth Division.) It is also available from ESA/BEA on computer tape: Accession No. BEA NIW 83-001, $100.00.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* National Marine Pollution Information System
National Oceanographic Data Center
User Service Branch
Washington, DC 20235 (202) 673-5549
The National Marine Pollution Information System (NMPIS) is a data base containing descriptions of marine pollution programs and projects conducted or funded by agencies of the Federal government. The data base is updated annually by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration to satisfy legislative mandates contained in the National Ocean Pollution Planning Act. NMPIS project descriptions for fiscal years 1982 to the present are available through interactive searches of the computerized data base. The NMPIS data base management system facilitates the printing of a variety of reports. NMPIS records can be selected and sorted using any combination of available information categories. Results can be presented in the form of directories, catalogs, tables, and funding analyses.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* National Meteorological Center/Climate Analysis Center Arctic (and Antarctic) Sea Ice, 1973-1982
World Data Center-A for Glaciology (Snow and Ice)
CIRES, Box 449
University of Colorado (303) 492-1824
Boulder, CO 80309 (303) 492-5171
This file was digitized from US Navy Fleet Weather Facility and Navy - NOAA Joint Ice Center sea ice charts (the last chart of each month), with sea ice area computed for 10 degree longitude "slices." 1 tape, 1600 bpi.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* National Oceanographic Data Center (NODC)
User Services Branch
National Oceanographic Data Center
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
1825 Connecticut Ave., NW
Washington, DC 20235 (202) 673-5586
There are basically two types of data available from this system: (1) scientific and technical data; (2) related management information. Grouped into three broad categories, the data base archives and disseminates physical/chemical data (current, temperature, salinity, nutrients, marine meteorology); biological data (basic marine biological measurements) and pollution data. Both standard and user-defined products are available on magnetic tape and hard copy. Graphics of processed and summarized data are also available. Information searches are available at cost. Costs of searches normally range from free to $90.00.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* National Oceanographic Data Center (NODC)
User Services Branch
National Oceanographic Data Center
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
1825 Connecticut Ave., NW
Washington, DC 20235 (202) 673-5586
Thervered are locally defined Neighborhood Publication Areas (NPA's) and their component neighborhoods identified in approximately 1,250 communities that chose to participate in the Census Bureau's Neighborhood Statistics Program (NSP). The file is available on one tape reel at 1600 or 6250 bpi per State.
Department of Commerce Federalp!:
* Marine Information and Data Access System (MIDAS)
Weather Service Office
Wilmington, DE 19720
Voice Number (302) 328-7596
Modem Number (302) 322-1164
Open to the public and accessible free of charge, this remote information system provides marine weather and nautical information for coastal waterways. Information covers bays and sounds, coastal waters, and offshore waters, tropical storm advisories, tidal information and important weather, nautical and fishing news. Data are primarily about the middle Atlantic region.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Marine Toxic Substances and Pollutants
National Oceanographic Data Center
User Services Branch
1825 Connecticut Ave., NW
Washington, DC 20235 (202) 673-5549
This data base contains data on ambient concentrations of toxic substances and other pollutants in the marine environment. The data are derived from laboratory analyses of samples of water, sediment or marine organisms. Samples may have been collected near marine discharge sites or during ocean monitoring surveys of large areas. Survey information includes platform type, start and end dates, the name of the investigator and the name of the institution. Sample characteristics, collection methods and laboratory techniques are reported for each sample collected and analyzed. Data can be supplied on printout or data tape formats. Charges depend on actual computer time, materials and associated labor costs.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Master Area Reference File (MARF)
Customer Services
Bureau of the Census
Washington, DC 20233 (301) 763-4100
The file consists of a master list of geographic areas and related codes, along with basic census counts, arranged hierarchically from the State down to the block group and enumeration district level. This geographic reference file is essentially an extract from Summary Tape File (STF) 1 and was issued on a State-by-State basis. The 1980 MARF corresponds to the 1970 Master Enumeration District List (MEDLIST). It contains these data items: total persons, persons by race (White; Black; American Indian, Eskimo, and Aleut; Asian and Pacific Islander; and Other), persons of Spanish origin, persons in group quarters, families, one-person households, housing units, occupied units, and owner-occupied housing units. The data time span is 1980. The geographic areas covered are States, counties, minor civil divisions (MCD's) or census county divisions (CCD's), places or place segments within MCD's/CCD's, remainder of MCD/CCD, census tracts or block numbering areas (BNA's), and block groups (BG's) or, for areas that are not block numbered, enumeration districts (ED's). The file is available on one tape reel at 1600 or 6250 bpi per State. All States can be stacked on 6 tape reels at 1600 bpi or 2 tape reels at 6250 bpi. Also available for Puerto Rico on 1 tape reel at 1600 or 6250 bpi, with a separate technical documentation.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Master Area Reference File (MARF) 2
Customer Services
Bureau of the Census
Washington, DC 20233 (301) 763-4100
The file contains numeric codes and names for census geographic areas plus population centroid coordinates, land area, and 100-percent and sample data for selected population and housing items. The data time span is 1980. The geographic areas covered are States, counties, minor civil divisions (MCD's) or census county divisions (CCD's), places or place segments within MCD's/CCD's, remainder of MCD/CCD, census tracts or block numbering areas (BNA's), and block groups (BG's) or, for areas that are not block numbered, enumeration districts (ED's). The file is available on one tape reel at 1600 or 6250 bpi per State. All States can be stacked on 6 tape reels at 1600 bpi or 2 tape reels at 6250 bpi.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Master Area Reference File (MARF), Puerto Rico
Customer Services
Bureau of the Census
Washington, DC 20233 (301) 763-4100
The file is the same as MARF, described above, except race and Spanish-origin data items are not presented. The data time span is 1980. The geographic areas covered are Puerto Rico, municipios, minor civil divisions (MCD's), places or place segments within MCD's and remainders of MCD's, census tracts or block numbering areas (BNA's), and block groups (BG's) or, for areas that are not block numbered, enumeration districts (ED's). The file is available on one tape reel at 1600 or 6250 bpi.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Master Area Reference File (MARF) 2, Puerto Rico
Customer Services
Bureau of the Census
Washington, DC 20233 (301) 763-4100
The file is the same as MARF 2, described above, except data are not presented by race or Spanish origin. The data time span is 1980. The geographic areas covered are Puerto Rico, municipios, minor civil divisions (MCD's), places or place segments within MCD's and remainders of MCD's, census tracts or block numbering areas (BNA's), and block groups (BG's) or, for areas that are not block numbered, enumeration districts (ED's). The file is available on one tape reel at 1600 or 6250 bpi.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Mediterranean Alpine Experiment Sea Level Data Set
National Oceanographic Data Center
User Service Branch
Washington, DC 20235 (202) 673-5549
The MEDALPEX project took place between 1 September 1981 and 30 September 1982, with a special period of observation from 15 February 1982 to 30 April 1982. It was a multi-national project involving scientists from 7 countries. The main purpose of MEDALPEX was to increase understanding of the effect of wind forcing on the dynamics of the western part of the Mediterranean Basin. Specific studies were undertaken, each having a particular scientific objective including the interrelationship between the general circulation and mesoscale eddies, offshore dynamic response mechanisms under severe weather conditions, and storm surges and the piling up of water, especially in the Adriatic and Ligurian seas. In compiling the data set, MIAS translated all incoming data into a common format with elevation values standardized to meters and times to GMT. The complete quality controlled data set, including documentation, is available as a single magnetic tape formatted in GF3, the IOC's standard format for the exchange of oceanographic data. A copy of the magnetic tape may be obtained at a cost not to exceed the cost of reproduction and postage from the address above.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Merchandise Line Sales (RC82-I-3(T))
Customer Services
Bureau of the Census
Washington, DC 20233 (301) 763-4100
The file provides data for 34 broad merchandise lines with selected detail within major lines classified by kind of business. The data include the number of establishments handling the line and their sales of the line; the percentage of total sales of the kind of business accounted for by each line carried; the amount and percentage of the line sold by various kinds of retail businesses; and, for each line, the degree of specialization in that line. Information is also provided on sales coverage of establishments reporting merchandise lines; it can be used as a guideline to evaluate the validity of the merchandise line tabulations. In addition to metropolitan and broader areas, the report includes the area within each State outside SMSA's. The data time span is 1982. The geographic areas covered are the United States, States, and standard metropolitan statistical areas (SMSA's). The file is available on 5 tape reels at 1600 bpi or 2 tape reels at 6250 bpi.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Miscellaneous Digital Data; DATSAV and OL-A Station Files (TD-9999)
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
National Climatic Data Center
Federal Building
Asheville, NC 28801-2969 (704) 259-0682
The major parameters that make up this file are surface sea-level and station pressure, wind direction, wind speed, temperature and dewpoint temperature depression, past and present weather, horizontal visibility and present weather, horizontal visibility, cloud layers, total cloud cover and total opaque cloud cover. Data are from DATSAV; January 1, 1973 through the present; OL-A Station, variable through the present (updated monthly). Copies are available on magnetic tape. For more information, including cost, contact the office above.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Mixing Height Studies (TD-9689)
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
National Climatic Data Center
Federal Building
Asheville, NC 28801-2969 (704) 259-0682
The data utilized in generating this file are hourly surface weather observations, and upper air observations taken at 0000 GMT. Since it takes two data files to generate a mixing height, two different stations (upper air and surface) may be used. Usually this involves a surface station close to the user's area of interest and an appropriate nearby upper air station. The major parameters that make up this file are date, morning type indicator, morning mixing depth, morning average wind speed through the mixing depth, morning average surface wind speed, afternoon type indicator, afternoon mixing depth, afternoon average wind speed through the mixing depth, and afternoon average surface wind speed. Data are from January 1, 19670 through December 31, 1964 and various later years. Copies are available on magnetic tape. For more information, including cost, contact the office above.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Money Income and Poverty Status of Families and Persons in the United States: 1986 (Advance Data from the March 1987 Current Population Survey) (P-60, No. 157)
Data Access and Use Staff
Data User Services Division
Bureau of the Census
Washington, DC 20233 (301) 763-2074
The file presents statistics on money income and poverty status of families and persons, based on the March 1987 Current Population Survey. The report gives information on median family income and percent change from previous year, by selected characteristics. It also covers persons, families, and unrelated individuals below the poverty level. The geographic areas covered are the United States and regions. Limited excerpts from this report are available online, through CENDATA, the Census Bureau's online data system. For information about CENDATA content and online services, contact CompuServe (800-848-8199) or DIALOG Information Services (800-334-2564). For file content information only, contact the office above.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Monterey Gridded Atmospheric & Oceanic Data (TD-9934)
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
National Climatic Data Center
Federal Building
Asheville, NC 28801-2969 (704) 259-0682
This file consists of US Navy Fleet Numerical Oceanographic Center, Monterey, California gridded analyses. The major parameters on each magnetic tape are listed in microfiche inventories at the NCDC. Data are from June 1974 through the present (updated monthly). Copies are available on magnetic tape. For more information, including cost, contact the office above.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Monthly Advance National Income and Product Accounts Tables
Economics and Statistical Analysis
Bureau of Economic Analysis - BE-53
US Department of Commerce
Washington, DC 20230 (202) 523-0777
The Bureau of Economic Analysis provides basic information on such key issues as economic growth, inflation, regional development, and the Nation's role in the world economy. This contains NIPA estimates as they appear in the current issue of the Survey of Current Business. It is updated monthly, and is available online through the Economic Bulletin Board. Diskettes are available 1 day after the release of GNP and are available from ESA/BEA on a subscription basis: Accession No. BEA NIW 85-401, $200.00 per year.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Monthly and Yearly Mean Sea Level
Tidal Datum Quality Assurance Section N/OMA123
National Ocean Service
6001 Executive Blvd., Room 614
Rockville, MD 20852 (301) 443-8467
The Monthly and Yearly Mean Sea Level is a table of daily mean sea level values for each month of the calendar year. The daily values are based on an average of all hourly heights for a 24 hour day. Predicted or observed hourly height scan be used as input data. Users of this information include: federal, state, and local agencies, waterborne commerce, port authorities, marines, coastal industries, engineering, surveying, construction firms, law firms, academia and foreign governments. Output may be formatted in tabular form or packed output for magnetic tape dissemination. Printouts are provided upon request. Magnetic tapes can be provided at a cost of $40.00 per one-station year and $1.00 for each additional year.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Monthly Heating and Cooling Degree Day Normals (TD-9641)
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
National Climatic Data Center
Federal Building
Asheville, NC 28801-2969 (704) 259-0682
Degree day values are useful indices of the energy requirements for heating and cooling buildings, as indices of the normal severity of seasons, and as indices of crop growing requirements. The major parameters that make up this file are monthly and annual heating degree day and cooling degree day normals. Data are from January 1941-December 1970; January 1951-December 1980. Copies are available on magnetic tape. For more information, including cost, contact the office above.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Monthly Normals for Temperature and Precipitation (TD-9641)
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
National Climatic Data Center
Federal Building
Asheville, NC 28801-2969 (704) 259-0682
Normals for National Weather Service Offices and Principal Climatological Offices are computed by simply averaging the values from the 1931-1960, 1941-1970, and 1951-1980 records, if no exposure changes occurred at the station. Since it is not possible to maintain a multi-purpose network of meteorological stations without having some exposure changes, it is first necessary to identify periods of heterogeneity. After the periods have been determined, adjustments are applied to correct the heterogeneities in the record. This is done by comparing the record at the station for which the normal is desired to the record at a supplementary station with a homogenous record. The difference method is used to adjust the monthly average maximum and minimum temperatures. The normal is the weighted average of the various partial means of the adjusted record. The major parameters that are included in this file are monthly and annual 30-year normals of temperature. Data are from January 1931-December 1960; January 1941-December 1970; and January 1951-December 1980. Copies are available on magnetic tape. For more information, including cost, contact the office above.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Monthly Normals for Temperature and Precipitation (TD-9641)
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
National Climatic Data Center
Federal Building
Asheville, NC 28801-2969 (704) 259-0682
Normals for National Weather Service Offices and Prid from US Navy Fleet Weather Facility and Navy - NOAA Joint Ice Center sea ice charts (the l
* Listing of Vessel Clearances (AE 750)
Customer Services
Bureau of the Census
Washington, DC 20233 (301) 763-4100
The file constitutes a monthly listing of vessel clearances issued in two parts. The first part (ALPHA) lists clearances by name of vessel in alphabetic order; the second (DPM), by Customs district, port, and number arrangement in the manifest. The AE 750 is available on computer tape as part of a package with the AE 350; both monthly tabulations are available together for $4,200.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Listing of Vessel Entrances (AE 350)
Customer Services
Bureau of the Census
Washington, DC 20233 (301) 763-4100
The file constitutes a monthly listing of vessel entrances issued in two parts. The first part (ALPHA) lists entrances by name of vessel in alphabetic order; the second (DPM), by Customs district, port, and number arrangement in the manifest. The AE 350 is available on computer tape as part of a package with the AE 750; both monthly tabulations are available together for $4,200.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Local Area Personal Income
Regional Economic Information System
Bureau of Economic Analysis, BE-55
US Department of Commerce
Washington, DC 20230 (202) 523-0966
The Bureau of Economic Analysis will send you a free copy of their BEA Regional Fact Sheet, also termed Bearfacts which is drawn from their data base on Local Area Personal Income. The fact sheet covers personal income, and earnings by major industry sector, and data are available for counties, metropolitan area, and states. The data base also contains information on over 300 types of personal income including self-employed income.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Location of Manufacturing Plants (MC82-LM(T))
Customer Services
Bureau of the Census
Washington, DC 20233 (301) 763-4100
The file presents data on the number of manufacturing establishments by employment size class in each of the 450 manufacturing industries. Data are provided for the State, counties, and places of 2,500 or more within the State for each 4-digit SIC industry. The data time span is 1982. The geographic areas covered are States, counties, and places of 2,500 or more. The file is available on one tape reel at 1600 or 6250 bpi.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Major Retail Centers in Standard Metropolitan Statistical Areas (RC82-C-1 to 51)
Data Access and Use Staff
Data User Services Division
Bureau of the Census
Washington, DC 20233 (301) 763-2074
The file furnishes final statistics, for establishments with payroll, which include number of establishments, sales, payroll, and employment, by varied retail classifications. In addition, basic data are presented for all establishments for total retail trade only. The data time span is 1982, with some comparative data from 1977. The geographic areas covered are standard metropolitan statistical areas (SMSA's), central cities and other SMSA cities of 50,000 inhabitants or more, central business districts (CBD's), and major retail centers (MRC's). Limited excerpts from this report are available online through CENDATA, the Census Bureau's online data system. For information about CENDATA content and online services, contact CompuServe (800-848-8199) or DIALOG Information Services (800-334-2564). For file content information only, contact the office above.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Manufacturers' Shipments, Inventories, and Orders: 1958-1988 File
Customer Services
Bureau of the Census
Washington, DC 20233 (301) 763-4100
The file is available on one tape reel at 6250 bpi or 1600 bpi.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Manufacturers' Shipments, Inventories, and Orders, Published and Unpublished Data: 1958-1988 (M3-1(88))
Customer Services
Bureau of the Census
Washington, DC 20233 (301) 763-4100
The file presents summary statistics on all manufacturing industries. Information was obtained from some 3,000 reporting units, including virtually all manufacturing companies with 1,000 or more employees. In addition, selected smaller companies were included to strengthen coverage of individual industry categories. The file is available on one tape reel at 1600 bpi or 6250 bpi.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Map Index File
Customer Services
Bureau of the Census
Washington, DC 20233 (301) 763-4100
The file relates the numbers of 1980 census MAPS (Metropolitan Map Series/Vicinity Map Series, county, place, place-and-vicinity, and Indian reservation) to applicable geographic codes: FIPS State and county, minor civil division (MCD)/census county division (CCD), census place, and census tract. This geographic reference file is an internal census file intended to assist census operations. Errors and out-of-date entries are corrected as the Census Bureau's operations identify problems. The file is, therefore, being provided on an "as is" basis. The geographic areas covered are the United States, Puerto Rico, American Samoa, Guam, the Northern Mariana Islands, the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands (excluding the Northern Mariana Islands), and the Virgin Islands of the United States. The file is available on one tape reel at 1600 or 6250 bpi.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Map Inventory, 1980 Diskette File
Customer Services
Bureau of the Census
Washington, DC 20233 (301) 763-4100
The file is similar to Map File Index (see abstract described above), except that the "Inventory" shows the relationship of each map to only state and county codes. A separate data base gives county names and their respective codes. The file is available on 5 diskettes. The cost is $60 for the first diskette in an order. Each additional diskette is $12. The complete set of 5 is $108.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Mapped Global VIS/IR Radiometer Data (ESSA-TOS Series Advanced Vidcon Camera System - AVCS) (ITOS - Early NOAA Series Scanning Radiometer - SR) (TIROS - N/NOAA Series Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer - AVHRR)
Satellite Data Services Division
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
National Climatic Data Center
Princeton Executive Center, Room 100
Washington, DC 20233 (301) 763-8400
The data set is the longest, continuous and relatively homogenous global product that has been produced from data collected by environmental satellites. Each element contains a visible and/or IR data value with a zenith angle or latitude correction applied. The data is from 1967 to present. Digital-users may obtain data on 9-track, odd parity, magnetic tape at 1600 or 6250 bytes per inch density and, in most cases, the mode may be ASCII or EBCDIC. The cost is $80.00 per input tape plus $12.00 per output tape plus $11.00 shipping and handling per order. For additional information on data available, contact the office above.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Marginal Ice Zone Experiment (MIZEX) Data, 1983 to present
World Data Center-A for Glaciology (Snow and Ice)
CIRES, Box 449
University of Colorado (303) 492-1824
Boulder, CO 80309 (303) 492-5171
This system contains multi-disciplinary data from the study of mesoscale interaction of air-sea-ice processes during summer 1983 and 1984 and winter 1987 in the East Greenland Sea and winter 1983 in the Bering Sea. It contains 230 separate data sets and reports, including 58 tapes. Data from the Coordinated Eastern Arctic Experiment (CEAREX) to be undertaken during 1988 and 1989 will also be included in this marginal ice zone data set. This is a National Snow and Ice Data Center data set. Distribution restrictions may apply.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Marine Atlas Data (TD-9760)
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
National Climatic Data Center
Federal Building
Asheville, NC 28801-2969 (704) 259-0682
The marine data in this file were obtained from ships logs, ship weather reporting forms, published ship weather observations, automatic observing buoys, teletype reports, and from several foreign meteorological services. The data in this file were quality controlled by computer check for internal consistency and manually for extremes. These data were used to produce related file US Navy Marine Climatic Atlases. The major parameters that make up this file include wind direction and speed, visibility, weather and atmospheric pressure. Data are from January 1, 1800 through December 31, 1979. Copies are available on magnetic tape. For more information, including cost, contact the office above.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Marine Environmental Assessment Division (MEAD)
Dr. Celso Barrientos
Marine Environmental Assessment Division
US Department of Commerce/NOAA/NESDIS
Assessment and Information Services Center
Universal Building South, Room 518
1825 Connecticut Avenue, N.W.
Washington, DC 20235 (202) 673-5400
The purpose of this system is to act as an interface between archives and public; apply ocean knowledge to the National Oceanographic Data Center archived data and make synthesis and interpretations useful to the general public. The types of products available are reports, data, graphics and referrals. The approximate cost is $3-4 per report.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Marine Geological Samples
National Geophysical Data Center
325 Broadway
Boulder, CO 80303 (303) 497-6376
This is a digital index of 36,000 samplings of ocean bottom sediment with critical information on location, date, depth, color, etc.; retrieval by selected geographic areas or entire file; available in magnetic tape or listing. Uses: geology and oceanography. General area covered: worldwide with emphasis on Atlantic Ocean off North America. It is available at cost of copying, or on exchange basis; contact NGSDC for prices.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Marine Geology Digital Inventory (GEOLIN)
National Geophysical Data Center
325 Broadway
Boulder, CO 80303 (303) 497-6338
This contains comprehensive digital inventory information on all marine geologic data disseminated by NGDC; includes data on 1000 reports and data bases containing analysis of approximately 130,000 ocean floor sediment and hard rock samples worldwide; inventory data available in the form of custom listings.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Marine Geophysical Data
National Geophysical Data Center
325 Broadway (303) 497-6215
Boulder, CO 80303 Fax: (303) 497-6513
Marine geophysical data include bathymetry, magnetics, gravity and seismic information collected by oceanographic research ships throughout the oceans of the world. Much of the data are acquired on the US continental shelves and slopes. Data holdings cover 12.2 million miles of cruise trackline coverage. Call for price information.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
y (303) 497-6215
Boulder, CO 80303 Fax: (303) 497-6It is updated monthly, and is available online through the Economic Bulletin Board. Diskettes are available 1 day after the release of GNP and are available from ESA/BEA on a subscription basis: Accession No. BEA NIW 85-401, $200.00 per year.
* Intercensal Estimates of the Population of Counties by Age, Sex, and Race: 1970- 1980
Customer Services
Bureau of the Census
Washington, DC 20233 (301) 763-4100
The file contains estimates of the resident population by age, sex, and race for each year, July 1, 1971 to July 1, 1979, and census counts for 1970 and 1980. The file is available on one tape reel at 1600 or 6250 bpi.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Intercensal State and County Population Estimates: 1970 to 1980
Customer Services
Bureau of the Census
Washington, DC 20233 (301) 763-4100
The file contains intercensal estimates of the resident population for each year July 1, 1971 to July 1, 1979, and census counts (April 1) for 1970 and 1980. The county intercensal estimates are based on the post-1970 county estimates published annually in Current Population Reports, Series P-26 and P-25, but they have been adjusted for the error of closure in 1980. The error of closure is defined as the difference between the 1980 census count for the county and the county's provisional April 1, 1980 population estimate. The file is available on one tape reel at 1600 or 6250 bpi.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Inter-County Migration
Customer Services
Bureau of the Census
Washington, DC 20233 (301) 763-4100
The file provides a count of persons living in a specified county in 1980 who were residents of a different specified county in 1975. Movers from abroad are not included. The data time span is 1980. The geographic areas covered are all counties, county equivalents, and the District of Columbia. The file is available on one tape reel at 1600 or 6250 bpi.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* International Data Base, Machine Readable File: 1988
Peter Johnson
Center for International Research
Scuderi Building, Room 409
Bureau of the Census
Washington, DC 20233
The file provides data on selected demographic and: economic subjects, including total midyear population estimates and projections; percent urban population; estimates and projections of the crude birth rate, crude death rate, net migration rate, rate of natural increase, and annual growth rate; infant mortality rate and life expectancy at birth by sex; percent literate by sex; and percent of the labor force in agriculture. The geographic areas covered are 206 countries. The file is available on one tape reel at 6250 bpi.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* International Demographic Data Base (IDB)
Peter Johnson
Center for International Research
Scuderi Building, Room 614
US Bureau of Census
Washington, Dc 20233 (301) 763-4811
The International Demographic Center is developing its International Data base which will eventually contain demographic, social, and economic data about every country in the world. Presently, IDB focuses on developing nations, but data on other countries are being added daily. For each country logged, IDB contains 93 different subject tables. Variables stored include: an urban/rural breakdown, population by age and sex, birth and death rates, marital status, household size, labor force information, education data and growth rates. Eventually, IDB will contain the World Population Data base. Selected World Bank Data, United Nations material and a bibliographic file may also be added in the future. Online access to the file is available to federal agencies and others may purchase magnetic tapes. Individual searches are available on a limited basis.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* International Ice Patrol Iceberg Data
World Data Center-A for Glaciology (Snow and Ice)
CIRES, Box 449
University of Colorado (303) 492-1824
Boulder, CO 80309 (303) 492-5171
The United States Coast Guard has operated the International Ice Patrol (IIP) Service annually since 1914, following the sinking of RMS Titanic in iceberg-infested waters. Within the area of 40 degrees North to 52 degrees North and 39 degrees West to 57 degrees West, Coast Guard ships and aircraft locate icebergs and the IIP provides operational information about these hazards to mariners in the North Atlantic shipping lanes. Iceberg records have been maintained in an historical file, and date for 1960 to the present are available from WDC/NSIDC on magnetic tape.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* International Ice Patrol North Atlantic Iceberg Data, 1960 to present
World Data Center-A for Glaciology (Snow and Ice)
CIRES, Box 449
University of Colorado (303) 492-1824
Boulder, CO 80309 (303) 492-5171
This includes sighted position (to tenths of a degree beginning in 1981) and position data for three bergs tagged with TIROS Arctic drifting buoys during 1983. 2 tapes, 1600 bpi.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Ionospheric Data
National Geophysical Data Center
325 Broadway (303) 497-6215
Boulder, CO 80303 Fax: (303) 497-6513
This contains ionospheric incoherent scatter data, ionograms and digital hourly data which can be used in studies involving the Aurora Borealis and Australis, cosmic rays and solar-Earth interactions. Call for price information.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
STN International
2540 Olentangy River Road
P.O. Box 02228
Columbus, OH 43202 (614) 421-3600
This system contains information on critically evaluated chemical thermodynamic substances properties of inorganic and organic substances. Date of coverage: 1959-.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Joint Ice Center Digital Data
World Data Center-A for Glaciology (Snow and Ice)
CIRES, Box 449
University of Colorado (303) 492-1824
Boulder, CO 80309 (303) 492-5171
Digital sea ice extent and concentration data for Arctic and Antarctic regions are available from the National Snow and Ice Data Center (NSIDC), Boulder Colorado. These data were digitized and gridded from the weekly sea ice charts produced by the US Navy-National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Joint Ice Center (JIC). Digitizing is being completed by staff of the National Climatic Data Center, NOAA/NESDIS, Asheville, North Carolina. The Joint Ice Center Digital Sea Ice Data are available on 9-track computer tape, 1600 or 6250 bpi; EBCDIC or ASCII, block length = 4000 bytes.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Journey to Work
Customer Services
Bureau of the Census
Washington, DC 20233 (301) 763-4100
The file provides journey-to-work data (place of residence by place of work) for workers 16 years old and over. It also provides data on worker characteristics, including sex by household relationship, age race (White, Black, other), Spanish origin, means of transportation, travel time to work, public transportation disability, labor force (including occupation, industry and class of worker), and earnings in 1979. The data time span is 1980. The geographic areas covered are central cities, places of 25,00 or more population, and in New England, minor civil divisions. Numeric codes are provided for State, SMSA, county and place of residence and work. The file is available on 7 tape reels at 1600 bpi or 3 tape reels at 6250 bpi.
This system contains weekly indices of snow and ice cover from US Navy and NOAA ice charts. 1 tape, 1600 bpi.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Land Geophysics Data
National Geophysical Data Center
325 Broadway (303) 497-6215
Boulder, CO 80303 Fax: (303) 497-6513
This file includes land seismic reflection, geochemistry and geothermal data. About 600 megabytes of this data are presented on a CD ROM titled Geophysics of North America. Call for price information.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Land Magnetic (Geomagnetic) Data (Pre-1900 and Post-1900 Files)
National Geophysical Data Center
325 Broadway
Boulder, CO 80303 (303) 497-6474
This is a digital file of 200,000 compass declinations at worldwide locations, mostly on land. Since 1900 additional information includes dip and horizontal and vertical intensity. Retrieval is by State, county, geographical area or complete file. It is available in digital tape or selected listings; also output as isogonic chart. Post-1900 file is updated periodically. It is available at cost of copying, or on exchange basis; contact NGSDC for prices.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Land Surface Synoptic (TD-9685)
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
National Climatic Data Center
Federal Building
Asheville, NC 28801-2969 (704) 259-0682
In June 1966, the National Climatic Data Center, US Air Force Global Weather Center, and US Navy Fleet Numerical Weather Center agreed to create and maintain a synoptic data file at the NCDC. Original observations from the US Air Force DATSAV file and the National Meteorological Center (National Weather Service) Global Telecommunication System surface synoptic files are reformatted and combined to form this file. Automated quality control was accomplished by the respective organizations and the NCDC accepted these data on magnetic tape as correct during reformatting procedures. The NCDC also cannot guarantee the number of observations available for a particular WMO station on any given day. The major parameters that make up this file are 3-hourly or 6-hourly synoptic meteorological observations that include time, sky cover, wind direction, and speed. Data are from January 1, 1967 through December 31, 1980. Copies are available on magnetic tape. For more information, including cost, contact the office above.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Lightning Statistics Derived from Storm Data (TD-9617)
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
National Climatic Data Center
Federal Building
Asheville, NC 28801-2969 (704) 259-0682
The data in this file were extracted from STORM DATA, a related file, by meteorological technicians in the NCDC. The STORM DATA publications contain "extreme" weather events and related damage information as confirmed and selected by the National Weather Service. All entries were machine and manually quality controlled for completeness and accuracy. Data are sorted on the magnetic tape chronologically by State. The major parameters that make up this file are damage categories, and number of fatalities and injuries due to lightning. The location or activity, and sex of the fatality or injury are included. Data are from January 1959 through December 1984 (updated annually). Copies are available on magnetic tape. For more information, including cost, contact the office above.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
31, 1980. Copies are available on magnetic tape. For more information, including cost, contact the office above.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
Federal Data Bases
* Indices of Solar Activity: Regions of Solar Activity
National Geophysical Data Center
Mail Code E/GC2
325 Broadway
Boulder, CO 80303 (303) 497-6346
This contains daily evolution and development. It is available on diskette and magnetic tape.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Indices of Solar Activity: Stanford Mean Solar Magnetic Field
National Geophysical Data Center
Mail Code E/GC2
325 Broadway
Boulder, CO 80303 (303) 497-6346
This contains solar magnetic fields summed over the disk, "sun-as-a-star" measurement (May 1975 to present). It is available on flexible diskette.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Indices of Solar Activity: Solar EUV Flux (168-1216A)
National Geophysical Data Center
Mail Code E/GC2
325 Broadway
Boulder, CO 80303 (303) 497-6346
This contains daily full-disk spectral irradiances taken by the Atmospheric Explorer-E Satellite (July 1977 - December 1980). It is available on diskettes (2).
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Indices of Solar Activity: Solar Irradiance
National Geophysical Data Center
Mail Code E/GC2
325 Broadway
Boulder, CO 80303 (303) 497-6346
This contains daily measurements by the NIMBUS and SMM Satellites of the total energy emitted by the sun (November 1978 to present). It is available on flexible diskette.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Indices of Solar Activity: Sunspot Region Histories
National Geophysical Data Center
Mail Code E/GC2
325 Broadway
Boulder, CO 80303 (303) 497-6346
This is available on magnetic tape ($91.00), diskettes, and magnetic tape.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Indices of Solar Activity: Zurich and International Sunspot Numbers
National Geophysical Data Center
Mail Code E/GC2
325 Broadway
Boulder, CO 80303 (303) 497-6346
This includes daily means (1818 to present), monthly and smoothed monthly means (1749 to present), and yearly means (1700 to present). It is available on flexible diskettes (2) ($60.00).
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Industrial Directory
Lynda DiNenna
US Bureau of the Census FB 3, Room 2585
Washington, DC 20233 (301) 763-7078
This system is a collection of all business firms and the addresses of their offices and plants. It is compiled, maintained and used by the Bureau of the Census on a continuous basis. It contains basic economic information on five and a half million businesses. The following information is maintained for each company: primary name, secondary name, mailing address, actual address, standard industrial classification code, enterprise code, legal form of organization, employer identification number and directory identification number. Reimbursable projects are performed by the Bureau for requesting agencies and organizations.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Industrial Gases (M28C)
Data Access and Use Staff
Data User Services Division
Bureau of the Census
Washington, DC 20233 (301) 763-2074
The file contains data on quantity of production of specified industrial gases, by type, for the current month and preceding month, with comparative data for the current month a year ago. Data are given for gaseous, liquid, or solid form, where applicable, and by quantity produced for type of shipment, including pipeline, bulk, cylinder, or for consumption in producing plant. The geographic areas covered are the United States, divisions, and States. This report is available online, through CENDATA, the Census Bureau's online data system. For information about CENDATA content and online services, contact CompuServe (800-848-8199) or DIALOG Information Services (800-334-2564). For file content information only, contact the office above.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Industry and Product Classification, 1982 (Short-Name List) Diskette
Customer Services
Bureau of the Census
Washington, DC 20233 (301) 763-4100
The file provides a short-name title for establishments by industrial activity. These titles come from the 1972 Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) Manual and its 1977 Supplement, which the Census Bureau used as a base for its industry classification system. The system is used in the Bureau's economic programs, including censuses, surveys, and the maintenance of the standard statistical establishment list. The system will be based on the new 1987 SIC Manual in the future. The file is available on 1 diskette, $60.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
@ ? * Industry Profiles
Office of Business Analysis
Business Statistics and Information Systems Division
US Department of Commerce
Washington, DC 20230 (202) 377-4450
Most of these data were originally collected by the Bureau of the Census and published as general industry statistics every five years in the Census of Manufactures or during intervening years in the Annual Survey of Manufactures. The OBA industry profile data differ from the published Census data for those cases where industry definitions were changed in 1963, 1967, 1972, or 1977. All industries in the OBA data base are defined using the 1972 Standard Industrial Classification (SIC), except for 1987 data which currently is on a 1987 basis (this anomaly will be corrected in 1990). Data for industries affected by one or more SIC revisions were reallocated to create new industry statistics which reflect the 1972 industry definitions as closely as possible. The trade statistics are from Commerce's International Trade Administration which converted original Census trade data to an SIC product basis.
The twelve general statistics are total number of wage and salary workers, total payroll, number of full and part-time production workers, production worker hours, cost of materials, value added, value of industry shipments, end-of-year inventories, new capital expenditures, value of exports, value of imports.
Computer tape:
Computer file containing OBA industry profile data for 446 4-digit SIC manufacturing industries (OBA-IPR-04); $200.00
Computer file containing OBA industry profile data for 143 3-digit SIC manufacturing industries (OBA-IPR-05); $130.00
Computer file containing OBA industry profile data for 20 2-digit SIC manufacturing industries, durable and nondurable goods producers, and total manufacturing (OBA-IPR-06); $105.00
PC Disks:
Computer file containing OBA industry profile data for 446 4-digit SIC manufacturing industries (OBA-IPR-07); $120.00
Computer file containing OBA industry profile data for 143 3-digit SIC manufacturing industries (OBA-IPR-08); $85.00
Computer file containing OBA industry profile data for 20 2-digit SIC manufacturing industries, durable and nondurable goods producers, and total manufacturing (OBA-IPR-09); $75.00
Other, special tabulations in computer tapes, and PC disk formats are available.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Information Center Document Collection
World Data Center-A for Glaciology (Snow and Ice)
CIRES, Box 449
University of Colorado (303) 492-1824
Boulder, CO 80309 (303) 492-5171
The WDC/NSIDC Information Center Document Collection is cataloged in a data base that provides search capability by author, title, subject, geographic location, date, or language. Access for users off-site is available in two forms: a custom search performed by WDC/NSIDC staff on request, or the Cumulative Index on Microfiche now available for purchase. All documents cataloged during 1978-1982 are indexed by author, title, subject, and geographic descriptors in one cumulative index set on microfiche. This 5-year cumulation replaces the old, uncumulated indexes for this time period. Documents cataloged during 1983-1988 are now indexed in a second cumulative microfiche set. Annual updates are produced, usually with a one year delay. Custom data base searches: Estimates on request, $20.00 minimum charge.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Information Systems Engineering Bulletin Board Systems (ISE BBs)
National Institute of Standards and Technology
A257 Technology Building Data: (301) 948-2059
Gaithersburg, MD 20899 Data: (301) 948-2048
Voice: (301) 975-3272
The ISE BBS provides access to information on NIST National Computer Systems Laboratory and ISE program activities; summaries of standards reports; publications lists; and a listing of other bulletin board systems. Users can leave messages for each other and questions for the sysop. 24 hours/day, 7 days/week.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Inorganic Chemicals (M28A)
Data Access and Use Staff
Data User Services Division
Bureau of the Census
Washington, DC 20233 (301) 763-2074
The file contains statistics on primary production and stocks on hand of specified inorganic chemicals for the current and preceding months, with comparative figures for the current month a year ago. Data are given by geographic area for specified chemicals. Data comparing domestic output, exports, and imports are included along with a summary showing quantity of production of principal inorganic chemicals, by type, for the current month and each of 24 preceding months. The geographic areas covered are the United States, regions, divisions, and States. The report is available online through CENDATA, the Census Bureau's online data system. For information about CENDATA content and online services, contact CompuServe (800-848-8199) or DIALOG Information Services (800-334-2564). For file content information only, contact the office above.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Inorganic Fertilizer Materials and Related Products (M28B)
Data Access and Use Staff
Data User Services Division
Bureau of the Census
Washington, DC 20233 (301) 763-2074
The file presents statistics on quantity of production and stocks of nitrogen fertilizer materials, phosphoric acid, and sulfuric acid, by type. Tables also show data on quantity of production, shipments, consumption, and stocks of superphosphate and other phosphatic fertilizer materials, by type, for the current month and preceding month, with comparative data for the current month a year ago. The geographic areas covered are the United States, regions, divisions, and States. This report is available online through CENDATA, the Census Bureau's online data system. For information about CENDATA content and online services, contact CompuServe (800-848-8199) or DIALOG Information Services (800-334-2564). For file content information only, contact the office above.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Input Data for Solar Systems (TD-9744)
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
National Climatic Data Center
Federal Building
Asheville, NC 28801-2969 (704) 259-0682
The sources of data used to create this file are related files CLIMATOGRAPHY OF THE UNITED STATES NO. 81 (1941-1970) and SOLMET TD-9724 (1952-1976). The data in this file are monthly averages only. The solar radiation for 26 stations are averaged actual rehabilitated data. The remaining stations' solar radiation data are synthesized (ERSATZ). The major parameters that make up this file are monthly normals of maximum, minimum, and average temperatures, heating-degree and cooling-degree days and total hemispheric mean daily solar radiation. Copies are available on magnetic tape. For more information, including cost, contact the office above.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Integrated Global Ocean Services System Data Set
National Oceanographic Data Center
User Service Branch
Washington, DC 20235 (202) 673-5549
The Integrated Global Ocean Services System (IGOSS) is a worldwide system for the rapid collection, exchange, and analysis of oceanographic data and the timely preparation and dissemination of ocean products and services. IGOSS was established to support oceanographic and meteorological research efforts by providing: (1) a global distribution of oceanographic observations, (2) a mechanism for the timely and effective exchange of data, and (3) the preparation of oceanographic analysis products capable of supporting global change and climate research studies. Various RNODC/IGOSS data, analyses, and products are available through WDC-A, Oceanography. Upon request, WDC-A will provide magnetic tape copies of pertinent data products, or alternatively, refer the requester to the appropriate IGOSS data source.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
c Data Center
User Service Branch
Washington, DC 20235 (202) ation, industry and class of worker), and earnings in 1979. The data time span is 1980. The geographic areas covered are central cities, places of 25,00 or more population, and in New England, minor civil divisions. Numeric codes are provided for State, SMSA, county and place of residence and
* Historical Sunshine Data (TD-9788)
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
National Climatic Data Center
Federal Building
Asheville, NC 28801-2969 (704) 259-0682
This file contains data for 240 different stations which were equipped with sunshine recorders for some part of the period 1891 through 1984. Fifteen stations have records of 90 or more years. There are 185 stations that have records for at least 30 years. File 1 contains monthly and annual percentages of possible sunshine computed from the data in files 2 and 3. File 2 contains the number of hours of measured sunshine monthly and annual. File 3 contains monthly and annual totals of the maximum possible hours of sunshine. Data are from January 1891 through December 1984 (updated periodically). Copies are available on magnetic tape. For more information, including cost, contact the office above.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* HOMS Reference Manual Hydrology Techniques
Mr. Gene Stallings
HOMS National Reference Center
Office of Hydrology
National Weather Service
8060 13th Street, Room 520
Silver Spring, MD 20910 (301) 427-7624
The HOMS Reference Manual documents all operational hydrological techniques offered for technology transfer. The data base contains a contact point and description for more than 300 separate technologies submitted by the meteorological and hydrological services of the World Meteorological Association. Included in each description is the technology's purpose, scientific techniques and procedures. Examples of listing include computation of reservoir sedimentation and circulation studies using fluorescent dyes. HOMS contains more than 600 records. Searches and printouts are available free of charge.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Hourly Precipitation Data-Element (TD-3240)
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
National Climatic Data Center
Federal Building
Asheville, NC 28801-2969 (704) 259-0682
The primary source of data for this file is approximately 5,500 National Weather Service and Cooperative Observer stations that recorded hourly precipitation data during some or all of the time from August 1, 1948 to the present. The records are sent to the NCDC who digitize the hourly precipitation data which are then quality controlled and sometimes replaced, based on automated and manual edit. Data before 1984 were converted from existing digital files to the element structure format and were processed through a gross value check and not the new edit system. There are not known data problems. The major parameters that make up this file are hourly, daily, and accumulated totals of precipitation. Data are August 1, 1948 thorough the present (updated monthly). Copies are available on magnetic tape. For more information, including cost, contact the office above.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Hourly Precipitation Data Maxes (TD-9650)
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
National Climatic Data Center
Federal Building
Asheville, NC 28801-2969 (704) 259-0682
The primary source of data for this file was National Weather Service operated or managed primary, secondary, or cooperative observer stations equipped with weighing rain gauges. The NCDC digitized these data which were received on charts or punched paper tapes from approximately 2,000 reporting stations. There are not known quality control problems with this file. The major parameters that make up this file are; precipitation amounts in 15, 30, 45, 60, 120, and 180 minute increments; 1, 2, 3, 6, 12, and 24 hour increments; ending times of precipitation; and 15 minute and hourly accumulated precipitation data when available. Data are from January 1, 1973-December 31, 1976; January 1, 1978-January 31, 1980; and May 1, 1980-December 31, 1983. Copies are available on magnetic tape. For more information, including cost, contact the office above.
The file shows 21 household income levels before and after taxes according to age, race, and Spanish origin of householder, household type and size, and housing tenure. Statistics cover aggregate income, mean income, income per household member, and total number of persons in households. The report also includes some poverty statistics. The geographic areas covered are the United States and regions. Limited excerpts from the 1983 report are available online, through CENDATA, the Census Bureau's online data system. For information about CENDATA content and online services, contact CompuServe (800-848-8199) or DIALOG Information Services (800-334-2564). For file content information only, contact the office above.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Households by Income and Age of Householder, and Owner-Occupied Units by Value and Age of Householder
Customer Services
Bureau of the Census
Washington, DC 20233 (301) 763-4100
In this special tabulation, a small set of tabulations (age of persons, age of householder by value, age of householder by household income, aggregate value by age of householder, aggregate household income by age of householder, and aggregate income by age of persons) is presented for the following areas: States, counties and county equivalents, incorporated places and census designated places of 2,500 or more persons, minor civil divisions, census county divisions, block numbering areas, and census tracts. The file is available on 9 reels of computer tape (1 reel per region) at 6250 bpi.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Housing Completions (Current Construction Reports, C22)
Data Access and Use Staff
Data User Services Division
Bureau of the Census
Washington, DC 20233 (301) 763-2074
The file provides monthly statistics on the number of new privately owned housing units completed and under construction. The report includes both actual and seasonally adjusted estimates for units completed and under construction by number of housing units in structure. Tables also include data for such units within permit-issuing places. Comparative data are shown for earlier years. The publication is a joint report of the Bureau of the Census and the US Department of Housing and Urban Development. The geographic areas covered are the United States and regions. A monthly press release presenting selected C22 data is also issued and is available online through CENDATA, the Census Bureau's online data system. For information about CENDATA content and online services, contact CompuServe (800-848-8199) or DIALOG Information Services (800-334-2564). For file content information only, contact the office above.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Housing Starts (Current Construction Reports, C20)
Data Access and Use Staff
Data User Services Division
Bureau of the Census
Washington, DC 20233 (301) 763-2074
The file provides monthly statistics for the United States and regions on new privately owned housing units started, total and in permit-issuing places; authorized in permit-issuing places; and authorized, but not started at the end of the period. The report includes both actual and seasonally adjusted estimates of units started and authorized. Comparative data are shown for earlier years. The geographic areas covered are the United States and regions. This is available online through CENDATA, the Census Bureau's online data system. For information about CENDATA content and online services, contact CompuServe (800-848-8199) or DIALOG Information Services (800-334-2564). For file content information only, contact the office above.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Housing Units Authorized by Building Permits (Current Construction Reports, C40)
Data Access and Use Staff
Data User Services Division
Bureau of the Census
Washington, DC 20233 (301) 763-2074
The file presents in both monthly and annual reports summary statistics on the number and valuation of new housing units authorized by building permits. The data pertain to the total universe of approximately 17,000 permit-issuing places. Data are also provided for publicly owned housing units, reported by other governmental agencies, for which construction contracts were awarded, whether or not located in permit places. The monthly report provides data for approximately 4,700 selected permit-issuing places. Tables cover the total number of new housing units, the number of single-family structures authorized in the current month, and year-to-date totals which include late reports and revisions for prior months. The annual report shows detailed information for the current year and the previous year for approximately 17,000 permit-issuing places. Summary statistics on publicly-owned housing units are also provided. The frequency of issue is monthly and annual. The geographic areas covered are the United States, regions, divisions, States, selected metropolitan statistical areas (MSA's), selected places, and Puerto Rico. Limited excerpts from the monthly reports are available through CENDATA, the Census Bureau's online data system. For information about CENDATA content and online services, contact CompuServe (800-848-8199) or DIALOG Information Services (800-334-2564). For file content information only, contact the office above.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Ice Core Microparticle Analysis
World Data Center-A for Glaciology (Snow and Ice)
CIRES, Box 449
University of Colorado (303) 492-1824
Boulder, CO 80309 (303) 492-5171
Microparticle analyses were performed on ice samples obtained by core drilling at location in Peru, on Mount Kenya, in Antarctica, and in Greenland. Data include number of particles in each of 15 size ranges. Each file contains data for a different ice core: Quelccay Ice Cap 1976, Quelccaya Ice Cap 1977, Lewis Glacier, Mount Kenya; Byrd Station 2164-meter core; Camp Century 1387-meter core. Data are archived on one reel of computer-compatible tape.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Ice Profile Data
World Data Center-A for Glaciology (Snow and Ice)
CIRES, Box 449
University of Colorado (303) 492-1824
Boulder, CO 80309 (303) 492-5171
On 7-10 April 1976 the submarine USS Gurnard participated in the AIDJEX experiments by traversing 777 nautical miles along three tracklines in the Beaufort Sea, collecting ice thickness data from upward-looking acoustical soundings (sonar). The resulting digital data set is a profile of the sea ice layer along the three tracks, including latitude and longitude, "ping" interval, surface beam diameter, number of data points, and ice thickness. Data are available on one reel of magnetic tape for $60.00
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Import Concordance Master Tape
Customer Services
Bureau of the Census
Washington, DC 20233 (301) 763-4100
The file provides import commodity classifications including Tariff Schedules of the United States Annotated number, end-use code, Schedule A code, eight-digit SIC based product code, five-digit standard international classification (SITC) code, and agricultural or nonagricultural code. This file also furnishes TSUSA short and long alphabetic descriptions, units of quantity, and the Schedule A code. The data time span is 1987 (Discontinued after 1988). The Harmonized Commodity Master Concordance Tape abstract number 501.5 replaced the import and export concordance tape, January 1989. An annual summary for 1987 is available for $525 at 1600 bpi or for $350 at 6250 bpi.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Indices of Solar Activity: Calcium Plage
National Geophysical Data Center
Mail Code E/GC2
325 Broadway
Boulder, CO 80303 (303) 497-6346
This is a daily plage index available on diskette. Daily areas, positions, intensities are available on magnetic tape.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Indices of Solar Activity: Geomagnetic Indices
National Geophysical Data Center
Mail Code E/GC2
325 Broadway
Boulder, CO 80303 (303) 497-6346
Kp, Kp-sum, ap, Ap, Cp, C9, sunspot number (January 1932 to present); adjusted 10.7-cm solar flux (February 1947 to present) are available on magnetic tape and flexible diskettes (6). Equatorial Dst (1957-1984) are available on magnetic tape. Worldwide aa indices are available on magnetic tape. Indices aa daily and IMF directions (1974-present) are available on diskette. IMF sector boundary crossings (January 1947 - July 1978) are available on diskette. Hourly AE and components (1957-1984) are available on magnetic tape. 2.5-min AE and components (1966-1974) are available on magnetic tapes (2). 1.0-min AE and components (1975, 1978-1984) are available on magnetic tapes (4).
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Indices of Solar Activity: Ottawa 10.7 cm (2800 MHz) Solar Flux
National Geophysical Data Center
Mail Code E/GC2
325 Broadway
Boulder, CO 80303 (303) 497-6346
This contains observed, adjusted, and absolute daily values, monthly means, and yearly means (February 1947 to present). It is available on flexible diskettes $60.00.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Indices of Solar Activity: Particles and Fields at Geostationary Altitude
National Geophysical Data Center
Mail Code E/GC2
325 Broadway
Boulder, CO 80303 (303) 497-6346
This contains continuous 3-second samples with three kinds of sensors on the SMS/GOES Satellites (July 1974 to present). Magnetometers measure 3 components of the earth's magnetic field; x-ray telescopes monitor whole-sun fluxes in the bands 0.5 to 4 and 1 to 8A; and particle detectors count protons between 0.8 and 500 MeV, electrons above 2 MeV, and alpha particles from 4 to 392 MeV. It is available on magnetic tape, binary and ASCII code.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Indices of Solar Activity: Particles and Fields at Geostationary Altitude
National Geophysic For fil
* Glacier Photo Index
Pat Hoffman
World Data Center A: Glaciology
CIRES, Campus Box 449
University of Colorado
Boulder, CO 80309 (303) 492-5171
The Glacier Photo Index is an inventory of glacier photographs taken, since the mid-1960s, by the US Geological Survey. The data base contains aerial photographs from the Pacific Northwest of the US (including Alaska) and parts of Canada. Retrievable information includes photograph name, date, location and geological features. Information can be retrieved by 20 different categories. The data base contains approximately 120,000 records and is updated yearly. Searches and printouts are available on a cost recovery basis. Actual photographs must be purchased from the US Geological Survey in Tacoma, WA at (206) 593-6502.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Global Change Data
National Geophysical Data Center
325 Broadway (303) 497-6215
Boulder, CO 80303 Fax: (303) 497-6513
This system includes the Global Change Diskette Project which contains data on vegetation indices, elevation, terrain characteristics, ecosystem classifications, geopolitical boundaries, soils, climatology, land use and air temperatures. Call for price information.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Global Ocean Climate Data Base
National Oceanographic Data Center
User Service Branch
Washington, DC 20235 (202) 673-5549
The Global Ocean Climate Data Base is a collection of Oceanographic data submitted to NODC by 17 different countries. Although the formal FGGE Operational Year was from 1 December 1978 to 30 November 1979, the data set covers the extended FOY period from 1 September 1978 to 29 February 1980. The data base includes four types of data: (1) oceanographic hydrocast (bottle) data, (2) conductivity/salinity-temperature-depth (C/STD) data, (3) expendable bathythermograph (XBT) data, and (4) Eulerian current (current meter) data. Magnetic tape copies of the FOY Global Ocean Climate Data Base are available from the RNODC in either GF3 format or in NODC archive formats.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Global Positioning System (GPS) Orbital Data
National Geodetic Information Branch
N/CG174 Rockwall Bldg., Room 24
National Geodetic Survey, NOAA
Rockville, MD 20852 (301) 443-8631
This file contains digital data; precise orbital positions and velocities for the global positioning system (GPS) satellite constellation. These satellite ephemeris data are generally available to the US public within 4 weeks after the orbital data are collected. Cost is based on actual computer processing time, supplies, postage, and handling charges. Each 7-day data product: $98.00. Subscription for 6 months of data for either product: $2,057. To subscribe you must complete a mailing service agreement (NOAA Form 29-3) with NGS.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Global Spectral Ocean Wave Model (GSOWM) (TD-9797)
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
National Climatic Data Center
Federal Building
Asheville, NC 28801-2969 (704) 259-0682
The data in this file were originally created by the US Navy Fleet Numerical Oceanography Center (FNOC). These data are processed and quality controlled by the NCDC. The GSOWM used at the FNOC generates an array of wave frequencies versus direction for each model grid point. The GSOWM is based on a 2.5 by 2.5 degree latitude/longitude grid beginning at 90 Deg. North and 60 Deg. East. The Global Spectral Wave Model data are not observations. The major parameters that make up this in file include; beginning of record flag, time information, ocean basin, grid point, wind direction and wind speed. The data are from June 23, 1985 to the present (updated periodically). Copies are available on magnetic tape. For more information, including cost, contact the office above.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Gravity Data Base
National Geophysical Data Center
NOAA, Code E/GC1
325 Broadway
Boulder, CO 80303 (303) 497-6120
Data expands worldwide coverage to over 80% of the Earth's surface. Data usually include observed gravity, free-air and Bouguer anomalies, and elevation; some data are terrain- corrected. Several gridded data sets are also available. Data is available as standard magnetic tape copies: 9-track, ASCII, 1600 bpi (except for DMA or NGS US Land gravity data, which are 6250 bpi).
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Great Lakes Ice Concentration Statistics Data Base
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory
Ann Arbor, MI 48106
Avail. From:
National Snow and Ice Data Center
University of Colorado Cires
Campus Box 449
Boulder, CO 80309
This is a computerized data base concerning ice cover spanning in the 20 winters from 1960 through 1979; used to compile the NOAA Great Lakes ice atlas. Three major areas focus on ice-cover concentration. Ice thickness at nearshore locations, and winter temperature severity; gives ice concentration statistics on each of the five lakes in half-month intervals, the range of ice thickness to be expected around shoreline and the 80-year mean freezing degree-day values for 25 locations around the lakes; available on nine-track magnetic tape.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory (GLERL)
Information Services/Publications Unit
Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory
US Department of Commerce
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration,
2205 Commonwealth Boulevard
Ann Arbor, MI 48104-1593 (313) 668-2262
This Laboratory provides; integrated, interdisciplinary research in support of management services for coastal and estuarine environments, with emphasis on the Great Lakes; Conducts field, analytical and laboratory investigations toward improved understanding of environmental processes; Assists managers in the application of research results. With particular respect to marine pollution, it works toward improved understanding and prediction of the natural marine ecosystems, physical phenomena and impact of anthropogenic stress on the ecosystem. Data, on (very limited) reports and papers are available. Costs are minimal and vary with individual requests.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Gridded Magnetic and Gravity Anomaly Values for North America
National Geophysical Data Center
NOAA, Code E/GC4
325 Broadway
Boulder, CO 80303 (303) 497-6474
This contains digital compilations of magnetic and gravity data used to produce the magnetic anomaly map of North America and the gravity anomaly map of North America. Data cover 15 percent of our planet. The entire data set contains over 22 million grid values, covering an area from the North (geographic) pole to Northern South America. Large amounts of marine magnetic data are also included. Customer-selected area searches are also available, with output on IBM-PC compatible 5 1/4" floppy diskettes. Fortran programs are included as separate files on each media. Please specify 1600 or 6250 bpi, and ASCII or EBCDIC format when ordering tapes. US Department of Commerce regulations require prepayment on all non-federal orders. Please make checks and money orders payable to Commerce/NOAA/NGDC.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Gross Book Value of Depreciable Assets, Capital Expenditures, Retirements, Depreciation, and Rental Payments (MIC82-S-2)
Data Access and Use Staff
Data User Services Division
Bureau of the Census
Washington, DC 20233 (301) 763-2074
The file shows data by industry group and industry as indicated in report title. The data time span is 1982, with some comparative data for earlier years. The geographic areas covered are the United States and States. Limited excerpts from this report are available online through CENDATA, the Census Bureau's online data system. For information about CENDATA content and online services, contact CompuServe (800-848-8199) or DIALOG Information Services (800-334-2564). For file content information only, contact the office above.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Group Quarters Population by Age, Sex, Race, and Spanish Origin
Customer Services
Bureau of the Census
Washington, DC 20233 (301) 763-4100
The file provides a count of all persons in group quarters by sex and single years of age up to 75 and a category for 75 and over, as well as a total. This distribution is repeated for 18 race/Spanish-origin groups (including Total; Spanish; and White, Black, and American Indian Spanish and non-Spanish). The data time span is 1980. The geographic areas covered are counties and independent cities. The file is available on one tape reel at 1600 or 6250 bpi.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Hawaii-Tahiti NORPAX (TD-9936)
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
National Climatic Data Center
Federal Building
Asheville, NC 28801-2969 (704) 259-0682
The source of data in this file was from the North Pacific Shuttle Experiment (NORPAX). These meteorological data were observed and recorded by land stations in the Line Islands and cruise ships traversing the ocean between Hawaii and Tahiti. The major parameters that make up this file are hourly and include; Line Islands; wind direction, wind speed, precipitation, temperature, and relative humidity, cruise ship; total cloud amount, wind direction, wind speed, visibility, and present weather. Copies are available on magnetic tape. For more information, including cost, contact the office above.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Heat Budget (TIRON-N/NOAA Polar Orbiters)
Satellite Data Services Division
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
National Climatic Data Center
Princeton Executive Center, Room 100
Washington, DC 20233 (301) 763-8400
The Heat Budget product is produced from AVHRR data collected by the TIROS-N/NOAA 6/7/8 series of polar orbiting environmental satellites. The parameters are day time and night time longwave outgoing flux, available incoming energy, and absorbed solar radiation, all in watts per square meter. Data are from 1974 to present, updated quarterly. Digital-users may obtain data on 9-track, odd parity, magnetic tape at 1600 or 6250 bytes per inch density and, in most cases, the mode may be ASCII or EBCDIC. The cost is $80.00 per input tape plus $12.00 per output tape plus $11.00 shipping and handling per order. For additional information on data available, contact the office above.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Heat Flow Data
National Geophysical Data Center
325 Broadway
Boulder, CO 80303 (303) 497-6474
This is a digital file of 5500 measurements of heat flow worldwide including location, conductivity, gradient, heat flow value, etc. Full file retrieval. It is available on magnetic tape or plotted on map. General area covered: worldwide.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Hispanic Population in the United States: March 1986 and 1987 (Advance Report) (P-20, No. 416)
Data Access and Use Staff
Data User Services Division
Bureau of the Census
Washington, DC 20233 (301) 763-2074
The file presents a brief statistical description of the social, economic, and demographic characteristics of persons of Hispanic origin. The report provides information on the total population of the United States and the Hispanic population and its subgroups (Mexican, Puerto Rican, Cuban, Central or South American, and Other Hispanic origin). Data provided on the Hispanic population include sex, type of origin, age, marital status, educational attainment, and type and size of families. The data time span is 1982, 1986, and 1987. Substantial excerpts from the 1985 report are available on-line, through CENDATA, the Census Bureau's on-line data system. For information about CENDATA content and on-line services, contact CompuServe (800-848-8199) or DIALOG Information Services (800-334-2564). For file content information only, contact the office above.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Historical Climate Data (TD-9640)
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
National Climatic Data Center
Federal Building
Asheville, NC 28801-2969 (704) 259-0682
The primary sources used to construct this file were TD-3220 Summary of the Month COOP Element File and TD-9658 Palmer Drought file. The Palmer model was calibrated over the period 1931-1983, and its input consisted of monthly mean temperatures and total precipitation for each of the 344 state climatic divisions. Prior to 1931, divisional averages of temperatures and estimates of total monthly precipitation were obtained by a series of regression equations relating statewide monthly temperature and precipitation to divisional values. Historical Climatology Series 6-1 describes the procedures in detail. Data prior to 1931 should be treated as estimates within each climatic division. Large-scale patterns should be fairly well represented during this time period, but details within a state will be smoothed by the regression estimates. Data are from 1931-1980 monthly normals (updated decennially); 1931-1983 monthly averages (updated annually); and 1895-1983 monthly drought indices (updated annually). Copies are available on magnetic tape. For more information, including cost, contact the office above.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Historical Climate Data (TD-9640)
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
Non diskette. IMF sector boundary crossings (January 1947 - July 1978) are available on diskette. Hourly AE and components (1957-1984) are available on magnetic tape. 2.5-min AE and components (1966
* General Revenue Sharing, 1980 Population Counts
Customer Services
Bureau of the Census
Washington, DC 20233 (301) 763-4100
The file includes the name of each governmental unit; total population (census complete-count) as of April 1, 1980; and per capita income (1980 census sample) in 1979. The geographic areas covered are counties, incorporated places, and functioning minor civil divisions (MCD's) in 20 specified States. The file is available on one tape reel at 1600 or 6250 bpi.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* General Summary (MIC82-S-1)
Data Access and Use Staff
Data User Services Division
Bureau of the Census
Washington, DC 20233 (301) 763-2074
The file presents data shown in other reports from this census, but primarily at the US level. Included are historical statistics, and statistics by industry group, industry, geographic area, type of operation, establishments by employment size, shipments and receipts of primary products, and employment at central administrative offices and related facilities. The data time span is 1982, with some comparative data for 1977 and earlier years. The geographic areas covered are the United States, divisions and States. Limited excerpts from this report are available online through CENDATA, the Census Bureau's online data system. For information about CENDATA content and online services, contact CompuServe (800-848-8199) or DIALOG Information Services (800-334-2564). For file content information only, contact the office above.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* GEODAS: Underway Marine Geophysical Data
National Geophysical Data Center
325 Broadway
Boulder, CO 80303 (303) 497-6338
This file includes digital data; contains both digital and analog bathymetry, magnetic, gravity and seismic data all taken along ships tracks; coverage is worldwide oceans. $100.00 for first file on tape; $5.00 for each additional file; $35.00 for each additional tape; custom graphic plots start at $150.00; inventory listings with tektronics composite plot are free.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Geodetic Control Data, Vertical, Primary
National Geodetic Information Branch
N/CG174 Rockwall Bldg., Room 24
National Geodetic Survey, NOAA
Rockville, MD 20852 (301) 443-8631
This is available to public in standard formats and media or as special products. A national data base on the data making up the US vertical datum, it contains elevations, observations, descriptions, instrument calibration records, and other associated information.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Geodetic-Horizontal Control
National Geodetic Information Branch
N/CG174 Rockwall Bldg., Room 24
National Geodetic Survey, NOAA
Rockville, MD 20852 (301) 443-8631
This is available to public in standard formats and media or as special products. A national digital data base comprising the points defining the North American datum, it contains positions, observations, descriptions and associated information products in several format.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Geographic Area Series (RC82-A-1 to 52)
Data Access and Use Staff
Data User Services Division
Bureau of the Census
Washington, DC 20233 (301) 763-2074
The file provides general statistics for establishments with payroll on number of establishments, sales, payroll, and employment. These data cover the United States and each State by detailed kinds of business; and SCSA's, SMSA's, areas outside SMSA's, and counties and cities with 500 retail establishments or more by kind-of-business detail appropriate to the size of the area. The data time span is 1982, with some comparative data for 1977. The geographic areas covered are the United States, States, the District of Columbia, standard consolidated statistical areas (SCSA's), standard metropolitan statistical areas (SMSA's), counties, and some cities. Limited excerpts from this report are available online through CENDATA, the Census Bureau's online data system. For information about CENDATA content and online services, contact CompuServe (800-848-8199) or DIALOG Information Services (800-334-2564). For file content information only, contact the office above.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Geographic Area Series (WC82-A(T))
Customer Services
Bureau of the Census
Washington, DC 20233 (301) 763-4100
The file presents data cross-tabulated by kind-of-business categories (based on the SIC system) and includes: the number, sales, percent change in sales 1977-82, annual payroll for 1977 and 1982, the percent change in payroll 1977-82, the payroll for the first quarter 1982, the number of paid employees for the week of March 12, 1982, annual payroll per employee, operating expenses, end-of-1981 and -1982 inventories, annual payroll as a percent of operating expenses, operating expenses as a percent of sales, and end-of-1982 inventories as a percent of sales. The data time span is 1982, with some comparative data for 1977. The geographic areas covered are the United States, States, standard consolidated statistical areas (SCSA's), standard metropolitan statistical areas (SMSA's), counties (or county equivalents), places (or place parts within county), and balance of counties. The file is available on one tape reel at 1600 bpi or 6250 bpi.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Geographic Area Series (WC82-A(T))
Data Access and Use Staff
Data User Services Division
Bureau of the Census
Washington, DC 20233 (301) 763-2074
The file provides final statistics on the number of establishments, sales, payroll, employment, operating expenses, and end-of-year inventories for all wholesale establishments with payroll. Data are tabulated separately for the following types of operation: merchant wholesalers, manufacturers' sales branches and offices, and merchandise agents and brokers. Data are presented for varied wholesale classifications for the State and each SMSA, and for counties and places having 200 wholesale establishments or more. A separate table provides summary statistics for places of 2,500 inhabitants or more and counties. The data time span is 1982, with some comparative data for 1977. The geographic areas covered are the United States, States, the District of Columbia, standard metropolitan statistical areas (SMSA's), counties, and cities. Limited excerpts from this report are available online, through CENDATA, the Census Bureau's online data system. For information about CENDATA content and online services, contact CompuServe (800-848-8199) or DIALOG Information Services (800-334-2564). For file content information only, contact the office above.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Geographic Area Series (SC82-A-1 to 52)
Data Access and Use Staff
Data User Services Division
Bureau of the Census
Washington, DC 20233 (301) 763-2074
The file summarizes final data on service industries. Statistics cover hotels, motels, and other lodging places; personal and business services; automotive repair, services, and garages; miscellaneous repair services; amusement and recreation services, including motion pictures; engineering, architectural, and surveying services; and accounting, auditing, and bookkeeping. The report also includes health services, except hospitals; legal services; educational services, except elementary and secondary schools; colleges and universities, professional schools, and junior colleges; social services; museums, art galleries, botanical gardens, and zoos; membership organizations, except labor unions and political and religious organizations; and miscellaneous services. The data time span is 1982, with some comparative data for 1977. The geographic areas covered are the United States, States, the District of Columbia, standard metropolitan statistical areas (SMSA's), counties and selected places. Limited excerpts from this report series are available online through CENDATA, the Census Bureau's online data system. For information about CENDATA content and online services, contact CompuServe (800-848-8199) or DIALOG Information Services (800-334-2564). For file content information only, contact the office above.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Geographic Area Series - State and County Data
Data Access and Use Staff
Data User Services Division
Bureau of the Census
Washington, DC 20233 (301) 763-2074
The file contains data on farms, farm characteristics, and farm products. The reports for the States present data for all farms. The reports provide detailed data at the State level by size of farm, tenure, age of farm operator, type of organization, value of products sold, and major standard industrial classification (type) of farms. In addition, the report features county data for selected items, including miscellaneous crop, livestock, and poultry items as well as farm operators by racial groups and sex. The data time span is 1978 and 1982. The geographic areas covered are the United States, States, counties, and outlying areas. Limited excerpts from these reports are available online through CENDATA, the Census Bureau's online data system. For information about CENDATA content and online services, contact CompuServe (800-848-8199) or DIALOG Information Services (800-334-2564). For file content information only, contact the office above.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Geographic Base File/Dual Independent Map Encoding (GBF/DIME)-File, 1980
Customer Services
Bureau of the Census
Washington, DC 20233 (301) 763-4100
The file provides computerized representations of the Metropolitan Map Series (MMS) and includes streets; address ranges; and zip, place and other geographic codes. GBF/DIME-Files are used to assign census geographic codes to addresses (geocoding), and the digitized versions can be used for computer mapping. Undigitized versions were released for all covered SMSA's, but they have been superseded by digitized versions. The files are digitized by determining x, y coordinate values for each node point (usually street intersections) and inserting them into the files. Coordinates are expressed in terms of latitude and longitude as well as the State plane coordinate system. The files are issued by SMSA and vary in size between 3,000 and 226,000 records. Each record identifies a segment of a feature on a map by its node points, address ranges, and associated geographic codes (block, census tract, zip, place, minor civil division or census county division, county, and State). Features represented are streets and non-street map features, such as railroads, streams, and political boundaries. Node points identify the intersections or terminations of these features. The geographic areas covered are urbanized core of 278 standard metropolitan statistical areas (SMSA's) for which files were developed or updated for the 1980 census as of late 1978. Availability: One tape reel at 1600 or 6250 bpi per SMSA, with the exception of the Chicago, IL SMSA; Dallas-Fort Worth, TX SMSA; Detroit, MI SMSA; Los Angeles-Long Beach, CA SMSA; New York, NY-NJ SMSA; Philadelphia, PA-NJ SMSA; and San Francisco-Oakland, CA SMSA - these require 2 tape reels at 1600 bpi or 1 tape reel at 6250 bpi each.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Geographic Identification Code Scheme
Customer Services
Bureau of the Census
Washington, DC 20233 (301) 763-4100
The file presents 1980 census geographic names and numeric codes. The Geographic Identification Code Scheme (GICS) tape file contains much of the information found in the GICS (PHC80-R5) report. The record for each area includes: geographic area name and political or statistical designation (if not conveyed by the name itself); applicable Federal Information Processing Standard (FIPS) codes for States, standard metropolitan statistical areas, counties, county subdivisions, and places; Census Bureau codes for urbanized areas, county subdivisions and places; information about whether an area contains census block or census tracts; and population-size codes for county subdivisions and places. The geographic codes contained in the GICS tape correspond to those used in all 1980 census summary tape files. Records are also shown for geographic entities in the outlying areas and Puerto Rico. The data time span is 1980. The geographic areas covered are States, counties, minor civil divisions (MCD's or census county divisions (CCD's), and places. The file is available on one tape reel at 1600 or 6250 bpi.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Geomagnetic Data Base
National Geophysical Data Center
325 Broadway (303) 497-6215
Boulder, CO 80303 Fax: (303) 497-6513
The magnetic Field Survey Data Base contains data from surveys since 1900. The Secular Change Data base has holdings of observatory annual means data and international repeat station data. Transient variations data record short-period changes of the magnetic field. Call for price information.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Geomagnetic Indices Bulletin
National Geographic Data Center
325 Broadway
Boulder, CO 80303 (303) 497-6346
This is a summary of geomagnetic field variations. It includes 3-hour and daily Kp and aa indices, plus daily Cp and Ap values, and descriptive text. It is available on magnetic tape, diskettes for IBM compatible personal computers, or optical disk (CDROM).
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* GEOSAT Wind/Wave Data
National Oceanographic Data Center
User Services Branch
1825 Connecticut Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20235 (202) 673-5549
This file contains global wind/wave data set derived from data collected during the first phase of operations of the US Navy Geodetic Satellite (GEOSAT). GEOSAT was launched in March 1985 to begin its 18-month geodetic mission. The satellite carries an altimeter designed by the Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory (JHU/APL) to measure the marine geoid. In addition to this primary mission, the altimeter measured dynamic topography, wind speed, and significant wave height. The complete data set from the geodetic mission is classified and not available to the general public. A condensed data set giving only the radar cross section, wind speed, and significant wave height for the full 18 months of the geodetic mission has been submitted to NODC, and copies of this data set can be provided to requesters. Non-federal customers may use orders only with prior authorization from NODC.
A collection of 15 years of global rawinsonde data and all available surface land and surface ship reports was obtained for analyses. All daily data were carefully checked for erroneous reports at several phases in the processing scheme. Monthly mean statistics were then computed for each station, and served as input for the objective analysis scheme. Data are from May 1, 1958 through April 30, 1973. Copies are available on magnetic tape. For more information, including cost, contact the office above.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
mmerce Federal Data Bases
puServe (800-848-8199) or DIALOG Information Services (800-334-2564). For file content information only, contact the office above.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Financial Ratios Data Base
Office of Business Analysis
Business Statistics and Information Systems Division
US Department of Commerce
Washington, DC 20230 (202) 377-4450
Industry financial statistics are useful for determining industry profitability and leverage. The Office of Business Analysis maintains a data base of various financial ratios for manufacturing corporations in a consistent, seasonally adjusted time series. Source data for the series are published in the Quarterly Financial Report issued by the Bureau of the Census. All corporations included in these series receive a greater portion of gross receipts from manufacturing than from other activities. Corporations are classified by industry in accordance with the 1974 Enterprise Standard Industrial Classification (ESIC).
Computer tape:
Complete, detailed Financial Ratios Data base (OBA-CFR-02); $135.00
PC disk:
Complete, detailed Financial Ratios Data base (OBA-CFR-03); $85.00
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* FIPS State/County Code Tape
US Department of Commerce
National Technical Information Service
Springfield, VA 22161 (703) 487-4807
This tape contains two files: FIPS PUB 5-1 (incl. change notices 1-4) Standard Abbreviations and Codes for States and Outlying Areas of the US and FIPS PUB 6-3 (incl. change notices 1-4), Counties and County Equivalents of the States of the United States and the District of Columbia. Records in File 1 are sequenced in alphabetic order of the states (incl. D.C.), followed by the major outlying areas. Records in File 2 are sequenced in alphabetic order of county name, within each state and outlying area. Progression of the numeric county code is consistent with alphabetic order of the counties within each state. Available in: 9 track 1600 or 6250 bpi, order number PB85-152288/HAL, at a cost of $210.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
Nora Jason
Fire Research Information Service
Center for Fire Research
National Institute of Standards and Technology
A252 Polymer Bldg.
Gaithersburg, MD 20899 (301) 975-6862
This system contains reports, books, journal articles and audiovisual materials in the collection of the Fire Research Information Services at NIST. Date of coverage: Mid 1981-.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Fire Research Computer Bulletin Board
The Center for Fire Research
National Institute of Standards and Technology
Building 224, Room A247
Gaithersburg, MD 20899 (301) 975-6850
The Center for Fire Research Computer Bulletin Board is a public access computer bulletin board featuring computer programs developed by the Center for Fire Research. The Bulletin Board also contains information on FIREDOC and Center for Fire Research Activities. You will find fire simulation programs developed at the Center, information on upcoming activities at the Center, including conferences, workshops and seminars, a listing of recent reports from the Center, and more. Contact this Center for more information on accessing the bulletin board.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* First GARP Global Experiment (FGGE) (TD-9681)
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
National Climatic Data Center
Federal Building
Asheville, NC 28801-2969 (704) 259-0682
This is designed to provide information on First GARP Global Experiment (FGGE) data transferred to the World Data Center-A for Meteorology from the officially designated FGGE collection and processing centers throughout the world. Included also is information on selected national archives data that are not part of the World Data Center-A. This catalogue was prepared by the World Data Center-A for Meteorology and is available to users of the data sets in this file. Data are from build-up and testing; January 1, 1978 through November 26, 1978. Global observations; November 27, through November 30, 1979. Special observing periods; January 5, 1979 through March 5, 1979 and May 1, 1979 through June 30, 1979. Copies are available on magnetic tape. For more information, including cost, contact the office above.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* First Order Summary of the Day (TD-3210)
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
National Climatic Data Center
Federal Building
Asheville, NC 28801-2969 (704) 259-0682
This file contains daily data that are measured primarily by National Weather Service, Federal Aviation Administration, and US Military operated stations and recorded on MF1-10 forms. The observations are generally recorded for the 24-hour period midnight to midnight. Through the years, approximately 1,380 principal stations have recorded observations. In 1985, there were approximately 428 active stations being processed for inclusion in this file. Data are from the US Air Force January 1, 1949-December 31, 1970; US Navy January 1, 1945 to the present; National Weather Service January 1, 1949 to the present, and selected stations for varying periods of record January 1, 1983 to the present (updated monthly). Copies are available on magnetic tape. For more information, including cost, contact the office above.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Flour Milling Products (M20A)
Data Access and Use Staff
Data User Services Division
Bureau of the Census
Washington, DC 20233 (301) 763-2074
The file contains data for the current month and the preceding month on quantity of wheat flour produced (straight semolina and blended semolina durum flour and rye flour), grain consumed (durum wheat and rye ground for flour), and rye millfeed production. Exports of wheat flour are shown by country and by quantity for the 2 preceding months and for the current year. Also included is a summary of wheat flour milling - production, wheat ground for flour, mill stocks (quarterly figures), and daily 24-hour capacity for the current month and each of 24 preceding months. The geographic areas covered are the United States, divisions, selected States, and selected foreign countries. This report is available online through CENDATA, the Census Bureau's online data system. For information about CENDATA content and online services, contact CompuServe (800-848-8199) or DIALOG Information Services (800-334-2564). For file content information only, contact the office above.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Foreign Direct Investment in the United States: Direct Investment Position and Related Capital and Income Flows, 1980-87
Economics and Statistical Analysis
Bureau of Economic Analysis - BE-53
US Department of Commerce
Washington, DC 20230 (202) 523-0777
The Bureau of Economic Analysis provides basic information on such key issues as economic growth, inflation, regional development, and the Nation's role in the world economy. This system contains annual estimates of the foreign direct investment position in the United States and selected capital and income flows between US affiliates and their foreign parent companies. Estimates are for 32 countries by 16 industries. It is available from ESA/BEA. Computer tape - Accession No. BEA IID 80-002, $100.00.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Foreign Direct Investment in the United States: Operations of US Affiliates of Foreign Companies
Economics and Statistical Analysis
Bureau of Economic Analysis - BE-53
US Department of Commerce
Washington, DC 20230 (202) 523-0777
The Bureau of Economic Analysis provides basic information on such key issues as economic growth, inflation, regional development, and the Nation's role in the world economy. This file contains the results of BEA's annual survey of foreign direct investments in the United States. This system contains information on the financial structure and operations of nonbank US affiliates of foreign direct investors. Data are classified by industry of US affiliate, by country and industry of ultimate beneficial owner, and, for selected data, by State. It is updated annually, and is available from ESA/BEA: Foreign Direct Investment in the United States: Operations of US Affiliates of Foreign Companies, Preliminary 1986 Estimates (1988). Diskette - Accession No. BEA IID 88-402, $40.00 (two diskettes). Foreign Direct Investment in the United States: Operations of US Affiliates of Foreign Companies, Revised 1985 Estimates (1988). Diskette - Accession No. BEA IID 88-401, $40.00 (two diskettes).
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Foreign Traders Index (FTI)
Your US District Office of the International Trade Administration
Information Management Division
US Department of Commerce
Room 1322
Washington, DC 20230 (202) 482-0727
The Foreign Traders Index is a list-building file describing foreign firms, their long-term interests and the types of activities they engage in. The data base can be searched according to agents, sellers, distributors, users, companies, geographic location, date and number of employees. As of March 1989, the system contains 56,000 records, the majority added within the last few years. Charges include a set-up and per name fee.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Foreign Trade Statistics
Dick Preuss
US Department of Commerce
Bureau of the Census
Foreign Trade Division
Washington, DC 20233 (202) 763-7754
This statistics system involves the compilation and dissemination of a large body of data relating to the imports and exports of the US It is designed to meet the needs of a variety of users. Non-government users in industry, finance, research institutions, transportation and other fields use the data as a statistical base to appraise the general trade situation and outlook, market analysis and market penetration studies; product and market development and for measuring the impact of competition. Special searches and tabulations are furnished at a cost which is determined on the basis of the quantity of data requested, complexity of data specification and costs for personnel and equipment.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Freeze Data (TD-9712)
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
National Climatic Data Center
Federal Building
Asheville, NC 28801-2969 (704) 259-0682
Data from the digital data Summary of the Day file were used to produce Freeze Data dates. The temperature data in this file were put through extensive validation and interpolation procedures based upon the departure from the normal in conjunction with those from surrounding stations. As a result, the freeze data dates were produced from high quality, serially-complete station records of daily maximum and minimum temperatures. The major parameters that make up the Freeze Data and Freeze Dates files includes dates of the last freeze in spring and the first freeze in fall for threshold temperatures 36, 32, 28, 24, 20, and 16 degrees Fahrenheit. Data are from January 1, 1931-December 31, 1960 and January 1, 1951-December 31, 1980. Copies are available on magnetic tape. For more information, including cost, contact the office above.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Fuels and Electric Energy Consumed (MC82-S-4(T))
Customer Services
Bureau of the Census
Washington, DC 20233 (301) 763-4100
The file presents statistics on quantities and costs of specified fuels used for heat and power, quantity and cost of electric energy purchased, and quantity of electric energy generated minus that sold by manufacturing plants in the United States during 1981. In addition, quantities of year-end stocks of selected fuels are included. The data time span is 1981. The geographic areas covered are the United States, States, and standard metropolitan statistical areas (SMSA's). The file is available on one tape reel at 1600 or 6250 bpi.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Fuels and Electric Energy Consumed (MIC82-S-3)
Data Access and Use Staff
Data User Services Division
Bureau of the Census
Washington, DC 20233 (301) 763-2074
The file includes data on total energy consumed, and purchased fuels and electric energy consumed, by type, and by industry and major industry group. The data time span is 1982, with some comparative data for earlier years. The geographic areas covered are the United States and States. Limited excerpts from this report are available online through CENDATA, the Census Bureau's online data system. For information about CENDATA content and online services, contact CompuServe (800-848-8199) or DIALOG Information Services (800-334-2564). For file content information only, contact the office above.
The GARP Atlantic Tropical Experiment (GATE) was the first major international experiment of the Global Atmospheric Research Program (GARP). It was conducted over the tropical Atlantic Ocean and adjacent land areas under the joint auspices of the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) and the International Council of Scientific Unions (ICSU). The field operations extended from June through September, 1974, with headquarters located in Dakar, Senegal. Digital data for GATE are listed under four categories; 1) Information products prepared during the experiments, 2) Nationally processed and validated data, 3) Internationally processed and validated data, and 4) National holdings (raw data inventories). Data are June 17, 1974 through September 23, 1974. Copies are available on magnetic tape. For more information, including cost, contact the office above.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* General Revenue Sharing, 1978: Actual Use Expenditure Data File
Customer Services
Bureau of the Census
Washington, DC 20233 (301) 763-4100
The file contains data on both proposed and actual General Revenue Sharing expenditures and expenditures from Antirecession Fiscal Assistance funds. Expenditures are shown for financial and general administration, education, public welfare, hospitals, health, highways, police, fire protection, corrections, sewerage, sanitation, parks and recreation, interest on general debt, utilities, and debt redemption. Revenue sources are provided by property, sales, income, and other taxes; Federal, State, and local intergovernmental revenue; and utilities. The data time span is 1977-1978 (fiscal year). The geographic areas covered are State and local governmental units receiving revenue sharing funds. The file is available on 3 tape reels at 1600 bpi or 1 tape reel at 6250 bpi.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
se Expenditure Data File
Customer Services
Bureau of the Census
Washington, DC 20233 (301) 763-4100
The file cariations data record short-period changes of the magnetic field. Call for price information.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Economic Census, 1982: City Reference File
Bureau of the Census
Data User Services Division,
Customer Services (Tapes)
Washington, DC 20233 (301) 763-4100
This machine-readable city reference data file (CRF) provides the capability of assigning census geographic codes (state, SMSA, county, and place) to records containing zip code, post office name, and state abbreviation, geographic coverage: 50 states. It is available on one reel at 1600 bpi or 6250 bpi "priority" orders will be processed within five working days and will be mailed out by "next day air." The charge will be $175 plus $50 for the first tape, and $175 plus $25 for each additional reel.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Economic Development Administration Socioeconomic Data System
US Department of Commerce
Economic Development Administration
Herbert C. Hoover Bldg., Room 7116
Washington, DC 20230 (202) 482-3621
This system identifies socioeconomic characteristics of areas in which the Economic Development Administration (EDA) has approved projects. It includes data for all counties in the US as well as for cities with population over 25,000. Data files are formatted to permit custom retrieval of specified data elements. Data files available through the system include: Census Data Files, County Merge, County Business Patterns Files, Income Files, Bureau of Labor Statistics data and population and income figures. Arrangements can be made for individualized searches by EDA.
A summary data set containing 4 years of Arctic and Antarctic brightness temperatures and derived sea ice conditions is available on magnetic tape from the World Data Center-A for Glaciology/National Snow and Ice Data Center (WDC/NSIDC). The data were derived from Nimbus-5 Electrically Scanning Microwave Radiometer (ESMR) sensor data by NASA, Goddard Space Flight Center, Laboratory for Atmospheric Sciences. The data are mapped into a 293 x 293 polar stereographic grid enclosing the 50 degree latitude circle. Grid size varies from about 32 by 32 km at the poles to about 28 by 28 km at 50 degrees. Monthly data are archived on two reels of magnetic tape, 6250 bpi, one reel for the Arctic, one reel for the Antarctic. Three-day averaged brightness temperature maps are also available for the Arctic and the Antarctic, requiring two reels of 6250 bpi tape for each hemisphere.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Electronic Catalog System
Satellite Data Services Division
Princeton Executive Center
5627 Allentown Rd., Suite 100
Camp Springs, MD 20746 (301) 763-8399
The Electronic Catalog System is a computerized locator system for digital data transmitted by polar orbit satellite and archived by NOAA. Data can be retrieved by time period, type of satellite, a particular sensor in a satellite, type of coverage, and geographical area. The system, formerly called the Spinner Program, was started in 1979, and currently contains 103,000 records. Nearly 800 records are added weekly. Searches and printouts (listing of digital data) are provided for a fee. Actual digital tapes must be purchased from NOAA.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Employment Demographics Data Base
Office of Business Analysis
Business Statistics and Information Systems Division
US Department of Commerce
Washington, DC 20230 (202) 377-4450
OBA's Employment Demographics Data Base contains data on total job employment (defined as the sum of primary jobs and secondary jobs) cross-classified by seven age groups, seven educational attainment categories, ten occupations, three employment classes and ninety-seven (61 manufacturing and 36 non-manufacturing) industry groups in the 1958-85 period. The time series were developed on the basis of household survey data from the Bureau of the Census and Labor Statistics. The data are useful for analyzing trends in industry total job employment as well as the shifts in the demographic composition of industry employment which have occurred over the 1958-85 period.
Computer tape:
Computer tape containing complete, detailed total job employment demographic data base. (OBA-LED-02); $500.00
PC disk:
Computer file containing total job employment by 97 industries and by either: sex or employment class. (OBA-LED-03)$75.00
Computer file containing total job employment by 97 industries and by either: age group, education category, or occupation. (OBA-LED-04); $80.00
Other special tabulations in computer tape, and PC disk formats are available.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Energy Data Base On Industrial Consumption, Production and Stocks
Ken Rogers, Statistical Staff
Office of Business Analysis
US Department of Commerce, Room 4887
Washington, DC 20230 (202) 377-4450
This data base on US energy production, inventories and industrial consumption includes annual energy flows from 1958 through 1985. It includes 35 energy products used by 131 sectors of the economy. It provides detailed industry consumption data for 64 functional uses such as heat and power, transportation or raw materials. Also contained are data on BTU content, number of physical units and value of consumption reported in current and constant (1972) prices. Information from the data base is available from the formats: magnetic tape, printouts, microfiche and diskettes.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* English Language Proficiency Study (ELPS), 1982
Customer Services
Bureau of the Census
Washington, DC 20233 (301) 763-4100
The file presents social characteristics for each person in the household included in the sample. These include age, sex, household relationship, Spanish origin, languages spoken at home, proficiency in speaking English, school enrollment, highest grade completed, country of birth, and parents' country of birth. In addition, the data include information on household income and on the language usually spoken by that household. Tabulations show State and State groupings for non-English backgrounds only. The geographic areas covered are the United States and States or State groupings. The file is available on one tape reel at 1600 or 6250 bpi.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Environmental Satellite Data (ESD)
Department of Commerce
Washington, DC 20408
This data base comprises imagery and data collection from earth-orbiting satellites. Visible and infrared images from experimental and operational space craft are included, as is multispectral imagery collected by NASA earth resources satellites.
Digital land and seafloor digital elevations were assembled from several uniformly gridded data bases. Data is worldwide with a grid spacing of 5 minutes square. Call for price information.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* ETOPO 5 Digital Relief of the Surface of the Earth
National Geophysical Data Center
325 Broadway
Boulder, CO 80303 (303) 497-6338
This file contains digital data; worldwide elevation and bathymetric data base; digital land and seafloor elevations were assembled from several uniformly gridded data bases into a worldwide gridded data set with a grid spacing of 5-minute latitude by 5-minute longitude. Department of Commerce regulations require prepayment for all nonfederal orders. Checks and money orders should be made payable to Commerce/NOAA/NGDC. Please add a ten-dollar ($10) handling fee for all non-U.S.A. orders.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Export Concordance Master Tape
Customer Services
Bureau of the Census
Washington, DC 20233 (301) 763-4100
The file provides export commodity classifications including Schedule B code, end-use code, eight-digit SIC based product code, five-digit Standard International Classification (SITC) code, and agricultural or nonagricultural code. This file also furnishes Schedule B short and long alphabetic descriptions, units of quantity, and Schedule E code. The data time span is 1987 (Discontinued after 1988). The Harmonized Commodity Master tape, abstract number 501.5 replaced the import and export concordance tapes, January 1, 1989. An annual summary for 1987 is available on computer tape for $175 at 1600 or 6250 bpi.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Federal and State Business Assistance
BRS Information Technologies
1200 Route 7
Latham, NY 12110 (800) 345-4BRS
This contains information on federal and state assistance for businesses.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Federal Applied Technology Data Base
BRS Information Technologies
1200 Route 7
Latham, NY 12110 (800) 345-4BRS
This contains information on federally developed technologies that have applications to the private sector.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Federal Assistance Award Data System
David Kellermand
Governments Division
Bureau of the Census
Washington, DC 20233 (301) 763-5276
This system maintains information on financial assistance awards made by 33 federal agencies. Efforts are underway to expand the system to include all federal agencies providing government assistance. The data base includes the name and address of the award recipient, the amount of federal assistance, a project description and the federal program under which funding was awarded. Each quarter of the fiscal year a new tape is made describing the financial transaction for that period. Searches can be made by state. Searches and printouts are available on a cost recovery basis. The file is available to the public. Tapes can be purchased at any Census Bureau.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Federal Research in Progress
DIALOG Information Services, Inc.
3460 Hillview Avenue
Palo Alto, CA 94304 (800) 334-2564
This system contains information about ongoing federally-funded research projects in the fields of physical sciences, engineering and life sciences.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Federal Research in nline services, contact CompuServe (800-848-8199) or DIALOG Information Services (800-334-2564). For file content information only, contact the office above.
* Directory of Governments, 1985: Name and Address File
Customer Services
Bureau of the Census
Washington, DC 20233 (301) 763-4100
The file provides the name, address, and corresponding government identification code for all local governments in the United States identified in the 1982 Census of Governments, plus those identified in subsequent annual surveys. The geographic areas covered are all local governments: counties, municipalities, townships, school districts, and special districts. The file is available on one tape reel at 1600 or 6250 bpi.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* DMSP SSM/I Brightness Temperature Grids for the Polar Regions
World Data Center-A for Glaciology (Snow and Ice)
CIRES, Box 449
University of Colorado (303) 492-1824
Boulder, CO 80309 (303) 492-5171
SSM/I brightness temperature (TB) data for 9 July 1987 - 31 July 1988 are now available on four CD ROMs. Brightness temperatures for North and South Polar grids are provided with programs to extract grid files from the CD ROMs, to calculate sea ice concentration from the brightness temperature data, and to display the image files on a PC-compatible computer. The programs are provided on floppy diskette. Documentation for the package is provided in a looseleaf ring binder. The SSM/I CD ROMs are mastered using the ISO 9660 standard, and are compatible with the MS-DOS operating system. Software for the VMS and Macintosh operating systems will be developed in the future.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Doppler Point Position Data Base
National Geodetic Information Branch
N/CG174 Rockwall Bldg., Room 24
National Geodetic Survey, NOAA
Rockville, MD 20852 (301) 443-8631
Price depends on quantity and format. This is available to public as special products. Digital data: point positions derived from portable doppler receivers in point positioning mode and associated information: data acquired for NGS programs. There are approximately 500 stations in the set.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Earnings in 1983 of Married-Couple Families, by Characteristics of Husbands and Wives (P-60, No. 153)
Data Access and Use Staff
Data User Services Division
Bureau of the Census
Washington, DC 20233 (301) 763-2074
The file presents statistics on the number and mean earnings of married-couple families with earnings cross-classified by work experience, occupation of longest job, and years of school completed for the husband and the wife. The report also includes earnings of husbands and wives by age and presence of children and characteristics of wives having higher earnings levels or earnings levels at 80 to 100 percent of their husbands. Limited excerpts from this report are available online, through CENDATA, the Census Bureau's online data system. For information about CENDATA content and online services, contact CompuServe (800-848-8199) or DIALOG Information Services (800-334-2564). For file content information only, contact the office above.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Earthquake Data Base
National Geophysical Data Center
325 Broadway (303) 497-6215
Boulder, CO 80303 Fax: (303) 497-6513
This file contains information from 2100 B.C. to the present. Retrievals can be made using various criteria, such as geographic area, magnitude, time period, maximum intensity. Other data bases include the Significant Earthquakes and Earthquake intensity data bases. Call for price information.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Earthquake Data File
National Geophysical Data Center
325 Broadway
Boulder, CO 80303 (303) 497-6474
This is a digital file of data activities in seismology, geomagnetism, marine geology and geophysics, geothermics, solar-terrestrial physics and especially earthquake activity; earthquake data file, effect file, strong-motion data, catalog of earthquake photographs. General area covered: worldwide.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Earthquake Data File (Retrieval and Plotting Services)
National Geophysical Data Center
325 Broadway
Boulder, CO 80303 (303) 497-6474
This data base contains 350,000 event locations. It is organized into regional files, either chronologically or by geographic grid locator. The data base may be accessed using any combination of sources and/or data parameters. Retrieval modes, geographic boundaries, or given center point; output is in the form of listing. Page-size maps, punched cards, magnetic tape. The tape copies of the data base, sorted chronologically or geographically, on 9-track, 1600 bpi tape. General area covered: worldwide.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Economic Bulletin Board
Office of Business Analysis, Room 4885
US Department of Commerce
Washington, DC 20230 (202) 377-1986
This provides online computer access to news releases and other information. The Bulletin Board may be accessed by personal computer, computer terminal, or word processor equipped with a modem; the information available on it-which includes information from several Federal agencies-may be either viewed on the user's screen, or downloaded. The Bulletin Board is available by subscription from NTIS. A $25.00 registration fee covers 2 hours of connect time on the system; additional time is charged by the minute. Instant hook-up is available. Information available includes the following:
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Advance Business Situation
This contains the lead article in the Survey of Current Business presenting an analysis of the advance estimates of gross national product. The article is available four times each year (October, January, April, and July), 7-10 days after the advance gross national product release.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* BEA Reports
This contains five sets of reports that present the information contained in the BEA news releases for the following areas: Gross national product; personal income and outlays; regional reports; international reports; and composite indexes of leading, coincident, and lagging indicators. The reports contain summary estimates.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* BEA Reports: Composite Indexes of Leading, Coincident, and Lagging Indicators
These are monthly reports with summary estimates of the composite indexes.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* BEA Reports: Gross National Product
These are monthly reports with summary NIPA estimates that feature GNP and corporate profits.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* BEA Reports: Personal Income and Outlays
These are monthly reports with summary NIPA estimates that feature personal income and outlays.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* BEA Reports: Pollution Abatement and Control Expenditures
These are news releases on annual pollution abatement and control expenditures.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* BEA Reports: Regional Reports
This contains reports (usually six a year) with summary estimates of State personal income (quarterly and annual) and of county and metropolitan area personal income (annual).
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Key Source Data and Assumptions
This contains available source data and assumptions for missing source data that are used to prepare the advance estimates of GNP. It is available in January, April, July, and October.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
mmerce Federal Data Bases
* Key Source Data and Assumptions
This contains available source data and assumptions for missing source data that are used to prepare the advance estimates of GNP. It is available in January, April,:
* Current Meter Data
Dr. Henry, Chief
National Oceanographic Data Center
2001 Wisconsin Ave., NW
Washington, DC 20235 (301) 443-8060
This file contains time series measurements of ocean currents. These data are obtained from current meter moorings and represent the Eulerian method of current measurement (i.e., the meters are deployed at a fixed point and measure flow past a sensor). Position, bottom depth, sensor depth, and meter characteristics are reported for each station. The data record comprises values of east-west and north-south current vector components at specified date and time. Water temperature, pressure and conductivity or salinity may also be reported. A text record is available for optional comments. Data may be selectively retrieved by geographic area and time period. Data can be provided on magnetic tape in the standard date storage format. Charges depend on actual computer time, materials, and associated labor costs.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Current Population Survey, January- December 1968 to 1988
Customer Services
Bureau of the Census
Washington, DC 20233 (301) 763-4100
The file contains microdata from approximately 57,000 households (in 1988) interviewed monthly on personal and labor force characteristics of the civilian noninstitutional population 14 years old and over. Personal data include age, sex, ethnicity, race, marital and family status, veteran status, and years of school completed. Labor force data include such items as type of employment (farm and non-farm workers, persons self-employed, unpaid workers, and wage and salaried employees), occupation of worker and industry of employment, number of hours worked, and major activity last week. The data time span is monthly, 1968 to 1988 (Separate file for each month.) The geographic areas covered are: for survey years 1968 to 1972, regions, divisions, 19 States, 11 State groups, and 19 standard metropolitan statistical areas (SMSA's); for years 1973 to 1976, regions, divisions, 13 States, 10 State groups, and 45 SMSA's; and since 1977, regions, divisions, all States, the District of Columbia, and 44 SMSA's. The number of tapes will vary depending upon the density and blocking desired and the amount of supplemental data collected. Users may contact Customer Services for further information about a specific file.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Current Population Survey, March 1986: After-Tax Money Income Estimates
Customer Services
Bureau of the Census
Washington, DC 20233 (301) 763-4100
The file provides microdata estimates of after-tax money income derived by simulating the amount of taxes (Federal and State individual income taxes, property taxes on owner-occupied housing units, Social Security taxes, and retirement taxes) paid by households on the March 1985 Current Population Survey (CPS) microdata file. The data time span is 1984 to 1986. The geographic areas covered are regions, divisions, States and the District of Columbia, and 44 standard metropolitan statistical areas. The file is available on 3 tape reels at 1600 bpi or 1 tape reel at 6250 bpi.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Current Population Survey, March 1986: Estimates of Noncash Benefit Values
Customer Services
Bureau of the Census
Washington, DC 20233 (301) 763-4100
The file provides monetary value estimates by household for five types of noncash benefits (food stamps, school lunches, public or subsidized rental housing, Medicaid, and Medicare) using three valuation approaches: the market value approach, the recipient or cash equivalent approach, and the poverty budget share approach. The estimates are based on data obtained from the March 1986 Current Population Survey (CPS). The data time span is 1985 and 1986. The geographic areas covered are regions, divisions, States, and the District of Columbia, and 44 standard metropolitan statistical areas (SMSA's). The file is available on 3 tape reels at 1600 bpi or 1 tape reel at 6250 bpi.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Daily Normals (TD-9641)
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
National Climatic Data Center
Federal Building
Asheville, NC 28801-2969 (704) 259-0682
This file was produced from high quality, serially-complete station records of daily maximum and minimum temperatures and precipitation. The daily values computed for the normal temperature, precipitation, and heating and cooling degree days are not simple means of the observed daily records. Daily values computed for the normal growing degree units were computed for ten base temperatures (Deg. F) two of which are truncated bases. Daily normals of maximum, minimum, and average temperature, and heating and cooling degree days for the 1941-1970 period. Data are from January 1941-December 1970; January 1951-December 1980. Copies are available on magnetic tape. For more information, including cost, contact the office above.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Defense Meteorological Satellite Program Visible and Infrared Imagery, Photographic Products
World Data Center-A for Glaciology (Snow and Ice)
CIRES, Box 449
University of Colorado (303) 492-1824
Boulder, CO 80309 (303) 492-5171
This includes global coverage up to four times daily, 1973 to the present. Custom searches, custom photographic products and on-site use are available. This is a National Snow and Ice Data Center data set. Distribution restrictions may apply.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Degree Day Normals Selected Bases (TD-9641)
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
National Climatic Data Center
Federal Building
Asheville, NC 28801-2969 (704) 259-0682
Degree day values are useful indices of the energy requirements for heating and cooling buildings, as indices of the normal severity seasons, and as indices of crop growing requirements. The usual arithmetical procedures were not applied to obtain the heating and cooling degree day normal data in this file because of numerous heterogeneities in the records at most stations due to instrument changes and relocations. The rational conversion formula (reference Monthly Weather Review, Vol. 82, No. 1, January 1954 and Vol. 94, No. 7, July 1966) developed by H.C.S. Thom allows the properly adjusted mean temperature normals to be converted to degree day normals with uniform consistency. In some cases, this procedure will yield degree day values that are unexpected. These cases are not statistically significant and occur when the standard deviations are computed from a mixed distribution, such as the transition months. Data are from January 1941-December 1970; January 1951-December 1980. Copies are available on magnetic tape. For more information, including cost, contact the office above.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Detailed Characteristics of Single Female Parents and Displaced Homemakers
Customer Services
Bureau of the Census
Washington, DC 20233 (301) 763-4100
This special tabulation presents data for the United States, States, and standard metropolitan statistical areas (SMSA's) of 500,000 or more population. Variables such as age, race, Spanish origin, work status in 1979, household income, and poverty status in 1979 are cross-tabulated for displaced homemakers and single female parents in families and subfamilies. A displaced homemaker is defined as a female householder who was widowed, divorced, separated, or married but spouse absent and was not employed full time in 1979. The data are available on one computer tape at 6250 bpi.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Detailed Investment by Industry
Economics and Statistical Analysis
Bureau of Economic Analysis - BE-53
US Department of Commerce
Washington, DC 20230 (202) 523-0777
The Bureau of Economic Analysis provides basic information on such key issues as economic growth, inflation, regional development, and the Nation's role in the world economy. This contains annual estimates through 1987 of investment owned by each two-digit SIC establishment-based industry, separately for each detailed NIPA type of equipment and structures. The estimates are in historical-cost and constant-cost valuations. It is updated annually, and is available from ESA/BEA on computer tape: Accession No. BEA NIW 87-002, $100.00.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Detailed Occupation by Industry, Earnings and Education
Customer Services
Bureau of the Census
Washington, DC 20233 (301) 763-4100
This data set includes three tabulations: (1) occupation by detailed industry (over 200 industries); (2) occupation by earnings (8 earnings intervals plus mean earnings); and (3) occupation by years of school completed (6 education intervals). All three tabulations present data for the experienced civilian labor force by sex, race/Spanish origin and over 500 detailed occupation categories. The data are available on 10 tape reels (at 6250 bpi) for the United States, States, District of Columbia, standard metropolitan statistical areas (SMSA's), and metropolitan statistical areas (MSA's) where different from SMSA's.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Detailed Occupation by Industry and Other Characteristics
Customer Services
Bureau of the Census
Washington, DC 20233 (301) 763-4100
This special tabulation consists of three tabulations with data for employed persons for the Nation and States. In addition, the second tabulation (occupation by industry) has data for standard metropolitan statistical areas (SMSA's). The data are available on 2 tape reels at 6250 bpi; US and States, 1 reel; SMSA's, 1 reel.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Dictionary of Occupational Titles, 4th Edition, and 1986 DOT Supplement
US Department of Commerce
National Technical Information Service
Springfield, VA 22161 (703) 487-4807
This is the master file for the fourth edition of the Dictionary of Occupational Titles. It is comprehensive compilation of 12,099 coded (9-digits) job definitions classified in nine defined major categories, 82 defined 2 digit divisions, and 559 defined 3 digit groups. More than 28,800 job titles are in the file. Also included are master titles and definitions, term titles and definitions, glossary terms and 220 industry designation definitions. Available in: 9 track, 1600 or 6250 bpi, order number PB87-194528/HAL, at a cost of $210.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Digital Shoreline Data
National Ocean Service/NOAA
Chief, Automated Cartographic
Production Group, N/CG2X4
Charting and Geodetic Services
Rockville, MD 20852 (301) 443-8563
This contains shoreline data of the conterminous United States, Puerto Rico, the US Virgin Islands, and Hawaii. The data have been collected to NOS accuracy standards. Data are available in either large scale or small scale. The large-scale data sets have been collected from the largest scale charts of each geographic area representing 20 data sets. The large-scale data represent the mean high water (MHW) lines as shown on NOS charts, whether natural or manmade. As a navigational tool, the data should only be used as a reference on in conjunction with the latest NOS nautical chart.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Digital Terrain Data Base
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
National Geodetic Data Center (N/CG174)
6001 Executive Blvd.
Rockville, MD 20852 (301) 443-8623
This is available to the public as a special product. It includes terrain elevations at 30 arc-second grid, and intersections derived from DMA digital terrain data; originally digitized from 1:250,000 scale maps; organized by degree square and compressed for storage digital data. There are approximately 14 million points in the set.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Digitized Isopleths of the World-Volume IX (TD-9781)
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
National Climatic Data Center
Federal Building
Asheville, NC 28801-2969 (704) 259-0682
The primary source of data utilized to generate this file was the Marine Atlas files (TD-9760) that were used to produce the 5 volume series of the U. S. Navy Marine Climatic Atlas of the World, a related file. The major parameters that make up this file are monthly means and standard deviations of wind speed, surface air temperature, sea surface temperature, air-sea temperature differences, dewpoint temperature, sea level pressure, and wave heights. Data are from January 1850 through December 1970. Copies are available on magnetic tape. For more information, including cost, contact the office above.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* DIPPR Data Compilation of Pure Compound Properties
Joan Sauerwein
Office of Standard Reference Data
National Institute of Standards and Technology
Room A323, Physics Building
US Department of Commerce
Gaithersburg, MD 20899 (301) 975-2208
The DIPPR data base contains data on 39 properties for 900 chemical compounds. These data were released for public distribution by the Design Institute for Physical Property Data (DIPPR) in November, 1984. Thermodynamic, physical, transport, and environmental property data are given for pure chemical compounds of high industrial priority. The data base includes numeric values as well as interactive software which allows access to specific properties of the compounds included, in any specified set of units. Data are available for lease to the public under various types of agreements. The exact terms and cost of the data base depend on the nature of use. For information on prices and ordering procedure, contact Ms. Sauerwein.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
y 1850 through December 1970. Copies are available on magnetic tape. For more information, including cost, contact the office above.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Countries, Dependencies, and Areas of Special Sovereignty
US Department of Commerce
National Technical Information Service
Springfield, VA 22161 (703) 487-4807
The file contains data from Table 1 of Federal Information Processing Standard Publication (FIPS PUB) 10-3 Countries, Dependencies, Areas of Special Sovereignty, and Their Principal Administrative Divisions including its change notices 1 and 2. The file includes the names and alphabetic two-character codes of each basic entity. In addition, it includes the name and four-character code of each principal division for those basic entities whose divisions are included in FIPS-PUB 10-3. Records are sequenced in alphabetic order by basic entity. A typical entry consists of the country (basic entity) code and name and, if the basic entity is subdivided, the principal division codes and names. Available in: 9 track 1600 or 6250 bpi, order number PB85-222859/HAL, at a cost of $210.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* County and City Data Book, 1988 Tape File
Customer Services
Bureau of the Census
Washington, DC 20233 (301) 763-4100
The file provides data in three files. The counties file provides data for the following general topics: area and population, households, vital statistics, health, Social Security, Supplemental Security Income, crimes, construction and housing, journey to work, education, labor force, personal income, money income, government employment and finances, manufactures, wholesale and retail trade, service industries, banking, elections, and agriculture. The cities file provides data on climate, and electric bills, in addition to most of the subjects listed in the counties file. The places file provides data on population and money income. The data time span is 1980 to 1986. The geographic areas covered are the United States, States and the District of Columbia, counties and county equivalents, cities of 25,000 or more population, places (and, in 20 States, minor civil divisions) of 2,500 or more population. The file is available on one tape reel at 1600 or 6250 bpi. The 1983 file, similar scope and same title, except date, is available from Customer Services: 1 tape reel at 1600 or 6250 bpi.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* County and City Data Book, 1988, Diskette File
Customer Services
Bureau of the Census
Washington, DC 20233 (301) 763-4100
The file is a summary statistics file, similar to the report County and City Data Book, 1988. The data time span is 1980 to 1986. The diskettes are organized in six complete file sets (subsets are available only for sets 5 and 6).
File set 1: Counties, 18 diskettes; File set 2: Cities, 4 diskettes; File set 3: Places, 3 diskettes; File set 4: States, 1 diskette; File set 5: Divisions (7 subsets); Northeast Region: 3 diskettes; Midwest Region: East North Central Division, 4 diskettes; West North Central Division, 4 diskettes. South Region: South Atlantic Division, 4 diskettes; East South Central Division, 3 diskettes; West South Central Division, 3 diskettes; West Region: 4 diskettes: File set 6: Special Subjects (2 subsets), Demographic subset, 9 diskettes, Economic subset, 11 diskettes. File sets 1, 2, 3, and 4 combined also are available on 8 high density diskettes (high density (1.2MB) 5-1/4 inch diskettes). The price of the first diskette per order is $60. Each additional disk is $12. The sampler diskette with the utility program UTILITY2 is included with all orders at no additional charge.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* County and City Data Book, 1983 (a Statistical Abstract supplement) Diskette File
Customer Services
Bureau of the Census
Washington, DC 20233 (301) 763-4100
The file is a summary statistics file, similar to the report County and City Data Book, 1983. The data time span is 1976 to 1982. The diskettes are organized in six complete file sets or may be purchased individually. The following options are available when ordering file sets: all county, city, and place data (32 diskettes); all county data (21 diskettes); all city data (6 diskettes); all place data (5 diskettes); US and State totals only (1 diskette); and all State data (43 diskettes). Each set includes documentation/software (1 diskette). When ordering your diskettes, also add the cost of one documentation/software diskette. The price of the first diskette per order is $60. Each additional diskette in any combination of options is $12. If you wish to select particular areas, request an order form.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* County and City Data Book, 1983, Files on Diskette
Bureau of the Census
Data User Services Division,
Customer Services (Tapes)
Washington, DC 20233 (301) 763-4100
This contains summary statistics. Diskettes contain data gathered from a variety of federal agencies and national associations as published in the county and city data book, 1983. Data are from the 1980 census of population and housing. The 1977 economic censuses, the 1978 census of agriculture, and a number of federal government and private agencies. County data include area and population, households, vital statistics, health, social security, supplemental security income, crimes, housing, journey to work, education, labor force, personal income, money income, government employment and finances, manufactures, wholesale and retail trade, service industries, banking, elections, and agriculture. City data (areas with population 25,000 or more) include years of school completed, workers in family, climate, and residential electric bills. The charge will be $175 plus $50 for the first tape, and $175 plus $25 for each additional reel in an order.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* County and MCD by Zip Code
Customer Services
Bureau of the Census
Washington, DC 20233 (301) 763-4100
The file relates zip codes to counties, SMSA's, and, in New England, MCD's. The counties, SMSA's, MCD's, and zip code areas represent geography as it existed in 1979, and there are no plans by the Bureau to update the file. Zip codes that occur in more than one county of MCD appear on more than one record. If there was a possibility that a zip code extended into an additional county or MCD, the other county of MCD was included in the file. As a result, the file tends to overstate the zip-county and zip-MCD crossovers. The geographic areas covered are States and outlying areas, standard metropolitan statistical areas (SMSA's), counties, minor civil divisions (MCD's), and zip code areas. The file is available on one tape reel at 1600 or 6250 bpi.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* County Business Patterns
Bureau of the Census
Data User Services Division,
Customer Services (Tapes)
Washington, DC 20233 (301) 763-4100
There is a separate machine-readable data file for each year. The universe is all business establishments with one or more paid employees. Data are not included for agriculture production, railroad, government, or household employment. Data are tabulated by kinds-of-business categories based on the 1972 revised standard industrial classification (SIC) system. Provides data on total number of establishments, mid-March employment, annual payroll, and number of establishments by nine (9) employment size classes. Whereas data in county business patterns reports are not shown for SIC's with fewer than 50 employees in a given area, there is no such restriction on the diskette extracts. The cost is $60 for the first disk and $12 for each additional disk ordered. First diskette fee ($60) should be added into order only one time per order. Price for entire data set: double sided, 9 sector=$550.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* County Business Patterns: 1981-1985 Diskette Extract File
Customer Services
Bureau of the Census
Washington, DC 20233 (301) 763-4100
The file provides data on the total number of establishments with one or more paid employees, mid-March employment, annual payroll, and number of establishments by nine employment size classes. (Data in County Business Patterns reports are not shown for SIC's with fewer than 50 employees in a given area.) For States and counties, information is presented at the 2-digit SIC code level only; for the United States, at the 4-digit level. The cost is $60 for the first diskette in an order. Each additional disk is $12. The complete set of 42 is $550. There is a separate machine-readable data file for each year (1981-1985).
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* County Business Patterns: 1985
Customer Services
Bureau of the Census
Washington, DC 20233 (301) 763-4100
The file provides summary data by standard industrial classification (SIC) code on total number of establishments, mid-March employment, first quarter and annual payroll, and number of establishments by employment-size class. File 1B provides State-level data for each State and File 2 furnishes statistics at the county level for all counties, including separate reporting of SIC codes with fewer than 50 employees in a given county - data not found in County Business Patterns reports. In addition, data summarized at the US level are available on a separate file by detailed industry. The geographic areas covered are the United States, States, and counties. The file is available on one tape reel at 1600 or 6250 bpi for File 1B (States); 4 tape reels at 1600 bpi or 1 at 6250 bpi for File 2 (counties); 1 tape reel at 1600 or 6250 bpi for US file.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* County Household Estimates: Provisional Estimates of Households for Counties: July 1, 1985
Data Access and Use Staff
Data User Services Division
Bureau of the Census
Washington, DC 20233 (301) 763-2074
The file contains the average number of persons per household as of July 1, 1985 for each of the 3,138 counties and county equivalents. The diskette also contains revised 1985 population estimates that reflect corrections to the 1980 census population count. The geographic areas covered are States, counties, and county equivalents. This report is available online, through CENDATA, the Census Bureau's online data system, and on 1 diskette, $60. For information about CENDATA content and online services, contact CompuServe (800-848-8199) or DIALOG Information Services (800-334-2564). For file content information only, contact the office above.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* County Migration by Selected Characteristics, 1975-1980
Customer Services
Bureau of the Census
Washington, DC 20233 (301) 763-4100
The file provides data on in-migration and out-migration for counties between 1975 and 1980 by age, sex, and race. Migration data are sub-classified by military status and college attendance in 1975 and 1980, with additional detail for migrants in group quarters in 1980 and residence abroad in 1975. The geographic areas covered are 3,137 counties and county equivalents. The file is available on one tape reel at 1600 or 6250 bpi.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* County Population by Age, Sex, Race, and Spanish Origin
Customer Services
Bureau of the Census
Washington, DC 20233 (301) 763-4100
The file contains a table for single years of age (up to 75 years and over) for total, male, and female. The table is repeated for each of 21 race/Spanish-origin groups in the geographic area, such as total, White, Black, American Indian, and Asian Indian. The file also shows the Spanish-origin population cross-classified by race. The data time span is 1980. The geographic areas covered are counties and independent cities. The file is available on 4 tape reels at 1600 bpi or 1 tape reel at 6250 bpi.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* County Population by Age, Sex, Race, and Spanish Origin (Preliminary OMB-Consistent Modified Race)
Customer Services
Bureau of the Census
Washington, DC 20233 (301) 763-4100
The file contains two tables for 77 age group categories (total, single years of age from 0 to 74, and a "75 years or older" category) for total, male, and female. The table is repeated for each of three race groups (White, Black, and other races) and two Spanish-origin groups (not Spanish, Spanish origin). Race and Spanish-origin categories are consistent with Directive No. 15 from the Office of Management and Budget (OMB). The data time span is 1980. The geographic areas covered are States, counties, and independent cities. The files is available on 4 tape reels at 1600 bpi or 1 tape reel at 6250 bpi.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* County Population Estimates (Experimental) by Age, Sex, and Race: 1980, 1982, and 1984
Customer Services
Bureau of the Census
Washington, DC 20233 (301) 763-4100
The file provides county population estimates for July 1 of 1980, 1982, and 1984 by age (18 age groups), sex, and race (White and Black and other races). These estimates were prepared for the National Cancer Institute (NCI) and sometimes are referred to by that name. The report makes full use of 1980 census data on gross in- and out-migration for counties. The geographic areas covered are each of the 3,131 counties and county equivalents as defined (with one exception) in the 1980 census. The file is available on one tape reel at 1600 or 6250 bpi.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* County Statistics Tape File 3 (CO-STAT 3)
Customer Services
Bureau of the Census
Washington, DC 20233 (301) 763-4100
The file provides over 1,700 data items from the Bureau of the Census and other Federal agencies including the Bureau of Economic Analysis, the Bureau of Labor Statistics, and the Social Security Administration, as well as several private organizations such as the American Dental Association, the American Hospital Association, and the American Medical Association. The file contains data for the following general areas: age, agriculture, banking, business, construction, crime, education, elections, government, health, households, housing, labor, land area, manufactures, money income, personal income, population, poverty, retail trade, service industries, social insurance and human services, veterans, vital statistics, and wholesale trade. Also included is a machine-readable list of footnotes for the data items and a listing of the data dictionary. The data time span is 1960 to 1987. The geographic areas covered are United States, States, the District of Columbia, and counties or county equivalents. The file is available on 2 tape reels at 1600 or 1 tape reel at 6250 bpi.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* County-to-County Migration Flows
Customer Services
Bureau of the Census
Washington, DC 20233 (301) 763-4100
The file provides data for migration flows into and out of each county, as well as for intra-county movers and non-movers. All intra-state flows are shown but interstate flows below a minimum (100 persons) are combined into State balances. Movers from abroad are disaggregated to show Puerto Rico, other outlying areas, and "balance of abroad" if the flows are above the minimum. The data time span is 1980. The geographic areas covered are counties (minor civil divisions (MCD's) in New England). The file is available on 235 tape reels at 1600 bpi or 70 tape reels at 6250 bpi for the entire US The file is also available on a State-by-State basis.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
collected from the largest scale charts of each geographic area representing 20 data sets. The large-scale data represent the mean high water (MHW) lines as shown on NOS charts, whether natural or manmade. As a navigational tool, the data should only be used as a ref
* Commerce Business Daily
DIALOG Information Services, Inc.
3460 Hillview Avenue
Palo Alto, CA 94304 (800) 334-2564
This file contains announcements of products and services wanted or offered by the US government. Date of coverage: October 1982-.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Commercial Information Management System (CIMS)
Janet Barnes
Automated Information Management Division
US Department of Commerce
14th and Constitution Ave., NW, Room 1837
Washington, DC 20230 (202) 377-5291
CIMS Hotline (202) 377-4641
Your nearest US Commercial and Foreign Service
District Office, International Trade Administration,
US Department of Commerce
CIMS is a decentralized data base that matches subscribing US firms with foreign companies and governments interested in purchasing US goods and services. Information connecting buyers and sellers is transmitted via telecommunications between 44 US posts in foreign countries and 68 District Offices in the US. District Offices maintain data on the size, products and export capabilities of companies in their locality. Overseas posts collect data about foreign company agents and distributors, and foreign interests in importing US goods or services. As each District Office and foreign post collects its own data, elements vary with each office. On the average, each system contains approximately 2,000 records and is updated continually. Searches and printouts are available on a cost recovery basis.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Commodity Line Sales, Industry Series (WC82-I-3(T))
Data Access and Use Staff
Data User Services Division
Bureau of the Census
Washington, DC 20233 (301) 763-2074
The file provides data for 129 broad commodity lines with selected detail within major lines classified by kind of business. The data include the number of establishments handling the line and their sales of the line; the percentage of total sales of the kind of business accounted for by each line carried; the amount and percentage of the line sold by various kinds of retail businesses; and, for each line, the degree of specialization in that line. Specialization is derived by computing the percentage which sales of that line is of total sales of establishments that handled that particular line. Information is also provided on sales coverage of establishments reporting commodity lines; it can be used as a guideline to evaluate the validity of the commodity line tabulations. The data time span is 1982. The geographic areas covered are the United States, 15 selected States (California, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, Texas), and the following standard metropolitan statistical areas (SMSA's): Atlanta, GA; Boston, MA; Chicago, IL; Dallas-Fort Worth, TX; Detroit, MI; Houston, TX; Kansas City, MO-KS; Los Angeles-Long Beach, CA; Minneapolis-St.Paul, MN-WI; Nassau-Suffolk, NY; New York, NY-NJ; Newark, NJ; Philadelphia, PA-NJ; St. Louis, MO-IL; San Francisco-Oakland, CA. The file is available on one tape reel at 1600 or 6250 bpi.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Concentration Ratios in Manufacturing (MC82-S-7)
Data Access and Use Staff
Data User Services Division
Bureau of the Census
Washington, DC 20233 (301) 763-2074
The file includes company statistics on share of total value added by manufacture by various groups, ranked by size. The report also shows the share of value added, employment, payroll, value of shipments, and capital expenditures accounted for by the 200 largest companies. In addition, tables give statistics on the distribution and changes in the 4 largest company concentration ratios by industry group. The data time span is 1982, with some comparative data since 1947. Limited excerpts from this report are available online through CENDATA, the Census Bureau's online data system. For information about CENDATA content and online services, contact CompuServe (800-848-8199) or DIALOG Information Services (800-334-2564). For file content information only, contact the office above.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Condor Data Base
Department of Commerce
6010 Executive Blvd., Room 1021
Rockville, MD 20852 (301) 443-8541
This file contains aeronautical data to support the varied aeronautical charts and related publications of the National Ocean Service: data includes selected geographic and related information on airports, navigational aids and obstacles to flight, and airspace route, intersection and boundary information: data is updated every fifty-six days/airspace cycle.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Congressional District (98th Congress) Equivalency File
Customer Services
Bureau of the Census
Washington, DC 20233 (301) 763-4100
The file indicates the correspondence between congressional districts (CD's) of the 98th Congress and 1980 census geographic areas. Each record contains a two-digit CD code. For each CD, State and county codes are always shown. When a CD includes only part of a county, codes for lower levels of geography (minor civil division (MCD)/census county division (CCD), place, census tract, block group, block, and enumeration district) are shown as required to indicate the CD coverage. The data time span is 1980. The geographic areas covered are Congressional districts of the 98th Congress. The file is available on one tape reel at 1600 or 6250 bpi.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Congressional District (99th Congress) Equivalency File
Customer Services
Bureau of the Census
Washington, DC 20233 (301) 763-4100
The file is the same as for the 98th Congress file, described above, except prepared for the 99th Congress. The data time span is 1980. The geographic areas covered are Congressional districts of the 99th Congress. The file is available on one tape reel at 1600 or 6250 bpi.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Congressional District (100th Congress) Equivalency File
Customer Services
Bureau of the Census
Washington, DC 20233 (301) 763-4100
The file is the same as for the 98th Congress file, described above, except prepared for the 100th Congress. The data time span is 1980. The geographic areas covered are Congressional districts of the 100th Congress. The file is available on one tape reel at 1600 or 6250 bpi.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Congressional District Boundary File (98th Congress)
Customer Services
Bureau of the Census
Washington, DC 20233 (301) 763-4100
The file contains a digitized representation of boundaries of the 435 congressional districts of the 98th Congress. It is designed as a polygon file suitable for the computer mapping of statistical data. The geographic areas covered are Congressional districts of the 98th Congress. The file is available on one tape reel at 1600 or 6250 bpi.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Congressional District Geographic Boundary File
Bureau of the Census
Customer Services Branch
Washington, DC 20233
Order number CU GEO XX 014, "priority" orders will be processed within five working days, and will be mailed out by "next day air." Priority orders will be limited to those placed by credit card or charged to census deposit accounts, and orders delivered to customer services by courier for tape files released within the last calendar year. The charge will be $75 plus $50 for the first tape. Geographic reference file of records corresponding to a boundary point of a congressional district border. Records contain both a state code and congressional district number. Contains approximately 56,200 records.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Consolidated Federal Funds Report
Dave Kellerman
Governments Division
Bureau of the Census
Washington, DC 20233 (301) 763-5276
This system provides summary statistics on federal expenditures or obligations for the following categories: grants, salaries, wages, procurement contracts, direct payment for individuals, other direct payments for individuals, other direct payments, direct loans, guaranteed or insured loans and insurance. The system contains three separate files: Data File gives government identification code, program identification code, assistance type and amount in whole dollar; Geographic Reference File contains names and government unit codes for all state, county and sub-county areas; Programs Identification File provides program identification code and respective program titles.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Consolidated Federal Funds Report (CFFR), Fiscal Year 1987
Customer Services
Bureau of the Census
Washington, DC 20233 (301) 763-4100
The file contains statistics on Federal expenditures or obligations for States and local governments by the following categories: grants, salaries and wages, procurement contracts, direct payments for individuals, direct loans, guaranteed or insured loans and insurance. The geographic areas covered are States (including the District of Columbia), counties, and subcounty areas (municipalities and townships). US territories are also included. The file is available on one tape reel at 1600 or 6250 bpi.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Contiguous County File
Bureau of the Census
Data User Services Division,
Customer Services (Tapes)
Washington, DC 20233 (301) 763-4100
This file provides information on the relationship between counties and county equivalent areas in the United States. Several types of connectivity are shown: physical adjacency (including those areas separated by water but linked by a bridge), those that are nearby but not adjacent, and economic integration (measured by one-way commuting flows of at least 2,000 people per day based on data from the 1980 census). FIPS state and county codes, and names are included for all areas. The charge will be $175 plus $50 for the first tape and $175 plus $25 for each additional reel in an order. Available on one tape reel at 1600 bpi or 6250 bpi. "Priority" orders will be processed within five working days, and will be mailed out by "next day air."
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Core Curators' File
National Geophysical Data Center
325 Broadway
Boulder, CO 80303 (303) 497-6338
This is an inventory of and basic lithology/age information for marine geological samples achieved by major US oceanographic institutions and government agencies; contains information for over 51,000 marine geologic samples from 16 repositories; contains the following information: curating facility, ship cruise, sample number, geographic position, water depth, type of sampling device, sample dimensions, method of storage, basic lithology, age, and comments. Listings available: subsets of the main file or custom formats are available. Currents of data is 1950 to the present.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Correlation Matrices, Industrial Research and Development: 1957-1977
Customer Services
Bureau of the Census
Washington, DC 20233 (301) 763-4100
The file provides six sets of means, standard deviations, and correlation matrices for all companies in the universe with data and for approximately 10 to 20 industry groupings. The choice of firms and variables in each of the six sets is governed by availability of continuous data on the companies over time and by the successful matching of the research and development surveys to the enterprise statistics program and the census of manufactures files. The variables describe the output, assets, and employment of the firms in levels and growth rates over time, and focus on the composition and timing of the research and development expenditures of the firm. The data time span is 1957 through 1977. The file is available on 4 tape reels at 1600 bpi or 2 tape reels at 6250 bpi.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Cotton Ginnings by States (A10)
Data Access and Use Staff
Data User Services Division
Bureau of the Census
Washington, DC 20233 (301) 763-2074
The file shows ginnings before specified dates during each cotton ginning season plus an end-of-season report. Quantities are shown in running bales, not including linters (i.e., the short fibers that cling to cotton seeds after the first ginning). The average net weight per bale is also included. The final report for the season gives summary figures on running bales; equivalent 480-pound net weight bales; average net weight per bale of cotton ginned; number of active cotton gins; consumption; cotton on hand in consuming establishments, in public storage, and in compresses; number of active consuming cotton spindles; imports; and exports of cotton, excluding linters. The data time span for crops of 1984 to 1987 is: Cotton ginned for each year, before August 1, September 1 and 15, October 1 and 15, November 1 and 15, December 1 and 15, and January 1 and 15, and February 1. There is also an end-of-season report, crops for each year. The geographic areas covered are United States and selected States. Reports for 1985 to 1988 are available through CENDATA, the Census Bureau's online data system. For information about CENDATA content and online services, contact CompuServe (800-848-8199) or DIALOG Information Services (800-334-2564). For file content information only, contact the office above.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
development expenditures of the firm. The data time span is 1957 through 1977. The file is available on 4 tape reels at 1600 bpi or 2 tape reels at 6250 bpi.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
50 bpi.
* Census of Population and Housing, 1980: Master Area Reference File (MARF)
Bureau of the Census
Data User Services Division,
Customer Services (Tapes)
Washington, DC 20233 (301) 763-4100
This file contains numeric codes and names for census geographic areas plus 100 percent and sample data for selected population and housing items. The file provides 100 percent counts for the total population, five race groups (white, black, american indian, eskimo and aleut, asian and pacific islander, and other races), persons of spanish origin, families, persons in group quarters, one-person households, and total occupied and owner-occupied housing units. The charge will be $175 plus $50 for the first tape and $175 plus $25 for each additional reel in an order.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Census of Population and Housing, 1980: Master Area Reference File-Release 1
Bureau of the Census
Data User Services Division,
Customer Services (Tapes)
Washington, DC 20233 (301) 763-4100
The master area reference file (MARF) contains the geographic items from summary tape file population, provisional population counts by race and spanish origin, the number of families, and the number of persons in group quarters. Also included are the number of one-person households. The total number of housing units. The number of occupied housing units, and the number of owner-occupied housing. MARF provides summaries and codes for states or state equivalents, counties or county equivalents, minor civil divisions (MCD's) or census county divisions (CCD's). Available on 9 track tape: 1600 or 6250 bpi, ASCII or EBCDIC, unlabeled or standard format. The charge will be $175 plus $50 for the first tape and $175 plus $25 for each additional reel in an order.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Census of Population and Housing, 1980: Public-Use Microdata Samples
Bureau of the Census
Data User Services Division,
Customer Services (Tapes)
Washington, DC 20233 (301) 763-4100
File contains area names, numeric codes and 1980 census population counts for the components (counties, MCD's and place parts within counties) of each A and B sample county group used in 1980 census microdata files. A sample include almost all individual counties and many places of 100,000 or more inhabitants. File number (CU GEO 80 006) is available on one reel at 1600 bpi or 6250 bpi; "priority" orders will be processed within five working days, and will be mailed out by "next day air."
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Census of Population and Housing, 1980: 1980-1970 Tract Comparability File
Bureau of the Census
Data User Services Division,
Customer Services (Tapes)
Washington, DC 20233 (301) 763-4100
This machine readable data file contains information on 1980 census tracts whose boundaries or identification changed between the 1970 and 1980 census.#
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Characteristics of New Housing - Microdata Sample
Dale Jacobson
Construction Statistics Division
Bureau of the Census
Washington, DC 20233 (301) 763-5731
The file contains the sample, individual data records used to produce the estimates published each year in Characteristics of New Housing. The file is offered on computer tape as a special tabulation. Users acquiring this microdata can then design and produce their own tabulations. The individual records do not contain addresses or other identifying information. The geographic areas covered are the United States, regions, and divisions.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Characteristics of Teachers
Customer Services
Bureau of the Census
Washington, DC 20233 (301) 763-4100
This tabulation, originally prepared for the National Center for Education Statistics, provide selected characteristics of teachers for the US, regions, divisions, and States. The selected characteristics include: age, sex, race, Spanish origin, family and household type, aggregate earnings, aggregate family income, and various categories of income type. Data for the US regions, and divisions are on 1 tape reel at 6250 bpi; data for States also are on 1 reel at 6250 bpi.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Charleston Laboratory
Dr. Robert R. Kifer
Charleston Laboratory
US Department of Commerce
Southeast Fisheries Center
P.O. Box 12607
Charleston, SC 29412 (803) 762-1200
The Laboratory's purpose is to support agency's program in the Southeast region. It provides improved detection and evaluation of significance of contaminants in fishery resources in the southeast region, evaluation of fish and products for improved processing and marketing, technology for fisheries development and stimulation of public acceptance of fisheries products. Reports, digital data, and summaries are available.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* City Reference File, 1987
Customer Services
Bureau of the Census
Washington, DC 20233 (301) 763-4100
The file presents a listing of post office names, State abbreviations, and zip codes, with their associated State, metropolitan statistical area (MSA), county, and place codes. It also contains spelling variations of post office names. This file provides the capability of assigning census geographic codes (State, MSA, county, and place) to records containing zip code, post office name, and State abbreviation. The file is available on one tape reel at 1600 or 6250 bpi.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Civil Aircraft and Aircraft Engines (M37G)
Data Access and Use Staff
Data User Services Division
Bureau of the Census
Washington, DC 20233 (301) 763-2074
The file contains data on quantity and value of shipments of complete civilian aircraft and aircraft engines. Data are shown for the current month and the preceding month, with comparative data for the current month a year ago. Included are data comparing domestic output, exports, and imports. Also included is a summary showing quantity and value of shipments of complete civilian aircraft and the value of aircraft engines for the current month and each of 24 preceding months. The number of companies reporting shipments are also shown for each product. Substantial excerpts from this report are available online, through CENDATA, the Census Bureau's online data system. For information about CENDATA content and online services, contact CompuServe (800-848-8199) or DIALOG Information Services (800-334-2564). For file content information only, contact the office above.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Climate Analysis Center Bulletin Board
US Department of Commerce
National Weather Service
5200 Auth Road, Room 805
Washington, DC 20233 Voice: (301) 763-4670
Data: Fee-based, call for details
This bulletin board provides weekly and monthly summaries of temperatures, precipitation, and other climatic conditions, primarily for agricultural and energy applications. Sysop: Vernon Patterson.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Climate Assessment Data Base (CADB)
NOAA, National Meteorological Center W353
WWB, Room 800
Washington, DC 20233 (301) 763-8071
The system is designed for easy public access and provides users with information about short-term climate conditions in the United States and throughout the world. Anyone with a compatible terminal (most home computers are) and telephone linkup can obtain a password and dial directly into the system. Users can then select from a menu of 50 data files summarizing meteorological data on a weekly, monthly and seasonal basis. Examples of data include: temperature, precipitation, weather indexes, heating and cooling days, energy conditions, and assessment of climate on crops. The system contains global surface data collected from 6,000 stations worldwide. Data are contributed from 8,000 stations worldwide. The system is updated continually. For the price of a phone call, anyone with compatible equipment can use the system. Contact Mr. Patterson's office at NOAA to find out if your terminal and telephone linkup are compatible. His office will give you an eight-letter password and the telephone number you can use to enter the system. The users fee ranges from $48-$600.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Climatic Diagnostics Data Base (TD-9795)
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
National Climatic Data Center
Federal Building
Asheville, NC 28801-2969 (704) 259-0682
The Climate Analysis Center of the National Weather Service produced this archive (file) of monthly means of grid point analyses of basic meteorological data, then mean squares, and a number of mean cross products for up to 9 levels in the atmosphere. These data were obtained from the National Meteorological Center's final global optimum interpolation analysis. Data are from October 1, 1978 through September 30, 1983. Copies are available on magnetic tape. For more information, including cost, contact the office above.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Climatological Atlas of the World Ocean, Annual and Seasonal Analyses
National Oceanographic Data Center
User Service Branch
Washington, DC 20235 (202) 673-5549
The National Oceanographic Data Center (NODC) is pleased to announce the availability of digital data tapes containing data from the Climatological Atlas of the World Ocean (NOAA Professional Paper No. 13, Rockville, Maryland, December 1982). The atlas represents the published results of a project to provide researchers with objectively analyzed, gridded fields of major oceanographic variables. Data analysis and compilation of the atlas was carried out by Sydney Levitus of the Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory (GFDL), National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). The atlas and data tapes present a synthesis of all temperature, salinity, and oxygen data available from NODC's Oceanographic Station Data, Mechanical Bathythermograph, and Expendable Bathythermograph files. Copies of the annual analyses (temperature, salinity, dissolved oxygen, percent oxygen saturation) and seasonal analyses (temperature and salinity only) from the Climatological Atlas of the World Ocean are available from the NODC on magnetic tape.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Climatological Atlas of the World Ocean, Seasonal Five-Degree Square Statistics
National Oceanographic Data Center
User Services Branch
Washington, DC 20235 (202) 634-7500
Tapes contain seasonal statistics by 5-degree squares of ocean temperature, salinity, dissolved oxygen, dissolved saturated oxygen, potential density, and specific volume. For each parameter the number of observations, mean and standard deviation are given for seasonal periods at up to 30 standard depth levels.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Coastal Zone Color Scanner Data Base
Mary Hollinger
Princeton Executive Center
5627 Allentown Rd.
Camp Springs, MD 20746 (301) 763-8399
This data base is a computerized catalog of data archived from NASA's experimental satellites. Information stored includes: date, orbit, start and stop time, longitude coordinators, number of channels of information, cloud cover estimate, and the archive number of tape and film frame. Data can be retrieved by time period or geographical area. The system was started in 1979 and ended in 1986, and contains 64,000 records. Approximately 200-300 records are added daily. There is a minimum charge of $35 for any search. Actual tapes and films must be purchased from NOAA.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Codes for Named Populated Places, Primary Country Divisions and Other Locations Entities of the US
US Department of Commerce
National Technical Information Service
5288 Port Royal Rd.
Springfield, VA 22161 (703) 487-4807
This ninth update of the Federal Information Processing Standard (FIPS) 55 data file provides a two-character State code and five-character numeric place code to uniquely identify each listed entity. Areas of the United States covered are the fifty states, the District of Columbia, and all outlying territories with significant self-administration. An exhaustive list is carried of incorporated places, census designated places (CDP's), primary county divisions (such as townships, New England towns, and census county divisions), recognized Indian reservations and Alaska Native villages, and counties. The listing also includes unincorporated places, military bases, National parks, airports, and ground transportation points. A two-character class code distinguishes over seventy entity types. Each entity is identified by the county or counties in which it is located. Zip codes are provided for all Post Offices. Available in: 9 track 1600 or 6250 bpi, order number PB87-1424326/HAL at a cost of $525.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
dimensions, method of storage, basic lithology, age, and comments. Listings available: subsets of the main file or custom formats are available. Currents of data is 1950 to the present.
DIALOG Information Services, Inc.
3460 Hillview Avenue
Palo Alto, CA 94304 (800) 334-2564
This system contains statistical data, press releases and product information from the Bureau of the Census.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* CENSPAC (Census Software Package)
Customer Services
Bureau of the Census
Washington, DC 20233 (301) 763-4100
The package provides computer software (developed by the Bureau of the Census) offering a generalized data retrieval system for use with summary statistics. The software capabilities include sorting, record selection, report generation, extract file creation and documentation, inter- and intra-record computation and aggregation, array manipulation, and matching two files. It also has the capability to interface with a user routine. The software package requires up to 200K characters of main storage, direct access storage for the optional machine-readable data dictionary, and input and output devices to support the input and output data files for specific runs. CENSPAC was developed on an IBM 370/168 under VS and also is operational on the UNIVAC EXEC-8 operating system. The software is written in ANSI COBOL, and the system is machine independent to allow for conversion to other systems. This package is available on one tape reel at 1600 or 6250 bpi.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Census Bureau Transportation Statistics
US Bureau of the Census
Data Users Services Division
Customer Services
Washington, DC 20233 (301) 763-4100
The following two data files are available representing survey results taken at 5 year intervals by the Census of Transportation: The Trucking Inventory & Use Survey; and the Commodity Transportation Survey. These surveys present benchmark data on the physical and operational characteristics of our national trucking resources and aggregate statistics on commodity movements by various modes. A machine readable tape is available for each survey. Printed reports and microfiche reports are also generated.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Census/Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) Special File
Customer Services
Bureau of the Census
Washington, DC 20233 (301) 763-4100
The file provides census sample data with particular relevance to EEO and affirmative action uses. This computer file contains two tabulations, one with detailed occupation data and the other with years of school completed by age. The data in both tabulations are crossed by sex and Spanish origin or race for those not of Spanish origin. There are twelve race and Spanish-origin categories and 514 occupation categories. This file is expected to be useful during the next decade to both the government and the private sector as the primary source of occupational and educational attainment data for personnel recruitment and affirmative action program planning. The data time span is 1980. The geographic areas covered are States, counties, standard metropolitan statistical areas (SMSA's) and places of 50,000 or more population. The file is available on 12 tape reels at 1600 bpi or 3 tape reels at 6250 bpi for the consolidated national file or 1 tape reel at 1600 or 6250 bpi per State.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Census/Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) Special File - Puerto Rico
Customer Services
Bureau of the Census
Washington, DC 20233 (301) 763-4100
The file is similar to Census/Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) Special File, described above. Tables have been modified to reflect data-gathering or presentation procedures unique to Puerto Rico. The data time span is 1980. The geographic areas covered are Puerto Rico, municipios, standard metropolitan statistical areas (SMSA's), and places with a population of 50,000 or more. The file is available on one tape reel at 1600 or 6250 bpi.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Census/Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) Special File Supplements
Customer Services
Bureau of the Census
Washington, DC 20233 (301) 763-4100
The file provides census sample data with particular relevance to EEO and affirmative action uses. This computer file contains two tabulations, one with detailed occupation data and the other with years of school completed by age. The data in both tabulations are crossed by sex and Spanish origin or race for those not of Spanish origin. There are twelve race and Spanish-origin categories and 514 occupation categories. This file is expected to be useful during the next decade to both the government and the private sector as the primary source of occupational and educational attainment data for personnel recruitment and affirmative action program planning. The data time span is 1980. The geographic areas covered are: In Supplement 1: towns and townships with 50,000 or more people in Connecticut, Massachusetts, Michigan, New Jersey, New York, and Pennsylvania; In Supplement 2: metropolitan statistical areas, consolidated metropolitan statistical areas, and primary metropolitan statistical areas, as defined in July 1983. The file is available as follows: Supplement 1: 1 tape reel at 1600 bpi or 2 tape reels at 6250 bpi. Supplement 2: 2 tape reels at 1600 bpi or 1 at 6250 bpi.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Census of Agriculture, 1982 Final County File
Customer Services
Bureau of the Census
Washington, DC 20233 (301) 763-4100
The file contains county level data for each county from the Geographic Area Series (AC82-A). The data time span is 1978 and 1982. The geographic areas covered are States and counties. The preliminary data are available on computer tape and diskettes. The file is available on 5 tape reels at 1600 bpi or 2 tape reels at 6250 bpi. Individual States or groups of States can be provided.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Census of Agriculture, 1982 Final State File
Customer Services
Bureau of the Census
Washington, DC 20233 (301) 763-4100
The file contains state level data for each State from the Geographic Area Series (AC82-A). The data time span is 1978 and 1982. The geographic areas covered are the United States and States. The preliminary data are available on diskettes. The file is available on 9 tape reels at 1600 bpi or 3 tape reels at 6250 bpi. Individual States or groups of States can be provided.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Census of Governments, 1982: Employment Summary Statistics
Customer Services
Bureau of the Census
Washington, DC 20233 (301) 763-4100
The file presents specific October 1982 employment and payroll figures by function. Full-time and part-time employment and payroll data are shown for the following functions: corrections, education, administration, fire protection, health, libraries, police protection, public welfare, utilities, parks, transit, sewerage, and highway maintenance. Data are also provided on labor-management relations, full-time employee benefits, health, hospital or disability insurance, and life insurance. File A provides data for each State and local government unit. File B has data for local government units aggregated to the county level. File C has US and State summaries for the following types of governments: State and local (total); State; local (total); and local in standard metropolitan statistical areas (SMSA's), counties municipalities, townships, school districts, and special districts. File A is contained on 8 tape reels at 1600 bpi or 2 tape reels at 6250 bpi. Files B and C are together contained on 1 tape reel at 1600 or 6250 bpi.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Census of Governments, 1982: Finance Summary Statistics
Customer Services
Bureau of the Census
Washington, DC 20233 (301) 763-4100
The file shows revenue from taxes (amounts by tax source); intergovernmental revenue (source, type, and amount); and revenue from charges (source and amount). In addition, the file covers expenditures by general categories - airports, corrections, fire protection, for example - and within categories by current operation, construction, equipment and land, etc. Also shown are type of debts - full faith and credit, non-guaranteed, long-term, and short-term - and source of debt - water supply, schools, gas supply, and other sources. File A contains data for all State and local government units. File B contains summaries for local government units aggregated to the county level. File C provides US and State summaries for nine separate summary levels: State and local (total); State; local (total); and local in standard metropolitan statistical areas (SMSA's), counties, municipalities, townships, school districts, and special districts. File A is contained on 9 tape reels at 1600 bpi or 3 tape reels at 6250 bpi. Files B and C are sold as a single unit and are contained on 3 tape reels at 1600 or 1 tape reel at 6250 bpi.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Census of Governments, 1982: Governmental Organization
Customer Services
Bureau of the Census
Washington, DC 20233 (301) 763-4100
The file provides information on the number, type, and selected characteristics of governmental units, such as number of employees, payroll, and types of public services provided. Data on public school districts, collected by the National Center for Education Statistics, include number of schools, fall enrollment, and grade levels operated. Population counts from the 1980 census are also included. The geographic areas covered are State and local governmental units. The file is available on one tape reel at 1600 or 6250 bpi.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Census of Governments, 1982: Retirement Systems
Customer Services
Bureau of the Census
Washington, DC 20233 (301) 763-4100
The file provides end-of-fiscal-year data for retirement systems that end their fiscal years between July 1, 1981 and June 30, 1982. Data include value of total benefit payments, value of total revenue by source (i.e., employee contribution, government contribution, earnings from investments), and value of cash and specified investments. For the final month of the fiscal year, figures show membership as well as number and amount of periodic benefit payments and lump-sum payments. Also included are names and addresses of State and local government employee-retirement systems. The geographic areas covered are State and local governmental units. The file is available on one tape reel at 1600 or 6250 bpi.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Census of Population, 1940: Public Use Sample
Customer Services
Bureau of the Census
Washington, DC 20233 (301) 763-4100
The file contains information collected from a stratified 1-percent (one in one hundred) sample of households with separate records for each household, a "sample line" respondent, and each person in the household. These records were encoded from microfilm copies of original, handwritten enumeration schedules from the 1940 Census of Population. Schedules from the 1940 Census of Housing were not microfilmed and were destroyed; however, some housing information is contained on each household record. The geographic areas covered are States (except Alaska and Hawaii), standard metropolitan areas (SMA's), and state economic areas (SEA's). (SMA's and SEA's are comparable for the 1940 and 1950 microdata files). The file is available on 7 tape reels at 1600 bpi or 2 tape reels at 6250 bpi.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Census of Population, 1950: Public Use Sample
Customer Services
Bureau of the Census
Washington, DC 20233 (301) 763-4100
The file contains information collected from a stratified 1-percent (one in one hundred) sample of households with separate records for each household, a "sample line" respondent, and each person in the household. These records were encoded from microfilm copies of original, handwritten enumeration schedules from the 1950 Census of Population. The geographic areas covered are States (except Alaska and Hawaii), standard metropolitan areas (SMA's), and state economic areas (SEA's). (SMA's and SEA's are comparable for the 1940 and 1950 microdata files). The file is available on 8 tape reels at 1600 bpi or 3 tape reels at 6250 bpi.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Census of Population and Housing, 1980: County Boundary File
Bureau of the Census
Data User Services Division,
Customer Services (Tapes)
Washington, DC 20233 (301) 763-4100
This is a machine-readable data file; geographic reference file of states and counties; series of records containing FIPS state and county codes, county name, geographic centroid, and geographic extent of the county. Other county information includes 1980 census population count; 1980 area measurement figures for land, water, and land/water total; and a series of coordinate records for each geographic area boundary. It is available on 2 reels at 1600 bpi or on 1 reel at 6250 bpi, "priority" orders will be processed within five working days, and will be mailed out by "next day air." Priority orders will be limited to those placed by credit card or charged to census deposit accounts, and orders delivered to customer services by courier for tape files released within the last calendar year. The charge will be $175 plus $50 for the first tape, and $175 plus $25 for each additional reel.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Census of Population and Housing, 1980: Geographic Identification Code Scheme
Bureau of the Census
Data User Services Division,
Customer Services (Tapes)
Washington, DC 20233 (301) 763-4100
Geographic reference file contains a listing of the names and numeric codes for states, counties, county subdivisions. The computer tape contains three different record types: Type 1 (geolist) alphabetic listing of all counties, MCD's/CCD's and places in their hierarchical arrangement within Type 2 (alphaplace) alphabetic listing of all places within each state. Type 3 (alphamcd) alphabetic listing of all minor civil divisions within 11 specified states. The computer tape is divided into 125 separate files. It is available on one reel at 1600 bpi or 6250 bpi, "priority" orders will be processed within five working days, and will be mailed out by "next day air."
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
y 5-degree squares of ocean temperature, salinity, dissolved oxygen, dissolved saturated oxygen, potential density, and specific volume. For each parameter the number of observations, mean and standard deviation are given for seasonal periods at up to 30 standard depth levels.
* Bathymetry and Elevations for One-Degree Size Areas
National Geophysical Data Center
325 Broadway
Boulder, CO 80303 (303) 497-6376
This file contains one degree topographic; SIO global topography (worldwide ocean depths and continental elevations). All four files can be provided on one magnetic tape. Unless specified otherwise, tapes will be 9-track, 1600 bpi, EBCDIC coded; also available on 7-track, 800 bpi. Prices for all four files, $130.00. Uses: geophysics, geology, ocean engineering, topography. General area covered: worldwide.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Bibliographic Data Base on Glaciology
Ann Brennan
Word Data Center A; Glaciology
CIRES, Campus Box 449
University of Colorado
Boulder, CO 80309 (303) 492-5171
The system covers all aspects of snow and ice, including: glaciological instruments and methods; physics of ice, glaciers, ice caps and ice sheets; sea, river and lake ice; paleoglaciology; permafrost and frozen-ground studies; seasonal snow cover; avalanches; and snow hydrology. Twenty-two fields are covered. The system currently has 22,000 records and 1,500 are added yearly. Most material is from 1966 onward. Searches and printouts are available on a cost recovery basis. The Center will also provide photocopies of anything in its data base and document delivery. The average search is approximately $25.00.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Biological Oceanographic Data
National Oceanographic Data Center
User Services Branch
Washington, DC 20235 (202) 673-5549
NODC holds physical/chemical oceanographic data taken worldwide on the US outer continental shelf and in other selected areas, NODC's basic physical/chemical data holdings are supplemented by substantial quantities of marine biological data.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Building Permits Survey (Monthly and Annual), (Year)
Customer Services
Bureau of the Census
Washington, DC 20233 (301) 763-4100
The file provides monthly and annual statistics on new construction (number of buildings and units, and costs) of privately-owned residential buildings, residential non-housekeeping buildings, nonresidential privately-owned construction, and residential additions and alterations. Numbers of buildings and units lost to private demolitions are also shown. The frequency of issue is annual, current monthly, and cumulative monthly from January. The geographic areas covered are approximately 17,000 "permit-issuing places" in the United States, Puerto Rico, and the Virgin Islands. Most of these places are municipalities; the remainder are counties, townships, or unincorporated towns. (Sometimes coverage varies from actual jurisdictional boundaries.) The monthly and annual files are each available on 1 tape reel at 1600 bpi or 6250 bpi.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Business Conditions Digest Current Data
Economics and Statistical Analysis
Bureau of Economic Analysis - BE-53
US Department of Commerce
Washington, DC 20230 (202) 523-0777
The Bureau of Economic Analysis provides basic information on such key issues as economic growth, inflation, regional development, and the Nation's role in the world economy. This file contains data for the last 4 years for most of the series in Business Conditions Digest (more than 300 series). It is updated monthly, and is available online through the Economic Bulletin Board. Diskettes and printouts are available from ESA/BEA on a subscription basis: Diskette - Accession No. BEA SID 86-401, $200.00 per year.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Business Conditions Digest Historical Data
Economics and Statistical Analysis
Bureau of Economic Analysis - BE-53
US Department of Commerce
Washington, DC 20230 (202) 523-0777
The Bureau of Economic Analysis provides basic information on such key issues as economic growth, inflation, regional development, and the Nation's role in the world economy. This file contains historical data (from 1945, when available, to the present) for most of the series in Business Conditions Digest (more than 300 series). It is updated monthly, and is available from ESA/BEA: Accession No. BEA SID 86-402, $40.00 (two diskettes).
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Business Conditions Digest Historical Data File
Economics and Statistical Analysis
Bureau of Economic Analysis - BE-53
US Department of Commerce
Washington, DC 20230 (202) 523-0777
The Bureau of Economic Analysis provides basic information on such key issues as economic growth, inflation, regional development, and the Nation's role in the world economy. This file contains historical data (from 1945, when available, to the present) for most of the series in Business Conditions Digest and some diffusion index components not shown in the publication (more than 500 series). It is updated monthly, and is available from ESA/BEA: Computer Tape - Accession No. BEA SID 76-001, $100.00.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Business Cycle Indicators
Business Outlook Division, BE-52
Bureau of Economic Analysis
US Department of Commerce
Washington, DC 20230 (202) 523-0800
BEA maintains a system of indicators to track business cycles. The system features the composite indexes of leading, coincident, and lagging indicators. The composite indexes were revised as of the release of January 1989 data in March 1989. The revision incorporated changes in components, changes in methodology for computing the indexes, and updated statistical factors and historical revisions in data. The data base includes series classified as cyclical indicators (because they conform well to broad fluctuations in economic activity), as well as other series useful in interpreting the economic situation and outlook. Each month a preliminary value of the composite indexes are recalculated to incorporate historical revisions in component data. A recorded telephone message at (202) 898-2450 provides current data for the composite indexes (and the leading index components) immediately upon their release. The message is updated weekly, usually on Monday, to include recently available component data that will be incorporated into the next release.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Business Development Report System (BDRS)
Edward Gay
US Department of Commerce
Minority Business Development Agency, Room 5708
Washington, DC 20230 (202) 377-2025
BDRS contains information, collected quarterly, from recipients of federal grants under the Minority Business Development Center Program (100 funded organization). Grantees must report data about clients assisted (over 15,000), services provided and accomplishments. Consequently, the data base contains a lot of information about minority business activities and services, minority-group breakdowns, business trends, capital and market brokering activities, and new start/acquisition brokering that occurs. BDRS currently has 150,000 records and is updated quarterly by approximately 15,000 records. Searches and printouts are available free of charge.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Byrd Polar Research Center Ice Core Microparticle Analyses, Camp Century in Greenland
World Data Center-A for Glaciology (Snow and Ice)
CIRES, Box 449
University of Colorado (303) 492-1824
Boulder, CO 80309 (303) 492-5171
This file also includes Byrd Station 2164 meter core in Antarctica, Quelccaya Ice Cap in Peru, Lewis Glacier on Mount Kenya. Data include particle counts in each of 15 size ranges.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Canadian Snowfall and Snow Depth Data, 1943-1982
World Data Center-A for Glaciology (Snow and Ice)
CIRES, Box 449
University of Colorado (303) 492-1824
Boulder, CO 80309 (303) 492-5171
This file contains data from 140 stations evenly distributed across Canada, each with at least a 20-year time series. It was prepared from Canadian Climate Centre and NOAA/NCDC data at the Department of Atmospheric Sciences, University of Illinois. 1 tape, 1600 bpi.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Capital Stock Data Base
Office of Business Analysis
Business Statistics and Information Systems Division
US Department of Commerce
Washington, DC 20230 (202) 377-4450
The OBA capital stock data base consists of measures of investment, capital stocks, and related statistics. For the first time, these data are available for all 4-digit SIC manufacturing industries in addition to 40 non-manufacturing industries. The data cover the years 1958-86. All series are measured in historical, constant (1982 = 100), and current dollars. Seven basic data series for structures or equipment are available: gross investment, replacement investment, net investment, discards, investment net of discards, gross capital stocks, and net capital stocks.
Computer tape: All 7 data series are provided for each industry.
Computer file containing capital stock and related measures for 446 manufacturing and 40 non-manufacturing industries (OBA-CSB-02); $440.00
Computer file containing capital stock and related measures for all 2-digit SIC manufacturing industries, total manufacturing, and total non-manufacturing (OBA-CSB-04); $95.00
Other, special tabulations in computer tape, and PC disk formats are available.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
US Patent and Trademark Office
Office of Electronic Data Conversion and
Office of the Director
Crystal Park 2, Suite 914
Washington, DC 20231 (703) 557-6154
CASSIS/CD-ROM is the Classification and Search Support Information System (CASSIS) Compact Disc-Read Only Memory (CD-ROM). It contains current classification information for all US patents, other bibliographic patent data items and the Manual of Classification. All data items are word searchable. CASSIS/CD-ROM contains the following three, separately searchable files. The Patent Data File contains current classification information for all US patent documents from 1790 to the present. Other data items are: titles, one year of the most current abstracts, assignee code, state/country code. The Manual of Classification File contains titles of all classes and subclasses of the US Patent Classification (USPC) System. The Assignee Codes File, also referred to as the Company Name File, contains the names of all organizations which were assigned utility patents granted since 1969 and other patents granted since 1977. CASSIS/CD-ROM is available for $50 per issue or $300 per year from the PTO office above.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* CD-ROM Test Disc No. 1
Customer Services
Bureau of the Census
Washington, DC 20233 (301) 763-4100
The file contains data from the Census of Population and Housing, 1980: Summary Tape File 3-B (data for zip code areas); Census of Agriculture, 1982: Final County Data; County Business Patterns, 1983: Table 2 County Data; Census of Manufactures, 1982: Location of Manufacturing Plants; and Population (1984) and Per-capita Income (1983) Estimates for Governmental Units. Designed as part of a research and evaluation project, this file contains data formats that may not be used on future Compact Disk-Read Only Memory (CD-ROM) products. The data time span is 1980, 1982, 1983, and 1984. The file is available on one 4-3/4 inch disk, $125 per copy.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* CD-ROM Test Disc No. 2
Customer Services
Bureau of the Census
Washington, DC 20233 (301) 763-4100
The file contains summary statistics files in dBase III format. Agriculture data are by State and county, while retail trade data are by zip code. The contents are similar to the report 1982 Census of Agriculture, Volume 1, Geographic Area Series, State and County Data (parts 1 through 50) and Census of Retail Trade: Geographic Area Series (RC82-A-1 to 52). The data time span is 1982, with some comparative data for earlier years. The file is available on one 4-3/4 inch disk, $125 per copy. It contains the Census of Agriculture, 1982 Final County File and Census of Retail Trade, 1982 Zip Code File. The disk also includes technical documentation. When ordered separately, it is available for $5 from Customer Services.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
n the realm of residential treatment to reduce the incidence and prevalence of substance use in women of child bearing age, women who are currently pregnant, and postpartum women; (7) Expand the knowledge base regarding what works effectively in the context of residential treatment to ameliorate the effects of a substance using environment on children and the techniques to enhance the healthy development of children who live in proximity to such environments; (8) Promote the healthy development and recoveryent systems. The geographic areas cov$C>
* Annual Survey of Manufactures, 1980: Hydrocarbon, Coal and Coke Materials Consumed
Customer Services
Bureau of the Census
Washington, DC 20233 (301) 763-4100
The file presents data on coal, coke, and hydrocarbon raw material consumption for chemical plants, blast furnaces, and refineries. The information shown includes such items as type, quantity, and delivered cost of selected hydrocarbons purchased for use as input into products manufactured; type and quantity of hydrocarbons produced and consumed within the same establishment; and type and quantity of byproducts of refining, chemical manufacturing, and blast furnace operations that were consumed within the plant for heat, power, or generating electricity. The data time span is 1980 and 1979. The geographic areas covered are the United States and selected States. The file is available on one tape reel at 1600 bpi or 6250 bpi.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Annual Survey of Manufactures, 1981: Fuels and Electric Energy Consumed
Customer Services
Bureau of the Census
Washington, DC 20233 (301) 763-4100
Statistics are presented by industry group (two-and three-digit SIC) and industry (four-digit SIC) on quantities and cost of specified fuels and electric energy used for heat and power. Data for consumption and end-of-year stocks of selected purchased fuels are also shown. The geographic areas covered are the United States, States, and standard metropolitan statistical areas (SMSA's). The file is available on one tape reel at 1600 bpi or 6250 bpi.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Antidumping Central Records Information Management System (CRIMS)
Mr. Jody Bodkin or Lee Beller
International Trade Administration
US Department of Commerce
Washington, DC 20233 (202) 377-1248
CRIMS is an index of antidumping and countervailing duty investigations. The index is prepared for judicial review of duty cases. All litigation documents involved in a case are indexed by date and subject of letters. For each case the following information is provided: case number, addressee and sender, classification, document type, action code and description. Updating occurs as cases go to trial prior to a court date. Unclassified and business documents are available for public review at the International Trade Administration between the hours of 8:30am and 5:00pm. Individual requests for searches are not available.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Aquaculture
DIALOG Information Services, Inc.
3460 Hillview Avenue
Palo Alto, CA 94304 (800) 334-2564
The file contains information on the growing of marine, brakish, and freshwater organisms. Date of coverage: 1970-1984.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Arctic Drifting Stations, 1893-1973
World Data Center-A for Glaciology (Snow and Ice)
CIRES, Box 449
University of Colorado (303) 492-1824
Boulder, CO 80309 (303) 492-5171
Compiled by the Polar Science Center, University of Washington, the sea ice drift data have been smoothed and interpolated from the original sporadic latitude-longitude data. Data sources include ships beset in ice, drifting buoys, and manned ice islands. 1 tape, 1600 bpi.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Arctic Ice Dynamics Experiment (AIDJEX)
World Data Center-A for Glaciology (Snow and Ice)
CIRES, Box 449
University of Colorado (303) 492-1824
Boulder, CO 80309 (303) 492-5171
Data include 777 nautical miles of sonar ice thickness soundings from USS Gurnard, April 1976; wind, current and position data from four manned camps on Arctic Ocean ice floes during the summer of 1975; aerial photographs from 1971-72, 1975-76 of the AIDJEX area. 2 tapes, 1600 bpi; 16 cut. ft. of 9- and 5-inch negatives and prints.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Arctic Sea Ice, 1901-1956
World Data Center-A for Glaciology (Snow and Ice)
CIRES, Box 449
University of Colorado (303) 492-1824
Boulder, CO 80309 (303) 492-5171
This file was prepared at the Climatic Research Unit (CRU), University of East Anglia from charts and published observations, gridded on a standard one-degree grid. Data reliability assessment is planned by the CRU. 1 tape, 1600 bpi.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* ARL BAT Model Wind/Temperature-Input (TD-9743)
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
National Climatic Data Center
Federal Building
Asheville, NC 28801-2969 (704) 259-0682
This Air Resources Laboratory (ARL) data file is composed of input data used in the practical application of pollution studies. ARL uses these data to create an ARL atmospheric transport and dispersion model. This model calculates trajectories of 5 days duration of pollution from any number of origins, starting every 6 hours during a selected period, moving either forward or backward in time. The major parameters that make up this file are: wind direction, wind speed, pressure, and temperature at various levels through 500-millibars. Data are from January 1, 1975 to the present (updated periodically). Copies are available on magnetic tape. For more information, including cost, contact the office above.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Army Wave Information Study-Input (TD-9787)
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
National Climatic Data Center
Federal Building
Asheville, NC 28801-2969 (704) 259-0682
The parameters in this file were the primary input used to create a wave climate study for the United States coastal waters. The study was initiated in late 1976 by the US Army Waterways Experiment Station, US Army Corps of Engineers. The major parameters that make up this file include; significant sea height, dominant sea period, sea direction, sea swell height, initial input wind direction and Continental Shelf Zone Wave Data. Data are from January 1956 through December 1975. Copies are available on magnetic tape. For more information, including cost, contact the office above.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Astronomic Positions
National Geodetic Information Branch
N/CG174 Rockwall Bldg., Room 24
National Geodetic Survey, NOAA
Rockville, MD 20852 (301) 443-8631
This file is available to public as special products. Digital data: A set of precise astronomic positions; corresponding geodetic positions and/or deflections are available at most points.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Atlantic Oceanographic and Meteorological Laboratory (AOML)
Mr. John Sylvester
Atlantic Oceanographic and Meteorological
Laboratory (AOML)
US Department of Commerce
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
4301 Rickenbacker Causeway
Miami, FL 33149 (305) 361-4305
The purpose of the AOML is to provide basic and applied research, including marine pollution. It provides information on a wide variety of baseline and pollution related research results, e.g., role of organics in the marine environment, petroleum in the marine environment and beach tar monitoring. Reports and data summaries are available.
This data file contains a compilation developed by the US Air Force Geophysics Laboratory (AFGL) for spectroscopic data of several gases occurring naturally in the terrestrial atmosphere. The gases included in this compilation are carbon dioxide, ozone, nitrous oxide, carbon monoxide, water vapor, methane and oxygen. The spectral region covered extends from one micrometer to the far infrared and data are presented on more than 100,000 spectral lines. Data are not time dependent (updated only when new versions are released). Copies are available on magnetic tape. For more information, including cost, contact the office above.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Atmospheric Sciences Central Library
Central Library
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
US Department of Commerce
6009 Executive Blvd.
Rockville, MD 20852 (301) 443-8330
The library maintains information to support research in the atmospheric sciences, oceanography, geophysics, and related disciplines. Computers provide for information retrieval and bibliographic control of materials. Online services include access to hundreds of data bases, which are available through systems such as DIALOG, BRS, NEXIS, and LEXIS. The library's facilities and collection are available for the general public to use on-site during normal business hours.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Average Terrain Data for the Conterminous US (30 Second)
National Geophysical Data Center
325 Broadway
Boulder, CO 80303 (303) 497-6474
This file contains digital cartographic data; topographic summary file; 30 second average elevation data created by USGS from a 30 second point elevation file provided by the National Geodetic Survey. It is available on 9-track, 1600 bpi magnetic tape. Other tape configurations are available. $160 for two 9-track, 1600 bpi magnetic tapes; other configurations available at $80 per tape; make check or money order payable to: Commerce/NOAA/NGSDC.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Average Terrain Data for the Conterminous US (1 Minute)
National Geophysical Data Center
325 Broadway
Boulder, CO 80303 (303) 497-6474
This file contains digital cartographic data; topographic summary file; 1 minute average elevation data created by USGS by averaging 30 second cell elevations from file provided by the National Geodetic Survey. Uses: Computer modeling; topographic and contour mapping; slope analysis; cartography. General area covered: United States. $80 for 9-track, 1600 bpi magnetic tape; other configuration available at $80 per tape; make check or money order payable to Commerce/NOAA/NGSDC.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Average Terrain Data for the Conterminous US (3 Minute)
National Geophysical Data Center
325 Broadway
Boulder, CO 80303 (303) 497-6474
This file contains digital cartographic data; topographic summary file; 3 minute average elevation data created by USGS by averaging 30-sec cell elevations from file provided by the National Geodetic Survey. Uses: computer modeling; topographic and contour mapping; slope analysis; cartography. General area covered: United States. $80 for 9-track, 1600 bpi magnetic tape; other configurations available at $80 per tape; make check or money order payable to Commerce/NOAA/NGSDC.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Average Terrain Data for the Conterminous US (3 Minute)
National Geophysical Data Center
325 Broadway
Boulder, CO 80v
* American Indian Supplementary Questionnaire Summary File
Customer Services
Bureau of the Census
Washington, DC 20233 (301) 763-4100
The file provides basic and supplementary data on the American Indian, Eskimo, and Aleut population in the areas noted above. Supplementary data were obtained for all members of households on Federal and State reservations and Historic Areas of Oklahoma (excluding urbanized areas) that received the regular 1980 census short form questionnaire and had at least one American Indian, Eskimo, or Aleut member. The data time span is 1980. The geographic areas covered are two hundred and seventy-eight American Indian reservations and the Historic Areas of Oklahoma. The file is available on thirty-two tape reels at 1600 bpi or 13 tape reels at 6150 bpi. (Subsets of the file also may be purchased.)
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* America's Black Population: 1970-1982
Data Access and Use Staff
Data User Services Division
Bureau of the Census
Washington, DC 20233 (301) 763-2074
The file analyzes results from the 1980 censuses and current surveys. The report discusses socioeconomic trends affecting the Black population: population growth, distribution, and residence, as well as income, poverty status, labor force participation, occupation, and farm population. It also covers school enrollment, educational attainment, family type, living arrangements of children, marital status, life expectancy and mortality, and fertility. Other topics include voting patterns, military service, and housing ownership. The data time span is 1970 to 1982. The geographic area covered is the United States, States, and 100 cities with largest Black population. Substantial excerpts from this report are available online through CENDATA, the Census Bureau's online data system. For information about CENDATA content and online services, contact CompuServe (800-848-8199) or DIALOG Information Services (800-334-2564). For file content information only, contact the office above.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Annual Housing Survey, 1975: National Travel-to-Work Microdata File
Customer Services
Bureau of the Census
Washington, DC 20233 (301) 763-4100
The file provides on each microdata record data on type and size of place of work and place of residence. Information is included on housing and neighborhood characteristics and also for personal characteristics of household members such as age, sex, race, marital status, and earnings. The following information is provided on journey to work: principal mode of transportation, time leaving for work, time taken to get to work, distance to work, speed of journey to work, and worker's satisfaction with means of transportation. The file is available on 2 tape reels at 1600 bpi or 1 tape reel at 6250 bpi.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Annual Housing Survey, 1983: National Core and Supplemental File
Customer Services
Bureau of the Census
Washington, DC 20233 (301) 763-4100
The file contains the basic records (with identifying information removed) of approximately 79,000 housing units sampled in the survey. Data items of these microdata include year structure built, type and number of living quarters, occupancy status, access, presence of commercial or medical establishments on the property, and property value. Additional data focus on kitchen and plumbing facilities, type of heating fuel used, source of water, sewage disposal, heating and air-conditioning equipment, and condition of walls, ceilings and floors. The geographic areas covered are the United States, regions, and selected standard metropolitan statistical areas (SMSA's). This file is available on 3 tape reels at 1600 bpi or 1 tape reel at 6250 bpi.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Annual Housing Survey, 1978: SMSA File
Customer Services
Bureau of the Census
Washington, DC 20233 (301) 763-4100
The file is similar to the 1983 SMSA File. Data are available for a sample of housing units in the following standard metropolitan statistical areas (SMSA's): Atlanta, GA; Cincinnati, OH-KY-IN; Colorado Springs, CO; Columbus, OH; Kansas City, MO-KS; New Orleans, LA; Newport News-Hampton, VA; Paterson-Clifton-Passaic, NJ; Philadelphia, PA-NJ; Rochester, NY; San Antonio, TX; San Bernardino-Riverside-Ontario, CA; San Diego, CA; San Francisco-Oakland, CA; Springfield-Chicopee-Holyoke, MA-CT. Data for individual SMSA's are available on a single reel. Files for multiple SMSA's are stacked on as few reels as possible. A complete set comprising all SMSA's surveyed is available on 4 tape reels at 1600 bpi or 2 tape reels at 6250 bpi.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Annual Housing Survey, 1979: SMSA File
Customer Services
Bureau of the Census
Washington, DC 20233 (301) 763-4100
The file is similar to the 1983 SMSA File. Data are available for housing units in the following standard metropolitan statistical areas (SMSA's): Baltimore, MD; Buffalo, NY; Chicago, IL; Cleveland, OH; Denver, CO; Hartford, CT; Honolulu, HI; Houston, TX; Las Vegas, NV; Miami, FL; Milwaukee, WI; Omaha, NE-IA; Portland, OR-WA; Raleigh, NC; Seattle-Everett, WA. Data for individual SMSA's are available on a single reel. Files for multiple SMSA's are stacked on as few reels as possible. A complete set comprising all SMSA's surveyed is available on 4 tape reels at 1600 bpi or 2 tape reels at 6250 bpi.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Annual Housing Survey, 1980: SMSA File
Customer Services
Bureau of the Census
Washington, DC 20233 (301) 763-4100
The file is similar to the 1983 SMSA file (see earlier abstract); in addition, it furnishes data on primary and supplementary heating fuel and equipment and on the portion of the year heating was necessary. Data are available for a sample of housing units in the following standard metropolitan statistical areas (SMSA's): Albany-Schenectady-Troy, NY; Allentown-Bethlehem-Easton, PA-NJ; Birmingham, AL; Grand Rapids, MI; Indianapolis, IN; Los Angeles-Long Beach, CA; Louisville, KY-IN; Memphis, TN-AR-MS; New York, NY-NJ; Oklahoma City, OK; Providence-Warwick-Pawtucket, RI-MA; Sacramento, CA; Saginaw, MI; St. Louis, MO-IL; Salt Lake City-Ogden, UT. Data for individual SMSA's are available on a single reel. Files for multiple SMSA's are stacked on as few reels as possible. A complete set comprising all SMSA's surveyed is available on 4 tape reels at 1600 bpi or 2 tape reels at 6250 bpi.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Annual Housing Survey, 1981: SMSA File
Customer Services
Bureau of the Census
Washington, DC 20233 (301) 763-4100
The file is similar to the 1983 SMSA file (see earlier abstract); in addition, it furnishes data on primary and supplementary heating fuel and equipment and on the portion of the year heating was necessary. Data are available for a sample of housing units in the following standard metropolitan statistical areas (SMSA's): Anaheim-Santa Ana-Garden Grove, CA; Boston, MA; Dallas, TX; Detroit, MI; Fort Worth, TX; Madison, WI; Minneapolis-St. Paul, MN; Newark, NJ; Orlando, FL; Phoenix, AZ; Pittsburgh, PA; Spokane, WA; Tacoma, WA; Washington, DC-MD-VA; Wichita, KS. Data for individual SMSA's are available on a single reel. Files for multiple SMSA's are stacked on as few reels as possible. A complete set comprising all SMSA's surveyed is available on 3 tape reels at 1600 bpi or 1 tape reel at 6250 bpi.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Annual Housing Survey, 1982: SMSA File
Customer Services
Bureau of the Census
Washington, DC 20233 (301) 763-4100
This file is similar to 1983 SMSA file (see earlier abstract); in addition, it contains information on physical disabilities of household members and special features installed that permit the disabled to function more easily. Travel-to-work data are also presented for the householder including principal means of transportation to work, and travel time and distance from home to work. Data are available for sample of housing units in the following standard metropolitan statistical areas (SMSA's): Atlanta, GA; Cincinnati, OH-KY-IN; Columbus, OH; Kansas City, MO-KS; New Orleans, LA; Paterson-Clifton-Passaic, NJ; Philadelphia, PA-NJ; Rochester, NY; San Antonio, TX; San Bernardino-Riverside-Ontario, CA; San Diego, CA; San Francisco-Oakland, CA. Data for individual SMSA's are available on a single reel. Files for multiple SMSA's are stacked on as few reels as possible. A complete set comprising all SMSA's surveyed is available on 4 tape reels at 1600 bpi or 2 tape reels at 6250 bpi.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Annual Housing Survey, 1983: SMSA File
Customer Services
Bureau of the Census
Washington, DC 20233 (301) 763-4100
Housing data items include year structure was built, type and number of living quarters, occupancy status, and property value. Data concerned with housing quality focus on kitchen and plumbing facilities; source of water; sewage disposal; heating and air-conditioning equipment; and condition of the walls, floors, roof, and basement. Information pertaining to breakdowns of piped water, flush toilet, sewage, heating equipment, and electrical power also is included. Data on housing expenses include mortgage payments; utility costs; fuel costs; property insurance costs; garbage collection and parking fees; and replacements or repairs. Data are available for a sample of housing units in the following standard metropolitan statistical areas (SMSA's): Baltimore, MD; Chicago, IL; Denver, CO; Hartford, CT; Honolulu, HI; Houston, TX; Louisville, KY-IN; Miami, FL; New York, NY; Portland, OR-WA; Sacramento, CA; St. Louis, MO-IL; Seattle-Everett, WA. Data for individual SMSA's are available on a single reel. Files for multiple SMSA orders will be stacked on as few reels as possible. A complete set comprising all SMSA's surveyed is available on 4 tape reels at 1600 bpi or 1 tape reel at 6250 bpi.
The file presents travel-to-work data for unidentified persons 14 years old and over who had a job in the week before the interview. Data are available concerning both place of work and place of residence. Information is provided on housing and neighborhood characteristics as well as age, sex, marital status, race, and earnings of household members. The following information is provided on journey to work: principal mode of transportation, carpool occupancy, time leaving for work, time taken to get to work, distance to work, speed of journey, and satisfaction with means of transportation. Data are available for the following standard metropolitan statistical areas (SMSA's) defined for the 1970 census: Albany-Schenectady-Troy, NY; Anaheim-Santa Ana-Garden Grove, CA; Boston, MA; Dallas, TX; Detroit, MI; Fort Worth, TX; Los Angeles-Long Beach, CA; Madison, WI; Memphis, TN-AR; Minneapolis-St. Paul, MN; Newark, NJ; Orlando, FL; Phoenix, AZ; Pittsburgh, PA; Saginaw, MI; Salt Lake City, UT; Spokane, WA; Tacoma, WA; Washington, DC-MD-VA; Wichita, KS. The file is available on 2 tape reels at 1600 bpi or 1 tape reel at 6250 bpi.
The file presents data on census tract of residence, census tract or State and county of place of work, mode of transportation, and time leaving for work. Selected data were published in Current Population Reports, Series P-23, No. 105, Selected Characteristics of Travel-to-Work in 20 Metropolitan Areas: 1977. Data are available for the following standard metropolitan statistical areas (SMSA's) defined for the 1970 census: Albany-Schenectady-Troy, NY; Anaheim-Santa Ana-Garden Grove, CA; Boston, MA; Dallas, TX; Detroit, MI; Fort Worth, TX; Los Angeles-Long Beach, CA; Madison, WI; Memphis, TN-AR; Minneapolis-St. Paul, MN; Newark, NJ; Orlando, FL; Phoenix, AZ; Pittsburgh, PA; Saginaw, MI; Salt Lake City, UT; Spokane, WA; Tacoma, WA; Washington, DC-MD-VA; Wichita, KS. The file is available on one tape reel at 1600 or 6250 bpi.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Annual 85-Industry Input-Output Tables Based on the 1977 Benchmark Input- Output Study: 1980 (Revised) Summary Input-Output Tables
Economics and Statistical Analysis
Bureau of Economic Analysis - BE-53
US Department of Commerce
Washington, DC 20230 (202) 523-0777
The Bureau of Economic Analysis provides basic information on such key issues as economic growth, inflation, regional development, and the Nation's role in the world economy. This contains five tables: (1) use table, (2) make table, (3) commodity-by-industry direct requirements table, (4) commodity-by-commodity total requirements table, and (5) industry-by-commodity total requirements table. Available from ESA/BEA: Computer tape - Accession No. BEA IED 87-002, $100.00; Diskette - Accession No. BEA IED 87-406, $40.00 (two diskettes). (Diskettes can be ordered individually; for information, write or call the Interindustry Economics Division.)
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Annual 85-Industry Input-Output Tables Based on the 1977 Benchmark Input- Output Study: 1982 Summary Input- Output Tables
Economics and Statistical Analysis
Bureau of Economic Analysis - BE-53
US Department of Commerce
Washington, DC 20230 (202) 523-0777
The Bureau of Economic Analysis provides basic information on such key issues as economic growth, inflation, regional development, and the Nation's role in the world economy. This contains five tables: (1) use table, (2) make table, (3) commodity-by-industry direct requirements table, (4) commodity-by-commodity total requirements table, and (5) industry-by-commodity total requirements table. Available from ESA/BEA: Computer tape - Accession No. BEA IED 88-001, $100.00; Diskette - Accession No. BEA IED 88-401, $40.00 (two diskettes). (Diskettes can be ordered individually; for information, write or call the Interindustry Economics Division.)
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Annual Survey of Manufactures: Fuels and Electric Energy Consumed: 1967 to 1982
Customer Services
Bureau of the Census
Washington, DC 20233 (301) 763-4100
The file presents statistics on quantities and costs of specified fuels used for heat and power, quantity and cost of electric energy purchased, and quantity of electric energy generated minus that sold by manufacturing plants in the United States. In addition, quantities of year-end stocks of selected fuels are included. The data time span is 1967 to 1982. The geographic areas covered are the United States, States, and standard metropolitan statistical areas (SMSA's). The file is available on 4 tape reels at 1600 or 2 tape reels at 6250 bpi.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Annual Survey of Manufactures, 1978: Fuels and Electric Energy Non-purchased Fuels Consumed
Customer Services
Bureau of the Census
Washington, DC 20233 (301) 763-4100
The file provides percentage range figures on the amount of the total fuel requirements for heat and power that are supplied by selected non-purchased fuels. Data are provided by major industry group, selected industry groups, and selected industries. The geographic areas covered are the United States and selected States (Alabama, California, Florida, Illinois, Louisiana, Michigan, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Texas). The file is available on one tape reel at 1600 bpi or 6250 bpi.c
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Annual Survey of Manufactures, 1978: Fuels and Electric Energy Non-purchased Fuels Consumed
Connecticut. One tape reel at 6250 bpi or 1600 bpi.
Delaware. One tape reel at 6250 bpi or 1600 bpi.
Maine. One tape reel at 6250 bpi or 1600 bpi.
Maryland. One tape reel at 6250 bpi or 1600 bpi.
Massachusetts. One tape reel at 6250 bpi or 1600 bpi.
New Hampshire. One tape reel at 6250 bpi or 1600 bpi.
Rhode Island. One tape reel at 6250 bpi or 1600 bpi.
Vermont. One tape reel at 6250 bpi or 1600 bpi.
Wisconsin. One tape reel at 6250 bpi or 1600 bpi.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Aeromagnetic Data Base
National Geophysical Data Center
325 Broadway (303) 497-6215
Boulder, CO 80303 Fax: (303) 497-6513
NGDC data covers worldwide observations, both low and high density, made since 1953. Data are organized by geographic region. Call for price information.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* African Historical Precipitation Data (TD-9799)
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
National Climatic Data Center
Federal Building
Asheville, NC 28801-2969 (704) 259-0682
The data in this file represent a collection of various sources of data from the African Continent including publications, hand-written data secured from visiting scientists, and in-country visits. The activity of procuring these data was supported by funds provided by the United States Agency for International Development (AID). This file contains historical precipitation values for three areas; 1) countries in Subequatorial Africa, 2) countries in the Sahel and Horn of Africa, and 3) countries in Tropical West Africa. Data are variable from 1913 through 1981. Copies are available on magnetic tape. For more information, including cost, contact the office above.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Age by Race by Sex by Nativity by Spanish Origin
Customer Services
Bureau of the Census
Washington, DC 20233 (301) 763-4100
This special tabulation provides data for States. It cross-tabulates 114 age categories by 3 nativity categories (native, foreign born, nativity not reported), 4 race categories, 2 Spanish origin categories, and sex. The data are available on 2 tape reels at 6250 bpi.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Agriculture and Cotton Ginning Statistics
Ester Darnell
Agricultural Division
Bureau of the Census
US Department of Commerce
Washington, DC 20233 (301) 763-8567
Each year statistics are collected on cotton ginning and production. A data field is available that contains reports on the number of bales of cotton produced during the ginning season, August through February. Current information is maintained on the number of bales harvested by state and by county. This data is available and it has been released by the US Department of Agriculture and Department of Commerce. An annual report is prepared and issued each year, Cotton Ginnings in the United States. Also at the end of each season a report is prepared titled Cotton Production. Individual searches are not available but data can be obtained over the telephone. Data for 1988 are released in June, 1989.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Airborne Magnetic Survey Data
National Geophysical Data Center
325 Broadway
Boulder, CO 80303 (303) 497-6474
This is a digital file of about 300,000 magnetic observations from airplanes since 1953; full file retrieval or selected geographic search; available in magnetic tapes, listings or computer plots. General area covered: worldwide.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Airborne Polar Ice Sounding and Geomagnetics Data Sets, 1977-1979
World Data Center-A for Glaciology (Snow and Ice)
CIRES, Box 449
University of Colorado (303) 492-1824
Boulder, CO 80309 (303) 492-5171
Collected by the Airborne Research Data System (ARDS) on NSF-funded missions by US Navy aircraft, these data include radio echo soundings over portions of the Greenland ice sheets, as well as navigation and basic meteorological parameters. Data are both analog (soundings) and digital. Data are raw and uncorrected. Please inquire for further details.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Alaska Marine Environmental Data Base
Dr. M. J. Hameedi
Manager (Actg.), Alaska Office
Ocean Assessments Division/National Ocean Service
Box 56, 701 C Street
Anchorage, AK 99513 (907) 271-3033
This data base provides data support for MMS Regional Outer Continental Shelf Studies. Its purpose is to improve accessibility to ocean data for local user community by providing convenient access and to provide information resulting from research on the Alaska Outer Continental Shelf. The Alaska Office maintains data from all file types for which the NODC has coverage in this (Alaskan) region. In addition, sources which can be located for data collected in efforts other than our own are canvassed for contributions. In the specific area of marine contamination, holdings have been multiplied by a factor of four (4) through efforts made in the last six (6) months of calendar 1987. At present, the products offered are mostly aggregations of raw data, on which the user may utilize analytic or statistical procedures. Data sets are by NODC file type; Reports include final reports of various investigations and regional reports. The users may be required to supply their own data storage media.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Alphabetical Index of Occupations and Industries
Customer Services
Bureau of the Census
Washington, DC 20233 (301) 763-4100
The file contains industry and occupation titles and associated codes found in the report, 1980 Census of Population, Alphabetical Index of Industries and Occupations (PHC80-R3). These codes are used in the 1980 Census of Population, Current Population Survey, and other demographic surveys conducted by the Bureau of the Census. Titles are presented in two record copies: Industry (approximately 20,000 titles) and Occupation (approximately 29,000 titles). A third record type called "Special Notice Records" cross-references titles having the same meaning or provides coding information. The file is available on one tape reel at 1600 or 6250 bpi.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Alpine Experiment (ALPEX) (TD-9684)
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
National Climatic Data Center
Federal Building
Asheville, NC 28801-2969 (704) 259-0682
The general objective of the Alpine Experiment was to determine the airflow and mass field over and around mountain complexes under various synoptic conditions. The project focused on circulations due to wind forcing, including storm surges in the Adriatic and Western Mediterranean Sea. The area of Europe involved was from 5 degrees West to 30 degrees East longitude and from 38 degrees North to 50 degrees North latitude. Data are the low-intensity ALPEX Observing period (AOP); September 1, 1981 through September 30, 1982. High-intensity (SOP); March 1, 1982 through April 30, 1982. Copies are available on magnetic tape. For more information, including cost, contact the office above.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Altimeter (ALT) (NASA SEASAT)
Satellite Data Services Division
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
National Climatic Data Center
Princeton Executive Center, Room 100
Washington, DC 20233 (301) 763-8400
Each magnetic tape contains either six days of global Geophysical Files or three days of global Sensor Files. ALT Sensor Files contains earth location and date-time tags, altimeter satellite height measurements, and instrument correction information. Geophysical files include earth location and time tags, altimeter satellite height measurements, significant wave height, geoid height, and correction information and correlative data. Data are from July to October 1978. Digital-users may obtain data on 9-track, odd parity, magnetic tape at 1600 or 6250 bytes per inch density and, in most cases, the mode may be ASCII or EBCDIC. The cost is $80.00 per input tape plus $12.00 per output tape plus $11.00 shipping and handling per order. For additional information on data available, contact the office above.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* American Housing Survey: 1984, Metropolitan Statistical Area File
Customer Services
Bureau of the Census
Washington, DC 20233 (301) 763-4100
The file is available on one tape reel at 6250 bpi and 2 tape reels at 1600 bpi.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* American Housing Survey: 1985, Metropolitan Statistical Area File
Customer Services
Bureau of the Census
Washington, DC 20233 (301) 763-4100
The file is available on one tape reel at 6250 or 1600 bpi.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* American Housing Survey: 1985, National Core File
Customer Services
Bureau of the Census
Washington, DC 20233 (301) 763-4100
The file is available on one tape reel at 6250 bpi or 1600 bpi.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* American Indian Supplementary Questionnaire Public Use Microdata File
Customer Services
Bureau of the Census
Washington, DC 20233 (301) 763-4100
The file contains additional information on the American Indian, Eskimo, and Aleut populations in the areas noted above beyond that obtained from the regular 1980 census questionnaire. Data were obtained for all members of households on Federal and State reservations and Historic Areas of Oklahoma (excluding urbanized areas) that received the short census form and had at least one American Indian, Eskimo, or Aleut member. The data time span is 1980. The geographic areas covered are American Indian reservations in Arizona, reservations outside Arizona, and the Historic Areas of Oklahoma (excluding urbanized areas). The file is available on one tape reel at 1600 or 6250 bpi.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* American Indian Supplementary Questionnaire Public Use Microdata File
Customer Services
Bureau of the Census
Washington, DC 20233 (301) 763-4100
The file contaiBEA IED 87-406, $40.00 (two diskettes). (Diskettes can be ordered individually; for information, write or call the Interindustry Economics Division.)
* USDA (United States Department of Agriculture) Nutrient Data Base for Standard Reference, Abbreviated Version, Release 7, (Available on Diskette) (PB88-234307/XDD) (See NTIS)
Department of Agriculture Federal Data Bases
* USDA (United States Department of Agriculture) Nutrient Data Base for Standard Reference, Abbreviated Version, Release 7, (for Microcomputers) (PB88-234331/XDD (See NTIS)
Department of Agriculture Federal Data Bases
* USDA (United States Department of Agriculture) Nutrient Data Base for Standard Reference, Release 6, Supplement (for Microcomputers) (PB88-234323/XDD) (See NTIS)
Department of Agriculture Federal Data Bases
* USDA (United States Department of Agriculture) Nutrient Data Base for Standard Reference, Release 6, Supplement (Available on Diskette) (PB88-234299/XDD) (See NTIS)
Department of Agriculture Federal Data Bases
* USDA (United States Department of Agriculture) Nutrient Data Base for Individual Food Intake Survey, Release 2, 1986 (Supporting Files) (PB86-206281/XDD) (See NTIS)
Department of Agriculture Federal Data Bases
* USDA (United States Department of Agriculture) Nutrient Data Base for Individual Food Intake Survey, Release 2.1, 1986 (PB87-181020/XDD) (See NTIS)
Department of Agriculture Federal Data Bases
* USDA (United States Department of Agriculture) Nutrient Data Base for Standard Reference, Full Version, Release 7 (Available on Diskette) (PB88-234281/XDD) (See NTIS)
The first file on the tape is the coding manual. The manual contains the formats for the data sets, the set of nutrient numbers used in the full version of the file, the key to abbreviations used, the codes needed to identify the foods used in the data file and the weights used forthe two household measures reported in the publications. The formats are contained in the file for all versions of the standard reference data sets being distributed although only one is appropriate for a given data set. The user should select the appropriate one for the version of the data set that has been secured and disregard the others in the file. The second file is made up of the most complete, most recent data base of food composition data. Iron values for enriched flour and bread, and other products made with enriched flour, have been changed to reflect revised standards of identity.
Department of Agriculture Federal Data Bases
* Yields and Losses or Gains in Preparation of Foods (PB81-146730/XDD) (See NTIS)
This file contains data on food yields and losses in food preparation as published in Table 1 of Food Yields-summarized by different stages of preparation, Agriculture Handbook No. 102, revised September 1975. The revised data and additional information in this publication serves as the principal basis for values on refuse in the revisions of Agriculture Handbook No. 8, Composition of Foods-raw, processed, prepared, revised 1963, $3.60. (For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, US Government Printing Office, Washington, DC 20402). Yields after preparation as well as percent change (by weights) are provided for up to nine variations in preparation for each food item. Each item is identified by an item number which relates directly to the item described in AH 102. No descriptions are contained in this file. This file contains data for 2,894 food items.
Department of Agriculture Federal Data Bases
Department of Commerce Federal D
Commerce Federal Data Bases
* 15-Minute Precipitation Data (TD-3260)
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
National Climatic Data Center
Federal Building
Asheville, NC 28801-2969 (704) 259-0682
The primary source of data for this file is National Weather Service operated or managed, principal, secondary, or cooperative observer stations equipped with Fisher-Porter type weighing rain gauges. The NCDC receives these data monthly from approximately 2,000 reporting stations. The major parameters that make up this file are 15-minute, hourly, daily, and accumulated totals of precipitation to the nearest tenth inch. Data are from May 1, 1971 through the present (updated monthly). Copies are available on magnetic tape. For more information, including cost, contact the office above.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
Department of Commerce Federal D
Department of Health and Human S
Department of Labor Federal Data
* 1977 (Revised) 85-Industry Input-Output Tables
Economics and Statistical Analysis
Bureau of Economic Analysis - BE-53
US Department of Commerce
Washington, DC 20230 (202) 523-0777
The Bureau of Economic Analysis provides basic information on such key issues as economic growth, inflation, regional development, and the Nation's role in the world economy. This contains five tables: (1) use table, (2) make table, (3) commodity-by-industry direct requirements table, (4) commodity-by-commodity total requirements table, and (5) industry-by-commodity total requirements table. The revised input-output tables reflect the statistical changes and the changes in definition and classification incorporated in the 1985 comprehensive revision of the national income and product accounts. Available from ESA/BEA: Computer tape - Accession No. BEA IED 87-001, $100.00; Diskette - Accession No. BEA IED 87-403, $40.00 (two diskettes). (Diskettes can be ordered individually; for information, write or call the Interindustry Economics Division.)
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* 1980-1970 Tract Comparability File
Customer Services
Bureau of the Census
Washington, DC 20233 (301) 763-4100
The file contains information on 1980 census tracts where boundaries or identification changed between the 1970 and 1980 censuses. This file indicates every 1970 census tract that is entirely or partially included within each such 1980 census tract. If a State or a county does not appear on the file, the area either had no known changes between 1970 and 1980 or it contained census tracts for the first time in 1980. The file provides State, county, and tract codes and contains the total number of 1980 census tracts with territory in common with specified 1970 tracts and the total number of 1970 census tracts with territory in common with specified 1980 tracts. The data time span is 1970 and 1980. The geographic areas covered are States, counties, and census tracts (when a change occurred in the tracted areas between the 1970 and 1980 censuses). The file is available on one tape reel at 1600 or 6250 bpi.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* 1982 Population Estimates From Federal- State Cooperative Program and General Revenue Sharing Program Diskette File
Customer Services
Bureau of the Census
Washington, DC 20233 (301) 763-4100
The file presents 2 sets of population estimates for 1982 and statistics on per capita income. One file (1 diskette, updated annually) contains 1982 population estimates obtained through the Federal-State Cooperative Program (FSCP). The other file (9 diskettes) contains the Census Bureau's July 1, 1982 population estimates. In addition, this file contains the population as of April 1, 1980 (census count); per capita income in 1979 (census sample); per capita income in 1981 (estimate); and the names of the 39,000 governmental units participating in the General Revenue Sharing Program. The data time span is 1979 to 1982. The geographic areas covered are counties, incorporated places and functioning minor civil divisions (MCD's) in 20 specified States. The file is available on 10 diskettes. The cost is $60 for the first diskette in an order. Each additional diskette is $12. The total for both files is $168.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* 1987 New York City Housing and Vacancy Survey (Microdata File)
Customer Services
Bureau of the Census
Washington, DC 20233 (301) 763-4100
The file consists of a microdata file covering New York City and its five boroughs. The file contains untabulated data such as rent, value, mortgage status, heating fuels, maintenance deficiencies, number of rooms, year structure built, year moved in, sex, race, age, income, and city control status. The file is available on one tape reel at 1600 bpi or 6250 bpi.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* 1987 New York City Housing and Vacancy Survey (Longitudinal Microdata File)
Customer Services
Bureau of the Census
Washington, DC 20233 (301) 763-4100
The file is similar to microdata file described above, but for units interviewed in 1978, 1981, 1984, and 1987. The data time span is 1978, 1981, 1984, and 1987. The file is available on 4 tape reels at 1600 bpi or 2 tape reels at 6250 bpi.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR)
Satellite Data Services Division
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
National Climatic Data Center
Princeton Executive Center, Room 100
Washington, DC 20233 (301) 763-8400
Each AVHRR data set contains a sequence of AVHRR scans. The information contained in each data set includes satellite ID and orbit number, date and time, earth location references, sensor calibration coefficients, solar zenith angles, and 2,048 (@ 1km) or 409 (@ 4km) sets of data values per scan. Data are from 1979 to the present, updated daily. Digital-users may obtain data on 9-track, odd parity, magnetic tape at 1600 or 6250 bytes per inch density and, in most cases, the mode may be ASCII or EBCDIC. The cost is $80.00 per input tape plus $12.00 per output tape plus $11.00 shipping and handling per order. For additional information on data available, contact the office above.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
ed above, but for units interviewed in 1978, 1981, 1984, and 1987. The data time span is 1978, 1981, 1984, and 1987. The file is available on 4 tape reels at 1600 bpi or 2 tape reels at 6250 bpi.
Department of Commerce Federal Data Bases
* Nationwide Food Consumption Survey, Basic Individual, Spring Quarter, 1965 (PB80-195415/XDD) (See NTIS)
* Nationwide Food Consumption Survey, Basic Individual, Fall Quarter, 1977-78 (PB80-200223/XDD) (See NTIS)
Department of Agriculture Federal Data Bases
* Nationwide Food Consumption Survey, Basic Individual, Spring Quarter, 1977-78 (PB80-190218/XDD) (See NTIS)
This file contains food and nutrient intake for 9,260 men, women, and children plus 40 breast-fed infants (weighted on household basis) collected in spring, 1977, as part of Nationwide Food Consumption Survey 1977-78. The interview was conducted in the home with each individual asked to recall his previous day's diet and then to keep a diet record for the next 2 days which the interviewer returned to review and pick up after completion. Information was gathered on all days of the week including Saturday and Sunday. Data includes for each eating occasion, its name, time, and person(s) sharing it, and if eaten away from home, where eaten, type of service, and cost. For each food and beverage, the kind and quantity (grams) is given and whether from home supplies or obtained away. Data given on vitamin and mineral supplements taken, frequency of consuming organ meats during previous 30 days, whether person is a vegetarian, and if so, type of foods eaten, whether person is on a diet, whether diet was typical, and self-appraisal of health status. Characteristics available for each individual are sex, age, race, if Spanish descent; estimated height and weight; pregnancy and lactation status for women; household income before taxes (category); household size; and education, occupation, and employment status of male and female heads. Nutrient content of each food, each day's intake, and 2 or 3 day average intake are available for energy, protein, fat, carbohydrate, calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, vitamin A value, thiamin, riboflavin, preformed niacin and vitamins B6, B12, and C.
This file contains food and nutrient data of 3002 low income households from the USDA Nationwide Low-Income 2 Survey. This low-income survey was conducted from November 1979 through March 1980. The sample design provided for an area probability sample of low income households in the entire United States. When the weights are applied, the total weighted sample gives 3009 interviews. The data were collected by personal interviews with household member most knowledgeable about the household food consumption. A food list was used to help recall kinds, quantities (converted to pounds) and costs of foods used from the household food supply during the 7 days prior to the interview. Counts of meals eaten at home and away from home were recorded for each household member, as well as for guests' meals and/or snacks served from household supply. Money value of all foods per household is summarized. for each food item reported, there are its conversion factor and nutritive value for food energy, protein, fat, carbohydrate, calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, vitamin A value, thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, vitamin B6, vitamin B12, and ascorbic acid. Other information includes household sizes in equivalent nutrition units, nutritive values per nutrition unit, ratios of nutritive value per nutrition unit to the Recommended Dietary Allowances, and weekly aggregate nutritive values. Household income, education and employment of household heads, and other factors that might affect food consumption were reported. Accompanied are the data file format information and code manual with food codes and descriptions of foods.
This file contains food and nutrient intake data for 9,123 men, women, and children (weighted on household basis, 8,492 individuals, unweighted) collected in the 48 conterminous states from November 1979 through March 31, 1980. The interview was conducted in the home with each individual asked to recall his previous day's diet and then to keep a diet record for the next 2 days which the interviewer returned to review and pick up after completion. Information was gathered on all days of the week including Saturday and Sunday. Data includes for each eating occasion, its name, time, and person(s) sharing it, and if eaten away from home, where eaten, type of service, and cost. For each food and beverage, the kind and quantity (grams) is given and whether from home supplies or obtained away. Data given on vitamin and mineral supplements taken, frequency of consuming organ meats during previous 30 days, whether person is a vegetarian, and if so, type of foods eaten, whether person is on a diet, whether diet was typical, and self-appraisal of health status. Characteristics available for each individual are sex, age, race, if Spanish descent; estimated height and weight; pregnancy and lactation status for women; household income before taxes (category); household size; and education, occupation, and employment status of male and female heads. Nutrient content of each food, each day's intake, and 2 or 3 day average intake are available for energy, protein, fat, carbohydrate, calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, vitamin A value, thiamin, riboflavin, preformed niacin and vitamins B6, B12, and C.
Department of Agriculture Federal Data Bases
* Nationwide Food Consumption Survey, Puerto Rico, Household, 1977-78 (PB82-138454/XDD) (See NTIS)
This file contains food and nutrient data of 3040 households of which approximately 98 percent (2967) are housekeeping households from the USDA 1977-78 Puerto Rico Food Consumption Survey collected during the winter of 1978. When the weights are applied, the total 2966 weighted samples are 3040 interviews. The data were collected by personal interviews with household member most knowledgeable about the household food consumption. A food list was used to help recall kinds, quantities (converted to pounds) and costs of foods used from the household food supply during the 7 days prior to the interview. Counts of meals eaten at home and away from home were recorded for each household member, as well as for guests' meals and/or snacks served from household supply. Money value of all foods per household is summarized. for each food item reported, there are its conversion factor and nutritive value for food energy, protein, fat, carbohydrate, calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, vitamin A value, thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, vitamin B6, vitamin B12, and ascorbic acid. Other information includes household sizes in equivalent nutrition units, nutritive values per nutrition unit, ratios of nutritive value per nutrition unit to the Recommended Dietary Allowances, and weekly aggregate nutritive values. Household income, education and employment of household heads, and other factors that might affect food consumption were reported. Accompanied are the data file format information and code manual with food codes and descriptions of foods.
Department of Agriculture Federal Data Bases
* Nationwide Food Consumption Survey, Puerto Rico, Individual, 1977-78 (PB82-138462/XDD) (See NTIS)
This file contains food and nutrient intake data for 8,366 men, women, and children (weighted on household basis, 8,426 individuals, unweighted) collected in urban areas of Puerto Rico in Winter, 1978, as part of Nationwide Food Consumption Survey 1977-78. The interview was conducted in the home with each individual asked to recall his previous day's diet and then to keep a diet record for the next 2 days which the interviewer returned to review and pick up after completion. Information was gathered on all days of the week including Saturday and Sunday. Data includes for each eating occasion, its name, time, and person(s) sharing it, and if eaten away from home, where eaten, type of service, and cost. For each food and beverage, the kind and quantity (grams) is given and whether from home supplies or obtained away. Data given on vitamin and mineral supplements taken, frequency of consuming organ meats during previous 30 days, whether person is a vegetarian, and if so, type of foods eaten, whether person is on a diet, whether diet was typical, and self-appraisal of health status. Characteristics available for each individual are sex, age, race, if Spanish descent; estimated height and weight; pregnancy and lactation status for women; household income before taxes (category); household size; and education, occupation, and employment status of male and female heads. Nutrient content of each food, each day's intake, and 2 or 3 day average intake are available for energy, protein, fat, carbohydrate, calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, vitamin A value, thiamin, riboflavin, preformed niacin and vitamins B6, B12, and C.
Department of Agriculture Federal Data Bases
* Nationwide Food Consumption Survey (NFCS) 1977-78, Food Codes (Rel.1) Linked to 1985 Nutrient Data (Rel. 2) (PB87-142451/XDD) (See NTIS)
The Release 1- and 2-Linked Data Base was developed as a supplement to Release No. 1 of the Nutrient Data Base for the USDA Nationwide Food Consumption Survey (NFCS) 1977-78. Data for the food codes of 1977-78 NFCS are present for food energy and the 28 food components listed in the format description below. The data base contains the 1977-78 food codes assigned to the 1985 nutrient values based on the nutrient data base developed for use in the Continuing Survey of Food Intake by Individuals, Release 2. The nutrient values were derived by matching the food items in the 1977-78 NFCS to the identical or most similar 1985 CSFII food items and linking the appropriate 7-digit food codes. The purpose of Release 1- and 2-Linked Data Base is to allow use of the 1977-78 NFCS food code system with nutrient values appropriate for 1985. Because the nutrient values are appropriate for 1985, reanalysis of dietary intake data collected before 1985 using the data base must be carefully interpreted. Since 1977-78, new foods have been introduced on the market and the nutrient value of foods has changed as a result of changes in enrichment, fortification, reformulation, etc. An administrative report on the effect of updated nutrient composition data on nutrient levels of reported dietary intakes from 1977-78 NFCS will be available from HNIS in 1987.
Department of Agriculture Federal Data Bases
* Nutritive Values of Foods, as in Agriculture Information Bulletin No. 382 (PB80-190192/XDD) (See NTIS)
This file contains composition values from a slightly revised version of Table 1 of Agriculture Information Bulletin No. 382, Nutrition Labeling-Tools for its Use, issued in 1975. Twelve composition values for common household measure of 885 foods are included. Composition values in file 382-1 are for food energy, protein, carbohydrate, fat, and percentages of the US RDA for protein, vitamin A, vitamin C, thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, calcium, and iron. The values have been rounded according to the rules used for food labeling. The data set contains a 5-digit food code and an abbreviated description for each food item. Files 382-2 and 382-3 are companion files to 382-1 and contain the same 5-digit code and abbreviated description for each food item. File 382-2 has the composition values rounded to the nearest whole calorie and to the nearest gram of protein, carbohydrate, and fat. The percentages of the US RDA have been rounded to the nearest hundredth of a percent.
Department of Agriculture Federal Data Bases
* Nutritive Values of Foods as in Home and Garden Bulletin No. 72 Revised 1981, Release 2 (for microcomputers) (PB85-209955/XDD) (See NTIS)
This file contains food composition data as published in Table 2 of Home and Garden Bulletin No. 72, Nutritive Value of Foods revised in 1981. Values for food items are described in terms of household measures for the food and are provided for the weight of the household measure, percent water, food energy, protein, fat, saturated fatty acid, oleic acid, linoleic acid, carbohydrate, calcium, phosphorus, iron, potassium, vitamin A value, thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, and ascorbic acid. There are 730 food items included. A three-digit food code has been sequentially assigned to each food item after the items have been placed into food groups. A 24 character description of the food exist on each of the 87 character records. This particular version of the data file is contained on 5 1/4 floppy disks formatted for the IBM PC microcomputer and PC-compatible microcomputers.
Department of Agriculture Federal Data Bases
* Nutritive Values of Foods as in Home and Garden Bulletin No. 72 Revised 1985, Release 3 (PB86-143211/XDD) (See NTIS)
The data set is published as Table 2 of Home and Garden Bulletin No. 72, Nutritive Value of Foods, revised 1985. Values for food items are described in terms of household measures and are provided for the weight of the household measure. Data are given for 961 food items. A 4-digit food code was sequentially assigned to each food item after the items were placed into food groups. The first 3 digits correspond to the item number in the printed book and the 4th digit, if any number other than zero, indicates that the data were contained in a footnote.
Department of Agriculture Federal Data Bases
* Nutritive Values of Foods Used in the Nationwide Food Consumption Survey (Including Puerto Rico), Basic Household, 1977-78 (PB82-138496/XDD) (See NTIS)
This file contains nutritive values for 4,083 food items reported used by households in the USDA Nationwide Food Consumption Survey 1977-78 and the Household Food Consumption Survey in Puerto Rico. Food composition values are for 1 pound of food, as purchased for food energy (calories), protein (g), fat (g), carbohydrate (g), calcium (mg), iron (mg), magnesium (mg), phosphorus (mg), vitamin A (I.V.), thiamin (mg), riboflavin (mg), niacin (mg), vitamin B6 (mg), vitamin B12 (mcg), and ascorbic acid (mg) with cooking losses deducted for the following seven vitamins: vitamin A, thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, vitamin B6, vitamin B12, and ascorbic acid. Also provided are conversion factors which convert appropriate food items to an equivalent weight based on calcium content or equivalents based on flour, sugar, fresh potatoes, eggs in shell, single strength juice, dry legumes, or shelled nuts. Most of the data on nutrients were derived from Table 2, US Department of Agriculture Handbook No. 8 and its revised supplements. Some values from these sources were updated based on results of new food composition research, on information from industry about new food products, and in accordance with new regulations on the enrichment of food. A food code manual is provided with this data file which includes a unique 15-digit food code for each food item reported in the survey, a description of the food, and the commonly reported household measures with their weights in pounds for that food.
Department of Agriculture Federal Data Bases
* Nutritive Values of Foods Used in the Nationwide Food Consumption Survey Including Puerto Rico, Basic Individual, 1977-78 (PB82-138504/XDD) (See NTIS)
A nutrient data base of approximately 4545 food items developed for the USDA Nationwide Food Consumption Survey 1977-78. Only items reported in the survey are included. Foods reported exclusively in the Puerto Rican phase of the survey are included. Food composition values are for 100-gram edible portions of food as eaten, for energy (kilocalories), protein (g), fat (g), carbohydrate (g), calcium (mg), iron (mg), magnesium (mg), phosphorus (mg), vitamin A value (I.U.), thiamin (mg), riboflavin (mg), niacin (mg), vitamin B6 (mg), vitamin B12 (mcg), and vitamin C (mg). For milk and milk products, a calcium conversion factor is provided which converts each product to an equivalent weight of whole milk based on its calcium content relative to whole milk. Food items reported in the survey but not specifically described are assigned nutrient values for a commonly eaten form of the food for a composite of several forms. Food values for mixtures or recipes are based on popular recipes, commercial products, or composites of several products. A food code manual is provided which includes, for each item, a unique seven-digit food code, description of food, and commonly reported household measures with their weights in grams. The first digit of the code denotes one of nine major food categories. A tenth category of miscellaneous items used in small amounts, assigned a first digit of zero.
Department of Agriculture Federal Data Bases
* Petroleum Industry Survey Data Tape (1973) (PB-256 634/7/XDD) (See NTIS)
The information in the data tape described here is based on a survey of 89 petroleum companies in the United States (63 of whom responded to the survey questionnaire). The survey was designed to gather data on each major aspect of industry structure and to focus upon interactions among companies in each stage of the industry. Information was collected on a detailed geographic basis, usually being individual States or P.A.D. Districts within the US and individual countries in foreign operations. Data covers the following areas: general ownership, management, and financial structure of the companies; oil and natural gas (1) well ownership and production, (2) assignments, and (3) exploratory and developmental wells; natural gas sales, purchases, processing, and gathering; petroleum refining in 1964-73; marketing; transportation and storage; foreign operations and their revenue, net worth, and ownership; uranium and coal; and, financial questions including security issues, auditing and law firms retained by the companies, and investment, revenues, costs and profits.
Department of Agriculture Federal Data Bases
* Survey of the Public's Attitude Towards Soil, Water and Renewable Resources (Narrative Report, Data Books, Data Tape) (PB80-219942/XDD) (See NTIS)
USDA contracted with Louis Harris and Associates, Inc., to undertake a major public opinion survey on soil, water and related resources. This nationwide public opinion survey which includes 7,010 adult Americans, was the major purposes of the study: (a) to assess the state of the public's knowledge and understanding of basic soil and water conservation problems and practices; (b) to establish the extent to which the public believes in an ethic of conservation; (c) to gauge public priorities in the allocation of land, water and financial resources among competing national domestic needs; (d) to determine public preferences among alternative programmatic approaches to soil and water conservation; (e) to investigate public attitudes towards two leading options for increasing domestic energy supplies, gasohol and synfuels, and their relationship to resource allocation and conservation; (f) to explore the public's perceptions of the structure of American agriculture; and (g) to examine public views of the citizen participation in Federal Government decision making.
Department of Agriculture Federal Data Bases
e Federal Data Bases
* Survey of the Public's Attitude Towards Soil, Water and Renewable Resources (Narrative Report, Data Books, Data Tape) (PB80-219942/XDD) (See NTIS)
USDA contracted with Louis Harris and Associat
* Food Consumption Survey, Alaska Individual, 1977-78 (PB81-162539/XDD) (See NTIS)
This file contains food and nutrient intake for 2,362 men, women, and children (weighted on household basis, 2,394 individuals, unweighted) collected in urban areas of Alaska in Winter, 1978, as part of Nationwide Food Consumption Survey 1977-78. The interview was conducted in the home with each individual asked to recall his previous day's diet and then to keep a diet record for the next 2 days which the interviewer returned to review and pick up after completion. Information was gathered on all days of the week including Saturday and Sunday. Data includes for each eating occasion, its name, time, and person(s) sharing it, and if eaten away from home, where eaten, type of service, and cost. For each food and beverage, the kind and quantity (grams) is given and whether from home supplies or obtained away. Data given on vitamin and mineral supplements taken, frequency of consuming organ meats during previous 30 days, whether person is a vegetarian, and if so, type of foods eaten, whether person is on a diet, whether diet was typical, and self-appraisal of health status. Characteristics available for each individual are sex, age, race, if Spanish descent; estimated height and weight; pregnancy and lactation status for women; household income before taxes (category); household size; and education, occupation, and employment status of male and female heads. Nutrient content of each food, each day's intake, and 2 or 3 day average intake are available for energy, protein, fat, carbohydrate, calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, vitamin A value, thiamin, riboflavin, preformed niacin and vitamins B6, B12, and C.
Department of Agriculture Federal Data Bases
* Food Consumption Survey, Elderly Individual, Spring and Summer, 1977-78 (PB83-134023/XDD) (See NTIS)
This file contains food and nutrient intake data for 3,419 men, women, and children (weighted on household basis, 3,568 individuals, unweighted) collected in the 48 conterminous states from May 1977 through September 1977. Individuals were from a sample of households in which at least one member was 65 years or over. The Department of Health and Human Services provided a probability sample list of names and addresses of persons 65 years or over who were participants in programs such as social security and medicare. The interview was conducted in the home with each individual asked to recall his previous day's diet. Information was gathered on all days of the week including Saturday and Sunday. Data includes for each eating occasion, its name, time, and person(s) sharing it, and if eaten away from home, where eaten, type of service, and cost. For each food and beverage, the kind and quantity (grams) is given and whether from home supplies or obtained away. Data given on vitamin and mineral supplements taken, frequency of consuming organ meats during previous 30 days, whether person is a vegetarian, and if so, type of foods eaten, whether person is on a diet, whether diet was typical, and self-appraisal of health status. Characteristics available for each individual are sex, age, race, if Spanish descent; estimated height and weight; pregnancy and lactation status for women; household income before taxes (category); household size; and education, occupation, and employment status of male and female heads. Nutrient content of each food, each day's intake, and 2 or 3 day average intake are available for energy, protein, fat, carbohydrate, calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, vitamin A value, thiamin, riboflavin, preformed niacin and vitamins B6, B12, and C.
Department of Agriculture Federal Data Bases
* Food Consumption Survey, Elderly Individual, Fall and Winter, 1977-78 (PB86-206307/XDD) (See NTIS)
This file contains food and nutrient intake data for 4,401 men, women, and children (weighted on household basis, 4,468 individuals, unweighted) collected in the 48 conterminous states from October 1977 through March 1978. Individuals were from a sample of households in which at least one member was 65 years or over. The Department of Health and Human Services provided a probability sample list of names and addresses of persons 65 years or over who were participants in programs such as social security and medicare. The interview was conducted in the home with each individual asked to recall his previous day's diet. Information was gathered on all days of the week including Saturday and Sunday. Data includes for each eating occasion, its name, time, and person(s) sharing it, and if eaten away from home, where eaten, type of service, and cost. For each food and beverage, the kind and quantity (grams) is given and whether from home supplies or obtained away. Data given on vitamin and mineral supplements taken, frequency of consuming organ meats during previous 30 days, whether person is a vegetarian, and if so, type of foods eaten, whether person is on a diet, whether diet was typical, and self-appraisal of health status. Characteristics available for each individual are sex, age, race, if Spanish descent; estimated height and weight; pregnancy and lactation status for women; household income before taxes (category); household size; and education, occupation, and employment status of male and female heads.
Department of Agriculture Federal Data Bases
* Food Consumption Survey, Hawaii Household, 1977-78 (PB81-146755/XDD) (See NTIS)
This file contains food and nutrient data of 1157 housekeeping Hawaiian households from the USDA Nationwide Food Consumption Survey. The Hawaiian sample was collected during January, February, and March 1978. The sample design provided for an area probability sample of households in the entire Hawaiian Islands. When weights are applied, the total weighted sample gives 1256 interviews. The data were collected by personal interviews with household member most knowledgeable about the household food consumption. A food list was used to help recall kinds, quantities (converted to pounds) and costs of foods used from the household food supply during the 7 days prior to the interview. Counts of meals eaten at home and away from home were recorded for each household member, as well as for guests' meals and/or snacks served from household supply. MOney value of all foods per household is summarized. For each food item reported, there are its conversion factor and nutritive value for food energy, protein, fat, carbohydrate, calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, vitamin A value, thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, vitamin B6, vitamin B12, and ascorbic acid. Other information includes household sizes in equivalent nutrition units, nutritive values per nutrition units, ratios of nutritive value per nutrition unit to the Recommended Dietary Allowances, and weekly aggregate nutritive values. Household income, education and employment of household heads, and other factors that might affect food consumption were reported. Accompanied are the data file format information and code manual with food codes and descriptions of foods.
Department of Agriculture Federal Data Bases
* Food Consumption Survey, Hawaii Individual, 1977-78 (PB81-146771/XDD) (See NTIS)
This file contains food and nutrient intake for 3,050 men, women, and children (weighted on household basis, 3,086 individuals, unweighted) collected in Hawaii in Winter, 1978, as part of Nationwide Food Consumption Survey 1977-78. The interview was conducted in the home with each individual asked to recall his previous day's diet and then to keep a diet record for the next 2 days which the interviewer returned to review and pick up after completion. Information was gathered on all days of the week including Saturday and Sunday. Data includes for each eating occasion, its name, time, and person(s) sharing it, and if eaten away from home, where eaten, type of service, and cost. For each food and beverage, the kind and quantity (grams) is given and whether from home supplies or obtained away. Data given on vitamin and mineral supplements taken, frequency of consuming organ meats during previous 30 days, whether person is a vegetarian, and if so, type of foods eaten, whether person is on a diet, whether diet was typical, and self-appraisal of health status. Characteristics available for each individual are sex, age, race, if Spanish descent; estimated height and weight; pregnancy and lactation status for women; household income before taxes (category); household size; and education, occupation, and employment status of male and female heads. Nutrient content of each food, each day's intake, and 2 or 3 day average intake are available for energy, protein, fat, carbohydrate, calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, vitamin A value, thiamin, riboflavin, preformed niacin and vitamins B6, B12, and C.
Department of Agriculture Federal Data Bases
* Foreign Production, Supply and Distribution of Agricultural Commodities, 1988 (PB88-149570/XDD) (See NTIS)
The file contains foreign production, supply and distribution information. This includes areas harvested, productions, beginning stocks, total imports, total exports, total domestic use and ending stocks. Commodity coverage includes grains, rice, dairy, poultry, livestock, oilseeds, cotton, coffee, sugar, tobacco, cigarettes, horticultural and tropical products. The most recent year reported is 1988. Complete supply and distribution data are not always available. When only production figures are reported, this will be indicated by a "Production Only" flag in the record. Bad data previously reported has been corrected. This is an updated semi-annual tape.
Department of Agriculture Federal Data Bases
* Livestock Production, Disposition and Income (1965-69) (PB-234 639/3/XDD) (See NTIS)
The file contains annual data covering production of livestock by state, income, and value of production from livestock cash receipts and disposition of livestock.
Department of Agriculture Federal Data Bases
* National Evaluation of the Special Supplemental Food Program for Women, Infants and Children (WIC), 1982-85: Historical Study of Pregnancy Outcome, and SAS Analytic Files (PB86-192911/XDD) (See NTIS)
WIC, the Special Supplemental Food Program for Women, Infants, and Children, is a federally funded food program designed to improve the nutrition and health status of low-income pregnant, breastfeeding, and postpartum women; infants, and preschool children who are at nutritional risk. The program is administered by State health agencies. Program benefits include the provision of highly nutritious supplemental food, nutrition education, and referral to health care. In Fiscal Year 1985, WIC served an average of over 3.1 million persons per month at a cost of approximately $1.5 billion.
Department of Agriculture Federal Data Bases
* National Evaluation of the Special Supplemental Food Program for Women, Infants and Children (WIC), 1982-85: Historical Study of Pregnancy Outcome; Women's Longitudinal Study; Infant and Children Study; Food Expenditure Study; and SAS Analytic Files (PB86-202348/XDD) (See NTIS)
WIC, the Special Supplemental Food Program for Women, Infants, and Children, is a federally funded food program designed to improve the nutrition and health status of low-income pregnant, breastfeeding, and postpartum women; infants, and preschool children who are at nutritional risk. The program is administered by State health agencies. Program benefits include the provision of highly nutritious supplemental food, nutrition education, and referral to health care. In Fiscal Year 1985, WIC served an average of over 3.1 million persons per month at a cost of approximately $1.5 billion.
Department of Agriculture Federal Data Bases
* National Evaluation of the Special Supplemental Food Program for Women, Infants and Children (WIC), 1982-85: Women's Longitudinal Study; Infant and Children Study; Food Expenditure Study; and SAS Analytic Files (PB86-202355/XDD) (See NTIS)
WIC, the Special Supplemental Food Program for Women, Infants, and Children, is a federally funded food program designed to improve the nutrition and health status of low-income pregnant, breastfeeding, and postpartum women; infants, and preschool children who are at nutritional risk. The program is administered by State health agencies. Program benefits include the provision of highly nutritious supplemental food, nutrition education, and referral to health care. In Fiscal Year 1985, WIC served an average of over 3.1 million persons per month at a cost of approximately $1.5 billion.
Department of Agriculture Federal Data Bases
* National Marine Fisheries Service Consumption Data (1973-74) (PB294725/XDD) (See NTIS)
Department of Agriculture Federal Data Bases
* National Marine Fisheries Service Consumption Data (1973-74) (PB-283 726/8/XDD) (See NTIS)
This tape contains fish consumption data for 24,652 individuals in the United States from a survey conducted during 1973-74. The panel was balanced nationally with regard to major demographic characteristics. The age, sex and geographic location is given for each individual. Information is provided on each species eaten, the serving size and the number of servings eaten by an individual. Documentation describing this tape is available.
* Nationwide Food Consumption Survey, Basic Household, Spring Quarter, 1977-78 (PB80-190176/XDD) (See NTIS)
This file contains food and nutrient data of 3083 housekeeping households for spring 1977 from the USDA 1977-78 Nationwide Food Consumption Survey collected during April 1977 through March 1978. Sample design provided for a national basic sample. When the weights are applied, the total spring weighted samples are 3473 interviews. The data were collected by personal interviews with household member most knowledgeable about the household food consumption. A food list was used to help recall kinds, quantities (converted to pounds) and costs of foods used from the household food supply during the 7 days prior to the interview. Counts of meals eaten at home and away from home were recorded for each household member, as well as for guests' meals and/or snacks served from household supply. Money value of all foods per household is summarized. for each food item reported, there are its conversion factor and nutritive value for food energy, protein, fat, carbohydrate, calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, vitamin A value, thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, vitamin B6, vitamin B12, and ascorbic acid. Other information includes household sizes in equivalent nutrition units, nutritive values per nutrition unit, ratios of nutritive value per nutrition unit to the Recommended Dietary Allowances, and weekly aggregate nutritive values. Household income, education and employment of household heads, and other factors that might affect food consumption were reported. Accompanied are the data file format information and code manual with food codes, descriptions of foods, and weights of some household measures.
Department of Agriculture Federal Data Bases
e Federal Data Bases
l products. A food code manual is provided which includes, for each item, a unique seven-digit food code, description of food, and commonly reported household measures with their weights in grams. The first digit of the code denotes one of nine major foo
* Annual Statistical Report of REA Power Supply Borrowers (1973) (PB-238 401/4/XDD) (See NTIS)
Selected and calculated items from financial statements and operation statistics of REA financed Electric Power Supply Systems are discussed. Source documents used as input to file included REA Form 12, completed annually by REA Borrowers, and accounting information from REA Loan Accounting System files. File includes only 1973 data.
Department of Agriculture Federal Data Bases
* Annual Statistical Report of REA Telephone Borrowers (PB-247 891/5/XDD) (See NTIS)
The file contains selected and calculated items from financial statements and operations statistics of over 800 REA financed rural telephone systems.
Department of Agriculture Federal Data Bases
* Annual Statistical Report of REA Telephone Borrowers (1972) (PB-224 075/2/XDD) (See NTIS)
The annual report presents financial and statistical information on the operations of REA telephone borrowers individually and as a group. The report is based on financial and statistical statements submitted by 816 borrowers. However, since some borrowers did not report all items, the number of borrowers included is not the same for all tables. The data in the report are on a calendar year basis to coincide with the accounting period of practically all borrowers. The information submitted by the borrowers is subject to possible revision as a result of future audits and adjustments.
Department of Agriculture Federal Data Bases
* Annual Statistical Report of REA Telephone Borrowers (1973) (PB-238 402/2/XDD) (See NTIS)
Selected and calculated items from financial statements and operation statistics of REA financed rural telephone systems are included. Source documents used as input to file included REA Forms 479, 479a completed annually by REA Borrowers, and accounting information from REA Loan Accounting System files. File includes only 1973 data.
Department of Agriculture Federal Data Bases
* Continuing Survey of Food Intakes by Individuals (CSFII): One Day's Food Intake Data for Men 19-50 Years of Age, 1985-86 (PB87-197141/XDD) (See NTIS)
The data set contains 1-day food and nutrient intake data for 1,134 men 19 to 50 years of age collected in a personal interview from July 1985 through January of 1986 as part of the Continuing Survey of Food Intakes by Individuals (CSFII) conducted by the US Department of Agriculture. The data set contains the following files: (1) an introduction that describes the survey methodology and provides reference and a glossary; (2) data set characteristics and format; (3) control counts for selected variables; (4) 1-day food and nutrient intake data; (5) a 51-character food description file; and (6) manual of food codes used for translating food intakes into nutrient intakes. The microfiche that comes with this data set contains copies of the survey instruments (interviewer's instruction manual, screening forms and questionnaires, and a food instruction booklet).
Department of Agriculture Federal Data Bases
* Continuing Survey of Food Intakes by Individuals (CSFII): One Day's Food Intake Data for Low Income Women and Their Children 1-5 Years of Age, 1985 (PB87-197158/XDD) (See NTIS)
The tape contains information about the data set that contains 1-day food and nutrient intake data for 2,120 women 19 to 50 years of age and 1,314 of their children 1 to 5 years of age collected in a personal interview from April through June of 1985 as part of the Continuing Survey of Food Intakes by Individuals (CSFII) conducted by the US Department of Agriculture. Included are the following chapters: (1) an introduction with a description of the survey methodology, references, and a glossary; (2) data set characteristics and format; (3) control counts for selected variables; (4) Survey instruments - including the interviewer's instruction manual, screening forms and questionnaires, and a food instruction booklet; (5) a 51-character food description file; and (6) Manual of Food Codes for Individual Intake. Purchasers of the data set will receive this microfiche as part of the package; the microfiche may be purchased separately without the data set.C
Department of Agriculture Federal Data Bases
* Continuing Survey of Food Intakes by Individuals (CSFII): One Day of Food Intake Data for Low Income Women and Their Children 1-5 Years of Age, 1986 (PB89-124382/XDD) (See NTIS)
The data set contains food and nutrient intake data for low income women 19 to 50 years of age and their children 1 to 5 years of age collected in a personal interview from April through June of 1986 as part of the Continuing Survey of Food Intakes by Individuals (CSFII) conducted by the US Department of Agriculture. The data set contains the following files: (1) an introduction that describes the survey methodology and provides reference and a glossary; (2) data set characteristics and format; (3) control counts for selected variables; (4) 1-day food and nutrient intake data; (5) a 51-character food description file; and (6) manual of food codes used for translating food intakes into nutrient intakes. The microfiche that comes with this data set contains copies of the survey instruments (interviewer's instruction manual, screening forms and questionnaires, and a food instruction booklet).
Department of Agriculture Federal Data Bases
* Continuing Survey of Food Intakes by Individuals (CSFII): Women 19-50 Years and Their Children 1-5 Years, 1 Day, 1986 (PB88-117767/XDD) (See NTIS)
The data set contains 1-day food and nutrient intake data for 1,451 women 19 to 50 years of age and 509 of their children 1 to 5 years of age collected in a personal interview from April through June of 1986 as part of the Continuing Survey of Food Intakes by Individuals (CSFII) conducted by the US Department of Agriculture. The data set contains the following files: (1) an introduction that describes the survey methodology and provides reference and a glossary; (2) data set characteristics and format; (3) control counts for selected variables; (4) 1-day food and nutrient intake data; (5) a 51-character food description file; and (6) manual of food codes used for translating food intakes into nutrient intakes. The microfiche that comes with this data set contains copies of the survey instruments (interviewer's instruction manual, screening forms and questionnaires, and a food instruction booklet).
Department of Agriculture Federal Data Bases
* Continuing Survey of Food Intakes by Individuals (CSFII): Six Waves of Food Intake Data for Women and Their Children 1-5 Years of Age, 1985 (PB88-122411/XDD) (See NTIS)
The CSFII data set contains 6 waves of food and nutrient intake data for women 19 to 50 years of age and their children 1 to 5 years of age collected in a personal interview from April through June 1986 as part of the Continuing Survey of Food Intakes by Individuals (CSFII) conducted by the US Department of Agriculture.
Department of Agriculture Federal Data Bases
* Continuing Survey of Food Intakes by Individuals (CSFII): Four Days of Food Intake Data for Women and Their Children 1-5 Years of Age, 1985 (PB88-201249/XDD) (See NTIS)
The data set contains 4 days of food and nutrient intake data for women 19 to 50 years of age and their children 1 to 5 years of age collected from April 1985 through March of 1986 as part of the Continuing Survey of Food Intakes by Individuals (CSFII) conducted by the US Department of Agriculture. The data set contains the following files: (1) an introduction that describes the survey methodology and provides reference and a glossary; (2) data set characteristics and format; (3) control counts for selected variables; (4) 4-day food and nutrient intake data; (5) a 51-character food description file; and (6) manual of food codes used for translating food intakes into nutrient intakes.
Department of Agriculture Federal Data Bases
* Data Base for Pilot Study of Nutrient Content of School Lunches (PB84-196906/XDD) (See NTIS)
This file is the base file for computation of the nutrient content of school lunches. The 1,044 foods are those most frequently used in school lunch service nationwide. The data set was developed in conjunction with software for a USDA Food and Nutrition Service (FNS) pilot test. The entire system is being field tested and all aspects are subject to extensive revision. The software, documentation, manuals, and data set in its final form will only be made available when testing is completed, and if approved by FNS.
Department of Agriculture Federal Data Bases
* Elderly Household Food Consumption Survey, 1977-78, Fall and Winter (PB86-206273/XDD) (See NTIS)
Department of Agriculture Federal Data Bases
* Elderly Household Food Consumption Survey, 1977-78 (PB83-137281/XDD) (See NTIS)
This file contains food and nutrient data of 2154 (unweighted) households collected from May through September 1977 for the USDA Survey of Food Consumption in Elderly Households 1977-78. The universe under study was households in which at least one member was 65 years and over. The Department of Health and Human Services provided a probability sample list of names and addresses of elderly persons, derived from their files of those participating in specific programs such as Social Security and Medicare. The sampling unit was the same as those represented in the basic Nationwide Food Consumption Survey 1977-78. Four independent probability list samples were drawn and executed in four quarters of data collection. Applicable sampling weights are included in the file. Information was obtained through an interview with the person identified as most knowledgeable about the household food consumption. List-recall method provided quantities (converted to pounds) and costs of foods used from the household food supply during the seven days prior to the interview.
Department of Agriculture Federal Data Bases
* Feed Grain, Wheat and Cotton Reports Master File: 1973 (PB-232 863/1/XDD) (See NTIS)
This file includes the file records by county on the following data on voluntary participation in the 1973 feed grain, wheat and cotton set-aside programs: the number of farms eligible and the number of farms and producers participating, applicable acres of cropland, conserving base, feed grain bases, wheat and cotton allotments, set-aside acreage, payments and reductions, and planted acres for each crop. Data are as recorded through September 1973. Additions corrections and/or adjustments subsequent to that date are not included. Source documents include producer participation and compliance data on sheets prepared and furnished by ASCS county offices, and the 1973 Set-Aside Programs Annual Report.
Department of Agriculture Federal Data Bases
* Food Consumption Files Used in the Tolerance Assessment System (TAS) (PB87-142352/XDD) (See NTIS)
The Office of Pesticide Programs (OPP) of the US Environmental Protection Agency has the responsibility for regulation of the application of pesticides to raw agricultural commodities (RACs). The decision as to whether or not to permit the use of a particular chemical is based, in part, upon exposure analyses that combine information about predicted residues in food with food consumption data to produce an estimate of exposure. The Tolerance Assessment System (TAS) is an automated system designed by Research Triangle Institute (RTI) to support OPP's decision-making process. The accompanying tape files represent the food consumption data files employed in the TAS exposure analyses. The Nationwide Food Consumption Survey of 1977-78, conducted by the US Department of Agriculture (USDA) was selected as the primary source of food consumption information. These data, which constituted a probability sample of US households in the 48 contiguous states and which involved 3-day food consumption records for some 30,770 individuals, were used to compute daily food-form consumption estimates (adjusted for body weight) for a total of 87,668 person-days. Various aggregations and/or averages of these data were performed to create the seven analysis data files used in the TAS exposure analyses.
Department of Agriculture Federal Data Bases
* Food Consumption Survey, Alaska Household, 1977-78 (PB81-146763/XDD) (See NTIS)
This file contains food and nutrient data of 2394 housekeeping Alaskan households from the USDA Nationwide Food Consumption Survey. The Alaskan sample was collected during January, February, and March 1978. The sample design provided for an area probability sample of the urban households of Alaska. When weights are applied, the total weighted sample gives 2362 interviews. The data were collected by personal interviews with household members most knowledgeable about the household food consumption. A food list was used to help recall kinds, quantities (converted to pounds) and costs of foods used from the household food supply during the 7 days prior to the interview. Counts of meals eaten at home and away from home were recorded for each household member, as well as for guests' meals and/or snacks served from household supply. Money value of all foods per household is summarized. For each food item reported, there are its conversion factor and nutritive value for food energy, protein, fat, carbohydrate, calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, vitamin A value, thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, vitamin B6, vitamin B12, and ascorbic acid. Other information includes household sizes in equivalent nutrition units, nutritive values per nutrition units, ratios of nutritive value per nutrition unit to the Recommended Dietary Allowances, and weekly aggregate nutritive values. Household income, education and employment of household heads, and other factors that might affect food consumption were reported. Accompanied are the data file format information and code manual with food codes and descriptions of foods.
Department of Agriculture Federal Data Bases
Department of Agriculture Federal Data Bases
* Food Consumption Survey, Alaska Household, 1977-78 (PB81-146763/XDD) (See NTIS)
This file contains food and nutrient data of 2394 housekeeping Alaskan households from (
* Value of Land and Buildings Per Acre (SN 87012)
John Jones
US Department of Agriculture
Economic Research Service
1301 New York Ave., NW
Washington, DC 20005-4788 (202) 786-1428
This disk includes data on the value of land and buildings per acre by counties and states from the Census of Agriculture, Data covers 1850-1982. Data format is in Lotus, disk is $45. For ordering information call (800) 999-6779.
Department of Agriculture Federal Data Bases
* Vegetable Yearbook (SN 87010)
Shannon Reid Hamm
US Department of Agriculture
Economic Research Service
1301 New York Ave., NW
Washington, DC 20005-4788 (202) 786-1884
Production, acreage, value, prices, imports, exports, and per capita utilization for major fresh market and processed vegetables for the years 1970-86 is available in Lotus on disk for $35. For ordering information call (800) 999-6779.
Department of Agriculture Federal Data Bases
* Weather in US Agriculture (SN 88006 (A-F))
Lloyd Teigen
US Department of Agriculture
Economic Research Service
1301 New York Ave., NW
Washington, D,C, 20005-4788 (202) 786-1705
This data contains monthly temperature and precipitation data for farm production regions and states for 1950-86. Data are weighted by geographic area and harvested cropland acreage. There are 6 diskettes available (for various regions) available in Lotus. The cost ranges from $35-$95. For ordering information call (800) 999-6779.
Department of Agriculture Federal Data Bases
* Wheat History
Dan Harman
Agricultural Research Service
US Department of Agriculture
Bldg 001, Room 315, BARC West
Beltsville, MD 20705 (301) 344-3328
This file records responses of wheat varieties to major diseases. It gives the score for each entry and the number of observations that were used to obtain that score. The data base contains records on 70,000 wheat accessions and includes data from 1925-1986. Searchable descriptions include: year tested, accession number, crop, nursery, source, pedigree, powdery mildew, stem rust, leaf rust, and stripe rust reaction. This SAS system is easily searchable and printouts are available.
Department of Agriculture Federal Data Bases
* Wheat Yearbook (SN 88008)
Ed Allen
US Department of Agriculture
Economic Research Service
1301 New York Ave., NW
Washington, DC 20005-4788 (202) 786-1840
The Wheat Yearbook provides data on US wheat acreage, production, supply, trade, utilization, and prices for 1960-87. It also includes data for wheat, flour, and rye. For ordering information call (800) 999-6779. Data disk is available in Lotus for $25.
Department of Agriculture Federal Data Bases
* World Agricultural Supply and Demand
Estimates (WASDE)
Roger Smith and Raymond Bridge
World Agricultural Outlook Board (WAOB)
US Department of Agriculture (202) 720-9807 (Smith)
Washington, DC 20250 (202) 720-5447 (Bridge)
The WASDE report is reported into USDA's Electronic Dissemination of Information System during the second week of each month (see EDI separate entry). It reports global supply/demand short-term commodity forecasts and two years of historical data covering the United States and abroad. At 12:00 noon, the second work day of each week, WAOB inputs the International Weather and Crop (IWC) Summary into EDI. The IWC report is a joint report of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration and the USDA which assesses the impact of recent meteorological events on domestic and foreign agriculture.
Department of Agriculture Federal Data Bases
* World Agricultural Trade Data Base
Chief, Trade and Marketing Branch
Foreign Agricultural Service
US Department of Agriculture
Washington, DC 20250 (202) 382-1294
The Foreign Agricultural Service (FAS) maintains a data base of selected foreign agricultural trade information for the US and 100 nations that conduct agricultural trade. The data base contains information from a variety of sources, including United Nations trade tapes from the Food and Agriculture Organization and data from the Bureau of the Census. Examples of retrievable information include long-term US exports by destination; foreign country import and export data; foreign production, supply, and distribution of agricultural products; and other export marketing information. Searches and print-outs are provided on a cost-recovery basis. Staff prefers request by phone so that they can discuss your needs and thereby supply you with appropriate information.
Department of Agriculture Federal Data Bases
* World Production Data (SN 86006)
David Stallings
US Department of Agriculture
Economic Research Service
1301 New York Ave., NW
Washington, DC 20005-4788 (202) 786-1705
World production data for grains and other commodities are available for 1950-86. It includes data on acreage, yield, and production and indexes to compare production over time for 120 countries. Data available on magnetic tape for $130. For order information call (800) 999-6779.
Department of Agriculture Federal Data Bases
Agriculture Data File Available from the National Archives
Margaret Adams
Archives Specialist
Reference Service
Center for Electronic Records (NNXA)
National Archives and Records Administration
8th and Pennsylvania Ave., NW
Washington, DC 20408
(202) 523-6771
The following data file is a subset of electronic data sets (i.e., computer-readable data files) in the custody of the National Archives and Records Administration. The standard charge for a copy of an electronic data set (one data set not to exceed one magnetic reel of output) is $90. Ordering information is available upon request. For further information please contact the office above.
Department of Agriculture Federal Data Bases
* Survey of Household Food Consumption in the US, 1965-1966
Department of Agriculture Federal Data Bases
Agriculture Data Files Available from NTIS
National Technical Information Service
US Department of Commerce
Springfield, VA 22161
(703) 487-4807
FAX (703) 321-8547
Listed below are data files available from the National Technical Information Service. Call the office above for ordering and cost information.
Department of Agriculture Federal Data Bases
* Annual Statistical Report of REA Electric Borrowers (1973) (PB-238 405/5/XDD) (See NTIS)
Selected and calculated items from financial statements and operation statistics of REA financed rural Electric Distribution Systems are given. Source documents used as input to file included REA Forms 7 and 7a completed annually by REA Borrowers, and accounting information from REA Accounting System files. File includes only 1973 data.
Department of Agriculture Federal Data Bases
* Annual Statistical Report of REA-Electric Distribution Borrowers (PB-247 893/1/XDD) (See NTIS)
The file contains selected and calculated items from financial statements and operations statistics of over 900 REA financed rural electric distribution systems.
Department of Agriculture Federal Data Bases
* Annual Statistical Report of REA-Electric Distribution Borrowers (1972) (PB-224 076/0/XDD) (See NTIS)
An annual report contains financial and statistical information about the operations of REA electric borrowers individually and as a group. The report also presents separate summary data on cooperative borrowers. Data in the report are on a calendar year basis, since most borrowers close their books on December 31. About 94% of the borrowers are private business corporations. Their detailed financial statements and operating reports generally are not matters of public record. If more details than given in the report are desired, requests should be submitted directly to individual borrowers. Additional data on borrowers which are not cooperatives are included in Federal Power Commission annual reports. The revenue and expense statistics for each borrower show the year's financial operations. The trend of a borrower's operations can be observed by comparing data in this report with that in previous annual reports. Statistics relating to principal and interest payments to REA are cumulative from the time the borrower obtained an REA loan. The calculations of interest and principal due the government reflect the following: The payment schedule originally established for each borrower; changes in the original repayment and interest schedules through (a) reduction in interest rate and extension of amortization periods, pursuant to the 1944 amendments to the Rural Electrification Act; and (b) any extensions in the time of payment of interest or principal that may have been approved pursuant to Section 12 of the Act; and notes paid in full ahead of schedule, are shown as due and paid in the full amount. All data on operations of borrowers' systems are based on reports submitted by borrowers and are subject to possible revision as the result of future audits and adjustments.
Department of Agriculture Federal Data Bases
* Annual Statistical Report of REA Power Supply Borrowers (1972) (PB-224 077/8/XDD) (See NTIS)
An annual report contains financial and statistical information about the operations of REA electric borrowers individually and as a group. The report also presents separate summary data on cooperative borrowers. Data in the report are on a calendar year basis, since most borrowers close their books on December 31. About 94% of the borrowers are private business corporations. Their detailed financial statements and operating reports generally are not matters of public record. If more details than given in the report are desired, requests should be submitted directly to individual borrowers. Additional data on borrowers which are not cooperatives are included in Federal Power Commission annual reports. The revenue and expense statistics for each borrower show the year's financial operations. The trend of a borrower's operations can be observed by comparing data in this report with that in previous annual reports. Statistics relating to principal and interest payments to REA are cumulative from the time the borrower obtained an REA loan. The calculations of interest and principal due the government reflect the following: The payment schedule originally established for each borrower; changes in the original repayment and interest schedules through (a) reduction in interest rate and extension of amortization periods, pursuant to the 1944 amendments to the Rural Electrification Act; and (b) any extensions in the time of payment of interest or principal that may have been approved pursuant to Section 12 of the Act; and notes paid in full ahead of schedule, are shown as due and paid in the full amount. All data on operations of borrowers' systems are based on reports submitted by borrowers and are subject to possible revision as the result of future audits and adjustments.
Department of Agriculture Federal Data Bases
* Annual Statistical Report of REA Power Supply Borrowers (PB-237 892/3/XDD) (See NTIS)
The file contains selected and calculated items from financial statements and operations statistics of over 40 REA financed rural power supplier systems.
Department of Agriculture Federal Data Bases
* Annual Statistical Report of REA Power Supply Borrowers (PB-237 892/3/XDD) (See NTIS)
The file contains selected and calculated items from financial statements and operations statistics of over 40 REA financed rural power supplier >
* Rural Fire Protection Facilities (SN 86015)
Norman Reid
US Department of Agriculture
Economic Research Service
1301 New York Ave., NW
Washington, DC 20005-4788 (202) 786-1542
This disk includes number and types of fire trucks, dispatching and response times, prevention activities, personnel and financial information on rural fire protection facilities. Data is in ASCII for $25. For ordering information call (800) 999-6779.
Department of Agriculture Federal Data Bases
* Rural Public Water System (SN 87016)
Norman Reid
US Department of Agriculture
Economic Research Service
1301 New York Ave., NW
Washington, DC 20005-4788 (202) 786-1542
These data are from a 1981 sample of 520 communities. Data is available on sources, amounts, treatment, transmission, and distribution of public water in rural communities. Data on magnetic tape for $130. For ordering information call (800) 999-6779.
Department of Agriculture Federal Data Bases
* Snow Survey Centralized Forecasting System (CFS)
Gale Teselle
Director, Resources Inventory Division
Soil Conservation Service
US Department of Agriculture
PO Box 2890
Washington, DC 20013 (202) 720-4530
CFS is an automated information system related to water supply forecasting such as streamflow, precipitation, snow depth and snow water equivalent, and reservoir data. These data are available for the current water year (September 30 through October 1) and for historical water years. Numerous routines and interactive programs for manipulating water supply data are included in utility programs within CFS. CFS also provides access to hydrologic data and interpretative products for a wide variety of governmental agencies and the general public. The system can be accessed by most computers, and it is menu driven for ease of use. These data reside in an automated data base consisting of monthly data for 1,700 snow courses, 600 stream gauges, 300 reservoirs, and 1,200 precipitation stations as well as daily data from 550 SNOTEL sites and 2,000 climatological stations.
Department of Agriculture Federal Data Bases
* Soil Conservation Map Unit Use File
Harvey Terpstra
Soil Conservation Service
Statistical Laboratory
US Department of Agriculture
Iowa State University
212 Snedecor Hall
Ames, IA 50011 (515) 294-8177
The data base contains map unit data for soil surveys done by or in cooperation with the USDA Soil Conservation Service. The file currently contains over 2000 survey areas. The data are stored in three data sets. The first is the survey area file which contains one record for each survey area (approximately 2120 records). The second data set is the map unit file which contains one record for each map unit (approximately 180,000 records) and includes such items as: map symbol, map unit name, and acreage. The third data set is the map unit component set. Since some map units are made up of more than one type of soil, this data set contains one record for each map unit component (approximately 200,000 records) and contains such items as: component name, soils, slope, texture, and flooding frequency. Various data tables are available remotely in Soil Conservation Service office. Data tapes can be obtained at cost.
Department of Agriculture Federal Data Bases
* State Financial Summary (SN 88012)
Linda Farmer
US Department of Agriculture
Economic Research Service
1301 New York Ave., NW
Washington, DC 20005-4788 (202) 219-0804
This summary includes state-level farm income and balance sheet accounts for 1982-87. It also includes cash receipts by commodity, government payments, and related data. Data disk available in Lotus for $85. For ordering information call (800) 999-6779.
Department of Agriculture Federal Data Bases
* Timber Management System (TM)
Milo Larson
Forest Service
US Department of Agriculture
12th and Independence Avenue, SW
North Building
Washington, DC 20250 (202) 475-3754
This file provides national and regional forest information. The national data base contains records identified by land use classifications and a file of potential volume yield records for all national forests. It provides time harvest volume records for the current fiscal year and two previous years. Regional data include an extensive timber inventory adjustment records and a file of timber activity programs. TM can be searched for national and regional forest level total and customized computer printout will be made available. In some cases, cost recovery fees may be charged. To arrange for a search, call Mr. Larson or contact the data processing staff at Forest Service, USDA, 3825 East Mulberry Street, Fort Collins, Colorado 80524, (303) 224-1803.
Department of Agriculture Federal Data Bases
* Trade Lead Service
Foreign Agricultural Service
Agricultural Information Marketing Service
US Department of Agriculture
South Building, Room 4951
Washington, DC 20250 (202) 720-9461
This file provides timely sales leads from overseas firms seeking to purchase or represent US agricultural products. Trade leads can be received several ways. Commercial electronic dissemination whereby trade leads are produced daily and available the same day to American exporters through a number of commercial vendors. Export briefs is a weekly bulletin which includes all processed trade leads. There is a charge for the commercial electronic dissemination process. To subscribe to the direct mail or export briefs, call the number above. The information is published three times a year in the Journal of Commerce.
Department of Agriculture Federal Data Bases
* US and State Agricultural Profiles (SN 87017)
Larry Traub
Letricia Womack
US Department of Agriculture
Economic Research Service
1301 New York Ave., NW (202) 786-1695
Washington, DC 20005-4788 (202) 786-1716
This contains data available on land use, production income, and assets; and farm size, tenure, and organization. Data in Lotus, disk available for $45. For ordering information call (800) 999-6779.
Department of Agriculture Federal Data Bases
* US Broiler Industry (SN 89006)
Lee Christensen
US Department of Agriculture
Economic Research Service
1301 New York Ave., NW
Washington, DC 20005-4788 (202) 786-1714
This disk includes comprehensive data on the broiler industry including data on consumption, prices, and demand; production; processing; and marketing. Most data series cover 1965-87. Data disk is in Lotus for $25. For ordering information call (800) 999-6779.
Department of Agriculture Federal Data Bases
* US Department of Agriculture Online
Special Programs Division
USDA Online
Office of Information Room 536-A
US Department of Agriculture
Washington, DC 20250 (202) 447-7454
This electronic bulletin board contains current information available immediately upon release from the USDA's Office of Information. Included are USDA policy news releases and program announcements, regional and state news releases, outlook and situation summaries; weekly Farm Paper Letter, foreign agriculture reports; and economic research report abstracts. The data base contains announcements of USDA's new programs, regulatory actions, program changes and latest policy decisions. All information is added as soon as it is available. Portions of the Agricultural Market News Network are being added to this system. USDA supplies the data, but access is available only through ITT Dialcom. Service is available 24 hours, 7 days a week and the cost is $16.50/hour prime time and $12.50/hour during non-prime hours. Subscribers also have access to the Computerized Outlook Information Network (COIN) and the USDA Electronic Mail Network. Contact: ITT Dialcom, 1109 Spring St., Silver Spring, MD 20910, (301) 588-1572.
Department of Agriculture Federal Data Bases
* US-USSR Bilateral Trade (SN 88019)
Kathryn Zeimetz
US Department of Agriculture
1301 New York Ave., NW
Washington, DC 20005-4788 (202) 786-1624
This includes US agricultural exports to and imports from the USSR, total and by specific commodities, value and quantity, for fiscal and calendar years 1970-87. It also includes total US exports to and imports from the USSR. Data available on a Lotus disk for $25. For ordering information call (800) 999-6779.
Department of Agriculture Federal Data Bases
* USSR Agricultural Trade, 1986-87 (SN 88016)
Kathryn Zeimetz
US Department of Agriculture
Economic Research Service
1301 New York Ave., NW
Washington, DC 20005-4788 (800) 999-6779
This contains Soviet data on volume and ruble value of imports and exports of agricultural commodities, machinery, and other inputs. A data disk in Lotus is available for $35.
Department of Agriculture Federal Data Bases
* USSR Grain Harvesting Progress (SN 88003)
Christian Foster
US Department of Agriculture
Economic Research Service
1301 New York Ave., NW
Washington, DC 20005-4788 (202) 786-1624
For selected years, 1971-87, data is available covering small grains, pulses, and corn for grain on state and collective farms on a weekly basis with daily levels interpolated. A Lotus disk is available for $25. For ordering information call (800) 999-6779.
Department of Agriculture Federal Data Bases
* USSR Grain Production (SN 88020)
Christian Foster
US Department of Agriculture
Economic Research Service
1301 New York Ave., NW
Washington, DC 20005-4788 (202) 786-1624
This disk contains area, yield, and production data, 1955-87, for 12 grain crops in each of the 15 Soviet republics. Data is in Lotus and the cost is $45. For ordering information call (800) 999-6779.
Department of Agriculture Federal Data Bases
* USSR Grain Seeding Progress (SN 88004)
Christian Foster
US Department of Agriculture
Economic Research Service
1301 New York Ave., NW
Washington, DC 20005-4788 (800) 999-6779
For selected years, 1971-87, data is available covering fall and spring small grains, pulses, and corn for grain on state and collective farms on a weekly basis with daily levels interpolated. A disk with Lotus format is available for $25. For ordering information call (800) 999-6779.
Department of Agriculture Federal Data Bases
* USSR Trade Compendium (SN 88023)
Kathryn Zeimetz
US Department of Agriculture
Economic Research Service
1301 New York Ave., NW
Washington, DC 20005-4788 (202) 786-1624
This data disk contains Soviet value and quantity data on agricultural imports and exports, 1955-87, including total imports and exports; imports by origin for grains, flour, soybeans, sugar, cotton, red meat, and poultry; imports by type for oilseeds, vegetable oils, and meat; exports by destination of grains, flour, sugar, sunflower seed oil, and cotton; and exports by type for vegetable oils and meat. Data disk is in Lotus. The cost is $75. For ordering information call (800) 999-6779.
Department of Agriculture Federal Data Bases
Department of Agriculture Federal Data Bases
* USSR Trade Compendium (SN 88023)
Ks from financial statements and operations statistics of over 900 REA financed rural electric distribution systems.
* National Forest Fire Occurrence Library Data Base
US Forest Service
Fire and Aviation Management
US Department of Agriculture
P.O. Box 96090
Washington, DC 20090-6090 (202) 235-8666
This data base consists of individual fire report data for National forest fire occurrences. Records are organized into a yearly file averaging about 14,000 records per year. The data base can be searched for: number of fires, acres burned, dollar damage, size class, and statistical cause. Searches are provided for individuals free of charge. A monthly forest fire report and annual report are also available.
Department of Agriculture Federal Data Bases
* National List of Scientific Plant Names System (NLSP)
Soil Conservation Service
US Department of Agriculture
P.O. Box 2890
Washington, DC 20013 (202) 447-2587
This system provides a comprehensive single-source list for scientific reference and for data storage and retrieval. The information contains a plant species checklist of all species in the conterminous United States, Alaska, Hawaii and the Caribbean area. The list contains plant symbols for use in computer files, genus, species, author's name, regional distribution, and primary botanical reference. The data base is updated on a random schedule and currently holds over 40,000 records. The system produces a hard copy and published list of plant names.
Department of Agriculture Federal Data Bases
* National Resource Inventory Directory, 1987
Resources Inventory Division
Soil Conservation Service
US Department of Agriculture
PO Box 2890
Washington, DC 20013 (202) 720-4530
This file provides statistical reliable estimates on topics such as the extent of land and water; land use; conservation treatment needs; rill and wind erosion and its relation to soil loss tolerance; extent of potential cropland and other conservation issues. It covers 25 data items and information on state-ownership. There is a nominal fee for magnetic tapes.
Department of Agriculture Federal Data Bases
* National Skiing Market Survey, 1978 (ICPSR 7801)
Inter-University Consortium for Political and Social Research
Institute for Social Research
P.O. Box 1248
Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (313) 763-5010
This survey was conducted in 1978 to determine the type of national market for skiers and skiing equipment. There were three distinct types of respondents: active skiers, non-active skiers, and potential skiers. Respondents were asked approximately 60 questions which analyzed past, present, and future activities, and background information.
Department of Agriculture Federal Data Bases
* Nutrient Data Bank
Public Information Officer
Human Nutrition Information Service
US Department of Agriculture
Federal Building
6505 Belcrest Road, Room 363
Hyattsville, MD 20782 (301) 436-8617
The Nutrient Data Bank contains surveys and data on the nutrient values in foods and descriptions of foods. Contact the office above for more information.
Department of Agriculture Federal Data Bases
* Oil Crops Yearbook (SN 89002)
James Schaub
US Department of Agriculture
Economic Research Service
1301 New York Ave., NW
Washington, DC 20005-4788 (202) 786-1840
Data provide oilseed, oilmeal, and fats and oils supply and use statistics. It includes oilseed acreage, yield, and production estimates as well as farm and wholesale price series. Data is in Lotus. The cost is $25. For ordering information call (800) 999-6779.
Department of Agriculture Federal Data Bases
* Pesticide Use Data (SN 86011)
Herman Delvo
US Department of Agriculture
Economic Research Service
1301 New York Ave., NW
Washington, DC 20005-4788 (202) 786-1464
Pesticide use data for major field crops is included in this disk. It reports active ingredients applied by crop and region, acres treated, and total quantities applied. Data are in ASCII for $25. For ordering information call (800) 999-6779.
Department of Agriculture Federal Data Bases
* PL480 and other Concessional US Exports (SN 86013)
Mark Smith
US Department of Agriculture
Economic Research Service
1301 New York Ave., NW
Washington, DC 20005-4788 (202) 786-1822
PL480 and other concessional US exports by commodity, country, quantity and value for all programs 1955-87 are available on magnetic tape for $130. For ordering information call (800) 999-6779.
Department of Agriculture Federal Data Bases
* Plant Protection and Quarantine Import Data (SN 88011)
Dick Brown
US Department of Agriculture
Economic Research Service
1301 New York Ave., NW
Washington, DC 20005-4788 (202) 786-1680
This disk contains US imports of fresh fruit and vegetables under the plant quarantine and inspection program (PQ280) of APHIS. It includes monthly and annual data by commodity and by country of origin and port of entry for 1983-85. Data disk is in ASCII for $45. For ordering information call (800) 999-6799.
Department of Agriculture Federal Data Bases
* Plant Protection Quarantine Interception Records
Joyce Cousins
US Department of Agriculture
Federal Building, Room 618
6506 Belcrest Road
Hyattsville, MD 20782 (301) 436-6828
This data base contains a list of exotic pests from foreign countries that were intercepted at a port of entry into the United States. The system contains information on the port where the pest was intercepted, the pest's country of origin, its destination, the pest's host, and how it was being transferred into the United States. Printouts are available free of charge to selected people.
Department of Agriculture Federal Data Bases
* Policy Impact Codes (SN 86005)
Peggy Ross
US Department of Agriculture
Economic Research Service
1301 New York Ave., NW
Washington, DC 20005-4788 (202) 786-1537
Policy impact codes for 2,443 non-metro counties identify major economic base, federally involved land and population characteristics. Data are in ASCII and available on disk for $25. For ordering information call (800) 999-6779.
Department of Agriculture Federal Data Bases
* Poultry and Egg Statistics (SN 89007)
Mark Weimar
US Department of Agriculture
Economic Research Service
1301 New York Ave., NW
Washington, DC 20005-4788
This contains monthly and annual data, 1970-87, on production, supply, disappearance, prices, and costs for eggs, broilers, other chickens, and turkeys. For ordering information call (800) 999-6779.
Department of Agriculture Federal Data Bases
* Red Meats and Poultry Supply and Use (SN 89008)
Richard Stillman
Mark Weimar
US Department of Agriculture
Economic Research Service
1301 New York Ave., NW
Washington, DC 20005-4788 (202) 219-0713
This contains supply and use data for beef, pork, veal, lamb, and all red meats, broilers, other chicken, turkey, all poultry, and all red meats and poultry. Quarterly and annual data are included for 1960-87. A data disk in Lotus is available for $25. For ordering information call (800) 999-6779.
Department of Agriculture Federal Data Bases
* Rice Yearbook (SN 89001)
Janet Livezey
US Department of Agriculture
Economic Research Service
1301 New York Ave., NW
Washington, DC 20005-4788 (202) 786-1840
US rice production, supply, disappearance, trade, and price data, 1970-88 are included on this disk. Includes state acreage, yield, and production data; US and world price series; and price support program statistics. Data is in Lotus. Cost is $25. For ordering information call (800) 999-6779.
Department of Agriculture Federal Data Bases
* Rural Development (SN 88013)
Martha Frederick
US Department of Agriculture
Economic Research Service
1301 New York Ave., NW
Washington, DC 20005-4788 (202) 786-1547
Rural development has extensive data on employment, labor force, and unemployment presented by metro and non-metro portions of regions, states and counties grouped by metro status and economic base. Data disk is in Lotus for $35. For ordering information call (800) 999-6779.
Department of Agriculture Federal Data Bases
* Rural Electrification Administration Data Base (REA)
Glen Sperle
Statistics and Data Processing Division
Rural Electrification Administration
US Department of Agriculture
14th Street and Independence Avenue, SW
Washington, DC 20250 (202) 720-0943
REA contains financial and statistical information about the operations of approximately 2,150 REA electric borrowers individually and as a group. The borrowers are commercial companies and cooperatives providing electric and telephone service in rural areas throughout the US. The following information can be retrieved about each borrower: outstanding loans; REA debit service repayments; balance sheet items; revenue and expense items; operations statements, and sales statistics. REA maintains a variety of files containing information, ranging from loan statistics to accounting data. The REA data base stores records on about 2,160 borrowers, 43,000 rural revolving accounts and 603,000 bank accounts. Searches, printouts and tapes are available on a cost recovery basis. Hard copy reports are also available. To arrange for searches or tapes contact the Public Information Office, REA, Department of Agriculture, Washington, DC 20250, (202) 382-1255.
Department of Agriculture Federal Data Bases
e Federal Data Bases
, and corn for grain on state and collective farms on a weekly basis with daily levels interpolated. A disk with Lotus format is available for $25. For ordering information call (800) 999-6779.
* Irrigated Farms Data File (SN 86008)
John Hanchar
US Department of Agriculture
Economic Research Service
1301 New York Ave., NW
Washington, DC 20005-4788 (202) 786-1410
This file includes unpublished tabulations for the 1982 Census of Agriculture. It includes summary data by size of farm, type of organization, and value of products sold. Data available on tape for $130. For ordering information call (800) 999-6779.
Department of Agriculture Federal Data Bases
* Land Areas of the National Forest System (LANFS)
Tim Beatty
US Department of Agriculture
Forest Service, Information Systems
PO Box 2417
Washington, DC 20013 (202) 235-2402
This data base includes all lands administered by the Forest Service, organized by region, state, county (FIPS) codes, and congressional district. It includes acreage information on designated forest wilderness areas, forest primitive areas, wild and scenic rivers, recreation areas, game refuges and wildlife preserves.
Department of Agriculture Federal Data Bases
* Land Improvement Tax Simulator Data File (SN 87005)
Ralph Heimlich
US Department of Agriculture
Economic Research Service
1301 New York Ave., NW
Washington, DC 20005-4788 (202) 786-1422
This disk provides land improvement tax simulator for calculating up to 20 years of after-tax returns from land improvement investments. The format is in Lotus for $25. For ordering information call (800) 999-6779.
Department of Agriculture Federal Data Bases
* Land Use Change Data File (SN 88018 (A-D))
Marlow Vesterby
US Department of Agriculture
Economic Research Service
1301 New York Ave., NW
Washington, DC 20005-4788 (202) 786-1422
This disk includes paired sample point data of land use change in 135 "fast population growth", 36 "cropland loss", and 20 "cropland gain" counties in the US Data cover 15 major land uses including agricultural, forest, urban, and wetlands. A set of 4 disks are available ranging from $25-$45. The format is dBase III. For ordering information call (800) 999-6779.
Department of Agriculture Federal Data Bases
* Local Government Finances Data Tape (SN 86007)
Rick Reeder
US Department of Agriculture
Economic Research Service
1301 New York Ave., NW
Washington, DC 20005-4788 (202) 786-1544
This file includes data on all local government revenue, expenditure, and debt aggregated to the county level for FY 1977 and 1982. Also includes rural/urban classifications and supplementary socioeconomic data on population, income and employment. Data are available on magnetic tape for $130. For ordering information call (800) 999-6779.
Department of Agriculture Federal Data Bases
* Major Land Uses Data File (SN 89003)
Ken Krupa
Arthur Daugherty
US Department of Agriculture
Economic Research Service
1301 New York Ave., NW
Washington, DC 20005-4788
This file includes State, regional, and national estimates of 15 major land uses including cropland, pasture and grazing, forest, and urban uses for Census of Agriculture years between 1945 and 1982. Data are in Lotus for $25. For ordering information call (800) 999-6779.
Department of Agriculture Federal Data Bases
* Management and Information Division: Food and Nutrition Service System
R. Gar Forsht, Supervisor of Data Monitoring
Food & Nutrition Service
US Department of Agriculture
3101 Park Center Drive
Alexandria, VA 22302 (703) 756-3100
This comprehensive system currently contain 800 data elements covering agency wide food and nutrition program activity costs. It includes data on food stamps, fraud and investigations.
Department of Agriculture Federal Data Bases
* Meat Animals - Production, Disposition, and Income File
Agricultural Statistics Board
South Building, Room 5809
Washington, DC 20250 (202) 447-7017
The file contains information on state and national estimates on meat animals (cattle, hogs, sheep) for inventory, in shipments, marketings, births, deaths, production, prices, value of production and gross income are contained in two volumes for this file from 1970 to date. (SRS order no. ASB-210 for 1970-74, $125; and SRS no. ASB-211 for 1975 to date, $125 magnetic tapes; diskette, 1975 to date only, $30)
Department of Agriculture Federal Data Bases
* Middle East Grain Supply and Utilization Data File (SN 86017)
Mike Kurtzig
US Department of Agriculture
Economic Research Service
1301 New York Ave., NW
Washington, DC 20005-4788 (202) 786-1680
Grain production, imports, supply and utilization for Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Israel, and Egypt, 1966-85 available on disk. For ordering information call (800) 999-6779. Cost $55.
Department of Agriculture Federal Data Bases
* Narrative Accomplishment Reporting System for Agriculture
Tom Tate
Extension Service
US Department of Agriculture
Room 3329, South
14th and Independence SW,
Washington, DC 20250 (202) 447-8155
This data base contains one-page narrative descriptions of plans and reports of successful agricultural demonstration work that has led to the adoption of new technologies in the overall area of agricultural production, protection, marketing, distribution, rural youth development, community and rural development of new facilities and services, home economics and human nutrition education. It provides names and addresses of persons from whom more information can be obtained. Free searches and printouts are available through the state extension services, US Department of Agriculture and through Land Grant Universities. Online searching can be done commercially through ITT Dialcom.
Department of Agriculture Federal Data Bases
* National Agricultural Library Data Bases (NAL)
Jennie Brogdon
Reference Branch, Room 111
National Agricultural Library
US Department of Agriculture
Beltsville, MD 20705 (301) 344-1204
The NAL is a national and international resource for the collection and dissemination of information on all aspects of agriculture. US state and local agencies including state experiment stations and extension services, US individuals including college and university students and faculty can receive services up to the threshold level without charge. Threshold level service is defined as one hour of staff time of $25.00 in computer usage costs. Services beyond the threshold level are provided for a fee. Computer time costs vary according to the data base(s) searched, time spent on-line, and the number of references printed. Charges are for telecommunications linkages, direct online costs and for the offline prints, if any.
Department of Agriculture Federal Data Bases
* National Agricultural Pest Information Services Data Base (NAPIS)
Dave Talpas
US Department of Agriculture
Federal Building, Room 640
Hyattsville, MD 20782 (301) 436-8247
This data base contains information about insects, weeds, plant diseases and nematodes. Each state collects data and transmits it to the Department of Agriculture's National Plant Pest Quarantine Office (PPQ) in Maryland. Data from each state include: observation date, state, county, crop, crop growth stage, pest, pest life stage, abundance or incidence, damage or severity and detection method. Searches and printouts are generally available for free.
Department of Agriculture Federal Data Bases
* National Camping Market Survey, 1971 (ICPSR 7798)
Inter-University Consortium for Political and Social Research
Institute for Social Research
P.O. Box 1248
Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (313) 763-5010
This survey was conducted in 1971 to determine the type of national market for campers and camping equipment. Respondents were asked approximately 90 questions which analyzed past, present, and future camping activities and preferences, equipment, attitudes, other leisure activities and background information. There are two files of data, each with 2,003 records; file 1 contains the first 80 columns of data per respondent and file 2 contains the second 80 columns.
Department of Agriculture Federal Data Bases
* National Camping Market Survey, 1973 (ICPSR 7799)
Inter-University Consortium for Political and Social Research
Institute for Social Research
P.O. Box 1248
Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (313) 763-5010
This survey was conducted in 1973 to determine the type of national market for campers and camping equipment. Respondents were asked approximately 80 questions which analyzed past, present,and future camping activities and preferences, equipment, attitudes, other leisure activities, and background information. There are two files of data, each with 2,207 records; file 1 contains the first 80 columns of data per respondent and file 2 contains the second 80 columns.
Department of Agriculture Federal Data Bases
* National Camping Market Survey, 1978 (ICPSR 7800)
Inter-University Consortium for Political and Social Research
Institute for Social Research
P.O. Box 1248
Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (313) 763-5010
This survey was conducted in 1978 to determine the type of national market for campers and camping equipment. Respondents were asked approximately 60 questions which analyzed past, present,and future camping activities and preferences, equipment, attitudes, other leisure activities, and background information. There are four files of data, each with 2,013 records.
Department of Agriculture Federal Data Bases
* National Financial Summary Data File (SN 88010)
Linda Farmer
US Department of Agriculture
Economic Research Service
1301 New York Ave., NW
Washington, DC 20005-4788 (202) 219-0804
Data include farm income, cash receipts by components, production expenses, capital expenditures, off-farm income, non-money and farm-related income components. It also includes US balance sheet data, 1944-87, and related data on assets and debt. Data disk is available in Lotus for $45. For ordering information call (800) 999-6779.
Department of Agriculture Federal Data Bases
isure activities, and background information. There are four files of data, each with 2,013 records.
Department of Agriculture Federal Data Bases
* National Fin
* Foreign Importer Listings Data Base
Foreign Agriculture Service, USDA
Agricultural Information Marketing Service
Room 4951, South Building
14th Street & Independence Ave., SW
Washington, DC 20250 (202) 720-4327
The system includes names, addresses and telex numbers of firms currently dealing in food and agricultural products in specific countries and of companies which have requested US products during the past three years. Listings are available for: 1) all foreign countries for a single product or 2) all importers of all agricultural products in a single country. There is a fee for each listing.
Department of Agriculture Federal Data Bases
* Foreign Investment in the US
Land Branch, ERS
US Department of Agriculture
1301 New York Ave., NW
Washington, DC 2005-4788 (202) 786-1425
Foreign investment in US agricultural land has been reported for 12.5 million acres in 1,859 of the 3,041 counties in the US. Foreign Ownership of US Agricultural Land through December 31, 1988 lists data for each county to show the number of acres, its value, country of origin, and use of the land. This publication is also available on tape from AFIDA Data Base (800) 999-6779.
Department of Agriculture Federal Data Bases
* Foreign-Owned Agricultural Land Data File (SN 87015)
Peter DeBraal
US Department of Agriculture
Economic Research Service
1301 New York Ave., NW
Washington, DC 20005-4788 (202) 786-1425
Data are from 13,000 reports filed under the Alien Foreign Investment Disclosure Act of 1978. It includes foreign-owned agricultural land by states and counties as on 12/31/87. Data on magnetic tape for $130. For ordering information call (800) 999-6779.
Department of Agriculture Federal Data Bases
* Foreign Products Estimates Data Bases
Ed Cissel
US Department of Agriculture
Foreign Agriculture Service
Foreign Production Estimates Division
6503 South Building
Washington, DC 20250 (202) 720-0888
Various commodity data bases are available that contain total production figures on foreign raw commodities. Commodities included in these files are: grains, rice, dairy, poultry, livestock, oilseeds, cotton, coffee, sugar and tobacco. The Foreign Production Estimates Division can search the data base by country or commodity. Each commodity has an expert available to assist with searches. There is no charge for such searches.
Department of Agriculture Federal Data Bases
* Forest Land Use Reports System (FLUR)
US Department of Agriculture
Forest Service
P.O. Box 96090, Room 1010 RPE
Washington, DC 20090-6090 (202) 235-8212
This system identifies those who have permits to use federal land. The file contains the name and address of the user, the type of permit, issuing office or agency, billing information, type of use, and location. Each Forest Service region maintains its own file and operates its own system. File sizes vary from region to region depending on the volume of permits issued for special use activities. Free searches are available through the Forest Service regional offices; however, questioners must go through the Freedom of Information Act system.
Department of Agriculture Federal Data Bases
* Fresh Fruit Prices & Marketing Spreads Data File (SN 88002)
Joan Pearrow
US Department of Agriculture
Economic Research Service
1301 New York Ave., NW
Washington, DC 20005-4788 (202) 786-1883
This disk contains information on retail values, wholesale and shipping point prices, transportation charges, and market price spreads for 8 fresh fruits. Marketing season monthly data is available for 1984-87. Data is in Lotus and the cost of the disk is $35. For ordering information call (800) 999-6779.
Department of Agriculture Federal Data Bases
* Fresh Vegetable Prices and Marketing Spreads, 1985-87 Data File (SN 88009)
Joan Pearrow
US Department of Agriculture
Economic Research Service
1301 New York Ave., NW
Washington, DC 20005-4788 (202) 786-1883
Monthly and season prices, spreads, and transportation charges for 11 vegetables are available on this disk. It reports vegetables sold in the Northeast, North Central, South and West marketing regions, and in New York City and Baltimore starting with the 1984-85 marketing season. Data are in Lotus for $35. For ordering information call (800) 999-6779.
Department of Agriculture Federal Data Bases
* Geographic Distribution of Federal Funds, 1985 Data File (SN 88022)
Elliott Dubin
US Department of Agriculture
Economic Research Service
1301 New York Ave., NW
Washington, DC 20005-4788 (202) 786-1544
Data traces Federal funds to counties and states by program, type of payment, and function. Counties are identified by region, metro/non-metro status, and social and economic characteristics. Data on magnetic tape, 6250 bpi for $130. For ordering information call (800) 999-6779.
Department of Agriculture Federal Data Bases
* Germplasm Resources Information Network Data Base
Dr. Henry Shands
US Department of Agriculture
Room 139, Building 005, BARC West
Beltsville, MD 20705 (301) 344-3311
This data base contains important information about germplasm samples, including native habitats, characteristics, sample availability and evaluation results. Seven hundred elements are provided for each plant. Updating is done by individuals and organizations that are known experts in the field. Breeders, growers and researchers provide evaluation and characteristic information. Seed lists are available for distribution for interested plant geneticists and breeders. Searches for any plant element can be done for plant scientists are no charge. Data available on diskettes, magnetic tape or printed copy. Telephone access is available through Telenet, or Dialcom.
Department of Agriculture Federal Data Bases
* Grain Inventory System (GIS)
Tom Burke
US Department of Agriculture
Agricultural Stabilization and Conservation Service
Kansas City Management Office
PO Box 205
Kansas City, MO 64141 (816) 926-6502
GIS manages and controls the USDA's inventory of owned grain in approximately 7,000 commercial warehouses. It directs shipments, pays storage, financially settles over/under shipments with warehouses and maintains position and financial accounting of government owned grain. Retrievable data includes: daily, weekly and quarterly shipment orders, settlement documents and internal list for inventory control.
Department of Agriculture Federal Data Bases
* Grain Stocks
Agricultural Statistics Board
South Building, Room 5809
Washington, DC 20250 (202) 447-7017
The file contains information on state and national quarterly estimates of grains and oil seed crops stored on farms and in off-farm storage. Commodities included are corn, soybeans, all wheat drum wheat, oats, barley, rye, flaxseed, sunflower. On-farm data are available for 1974 to date, off-farm data 1978 to date (SRS order no. ASB-105, $150)
Department of Agriculture Federal Data Bases
* Great Plains Conservation Program System
US Department of Agriculture
Soil Conservation Service
Great Plains Conservation Program
14th & Independence Avenue, SW, Room 6041
Washington, DC 20013 (202) 382-1868
This system is designed to assist in protection and improvement of soil, water, plant and wildlife resources of the unique Plains area which is plagued with recurring drought and wind erosion problems. It provides cost-sharing assistance to participating landowners or operators for developing and installing long term conservation plans and practices for their land. The scope covers all cost sharing transactions since the inception in 1957. Financial information related to this program is stored in a data base at the National Financial Center in New Orleans, Louisiana. To obtain a printout, contact the DC office listed above.
Department of Agriculture Federal Data Bases
* Hay Locator Bulletin Board
Rick Westerman
Operations Manager AG Communication Network
Purdue University Cooperative Extension Service
Smith Hall, Room 105
West Lafayette, IN 47907 (317) 494-8333
This up-to-date, computerized listing of hay and straw for buyers and sellers across the nation can be searched by hay types, location, sellers, and buyers. Available free with 500, 1200, or 2400 baud connection. The system operates on a single user dial-up computer that provides access to the information and some of the programs available in the Indiana FACTS network. Extension newsletters, news stories from Purdue's Agricultural Communications Service and other sources are put on the system daily in preassigned groupings called "topics." Users can search for items of interest and then globally or selectively display items on their terminal screen or to a printing terminal. Subject areas include agricultural, agribusiness and home management. Intended users are any private citizens normally served by the extension. Users pay only for the phone call.
Department of Agriculture Federal Data Bases
* Hog and Pig Estimates File
Agricultural Statistics Board
South Building, Room 5809
Washington, DC 20250 (202) 447-7017
The file contains information on state and national estimates on hog and pig inventory, number of classes, sows farrowed, pigs per litter, and pig crop are included in this file from 1969 to date. (SRS order no. ASB-201, $125 magnetic tape; diskette, $30)
Department of Agriculture Federal Data Bases
* Inspection and Weighing Report System
Resources Management Division
Room 1642, South
P.O. Box 96454
Washington, DC 20090-96454 (202) 382-1741
The Inspection and Weighing Report System documents official grain inspection and weighing activity performed under the US Grain Standards Act. The system documents the number of official inspections and weighings performed by FGIS and private/state agencies, by carrier. The data base includes information from October 1984, to the present, and it is updated monthly.
Department of Agriculture Federal Data Bases
* International Marketing Profiles Data Base
Foreign Agricultural Service
US Department of Agriculture
Agricultural Information and Marketing Service
Room 4951, South Building
14th Street & Independence Avenue, SW
Washington, DC 20250 (202) 720-4327
This data base presents statistical information on agricultural trade activity using two profiles: Product Marketing Profiles which examine market performance of specific agricultural products and Country Marketing Profiles which examine the agricultural trade activity in particular countries. Each profile includes an export brief, a list of exporter services, foreign importer mailing list information and a fact sheet summarizing Foreign Agricultural Service responsibility and key contact. There is a $15.00 fee for each profile.
Department of Agriculture Federal Data Bases
* International Marketing Profiles Data Base
Foreign Agricultural Service
US Department of Agriculture
Agricultural Information and Marketing Service
Room 4951, South B Respondents were asked approximately 90 questions which analyzed past, present, and future camping activities and preference
* Emergency Programs Information Center Data Base (EPIC)
Emergency Program Staff
Emergency Programs Information Center Data Bank
Veterinary Services, APHIS
US Department of Agriculture
Federal Building
6505 Belcrest Rd.
Hyattsville, MD 20782 (301) 436-8687
EPIC maintains a computerized data base with bibliographic information for all literature stored on microfilm by the center. The EPIC Data Bank consists of worldwide literature covering diseases of livestock and poultry exotic to the United States. Its scope includes the diagnosis, transmission, control and eradication of foreign livestock diseases and other animal contagions. Input is obtained primarily from searches of AGRICOLA and similar bibliographic data bases. Other input sources include current awareness services, abstracting publications and the resources of agricultural libraries. EPIC holdings include 56,000 articles on microfilm in the English language (5,000 articles are translations) covering 35 foreign diseases; 2,500 articles are added and 8,000 pages are translated annually. Complete services, including bibliographic printouts and copies of cited articles, are primarily for personnel working in federal and cooperating state animal disease-control and eradication programs. Users outside APHIS are generally only provided citations; however, requests are handled on an individual basis. The Center has prepared a standard printout on 43 different topics. These are available to the general public.
Department of Agriculture Federal Data Bases
* Exchange Rates Data (SN 88021)
David Stallings
US Department of Agriculture
1301 New York Ave., NW
Washington, DC 20005-4788 (202) 786-1705
Monthly (1975-87), quarterly (1970-87), and annual (1960-87) real exchange rates for 63 countries most important to US agricultural exports are available in Lotus on disk for $45. It also includes weighted average exchange rates for all agricultural exports, wheat, corn, soybeans, and cotton for US agricultural trade customers and competitors. For ordering information call (800) 999-6779.
Department of Agriculture Federal Data Bases
* Expanded Food and Nutrition Report Program System (EFNEP)
Extension Service
Home Economics and Human Nutrition
US Department of Agriculture
Room 3444, South Building
Washington, DC 20250-0900 (202) 447-8067
This system provides socioeconomic and demographic profiles of families participating in the Expanded Food and Nutrition Education Program. It provides decision makers with information to measure the effectiveness of the program in achieving it's objectives. The data provide a measure of progress in terms of families food consumption practices at enter and exit intervals. One report is produced: an annual report, both of which provide demographic data on program participants. Most Land Grant Universities have access to this Extension Service Program.
Department of Agriculture Federal Data Bases
* Export Grain Information System (EGIS)
Resources Management Division
Room 1642, South
P.O. Box 96454
Washington, DC 20090-96454 (202) 720-8732
The Export Grain Information System (EGIS) documents US grain exports which were inspected and/or weighed under provisions of the US Grain Standards Act. The data base includes information about the quantity and quality of exported grain lots. The system documents information for wheat, corn, soybeans, sorghum, barley, rye, oats, flaxseed, sunflower seeds, and triticale. The data base contains information from January 1983, to the present, and is updated weekly.
Department of Agriculture Federal Data Bases
* Farm and Ranch Irrigation Data File (SN 87014)
John Hostetler
US Department of Agriculture
Economic Research Service
1301 New York Ave., NW
Washington, DC 20005-4788 (202) 786-1410
This disk includes tables 1 through 23 from the related Census report on water sources and use, irrigation technology, and expenditures. Data is Lotus and the disk is $35. For ordering information call (800) 999-6779.
Department of Agriculture Federal Data Bases
* Farm Machinery Statistics (SN 86016)
LeRoy Hansen
US Department of Agriculture
Economic Research Service
1301 New York Ave., NW
Washington, DC 20005-4788 (202) 786-1410
Annual and monthly farm machinery statistics, 1940-86 are available on disk. Data are available on US production, shipments, industry and farm inventories, farm expenditures, and other financial information. For ordering information call (800) 999-6779.
Department of Agriculture Federal Data Bases
* Farm Real Estate Values (SN 86010)
John Jones
US Department of Agriculture
Economic Research Service
1301 New York Ave., NW
Washington, DC 20005-4788 (202) 786-1428
This disk contains farm real estate values, US and 48 states for land and buildings on a per acre and per farm basis, and real estate debt and taxes by year, 1950-87. Data are in Lotus and the cost is $25. For ordering information call (800) 999-6779.
Department of Agriculture Federal Data Bases
* Feed Composition Data Bank (FCDB)
National Agricultural Library, 5th Floor
US Department of Agriculture
10301 Baltimore Boulevard
Beltsville, MD 20705 (301) 344-3813
FCDB is one of the most complete compilations of data on feedstuffs in the world with information on more than 23,000 feeds and feed ingredients. The data bank is part of the USDA's National Agricultural Library (NAL). The primary purpose of the data base is the collection of feed and feed ingredient data and the dissemination of this information through feed composition tables. Requests for feed composition tables are individually customized to meet specific user needs.
Department of Agriculture Federal Data Bases
* Feed Grain Data by States Data File (SN 87013)
Letricia Womack
US Department of Agriculture
Economic Research Service
1301 New York Ave., NW
Washington, DC 20005-4788 (202) 786-1695
Data includes acreage planted and harvested, yield, production, quantity used on farms and sold, season average price, value of production, and value of sales for corn, grain sorghum, oats, and barley. Data provided in Lotus on disk for $55. For ordering information call (800) 999-6779.
Department of Agriculture Federal Data Bases
* Feed Grain Yearbook (SN 88007)
Larry Van Meir
US Department of Agriculture
Economic Research Service
1301 New York Ave., NW
Washington, DC 20005-4788 (202) 786-1840
Data is provided on US feed grain acreage, production, supply, trade, utilization, and prices for 1950-87. It also includes data for hay and feedstuffs. Data is on disk in Lotus for $35. For ordering information call (800) 999-6779.
Department of Agriculture Federal Data Bases
* Feed Manufacturing Data File (SN 89005)
Mark Ash
US Department of Agriculture
Economic Research Service
1301 New York Ave., NW
Washington, DC 20005-4788 (202) 786-1840
This file includes extensive state and regional data for 1984 on the livestock feed manufacturing industry including location, capacity, employment, and form of ownership as well as data on feed production and ingredient use]. Data disk is available in Lotus for $55. For ordering information call (800) 999-6779.
Department of Agriculture Federal Data Bases
* Fertilizer Use Data File (SN 86012)
Harry Vroomen
US Department of Agriculture
Economic Research Service
1301 New York Ave., NW
Washington, DC 20005-4788 (202) 786-1464
This file reports fertilizer use per acre by nutrient for major farm states, 1964-86, for corn, cotton, soybeans, and wheat. Data available on disk in Lotus for $25. For ordering information call (800) 999-6779.
Department of Agriculture Federal Data Bases
FIREBASE Operations
US Department of Agriculture Forest Service
Boise Interagency Fire Center
3905 Vista Ave.
Boise, ID 83705 (208) 389-2604
FIREBASE is a collection of bibliographic citations and abstracts of wildland fire-related information. The data base is international in scope and topics include wildland fire detection; prevention and suppression; fire management analysis; planning and training; and fire statistics, indexes, and hazards.
Department of Agriculture Federal Data Bases
* Food and Nutrition Information Center System (FNIC)
Jim Krebs-Smith
Food and Nutrition Information Center
US Department of Agriculture
National Agricultural Library Building, Room 304
Beltsville, MD 20705 (301) 344-3719
FNIC is an information center within the National Agricultural Library which covers all aspects of current developments in human nutrition, food and related disciplines, including: food service management, consumer economics, food and nutrition programs, nutrition and health education, food composition, food storage, physiology of human nutrition, diet and diet-related diseases, and home economics. The system became operational in 1970, and currently contains 31,000 records. It is updated monthly. The Center will conduct bibliographic searches free of charge, for state and local school districts, selected colleges and universities and some non-profits. Access is also available commercial through DIALOG, BRS, and, if eligible, the Food and Nutrition Information Center. FNIC may perform brief complimentary searches of the AGRICOLA data base. More extensive searches are charged a fee.
Department of Agriculture Federal Data Bases
* Food, Beverages, and Tobacco Expenditures Data File (SN 86014)
David Stallings
US Department of Agriculture
Economic Research Service
1301 New York Ave., NW
Washington, DC 20005-4788 (202) 786-1705
Food, beverages, and tobacco expenditures, US and 52 countries for the years 1970-84 are available on this disk. Data include gross domestic product, disposable personal income, consumption expenditures and net savings. Data available in Lotus for $45. For ordering information call (800) 999-6779.
Department of Agriculture Federal Data Bases
* Foreign Buyer Data Base
Foreign Agricultural Service
US Department of Agriculture
The Agricultural Information and
Marketing Services (AIMS)
Room 4951, South
14th Street & Independence Ave., SW
Washington, DC 20250-1000 (202) 720-4327
AIMS maintains a data base of approximately 13,000 foreign firms from over 70 countries. American firms can obtain lists and match their products with prospective buyers. Foreign buyer lists provide company name, contact, address, and telephone, telex, cable, and/or facsimile number. The lists can be formatted to provide foreign buyers by product for the entire world; or foreign buyers by country for all products.
Department of Agriculture Federal Data Bases
Department of Agriculture Federal Data Bases
* Foreign Buyer Data Base
Foreign Agricultural Service
US Department of Agriculture
The Agricultural Inforf classes, sows farrowed, pigs per litter, and pig crop are in
* Cattle on Feed File
Agricultural Statistics Board
South Building, Room 5809
Washington, DC 20250 (202) 447-7017
The file contains information on estimates for the 7 Monthly States and 13 Quarterly States on number of cattle on feed by classes and weight-groups, placements, markings and other data are included in this file from 1969 to date. (SRS order no. ASB-203, $125 magnetic tape; diskette, $30)
Department of Agriculture Federal Data Bases
* Census of Agriculture County Profiles Data File (SN 88014 (A-D))
Jim Horsfield
US Department of Agriculture
Economic Research Service
1301 New York Ave., NW
Washington, DC 20005-4788 (202) 786-3306
Available on magnetic tape, this merged data from Census reports for 1949-82 is reconciled to present over 1100 time series. It includes data on farm characteristics, farm operators, crop and livestock production, and resource use. The tape is $130. For ordering information call (800) 999-6779.
Department of Agriculture Federal Data Bases
* Centralized Forecast System (CFS)
David E. Johnson, Program Manager
Soil Conservation Service (SCS)
US Department of Agriculture
West National Technical Center (WNTC)
511 NW Broadway, Room 248
Portland, OR 97209-3489 (503) 326-2843
Centralized Forecast System was designed to give users rapid access to water supply predictions as well as current and historical hydrometeorologic data crucial to water management operations in the Western US. CFS is closely associated with the SCS snow telemetry (SNOTEL) system, a data gathering network also operating in the West. To access CFS in the western US, submit a letter of request to the SCS state office. Others should submit their requests to the above listed office.
Department of Agriculture Federal Data Bases
* Chinese Agricultural Statistics (SN 88001)
Frederick Crook
US Department of Agriculture
Economic Research Service
1301 New York Ave., NW
Washington, DC 20005-4788 (202) 786-1626
This disk contains comprehensive data on crop and livestock production for selected years 1949-85, at national and provincial levels. Data available in Lotus. Disk cost is $75. For ordering information call (800) 999-6779.
Department of Agriculture Federal Data Bases
* Conservation Reserve Program (SN 88005 (A-J))
Tim Osborne
US Department of Agriculture
Economic Research Service
1301 New York Ave., NW
Washington, DC 20005-4788 (202) 786-1435
There are 10 disks available for various regions which provide contract information by state and county and by sign-up period for fiscal year 1986. Data is in ASCII and the cost per disk is $25. For ordering information call (800) 999-6779.
Department of Agriculture Federal Data Bases
* Cotton and Wool Yearbook Data File (SN 89004)
Bob Skinner
US Department of Agriculture
Economic Research Service
1301 New York Ave., NW
Washington, DC 20005-4788 (202) 786-1840
This file provides data on US cotton and wool production, supply, use, trade, and price statistics, 1960-88. It includes domestic and world price series and indexes; state cotton acreage, yield, and production data; and conversions of US Textile imports and exports to raw fiber equivalents. Data disk in Lotus for $25. For ordering information call (800) 999-6779.
Department of Agriculture Federal Data Bases
* County Estimates File - Crops
Agricultural Statistics Board
South Building, Room 5809
Washington, DC 20250 (202) 447-7017
The file contains information on county, crop reporting district, and state annual estimates by commodity for acreage, yield, production, and irrigation-cultivation practices for selected crops are contained in this file from 1972 to date. (ASB-110 (1972-82) $125; ASB-111 (1983-date) $125)
Department of Agriculture Federal Data Bases
* County Estimates File - Livestock
Agricultural Statistics Board
South Building, Room 5809
Washington, DC 20250 (202) 447-7017
The file contains information on county, crop reporting district, and state estimates for all cattle, beef cows, milk cows, milk production, all hogs, pigs saved, all sheep, stock sheep, cattle on feed inventory, feed cattle marketed, all chickens inventory, and eggs produced are included in this file from 1975 to date. Only states submitting estimates are included. (SRS order no. ASB 220, $125 magnetic tape; individual years on diskettes for $30/each. Entire file takes 2 magnetic tapes)
Department of Agriculture Federal Data Bases
* Crop Estimates File
Agricultural Statistics Board
South Building, Room 5809
Washington, DC 20250 (202) 447-7017
The file contains information on state and national annual estimates by commodity for acreage, yield, and production are contained in this file, covering 1969 to date. Commodities included are field crops, potatoes, seeds, citrus fruits, non-citrus fruits, and nuts. (SRS order no. ASB-101, $150; ASB-102, $150 (1939-68)
Department of Agriculture Federal Data Bases
* Current Awareness Literature Service Data Bases (CALS)
Anita S. Speight
Current Awareness Literature Service (CALS)
US Department of Agriculture
National Agriculture Library
Information Systems Division
Beltsville, MD 20705 (301) 344-3859
The Current Awareness Literature Service is a computer-based literature searching system which searches AGRICOLA, Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Abstracts, Biological Abstracts, Food Science Technology Abstracts Government Reports Announcements, the full Commonwealth Agriculture Bureaux file, Engineering Index, Water Resources Abstracts, World Textile Abstracts, Telegen and Zoological Accord. Searches, based on user-designed profiles, are performed weekly, bi-weekly or monthly, depending on data base(s) chosen for searching. There is no direct cost to USDA users. CALS is available only to USDA employees.
Department of Agriculture Federal Data Bases
* Current Research Information System (CRIS)
John R. Myers, Director
Current Research Information System
US Department of Agriculture
National Agricultural Library Building
Beltsville, MD 20705 (301) 344-3846
CRIS is a computer-based information storage and retrieval system established to serve as the USDA project document and reporting system. It is intended to improve communication among agricultural research scientists and provide research managers with up-to-date and coordinated information on the total research programs of the agencies listed below. A standard technical printout which includes title, objective, approach, and most recent progress and citations to publication is typically produced for each unit that fits the search. There is automated access via terminal. CRIS is available through the online retrieval service DIALOG Information Services Inc. DIALOG is available at most university, public and Federal libraries. The approximate cost is $45.00 per connect hour and $.25 for each full project abstract printed.
Department of Agriculture Federal Data Bases
* Dry Bean Production and Acreage Data (SN 86003)
Barbara Johnson
US Department of Agriculture
Economic Research Service
1301 New York Ave., NW
Washington, DC 20005-4788 (202) 786-1884
Dry bean production and acreage data is available from 1970-1987. Data include monthly imports, exports and weekly price data for 1981-86. Data are in Lotus, available on disk for $35.00. For ordering information call (800) 999-6779.
Department of Agriculture Federal Data Bases
* Dynamics of Land Use Change Data File (SN 88017)
Marlow Vesterby
US Department of Agriculture
Economic Research Service
1301 New York Ave., NW
Washington, DC 20005-4788 (202) 786-1422
Paired sample point data of land use change in 53 "fast population growth" counties in the US Data cover 12 major land uses including agricultural and urban. A data disk in Lotus is available for $35. For ordering information call (800) 999-6779.
Department of Agriculture Federal Data Bases
* East European Agriculture Data File (SN 89009)
Nancy Cochrane
US Department of Agriculture
Economic Research Service
1301 New York Ave.,NW
Washington, DC 20005-4788 (202) 786-1622
This file contains data on area and production of major crops, livestock inventories, production of livestock products, and agricultural trade for seven East European countries. Most series are for 1971-87. Data disk is available in Lotus for $35. For ordering information call (800) 999-6779.
Department of Agriculture Federal Data Bases
* Electronic Dissemination Information System (EDI)
Russell Forte
National Agriculture Statistical Service
US Department of Agriculture
Administration Building, Room 441W
Washington, DC 20250 (301) 720-5505
Information includes situation and outlook summaries and reports from ER's as well as market reports, crop and livestock statistics, foreign agricultural trade loads, export sales reports and other timely information from AMS, NASS, FAS and other USDA agencies.
Department of Agriculture Federal Data Bases
* Elderly in Rural Kentucky, 1975 (ICPSR 7860)
Inter-University Consortium for Political and Social Research
Institute for Social Research
P.O. Box 1248
Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (313) 763-5010
This study attempts to determine the economic conditions, problems, and availability of services for the elderly in non-metropolitan areas. Information collected includes age, sex, race, marital status, housing characteristics, health, activities and work experience, transportation, community services, income, savings, assets, and education. Data were collected from 398 households containing one or more persons 60 and older, encompassing 1,200 people living in elderly households.
Department of Agriculture Federal Data Bases
Department of Agriculture Federal Data Bases
Department of Agriculture Federal Data Bases
* Feed Manufacturing Data File (SN 89005)
* Agricultural Library Forum (ALF)
National Agricultural Library (NAL)
US Dept. of Agriculture Voice: (301) 344-1204
10301 Baltimore Blvd. Data: (301) 344-8510
Beltsville, MD 20705 Data: (301) 344-8511
ALF provides a convenient, low-cost tool for electronically accessing information about NAL products and services and for exchanging agricultural information and resources. ALF supports three types of communications: NAL bulletins, messaging and conferencing between users, and file transfers. 24 hours/day; 7 days/week.
Department of Agriculture Federal Data Bases
* Agricultural Market News Service (Market News)
Ed Sweatman
US Department of Agriculture, ASD
14th & Independence Ave., SW
Washington, DC 20250 (202) 475-4429
Market News is a nationwide network for the gathering and reporting of up-to-the-minute information on the supply, demand, prices and movement of agricultural products. Data are collected from 120 cities across the US and transmitted via satellites. Approximately 700 reports are generated daily, and they cover market news about livestock, poultry, grain, fruit, vegetables, tobacco, cotton and subdivisions. The Market News Service also provides reports of weekly, monthly and annual market conditions on a local to national basis. Approximately 700 reports are added daily. There are three types of services available: 1) State and Regional USDA offices have access to the wire service, and staff will check information for you free of charge; 2) You can obtain direct online access to Market News through SATNET; 3) You can listen to 24-hour Market News tapes on your telephone. Commodities covered vary from area to area as the tapes are generally prepared by the State and regional USDA offices.
Department of Agriculture Federal Data Bases
* AGRICultural Online Access Data Base (AGRICOLA)
Technical Services Division
National Agricultural Library
US Department of Agriculture
Beltsville, MD 20705 (301) 504-5755
AGRICOLA is a bibliographic data base consisting of records for literature citations of journal articles, monographs, these, patents, software, audiovisual materials and technical reports relating to all aspects of agriculture. It is one of the largest collections of agricultural literature in the world with over 1.8 million volumes. AGRICOLA has been available in magnetic tape form since 1970. It currently has over 2.5 million records. AGRICOLA has many access points, searching approaches include: personal and corporate authors, subject category codes, date of journal issues, journal titles or journal title abbreviations, languages of text, source codes, subject heading, indexing terms. Online access is offered by the following commercial vendors: DIALOG, BRS Information Technologies. Magnetic tapes for both the current and retrospective files may be purchased from NTIS.
Department of Agriculture Federal Data Bases
* Agricultural Outlook Yearbook Data File (SN 87011)
Evelyn Blazer
US Department of Agriculture
Economic Research Service
1301 New York Ave., NW
Washington, DC 20005-4788 (202) 786-3306
1960-87 statistics are available on US crop and livestock production, utilization, trade, agricultural economics, and related topics. Data format is Lotus, disc is $45. For ordering information call (800) 999-6779.
Department of Agriculture Federal Data Bases
* Agricultural Stabilization and Conservation Service Data Tapes
Agricultural Stabilization and Conservation Service
US Department of Agriculture
14th and Independence Ave, NW
Washington, DC 20013
(Information Division) (202) 447-5237
Through its nearly 3,000 state and county offices nationwide, ASCS collects data relating to conservation and commodity adjustment and support programs. While ASCS does not have prepared tapes, staff may be able to create a tape to meet your needs. To find out about the possibility of such a tape, contact the ASCS responsible for compiling data on the topic you are researching. You can call the information number listed above for a referral to the appropriate office. If you prefer to write, staff at the address above will route your request to the appropriate division. Cost: Cost recovery fee.
Department of Agriculture Federal Data Bases
* Agricultural Statistics Board (ASB)
Agricultural Statistics Board
South Building, Room 5809
Washington, DC 20250 (202) 447-7017
ASB (previously called the Crop Reporting Board Statistical Reporting Service) is the US Department of Agriculture's primary data collecting and publishing agency. Working through its 44 field offices across the country, ASB develops crop, livestock, poultry, dairy, price and other farm and ranch related estimates. It currently sells eight computer data files, and produces more than 300 statistical reports. Given staff limitations, ASB rarely does computer searches or custom tapes. Contacts: George Patten, (202) 382-9579 (Livestock files); Kirby Cavett, (202) 447-3180 (Grain and crop files).
Department of Agriculture Federal Data Bases
* Agricultural Statistics of the European Community Data File (SN 89010)
Michael Herlihy
US Department of Agriculture
Economic Research Service
1301 New York Ave., NW
Washington, DC 20005-4788 (202) 786-1631
This contains extensive data on EC macroeconomics and agricultural policy, crop and livestock supply and utilization, input prices, and producer, wholesale, and retail prices for the years 1960-85. A data disk is available in Lotus for $45. For ordering information call (800) 999-6779.
Department of Agriculture Federal Data Bases
* Agriculture Buyer Alert Program Bulletin Board
Linda Conrad
Foreign Agricultural Service
US Department of Agriculture
Room 4947, South Building
Washington, DC 20250 (202) 475-3421
This is a network that provides product publicity to assist American suppliers introduce their agricultural products to foreign markets. It transfers sales announcements on a weekly basis to interested buyers to generate business. Each announcement features a product, short description, and indicator price which is valid through a given date and information on how to contact the US Supplier. The bulletin board is a free service to US exporters. Product announcements are transmitted weekly via Telenet to approximately 50 markets overseas.
Department of Agriculture Federal Data Bases
* Agriculture Research Results Data Base
Jim Hall
Agricultural Research Service
US Department of Agriculture
Room 404, Building 005
Beltsville, MD 20705 (301) 504-5345
This data base contains over 1500 one-page narratives of recent research discoveries that are ready for distribution to farms, ranches, and rural communities. The subject matter covers animal and plant production, protection, and agricultural economics. Data base reports are available 9 to 18 months before information becomes available through literature publications. The research work included is that which is supported by US Department of Economic Research Service. Free searches and printouts are available through most state extension services, US Department of Agriculture and through Land Grant Universities on a limited basis. Online searching can also be done on the ITT Dailcom system.
Department of Agriculture Federal Data Bases
* Animal State Regulations Data File
Animal Health Information Systems
US Department of Agriculture
555 Howes St., Suite 300 (303) 498-1900
Fort Collins, CO 80521 (800) 234-8732
Voice Response System (303) 221-9831
This file, updated daily, is a state-by-state compilation of animal importation regulations. It gives the name and address of the State Veterinary Office to contact for further information. This file is part of AGNET.
Department of Agriculture Federal Data Bases
* Animal Welfare Licensee System (AWA)
Federal Building
6505 Belcrest Rd.
Hyattsville, MD 20781 (301) 436-8760
The system allows the Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service to keep track of licensed and dealers and exhibiters as well as registered animal carriers, intermediate handlers and research facilities. The system contains the registration or license numbers and the addresses of businesses that deal with warm blooded animals. Searches of some over 6,000 records are possible by registration and license numbers and by the geographic location of the business. Printouts and tapes are available on a cost recovery basis.
Department of Agriculture Federal Data Bases
* APHIS Animal Importation Regulation Retrieval System
US Department of Agriculture
Federal Building
6505 Belcrest Rd.
Hyattsville, MD 20782 (301) 436-8087
Gail Schaffer (303) 398-1900 or (800) 234-8732
This file, updated daily, is a compilation of state and foreign country of animal importation regulations. It gives the name and address of the State Veterinary Office to contact for further information. This file is part of AGNET.
Department of Agriculture Federal Data Bases
Pat Laster
US Department of Agriculture
Agricultural Research Service
Natural Resources Institute
System Research Lab.
Building 011A, Room 165B, BARC West
Beltsville, MD 20705 (301) 344-2177
BIONET research software and data base provides a scientific, telecommunication network for sharing research methodologies and results with other public and private research scientists. Complex analysis that could take weeks or months in a lab can be accomplished in minutes using BIONET software. All commands are English-like and are designed with the computer novice in mind. BIONET is accessible via dial-up telephone lines using Telenet, ARPAnet and BITnet.
Department of Agriculture Federal Data Bases
* Brucellosis Information System
Animal Health Information Systems
US Department of Agriculture
555 S. Howes St., Suite 300
Fort Collins, CO 80521 (303) 498-1900
This data base provides historical information to epidemiologists to determine new methods and procedures for eradicating the disease. It contains a compilation of the Brucellosis Programs between the Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) and the state cooperatives. Information is updated daily and available to personnel who need to make decisions on the movements of animals, follow up testing and other eradication activities. Data include: Brucellosis ring testing profile, market and slaughter testing data and calf and adult vaccination data. Searches are available to government personnel and to epidemiologists under special requests.
Department of Agriculture Federal Data Bases
* Caribbean Fruits and Vegetables Data File (SN 88015)
Dick Brown
US Department of Agriculture
Economic Research Service
1301 New York Ave., NW
Washington, DC 20005-4788 (202) 786-1680
This file contains market characteristics for US imports of selected fruits and vegetables from the Caribbean, Central America and Mexico for 1975-85. The disk includes annual and monthly supply, utilization, and trade data we well as monthly wholesale prices for New York and Chicago. A data disk is available in Lotus for $65. For ordering information call (800) 999-6779.
Department of Agriculture Federal Data Bases
* Cattle Inventory File
Agricultural Statistics Board
South Building, Room 5809
Washington, DC 20250 (202) 447-7017
The file contains information on state and national estimates on cattle inventory for number of cattle, beef cows, bulls, heifers and steers over 500 pounds, beef, milk and other replacement heifers, calves under 500 pounds, and calf crop are included in this file from 1970 to date. (SRS order no. ASB-202, $125 magnetic tape; diskette, $30)
Department of Agriculture Federal Data Bases
DC 20250 (202) 447-7017
The file contains information on state and national estimates ong information call (800) 999-6779.
Department of Agriculture Federal Data Bases
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Department of Agriculture Federa
Agriculture Federal Data Bases
* Africa Grain Supply & Utilization (SN 86002)
Mike Kurtzig
US Department of Agriculture
Economic Research Service
1301 New York Ave., NW
Washington, DC 20005-4788 (202) 786-1680
Statistics for grain production, imports, supply and utilization for Cameroon, Madagascar, Nigeria, and Zimbabwe are available on disk in Lotus for $55. For ordering information call (800) 999-6779.
Department of Agriculture Federal Data Bases
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Department of Agriculture Federa
* Agricultural Diseases Data Base
Emergency Programs Information Center Data Bank
Veterinary Services, APHIS
US Department of Agriculture
6505 Belcrest Rd.
Hyattsville, MD 20782 (301) 436-8687
The Emergency Program Information Center (EPIC) maintains a computerized data base with bibliographic information for all literature stored on microfilm by the center. The EPIC Data Bank consists of worldwide literature covering diseases of livestock and poultry exotic to the US. Complete services, including bibliographic printouts and copies of cited articles, are primarily for personnel working in Federal and cooperating State animal disease-control and eradication programs. Users outside APHIS are generally only provided citations; however, requests are handled on an individual basis. The center has prepared standard bibliographies on 17 different topics, which are available to the general public. The PIC Brucellosis file is included in the AGRICOLA system.
Department of Agriculture Federal Data Bases
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Department of Agriculture Federa
* Agridemiologic and surveillance data to address health problems affecting women, infant and children. States will develop a multidisciplinary team to identify populations at increased risk of infant mortality and to help direct programs to reduce this risk. Funds may be used to: (1) establish a risk-oriented approach to the reduction of infant mortality; (2) substantially build State surveillance and epidemiologic capabilities; (3) enhance capacity in States to use surveillance and epidemiologic findings in pstical reports. Given staff limitations, ASB rarely does computer searches or custom tapes. Contacts: George Patten, (202) 382-9579 (Livestock files); Kirby Cavett, (202) 447-3180 (Grain and crop files).